#not to mention all the other kids he had attacked on DK
kaibacorpstocksplit · 8 months
even barring the dubious canon of ygo r (canon in my heart), pegasus as a good dad type of guy is just a really funny concept to me. that man had an eleven yr old beat and chained up in a dungeon.
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librathefangirl · 10 months
i need to know about all of these fics NOW (no pressure take your time ofc ofc)
Wrath of a Captain
Moment of Rest (a Decade Too Late)
Hitmen!Demon bros AU
Galand exposes Meliodas' demon secret
How to Demon (Yes, Captain, This is Really Necessary)
Meliodas and the Kids AU #1
also never realized how silly i name my documents till now 😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️
Ahh hearing you excited about all these is making me excited to write them again (hoping to get back to writing more soon - october was a mess and a half :( but I have 2 whumptober fics that I almost finished that should maybe might be posted soon?)
Okay so...
Wrath of a Captain
Fun fact about this one is that it was one of (possibly the) first nnt fic ideas I wrote down when I first got into the fandom. Tho in what - 1-1,5 years? - I've still barely started writing it (oops). But not for lack of interest! I'm still excited about this one, I just haven't been able to specify the scenario enough to start writing (I keep getting distracted by other fic ideas lol).
To summarize the idea in three words: Protective Captain Meliodas.
And here's a rough summary I wrote for myself:
The Seven Deadly sins were a well-known force only fools would take lightly. Though faced with a captain that was small and short, and seemed the complete opposite of wrath itself, it was easy to underestimate him. But just because the captain didn't get angry, didn't mean he never got close. Especially if one were foolish enough to dare attack his team.
A Moment of Rest (a Decade Too Late)
This is a fic I started this summer and then kinda forgot about (oh the art of finishing a fic before moving on to the next one). It takes place after the Capital of the Dead arc and deals with the aftermath of Sins being split-up for 10 years from King's perspective. Now, I can't remember, if it originally was supposed to be "Meliodas was alone for 10 years" angst or "Meliodas was alone for 10 years and demons don't do well in isolation" angst, but it's probably gonna end up being the second one now. Which means the rest of the Sins, while not knowing Meliodas' full story, knows he is a demon and how these past 10 years would have affected him because of it.
Here's a little sneak peek:
The princess had already retired into the Boar Hat, while Ban had simply settled for grabbing Meliodas and sprawling out on the ground. He wasn’t sleeping. His ease was a facade at best. King knew that he too was plagued by these past ten years, and the guilt they brought. It had never been supposed to go this far… Meliodas seemed dazed. A state hopefully only brought forth by the lull of sleep slowly claiming him. He wasn’t quite asleep yet though. To an outsider he might have seemed to be, but King knew him better. His guard was still firmly up, although slowly but surely being picked apart by Ban’s hand repeatedly running through his hair. Meliodas was curled up tighter than he normally would, yet at the same time more relaxed than King had seen him since before they were framed. His head was neatly tucked on top of Ban’s chest. Ear over his heart, no doubt. He’d always had a particular fondness of that, their captain. Easily soothed by the beat of a heart – by the beat of their hearts at least.
Hitmen!Demon bros AU
Oooh this one. thiiiis one! I'm still mostly in the planning stage for this one, but I can't wait until I get to share the full thing with you all. Like the name suggests, it's a modern (possibly slight futuristic) AU where the DK raised his sons as hitmen. It's gonna be a multichapter fic (probably my longest wip yet) and there will be lots of demon bros angst!
Fun fact, while the I had thought about this AU a bit, I wasn't necessarily planning on writing it at first. Then my mind provided me with this super angsty demon bros scene and an awful chapter cliffhanger, and well, now I'm invested. I need to know how this story ends. (If this sounds familiar, I did mention this once before).
Anyway, I have written the first 300-something words, setting up the angst before a jump back in time, so here's a sneak peek:
Perhaps one of the most defining moments in Meliodas’ life happened on January 29th the year he was turning 26. The day Meliodas found himself on a rooftop staring down his own little brother, a raised gun in both their hands aimed at each other. The only sound was the falling rain as the world itself seemed to hold its breath waiting for who would make the first move. At that moment, Meliodas had thought he had known exactly how the day would end. He had known it in the calculating part of his mind that he never could quite shut off, and had felt it in his heart that seemed to break every time he saw his little brother. He had thought he knew what would happen. He had been wrong. Everybody has a choice, but sometimes it doesn’t matter what you chose.
Galand exposes Meliodas' demon secret
Now this one I've shared a bit about before - partly to complain about my (still going strong) habit of stopping my writing in the middle of a sentence. Sadly, I haven't really made any progress since then. Mostly because I can't remember where tf the story was supposed to go (did I even have a plan?? I found the story aka the snippet of writing in a school notebook I hadn't used for months, so who knows).
Anyway! What I do know is that Galand fucks everything up on purpose, and is the one to reveal Meliodas' demon secret to the rest of the Sins. How the story continues from there, well, I'll figure that out eventually. For now, the last part of the fic looks like this:
It had all started with a confrontation with one of the Ten Commandments. Galand of Truth. He hadn’t even seemed to be looking for a fight – not in that moment anyway – King had noticed. He’d just been there to stir up trouble. Always playing games as usual¸ Meliodas had said. Well, games or not, Galand really had caused trouble. The demon had been quick to pick up on the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins’ surprise that Meliodas seemed to know him personally, and then deduced...DEDUCED WHAT??
How to Demon (Yes, Captain, This is Really Necessary)
This is actually a request/fic idea I got from a reader on ao3. It's also mostly still in the planning stage, having taken a backseat to my Febuwhump fic. But the idea is basically Melin giving a lesson on demons to the Sins with the (reluctant) aid of Meliodas. Or in other words, Merlin is sick of being (almost) the only one who knows how to keep Mel alive and will make it everybody's probably whether they want to or not. It'll also take place in the same AU as The Heat of the Storm (which means more of my demon thermoregulation, yay! - oh, actually, sidenote: I'm working on a post about that hc).
So, we'll have random demon lore/headcanons/stuff, some humor, and, of course, angst (probably more angst than should come from this otherwise humorous idea).
Meliodas and the Kids AU #1
The first of (at least) three fics taking place in the Meliodas and the Kids AU (aka Meliodas Adopts the Sins). In this AU, instead of the Sins becoming knights together way down the line, Meliodas ends up adopting/taking them in as kids* over the years.
Now, I use the term kids loosely here since neither King nor Gowther will actually be kids in the normal sense. But Gowther will be on his own for the first time and also still new to the world, and King, well, I still got some ideas for his relationship with Mel (and also, he is still significantly younger than Mel, so I say he still counts as his kid).
This first fic will consist of six chapters (one for each "kid"), exploring how Meliodas ended up taking them all in, and the dynamics of this mismatched little family (mostly the kids relationships' with Mel).
(Also Elizabeth is probably gonna be dead-dead in this AU).
Here's a sneak peek from the first (Merlin's) chapter:
When you find yourself stuck in time, it’s good to set up some rules for yourself, unless you want to lose yourself to madness. Meliodas didn’t have the luxury for madness. Madness was not going to solve anything. He would still be stuck here, unaging and undying, without an end in sight. Submitting to madness would also be admitting that the only purpose his life had left was suffering. An eternity alone in the human realm as a punishment for his crimes against the Demon King. His father was a huge asshole, okay? Meliodas was not about to give him the satisfaction of watching him break. So, he made some rules. The most important one was: do not get attached. [some other stuff not included in this sneak peek] Do not get attached. It was simple and important – and Meliodas had broken the rule before he had even made it.
(also I love your wip titles XD and will definitely send an ask for some ramblings of your own - but that will have to wait, I've got an 8am lecture in less than 7 hours and need to get some sleep, so Imma put a to be continued on the wip talk for now)
WIP Tag/Ask Game!
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 3 years
So, I had this thought process
I've been thinking a lot about that Adam Sandler movie "Pixels", and I think I just wrote a summarized alternate plot for it in my head and I need to write it down.
Let's start by brainstorming on writing better and more relatable protagonists. For many, this movie is very hard to watch because it almost feels like a bunch of middle-aged guy's writing in nice-guy self inserts of themselves to feel better about whatever mid-life crisis they're having. And maybe this wouldn't be too bad if their characters were just a bit more than "middle aged creep who lives in his mom's basement is secretly a romantic warrior when put in the right scenario".
At least for me, it's very hard to relate to that kind of protagonist; given how that character is usually the most developed out of all the characters in this type movie. I often find that it's hard to relate to nerdy nice guy characters who often get away with the lack of likeable qualities just because "life should have treated them better". It comes off more as a pity-party more than anything, and their unmotivated dynamic with the "out of their league" love interest, who always comes off as nothing more than a trophy and\or act as an excuse to get the climax rolling in the last 20 minutes after getting captured by the big bad.
So then, how would I write an 80's nostalgia themed adventure movie? What, say, would you think would be a practical way to write the main cast in a way that audiences new and old can relate? Easy; If your intention is to give your entire audience a wave of nostalgia, but to still keep it relatable, then why not make your main cast kids? (credit to Black Nerd Comedy for that idea) I would probably suggest between the age of 12 and 16, and maybe with the occasional big brother\sister type characters and some of their friends . Kids often have a ton of freedom, a large imagination, basic priorities, and a lot less worries than adults. Just about anyone should be able to relate to that, since everybody either was or is a kid at some point of time. And I'm not saying that you can't write for\relate to older protagonists, but you don't want to alienate your audience, especially when making something that might catch the eye of a younger crowd.
Not to mention that ever since the 80's, kids have always been a major player by the impact of technology. For some reason though, the plot of Pixels doesn't really have to do with technology. There's guns and contraptions that are specifically made to destroy the pixels, but it doesn't really go much father than that with the tech. The plot more focuses on going on the "alien invasion" route (which I would think would be more 60's sci-fi based than 80's, which was more experimental in cosmic horror with its alien media)(not including Space Invaders. Shush. That does not count). Honestly, I think 80's nostalgia can be replaced with just about anything when it comes to a "shape-shifting aliens who mimic earthly cultures" plot. It's very basic, yet it doesn't really fit in with the theme of arcade games. It just comes off as a poor excuse for pandering to 80's kids, instead of using that element to bring up interesting concepts and world-exploring in this universe.
So I have two solutions for this, either;
A. Do not do a time jump, and keep the story in the 80's. Make it an alternate universe where different forms of consoles and computers are being developed. Maybe the adult characters are very unfamiliar with these changes, but allowing for the kid characters to have more of an advantage because that stuff would be more relevant to them. Because this was before a time where kids often thought about becoming programmers, it will also work as a disadvantage to the kids because they won't have an excuse to suddenly know how the opposing side works.
Or B. It takes place in a modern era, with Virtual reality, game consoles, and laptops, but it doesn't overly modernize itself with teens on phones, saying outdated things like "lemmie just take a selfie" saying "hashtag" out loud, or any junk like that (Because guess what? Teens and kids don't usually act like that). Maybe make the environment time neutral by making it a mix between the 2010's, 2000's, 1990's, and 1980's. I don't really think it's relevant enough to work in a present setting.
And lastly, let's talk about the big bad of the movie.
Really in Pixels, it's more of a self-struggle either projected upon others, or manifested into it's own being for the protagonist to succeed. There's not really a lot of leg space for anyone else to develop other than the main character (and perhaps something happens occasionally to the comedic reliefs\mascot characters). I imagine maybe this version doesn't have just one central character\plot, kind of like Stranger Things. However, unlike Stranger Things, I would also like a compelling and intriguing villain. Sadly, Pixels doesn't really have that; i has Donkey Kong, but he's nothing more than an alien catering to the protagonist's inner struggles (and nostalgia). There's nothing really more to DK other than that, so there's not a lot of difference between him and any of his previous minions.
And there's nothing really compelling about DK; because at least in canon, he's just a scared circus animal. There's not a lot of reasoning behind his actions other than to just invade. It's basic alien stuff like I said before, it can basically be replaced with some other theme than arcade games.
So what would be a compelling antagonist? Foils to the main group of characters (such as an older school bully, or maybe twisted programmers), create conflict, but if we're keeping the theme of attack of the machines and videogame characters, there has to be a bigger bad than that.
Oh! If only there was an already established villain-coded, tech-based, 80's icon with the ability to control almost all technology!
Tumblr media
Trust me, I'm onto something!
Max Headroom was always presented as an egotistical talking head. He had multiple shows in the 1980's, as well as guest starred on multiple shows. Perhaps Max survives off of his viewers, and constantly strives to expand his audience. Max does not tend to care about other's well beings, and just wishes to use them as a way to gain publicity for his shows. Max also has a tendency to step over whoever he needs to to gain popularity, including his own film crew.
Max also has multiple canon abilities such as:
Being able to transfer to any screen (including arcade games)
See and interact with the people watching him
Control more than one screen
Interact with himself from one screen to another (multitask)
Turn on and off lights (and likely other outlets as well)
Manipulate the visuals of the screen that he's controlling
All of these abilities can be expanded and explored enough to set him up as a powerful and unpredictable villain.
