#not to mention the fact that people would just blatantly repost them and get more notes than my original post
chaosrealm · 2 years
sometimes i miss making my own gifs/edits and then i remember that people don't remember how to push the reblog button so nevermind lol
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teaveetamer · 9 months
Raxis showed he blocked you why are you still stalking him
I'm not stalking him lmfao. The only times I've really talked about him the past, like, six months? Have been when he's explicitly come to my blog to take screenshots of my posts and repost them to other platforms, despite the fact that I have had him blocked for a long time now. Which, wow, that does tend to get back to me believe it or not, whether I go look at any of his accounts or not. In this particular instance I noticed the art theft because the artist (who I and multiple other people I'm friends with follow, because they're a big artist. Big enough to get comms from Celine's VA--which that piece he reposted without permission was btw) got an ask tipping them off to the fact that Raxyboy had reposted their art which explicitly said "do not repost" on it.
I'd seen him do this art theft bullshit before (he and/or someone in that circle did it around November too, I actually had a post in my drafts talking about it, but decided not to post it because I didn't want to get bogged down in it) so I thought it warranted mentioning this time around. Especially since it's clear he didn't bother asking permission. If he had, I'm sure the artist would have said "hey cool that you like my work, but I have a tumblr. Could you reblog it instead?". Really it's just another piece of evidence demonstrating a loooooong, abusive pattern Raxyboy engages in (namely: "who gives a fuck about boundaries, I can do whatever I want whenever I want and I'm going to expect you to put up with me blatantly harassing you and stealing your work because fuck your feelings. I'm entitled to your words and your work whenever, wherever, and however I want!")
Like again, this dude is 35 and behaving like a schoolyard bully. He's more than old enough to know how to respect a block button and ask permission before blatantly stealing and reposting other people's work. It's not really my fault that he categorically refuses to respect other people's personal boundaries. If that's getting him into trouble with other people in the fandom, perhaps he could try modifying his behavior to be more respectful of his fellow fans instead of sending whiny anons into my inbox to "defend" his indefensible actions.
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vivianweasley · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice (Chapter 3)
Summary: Your father is Lucius Malfoy’s cousin, and after the war, it was really difficult for you to find a job because of your last name. So your mother and Mrs. Weasley came up with a crazy idea. A fake marriage between you and Fred Weasley. 
In this chapter: There are some terrible gossips about your marriage with Fred in the office, but luckily Fred had an idea to cheer you up.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Malfoy!Fem!Reader
Warnings: workplace discrimination, gossip, slight mention of dinner
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: So they finally slept on the same bed asdffgjk also special thanks to @valwritesx for the idea of the wedding ring part! I just love this idea so much asdfjgk
disclaimer: all the pictures used in the header are from Pinterest. Credit goes to the original owners.
Please do NOT repost or translate my work on any platform! Thank you! Reblogs and comments are always welcome:)
Pride and Prejudice Masterlist
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“What’s this?” You were trying to decide on the clothes you’re going to wear for the first day of work when Fred came home with a little box.
“Proof that I’m a thoughtful person, too,” Fred smiled, “Open it!”
You opened it, and there was a beautiful silver ring lying in the box. A small flower was blooming at the tip of the ring, and inside the flower, there’s a little diamond. It was simple, but exquisite.
When Fred was walking home tonight, a jewelry shop caught his attention. The wedding ring displayed in the shop window reminded him that you two weren’t even wearing a wedding ring to play the part. 
He didn’t want to get you something too luxurious because it was only a fake marriage, and he didn’t want you to feel pressured, but he also didn’t want to get you something too sketchy. And that little flower ring looked perfect. He knew it would look good on your hand.
You gasped when you saw the ring, and Fred raised his left hand to show you the matching ring on his finger, “Now it looks more convincing when you go to work tomorrow.”
You slid the little flower on your ring finger. It was strange having a wedding ring sitting there, but you were also surprised that it fits your finger perfectly as if it was just supposed to be there. A warm feeling spread through your body when you realized that he was also trying to help you and keeping this arrangement in his mind. “This is beautiful! Thank you, Fred!”
“See, I told you I’m a detail-oriented person, too,” Fred boasted. But watching you beaming at him and that wedding ring shinning on your finger, he wasn’t sure if he bought it because he wanted to play his part better or just wanted you to have that wedding ring.
Your first day of work went well. Most of the time, you were just thrilled that you finally got a job.
During the lunch break, the girl sitting next to you asked you to join them, and you happily went along. But as the conversation progressed, the topic started to move in a seemingly unavoidable direction.
“So, tell us, cause we’re all dying to know,” one of your colleagues started, “How did you and your husband meet?”
“Our parents are friends, so we met when we were little,” you replied, feeling nervous, even though you were telling the truth.
“Oh, really?” another colleague exclaimed, “Your parents were friends?”
Her reaction and tone stung you as she sounded like she was surprised that your families, the Malfoys and the Weasleys, could possibly be friends. You told yourself that you were too sensitive, that she could simply be surprised that your parents were already friends before you two got married.
But what you heard during lunch break a week later made your stomach sink. 
“I’m still finding it hard to believe that a Weasley would marry a Malfoy. What did he see in her, anyway?” You heard a woman’s voice.
“I bet she probably used amortentia on him.”
Then a man’s voice chimed in, “Oh come on! She’s a Malfoy! They can do better than amortentia. I bet she used an unforgivable curse on him.”
Their conversation ended in their laughter, but it struck you dumb. How blatantly and how easily they just assumed the worst of you only because of your last name. And the worst part was that you began to think maybe part of their accusation was actually correct? You did force Fred into this marriage, after all.
Your brain was clouded by disgust and self-doubt that the rest of the day seemed to be a blur. 
“Y/N? Earth to Y/N?” You and Fred were doing dishes together after dinner. He was cleaning the dishes with detergent, and you were supposed to rinse them. But Fred noticed that you were blanking out again when you didn’t take the plate he just handed to you.
“Yea? Oh, sorry,” you finally took the plate from his hand when his voice pulled you back to reality. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong? You seem off today.”
“Nothing,” you shook your head absent-mindedly, “I’m just thinking that...maybe we could get a divorce earlier.”
“What?” the plates clanked as one slipped from Fred’s hand, “Why?”
“It’s just that...I don’t see the point of faking it anymore. People already know the truth,” you sighed as you felt all of your emotions started pouring out, “No matter what I do, they will always assume the worst of me. So what’s the point? It never looked real, anyway.”
Fred remained silent for a few seconds, but his furrowed brows soon smoothed out as an idea came to him, “Well, then we just have to make it look more realistic!”
You went to work tomorrow, still having no idea what Fred was going to do. You were worried that he might do something crazy, but you also had to admit you were feeling rather excited.
The answer finally revealed itself when it’s almost the end of your work. The reception called you, saying that there’s a Mr. Weasley looking for you. 
You walked outside and saw Fred standing at the door, “Surprise, darling! Happy three years anniversary!”
You were confused at first, but you soon got his cue as you ran into his arms and exclaimed, “Merlin, Freddie! I can’t believe it’s already been three years since we started dating!”
“I’m thinking about going to your favorite restaurant tonight after you finish work. What do you say?” He said as he planted a kiss on your forehead. The kiss was so natural, and you knew it was just for show, but your face started heating up immediately.
“I-But I-I still need to finish editing this chapter that I’m working on,” you tried to act natural, but it couldn’t change the fact that a little kiss could leave you this flustered. 
Fred let out a silent laugh when he heard you stutter, “Oh, that’s okay, princess. I can wait in your office! if that’s alright?”
“Okay.” You had a feeling that this show wasn’t over yet, and you were dying to know what exactly did he have in store.
“No! I’m not doing that!” You were so glad now that your desk was in the corner, or else your coworkers would’ve heard Fred’s plan for them. “Fred, no offense, but don’t you think it’s a little bit immature?” The thought of teaching your colleagues a lesson has crossed your mind so many times. But as much as you wanted to just throw a dung bomb on them or turn them into canaries, you still wanted to approach things more maturely. 
“Oh c’mon, like those gits were mature when they made those horrible assumptions about you?”
You could tell from Fred’s tone that he was angry, and it made you feel slightly better knowing that someone actually cared, so you started caving in, “Fine. But why don’t you do it? You’re the pro.”
“Trust me. It would feel so much better if you did it yourself.” Fred could see that you’re still concerned, so he added, “Alright, how about this. For my second wish, I want you to prank those gits yourself.”
Your eyes widened. This was not how you thought he would spend his second wish. “You sure? But why?”
“Because they messed with my wife. That’s why,” he winked at you.
His expression looked playful, but his tone was serious. His words made your heart flutter and also helped you finally make up your mind.
You didn’t know how long you’ve waited to do this as you picked up your wand, pointed it at your target, and whispered, “Rictusempra.” You chose an easy, harmless tickling charm. It was simple, but it’s also embarrassing enough.
Just a few seconds later, you heard people screaming and laughing in the office. The three gossipers started scratching their bodies and jumping up and down like they were three monkeys. The office burst into laughter. 
One of them started yelling, claiming that someone has hexed them. Some people immediately turned to look at Fred since he has a notorious reputation for being a prankster. But Fred was now staring at you all lovingly as you focused on the chapter in front of you. This made the targets angrier because they knew it had something to do with you, but they just couldn’t find proof. 
