#not that i'd expect any of yall to do that
jacksoldsideblog · 10 months
Where are u from?
I've been in a few places. I did my undergrad in Florida. That's about the extent of what I'd like to say!
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corrose · 1 year
I love traveling! :)
I'm tired! :)
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shayberri789 · 4 months
My friend is doing a quick survey about cashier's being allowed to use chair's at work. He's intending to present the results to his boss and hopefully convince them to let the cashiers use chairs. I know that people on here are very pro-chairs so I was hoping some of yall might consider filling this out?
It takes less than I minute, I just filled it in myself. You won't need any personal information it's entirely anonymous.
I'd appreciate it if yall could reblog this! I don't have a large following and not enough people will see this otherwise. Thanks!
Edit: thank you everyone!! My friend now has over 200 responses that's amazing! Keep sharing and filling it, since he won't be presenting it for a little while still, but I just wanted to let yall know that we are both very grateful to you all!
Edit two: Holy shit. In a week we jumped from 200 to over 1000. That's wild. Thank you guys so much. The survey is still open, I'll disable reblogs when it closes. We're kind of curious to see if it hits 2k responses. When I offered to post here, I did not expect to get even a third of the responses we have, and my friend and I are doing the digital equivalent of staring at each other in disbelief and pointing. What the fuck. Y'all are amazing
Edit 3: check the comments!
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Water is Thicker Than Blood Chapter 33
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So neither deuce nor Yamato, im sorry to say :) but now i know NONE of you were expecting this guy (he is a canon character btw)
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“Ass?” Is one of my fav gags that ive had saved up for a while, im glad its finally free!!!!
Everyone please read the keep reading :) 👇
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I rigged it~
i bet you guys werent expecting i pull out one of the least known characters in all of One Piece for this silly little comic!
But~! ☝️
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i do my research~~~
At the time of posting this, the results could not be closer, which has been a very thrilling ride for me to watch with Overseer Knowledge.
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I'd say that those who voted 'Another Canon Character' get half credit, since no one guessed the character correctly. Who ever voted 'OC' also gets half credit, cuz i meann... This guy doesn't have a canon design. He doesn't even have a canon name! So even though he is a canon character, i am going to count him as a KOC (kinda Original Character)
Yamato Girlies, thank you for showing up [i hand you a bouquet of flowers, each] if it makes you feel any better, i already have Yamato content with design and headcanons galore in this post!
As for Deuce Girlies...
[i hand you guys bouquets as well]
im so sorry... but... I've never read the Ace Novels :D
I'm sure if i had, i would have put him in here somewhere as a major character, but I didnt, and i couldnt
it is very evident by the reactions i got on the post that yall are Starved For Deuce Content!
i designed a modern au look for him here just for you guys :)
I've put a lot of foreshadowing on who this guy is in the comic! I would love to point it all out, but i wanna see if you guys get it with hind sight :D
i will point it all out eventually though 👍 perhaps at the next SBS :)
Thank you all so much for being so invested in my silly little comic! it makes me really happy to see everyone get passionate about something I've been working really hard on!!!
This was all so much light hearted fun :) thanks again!
bonus unshaded/ less shaded Emmanuel design:
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so you can see his colors~
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dinogoofymutated · 3 months
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Wolverine/Fem!Reader - Masterlist link
You've met Logan Howlett in every life you've lived since the 1900s. And in every lifetime, fate rips you from him just as cruelly as it forces the two of you to meet. How many lives will it take for the two of you to finally have your happily ever after?
General TWs: Reincarnation, death, Major character death (multiple times), Angst with a happy ending. Controlling familiail behavior, descriptions of wounds, descriptions of war, descriptions of violence/death, childhood trauma. Possible historical inaccuracies.
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Here's the first chapter!! I waassss gonna wait until I finished part two and post both at once but TBH I was desperate to get this out! I hope yall enjoy this, and I would like to remind everyone that I am not a nurse or any kind of medical personnel, and I kinda struggled to find out about the procedures of ww1 nurses, so take most of the nurse stuff with a grain of salt! like watching a dumbed down version of grey's anatomy lol. I'd also like to say that I decided to make Logan's healing factor slower during ww1 and ww2, as he hadn't gone through the Weapon X program yet. Chapter TWs: Blood, injury, childhood injuries in the prologue scene, war n shit, ww1 canada is a tw on it's own.