I've also came up with a couple motives as well;
A. If this is in a modern era, Max could be suffering from a long hiatus since he hasn't been that active since the 80's; causing Max to seek as much attention to thrive off of as possible. To do this, Max hijacks as many outlets as possible to air his show. He might also use this as a way to repel audiences away from all other media; making it easier to turn to him for entertainment.
B. This takes place in an alternate universe where Max Headroom became more popular than it originally was. He starts taking over half of ads and television shows on air, getting more power hungry with each channel he takes. However, in his media take-over, ratings take a slight drop due to uninterested children who have turned to other outlets like toys, videogames, and arcades. This inspires Max to take a full takeover over everything electrical, causing a full invasion of all things electrical.
(I also forgot to mention that Max very likely hates children, and has canonly protested the execution of all of them)
Bam! And there you have it. A slightly more efficient plot for Pixels.
This was rotting in my head for a while and I wanted to let it out. Sorry for the ramble.
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forgive-the-sea · 4 years
bloom and wilt
Summary: You and Oikawa have been best friends since kindergarten, but what happens when he kisses you at a bar on the night of your 21st birthday?
Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Rating: M for Mature
Warnings: angst, implied sex but no actual smut, mentions of anxiety and alcohol use 
WC: ~2.5k
A/N: Hi again! This is the longest piece I’ve written so far and I honestly dk how to feel about it. It just sorta poured outta me. Kinda ooc. Doesn’t follow the hq timeline after Oikawa graduates. I apologize in advance!
You hadn’t always been in love with your best friend. Falling in love with Tooru was a gradual process—like a flower about to bloom, nurtured by the care he showed you. The reassurance he provided and the safety you felt with him. How he made you feel like you could truly be yourself around him. How he seemed to know just how to comfort you. When you finally realized you were in love with him, it was like a flower in bloom—beautiful and hard to ignore.
How did we get here? You think to yourself as you lay together in bed, naked bodies tangled in each other’s embrace while you both come down from your high. You reminisce on your relationship with Tooru, slowly tracing shapes on his bare chest. 
You met Tooru on the first day of kindergarten—both teary eyed and clinging on to your mothers by the school gate. When you caught sight of him you noticed that his backpack had a space ship on it and stopped your sniffling to offer a compliment. You’ve been close friends since.
Your elementary school days were spent obsessing over aliens and the stars together—shouting for joy when you found a toy capsule vending machine with alien figurines or glow in the dark star stickers and trading your best finds. 
In middle school, Tooru began to focus on volleyball, so your time was often spent either helping him practice, watching him practice, or cheering him on at his games. You were so proud of him when he won the best setter award in your third year. 
High school was the first time you two separated since kindergarten. You went to different schools, but your friendship was as strong as ever, if not stronger. 
In your third year of high school, you were there to comfort him after Aoba Josai lost to Karasuno. You quietly listened to your best friend as he cried into your chest and explained how he felt like a failure for not being able to take his team to nationals. You reassured him that he had done his best. That his teammates admired him and believed in his leadership, regardless of the outcome of the match. That you admired his passion, dedication, and tenacity in pursuing his dream. You encouraged him to keep moving forward while rubbing his back and petting his hair as he held onto you tightly.   
You loved Tooru, of course you did. He was your best friend, but around halfway through college your love for him began to take on a different shape—although back then you weren’t aware of it. 
Around this time was when Tooru and his ex-girlfriend got together. He had even asked you for advice on how to confess to her. You thought it was funny that THE Tooru Oikawa, Miyagi’s resident heartthrob, was asking you for dating advice.
“Come on! I really like her! I want to do this right. I need help.” 
You laughed and agreed to help, but you couldn’t escape the bitter feeling that settled in the pit of your stomach as you listened to Tooru talk about his crush. At the time, you chalked it up to jealousy. Yeah, that was it. You were a little bit jealous that this girl might take your best friend away from you. You didn’t have any feelings for Tooru yourself. No way.
After they broke up about a year later, Tooru was distraught. He wouldn’t tell you any details about the breakup, but you had a feeling it was bad. He wore the same fake smile you knew from your middle school days and he started to stay late at the gym after practice again.
Another year passed by and it seemed like Tooru had recovered from his breakup. He started seeing some girls casually, which alarmed you. You knew Tooru was a romantic at heart and you worried about him getting hurt while dating casually. He told you about how some girls were quick to invite him over to their dorms. About waking up naked in a stranger’s bed after blacking out at a party. And a bunch of other stories you would rather forget. Yes, Tooru always had girls falling at his feet, but he was never the type to overdo it on the alcohol or have casual sex.
When you expressed concern, he shrugged it off saying that he was being safe and that you should try to have a little more fun sometimes.
This was also around the time that you were trying to decide on plans for after graduation. Your anxiety was through the roof as you tried to complete an academic program that your heart wasn’t really invested in and as you struggled to decide on a career path to take. Tooru was there for you through it all and you couldn’t be more grateful to him for it. He was there to talk you through your late night panic attacks, offering words of encouragement. There to distract you from your thoughts by taking you for late night walks. He was there to bring you your favorite treats when he knew you’d had a particularly tough week. But it wasn’t until after he kissed you at the bar on your 21st birthday that you realized you had romantic feelings for him.
The kiss was something unexpected yet somehow expected. Unexpected because you never thought you would be kissing your childhood best friend. After all, you had done your best to suppress any hint of romantic feelings you might’ve felt for him and Tooru had never given you any indication that his feelings for you were anything more than platonic. On the other hand, the kiss was kind of expected because Tooru hadn’t been subtle in his advances that night. He used whatever excuse to touch you. Warming your hands in his when you began to shiver from the cold winter air entering the bar. Playing the hand slap game and letting his palms linger under yours for longer than needed.
His eyes were filled with a playful flirty tenderness that had you bashfully looking away whenever your gaze met his. Maybe it was the alcohol but you wanted him closer. As if reading your mind, he got up from his seat across from you at the booth and slid in next to you, putting his arm around you.
“You’re shivering. Are you still cold?”
“No, I’m fine,” you say while your mind races trying to process what was happening between you two.
You look up at him and he’s looking at you with half lidded eyes, a clear want written on his face. You’re taken aback, never did you think that you’d be on the receiving end of Tooru’s romantic desires. Before you know it his lips are on yours and your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets in realization that this is really happening right now. No, no, no. Tooru is your best friend. This is going to make things weird. But to your and Tooru’s surprise you soon melt into the kiss. Tooru is the first to pull away, breathless.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he says while smiling and caressing your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.  
You see, Tooru had been in love with you since he met you on the first day of kindergarten. He thought you were beautiful the moment he saw you and only fell more in love with you as time went by. He learned that you were bold, funny, smart, and one of the most caring people he knew. He loved that he could be vulnerable with you and show you a side of himself that he rarely showed others. But Tooru was too scared to do anything about his feelings for you. Too scared to ruin your friendship if he were to confess. So he kept his feelings to himself and vowed to care for you as your friend.
That first kiss lead you to where you are now. It was like opening the proverbial flood gates. Since then neither of you were able to keep your hands off the other.
You had never felt like this about anyone. Being with Tooru was electrifying. Like a small spark had turned into a raging fire within you with just a kiss.
While you both had definitely crossed the line beyond a platonic relationship, neither you nor Tooru had initiated a conversation about what the change meant. So you decide to take the plunge.
“Tooru?” You look up at him from where your hands played with his chest.
“Hmm?” He responds, his eyes still closed, basking in the afterglow of your earlier activities. 
“What does this mean for us?” Your voice is quiet but firm as you try to control it from giving away how nervous you are.
“What do you want it to mean?” Tooru asks, now titling his face down to look at you. He seems calm, you note, as you take in the warm brown of his eyes. Had they always been this enchanting?
“Tooru, I love you. I think I have for a while, but was too scared to admit it to myself. I want to be with you. As more than just friends.”
A look of surprise takes over his face for a moment before he breaks out into a mischievous grin. 
“You mean like best friends?” He can’t stop himself from being a little shit even when the girl he’s loved since kindergarten was finally reciprocating his feelings.
“No!” You exclaim as you lightly smack his arm. I can’t believe this is happening, you think to yourself as you shake your head. “I want you to be my boyfriend.”
He lets out a breathy laugh and butterflies flutter in your stomach for the umpteenth time that day. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
He takes your face in his hands and kisses your forehead before pulling away to look at you.
“I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.”
Your eyes widen at his confession.
“But I’m scared. I don’t want our friendship to be ruined and I don’t want to ever lose you. You mean so much to me and I don’t want to hurt you.”
“W-what do you mean?” You manage to ask in a soft voice as you sit up, using his bedsheet to cover up, hoping it’ll make you feel less exposed, less vulnerable.
“I don’t think I’m ready to be in a relationship,” he answers while sitting up to face you. 
You can feel your heart break.
“I’m immature and selfish. And all of my relationships have ended badly. I don’t want that to happen to us. You deserve someone better. And I would rather you be happy, even if it isn’t with me. I’m sorry.”
You struggle to take in what Tooru was saying. So what if his previous relationships ended badly? With you it’d be different, right? You’ve known each other for so long that you could surely deal with things in a mature way.
“I’m not perfect either. But we can work through problems as they come up, right? I want to make things work with you.” You hate how your voice cracks with that last sentence. You hate how it sounds like you’re begging.
“I’m really sorry. There’s nothing I want more than to be with you but I just...can’t. He pauses for a moment and looks away before looking at you again with a determined look on his face. “I won’t risk our friendship.”
Tooru’s not making any sense and you can feel your sadness turn into anger.
“You won’t risk our friendship?” You scoff. “You should’ve thought about that before kissing me at the bar!” 
“I-it’s just easier if there are no feelings involved,” he says looking down at his hands, growing uncomfortable at your display of emotions. 
“I can’t believe this,” you say as you get up to get dressed.
Tooru watches you dress with worry. “So what now?”
You sigh, “Well, no more sex. I don’t want to be in a friends with benefits situation. That never ends well.”
“I guess that’s for the best. I’ll miss it though,” he says with a dreamy look that you catch out of the corner of your eye. 
You contain the bitter laugh that threatens to escape you. As much as you want to cry and scream, you can’t bring yourself to let Tooru see you like that. So instead you turn to give him a soft, but sad smile. “Me, too.”
You walk out into his living room to collect your bag before leaving and Tooru follows after you. “Are we still friends?”
You’re silent as you walk to the door and put on your shoes. “I’d like to still be friends. But I don’t know. I guess I’ll need some space.”
He nods in understanding, a somber look on his face.
You turn away from him to open the door but you stop when your hand lands on the doorknob. You slowly turn back around to face him again and shut your eyes, your hands balled into fists at your side.
“One last one,” you whisper and Tooru knows exactly what you mean. 
He walks over to you and pulls you to him by your waist. You take his face in your hands and crash your lips together. Your lips feel feverish against his; heat running through your body as you try to pour all your love for Tooru into this last kiss.  
Tooru's lips are soft and move slowly against yours. His kiss feels so tender, so caring and it effectively calms your initial desperation. Your movements now mirror his, lips and tongues expressing what your words failed to. I love you. I care for you. I always will.  
You break from the kiss but keep your face close to Tooru’s, your nose pressed against his and your eyes closed, trying to etch the feeling of him into your memory. Tooru pulls away slightly when he feels your tears on his face. You use your thumbs to wipe your tears off his face and give him a smile as you attempt to compose yourself. “Bye, Tooru.” 
You close the door behind you and make your way home, navigating the familiar streets of your neighborhood on autopilot as the tears you were trying to hold back now flow freely down your face. How were you even going to begin to get over Tooru? All the love you carried for him now weighed you down and your heavy heart felt like the wilted petals of a flower that was once in bloom.   
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askroahmmythril · 4 years
Smash Universe Experience
So I’ve been in a bit of a bad mental state the last few days, lots of personal stress and such, the tropics won’t shut up, various current year events, etc.  So trying to distract self with various things, and figured I’d try figuring out what my personal history is with the various Smash Bros. franchises.  Note, we’re only counting actual fighters here, not Mii Costume inclusions.  Distraction tactics go! :
Super Mario : I’ve played a lot of Mario games definitely.  I think I missed some of the “New” SMB games, like I never played the one on DS where there were things like the Gold Flower and it was all about getting as many coins as possible.  Also some side games, like I... at least don’t THINK I’ve played any of the “sports” type games like the golf, tennis, baseball, or soccer ones.  Also never really got into the Paper Mario series, only played Super Paper Mario and never finished it.  Also Superstar Saga is the only one of the “Mario & Luigi” RPGs I ever played.  Want to say there are a few Party games I skipped as well.  If we count Luigi’s Mansion under the Mario blanket, I haven’t played 2 (but have a copy) or 3 (want to get a copy).  Still, fairly solid Mario experience under my belt.