The clock struck five, and you started packing up your bag unhurriedly. Fred took your bag and your hand, “Let’s go, darling.”
“Let's go, Freddie,” you smiled as you held his hand. You two walked out with your heads held high, leaving the gossipers still jumping around and having no evidence proving that you were behind this. 
When you were on your way home, your heart was still beating fast from the thrill and excitement. 
“It was fun, wasn’t it?” Fred noticed you were still very excited. 
“It was. I wish I could take a picture of their reactions and frame it,” you admitted, “Thank you, Freddie.”
“No need to thank me, love. You were the one who came up with that spell,” Fred smiled, “You are pretty good at this.”
You gasped dramatically as you put your hand on your chest, “Thank you! I’m honored.” 
Watching you laugh, Fred suddenly felt something tugging at his heartstrings. “But seriously, Y/N, are you sure you still want to work in this company?”
You paused for a few seconds, for you didn’t know how to answer this question. “Yea,” you looked down as you sighed, “where else can I go?”
“If you don’t mind, the joke shop is always looking for more staff, and I think you’re a perfect candidate.”
“I appreciate that, Fred, but I want to do this on my own.”
Fred nodded. If this were what you wanted, he’d respect that. He took your hand again. You were surprised how this simple yet intimate gesture became so natural between you two.
“What do you want for dinner?” He asked.
“Hmm...A simple home-cooked meal would be nice,” you answered. Home, a word that Fred loved hearing you say.
Before bed, you and Fred were brushing your teeth together. It was a simple and ordinary routine, but you were finding this moment magical. Watching your reflections in the mirror, you realized you two were moving in synch so easily and naturally. Since when did you get used to having him in your life? And since when did you start to have him on your mind? The whole day played on repeat in your mind, and all you could think about was how Fred encouraged you and lift your spirit when you needed it the most.
“Actually, you can have the bed tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch. I wanted to thank you for helping me today.” You always knew he was too tall for that couch to be comfortable, but your pride didn’t allow you to give up that bed until today when you finally found an excuse. 
“No, it’s fine. You did most of the work, anyway,” Fred shrugged.
“I have a better idea,” you heard George’s voice behind you, “How about you both sleep on the bed? It’s a very big and comfy bed if I remembered correctly.”
You felt the heat climbing up from your cheeks to the tips of your ears, but somehow you just didn’t want to let this pass. “I-I guess I’m fine with that.”
Fred’s expression froze for a moment, but a smile soon appeared on his lips, “Then I guess I’m fine with that, too.”
Sleeping next to Fred, you could hear your heart pounding in your chest. But this seemed so normal to him since you were pretty sure he fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.
This was probably the first time you got to stare at him at such a close distance and without anyone interrupting. You always knew he was good looking, but now you just found everything about him perfect. You adored how his eyes light up when he’s talking about new ideas and plans. You adored the angle of his lips when he’s smiling and when he’s saying your name. Or maybe, you just adored him.
Your eyes traced Fred’s eyes, nose, and lips, and stopped at the wedding ring sitting on his finger, stating that he’s your husband, at least just for now. Almost unknowingly, your hand reached for the ring on his hand but immediately pulled back when he let out a silent groan. 
Did he notice you staring at him? Was he awake this whole time? You buried your face in the blanket and tried to pretend you’re asleep while your heart was still beating loud in your chest. Maybe you were too good at pretending, or perhaps you were just too tired from your work and adventure today, but you soon fell asleep. 
Watching you sleeping peacefully and hearing you breathing evenly, Fred decided that this might be his favorite scene. Of course he was awake this whole time. How could he fall sleep so easily when you were lying right next to him? His left hand found yours as your wedding rings clicked together. He couldn’t help but pulled you closer and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
Fred wondered, what would it feel like if you were really his wife? What would it feel like if you loved him too? But even if this was only for one year, even if this was only for one night, he felt happy and content enough just holding you like this.
(to be continued.)
Chapter 4
A/N: First fic of 2021! Next chapter is going to be Christmas at the Burrow!
series taglist: @ifilosemyselfagain @theweasleytwinsgirl @bookworm06 @unabashedbookscollector @txtdreamss @sagittarius-flowerchild  @rsheridan @ovrwd @anywherebuthere @allaroundaddict @jeminila @secretsofageek @magical-spit @freddieweasleyswife @lilypad-55449 @hufflepuffzutara @honey-honey-5644 @treblebeth @kyloren-peterparker 
general taglist: @protect-remus @elayneblack @violettaweasley  @pineapplesandpinas @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @heiressofravka @itstatigallegos @missmulti @bolaurel @rangerelik @teenagesublimefan @leave-me-alone-and-go-away @gcdric @the-romanian-is-bae @zaphdekota @glimmering-darling-dolly  @gloryekaterina @reenfluffmarshmallow @wand3ringr0s3 @heavenlymidnight @hunnybunimdun @izzyyy-1 @magicalxdaydream @starlightweasley @shadowsinger11 @probably-peeves @thisismynerdyself @theweasleysredhair @harrysweasleys @levylovegood @cinammonjae @mrbillymontgomery @slytherinsunrise @rosemusic18 @sarcasticallywitty15 @ac127 @1127203457 @inglourious-imagines @bellaiscool @vogueweasley @coolepowersthings @slutherin-7  @bberree @sleep-i-ness @icarusfaiis @letsgotothehop  @papan-pananpanda​  @llilithsdaughter​  @mollenniumfalcon​  @mackaywhore​ @jasminemirage​ @the-whitewolfie​
(message me if you want to be added or removed! If your url is bolded, tumblr won’t let me tag you for some reasons)
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tobi-smp · 3 years
well ! to describe the situation briefly, someone reposted one of my posts talking about the recent harassment campaign for technoblade and were (naturally) harassed into deleting that reupload because twitter is just a knife tornado hungry for their next victim
this is upsetting for a lot of reasons (the perpetuation of this cycle of harassment and abuse even on the small scale being the most important), but what I felt was actually my place to comment on in this particular situation (it’s not my place to speak for the affected person) was to address how the blatant use of bad faith interpretation used to interpret any person or content that the twitter hate mob wants Removed as bigoted or problematic was Blatantly used to force someone to remove my commentary on this Exact phenomenon. and the fact that I both pointed out the ableism in the technoblade situation And faced ableism for pointing it out Sure Says A Lot about the current climate of the situation.
I use twitter pretty rarely and when I do it’s not really dream smp focused, so I’d appreciate it if people who feel safe spreading it around on twitter would do so would do so: (Link) but just passing it around here is totally fine. note: I didn’t use any screenshots or names for anyone or anything except myself because I’m not here to put anyone on blast.
Here’s a comprehensive list of my posts on the techno situation up until now: (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4)
and I’ll have a text version of my response/explanation under the cut
The entire point of my post is that people, namely the original creator of the thread but Many Many More, were making smaller but objective allegations (things that are objectively true, like techno making a joke on twitter asking if hitler is a lesbian) and mixing it in with Far Harsher allegations that take reading a situation in blatant bad faith to interpret it the way that they have and treating them Both with the exact same weight. 
Doing so both enables people to bolster the smaller allegations (it’s much easier for people to care about the objectively provable things if they can also buy into the idea that he’s either genuinely racist or just out and out cruel) And it uses the smaller allegations to retroactively strengthen the case against technoblade in these stronger allegations (it’s much easier to accept that technoblade had intended for this to be a joke when you list it Alongside a laundry list of edge humor that paints him in a bad light presented with commentary on how he’s an objectively awful person).
One Of the points I made was Not that technoblade has adhd so therefore we can’t criticize him, that is a surface level bad faith reading of what I said and just overall poor comprehension of the post itself, but that the fandom has a history of treating technoblade in ableist ways, particularly when it comes to reading his tone but far and beyond that as well. The cherry picking and blatant misinterpretation of the literal only point in which I mention his neurodivergency to discredit the point I’m making is literally just proving my argument for me. People are willfully using bad faith interpretation to justify stronger allegations that make their criticisms look better so they can strong arm people into acting how they want them to act and doing what they want them to do. People want to force technoblade fans to shun him and force technoblade into a position under them so they take an instance where his tone is blunt while trying to share a petition get justice for george floyd and they overtly and unashamedly interpret it as him mocking the death of a black man so they can shame him and the people who support him with accusations of racism. People see a take they don’t like defending a man they’ve decided is bad so they take the only mention of adhd in the post and twist it into coddling people with adhd to excuse racism to pressure and shame the reuploader into taking it down and apologizing. It’s weaponizing marginalized people to use as blunt objects to hurt someone, which damn well isn’t activism.
When I, as a person with adhd, autism, and anxiety, recognize when largely (not entirely but Largely) neurotypical people are taking advantage of the flexibility in how tone can be read to clearly come to an unfair conclusion intended solely to hurt someone and I recognize that tactics like this leaves neurodivergent people particularly vulnerable it is not your place to tell me that I’m “babying people with adhd.” recognizing bigotry against people like me is not babying and reducing it down to that is ableist, Point Blank.
