#not to go completely psychotic about music but you know
This is literally the most dramatic thing on fucking earth and I understand that. But I genuinely do not feel like I belong here, I was not made for this
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evilminji · 4 months
Okay but? We of the DPxDC? Are COMPLETELY Sleeping on DPXBNHA?
And not even for the Main Plot Shenanigans!
Just?? It has ALL of DC's super powers? But MORE OF THEM. And like 80% of the population has um! Danny can?? Finally achieve his DREAM of being???
Yeah, he's in Japan. That's a bit of a learning curve. And YEAH, there was a cataclysmic war like a few centuries back that sorta... fucked everybody up. No one wants to talk about it. There may be mass graves and Never Forget memorials. But?
This place seems utopian!
No ghost hunters! Advanced technology! Robust social services*!
Wait... what was that asterisk? What do you mean "corrupt shadowy government organizations"? What do you MEAN "Immortal Supervillians"? NO SPACE PROGRAM!?!? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!? I'M IN HELL!!! This is ACTUALLY THE BAD PLACE, THIS IS HELL, OH GOD NOOOOOOO-!!!!!!
Cause see?
There are SO MANY REASONS he'd end up there?
Think about it! Wish that he lived somewhere his weird biology wouldn't exclude him from becoming an astronaut? In Quirks having Bnha Japan EVERYBODY has weird biology! Y'ain't special! You could TOTALLY be an astronaut!..... if we HAD those! We do not. Shut down that program during the Quirk Wars and never really started it again. (And somewhere, Desiree LAUGHS)
Or MAYBE? Things are getting a little hot on the ground? Bit TOO spicy. The Family Fenton and Friends have fallen back, behind the barely holding shields. Not even the Mansons considerable political maneuvering could stop the inevitably of human fear and blind unthinking hatred. Money can't buy everything, in the end. There is only ONE(1) way out.
Through the Zone.
Plan: Strangers In A Strange World is a go.
They're all Limnal enough to fake it. Sam with her plants. Tucker with his technology and persuasion. Jazz with her limited empathy. Their parents with their... well, weirdness. And with a touch of ghostly assisted meddling? Well, they've always BEEN there! Haven't they?
And that's not to MENTION the random 4 year olds with no control! JUST coming into their powers! With all those big emotions in tiny bodies? Startling events and tantrums? Villian attacks? What could THEY possibly hope to do to control or guide that fresh new power? It does what it does and the rest of us are just along for the ride!
If Danny happens to be minding his business and gets accidentally kidnapped by a VERY distraught 4 year old? Well, that's hardly the KIDS fault, now is it? They're FOUR! That is basically a toddler! Tiny child! They are upset, confused, and didn't mean to do ANYTHING. He's a hero. And Heros don't blame little kids from accidents, no matter HOW stressed it makes them.
No, the curse like a sailor INSIDE their head. Like an ADULT.
Just? Imagine~☆
The slow transition from *starry eyed shoujo sparkles* "This is SO COOL~!" to "huh, that's... kinda weird. And Sus. Weird Sus. Maybe nothing... oh! A distraction!" To "okay, this KEEPS happening, that was shady. You all saw that right? You realize that's not NORMAL, right? That that's fucked up? Not cool?" To "oh god, oh God, OH GOD! I'm in HELL! This is actually HELL! I'm trapped in HELL!!! WHAT THE FUC-"
Like? This kid LOVES space. LOVES the stars. And this is one of the few Superhero Cannon that SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS that IN CANNON? Thanks to Quirks? As in Superpowers? That VERY THING got fuckin SCRAPPED. Gutted. Consigned to be a relic of the past so they could all focus on punching each other Real Good.
He would weep BLOOD. Chew the WALLS. The LEVEL of unhinged this child would unleash? Not as Danny Phantom... but as DANNY J. FENTON? Beautiful. Vaguely psychotic. Definitely doing the Fenton Name proud. God, the NOISE HE WOULD MAKE would be inhuman and yet somehow? Come entirely from his human half.
They👏 Would👏 Hear👏 BOSS👏 MUSIC👏
I don't even know if he'd CARE about the main characters. They'd be tangential at best. The man would be in a one man war with I-Island over their lack of space program and hoarding of scientific progress. Probably living out of an abandoned building or forgotten subway station. Just? The MOST bedraggled, feral genius to ever haunt Japan.
As opposed to the REFINED feral genius. Who is Nedzu.
I bet Danny stands outside his school at one AM waving his scientific papers at a camera and YELLS. Like a deranged lunatic. Mismatched slippers and a "haven't slept in a week" crazed glint in his eyes.
He's Nedzu's new best friend. They GET each other.
And, yes, Nedzu COULD let him in... but it's faster to just let him yell and read the papers through the camera. Who CARES if they both seem insane! Let's shout about advanced physics and engineering at 1 am! Over the speakers!!! Oh? You need to physically SHOW me the notes? Well I COULD unlock the gates... OR just wait for you to finish scrambling up the walls like a feral Racoon, to then throw yourself OVER them.
Either, Or.
I'm just SAYING! We are SLEEPING on this! There is so, SO much fun to be had! Danny breaks rules and minds! His outrage over injustice and the complete lack of SPACE! His protection instincts going BUCK FUCKIN WILD. The INDESCRIBABLE hate boner he would have for Mr. "Lemme just rip parts of your soul out so I can collect your powers like pokemon cards" AfO.
There? Is SO MUCH, guys. SO MUCH!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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sunnyswide · 5 months
Murderer POLY 141 x kidnapped reader
Part one here
They all seemed to enjoy it at first but the longer they spent playing this “game” the more real it got. Their psychotic brains confusing obsession with “love”. No they didn't love you. At least, that's what they told themselves every day as they fucked your brains out. It was hard to just stay with one guy when they seemed to be forcing their ways into your life.. And you.
So instead you wanted to “discuss” the truths with all of them. You couldn't live in a lie, you either tell all of them or none of them and let them find out. The latter option was least desirable.
So you sent them a message, a quick meetup at a private joint 3 blocks down. A perfect underground cafe you always were fond of. The mood, the music, and the secrecy. Barely anyone knew about the place.
“Be there at 8, don't be late!”
You were scared sure, but what would go wrong?
Your hands fidgeted at the hem of your top. You couldn't help the jittery feeling racing through your body.
“Its going to be okay”
You whispered to yourself, trying to catch your quaking breath. Why was this so hard for you!? Its not like they were in love..
It was too late to back down anyway as you descended the steps toward the dim light. The air was thicker then usual, a familiar smell flooded the area.. It was overwhelmingly strong but you brushed it off.
The door opened with a chime, and the smell got stronger. It wasn't rotten.. But more ash-like. A strong burning smell with a mix of..
You spot the group on the wall near the fireplace. They seemed to be getting along, chatting like they knew each other forever.
“What took ya so long” Gaz scooted over, setting the large black bag onto the ground.
“Should’ve came later, we were setting bets on how long it’ll take”
“Pay up soap, she came 10 minutes late, I win” ghost nudged Soap’s elbow, holding his hand out for the money.
“Stop playing around, the little lady here clearly got something important” Price stared at you calmy, he seemed to be the only one giving a shit-
You giggled at the sight. All of them seemed so close, it would be easy to assume they were friends from a glance.
“Do you guys know each other? Cause that would make this a lot.. Uhm worse”
“Course we know each other luv, we’ve been friends since.. Shit how long’s it been?”
Ghost leaned back, crossing his arms against his chest. Fuck this was going terribly.
“Cant remember”
Soap shrugged, taking another swish of his water, ice cubes clinking on the side.
“I guess we can talk about this over some food..”
You look around, finally realizing the place was quiet. Completely empty. The counter had no one behind it, the kitchen was silent and no one occupied any other booth. They looked at you, all smiles and rainbows, like nothing was wrong.
The air became thicker.. The fire burned brighter, dropping sparking ashes across the floor. They seemed oddly happy, I mean oddly happy like they didn't notice the place was a dead zone.
“So why’d you tell us to come here” Gaz slipped a hand over your shoulder, which didn't surprise anyone like you thought.
You clear your throat, reaching for your bag to pull out your phone. Yes you decided to write some notes on your phone to prepare.
“So.. Uhm you se-”
You look down at your purse, slipping your fingers into the smaller pockets.. Before noticing a small object at the front of your shoes. You realize the white material on the tip of leather was a surprising red.
“I wanted to..”
Your sentences were cut short as you slowly slipped your foot back.. A small puddle of blood smeared across the floor beneath where your shoes were.
“Go to the bathroom first!”
You smile, quickly standing up with your phone in your hand. You giggle awkwardly and calmly walk towards the lady's room. Quickly opening the door and gently closing it before you run to the sink. Your face flushed pale, as you feel yourself gag.
“A.. A TO- Tooth”
You scream impulsively.. Immediately covering your mouth with your hands. You watch the door through the mirror, praying none of them heard.
You look down at your shoe, it wasn't a hallucination, the blood still seeping into the leather, leaving a thin trail of drying blood across white tiles. You grab at your throat, trying to calm your breathing. No ones here. The staff. Cashier. Waiter. No one. No one is here.