Donkey Kong : There are a number of DK games I have played, but probably more that I missed.  I played the original, DK Jr., pretty sure I’ve at least played DK3 on things like Virtual Console or such?  As far as the Country games, I’ve... only really played the first two and part of the third.  I tried DKC3 while I was at Full Sail, but could just never really get into it.  I did play the GBC Donkey Kong game, that one’s good...  I want to try the DKCR games, I’ve heard good things.  Definitely would like to at least get the Switch port of Tropical Freeze and give that a go.
Legend of Zelda : As far as officially sanctioned and remembered Zelda games (we don’t talk about the CDi games, which I never had that system so never played them anyway), I want to say the only mainline Zelda game I never played was Skyward Sword.  I never had a Wii Motion Plus, so couldn’t play that one.  Keep hoping we get a port on Switch so I can try it.  There are some side games I never played though, like never played Crossbow Training, or the Tingle game.   Oh, actually I guess I never played Tri Force Heroes, admittedly not sure how well that one plays as a single-player experience.
Metroid : I’ve played most of the Metroid series I would say.  I think my main gaps are Metroid Prime Pinball, Hunters, haven’t gotten around to playing Prime 3 but I do have the Wii version of Trilogy.  Kinda hoping Trilogy gets a Switch port.  I haven’t played Other M or Federation Force either.  I’m also admittedly a weirdo what preferred the original Metroid to Zero Mission, and probably preferred the original Metroid II to Samus Returns.
Yoshi : I never did finish playing Yoshi’s Story, but I have played Yoshi’s Island to 100% completion, as well as Woolly World.  Also need to finish Crafted World sometime.  I want to say there’s some motion control Yoshi game I know of but never played, but I think I also might be mixing it up with a Kirby game...?
Kirby : I’ve played a lot of Kirby games, though I know I never played Mass Attack, Squeak Squad, Epic Yarn, Canvas Curse, or Rainbow Curse.  I want to say there might have been another one as well...?  Well I know I never played Super Star Deluxe, and there are some of those mini side games on 3DS I never played.  I think there was also one with a clay aesthetic I never played?  Unless that was already one of the ones I mentioned...
Star Fox : The only ones I’ve ever played are the original and 64.  I do have SNES Online, so I can give 2 a try sometime.  I’m... really bad at Star Fox games though, haha.
Pokémon : ......Considering I have an alternate blog for all my Pokémon nicknames, yeah, I think we’re covered here.  I’ve played all main series games and most side games by this point.  I did not play Dash, and there were those three Mystery Dungeon games on Wii eShop that never got released here.  I never played Masters, nor the new Cafe game, and only really played Go long enough to get Meltan and Melmetal.  But yes, pretty solid Pokémon experience.
Mother : Earthbound is the only one I played.  I tried on multiple occasions to really get into it, but just... couldn’t really.  It just never really reeled me in and kept my interest.  I think the furthest I ever made it before quitting was the desert area near Fourside, and I just ran out of steam.
F-Zero : I’ve only played the original and I think maybe the one on GBA a little?  I can’t say it’s a series I’m good at, haha.  And yet the crazy part of me would kinda like to get the infamously difficult Gamecube one.
Ice Climbers : Yep, I’ve played it....  That’s pretty much all we got for that one, just the one game, and yes I’ve played it.
Fire Emblem : The only FE game I’ve played is Fire Emblem Warriors, so... not exactly the real FE experience.  Granted I can’t say I really feel all that interested.  Turn based strategy games like FE, Advance Wars, Wargroove, they don’t tend to keep me interested all that long.  I also have a feeling the permadeath aspect would drive me batty.
Game & Watch : I don’t know if I ever had a legitimate Game & Watch, as in, the actual machines.  However I played the heck out of the Game & Watch Gallery games.  I loved those things.
Kid Icarus : I’ve played the original and Uprising all the way through.  The GB one, Of Myths & Monsters, I’ve only gotten to try that one via an emulation, and it glitched during a boss fight, so I was never able to finish it.
Wario : On the Wario Land side of things, I’ve played most of them I think.  I never played Master of Disguise, not sure if that counts as a “Land” game.  As for WarioWare, that too, I’ve played most of them, though I never played Smooth Moves I think, the Wii one?  I know I’ve played the original, Twisted, Touched, and Gold.
Metal Gear : I haven’t played much of this series.  I played a little of the original NES game, never beat it, and watched my uncle play the original Metal Gear Solid, and..... honestly I think that’s about it.  So not a lot of Metal Gear experience.
Sonic the Hedgehog : I’ve played a lot of Sonics.  I didn’t play 4 or either of the “Storybook” games, haven’t really had access to most of the side games though, like I never played Shuffle, the Game Gear ones, also never played things like the Sega All Stars Racing games, not sure if those count for Sonic or just Sega in general really though to be fair.  I do have a weird choice of favorite Sonic game though, I unironically really enjoyed the 360 version of Unleashed.
Pikmin : Unless you count things like the Gamecube and Wii versions of Pikmin as separate entities, I think I’ve played all Pikmin games : 1-3 and Hey Pikmin.  I have 3 Deluxe pre-ordered as I felt it would be an easier one to record for an eventual project.
ROB : Played one out of the two games he had.  I played Gyromite, never had Stack Up.  Sadly my ROB was stolen long ago from storage.
Animal Crossing : I want to say the only ones I never played were Wild World and Happy Home Designer.  Well, unless you count ones that weren’t released here.
Mega Man : Yeah, kinda think I got this one covered.  I never played the Game Gear one, which.... yeah, looks pretty bad, so I don’t feel I missed out there.  Played 1 - 11 of the Classic series, as well as Powered Up and MM & Bass.  Played X1 - X5, Zero 1 - 3, all the Battle Network games (aside from mobile ones that I don’t think were released here), Starforce 1 and 2 (got 3, just never got around to it, and never quite finished 2), and a small bit of Legends 1 (want to give that another try sometime).  Heck, even played the PC Mega Man 1 and 3.  Think I’m pretty set with this one, haha.
Wii Fit : I.... played Wii Sports, does that actually count?  Probably not.  I never played one of the proper Wii Fit games with the balance board and all that.
Punch-Out!! : I played the NES and Wii games.  I... honestly don’t remember if I ever played Super Punch-Out!! or not...  I know I never beat the Wii game, I stalled out at Soda Popinski.
Pac-Man : I’ve played a lot of Pac-Man games, as well as other retro Namco games.  I had all the Namco Museum games on PS1, loved those.  There were a ton of different Pac-Man games though, so there are likely some I missed along the way.  Probably mostly in the vein of Pac-Man World type games, I don’t think I got to play a lot of those.
Xenoblade : I never played any of the Xenoblade games.  I’m kind of intrigued by maybe wanting to get the Switch port of Xenoblade Chronicles, but RPGs tend to be intimidating for me to get into, the whole time commitment thing.  Still seems like something I might be interested in trying sometime.
Duck Hunt : Indeed, I played it.  I know well the trauma of dog ridicule.  As far as other light-gun games on NES, I did play Hogan’s Alley and Gumshoe.
Street Fighter : I think the only one I ever played was the SNES version of Street Fighter 2 that had the four extra characters, I want to say it added Cammy, Dee Jay, T. Hawk, and Fei Long I want to say?
Final Fantasy : The main ones I played a lot of were 7 and 9.  I did play a bit of the one with Kefka as a kid, but didn’t really get too into it.
Bayonetta : I’ve played both 1 and 2 all the way though, and am interested in hearing more about 3 when we get some new info there.  I can’t say I’m that GOOD at them, but I could at least beat them, haha.  Still find them fun.
Splatoon : I played the original, but can’t play online, so just the single player stuff.  Still need to do that on Splatoon 2, I do have a copy, just haven’t really gotten around to playing it.
Castlevania : I’ve played MOST of the series I want to say?  Mainly some of the 3D ones I missed on, never played the Lord of Shadows games, 64, also notably never had access to the actual Rondo of Blood, only Dracula X.
Persona : The only one I ever played is Persona 4.  I’d be tempted to give 5 a shot if it got a Switch port.  Admittedly I kinda shied away from this series for awhile due to Persona 3 being the main one I’d heard about, and mostly it was hearing about how they invoked their Personas, which was... not something I liked due to personal squick with that sort of thing.  I had the mistaken impression that was how it was in ALL the games as such.
Dragon Quest : I’ve played a bit of some of the NES ones as a kid, but never really could get too into them.  Always liked the monster designs though, so I did like the Dragon Quest Monsters games.  Only got to play the two on GBC though.  I tried the demo for DQ 11... just didn’t really pull me in.  Turn based RPGs are just hard for me to get into admittedly.
Banjo-Kazooie : I played and loved the original and Tooie, as well as the GBA game (don’t remember much about that one though).  I never played Nuts & Bolts.
Fatal Fury : I don’t THINK I’ve ever played a Fatal Fury game.  If so, I have no real memories of doing so.  Still familiar with Terry though, just never really had much SNK / Neo Geo access growing up.
ARMS : I only ever played the demo of the game, not the full one.
Minecraft : I’ve never played it.  From what I’ve seen, it doesn’t look like my kind of game.  Just total open world sandbox / survival type stuff, not usually something that pulls me in, and admittedly I don’t really like the Minecraft aesthetic too much.  Nothing against anyone that likes it, just not really my thing.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Hewwo Hazel uwu 🔫😀👾😭😜😳⏰😏🎆💓?
Hewwo Bas! The UwU is strong today  o(>ω<)o Thank you for your questions! 
🔫 - Fave canon arc? 
Thriller Bark. It made me laugh SO HARD. One piece is one of the few anime that genuinely makes me laugh out loud, usually im more of a “hmpft” blowing air out of my nose laught kinda gal, but one piece gave me a lot of joy and laughter, and mostly during thriller bark. Besides that, the fights and the general plot thickening and things coming together, and Zoro’s sacrifice all made this one of my top favorite archs! The pacing was very good as well, compared to, for example, Dressrosa. 
😀 - Most favorite Straw Hat?
aaaaaa don’t make me choose  This is very hard! The initial thought was Zoro because well it’s Zoro and most of his lines never fail to make me laugh. Robin is the one I admire most cause it’s the kind of lady idk if I wanna be her or be with her yknow? And Chopper also popped up because well.. he’s the absolute most adorable bean and I love him and his cuteness. 
I’m gonna conclude a tie between Zoro and Robin, and Chopper can be on their shoulders being adorable?   (´・ᴗ・ ` )
👾 - Fave villain?
Perona as far as she was an actual villain, her negative spooks are the best attack ever and no one can tell me otherwise. 
In terms of bigger antagonists, probably the Charlotte family? I’m counting them as one, just for now, since they are all super interesting and I like seeing them on screen more than ceasar or moria or doffy and 100000x more than friggin Blackbeard (Imagine me using the ‘dinkleberg voice’ whenever I say blackbeard).  Doffy is a good villain. But he makes me too mad so he only gets a flaminglemention and not the top spot ha. 
😭 - Saddest scene?
Just like one piece is the series that made me laugh he most, it’s also the one that made me cry the most. Almost embarrassingly much. I ugly sobbed for a few hours straight around Ace’s death. I was spoiled, I knew it was gonna happen, but I did not know how exactly, so ehm from impel down on, every scene they showed him I teared up at least. (oops).  BUT there was one other scene that made me cry a lot that I have to mention because I did not expect to cry for that moment. I knew about the time skip, I knew about the training, I knew they were gonna take some time off to get stronger. BUT I did not know how and when and the circumstances. The moment Kuma separated them, the agony and the helplessness. My heart. I could not take it. That was too sad. 
Honorable mentions for the Bellemere scene very early on and saying goodbye to merry. Just too many heartbreaking moments but I feel that’s what makes the series so nice, you need to get hurt sometimes in order to get more attached to characters. 
😜 - Funniest character?
Ehm. In terms of delivering hilarious one-liners and making me laugh while not actually being funny on purpose: Zoro. The dumb is too much and is hilarious. He says funny things while not being funny and there’s just too many peak comedy moments in him getting lost or ‘wanting to get made into a wax statue in this pose”. 
Luffy gets a mention in situational humor too because that dumbassery is hilarious as well. 
Other than that. Probably a tie between Usopp and Franky. It’s just so stupid, but the sheer simpleness of most of the humor makes it so easy to digest and look at! 
😳 - Any crushes?
Any? Many! ehm, to not make this answer a couple thousand words long, quickfire! Ace, he has the charisma, the feralness, the politeness and the freckles.  Shanks, he’s just the sweetest, sexiest mystery man who knows what his priorities are.  Sabo, all the feralness, less of the politeness, all of the cuteness. His smile can revive puppies.  Zoro: the Dumbassery, the muscles, the brutal honesty and that soff soff mossy hair.  Kid: again, the dumbassery, the rudeness while still caring for his bunch of misfits. I love me a good tulip.  Robin: The beauty, the grace, the humor, the fashion, the intellect. Again, dk if i want to be her or be with her.  Vivi: The courage, the love, the sweetness amongst the badassery, step on me princess.  Honorable mentions for Killer, A bunch of people showing up in Wano that I’ve only seen spoilers pop up for. And writing some character has had me reconsidering all the crushes all together. In conclusion: WHY IS EVERYONE IN ONE PIECE SO ATTRACTIVE??? safe for you Blackbeard honey, you could fall off a cliff and I’d applaud. 
