lyokha-tolstylakov · 3 months
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Нотр-Дам, Франція 2019 р.
Автор фото невідомий
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randomshenaniganery · 2 years
you know I think they picked Frollo for the new character because like this character might actually be written as a villain we won’t be sympathetic to.  Because if they wanted another character to be well liked there are a lot of villains to choose from and they picked the one villain that YOU CANNOT finagle a good anything really. 
So this scarmouchie looking ass bowl cut motherfucker I SUS him a lot 
zero trust
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doppel-dean-er · 2 years
why do people equate purple with villainy? like, just because im wearing purple or have purple skin doesn't mean I'm evil. those children i murdered weren't because my shirt JUST SO HAPPENED to be ourple, learn to separate the art from the artist. goddamn
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philoursmars · 6 months
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Marseille .Sous la Bonne Mère, le Vieux-Port aux couleurs de Noël...
Le clocher des Accoules pointe sa flèche sous un nuage de crépuscule..
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carronpatrick · 2 years
I was not tagged but I also don't care, I love these things. 🤍🥰
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9 of my favorite movies! Which, I'm cheating and saying all Pokémon and all Harry Potter movies, but, whatever. 😅 Definitely not all of the movies I love but, I think a good representation of my favorites.
Tagging @anxiousgirl / @blushgrub, @thevampywolf, @iibonniee, @silv3rswirls 🥰🤍
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Thinking about orel singing hellfire from hunchback…
kill me now
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ilovetheater-nl · 3 hours
Vlaamse primeur "De Klokkenluider van de Notre Dame" in volle voorbereiding aan het Donkmeer.
De spanning stijgt en de voorbereidingen zijn in volle gang voor de Vlaamse primeur van de musical “De Klokkenluider van de Notre Dame”, geproduceerd door Festivaria. Dit aangrijpende muzikale drama, gebaseerd op de roman van Victor Hugo en met de betoverende liedjes van Disney, gaat in première op 23 augustus en is te zien tot en met 7 september 2024. Het indrukwekkende decor van de Notre Dame…
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callmedarthrevan · 1 year
Would the (stage musical) Hunchback of Notre Dame be any less racist if (1) the Roma referred to themselves as such instead of using their exonym slur? And/or (2) if they were played as real people and actually sympathized with instead of only being charicatures? Like. I don't believe the actor playing Frollo knows he's saying a slur. I get that the white French Catholics need to call them a slur all the time, but why do they use it for themselves?
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hayleyolivia · 9 months
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Like fire
This fire in my skin
This burning desire
Is turning me to sin
Machete the miserable catholic dog had me itching to draw this week, so here we are, recreating screencaps from the Hunchback of Notre Dam. Is Machete as problematic as Frollo? No. Am I taking questions? Also no.
It’s about the 🤌🏻 guilty longing 🤌🏻
Machete and Vasco both belong to the incredibly talented @canisalbus.
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frankleephoto · 2 years
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Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France. Taken in 1960 and recently scanned from an Agfachrome transparency. Restored in Photoshop. Prints and other items are available from my online gallery, frankleegallery.com.
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angelicsoka · 3 months
THE MOVE, l. hughes
part one <3
word count | 0.8k
pairings | luke hughes x best friend!reader, platonic!jack & quinn hughes x reader
summary | its time for you to leave for college, and time for feelings to be revealed
warnings | not proofread. no use of “y/n”. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | and here is the highly requested part two to prom night!
the day you had been dreading for months was approaching, leaving you strung up with anxiety. it was the day you were set to move from michigan to indiana to attend the university of notre dame. you had spent the last week packing everything you had planned on taking with you, going through clothes and pictures. you had spent a lot of that time, crying and reminiscing. you were beginning to regret committing to the university, your nerves taking over. 
when you weren't packing, you were spending time with luke and your mutual friends, hoping to settle the pit in your stomach. luke was not doing any better than you, only he hid it better. he had been plucking up the courage to admit his feelings, only to be brought down by the thoughts of you being so far away from him, surrounded by fraternity brothers and sorority sisters. he feared the rejection that may come and he feared having to see you with somebody who wasn't him. 
it was the night before you were set to leave; luke had brought over take out, the two of you set to have a movie night. you two were no longer paying attention to the movie, too focused on chatting, reminiscing. “lukey, can i tell you something?” luke nodded, his attention entirely on you.  “i’m not sure i want to leave. this last month all i have felt when i think about leaving is anxiety. what if i’m making a mistake?” she tried to ignore the quiver in her voice, willing the tears to not fall. luke, who was the king of being oblivious, noted the quiver and tears, pulling you into a hug.
