hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
There is something dark in the lake.
And it is just a lake; just a little quiet place on the border between two kingdoms that they’re staying in to try and get used to their new...situation. It had come as more than a bit of a shock to them--not so much the breathing underwater, but the fact that they were no longer a vessel. It wasn’t the first time they’d been turned into something else in the city, but...the city’s changed around them too, this time.
They can’t hear the void. They can’t tell where their siblings are, if they survived...whatever happened. They’re trying not to think about it, but it’s harder now to ignore.
Not many have reacted well to their ‘true’ form so far, but this one strikes them as different. A pale figure on the shore. Not terribly familiar to them at first, but they decide to take a somewhat closer look, swimming up nearer to the surface, staying carefully out of range of any attacks.
The other might notice a low humming coming from the pure black creature in the water, a faint whisper without any real intent to it--though something about it might seem tremendously familiar...
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hailnewfresh-blog · 5 years
@notquitepurevessel || Fantasia Starter
Turns out Beasts don’t like having their food stolen from them any more than he liked it. But he was hungry. And it smelled good. And now he was running for his life. With a pack of slavering Beasts at his heels.
Granted, it was probably the wrapped meat he was carrying that allowed them to track him so easily. He could theoretically ditch it and keep running and hope they don’t care enough for an of revenge with their prize repossessed. But he didn’t waaaannttt toooo--
A snap at his heels and he instantly threw the still-hot chunk of meat at his feet and scrammed. Near-instantly, the sound of howling ceased, and the ferocious pack of... two?! There were only two of them?!
Staring behind him as he ran, he didn’t notice Hollow until he plowed into their chest. Didn’t matter. Turns out his chasers wanted revenge.
Muttering swears under his breath, he grabbed the ‘stranger’ by the arm (fuzzy...) and yoinked them into a nearby narow alley with him. Didn’t need this person squealing on him. “Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up,” he angrily whispered, tightening his grip on the other’s arm in command, though likely he was making more noise than the other as the other Beastkin passed by and he held his breath as they halted heart-stoppingly close to the entrance. It felt like forever before the one lingering finally turned away with a snarl and a skitter of paws.
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homncli · 5 years
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     ‘   oh, it’s you, hollow!   ’   it’s been some time since she had met the tall bug - like creature again. how long ... exactly? she couldn’t remember at all, but the sight of them brought a smile to her face and a touch of delight to warm the gem upon her chest ( metaphorically speaking - that’d be dangerous if it did! ) careful with the short start in her step as she bound closer to them, she looked up, her bag snug on her shoulder as it was tightly kept to her side.   ‘   your hands ...   ’
she raised her own as she spoke once again,   ‘   are they better now?   ’   the concern in her voice was evident, and clear teal eyes searched to spot the subject in question.   ‘   i know i ended up leaving so soon after helping you ... but i had hoped you were able to heal just fine afterwards -   ’   as if she remembered something, cardia clapped her hands once and she began to shift the items around in her shoulder bag, ah! found it ... soon a simple dark blue fabric was drawn out, adjusting it some, it’s now more noticeable as a scarf. she smiled softly as she held it up to them,   ‘   i also ... sewed you something that same day. i was hoping to bump into you every now and then to give it to you. d - don’t worry! i made sure it was clean and taken care of everyday ... !   ’
@notquitepurevessel​  /  liked for a starter!
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needlenailed-blog · 6 years
Ah. It's a Hornet they see! They're going to lightly loom over her to see what she's up to. They still don't have a definition of personal space.
Frankly, she doesn’t blame them for their…rather close…interest. She’s strung the odd, rubbery cord that replaced her thread when she was dropped here between two trees, and is hanging by her knees from it, reading a library book about the history of Yesteryear. She must look quite the odd sight, even with her cloak tucked carefully so it doesn’t fall over her face.
“Hello there, Hollow,” she greets them. “If you would like to read, I can come down from here.”
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numberoneassistant · 6 years
notquitepurevessel replied to your post: [OOC.] Me: Whoa I should really get back to...
((Time management is for nerds.))
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Truth be told, he’s a little worried about the Hollow Knight. It’s not usually in his nature to worry and fuss overmuch, but in a world at war...
Well. He’s sure the vessel can handle themselves in combat, but it probably wouldn’t hurt for them to see a familiar face...well, for a given value of familiar face. (He wonders how he’s going to recognise them, if they’ve changed the way he has. Actually, he wonders how they’re going to recognise him.)
Still, there’s nothing to do but forge ahead and do what he can. So he proceeds into what he’s painfully aware would be considered hostile territory, attempting to look as friendly and peaceable as possible (which, fortunately, isn’t that much of an effort). He dodges particularly grouchy guards, and because it’s in his nature to be helpful, he runs a few errands and helps a few people before moving on in case that’s viewed as suspicious, too.
It’s pure luck that his search doesn’t take more than a few days. These kingdoms are large and busy and somewhat confusing, and even a traveler like himself needs to get his bearings .
There are so many people with horns here. But he takes a guess based on body language and coloration, and hopes he’s right.
“My tall friend! You’re looking rather different now. Is that really you?”
At least his voice is still the same. That helps, probably.
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hollow-memes-blog · 6 years
[ Hey mate, do ya know any HK RP blogs? Been having a bad time searching for some. ]
I know many my child
In fact I’m 99% sure you follow mine
Whats that? Link  E V E R Y hk blog I know of off the top of my head? Okay!!
all the love.
I also have one but it’s not here
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isolaradiale · 6 years
K, let's try this again-- Acting on previous sent reservation, here's the Hollow Knight from Hollow Knight applying to get in! App can be found under the App page located on the sidebar left of the blog.