At any rate, the point I was making with the end of my post was Not that technoblade is excused from having to apologize because he has adhd. It was pointing out the fact that the conflation of provable minor offenses with major offenses that he’d Have to defend himself against Because they’re bad faith readings of what he said creates a situation where he both Can’t address the situation in its entirety without leaving himself vulnerable for more misinterpretation and harassment And can’t take anything that’s been brought up in good faith (meaning that he Very Understandably wouldn’t feel comfortable addressing it when he’s well aware that it exists for the entire purpose of harassing him).
Disagree with that point, agree with it, whatever. Just don’t paint it as something that it’s not just so you can tear it down easier and harass people over it. Genuinely it is disgusting to me that my words were used as a tool to hurt someone else and people should feel ashamed for what they’ve done. They won’t, but they should.
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Alright, this whole thing with Honey Impact is a clusterfuck, so I’m gonna make a rant (written with the help of friends) about it breaking every leg Honey Impact seems to think they can stand on. Buckle on in kids, because this is gonna be a long one.
Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, but you do not have to be a legal expert to do some basic fucking research, which Honey Impact has clearly not done despite saying that they have.
First, it should be known that months ago Mihoyo released a statement asking people to stop supporting leaks and that they would be increasing efforts to deal with illegal disclosures of their unreleased content. This has been a long time coming, and honestly with the recent actions of leakers and/or dataminers, I think it’s deserved.
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Second, unlike what many people seem to think, it is not unfair of Mihoyo to shut down Honey Impact’s site. It is within their rights. Honey Impact is sharing and profiting from content that does not belong to them. That is the bottom line of this. They do not own that content and they do not have the permission, nor the right, to share it.
Furthermore, Mihoyo did not go behind Honey Impact’s back to shut down their website. For example, if a streamer or youtube video infringes copyright, the company/corporation/individual/whatever entity holding that copyright would go to the highest power to tell the streamer or person who uploaded that youtube video that they’re infringing on that copyright, which would be Twitch and Youtube respectively. In this case, the highest power was the host domain hosting Honey Impact’s website.
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Heading on to the points from the 9/11 update Honey Impact shared on their website and on their discord blatantly trying to paint Mihoyo as the bad guy and claiming that what they’re doing is in fact not illegal and pretty much digging a bigger hole for themselves:
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Here is where they claim they did some legal work to try and keep their website afloat. Honestly, it seems more like they were trying to find a way to keep doing their illegal work for profit.
1)    In their first point, they claim that the Terms of Service (ToS) is not a contract. That is incorrect. It is a contract. You may not have signed with your name in blood, but you agreed to it when you checked the little box(es) to access the game because a digital signature is still your signature. If you agreed to the ToS and you violate it, you can be held accountable for doing so. What kind of legal work are you doing that you don’t even know this?
2)     In this point they say that Mihoyo provides a software that requires Kernel level of access to your PC. First of all, you have to grant Mihoyo/Genshin this permission. It is like when an app on your phone asks you for permission to access your photos, your microphone, your camera, etc. Second, the Kernel level of access to your PC isn’t to steal and sell your information, install a virus, etc., but to enforce anti-cheat measures which is common in other games.
Furthermore, it has been adjusted to be as minimally invasive as possible and if they violated any rules or laws regarding invasion of privacy or if they made it so that your computer turned into a bitcoin farm, the Google Play Store and the Apple Store and other platforms would have removed Genshin Impact from their platform. (And Mihoyo would’ve gotten into a whole lot of trouble.) What kind of developer are you that you don’t even know this?
On top of their misleading accusations, they use cookie based ads on their own site. Aka the things that save and keep track of your emails, passwords, browser history, etc, and they sell it to the highest bidder without informing you of who or what it's for or giving you a single share of the profits they're making off the private information you have stored on your device(s) while accessing their site. So who is actually being invasive?
3)     Honey Impact does give credit where credit is due with the watermarks, but they host ads on the website and they run a Patreon asking people to support them in developing their website. Which is very hypocritical of them since they themselves said that they make 10kUSD+ a month and stated that they don’t want people in their discord server to donate to them. They also beg for donations in their streams.
They are not only illegally distributing someone else’s content, they are also profiting from it. This violates the fair use clause of copyright law.
This is like people taking artists’ work and selling them behind their back. Even if the artist is making bank compared to whatever you are making, it is still theft of intellectual property. You are pretty much reposting art that the artist has said not to repost. You are a thief. What kind of content creator are you that you don’t even know this?
4)     Unlike what Honey Impact has said, everything that is under the Genshin Impact banner, be it released content or unreleased is covered under the trademark that Mihoyo owns. As the owners of that trademark, they want Honey Impact to stop using their website to illegally share unreleased content that they illegally acquired.
Honey Impact also refers to their website as a fansite. But fansites generally aren’t for profit/have ad revenue, as profiting off of someone else's content goes directly against Fair Use, which they seem to think they are somehow entitled to if they scream about it loud enough… 
Just look at the Genshin Impact fandom wiki. There is a reason why they do not allow leaked/datamined/unreleased content on their page. (Because it is illegal!!!!!!!) Also, since Honey Impact was using Fandom, the host domain of the Genshin Impact fanwiki, as an example of an entity making money off of official content: first, Fandom hosts a lot more fanwikis than just the Genshin Impact fanwiki (which, btw, has no for-profit ads), which culminates in a lot more overall traffic compared to Honey Impact’s site of stolen goods. Which means Fandom needs more money.
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Second, again, the Genshin fanwiki DOES NOT POST UNRELEASED/LEAKED/DATAMINED CONTENT ON THEIR PAGES. BECAUSE DOING SO IS ILLEGAL. I don't know why Honey Impact thinks the fanwiki has that kind of content on its pages, but it doesn't.
Moreover, about not being subject to the NDA; it does not matter that Honey Impact, or anyone else on their team, did not sign an NDA. The crux of the matter is that the stuff they’re sharing doesn’t fucking belong to them. It is still theft of intellectual property.
Furthermore, this is not a grey area in law. Any company/corporation/individual/entitiy with a copyright has the right to tell other people to stop using their content protected by that copyright if they so choose. There has been precedent for this. D*sney is one such example as is Anne Rice.
As for other content creators that aren’t dataminers and/or leakers, they have been sanctioned by Mihoyo to release the content they have been releasing. Don't drag down other content creators such as streamers, artists, fanmerch creators, etc as they comply with a very much public list of conditions that Mihoyo has published to allow them to LEGALLY profit. They make fun of Mihoyo’s legal department not even being able to make a clear paragraph in English, yet Honey Impact’s English isn’t perfect either. So what if Mihoyo can’t spell? Honey Impact apparently can’t even read.
5)     What they are asking Honey Impact to do with their website is to follow the law. It is not some fraud company politics, it. Is. The. Fucking. Law. The reason they don’t want Honey Impact to have backups is because they’re not supposed to fucking have it in the first place. Furthermore, company politics has to do with what goes on inside the company, not what the company does to people/entities outside of it.
Ultimately, the stuff related to unreleased content of Genshin Impact Honey Impact has been posting on their website DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM. It’s bad enough that they were posting it without permission, it’s even worse that they were getting money for it.
Not to mention, with the way they have been acting, if you’ve been sympathetic and/or defending them, they really don’t deserve it. They added a pretty nasty disclaimer on their new website (which has since been deleted), which, by the way, can get them sued for libel, so that’s another charge on them, and also really shows how petty and childish they’re acting.
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Moving on to how they claim they’re back, which at this rate won’t be for long, they say they’ve moved to an Amsterdam based server and that that server is non-DMCA compliant.
So Ionos, their former host server for their website, is, in Honey's words, "DMCA compliant" only in the sense that they take responsibility for the content posted on their platform(s) and domain(s). All that means is that Mihoyo has to go through the DMCA process with the company to officiate the start of the paperwork.
Moving to an Amsterdam server that claims to be "not DMCA compliant" doesn't mean they can't get struck by DMCA. It just means that the company disclaims any and all legal obligations regarding the content posted and it will be solely the content creator's responsibility. So all that means is that they'll get their DMCA even faster now because Mihoyo will not be legally obligated to send the paperwork to the hosting company before sending it to them.
By the way, DMCA laws are INTERNATIONAL. Just because you moved servers from the US to Amsterdam does not mean you suddenly do not have to follow DMCA laws. Also, Mihoyo does have a local EU branch to deal with such things in Europe.
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eataweed · 3 years
(reposting my analysis of TruTV Jake and Amir script from the subreddit thread)
This is a fascinating find! I would love to see the actual filmed pilot eventually, but this is super cool to see and read.
But... as someone who's a bit more critical, I can see why this was passed on. Like u/abuffandacool said, I don't really see much where these characters could grow and move on, and I particularly dislike most of the cast.
We got:
• Bertie - The first new character we're introduced to, and her entire joke is that she sexually assaults Amir. Unobjectively the worst part of the entire script. Kinda reads like an Emily for Amir rather than for Jake, but Emily on her own isn't funny without Murph's rage and (deliberate?) misunderstandings IMO.
• Logan Pitt - The most bearable one, in my opinion. On my blog, I joked about how if there were any female characters, I would deliberately misinterpret them as lesbians, (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/786075967516835840/873272654856085504/unknown.png) and she works well enough. She's a bit one-note, but all of these new characters seem that way from the script + character breakdown, so what can you do. Her character breakdown mentions how much she talks about her sex life... Why are all the female characters sex related? I know that's just... a thing male comedy writers do sometimes, but it feels blatantly obvious.
