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shodoshima-camera · 4 months ago
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そんなに美味しい? もう干さずに熟させて食べさせればいいんじゃない? と思っちゃうけれど、やっぱり干すから出る美味しさってあるよね。
[ map ]
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roadsidepeek · 2 years ago
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All you do to me is talk, talk Talk, talk, talk, talk The No-Tel Motel along what was once part of the Miracle Mile. Tucson AZ #roadsidepeek #roadside #notel #motel #tucson #arizona #worldinmyeyes https://www.instagram.com/p/CpY-YIJrx9W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ah, ne-au pus pe grup notele de la evaluarea națională și toți cu bravo bravo, iar eu mă uitam gen 😒😒😒😒
Sunt secretizate. Ce rahat să văd? Notele sunt la fel pe tot județul. Userul abc are media 3,60 și xyz are 9,20. Ar putea să fie rezultatele oricui din oraș/județ/țară.
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p0tasiu · 3 months ago
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Cum ma uit la tavan cand reusesc sa invat un bassline dupa ureche (sunt 4 note evidente pe care probabil le am gresit oricum)
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calandrinon · 1 year ago
e o zi trista când bateristul are mult mai mult dynamic range decât chitaristul
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pruning-the-minds-garden · 2 years ago
Of course he's not. Ron DeSantis is actually an automaton, constructed from the the bones of dead Dominionist church leaders, whose blood made of colloidal silver sham cures peddled by TV preachers, animated by the weight of sheer hate and contempt that the MAGA crowd has for everything that does not fit their narrow-minded world view. Any rumors you might have heard to the contrary, that he was once a young person or had a normal human childhood, are a psyop conducted by Rupert Murdoch in order to make him more palatable to the American people.
He doesn't need to be consistent, he just needs to hate the right people in the right way at the right time and keep hating them forever.
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I have decided DeSantis is not even human
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nerianasims-pleasantview · 5 months ago
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The next day, Mary-Sue asked someone on a date to Bigg City. She drove there in her new car. This one is not custom content; the cc ones that were expensive enough for her taste weren't working with woohoo, and obviously that will never do.
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I like this car with "Bigg City" under it.
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Notell Motel, of course. Not that Mary-Sue needs to keep whom she woohoos private, but this place has a lot of amenities specifically for woohoo purposes. And noiseproofing.
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Mary-Sue: So where first, Nina?
Nina: You know I'd rather you decide.
Mary-Sue: Which means I'm going to make you. For fun.
Nina: Sadist.
Mary-Sue: You love it.
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This guy was the only one cheering the photo booth this time. Everyone else is busy with their own pursuits.
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nerianasims · 6 months ago
I'm redecorating Bigg City's Notell Motell and wishing the game had ceiling mirrors.
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shodoshima-camera · 3 months ago
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小豆島では6年ぶりになる私たちの写真展が今日から始まりました!今年1月に東京新宿 OM SYSTEM PLAZAで開催された写真展の巡回展になります。久しぶりに自分達の手で試行錯誤しながらの設営作業!元小学校の廊下だったこの空間がかわいいギャラリーになりました◎結成してから約10年。様々な場所で写真展をしたことを懐かしいね〜とみんなで思い出しました。是非遊びにいらしてくださいね!
\10年たっても やっぱり 見たい!食べたい!会いたい!/ 小豆島カメラ10周年の写真展 in 小豆島
展示期間:2024年11月22日(金)〜12月24日(火) 会場:小豆島 HOMEMAKERS(香川県小豆郡土庄町肥土山甲1735/農村ゲストハウスNOTEL 1F) 時間:11:00〜17:00 水・木曜定休 ※臨時休業の際はHOMEMAKERSのinstagram、FBにてお知らせします。 ●写真展開催に合わせイベントも開催! 12/14、15 イラストレーター CHO-CHANにがおえSHOP 12/15 編集者 藤本智士さん『取り戻す旅』出版記念トークイベント 詳細はコチラまで。
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smallcatsims · 10 months ago
George wants to have his very first woohoo, but all of his peers are still teens, so I take him down to the Notell Motel to meet some other romance sims. He really likes Dot, which could cause some interesting drama. He manages to woohoo with Sandy and Suzette, and he meets a lot of other new sims.
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mindstormpress · 1 year ago
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New Mindstorm Blog Post!
A shrill note like a bell rings once in the clear of night. It's bitter hum crescendos into an earth-shattering quake, yet all remains still.
A demon of three notes is a festive stand-alone horror scenario that can be added to any RPG setting.
This scenario contains everything a GM needs to serenade their players with the demon Mirig, an infernal bacchanalian entity who has only one goal: Consume.
He slumbers beneath the village, sending out his bloody offspring—notelings—to infect the people with the deep songs from the pits of hell.
No mere mortal can defeat Mirig. To best the demon, you must use his own magic against him. Sing the notes that no human mouth should ever utter. Three notes to bind him. Three notes to destroy him.
This post was a collaboration between me and @speedballhippie! Norn helped with ideas and design and did the AMAZING art for Mirig and his mask. Give them a follow and reach out for a commission or two: they always deliver a banger.
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robertalanclayton · 2 years ago
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Notel, Holbrook Arizona, RA Clayton
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wittness · 9 months ago
yknow what? screw it. here’s a fakemon we threw together some while back.
it’s called notell and it does have an evo-line, we just only made simple / rough designs for them rather than doing one like this for each of them. pfft. i believe it was our first time playing around with whatever brush we used too.
we never actually came up with any further information other than the fact it’s a water fairy type so.
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just chuck on some watermarks for safe keeping. LMAO.
