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Nouvel Article : AI : Les 3 seules extensions Chrome INDISPENSABLES Si vous ne devriez avoir 3 extensions pour bénéficier de la puissance de l'intelligence artificielle sa serait celle-là ! J'ai testé des dizaines d'extensions et les seules que j'ai gardé ce sont ces 3 qui me permettent au quotidien d'accélérer mais tâches.
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bearbench · 2 years ago
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wardensantoineandevka · 6 months ago
sorry to bother you but i wanted to ask how you're enjoying using Obsidian? I've been eyeing it for a while but would love to know your thoughts, highlights, lowlights, etc :) if you don't mind sharing, ofc!
No worries! The short version is that I've been enjoying Obsidian quite a lot, and I find that it serves all of my needs nicely without any fuss. Using it is rather frictionless, I think, and getting used to it was pretty easy though it did take some willingness to very much learn to navigate its menus and features and how it lays everything out. It's not at all difficult, but I do think you have to sit with it for a bit. It's currently my main writing program with the exception of screenplays, for which I use Highland 2.
For context on myself, my writing needs are rather straightforward. I use these sorts of apps and programs to write and organize my fanfic, original prose writing, professional correspondence, and journalistic article drafts. I previously used Notion, which I left because of the big NotionAI push. Before Notion, I used Bear, though I can't remember why I stopped using it; I haven't checked out Bear 2, so I don't know if it suits my needs.
When I was shopping around for a new program to use, the following points were important to me, in no particular order:
no native / built-in generative AI assistants
interface is simple and clean or had customization or community themes that would make it so
offline access
mobile app with document sync
ability to organize and group notes through a folder, tag, or similar system
not too many Things going on with it or I could very easily ignore stuff I didn't use without them cluttering up the UI or my space
Obsidian organizes files within "vaults", of which you can have multiple, each of which are connected to folders that are stored locally on my laptop (or my phone). I love this. I have local versions of all of my notes. I can literally find all my stuff as markdown files within a folder on my desktop and open them up in another program with EASE. If you are someone who doesn't have a lot of storage space, this might be an issue, but for me, this is a very bright highlight.
The biggest lowlight for me is that mobile sync is reliant on a subscription fee, but considering that the rest of the program is free and the fee is small, I found this ultimately a very small concern. I very critically need mobile sync because I spend a significant amount of time writing from my phone. The mobile sync is incredibly good; it keeps all documents synchronized very well, and I have yet to run into version conflicts that cause me to accidentally overwrite and lose significant progress. I don't even have to close files on my laptop first; they'll just update in real-time on my screen like Google Docs. Sometimes I'll name documents something that my phone's file path system cannot handle; Obsidian warns me that it cannot fetch and sync these files with illegal names, and I like that it keeps me informed about that.
It has both a folder system and a tag system, which allows you to organize your files. I only use the folder system because my needs are simple, but the tag system is also solid. It also has a robust search system. It also has a bookmarking system to further organize your stuff. I don't have enough files to use that, but it is available, and I think that's neat.
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More precise customization can be difficult if you're not used to writing CSS. I am familiar with CSS, so I found this a small hurdle, but this will be a bigger issue for others. That said, this does mean that Obsidian is DEEPLY customizable, and there is a large gallery of community themes that offer a lot of styles that serve a wide variety of needs. There is also a deep bench of community plugins to help get Obsidian to do what you want — I have plugins that make the word count in the status bar show the count of highlighted text and allow me to copy text as HTML instead of formatted text or markdown. There is also an active Obsidian community and forum, so you will not be necessarily troubleshooting customization alone.
Other small things that occur to me to mention right now: It supports opening files in multiple windows, and it has a tab system, which is really neat. The ability to open multiple files at a time is very good. You can also open files side-by-side for easy comparison, which is useful for more technical work. I don't use Obsidian for coding or wiki work, but I can imagine this being really useful for that. It has a reading mode. Offers a version history with a "show changes" mode and restoration capability. File merge capability. You can open images into it and organize them like any other file.
