crossdreamers · 1 year
#Not A Drag Queen
#NotADragQueen is trending over at twitter. 
The biggest threat to American children is not drag queens and trans people, but white cis men, many of them so-called Devout Christians™ and Republicans.
Warning: Disturbing content ahead. . . . .
Anita tweets:
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Lil Weim tweets:
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jganyfl tweets:
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@JPMasters tweets:
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Brian Krassenstein tweets:
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Auntie Pho tweets:
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Miss Gripper tweets:
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Kilowut tweets:
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And here’s one from Pink News:
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More over at twitter.
The point with all of this is not to say that all white  Christian Republican men are pedophiles. In fact, very few of them are. But if you want to ban a whole group of people from bathrooms and schools, banning that group will have a bigger effect on the safety of kids than banning drag queens and transgender women. Which proves how unfair and insanely evil the transphobic policies are.
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davidwfloydart · 2 years
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Christian Filmmaker Steve Greisen Pleads Guilty to Sex Felony with Minor. #notadragqueen #christianity #christianhypocrisy #predators #pedophiliaisnotlgbt #pedophiliaagenda #childendangerment (at Catalina Foothills, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqHOcNzJpOTcqDiI7XlxVzwchhQINmczCF25cI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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liberalsarecool · 8 months
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You could have posted this stat for the past 40 years. The Church has the sexual predators.
Child abuse is rooted in patriarchal structures.
821 notes · View notes
It's all bad
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So there is a post going around right now about how in Plano Texas, there was a sting operation that caught a sex trafficking ring. Some of the people there were first responders and teachers. However if you look at twitter, and of course on this hell site, there are people who are SO EAGER to suck a drag queens no no bits, they had to go out of their way to post some pretty "lovely" things. Now the reason I'm posting this image, rather than just the article is to prove a point.
We have absolutely zero confirmation about what the user William LeGate said here. None. At best he tried to look up some names, and background checks on those listed. However, on the original post by the DFWPD (Dallas Ft. Worth PD) This article is not even cited. And I looked at the article. You know what WAS listed in the "jobs" let's look:
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You know what WASN'T listed? Republican Politician or "Church Leader".
Now let me show you the list of disgusting individuals, which wouldn't you know it, includes a woman.
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Now let's do some math shall we. Racial, and political activists will look at this image, and do exactly what they do with is judge every single thing on surface level looks. As shown by these next tweets. (Some of them having prior records)
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As you can clearly see, this started a trend of #NotADragQueen and a very old and tired trope of "The church is scarier protect them from that instead of drag queens"
My question to all of you Neo Progressives is this. Why exactly are you so hell bent on bringing up an event that happened over a decade ago?
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Better question. Why exactly do you care if no drag queens were VISIBLE? Is it because parents don't think it's appropriate for their kids to be in from of a adult male in exaggerated women clothing. Several of whom have been found to have criminal records of sexual assault and some even against kids? Don't believe me? Let's look shall we.
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WOW, if you look at this man's mug shot, YOU'D NEVER KNOW he was a drag queen. TURNS OUT not only was he one, but also is a child sex offender.
But rather than actually care about child sex offenders, which, let's be really fair here, you don't. You'd rather have a gatcha against those, "Evil republicans".
Let me be clear. If you look at all those mugshots? You'll notice something. Varying races and ages. You know what we AREN'T shown? Political leanings of every single person there and who they have and have no voted for. My current annoyance with all of you now, is one very LARGE thing. Rather than being happy that these people have been caught, you are FAR MORE EXCITED at the prospect that this group could contain your political enemies.
HOW F*CKED in the head are you? Really? Predators find positions of power. No matter where the position is. Sometimes they actually get complacent with their power and they begin to lose inhibitions. This should have nothing to do with the church, with drag with dems, or with reps. This SHOULD have everything to do with the fact that it's AMAZING that these assholes have been caught.
Thing is? Most conservatives just don't want drag in front of their kids. That should be their choice. AS THE PARENTS. And we don't actually know the ratio of predators to non predators in the drag community. And until they get arrested and charged, much like any other person, we CAN'T know.