• Sick Pat - I can't believe they went and named one of these characters "Pat". You're gonna do my man Pat Cassels like this? He's... decent? Like u/abuffandacool said, he's very one-note and doesn't really fit with the rest of the cast.
• Rick Fox - Rick Fox. Honestly, it feels like he has less substance than the Rick Fox character in the five minute webseries scripts. At least in that, he married a chicken. The high-five, low-five thing is kinda cute, but the entire joke seems to be "Woah, he's Rick Fox!" which would get old really quickly.
• Phil Rooney - He's a typical boomer character, one that has a lot more chances for different types of comedy than the others, but an obvious gag that's been used before.
• Dicky Van Doren - THEY'RE REALLY DOING RICKY VAN VEEN LIKE THIS? I was baffled by the name when I saw it. Ricky's character bothered me in The CollegeHumor Show, and this is basically just That character, again, but the fact that it's such an obvious parody makes me lose my mind where I like him more for it.
• Hayley Meyers - Typical bitchy bimbo blonde character that all the guys are into. Again, there's some stuff to be found there, but I doubt it'll be explored. I like that she has a bit of a Cheryl thing going on with Amir, I'd love it if she was just a tad more insane like Cheryl was.
Unlike a lot of other Office Comedy sitcoms, this cast doesn't have anyone for the viewer to attach onto, no common man/woman for people to put in their Tinder bios, and I can see that being an issue for the average viewer. Who knows how these characters would've evolved given a greenlit series, but as of now they all feel pretty one-note.
The actual comedy is fine, the best parts are the Jake and Amir bits, which is expected since it's their bread and butter. There are some reused bits, but I'm okay with that since it would be a new audience's eyes watching it.
I personally feel like there were a bit too many sexual assault jokes (something I also felt in Lonely & Horny S2), but... I also personally never liked them to begin with, so that's just more of a personal gripe. Of course, it's always done on men, since "it's okay and funny if it happens to men!!!" /s, but I might be being too harsh since this was done before big movements like #MeToo... I guess.
I still would've loved to see it greenlit, hopefully with some character changes, but I can see why it was eventually rejected. I do think it could be a fun romp, but there are some glaring issues that I think could be improved upon.
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epochofbelief · 4 years
Breath Control Chapter Two
here’s chapter two... unfortunately had to repost these first three chapters bc Tumblr deleted them or something!! 
“Feyre. Have you done any work for the past hour we have been sitting here?” 
Elain’s voice barely managed to penetrate my thoughts. I looked down at my textbook and shook my head. I had very bad cases of a hangover and a sour stomach. And embarrassment. And a broken heart. 
“Will you please just talk to me?” 
I’d met Elain at the library an hour ago, both of us planning to get some serious homework done before the week got started. I’d managed to tell Elain a little of what had happened last night but she hadn’t pried until now. 
“I don’t think I can talk about it.”
She huffed out a breath. “Feyre. If anyone knows what it feels like to have a broken heart, it would be me. So maybe I could help if you’d just talk to me.”
That’s right. Elain’s ex-boyfriend, Grayson, had broken up with her unexpectedly over the summer. Elain, positive he would be the man she married, and subsequently being denied admissions to the nursing schools she was trying to get into for grad school, had been in bad shape for a couple of months. I wasn’t sure if she was really okay now, or if she was just better at hiding it. She’d attended Mortal University for her undergraduate degree and had wanted to stay there for her masters--and hadn’t gotten in. Luckily she’d applied to Prythian’s school and had been accepted, but it wasn’t where she had wanted to end up at all. Away from her friends and our father, she’d started nursing school at the same time I’d started my sophomore year and I was pretty sure I was her only friend. 
Looked like she was my only friend, too. 
I sighed. Then explained. Tamlin and Ianthe all over each other. My public humiliation. And Rhys, unexpectedly driving me home and taking care of me, which was probably the most unexplainable part of the entire night. I hated it, but Tamlin’s behavior had hurt me but not surprised me. I’d barely said two words to Rhys the entire time I’d been at Prythian. We had a big swim team, about sixty people strong. Rhys and his friends--Cassian, Amren, Azriel, and Mor--were all in the middle distance group. Tamlin and Ianthe were sprinters. I swam distance, for the most part. The different training groups and large numbers made it difficult to bond with every single team member, so I didn’t know Rhys or his group at all. 
“Are you talking about Rhysand Night? That boy is hot.”
I did a double-take. That was a very brazen statement coming from Elain. “When have you ever even seen him?”
She raised her eyebrows. “I’ve been to your swim meets, you know. It’s easy to tell who has the best body and face from the stands.”
I groaned. “He saw me puke, Elain! I drunkenly poured my heart out to him. He must think I’m some kind of idiot. And now I am friendless on the team. Friendless. Especially after Rhys tells all his friends how pathetic I am.” I leaned over and put my face on my textbook. “I should quit now and cut my losses.”
Elain whacked me on the arm. “You most certainly will not quit! That beautiful boy was just--”
I stilled. If I hadn’t recognized that voice last night, I definitely did now. Positive my cheeks were a flaming red, I slowly sat up. 
“Hey, Rhys,” I said meekly, my hand coming up in a very awkward wave. I shoved it back down.
“You ladies talking about beautiful boys? Surely no one around here, right?” He asked smoothly, folding his arms and leaning against a bookshelf.
Thank God Elain blushed for me. “Nobody you’d know.” 
He raised his brows and I prayed he hadn’t heard anything else. “Hey, I was going to text you. . . Then I realized I didn’t have your number. You left your wallet in my car last night… I didn’t find it until this morning. It’s in my backpack. I can go grab it and bring it to you.” 
I couldn’t believe I hadn’t even realized it was gone. “No, no, I’ll come with you. You don’t have to make another trip.” And ignoring his protests I jumped up and took off through the shelves. For some reason, I didn’t want him anywhere near Elain when she was casually throwing about the word “beautiful.” I scoffed. He wasn’t that attractive.
I was halfway through the stacks when I realized I didn’t actually know where I was going. “Uh…” 
“All my friends are over there. Are you sure you don’t want me to just grab it for you and bring it to you here?” 
I stopped in my tracks. I had the feeling he knew I wasn’t in the mood to speak to anyone right now. A mood I had been in for the past few months, but. . . I blew out a breath.  “Um. Yeah. Thank you.”
He squeezed past me, and for a moment I found myself so close to him I could feel his body heat as he turned and sidestepped through the narrow space between me and the shelves. I could have sworn he was holding his breath as he passed, and I had to crane my neck to see his face. Our eyes met. I shivered.
Then he was gone. I blew out another breath and slumped against the shelf behind me. What was wrong with me? I’d been broken up with Tamlin for less than twenty-four hours and I was already noticing other guys. Disgusted with myself, I stared at the titles across from me. 
Rhys was back in less than a minute, my wallet in his outstretched hand. I took it from him, taking extra care not to brush his hand with mine. “Thanks.” 
I made to turn around and return to the safety of Elain’s aura when he reached out and brushed my shoulder. “Are you doing okay? You know, after everything?”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Rhys. You already made sure I got home okay.”
He crossed his arms. “Yeah but I’d kind of be an asshole if I didn’t at least check in. Now tell me. Are you okay?”
His gaze didn’t falter from mine as he looked at me. His gorgeous face was serious. He was really asking. He wanted a genuine answer. Good or bad, he wanted to know. 
And when I turned around, he let me go.
The rest of the day passed in a blur. Elain and I spent six hours in the library and I skipped out on the girls’ team dinner, claiming I had homework. I spent the evening locked in my room, dreading the inevitable moment when I ran into Ianthe, who was, after all, my roommate. Bitch, I muttered under my breath. 
It was eight o’clock and I had no plans for the rest of my evening, so I changed into my pajamas and flopped on the bed. Fully prepared to spend the night binging a TV show, I retrieved ice cream from my fridge and got under the covers. An hour into The Witcher, I got a text.
Rhysand Night: You’re going to practice in the morning, right?
I frowned. He was clearly texting the wrong person. And how did he have my number?
I opened the text and discovered that he had texted his phone from mine last night… 
Me: I was planning on it
Rhysand Night: Just checking. I know you may not feel like going right now, but I don’t want to see you getting in trouble
Being a part of a college level swim team meant twenty hours of training a week. Practice at 5:30 in the morning most weekdays and again in the afternoon. I didn’t know why Rhys felt the need to check on me--missing practice meant getting chewed out by the head coach. If you missed more than one practice, you got suspended. No way would I blatantly take that risk.
Me: I’ll be there
I shut off my phone and went to bed.
I barely dragged myself out of practice the next morning. And the morning after that. And the morning after that. For two weeks after Halloween, I ignored Ianthe as much as humanly possible. She made no attempt to apologize. Tamlin had even kept his distance. I showed up at practice, swam (albeit poorly), went to class, went to practice, and went home. I was reaching new levels of anti-social. Elain was busy with study groups and classes and Nesta wouldn’t be in town for another week. She worked as a flight attendant and split her time between our father's and her and Elain’s shared place.