⏰ - How long have you been into One Piece? 
Not that long at all. When I was 14? ish I started my anime journey. I watched 15-20? episodes of One Piece and hated it. Around that time one piece was somewhere in between 500-600 eps and I could not imagine ever catching up to that, especially since my strict parents limited my computer use to 3h a week. 
Then a friend really got into it I think about 5? years ago and kept talking about it and how it was actually good. I was starting to do an effort to watch all the ‘big’ and ‘must-see’ anime and promised myself I’d watch One Piece, eventually. 
Then this year at the end of October 2019 I actually started watching it. I had grown up a lot, and could now appreciate the anime way more for what it was? I fell in love and binged the entire thing in more or less six months with some small breaks in between for work, school, books, and other anime. Highly considering re-downloading so I can rewatch my favorite parts soon. My biggest problem is that once I love something, I go ALL IN and I will love everything about it and obsess. And thus this Tumblr was created as the hiatus started and I wanted something One Piece to keep me distracted. I eventually want to collect the manga but I now don’t have the space for it in my tiny room. 
😏 - Favorite scene? 
Sabo and Luffy reuniting! The reveal, the tears, the hug, and the ridiculousness of Luffy with the beard and all, just made it perfect. Absolutely loved it.
OH and Luffy punching the celestial dragon. The absolute energy in that scene made me grin like an idiot yet gave me goosebumps. Punch those slave-owning bitches luffy, thank you! 
🎆 - Something you can’t wait for??!! 
ALL of what is to come in Wano. I’ve been catching spoilers here and there and i just cannot wait! There’s gonna be so much reveals and new characters and comebacks and all the things I did not know I need in my life. 
And I would like some more reveals on Shanks and his crew since we literally know next to nothing about them, besides the fact that even the admirals seemed to be at least wary of their powers and I just really need to know. (or not, since mystery adds to the charm). 
I can’t wait for the abolishment of the government and the death/defeat of blackbeard (assuming that will happen at some point, a girl can dream). 
💓 - Which character do you relate to the most?
SO HARD. Hardest question. Ehm... Ace and Usopp I think? I struggle with family a lot, but I have a chosen family that I wouldn’t trade for the world. I am hella insecure, but I try my best most of the time and I am extremely loyal, even though I have no particular talents, I try and help here and there and hopefully can make some people happy that way! 
If you read all the way through here, thank you for coming to my Ted talk! It was so long  („• ֊ •„) but it was also so much fun  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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pennumbra · 5 years
So for that Au with Hector and Varian what happens when they get to the Great Tree? Does Varian translate the scrolls found and make his own lab in the tree while trying to find ways to help Hector? Would he be an enemy when Raps group make it to the tree? In fact what cause Raps to go on her journey is Varian wasn’t there to strong arm her into confronting the rocks? Where did she even think Varian went off too and does Varian have the scroll piece he originally gave to Raps? So many questions.
Yooooo, these are all excellent questions!! Real talk, when I made that 1st HC post, I was really just thinking about fun char interactions between two favs, so thinking about this AU converging with canon (and actual plot progression) has been super interesting and relatively new territory!
There’s a lot of good stuff going on in this ask so I hope you don’tmind me speculating and rambling a bit (a lot…) below the read more!
Oh man, Varian would absolutely get super absorbed studying the ruins in the Tree and trying to translate the language there in hopes of helping his dad. He’d probably have a lot of fun exploring the Tree and researching its unique flora and fauna, as well as testing them as alchemical components. It IS Varian so even with only a makeshift lab, I don’t think he’d ever stop experimenting and learning. (I mentioned in a diff HC post that I think Hector occasionally gets supplies from travelers/caravans he attacks and I think Varian could salvage some alchemy equipment from those as well.)
He could be a significant help to Hector by setting up traps/alert systems for people nearing the Tree, or crafting useful chemicals for them to use… or even helping chase some interlopers away himself.
Once Raps and the group made it to the tree, I do think Varian would oppose them… at least at first. 
Varian is impressionable and loyal, and has demonstrated a ‘greater good’ mentality in the past, but he’s also all about progress and knowledge, and doesn’t really want to hurt innocents- vs. Hector being dedicated to protecting the opal and maintaining the status quo at any cost. Even if he was compelled to see Hector’s actions as justified, I think he’d realize keeping the moonstone from the world isn’t a permanent or expedient solution to their problems. He might have some lingering resentment, but confronting Raps and co. on their quest would bring any doubts to a head and force him to start actively questioning Hector and thinking seriously about the future.
Varian, to Raps’ knowledge, disappeared after the storm; his status is unknown by the party. Maybe she’d think he ran away? …And hopefully nothing worse after getting kicked out in a blizzard. Either way, I imagine the group will be…. SLIGHTLY CONCERNED to learn this kid’s new guardian is a feral, bloodthirsty DK knight who wants them dead 
I’d actually forgotten the scroll piece… I think it’d make sense if Varian took it with him. So the group wouldn’t have it, but iirc it wasn’t THAT relevant in S2. Adira has her piece and she could’ve filled them in on the rest.
Since the battle of Old Corona never happened, then like you said, Rapunzel wouldn’t have been forced to connect with the rocks. Adira also would not have had the opportunity to see proof of the sundrop’s power w/ her own eyes. In that case, I can honestly imagine Adira attacking the group herself and putting them into a (seeming) life or death situation to provoke Rapunzel into using her sundrop powers. After all, Adira had no clue Varian was going to be a factor originally; she might’ve had plans to test Raps in some other way esp after trying so hard to find her.
If you read all that then WHEW congrats!! Thank you for the ask and all the good Qs and thoughts! It was helpful for me to write all that down too!
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hjazysol · 6 years
The Ultimate Battle Pt.7
Galeem: Status.
Master Hand: We have 8 fighters left
Galeem: But do we have the assists?!
Master Hand: 30.
Galeem: Good. That better not change.
DK and Pichu were sent up the mountain to see what awaited them there. Pichu held DK so he'd see
Pichu: See anything?
DK: No-Wait. There's someone here. I think-Crap they saw me.
Pichu: Get down.
DK: Maybe they didn't see me.
An arrow flew between them DK peered over the rocks they hid behind. To be met with a bow and arrow. It was Link.
Link: You actually thought you'd be able to live?
Pichu had snuck up behind Link. God was angry and he needed to let off some steam.
Pichu: When in doubt. USE THUNDER!
Pichu electrocuted Link causing him to faint. It was super-effective.
DK: Thanks Top-Tier.
DK carried Link back down the mountain.
DK: Link is not gonna wake up yet. He was zapped. Where to now.
Mario: The island. It must be important.
The island seemed uninhabitable. Nothing was there just a field and some ruins.
Falco: This place is a ghost town. We should head back.
???: Charge!
A crowd of people began attacking.
Doomguy: It's an ambush!
They were all tied up and muffled. They all looked up to see a conscious Toon Link and Mii Gunner.
Toon Link: Great we found our friends now give them back you damn spirits my friend here will shoot you.
Mii Gunner: Yeh I don't mess around.
Toon Link: Hang on a second Kirby didn't get captured why's he here?
Mii Gunner: Probably kidnapped him. How should they be punished guys.
It turns out the other ambushers were the assists 30 precisely.
Alucard picking up Kirby: We should stake their hearts.
Skull Kid: Corrode their minds.
Kawasaki very angry: COOK EM ALIVE!
Lyn: Woah. Calm down Kawasaki.
Toon Link: We must free our friends not kill them.
Geno: Can we explain first.
Toon Link: How'd you get out!
Geno: I pulled myself apart and then back together. Anyway we aren't posessed.
Toon Link pointed his sword at Geno backing him up to the cliff.
Toon Link: Where's your proof.
Bandana Dee: Hey Toony how's your anime going.
Toon Link: Oh it's going great. I hate that Mineta guy though.
Toon Link in his head: Wait I mentioned anime oh no.
Everyone laughs.
Toon Link: Guess what you get to lose your control before Pinocchio here.
Geno: Why does everyone keep referring me in that way?
Mii Gunner chuckling: Hang on. Spirits aren't capable of accessing memories only a fighters skills.
Toon Link whispering: Your point is?
Mii Gunner whispering: They aren't spirits.
Toon Link: Wait what? *gibberish* Wehehell it seems there has been a miniscule mistake I believe I was wrong. Untie them.
Waluigi: Wah! Aren't they were evil?
Skull Kid: Nah. The weeb says he's wrong.
Toon Link: Shut it.
Everyone is untied.
Toon Link: Now guys I'm sorry for the mistake and I know we almost killed you but we all make mistakes right. Please don't punch my face.
Mii Gunner: No ones gonna punch your face.
DK lowered his fist slowly.
Doomguy: It's allright kid I made a similar mistake. Just as long as you pay em back it is fine.
Toon Link: Right how about as payment Rathalos can carry us over to the castle where Bowser and Peach are.
Mario: Peach!
Suddenly Pirahna Plant appears from the ground.
Pirahna Plant: Bowser!
Everyone: Gah!
Toon Link: Pirahna Plant's here to.
Mario: How'd you 3 even break free?
Mii Gunner: Well the dumb spirits were messing around with our bodies and then dropped three of Pirahna Plants spike balls on themselves setting us free and then we proceeded to find the assist trophies.
Galeem: I thought you said we had 30 assists I see 0.
Master Hand: We didn't want to disatisfy you.
Galeem: I've enough energy to snare one. I'll take that damn dragon.
Toon Link whistled to call Rathalos down. Then he was struck by the light sending him crashing down.
Lyn: Rathalos!
They all run to his aid.
Fox: He's still breathing.
Suddenly he wakes up with nothing more but rage in his eyes and an evil aura surrounding him. He attacked.
Mii Gunner: Rathalos stop please!
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blood-and-pizza · 3 years
People seemed to respond well to my post about Sam and Max being animatronics, so it got me thinking about other animal duos from other franchises. Namely, Banjo and Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie.
So, here are my thoughts on what would happen if Fazbear Entertainment had Banjo and Kazooie as animatronics:
Having another bear under their roof is a bit weird, but Banjo is different enough from Freddy that it's not a big deal. Banjo is pretty good with kids, as he has a little sister and knows how to deal with them. Just... don't ask him to play babysitter, as he'll probably lose them just like he eventually lost Tooty.
Kazooie isn't great with kids, to be honest. She constantly makes adult jokes and innuendos, and is pretty rude to customers and staff members alike. Banjo tries to get her to behave herself, and she's been threatened with being decommissioned, but to no avail.
Banjo and Kazooie are, of course, an incredible team. They are perfectly capable of performing almost all their moves from their first two games, right down to Kazooie spitting out eggs and such. (The only thing they can't do is fly.) This makes them quite deadly when one is trying to avoid them.
Kazooie typically hangs out in Banjo's backpack, but the two can separate like in Banjo-Tooie. However, they are at their most vulnerable in this state, as they cannot use each other for defense if they are attacked.
Honestly, if you're up against Banjo-Kazooie, you have two options: tricking them into separating and destroying them one at a time, or saying your prayers because you're not going to survive the night.
When they're performing, Banjo plays his banjo and even sings a little, while Kazooie plays her funnel like a kazoo. Their theme song is the number one request they get from customers. The other instruments are played by other animatronics from the Fazbear Entertainment lineup. Banjo misses Tooty and even Mumbo, but he doesn't complain too much about it.
Banjo often mentions the Brothers Bear from the DK Country games, saying while he's not related to them, they're good friends, and that they're the same species of bear. He also likes answering questions about Banjo-Kazooie lore to any fans that approach him, with Kazooie chiming in with snide remarks.
Kazooie will try to bond with any Chica animatronics, even joining in with them in devouring pizza. Even Banjo tries joining in, at Kazooie's encouragement. This has gotten all of them in trouble multiple times.
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dinoeggnog · 7 years
My Smash Bros. for Switch      Character Wish List
   You know It’s been awhile since I’ve made an article for my blog and with Smash for Switch having just been announced in the latest direct; I think it’s the right time to add a spot of fuel to the Smash Hype Train.  
  A few things of note in regarding this list before I begin, This list will be presented in a top 10 like basis but I will be cheating a little bit when talking about certain characters and scenarios. Also, most of the characters on this list will be first or second party and no veterans; I want to focus on the new. This list will be pretty lengthy but it’s Smash related so I believe it’s deserving of such pedigree.  
   With all that out of the way let’s begin.
   10. Part 1. Simon Belmont/ Castlevania 
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     When It comes to 3rd party representatives in smash I’m of the belief that said fighter should have two qualifications. 1. Noteworthy as a franchise in gaming, meaning either Iconic or influential, even classic. 2. History with Nintendo. Many of the 3rd parties represented in Smash already reach such criteria in my opinion and Castlevania’s Simon Belmont, I believe is another well suited for battle. 