“it’ll be okay.” the dam broke, tears silently streaming down your cheeks. “you’ll have the time of your life! plus, if you don't like it, you can always transfer to umich!” luke felt you laugh; he had been trying to get you to go to umich since you had gotten the acceptance letter but notre dame was your dream school. “i’m always a call away.”
you smiled, coming to rest against luke’s chest. you didn't even try to fight off the sleep, finding comfort in your best friend’s arms. luke, however, was not able to sleep that night. instead he laid there, trying to hold onto the content he felt with you in his arms. trying to get the courage to tell you the truth, preferably while you were awake. 
luke helped your father carry your boxes to the car as you fought jack who was attempting to steal one of your many funko pops. “jackson rowden hughes! that is my funko pop! put it down!” you gave chase when he took off running, grabbing the water hose, aiming and firing at him. he shrieked, dropping the figurine, a shocked look on his face.
“how dare you!” you could hear ellen and your mom laughing, jack stalking toward you with a cheshire smile on his face. you held the hose up again in defense, but jack still ran at you. you dropped the hose, barely dodging jack as you ran to luke for protection. luke stood in front of you protectively, jack standing with his hands on hips when he realized he wouldn't be able to get past luke. “of course! running to your boyfriend to protect you.” he smirked devilishly, heat spreading to your cheeks. your mouth was agape, shocked at jack’s words. you began to stutter out a response, backing away from luke. 
“well, someone has to protect her from your dumbass.” luke stated simply, turning to put another box in your car. by now, it was just you, luke, and jack outside, leaving you to be openly shocked. he didn't deny it. you didn’t see jack sneak away to grab quinn. 
“lu?” you questioned, luke avoiding your gaze. “luke warren hughes, look at me damnit!” luke sighed, turning to face you. “tell me that was nothing. tell me that you didn’t deny it because it was just a stupid comment.”
“well, then i’d be lying.” you looked at him with confusion. luke stepped toward you, closing the gap between the two of you with a feverish kiss. as quick as it started, it was over. luke went to apologize, but you simply gripped his collar, pulling him back into the kiss.
“goddamnit!” you broke the kiss, turning to see quinn pulling out his wallet and handing jack a hundred dollars. “i’m disappointed in you.” quinn pointed to you.
“you were betting on us?”
“we weren’t the only ones.” jack motioned to you parents who were receiving money from jim and ellen. luke laughed at your shocked look, turning your head to kiss you once more.
“okay, okay, that's enough! get a room!”    
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onlyonetifosi · 5 months
<- previous series masterlist my main masterlist next ->
anon: sorry for this very small chapter, but i wanted to write about it
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The end of the year brought a bitter chill to the Leclerc family, not just from the biting winter winds but from the lingering disappointment in Arthur's heart. Yn could sense her little brother's dejection as he sat in the cozy living room of their Monaco home, surrounded by the warmth of family. Arthur, the youngest Leclerc and once-promising F2 driver, found himself at a crossroads. His dreams had been shattered with DAMS choosing not to renew his contract, leaving him questioning his worth as a racer.
Pascale, the matriarch of the Leclerc clan, wrapped her arms around Arthur. "Mon chéri, you are not a failure. Racing is a tough world,success comes not only from victories but also from overcoming challenges, and setbacks are part of the journey"
Charles, the elder brother, added reassuringly, "You still have so many opportunities, Arthur. You'll bounce back stronger. It's just a bump in the road, not the end of the race."
Lorenzo chimed in, "Tu es toujours notre champion, même dans les moments difficiles. (You are always our champion, even in tough times)"
The sun hung low over the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya as the Leclerc siblings gathered at the pit lane. Yn felt a surge of pride and anticipation as she watched her little brother, Arthur, prepare to take the wheel of Charles' scarlet Ferrari. The familiar aroma of petrol and rubber hung in the air, mixing with the nervous excitement that buzzed around the pit.
Charles, the eldest of the Leclerc siblings, leaned against the pit wall, his eyes fixed on the Ferrari with a mix of pride and concern. Yn could sense the weight on his shoulders as the team prepared for the upcoming Formula 1 season.