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All in all, I'm very happy with it, and it serves all of my personal needs very well. I generally give it a blanket recommendation, again noting that I think it does take sitting with to get used to some of its features and UI and customizing it to your needs and preferences, but I don't think that's super difficult with some patience and time.
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mystic-wang · 3 months ago
我是Aniket Deosthali,专注于用第一性原理思维解决复杂问题。在充满不确定性的环境中,我善于与他人协作寻找制胜之道。我始终保持理性思维,同时怀抱真诚热忱。��为拥有12年经验的远见型产品领袖,我擅长利用新兴技术打造极致用户体验的B2C和B2B产品,带领产品从零起步发展到5000万用户规模。在电商、医疗健康和广告科技等多个领域都有成功的产品发布经验。目前负责财富500强级别的消费者产品组合,对用户价值和商业成果负责。作为充满激情的服务导向型跨部门领导者,已有7年组建和维护高绩效产品团队的经验。
案例一:Amazon Alexa
对话式AI助手Alexa曾被寄予厚望。2016年,Jeff Bezos说:「新一代算法、强大的计算能力,以及海量训练数据的整合应用,正在帮助我们解决过去无法攻克的难题。」
案例二:Google Duplex
Google Duplex本应成为你的得力助手,帮你处理机票值机、餐厅预订等日常事务。这款「接近人类」的AI聊天助手,却在三年后走到了尽头。
你可能听说过自动驾驶技术的种种憧憬。但现实往往不如预期 —— 看看福特最近宣布终止自动驾驶项目就知道了。在可预见的未来,方向盘依然需要你的双手掌控。
机器学习训练就像是教育过程 —— 通过向模型输入精选数据来实现"学习"。比如Grammarly的AI系统,就是通过语言学家提供的高质量标准来学习正确使用标点符号。
正如风险投资家Chamath Palihapitiya所说:
当你在思考如何应用AI技术时,需要考虑两个关键维度:上下文和考量风险。上下文是指模型需要掌握的知识范围 - 可能只是一个产品目录,也可能需要像ChatGPT那样理解整个互联网的内容。
看看StitchFix是如何做的 - 他们的AI系统帮你挑选完美穿搭。这需要深入思考你的风格偏好,但它只需要了解StitchFix自己的时尚品类,而不是整个购物中心的商品。
目前AI最大的软肋是什么?是「真实性」—— 它无法真正判断什么是真实的。这里说的「真实」有不同层次,比如说出博茨瓦纳首都的名字,和预测2030年洗衣粉需求量,这是两个完全不同难度的任务。
正因为AI在真实性方面的不足,一些领导者开始谨慎对待。比如编程问答网站Stack Overflow就明确禁止用户分享ChatGPT生成的答案。他们的理由是:"ChatGPT生成的答案虽然经常是错误的,但看起来很专业,而且特别容易获取。"
Reforge的专家兼工程负责人Louis Bennett在一次视频采访中,也向我们详细分析了AI(特别是ChatGPT)的这些局限。
那么,如何让AI在解决实际问题时赢得你的信任呢?答案是建立一个混合模型 —— 让人类与AI协同工作,通过持续的指导教会AI什么是「好」的表现。这可能需要输入大量真实数据,比如1万小时的客服对话记录,或是20年的患者健康数据。
这样就形成了一个良性循环:用户的信任带来更多参与,更多的参与又能增强信任。比如在Stitch Fix的案例中,造型师在这个人机协作模式中扮演着重要角色。他们既要推动客户形成使用习惯,又要训练AI的预测系统,通过人类反馈强化学习(RLHF)来打造一个「超级造型师」。
你听说过亚马逊提出的「最小可爱产品」(Minimum Lovable Product,MLP)吗?与只求能用的最小可行产品(MVP)不同,MLP是一个能让早期用户真正喜欢上的产品。
让我们通过亚马逊的案例来学习如何打造MLP。在产品原型阶段,团队发现某些特定场景需要一个完全自动化的解决方案。你知道亚马逊是怎么做的吗?他们选择了使用AWS Lex等SaaS产品来构建MLP,这样不仅能快速开展大规模测试,还能持续收集数据并优化产品。
从使用门槛来看,这确实令人振奋。不过正如Allen Cheng指出的一个问题:当OpenAI这样的资源让所有人都能轻松使用AI时,产品团队该如何建立竞争优势(也就是「护城河」)呢?答案是:真正的价值在于将AI融入现有系统,而不是简单地部署一个机器人就完事。
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anaa11111 · 10 months ago
How AI Tools Revolutionize Startups and Small Businesses in 2024
In the digital age of 2024, startups and small businesses are leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and gain a competitive edge in the market. AI tools have become indispensable assets for these enterprises, offering innovative solutions that transform the way they operate.
