#nothing detailed or graphic
artiststarme · 9 months
After the events of Spring Break and long before either of them even consider dating, Steve and Eddie become friends. Eddie shares his weed and buys them alcohol, Steve provides food and a place for Wayne and Eddie to crash for awhile, and Robin kind of freeloads on everything (although she considers her witty one-liners and company payment enough). Even still though, it takes more than just friendship to force Steve to join a DnD campaign. 
With the departure of Grant, Jeff, and Gareth from the Hellfire club, the Party is woefully short on manpower. Will joins and Eleven tries too but even with the addition of their two characters, the Party isn’t strong enough to survive Eddie’s devious campaigns. So they target Steve. Between Eddie’s pleading puppy dog eyes and the endless pestering of the kids, Steve joins. Initially, he’s hesitant. He thinks he’s only going to play a handful of games to get the kids back on their feet before parting with them. But then he discovers that he’s good at it. He discovers that he enjoys flirting with the NPCs and annoying the shit out of his fellow characters. He likes saving the kids and watching their backs in fights all too reminiscent of the Upside Down. It makes him feel useful, needed, wanted. 
Most of all though, he likes seeing how his words affect Eddie. He starts looking forward to  seeing the blank look on Eddie’s face when he does something he’s not expecting, forcing Eddie to dive into the very depths of his imagination. Steve likes seeing Eddie’s lips quirk into a smirk when his flirts land their mark. He imagines kissing the quirk away until those very same lips are bruised red with burst capillaries. He wants to see Eddie’s smile directed at him for every moment of everyday, not just from behind the Dungeon Master’s partition or on a dinner date with Robin. Steve wants to hear Eddie’s husky voice explain his plans for DnD while they cuddle in bed hiding from the cold Indiana winter (although he would never admit something so nerdy to anyone). His thoughts and Eddie’s reactions to his admittedly mediocre flirting only makes Steve like playing DnD with him more. 
He especially enjoys the day when all the flirting finally leads Eddie to corner him once the kids leave to ask him out on a proper date (or in their case, Cheetos and strawberry milkshakes on the roof of Eddie’s van while watching snowflakes fall from frozen clouds). In hindsight, it only made him wish he’d joined the nerdy dragon club sooner. Maybe then he could’ve been kissing Eddie Munson for years by then. Steve guesses he’d just have to keep Eddie around for years to come.
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gabriestat · 3 months
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interview with the vampire : claudia's story, ashley marie witter (2012)
interview with the vampire (2022) S2 EP7 "i could not prevent it"
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artcenesse · 19 days
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can’t tell if this isn’t as funny as it was in my head or if i’m just tired of working on it but here is my Very Serious ™ headcanon for why vox doesn’t like angel dust
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Kelly talks with Kara about Lena, and how grow up with an alcoholic father, a narcissistic mother and a psychopath brother might have affected her
It’s not exactly uncommon for Kelly to find Kara deep in thought these days. Ever since Lena has withdrawn following the reveal of Kara’s secret as Supergirl, the hero has grown more pensive– far from her usual bubbly self. Kelly has largely let her process her change in circumstance alone– she’s loathe to cross the line between friend and therapist– but when she sees Kara’s features darker than ever and eyes brimming with tears, Kelly know it’s time to step in.
“Hey,” she greets softly. Carefully, she approaches and takes the seat next to Kara. “You okay?”
Kara sniffles, but tries to cover it with a derisive scoff. “Peachy.”
“You tried reaching out to Lena again?” Kelly knows the answer, but waits for Kara to confirm, which she does with a heavy nod.
“That obvious, huh.”
“It’s natural to feel badly in your situation. It’s hard to make amends when a person won’t speak with you.”
“She wouldn’t even look at me.”
Kelly takes a moment to gather her thoughts.
“I’m going to tell you something James shared with me, back when he and Lena were dating. He pieced together some discoveries that he didn’t know what to do with, so he came to me.”
Kara stares at her in apprehension. “Okay.”
“From certain things Lena shared with him, James came to the conclusion that Lena’s dad may have been an alcoholic. A mean one. That, coupled with Lex, and well– you’ve met her mother.”
Kara nods wordlessly, her eyes wide.
“I’m telling you this not so you can pity Lena, or feel differently at all about her, but because in my experience many abusive situations tend to follow a similar pattern of harm and reconciliation. It’s a cycle– the abuser does harm, and then immediately tries to smooth things over. It could be gifts, excuses, affirmations of love, anything. Then it starts all over again.”
It’s clear that Kara is absorbing every word, processing what Kelly’s telling her with careful thought. “What does that mean for Lena?” she finally asks.
