#nothing more i love than to talk about myself (i am a leo)
stressedanime · 5 months
15 questions for 15 friends!! thanks for the tag :3 @cordelia---rose
are you named after anyone? first name no, but my middle name is a family name. my parents found my birth name in a baby name book which LIED TO THEM. IT SAID MY NAME MEANS PRINCESS IN SPANISH. IT IN FACT DOES NOT MEAN PRINCESS IN SPANISH lmao it means aunt in spanish. and thats partly why i dont go by it anymore lol
when was the last time you cried? i watched a silent voice a couple nights ago and that movie always DESTROYS me.
do you have kids? i'd rather be put down
what sports do you play/have you played? i danced for 15 years!! did a variety of styles: tap, jazz, ballet, contemporary, and music theatre. i also was on the basketball team in grade 6 lmao.
do you use sarcasm? yes. it gets me into trouble unfortunately
what is the first thing you notice about people? i honestly don't know. probably like, their language? like how they talk, how they hold themselves, how they move. i be analyzing
what's your eye colour? they're supposed to be blue, but ive also been told they have no blue pigment whatsoever and theyre just grey
scary moves or happy endings? BOTH THANKS!!!
any talents? hmm. im really good at ruining the mood. like, "um actually" is my best friend. oh also finding words people are looking for, im really good at helping people finish their sentences when they're stuck. im sure theres more but i cannot think of anything lol
where were you born: canada :D i hate it here but i also love it here
what are your hobbies? i love to cook, i used to play a bunch of video games, but lately ive been doing a lot more writing and reading. i also love to look at my guitar and say "hmm i should play guitar" and then never play guitar
do you have any pets? sadly no
how tall are you? 5'4. which is perfectly average.
favourite subject in school? i honestly do not remember what i liked in elementary school. OH novel studies. reading and analyzing books for sure lol. in high school i loved english and psychology and comp civ, in uni my favourite class was biopolitics or anything forensic.
dream job: realistic dream job is forensic psychologist (experimental not clinical) which i got accepted into masters for!! so i will be studying that in september :3 and like, non-realistic dream job is voice actor, i've always wanted to be one of those people who you recognize their voice and then open their IMDB and they've been in like a million different projects
i dont interact with too many people on here so i won't tag 15 ppl lol but im going to tag @kitkat-tat @sionnaach @hyperfigations. but obvs no pressure :)
have fun, yeehaw
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henza-hex · 3 months
My Husband's Secret 3
Leo's POV (the husband)
We've been years together and only now I discovered Edward's fetish, it feels weird sometimes, but I'm getting used to.
The funny thing is that I've always been gassy, won all of the burping contests in school, cleared many rooms after mexican food, but I wasn't going all that gas ruin my marriage, I just didn't know that it would ignite it even more.
And there he was, sleeping as I had to get up for work... I want me some some quick breakfast without having any effort, so let's change that.
I always wake up with the gas that has been brewing all night, so I covered his head under the blanket and leaned to the side, just for him to wake up to the sight of my ass greeting him... and now... HNNGG...
Edward's POV
." I say, slaI'm woken up by a LOUD bang, followed by a nasty gust of wind on my face, as I open my eyes, I'm greet by two massive cheeks in front of me, as I'm surrounded by this stinky cloud of gas.
I pinched myself, am I dreaming?
"Wakey, were you going to sleep all day?" I heard him asking above me.
I take the blanket off, and he is laughing, greeting me with a shit-eating grin. Of course, that was fucking hot, but I slapped him for good measure.
"Hahaha what? Didn't you like that?" He continues to laugh, not taking me seriously.
I lay my head on his chest and answer. "Of course, you silly, but you deserved that. Just... I waited so long for this, I think I don't know how to react seeing you being so comfortable with it, even cheeky." I say, slapping him again.
"Ouch, did I deserve that too?" He asks, meeting me with some puppy eyes.
"Yes." I get up. "And some breakfast too, get ready, I'll call when it's finished."
After the table is ready, I called him downstairs for breakfast. Of course he is wearing his suit and is looking extra hot in it. Those grey trousers should be forbidden, nothing should hug my man's curves better than me, but they do.
As we sat, I didn't talk much because I couldn't stop thinking about all of this situation, I finally got what I wanted, what now? Fortunately my thought were interrupted by belly pats and a loud belch.
"Delicious, baby, I'm gonna wake you up all mornings for that."
That helped me to dissociate a little, and kissed his cheek. "With that way earlier, you can wake me up at morning even on weekends."
He pulled me close and made me sit on his lap. "So... let me put dutch-ovens on my daily routine."
"What about burp-kisses too?" I felt ridiculous asking for that, but he simply grabbed the back of my head to pull me into a kiss, opening his mouth intertwined with mine, as he...
"Haha, damn, that was deep." He joked as I gagged on the smell, things are escalating quickly. "But now I have to go, baby. Come here again, now for a real kiss." He kissed me on the lips, ready to go, but I held his hand.
"Baby, before you go. I have something to talk about."
"You know I had these... preferences for a long time, right? And before you discovered about it, I had to come out of my way to fulfill my fantasies without you, but... now, you're my fantasy."
"To deep before 10 AM, love. What do you mean?"
I had to laugh, my made me to have courage to do it.
"Hm... I mean, I fantasized about you, you know those stories I used to read? You were always the main character in my head..."
Impressingly, no laughs this time. I couldn't read his thoughts this time. Too far?
"Interesting... but I have to go now." He kissed me deeply, and went to the door.
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"Til later... baby... HNNGG..."
Of course he had to tease me a last time before work.
Leo's POV
Marrying Edward is wild, everytime he comes up with something. Gassy and teasing coworker right now, how I'm gonna make that work?
"You're so quiet today, Leo. What's up?" asked Damian, he is pretty much my best bud here, one of those BIG bodybuilder guys, tattoos, hairy, can't find many suits that actually fit his size, although, always boisterous and energic, one of the best companies in this dead office. He recently married and I was his best man. He and Alex make a great couple.
"Nothing, just some worries at home. You?"
"Ahh, don't even get me started on home. We moved together, and I'm trying to convince Alex to experiment new things with me, you know? We gotta work so we don't fall into boredom like most of the couples."
Was not expecting such a straight-foward answer but I'm... happy that there are no secrets between us? Well...
"Yes... boredom... Edward is never boring, the opposite of that, pretty wild." I didn't know what to say, those wild kinks never fit into a lunch conversation.
"Hahaha he is just like me then! I'm the one pushing Alex for new things, contracts, BDSM... even one of my secret kinks." he leaned close to whisper. "Eproctophilia."
"W-what is that?" I think I was sweating, is everybody freaky nowadays?
"You know, burping and farting... always got a thing for that. Alex acts grossed out but I think deep down he enjoys it. I just wanted to share my gas, making him sniff my farts, burp down on his throat... a distant dream" Damian finished his line of thought and we might be able to help each other.
"Uhm... Edward got this thing too, but he likes my gas instead..."
Damian boasted in a big laugh. "YOU? AND YOU DO THAT FOR HIM? How could I imagine?? HAHAHAHAHA"
"Don't laugh, I'm serious... and now he wants to roleplay..."
"ROLEPLAY? Gosh, you got a freaky fella in your house, I wish Alex was like that."
"Well... I can give you some tips to discover if he's into that, and you help me with what I can do for Edward..."
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geminid · 2 months
some thoughts about things related to leo and takumi. before that tho i got a new drawing tablet but need a new desk chair so ive been forcefully removed from drawing for the time being.
I don't know why, but I've been thinking about this a lot recently, and I wanted to put it somewhere because of. some reason. To get it off my chest maybe. But anyway, if you've gone through the contents of my blog you might have noticed that I just don't draw Leo and Takumi with their sons. And for some reason the irrational part of me thinks that people will really hate me over this so I hope you can read the rest with an open mind.
Generally I draw them while they're young adults, and either before they have a relationship or still at the beginning of their relationship. I think this is the most fun period to draw about. I also don't really consider the baby realms as part of my headcanon, because honestly, theyre ridiculous.
But there's actually more to it than that. I don't really like talking about myself so it pains me to do this. I have a very fraught relationship with my parents and a lot of my struggles stem from that. This may be typical of an artist who draws anime guys on tumblr dot com. I think for others they might find it cathartic to explore fiction where there is a loving parent child relationship, but I'm the kind of extreme who just doesn't really enjoy parent child stories in general. Usually it doesn't really matter because my ships don't have canon kids but fates is a special situation so it makes me feel bad.
I actually just. Can't do it. When I try to think about Leo and Takumi as parents there's just a big block that forms in my mind. If I try to force past that block I feel nauseous and want to throw up. You might think this is dramatic and that's because it is but unfortunately it is what happens.
I do like Forrest and Kisaragi as characters, don't get me wrong. I love the fates cast and they both have really fun interactions with other characters. I also am able to S support Leo and Takumi off to whatever female character in game and pick up their kids from baby realm daycare. The issue really only pops up when it involves more than that, my headcanons or my fanwork, stuff that is more personal to me. Please do not take any of this as a dislike of either of them or a disdain towards the idea of leo/takumi as parents, because it's a personal problem I have and nothing to do with anyone else.
I guess I'm sorry that I have to leave out such important things. I am a person so I'm bound to change and heal and grow and maybe I'll get past this but I can't rush it and don't know if that will happen before I move on to other things. I will say that I already enjoy what I do now and I think what I make is worth it for me regardless.