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     October 22, 1900.
    “Andy!!”  Your brother rolls his eyes at the sound of your high-pitched voice calling his name, turning around with a frown. He always had been faster than you, and today was no different. He had gone running into the woods when your mother had called the two of you in for lunch, and ever the devoted little sister, you had chased after him before she could notice what the two of you were doing. You’re panting when you finally catch up to him, your skirts scrunched up in your fists as you try your best to keep them from catching on bushes and vines.
    “Where are you going? Mama’s calling us for lunch!” Neither of you was supposed to be on this side of the woods, past the fence that marked your family’s property. It made you nervous to be so far past the boundary. Your older brother scoffs at you, turning away once again as he continues to march further. 
    “Father told me that he had set bear traps out to keep the animals away from the house. I’m going to see if he’s caught anything.” Andrew says stubbornly. You rush ahead to try and keep up with him, staying close and looking around anxiously. You never had been a rule breaker, and this was just a little more adventurous than you were comfortable with.
    “Bears? You don’t think we’ll find any, do you? I don't want to see anything be hurt.” You whine, tears forming in your eyes. Your brother laughs at you, the same way did the time you brought some a dying bird, or the time you had begged father to spare the rabbit that had been digging in the garden. He never understood why you were so soft-hearted.
    “You’re going to need to be more brave if you’re going to be an adult one day. Cowards get killed.” Andrews teases, cackling wickedly as he steps on a branch and the sound of it snapping causes you to flinch and cry out, rushing forward to grab hold of his arm.
    “That’s not true!” You cry. 
    “Yeah, it is!” Andrew argues. There’s a bit of a ditch in front of the two of you, and he shakes you off before he hops down. He holds his hand out to help you navigate the drop, and you take it eagerly as you carefully get down, making sure not to dirty your skirts any more than they had been. 
    “No, it’s not! It’s not true! It’s not true because I have you, remember? Big brothers are supposed to protect their little sisters!” You persist once you’re finished. Andrew sighs again, but you don’t doubt his answer for a second. He rolls his eyes at you before he begins to walk on.
    “Of course I am. But you can’t expect me to get to you every time.” Andrew says. You’re about to refute that when the two of you hear a rustling in the bushes up ahead. Andrew holds out a hand to keep you behind him, stopping both of you in your tracks. The birds have stopped singing, and you know that it means something scary is about to happen. Dad calls it a bad oh-men or something along those lines, but you didn’t usually listen to him. Now you’re starting to wish you had.
    “Stay here. I think I hear something up ahead.” Andrew whispers to you. You try to grab for his arms as he leaves you, but he’s too far away, and you find your feet rooted to the spot. You’re too scared to move, holding your hands anxiously as you watch Andrew begin to stumble through the bushes cautiously. You don’t like this. You don’t like it at all. You can only see his head through once he’s through the thick of it, and you hear him huff in disappointment when he doesn’t find anything on the other side.
    “Never mind. There’s not even-” There’s a sound of a mechanical snap before Andrew falls to the ground with a scream. 
    “Andy!” You cry out, immediately bolting through the bush. Branches and briars get caught on your skirt and tear at your skin as you push through to get to him. Your brother is shouting and grunting in pain when you see him, tears dotting his eyes as he stares down at the sight of his ankle caught firmly between the teeth of a bear trap.
    “Stupid trap!” He cries out, his hands shaking from adrenaline. You don’t know what to do, standing frozen at the bloody sight before you, mind going back and forth between whether or not you should go to your brother or run home to get your parents.
     “Help me get it off!” Andrew shouts, and it’s enough to finally bring you back to the situation. You can only nod frantically as you kneel by his side. Hands shaking as you help your brother try and open the trap and get it off of him. The metal digs into your fingers as you try to pry it open, your brother grunting and crying with the effort to do so. You can only think of what your parents will say, what Andrew will do. What if it got infected? What if he lost his foot completely? You realize you’re crying as you and Andrew try with all your might to pull the trap open, grip beginning to slip on the contraption right as Andrew tugs his leg out of the trap. It snaps closed violently after, barely missing both of your fingertips as Andrew rolls away from it.
    “What- What do we do? Andy?” You ask, unable to do much but stare as your brother writes in pain. It’s all happening so fast, but god did everything feel so slow. Andrew manages to make out something about stopping the bleeding, and you’re right on it as you press your small hands to the bloody, mangled, flesh. You squeeze tightly as you pray and pray and pray for him to stop bleeding, shutting your eyes tightly as you sob and cry and wish you could do something, anything more to help your big brother.