I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything besides school and swim. The fact that I had wasted a year of my life on Tamlin Spring was tearing me apart from the inside out. And breaking up with him had made me realize all of the things I had wasted my life on for the past year. Why was I pursuing a degree in exercise science when I loved literature and art? Why had I put all my effort into one friendship with a bitch who had stabbed me in the back at her first opportunity? I had no other friends on the swim team I had chosen during my recruitment process, thinking it was the “place for me.” I was in the wrong place, had chosen the wrong people, and was aiming for the wrong future. The worst part was, it was all my fault. My blindness had seeped into every part of my life and I barely knew who I was without my overbearing boyfriend and the friend who had steered me around for my entire college experience.
On Thursday morning, over a week and a half after the Halloween party, Coach King texted me to meet him in his office after my classes for the day were over. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since. An impromptu meeting with Coach King usually implied a fate worse than death. At this point, I deserved anything he had to say to me. My grades had fallen in the past few weeks (I had failed a test on Monday and two quizzes since then) and my training had continued to worsen. 
My suspicions proved correct when I arrived for the meeting and Coach King started explaining the reason he had called me to his office. He mentioned my grades and my training and the fact that I had barely spoken or shown any signs of life at practice for days. He wanted to know what was wrong. He wanted to know what he could do to help. But mostly, he wanted me to fix it--fast. Then he told me he was moving me to the middle distance training group.
Moving training groups in the middle of the year was unheard of. Potentially season-ending. If he was moving me from distance to middle distance, he was most likely saying I wouldn’t travel or compete for the rest of the year. It took time to adjust to a new training regimen. 
I tried to protest, but he told me he had made his decision and felt I was more cut out for middle distance events anyway. The adjustment wouldn’t be too drastic. And he wanted me to take the rest of the week off and start fresh on Monday. 
That’s the thing about college athletics. Coaches can be great coaches. They can get a team from nothing to something quick if they know what they’re doing. Some can even do that and help their swimmers develop as people, too. But for most coaches, when it came down to it, weakness was weakness, no matter the reason. And I was currently the weakest link on the team. Coach King had to do something about it and this was apparently the best he could come up with.
I mumbled something to Coach King about seeing the sports psychologist and trying harder at the new practices. I felt certain he had vague ideas about the couples on the team, so he probably knew about my Tamlin situation. I didn’t feel the need to mention it to him. I left his office and made it all the way down the five flights of stairs and out the back entrance into the cloudy, chilly afternoon before I allowed myself to cry. 
I had messed up my life so royally that I had no idea how to fix it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Coach King kicked me off the team in a matter of weeks. We had a travel meet coming up, and I felt certain that I wouldn’t make the cut. I’d be stuck at Prythian U while all my teammates that I had developed no relationship with would travel. 
Head down, I was rushing to my car as my tears fell when I ran headfirst into a warm body. 
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry--”
“We have to stop meeting like--Feyre.”
“Rhys.” I kept my eyes on the crack in the parking lot pavement at my feet.
“Are you okay?”
“You’ve got to stop asking me that question! I know you don’t care! Let me deal with this by myself.” I made to push past him but he followed me to my car anyways. 
“Feyre. I do care. I’m your teammate. And it doesn’t seem like anybody else on the team is lining up to ask how you’re doing, so I’m here to do that. I want to help you.” Something in his voice made me pause, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.
“Just fuck off. You don’t even know me.”
He threw up his hands as I struggled to unlock my extremely old Volkswagen with the key fob. My tears and anger were making it very hard to open the door.
“For God’s sake, Feyre! Would you stop being so damn difficult and let someone help you? You’ve been a ghost at practice these past few weeks and Coach King just told me you were moving to my training group.”
I unlocked my car and wrenched it open. “Leave me alone.”
Rhys grabbed my car door and refused to let me close it. I glared at his stupid, gorgeous, violet eyes. “I bet you like this. An excuse to just give up, get yourself kicked off the team. Much easier than having to face Tamlin at practice everyday, much easier than having to make new friends.”
I narrowed my eyes. And slapped him across the face. 
He touched his cheek. A spark of satisfaction lit up against the confusion and depression that lived within my gut. I had surprised him. And shut him up.
“Wow. I guess I deserved that. But you know I’m right.”
And the fact was, I did. He had said out loud what was going on deep inside me, what I was dangerously close to giving in to. I was shocked someone I barely knew could even begin to fathom what was going on so deep within my brain that I had yet to admit it to myself.  But most of all, I was angry. Angry that this boy thought he had some sort of right to me pouring out my heart to him or at the very least accepting his help. He wasn’t a captain. He had no jurisdiction over me. 
“Fine! You’re right! Are you happy now?” I wanted to wipe the smug look off his face. I cast around for something, anything to make him understand even a little bit what I was feeling. “Any other accusations you want to spit at me to make me hate myself more than I already do?” 
His smirk fell. Satisfied once more, I thought he’d let me leave, but he held fast to my car door. 
“Tell me what to do to help you. Tell me and I’ll do it.”
I blinked. I thought he would yell at me some more. I hadn’t expected such an open offer, more raw and entreating than anything Tamlin had ever said to me.
 I hated that my year with Tamlin had made me think that a guy treating me nicely was a rare commodity. I deserved to be treated with more kindness than Tamlin had ever bestowed on me. I knew that, and yet--I didn’t know how to accept that kindness anymore. I was now so deeply confused about myself, my team, and Rhys that I merely stood there, staring at Rhys without really seeing him, and contemplating the nature of my existence for the past year. 
Rhys, appearing to come to the conclusion that I had nothing to say in response to his entreaty, cleared his throat. “I know there’s a team party this weekend, as per usual. But my friends and I are going to hang out ourselves and stay sober since we have a meet the weekend after. I want you to come. In fact, I insist.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but he kept talking. “If you don’t show, I’ll tell the captains you haven’t actually been sick or studying during the past two team meetings you’ve missed. I’ll text you the address. Come. Please. We won’t talk about Tamlin or anything difficult. Plus, you should probably meet your new training group.”
That was right. Rhys and all his friends were in the middle distance group. I’d be subject to all of them starting Monday. 
And because I couldn’t think of any excuse, because I couldn’t have the captains knowing the concrete truth about my absences, because maybe somewhere deep within me desired help, I agreed.
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genuflectx · 5 years
Robot Butler/Reader CH 1
Tumblr media
Ch 1 Length: 4,748 words
Full Story Length: 8,029 words
Main Kinks: Robots, risk of being seen/heard, public sex, creampie, fingering,
Other Warnings: Mentions of university, arguing with parents, former sex work,
1/30/2020: REPOST
(all images in aesthetic board are labeled for reuse with modification or are mine)
You took a bite of your chicken Marsala and cringed. It had been your mother's turn to make dinner, but she had never been a five star chef. You supposed she made up for that in her extensive mechanical skill sets. Where mother couldn't sauté, she could solder; where she couldn't bake, she could debug. And that was all well and good, but it did your family no favors at meal time, especially as you nearly choked. That was why, she declared, she and your father were going to be hiring someone else to do the cooking.
“You mean like... a personal chef?” asked your younger sister Lilly, on the brink of exploding with glee.
Mom smirked and tried to withhold her excitement. “A little more than that.”
“She means a new robot. That's what she means,” came your smug father.
Embarrassed, your mom's face reddened. Because she worked in a field that repaired damaged bots, she was greatly fond of them. Dad always teased her about her affinity with machines. Your three-story house already had two non-sentient cleaning bots, which sucked up dirt and debris on the floor. Mom had even named them: Debra and Deloris, the dust bunnies.
Your sibling was vibrating in her chair, eyes sparkling and grin ear-to-ear. It was obvious how she felt, but you were unsure. You were a college student, and felt that money was already spread far too thin to be hiring house staff willy-nilly, let alone one that needed a battery charge. The fact that your sister was to graduate high school in two years, before also heading to university, didn't help either.
You prudently let the fork rest, making no noise. “Can we afford a robot?”
At this, mom sat back and rose a brow. She wriggled a bit, as if smoothing a napkin in her lap. “Well. That's not the only announcement I have to make,” she glanced around the table, upping suspense. “I got a raise! An extra dollar an hour!” Then she added quickly, in a sing-song voice. “Plus he's discount, 'cause he's refurbished.”
“That's wonderful mom! But- he?” you squinted.
Lilly clapped softly. “A sentient robot!”
Through a full mouth, your dad nodded with a mumbled. “Eeeyup!”
The majority of household robots were considered non-thinkers, unable to form original thoughts or have emotions more complex than a slug. They were the robots in your phones, your appliances, the robots that could generate artwork or manufacturer small objects. You and Lilly had only interacted with free, complex-thought-driven robots a handful of times.
Sentient bots were more for the extremely rich, as typically only the rich could afford to hire and maintain them. They were stronger, more humanoid, and sometimes nearly indistinguishable from people. You loved bots, but you had to admit it. The idea of having a thinking one in your home frightened you just a little.
When time came for him to move in, you'd still been on the fence. You'd been expecting a thin, sharp-edged thing with a long, snooty face and cutting eyes. Instead, your mom led in a robot totally the opposite of the image of a butler.
He followed after her clumsily, turning sideways and ducking inside, and you could not help but see him as a sturdy Clydesdale trying to be somewhere he should not. He was in no way the delicate models designed to take up as little space as possible. Perhaps that is why your parents wanted to give him a chance, as who in their right mind would hire such a hulking thing to be their quiet, orderly butler? You found yourself blatantly staring.