You look to the door, only option was to book it right? The burning smell seeped through the doorway.. As you finally realize what that smell was.
The smell of Flesh
You run to the bathroom door, slamming it open..
“Hello princess.. All ready?”
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sxeraphfic · 5 months
Hey everyone! decided to do the sfw alphabet thing, i got rid of a few that felt unneeded or like id already partially answered them. hope you enjoy my loves <3
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Donnie as a very socially awkward and emotionally repressed person would be awkward with affection at first, i think he’d want to hug and kiss you and be cuddly but get nervous of freaking you out or scaring you. He has the mentality that he’s abit of a freak so he’ll project that unfortunately. However as time goes on and he learns to trust and feel your love he will become very affectionate.
He definitely enjoys hugs from behind whether it’s from you or him, not only is it cozy feeling but he occasionally likes to surprise you and give you a little scare because he’s a tease
Donnie also and obviously enjoys handholding and kissing, he’ll make sure to hold your hand wherever you go!
He isn’t particularly scared of PDA, he won’t do anything extreme but i feel like he’s a little unaware of his surroundings sometimes so he’ll happily go for a kiss or a hug in the middle of the street.
Donnie feels most comforted at home, away from people and with you. He’ll be extra cuddly then, whether it’s laying on your chest or getting his hair stroked he’ll love the attention and warmth you bring to him and he’ll do the exact same for you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Donnie would probably be abit emotionally unavailable as a best friend not going to lie, i think he’d have a hard time differentiating between why a best friend is different to a normal friend… “shouldn’t you treat your friends all the same?”
However after awhile it’d be clear to him that you’re a trustworthy and good person, he’d open up to you about a few of his more… complicated problems and may even impulsively tell you some weird things during his episodes
The friendship would begin probably with you initiating it through some sort of party or maybe at school, at first he’d be a little distant and non chalant but after awhile he would have a genuine interest in your hobbies, life, personality etc
He’d probably feel most comfortable just hanging out in his room listening to music or playing video games maybe even reading or studying together.
He’d be loyal aswell, and open to listening to your problems as he out of all people would know what it feels like to have problems.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddling with friends or family? absolutely not. But with a lover it’s a completely different story.
He’ll try to smoothly initiate it but end up accidentally saying or doing something silly and you’ll both laugh it off
He’s clingy aswell, not at first but as time goes on it’ll show, even during the hottest of summer nights he’ll try to link hands together as you sleep.
He looooves when you initiate it first, not just because he’s shy but it shows you want him and that’s all he needs to feel appreciated
I can imagine you two both standing together at a bus stop on a cold snowy day, cuddling together with his face buried in your hair to keep warm.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Donnie definitely wants to settle down at some point, i don’t see him having commitment issues but more so the complete opposite. Once he’s found the one he won’t let go and will do his best to be a good boyfriend OR husband despite his mental health.
Donnie would be a little messy about cleaning, he’s not lazy (most of the time) and i think he’d want the cleaning and cooking duties to be equal on both parts so he’d be happy to learn to cook for you.
During possible depressive or psychotic episodes he would require you to be a little more understanding on why he may not be perfect at keeping everything clean, he’d apologise in embarrassment but surely you’d understand <3
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Donnie would be terrible at breakups, i think he’s the type to dump and ghost and never speak again unfortunately.
He’d do the right thing by at least talking it out in person, but it would be an awkward conversation for sure and relatively fast paced as he wouldn’t know what to say afterwards.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Donnie would probably not really actually care at least too much about marriage, he wants it but he won’t be asking to marry you straight away.
That being said that doesn’t mean he’s not committed to you, he’s all yours and he expects the same from you!
I can imagine it wouldn’t take long before he pops the question out, maybe at a pretty looking park or dinner date where he makes the effort to have everything be lovey dovey and romantic.
I can imagine late night conversations in bed with him, and him suddenly bringing up the idea of marriage. “do you see us together in the future y/n?”
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Donnie is an absolute gentle soul towards you, he’s never violent or rough and is absolutely terrified of hurting or scaring you.
He gets easily frustrated and annoyed but is quick to apologise and stop if you tell him he needs to calm down
Occasionally donnie will enjoy a little play fighting or a little pinch to give you a shock, but most of the time he prefers to just be gentle with you.
Emotionally donnie tries his best to be gentle, however he’s filled with sarcasm and is a little bit of a meanie, it’ll show and if you tell him you don’t appreciate it he’ll try his best to repress himself. Otherwise if you enjoy it he’ll probably like that and ramp it up a little more for the banter factor.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Donnie’s hugs depend on where you are.
In public places his hugs will usually be casual and quick, he’ll probably give you a kiss on the forehead too during it.
In more private places he’ll be much more relaxed and give you long and heartfelt hugs, kind of bear hug like in a sense. He might rough up your hair and give you lots of kisses during it aswell.
Donnie is always happy to receive a hug from you too, he won’t mind how long they are or how intense you are about it. He just likes that you want to give him one in the first place!
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Donnie doesn’t really understand social norms like waiting 3 months to say i love you, if he’s with you in the first place that means he loves you. So it’ll probably take less than a week for him to announce it to you, maybe even on the same day you get together. He’s fast paced with his emotions and words and is quite blunt about it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oh boy do i have opinions on this.
Donnie will get jealous and he’ll definitely ruminate and stress on it, HOWEVER he will not blame you for it unless you’re showing signs of cheating.
When he’s jealous it’ll take him a few days before he really admits it, in the mean time he’ll be a little distant and more sad looking than usual. He’ll ask for validation from you like a sad little puppy whilst not even being open about why he’s asking for it in the first place. The next stage will be him getting a little snarky about whatever’s made him jealous which is where you’ll realise what’s happened.
Donnie is a paranoid person, but for you he knows to try tone it down. If you realise he’s jealous and just comfort and explain to him that he doesn’t have to be, he’ll immediately feel comforted and better about it. Just don’t keep him waiting on it.
I think during his episodes he’ll be a little more aggressive about it but as i said all he wants is the confirmation that you only want him.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
It’s hard to tell with donnie whether his kisses are going to end up in a rough and steamy make out sesh or if it’s gonna be just a quick little peck. Either way he’ll make sure to kiss you on the regular!
Donnie’s favourite places to kiss you are
Your lips (ofc) your forehead your cheeks your neck your stomach and thighs and literally anywhere else. lol.
Donnie personally likes to be kissed in those exact places too, especially his neck. it gives him butterflies.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Hmmm as a teen obviously he just likes to tease and make fun of them, especially his little sister.
But as he gets older and as he’s stated himself he definitely wants to have kids, he’d only have them if he was mentally well enough to handle them though.
That being said if he did have them and was mentally well, he’d been a kind of “cool dad” if you get what i mean. Not afraid to be honest and direct with his kids about the world, maybe occasionally make a silly more adult joke or swear around them. He’d want them to be emotionally intelligent and know how to navigate though their world, so he’d be cautious about the media and information they consume.
He’d also defend them against school authority probably lol. Even if they’re in the wrong and they’ve done something stupid he’ll be the first to say it’s not a big deal.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
“Nooo ten more minutes” type of energy here. you will not be leaving that bed until he’s ready!
If hes in his bed cuddling you he’s as happy as can be, he loves to stare and admire how you look when you’re sleeping so he always hopes to wake up before you.
Once he’s out of bed he’s abit of a grump for the next hour or so, he enjoys it if you happen to make breakfast for him but it’s not a big deal if you don’t.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
There’s a variety of things donnie wouldn’t mind doing at night, he’s kind of an all cards type of guy when it comes to it since the vibes of night just suit his needs perfect
Watching movies in his room or at the cinema Listening to music Reading Cuddling and kissing Other.. not so safe for work stuff.. Night walks and star gazing
Donnie loves any time he can spend with you really, he’s not in a rush to go to sleep so he’ll stay up all night with you if that’s what you want.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Donnie is not one too get easily angered, with you that is. Normally he’s very easily riled up about how the world is cruel and everyone in it sucks. But with you he has an unbelievable amount of patience, he’ll retort with sarcasm but is a natural problem solver and is always ready to talk it out.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Donnie comes off as absent minded, but he will remember every single little detail about you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a little notebook or journal filled with information about you and your likes, dislikes, random facts and etc.
Donnie’s the type of person to know and remember facts about you that you’ve long forgotten, he’ll buy you a t-shirt of a band that you mentioned liking three years ago and haven’t said anything about since.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Donnie is definitely a protective boyfriend, it comes from his paranoid outlook on the world. He would never forgive himself if you got hurt and he wasn’t there to protect you.
Although he isn’t a bodybuilder or anything he’ll speak up for you and maybe even resort to a little violence. (or if he’s feeling really crazy he’ll pull a gun out like in the movie)
As for you protecting him.. he’d appreciate you standing up for him but insist he doesn’t need it, if anything it’d make him a little embarrassed.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Donnie would definitely put effort into you, the fact that you’re with him in the first place amazes him and he doesn’t plan on losing you to laziness.
Most dates will be casual, if he feels like he wants to treat you to something nicer he’ll work hard for it. His love language is primarily physical touch and gift giving imo, so when he works he has a tendency to work just so he can provide for you since he has such simple needs himself.
