#note some of the referenced posts contains blood and mild body horror/gore
askthepokemutants · 3 years
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Reid: Right... she mentioned her father to you, but never said his name, right?
Vris: Yep... and back then, believe it or not, I suggested she’d fit in with our group... don’t know if I jinxed her or some sick form of fate is at play here...
Faril: Faril is fine. Besides, we’re getting lost here, did my brother have anything to do with this “shadow training” nonsense they put you through?
Carla: And what if he did... my mom’s the one who initiated all of this... he just-
Faril: Went along with it? Your mother is basically death for us... even if he loved her, I doubt he’d even bother trying to challenge-hmm?
Carla: Of course he’d... he’d try... ugh...
Faril: ... Carla... listen... we can continue this later... (let’s try to keep this argument going a bit longer...)
Carla: Huh...?
Reid: Huh, they’re talking too low for even me to hear...
Vris: Humph, if we get too close they’ll notice us...
Faril: Yule was definitely weak-minded... he wasn’t cut out for the whole Shadow Pokemon thing, seriously...! (There’s a weird aura flowing around us...)
Carla: W-what?!! (I... recognize it...)
????: ...
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Zenix: ... I will make use of it... I apologize, R-Teddy, but I believe this is the most logical move.
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Faril: NOW!
Carla: Right!
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Vris: Who is this guy!?
Reid: ...?
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Reid/Vris/Faril: ...!?
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Faril: Last I heard, he was a Scrafty!
Carla: We were in the same area when he apparently died! R-Teddy brought him back somehow, at least that’s what he claims!! He has bizarre powers based on R-Teddy, he was able to defeat both Alan and Pyre!
Reid: W-what?! What did... what did you do!?
Faril: Not the time to grow a spine, Reid!!
Zenix: ...
Vris: Reid... we’re in no shape for a fight with him, no matter what form he is...
Zenix: ... Please disable these spires... I’d rather not make things worse for you two.
Carla: Get away from him!!!
Zenix: ... Alright then.
Carla: Damn it!
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