Kelly sighs. “Well, Lena’s smart. She knows the cycle, and it seems she’s found a way to nip it in the bud– by not giving anyone the chance to apologize in the first place.”
With a quaking breath, Kara looks at Kelly with helplessness in her eyes. “Then what do I do?”
Kelly places a comforting hand overtop Kara’s. “As your friend and hers, all I can say is to give her time to heal. By respecting her boundaries, you can show her that what you’re feeling isn’t just reactive guilt. That you’re serious about making things right, for both your sakes– not just your own.”
Kara’s chin wobbles. “But what if time isn’t enough?”
“Then that’s Lena’s choice to make.” Kelly offers a thin smile of sympathy. She knows the thought of losing Lena scares Kara to death, and that it would devastate her if it ever came to pass, but it wouldn’t do anyone any good to pretend it wasn’t a possibility. “And if she does make that choice, all you can do is continue to respect her boundaries.”
The breath squeezes out of Kara’s chest, but she nods, dislodging even more tears. “Okay.”
“Either way,” Kelly offers, “you’re going to survive this. You both will. It’ll be different, but you’ll through, be it together or apart.”
When she wraps an arm around Kara’s shoulders, Kara leans against her, accepting the support being offered. Exhausted, Kara sighs.
“Thank you, for looking out for her.”
“Of course.” She knows that of the two of them, Lena is the one more likely to feel alone, both by preference and circumstance. Kara has Alex, and the superfriends (whom she pre-emptively claimed as her own when she told them her secret and not Lena), while Lena had, well– no one. Or so she likely believes.
“I’m going to invite her to lunch tomorrow,” Kelly decides right then and there, vowing to not take no for an answer. “I’ll keep Lena’s confidence if she chooses to speak with me, because I think she could use an impartial friend right now, but… I’ll let you know how it goes.”
Kara nods her gratitude. After a few minutes of sitting with the silence, Kara finally gives voice to what they’ve all been thinking.
“This sucks.”
Kelly squeezes Kara’s hand. “I know.”
//prompts are closed
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crowcryptid · 7 months
id sleep 12 hours a day if I could remember my dreams and thats why im not allowed to remember them
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reginrokkr · 10 months
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Relevant to the previous post I reblogged, this here is what I take as inspiration for the premise of Dain having long hair 😔
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nosferatufaggot · 1 year
Scrolling AO3 can be a religious expierence.
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shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
Anyway Otis & Kurai got two votes (one being mine), so here's that huhu
Tw for s//cide attempt
"The forest is a dangerous place. They say that people who enter don't ever come out. It may look pretty and inviting, but don't ever go into that forest. Understand?"
Remembering that piece of advice right as Otis woke up inside the forest.. of course it'd be his luck to remember this late.
He wasn't sure why or how he got here. He thought he was going home for a nap, but he ended up wandering here, into the forbidden forest. What were these things floating around? Large fireflies? Wisps? They sent a chill down his spine whenever they got close. Where's the exit?
"Did you mean to come here?"
Shit.. the Diamond's Card, the 10 of Diamonds-... wait, what was his name? They're the only Card his Leader's ever had, but the introduction was so half assed and rushed that nobody knows who he even is. Was he the only Card? Ugh, Otis was getting a headache again..
"You have no idea why you're here, do you? You're not like the others who come by. You're just weird then, huh?"
This guy's got some sass..
"I've.. wandered here by mistake. I'll take my leave, just show me the exit.. sir."
"'Sir'? .. ew, I can see why Keno hates that."
Otis jumped back when the messy haired Card suddenly leaned close to his face. Crap, was he in trouble? He couldn't read the other's expression.
"Hmm.. hey, can I ask you something? You know of this.. Pico guy?"
... Pico..?
"A kid came here earlier. Has the same dead eyes as you. Bright hair though. They came here not too long ago looking for a guy named Pico. Says they had a dream he was here. Thing is..
"Of all my years watching over this place, I've yet to meet a Pico."
Bright hair.. dead eyes..
"You went into the forest, Morgana?? When?? Why??"
They were both told many times not to enter such a place. The Card didn't explain anything involving the rumor, but what if they were the reason for the disappearances? Otis couldn't chance them doing anything to Morgana. Not the little family he has left. He already lost his older cousin, he can't lose his younger one too.
Morgana didn't answer. Avoided his eyes. Ever since Pico's disappearance, they've gotten more and more distant. They would get nightmares of fires, begging to go in and save their brother. They would get delusions of those fires, and it would take time to snap them out of it. Otis tried to help however he could, but..
"I'm here for you, Morgana. Please come to me if anything happens.."
