#nothing better than writing songs together surrounded by your silly house plants
artbyfuji · 2 years
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Lyric Session [ for @sracha‘s strqrock au !! ]
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heathsbitch · 4 years
Treat You Better ➳ PEAKY BLINDERS
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          Grey surrounded the girl. Everything was the same, every colour was the same, every day was the same. Ivy had lost count of the days she'd been stuck in that  cell. How many days had it been since she was arrested? Since she'd seen her family? Since she'd seen Finn, or Michael? A couple, a few, weeks, months, years? No, it couldn't be that long even though it felt that way. She could feel her mind slowly spiraling out of control. Her thoughts were no longer straight, she didn't eat much of the food that was rarely provided for her. There was only three things keeping her sane in that tiny cell of hers. The thought of seeing Finn again, explaining everything to him, finally being with him properly. The thought of seeing Michael again, safe and unscathed. But she was unsure of whether her relationship would continue down the same path if she did get with Finn. It was a situation she had ample time to think about, yet she just couldn't come to a conclusion. The final thought that kept spurring Ivy on...
Killing Tommy Shelby. Getting revenge for what he'd done to the girl, to Polly, to Arthur, John, and Michael. She would get payback, one way or another.
But for now, she was stuck in that prison cell. Lying on her back, her crystal eyes staring at the ceiling, a song upon her lips.
"Have you no idea that you're in deep? I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week How many secrets can you keep? 'Cause there's this tune I found That makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat Until I fall asleep, spillin' drinks on my settee,"
Once again, Finn and Michael played in her mind as she sung to herself. Tears forming in her eyes.
"Crawlin' back to you Ever thought of callin' when You've had a few? 'Cause I always do Maybe I'm too Busy bein' yours To fall for somebody new..."
But her singing was cut short when a Warden burst into her cell. Ivy immediately shot up, she wasn't expecting anyone. This shouldn't be happening. The man grabbed the girl and dragged her out of her cell. "This shouldn't be happening. What's going on?" She shouted at the man, but there was no reply. She was heaved through plain corridor after plain corridor, kicking and screaming at the Warden, trying to break free. But it was of no use. She was too weak. Ivy was led into a final corridor, another woman being led by Wardens was there. "Polly? Polly!" The girl screamed at the woman but she barely acknowledged her, she was too busy muttering words to herself.
Ivy turned her eyes from the woman to the end of the corridor. Nooses, one for Polly, one for Ivy. "No, no, please." The girl pleaded, but she was still dragged to the noose. Her whole body was shaking, her eyes were wide, her heart beat so hard it felt like it was coming out of her chest. As the rope was tightened around her neck, the girl accepted her fate. No one was coming to save her, no one was going to come swooping in with a last minute pardon. Ivy turned to Polly one last time and she saw that the woman had accepted her fate too, a prayer now upon her lips. The girl thought of all the good things in her life, reuniting with her family, forgiving them and them forgiving her, finding love with them again, finding another family in the Shelbys, finding love with Finn, finding Michael and all those times they had spent wrapped up in each other. Despite the bad times, the lowest of lows, there were high points to the girl's life. She just didn't want it to end so soon.
The priest that stood next to the women finished his prayer and the Warden tightened his hand around the lever that would kill Polly Gray and Ivy Solomons. The girl took in a final deep breath and closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable drop.
But the drop never came. Ivy snapped open her eyes. A saviour at the end of the corridor, a piece of paper in hand. A pardon.
Buzzing filled the girl's eyes, her knees almost buckled underneath her. She had been saved, someone, something had saved her. Hot tears poured from her eyes as the Wardens removed the noose from around her and Polly's neck. Almost as soon as the rope was taken off of her, Polly fell into the girl, sobs racking her body. Slowly, the pair crumpled to the floor together, tears staining each others prison clothes.
Polly and Ivy were free. Surely Arthur, John, and Michael had got the pardon too?
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Everyone returned back to their homes as if nothing happened. They had scars on their hearts, yet they didn't bare them for all the world to see. There were noticeable differences in each of them, but none of them were affected as much as Polly. She sat alone in a quiet room all day, only muttering a few words to herself and never eating.