   Like Mega Man, Castlevania as a series has seen a wide variety of releases over the last thirty years but the main series has received a ton of love on Nintendo’s platforms. Now there are many faces that share the name Belmont in the series but like Mega Man, I see Sakurai pulling mostly from the original, classic trilogy with some exceptions. The Belmont whip is such an awesome and iconic weapon and Castlevania has many interchangeable secondary weapons, there are B moves just waiting to happen.  
   But how likely is Castlevania to be represented. That falls on Konami and yes we all know that they are a fickle sort to say the least. I suppose it would be wishful thinking but Hey! You never can predict the future when it comes to smash, only speculate. It would be a pleasure to see Simon break out of the Pachinko parlor and into the fighting ring, if you know what I mean. 
10. Part 2. Bomberman 
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    Like I said I’m cheating a little with this but personally I group both Simon Belmont and Bomberman together on the same spot, both of which are owned by Konami although for Bomberman that wasn't always the case. Bomberman has been around since 1983, his first game having been developed by now defunct Hudson Soft and released on multiple platforms including Nintendo consoles. Today Bomberman has been featured in over 70+ games, spanning countless generations of platforms. 
   More recently Bomberman appeared on the Nintendo switch exclusive Super Bomberman R; a game that Konami surprisingly kept alive past it’s initial release. So unlike Simon Belmont, many would argue that Bomberman would have a better shot. However some would also argue as to what Bomberman could bring to the roster; he just throws Bombs right? Well to that I say, dig a little deeper. 
   While it’s true that his primary form of combat would involve bombs. if you’ve ever played a Bomberman game you’d know that there are many hazards and pick ups that could be brought to the table. Bomberman is no stranger to 3D platformers either, with both Bomberman Hero and 64 on the N64, there are multiple moves that could be incorporated into a viable move set. In addition he even has his own animal companions, one example being Louies. A race of rabbit like, kangaroo creatures that are essentially Bomberman’s answer to Mario’s Yoshi. Naturally There would be elements of Super Bomberman R featured as well.
   In conclusion I believe Bomberman has potential and between him and Simon; I think Bomberman would be the likelier candidate as a potential Konami representative. Thought honestly I would love to have them both. You know what they say, the more the merrier. 
9. Banjo and Kazooie
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   I agree many would argue that Banjo Kazooie is really no longer relevant but there is one thing I want to address. To me a 3rd party character should have at least some relevance to Nintendo. Smash Bros. as a whole is a celebration of Nintendo and it’s many franchises. And no other 3rd party character has had a relationship with Nintendo quite like the Bear and Bird tag team.
    You know the story. Rare and Nintendo had a perfect chemistry together, releasing some of the most well acclaimed system sellers of their time during the Snes/N64 era and then Micro$oft came along and the rest in unfortunately history. Banjo Kazooie is considered by many to be their best work/outside of Donkey Kong Country. That’s were i’m coming from, this game was one of my childhood favorites and personally I don’t view them as third party, I view the duo more as long lost family. Like that cousin you never knew you had but just met at the recent family reunion. 
    Let’s face it Banjo and Kazooie would be perfect for smash,Their move set practically rights itself. Any number of Bottle’s moves from egg shooting to beak barging, flying across the stage in a barrage of feathers the list goes on. Not to mention any number of Mumbo’s transformations that could also play a huge role in their play style, including Final Smash. In terms of stages, naturally it would have to be Gruntilda’s castle, complete with the Witch herself as a boss. flying around and striking players with her magical spells and making them cringe with her rhyming quells. 
    Do Banjo and Kazooie even have a chance? It’s hard to say, Micro$oft’s Phil Spenser has publicly stated in the past that he wouldn’t mind leasing the Bear and Bird to the Smash team in regards to the smash poll. I wan’t to believe that I really do.If Banjo and Kazooie never do come back to their full potential I would at the very least love to have them here in Smash. I can dare to dream. 
8. Impa/ The Legend of Zelda 
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         Lets be honest, Do we really need another sword fighter? NO! 
     But do we need more Zelda representatives? YES! 
   With Link sporting his new Breath of the Wild look and many jumping on board with numerous Zelda characters they wish too include in the roster, plus additional hopes of Zelda getting a coat of Breath of the wild Paint as well. I felt it only fitting to go ahead with my personal Zelda pick. Legend of Zelda naturally is a vast franchise with many unique faces over the years and it can be difficult to pick just one.
       Many want the Skull Kid from Majora’s Mask or Midna of Twilight Princess, Ghirahim of Skyward Sword or any one of the Champions from Breath of the Wild; the list goes on. But why Impa, well a few reasons; she’s awesome in Hyrule Warriors, I mean let’s be real that game can make a great fighter out of anyone in the Zelda Cannon but Impa stands out to me the most.  My second and most important point in this case is her relevance in the series. Impa has been in a majority of games in the cannon almost since the beginning, that can’t be said for many other charters in the franchise, aside from the hero of time himself, the titular Princess and the big bad. 
    While Impa has had drastic changes from game to game. In one instance being a frail, older woman or in another being captain of the royal guard, regardless she’s still there. That longevity and adaptability I think would have her recognized by Sakurai as a Series regular and worthy of a spot in the roster. Of course she is a sword fighter, many tire of that and I can relate but taking Hyrule Warriors into consideration I think she could be a lot of fun to play as and a great addition to Smash’s leading ladies. She’d be plenty more unique than Lucina that’s for sure. Also if it’s not to much to ask give Ganondorf an original move set this time around, Please!?!.
  7. Dixie Kong
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     Yep, I want more Kong's in Smash and while I too support the King K.Rool movement; for this list I’m gonna be a little different. Unlike K.Rool many argue that Dixie would be way to similar to Diddy in terms of move pool but I have to disagree, at least to a point. Dixie naturally has a built in recovery with her pony tail which alone can be used in a variety of melee attacks and grabs. Like Diddy and his peanut pop guns, Dixie would utilize a weapon from DK 64, in this case the feather bow previously used by Tiny Kong. Dixie has also been one to dabble in musical arts with an electric guitar; maybe that can play a part in her moves as well. 
       I do think Diddy and Dixie would share similarities with each other but in the same way Mario and Luigi or Ness and Lucus would.They would both have unique spins on a familiar play style but incorporate separate elements from their franchise. Hey we still don’t have any sign of the animal buddies in smash; like Rambi or Squawks and the like.  Why not include them in Dixie’s move set or impalement them in D.K or Diddy’s, I’m just spit balling ideas here.
    So whether it be King K.Rool, Dixie, Funky or even Cranky and what have you, I and many others would love to see more Donkey Kong Country love in Smash Bros. 
6. Issac; Golden Sun
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     When it comes to Nintendo R.P.G’s and Tactics games people have their obvious choices. Another Fire Emblem rep. (shudders) or a face from the recent Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to join up with shulk. There is one classic Nintendo R.P.G series that many overlook, that is except for smash fans like myself.
     Issac is an interesting choice, the Golden Sun series has seen a fun, little trilogy across Nintendo’s portable systems. Now Issac was an assist trophy in previous Smash titles but he’s so much more than that little forced push thing you saw there. Issac is Golden Sun’s equivalent to an earth bender, using a variety of landscape and plantlike magic to defeat his foes.
      There’s lots of potential for unique attacks here to be explored outside of the traditional R.P.G offerings. We’ve seen so many other elemental’s in Smash already with fire, Electricity and even Water; why not earth? 
   Golden Sun is a series that needs more love and Smash is no exception. I also wouldn't mind a new Golden Sun on the Switch but we can’t have everything now can we? 
    5. Takamaru; The mysterious Murasame Castle 
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    I’m always a sucker for old school choices; I call them the 8-bit Ambassadors. You know the ones, Ice Climbers, Duck Hunt, R.O.B, Pit, Little Mac and so forth. There’s always one in each addition of Smash and my list is no exception and while choices like balloon Fighter or the Excite Bike Racer were tempting, I just had to include this guy.
   The final member of the Famicom 4 and an assist trophy in Smash 4, Takamaru could have a lot of potential evidence for his inclusion. Sakurai has actually considered him for the roster numerous times, dating as far back as melee. The biggest reason for his exclusion before was his lack of presence outside of Japan. Nowadays he’s more well known namely for said Smash appearance but in addition his game was featured in Nintendo Land on the Wii U and his original game was released on the 3DS’s virtual console, so there’s that. 
   Again some may grimace at yet another sword user but he’s a Samurai; A bloody Samurai. I don’t think anyone should complain on that subject alone. From his one game they could easily pull a satisfying move set and even then they can get get creative. Also have I mentioned yet;  He’s a fricken Samurai. I think I made my point.    
  4. Another Kirby Rep. 
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    Much like Zelda and Donkey Kong, I think Kirby is do for another character spot. There are just so many possibilities that it can be difficult to pick just one and let’s face it, the recent Star Allies isn’t making it any easier. Favorite choices include Bandanna Dee, Knuckle Joe, Marx, Magolor, Gooey, Adeline, Susie, The Robobot armor and the list continues. But I have my own Ideas 
    I want to see Kirby’s Animal Friends Rick the hamster,Coo the Owl and Kine the fish as a collective one piece character. I don’t necessarily see them as a tag team but rather you would primarily play as Rick, Coo and Kine would assist in various moves. Examples include Coo being used in a up B special, as well as with aerial attacks and Kine being used for stronger smash attacks and a down B special; Kine would also allow Rick to swim and never drown in water areas in certain stages.
   As far as moves, simple. Thanks to Kirby they can perform a variety of moves that could be implemented quite easily into their respective move set. Rick can breath fire and produce spikes. Coo can throw Talons, be turned into a feather duster and produce lightning. And Kine could be thrown around like a weight, make shock waves and bust light bulbs. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. That’s my idea anyway. 
   In addition I also wan’t to highlight Marx for a moment. I think he would be the perfect villain to represent the Kirby series (even though he’s only been in one game) and I think they could have a lot of fun designing a move set around him. Though that’s just the Kirby fan in me coming out and saying “Hi”.
 3. Dr.Eggman
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  My last 3rd party pic.
    Admittedly I’m not the biggest Sonic fan but I’m of the belief that at some point, in some way; Sonic is getting a second rep. I would much rather have another Sega franchise represented; we know that's not gonna happen but I would love to be proven wrong.
     That being said as to which character; many would love Knuckles or tails and many sonic fans suggest Shadow but as for my choice, Why not Dr. Eggman himself. Like K.Rool, Smash needs more villains, Smash needs more heavy weights and Eggman fits that criteria to a T. 
    Eggman or Dr. Robotnik I think would be a worthy addition to the roster. He would fight in a mech, much like Bowser Junior and would have the raw horsepower rivaling that of Bowser or Donkey Kong. As far as moves you would have a plethora of boss battles spanning nearly thirty years of Sonic games to choose from.
          Like King Dedede and his Waddle Dees in brawl, Eggman could summon his robot minions to do his dirty work in many instances and ranged projectiles like missiles and bombs are a given. Honestly I think this could work, fighting in a mech would not be out of the ordinary for him, just look at Sonic Adventure 2 or that Sonic arcade fighter. Shoot! I’m kinda getting giddy over this.
  2. Dillon; Dillon’s rolling western
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    A personal pic more than anything else.
       As a causal fan of the downloadable 3DS series I think Dillon would be a fun addition to the roster. However I don’t really see it happening unfortunately, many would complain that he would be to similar to Sonic and personally I think Dillon could easily differentiate himself from the blue hedgehog by showcasing various weapons and other game play mechanics the series is known for but at the end of the day this one is really a pie in the sky choice.
   Although Dillon is a Nintendo IP and lets face it Nintendo is running out of options when it comes to newer franchises, We got the Splatoon Inklings and I’m sure an Arms fighter is on the way but then what? No matter the case I’m positive the Smash team has something planned up their sleeves. 
    I don’t know maybe it’s just me but I really like the western setting. We have fantasy and Sci fi represented in smash already and I think of the idea of having a cowboy in the line up and the thought just makes me smile for some reason. So yeah, maybe it’s just me.
1. Waluigi; Mario
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   Whiter it be out of sheer stubbornness or innocent curiosity; I kinda want to see the purple clad mischief maker finally make his Smash debut. Much like Fire Emblem many would rather not have another Mario character make the cut after getting what? Three reps in the last installment and I can defiantly understand where you come from by that logic.
    However to end of this list I wanted to include a popular fan pic and it was a coin toss between him or Ridley so, there ya go. But to be frank I think a move set for this guy would be really interesting, to say the least. Like Wario his moves would be weird and Sporadic; Waluigi could even take inspiration from the sports and party games he calls home; utilizing various sporting equipment and referencing classic Mario Party Mini games. 
      Hell! in some games Waluigi’s proven himself to be a certified water bender and I’m not making that up. And if you’ve played Mario Golf on the 3DS or if you've seen him in action in the latest Mario Tennis coming to the switch; you know very well what his Final Smash has to be.  
   Also a Waluigi Pinball stage needs to be a thing. And let’s not forget his taunts; you know what I’m talking bout’ Strikers fans.
