shame-liss · 7 years
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Mojo jojo and HIM hope your halloween was “the evilist thing u can imagine” xoxo
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thlayli-roo · 10 years
Once you get this you have to share 6 random facts about yourself and then pass it on to your 10 favorite followers (。・ω・。)
Bahhhhhh xD I'm no good at these LOL thank you tho ;A; hmm
1. I wasn't allowed to watch Sailor Moon as a kid because my parents thought it was hella demonic2. I work in a drive-thru and sometimes we take orders in different accents just to see if we can pull them off, I use a southern accent everytime even though I think mine is really shitty, but I once had someone ask where I was from so maybe it ain't so bad3. I have a gaming friend who I've been playing L4D2 with for at least a year, probably a year and a half. It wasn't until we were talking during a game a few months ago that we realized we live in the same fucking city LOL same quadrant of said city, even4. I went to Malaysia for two weeks once and it was simultaneously the best and worst trip of my life5. My two major childhood phases were dinosaurs and bugs6. I watched both Jurassic Park and Watership Down as a kid, both very gory somewhat scary movies. I was pretty young and they should've scarred me tbh but I LOVED them (thus the dino phase)
that's all I got :x thank you friend!
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shame-liss · 7 years
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Mojo Jojo from the powerpuff girls
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shame-liss · 7 years
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HIM from the powerpuff girls @dol
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shame-liss · 7 years
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got a strange magic 🎶
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shame-liss · 7 years
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Friday October 13th, 2017
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shame-liss · 7 years
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She’s as sweet as tennessee honey
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shame-liss · 7 years
WAS TAGGED BY: @opalboyprince TAGGING: @dolphinbabe420 @kiismehardy @thesorcererandhisking @why-must-i-write & anyone else who wanna idk 20 ppl on tumblr who do u think i am RULES: ANSWER THESE 85 STATEMENTS AND TAG 20 PEOPLE THE LAST 1. DRINK: Water ;-) 💦 2. PHONE CALL: My goth gf keke 3. TEXT MESSAGE: LOGAN my bestie 4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Mr bombastic because me and keke were arguing abt the lyrics (it’s 4am) 5. TIME YOU CRIED: 1 hour ago but they were happy tears
6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE:no 7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: YES 8. BEEN CHEATED ON: Yes 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: Yes i’ve lost a lot of pals along the way :-( 10. BEEN DEPRESSED: yes 11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: only twice but both times keke cleaned up i love her 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. yellow 13. pink 14. blue IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: Yes, my new coworkers 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: No i started the year off with keke and still going strong 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: once a day usually 18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: No but i’m paranoid n always thing so 19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: Yes. 20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: Yes i have one it’s log 21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: i don’t think so GENERAL 22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: A little over half 23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: Luna the speckled chihuahua and Snoop Cat the black cat 24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: No liss is cute 25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: Got a hotel room and invited over all my friends to stay the night, went bowling, got my nipples pierced with 10 of my friends in the room, kissed keke for the first time,here’s to 20 years bitches 26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: noon bc i didn’t set my alarms and was 1 hr late to work. 27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: Keke and i went to hookah bar to watch my coworker Montre perform his new single Lollipop (plug). 28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: Go back to europe this time with my love 29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: She came and stayed the night at my place with my little brother on saturday so like i saw her yesterday, before that it had been 2 weeks:( . 31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: Cicadas outside my apartment (this was the same answer as log who tagged me and that made me happy) 32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: maybe without knowing it 33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: our dog and cat still hate each other after 2 months so we have to alternate who sleeps w us 34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: youtube depop or tumblr idk 35. HAIR COLOUR: purple 36. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: currently growing out so medium thinking of chopping short. 37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: my gf 38. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: I’m caring 39. PIERCINGS: face: medusa, nose. ears: first and second holes, cartilage. nipples. belly button 40. BLOOD TYPE: B something 41. NICKNAME: Liss, sissy, lissy 42. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In LOVE w keke 43. ZODIAC: scorpio 44. PRONOUNS: She/her 45. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: THE OFFICE 46. TATTOOS: I have a queen bee, a jellyfish, a bible verse (walk by faith … on my foot…) the tarot card heart w three swords in it (only one sword is done) fingers crossed (only tattoo i regret) a ghost that says ride or die on the bottom 47. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: Right 48. SURGERY: my wisdom teeth were taken out the day before i met keke. 50. SPORT: I used to play basketball and tennis 51. VACATION: does my study abroad in europe count if not new york always 52. PAIR OF TRAINERS: i have a lot of sneaks ,,, a LOT MORE GENERAL 53. EATING: generic kroger brand cereal w almond milk and a dollop of peanut butter 54. DRINKING: water 55. I’M ABOUT TO: sleep bc i work early 56. WAITING FOR: my rise to stardom 57. WANT: to finish college 58. GET MARRIED: plotting ;) 59. CAREER: museum curator, open a vintage store, literally almost anything except what i’m doing now 60. HUGS OR KISSES: both 61. LIPS OR EYES: Eyes 62. SHORTER OR TALLER: me and keke are same height exactly 63. OLDER OR YOUNGER: i am 3 months older than keke 64. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: why / how do u even compare these… tummy ig 65. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: hookups in past 100% relationship now 66. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: Troublemaker sometimes hesitant always. HAVE YOU EVER: 67. KISSED A STRANGER: yes 68. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: Yes 69. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: nope 20/20 vision 70. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: definitely 71. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: no 72. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: i don’t think so 73. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: yes 74. BEEN ARRESTED: Nope and i’m the only one in my immediate family not to be 75. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: Yes 76. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: keke my best friend/lover DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. YOURSELF: i try to 78. MIRACLES: yes 79. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: Yes. It happened to me. 80. SANTA CLAUS: i never understood him when i was little and never did but my siblings did 81. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: i haven’t but not against it 82. ANGELS: ye im a religious bitch OTHER: 84. EYE COLOUR: brown 85. FAVOURITE MOVIE: i have a lot mostly disney
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shame-liss · 7 years
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shame-liss · 7 years
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shame-liss · 7 years
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my sweet star girl
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shame-liss · 7 years
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Star Girl ⭐️
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shame-liss · 7 years
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do you know where the wild things go
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shame-liss · 7 years
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shame-liss · 7 years
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circa 1970
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shame-liss · 7 years
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Map of my hometown from the 1970s
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