    There’s a buzzy feeling in your hands, like pins and needles without the pain. You don’t see it happening as you sit there and bawl for your brother, his warm blood on your hands all you can manage to feel in the moment. The blood begins to slow, and slow, and you don't even realize it has stopped until everything seems to be just as quiet as before. You realize that Andrew isn’t crying anymore, and find yourself brave enough to cautiously open your eyes.
    To your surprise, you don’t see anything. 
    All there is is Andrew’s blood staining his ripped pants and both of your hands- but the strangest part of all was that there was no more wound. Not even a bruise remained of the bone-deep cuts that had been there just a moment before. Your tears begin to dry up as your eyebrows furrow, still hiccuping as you look on at the scene in confusion. When you look up at your brother, he’s wide-eyed. Staring at you in complete shock.
    “Was that you that did that?”  He asks. You don’t know what to say. You don't know. You begin to notice a soreness in your leg as the two of you sit there, simply staring at each other in shock. Eventually, Andrew swallows, before he tries to stand up, doing so effortlessly and without pain. He stretches and flexes his leg, moving it back and forth like his brain is still playing catch up. You try to follow his lead, only to cry out in pain and stumble. There's a deep purple bruise circling your leg when you raise your skirt, one that perfectly mimicked the bloody hole in Andrew’s pants where his own wound once had been.
    He carried you back home that day.
    The Great War began on July 28th, 1914. The archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, had been assassinated, thus causing a series of events that spiraled into the worst war that the world had ever seen until that point. Your brother was quickly whisked away into the battle once the fight had started. He quickly advanced through the ranks, his ever-present charm and intelligence being a boon to him, and an asset to many others. He had always been the fighter. Your bother Andrew, your protector, and keeper of your secrets, now a general in the Canadian army. You could hardly believe it. 
    You, on the other hand, had begun to educate yourself at your brother’s behest. You became a nurse, finding yourself drawn to the field in the absence of the many men who had left mainland hospitals to go to war. You loved it. You loved helping people heal and survive, thrive even, but even so, you had become rather secretive about your natural gifts. Andrew, as supportive as he was, knew that the world would never accept powers like yours. As guilty as you felt every time a patient had slipped through the doctor’s fingers, you knew better. Your healing abilities took from you a fraction of what it gave to others, and using it was just not possible in large doses. You knew that and knew to listen to your brother’s warnings. Still, it did not stop you completely. Healing a wound or broken bone now and then in the shadows, where there was no one there to see. Miracles became your specialty, but your medical knowledge had become your backbone.
    At the end of April, you were surprised to receive a letter from your brother, the contents of it being a plea for you to join him in the war efforts. They needed nurses, trained, knowledgeable, nurses. You would be by his side as much as possible, but you were needed across the sea. And well, if it was your brother asking, who were you to refuse?
Novemver 2nd, 1917
    "You are to keep your medical supplies cleanly and well maintained. I understand that you aren't exactly green in this line of work, but let me tell you, you haven't seen war yet." The senior nurse in front of you has no time for fools, you have only known her for a moment, and yet you know this for a fact. Her pace is fast and purposeful. Her skirt is muddied and stained, and yet her boots do not seem to sink or stick in the mud like yours do as you try your best to keep up with her. Nurse Mary is strict in personality and pace, and you're careful to follow directly behind her throughout the busy encampment. 
Everyone seems to have something urgent to attend to, soldiers and nurses and medics alike all running about through the mud and dirt. There are many hospital tents, many more than you had originally anticipated. You begin to realize exactly why your brother had been so firm in instructing you to refrain from assisting any wounded beyond what help lies within sutures and gauze. 
    “How often do the wounded arrive?” You ask, following her into a rather large hospital tent and passing by various cots with wounded men.
    “You should expect them to arrive every day. The wounded are many, but the dead are more, god rest their souls.”  She tells you, one of her hands clutching the cross around her neck for a moment. There are many things you have learned throughout your schooling, and many gruesome sights you know to expect, but the one thing that still gave you chills was the death toll. You try not to think about it too hard, knowing that it’s just the truth of war that good men go to die. But that doesn’t mean you will ever be forced to be comfortable with it. You pass many rows of wounded soldiers as you follow her through, many being gravely injured with missing and mangled limbs, and shrapnel in places where it should never be. You keep your bedside manner in check, but you know half of those men won’t make it through the night.