Arthur, having faced a challenging season in F2, had found himself without a seat for the upcoming season. However, fate had a different plan for him as Ferrari welcomed him as a development driver. The Barcelona test was Arthur's chance to prove himself, driving the same car that his older brother would soon race in the 2024 Formula 1 season.
"Allez Arthur. Montre-leur ce que tu as dans le ventre!" (Come on, Arthur. Show them what you've got!) Yn told him, her words a mix of excitement and encouragement.
Charles patted his brother on the back, saying, "This is your moment, Arthur. Show them what you're made of."
Arthur, his eyes gleaming with determination, climbed into the cockpit. The roar of the Ferrari engine echoed through the circuit as he sped down the straight.
Lorenzo, their older brother, stood nearby, offering a reassuring nod to Charles. "He's got this, Charles. Arthur has the talent, just like you."
Charles managed a small smile, appreciating Lorenzo's support. The roar of the engine drowned out further conversation as the Ferrari roared to life. Yn couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as the car pulled out onto the track.
Yn exchanged a look with Joris, whispering, "Il a tellement grandi," (He has grown so much).
Pascale, stood with a proud smile, capturing the moment on her phone. "Regardez-les! Mes enfants extraordinaires!" (Look at them! My extraordinary children!)
Joris, Charles' best friend and Yn's boyfriend, stood beside Yn, squeezing her hand gently. "Il va tout déchirer sur la piste, tu verras." (He's going to tear it up on the track, you'll see.)
Yn grinned, her eyes never leaving the speeding Ferrari. "I know he will, Joris. I just hope he gets a chance in F1 this season."
As the red blur of the Ferrari streaked by, Arthur's skill behind the wheel was evident. The radio crackled to life, and the team's communication with Arthur began. "Comment ça se passe, Arthur?" (How's it going, Arthur?) Charles asked through the headset.
"Ça va bien, Charles! La voiture est incroyable!" (It's going well, Charles! The car is amazing!) Arthur's voice crackled back, a mix of excitement and determination.
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taglist: @love4lando@gcldtom@im-mi @hiireadstuff@celesteblack08@reblog-princess@sunf1ower16@janeholt3@athena-artemis-dorian-gray@minkyungseokie
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purdd · 2 months
I have a feeling “Notre-Dam du Mai” will become an important location.
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waitwtfismylife · 10 days
ik that nobody asked for this but im bored so-a complete list of songs that make me go fucking feral:
'39 by queen
love of my life by queen
death on two legs by queen
long away by queen
the millionaire waltz by queen
tenement funster by queen
liar by queen
great king rat by queen
Jesus by queen
white queen by queen
ogre battle by queen
the march of the black queen by queen
the fairy fellers master stroke by queen
mother love by queen
princes of the universe by queen
is the the world we created by queen
the hero by queen
best that you can do by christopher cross
hallelujah by jeff buckley
your song by elton john
american idiot by green day
nanana by my chemical romance
teenagers by my chemical romance
vienna by billy joel
she's always a woman by billy joel
cowboys and indians by the cross
shove it by the cross
american pie by don mclean
milady is a phoenix by pia douwes
rebecca by pia douwes
stay i pray you from anastasia
crossing a bridge from anastasia
famous last words by my chemical romance
dead! by my chemical romance
the end by my chemical romance
runaway by bon jovi
rondo schwartzer prinz from elisabeth
alle fragen sind gestellt from elisabeth
alle fragen sind gestallt reprise from elisabeth
die schatten werden langer from elisabeth
adam's song by blink 182
God help the outcasts from hunchback of notre dame
out there from hunchback of notre dams
heavens light/hellfire from hunchback of notre dame
ich bin ich bin musik from mozart
die einfache weg from mozart
warum kannst du mich nicht lieben wie ich bin from mozart
creep by radiohead
mut zur tat from rudolf
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cannedbeefaroni · 7 months
Everyone’s always on about hellfire from the hunchback of notre dam, but what about heavens light? Sure, hellfire is an exceptional song, but I think it’s inseparable from heaven’s light. The dichotomy of the two, and how they blend together is so perfect. Heavens light makes me cry. All Quasimodo ever wanted was to be loved. His voice is so beautiful. He’s painted as a monster when he’s innocence incarnate. Claude Frollo thinks he’s the merciful one, but true mercy is the fact that Quasimodo hasn’t killed him after all of the abuse, when it was well within his ability to do so.
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wingblade1357 · 2 years
Have you come up with a costume concept for Hikari for the recent Notre Dam event yet?
Why yes 👍
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