#notary public pa
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autotags309pa · 8 months ago
Pennsylvania boat registration is a necessary regulation that ensures owners comply with state laws and helps promote the safety of waterways. Complying with the boat registration PA legality would help track stolen vessels and conserve marine life, as well as assist in search and rescue efforts. An auto tag agency facilitates title transfers in PA that can save time providing support for fulfilling the paperwork involved.
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themculibrary · 5 months ago
Boss/Employee Masterlist
9 to 5, with benefits (ao3) - darthpumpkinspice pepper/natasha E, 2k
Summary: Pepper is trying her very best not to be distracted by the new legal notary, Natalie Rushman. The last thing anyone needs to deal with is a nasty HR debacle.
This is the best undercover op Natasha has had in ages.
after hours (ao3) - brideofquiet steve/bucky E, 7k
Summary: None of it’s exactly how Bucky pictured working for a chef he’s admired since he was a teenager, from the food style to the fucking—but he likes it. Wouldn’t trade it.
all work and no play (ao3) - mcwho steve/bucky E, 8k
Summary: Another thing that drives Bucky a little crazy is that Steve has a car. In New York. Yes, he knows, multi-millionaire, ex-Captain America, whatever, whatever – the point is, Bucky wants Steve to do things to him in that Audi. Sex things. He has very specific fantasies.
or: Bucky’s adventure in flirting and communication.
A Political Affair (ao3) - star_after_dark helmut/bucky M, 2k
Summary: The Prime Minister of Sokovia, Helmut Zemo, and his Security Detail, Sergeant James Barnes, have a strictly professional relationship, nothing out of the ordinary.
Eexcept for when they're behind closed doors.
Contract of Employment (ao3) - cydonic pepper/tony E, 2k
Summary: Tony Stark has to prove his worth to the CEO of Stark Industries.
Drive (ao3) - roboticonography pepper/tony M, 27k
Summary: Tony and Pepper attempt a friends-with-benefits relationship. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
Enough to Drive You Crazy (If You Let It) (ao3) - liionne steve/bucky T, 7k
Summary: Steve wants a job. Just - just a job. Right now, he doesn’t care if it’s a job making the paper that goes on to make newspapers, as long as it’s a job that vaguely, in some way reflects the Bachelor of Journalism that he has hanging on his wall at home. And it pays money. Enough money for him to at least be able to make his rent.
So, when he gets the job at SHIELD Magazine (the most widely circulated men’s fashion magazine in the world), he’s pretty damn pleased with himself.
Until he looks again at what he signed up for, and realises that, in fact, he’s just a personal assistant.
Devil Wears Prada AU
Luminous Glimmers on Ocean Waves (ao3) - iam93percentstardust steve/tony G, 5k
Summary: Steve hasn't seen Prince Tony Stark since the day he and his parents left the palace. Twenty-five years later, Steve is the owner of a unique theme park, and Tony is waltzing back into his life in a way that Steve could have never expected.
One Bad Night (ao3) - complicationstoo steve/tony E, 49k
Summary: Steve Rogers has a one night stand the night before his first day as a surgical intern. And that's fine - until his one night stand turns out to be his boss.
Perhaps you bewitched me (ao3) - little_nymph wanda/vision E, 22k
Summary: An office AU for these two little lovebirds with no powers. SWORD is just a little business run by Wanda being CEO with her new secretary Vision.
The Bodyguard (ao3) - katie_delaney steve/bucky E, 24k
Summary: Steve, successful artist and philanthropist is hopelessly infatuated with his PA, Bucky. He takes Bucky on holiday to Mexico with him and starts to realise Bucky might not be who he thinks his is, about the time he starts to realise he might also want to fuck him.
The Incentive (ao3) - catalystcomet loki/sylvie E, 4k
Summary: “Pathetic,” she repeats, making sure every syllable is carefully enunciated and dripping with contempt. “Look at you, you repulsive little pervert. You’re disgusting, Loki. I can’t even discipline you for being a worthless fuck-up without that sad little prick of yours getting in the way.”
Or, Sylvie finds an interesting way to motivate her new assistant.
The Rose and The Thorn (ao3) - britbrit99, GranatKoroleva steve/bucky E, 17k
Summary: Bucky, a wealthy recluse, disappeared from the public eye years ago. Rumors spread about his disappearance, but eventually stopped.