"Do you think she'll be alright without you here?" Ada asked Ivy as the girl packed her suitcase. It had been a few days since they were released and Ada thought it would be best for the girl to get away for a while instead of festering in the house or doing anything rash straight away. She reluctantly agreed to the trip to America. "Hopefully. Besides, she has Michael so she won't be alone." Ivy pulled various garments out of her wardrobe to throw into her case. "Because we all know how reliable Michael is." Ada sarcastically quipped from the girl's bed. "Hey," The girl lightly scolded her by throwing a shirt in her direction. "She is his mother at the end of the day. He won't let her suffer." A couple of moments of silence passed over the pair before a knock sounded at the door.
"Are you decent?" Michael questioned from the other side of the door. "No, I'm completely naked." Ivy said, not meaning it. Mickey entered the room nonetheless, devious thoughts in his head. His eyes widened at the sight of Ada sat on her bed. "Relax, Mickey. She knows." The man cleared his throat before speaking, "I wanted to say goodbye. If we could have the room..." He gestured to Ada. The woman winked at the girl as she left. "I'll be in the car." She said before leaving Ivy's bedroom and closing the door behind her. As soon as he heard the latch on the door, Michael engulfed Ivy in a hug, his lips pressing against hers. They'd felt closer after their ordeal in prison. But they hadn't slept with each other since their escapade in the kitchen before Charles was taken. "Should've spent last night in my room, could've said goodbye properly." He muttered as he peppered kisses along the girl's neck. "I was planning things with Ada. Don't leave any marks." She warned him and he pulled away, following her request. "I'll miss you." Ivy wrapped her arms around his neck as his slid around her waist, "I'll miss you too. But we can still call as much as possible. We both know we don't sleep much anymore so the time difference shouldn't be a problem."
"But I can't fuck you through the phone, can I, princess?" His eyebrow raised as the words left his thick lips. "No, but we have our own hands and imaginations, we'll still be able to hear each other," She whispered in his ear before trailing her own line of kisses down his neck, sucking a mark onto it. A moan left his lips as he closed his eyes. "I should get going, we don't have a lot of time." Michael nodded and they pulled away. "I'll help." He picked up the girl's bags and she followed him down the stairs and to the car. "Goodbye, Pol," No answer. A quick look was passed between Michael and Ivy, he knew what he had to do. A final kiss was planted onto the girl's lips before she got into the car, a few quiet words passed between the two.
"Can we stop at Finn's house, please. I won't be long, I have something to give him." The girl asked Ada, she smiled and nodded. "Be quick." They pulled up to his house and Ivy climbed out of the car. She pulled a letter out of her pocket and posted it through the door. Ivy and Finn hadn't seen each other since before she was arrested. The girl had stalled it. She knew she'd have to explain things with Mickey to the teen and after everything she'd just been through, she wasn't as ready to talk as she was before. So she decided to write the teen a letter instead. It read...
My dearest Finn,
I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. The decision to write to you rather than call you or visit you was not one I made lightly. I settled on a letter as it would be most beneficial for you and our relationship. It's also good practice for your reading skills!
I am aware that we are not in an ideal situation and things are still raw for us both. I hope in future we will be able to communicate with one another better and our relationship will not suffer because of the influence of certain individuals. I promise I will explain my relations with Michael in due course . That conversation is one to be had in person, not over paper or the phone. Please lend me your patience in this matter.
My reason for writing this is simple, I am going away for a while and I wanted to let you know. I'm going to America with Ada. I will return, that I can assure you. However, I am unsure of when that will happen. Yet again, I beg of your patience. I swear on my love for you that I shall make the wait worth your while.
By the time you receive this letter, I will be gone. But hold fast for me, please. I will continue to write to you regularly. I would really appreciate it and love if you would take the time to write back. But, by no means, should you feel obliged to do so. If you do, don't worry about spelling or anything of that sort. It's the intention that matters.
I miss you dearly. Don't do anything silly while I'm gone, keep practicing, stay strong!