No response. As always..
"With all do respect, sir, I ask that you stay away from my younger cousin."
Otis couldn't take any chances after that interaction. Whether the rumors were true or not, he couldn't chance anything happening to another family member. With such a lack of laws and enforcement here in the Diamonds, Otis had to do what he could to keep his family safe. Even if it meant standing up to a Card.
"Ugh.. cut it with the 'sir' thing. You look older than me. Just call me Kurai."
"Ku.. look, I may be out of line, but with the rumors involving this area, I don't want anything to happen to my family. I'm not sure why my cousin came here, but if they ever do come back for whatever reason, just send them back or let me know. That's all I ask."
Shit. Perhaps this was stepping out of line. Even though Otis didn't falter nor regret what he said, it wouldn't mean much to a Card. A Card could do whatever they want with whoever they want. Otis was a simple civilian, living in the City, just like anyone else..
"You're pretty different from other people. You sound like you actually give a shit. I'll keep an eye out."
"I hear him. He's calling for help. I'm going to find him, and save him this time. We'll be a family again, I swear on it. Just wait for me!"
Their diary was left open on their desk. Otis never wanted to invade Morgana's privacy, but with the book open to show that..
It's going to happen again.. no.. no no no No NO!
"Morgana!! Morgana, wake up! Please! Don't die, p-please!"
Otis could hardly breathe by the time he made it to the forest, and what little air he had was sucked right out once he saw his younger cousin beside Kurai.. on the ground.. unconscious. Neither of them responded from Otis' cries, and Morgana's body felt bone chilling cold. Their leg was twisted in a way that looked broken, and blood was dripping from a head wound.
He shook them. No response.
He yelled louder. No response.
He hugged them tight. No response.
"Please.. please please please.. not you too, Morgana, not you too.."
"Don't worry. I made sure they're okay."
A violent gasp of air had Otis' racing heart stop right in its tracks. Morgana, whose pulse wasn't responsive not too long ago, was back awake, eyes shot wide and watery. It seems they couldn't even process the pain from the physical wounds, nor from Otis' firm grip on their shoulders or his cries.
Morgana was back from death.. but.. how did they die..?
A Servant appeared shortly after to take Morgana to emergency care, leaving Otis and Kurai behind. Otis would've followed, but he had to know what happened. Why was Morgana injured like that. Why they weren't breathing for so long. .. why Kurai looked paler than before. And why a new Servant was here, saying that Kurai was in violation for "interference".
"I'm not just a Card. I'm also the Diamond's Reaper, and this forest is my gravesite."
"When people come here, it's all for the same reason: to die. When they no longer find a reason to live, they come here to lay to rest. I watch over their last moments, and help them pass. All these lil floating lights and animals you see? They're the last bit of souls from people who were once alive. I watch over them. Keep them safe.
"Normally, when one comes to die, I let them be. In the end, it's up to them if they want to continue living, or officially call it quits. But with Morgana here.. it was different. There's a darkness in them, for sure. Regret and guilt. Longing for peace. When they came here, they were aimlessly walking, up towards a cliff not far from here. Whatever he has going on.. it led him to believe that if he were to die, he'd be reunited with his brother. I couldn't help but interfere, for 2 reasons.
"One, because I don't think this Pico is dead. I would know about it if he was. I know everyone who dies. Morgana wouldn't meet their brother if they went through with it. Two, because.. I asked them about you. 'What about Otis?' I asked. That's when they stopped moving. They looked back, wide eyed expression, and said your name.. but it was too late. They were already off the cliff. It's as if he didn't actually want to die. There was hesitation in his voice, and in his actions.
"If I was right, then Morgana would've come back to life.. but there was a part of me that knew I shouldn't be confident in that. Being able to pass away isn't easy to turn down once you get to that point. So.. I went in. Talked them out of it. Made sure they came back to the living. 'Course, that's against the rules as a Reaper. If someone's meant to die, I'm supposed to leave them be. If I stopped people all the time, it'd get me in big trouble. Messes with the whole system.
"Why'd I interfere like this? Well.. guess I didn't want you to go through that experience. Have you lose someone important without having a chance to save them. It's not fun. It's something I wish I did before I became a Card, heh.."
So that's why people who came here would disappear. Kurai wouldn't kill them, but rather take care of their souls before passing. Morgana.. would've become part of the forest, had they not helped them out. To lose someone without having a chance to save them..
"Hey.. can you do me a favor?"
"I don't know how long my punishment will last, but I probably won't be back here for a few days. If you follow the bright purple vines, you'll eventually find this big tree with dark, multicolor leaves. If you could, just sit by her and give her a small prayer.. you don't have to if you don't want to, but..