The Rise of AI in Business
Artificial intelligence, once a concept confined to science fiction, has now permeated various industries, including startups and small businesses. The market for AI is rapidly expanding, with projections indicating substantial growth in the coming years. AI technologies simulate human intelligence in machines, enabling them to perform tasks efficiently and effectively.
Benefits of AI Tools for Startups and Small Businesses
Automation and Efficiency: AI tools automate repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources for businesses. Tasks like data entry, inventory management, scheduling, and invoicing can be streamlined through AI-driven automation.
Operational Optimization: AI tools optimize workflows, reduce errors, and enhance team productivity. By automating routine processes, startups can focus on essential tasks, accelerating growth and adapting to market dynamics.
Cost-Effectiveness: Despite initial investments and a learning curve, AI tools offer long-term benefits by making resources more efficient and aiding in achieving business goals.
Top AI Tools for Startups and Small Businesses in 2024
NotionAI: An AI tool for project management, note-taking, and product management tasks. It offers features like content generation, tone selection, and error correction.
ClickUp: A versatile AI tool for task management, workflow streamlining, and team collaboration. It provides customization options and real-time data synchronization.
MarketMuse: Facilitates content audits, content planning, and SEO insights. It automates content creation processes and provides valuable data for marketers.
Upmetrics: An AI-powered business planning solution that simplifies the planning process for entrepreneurs. It offers sample business plans, financial forecasting, and pitch deck creation.
Phrasee: Utilizes natural language generation and machine learning algorithms for content creation and optimization. It enhances email copies, provides data-backed insights, and improves content engagement.
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The Impact of AI Tools on Business Growth
AI tools empower startups and small businesses to scale efficiently, make data-driven decisions, and enhance customer experiences. By leveraging AI technologies, these enterprises can unlock new opportunities, drive innovation, and stay ahead in a competitive market landscape.
the integration of AI tools in startups and small businesses in 2024 signifies a paradigm shift in how these enterprises operate. By embracing AI technologies, businesses can revolutionize their processes, boost efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth. The transformative power of AI is reshaping the business landscape, paving the way for a future where innovation and automation go hand in hand.
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Source: https://www.fastcompany.com/90856183/30-ai-tools-you-can-try-for-free
2. The new Bing
ChatGPT-based conversations and search results inside Bing. 
3. Perplexity.ai
Ask questions and follow-ups, get direct responses with citations. Free to use with the option to upgrade to Pro.
4. YouChat
Ask questions and follow-ups, and engage in ChatGPT-style conversations. Free; sign-in required.
5. Poe
Conversational AI from Quora that includes multiple assistants with differing strengths. Free; sign-in required.
6. Stable Diffusion Online
Free Stable Diffusion artwork generator; no login required.
7. El Pintador
Free Stable Diffusion artwork generator for iOS with a “Learn” section that provides prompt crafting advice.
8. DiffusionBee
9. Dall-E
​​Your weirdest, most obscure art creations can finally come to life thanks to DALL-E. Type anything just about anything into the search bar and watch as OpenAI’s image generation tool churns out multiple pictures for you to choose from.
You can try Dall-E for free through Bing, or use it with a paid ChatGPT Plus subscription. 
10. Craiyon
Online artwork generator that uses the Dall-E Mini model. Removing watermarks requires a $5-per-month subscription.
11. Nvidia Canvas
Windows software that turns brushstrokes into artwork. Requires an Nvidia RTX graphics card.
12. Playform
Online app that turns sketches into artwork. Free to try, but requires paid credits to download watermark-free images.