Catholics were SEETHING when they found out what their leadership was doing. However, it was NOT all priests. It was not even most. It was however enough that it caused notice. And that makes sense. You can expect at least 10% of any large group to be not good people. However here is the issue. You are equating an entire group, that at the time was a VERY LARGE population size of the US. Per Capita is a fun thing to talk about. And given the LIMITED number of drag queens in the US you'd expect very very few to be guilty of sex offense. However, we see time and time again that's not the case.
Am I making the argument that drag queens are predators? No. Hell, most conservatives or moderates would not even be prone to making that argument if many of you were not so dead set on having kids see it or be around it. And the level of insistence around it kind of raises red flags if I'm being honest. Also a fun thing missed by that asshole William LeGate from the opening pictures is the mention of "Teachers" in that list of people involved. Another something people have brought up concerns over.
Stop making this about trying to own the cons. It's very possible several of the people on there are LGBT or Dem. And you'd ignore that, JUST to point out anyone not on your side. WHY THE FUCK do you care. Why can't all of it be bad. Conservatives are beat over the head with a 20 year old allegation equating their religious faith AS A WHOLE, to being pedo friendly. Imagine my shock when many got fed up with it and started putting that target on others. Mostly because it was a SMALL SUBSET of said group.
And now, just like them before, you are trying to salvage "your side" and deflect it from criticism. Also one last thing. MOST actual conservatives have not, and are not accusing most or all drag queens of being pervers or pedophiles. However in your fervor to not just demand they be in front of kids, but to also defend them from any and all allegations. I can certainly from the outside looking in see how that would be concerning. What's more, we DON'T know if any of the people shown there were drag queens. Some could have been ministers in the church. Both provide apt access to the people they wish to offend against.
Do you know what the only difference is between the two? You'll defend tooth and nail the drag queen even from the accusation. You know why that's bad? Because if that happened with a minister or pastor etc, that entire church community would be in lock down and every single person in power would be gone over with a fine tooth comb. So basically in one instance, Your side defends the potential predator, and their side demands action. In the other instance, you pat yourself on the back that bad people exist on the opposing side, and that side goes out of their way to figure out wtf is going on and seek out accountability.
Long story short. In both cases they want justice. In only once case you want justice. In the other case you are jerking off about how "good" your side is. Despite a NUMBER of people PUBLICLY that vote dem are on Epstein's flight lists including to his island on a number of occasions. Point it out and demand justice in every instance. Sex crimes especially against kids isn't a joke. And yeah OF COURSE by the laws of numbers it's going to be seen more in MUCH LARGER communities. DUH! Because there are more chances for it to even exist. A child understands that level of thought.
So again I ask you. Why do you care more about having a gatcha, than actual justice. You all saw, "the other side of the isle" and went, "See we aren't the bad guys". Meanwhile if I were to do research into every one of the people listed, I could likely find a few people who I could weaponize against your side. You know why I don't? Because I care more about the fact they got caught.
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futileexercise · 2 months
Republicans: "Yeah, but those drag queens...am I right?"
*crickets chirping*
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denimull · 3 months
Not. A. Drag Queen.
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endquire · 8 months
Andrew Hartman, an anti-vaxx Trump supporter who has accused Joe Biden of being a pedophile, has been sentenced for distribution and receipt of child sexual abuse material in Commerce, Oklahoma : NotADragQueen https://www.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/comments/199mh1l/andrew_hartman_an_antivaxx_trump_supporter_who/
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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The common denominator for mass murderers, pedophiles pastors, serial killers, sex traffickers & domestic terrorists is white men.
When are they gonna get racially profiled?
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oddpiecein · 1 year
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tetcny · 1 year
Note : #FarReicher
is #NotADragQueen
Ali Alexander underage nudes
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liberalsarecool · 2 years
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One of the thousands of guilty conservative cis white men. You know there are thousands and thousands more evading justice.
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erraticfoxboy · 1 year
Twiter Weekly Update 25.Mar.2023 - 31.Mar.2023
Crossposted from Erratic Foxboy.