    “We should be grateful for the men who return to our care, but please keep in mind that we are the only buffer between them and god. You must understand that losing these men isn’t an if, it’s a when.” You nod solemnly in response to her, quelling the anxiety in your heart. You knew very well that she was right. You casually look around the hospital tent, doing your best to help familiarise yourself with the surroundings when a puff of smoke catches your eye.
    You don’t know where to laugh or scold the man, brown eyes meeting your own as he quickly tries to hide the cigar. Nurse Mary clearly had not seen him, but you certainly did. You can’t help but smile in a baffled sort of way, and the soldier- the quite handsome soldier- smirks, shrugging his shoulders at you. You try not to laugh, choosing to simply shake your head instead of pointing it out to Nurse Mary. It’s something he clearly appreciates, and he tips his head at you, winking as you finally pass him by. You hope you’re not blushing, quickly looking away from him with a smile on your face that you couldn’t fight off.
    “Are you paying attention, Miss? Your brother spoke very highly of your skills, it would be a shame if it were all to be lies.” The nurse ahead of you says, a strict tone in her voice. It almost startles you, bringing you back to earth after the solid minute of distraction the brown-eyed soldier had caused. 
    “I- yes. I apologize. Please, continue.” You reply quickly. You can tell she’s not quite convinced but doesn’t have the time to care, reminding you that there would be little to no time to dally once you had been given decent instruction about the facilities. You’re eager to get to work, and decide that there would be no more distractions today- no matter how charming or handsome they seem to be.
    You were assigned work the moment your walkthrough had been conducted. No downtime, no breaks. You wonder if you truly had any idea how bad things would be where you got here. Seeing the wounded was one thing, but reading their chart was another. You felt detached as you conducted physicals, changed bandages, and redressed wounds and cuts. You checked for infections in those with amputated limbs, knowing that death would soon come for those who were so unfortunate. The difference between any of the men was astounding- wounds from this war unlike any that you had ever seen before. You had heard of the new weapons, the horrors that geniuses had developed so that others would die. It pains you that someone could be so ignorant and cruel- and yet even you hope that you would never have to face those instruments of war.
   Out of all the strange and unusual wounds and war-torn soldiers you met on that day, there was only one who you remembered in truly remarkable detail.
    You see the puff of smoke before you see him, lounging on the backboard of his hospital cot without a care in the world. Besides some old bandages on his chest, you can tell that he’s not in any pain. To be honest, you start to wonder if he belongs in this infirmary at all. He’s distracted, cigar held up to his lips as he takes a deep inhale of the smoke, drowning out his senses with the nicotine. 
    “You must be feeling pretty confident to be breaking the only rule we have in here.” You say, raising an eyebrow at him. He chokes on the smoke rather suddenly, trying to recover as quickly as he can as he puts the cigar out. You give him a sweet smile, trying your best not to laugh. He smiles sort of unabashedly at you, shrugging. 
    “Can’t blame a man for tryin’.” He coughs. You shake your head at him, lifting some papers on your clipboard before you find the one assigned to his cot. Your eyes are immediately drawn to his list of past injuries and causes of infirmary visits. How is this man even alive?
    “Logan Howlett, I presume? You’re pretty perky for a man who has such a long list of injuries.” You state, still reading it through. You’ve never seen this many on one chart before- all dating from the very start of the war to his current visit. Logan gives you a shrug of his shoulders, which isn’t exactly a response you would prefer, but he smiles at you in a charming sort of way that makes your heart flutter. 
    “They call me Lucky Logan for a reason,” Logan hums- causing you to huff a laugh. You shake your head at him, setting the clipboard down on the edge of the bed before you begin conducting a physical and checking on his “wounds.”- not that there really was any besides an odd, yellowed bruise or two that you could almost swear seemed to be lightening by the minute.
    “ ‘You new here?” You glance up at him at the sound of his voice, smiling a bit out of politeness.
   “Why, Is it that easy to tell?” You ask, knowing that he certainly knew so due to him seeing you earlier, but you wonder for a moment if you seemed to be any different from the other nurses. You always strived to be good at what you do, but part of you had a tendency to worry if you could keep up with the others here.