Steve, a struggling designer with a sick mother, faced a difficult choice: freedom as an artist, or a secretive job to pay for his mother's treatment. He was no damsel, but he was in distress.
Making a deal with the devil always comes with a price, even for those who cannot afford it.
the way i've been craving (ao3) - howdoyousleep steve/bucky E, 3k
Summary: "Lunch break at 12:30. My office. Hope you’re hungry…"
It’s the ellipsis that sends Bucky’s insides swimming warmly, his heart beating twice as fast against his ribs where he sits in class. Senator Rogers is concise, direct, to the point. Without an ellipsis this is lunch, this is a meeting. With it though?
This is a booty call.
this love, cradled between my ribs (ao3) - this_wayward_life, VeroCaroline steve/bucky, minor sam/riley E, 14k
Summary: Even if Steve wanted to… pursue James, romantically, he doubts his interest will be reciprocated. James is young, and beautiful, just a couple of years out of university with his whole life ahead of him. Steve, who's more than twenty years older, divorced and cynical, with hair that's more grey than blonde these days and a body that can no longer keep up with the strenuous workouts he was so fond of in his younger years, isn't a good fit for him.
Or: Steve falls in love with the new receptionist.
we were strangers, starting out on a journey (ao3) - salacious steve/natasha M, 2k
Summary: After working together for the past week, Steve blurts out an invitation that he wishes he hadn't.
when it feels right (ao3) - complicationstoo steve/tony, mj/peter G, 9k
Summary: “You’re actually hiring me after that?” Tony asks, the disbelief clear in his watery brown eyes.
Steve shrugs, “Gotta start somewhere, right? And if you’re terrible, it’s not like I can’t fire you.”
Or, the one where Steve owns a bakery and Tony needs a job.
white collar, undone (ao3) - nastyghost loki/sylvie E, 9k
Summary: He'd call her into his office every afternoon, and she'd always come, she could never not to, reading and rereading him reports until her throat dried. And he’d sit there, behind his huge, dark oak desk, savoring the sweet rasp her voice would get, wondering if it would sound the same if, instead of reciting weekly stocks, she would've just moaned his name the entire time.
sylki corporate au.
you did a number on me (but honestly, baby, who's counting) (ao3) - thelilacfield wanda/vision E, 5k
Summary: “The whole office doesn’t know! Wanda...I mean, Ms. Maximoff, has no idea! And I would like to keep it that way!”
“I didn’t know our boss was blind and deaf. All you fucking do is stare at her like you want her to walk all over you in those power suit and stilettos.”
“And look, in the spirit of the season, you could ask her to do a little giving - or taking, I don’t know which way you like it-”
You're So Classic (ao3) - DeepInTheLight peggy/howard E, 2k
Summary: Peggy can’t help those classic feelings for her boss.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
1. Au revoir les trottinettes: Paris ban on shared e-scooters takes effect tomorrow
Banned from Paris by popular vote, shared e-scooters will roll for the last time in France's capital on Thursday 31 August, marking the end of five years of their controversial presence. Read more.
2. Tackling Belgium’s drug problem: Legalising cannabis is ‘common sense,’ says Economy Minister
A solution to the drug and security problem in Belgium's bigger cities, such as Brussels and Antwerp, could be legalising the sale and use of cannabis, according to Federal Economy and Employment Minister Pierre-Yves Dermagne. Read more.
3. Cinema tickets for €1 in Brussels and Wallonia in September
From 1-30 September, 21,000 independent cinema tickets will be available for the price of €1 across 34 cinemas in Brussels and Wallonia, as part of this year's edition of J’peux pas, j’ai cinéma. Read more.
4. Will the Belgian property market cool down enough to make buying more affordable?
As interest rates have reached record-high levels, the property market in Belgium has cooled down. The Brussels Times asked Bart van Opstal of the Federation of Notaries what this means for people looking to buy property at the moment. Read more.
5. Harder to trick: New alcohol check procedure to increase chance of being caught
The alcohol breath test procedure currently in place for checks on the road in Belgium will be adapted so that testing is quicker and more efficient for catching offenders. It is expected that the changes will increase the number of people caught. Read more.
6. The price of a healthy life: How to access PrEP in Belgium as an expat
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) can be a powerful tool in reducing the chances of HIV infection in at-risk groups. When taken as prescribed, it is up to 99% effective at reducing infection. Read more.