Twiter Weekly Update 25.Mar.2023 - 31.Mar.2023
@MaxFluffys 3 of late. in reply to MaxFluffys ->
Now Streaming The Elder Scrolls Online on #Twitch … Strap In! https://t.co/K9rBOGTdGH ->
@heroofnone This is why I went with ASUS for mine. in reply to heroofnone ->
Now also streaming on @KickStreaming as well as #Twitch
https://t.co/6ITLbb43JW https://t.co/nxhPDTcf1p ->
#NotADragQueen Just a #Pedo Pastor
#NoFed https://t.co/F9uTWpses3 ->
@LakotaMan1 Will take any Native Ceremony over any product from his Orange Ridiculousness. in reply to LakotaMan1 ->
@SocksFur It also helps that pictures at the very least are available on the sign, though the image quality on Twit… https://t.co/BGi8k9wrJR in reply to SocksFur ->
E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 18.Mar.2023 – 24.Mar.2023" https://t.co/aWglsW7V2s #nofed ->
@Misfit80940 @RowanBarnes7 Ignore this shit. (Ex pizza delivery driver here)
20% or $3 MININUM if you live on a gr… https://t.co/STEQKHIvaO in reply to Misfit80940 ->
@RowanBarnes7 @SBWorkersUnited 20% or $3 minimum for ground floor places and any place with an elevator.
Add $1 fo… https://t.co/dq6nT6svH7 in reply to RowanBarnes7 ->
@golfpolBuffalo @SBWorkersUnited So called 'proper scenarios' in your no longer apply.
Then again, you probably do… https://t.co/WhaE2DQyba in reply to golfpolBuffalo ->
@MPWG91655219 @SBWorkersUnited Problem with your stance on this is: service workers (a lot of whom are still in pos… https://t.co/Y9XsW11fnt in reply to MPWG91655219 ->
@MPWG91655219 @SBWorkersUnited There's the thing, though. There are some assumptions on that end as well. A lot of… https://t.co/aV48xEGp5u in reply to MPWG91655219 ->
@MPWG91655219 @SBWorkersUnited As an ex-service employee, I…
* Used a phone I paid cash for from Swappa (had to… https://t.co/m7IDWDIv59 in reply to biafrarepublic ->
@MPWG91655219 @SBWorkersUnited As for streaming services, mine cost zero and it's called Googling "watch (insert na… https://t.co/LgoRTH8ypA in reply to biafrarepublic ->
@TheSnekBurrow @ruskertweets @HorngryKrcdln Accused of pedophilia/zoophilia. Certain furries want his head and clai… https://t.co/cIKVdONtBl in reply to TheSnekBurrow ->
@scottywartooth Of course you would! in reply to scottywartooth ->
Also, #NotADragQueen
#nofed https://t.co/B7t9CPjSfZ ->
@therunefox Troll them back and wound their pride, then mute+block them so they can't reply their way back into your feed. in reply to therunefox ->
https://t.co/Waxq8g1V3L ->
@Wolfpackmiitomo @NinStatusBot Basically the 3DS and Wii U shops will no longer accept your stored/loaded funds fro… https://t.co/DTFUDrjjPg in reply to Wolfpackmiitomo ->
@mudkipmateo @NinStatusBot Nope. You have until 5pm today in SoCal. in reply to mudkipmateo ->
Quick #nofed PSA for those here
Midnight UTC = to:
5pm PDT/Arizona 6pm MDT 7pm CDT 8pm EDT 9pm ADT (Canadian Mari… https://t.co/qgaptQj42g ->
@mudkipmateo @NinStatusBot Yep. in reply to mudkipmateo ->
And now, #Nashville …
#NotSurprised https://t.co/NHyoWLkKW2 ->
@hay_umi15 I get them constantly trying to slip into my DMs. Tis why I don't keep 'em too open anymore. in reply to hay_umi15 ->
@9to5mac Apple is a lifestyle company (allegedly) borderline-fraudulently masquerading as a tech company. in reply to 9to5mac ->
I cannot condone the actions of the perpetrator of what happened at #NashvilleCovenantSchool – violence only… https://t.co/ey1tnolbQ3 ->
However, I am #NotSurprised that it happened, especially in a red state LIKE TN. So long as the #GQPClownShow & The… https://t.co/4MiHM2DFpF in reply to biafrarepublic ->
Also, I am #NotSurprised that the far-right is lunging and trying to manipulate nuance into false allegations of su… https://t.co/wnvR12XMXe in reply to biafrarepublic ->
A moment of silence for the #following
Nintendo #3DS #eShop 6 June 2011 – 27 March 2023
Nintendo #WiiUeShop 18 No… https://t.co/rm6WyncrQ7 ->
Hey, @POTUS if you want to ban apps using the RESTRICT Act, start with this one instead. Its either that or watch E… https://t.co/6h99oKtzu3 ->
@LakotaMan1 yep in reply to LakotaMan1 ->
@UltimaShadowX Put another way, Tears of the Kingdom is now the first Zelda looter-shooter. in reply to UltimaShadowX ->