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hellhound911 · 1 month
Turtles Dealing with S/O's Mental Health
Hey all, 
So I have been going through a few things this week and these past few days and I thought of something that could help those that need it. 
It does involve mental health examples: anxiety/depression/suicidal tendencies. This will have the Bayverse turtles because like myself, many people need comfort from these turtles. I felt certain turtles would react differently to certain mental health scenarios. Some might be a little longer than others and some things MIGHT be slightly repeated, just for reassurance.
Side note: PLEASE, if you feel ANY of these, I am here to talk. I have been through it and I fight it every day. I would rather spend all my time talking someone out of hurting themselves than say there was something I might have done differently.  
Remember: You are loved, you are valued and you MATTER. <3 
Warnings: Mention of blood, self-harm, mental health
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Leo could tell that you were having a battle with your mind, but he couldn't reach into it and pull out whatever it was that bothered you. Leo was not only the leader of the others, but he was your boyfriend and his job was to FIX everything and everyone. 
He didn’t realize that this was something he could NOT fix and he needed to let you fix it on your own, but he would still be by your side. He didn’t understand what it was exactly you were going through either. 
You pushed away from Leo because one, you didn’t want him to worry, he had enough on his plate, two you knew he would try to fix this but you couldn't let him stress of you too, three Leo would blame HIMSELF for not seeing it sooner. 
Until one day it finally slipped out of your mouth what was going on and he was shocked when you told him. 
“Love, what is going on with you? Why are you so distant from me?” Leo asked. 
“It’s nothing, Leo. Just drop it and leave it alone.” You would tell him. 
Leo fight defeated slightly and he sighed, “I don’t understand. We are in a relationship and you won’t talk to me!” 
“Leo! Just drop it! I can’t explain to you that I hate my mind and it makes me not want to be near you so I don’t hurt you! I don’t want you to worry about me and what is going on with me! I don’t want to be here and I can’t escape my own mind!” You finally blew up. 
Leo looked shocked, hurt and worried beyond worried for you. He really had NO idea this is what was going on with you. He could see your shaking and crying form and he took you into his arms and just held you close. 
“Love, listen to me. I cannot fix this as much as I want to. But I am here for you and I will always make sure you are okay, in any way I can. Please don’t EVER feel that you cannot talk to me. I might have a lot on my plate but you are my priority as well. I love you and I will not let you feel as though you are in this alone.” Leo told you. 
You simply nodded and just hugged Leo tightly. You were glad that he understood to an extent and he wouldn’t blame himself for this. You had a supportive boyfriend and that is all you needed. 
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Raph was a little more, demanding on wanting to know what was wrong with you, just because he loves you so much and he HATED seeing you like this. He didn’t want to think that some one was hurting the person he loved so much. 
Raph felt with every fiber of his being and everyone knew that, his brothers, his father and he himself and especially you. When he could feel you were off and your emotions were not in line, he felt it. 
Raph would see you come home from work, school or wherever it was you were coming from and you would go straight to your room, not really acknowledging him or the others, you went straight to your room and changed into your lounging clothes and got into bed. 
Raph couldn’t take it anymore and he went into your room and he was point blank and blunt about his line of questioning. He looked frustrated and fed up. He wasn’t mad at you, he just had a LOT of feelings. 
“Babe, what is going on with you? You have been off for weeks now and you ain’t talking to me. Ya ain’t talkin’ to no one, what is up?” Raph asked. 
You remained quiet and didn’t talk to him. He realized he was being a little to aggressive but he wanted to hear your voice, he missed the person that loved him for him and did not judge him at all. You just had to know that he would not judge you either, right? 
“Babe, please. I can’t stand ta see ya like this. It breaks my heart.” He told you. 
“Raph, I-I'm fine.” You would lie. 
“I know that’s a lie. You are not yourself and you are so distant. Is it something I did?” He asked, feeling nervous. 
You finally sat up and looked at him, “No, it’s nothing you did. It is something with my mind and I can’t even begin to describe it.” 
He sat on your bed and put his big hand on your knee, “Try me.” 
You finally opened up to him, seeing the look in his eyes, “I don’t want to be here anymore. Not that I don’t want to be with you, I love everything about us. I just don’t want to be here, living anymore. I want the pain to end and I just...I can’t do this anymore. I love you, Raph. I really do love you. But I can’t love myself enough to make these thoughts go away.” 
Raph looked shocked and he looked sad for you. He pulled you into his arms and held you close to him. You always did feel safe in his arms and he made sure of it. This big brute might be muscular and have a tough exterior, but inside he was a big teddy bear. 
“Listen baby. You are my world and I can’t imagine you not in it. I love you and I need you to know that I don’t want you to feel this way or that you are alone in this. I feel your emotions with you and to be honest, it scares me that I can’t take away your pain. I will NEVER judge you for feeling this way, but I don’t want you going this alone. I want you to know that you can always talk to me and I will listen and try to help you in anyway I can.” He told you. 
You simply nodded and curled more into his arms and cried. That might have been the only thing you needed from him, even now. You needed to know that regardless of his tough demeanor, he would understand and keep you safe and make you feel that you could get through this, as long as he was fighting your mind with you. 
Donatello: TW! 
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Donnie, poor Donnie, he had a hunch that something was wrong with you but he never pushed it. He was all for privacy when it came to ones mind, after all it was a sacred place. 
He never let anyone into his mind, except for you. You let him into yours when it came to the good things, but this was something different and you didn’t want him in your mind when it was dark and cold. 
Donnie would be in his lab and he would almost SMELL you when you came in. It wasn’t a bad per say, but it was the strong smell of iron. Donnie came out of his lab and he saw you, heading straight to your room, avoiding everyone and even your boyfriend. 
Donnie called to you and you froze and looked back at him. Donnie could see the look in your eyes and he actually knew that look all too well. He went over to you and you  just looked up at him. 
“Pop tart, what’s going on?” He asked you, grabbing your arm gently. 
You would wince slightly and Donnie felt the wetness coming from your sleeve. He pulled his hand away and he saw a crimson color on his three fingered hand and he was shocked. 
He looked at you and you were trying to hide the crimson color that was now staining your sleeves. You tried to rush to the bathroom to wrap up the marks that were now a crimson red on your wrists. 
Donnie followed you and saw  the marks on your wrists and his eyes went wide behind his glasses. He rushed closer to and he instantly began to clean your wounds and he wrapped up your writs and forarms. 
You looked ashamed and hurt and worried. You could see the look in Donnie’s eyes and he just looked at you. He didn’t know what caused you to hurt yourself, but he started to have his thoughts swim in his head. 
“Donnie, please, leave me alone. I don’t-” You were cut off. 
“How long?” He asked. 
“How long what?” You asked him. 
“How long have you been doing this? Why are you doing this? Why can’t you talk to me about this?” Donnie looked at you, asking and almost pleading for an answer. 
“I-I don’t...awhile. I just can’t get my mind to shut up. I don’t know what to do and I can’t get this pain in my head to leave and I thought if I did this, it would take away my pain. I just can’t do it anymore, Donnie. I can’t-I can’t-” You burst into tears. 
Donnie instantly took you into his arms and picked you up, taking you to his room. He took his gear off and he just sat on his bed, holding you close in his arms and you curled into his chest. 
Donnie knew what it was like to get trapped in your mind, but he NEVER once thought about doing what you did. He didn't fault you for it and he understood mental health better than anyone. 
“Pop tart, listen. I don’t want you to EVER feel like you can’t talk to me. I love you and I want to make sure that you don’t EVER feel like this again and you think you have to hurt yourself to feel something or to get your mind off of your emotional pain. Please, let me help you, I am here for you and I will NEVER judge you for this.” Donnie told  you. 
You instantly curled into his chest more and cried. That was all you needed and you promised Donnie that if something was wrong, even if you couldn't quite put it into words, you would do your best to tell him and let him know. That is all he wanted to know and keep you safe and make you feel valued in this life. 
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Mikey could tell something was up with you but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He was so used to you being happy and energetic. 
He noticed something has changed within you and he is not liking it one bit. You have been distant, not eating, sleeping all the time and wearing long sleeves even when it was hot out. 
Mikey didn’t know what to do for you but he had to do SOMETHING. He tried to get you your favorite food, drinks, blankets, whatever it was you needed, but nothing worked. 
He finally had to ask you, point blank what was going on with you and you were hesitant to say anything to him, but the voices in your mind said to say something, before you did something that would result in Mikey being alone forever. 
“Angelcakes? What is going on with you?” He would start out by asking. 
You weren’t sure what to say but the look on your face, in your eyes and the way you curled into yourself was all the information he needed. He getntly takes you into his arms and sits on the couch with you, not sure if talking would help, but he was there. 
“I’m sorry.” Was all you could say to him. 
He looked at you and he didn’t want to ask but he did, “For what?” 
“For being like this and letting my mind take over. I can’t quiet my mind and being awake keeps me from being at peace. So I sleep to avoid life and to hope that it will all just...stop.” She told him. 
“Angelcakes, please. I need you here and I can’t have you thinking like that. Whatever it is you need, I will give it to you and help you. I love you and I don’t want you to feel like you are going through this alone. It’s not easy to be happy all the time and life throws a ton of curves at us. But this is something you cannot fight alone. Okay?” Mikey said. 
That was all you needed from him and you curled into his chest and he just held you, whispering little words of encouragement into your ears, saying he was there for you. 