You’ll be staying in HOUSE 162!
You’ll be able to use Shade Dash 5 times a day!
You’ll be given a wooden blade!
Enjoy your stay!
--Mod Lyra
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hallowknighted-blog · 6 years
The Void would always remain, at its core, a cohesive whole, regardless of how many pieces it was splintered into by a Wyrm trying to play god. The Void would always know itself, and its fragments would always know each other, and hear their silent voices.
It’s because of such a connection to the void that Ghost finds themself knocked out of their meditative state sitting on their bed by what amounts to a deafening, overpowering scream of agony and terror from inside their head.
They violently startle upright, then double over, clutching at their head. The void inside of them is crying out in a way they haven’t felt since arriving; the way they’d only felt when passing by the Black Egg, as loud as the scream that had guided them back to Hallownest in the first place.
But...why? Why are they suddenly feeling this? Why does it feel like their shell is going to burst from the inside, cracking and breaking into a million pieces? There is no void here, not in this city.
There has to be a reason. They jump up off their bed and bolt out the door, allowing the twists of agonized empathy from within to guide them to the source.
It doesn’t take them long to find it.
Startled people are already running from the scene, and they see the leaking void before they even reach the source of it. The other vessel is almost obscured by the darkness, but...Ghost can make out their large, majestic horns, their ratty cloak...
And they stop in their tracks, a yard away. ...How is this possible?
It’s the spitting image of the statue in the City of Tears, the one that had stood proud and melancholy over the fountain with the rain pouring down making it seem as if it were eternally weeping for the dying kingdom it was meant to save. This vessel is more run-down, shell cracked and missing an arm, but it’s undoubtedly the Hollow Knight.
Ghost’s insides twist in an entirely different way. Why are they here? Shouldn’t they still be in the Black Egg? ...should Ghost leave them? They don’t have a name for the feeling, but looking down at them, the pure vessel, the perfect one who had been allowed to grow and fulfill its purpose...it makes them deeply uncomfortable.
Though it’s hard to envy a creature that looks in as much pain as they do.
They roughly swipe away their pesky emotions and kneel down near the leaking vessel, not daring to touch them, but instead focusing hard on radiating out a sense of comfort and companionship towards their fellow void-kin, hoping to calm them down.
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hallowknighted-blog · 6 years
notquitepurevessel replied to your post: …People are getting a lot of messages about this,...
Sibling Hollow, do you know what that means?
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hallowknighted-blog · 6 years
[to: 🕸️, 🍩⚔️ ( @needlenailed @notquitepurevessel ) ] [from: 👻]
[text]: are you in the place with the strange creatures [text]: round like fun goons [text]: i want to know if you are safe
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hallowknighted-blog · 6 years
Character shaming: "Tries to be intimidating when their height works against them. You look like an Grub trying to be angry, sibling Ghost."
Give my character a "character shaming" label
How had their sibling learned to handwrite that well?--Oh, right.
That’s less of a concern than the sign itself. Ghost immediately proves the point by throwing down the sign and stomping their foot, crossing their arms.
Not all of us get to be as tall as a house, they project to their sibling, with a thread of irritation.
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homncli · 6 years
notquitepurevessel replied to your post: 
advantages of having fellow created beings for friends: hollow won’t care.
but ... but SHE’D care ;___;
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hallowknighted-blog · 6 years
🤗 Pull my muse into a hug
🤗 Pull my muse into a hug
They’re surprised, at first--yes, they’d explained to Hollow what a hug was, but they hadn’t expected Hollow to actually reciprocate like this. 
...Hollow’s so much taller than them, it’s kind of funny. At least they’ve knelt down so the two are closer in height, and Ghost finds it’s actually kind of comforting to be hugged by someone so much larger. They do their best to hug back, wrapping their arms as best they can and pressing their head against Hollow’s chest.
It’s not exactly warm at all, but it is the nature of the void to want to stay together, and that includes vessels wanting to be near each other. A silent hum of contentment passes to Hollow, and they’re fine with staying like that for a little bit.
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hallowknighted-blog · 6 years
Examine! Hollow's cracked shell
Give my character an object to examine
...It’s like something inside of them is weeping when they look at it.
They know what caused the break, of course. Only something really major could have caused a crack like this that had not yet healed. How long has Hollow been living with it? Ghost can practically feel it, the line of pain traced along their own shell near their eye. 
The Void hates Her.
It is the antithesis to everything She is, was, ever could be. Every fiber of it is repulsed from Her light. They are two forces that will always be opposite, no matter how much effort is made to make them coexist in a single space. The space would give out before these powers did, and this was proof.
But as they trail a finger gently down the break, they can’t help but feel like it’s not just the Void that has them this upset over it. No, it’s personal. Which is strange, since they’ve never had anything ‘personal’, in any sense, but this makes their insides writhe and burn with the thought of Her having so badly damaged their sibling. 
Their only gratification is that, in Hollow’s eyes, Ghost had already defeated Her.
Ghost only wishes they’d had the chance to see it through for themself.
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hallowknighted-blog · 6 years
“There are no gods here.”
“Raw as Hell” Starters
I am not sure if you are correct...
After all, look at what had happened since Ghost had arrived here. The strange gift that had changed their very nature, the creation of their double, the false memories...They lean into their sibling’s side, a sort of apprehension about their current situation they haven’t really indulged in before radiating off of them.
I do not know who controls this place, or who brought us here. Perhaps they are benevolent...Either way, they seem less heavy-handed than the gods of our world.
They nestle their head in the crook of their sibling’s good arm.
I suppose we have to be content with that.
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