You didn't think you'd ever seen a humanoid robot so big before. You wondered if his previous function had been in construction, or something equally as hefty. Everything about him was built for strength; with strong legs to move and strong arms to grasp.
He was tall and rotund. His shoulders were wide, not built for shimmying into the small door frames of your house. The arms were hard and stiff, perfect for lifting. Hands smooth and soft, square and flat, jointed together by middle mechanisms hidden in soft, flexible silicon. And his legs were thick and round, with built in shoes for feet.
The face was broad, with a strong brow line, and cheeks highlighted with sliced matte, the colors neon pink, yellow, green, and blue. There was no nose, ears, or lips. Instead there were five vertical slits in place of a mouth, where the speaker was located under the plates of his face. His eyes were big and just as neon as his cheeks, black pupils constantly dilated. Unlike the humanoid bots made now, he did not have a pseudo-skin scalp, and thus would need to wear wigs were he to want hair. Modernly, he was hairless, save for long, fake eyelashes. He was certainly a few years behind, as far as facial features went.
“And this is [Y/N], my apparently very quiet offspring. Can you say hi, [Y/N]?” Laughed your mom with good humor.
Lilly elbowed you in the side to grab your attention and you grunted, glaring at her. She smiled innocently as you craned your neck to answer.
“...Hi. Your name is?”
The bulky robot blinked his lavish eyelashes down at the two of you. “Designation: Ezra. I am enchanted.”
“Howdy enchanted, I'm Lilly! So, how much is mom paying you?”
Glare number two was shot her way, this time via your mom. Before she could scold her, your dad popped out of his study.
“Whoooops, forgot the robot was starting today. I wondered what all that hubbub was!”
You were increasingly embarrassed to be standing among these people who were, apparently, your family. As you and your parents showed Ezra around the house (Lilly tailing behind), you couldn't help but let your eyes wander.
Ezra wore a freshly ironed dark gray suit, with white underneath and a black tie. It was tailored perfectly, but looked humorous covering his wide shoulders. He was not a bot meant to wear clothes, but this get up was likely more appropriate for his new occupation. Nervous eyes snapped up when you realized you'd been checking out his butt.
He had his own room, which had previously been used for excessive storage. Now it was a carpeted resting room for him to recharge and enjoy his free time. It had a small book self, a comfortable loveseat, and a small television hooked into the wall. In one corner, near the loveseat, was an upright charging station with several thick, neatly organized chords. Sparse, but cozy.
He hadn't brought much to unpack; just a few books, a suitcase of professional clothing, and a small box full of extra parts for repairs, if job injury occurred.
Everyone left him to unpack in peace, but you were curious. You knocked at the door frame. “Knock knock! Just me, the 'very quiet offspring,'” you laughed.
Ezra's movements were jerky as he froze in the midst of setting down a book upon the self. “Yes? What may I help you with?”
You leaned against the frame, arms crossed and lips pursed. “Just wanted to say... welcome to the family, Ezra.”
He would smile if he had the means. “Thank you, I appreciate the warmth.”
After a moment of hesitation and a twirl of your hair, you shifted weight and went on. “I was wondering... mom said you were refurbished, right?”
He was keeping steady eye contact, hand still frozen inches from the bookshelf. “Yes, that's correct.”
“What did you used to be? You look like construction, or maybe someone who moves boxes,” you mused, head cocked and lips pursed.
Ezra finally set the book down and turned his body fully towards you. He was surprised by the question. His bright, ringed eyes stared forward, unblinking. “...Your mother hasn't told you?”
You shook your head.
Immediately, like ripping off a band-aid, he replied. “I was a sex worker.”
You stared, blank. He stared, blank. Really, it was terribly awkward. You felt blood rise to your skin and heat radiate from it in turn. A slight sense of panic set in.
“Oh. Okay. Well... goodnight!”
You shut his door and rushed, as quietly as possible, to your own room. You didn't even know why you felt so embarrassed, but you did. As you leaned back against your door, you realized that you'd perhaps been rude to pry. No need to drag up the past if he wanted to avoid it- not that he gave any indication one way or the other.
On the other hand... were you overreacting? It was just one little question, and he hadn't seemed bothered. Maybe you were just embarrassed about it because now you were thinking about him bending someone over and- you slumped to the floor. Holy shit. You just met him a few hours ago! Weren't you supposed to be nervous around sentient robots? But how could you be with those curves, and those eyelashes, and all those bright colors and, you sighed.
Clammy hands drug down your damp face. Deciding you needed to get your mind off of things, you settled in bed and pushed the thoughts away with a cute movie about dogs. After, you went promptly to sleep.
The next day Ezra got to work. Your parents left him a list of things to do, but told him not to fret about finishing them all since it was his first day. And, with Lilly locked in her room with her video games, you were the one who had to keep the robot in line. For example, if he needed to find a specific soap, or if he needed to know where certain dishes went, you were there to inform him. Luckily since it was summer, you or Lilly would always be around to help him adjust.
You idly watched some streaming while he tidied the living room around you. He was interesting. Very quiet; Ezra tended to do his work silently. He dusted the top of a high shelf with ease, not even needing to stand on tippy-toes to reach. You watched from the corner of your eye, secretly admiring the dip in his back and his tall stature.
He was the thickest sex bot you'd ever seen. As the thought unwillingly slipped into mind, you snapped your eyes back to the tablet screen in bashfulness. It was wrong of you to feel so attracted to someone who was obviously finished with that line of work. No doubt, he was made this way on purpose. Every straight edge, every curve, every flashy color had to be decided upon by a human. So perhaps even if you did feel some guilt, it was only natural to be at least a little attracted to him. It meant the designers did their job right.
Suddenly his pink-tinged frame was in front of you, and you jumped.
“I've finished the dusting. What's next on the list?”
You squinted at the paper in hand. “Mmm. Laundry. Know where the washer is?”
He nodded, and left the room without another word. After a few moments, he came tromping back up to you, a drooping pile of clothes in hand.
“Are these in need of washing?”
That was the pile of dirty clothes you'd had in a corner of your bedroom. A piece loosened as he adjusted, falling to the floor with a gentle whoosh. He squatted to pick it back up, and you blushed when you realized it was panties. You tried not to look embarrassed.
“Oh, yeah... Those are dirty.”
He noted your stare, and then he was gone again.
Ezra had actually been able to complete all the tasks on the list by the time your parents had come home. He'd even begun cooking a solid hour before hand. They were impressed with his ambition and praised him to high Heaven, giving all smiles.
As everyone doted on his cooking skills, your mom asked. “So, how did you feel your first day went Ezra? Did the kids give you Hell?” she joked, referring to you and your younger sister.
He was sitting at the table, though he didn't eat. Your mom had insisted. “Very well, mam. [Y/N] was a great help to me.”
“Were they now?” your dad's brow rose.
“I just read from the list, that's all,” you shrugged. “If you could call that a help.”
The robot continued. “Yes, and it sped up completion by exactly five minutes. Dinner would have been a little late, otherwise.” Sounding very genuine, he punctuated softly with “Thank you.”
You leaned on your hand and smirked, feeling fuzzy. It made you feel silly to be so happy that he'd openly appreciate you in front of your family, but that was how you felt. It was nice. You twirled the fork in your pasta, then nibbled quietly.
“What about me?” groused Lilly.
Like an expert salesman, he soothed her irritation. “You kept to yourself, which gave me much room to work. Thank you too, Lilly.”
She nodded and continued to eat sloppily, appeased.
After dinner you offered to help Ezra clean up. He'd rejected the idea at first, considering this was what he was being paid for. But you suggested he could take up cleaning the kitchen, and you would take the dining room. He reluctantly allowed this.
As you wiped off the table, removing any trace of being eaten on, he side stepped behind you a little too close. His pelvis gently brushed against your rear. You squeaked and your face went red.
“Is something the matter?” He asked innocently, stopping in his tracks.
Unable to face him, you shook your head no. “I just- I thought I saw a mouse! That's all.”
He hummed beside you, leaning with one palm flat to the clean table's surface. “I see. Then I shall put 'mouse traps' down on the grocery list.”
You swallowed and nodded, scolding your body inwardly. Ezra seemed satisfied, slowly sliding his hand off the table and walking to the kitchen with half the dishes. He returned soon to get the rest, leaning over you to gingerly grab them. He could have walked around, but no. At the very least he was tall enough to do this without pressing against your back.
“What are you doing?” you stammered, twisting around to glance up at him nervously.
He stacked the plates in one hand. “Getting the dishes. [Y/N], if I may... you've looked like you've been burning up all day.” The back of his hand felt your forehead, then your cheek. “Shall I fetch a thermometer?”
You were too stunned to speak, your poor body reacting from the close quarters and his gentle touch. The silicone of his hands were warm. For a moment you stared up at him, brows furrowed and floundering for words. It didn't help that you were pretty much being forced to press against the table to keep the distance. But would it be so bad if the distance closed?
Your throat found words on its own, without your brain. You turned back around, slumping somewhat with hands to the table, tense. “N-n-no, not necessary, I'm fine!”
He processed your reaction. The plates were set down fastidiously, so as not to clink. Then he placed a palm to your back, in the location of your heart. You tensed in further, breath nearly stopping as he went on.
