numberoneassistant · 5 years
Hello everyone! Sorry for the inactivity this week! between classes starting and catching a virus I haven't really checked my blogs at all. I'll try to post tomorrow now that it's a weekend!
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
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Let’s get this show on the road! Like this post for a Subversion event starter, Soft capping at 5 for now.  If I owe you a starter already feel free to like this post just so I can keep track of everything.
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
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“Welcome t’ Saint’s Camellias. Ya here for a specific type o’ flower? If you name it, I’ve probably got it somewhere.” Despite his rather large stature and obvious muscle, the man seemed rather gentle from his demeanor alone. He was leaning over his glass counter, which displayed pictures for prices to certain arranged bouquet types, event orders, and so on. There’s displays with exotic(?) flowers on either side, along with a line of them leading to the counter.
He’s currently taking off dirt-covered work gloves, glancing up at the small dog entering his shop. Regardless, he kept his friendly smile going. It was a bit surprising but he wasn’t going to judge by appearance.
   Isabelle peered down at the address on her phone screen, “Saint’s Camellias” it read. She brought her eyes up to the sign attached to the building to confirm. It looks like she’s in the right place, and she didn’t even get lost on the way here! Though the trip home remains to be seen.    It’s been a journey for her trying to keep her hobby of gardening alive in the big city but Isabelle’s been managing just fine. Of course the ever present problem of raccoons had been causing her grief on more than one occasion. Which lead to where she was now, in front of an absolutely lovely little flowershop with some glowing reviews online.    She stepped through the threshold, her nose immediately immersed in the pleasing aroma of flowers. With a cursory glance she took note of the rather impressive stock of plants the man had available for sale. Speaking of the man in question, Isabelle took note of his much larger stature to her own. But he seemed nice so she approached without question.
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“Yeah actually! Do you have any hydrangeas, in pink?“
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
“Did they come!? Did they come today!?”
Steven ran inside the home for displaced children, dropping his backpack and boots on the floor by the door –not put up, despite being reminded a thousand times. His cheeks pink with cold and excitement, Steven ran into the kitchen where Isabelle was sitting at the table, pouring over tea and papers that were probably bills.
“Did you…” His smile fades as he realized she would have long since met him in the foyer if there was any good news. “Did you see them?”
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He unzipped his winter coat and tugged the scarf off from around his neck, revealing the pink fabric to be the same blanket he was left in as a baby. Its rose scent gave him a dreamy feeling usually, but this time it gave him an odd unsettling one somewhere in his gem.
“My sea pals?” He prompted, all excitement gone. His toy was supposed to come in the mail. That’s what he was excited for.
His parents were supposed to come get him. He was always waiting for that as well.
When he spoke again, his voice was so quiet, barely over a whisper to hold back how close it was to breaking. He wrung the scarf nervously in his hands.
“They didn’t come… did they?”
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‘Bill, Bill, Bi- OH?! What’s this?‘      Isabelle questioned as she was leafing through the stack of mail. It was the same story as ever with her mailbox being stuffed to the brim with the same bills she felt like she paid every other day. Actually now that she thought about it maybe she was paying them more often than she should. Something to look into that’s for sure.    But that wasn’t what gave her pause as she searched through the stack of envelopes. Buried within the stack was an orange package. Reading the label she could see that it was addressed to one of her residents, Steven. ‘I wonder what this could be?’ she found herself questioning with a smile, that boy was always up to something. However she was soon dragged out of those thoughts by the very boy they featured.    Isabelle greeted Steven with a warm, bright smile that quickly faded into a nervous one as he questioned her about a certain ‘Them.’ The canine was convinced that he was referring to his alien parents that were off having their wild space adventures.    Most people she’s known had disregarded the child’s claims as nothing more than a story he made up to help him cope. But Isabelle wasn’t so sure, the way she saw it the more fantastical non-humans had to have come from somewhere and aliens seemed like just as likely a story as anything else. Now whether they’d come back or not remains to be seen.
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“Sea-Pals?“ she asked with a tilted head, her smile having lost it’s nerves after realizing he wasn’t referring to his parents. “Is that what this is?“ She said, presenting the package to the boy.
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
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I would die for her
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
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[Maybe I should make Isabelle a nonhuman rights activist? She’s definitely supportive of the cause. I could see her organizing rallies and spreading awareness and basically doing all she can to help others. Especially for the nonhuman children out there. Thoughts for later.]
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
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She clicks off the tv wearing a small smile. “It’s so nice to see someone standing up for us, maybe the world is finally changing for the better.“
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
Basically Isabelle during Subversion:
Person: ew what are you?! Some sorta freak experiment? Isabelle: No but I’ll take that as a compliment. Person: It wasn’t meant as one. Isabelle: I know.
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
Basically the Subversion event: Isabelle, opening the doors to the orphange:
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
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OOH BOY. This event is gonna be a doozy! I toyed around with the idea of turning Izzy human for the first part of the event but decided against it for now. The prejudice she’ll face for being a dog from the other islanders I think will add an interesting angle to her boundless optimism.    Her backstory is going to be mostly unchanged with the biggest difference being the fact that she’ll no longer have a twin.(rip digby) Nor will she have been the mayors assistant in this AU. I can see her being even more naive in this AU considering the people who’ve opened her eyes in Isola will have altered pasts as well. But other than that it’ll hit the same story beats as her “canon” history.    She’ll still have grown into her teens, an orphan on the streets(although this time alone) She’ll still have been adopted by a loving couple and grown up to go to college and receive multiple degrees(her parents are so proud!) And her homeless past will still inspire her to open up the Orphange, (don’t ask her why it’s called the home for displaced children, she doesn’t know either.) Bottom line: She’s a lone pupper taking on the world, armed with only optimism and a smile!