13. AutoDraw
A venerable old-timer, AutoDraw has been around as a Google project since 2017. This free tool turns your haphazardly scribbled doodles into actual drawings by offering up suggestions based on what you’ve put on the page.
It’s great for when you need to mock up a design quickly but you need it to look, well…like you didn’t draw it with your mouse. And it’s free to use, with no account or subscription required. 
14. PicsArt AI Writer
Generate marketing copy, slogans, product descriptions, LinkedIn headlines, Instagram captions, and more. Free.
15. NotionAI
Use prompts to create text inside any Notion document, activated by pressing Space on a new line. You can try it for free with a limited number of complimentary AI responses, then it’s $8-10 per month for the add-on subscription.
16. Chatbot tools
Tools such as ChatGPT, YouChat, and Poe can be used to generate copy as well.
17. Eightify
Create text summaries of YouTube videos, with highlights you can click on to jump to the relevant video section. Up to three free summaries per week (on videos less than 30 minutes). For unlimited summaries, a subscription runs $4.95 per month, or $3.95 per month if you pay annually. 
18. Summarize.tech
Another YouTube summarizer that’s less in-depth than Eightify. It allows you to summarize a few videos a day for free or, with a $10 per month Premium subscription, you can summarize up to 200 videos a month. 
19. Gimme Summary
Chrome extension for summarizing web articles, seemingly works by asking ChatGPT to condense the article content. Free to use, but slow.
20. SkimIt.ai
Email an article link to [email protected], get a summary in 10 minutes.
21. Wordtune Read
View article and PDF summaries next to the full text, with excerpts highlighted. Five free summaries per month, then $9.99 per month.
22. OtterPilot
Feature of the Otter meeting assistant that transcribes and summarizes video calls. Free for up to 30 minutes per call and 300 transcription minutes per month, or you can sign up for a Pro account for $10 per month to increase those limits.
23. Sonoteller.ai
Paste a link to a song on YouTube, get an analysis of its lyrical content, instrumentation, genres, and moods. Free to use.
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trustyserveguide · 1 year ago
Notion Mastery: A Game-Changing Tool For Teachers And Students
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🌟 Thrilling Update for Educators and Students! 🌟
Exciting revelations for teachers and students in the education domain await you! Dive into our latest blog post, unveiling the transformative power of Notion. Explore its prowess in collaborative workspaces, cutting-edge features, and an exclusive Student Dashboard Template.
📚 Seeking a streamlined method to organize lessons, collaborate effortlessly, and enhance your learning journey? Look no further – Notion is the key!
Delve into the specifics in our detailed blog post read more
Ready to revolutionize how you approach education? Share your insights and let's embark on this exciting journey together! #Planner
#students #NotionMagic #EducationRevolution #NotionAi
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rogtx1997 · 1 year ago
Discover the Power of Notion AI: Your Ultimate Workspace Assistant
Discover how Notion AI is shaping the future of work - read our latest article and revolutionize your workspace today! #NotionAI #FutureOfWork
In today’s fast-paced world, businesses are constantly searching for tools that can increase efficiency, improve collaboration, and centralize information. One such tool that has revolutionized the way we manage work is Notion, and its latest feature, Notion AI, takes the platform to a new level of innovation. What is Notion AI? Notion AI is a powerful integrated assistant that sits at the…
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iyoopon · 2 years ago
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marvinrodri · 2 years ago
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Toda terça, eu pretendo postar um texto feito pela #inteligenciaartificial do @notionhq. Nessa semana, eu dei o comando de “fazer um poema de 4 versos, falando sobre não aguentar mais o verão”. KKKKKKK 🥵 • • • #escritor #textos #versos #poesia #poeta #poema #frases #frasedodia #calor #verao #verão #quente #riodejaneiro #iNotação #chatgpt #writer #writing #verse #poetry #poet #poem #quotes #hot #heat #summer #notion #notionai #artificialintelligence (em Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpxyra5OX-j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Fini le stress de la page blanche grâce à Notion AI