As for everyday tasks, he believes in equality surrounding that type of thing. But if he notices you’re in a poor mood or feeling sad he’ll put in the effort to make sure you don’t need to strain yourself.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The most obvious one here is his fluctuating and poor mental health, mental illness isn’t pretty. There’ll be times where he needs you at his lowest and he might push you away during it. That’s when you need to be there for him the most.
He also tends to be absent minded with your feelings, he might say or do something that makes you upset and not realise until you say something about it. This isn’t personal, he’s just very straightforward.
He’s definitely a little possessive too, not to the point where you’re unsafe but he’s terrified of losing you.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
This one is an interesting case.
He isn’t really worried with his looks but definitely has abit of a freak complex due to his illness and unpopularity at school, he’ll appreciate when you compliment him. he needs it.
He might ask you what he can do to be more attractive, or if you’re really into him, the answer is obviously yes but he really could do with an ego boost.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Donnie isn’t interested in superficial people, if you can’t have an interesting discussion with him he’ll be turned off immediately. He also enjoys someone who’s at least somewhat reliable, you can have your own issues and mental illness but at the end of the day if you’re a complete mess in all areas he may just end up feeling like he can’t give you what you need.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Besides the obvious sleep walking, donnie is a heavy sleeper. He doesn’t snore or anything but he definitely mumbles and grumbles throughout the night, he also will unconsciously hug and cuddle you for warmth.
Donnie may also experience frequent nightmares, if he wakes up from a really bad one he might wake you up for comfort
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Annnnnd finished! i hope you guys enjoyed. If anyone is interested in an NSFW version please head to my ask box!
partially proof read ;9
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asklilmissrarity · 9 months
Progress Update on Melodi
Hello, everyone!
Happy New Year!
On December 15th 2023, I made the public announcement that Lil Miss Rarity will receive no further comic updates from me, finally confirming a common theory that I had lost the will to continue creating it. Lil Miss Rarity, just to confirm here, is now public domain and I encourage fan-blogs and will proverbially pass the torch to anyone who would like to take up the mantle.
It wasn't an easy decision to make because of how many times I'd promised I would never stop updating it, and I did in fact have future plans for it (I will be making a video on YouTube describing how I'd planned to continue the story, and how I would have ended it if I ever did).
But in its wake came Melodi, a spiritual successor to Lil Miss Rarity, and I've decided that a story-driven video game with ongoing updates would be the smartest decision, at least for the introduction to the series.
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And so along came this twiggy elf. (Important note: Her booby size on her sprite is exaggerated, same as her head size. The in-game art for cutscenes will show more proper body proportions.)
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Melodi is now just four directional (diagonal movement) sprite animations away from being a complete character sprite, which means creating a proof of concept will be just a matter of time.
As of today, I have completed:
The intro cutscene for the game, leading to the introduction of Melodi and her teacher, Eliah Sterium (Multiple full color images accompany that cutscene)
Seven unique songs entirely composed by myself (Literally learned how to make music a week ago just for this project)
Four directional movement sprites consisting of 6 frames of pixel animation each direction (Including separating each part to make them usable for other characters' sprites)
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Four directional idle animations consisting of 6 frames of animation each direction (Again, making paperdolls to use later for other characters)
A discord server for the ongoing production of Melodi RPG where I'll be answering questions, including answering as the characters from the game similar to the LMR ask-blog
27 (just counted) preliminary sketches to flesh out character designs and have reference for myself
Eliah Sterium's design, making the ladies go gaga
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Mountains of lore (a lot of which can be found in the Discord's lore channels)
Personalities for the primary cast of deadbeat magic school students
Art for the title screen
The entire storyboard for Episode 1 and Episode 2
The pricing model for the game (Episode 1 will be a free demo, and all remaining episodes will be bundled together in a $10 purchase)
The "Pet Cwow" option on the Quit Game menu and what happens when you pet him (You'll see)
The entire intro in-engine (Screencapped above with Eliah there)
Many new fans/friends who've introduced themselves in the Discord
And, I have received (on December 31st) my very first negative review of the game, which I will cherish. Someone who knew nothing other than "It's a game about an elf who goes psychotic" and saw the title art said that the game was basically doomed to fail because Melodi has large breasts, to which I replied "Imagine being this fucking butthurt over tits existing" which set him off into an obnoxious and insulting rage that ended with "Enjoy nothing but horny virgins playing your game and ignoring the dog water, generic ass story." A quote that I will never, ever, ever forget, and if I someday make a physical release of the game, I promise you, that quote will be on the back of the box.
There's even more than just all this, I've already sunk tons of hours of time and effort into the production of Melodi and I am super excited to continue.
I want to thank everyone for the support of the game so far, and I hope once people know more about the story and characters, the game sees the same kind of fandom that Lil Miss Rarity once had.
Luv you all
~Jay Tonique
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ryuichirou · 9 months
i know you don’t play the game/gacha, but do you have any particular favorite cards/designs? i personally love deuce’s star sending card, it’s so sparkly ✨i also like ace’s newer playful land card, it’s kind of sexy??
Anon! Sorry for the late reply; every time I start thinking about your ask I realise that I just love way too many cards aushdia Deuce’s Star Sending card is great, everyone’s outfits from this event are gorgeous; and Ace’s new card is honestly amazing, so I completely agree with you.
I’ll go through all the characters and try picking one favourite one + list the other ones that I like… it’s a lot… I’ll try not to pick everything lol
Also sorry if I use different names for the same Event in this post, my brain is a bit fried because of the amount of information. But it was a fun reply to write nevertheless.
Riddle – Labwear Groovy, the atmosphere on this one is just lovely and Riddle is very cute; Swimwear (+Groovy) because I'm weak...; Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy, Halloween (+Groovy), , Suitor Suit Groovy, Apprentice Chef Groovy, Broomquet (+Groovy)
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Ace – Playful Land (+Groovy), it’s way too cool, I think this is actually my favourite Ace card lol; Suitor Suit (+Groovy), Apprentice Chef Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Fairy Gala Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Basketball Jersey (+Groovy).
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Deuce – Rabbit Wear (+Groovy), it’s so difficult to pick between this one and the Starsending one, but Rabbit Deuce is super charming; Starsending Robes (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Clubwear (+Groovy), Broomquet Groovy
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Trey – Halloween Groovy, I really like it when Trey gets to be a bit spooky and creepy, so this one is honestly easy; Broomquet Groovy, Outdoor Wear (+Groovy), Lab Coat (+Groovy), Labwear Groovy, Ceremonial Robes Groovy.
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Cater – Broomquet Groovy, the composition and colours on this one are so sweet; Pop Music T-shirt (+Groovy), New Year's Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Dorm Uniform, Playful Dress Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Halloween.
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Leona – Labwear Groovy, but I'm biased because this is the one Leona vignette that I really liked + it's funny lol; Gala Couture (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy, Kingly Garb, Halloween (+Groovy)
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Ruggie – Outdoor Wear (+Groovy), really like the angle and the atmosphere, plus honestly happy to see Ruggie enjoying himself lol; New Year's Groovy, Halloween Groovy, Port Wear Groovy, Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Broomquet Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy
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Jack – Beans Camo Groovy, such an intense and beautiful card, it’s very energetic; Labwear Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Port Wear (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform, Club Wear Groovy.
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Azul – Halloween Groovy, although it’s super difficult to pick one, I love pretty much all the Azul cards LOL but this one is special because Azul is super unhinged...; Masquerade (+Groovy), Labwear Groovy (fuck yeah AzuIde card), Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Beans Camo (+Groovy), Broomquet Groovy, Tsumsitter (+Groovy)
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Jade – Halloween (+Groovy) COME OOOOn when it comes to “unhinged” Jade has the best cards to be honest, he’s so deliciously psychotic on these + the new New Year card is SO NICE that it broke me; Apprentice Chef Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Outdoor Groovy, Dorm Uniform Groovy (+ Groovy VIL SHOE), Birthday Boy Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Broomquet Groovy.
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Floyd – Swimwear (+Groovy), I picked something spooky for Azul and Jade, and I originally wanted to either pick the Dorm Groovy or the Beans Groovy for Floyd, but then I saw the Stitch cards and they made me so happy that my hand slipped; Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Beans Camo(+Groovy), Outdoor Wear Groovy, Basketball Jersey Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Playful Dress.
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Kalim – Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), I thought I’d pick the Pop Music Club one, but then I looked at this groovy again and I god I think this is objectively one of my favourite cards from all of the boys simply because of Jamil’s bracelet reflecting Jamil’s concerned eye; Pop Music (+Groovy), New Year's Attire, Apprentice Chef Groovy, Playful Dress, Gala Couture Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy.
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Jamil – Harveston (+Groovy), this one annihilated me, I cannot pick any other one, although Jamil is so gorgeous all the time that frankly it's unfair; Dorm Uniform (+Groovy, fuck), Basketball Jersey (+Groovy), Gala Couture Groovy, Masquerade Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Silk Adorned (+Groovy), Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy.
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Vil – Halloween, let's face it, this is objectively the best Vil card, the legs, the outfit, the composition, it’s legendary… I honestly love this one much more than the Groovy version; New Year's (+Groovy), Beans Camo (+Groovy), Outdoor Wear (+Groovy), Silk Adorned (+Groovy), Labwear Groovy, Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Jacker Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Playful Dress.