My love always, your doll,
Ivy Solomons x
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jinnieboo-blog1 · 7 years
Min Yoongi: Raindrops
Pairing: Min Yoongi (Suga) x Reader
Summary: Y/n and Yoongi’s date was supposed to be perfect and sunny, but then it started to rain. However, that wasn’t enough to stop them from having a good time.
Word count: 1,612
Genre: Fluff/romance
Warnings: None
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You thought it was a good idea. Actually, you were certain it was a good idea. What could go wrong with a simple date wherein you would just walk in the park, right?
It was perfect. Sleepy Yoongi actually agreed to go out and indulge in your wish to take a stroll. The weather was perfect, and Yoongi was just as excited as you were. You bought snacks from stalls and enjoyed the scenery. Yoongi wasn’t one for PDA, but when he held your hand gingerly while walking, you could feel the butterflies in your stomach about to burst out of you.
It was perfect…that is, until gray clouds covered the sunny blue sky and little drops of water came down. “Oh come on.” you sigh, grinning at the sky. “The weather was so perfect.”
“No use complaining, y/n. Let’s go back before it rains harder.” Yoongi squeezes your hand.
You nodded and walked faster, attempting to get back to your house before the rain became stronger. Unfortunately, halfway to your place, the rain seemed to be mocking you and Yoongi. You could feel the coldness all over your body, and you were sure Yoongi did too. He held your hand as you both sprinted on the sidewalk as the raindrops pelted you two.
A few minutes later, you finally arrived, dripping wet. After wringing out your clothes, the both of you headed to the kitchen because that’s where it was warmest. You prepared the coffee maker for the two of you to enjoy a good cup of coffee. “I’m sorry, Yoongi. I dragged you out only to get wet by the rain.” you say, chuckling sheepishly as you switch the coffee maker on.
Yoongi approached you and wrapped his arms around your waist. Looking down at you, he flashes his gummy smile, “I had a good time, so don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault it rained.”
Giggling, you rest your hands on his shoulders. “You left clothes here, right?”
Yoongi often stayed over at your place during their off days or during the times they were on break. Thus, he had some clothes left. Yoongi replies, “Yeah, I did.”
He leaned down, bringing your face closer to his. It was like everything was in slow motion, even when you closed your eyes and felt his lips softly press onto yours. You didn’t plan on pulling away anytime soon, until you felt water droplets tickling your cheek. Opening your eyes slowly, you could see that Yoongi’s wet hair was dripping water on your face. You both forgot that you were still wet from the rain. Giggling, you pull away and brush Yoongi’s hair away from his forehead.  “I think we should get changed while waiting for the coffee to be ready.”
Yoongi smirks, “You go first.” he then wiggles his eyebrows, “Unless you want to change together.”
“Min Yoongi!” you blush, but laugh nonetheless.
Taking up his offer, you grabbed dry clothes from your closet and went inside your bathroom. You slipped into comfortable denim shorts and a white oversized hoodie. It was pretty cold, so you wore the Kumamon socks that Yoongi gave you last Valentine’s Day.
You dried off your wet hair and finally stepped outside. “Your turn, Yoongi.” you call out.
Yoongi appeared a few seconds later, holding his own change of clothes. “I’ll be in the kitchen.” you tell him as you went downstairs.
When you got to the kitchen, the smell of coffee surrounded the area. Breathing in deeply, you smiled. Nothing is better than a warm cup of coffee on a cold, rainy day. You pour the brown liquid into two mugs: a Kumamon mug for Yoongi, which you gave to him during his birthday, and a Kakao Frodo mug for you. You prepared the coffee just the way Yoongi liked it. Taking the two mugs, you turned around to go to the living room, only to be surprised by Yoongi right in front of you. Nearly spilling the coffee, Yoongi took the mugs from you and gives you a quick peck. “I got this.”
He started to walk to the living room. Smiling at your boyfriend, you followed him quickly. Yoongi was settled into the couch- he looked so serene sitting there comfortably, taking a satisfied sip of his coffee. You sat beside him and since you weren’t out in public anymore, you nuzzled into his side and leaned on his shoulder. Sighing happily after sipping your coffee, you say, “I’m glad you’re here, Yoongi.”
Yoongi smiles, “What can I say? I miss my girlfriend.”