"Mom would really appreciate it."
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masquenoire · 2 years
Do many people know Roman is trans? Is it common knowledge or is it something only a few people are aware of?
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(Slipped under the cut due to length and sensitive information!)
To sum it up in a single word, no. It’s not common knowledge that Roman is a trans man and very, very few people are aware as to the truth. He was isolated as a child, only mingling with the children of a few rich families during important social events - something he never enjoyed going to as he considered the upper echelons to be just as fake and duplicitous as his parents. Some of those people remember that the Sionis’s had a child... but the family name soon died out and became irrelevant as Roman did not care to maintain those same connections his parents painstakingly cultivated upon succeeding his father as CEO of Janus Cosmetics, sticking purely to business only. Mr. Sionis never made it apparent to the company he had children since he never intended to leave the company to Roman, thinking he wouldn’t suffice as an heir due to not being the son he wanted. As soon as the man died, Roman automatically became next in line and by then had already asserted himself as male, looking every bit the part now he was free of his parent’s influence. Circe knew the truth and helped him present himself the way he desired, cutting his hair and styling his appearance to better suit his gender. Even after they fell out, she never outed him and Roman never killed her, though he did disfigure her after her ���betrayal”. Tiffany found out while they were dating and did not care as she loved Roman for who he was, making her death very painful when the Joker killed her and stole his identity. Horsehead is one of the only members of his group who know Roman is transgender, along with another member of the original False Face Society, Jaws. Since his defeat at the hands of Batman, the GCPD became aware as to Black Mask’s true identity and sent him to Arkham Asylum to be dealt with as Blackgate lacked the facilities to safely house a transgender inmate amongst the male population, deeming it safer for both Roman (and others around him) if he were housed in more ‘secure’ confinement.
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somelazyassartist · 2 years
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zarovich · 1 year
even tho i am covered in so much scar tissue, it never feels like it's enough
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ediesfm · 2 years
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anya taylor joy.     she/her.     cis woman.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   edie   holloway   ,   most   likely   listening   to   tammy   faye   by   nicole     dollanganger   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty   four     year     old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -vacuous   yet   +protean   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you’ll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   puppy   dog   eyes   and   crocodile     tears   in   a   child   -   like   bid   for   attention   ;   double,   triple,   quadruple   texting   ;   practicing   your   expression   in   the   mirror   for     the   long   awaited   day   when   somebody,   anybody   tells   you   you’re   the   love   of   their   life   ;   a   carefully   crafted   visage   based   on  pinterest  boards  and  instagram  saves  ,   followed   by   miss   dior   by   dior   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   how   she   was   seen   having   a very   public   breakup   ;   crying   ,   groveling   , and   committing   mild   vandalism   outside     the   home   of   a   man   she   was   seeing  ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .  
full name: edith jane holloway
nickname: edie
age: twenty-four
birthdate: march 06
zodiac: pisces
gender/pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: bisexual but tends to date more men
faceclaim: anya taylor joy
father: lou holloway, acclaimed director
mother: sienna belmont, actress and heiress
sibling(s): fletcher “fletch” holloway ( older half brother, artist ) . sylvie holloway-wilder ( older half-sister,  academic ) , teodora holloway ( half-sister, child )
notable relatives: roman holloway ( paternal grandfather, actor, and producer ) talia rivers-holloway ( paternal grandmother, theater and silent film actress ) . alexander fauvel ( maternal grandfather, composer ) , various uncles, aunts, cousins in the industry
pet(s): bijou ( persian cat )
puppy dog eyes and crocodile tears in a child-like bid for attention; double, triple, quadruple texting ; practicing your expression in the mirror for the long-awaited day when somebody, anybody tells you you’re the love of their life; a carefully crafted visage based on pinterest  boards and instagram saves ; desperate texts after too much wine ; second place medals and the feeling of disappointment swelling ; a pink vape pen covered in vintage lisa frank stickers ; tear-stained love letters ; heart-shaped sunglasses in every color
cassie howard ( euphoria ) , blanche dubois ( a streetcar named desire ) , molly gunn ( uptown girls ) , penny lane ( almost famous ) , pearl ( x and pearl ) , danni sanders ( not okay ) , lydia bennet ( pride and prejudice ) , mabel longhetti ( a woman under the influence ) , trixie tang ( fairly odd parents ) , early 2000s paris hilton but like…less terrible versions of a lot of them lol
imagine the neediest, try-hard, insecure girl you can but hide her behind a vivacious, ostentatious façade and you have edie. spent her formative years watching romance movies and idolizing the idea of being loved and belonging somewhere. painfully sycophantic; always wearing masks, trying to work her way into your heart. an insecure mess; the human embodiment of trixie tang’s “tell me i’m pretty!!!”. rich girl probzzz bc her parents are rich/famous but did nawt give her any love. used to coming in second place and being ignored so she’s total mess of a person but super sweet…unless you reject or slight her, then she’s all unhinged drama. embarrasses herself on the reg. <3
—  born to a hollywood dynasty family like the coppolas or the barrymores. they’re very well connected. grandpa holloway was a famous actor turned executive during the silent era in the 20s. he married a film star and had edie’s dad in the 40s. yes, edie’s dad is old. more on that later. edie’s mother’s side is also noteworthy, as she’s the daughter of a famous composer.