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Rook – Beans Camo (+Groovy), I feel like this one has such a strong "Rook" presence, but at the same time it's kind of unusual in a way; Halloween Groovy, Lab Coat (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform, Ceremonial Robes Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Apprentice Chef, Port Wear (+Groovy), Tsumsitter Groovy (bonkers).
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Epel – Harveston (+Groovy), the ultimate Epel Card, both versions are very beautiful; Rabbit Wear (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Jacket Groovy (yay Floyd) Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy
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Idia – Masquerade (+Groovy), I think I literally picked every card of Idia lol he can do no wrong, but the Masquerade ones just hit different, they're so dramaticly delicious; Harveston Groovy, Suitor Suit (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy, Starsending Robes (+Groovy), Birthday Jacket Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Ceremonial Robes Groovy (aoba looking ass), Broomquet Groovy, Apprentice Chef (+ Groovy)
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Ortho – Cerberus Gear (+Groovy), because Ortho is a BAD DOG this card has absolutely no business being this cool, it’s been almost a year and I still can’t quite express how I feel about it; Fairy Gear (+Groovy), Playful Gear, Rabbit Gear (+Groovy), Birthday Gear Groovy, Ignihyde Gear (+Groovy), B-Day Jacket Gear Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Precision Gear Groovy, Burst Gear Groovy (I'm biased), Stargazer Gear Groovy.
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Malleus – Dorm Uniform it's gotta be this one, it's stupidly gorgeous and has a HEEL, I feel like this one expresses Malleus' entire being perfectly, but it was hard to pick between this one and the Masquerade+Halloween; Masquerade (+Groovy), Halloween (+Groovy), Labwear Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Silk Adorned Groovy, Apprentice Chef Groovy.
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Lilia – General's Armor (+Groovy), it's so difficult to pick one for Lilia omg all of his cards are pretty great but this one is so ICONIC that I honestly have no choice; Swimwear (+Groovy), Halloween Groovy (FACEEE), Dorm Uniform (legs), Broomquet Groovy, Suitor Suit Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Pop Music (+Groovy), Kingly Garb (+Groovy)
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Sebek – New Year's (+Groovy), another difficult one to pick, maybe I'll change my mind after we watch ch7, but Sebek looks so good in this outfit and his face looks so good on this one + the perspective makes me weak; Armor of Eternal Night (+Groovy), Harveston (+Groovy), Masquerade (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform, Ceremonial Robes Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Broomquet Groovy.
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Silver – Halloween (+Groovy), the colours are gorgeous on both of these, but especially the non-groovy one: the teals and the blues work so wonderfully with pink accents, Silver is super pretty on this one; Gala Couture (+Groovy), Ceremonial Robes Groovy, Labwear Groovy (this one is so silly he's so serious), Broomquet Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy.
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moldybonessmell · 6 months
The Umbrella Academy season 3 review post
I finally finished season 3 of tua even tho I've watched first two seasons first day they came out and oh boy do I have things to talk about-
To begin with, the things I like about new season:
- The way we finally dug into Allison's trauma and how she starts going psychotic is actually a good plot line especially the accent on how she just like any other Umbrella Academy people indulges in self-distructive behavior, she's really just like them
- Diego getting a kid as someone with the biggest daddy issues out there is a realistic plotline because having a kid (even if Stanley's not actually his) heals him in this regard tho he and Lila would get a kid anyway eventually but they really should've been more sad about Stanley thanosing out of the existence you know
- Five being the founder of The Temps Commission makes so much sense as he's the one with the power to travel time of course he's more powerful than it seemed
- Good music scenes. Music is what season 1 was incredible for and what I love about the show. In season 2 there weren't many scenes that caught my attention but in s3 it's definetely better. We got Klaus's death montage with "Crystallised" by The xx and celebration scene with "Another one bites the dust" by Queen + Luther on moon and "Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure these were really nice.
- The Oblivion Hotel is such a cool location and concept (a place for everyone) I like the change of place of action a lot, but the way it's a portal is kinda overused imo
- Lila and Five are still the best characters and carried the season
- Fei is such a cool chara with a distict character design (which most of Sparrow Academy lack tbh)
Now things I don't like:
- Ben being just a placeholder character is such a bummer because instead of getting angst and drama we got a mostly one-dimentional anti-hero who has a completely different personality from Ben. We got a tiny bit of his character when he admitted he just wants to be involved with everyone but it's really minimal.
I can't believe Klaus says "He's an asshole and he's dead to me" like WHAT DO YOU MEAN fuck no Klaus would not say that shit and he would not just give up on him. Yeah Luther says stuff like "I'm glad to see you even if you're different" or whatever but it's Klaus who've spent the most time with Ben.
The way literally any other actor could have played Sparrow Ben and nothing would change is lame af I hope in next season we will see more changes
- Same goes to my dear Grace who's just a placeholder for black hole worshipper like what do you mean we just got one phrase from Diego and that's it??? This whole bit with fake god and stuff really threw me off it didn't go anywhere
- The Sparrow Academy being one-dimentional characters in general like I get producers probably didn't have enough episodes to actually develop characters but holy shit are they boring.
Even if you want to make them just antagonists we had such cool villains in two previous seasons they were original and interesting (aka The powerless podcast-fan male manipulator Peabody and The Cunty Handler)
Also the way the fisrt Sparrows who died were the most annoying and cliche assholes makes them just filler charas
- How show tried to make us feel compassion to Reginald Hargreeves holy shit do I hate this guy- After Klaus realised his father was basically killing him over and over in his childhood instead of Klaus getting mad or upset and having a breakdown we got nothing.
He even came back to new timeline Reginald who's "nicer" for this asshole just to hurt him AGAIN
- Klaus mostly being a comic relief in this season is so fucked I love this character and in previous seasons we had a great look at his life and experiences but now he's just kinda there being high and that's it
"mm I guess he died a few times it's probably enough" - plot writers
no character development whatsoever is just upsetting.
And the amount of unnecessary traumatising aka Reginald training him was really not it, even if it's supposed to be a joke.
- Reginald being a two-faced ass like holy shit is this terrifying. Pogo was the one who gave Sparrows pills and now Klaus helped him to stop taking them and this asshole is taking advantage of naive and vulnerable Klaus.
It is in fact a good plot twist but bro I really did prefer Reginald being a cartoonish villian instead of actual pure evil like how does he have shitty motivation but still does just so much shit.
- The Umbrella Academy family having no improvement in their relationship. They still don't care Klaus relapsed, they still don't care about Viktor. All they care about is their own misery which is really in character but with three seasons out of the way and only one more left I would expect at least something you know.
- Viktor is still left out. Like bro the only compassion he had is only when he transitioned but this is it?? Bro's still waiting till someone comes and cares about him but not only this doesn't happen, he even gets rediculed by Sparrow Ben for that and called emo are you actually kidding me what's with all the hurt with no comfort???
It feels a lot like when you're mentally ill and your family kinda "walks on eggshells" to not trigger you but it's in quotes because they don't actually care. They act nice just because they think you're psycho and you would make less problems if they pretend. And this is very sad, Viktor is such a tragic character.
Okay that's it for now. If you have any thoughts please share in comments!