    “Nah,” He says, bluntly. “I just think I’d remember if I had seen a pretty nurse like you before.”  The words make you gape for a moment, that smile still showing as you shake your head at him and try not to laugh. He was a flirt- a rather smooth one too. 
    “Do you use that line on all the ladies?” You tease as you pull out your stethoscope to listen to his heart. You listen, and besides the fact that his heart rate is a little faster than the regular average, you don’t seem to notice anything too strange.
    “Only the ones as pretty as you.” He says. You don’t hold back your laugh at that, and his genuine smile is definitely contagious. You check his eyesight and overall mobility one more time once you’re done, trying not to blush at the way he’s looking at you. You feel his gaze even when you step away to write on his chart, finishing things up.
    “Well, Mr. Howlett, you seem to have a perfect bill of health,” Logan perks up a bit at that, moving to where he can sit on the side of the cot, his feet on the ground. “...but I can’t completely release you just yet. You’re free to wander around some, but you’ll have to wait for the doc to give you one last look-over before you can go back to the frontlines.” He lets out a dramatic sigh, frowning for only a minute before he stands, winking at you as he grabs his shirt from underneath the cot- the bloodied one they wheeled him in here with, no doubt, and puts it on.
    “If that means I’ll be seeing you more often, I’ll take it.” He flirts. You laugh, knowing that you very well might have swooned if you had been any greener to this line of work. Instead, all you can really do is cringe at the sight of his shirt and lean down to the small table to his right, the one where his chart had been, and open the drawer, revealing a freshly clean set of clothes. 
    “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, Smokey.” You joke, finding his surprised face rather endearing. It only takes a moment before he’s smirking again, taking the clothes from you and doing a mock toast to you with the cloth. You shake your head at him, trying to keep your smile contained as you walk away from him and over to your next patient.
    You find yourself thinking about him throughout the day, both delighted and somewhat frustrated at yourself for swooning so easily over a soldier- on your first day, too. You had told yourself when you took this job that you would never do such a thing, knowing that so many romances in a time like this end in tragedy- but you certainly couldn’t seem to help it. You think about him when the other nurses talk about their personal soldiers, out there fighting the war, and think about him again before you go to bed. It was frustrating! You met a man and knew him a whole ten minutes before swooning like a schoolgirl. You suppose it felt nice to be wanted nonetheless and felt nice to be complemented by someone you found so handsome… But you didn’t need to be thinking so hard about this right now anyway. You roll over onto your side in your bed, hoping to fall asleep soon instead of spending time thinking about something that won’t happen.
    Besides, there wasn’t a chance in hell that your brother would ever approve of any relationship you had with a soldier. You were sure that if he had his way, you would die as a spinster- forever reliant on the family. Your dreams that night are more like nightmares, dreaming of faces and growing old and rocking in a chair alone in your brother’s house, a burden to his finances, his wife, and children. But then there are some dreams where you see the face of one particular soldier, and wonder why you felt so compelled by him.
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oatmealthighs · 12 days
bigbro!choso x blackfem!babysitter!reader
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 contents: nsfw 18+, MDNI. overstimulation, rough sex, mutual pining, breeding kink, masturbation. i guess a lil stalking? choso's last name is itadori, yuji is a lil one, reader is black-coded and depicted to be a bit thick. but yea gets pretty nasty. minors gtf back
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 author's note: yea this is a bit more self-indulgent than i'd like to admit.... but nonetheless! i still hope yall like it! inspired by this work of art
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“so you're the new babysitter, huh?”
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his voice was so deep. it rumbled through your every limb, made every hair prick up against your melanated skin. your throat went dry as you looked up at the man so casually leaning against the doorframe to his quaint, humble home, towering over you as he observed you almost menacingly.
as choso itadori looked down at you with indifferent eyes, you couldn't stop your own from scouring, observing the way the black tee he had on was tight in all the right places, hugging and squeezing at his muscular biceps and clinging to his formed chest. his brown hair was tied up, spiky locks in two ponytails. black jewelry adorned his ears all the way up to the helix.
you felt small, under investigation as his dark orbs intensely pierced through your own. but you didn't waver, it was never in your nature to showcase your uncertainty. instead you smiled, glossed lips parting to show your pretty teeth. “yep, that's me! my name is [name].” of course choso already knew that, and maybe a bit more that he didn't plan on sharing with you. he had no shame when it came to investigating who he was entrusting the care of his baby brother to, yuji being his heart and rib, the only family he had left on this entire planet. he'd die for him, kill for him, do worse if it came down to it. but with you, all that extra shit didn't seem necessary to make clear.