— edie was an accidental pregnancy. she doesn���t just suspect this, she knows it. since her mom has multiple interviews expressing how she never thought she’d be a mother. or wanted to be one, for that matter. ( she’s always applauded for her “bravery” and “honesty” regarding motherhood and regret while edie is just like uhh…wtf ) edie’s dad is an acclaimed director. he’s one of those ones where if you don’t like their movie, annoying film bros claim you just didn’t “get” it. i think of a david lynch or charlie kaufman type. he and edie’s mom met while filming a show. he was 52 ( with two other adult children from previous relationships ) and she was 44. needless to say, they weren’t exactly expecting to get pregnant.
—  neither of edie’s parents were super involved in her life. they were always busy ; traveling, press junkets, the oscars, film festivals, vacations…edie spent a lot of the time being cared for by nannies. a cliché rich girl tale if you’ve ever heard one. as many celebs do, her parents went through a contentious divorce due to an affair scandal. during the ensuing paparazzi storm, edie realized the cameras gave her the attention her parents didn’t. so while her mom pulled up the hood of her sweatshirt and shoved her sunglasses down to avoid being seen, little edie would stop to show off for the cameras.
—  seeking out attention was a constant in young edie’s life. her parents never engaged with her or made her feel wanted at all so she became the type of child who would seek out attention and cling to whoever gave it to her. she was a needy girl and had a pathological desire to fit in. when one of the “cool girls” in school got a new pixie haircut, edie took a pair of safety scissors to her own hair that very same day in the girl’s bathroom. she desperately wanted to be liked which, ironically, made her quite disliked. she was the one kid who, if the teacher gave someone else a compliment, she’d be like “what about me? is mine good too? am i doing a good job too?” just generally a tad annoying.
— edie actually wasn’t particularly popular until she got older, when money and status determined who the “in crowd” was. people knew she was hollywood royalty so they treated her as such. but even so, she couldn’t secure prom queen. or get her crush to choose her. or land the lead in the school play. she was always runner up to someone else, never quite good enough. including at home, among her successful family.
— she was obsessed with the idea of love. she garnered a reputation in high school for being a girl who’d do whatever with a guy. she experienced a traumatic situation involving guys from her high school as a result. and after that she developed an affinity for toxic ass relationships and putting herself in shitty situations.
—  she never went to college after graduating. obviously she doesn’t need the money. and she’s never had a talent or passion. her biggest accomplishment is her instagram follower count. she loves social media. she’s a compulsive oversharer and definitely goes on instagram live in the bathtub with a glass of wine. besides that she’s in the tabloids for being a magnent for drama. recently broke up with a guy and was seen literally causing a public disturbance after he kicked her out of his house. a neighbor filmed her reaction and put it on tik tok where it went viral. rejection and abandonment are, like, her biggest fears. and she was very intoxicated oops
social butterfly. huge social fucking butterfly. flits around from one person to the next.
v e r y agreeable, easily influenced and impressionable. eager to please underneath it all. the one thing being a people-pleaser means is that edie never became a rich bitch. she wants to be loved so much that she’s very sycophantic
seems like she has main character syndrome but make no mistake, she is a total wannabe. has 3498398929 saved instagram posts bc she keeps trendy outfit ideas and aesthetics she can copy on hand. relentlessly follows trends. craves validation above all else.
romanticizes at epic proportions. falls in love with one-night stands.
she tries really hard to make you love her but if shit goes south, she can actually be catty, petty & dramatic af. she doesn’t care about being messy.
doesn’t come across as the smartest per se but is actually quite intelligent in other ways. she’s perceptive. edie can actually be a bit scheming and manipulative. she’s good at reading people, adapting herself. she could probs be successful in numerous fields. unfortunately, her only end goal is being loved tbh. it’s not very #girlboss of her i know.