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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It was a rare surprise for you to have a regular day without tests or any psychotic mafia bosses or gangsters attack you, courtesy of being a part of the Hobin Yu company. Though you could barely fight, you made up by being a good accountant who took care of the finances of the company. Everyone seemed to like you, even Taehun who initially kept teasing you about not knowing how to fight. You trying to insult him back with that pissed off look on your face was adorable for him, he felt it rather endearing to look at. Which was why to get a rise out of you and to see your bashful expressions he kept teasing you every now and then, much to your annoyance
You kept thinking about what to do after you went back home. You didn't have any test to prepare for and you had some spare time to kill before the meeting with the others. You then remembered the number of unread books you still had since the last time you bought them from the book fair and you set a goal in your mind for the day: To complete reading those unread books with a nice cup of steaming hot tea and some light jazz music. You plugged in your ear phones and continued to walk till you abruptly halted and gaped at the sight in front of you
'Construction work in progress' was the board you've come across as you were trying to go to go up the street as you groaned in annoyance. You had no choice but to take the other route from the back entrance to your apartment as you huffed in annoyance. While you continued to walk, the clouds became denser and a few moments later, it started raining. People around you scampered here and there to avoid the rain as you stared up at the sky with a slight smile on your face. You haven't felt peace like this in quite a long time and you wanted to savor every moment of it
While you were walking, you passed by a group of 5 men who looked a few years older than you. They were laughing among themselves as they huffed puffs of smoke from the cigarettes they held as you scrunched your nose in disgust at the stench of the cigarettes and the beer bottles strewn around. Nevertheless you thought of just keeping your head down low till you'd get away from them, however luck wasn't particularly on your side that day as they immediately started cat calling and wolf whistling at you, hollering lewd and degrading comments
You simply shut your eyes and gritted your teeth as you continued to walk faster when you were pulled back by one of the guys who grabbed your wrists. He leered at you unpleasantly which made your stomach hurl and you recoiled back in fright. "You too stuck up to accept compliments now huh? We'll show you what happens to stuck up little princesses like you~" he sneered as you stepped on his foot. He backed away in surprise as you tried to make a run for it before someone grabbed you by your hair
You let out a scream while a hand covered your mouth, muffling your screams. "You know what, she does have a hot body, I know plenty of clients would be happy to have this piece of meat here on their beds, after we have our fun with her of course" one of them spoke as you trashed around wildly for all you were worth. You remembered Taehun teaching you a calf kick as you tried to kick your captors calf which earned a hard slap on your cheek and a brutal punch to your chest. If something wasn't already broken, it was now and you felt like you heard something break as he punched you in the ribs
They dragged you to a building nearby where the construction work wasn't done yet as they bound you with ropes. No matter how hard you trashed around and flailed and screamed and begged them to stop, your pleas and cries for mercy fell on deaf ears as they touched you, groped you everywhere. A lingering feeling of shame and disgust formed inside you, ashamed for being weak and letting these heathens have their way with you. "Aww... don't cry, think of it as a little gift for you" one of them winked and mocked you
Your eyes were tired and dead, the emotion behind your eyes got diminished and was replaced with an empty look. Your hair was strewn across your face and your clothes shredded and ripped off from you as you lay on the ground with marks on your body to remind you of the act they've done. You didn't even have the energy to cry anymore as you simply sat there, lost for words. They left on their motorcycles after threatening you to keep this a secret. You knew you had to get back home, somehow, you were ashamed of facing people after what happened. Your esteem and pride was pulverized and shattered as tears welled up in your puffy red eyes
It was time for the meeting and you didn't attend it. Taehun frowned as he noticed you weren't in the room with everyone else. You usually loved these meetings and the only reason he attends them anymore is because of you. He loves the way your eyes light up with excitement whenever there's a new plan to be put in action or when you talk about something you're fond of. "I'll be back" Taehun simply announced as he got up from the couch and shut the door behind him as he switched on his phone to call you
His jaw clenched when you didn't pick up the phone. At first he thought that maybe you were with Munseong as his fists tightened till they became pale as his nails dug into his skin with rage. God, he hated and loathed that guy with every damn nerve of his. He took care of the other guys who dared to flirt with you by not so subtle threats and Taekwando kicks to the jaw, even Munseong. After sucking up his pride, he called him only to realize that you weren't with him which made him grow even more anxious
He called you at least 6 times by now and paranoia was settling inside his gut that something could've happened to you. He hoped that you were all right as he desperately checked for your location and the tracker indicated that you were at an abandoned building nearby. He wondered what the hell you could possibly be doing at a place like an abandoned building. He swallows the lump forming in his throat as he rushed to the building where you were located and his expression morphed into horror and concern at the state you were in
He rushed to your side and caressed your head gently. "Who TF did this to you.." he asked you with his voice breaking and quivering with fury as you sniffled and told him about what happened to you. Word after word, he found himself growing more furious than the previous moment as you described the atrocity that happened with you. 'I'll make those MFS pay with their freaking lives...' he thought as white hot rage coursed through his veins which provided him the adrenaline rush he required to take care of those scumbags who dared to do this to you
He was glad he found you in time, he didn't want someone else he cared for and loved to die like Do-Un. His heart pained as his eyes roamed across the scars on your body. He regretted not being there for you when you needed him the most as guilt started gnawing his thoughts. He lifted you in his arms after covering you with his jacket and took you to his house. He realized that he should have just taken you for himself sooner. This was an eye opening wake up call for him to realize that you clearly weren't safe out there, a little innocent lamb in the midst of hungry predators and wolves who preyed on people like you
He fixed you some food and after tucking you in his bed, he told you to get some rest and he kissed your head. "I'm sorry... You're safe with me now... I'll protect you, those MFS are dead.." he whispered softly as he waited till you fell asleep. He then tracked down the scumbags who did this to you and became the literal devil incarnate himself. "Normally I don't use iron rods when it comes to fights but I want to see you suffer" Taehun smiled menacingly as he continued "Do any of you have 500 Won?"
"This little-" one of them growled as he charged at him. Taehun simply swung the rod at his head as the guy fell on the ground, shuddering with the impact of the blow he'd received on his head. "Let me ask you idiots again, do you have 5000 Won?" Taehun asked once more as he kicked them and swung the rod wildly. He wasn't about to show these fools any mercy, they didn't deserve it anyway, not after what they'd done to you. He kicked them and swung the rod wildly till they were all bleeding on the ground and weren't even breathing at this point but he couldn't care less
He flung the rod down on the ground and rushed back home to you. He was greeted by his dad who had questions for him about the blood stains and the grime on his clothes as Taehun told him what happened. He expected his dad to chew him out and lecture him, what he didn't expect was his dad's gaze to harden and tell him that he did the right thing. He strode over to his room where you were still sleeping on his bed. He got on the bed with you as he pulled you closer to him and kissed your head lightly as he swore silently to protect you with his life from this point. This was like a wake up call for him as he realized he should have just taken you for himself sooner. He's willing to kill people for you and maybe after this, you'll understand why he won't be able to let you leave his house anymore. Don't worry though, you'll understand his love for you one fine day
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Heteronormative Nonsense? On MY timeline?
When Jungkook and Charlie sang Left and Right and the lyrics were gender neutral while the music video implied Charlie was having a whole psychotic meltdown about his romantic obsession with Jungkook, folks said that assuming it was a song about a gay couple was being irrational, and that speculating that either artist might be queer was full-tilt delulu.
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Yet over on Twitter, there's apparently a leak of one of JK's upcoming songs, and it seems the word "girl" is used, so some folks are tweeting that assuming Jungkook is heterosexual in his personal life makes complete sense now.
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Golly gosh. I didn't realize those were the rules!
I guess Elton John, Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Ricky Martin, Lady Gaga, Demi Lavato, Halsey, AND LEONARD GODDAMNED BERNSTEIN all have to turn in their rainbow flags, then.
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OR we could all rub our two collective brain cells together in this, the high holy month of pride, and stop allowing heteronormativity to bias our perceptions of a person and their body of work.
*pauses to remember Jikook's bodies of work*
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Look, let's be for real for real right now, okay?
Wearing a skirt in a photoshoot doesn't make you trans instead of cis; putting a queer icon on your pants doesn't make you gay instead of bi; using rainbow colors on a set doesn't make you bi instead of pan; singing about the opposite gender doesn't make you straight instead of gay.
It makes you an artist portraying various aspects of the human experience.
That deserves to appreciated without being weaponized as a "gotcha moment" in online ship wars.
And if, over time, a consistent theme keeps cropping up in an artist's work? Like maybe the constant use of pink-purple-blue colors and the male and female symbols?
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That's worth speculation.
But unless the artist specifically talks about it, it's really not our place to go making assumptions and stating them as fact.
Get comfortable with not having all the answers. Not knowing things is also an aspect of the human experience.
Anyway, did you guys get a chance to see all the goodies from FESTA? I managed to catch some of it. Loved it so much, especially the dance practices. Wish I saw all of it, but there's so much going on these days.
Oh! Plus! Happy Pride, y'all.
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I'm gonna go have a hard cider or six and take a bit of a break from the circus this weekend.
Be well. Love, Roo
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rowretro · 9 months
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WARNINGS: Sexual refferences?, kissing, extremely violent
✧taglist✧: @heeseung-min @jaeneohee @lovingvoidgoatee @neruishoon (anyone else? I lost all the ppl who asked for this series and my other 3 series)
That was the last she saw and heard of Sungchan. Of course she had no idea what had happened in there, not even a single scream or anything. Just an extremely mad Sunghoon covered a little in blood, sitting in the driver’s seat. He looked fuming, the way he overspeeded through the empty roads, avoiding collision with other cars. 
The silence was scaring her… she’s never seen him so mad before. Sunghoon simply turned on some music, one of the girl’s favourite songs playing, he turned it all the way up. It was a good song at the wrong time. “Bitch dance and roll that ass up” the most random song at the wrong time. She was in no mood to party or vibe, let alone dance. She was starting to spiral… was he even alive?... Did Sunghoon kill him? He did something awful but was that any reason to get killed? So many thoughts ran through her head, as Sunghoon smirked psychotically “Death is such an easy way out sweetheart…”
Y/ns eyes widen as she turns to him "Oh darling... you didn't forget that I'm a demon hmm?... I can hear your thoughts darling..." Sunghoon smirked as y/n frowned. "you didn't right?" the girl asked, immediately regretting the fact that she asked him such a question Sunghoon just stared ahead, his tongue gliding over his fang. "Ah y/n y/n y/n... why would I kill him that easily sweetheart?... He dare come near you, I'll snap his neck after covering him in deep cuts and pouring lemon juice into his cuts and punching him in the gut 10 times and chopping off his dick" He continued as the girl covered her ears, trying to sing with the music playing in the car.