7. Open-air party at Rogier denounced as 'a commodification of public space'
The news of a 10-hour marathon electronic dance open-air being organised in the centre of Brussels will be music to the ears of party-goers, but one action group has heavily criticised it. Read more.
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actu-juridique · 2 months ago
Histoire du notariat et du droit notarial en France
https://justifiable.fr/?p=1405 https://justifiable.fr/?p=1405 #droit #France #Histoire #notarial #notariat Présentation de l’éditeur Discret, fondu dans notre paysage et pourtant central. Tel est depuis plus de 800 ans le notariat. On le tient pour acquis, et presque inaltérable, tellement il s’inscrit au coeur des projets des Français qu’il conseille, dont il rédige et conserve les contrats, protège les transmissions et apaise les tensions. La vocation originelle du notariat n’a pas changé. Le notariat est une véritable institution, qui fait corps avec la société française, et qui sans cesse se positionne par rapport à l’État. Son histoire reflète celle des pouvoirs publics, ses inflexions sont celles de la société à laquelle, depuis ses débuts, il imprime son approche du droit, fondée sur la clarté et l’équité. C’est cette histoire que propose cet ouvrage indispensable aux notaires, aux étudiants, et à tous ceux qui veulent en connaître tous les replis. D’après Franck Roumy, avec le concours de Me Philippe Caillé. Source link JUSTIFIABLE s’enrichit avec une nouvelle catégorie dédiée à l’Histoire du droit, alimentée par le flux RSS de univ-droit.fr. Cette section propose des articles approfondis et régulièrement mis à jour sur l’évolution des systèmes juridiques, les grandes doctrines, et les événements marquants qui ont façonné le droit contemporain. Ce nouvel espace est pensé pour les professionnels, les étudiants, et les passionnés d’histoire juridique, en quête de ressources fiables et structurées pour mieux comprendre les fondements et l’évolution des normes juridiques. Plongez dès maintenant dans cette catégorie pour explorer le passé et enrichir vos connaissances juridiques.
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cadettagsservice · 5 months ago
There is nothing more important than getting Notary Reading pa options that are reliable for those in search of certified document services. A notary public can assist with signing and witnessing and the legalisation of documents, affidavits, power of attorney, and more.
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itmediaseo · 1 year ago
Ce sunt traduceri legalizate notarial a documentelor de la Lingua și de ce sunt necesare? 
În peisajul complex al tranzacțiilor legale și internaționale, traduceri legalizate notarial a documentelor apar ca un proces vital care depășește simpla conversie lingvistică. Această formă specializată de traducere implică certificarea documentelor traduse de către un notar public, adăugând un nivel suplimentar de autenticitate și recunoaștere legală. Pe măsură ce societățile devin din ce în ce mai interconectate, cererea pentru traduceri legalizate notarial a crescut, alimentată de nevoia de traduceri precise și legal recunoscute în diferite contexte.
Definirea traducerii notariale:
Traducerea notarială, adesea numită și traducere legalizată, este un proces în care un traducător profesionist traduce un document dintr-o limbă în alta, iar apoi un notar public verifică exactitatea și autenticitatea traducerii. Această certificare este un pas crucial pentru a asigura că documentul tradus are greutate legală și este acceptat de entități oficiale, instanțe și agenții guvernamentale. Traduceri legalizate notarial sunt adesea necesare pentru documente legale, academice, de afaceri și legate de imigrație.
Rolul notarului public:
Un notar public este un funcționar public numit de guvern pentru a acționa ca martor imparțial la semnarea documentelor importante. În contextul traducerii notariale, notarul joacă un rol crucial în confirmarea exactității traducerii. Notarul verifică identitatea traducătorului, atestă competența acestuia și se asigură că traducerea redă fidel conținutul documentului original. Sigiliul și semnătura notarului pe documentul tradus semnifică autenticitatea acestuia și conformitatea cu standardele legale.
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bestworkfromhome · 2 years ago
10 Easy Work-from-Home Jobs Beyond the Internet
While the internet has opened up a world of opportunities for remote work, there are plenty of easy work-from-home jobs that don't require extensive online connectivity. If you're looking for alternatives to internet-based jobs or simply want to diversify your work-from-home options, this article is for you. From creative endeavors to practical services, we will explore 10 easy work-from-home jobs that can be pursued without relying heavily on the internet.