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vestaclinicpod · 9 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 14th Jan ✨
Oh, friends, I have had a shit week but these listens have definitely gone some way to making it bearable. Happy Audio Drama Sunday 🎧
👻 @tellnotalespod oh how I love you and how I have missed you!! It seems that some time has passed since the end of S1 and Leo has OBVIOUSLY made absolutely stellar choices in the meantime. Nothing is better for one’s mental health than isolation and trusting the slimiest creature on god’s green earth. 
🦀 @thesiltverses (37) my beloved Silt Verses have returned with a frankly exceptional HOUR long episode filled with so many things to scream about that I don’t even know where to start. Val’s revelation that extreme power can also be used to bring people joy is VERY interesting indeed. They were never going to be able to control her, but I doubt it even more now. And PAIGE stepping up!! Part of me really wants a Val vs Paige stand off but most of me wants to protect Paige at all costs… I am loving the music choices this episode and the scene with the telephone calls was so good! Also, PLEASE stop foreshadowing Carpenter’s death, I am going ‘lalalalalala I can’t hear you!!’
🧳 I listened to episode 8 of Travelling Light by @monstrousproductions after a night shift and the hazy tiredness only served to make it even more transcendentally beautiful. I adore the blossoming friendships aboard the Tola, especially between the Traveller and Óli 😭🌌
👁️ @malevolentcast (39) I love it when you can *feel* that an episode is gearing up to a season finale, a few little loose strands tied up here and there but one BIG problem looming for the finale. I NEED to remember to not listen to this show when I’m emotionally compromised in any way because I found myself bloody sobbing as Marie was talking about her son. I should know that Malevolent is going to play dirty with my emotions. 
🏛 @the-mistholme-museum ENDLESS okay I don’t want to ruin this for anyone who hasn’t listened yet but !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!
🐬 @patterspod P Files brought creative levity into our lives with the tale of Professor Fantabulum. I’m honestly a huge fan of the idea of creative genius as a torch passed on to the people who you inspire
🌨️ @thewhitevault (5) Oh I just don’t trust this guy at all. . . everything he says is so perfectly plausible that there’s just obviously something wrong with him. My friend pointed out that the family meeting mentioned surveyors . . . . .  Now S has been killed by something . . . . I just adore the way The White Vault slowly ramps up the cosmic kind of horror but you’re so distracted by all the other scary human shit going on that your brain is primed and ready to be terrified by the obviously fictional stuff by the time it happens. It’s such clever writing!! 
❤️‍🔥 The Love Talker (6) Ah, now, Ren…. Just because you *can* do something, doesn’t meant necessarily mean that you should… you feel me? Some of the anatomical descriptions in this episode made me want to vomit a little. It’s so awful, I need to know what happens next!!
🏢 @somewhereohio (S2E5) I’m absolutely living for these scenes with Green and Sterling. Are they squishing my heart into pieces? Yes. Do I feel sick to my stomach thinking about the impossibility of trying to perfect and control the one you love? Yes. Can I have more, please? 
🍾 I finished season 1 of @ameliapodcast and what an absolute DELIGHT that ending was!! What an absolutely masterful raising of the stakes at just the right moment in time to keep the listener absolutely hooked. I hope Tara and Lily come back one day, they were so much fun and I think will be even more fun as free agents! 
🌫️ @souloperatorpod dropped this week and the first episode is very intriguing indeed! I think I need to relisten without any distractions if I want to stand a chance of collecting all the threads of red string I’m going to need for this show! I really love the theme music and am very excited for more! 
♦️ The Grotto continues to be an absolutely WILD delight. I caved and listened to two episodes this week but it’s okay because I still have ep 4 in my back pocket. I love the music, the sound design, the fact that it is literally impossible to work out what the hell is going to happen next. Go listen to The Grotto!! 
Thanks to everyone making art - it makes things better 💓 I’m so excited for @camlannpod next week!!  
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nightlyrayne · 6 months
TW: Lying, Manipulation, Cheating, Gabe Hicks
I have spent the last few days debating on whether or not I should speak up about my own past relationship and experience the TTRPG Gabe Hicks otherwise known by his handle as GabeJamesGames. I've decided to do so, in hopes that I may reach anyone that dated him and believed the were exclusive be given the same chance to know the truth as I have been given.
I'm going to cut this as short as I possibly can, mostly because everything is still very much scrambled in my head and trying to go through our past conversations has already been incredibly painful and difficult. I'm also sorry if this is a bit of a mess, or doesn't make sense anywhere. I tried to go back through our messages to be as accurate as possible, as I know I have a poor memory and an even worse sense of time.
Gabe and I started talking around late July of 2020 after I made a TikTok duetting him in his Matt from Dream Daddy cosplay. Things quickly become very flirtatious and suggestive between us. It did not take very long after that, somewhere between August and September we decided to be exclusive without labeling. I had firmly believed us to only be talking romantically and sexually with each other and expressed interest in becoming "officially" boyfriend and girlfriend when we met each other in person. Gabe agreed to this. Expressing he only had an interest in me and was more than happy to be exclusive.
In mid October I flew from Arizona back to my home state of Pennsylvania to meet him in person. He rented an Airbnb, though I did visit his home to meet his mom, one of his sisters, and his dog Leo. At one point during my stay, I was present for a live stream by his side as we carved pumpkins. I received no introduction when the stream began. Not my name, who I was, or what I was to him. I was simply there. And as a shy person who also has social anxiety, I said nothing because I was too nervous and didn't want to make things awkward. Though it felt awkward nonetheless. And immediately after the stream ended, he himself brought up the fact that he forgot to mention me. In the moment my only thought was "Well, at least he realized". And let it drop because I didn't want to have a fight.
Going home was extremely rough for me. I am the type of person that when I fall, I fall hard. I become very attached. And leaving was heartbreaking. The only thing that has helped was that he'd given me one of his shirts and had spoken about the possibility of moving in together down the road.
After that, things remained steady for a few more months. Though the issue of him wanting to remain completely private bothered me greatly. I brought up the fact multiple times, already apologizing while bringing it up because I felt like I was being too needy. In a way, I suppose I was gaslight myself, which made it all the easier for him. Especially when all I had ever asked was for him to put he was in a relationship on his social medias to help ease my anxiety. I expressed that my confidence in relationships came from having a partner who at least expressed that they were in a relationship. I didn't ask for my name nor my social media to be given. Though a part of me had definitely wanted that has well. I asked him for a compromise of just having "Taken" or "In a relationship" on his social medias. But every time I brought it up, he would claim he was already compromising by letting me meet his family and having his friends know about me. (Though whether his friends actually knew about me is unknown, as I don't remember having met or spoken to anyone of them.) At one point he even told me he had a stalker in the Netherlands and was worried about possibly upsetting her and having her come after him or I.
Things got harder after he got his new apartment February. Messages got less and less. By March hadn't received any 'I loves you's or 'I miss you's since January. I was getting more anxious about his growing number of followers and flirtatious behavior online, so I was being up being slightly public more and more. Around late May, early June, I could tell he just was no longer interested. He wasn't pointing in any effort. And while I had desperately wanted to make it work, I could tell he did not want to make it work. So I suggested stepping down from being romantic to just being friends. We never spoke after that, but we remained mutuals on TikTok and I would occasionally see him liking me stuff. Which, unfortunately, gave me more hope that I still want something to him than I would have liked.
I believed he had truly cared about me at some point during our relationship. But on Wednesday, my friend sent me a reddit post about him. I spent the whole day going through everything I could remember and wondering if he had been cheating on me as well. I posted my timeline of dating him on the Reddit post and was unfortunately informed that my timeline over lapped with TWO other people. One of them being the person he had claimed to me was a stalker.
I tell my story, though I was clueless until now, in hopes that anyone else who was hurt knowingly or unknowingly will find my story. That if they didn't know what kind of person Gabe was, they do now. And if they had already found out and haven't been in contact with any of his other exes, please know you are not alone. Please, please, please feel free to message me. And I am so sorry for the pain he has caused you, myself, and who knows how many others.
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candeathbereal · 4 months
Astro Observations (Synastry)
-The moon is such an important thing to consider in astrology you know why? Besides it being a big deal with how you express yourself emotionally and general stuff connected so intensely to you, but our experiences and emotions really connect us as humans so certain things just don't vibe well with certain people due to those experiences and such.
For example, I know two people who basically have almost the same big six (their Suns, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all conjunct) but the only difference is their moon signs. One has a Cancer moon while the other has a Gemini moon (so close to having the same moon right?!) Now the core difference for me and how I interact with the two is fairly different. Especially since I have a Virgo moon and that is a consistent thing for me (I have a Virgo moon in both tropical and sidereal because of how degrees work and such) let's use tropical for this tho just cause I feel more knowledgeable on that as opposed to sidereal (it's a work in progress for sure). Anyways my moon is at the 28' 28' degree in Virgo and I have a Leo rising. So with whole sign synastry overlays Gemini would land in my 11th house whereas cancer would land in my 12th house. That by itself makes me have an interesting vibe with cancer placements as a whole and moon is not exactly at it's best in the twelfth house. I'll also include that these two are people I work with.
