#that state trooper was just like whats up and i was like hai LOL
mueritos · 2 years
If it's not too invasive to ask, how did you go about changing your name? Did you get a lawyer to help with your case or go in on your own? What kind of questions were asked in court? Was the process as a whole easy to do?
I did not get a lawyer! You don't really need one. I changed my name in PA, and the process can be different according to your state and county. I was actually counseled through the trans organization that gave me my name change grant, PA Trans Equity, and they have instructions on their website. Overall, the process was easy, just tedious and a bit nervewracking if youve never been to court.
You start out filling out paperwork and then getting your fingerprints in order. You fill out the name change application and the waiver for the publication fee (which you can waive if you can prove that publishing your name change publicly can put you at risk of danger, which isnt hard to prove), and then you get your finger prints done.
You show up to court with a couple hundred bucks (I had $300 with me) and you're instructed on where to go. Usually you go down to the prothonotary office where they make copies and then tell you to go to a courtroom. Making copies may cost you a fee. There you sign in and then wait until youre called in, where you might have to wait a little until it's your turn. Once they call you up to the podium, you say something along the lines of "good morning/afternoon your honor, I am requesting to petition for a name change". They might ask you why and that's easy to explain. If all goes well, the Judge will ask when you're available to come in for the hearing, they'll approve the petition and the waiver, and then you're given your next courtdate.
Afterward, you go back down to the prothonotary office where they will make copies of the second hearing. They'll usually tell you to go to a recorders office where you need to pick up paperwork to get notarized that basically says you owe nobody any debt/mortage. Being in court and going back and forth between offices can take up to 3-4 hours.
Between your next court date, you'll have to get that form signed by a notary. Mine cost $5 bucks and I found one across the street from where I live. Super easy and takes no time.
At your next court date, you take all of your documents back and your notarized form. You head down to the recorders office before your court hearing and they sign off and give you a copy for the judge. Then you head to the courtroom and wait until your turn. It can take up to a few hours until your turn. Once you're in, you do the whole shebang all over again "your honor Im here for name change", they might ask you why you changed certain parts of your name (they asked about me adding on another last name and if its for fraud, just say no obviously lol) and you have to just flat out say youre a transgender person. Show up to your hearing in the preferred clothing of your gender, it can help prove that you're forreal about the change (lol). If all goes well, you're only at the podium for a few minutes as the judge signs off on stuff. The copies are sent to the prothonotary office.
Afterward, you head to the prothonotary and buy as many copies of the court order as you need. I bought ten and it cost me $58. Once you get those copies, you're officially you!
It took me about a month to get everything settled, but it was very quick because my county is pretty liberal and the judges sign off on a lot of folks who go through the org who helped me :) Again, this can be different according to your county, so i suggest calling your local court administration office and asking them to send you a packet for name change application. They'll mail it over for free and even explain some stuff for ya. The packet should include the application and instructions. Good luck!
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