Freelance Photographer: If you have a passion for photography and own the necessary equipment, consider becoming a freelance photographer. You can specialize in various areas like portraits, events, or product photography. Market your services locally, collaborate with local businesses, or offer your expertise for special occasions like weddings or birthdays.
Personal Fitness Trainer: If you have a background in fitness or are a certified personal trainer, you can provide personalized workout routines, coaching, and guidance to clients remotely. Conduct virtual sessions via video calls, create customized training programs, and provide ongoing support to help clients achieve their fitness goals.
Home-Based Baker: If you have baking skills and enjoy creating delicious treats, starting a home-based baking business can be both enjoyable and profitable. Offer your baked goods to local customers through word-of-mouth referrals, social media, or local community platforms. From cakes and cookies to specialty items, the options are endless.
Virtual Music Teacher: If you are skilled in playing a musical instrument or have a strong background in music theory, you can offer virtual music lessons. Teach students of all ages and levels through video conferencing platforms, providing personalized instruction and guidance.
Professional Organizer: If you have a knack for decluttering and organizing spaces, consider becoming a professional organizer. Help individuals or businesses create efficient and functional spaces by providing guidance on organization, decluttering, and storage solutions. Offer your services locally and build a client base through referrals and networking.
Pet Sitter/Dog Walker: If you have a love for animals, starting a pet sitting or dog walking service can be a fulfilling work-from-home job. Advertise your services locally, build relationships with pet owners in your community, and provide care and companionship to pets while their owners are away.
Freelance Translator: If you are fluent in multiple languages, working as a freelance translator can be a viable option. Translate written documents, books, or online content for clients who require language assistance. Specialize in specific industries or offer general translation services to a broader client base.
Sewing and Alteration Services: If you have sewing skills, offering sewing and alteration services from your home can be a flexible work option. Provide alterations, repairs, or custom sewing services for clothing, curtains, or other fabric-based items. Build a client base through local advertising, referrals, and word-of-mouth.
Mobile Notary: If you have experience as a notary public, you can offer mobile notary services to clients who require notarization for various documents. Meet clients at their location, verify identities, and complete the necessary notarial acts.
Home-based Gardening Services: If you have a green thumb and enjoy gardening, offer home-based gardening services to clients in your area. Provide services such as garden design, maintenance, planting, and landscaping to homeowners or businesses.
While internet-based jobs have gained popularity, there are numerous easy work-from-home opportunities beyond the online realm. From pursuing creative endeavors like photography and baking to providing practical services like organizing and pet sitting, these jobs offer flexibility and the freedom to work from the comfort of your own home. Explore your passions, leverage your skills, and tap into local networks to find fulfilling work-from-home opportunities that suit your interests and lifestyle. Embrace the diversity of remote work and embark on a journey to a flexible and satisfying work-from-home career.
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millerhanoverinsurance · 2 years ago
What are the services provided by a notary public?
A notary public is a public officer authorized to serve a specific purpose, usually related to acknowledging, witnessing, and validating documents for use in other jurisdictions. A notary public is a specialized person who holds a public office, is certified and regulated by the government, and has the power to execute legal acts such as executing documents, certifying document copies, administering oaths, and other legally binding acts. Are you looking for a Hanover notary public? Here is what you need to know!
What are the services provided?
A notary public is an individual who has been authorized by a state government to witness and attest to signatures on official documents and administer oaths. Most states require notaries to go through a rigorous application process and pay a fee, and they are regulated by the individual states. Notaries are also sometimes referred to as “commissioners of oaths” or “public notaries.” here are some of the things you should know:
Document Authentication: A notary public can authenticate a variety of documents, such as legal contracts, bills of lading, bills of sales, and other agreements. This entails the notary public verifying that all parties have signed the document in their correct capacity and that the signatures are genuine.
Acknowledgments: In some cases, a notary public might be asked to serve as a witness to an individual signing a document and to affirm their identity. This is done by having the individual show a photo ID and signing an acknowledgment for the notary to remember at a later date.
Oaths and Affirmations: Another service provided by a notary public is the administration of oaths and affirmations. This is done through the notary asking the individual being sworn in to affirm they are telling the truth or swear to fulfill a certain duty.