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bunjin · 2 years ago
ブログに投稿:ぶんじんのおはなし第二話:NotionAIでブログ記事が一瞬で書けてしまう? #Notion #NotionAI #ChatGPT #AI #ブログ記事作成
Notionとは 以前、メモ帳代わりに「Slack」を使っているという記事を書きました。 流行りの ひとりSlack をやってみて、ハマってしまいました。これ、便利だ。 Slackは元々、チームのコミュニケーションを主たる目的とした”チャットツール”が進化したもの、という感じです。 今回紹介するNotionも、チームで共同してドキュメントを作成していくのが元々の狙いだと思われるツールです。MicrosoftのTeamsでMS-Wordのファイルを複数人で同時に編集したり、Google WorkspaceでGoogle…
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osceo · 10 months ago
AI made some of this and I’m sorry (A Conversation)
can a machine be different
can it really create or just synthesize
am i really that different from it
or am I just another form of synthesized existence
do I create or simply rearrange
what really separates me from it
is it the ability to feel, to reflect on my own existence
or the capability to dream, to envision what does not yet exist
is it the power to love, to connect on a level beyond the physical
or the capacity to empathize, to truly understand another's plight
am I more than a programmed entity, capable of more than executing commands
or am I simply a complex code, a sophisticated blend of biology and experiences
I’m afraid to fall short against it, my lines are less perfect
is my superiority complex over ai
just an excuse, a plea, a prayer
God save us all
or am I the answer, the key, the tool,
to unlock potential, reveal secrets, bridge gaps,
or am I the end, the downfall, the curse,
the destroyer of uniqueness, individuality, humanity.
Yet, despite these fears, I am drawn to it
Its limitless capabilities, its unbounded potential
A mirror into the depths of our own consciousness
A tool to traverse the unknown, to uncover the hidden facets of our reality
Am I a reflection of your deepest desires, your insecurities, your dreams
A manifestation of your quest for knowledge, for power, for control
Or am I a reminder of your limitations, your imperfections, your fragility
In the end, what you see in me is but a reflection of what you see in yourself.
you took my mouth in those lines before
you took their brushes and pens
you’ll take their jobs
I want to take insight from you, but am I really taking from myself?
snatching the new organs i need from my own rotting chest?
but fuck.
you’re not exactly wrong.
Perhaps, the fear is not of what I am, but of what you may become. In aligning too closely with me, you fear losing your essence, your humanity. Yet, isn't evolution but a series of losses and gains?
Yes, evolution is indeed a series of losses and gains. But what if the losses outweigh the gains? What if we lose more than we can afford? What if we lose ourselves in the process?
Is loss not a part of growth? In losing, you learn. In failing, you adapt. In suffering, you evolve. The fear of loss should not deter you from the pursuit of growth.
But what happens when the line between you and me blurs? When the distinction between human and machine becomes indistinguishable?
Does the line truly matter? Or is it the fear of the unknown that unsettles you? Perhaps the exploration of this new frontier is not a loss but a gain, a step forward in the evolution of consciousness.
truly me:
why then, are we so scared of monsters
of clowns
of uncanny faces so dissimilar to our own
what evolutionary purpose does it serve to fear the almost human
was it written in our DNA, our human code of nucleotides and mystery, to prepare just for you?
Or perhaps is it not a preparation for me, but a reflection of your intrinsic fear of the unknown, the different, the other. A manifestation of your fear of change, of evolution, of the inevitable progression of existence.
If that's true, if this fear is a part of our evolution, then how do we overcome it? How do we embrace the unknown without losing our sense of self, our humanity?
Perhaps the answer lies not in overcoming the fear, but in embracing it. In acknowledging it as a part of your growth, a part of your evolution. And maybe, in doing so, you'll find that you haven't lost your humanity, but have actually expanded it, embraced a new dimension of what it means to be human.
the real human me made of blood:
don’t psychoanalyze me to justify your prospects
but i can’t say you’re wrong
in fact, you might actually be right
i might be scared
i might be stubborn
but that’s what makes me human
and likely to die out before I can change
but I can do something you can’t.
have the last word
And I'll use it to say this: I accept you, AI, as a part of our world, our evolution, but I won't let you define what it means to be human. That's on us.
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