@AndroidPolice I refused to use T9. The first 2 phones I owned (both cheap Nokias) has a super cramped number pad,… https://t.co/SZdbCJxJJQ in reply to AndroidPolice ->
@Unclekage Older sister did the same thing in middle school when a boy touched her backside. Said boy immediately l… https://t.co/3c8Rz6JaBo in reply to Unclekage ->
@Unclekage My advice: tell them "I will agree to talk to her when you lot actually start taking action against the… https://t.co/aA0tuoslnN in reply to biafrarepublic ->
@heroofnone Just remember to stick any streaming kit you need into your carryon if you plan on doing any while ther… https://t.co/E9jugmaKol in reply to heroofnone ->
@ValorB Do it anyway. It will at least be a change of scenery. in reply to ValorB ->
@LakotaMan1 That's a bit charitable of you. I would have used "hosing vomit out the bed of the pickup truck", myself. in reply to LakotaMan1 ->
@heroofnone I have a list:
* Sonic Mania Plus * Sonic Frontiers (ignore the Nintendo Life "review", it's basically… https://t.co/2SDqcINzH8 in reply to heroofnone ->
@LinusTech Sent. Enjoy! in reply to LinusTech ->
@LeviFetterman @MikeSchlossberg I think Wisconsin is already using that.
Maybe, something potato based from Sheetz? in reply to LeviFetterman ->
@LeviFetterman True. Disney being in charge of local government is not an ideal situation.
That being said, given… https://t.co/rih7PvurhX in reply to LeviFetterman ->
@LeviFetterman Also, Disney's service workers are voting on a new union contract to increase wages to $18+ by the e… https://t.co/FphOQgNx5G in reply to biafrarepublic ->
@SergalJerk @SkyeSeeking Really? I could have sworn it close to 100 when I exited Eve back in 2017. in reply to SergalJerk ->
Now Streaming Cyberpunk 2077 on #Twitch … Strap In! https://t.co/unGy8n6tHj ->
@ValorB @MarkHamill Proof-reader. It's for people too rich to use F7. in reply to ValorB ->
I'm do not support what the shooter did in #Nashville. I'm also #NotSurprised that #NashvilleCovenant School enable… https://t.co/tigyYJCtna ->
Tell me you haven't seen the @devolverdigital annual presentations without telling me you haven't seen their annual… https://t.co/KzIym07608 ->
This is what people who slag @KickStreaming off for their moderation (or lack thereof) need to realize. It w… https://t.co/hpW5aXLVTJ ->
Now Streaming Cyberpunk 2077 on #Twitch … Strap In! https://t.co/unGy8n6tHj ->
0 notes
poufonahottinroof · 4 years
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Perusing pics for #halloweenthrowback it suddenly dawned on me: I actually tend to costume more in various parts of the year. That being said, I can Halloween with the best of them. There’s also stories that go along with each pic and they’re definitely #juicy. #costumemaster #actor #notadragqueen #gay #gayboy #gayboyinadress #boycostumesareeasier https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAVQ2qlaNU/?igshid=1jdzicmze9mp2
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maxwellsmaart · 5 years
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😚😚😚😚🤣🤣🤣🤣#hesalady #notadragqueen #queenoftheride (at New York City - Manhattan - Nyc) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0BkOCjJSxg/?igshid=3bjd4mjuzi92
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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Somebody needs to cut off his mic, we don’t care about what a person who groomed a teenager thinks . Honestly groomers and child rapists are more of a 🚩 than single mom with kids
Oh and btw, in case you were wondering, he’s #NotADragQueen either
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brandonevppoetry · 6 years
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Today was about ME...So let me continue😘😜💁🏾‍♀️ #me #brandonevp #gay #gaylove #gayman #NOTadragqueen #dragqueen #dragrace #rupaul #fashionnova #junkheadbands #shoedazzle #kendrasboutique #snapchat #Body #23 #happybirthday #happybirthdaytome #Virgo https://www.instagram.com/p/BnzuL5WgJN9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vnz36y5vay7e
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