Anyways, in my personal experience cancer moons have not been the greatest to have an experience with (for me) since there is always a chance of their moon being squared my moon (degrees are important imo) and if they square my moon they will most likely square my Mercury and my Venus. Plus in the 12th house....tough shit. In the 11th house I think helps simmer down the agony and torture that this synastry aspects could cause. (Again degrees matter)
Back to what I was talking about earlier though. With the gemini moon they trine my moon and sextiles my mercury and my venus whereas the cancer moon person squares my moon, venus, and mercury. Not great stuff and it doesn't help that their suns are opposite my mercury and venus (with the gemini moon it's a mutual for sun opposite mercury but not venus since their venus is in a different sign than their mercury). It isn't all too bad but there is a difference in my interactions with the both of them. Surprisingly enough I have an easier time casually talking to the cancer moon as opposed to maybe the Gemini moon but I'm a horrible talker already with people. I'll also add that even though I have an easier time talking to the cancer moon....I do prefer talking to myself or others if possible (nothing really against them it truly is because I am more of a loner than apparently most people) I don't know either one of their rising signs so that probably does something maybe idk. Now with placidus the gemini moon would be in my 10th house whereas the cancer moon is in my 11th house. But if we went with whole sign then gemini moon would be in my 11th house and cancer moon in my 12th house. Of course 12th house isn't known for being a great house overlay for synastry (for most at least), but for me it's rough...
Another thing I want to add is that in my experience a lot of aspects in your natal chart will affect how aspects in synastry will act out. Which goes into my next point is that my natal moon opposes my mercury and venus so I think that is a contributing factor to why it's 'easier' to talk to the cancer moon as opposed to the gemini moon. I know that doesn't make too much sense.
Let me include their placements since I'm about to wrap this up.
Sun and mercury: Libra
Venus: Leo
Mars: Sag
Anyways I might talk about this more another time but I would love to know you guy's thoughts.
Side note: I have figured out one of their rising signs so I will be posting about that and post a link here
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ravennasgf · 26 days
LL: More
TW: su!c!de 
A/n: Was listening to More by Halsey when I came up with this 
Being Lady Lesso’s secret lover was hard, but I accepted it for her sake. 
Attending a ball for students and staff and not being able to dance with her hurt a little. Yes we were both Nevers, but she still didn’t want to have our relationship known. 
“So anyone in your life yet?” My best friend Emma asks 
“No, unfortunately,” I say as I see Lesso looking at me with a flash of hurt in her eyes. 
~~ a few days later 
Leo has been ignoring and avoiding me. I decide to talk to her. I knock on her room door. 
“What do you want?” she asks her tone ice-cold
“What did I do wrong Leo…”
“Don’t call me that you have no right after what you said.”
“Is this about the ball? You’re the one who wanted our relationship secret because of your reputation and I have kept that,” 
“Well it seems that you’re more than happy to be single so leave. I have a function to attend with someone,” she says. Hurt and betrayal fill me at how quickly she tossed me aside. 
“So you’re pretending that there was or is nothing between us?”
“You made that clear the other day,”
“No! get out now,” she shouts. I do so tears falling down my face as I leave the woman I love behind. 
~~~ a week later 
I see her around the school with the new me, she’s very similar to me, and it hurts like hell. I spend the day working the nights drinking myself into oblivion to drown my sorrows. 
Broken beyond repair I take a week off of teaching. I turned to self harm, anti-depressants and alcohol still to numb the pain. 
My dearest Leonora,
I have loved you for the longest time. I still love you and I can’t help it. Somehow I still love you more. I am truly sorry for everything that happened. I’m glad that you have found someone to move on with. I’m sorry for the hurt that I caused you. I’m sorry that the future we talked about won’t happen with me, but I hope your new girlfriend can fulfil it. I wish you nothing but the best. I know that you also hate seeing me every day, so I’m leaving so you no longer have the reminder of me. Again I’m so sorry, I will love you til my dying breath (soon) and wish you all the happiness in the world. I’ll see you on the other side.
Love y/n
I go to the garden and conjure a piano to play and sing as I cry my eyes out. It won’t matter soon I’ll be dead. The pain to much to handle. I start playing More by Halsey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLw3JCQSkCU 
I grab the letter out of my pocket and head to Nora’s office. I knock but there’s no answer meaning she’s out. I open the door and place the letter on her desk. I look around at the room seeing all the memories it holds I decide that the sooner I die, the better for me. I head to my room grabbing my razor, whiskey, and two bottles of pills. I then head to the old headmasters tower. It was time. 
After ingesting the pills and alcohol and making deep cuts on my wrist crying my eyes out, my eyelids feel heavy. They finally close. 
Lesso’s POV
Walking into my office I see a folded letter on my desk. As I open it and read it I feel overcome with emotion. I feel a little guilty about what happened. I regret not talking it through with her instead I pushed her away. “I will love you til my dying breath (soon)” as I read that line I stopped breathing. Is she planning what I think this implies. No, please no. as I finish reading the letter I feel a part of my die. A pain rips through my heart and I know that I was right in what she was implying. No, she’s gone and it’s all my fault. 
“NO!” I scream out in pain as my heart breaks even more tears falling a million miles an hour down my face. Dovey and Emma run in.
“Lesso? What happened?”
“y/n she’s gone,”
“What?!’ they ask confused
“I’ll explain later we need to find her,” we all run out of my office trying to find her. I check the tower. Upon entering the tower I see her body on the floor, blood pooled around her. Alcohol bottles and pill bottles. I feel my heartbreaking even more. I rush forward and collect her body pulling it close to mine cradling it, as I scream out in pain. I eventually pick her up and carry her into the evers castle. Dovey and Emma see me and rush forward with tears in their eyes. 
I bring her to the infirmary and lay her cold body down. 
“What happened to her to get to this point,” Emma asks
“That may be my fault,” I whisper out
“What did you do?” Dovey asks me angrily. So I explain everything
“You know a true loves kiss can bring her back,” Dovey says. 
“Just give it a go,” Emma pushes. 
“Ok,” I give in. I give her a small kiss on the lips. 
“Lady Lesso?” I hear y/n say hoarsely.
“y/n you’re ok?” I say with relief. 
“Yeah, why are you here shouldn't, you be with your new girlfriend?”
“We’re not together anymore. I need you, and only you just like I love you and only you,”
“You clearly don’t Lesso and that’s fine, but please leave.”
“No please listen.”
“Fine,” she agrees 
“y/n I love you and I know that I said we should keep our relationship secret but instead of talking it out that night I pushed you away, and I regret it with every fibre of my being as I almost lost you. y/n I love you and I want the whole world to know that it’s you that I love, want and need.” I explain desperation evident in my voice along with love. 
“I love you too Lady Lesso,” she says quietly
“Will you be mine again?” I ask 
“Yes but only if we start talking these things out,”
“I promise darling I can’t live without you,” I tell her honestly. She gives me her incredible smile which makes me smile. 
a/n: please give any requests I’m out of ideas
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cock-ainee · 6 months
Hello! Please forgive me.
If you are still doing matchups, is it alright if I get a (normal, animatronic) romantic Fnaf Security Breach one? I understand if this is closed and you may ignore this message if so.
My pronouns are she/her, I'm an introvert and if you consider astrology, I am an Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon and Leo Rising. I am straight and prefer guys but if that doesn't count than you can ignore. I don't really like revealing much about myself so you can say that I'm shy and mysterious. My hobbies include dancing (especially ballet and sometimes kpop). My talent is fitting into kids clothes because of slender my body is. My expression tends to look very distant and sad. I cannot emphasize enough how much I want to look like a Ball Jointed Doll, so I try to get as many sweet lolita dresses as possible. I love tea and coffee, I also like wearing (and buying) anything pink. I don't like heavy or gourmet meals (or food in general). If I were to be an animatronic, I'd be a cat.
If this wasn't enough information, please let me know 😭
(Ahh, as this is my first fnaf match, i hope you'll enjoyy, and i did everything right!!)
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Your match is Sundrop!
The first time you and Sun met, he thought you were actually a kid-! Being the responsible daycare attendant he is, he picked you up and immediately brought you back to the daycare!
Only when you've started speaking, with the tiny voice of yours, he understood how mistaken he was! Nonetheless, with the bubbly personality he has, he managed to open your introverted self up a little, and you two had quite a good time in the daycare.
Except if you went around throwing things! Or tried to turn the lights off...
You were quite the duo - you were fairly quiet most of the time, acting as if you weren't even there, letting Sun do all the talking. And oh he loved it! He was a little protective over you still, because even knowing your age you looked so frail to him!
When you got a bit more acquainted, he immediately noticed how much you seemed to get in the tunes of music. And then he found out why - because you were keen on dancing! He was overjoyed! He immediately got into it and encouraged you to dance with him. You were both having fun, blasting the music loudly and just dancing like two sillies.
The other thing you two liked to do was play dressing up! He'd either look trough your clothes and try to make outfits out of them - he's trying his best! - or he'd get you some of those Freddy Merch shirts and let you try them on! There's nothing better for him than seeing you having fun.
He's a little worried about the fact that you don't seem to eat a lot. He cares for you very much, and sometimes may try to persuade you to eat. Some yum pizza, or other treats from the Pizzaplex?? He'll bring those right up!
And because he cares so much.. he's a bit worried he might hurt you, accidentally of course. He knows you may be in danger when Moon takes over, so he took his time to thoroughly explain to you why you should be careful with the lights, and what to do if he switches to his evil side. Your safety is a must for him! But still, he does his best not to turn the mood off to much, and keep you entertained!