  Bonus. Poochy; Yoshi’s Island 
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     Okay here me out on this. I want Poochy in Smash for one reason. His Final Smash, now hear me out on this; 
     His final smash would be Touch Fuzzy get Dizzy. He shakes the Fuzzies out of his fur like fleas and they would bounce around the stage until they’ve made direct contact with the player. Poochy’s final smash would be a remake of Luigi’s final smash in brawl; the negative zone. 
    Tell me that’s not a great idea, I NEED THAT.  
   And that concludes my Smash for Switch wish list. I hope you enjoyed this; do you agree or disagree with my choices? Who do you wan’t for the next smash? The hype train is once again leaving the station and it’s time for us Smash fans to rejoice. It’s going to be a short but wild ride, so let’s enjoy it while it lasts. 
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chikabiddy · 7 years
Chapter 5
A/N - Finished the next chapter! I also have it posted on A03 here. Again, no beta so all mistakes are mine. I hope you all are enjoying the story. :)
Veronica sat behind the wheel of the loaner car she had while hers was in the shop. At least my adoring fans won’t know which car to target for a couple days… She drew in a deep breath, trying to mentally preparing herself before starting the school day. She’d taken the previous day off, at her father’s insistence, but knew she needed to get back into routine despite the lingering effects of the concussion. Make-up covered the worst of her injuries, though there wasn’t much she could do about the bruise on her jaw. She hoped avoiding unnecessary interaction and conversation would dampen her other symptoms; she needed a clear head for her work today. Let’s just hope my dear classmates play nice…
Her mind flashed back to her conversation with Logan. Be honest, Veronica, that’s why you’re really hiding out in your car. Talking had been nice, and her lack of panic attack after taking the heavy medication with him there was unexpected. She expected to choke down her fear for Logan’s benefit, just to get him off her back about the medicine. But the panic never came, and she slept without nightmares for the first time in over a year. You’re going soft, Mars. If anyone should cause nightmares, Logan should. It’s not like anything has really changed there, he’s still a jackass and I’m still an outcast. With a final stabilizing breath, Veronica shook off the memories and exited her car.
The school was still fairly empty, she’d come early for a reason after all, and she hurried across the courtyard and into the building. First order of business was to find Weevil. The shit storm that was her life at the current moment was, at least partially, his fault. His suspicions about the two marks she tailed wasn’t unfounded; she had the injuries to prove it. The big question she intended to get the answer to was why those guys knew who she was. Sure, she’d worked on behalf of Weevil, and his crew by association, before. The guys she followed weren’t part of his crew and shouldn’t have had any idea who she was. Weevil was worried some of his guys were taking outside contracts with the marks, she was following them for any sign of Weevil’s crew more than to track the actions and movements of the marks, and the marks knowing her by name indicated someone from Weevil’s crew was passing information at the very least. But who from Weevil’s crew knew she was doing him a favor? Who even knew who she was? Her contact with the rest of the crew was very limited. Though I did tase Felix. I suppose that would be memorable.
Either way, her experience proved what Weevil suspected: someone from his crew wasn’t as loyal as they wanted Weevil to believe. She stopped at her locker, changing the books she had with her to the ones she would need for class, then focused on locating the leader of the PCH biker gang. With any luck he’d be here early, but luck hadn’t exactly been on her side recently. Stalking the halls isn’t going to be very effective. Veronica turned toward the front entrance and her eyes fell on Wallace moving toward her, bright smile flashing.
“Superfly!” he called. “Where were you yesterd…” his voice trailed off as he took in her face. Damn, the bruise must be darker than I thought. She cracked a grin, hoping to distract him.
“Oh, you know me, can’t be too predictable. Gotta keep everyone on their toes.” She waved her hand dismissively. Wallace’s face fell, and his lips pursed.
“Veronica… you know there is no way I am not asking about that bruise.” His eyes were hard, and she knew he wouldn’t drop it, no matter how many times she changed the subject. She sighed and her hand lighted up to the scrape at her hairline. Wallace held her chin, inspecting both her cheek and forehead. “Seriously, V. What the hell?”
“What do you want me to say, Wallace? Sometimes what I do can be dangerous.” She shrugged her shoulders, dislodging her hand from his face as she did so.
“Your dad knows, right?”
“He was my personal escort to the hospital.” Veronica tried to keep her tone light, almost mocking but not to the point of sarcasm. Wallace wouldn’t appreciate sarcasm right now. “I promise I’m fine.” She was serious now. “A little banged up, but I heal fast.” She offered the most genuine smile she could, ignoring the ache in her temples. He looked back at her skeptically; she could see the protest forming on his lips. “Anyway, dear friend of mine, I have to go see a man about a horse.”
“I promise we will catch up more later,” she offered as she turned to leave. “My table always has room at lunch!”
Logan was off balance today. He’d left Veronica’s apartment when her dad got back, opting to let the Sheriff take over care of Veronica. Though he had made a point to mention Veronica had taken some of the doctor prescribed medicine. Her dad had looked surprised but made no comment about it, which had frustrated Logan. There was so much about Veronica that Logan no longer understood, and he had been hoping the Sheriff would share something, anything, that would help him understand the reaction Veronica had when he tried to get her to take the medicine. The Sheriff had not been forthcoming, and Logan had many questions left unanswered. He didn’t figure Veronica would be at school today given how bad she had looked the day before, so he was both surprised and a little angry to see her talking with the new kid. What was his name?
When Veronica turned away from her friend, I seriously need to figure out that guy’s name, Logan moved to intercept her. He didn’t expect answers to all his questions at this point, but he thought he may be able to convince her to go home and rest up more. There was no way she was ready to be back at school. He stopped short when Veronica began chatting with Weevil. What the hell does she think she’s doing? Getting mixed up with the leader of the PCH biker gang couldn’t mean anything good. Watching from a distance didn’t do anything to quell his curiosity, but it did keep him from kicking the shit out of Weevil. He wasn’t sure exactly where his animosity toward the biker was coming from, but it took all his self-restraint not to dash across the hallway and pummel the guy.
Veronica pulling Weevil into the girl’s bathroom didn’t help. What the fuck? There is no way Veronica is dating that guy, is there? A tight ball formed in his gut making Logan want to run to the bathroom himself. What the fuck are you doing, Veronica?
“Dude, that chick is weird.” A voice behind him made him jump. He forced his arms to his sides, willing his muscles to relax, and turned toward his friend. “I mean, the baseball team isn’t surprising, but now she’s hooking up with that biker?” Logan’s jaw locked, and he grabbed Dick by the collar. “Woah dude, what the fuck?” Logan relaxed a little, taking in the surprise on Dick’s face. ���What’s gotten into you man?”
“Nothing,” Logan sighed and patted Dick’s collar flat. “Just leave Veronica alone.” He looked Dick dead in the eyes, daring him to argue. Dick lifted his hands up, palms toward Logan.
“Okay, dude. Whatever.” Dick stepped back, shaking his head. “Don’t know why you seem to care what anyone says about her all the sudden.”
“You don’t need to, Dick,” he forced through gritted teeth. “You just need to make sure you and everyone else leaves her the fuck alone.” His hands were clenched at his sides, shoulders ridged.
“Hey guys, what’s going on?” Of-fucking-course he shows up now. Logan forced himself to relax and turned his most dazzling smile on Duncan who was walking towards them, eyes darting from Logan to Dick.
“DK! Nothing at all-” Logan started when Dick cut in.
“The king has new orders regarding your old lady-love, Duncan.” Duncan’s eyes narrowed, and his eyebrows shot up as he motioned for Dick to continue. “Logan says we’ve all got to lay off Ronnie. Guess seeing her with that biker dude finally made him realize she’s not worth the trouble.”
Logan had never wanted to punch anyone more than he wanted to punch Dick at that moment. He turned on him, eyes blazing, when Duncan started laughing. Logan hadn’t heard Duncan laugh this hard in… well years. All his anger dissipated, and he turned to Duncan, jaw dropped and eyes wide. Dick had the same look. All they could do was stare as Duncan practically cried he was laughing so hard. After a minute Dick cleared his throat.
“Uh, you ok, dude?”
Duncan wiped at his eyes, gasping in breaths to control his laughter. “Yeah, yeah. Thanks man. I haven’t laughed that hard in forever.” Logan and Dick traded a look, waiting for Duncan to continue. Duncan gulped in more air, finally regaining control. When Duncan offered nothing further Dick began again.
“I mean, I know you guys used to know Ronnie, but Logan and I both saw-" Duncan cut him off, hand raised,
“Dude, I don’t care what you saw. No way is Veronica with Weevil,” he snickered out. Logan turned to him.
“I dunno man, Veronica has changed a lot.” Am I trying to piss him off? “There’s no telling what she’d do now.” Duncan’s face turned hard.
“She hasn’t changed that much.” They stared at each other a long minute before Dick broke in again.
“Well either way, Logan changed his tune pretty fast. No more picking on Ronnie, I guess.”
“Lay off it, Dick,” Logan snapped. “I don’t have to explain it. Just leave Veronica alone.” Logan turned away from them at hard Duncan’s stare and stalked off to class.
Veronica kept her arms crossed, a barrier between her and Weevil. “So, you’re saying you suspected someone in your crew was working outside your bounds, but you have no idea who it could possibly be?”
“No, V. I brought you in on this just so you would get your ass kicked.” Weevil rubbed the back of his neck, eyes down. Veronica grunted.
“Amusing.” Weevil studied her face, lingering on her forehead. His Adam’s apple bobbed erratically, and he dropped his gaze again. Veronica rubbed her temples, frustrated. I’m not going to get anywhere if everyone keeps treating me like a delicate fucking flower. “Any-” she began, but Weevil cut her off.
“Those two, they did this to you? You know that for sure?” Veronica recognized the look in his eye. Plenty of paying customers had given her dad that look. That’s the last thing I need. “I don’t know for sure,” she lied easily. “I don’t remember much aside from deciding to watch them that night.” Weevil flinched. “It doesn’t matter anyway. You go all righteous fury on them I’ll never find out which of your boys is passing them info.”
“We don’t know for sure-”
“I do.” Veronica cut him off. “They knew to be on the lookout for a tail.” She decided not to mention they also knew her name. She wasn’t supposed to remember much, after all.
“Maybe your nosy self pissed someone else off and you just don’t remember,” Weevil muttered. Veronica jammed her lips together in a hard line, blood rushing to her cheeks.
“You came to me worried about your ‘boys’,” Veronica snarled. She reminded herself Weevil didn’t know everything she did, by her own choosing. Taking a moment to breath and calm down, she reconsidered telling Weevil. Who knows what he’d do with that information. She decided against it. “So, what I need from you is to know why these guys. You don’t even know who in your crew to suspect, but you knew to have me watching them. How?”
“Eh,” Weevil hedges, “they are really the only other game in town. If my boys are dealing behind my back, they are doing it with the Fitzpatrick’s.”
Veronica turned icy. “You… you sent me after the Fitzpatrick’s?” Weevil shuffled his feet. “You sent me after the Fitzpatrick’s and you didn’t tell me.”
“I thought you knew!” Weevil protested. “I mean, you’re a PI. I gave you their pictures. I thought getting their names would be your first priority.” Veronica scoffed. “Seriously, V. When you didn’t come to me with any issues I figured you didn’t care.”
“I fucking care, Weevil.”
“You out, then?”
Veronica stared at him, then turned and stalked from the bathroom.
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ajuimaginary · 7 years
Spy Universe - Hoshi
Anon asked for the Hoshi part of the Spy Universe. So here’s the start of the story of the combat expert meeting the reader.
There’s a guy at your gym you can’t help but notice. 
The whole “going to the gym” thing had never been your idea in the first place, but your friend dragged you along with her, and despite yourself, you kept on returning. Maybe it was partly because of the guy that you kept on returning.
You still remember the first time you saw him. Right at the end of a long workout, when wisps of your hair were curled by sweat around your face, your cheeks were pink, and your plain tee felt like it was clinging to your back. You followed your friend away from the equipment, panting more than talking, on your way to get smoothies.
And then he appeared, walking in as you walked out. He hadn’t started his work out yet. There was a towel swung loose across his shoulders, nicely muscled arms under a loose black tank top, and a determined look in his dark eyes.
You held the door for him automatically, and the second you made eye contact, his face transformed. That serious focus was edged out by a beaming smile, making his cheeks round beautifully, and his eyes nearly vanish. You managed to smile back, heart stuttering a little. 
He ducked his head politely, thanked you, and you caught his eyes flicker briefly over you before he vanished through the door, letting it swung shut behind him. You were still frozen.
“Um, Y/N, hello? You still alive?” you friend asked.
“Huh? Oh. Yeah. Of course.” you jerked back to life, following after her, avoiding her penetrating gaze which seemed to understand exactly what was in your mind.
“He was cute.” she said teasingly.
You were glad your cheeks where already flaming from your workout. You refused to acknowledge how flustered you suddenly were.
“Sure, I guess.” you admitted. “Come on. I want to get there before they run out of my favorite flavor again.”
And you stalked off ahead while she laughed at you, and tried to insist he had seemed to think you were cute too.
