btheleaf · 2 months
For balance (and since my brain needs it now) what are your fluffiest headcanons?
Fluffy headcanons below the cut
Pema regularly calls Tenzin a dork and it makes him smile.
She happily plays the role of the bad guy while the kids are play-fighting inside and has mastered the bad guy Monojojo-esque monolog and a cringe-worthy death display. Her and the kids cry laughing whenever she gets to do the whole bit.
Koshe (the acolyte who basically claimed Pema as her daughter on day one of her arriving at the Northern Air Temple) and Pema have been best friends for about 20 years. If you can't find either of them, they're getting into some mischief somewhere, and it becomes Primary Goal Number One to stop them before they enact their plans. Otherwise *someone* is going to be pranked, that someone is usually Tenzin. The two of them have a Bad Book Club where they try to one-up each other with poorly written romance novels.
Pema runs cold, and Tenzin runs hot. Equilibrium temperature is reached when snuggling in bed every night.
Despite being Mr. Serious, Tenzin is quite goofy when it's just him and Pema alone together. He was born to make terrible dad jokes and even worse puns. Pema makes him shut up with distracting kisses and wandering hands.
The two of them FUCK. Like, can go multiple times a day fuck. If you can't find the two of *them* Do Not Go Looking on the off chance that you might find them.
Sometimes Tenzin spends whole days with Oogi and doesn't get back home until after sunset because he lost track of time. He takes Oogi for rides and finds random rivers to float downstream for hours on end while they chat. Well, Tenzin chats, Oogi snarls and roars and whinnies. Tenzin likes to think he's mastered Oogi-speak. Every member of his family has walked into the bison stables at some point in time and caught him in a deep heart to heart with the beast. Ikki swears that Oogi understands perfectly, and she thinks it's SO SWEET that daddy has a best friend.
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shame-liss · 7 years
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Mojo jojo and HIM hope your halloween was “the evilist thing u can imagine” xoxo
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sephirpog · 4 years
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waluigiorth had to set fire to smasheim because he was not invited.
pic by monojojo
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