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spiritual123 · 11 months ago
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🌟 **"Mistere – Scrisorile lui Thales din Argos"** 🌟
Prima ediție a "Misterelor" a apărut în limba română în 1995, sub titlul "Scrisorile lui Thales din Argos către Empedocle Atenianul", sub îndrumarea lui Lazăr Pașca, care era președintele societă��ii antroposofice din România în acea perioadă. În prefată, Lazăr Pașca menționa că această scriere a ajuns în țară (România) în jurul anului 1943, fiind adusă de un călugăr care venea dincolo de Dunăre și care s-a oprit la Galați. Textul în limba rusă al acestor "scrisori" a fost tradus și distribuit neoficial. Au existat speculații despre originea acestor texte, presupunându-se că în cercurile din Tomis ar mai exista și alte texte similare. Aceste "scrisori" s-au răspândit în toată țara, fiind chiar traduse în franceză și germană.
💌 Între timp, originalul textelor a fost descoperit și traducerea a fost îmbunătățită. Ordinea scrisorilor a fost păstrată așa cum a fost în 1943, deși ordinea lor originală este diferită și mai puțin logică. De asemenea, a fost adăugată o scrisoare care lipsea inițial. Originea "scrisorilor" a fost clarificată, confirmandu-se intuiția lui Lazăr Pașca referitoare la regiunea Mării Negre. Ele au fost scrise prin eforturi comune ale unui grup de persoane din Odessa, care acum face parte din Ucraina.
✍️ Sursa primară și autorul real al acestor mesaje era Gheorghii Osipovici Volskii. Înainte de revoluția bolșevicilor din 1917, el a fost redactor la un ziar din Odessa. Thales din Argos este pseudonimul pe care l-a folosit. Din punct de vedere fizic, Gh. Volskii semăna cu Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
🔄 Curând după revoluția din 1917, Gheorghii Volskii a fost arestat și a scăpat la limită de pedeapsa cu moartea. A fost eliberat neașteptat. Neavând posibilitatea de a părăsi Odessa, Gheorghii a trebuit să locuiască în secret la prietena sa spirituală, Anastasia Vasilievna Teodoridi. A locuit practic cu ea până la sfârșitul vieții sale, în anii '30.
👩‍🏫 Anastasia era o profesoară cunoscută la conservatorul din Odessa și, de asemenea, era bine cunoscută în cercurile ezoterice ale orașului drept lider spiritual. Ea l-a introdus pe Gheorghii în cercul său strâns de discipoli și i-a deschis calea spre acea stare de conștiință care i-a activat amintirile ascunse. În acea stare de conștiință, el începea să povestească lucruri extraordinare. Datorită celor prezenți, membrii grupului care aveau aceeași aspirație pentru înnobilarea umană, aceste relatări ale lui Gheorghii Volskii au ajuns la noi.
📝 Notele făcute de acest grup au fost compilate și procesate de Anastasia Teodoridi. De fapt, aceste mesaje i-au fost adresate direct Anastasiei, sub numele de Miles Atenianul.
🔮 Scrierile au o influență teosofică și antroposofică evidentă. Ultimul cuvânt din ediția tipărită în România, "Către cei care au citit", este evident redactat în stilul lui Lazăr Pașca, cel mai probabil adăugat de el ca încheiere.
✨ Aceste texte, revizuite și aranjate în ordine, apărute de ceva timp (7 ani) și în I-net, pot fi împărtășite și aici. 📜🌌
#Mistere #Thales #LazărPașca #GheorghiiVolskii #AnastasiaTeodoridi #Ezoterism
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purple-eyesgreydragon · 2 years ago
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In Mario and Luigi: Musical Mayhem. They are guided by Ze and Tempo to find the five powerful music stars. They are the source of the Music Kingdom's magic. They are not where music comes from, the notelings invented that themselves. They made the music stars to help music go above and beyond simply sounding pretty. With them music can calm the fiercest of rage, fill a valley with flowers, stop a rainy day and bring the sun out to shine, and so much more. If one gains possession of anyone of them, they're musical prowess on that type of music intensifies. Each color star represents a section of the Music Kingdom and the type of instrument it features. The Windy Whistles, Percussion Plateau, String Strum Forest, Synth Storm Shores, and Chorus Castle.
The Blue Music Star of Winds
The Green Music Star of Strings
The Red Music Star of Percussion
The Purple Music Star of Synth
and the Orange Music Star of Vocals
In order to defeat Rhythmax. The bros will need all five if they hope to stand against his diverse musical knowhow. But bringing music out to its fullest potential requires more than the stars, or even knowing how to play their instruments. It requires heart. If you don't truly feel the music when you play, it'll never fully blossom.
I’ve noticed in the new Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Those music note blocks, which in my imagination would be creations of the music Kingdom. Even have chorus-sponding colors to the music stars! Minus the purple synth star at least. I mean maybe Nintendo would be down with my idea. Something’s have already turn out so similar. Maybe not as a Mario and Luigi game, but I’d prefer that combat system.
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nerianasims-pleasantview · 5 months ago
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Since meeting him at the Notell Motel, Mary-Sue's gotten to know Duncan Huckleberry well enough to invite him over for a date. Or booty call, really.
Mary-Sue: You're not my usual type -- I don't normally go for men so much younger than me. But there's something about you... I don't get it, but you're really hot.
Duncan: Yeah, I get that a lot. Guess I'm the mysterious type.
Mary-Sue: ...uh. I wouldn't put it that way, but whatever.
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Mary-Sue: Oops, sorry Angie. I didn't think you'd be home so early.
Angela: That's okay. If Ezra hadn't insisted on getting me home before my curfew, I wouldn't have had to see Mom making out with that guy. What's happened to her taste? He looks like a total fuckboy.
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Mary-Sue: Come on, let's get into my bedroom.
Duncan: Then I can get into you.
Mary-Sue: Oh my god you're awful, let's go.
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