choso knew you looked good from your instagram he managed to find after some digging, but your posts didn't capture the true, full essence of your beauty. the camera didn't necessarily capture the way your brown skin glowed and shimmered in light, or accentuate your curves like how they looked now. you smelled sweet, like yams and vanilla. the magenta yoga set you wore clung to your skin tantalizingly, outlining your curvy silhouette and the top zipped down just a little low to show a little cleavage. your hair was styled* into a neat bob, bluntly cut just above your shoulders, not a single hair out of place. your lips were lined a dark coffee brown and ombré’d into the pink natural color of your skin, coated with sparkly gloss. your large glasses sat on the bridge of your wide nose, a french-tipped nail pushing them higher up. choso continued to feign disinterest, but he knew the darkening scarlet brushing over the tips of his ears might be what would give him away if you took any notice.
luckily enough, your attention was drawn elsewhere, the sound of toddler yuji cooing as he waddled through the living room towards the front door making your eyes widen with adoration. you kneeled down to his height, yuji’s big brown eyes finding yours and him sending you a gummy smile. “and this must be yuji! ohh, you’re the cutest thing! making my heart swell.”
choso needed you for a short while, just until he could find a new daycare for his little brother. between him working over forty hours a week and using the weekends to focus on bonding with yuji and resting up, he never really had the time. or more-so, seeing how well yuji gravitated to you, how he began asking about you by just saying your name during bath time, how he always cried when you left, was what made it drop lower and lower on his priority list.
you were much more help than he expected you to be, and did far more than what he was paying you to do, which resulted in the extra hundred dollar bills he would sneak into your cherry coach bag every evening. it was the least he could do: you made meals, helped clean, always put yuji down to bed before you left. even did the laundry as needed. you insisted it was okay when choso told you you didn't have to bother yourself with tasks that weren't in the job description, and that you didn't want or expect anything extra out of it. but you stopped fighting against his generosity… not that there was ever a struggle.
some nights required choso to stay later, long past his typical return time of six o’clock, and some nights he wouldn’t return until 2am. he would come in from a particularly tiresome day at the hospital in his his grey scrubs and his hair pulled into a low ponytail. he would never be surprised to find you laying on the large sectional sofa, glasses still on but your bonnet tied tight around your head, under one of the extra blankets with your phone replaying a tiktok. choso always had the guest bedroom prepared for you but it was always all for naught, as the couch seemed to be your preferred place of choice. it was so soft, it had to be well over a thousand bucks. he never disturbed you, you deserved your sleep. at most, he’d shut your phone off and turn down the tv, and head upstairs to shower and prep for bed himself. he’d often hear you leave the house later that night or early in the morning.
choso was the strong, silent type most of the time. he was an action-driven man– if he didn’t say it he would show you. you knew he liked you for his baby brother when he asked how did you feel about hanging around yuji for a bit longer than anticipated one evening while you were just about to leave out for the day. or when he would sneak those crisply folded blue bills into your bag. you wondered what he did for work one day, and you asked him. he was an anesthesiologist, he said. and you knew he was rolling in the money then.
there were no signs of a woman in his life from what you’ve seen. no feminine hygiene products in the bathroom, no pictures, no particular scent aside from your own aroma of sweetness. no mentions of a “she”... not that you’ve ever talked about it. you wanted to pop the question, but you didn’t want to weird him out- you opted to just “keep things professional.” but shit, it was hard sometimes. choso was a nice-looking man, with a height of 6’3”, a hard, muscular build, and dark eyes that made you shudder when he looked down upon you with them. sometimes he would come home after a vigorous work-out at the gym if he had the pleasure of getting off on time, wearing a black underarmour compression shirt that would be so damn tight you’d see every sculpt and cut of his meticulously defined upper body. his hair would be down, brown tresses clinging to his strong neck, thick eyebrows knitted together at the feeling of sweat and perspiration sticking to his skin and his growing need to shower. you would be in the kitchen, just cleaning up since you wrapped dinner up not too long ago, and the smell would make his stomach borderline roar at him. he’d shower, then come back in a tee and grey sweatpants, damp hair hanging as he sat at the table and basically ripped apart whatever you had prepared for him.