You chuckle and sit up properly to look at him. “Do I miss you?” you smirk, teasing him.
Yoongi playfully pouts his lips, causing you to laugh. “Of course I did, you silly.”
“Of course you would.” Yoongi jokes back.
You leaned on his shoulder again. Turning your gaze to the window, you joke, “Does Namjoon have any plans on making songs about the rain? You can make so many songs about the rain. The rain is an amazing thing.”
Yoongi chuckles, “I don’t think he does. Want me to write a rain song for you? The kinds of songs that you’d sing to make the rain go away?”
You laugh and reply, “Something like ‘rain, rain, go away. Come again another day’?”.
“Yeah, let’s go with that.” Yoongi smirks.
“Ok…” you start, “how about videos where you guys would get soaked in rain? You know…those dramatic rain shots you’d see in K-dramas.”
Yoongi had a very silent laugh, but you knew he was laughing because you could feel his body’s rise and fall. “I’ll be sure to tell them about your ideas, y/n. Who knows? You could be in the video.”
“Then I’d be famous and people will discover me, then I’d become an idol and everyone will love me.” you joke.
“Dreaming big? That’s cute.” Yoongi smiles.
You chuckled. By now, you both have finished your coffee and were cuddled up on the couch. It was a very peaceful moment. The neighborhood was quiet; the only sounds you could hear were the raindrops pattering on your window and the sound of Yoongi’s heartbeat. Not wanting to disrupt such a tranquil silence, Yoongi softly spoke, “You know…I actually like the rain.”
“Why?” you ask.
“Well, for one, it makes me relaxed. There’s just something about it that calms me down.” he explains, and you softly nod, gesturing for him to continue. “And it also reminds me of the other members.”
A big smile formed on your lips as soon as Yoongi said that. You loved how Yoongi treasured the other boys of BTS. You loved the close bond those boys shared with each other. Yoongi continues to speak, “We’re like raindrops. Look at the window. When one raindrop merges with another raindrop, they start to move, and the more raindrops they pass and merge with, the faster they move. It’s like how the members and I work. We’re better and faster when we’re together and note by ourselves.”
“That’s really nice, Yoongi. It’s cool that you thought of that.” you say, playing with the hem of his sweater. “And you know what? One raindrop may seem weak at first, but when you have all these raindrops falling together, you have the rain, or even a storm. That’s you and the boys.”
Yoongi smirks and plants a kiss on top of your head. “I like that.”
You then directly looked at Yoongi as his gaze never wavers from you. “You remind me of a raindrop, too, Yoongi. When a raindrop hits a body of water, it makes a ripple; it has a significant effect somehow. You have an effect on the people around you with the songs you sing, the stories you share and the memories you make. You may be just one Min Yoongi, but the impact your life makes is significant, and I am beyond happy for that.”
Yoongi didn’t need words to express how touched and how happy he was to hear you say that. All he had to do was kiss you with so much intensity as if all his feelings were poured into that single kiss. “The rain is also like how the sky isn’t always happy and sunny- it can be cloudy and gloomy too.” you laugh as you both pull away.
“Have you been sad recently?” Yoongi whispers against your lips.
“No,” you begin, “but every time I remember that you’re going to be busy again makes me melancholic. I’m happy that you guys are doing great, but it also makes me sad because I won’t get to see you so much.”
Yoongi smirks and you feel his breath tickling your skin. “I’ll make time for you, y/n. I promise. But for now,” he leans back, fully lying down on the couch with you embraced in his arms. “let’s not think about that, ok?”
“Ok.” you blissfully smile as you feel his arms securely wrap around you.
The warmth of Yoongi’s embrace mixed with the faint aroma of coffee and the cool weather lulled you to sleep, and you knew Yoongi was fast asleep as well. So you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep as the raindrops spat on your window.
Everything was perfect. You had Yoongi with you right now, and you both enjoyed the time together, and that was all that mattered. Once he got busy again, you wouldn’t see him as much, but that was alright. Even if he wasn’t with you physically, you knew he was always there for you, even if you were miles apart. In fact, it made you treasure precious moments like this even more.
Hope you enjoyed, and I hope it made you feel all fluffy as it did to me!
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