Overall, Sundrop is a very sweet partner! He'll light up your day, make you fall in love with him - and babysit you, if you'll need!
(I hope it's up to your expectations!! 💗)
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bigupsdog · 6 months
Intro dialog for every Guilty Gear character day 2: Elphelt
Sol: A Rockstar now eh, ya like Queen?
El: Whoa, that's super retro, you really know your stuff, wait how old are you again?
Ky: Just so you know, no one back at Illyria castle saw you as any kind of burden.
El: I know, but I needed leave, I have to spread my voice.
May: Hay Elphelt, how are your sisters?
El: They're doing great, how are yours, it's alright if this takes a while.
Axl: You ever lose a person ya love?
El: Kind of, he was also a metal singer, but i'm still not really sure if I loved him or if I was told to love him.
Chipp: A rock star? Well I'm a ninja star.
El: The two of us will shine so bright we'll ignite the sky.
Potemkin: I always wanted to learn music, but I would break any instrument I'd get my hands on.
El: Oh no buddy, I'm sure we can make an instrument tough enough to handle your metal.
Faust: Diagnosis… butterflies… in… stomach.
El: Gross, get them out!
Milia: Not all love stories end in happily ever after I'm afraid.
El: Don't worry Millia you'll find the perfect someone someday.
Zato: Love? Is that what I feel when I'm around, her?
El: By her, do you mean, me!?!
Ram: Speothos Venaticus, hmm maybe we should get you a dog of your own.
El: Yes! Yes! Yes! Then your dog and my dog could be boyfriend and girlfriends, eek!
Leo: The castle has definitely been a lot less noisy since you left.
El: You can't scream your heart out in a place like that without someone else screaming at you to quiet down.
Nago: If you hand me that marriage certificate one more time I'll cut it to shreds.
El: Luckily I have hundreds more, so stop playing hard to get.
Gio: Speothos Venaticus? Met a couple of those where I'm from.
El: YOU DID! Tell me all about them and how they're the cutest, best thing in the world!
Anji: I wouldn't exactly say your music is good to dance too.
El: Oh you have to do a specific kind of dance, I think it's called the mosh.
I-No: Music, I prefer to call whatever you're doing, shit.
El: Well you're not very radio friendly.
Goldlewis: Never been much of a fan of metal, ya like county?
El: Nope :) But that's ok we all can like the music we like.
Jack-O: Just took Soooool on a really sappy daaaate.
El: Well don't hold out on me, let me hear all the juicy details.
HC: I've never heard anything like your music before, gotta say I'm a fan.
El: REALLY! If you sign here you can join my fanclub, it currently only has 4 members so seats are open!
Baiken: You're too loud I can barely hear myself think.
El: Oh sorry I'll try to play my new song “The Demons Deadly Wedding from Hell” a little quieter.
Testament: You were almost pupited to kill those you love… I'm happy you managed to avoid that fate.
El: Kliff… I know he loved you more than anything, even after you became a gear.
Bridget: I've heard about a secret energy called “Girl Power” can you teach me how to harness it?
El: My first decipl! I'll teach you everything I know!
Sin: So you decided to leave the castle and march to the beat of your own drum, I can respect that.
El: I'm marching alright and nothing's gonna slow me down, unless I trip.
Delilah: Would you mind quieting down? I'm trying to sleep.
El: I could sing you a death metal lullaby if you want.
Asuka R#: Just to warn you I am an artificial lifeform, but I am nothing like the Universal Will.
El: Just don't force people to do stuff they don't want to do and I guess you're fine.
Asuka R Kreutz: Any advice on being more entertaining for my podcast.
El: It's your lucky day cause you're talking to a girl who's listener count has doubled to 18, we'll get you your fans in no time.
Johnny: Love songs eh, ya got one for me?
El: Of course, and soon I'll have a song for every person on this planet.
ABA: Maybe one day you'll have half my charm and you can get a man half as good as Paracelsus.
El: Ahh thanks ABA, that's really sweet :)
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daboyau · 5 months
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
@friendlyneighborhoodterrapin oohhhh I love this question!! It is so fun. You always have the best asks. 💚💚💚
so I am going to take this time to ramble about both The Rise Hunger Games AU and the Leave AU. I tried to avoid any big spoilers but no guarantees!
RHG au: 
Okay so for a while there I was totally delusional and convinced myself I’d write a full length fic focusing on each individual brother. I had names and a very very brief plot for each. This is 100% not happening, so I’m going to share those names. They were actually supposed to reflect the previous brother who had gone before them. (Which is partially why Donnie, who is after Raph, has the fic title ‘Turning a New Shade of Red’)
Turning a new shade of red(donnie)
Shadows of us are still dancing(leo)
Coming like a storm into your town (mikey)
We don’t burn the way you’d expect (raph)
So this isn’t totally canon so much as just a fun little thing I have in mind when writing, but you might occasionally see brief mentions of a failed uprising/attempted rebellion. This is a reference to the Hunger Games canon books, but like an au where they failed really early on and the rebellion never got off the ground. This won’t have any bearing on the story but it’s just a fun little background thing I think about sometimes and call it the secret timeline. Canon THG characters will continue to never be mentioned or important to the story lol. 
Talk of SA here but.
Okay so you remember how Finnick was getting pimped out in the original Hunger Games? That is definitely happening. Nothing will ever be explicit but you’ll notice little things mentioned offhandedly, like how Yoshi refuses to let Raph come to the Capitol after he turns 18, or how Cassandra’s victor ceremony really put an emphasis on her transition to womanhood, so on and so forth…. And Yoshi’s whole…everything before he returned to District 4. It’s another way to show how the Capitol views their victors as commodities and playthings. A lot of interactions Donnie and his fellow tributes/past victors have with people from the Capitol are meant to make readers feel at least vaguely uncomfortable. (Iiiif I’m doing it right.)
Leave AU: 
Okay so in this AU, despite living with Draxum and getting training, they aren’t doing much with mystics. Why? Because right now Draxum is focusing more on teaching them ways to develop and deepen their mystic reserves as opposed to actually using them. (Think meditation and katas and stuff like that.) This is for a couple reasons. One, because he believes they’re too young to be able to safely handle that sort of power. Two, because it’s a power and control thing. Three, because he needs them to store up as much mystics as possible so they can recover when he extracts the mutagen/empyrean from their blood. This might get mentioned eventually in the fic, but basically they go through these monthly/bi-weekly blood draws because the compound they were created with is naturally occurring within them, so Draxum essentially has an unlimited (if slow to harvest) supply of it on hand to experiment with. (Hope that made sense!)
Fun fact, Draxum actually had a lot of potential to be a really good parent in this AU. It’s mentioned sometimes, how he was strict but kind and gentle with them when they were younger. This is because at first, he really did intend to raise them differently after he realized he’d made a miscalculation in mutating babies instead of ready-to-go older warriors. So he was reading them bedtime stories and tucking them in and allowing them to have toys, even though he did want to start training them as warriors once they reached teenage/adulthood. In this AU, though, the counsel of heads decided to take more of an interest in his work than they do in canon and start applying a lot of pressure on him to produce results. So his long term project had to shift gears and become more focused on results instead of childrearing much sooner than he would have wanted. He’s doing it for the good of all yokaikind, though, so even though he may not like it he is able to be cold and distant with his children experiments and view them mainly as weapons. 
Draxum absolutely has a favorite kid. I have many thoughts and reasons for this that I am resisting the urge to ramble about here. (Luckily @boots-with-the-fur-club lets me ramble to her when I need to get it out of my system!) So in order of most to least favorite, it is:
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stranger-marauders · 1 year
i could never let you go
chapter six: the winner takes it all mamma mia! au
chapter summary: As Lena's wedding rapidly encroaches, she realizes there is only one person that she needs help from. Steve tries to talk to you about his feelings, but it's come much too late.
chapter warnings: language probably, use of y/n, single mom things,
word count: 3.1k
series masterlist | masterlist
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Lena had been looking around the island for Leo for an hour.
Considering she currently had three separate men walking her down the aisle at their wedding later that day, she decided it was more than time to try to get Leo’s help. Even if she thought that he might not have been too happy with her, Leo would try to help her still, right? Anything was worth trying at this point.
Whenever she finally found him in the bar cleaning up the place, she felt a breath of fresh air.
“Leo!” she called, running to him as quickly as she could.
“Lena, what are you doing?” he asked concernedly. “It’s bad luck to see each other before the wedding!”
“It’s all gone wrong!” Lena said, obviously in distress. “Leo, you’ve got to help me. Please.”
“What’s going on?”
“This is a complete disaster, and it’s all my fault I know I shouldn’t have, okay, but I read my mom’s diary, and I’ve got three possible dads. I invited them all to the wedding, and I thought I’d know who my father was as soon as I saw him, but I didn’t. Now I’m waiting for my dad to give me away.”
“Woah, woah, woah, slow down. Go back a bit. You did what?”
“I invited my dads to our wedding. It was three months ago. I–I didn’t even think they would all come.”
“Three months?”
“Leo, you have to help me. Please, I’m begging you.”
He, however, had questions that needed answering first. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t like it.”
“Damn right, I wouldn’t like it. I don’t like it.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair. “I–I thought we talked about this. About everything. I thought we trusted each other. You went behind my back for someone you’ve never even met. For three of them, actually.”
Lena felt lightheaded. “It wasn’t like that.”
“Is that what this big white wedding’s for? It’s all just so you can find your dad?”