as a kid her parents just…didn’t like her much. so she tried to be The Very Best Daughter™ so they’d love her. and when that didn’t work, she settled for any sort of attention, negative or positive. edie kinda operates like that even now. she’s always performing. wearing masks for people and trying to charm and joke and bribe her way into their hearts. and then if they reject her, she’s reverted back to childhood edie throwing a tantrum ; breaking china, crying, pulling the plush from stuffed animals.
she has a huge age gap between all of her siblings. her eldest siblings are 50 and 41 respectively. it’s because her dad’s so old. and then his geriatric ass got his new wife pregnant so she has a toddler little sister. which pissed edie OFF bc why was her dad bemoaning about having her at 50 and not wanting more kids but at 78 (!!!!) he’s super excited and involved with his new toddler, teo, bragging abt her and fatherhood in interviews and late-night appearances. anyways it makes edie think there is something fundamentally unlovable about her.
she’s a huge astrology girl. will ask you your sign. she also has a psychic that she goes to as often as some girls go to the nail salon.
has an oral fixation so she always has something in her mouth…gum, candy, little drinks. she vapes too. def started bc the other kids were doing it and she wanted to be on trend. she smokes cigarettes at parties for the aesthetic and thinks it makes her look cool.
was actually very lonely as a kid and watched a lot of movies because, well, her dad is a director and had a massive film collection. so if she acts like a film ingénue, it’s completely intentional. she used to watch romance movies and mimic the female lead ; their affect, their mannerisms, the things they did that made the male lead love them so much. and then she’d emulate it. like in the mirror alone. it was a bit…concerning lol. but yeah ! she looooves movies and the idea of a happily ever after.
huge partier. microdoses lsd and shrooms. keeps pills in a heart-shaped locket. drinks a lot but gets these, like, bright blue drink concoctions that she drinks using those novelty bendy straws to seem ~fun~ and ~kitschy~ instead of, like, an alcoholic.
coming soon. will be located ( here )
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so-you-melted-22 · 2 months
fuck this im gonna make a spreadhseet with all the information about my ocs, it's getting ridiculous!!
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paganinpurple · 2 years
AO3 Etiquette -UPDATED
Based on both decent and not so decent replies, I have made some changes to my original post below.
It would seem a whole new kind of AO3 reader/writer is emerging and it is becoming clear not everyone quite understands how the website community works. Here is some basic guidance on how most people expect you to go about using AO3 to keep this a fun community archive that funtions correctly:
As well as likes, kudos is for when the story was interesting enough to make you finish reading. If it sucked or was badly written, you probably left. If you finished it, you liked it - so kudos.
If you really liked it, you should try to comment. It can be long and detailed or a literal keysmash. Writers don't care, we just love comments.
No critisism unless the author has specifically asked or agreed to hear it (so use your notes to say if you want some constructive feedback). Even constructive critisism is a no-no unless an author note tells you it's okay. No, posting it online is not an open invitation for that. Many people write as a fun hobby or a way to cope with, among other things, insecurity and just want to share. Don't ruin that for them. I've seen so many authors just stop writing coz they can't handle the negative emotions the critism brings, and it's only meant to be a fun thing shared for free (pointing out tagging errors is not included in this).
Do not comment to ask the author to write/update something else. It's tacky and off-putting and will probably have the opposite effect than the one you want.
There is no algorithm, it's an archive. Use the search and filter function to add/remove the pairings/characters/tropes etc. you want to read about and it will find you the fics that fit the bill.
For this to work, writers must tag and rate stories. This avoids readers finding the wrong things and missing the stuff they want. I don't care how cringy that trope is in your eyes - it gets tagged.
The tag exception is if you don't want to tag a million things or spoil your story, you can rate it as "chose not to use warnings," and maybe tag the bare minimum.
Don't censor tags. How can someone exclude a tag if the word isn't typed out correctly? There are no content bans for terms so don't censor them.
If the tags are mostly content/trigger warnings, especially if they are things considered very fucked up or graphic, you might want to use "dead dove - do not eat" to ensure people know that you're not messing around with tags and what they get is exactly what you've warned them about.
Character A/Character B means a ROMANTIC or SEXUAL relationship of some kind. Character A&Character B is PLATONIC, like friendship or family.
Nothing is banned. This is an rule because banning one thing is a slipperly slope to banning another and another, until nothing is allowed anymore. Do not expect anyone to censor for you. Because of the tags system, you are responsible for your own reading experience.
People can create new chapters and sequels/fic series any time after they "complete" a story. So it's considered perfectly normal to subscribe, even to a finished story. You can even subscribe to the author instead just to cover your bases.