Legalization of Documents: Notaries may also be called upon to verify and ratify documents issued in another country, or to be used abroad. This may involve checking the signature against an official registry or otherwise authenticating the veracity of the document.
Power of Attorney: Power of attorney is an important legal document that permits an individual to act on another’s behalf. Notarizing power of attorney ensures that all parties have agreed to the arrangement and have signatories to back it up.
What are the benefits of working as a notary public? 
Utilizing the services of a notary public for affirming documents, identification, and power of attorney can ensure all parties involved in a legal transaction are fulfilling their obligations, and that documents are properly authenticated for use in court. Notaries also provide a valuable service in guarding against the potential of fraud and identity theft, since they can verify identity before documents are signed. They also take measures to ensure that documents are not tampered with or modified.
A notary public provides an invaluable service to individuals and companies that need to verify documents, verify identification, and affirm the authorization of power of attorney agreements. The notary’s services involve authenticating and witnessing the signing of documents and ensuring that all parties involved are who they claim to be, as well as providing a valuable layer of security for legal transactions.
Miller Hanover Insurance 334 High St, Hanover, PA, 17331 (717) 637-9265
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mueritos · 2 years ago
If it's not too invasive to ask, how did you go about changing your name? Did you get a lawyer to help with your case or go in on your own? What kind of questions were asked in court? Was the process as a whole easy to do?
I did not get a lawyer! You don't really need one. I changed my name in PA, and the process can be different according to your state and county. I was actually counseled through the trans organization that gave me my name change grant, PA Trans Equity, and they have instructions on their website. Overall, the process was easy, just tedious and a bit nervewracking if youve never been to court.
You start out filling out paperwork and then getting your fingerprints in order. You fill out the name change application and the waiver for the publication fee (which you can waive if you can prove that publishing your name change publicly can put you at risk of danger, which isnt hard to prove), and then you get your finger prints done.
You show up to court with a couple hundred bucks (I had $300 with me) and you're instructed on where to go. Usually you go down to the prothonotary office where they make copies and then tell you to go to a courtroom. Making copies may cost you a fee. There you sign in and then wait until youre called in, where you might have to wait a little until it's your turn. Once they call you up to the podium, you say something along the lines of "good morning/afternoon your honor, I am requesting to petition for a name change". They might ask you why and that's easy to explain. If all goes well, the Judge will ask when you're available to come in for the hearing, they'll approve the petition and the waiver, and then you're given your next courtdate.
Afterward, you go back down to the prothonotary office where they will make copies of the second hearing. They'll usually tell you to go to a recorders office where you need to pick up paperwork to get notarized that basically says you owe nobody any debt/mortage. Being in court and going back and forth between offices can take up to 3-4 hours.
Between your next court date, you'll have to get that form signed by a notary. Mine cost $5 bucks and I found one across the street from where I live. Super easy and takes no time.
At your next court date, you take all of your documents back and your notarized form. You head down to the recorders office before your court hearing and they sign off and give you a copy for the judge. Then you head to the courtroom and wait until your turn. It can take up to a few hours until your turn. Once you're in, you do the whole shebang all over again "your honor Im here for name change", they might ask you why you changed certain parts of your name (they asked about me adding on another last name and if its for fraud, just say no obviously lol) and you have to just flat out say youre a transgender person. Show up to your hearing in the preferred clothing of your gender, it can help prove that you're forreal about the change (lol). If all goes well, you're only at the podium for a few minutes as the judge signs off on stuff. The copies are sent to the prothonotary office.
Afterward, you head to the prothonotary and buy as many copies of the court order as you need. I bought ten and it cost me $58. Once you get those copies, you're officially you!
It took me about a month to get everything settled, but it was very quick because my county is pretty liberal and the judges sign off on a lot of folks who go through the org who helped me :) Again, this can be different according to your county, so i suggest calling your local court administration office and asking them to send you a packet for name change application. They'll mail it over for free and even explain some stuff for ya. The packet should include the application and instructions. Good luck!
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millerhanover · 4 years ago
Miller Hanover Insurance
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Miller Hanover Insurance Agency has been South Central PA’s one stop shop for Insurance, Notary, Tag & Title, and Tax Preparation Services since 1949. Experience the benefit of having one agent fulfill all of your insurance needs and much more.