Sunghoon laughed at her actions and turned it down "Now now... we haven't settled your side of the mistake yet sweetheart..." Sunghoon trailed off, his sweet voice laced with th undertone of an eerie, taunting hint of danger. "w-what?" the girl asked confused. What mistake did she make? she was the victim here. "Oh Darling... You made on big mistake... you lied to me. in fact you didn't even tell me about you problem... you're going to spend eternity with me so you'll have to learn a lesson for every mistake you make." Sunghoon stated as the girl stared ahead in horror.
As soon as they arrived home, Sunghoon pushed her into the basement, chaining her arms to the wall. This was a completely different side to Sunghoon she's seeing. No it's not a little kinky handcuffs sex thing, for he had a blade, engraved with her name... multiple actually. "It seems everyone needs to know who you belong to..." he said, fiddling with his knife.
"H-hoon... it's way too soon for me to get pregnant- and uhhh im virgin- I don't want so much violence for my first time-" the girl tried to reason, trying to make sense of her situation the man laughed almost hysterically "Oh baby baby... god you're so fucking stupid... you know what?... maybe I'll let it slip a little just for now..." Sunghoon said as she blinked, the man unchained her, pushing her front up against the floor as he chained her down again.
"I'll go easy on you just this once." he said, pulling up her shirt as he smirked. She was his permanently after all, he pulled out his tattoo gun, using a normal pen to write his name on her lower back, before going over it with the tattoo gun. "ow- what OW- AH- SUNGHOON! STOP NO I DONT WANT ANOTHER TATTOO- GOD PLEASE DONT BE BIG- I HATE BIG ONES-" the girl yelled.
The male finished the little tattoo of his name, smiling at his work before going through with the tattoo care. "That was only barely a punishment... next time just know... these blades pierce skin no matter how gentle you are with them..." he trailed of, his finger barely touching the knife and yet it drew blood. Not a single word left her mouth... she walked out of there silently, not wanting him to get any madder.
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inkykeiji · 2 months
hiii clari!!! i hope you’re having a great day, i’m working my ass off at the moment since i’m moving and as i was ripping pages and paint off my wall with a scraper some thoughts popped into my head! i constantly have your touya-nii au! and bmb au! on my mind and i REALLY wanna make an au and story like the two of those but i don’t know where to start!
i was wondering how you thought of the two of those au’s? the plot and storylines, layout, etc. and how you came up with “break my bones but act as my spine” for the bmb au?
AAAA i hope this isn’t too much trouble of an ask!!!! (also omgomgomgomg if possible can i be the 📖 anon? LUV YOU MWAHH)
hi lovie!! <3 i am actually sick in bed with a steadily climbing fever LMAO but thank you sweetpea <3 i hope your day is going swell!!
oooh that’s a really interesting question! i get a lot of my inspiration from music, actually! (which is also why 97% of my fic titles are lyrics HAHA). i love making playlists that either fit a certain mood, vibe, or idea, or playlists centred around characters. usually then i just listen to them on repeat and let my mind wander!!! so for my main touya-nii series, it’s actually all inspired by save that shit by lil peep! each title is a song lyric that relates to the content of the piece itself:
i can take you there but baby you won’t make it back: touya can take reader into this relationship, but once she’s entered into it, she’ll be fucked up for life, there’s no going back to who she was before she started fucking her stepbrother;
all she want is payback for the way i always play that shit: all reader wants is for touya to feel an ounce of the hurt SHE feels when he’s off screwing around with other people—all reader wants is him, completely and wholly and entirely to herself;
do i make you scared? baby won’t you take me back: does touya’s psychotic behaviour and extreme possessiveness scare her? will she take him back now that he’s ready and willing to be fully hers and no one else’s?
also, just the vibe of the song itself set the tone and the atmosphere for the main series!! the same happened with 16 lines, also by lil peep, which is where the lyric break my bones but act as my spine comes from! for this one, it was more the vibe of the song than anything else. that, and the fact that i personally love organized crime bosses, love love triangles, and love the classic bodyguard babysitter falls for the person they’re protecting trope.
anyway, i know they’re kind of abstract, but that’s one of the ways my ideas bloom in my head! the other thing i would suggest is study narratives you enjoy: books, movies, video games—anything with a narrative that really struck a chord with you, and figure out why you enjoyed it and what you love so much about it. i believe it is equally as important to consume art as it is to create it!! feed your brain!! i can give you a whole list of some of my inspirations for those pieces, and that still doesn’t scratch the surface! read, write, watch, play, study!
additionally, i always say creativity is a muscle; we all have it, but you have to exercise it to strengthen it. as such, i’d recommend you do some character + narrative writing exercises n warm ups! those will get the ideas flowing, and you might end up developing a story out of something you thought up during one of those exercises! you can also look into fiction prompts and see if anything sparks your interest!
also, if you’d like it, i also have a lil masterlist of my writing advice that discusses a technique we used to continuously generate ideas in my screenwriting class! <3 ahhhh i hope this helps bb, i wish you luck on your journey and i support you creating your own work one hundred million percent. please, create <3
and yes!! you can absolutely be book anon!!! welcome to the anon club sweetpea ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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powerfulblob · 11 months
Not going to lie, I have so many thoughts about Entropic Float, but I think its portrayal of psychosis is probably one of the best I’ve ever seen tbh...
So, for context: Amelie Maçon experiences various degrees of auditory hallucinations. Uhh I have paranoia/delusions, etc., getting treated for that right now
Anyway this is going to be a ramble but here we go:
I think a nice realistic touch was that these got much worse in isolation/complete silence:
I feel the same way when I’m alone, honestly. If I want to clear my head, I need to be around noise and people: I can’t stay alone without music for very long. So I was actually really happy to see little bits of dialogue like that: It’s the little things like that which make the representation so much better!
2) OK this probably isn’t the best thing to be happy about but she’s not the only murderer! The “crazy evil psychotic” trope is my least favourite, and this work avoided this by having almost everyone (including non-psychotic folks) doing the murdering! So honestly that was something I liked.
And even things like this line: idk it just makes me really happy
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[ID: Dialogue against a grey background with a light moon-shape in the background that reads JJ “...Plus, you know. That almost definite psychosis you’ve got going on.” JJ: “That’s a struggle that most other people don’t have.” end ID]
4) She makes friends! She does things to manage her symptoms!
Like I actually loved the detail of this: She got a happy ending! idk that just made me really happy.
so yeah: That’s it for now i guess
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HERE IT IS! The moment some of you have been waiting for...well maybe not really lol...
Since I completed The Red Dress as promised I have started on one of my promised other new works.....UNDER THE SPELL!
Please be nice I am SO not used to writing for Mary, so I hope its ok!
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Mary Goore x OC Piper!
Piper and Mary have been best friends since they first met as children. When Mary and her boyfriend Sid asked her to come along on gigs, Piper thought it was a no-brainer. But as the excitement of the buzzing amps dies down, she realizes she wants more—now if only she can get him to agree.
Chapter 1: Fishnets and Regrets
Also available HERE on AO3!
Eventually will be NSFW below the cut 😈
She was trying her best to stay cool, staving off the tears that relentlessly pricked at her eyes. The sharp-winged cat eyeliner and heavily mascaraed lashes sent a trail of black down her cheeks. A battle lost, but only for a short moment until she could bring herself to carry on. Piper stared into the mirror of another random bar's bathroom, angry at herself for not realizing what she wanted to do with her life sooner. Despite her upset, the show must go on. Knowing that would need to stuff it down before heading out to face them again—her chosen family and partners in crime, Repugnant. 
She had spent the last 6 years of her life traveling with them and when the sounds of humming amps kicked on and the guitars screamed as they were being tuned—she needed to move her ass. Before heading back out, she adjusted her tattered fishnets, that had seen better days, and re-tied her scuffed up black combat boots. They were her favorite—a gift from Mary many years ago. Piper checked the mirror, once more, just to be sure that her mohawk hadn't fallen, before using her foot to kick open the door.  
Her mind was still heavy with anger and hurt. The fight she and Sid had was only a short time ago and it left her feeling heated, like she was roasting from the inside. Now she'd have to go and watch them perform—pissed off but having got her shit together enough to keep the peace. After all, there were still a bunch more gigs to go and the road home, for her, didn’t really exist. 
It was the first time in a long time Piper wished she was somewhere else. Traveling with the four guys and Tom's girl, Annie, had been a dream come true. She lived for the music, the lights of the stage, and the energy from the crowd as the guys performed. Having grown up with Mary and getting close with the rest of them, it was only natural that they all worked so well together. So, when Mary and Sid asked her to tag along while they toured the world, she thought she couldn’t ask for anything more—that was until last week. 
She was late—very late. Her period, which had normally come like clockwork, had decided to give both her and Sid the scare of a lifetime. Both of them in a full-blown panic as the reality of that drunken mishap set in. Sid was pissed, throwing shit around the hourly rate hotel room, spouting comments about her needing to get shit taken care of and him not wanting any damn kids. Piper wasn’t at all surprised at his psychotic meltdown, but what she was surprised about was her reaction to the negative test. In that moment everything changed, and she was, for lack of a better word, conflicted. 
When only one line appeared on the stick, Sid was ecstatic. Jumping up and down acting like a complete and utter fool. Thrilled out of his mind that he had dodged yet another bullet despite his recklessness. Piper was relieved too, in a way. Sid was not necessarily the "fatherly" type, but the idea of having a kid hadn't left her—even a week later. 