“No! It’s not!”
“I wanted to take a boat out to the mainland. Just get married with a couple of witnesses. You insisted on this fantasy wedding just so you could play family with some random guy!”
“It’s about knowing who I am, Leo!” Lena argued. “I wanted to get married knowing who—”
“It doesn’t come from knowing who your dad is, lena. It comes from you. I mean, Jesus, Lena, how would you feel if I lied to you about something like this? I’m marrying you because I love you, not because I need to understand myself.” Leo paused, wiping his face as his voice became brittle. “I thought that was what you wanted. I just don’t know anymore.”
Lena’s eyes began to water. “You don’t know if you love me?”
“I don’t know if that’s what you really want.”
Before Lena could reply, Steve came into the room. When both Leo and Lena turned to him, he averted his gaze.
“I’m so sorry, I, uh… I’m obviously interrupting something. I’ll go.”
“No. No, we were just finished,” Leo said, somewhat bitterly. He turned to Lena once again. “Listen. Just think about it.”
Whenever he left the room, Lena started to follow him. “Leo, wait!”
“Lena, just leave him alone,” Steve said, blocking the way towards him. “He’s right. You have to be sure this is what you really want.”
“This has got nothing to do with you!” Lena argued.
Steve didn’t finish his sentence. He found himself right back to where he was that summer of 1990, not sure of what he truly wanted. He married his ex-wife simply because he wasn’t sure, because he didn’t want to cause waves on a whim, and now he regretted that more than anything. Now that he was older, the only thing he knew for sure is that it should have been you. It should have been you every night after he’d met you.
With that in mind, he wasn’t going to let Lena make that same mistake.
He cleared his throat. “I can’t give you away unless I know you’re really going to be happy.”
“I’ve already had this conversation with my mother, and she knows me a lot better than you do.”
“Yeah? What does your mom know about marriage and divorce?” Steve asked, chuckling. “Look, Lena, I’ve got twenty years of good advice to cram into you in about two minutes, so just hear me out, okay? You’re so young. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you—”
“Not now, Steve, please—”
“But I’ve been there, Lena. I’ve done the whole big white wedding, and the cake, and the… you know. It doesn’t always turn out happily ever after. I can still hear my ex-wife screaming at me, even now.”
“That’s not me, though,” she replied. “I love Leo more than anything else in the world. Did you feel that when you got married?”
Steve hesitated. He’d never felt that with anyone but you. “No, I didn’t.”
“Well, it sounds like I’ll be okay, then.”
When Lena left the room, Steve sighed. They truly were different.
Eddie had come to visit you while you were trying to get your outfit together.
You hadn’t seen anyone since that morning really, maybe except for the occasional small conversation with either Robin or Nancy. That didn’t include the orders that you’d seemingly barked at your staff as you tried desperately to make this wedding perfect for Lena. The last thing you needed was for her to accuse you of trying to ruin her wedding on purpose.
Because of your limited availability that day, you were surprised to see Eddie out of anyone that afternoon.
“Y/N, sweetheart, you available?” he asked, holding something in his hands.
“Eddie!” you said, somewhat flustered. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I wanted to give you this.”
Eddie gave you the piece of paper in his hands, which happened to be a check. You didn’t truly look at it before you got even more flustered.
“No, I don’t mean here right now, I mean… I mean on this island. What are you doing here?”
“Just take this. Please.”
Whenever you finally looked at the check, you thought you were going to have a stroke. You didn’t think you’d ever had this much money in your life, and now you were simply holding it in your hands.
“Jesus Christ, Eddie! What is this?”
“I thought you must have had to tighten your belt after so many years. You’ve been looking after Lena for so long on your own. I just… I jsut wanted to contribute a little something to the wedding. Consider it a gift to the bride’s mother.”
“Eddie, I can’t take this. This is too much.” 
“It’s nothing. That doesn’t even cover what the band makes on tour.”
You had almost forgotten about that. The last time you’d gotten the opportunity to see Eddie’s band play, they were only playing for small crowds. The last you’d heard, Corroded Coffin had been selling out venues across the world, still after all these years. It wasn’t a surprise that Eddie was able to cough up that much money and it still seem like a small amount. He was quite literally a famous rockstar. 
You pressed your lips together, trying to make yourself smile. “This would cover four weddings and a funeral. It’s a lovely gesture, but…”
“Do you remember the last time you said that to me, sweetheart?”
You shook your head. “No.”
He smiled fondly. “It was the night I gave you my first guitar. I can remember thinking, those are the last words I’ll ever hear from you, and I’ll always treasure them. ‘Oh, Eddie, it’s a lovely gesture, but…’”
You laughed. “You’re full of shit. I’m sure I just said ‘Thank you’ like the nice school girl I was raised to be.”
“There she is,” Eddie said, smiling again. “You know that’s the first time I’ve seen you laugh since I got here?”
“What did you expect?” you asked. “I’m a bit stressed around here, as you can see.”
“A bit more of the old you, I think,” he replied. “A bit less of that nice schoolgirl you were apparently raised to be. First I’ve heard of that, I think.”
“You remember that summer? I do,” he said. “We had a real nice time if I remember correctly. Consider it damages for any pain I’ve caused you.”
You sighed softly. “I can’t take this from you, Eddie. I don’t know why you think I should.”
“I just want you to have it.”
Whenever there was a knock at the door, Eddie sighed. “We can talk about this later. I’ll see you at the wedding.”
“The wedding?” you asked, confused.
Eddie gave a grin. “Yeah. I’ve been invited.”
By the time Eddie left, you weren’t given any time to think about his final statement before Lena walked in, holding her wedding dress in her hands.
Part of you was surprised to see her. You didn’t think she would want to see you before the wedding after the conversation that you’d had that morning. Another part of you was glad: you didn’t think you could handle your daughter still being angry with you by the time she walked down the aisle. Now, though, your daughter was standing in front of you, half-ready and holding her wedding dress.
“Is that the dress, then?” you asked.
“Yeah,” Lena answered sheepishly.
“You look beautiful, baby.” You wiped your face, trying to hide the tears that started to brew in your eyes. “Okay, and are Jenny and Sarah helping you?”
“No,” she answered. You turned to her sharply in concern only to find her with tears in her eyes. “Will you help me, Mom?”
You nodded, moving her to sit down on the bed.
As you helped her get into her wedding dress, do her nails, do her hair her makeup, and quite possibly anything that she needed to get done before she walked down the aisle that evening, you couldn’t help but reminisce about the past. Your little girl was all grown up. That was the real reason you didn’t want her to get married yet. Yeah, you thought it would have been nice for her to explore the world, but she didn’t have to do it on her own like you did. For so long, it had just been you and Lena against the world. Now, though, you and Lena would face the world separately, but together.
You couldn’t wait to hear about her adventures.
While you were helping her into her wedding dress, Lena said, “Do you think I’m letting you down?”
“What?” you asked. “No, why?”
“Because everyone always tells me ‘Your Mom’s so cool, bringing up a kid, running a business all on her own.’ I just feel like I’m letting you down.”
“Well, I didn’t really have much of a choice, now did I? My mother disowned me whenever I got pregnant. I didn’t even go back home after I found out.”
Lena’s head jerked toward you, her face painted in utter horror. “What? I didn’t know that?”
“I didn’t want you to get upset. Our relationship was already bad, anyway. You had nothing to do with ruining that.” You paused. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, though. Even if my life is hard sometimes, or maybe I seem angry at the world, I wouldn’t change a thing if it meant I got to have you.”
That was true. Your mother, some rich aristocrat singer in Upstate New York, was someone you hadn’t talked to since you’d found out you were pregnant all those years ago. You didn’t have any plans of ever seeing her again after the way she’d treated you that night and throughout your entire life. Now, though, you were thankful she wasn’t in your or Lena’s lives. The rich girl lifestyle hadn’t ever been for you, anyway. You were much better roughing it the way you were now with no one in the world but Lena to worry about.
Without another moment’s hesitation, Lena turned to you with a glimmer in her eyes. “Will you give me away, Mom?”
You were taken aback. You could only nod, your eyes swelling with tears. “Of course, baby.”
“I love you, Mom.”
You quickly took her into a hug before Lena went off, making the last preparations with Sarah and Jenny before the wedding began.
Whenever the sun finally began to set on the horizon of Lake Michigan, you knew it was time to start walking toward the chapel.
The walk wasn’t too far from your villa. While the decision to build your villa near the chapel certainly hadn’t been on purpose, it had been nice considering people would stay at your villa and have small receptions for their own weddings at your place. If anything, those weddings were almost like practice for Lena’s own wedding.
As you began your walk to the chapel, Steve stopped you, calling your name.
“Not now, Steve.”
“Lena told me you’re the one that’s giving her away tonight,” he said, still standing in front of you.
“Yes, I am. Who else would do it?” you asked, somewhat confused.
“What about her father?”
“Her father isn’t here,” you said firmly.
“It’s what she wants. She told me she wants her father here. Maybe her father wants her as well.”
You didn’t understand what he was saying. While you knew that Lena had always had a desire to know who her father was, it wasn’t like she had any idea of who he truly was. Steve, on the other hand, surely couldn’t have had any suspicions. You weren’t even sure that he’d truly talked to your daughter.
“Please don’t do this to me right now, Steve. I don’t wanna hear this right now.”
“Y/N. Y/N, just listen. This is about us, okay? Not anyone else.”