We are an independent insurance agency with locations in Hanover and New Oxford, Pennsylvania. We represent several of the insurance industry’s premier companies while comparing rates and coverages to ensure our clients receive the highest quality of Insurance protection possible. It is our pleasure to service York and Adams Counties in Pennsylvania, and Carroll County in Maryland, specifically in Hanover, New Oxford, Abbottstown, East Berlin, Glenville, Biglerville, Gettysburg, McSherrystown, Littlestown, Spring Grove in PA as well as Manchester, Taneytown, Westminster, and Hampstead in MD.
When you are looking for quality, Personal Insurance Protection, Erie Auto Insurance and Erie Homeowners insurance are the best! Low Prices and broad coverage are hard to beat when adding their award winning service for handling claims. There is no need to go anywhere else for your auto, home, or life insurance because Miller-Hanover Insurance is your longest standing Erie Insurance Agency in South Central Pennsylvania. We are still around for a reason, with over 12,000 policies for our Erie Insurance clients.
Contact us:
Miller Hanover Insurance
Address: 334 High St, Hanover, PA, 17331, USA
Phone: 717-637-9265
Website: https://www.millerhanover.com/
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autotags309pa · 8 months ago
How to Find an Experienced Notary Service Provider Near Me?
Are you looking for notary services near me in Pennsylvania? Whether you need help with making a will, powers of attorney, or any other legal documents, a notary service that deals with the Spanish language can assist you accordingly and within the shortest time possible. The notary services can also assist in the registration of different documents, including boat registration in Pennsylvania, through the notarization and authentication of documents. Visit to know more- https://localnotaryservices.odoo.com/blog/our-blog-1/experienced-notary-services-near-me-handling-all-your-notarization-needs-2
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powerofattorneyform-blog2 · 4 years ago
Power of Attorney Form
A Power of Attorney can be general (granting broad powers over your affairs) or it may be special (allowing your agent power only over specific situations.) When making a power of attorney online, you can also choose to make your document durable, meaning that your agent's powers remain in effect even if you become incompetent or incapable of handling your affairs.Looking for a Power of Attorney Form? Create Your Own Power of Attorney Forms Nationwide USA & Worldwide! Durable Power of Attorney Form | Medical Power of Attorney Form | Printable Power of Attorney Form | Financial Power of Attorney Forms | Legal Forms Nationwide USA & Worldwide
Power of Attorney Forms
A power of attorney form is a legal document completed by an individual (“Principal”) to appoint someone else to act on their behalf (“Agent” or “Attorney-in-Fact”). The Agent may be able to handle financial, medical, guardianship, or tax-related matters. If the form is durable, this means the Agent will be able to continue to act on the Principal’s behalf if they can go no longer make decisions for themselves, which is common in the elderly. Create Legal Document Now!
Obtaining a Power of Attorney Form is easy, all you need to do is decide which type of form best suits your needs. With our resources, creating a power of attorney no longer requires hiring an expensive attorney to draft your document. Download our power of attorney by creating your tailor-made document online with us!
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Power of attorney is a legal document that allows an individual (known as the “Principal”) to select someone else (the “Agent” or “Attorney-in-Fact”) to handle their business affairs, medical responsibilities, or any decision that requires someone else to take over an activity based on the Principal’s best interest and intentions. The form is required (depending on the State) to be signed in the presence of a Notary Public or Witness(es).
What is a Power of Attorney (POA)?
A Power of Attorney (POA) gives permission to another person or entity (your agent) to act on your behalf in legal matters (e.g. property, financial or medical affairs). You can allow your agent to write, sign official documents, or handle other affairs.
How do I get a Power of Attorney?
Making a Power of Attorney online is simple. Just answer a few questions, and we will build your document for you. Consider these questions beforehand to make the process speedier:
Who will you designate as your agent, co-agent, and alternate agent?
Would you like to grant your agent broad or specific powers?
Will your agent have authority over any of your assets, businesses, trusts, or real estate?
Will your agent be compensated?
If you don't have all of the details you need, you can skip questions, and save your document for later.
What are the main types of Power of Attorney?
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upennmanuscripts · 6 years ago
“Love and Humility are the sweet bonds of our marriage:” A Book of Hours owned by the wife of a French Catholic propagandist of the 16th century, and the Governor of Pennsylvania!