You kept seeing the boy after that. He always had that bright sunshine smile to offer, and you always managed one of your own. Whenever you saw him work out, it was impressive. There was a dedication- a spark he had beyond what you saw in anyone else.
You even spotted him talking to the most feared instructor in the gym one day, who was actually smiling while chatting to him. 
“I’ll see you next week, Soonyoung.” the instructor said. “Good job today.”
“Thanks,” the cute boy, who you now knew was called Soonyoung, bowed in gratitude, and then turned to go on his way. As he passed you, he suddenly grinned. “Hello! Nice day, right?”
“Hi,” you replied, heart stuttering as always. “Yeah, it is.”
Soonyoung, still smiling, kept walking. But it felt significant anyway. It was the first time you’d actually talked since him thanking you for holding the door. You hoped it was only the beginning of getting to know each other better.
Since Mingyu messed up the mansion break in mission by opening the fridge and setting off the alarms, and then Jihoon messed it up even further by colliding with his coffee shop crush, the Seventeen spy team had to change plans.
They missed their window, and now the item they wanted to steal has been moved from the house to a vault in the basement of one of the enemy’s office buildings. The whole of the team has since been working on a new mission which has to take place exactly two weeks after the messed up mission. 
On that night, there’s a big party all their enemies are gathering at, leaving their vaults without their authority, only watched by simple guards who aren’t prepared to face the unexpected without guidance. So the team is going to try breaking into the vault then. The whole plan is laid out. They just have to finish preparing.
One of those vital preparation weeks has already passed. Soonyoung is getting stressed. He knows how important it is to make sure everyone perfects the complicated group fighting pattern he’s teaching them. It calls for ten of the team members (excluding Woozi, Vernon, and DK who are working behind the scenes on this one) to be able to perfectly coordinate each and every move to take out several guards who will be coming at them from doorways on all sides of the vault.
But the team just isn’t getting it right. They’ve been at it for hours. 
“For God’s sake Seungkwan, are you kidding?” he snaps at last. He doesn’t lose his temper often, but today...
The younger boy picks himself up from the floor where the practice attackers have managed to unbalance him every time so far. He looked embarrassed, and annoyed with himself.
“You can do better!” Soonyoung continues, volume raising, waving a frustrated hand. “Come on! Even Joshua has this down by now!”
“Hey!” Joshua protests, offended by the unnecessary jab.
“I can’t stretch my legs the right way!” Seungkwan spits at the same time, fists clenching. “You know I can’t! Get off my back!”
“Fucking try!” Soonyoung yells.
Tension crackles through the training room. Everyone is staring at Soonyoung either angry or shocked at how grumpy he’s getting. He knows he’s already offended multiple people- not least Joshua and Seungkwan. Seungcheol had his mouth hanging open, but something in his eyes shows he’s preparing a reprimand. 
Then Soonyoung sees a protective frown has risen even on Vernon’s face (the boy is usually hard to make angry) and finally, it shakes him out of the worst of his mood. 
He runs a hand through his hair, sending in standing on end, and takes a deep breath. 
“I’m sorry,” he manages. “I’m being too harsh. I just- it’s worrying, guys. You know how dangerous this could be.” he sighs. “Seungkwan... you could get yourself killed.”
Seungkwan sobers up. 
“Yeah, I know,” he sighs too. The anger melts away at the sincerity in Soonyoung’s voice. “I would do stretches to get used to the movement, but there’s no time right now. The mission is a week away and I can’t improve that fast. Do you think I could switch places with someone? I could do a different part that doesn’t require me to hold any weight from that positioning-”
“Oh,” Soonyoung snaps his fingers, realization upon him. “Actually, I have an idea! You know I’m learning the street fighting thing from the gym. I think we can incorporate it...”
So he and Seungkwan end up taking a trip to the gym together. 
They turn up a little earlier than Soonyoung’s usual time, and he knows instinctively that it’s probably around the time that you arrive, since you’re usually there before him. He takes a glance through the gym as they walk through, looking out for you.
It’s actually the first time he’s ever brought one of the team with him, but they’ve all heard certain stories about the place. Certain stories relating to...
“Seungkwan, look, that’s the one I mentioned.” he whispers, nodding his head in your direction where he’s finally spotted you, talking to your friend, stretching before you begin. “I told you they’re cute.”
Seungkwan smirks, but looks, eager to finally put a face to the person he’s heard so much about
“They are cute,” he agrees with a shrug. “Very much your type.”
Soonyoung feels a blush rise to his face.
“Why have you still not said anything to them?” Seungkwan continues.
“Ah, you know. We’re way too busy with this whole mission right now. I don’t need to draw anyone into our kind of lifestyle.” Soonyoung looks back dreamily at you. “And besides, you saw the drama last week when Jihoon ran into that girl he liked from the coffee shop and she got caught up in our mission. I don’t want that to happen here.”
So Seungkwan lets it go, though he has half a mind to tell Seokmin and the others about it later, and maybe try to talk Soonyoung out of his worries. They all want to see him happy, after all. Even though the mission has been intense lately, one date wouldn’t mean pulling the girl into their difficult lives. And Seungkwan is perceptive enough to know that Soonyoung has been tearing himself apart dreaming about his crush. He thinks it’s one of the things adding to the burden of stress on his shoulders- one of the things that makes him extra grumpy in the training room lately.
They get to work practicing in Soonyoung’s favorite room of the gym, the one booked out for him by his favorite grumpy instructor (the guy doesn’t know all the details of Soonyoung’s life, but seems aware there’s something serious going on. He’s always willing to help.)
Soonyoung shows Seungkwan the moves he’s been thinking of, which are much easier than relying on Seungkwan carrying any weight with his legs at angles they can’t bend. Soonyoung questions why he even made the old plan the plan in the first place (after all, they all know Seungkwan can’t even cross his legs). Something has really been throwing him off lately, and he feels bad, as the team’s main combat instructor.
But things are going well now. The new style seems to work for Seungkwan.
And then, suddenly, everything goes wrong.
It starts with Soonyoung’s phone ringing. He tells Seungkwan to practice the next bit against the beam and digs it out of his bag, eyebrows raising when he sees Jihoon’s contact lighting up the screen.
“Hey Woozi?” he answers.
“Soonyoung, oh god, they found out which gym you use!” Jihoon jabbers from the other end. Soonyoung freezes. “You know I monitor their computer systems, and they just added the detail to your files. Then the sent the info to some of their agents. I don’t know if they’re on their way now, but-”
Soonyoung is already at the door, listening, and he realizes he can hear footsteps approaching down the hallway.
“We’ll get out of here ASAP.” he promises Jihoon. “Thanks for the head’s up!”
Jihoon hangs up, leaving him to it.
“Seungkwan!” Soonyoung yells. “Jihoon called. We have to leave before-”
And then the door swings open. 
He whirls on his heel, already in a defensive stance, ready to swing the first punch before anything can go wrong. 
And freezes.
Because it’s only you- you, with wide eyes and a nervous smile- you, looking at his fisted hands.
“Oh, sorry,” you stammer, face to face with your crush. “I d-din’t realize anyone was in here right now. I was just checking if the room was free to use.”
Soonyoung takes in your shy stance, your yoga mat tucked under your arm. You babble on, embarrassed, wanting to explain yourself.
“Some guys came in and were sort of leering and I didn’t really feel comfortable stretching in front of them, so my friend thought we should split and try to find a private room. I can check next door-”
“No, no.” Soonyoung says, shaking his head, mustering a smile. “It’s okay. You can take this room. We were just leaving.”
“Are you sure?” you ask, looking between him and his friend, who’s gathering their drink bottles and hoodies from the floor.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” his friend says. “Um, weird question, but what did the guys you saw look like?”
“I don’t know.” you scrunch your nose, thinking. “Big? Both bald. One had really bright red hair. And the other had a scar-”
“Running up the right side of his neck?” Soonyoung asked.
“Yeah. How did you know?” you say, surprised. You see Soonyoung exchange a look with his friend.
“We should really get go-”
And then a commotion erupts in the hallway.
Soonyoung swears under his breath, suddenly grabs you by the hand and yanks you toward him, pushing you behind himself, and slipping the yoga mat from your hands. 
You don’t have much time to register what’s going on when the two men from the other room burst into this one, both tense, looking ready to fight. They take in the sight before them, smirking when they see Soonyoung in front of you, weight borne in a careful expert fighting stance, but still seeming absurdly small beside them. 
You even have time to glance at Soonyoung’s friend. Seungkwan is tying both hoodies at his waist, not taking his eyes off the intruding figures ahead.
“So, it’s true, S.Coups favorite little dancing monkey frequents the local gym with the vegans and wannabe weight lifters.” The red-head says, mean smile on his face.
“Yah, Hoshi, I thought you would know better than to be caught with citizens nearby,” the other man says, nodding at you. You feel some bewilderment past your fear. You thought his name was Soonyoung. But he responds to Hoshi, jaw tightening. “Or did you not learn from your mother all those years ago.”
“Seungkwan,” Hoshi says quietly. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” Seungkwan answers. He looks more angry at the sight of his friend being taunted than his friend does. “Just let me know which one to do, Hosh.”
“Let’s keep it simple.” Hoshi says. “We have what we need for emergency exit plan three, so...”
Responding to Hoshi’s words before anyone else can move, Seungkwan flings one water bottle toward the men in the doorway. They both reach to catch it before it can hit them, reflexes fast, which you realize is their fatal mistake. Seungkwan must have found the time to twist off the cap of the second bottle, because he hurls it on in quick succession while the first is still in the air. With both men reaching for that, they don’t have time to jump and stop the passage of the second bottle, or shield their eyes, and the bottle smacks hard into the door frame above, exploding over them.
You’ve hardly taken in the sight of them sputtering, water in their eyes, before Hoshi shoves you. Hard. Out of the way. He glances over for long enough to make sure you land in the safety mattresses around the edges of the gym walls rather than the hard floor.
Then he unfurls your yoga mat in a quick curl, yanks it taught in his hands, and bends to hold it at a careful angle. Seungkwan runs and leaps against it, using the momentum to launch himself over the heads of the men as they scream out in pain and scrub at their eyes. 
There was more than water in that bottle, you realize. And with the rest of the conversation between these boys and the men who are attacking, you’re sure this is something very serious.
Hoshi turns to you then, eyes bright with adrenaline, but worried. 
“Head out that door.” he instructs quickly, nodding his head to a door at the end of the room. “They’re doing hot yoga next door, but you can slip into the room. They won’t mind. And it’s better for you to be around people anyone. Call gym security and these guy won’t bother coming after you. Keep yourself safe, okay?”
“Okay,” you stammer, bewildered. 
Hoshi shoots you a half-watt version of his usual bright smile, and then, effortlessly, he tucks his knees, rocks on his heels, and springs forward. He leaps right over the men in his way, using their shoulders to push off and land neatly in the hallway, sprinting off as soon as his feet hit the ground.
The men are still writhing in pain, reaching blindly after him and trying to follow, and you know, for now, they’ve forgotten about you, obsessed with chasing down their target: the man named Hoshi: the man named Soonyoung.
You turn, and manage to stumble on shaky legs out of the room- through the fear and shock, the only solid thing left in your mind is the need to follow the instructions given in his sweet, concerned voice.
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majdbrja · 7 years
Peter Pan - DKS
WARNING: this does contain mentions of attempted rape and abuse
P.S. this isn’t very good lol
Kyungsoo momentarily closed his eyes, exhausted from the amount of extra work his bandmates and himself put into today’s activities.
“Yah, Kyungsoo-ah, we were thinking of going out for fried chicken. Is that okay with you?” Kyungsoo silently nodded in response to Minseok’s question, and he listened to them continue to talk about how delicious their meals would be.
It had been so long since the boys had gone out and eaten a proper amount of food, but since they just finished promotions for their newest single, they – including their manager – decided it’d be nice to treat themselves.
Kyungsoo let his head flop back against the car seat and looked out at the almost dead streets of Seoul. It was 10:37pm on a Tuesday night, so it wasn’t at all a surprise when he’d seen four people at most walking around the streets.
The van Kyungsoo, Minseok, Sehun, Jongin and Baekhyun were in came to a halt as they came to a red light, and Kyungsoo let his eyes adjust to the sudden stillness of the outside world, and breathed a sigh of relaxation.  
However, Kyungsoo’s short moment of tranquillity was interrupted as he soon became distracted by a woman who obviously looked very distressed. Kyungsoo noticed that she was in the embrace of a man who had his large arms wrapped around her petite frame. The man was trying to kiss her, but the woman was obviously having none of it as she tried to push his head away.
Kyungsoo’s eyes widened as he watched the man suddenly throw the woman to the ground, and hover over her. The man began to move his hands freely around the now crying woman’s body and Kyungsoo decided he’d watched enough.
Without thinking the situation through, Kyungsoo unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled the door to the van open. He heard his bandmates gasp in shock and call out to him, but he paid no attention to their calls as he stormed over to the man and the woman.
“Yah!” he yelled, as soon as he stood a metre away from them. “What do you think you’re doing?!”