sometimes, you’d be in a rush to go home. not because choso would make you uncomfortable or anything. never that… but you knew your body. you knew that warm pool of heat in between your legs meant nothing but trouble, and was something that needed to be handled, preferably asap. you’d rush into your little apartment, make a beeline to your bedroom and strip down to your bare skin before jumping into your silk pink sheets. you’d grab your vibrator and press it to your clit desperately, pussy squeezing around nothing as you threw your head back against the soft pillows. you’d pinch your brown nipple, bottom lip trapped in between your teeth as you moved your vibrator in small little circles. more and more, you’ve began imagining choso in between your legs, his large hands parting your thick thighs like the red sea as he ate you out, his tongue lashing at your clit and slurping up your honey like a man parched. you imagined him pinning you against a wall with those brawny arms of his, knees pressed to your chest as he pounded you, burying himself to the hilt as your pussy squeezed his thick, long dick like a vice. it would be so nasty… you could only imagine the way you’d be cumming around him, how he’d make you cream and release until you’re ran dry.
sometimes when you finish, you’ll feel ashamed, throwing your vibrator to the end of the bed as you squeezed your legs together and hid under the comforter with embarrassment. other times… not so much. the fire would still be stirring and burning within you, begging for something more, for you to truly be filled. there were times you were a smidgen too close to calling up one of your old flings, just to fulfill your desire of being stretched out once again and to just imagine the man over you was your employer instead.
your feelings didn’t go completely unrequited.
choso held his tongue for the greater good of professionalism and your comfortability, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t contemplate asking you to dinner a few times. from what he’s seen and observed on your insta, you didn’t have a special somebody. and he figured it would never hurt to ask. but choso was careful. he often opted to just not say anything.
he felt his gazes getting longer, his eyes moving more risky every time he’d see you moving about in his home working. he picked up that you really liked two piece sets, especially the ones made of sculpting spandex that always clung to your body almost provocatively. the way your ass sat in them, he was almost embarrased to say he dreamed about grabbing a handful of it, palming one of your cheeks with his entire hand. your glossed lips always caught his attention. he often thought about how it would look smudged on his skin, smeared across his own lips after tonguing you down.
your smell lingered. on the furniture, in the blankets, hung in the air. it was embarrassing how the scent of shea butter and vanilla was enough alone to make his dick stiff. it’s been so long since he’s rubbed one out. and he was doing a good job until you came along. he wasn’t proud to admit the amount of times he’s touched himself to you, his hips rolling his dick up into the clenched palm of his hand, soft squelching sounds filling his master bedroom. he’d imagine how you’d ride him, slamming your hips down against his own, your ass flush against his skin as you moan sweet nothings into his ear while he tried his damnedest to not nut in you.
the tension was growing thick. it could be sliced with a chainsaw at this point. but the both of you both opted to play it safe. until it spilled over… and it was bound to happen.
and it did.
"ouuuu, shit, choso!" the way that man was absolutely drilling you from behind was almost criminal, the deafening sound of his hips cracking against your fat ass echoing throughout the sound of the living room as he was trying his best to fuck you through the couch he had you drooling on.
you really don't know how you got here. well... you do. after all, this was the day you've been plotting and hoping on the moment you first seen choso's fine ass leaning against his doorway. it was like a dream come true, watching the way he deliciously hovered over you like predator over prey, his silky brown tresses draping around his sharp facial structure and his silver chain dangling, swinging in cadence with his hard, deep thrusts.
the two of you were just watching a movie, mr. & mrs. smith to be exact, courtesy of the invitation he extended earlier that night when you put yuji down for bed. an opportunity to "get better acquainted" over wine, gourmet chips, chocolates and a good action-romance.