Fifty-two discoveries from the BiblioPhilly project, No. 7/52
Book of Hours, Use of Paris, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1924‑19‑1, fol. 24r (miniature of the Annunciation from the Hours of the Virgin)
Books of Hours are highly mobile objects that can often accrue fascinating later histories. Because of their deeply personal nature, they can become associated with historical persons either through legend or fact (or a combination of the two). Only relatively rarely, however, does one later owner purchase a book on account of its earlier ownership history. One such example is a fairly modest Parisian Book of Hours acquired by the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1924 (accession number 1924‑19‑1). Unlike the later ensembles of illuminated manuscripts donated to the museum by Samuel and Vera White or Philip S. Collins, this manuscript was not published or described upon its entry into the collection.[1] Its only existing description comes from Seymour de Ricci’s Census of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada and its later Supplement, produced by C.U. Faye and W.H. Bond.
In both Census volumes, the manuscript’s early provenance with the Duderé family in France is briefly recorded, as is its later ownership in the United States by Samuel W. Pennypacker, 23rd Governor of Pennsylvania (1843–1916), who served from 1903 to 1907 (and to whom we shall return). The Duderé provenance is evident through two unequivocal inscriptions within the manuscript. The first, on folio 1r, reads:
1924‑19‑1, fol. 1r, with ownership inscription of Michelle Duderé dated to 1577
Ces heures apartiennent a damoyselle Michelle du Deré femme de Me Loys Dorleans aduocat en la court de Parlement et lesquelles luy sont echeues par la succession de feu son pere Me Jehan Duderé conseiller du roy & auditeur en sa chambre des comptes, 1577; Amour & Humilité sont les doux liens de nostre mariage.
(“This Book of Hours belongs to Lady Michelle du Deré wife of Mr. Louis d’Orléans advocate in the court of Parliament and it descended from her deceased father Mr. Jean Duderé counsellor of the King and auditor in his chamber of accounts. 1577. Love and Humility are the sweet bonds of our marriage.”)
It thus transpires that the book was in the possession of Michelle Duderé, wife of the noted French Catholic League pamphleteer Louis Dorléans (1542–1629).[2] In addition to being known for authoring numerous religious tracts, Dorléans was also an occasional poet, and wrote some bucolic verses replete with thinly-veiled references to his beloved wife, but also to his former mistress Catherine de la Sale![3] Interestingly, some of his writings also show an unusual knowledge of Middle French poetry; he even donated a fourteenth-century French translation of the Golden Legend to a Minim convent in Paris in 1561 (Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, ms. 1279). Michelle Duderé, as she herself tells us in the inscription, had inherited the Book of Hours from her father, Jean Duderé, notary and secretary to the French king, whose principal historical importance seems to have been his invocation in a seventeenth-century lawsuit concerning the inheritance of such royal appointments. It appears that the manuscript was then gifted by Michelle Duderé’s blind son to a cousin once-removed, a certain G. Duderé, for on the verso of the first folio we read another French inscription, written some seventy-three years later:
1924‑19‑1, fol. 1r, with ownership inscription of G. Duderé dated to 1650
Ce présent livre m’a esté donné par feu monsieur d’Orléans, fils de mademoiselle d’Orléans nomée Michelle Duderé lequel estoit aveugle et qui estoit digne de cette affliction, mon cousin germain, G. Dudere 1650… les figures qui sont à genoux dans les ymages de ce livre sont de feu damoiselle Michelle de Sauslai [?] mère de deffunct mon frère.
(“This present book was given to me by the late Monsieur D’Orleans son of Madame D’Orleans named Michelle Dudere. He was blind and worthily bore this affliction, my cousin once removed. G. Dudere 1650… the figures which are on their knees in the pictures of this book are portraits of the deceased demoiselle Michelle de Sauslai [?], mother of my deceased father.”)
   1924‑19‑1, fols. 124r and 130r (miniature of the Virgin and Child with Angel with a female donor; miniature of the Trinity with an Angel holding the Crown of Thorns with a female donor)
The supposition that the two donor portraits (on folios 124r and 130r; illustrated above) contained in the book depict a certain “Michelle de Sauslai” (?), grandmother of the owner alive in 1650 is manifestly incorrect, since the book dates from the fifteenth century. But there is no reason to doubt the other pieces of evidence situating the book with the Duderé family early in its history.
Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker (1843–1916)
This is all fine and well, but how did the manuscript come to be owned by the Governor of Pennsylvania, Samuel Pennypacker? Pennypacker was a noted jurist, trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, president of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and local history enthusiast who collected a large amount of material related to the early German and Dutch settlement of South-Eastern Pennsylvania, most of which is today preserved at the Pennypacker Mills house museum. Other manuscripts once owned by Pennypacker that are still in Philadelphia include another Book of Hours (Lewis E 116) and a series of astronomical tables followed by a short text concerning astrology and planetary movements (Lewis E 3), both of which are today in the Free Library. These manuscripts were all auctioned off in the Pennypacker sale in 1906, together with a small number of other manuscripts. Additionally, for the present manuscript, the Faye and Bond supplement to de Ricci’s Census includes the name of an additional owner, the noted Chestnut Hill philanthropist, John Story Jenks (1839–1923). Jenks was a great supporter of the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art (the precursor of the Philadelphia Museum of Art), as a short obituary confirms.[4] It was he who left the manuscript to the museum upon his death.
Portrait of John Story Jenks (1839–1923) by Alice Mumford Roberts
So why did Governor Pennypacker purchase this particular French Book of Hours, prior to its acquisition and donation by Jenks? The answer is provided in an all-but-forgotten issue of a regional historical journal, The Perkiomen Region, Past and Present, published in March of 1901 by Henry S. Dotterer (1841–1903). The short article, entitled “A Sumptuous Devotional Book,” vividly describes the book and asserts that the Governor:
…purchased it because he felt convinced that the family of Duderé mentioned in the inscription was identical with an old Pennsylvanian family—that of Doderer, Dotterer, Dudderer, Duttera, Dudderow. This conviction induced him to pay the large sum quoted for it by the foreign bookseller [i.e. James Tregaskis of London], and to bring it, after a service of more than three centuries, from its native France to the New World.
To find the connecting links from the Duderés of the Sixteenth century to the Dotterers of the Twentieth century would be a great genealogical achievement. Doderers and Dotterers appear in various parts of Europe prior to the date of the arrival, about 1722, of George Philip Dodderer, or Dotterer, in Pennsylvania. Tradition, in some instances, asserts that the Pennsylvania immigrants were of French origin; but not uniformly so, for Alsace, Baden, Wurtemberg and Austria are also named as the place of their nativity. We have unbounded respect for Judge Pennypacker’s insight into genealogy, ethnology, and the kindred sciences, and it will therefore not be a surprise to us if research shall ultimately prove that his intuitions are correct.[5]
The prominent Dotterer family of Pennsylvania was established by George Phillip Dotterer (ca. 1676–1741), who was born in Baden-Württemberg and died in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, in 1741. George’s father Hans is thought to have been born in the same region of Germany as his son around 1650. However, this family’s link to the prominent Catholic Duderés of France remains tenuous. As such, Governor Pennypacker’s assumption remains unlikely; perhaps his doubts led him to sell the book on in his 1906 sale. In any case, both G. Duderé’s misattribution of the portraits in the book and the dubious linkage to the Dotterer dynasty made by Governor Pennypacker demonstrate the extent to which an unsuspecting manuscript can become the subject of historical wishful thinking.
[1] Henry G. Gardiner, “The Samuel S. White, 3rd, and Vera White Collection,” Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin 63, no. 296/297 (1968): 71–150, http://bit.ly/2Hc3lI4; Carl Zigrosser, “The Philip S. Collins Collection of Mediaeval Illuminated Manuscripts,” Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin 58, no. 275 (1962): 3–34, http://bit.ly/2Vt3u3u.
[2] See the entry by Christophe Bernard in Dictionnaire des lettres françaises: le XVIe siècle, ed. Michel Simonin (Paris: Fayard-La Pochothèque, 2001), 370–71.
[3] Anne-Bérangère Rothenburger, “L’Eglogue de la naissance de Jésus-Christ pas Louis Dorléans: datation et filiation poétiques,” in Le poète et son œuvre: de la composition à la publication, ed. Jean-Eudes Girot (Geneva: Droz, 2004), 259–87.
[4] Pennsylvania Museum Bulletin 18, no. 77 (May 1923): 16.
[5] Henry S. Dotterer, “A Sumptuous Devotional Book,” The Perkiomen Region, Past and Present 3, no. 2 (March 1901): 166–7.
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