That's when the fight happened, and of course it just had to happen before the show. Sid couldn't let things go and give her the space she needed when she told him nothing was wrong. So, with his incessant pushing and Piper's built-up anger, the truth came spilling out like blood from a gushing wound. Not her finest moment to be sure, but she wondered if all of this was what needed to happen.
Things had been rocky for some time with Sid. He was a good man deep down, but definitely immature and Piper was pretty sure his photo was next to "man child" in the dictionary. She loved him, but she knew at this point it was over between them—Piper had figured out she wanted more than just a spot in the tour bus and glorified groupie status with the band. She told Sid she wanted to move on with her life and settle down. And with that revelation, blow up number 1,346 began. Leaving them officially split up and Piper in an awkward place—feeling empty. 
She took in a deep breath before continuing down the hall and stepping out onto the floor, the band playing when she had made her way to the pit. The guitars were drilling into the audience’s skulls and the drums banging hard, vibrating in her chest. The feeling of the music coursing through her, was truly something she'd never get enough of. Piper watched Sid playing his guitar, Tom on drums, Carlos on bass, and of course Mary absolutely slaughtering the vocals. The frustration, hanging itself within her soul, shredding with the sounds of the death metal they came to play. 
The smell of cigarette smoke was heavy in the air and the sticky floor pulled at the bottoms of her boots, but she didn't care. Piper head-banged her way through Draped in Cerecloth and tried to just let go. Her mohawk swinging around and the chains on her belt rattling as she jumped up and down, screaming into the universe and giving every last bit of energy she had to Mary and the guys. Thankfully it was gonna be a great night of music, but also a night she would never forget.
The show was a blast, the crowd losing it over the performance and tearing the place up as they rocked out to what their parents surely referred to as “deafening noise”. As their spot was over, Mary and the guys along with Piper and Annie took the opportunity to throw a few back before heading out for the night. All of them laughing and celebrating another show well done, Piper being a bit less enthusiastic as usual. Mary, taking note that she and Sid had been keeping their distance. 
The bar had now been closed for over an hour and while everyone else minus the stagehands had left to head back to the bus, Piper decided to hang out for some time alone. She sat by herself with a beer in hand and picked at yet another tear in her fishnets, when she saw Mary coming towards her. Fuck , she thought to herself knowing exactly where this was going.  
Mary Goore had been covered in blood since the beginning of the show. Preferring to start things out with a bang. Dripping with it as he raged in sonnets of death and the defiling of corpses. The metallic liquid, now managing to cover his shirt and matted a bit of his hair, but he didn't care. It was another glorious night for him and the guys, though he couldn’t let go of the feeling that things were off with Sid and Piper. 
He felt a connection to her like no other—the best of friends since the cradle. Their families were close from the beginning. When Mary's Dad took off and Piper's parents were killed, they were the ones to help each other hold it together. She had been a staple in his life. A constant he knew he could always count on. Things had been weird lately between her and Sid, that was for sure. And it didn’t take a genius to figure out things were at an all-time low. 
"Pipes? Why aren't you on the bus?" He asked as he slumped down beside her on the edge of the stage. Piper shrugged a bit, taking another swig of her beer to finish it off before speaking. 
"Just didn't feel like it quite yet. I figured I'd wait till everything got packed up and then head over."
"Bullshit." Mary said straight faced and serious toned. He was a bit intimidating after a show, all that blood over his face and the tiniest amount of grumble to his voice—after having pushed it so hard.
"Oh come on. Don't do that thing you do." Piper begged—her words futile. She knew he could sense it, there was definitely something she wasn’t telling him. Piper was surprised that Sid hadn't told him yet about their break up, since he had never known how to keep his mouth shut. 
"You know better sweetness than to lie to my face." He told her as he widened his gaze and tried to lean in closer. Piper pressed her lips together into a tight line and furrowed her brows before dropping her eyes to her lap. Damn Mary for always being right and always knowing when she was hiding something. 
“Sid and I well…we aren’t a thing anymore.” Piper said calmly before looking back over at Mary. His face was filled with disgust, imagining the multitude of things Sid could have done to destroy things with Piper, who had stuck by his ass for so long. 
“What did that rat bastard do now?” Mary growled knowing full well how asinine his friend could be. Piper put her hand on Mary’s shoulder to calm him. It was slick with blood and sweat and some face paint, but nothing she couldn’t handle. Mary grabbed for her hand and gave her a concerned look. 
“No Mare, it’s nothing like that. We just decided that we want different things—I want different things.” Piper explained. 
“Well what the fuck does that even mean?” Mary laughed, though a bit nervously.
“I think this may be the end of the road for me. After the next few gigs, I’m gonna have to figure something out. I got other things I wanna do with my life and being stuck on the bus isn’t it anymore.”
“Where is this coming from? I thought you loved being on tour with us?” Mary asked her, completely confused and honestly more shaken than if it had been only the Sid issue. He didn’t want Piper to leave. Half the time she was the only thing that kept him from going off the deep end. What’s got her ready to run if it ain't Sid , he asked himself. 
“I wanna settle down, take up root somewhere and well that's not gonna happen with Sid or while I’m on the road with you all.” Piper admitted. She and Mary had usually been upfront with each other. Each appreciating the other's candor, saving them from misunderstandings but tonight she was withholding something. And while Piper might have wanted to keep the intimate details of her heartache to herself, Mary would know she was lying before she could speak the words.
“What a pussy.” he snorted, angry with Sid for spurring this whole thing on, thinking to himself anyone would be lucky to be committed to Piper. “Honestly Pipes you are better off without him…but I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that I want you to stay. Don’t go.”  
“Uh…fuck…Mare that’s not the start.” Piper explained, swallowing back the knot forming in her throat. Now Mary was on red alert. All his senses, buzzing with something big about to come out of Piper’s mouth—and then she said it. 
“I wanna have a baby.” she told him, Mary turning even paler than his face paints. It was only when his stunned stare turned into a dissociated blink, that Piper knew he hadn’t gone catatonic, “Mare?”
“Ah…umm…” he began smearing the blood through his hair as he ran his hand over his head. Clearly still in shock from Piper’s confession, “...what happened to you starting that band? What were you going to call it? Crazy Chrysanthemums or something?” he asked, unable to think of anything else to say in his stupor.  
“It was Wild Violets…That doesn't matter. That was just a fleeting idea.” Piper explained, “You’re missing the point.”
“And this ISN’T a fleeting idea?” Mary continued. 
“No…I honestly hadn’t thought about this kinda thing at all, but we had a scare and well… I can’t stop thinking about it.” Then Mary stood up, beginning to pace the stage as he took in everything his best friend was saying. Her words, hitting him like daggers to the chest.  
“Yes?” She asked as Mary walked over to her and held out his hand. Waiting for her to take it so he could lift her up onto the stage. Piper gave it to him, quickly getting up on her feet as Mary and her eyes met in what remained of the stage lights. 
“So not a joke…not a fleeting idea?” he asked, already knowing the answer. Pulling at the worn neckline of his Morbid t-shirt.  
“Not a joke I swear.” Piper replied, putting up her hands like some girl scout signaling her pledge to the troop. Mary got quiet again—his eyes dropping away from hers and down to the scratched up remnants of old band stickers and other crap that had adhered to the floor of the stage. “Mare?” she called to him, watching him get lost in thought. 
“Sorry I am still trying to wrap my head around you wanting Sid to be a dad.” Mary jabbed, trying to insert some humor into the situation, but he could tell it only made Piper more upset. 
“Oh come on Pipes you know this whole thing is a little fucked right? Hell, even I'd be a better Dad than..." Mary began when the idea struck Piper like a ton of bricks. One she instantly knew felt right, but oh boy was it going to be a bitch to convince Mary. He could see it—the look in her eye told him she was scheming and now his anxiety went through the roof. “…what are you thinkin’... 
“Mare…here me out. What if you—” Piper barely got out the first words before Mary began pacing around once more, his eyes blown wide and his jaw dragging across the floor. 
"Nope, nope don't like that." Mary said, shaking his head. “No way you’re even considering what I think you are considering.” 
“But Mare…you are my best friend. My other half, I can’t think of anyone else better. I don’t wanna waste my time with some deadbeat guys…not when I have you. Not when I know that you’re perfect.” Piper finished, a newfound energy surging through her. Wondering why she hadn’t thought of this before tonight. Mary was visibly in shock. His mind swirling with the implications of his best friend’s words. Wondering if he was finally losing his mind from all the stress of touring.  
“Perfect for what Pipes?” he asked her, straining against the words he knew were about to leave her lips. 
“I want it to be you. I want you and I…to have a baby.”