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
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Keep reading
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
Something was falling from the sky. It wasn’t rain, but it was water. Just… frozen? Yes, frozen. How odd– does this mean it’s cold? If it’s cold, then– FOCUS.
…Their thoughts, now that they let themselves have some, wander everywhere, it seems. But drat, the Light is coming out, peaking from between the clouds. It might not attack them, but they still don’t want to deal with it.
Hollow takes a step forwards, and the thin coating of snow that was covering them slides off– and right into the path in front of an odd being.
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Pausing, Hollow glances from being to snow before lowering their tall frame to the other’s level. Another moment after the stare, and they reach out their one hand to start clawing away the snow covering the path.
…This is the right action to take, yes?
   Isabelle let out a soft, pleased sigh as she rounded the street corner. Sure most would question her sanity for being out this late in what could possibly be considered a blizzard. But Isabelle didn’t care! She had a few layers of clothes and fur to keep her at a comfortable temperature.     Besides, she LOVED the snow! From sledding, to building snowmen, to snow ball fights; there was just so much to love about the snow. But right now she was out late enjoying her favorite thing about the snow. It’s serenity. The peace it brought was able to quell the whirlwind of thoughts that crossed her mind at all hours of the day.     In fact it calmed her so much that she didn’t even see the much larger entity until she was only a handful of feet from it. Fear would probably have been the appropriate response to this seeing big monster-esque creature from someone normal. But Isabelle couldn’t seem to muster up the emotion. Something about it just had her more curious than anything. She watched with a tilted head as the being leaned to face her closer and started..clawing? at the snow that fallen from it’s body in between them. She observed it curiously for a few more seconds before a thought struck her.
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“Oh! Are you...clearing the snow for me? Or did you drop something?“
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
  Isabelle blinked in surprise, turning to face the sudden voice from her side. Their comment had snapped her out of a particular deep train of thought she’d been following for the past twenty minutes now. Flashing them a signature winning smile she responded.
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“I’ll say! But isn’t that just what makes it so wonderful?“
@numberoneassistant ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴀ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ! [ ⋆ ]
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So cheery! So peppy! So damn cute, he might spit rainbows! Was she a dog? No, she walked on two legs. Was she alien? Possibly. Whatever she was, it was cute enough to startle Lupin.  “This world sure is full’a surprises, ain’t it?”
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
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“A real live gingerbread house....“
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
“You’re not tainted.”
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  That comment had Isabelle tilting her head in confusion. ‘Tainted?’ What on Earth brought that on? She glanced down at herself quickly as if reaffirming her untainted status, everything appeared the same to her.   The randomness of his comment had her growing slightly worried. Was there some kind of monster going around tainting people? She quickly gave Travis a once over in concern but her friend appeared completely normal.“Uhh…You..too?“
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numberoneassistant · 5 years
Am I supposed to be scared?
Bitch, what are you gonna do now?
Come on! Come at me! Get some.
Excuse me, but what the fuck?
Forgive and forget.
Fra - gi - le. Must be French.
Goddamn it you sack of tits
Hello, 911? I’m breaking into my neighbor’s house.
Hello, neighbor!
Hello, you look tired! Also stupid.
Hello? I’m new to the neighborhood.
He was just mildly concerned that someone was in his house.
Hey, that’s uncomfortably close.
He’s stuck in his own trap like an idiot.
I am not Benedict Cumberbatch.
I don’t know what that is but I think it’s really stupid.
I don’t know what the fuck happened there.
I don’t like this place at all. Nothing in this place is cool.
If I do that, I’m gonna die.
I know that sound. I know exactly that sound.
I played with all the doodaddies.
Is it never going to be daytime?
Is that a crime? Probably.
I still got your remote, bitch.
I still have the flashlight.
It doesn’t work - wait, fuck - does it? Oh, it does.
I think that was a lie.
It isn’t too weird of a thing to imagine.
I’m assuming I did something wrong.
I’m gonna get up there and do the thing with the people.
I’m just going to barge into your home, don’t mind me.
I’m just gonna go to bed.
I’m not in your house! You’re in my house!
I’m so lonely.
Just gonna steal his milk, and his broom, and his pot.
Let’s get a good look at that ass.
Let’s keep the lights off, I like to make it creepier.
Looks pretty wimpy to me.
No reason to be nervous, I’m a human just like you.
Oh, look - a skull.
Oh, this has not been taken care of.
Oh my God, he’s got a glue collection. At least I hope that’s glue.
Okay, well that’s terrifying.
Ring around the rosie!
Screw you. Screw you a lot.
Take one more step, I’m gonna call the police.
That was a screaming head. Okay then.
That was rather profound - but did it have anything to do with what’s going on right now?
The land value in this town must be shit.
There is no reason to be upset.
There’s a key in an apple.
There’s been a lot of changes.
These look fun.
This apple is my goodwill offering.
This is awesome - freaky, but awesome.
This isn’t exactly a good hiding spot.
Uh oh - blood.
Well, I need to get inside.
What did I just get myself into?
What is this all about?
What was I supposed to do?!
What’s wrong with me?
Who be bangin’?
Whoop - shit, didn’t mean to throw that.
Whoosh - okay, whoosh.
Who’s knocking on the other side of that goddamn door?
Why am I here?
Why are there doors on the ceiling?
Why did I buy this house?
Why is his car crashed into his yard?
Why is it oozing?
Why is there a big demonic symbol on the wall?
Wire, wire, where do you lead?
Yay. Good for me. I did it.
Yes, good - yes excellent - the baby’s crying.
You are a trusting individual and I like that. I like that a lot.
You didn’t hear shit.
You know how much of a genius I am.
You know what? Come on, kill me, I don’t even care.
You’ll never have any control in your life.
You’re not allowed to be that fast.
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