Do not repost stories or change the publishing date without an extremely good reason (like a complete top to bottom rewrite or an exchange youve written for going public). It's an archive, not social media. No one cares what's the most recent, only what fits their tag needs.
Instead of deleting a story you wrote if you hate it - consider making it anonymous or orphaning it so others can still enjoy it, without it being connected to your name anymore. If you still want to delete it, fair enough.
It's come to my attention that metaworks ARE allowed on AO3, which is something I wasn't aware of. So if you do post an essay or theory, please tag it as such so others can choose to search for it or exclude it. Art is also allowed.
The only reason this archive works is because NON ONE PROFITS. Do not link to your ko-fi or patreon or mention monetary gain in any way or you violate the terms and risk having your account removed. If anyone does link, it leaves the archive open to people claiming it's for profit and having the whole thing removed.
I KNOW there's plenty more I missed but I'm trying to cover most of the basics that people seem to be struggling with.
I invite anyone to add to this, but please explain, don't berate.
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ladysternchen · 10 months
Yet Were Its Making Good, For This- A Promise
CW: graphic, CW: character death
Mablung sat unmoving before the door of the treasury, his axe resting on his knees, his gaze fixed unseeingly on the ceiling. He hardly ever left his guard-post these days, dutifully doing his Queen’s final bidding. Only in the wee hours of the morning, when he could be sure to be left well alone, he allowed himself the relief of tears, and would at times even nod off. Not that sleep brought him any true rest. It mattered not whether he re-lived all the evil that had happened in his waking memory or his uneasy dreams. There was no escaping either way. 
He screwed up his face against the pain, but could not hold back the soft wail of despair that escaped his lips, startling the little bird that kept him company out of its sleep. He reached up to pick the bird from his shoulder, its soft feathers warm and comforting to the touch.
“We need to send word to the Isle of Balar. Lord Círdan must learn of what has befallen.”
It were the first words that Mablung consciously remembered speaking, though he must have talked before, he only couldn’t recall it. Melian nodded.
“He must.” she answered thickly “And so must… Lúthien."
Mablung looked at the Queen in concern. She had not rested at all since Elu’s death, had left his side only once to take back the Nauglamir at the gates. Even now, as all of Doriath seemed to be busy, preparing to lay its King to rest, she sat beside him, her fingers clasped over his hand.
“I shall send messengers to Tol Galen also as soon as the burial is over. But I could not find it in my heart to deny anybody the possibility to say farewell.”
“Nor should you. There is naught Lúthien or Círdan can do, anyway. I would go to Tol Galen myself, but… oh Mablung, I can’t bring myself to. I still see Lúthien as a child, flinging herself into Elu’s arms, and I cannot bear to tell that child her father is gone. And the stupid thing is, that I am in truth telling a grown woman is no comfort at all, because what I fear even more than hurting her is that she might not care.”
Mablung tentatively reached out and pressed Melian’s shoulder.
“Nay, lady. Lúthien will be distraught. It was I who bade her and Beren farewell, when they left Doriath, and believe me, she left both of you with a heavy heart. She bears no grudge against Elu, nor does Beren. But even if they were, learning of his death would still be horrible for Lúthien.”
“All the more should it be I who tells her, but I … can’t. Also because then I would need to let her go again and…”
Her voice broke, and Mablung tightened his grip. He could well imagine that Melian, tormented by her grief as she was right now, could not face that final goodbye from her daughter on top of everything else.
“I rather think, my lady, that Lúthien might prefer not to hear such news from you. Seeing your pain will only hurt her more.” Melian pressed her husband’s hand once more ere she rose, looking Mablung straight in the eyes at last. 
“Take heed of the Silmaril, Mablung. The doom of Arda is woven around these jewels, and the one won must be guarded well. If it is, then there might still be hope, though I do not see it.”
“Neither do I. But I shall do so regardless. Guard it.”
They looked at each other in silence for a while, and Mablung slowly began to understand that this was another parting, another farewell. It did not surprise him, but it grieved him greatly all the same. 
“You are leaving us.”
Melian nodded.
“Dior will soon be King. Believe me, Mablung, I wished I could leave my grandson a realm that is better protected, and not lay that burden upon him and Nimloth, but… I have no more strength left, no power to repel the evil that is now engulfing all of Beleriand. And without Elu, I cannot hold the Girdle. I am of no use to my people any more, though they will likely not understand, will hold themselves abandoned by the Queen that once vowed to protect them.”
“They will understand. No-one who saw Lúthien die out of grief for Beren will expect you to… to overcome Elu’s death. No-one who saw you two so in love.”