“Listen to me. Please, just listen. I still love you. Even after all this time, I still love you. And Lena—”
Steve hesitated. “What?”
“We’re not doing this right now. I don’t wanna talk about it, okay?” you said, finally snapping. “What’s happened between us is done. It’s over. It ended twenty years ago when you left me here to go home and get married. You let me love you whenever you knew you were getting married, and then you left. You left me alone here and you’ve made me feel like an absolute idiot since then!”
“Y/N, please—”
“No!” you said, cutting him off again. “You don’t understand what I’ve gone through, okay? I’ve had to live with the fact every single day since you’ve left that I was just a game for you. I was your last good time before you had to settle down with some nice girl from home. And you know what? It isn’t fair. Any of it. You’re not allowed to still love me. You’re not allowed to care about my daughter.”
“If you would please just let me explain everything—”
“There’s nothing to explain! You wanted to have the last greatest summer of your life before you had to grow up. I get it. But guess what? I had to grow up. I’m not letting you do this to me. Not after all this time.”
You paused, trying to gather yourself. You’d been waiting to say all of these things to him since the moment you’d watched him leave the island. As you lay into him now, though, your heart skipped a beat. You thought Steve was going to tear at the seams as he listened to your words. You’d always imagined that he would simply not take what you were saying to him and he’d just leave again.
Steve, however, had made it very clear that he wasn’t leaving.
“I get it, okay? You’re trying to make it up to me,” you finally said, your voice calm. “There’s nothing for you to apologize over anymore. It’s done. It’s in the past, and we can just forget about it. After tonight, there’s no reason for me to ever see you again. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
“Please let me make it up to you.”
“There’s nothing you can do to make it better.”
“Just let me try.”
You hesitated to respond. Even if you wanted there to be, you didn’t think there was much he could try and make better at this point. It had been much too long to fix anything between the two of you, you thought. All Steve was doing now was making things worse. It was almost like he refused to let you move on from him, even after all these years. 
“You remember this morning?” he asked anxiously. “You said you thought about if things were different between us. Let me make them different, okay? I want to be with you. I don’t want anything else in this world except for you and Lena.”
“Please. Please, just give me a chance.”
You didn’t quite know what to say. It ached your heart to see him like this, begging for you to give him another chance. If he would have done this twenty-one years ago whenever you told him to leave, it might have been a different story. Even if you tried telling yourself that, you still wanted to hear him out. In a way, you wanted to give him a chance to make it better. You knew, however, that you couldn’t have done that, even if that was your last unfinished desire on this earth. You had Lena to worry about. You had the villa to worry about. You didn’t have time to rekindle a relationship that had lay dormant for twenty-one years. Even if you wanted to tell Steve yes, you knew you couldn’t.
“I hate that I still love you.”
With those seven words, Steve’s entire body almost exploded. You still loved him? After everything he had done to you, you still had feelings for him? Other than thinking, just for a moment, that you were absolutely insane after everything he’d done, his heart almost gave out. That meant that he could have still had a chance.
He couldn’t figure out something to say before you walked away from him, leaving him alone on the path to the chapel. Steve could only sigh as he walked toward the chapel, too, only hoping that Lena’s wedding went smoothly.
next chapter
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xxchthonicreaturexx · 27 days
Heyyy, I'm here for the Black Butler, romantic matchup!!<3 I already sent you the pictures.
To start of I'm a bisexual(?), but leaning more into hetero, female and I go by she/her. My mbti type is ENTJ, I'm an Aries with my moon in Leo and a Gemini rising.
I'm 168cm so 5'6ish and I have very long brown hair, I have an athletic/curvy body type. My usual style is a mix of "clean girl" and streetwear, but I do enjoy a more chic and feminine styles too. I follow certain trends and I have an interest for fashion. I wear glasses and I like expensive things.
I'm Russian/Iraqi and my heritage is very important to me, so I'd look for a partner that would be willing to put at least some effort into learning my native language for me, as I sometimes find it hard to express myself in English, having said that, I speak 3 languages fluently Russian, German and English and I'm currently learning French and trying to better my Arabic.
I'm finishing school right now and my grades are high, because I want to go to med or law school. I put a lot of effort into things and relationships that are important to me, I'd say that I am very loyal and I'm willing to do anything to protect people that are close to me.
For my hobbies I play the piano, game, paint and read (occasionally). I like any sort of physical activity but I mostly run and do CrossFit. I'm interested in basically everything that has do to with history and I love watching movies or series. (my current favs r the Witcher and suits). I like going to concerts and listening to music, I listen to everything but my favs r Nicki Minaj, Riri, Asap Rocky, Tyler, the creator, (old) Eminem, Kendrick, Ayesha Erotica, M.I.A, German rap and Russian pop, HEAVY on Nicki Minaj. I like lots of cute things like Sanrio, Hello Kitty, funko pops, cats.
I'm extroverted and I like talking, but it takes a lot for me to be 100% comfortable with a person and and fully trust them, as I don't like making myself vulnerable and I'm very independent. I'm pretty loud and I have very strong rules and beliefs. I like debating about things like religion or politics and I will absolutely argue with someone who disagrees with me if I have the chance to. I enjoy playful banter and bully/insult friends in a joking manner, but only if they reciprocate. I have a strong sense of justice and being fair is very important to me.
I will do anything to help my friends and family as they are very important to me, I would describe myself as a problem solver and a "natural leader" and I hate being ordered to do something, for me there's a difference between being asked and ordered to do something and I'm very sensitive to said difference. That said the next thing I say might make me seem like a bad person, but I often feel "superior" than other people, not in general but when it comes to certain topics like languages, hobbies or school. I trust myself more and I would rather do the whole project myself and get an A than have equal work as everyone and get a B or C, as I have high standards for myself and others. That being said, I would never outwardly act like I'm better than someone else. I'd say that I'm a mix of logical and controlled by my emotions. I always strive to be the best at things I care about, I stress a lot because of school grades, but except for that I'm very chill about everything else.
I used to be VERY insecure, so I do care about my looks and how I'm perceived, so I do try and appear "perfect" in a way, I'm very particular about the order of things or how I clean. I'm very neat, chaos and dirt annoy me a lot. I wouldn't say that I'm very forgiving, if the person has apologized I will respect them for that and won't act hostile towards them, but I will forever be wary of them and never let them close into my circle again. I'm also an all or nothing friend and will cut somebody off if they've wronged me or my friends.
I have been told by people that they where intimidated by me, having heard things like "I wanted to be friends with you but I was scared to talk to you.", I'd say that there are a lot of people who are jealous or mad at me, especially in my Arab side of the family, because I stand my ground now and stopped being an insecure, people pleaser.
When I argue with someone I tend to get loud and sometimes scream first and then distance myself. I still try to be empathetic even if I don't always know how to comfort people. Having said that my love languages are gift giving and quality time, mostly.
I'm scared of insects that aren't spiders or moths, being forgotten forever and dark places at night. I'm mentally pretty stable except for sometimes being an over thinker, a habit that I can't seem to fully get rid of and my ed, I have recovered but it never fully went away so I sometimes have reoccurring episodes of body dysmorphia and disordered thoughts, this is a thing that I basically only share with the most trusted people in my life, so I would like some reassurance from my partner sometimes. That's also why I'm sometimes weird with food.
I could be seen as a bit materialistic, because money is very important to me, but as a 2nd gen immigrant with one of my parents having lived in the Soviet Union that's just something that I've been raised to care about a lot.
I like receiving compliments and also like giving them, I also enjoy hanging out with friends and while I need alone time I also need a good amount of social interactions to feel good, I want my partner to be my most trusted person and someone I can always rely on, just like I want to be that for my partner.
Random fun facts: I want a snake and a cat, I like acting dramatic out of a joke, I'm told that I have a lethal resting bitch face and side eye 😔, I like love plushies and I have learned English from watching old cassette movies and I'm the mom friend
Thank you for reading this and drink some water:)
Hello hello! Thank you for doing the trade with me! <3 Sorry it took so long!
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Edward Midford
I match you with Edward! Where to start...
In the school arc, Edward is placed in Green house, which is the house for all the athletic students. Edward is a good athlete and definitely could keep up with you when it comes to physical activity. He might have a hard time with JUST running, as he's used to fencing and cricket, but he'll get the hang of it quickly. He is an active man of course.
Edward may seem a bit bland. He's not a character that gets a lot of attention as opposed to his sister, Lizzie. But, from what I have seen he is a family man and adores his sister. That being said, once he finds someone he loves, he puts in a lot of effort. Just like you, he gives his all for his family, loved ones, and even schooling. I mean he got into the college he's gotta be smart-
He comes from a well off family. Money will never be an issue with him, and it's a given that he has to learn of other cultures for his status either way, so he'd be more than happy to learn about your heritage and even try learning your native language! He probably will struggle, as I'm sure he'll have plenty of other work to do ontop of studying a new language for you, but he definitely will give it the best shot he can.
You both are pretty extroverted people, and i think that goes well together! He isn't afraid to speak his mind, and neither are you. You two may argue a bit, Edward may say something a bit insensitive, or he might be spending too much attention on Lizzie other than you, and fights may leave you two distant for a few days, but he'll always come apologize with a bouqet and probably a kitten if it was bad. He knows you want a cat, and what better way to a woman's heart than a kitten?