“Are you certain? Your heart rate has picked up significantly, as well,” he said smoothly.
Deep breath. You let it go shakily. “...You know what you're doing, don't you?” you asked, barely above a whisper.
He chuckled.
You let that response sink in. Of course he knew, he'd been in a line of work that required him to comprehensively understand human physical reactions.
“I'm sorry. I'm embarrassed.”
His hand slid down a few inches, towards your side. You shivered involuntarily and dropped your head, ashamed of yourself.
Ezra chuckled again. “That's alright. Did you want this?”
You took another breath, glad he could not see how your face and ears and hands were burning. You gave a nod and arched, ass bumping against his body. With that confirmation to yourself, you could feel the blood rushing low.
“Did you want this?” you parroted back, unsure. Worry gnawed at you.
He hummed, bringing hands to lightly grasp your hips. He enjoyed the way his fingers wrapped around your body. With a slight buck, grinding against your ass, he replied. “You're very interesting.”
“Ha. That's what I've been thinking about you. Funny. U-um, we should go upstairs.”
You peeked over your shoulder to give him a pointed look. “Cause someone could walk in?”
He ground against you harder, using the grip on your hips. You couldn't help but bite your lip and breathe hard, already getting worked up. Suddenly he was pushing a palm against your shoulder, forcing your elbows to buckle and your head to lower against the table. You grumbled, and struggled a bit. The hand didn't budge.
“Come on, I don't want my parents to see!” then you shuddered with disgust. “Or Lilly. Eugh.”
“Be still. They won't.”
You sighed, but found yourself complying. Something about the depravity of the situation was riling you up, and you could feel the dampness of your panties growing every time he spoke.
“Ju-just... try and be quiet,” you pleaded.
He nodded, lifting the hand that had been pinning you. Gray butler's pants were unfastened, and then feet were nudging yours apart. You pressed your forehead to the table, arms wrapped around your head to hide yourself away. But when something thick rubbed up between your still covered legs you jolted. Lifting from the table and glancing under yourself, you could vaguely make out the round tip of his dick.
“Oh,” you breathed, excited but a little nervous. “You're big... and pretty. It's a rainbow, like your cheeks!”
“And my arms. And my legs. I must show you my body, sometime.”
The implications burned you up. He was pulling down your shorts and panties with care, now. Spreading your cheeks and nudging your legs apart even further, he hummed with satisfaction.
“Beautiful,” his flat fingers went to your already sticky folds. “Wet.”
You shoved your head back into your arms and wiggled. “We don't have time for foreplay, someone could walk in at any minute Ezra! Just... put it in already. Please,” you sounded desperate.
That wasn't something he was used to hearing. Ezra was rather fond of foreplay, and was worried you would hurt with the girth of his tip. After all, the head of his dick was much wider than the base, and it was covered in symmetrically placed bumps. Without enough foreplay, it may be difficult to squeeze it all inside. But he also aimed to please, and would obey up until you started gritting teeth.
He rubbed his smooth cock through your folds a few times, enjoying the warmth and softness. You were obviously embarrassed as Hell, but he could tell you needed it so badly. The tip pressed against your entrance, then let up, then pressed again. He was trying to be easy.
You moved back the next time he inched forward. The tip stretched and burned as it slipped just barely inside, and you gasped.
“Are you alright?” he asked, soothing with a slow swipe across your lower back.
“...Just give me a minute.”
After a rest, he was slowly, slowly, enveloping himself in you. As expected it was taking some time, you just weren't used to the width or the knots. But oh, you were determined. If you were going to lean over the dining room table, risking being caught fucking the new robot butler, then by God you were going to finish getting fucked. Assuming he would ever hilt at all. The bumps were the hardest parts to slip inside.
When he finally did hilt you were ecstatic. It felt swollen and twitched inside of you, barely able to fit. But you were just so full. So amazingly, painfully full. You'd never felt so filled up in your entire life. No greasy college kid could ever compare to this, and you got the feeling there would be no coming back from it.
“May I?”
“God yes,” you whispered.
He rotated his hips, only pulling out a few inches. The girth made you grit your teeth and hiss, your body staying deathly still. In turn Ezra leaned over your back, his arm wriggling under your belly and smoothing over your clit. His weight against your skin was electrifying.
He rubbed you off while grinding into you at a slow pace. If he were human, you were sure he'd have already become erratic with the inability to multi-task. But he kept it up perfectly. You muffled a sigh with your arm. The budding pleasure helped your muscles relax, easing the removal of his cock.
Ezra slowly pulled out in one gentle stroke, and plunged in just as quickly. He began to rock methodically. You bit your arm to keep from making any noise, drool oozed down your skin.
“So tight,” he whispered, pressing the flat pads of his fingers against your clit a little harder.
You hummed quietly in approval. Suddenly you wondered something in the back of your mind. Could he feel pleasure, too? Or was he doing this simply because he still had it programed in his coding? Releasing teeth from sore arm, you asked. “Does it feel good?”
“Yes,” he breathed, shoving in particularity hard.
You squeaked and slapped a hand to your mouth. Ezra laughed dryly and swirled his fingers before violently thrusting. Your ass smacked and clapped loudly against his pelvis, filling the room with the sounds of sex. You nearly had to suffocate yourself in your arms to keep from involuntarily moaning from the sudden, intense sensations. To make matters worse, the stacked plates at your side clattered and clinked noisily. Just as quick as he began, he slowed again.
You caught your breath, legs shaking. “Don't do that! That was so loud!”
The robot nodded. Coyly, he decided to jerk you off intensely instead. You became a gasping, shivering mess bent across the table. He listened to the beautiful sound of your heart racing, felt the way you began to sweat and buck. As you started to come around his rainbow cock he stopped fucking you, just letting you whisper harshly into your arms with the pleasure.
“Mmm. So nice,” he praised as you twitched.
You came down from the high and panted as quietly as possible. Ezra had stood back up, stroking your back sweetly with affection. He slowly removed himself from your tight wet walls, strings of slick connecting the two of you.
“What are you doing?” you asked, still rather breathless.
“You have finished.”
Looking back over your shoulder, you rose a brow and pursed your lips. “You haven't, though.”
When he didn't say anything more, instead staring at you with confusion, you continued. “Don't you want to cum?”
He titled his head and blinked those long, pretty eyelashes. “Typically sex is for the enjoyment of the customer.”
You straightened and turned to face him, shorts and panties around your ankles. “I'm not a customer, and you're no longer in sex work.”
This seemed to confuse him further. “But you are my employer.”
“Listen,” you bit your lip, thinking a second. “You can feel pleasure, can't you?”
He nodded.
“And you can cum?”
He nodded again.
With a slight jump you settled your ass against the dining room table (sorry mom and dad) then leaned back against your arms, legs spread. “Then fuck me, Ezra.”
His cock leaped, and you couldn't help but notice the slight temperature rise from the space between skin and metal. “Yes,” he agreed, voice cracking.
His hands grasped the fatty part of your thighs and pushed them away even further, putting your dripping pussy more in the limelight. You should have been much more bashful at that. But after he made you orgasm so well, and after treating you so sweetly, you just wanted him to have his own fun. Poor bot probably had blue balls! Besides that... sex working robots couldn't get you pregnant, and you had never been cum inside before. The thought thrilled you.
You watched him line the tip of his round shaft up with your hole again eagerly. He was nearly shaking. Hot air was fanned out of his body as it pushed inside for a second time, slowly settling in. It slipped inside much easier this time around. You sighed, loving the fill.
“There you go,” you whispered, sliding so you were on your back and he could hold your lower body up.
He fucked you moderately, but rhythmically like a metronome, head tilted back and eyes closed. Your warm pussy was so amazingly small around his soft silicone cock. The suction was nearly unbearable. Almost no one let him fuck them to his completion during his time with sex work, outside of those who got off to sucking his thick robot dick.
Ezra pressed your feet together and set them against one shoulder, further compressing your walls against him. He groaned quietly, the first time you'd heard him give any verbal indication of pleasure.
“Where shall I cum?” He asked politely.
You gently felt yourself up and smirked naughtily. “Inside of me, Ezra. Just let go.”
“Ahhh,” sighed the robot quietly, his movements becoming small. Soon he was pushing your legs back, lifting your ass from the table, and hilting himself deeply into your folds.
You squished yourself against him the best you could to be helpful. Ezra's legs rattled as he fought to keep upright, the load he'd suppressed for months pumping generously into you at a lovely angle. As his wide legs slowly regained their stability, you noticed the hour hand upon the clock. It hung there mockingly; the only eye that had witnessed your copulation.
“It's late,” you whispered, with Ezra still holding your ankles against his shoulder and his dick pulsating inside, as if organic.
Finally, the colorful rings of his eyes were visible again. He stared down at the place where your bodies connected, happy and fulfilled.
“Did you hear me?”
Dark pupils shifted up to yours. “Yes. I apologize. Here,” he answered quietly, slipping his dick out.
Faux-cum dribbled onto the table. He helped you off like a gentleman and hastily refastened his wrinkled pants. The two of you just stood there, tense. Ezra suddenly became shy and glanced off to the side, his hands hidden behind his back.
Still shorts-less, You half-smiled and stood onto your tiptoes, where you pressed a soft kiss to the side of his pink chin.