It was true, Mablung thought. The Queen could not die according to the ways of her own kin, but this was probably as close to the death of the Firstborn as a Maia could get. She, like her daughter before, would succumb to the grief for her beloved. She would shed her body, and travel West as spirit alone.
Maybe his feelings had showed on his face, or Melian had gathered what he was thinking otherwise, for she managed a teary smile at last.
“I can never thank you enough for everything you have done for me, for us, for all of Doriath. Please take care. Don’t get yourself hurt.”
“Death shall be my reward, Queen Melian. I shall not leave Elmo, but other than that… I am tired, lady.”
To that, Melian said nothing, but wrapped her arms around him and embraced him, and he held onto her tightly. 
“We will meet again, Mablung. I promise.”
“I’ll hold onto that.” he mumbled into her black curls, and felt her tighten her embrace.
“And if it is through death that it should come to pass, if you meet Elu in the Halls…”
“…then I’ll keep an eye on him for you. And see that he gets himself in no trouble, as this seems to have become an unfortunate habit of his lately.”
Melian made a noise that was half sob, half chuckle. Mablung miraculously felt himself smile, too.
“And tell him I will never stop loving him.” she added, tears choking her voice once more.
“He knows. But I shall bear him your love anyway. I look forward to that.”
He felt himself getting drowsy in Melian’s arms before he could think or say any more, and woke again slumped against a pillar, carefully covered in his cloak. Melian was gone, and it did not need much scrutiny to work out that she must have engulfed him in her enchantment, so that he fell into a deep sleep. He was all alone. Or almost alone, he realised as something chirped softly, and he felt the movement of a small feathery body in his hand. He stroked the nightingale’s brown head with one finger, and it looked back at him with beady eyes. Mablung smiled. He could well use a friend right now, as Melian surly had known when she left him this little parting gift, and also, it felt comforting that one of her birds still remained within Menegroth.
It was by the frightened squawk of that selfsame bird that he was aroused, unsure whether he had only been reliving Melian’s parting in his thoughts or actually fallen asleep. There was uproar in the upper levels, that had afore been so quiet. He scrambled to his feet, still drowsy, but gripping the handle of his axe tightly. He knew those shouts, those noises- there was battle in the thousand caves, and Mablung was torn between his desire to find out what was going on, and whether he could do anything to prevent the city’s fall, and his sense of duty, which dictated that he stayed where he was, as was his lady’s bidding. Ultimately, though, he could not stand to stay put and wait, so he ran as silently as he could up the stairs to the higher levels, and found battle there immediately. 
A hot wrath rose in the pit of his stomach as he saw who the attackers were. Was it not enough that they had murdered their King? What for did they now return, they whom Mablung had once counted as friends?
The battle was fierce, but for Mablung, the end came swiftly. He had not fought long on that stairwell ere he was joined by Elmo, but even their combined efforts could not prevent the dwarves from getting past them, their true purpose only too clear. Giving chase, they caught up with them again before the very doors behind which the Nauglamir was kept. Mablung fought there as he had never done before, and Elmo beside him wielded Elu’s sword, but in the end they were overpowered. A dwarven blade caught Mablung in the chest and buried itself deeply in his ribcage. He would have yelled in pain, had he only managed to make any sound at all. Instead, hot blood sputtered sickeningly from his mouth as he fell, and he realised with terror that if not one of their attackers chose to finish what they had started, he would drown in his own blood.
The dwarves, however, had no interest in killing for good measure, but only in getting what they had been after from the start. So Mablung was forced to watch, as he lay on the floor coughing and retching, as Elmo was being slain, and the door to the treasury wrenched open at last. Frustration slunk into his dying thoughts. All this had come to nothing. How cruelly fate sought to mock him now, that he could not even revenge his King, his lord, his true love, nor keep the promise he had given his Queen.
But then something miraculous happened. As the light of the gem fell upon him, he suddenly felt a great peace, and a calm within him. He cared no more about the pain and the blood, nor about Elmo who lay beside him with an axe embedded in the back of his head. The light called to him, yet not in a sinister way. It was calling him home. And as his vision slowly dimmed, he realised with a well of emotion that Elu had died just like that, that he had looked into that same light, perhaps found that same comfort in his instant of death. Mablung had no air in his lungs to mutter a last vow as others had done before him, and people yet unknown would pledge in the future- that he would follow where Elu lead. Where you go, I go. Still, the mere thought was enough to put him at ease, was consoling him, as was the gentle voice of Námo that called him by his name. 
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meowmaids · 11 months
I did not know until last week you purposefully killed the bull at a bull fight???
I thought you just danced around the bull in cute outfits and ppl were like don't do that bc you can get hurt
i know now but yea
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