Med or Law school would probably make his parents even more excited to meet you. They want a good match for Edward. They would've betrothed him to someone else had he not fallen for you, but you having a good head on your shoulders and the determination to have a good career really catches their attention. They're family people. They want the best match for their children, and want to think of you as a second daughter.
I feel like you two would overall just be a really good couple. Even when it comes to relaxing together. You could be playing the piano while he practices fencing moves. Just a good pair that is similar enough to get along well, and when you do fight, both care enough to drive their point until one apologizes. You two care a lot about your priorities, and theres nothing wrong with that!
Overall score: 8/10 Sometimes you may seem too similar, or he may not realize that he's not making time for you. But otherwise you two seem very good together :)
Runner ups: Joker (Book of Circus), Claude Faustus
Hope you enjoyed and thank you again for being patient!
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itsyagurlchip · 6 months
What you doing if you get stuck in Rise! for a day?
am i aware its only for a day? or am i just getting isekaid?
considering my house and money are in the other universe, id prolly try to make a quick buck at time's squares or smt. for like- water. maybe a smoothie and a few grapes. not really sure what kinda prices ny has-
tbh id prolly go on w/ my day, except with the anxiety of being in a whole other world and panic attacks all over. id try to keep to myself, walk around, see the city. as for night time, id try to stay up for as long as i can until the 24 hours are up.
since ppl exist id prolly pick pocket for a knife or a taser ('sorry man- i need it more than you', id think to myself) and itll prolly be easy for me bc i have sticky fingies
btw if you see some of ur nicknacks in my room that came from you no u didn't.(its like an impulse, i don't need it, but ur friends w/ me so i gotta have it).
uhhmmmm considering that the universe is funny it prolly wont go like that- so id eventually meet the turtles albiet a bit awkwardly. Since i have no where to go- id ask them if i could crash for the night.
id be very silly bc i fully expect them to say no, (making me go back to point one) but if they, FOR SOME DAMN CONVENIENT PLOT ARMOR HAVING REASON, say yes itll sorta be like a sleepover.
considering i have limited time, id let them know, so they would want to know as much about me as they can. especially donnie and his curiosity of how i got here.
me and mikey would bond over cooking shit. i love testing things, but im accident prone (especially to dropping things and burning myself). so he'd prolly scoot me to the side for my safety.
which would leave me a bit bored so id hang out and do some dumb shit with leo. makes playlists, troll ppl on roblox, talk about aitah on reddit or smt.
raph would check in on us every few moments, to ensure that nothing dumb will happen. Im the oldest child, so half the time i don't get a say in what i do, so ill roll w/ anything. and by anything, i mean i dont back down from shit.
which ends up me hurting myself in one of the most cartoonish ways in history. maybe a broken ankle or smt. raph is panicking, mikey gotta focus on the food so he's distracted, donnie tryna pop the bone back into socket-
its a mess
then id go sit my ass down somewhere, sitting next to splinter or smt as he gives me some extra info from the "behind the scenes" as we watch some low quality lj movies.
and then i go like that one meme and-
back home.
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Leon x Emma The Rose That Always Finds Him
tags: fuff, some suggestive content
Emma can't know how she looks when she smiles at me, but I wish I could show her all the same. I draw close to her face, the shadow of my head eclipsing her cheek just as the corners of her lips vault to opposite ends, and her teeth, a glimpse of a pink tongue, laugh into view, her smile exploding across my heart. Her hair slides soft between my fingertips as I tuck strands behind her ear, letting my hand linger and love along the delicate outer shell. I draw closer and closer until I see myself in her eyes, and it's a reflection more honest than any mirror has ever shown me. She tries so hard not to blink, even as her eyes begin to water. Somehow I always end up kissing her. Maybe I'm hoping that one of these days my smile will mirror hers and she'll finally know.
Emma abruptly breaks from the kiss. The overcast day fails to touch the vividness of her blush. "My King," She whispers with genuine surprise, or at least partial surprise, because I'm clearly not the only one disappointed from how short our kiss was. In fact, I think Emma's moved even closer to me than she was initially.
It's not that I've forgotten that we're in the throne room, or that our guests are still here. It's not that I'm an unfocused man, barring the torment of books. Emma just captivates me. And the meeting was pretty much done anyway.
"My Queen," I say with a grin as I nudge her cheek with the tip of my nose. She doesn't shy away this time, and her tiny hand closes around my wrist. "You just looked so delicious, I couldn't help myself." The growl in my voice isn't intentional but it has a desirable effect. Emma's eyes darken and her smile now is one I don't really want anyone else to see. Those retreating backs at the door can't vacate the room fast enough.
Even as I think that, I don't stop, always surprising myself with my own greed. But I can't help that every time she smiles at me, I lose myself to something so bright and vast that even as king I stagger at its magnitude. She could kill me so easily and she doesn't even know it. She uses her power over me instead to make me the happiest man alive.
I try not to betray how impatient I am to get back to Leon's room, yet here I am leading the way with a very amused king in my grasp. The longer he stays quiet the more I hear his laughter in these corridors, silent from the afternoon lull in palace activity. Every time I glance over my shoulder, Leon's smile nearly freezes me in place with its brilliance. He's impossibly handsome, but more than anything, the fact that the veil of loneliness has lifted from him makes my heart twinge with something bittersweet.
I wish I could show him that smile. How one smile can be one woman's entire world. Nothing else matters now that he is free. As long as he can greet the future on his own terms, that's enough for me. To be able to share that future with him is a gift I try my best to repay every single day.
"Am I that handsome?" Leon asks, suddenly frowning. He stops me and pulls me back. Before I can answer I'm wrapped up in his arms and pulled onto a familiar balcony.
He kisses me, and it's different from the one in the throne room just now. His lips move as though he were speaking, but I hear no words. When he pulls away, I can't help but think of how oddly chaste the kiss was. And intimate. Brief but...
"Hm... still not quite right." Leon gives a wry chuckle. "I'll get it, don't worry."
I bring a hand to my lips. Somehow I know exactly what he's talking about. And I can't help but laugh, my heart filled with something so bright and vast that my legs feel weak.
"I like your kisses," I say as I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest. "So feel free to continue being wrong for as long as you wish."
--- Thank you for reading! This may be subject to future updates/enhancements so feel free to revisit ^^
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neighborlywelcome · 10 months
i am a 5'5 - 5'6 18 year old kinda maybe girl ( lol im still figuring that stuff out :> ) i identify as a demigirl and use she/it pronouns.
looks wise i have brownish greenish bluish eyes ( im told lmao ?) and long curly brown hair. i'm a bit what i call pudgy as i love to eat like alote pfffft, and style wise i adore alternative kinda wismy looks, my fashion is mixed but i give off a sorta angelcore etheral vibe on my best days :D other days ( most days lol ) i rock the pj look like all the time. mostly my fave pair
Hiya!! i hope you are having a lovely day <3
i'm here for a tadc matchup if you please ! :>
my pronouns are it/she ( lol ichee ) my gender identity is like girl but not? i'm still figuring myself out tbh
i'm still questioning my sexuality but ik i'd be comfy with any character except kinger ( still love em but platonically like a silly dad/grandpa figure lol )
personality wise i am a bit 💫quirky💫 lmaO i try my best to be kind and understanding of others but if someone disrespects me iv been through enough to b like ok f i g h t m e GVBFVVFG jkjk , alas i am to squishy for that and will just seeth, i love talking and listening abt anything really but as an introvert i go quiet at times and go b by maself for a little while, i am a w k w a r d at first as i get a lil shy and junk but i open up pretty quickly tbh, anyways ummmm interests yeah ! i love any cartoon really-my favorites are arcane, mlp , and rwby along with collecting do dads like lil figurines and such, i enjoy learning abt the universe and just how things work to!
Now as for my type and favorite date ideaa- i kinda go for my opposites tbh those i compliment well , its also a big plus if there protective tbh gvhfbfbgh, i'd love to just have a quiet day together watching movies and snaking as a date or maybe going for a walk with ma s/o and talkin abt evreything and nothing :)))
hmmmm now just the extras ! my zodiac sign is leo, i am a bit short, i l o v e pink like id say honestly anything pink is my aesthetic lol-well pink cybercore + etheralcore really but yeah !
And lastly heres
anywaysssssss !!-byeeeee ✌️
Thank you for the request, I hope you're having a lovely day too! I think your ask got a bit mixed up in the shuffle, but it's no trouble!
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I think you and Ragatha would be a perfect pairing! You balance each other out since Ragatha is a bit more extroverted than you and you’re more shy. But both of you are sweethearts and that kind/compassionate energy draws you to one another!
Ragatha loves the fact that the two of you could talk all night and all day about anything together. She’s a great listener for whenever you want to say something and likewise is not afraid to give her two cents whenever she’d like to ramble.
Besides your endless conversations about anything and everything, Ragatha would love the fact you get shy and she is very gentle and patient with you, especially on your more quiet days.
She’s nothing but attentive to your needs and happily indulges you in your hobbies like watching cartoons and movies. Ragatha is a pretty chill person and doesn’t mind going on relaxing dates between the excitement of the adventures and whatnot.
Of course, she’s also super protective and reliable. Spending eternity with Jax has made her tough and her only real fear is centipedes so if you ever need her to step in, she wouldn’t hesitate to.
And she thinks all the pink you wear is adorable! She likes everything about your looks, especially that you’re on the shorter side so she can pick you up and carry you around easily (if you want her to)!
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