Ezra expelled hot air, and wished he could smile back. “I will finish the dishes and wipe the table, now. You should sleep. Eight hours is generally the amount humans need.”
You nodded while clumsily shimmying your underwear and shorts back on over exposed hips. Yanked on them a bit when accidentally giving yourself a wedgie. There was still cum inside of you, and the wetness from your lovemaking was rather uncomfortable.
“I'll clean myself up, then phew-” you slumped. “I think I'm gonna pass out. Think anyone heard?”
He turned his head slightly, as if listening. A few second went by. “No. I don't hear anybody nearby. We are safe.”
A sigh of relief. “Then I'll... see you in the morning, Ezra,” you pat him on the chest gingerly.
He looked as if he wanted to say something else, but eventually lowered his head and straightened his back. “Yes. Sleep well [Y/N]. I will be here,” he picked up the stack of plates automatically.
With one last look, you padded silently out the door. A sweep of the room revealed dark emptiness; Ezra was right, no one had been around to hear. Thank goodness. So you crept on through, up the stairs, and to the bathroom for clean up. Then, once you were satisfied with the job, crawled languidly under the covers and had the best sleep of your life.
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frost-skyder · 5 years
This person started the stalking on deviantArt, but has also posted the stolen artwork on here, and has harassed a fellow artist for about 3 years. The original beware is on dA and is linked above, but I’ll share a few examples below and under a readmore, I will show the beware as it is written on dA.
This is beware is about the tumblr user @pipermccloud / @the-sly-fox-artist / @stefano-and-obscura​ / @oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap / @ask-albert-vanderboom​
Not only did they trace, copy, and color-pick designs from another artist, but they stalked him, harassed him, tried to frame him for various things, emotionally manipulate him and others, and continually block-evaded when he made it very clear he no longer wanted any contact.
Some Examples of tracing/theft before the Readmore:
Stolen (Traced & Color-Picked): https://pipermccloud.tumblr.com/post/168634706953
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Orignal: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/OTA-frisky-pirahna-700430168
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Stolen/Traced: https://oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap.tumblr.com/post/190797235061/
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Custom-662483238
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Stolen Character:
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The Full Beware Below
Disclaimer: The purpose of this journal is for awareness purposes only. It is to make the community aware of activity happening that is harmful and causing someone harm. This journal is not to be used to bait or harm others; only to spread awareness. If I see others using this journal to perpetuate harm, they will be blocked and no longer have access to this journal.
This is unfortunately a continuing issue, which I had tried to be resolved privately, but has been going on for years. Paper-Piper / TheOneWhoInks / lil-ol-cricket-bug (also known as oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap, pipermccloud, ask-albert-vanderboom, the-sly-fox-artist, and stefano-and-obscura on tumblr) has been stalking another user, a friend of mine named Elias here, best known as LambRot. 
Due to the fact that this stalking, harassment, and purposeful theft, I'm going to have to break this journal down into segments. I'm going to try to go into chronological order, but this has been an issue going on for years, so apologies if I make some minor mistakes. This is going to be a long journal, and I apologize for that, but it has been years of harassment and stalking.
1. The Start of Harassment
The character was reposted due to the rude comment deterring from the art, and them throwing a fit.
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The comment chain is no longer attached to the art, but the comment chain remains:
 •  www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…
They chose to not leave it at that, and tried to play it off, despite several people telling them what they did was inappropriate. Warning that some of the comments on the journal are also innappropriate, and not the best way to react to the situation:
  In Case of Removal: archive.is/cickf
After this, to harass him further, Piper went on to actually copy his character designs despite their criticism of his style.
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Changeling-Adoptable-617044276
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Serene-ota-582682563
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Stolen (Forgot to save a close-up all that long ago, so need to show two pics to point out the white horse with blue hair): 
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Cloud-Duster-682526649
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Piper got caught, and their response was to once again, blame the original artist for not being able to take "criticism" instead of acknowledging that they purposely copied and harassed the user. 
In Case of Removal: archive.ph/VJ5WM
They chose to contact me on my previous account, the one I had confronted them on in the past, acting as though nothing had happened.
The stash links in the notes went to this, which just shows that I had originally discussed with them that it was evident that they had mimicked designs.
 •  sta.sh/2bjcy1jfz7k
They admitted to stalking and harassing Elias, to doing this out of a sick enjoyment on their Quotev. They denied being this user previously, but were unable to prove themselves innocent, refused to report identity theft to Quotev, or do anything to actually show that this wasn't them. Not to mention their other multiple accounts, the personal info their shared on this account, and others, it was obvious that this was in fact them. 
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Them lying on another account:
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Proof of the previous account belonging to them, because it links to their tumblr, and the post exists before the other Quotev was created:
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Linking to their dA:
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Linking to their dA:
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(During the time the screenshot was taken, they had renamed the account, hence why it was now called sugar)
Admitting to having a Quotev account before the Tataina one existed:  • www.deviantart.com/comments/4/…
2. Continuous Stalking
The harassment initially started Sep 21, 2017. Unfortunately, it did not end even that year. Piper went on to continue to steal/mimic/reference designs from Elias. The journal is old and unfortunately, because the deviations were removed, it is missing the pictures Piper made, but I have screenshots to show what they were. The journal is for proper timestamp purposes.
Some of these designs were stolen a whole year later. They were obviously still watching Elias and what content he was making. It was discovered later that they used an alt account of theirs to follow him and stalk him.
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Neon-Bitch-sold-764528076
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Oktober-765720469
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Banana-Bread-ota-764524791
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Sweet-Sweet-Candy-746615778
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Stolen (forgot to save original image, but saved them lying about it):
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(In this case, the drop tool was even used and the hex codes copied, so the exact same color was used)
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Pumpkin-761615110
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There were even more, but I didn't think to save all the evidence at the time. I thought that would be the last time this person was going to copy and harass Elias. They had been caught twice, I thought this was over with.
Not only were they trying to copy and reference his designs, but they were reposting his art on Quotev, still criticizing his work despite their trying to get away with copying him.
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Adoptable-sonic-character-395008883
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When we found it on Quotev:
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It happened more than once sadly.
The Quotev, one of many: 
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This doesn't even take into account the various comments they made on tumblr, prolonging drama. If I find more screenshots of that in either my archives or in the archives of someone else affected, I will add them.
Also chose to use their alt accounts to bait Lambrot into action, trying to get him to react to their harassment:
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They also went on to impersonate him on ponytown. There were a few messages like this sent to Lambrot, and Piper denied being the one, but even before he started getting messages, the same day Piper was seen continuously getting on and trying to see his account for activity, which is highly suspicious, like they obviously knew what was going on.
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3. Continual and Consistent Theft
Fast forward to now, 2020, this user is still an issue. There is more traced, referenced, and blatantly stolen characters. It is obvious that they have been still trying to stalk/watch Lambrot, after 3 years.
Here's a few found from just this new year
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Hentai-758479481
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/028vup6l0ak7
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Wo-ve-yo-u-409663027
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/0181esrllez7
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Orignal: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Custom-662483238
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/027m0cnozkpl
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The Character They Keep Referencing and Taking (Will be more evident in the stash linked below): https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Pretty-In-Pink-780234661
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Liar-436104299
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Heavily Referenced, submitted Feb. 12th, 2020:
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Heavily Referenced/Traced, on one of their tumblrs: oka-and-kokona-against-bullcra… 
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Ranting about his journals/polls, further proof of stalking...  • www.deviantart.com/lambrot/jou…
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Yes, these happened right after his poll. No, it's not a coincidence.
And now stating they are going to be doing a gallery purge, most likely to hide the evidence:
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Piper has been a stalker, emotionally abusive, and even went so far as to impersonate him on ponytown and harass people to try and make him appear hostile.
There's much, much more theft of characters, more traced images, more color-picked and copied designs, but at this point the journal has gotten long and I think the point has been made clear. I've made a stash with more evidence of copied characters, tracing, and overall proof of stalking: 
-- sta.sh/21crbhj20uqn --
This person has gone out of their way to harass Lambrot for years, stalked him continuously, obsess over him and block-evade multiple times. The worst part isn't that they've been stealing this long, but that they've made it a mission to purposely try to harm someone. This isn't some off the cuff petty act; this is premeditated at this point, calculated, and Piper has gone out of their way to try to defame Lambrot not only on this site, but on tumblr as well.
To Note:
Lambrot wants nothing to do with Piper. He wants no connection with Piper, he does not want to talk to Piper at all. Piper was blocked for a reason that exact day they chose to be rude on one of his pieces, and he has every right to block someone and not interact with them. Their behavior towards him, the copying, the stalking, and the continued baiting has given him no reason to ever want to make amends or speak to them ever again.
I had at one point offered to be Lambrot's representative and speak to Piper to try to reach a resolution, and Piper continued to ignore that invitation even at the request of a "friend" of theirs.
Blocking has not resolved this, reporting to dA has not resolved this, privately trying to resolve this did nothing. This has been going on for years and isn't acceptable.
Please do not cherry pick images and state "poses aren't under copyright," "you can't own colors," or that these are just "coincidence." It's obvious that you can't own colors or positions, and not the argument. These are not coincidence; this person has color-picked and stalked Lambrot for years. If it were not a stalking situation, maybe there would be more room to consider this. 
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