The man looked up at him in surprise, and seemed to back away a little. Despite Kyungsoo’s small figure, he was very intimidating.
“I…I was just…having some…fun,” the man slurred, pausing to hiccup throughout his sentence. He was drunk. Kyungsoo scowled, and reached over to grab him by the back of his collar, and yanked him up.
By this time, the other members, as well as the manager had parked the car and had run over to where Kyungsoo was holding the man up. Although from afar the man looked much larger, he was no taller than Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo was used to dealing with his giant friend.
“What is going on here?” the manager demanded, already holding his phone out, ready to call the police.
“I think you can guess,” Kyungsoo spat, surprising himself at his bitter tone. He shoved the man so he fell to the ground and walked further towards the woman who still lay on the ground. Her face was turned to one side with her hair sprawled all over it, so Kyungsoo was unable to identify her.
Behind him, he heard his manager take a hold of the drunk man while Minseok called the police and ambulance.
“Hey…are you okay?” Kyungsoo whispered, his tone considerably much softer than earlier. The woman flinched slightly as Kyungsoo’s hand met her arm, and he instantly pulled away before muttering an apology.
The woman muffled a sob, and pushed herself up so she was in a sitting position. She pulled her skirt down a little so it covered more of her exposed legs, and moved her shirt back into place. She turned to Kyungsoo and pulled her hair out of her face, revealing several bruises and tear stains.
With her permission, Kyungsoo helped her up, and moved her towards a bench no more than a couple of metres away and sat with her.
“T-thank you…for…for helping m-me,” the girl whispered and looked up Kyungsoo, giving him more time to assess her features. She watched him furrow his eyebrows as if in concentration before shaking his head slightly.
“It’s not a problem!” he said a little too quickly, his voice slightly higher than when he first spoke, which caused a small smile to break out on the girl’s face. Kyungsoo blushed.
“Um…the police and ambulance are on their way. Are you okay?”
“I guess…” she mumbled, running a shaking hand through her tangled hair. “I was just so scared.”
“It’s okay now, you’re okay,” Kyungsoo said, exposing his heart shape smile to the girl, and despite her current situation, she managed to give him an equally toothy grin back.
“Um…are you…are you from Exo?” she asked, and he froze slightly before hesitantly nodding. “I’m Jung [name], it’s nice to meet you.”
At the sound of her name, Kyungsoo gasped as her familiar face finally had a name. “Jung [name]?! Do Kyungsoo! We went to high school together!”
Kyungsoo watched [name] study his face before she suddenly broke out in a shy grin. “Ah, I think I remember! Were you the kid who once fell asleep saying a speech in front of the class?!”
Kyungsoo blushed a deep crimson and hid his face in his hands. “That’s me…” he mumbled.
“Ah, Kyungsoo-ah, it’s been such a long time. And look at you now, you’re a huge idol. My friend is such a big fan of yours.”
[Name] laughed slightly and wiped away some non-existent tears, but as if suddenly remembering what nearly happened to her, real tears began to brim in her eyes, and she let few slip down her face.
This time, Kyungsoo pulled her into a tight embrace and stroke her back as she wept into his shirt. During their time in high school, Kyungsoo and [name] hadn’t been well acquainted, but to [name]’s close friends, it was obvious she’d fancied him. And unknowingly to her, the same applied for Kyungsoo.
However, weeks before their graduation, as Kyungsoo was going to ask for [name]’s number, she’d been asked out by one of the more popular boys in the grade: Na Jinwoo. And now that Kyungsoo thought about it, he knew the man attacking [name] looked familiar. Had him and [name] really been together for the seven years they’ve been out of high school?
In no more than five minutes, an ambulance and police car sped down the street and stopped where the group were.
“Over there,” Minseok directed the paramedics to where Kyungsoo and [name] were sitting together, while the police dealt with Jinwoo.
“We’ll take you to hospital, Miss. Just to check for any injuries,” the older looking paramedic said and guided [name] to follow him.
Kyungsoo walked back over to his manager as [name] walked to the ambulance, and the manager shot him a small smirk. “Would you like to go with her, make sure she’s okay? I heard your little reunion earlier.”
Kyungsoo smiled. “Would you mind?”
The manager shook his head. “Of course not. I’ll take the others to the restaurant, and when we arrive, I’ll drive to the hospital to see you, okay? Her name is Jung [name], if I heard correctly?”
Kyungsoo nodded, and with the blessing of the manager and his friends, he ran to the ambulance moments before they closed the door.
“Can I come?” Kyungsoo asked, his question directed at where [name] sat in a stretcher. [Name]’s eyes widened upon seeing him, but slowly nodded.
“I’m sorry, sir, but only family are allowed in–”
“Please,” [name] interrupted, “I need him right now.”
The paramedic nodded wordlessly and told the driver to head straight to the hospital.
While at the hospital, [name] was checked for her minor injuries, and was told she would be fine. Kyungsoo stayed by her side the entire time. The police arrived shortly after they arrived and began asking questions about what happened.
Kyungsoo listened, as [name] told them that after she had broken off her relationship with Jinwoo a year after they graduated, he hadn’t taken it well and had been following her ever since, trying to hurt her and harassing her.
According to [name], that night she had been out with male friends and Jinwoo had ‘coincidently’ stumbled upon them and [name] had left, afraid he’d make a scene and possibly hurt her friends. But Jinwoo had followed her, before attacking her and trying to get in her pants.
After the officers left, [name] was told she was able to go and followed Exo’s manager and Kyungsoo out.
“Miss Jung,” the manager began, “would you like to join us for a very late dinner?”
[Name] checked the time on her phone and noticed it was close to midnight. Should she? The next day was a Sunday, meaning she didn’t have any work, nor plans.
“Um…if you wouldn’t mind having me?” her statement came out as a question, but neither men payed it any attention.
“Of course,” the manager smiled, “my only objection to it would be the fact that it could start a scandal, however, there’s barely a soul in sight. We’ll shout you.”
The trip to the chicken restaurant was quick, and it was spent in silence. However, this was hardly a problem as it was made up for by the warmth shared between [name] and Kyungsoo, as the former had her head leaning against his shoulder and her hand intertwined with his.
It was a surprise to both parties how comfortable they were with each other. It wasn’t like [name] and Kyungsoo were strangers, but not seeing each other for seven years was a long time, even if they both had slight crushes on each other during their high school years.
By the time they parked and got out of the van, one of the other Exo members – [name] guessed – was standing outside, waiting for his friend and manager to arrive.
“Ah, there you are! We—oh,” his words stopped short as he noticed [name], hand in hand with Kyungsoo.
The man however, ushered them into the almost empty restaurant where seven others were sitting around a bunch of tables, digging into fried chicken.
All conversations stopped short once [name] was noticed – still holding hands with one of the youngest members.
When Kyungsoo noticed the questioning gazes on him, he cleared his throat and blushed. “Um, this is Jung [name]. My friend from high school.”
“Nice to meet you,” [name] bowed. “I hope you don’t mind me joining you…”
“Of course not! Especially after everything that’s happened as of recent,” Minseok exclaimed, which clarified for the others that she was the girl Kyungsoo saved.
[Name] sat in between Kyungsoo and another one of his bandmates who introduced himself as Yixing. Despite [name]’s nerves, she got along with all the members, and the tension dropped almost instantly.
As they were heading out, ready and eager to return to their own beds, Kyungsoo guided [name] to the second van, where they would be taking a detour to [name]’s home.
The drive wasn’t long, fifteen minutes max. [Name] thanked the members in the car and got out, grabbing her keys and trying to find the right one to unlock the door with.
“Ah, [name]!” at the sound of her name, [name] turned around and locked eyes with Kyungsoo who was walking towards her. She caught a glimpse of Jongdae and Baekhyun peering out of the car, wide smiles on their faces.
“Is there something wrong, Kyungsoo?” [name] questioned.
Kyungsoo smiled and shook his head. “No, but…I was just wondering…would it be possible…”
As he trailed off, [name]’s heart rate picked up. What was he going to ask?!
“…If I got your number?”
[Name] felt her heart stop. Although this very question was so innocent, it coming from Do Kyungsoo, one of the shyest boys in the grade at high school, was surprising.
[Name] blushed heavily and fished around in her purse before grabbing her phone out. She unlocked it and gave it to Kyungsoo, who also adorned a deep red blush.
After the number exchange, Kyungsoo pulled [name] into a gentle embrace and kissed her lightly on the forehead, both of them knowing where their relationship would lead to.
However, this semi-romantic moment was interrupted when a flash went off and girly giggles were heard coming from the car.
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and [name] laughed, before gingerly placing her lips against his soft cheek.
“Goodnight, Kyungsoo,” she whispered, pulling herself away from him and walking to her door.
“Goodnight [name],” Kyungsoo called back, walking over to the car. “And text me!”
The last thing Kyungsoo heard before he shut the van door was: “I will!”  
He smiled, after seven long years, he’d finally gotten her number.
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kongnextdoor · 5 years
Zephyr Acknowledgment
//Thank you Zephyr, it’s nice to finally talk to a level-headed adult on this site. I can now see what went wrong initially, I clicked on the ‘Rules’ button and not ‘Diddy’ or ‘Mun’... that was my bad. I mean, I did know I was pushing the smut thing, but I wanted Dixie to stop me. I didn’t run it by you first, because obviously you would say ‘no.’ I admit that was a stupid and immature thing to do, and I apologize for it.
On to Steve, he told me to tag my stuff but he absolutely refused to say why. I literally only had one follower at that time, and it wasn’t him. If all my stuff was going to be adult-ish then that one follower must like it or they wouldn’t be here, right? I was a bit perplexed at what purpose he thought tagging served... and, of course, he refused to elaborate. I have since decided to branch out into other things and gained several followers thanks to Kirmun’s numerous attempts to destroy me... so now I will be tagging my NSFW threads. So, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.
And if you think pointing out the hypocrisy of the line: “Imagine calling me a child even though I plainly claimed that I was 18.” counts as ‘attacking’ well... I assume you’re just missing out on some context. That’s all Kirmun cares about me. She doesn’t care about the forced shipping or any of my other bad behavior, all she cares about is that she personally headcanons Tiny as younger... and I think she wants me to change my blog’s canon specifically so she can complain? Which she does anyway? Whatever, that’s not happening.
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But, again, thank you for actually talking to me this time and providing evidence. Although many of them (including parts underlined in red) say nothing about age... being second banana or looking up to a hero/role model, for instance, apply equally to Luigi who is the same exact age as Mario. But then some of them do use words like ‘young’ and ‘kid’... something I missed from not being exposed to instruction books from 20 years ago, relying solely on in-game information and wikis. However, and I mean this in the politest way possible, you do understand the key difference between someone ‘being a kid’ and ‘disliking being treated as a kid,’ correct? Because while it’s certainly not definitive either way, it unquestionably can’t be used as proof that he’s a minor. For the record, none of these descriptions are on the Mario Wiki... I know that probably has nothing to do with anything, but now I’m wondering if the fandom by and large just decided he was an adult and actively ignores little tidbits that contradict that?
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It’s all part of the ridiculously inconsistent canon we’re forced to piece together, such as the current DK being Cranky’s son and grandson, or this card listing Diddy as a chimp when chimps don’t have tails (nobody show Candy!). Then there’s the particularly confusing one you mentioned from Mario Super Sluggers where Tiny was said to be the ‘smallest’ Kong. Tiny was never the smallest, go watch the DK Rap again... she is clearly a head taller than Diddy in her first appearance. It boggles the mind how anyone at Nintendo HQ could know so little about the character, apparently have no images of either version, and how it got through without anyone correcting it at any point. It’s actually kind of a sore spot with me... but there’s no way you could have known that. I’m not sure what her Spirit in SSBU has to do with anything... Sakurai choose younger Tiny over current Tiny for reasons known only to him.
Anyway, the main reasoning behind ‘adult Diddy & Dixie’ is similar to the Lion King... Simba & Nala grow up because they’re kids, Timon & Pumbaa don’t because they’re already full grown adults. If Tiny grows up and Diddy and friends don’t... then logically they must have all been adults already. This is all well known in Tiny circles, and judging by your responce you’ve run into them several times before. It’s clearly apparent that many people in the past have tried to prove that Diddy is an adult before, including bringing up his voice changing which is something I never would have noticed, but you insist on regressing him down to 11 for some reason. It’s fine though, that’s how headcanons work, I just don’t see how you expect everyone else to magically know this very important information is on some other random page that’s not the rules page. Of course, now you have to headcanon some sort of time travel mishap or something to explain Tiny’s aging while Did n’ Dix remain looking the same. But if there were some sort of time-travel accident, you’d think they’d mention that she’s now ironically older than her ‘older sister’ ... but you say they’re not even sisters in Japan? I’ll have to look into that.
So, anyway, I’ve learned something today. I also learned that @purplenannas considered me a friend despite the fact that we’ve never interacted... probably because she has me confused with @thecutestkong who’s URL I originally ‘stole.’ (Something else evil I did that Kirmun doesn’t even care about.)
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