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themeatburrito · 2 months
I sympathize as much as I did my psychotic self. Undeniable, unrecognizable. It seems I find myself at a crossroads of large decisions and complete inaction, mostly personal. It's my one year anniversary of HRT and the main way in which I feel different is that I've had 1 year to allow my mind to grow surrounded by some of the coolest people I know. It's been a constant challenge of defining myself and assimilating to the crowd. Push too far and you're in no ones graces, don't push enough and you're in all but your own. I've felt a physiological change with how much I've been crying amd how unstable I've been. I'd like to chalk this up to the world around me but that's not the case. I'm variable. I'm unstable to a degree. I wouldnt trade this for the world. The changes I've seen physically have confirmed to me that I'm not walking flesh but I'm a real human, but the changes aside from that have called into question everything regarding my self of self and worth. I know I have things to care about, just talk to me about them. I know that I have a different sense of interaction, but the way in which I feel and react now is not from HRT, but rather a cha ge in mindset. I do t have time for hate. I don't have time for argument. I don't have time for that because I know that I'll be dying some day and if I can die in a way I design or that makes me happy the. I'll have done it by my own accord. (Shotgun writing). There is nothing permanent. Nothing which does not smooth away from abrasion. You have changed too, I can feel it and see it and it makes me nervous. Sometimes I feel completely on the outside because I ca t be frank. Tgat used to be my one bastion of self, but that went away when I no longer needed to justify myself. I am who I am, I came to love myself, so what is left? Art, music, knowledge, moments of appreciation for the world that are flexible. And if im not flexible I'm going to find myself in that same hole that saw my life pass before me taking no action, watching the hair recede and the stress build. Over jot experiencing love jor connection, nor a sense that it's controllable. But here I am, now, a being unto myself created as I saw fit. I wouldnt cha ge it for the world. I'm happier than I've ever been though I'm not happy (all the time). I've come from my worst self to a self I love, and will work towards any chance I get. Even against the hard decisions. Even in the face of alienating myself from the shell of past being(s) internal/external. Know this is about you, and it's about me. I can only write avoit the present anyway.
Goodnight, I wish you the best.
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troph4eum · 6 months
hey ik its been a while since ive posted but i like that this is always here for when i have something i wanna talk about.
anyways so a while ago i released a song called do you see your god in me and i wanted to talk about the whole concept of the "god" within someone.
just a warning for those who r reading this: this is going to be a more personal post with me talking about more specific things going on in my life as this involves explaining my music which is one of if not the most personal thing to me. if youre not interested in that then youre free to move on. also this is probably gonna be long as fuck just like my other posts on here.
before getting back to the main subject let me give some context.
do you see your god in me was written about shinji and kaworu from evangelion. if you havent seen it then its fine ill be explaining the relevant stuff with them in this post. heres the link to the song if you want to listen to it and heres the genius page if you just want to read the lyrics
okay now on to what i wanted to talk about
so being completely honest i never truly knew what i meant by the "god in someone" until like half an hour ago when i really started to think about it. it was always something i knew like the idea of but could never put it into words so i just always assumed i would understand when im older. which is now proving to be true. i began really asking myself the question of what it means after i released another song called "overcoming toxicity" where theres an interpolation of the chorus from do you see your god in me at the end. ill talk more about that song in another post because it has its own history that requires its own explanation but my point is that it all came to a conclusion not tonight while i was walking around thinking of what i want to eat.
i always knew the god in someone would likely need to be revealed through their death. most likely suicide. that was the idea i had when writing the song at least. this is because in nge kaworu is an angel and he was only truly freed from his fate and was truly able to be himself when he died on his own terms at the hands of shinji. or at least thats how im interpreting those events evangelions symbolism leaves a lot of room for interpretation and tbh idk whats commonly agreed upon i just know how i perceive aspects of the story. anyways a major point in evangelion is humans not being able to understand one another when theyre alive. thats what the third impact is all about where all of humanity essentially dies and forms one collective consciousness with nothing held back. and i think this concept of the "god in someone" has a lot to do with that. but the question the title of the song asks didnt make a lot of sense. because if the god in you is revealed through death what would it mean for someone to see their god in you? thats what i always had trouble understanding and the explanation i have is subject to change and if you have your own explanation of it id love to hear it. but the conclusion i came to revolves around the lies that we tell. humans are liars. now im not saying this in a cynical way i think a lot of the lies we tell are subconscious and mostly harmless. but they do accumulate over time. and its not just the lies we tell others but the lies we tell ourselves whether we know were lying or not. ive always felt like the person inside my head is different than the person whos living my life and i think thats the god in me. the person who exists not as a result of all the lies that they tell and have been told but the person who simply exists.
the reason why i said the god in you is revealed in death and more specifically suicide is because of how brutally honest death is and how vulnerable and honest suicide is. now this isnt me glorifying death or suicide just to be completely clear this is coming from someone whos struggled with suicidal thoughts and contemplation. its because ive dealt with those thoughts that ik how honest it is. its honest to the point its almost scary its like its too real. but my point is the actions you take when approaching death are likely going to be as close as to the real you as possible. any last words or actions will be as genuine as possible because you know you wont have a chance to do anything else. now of course this isnt universal whatever exceptions to what im saying are valid contradictions im not saying this is law im just explaining my thoughts that have already filtered those possibilities out and this is already long enough without me explaining every exception to everything i say.
now the term "god" is used because of the connection to nge with kaworu being an angel but i thought ab it and decided that this definition can be helpful in coming to another conclusion
"the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being."
the world only exists to us how we perceive it so our minds are actively creating (being used in a loose sense) the universe by experiencing it through our senses and because we can be aware of this our minds dont really exist within the universe as we experience it. so in a way we are our own gods as we can choose (to a certain extent) how to perceive the world around us.
now getting back to the question of "do you see your god in me" i think it all comes down to truly being able to relate to another person and fell comfortable and understood by them and for you to also be relatable, comforting, and able to understand them. its a mutual connection the 2 of you share when theres nothing holding you back. it seems so simple but i think its such a unique and beautiful experience.
tbh thats really all ive figured out about that aspect of it so far. like i said i only really came to understand it recently and everything else i have to say has more to do with overcoming toxicity which honestly deserves its own post bc there are a lot of strong thoughts and feelings involving that song that doesnt just include this topic. so i think im just gonna end it here.
as always if u read all this bullshit ty ik im a generational yapper but it helps alleviate the stress of having it all in my head.
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“Bringing up Bruno's mom in contrast to his behavior is important because there's no way she raised him to be like this to women.” — LIKE WHAT!? It’s life, grow up, shit happens. The only time a woman publicly confirmed she felt mistreated by him was when he left Chanel for Rita Ora. But perhaps there was a lot of good in him, too, that’s why Chanel loved him in the first place to have a broken heat after him. And even if he did cheat, don’t act like you live in a fucking bubble and it doesn’t happen with ordinary men. It happens left and right when ordinary Joe cheats on plane Jane but when it’s someone famous it’s a whole sensation that invites some delusional idiots with no life of their own to come and judge.
“because as an adult he treats the women in his life like complete shit”—how so? He fell in love with someone new when he was with Chanel and left Chanel. And his mom did not disown him for that. No mother would. Rita still speaks about how he was the greatest guy on Earth. And he has been linked to the same woman for 13 years who keeps drowning in jewlry and designer bags. To date she’s claimed she has been blessed every day! There is not even a single photo of him kissing other women, holding their hands in an inappropriate setting (outside of meets and greets and stuff). Stop with your sick ass baby mama rumors and stop talking about it as if it’s a fact. You are delusional if you think he’d even show his dick to any of these women who, allegedly, have his babies.
“All the mind games, the cheating and the withholding of money (control)”- what withholding money!? What mindgames? Jessica’s collection of bags can pay off my student debt and help me survive without work for some years. The woman was a nobody living with roommates in New York, and now she can afford renting a house in LA, travel, new outfits, classes… what withholding money are you talking about if she remained jobless for 13 years. She lived off of his money for all these years and still seems to do the same. And will be doing the same even if they have broken up.
“calls women BITCH in his songs.”—oh he must be the first person to do that! Never heard any mom disown their child for artistic vision. It’s a great song though.
“His mother didn't want him to be some philandering playboy with a harem of women and a bunch of out of wedlock kids. This is why it's so disappointing to hear that he is this irresponsible. His mother would not be pleased with how he has treated Jessica, Isabella, Cindy, Chanel or any of these women.”- there are no confirmed cases of any other women. Stop bringing thus delusional sick ass rumors started on LSA by some psychotic bitches and talking about it as if it was a fact. NOBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND IS BUYING IT AND WE WANT SPSCE FROM YOHR DELUSIOND HERE. And stop using his deceased mother in this context. Like who gave you the right to mention the mother of somebody you do not even know in such a judgmental context? Do you even knos what it’s like to have such close and gentle relationships with mother? You probably don’t, otherwise you would not have ben such an insensitive and ignorsant asshole.
Why wouldn’t you go and get a motherfucking life. This fandom became a total trashcan. No class, no brain, nothing. Bunch of useless stupid idiots tryna feel they’re important by thinking they know something about a man they’ve never even met based on some hearsay. “I saw the babies, their features have developed…” - fuck you and your dna-performing eyeballs, your brain has not developed.
I can’t with these parasites, can there be a forum without these LSA idiots? Also, Sunny, any chance you can block these comments about Bernadette? As fans and HUMANS we MUST have some respect. This man’s music has been there for me when nobody else was, so it hurts deeply to see people spread blatant lies about him and mention his deceased mother in context by some psychopaths.
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