"i see the way you look at me," you had stated boldly as you sipped your third glass of wine, the pillar to your sudden courage. "i know you notice how i look at you, too."
choso was sprawled out on the couch, legs spread and his arms thrown over the top. his head rested in one of his big hands, gazing at you through heavy-lidded eyes. he's silent for a moment as he looks at you so intently, his orbs filled with need, before he finally diverts his gaze to the tv. "yeah."
you look at the tv for a bit, not interested at all actually, but feigning it as you finished your glass. it was silent for a bit, albeit the sound of gunfire and car collisions booming through the in-home sound system, before choso speaks, "you can sit closer."
your scooting closer somehow led to you sitting in his lap, which led to a passionate, sloppy makeout session involving you straddling his firm thighs and his big hands gripping your entire ass in his palms as your tongue dived into his mouth. and all that led to him softly laying you on to the couch cushions, your lips never leaving each other's.
his lips are as soft as they look, yet leave scorching flames of desire in their wake as he litters passionate kisses all over your jugular and chest. he buries his nose into your skin, almost moaning at how sweet you smell and taste. as he continues to trace his name on your skin with his tongue, his fingers find the zipper to your purple yoga jacket, his eyes peering at up at yours through his thick lashes to ensure he has your approval.
you nodded your head gently.
choso made it his mission to show you he had much more to offer than some blue bills to you. you never depicted or predicted the guy to be an eater. but oh, were you pleasantly surprised.
that man can eat some pussy... and he does it like he gets paid to do it. he had you spread out like you were his dinner, and you were, your legs wide apart, knees bent. he sat on his haunches on the carpeted floor before you, spreading your lips apart and sloppily sucking at your clit that throbbed eagerly against his lips. he'd dip his head down, lapping up any of your leaking wetness before making out with your pussy yet again, his eyes trained on you and watching intently as your pretty face contorted into expressions of pleasure.
he'd make you cum all in his mouth, encouraging you to do so, never letting up as your thighs shook and vibrated, your eyebrows pushing together and your eyes fluttering shut as the bright hot warmth of your well-awaited orgasm overtook you, leaving you gasping for air. his compliments, "good girl," and "you taste so fucking good" would just get you all riled up again. choso came in his pants too, his ear tips bright red as he made it his duty to lick up all of your sweet nectar, but he kept that to himself.
that's not the only way he wants you though. he'll sit on his bottom on the floor next, his head resting against the couch, requesting for you to sit on his face. "what? choso, no, i'd crush you."
he'll take that as an insult of course. he benches twice your weight, easily. a little extra plush on the thighs wouldn't kill him, in fact, he'd love it ten times more. you'd saddle up, hesitantly brushing your pussy against his lips, and he'd look up at you, unimpressed.
"whaat?" you feign confusion, in reality, a bit shy and nervous at the thought of putting your weight on him.
his words made every hair stand at attention against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. you bite your lip, your gloss long smeared off and all over his pale skin. you bring your weight down on him a bit more.
"all the way." fuck.
you do as you're told, and a deep moan of satisfaction rolls through him, his tongue already dipping into your dripping folds. and before you could even think about letting up, his strong arms are locked around your thick thighs.
he'd have you writhing in his grip, going insane at the way his tongue wrote love letters in cursive against your clit. he'd be damn near drowning in your release, your cum slicking and dribbling against his chin as you rolled your hips back and forth against his soft lips. you were chanting his name like a mantra, and it was a beautiful melody to his ears.
and lo and behold, that's how you ended up on a first class flight to poundtown, your eyes stuck in the back of your head and your manicured nails digging into the arm of the couch for personal brace as his huge dick kept brushing up against that soft spot of yours and his girth stretched you so damn good. you knew you were making a mess- you done squirted twice already, your juices rivering down the insides of your thighs and seeping into the soaked couch cushion below you. "fuck, please don't stop!"
"yeah?" choso breathes over you, his cheeks flushed pink from his endurance. you knew he wasn't slowing down no time soon... he told you about his daily four mile runs. his pupils were blown wide as he watched the way you managed to still throw it back at him, stilling his hips as he watched your hungry pussy swallow his length every time your ass sat plush on his lower stomach. "you like that shit?" his calloused palm smacked against your ass unforgivingly, the fiery sting setting you ablaze. he did it again, one more time for good measure.
you were losing it, moaning exasperatedly into the couch fabric as you gave him everything you got, tossing your ass back against him, trying to match the impact he was winding you with just a second ago. "yess, fuck yess," you whine. you reach your hand back, your nails clawing at his shirt and yanking it in a ball. "please, choso, keep fucking me like that."
"what, like this?" his large hands were at your lovehandles, squeezing the flesh there as his resumed his relentless rythym, his eyebrows pinching at the way you squeezed around him like a vice. you let out a wail, your cream decorating his veiny shaft, and he relished in the feeling, a deep groan of satisfaction bubbling from his throat. "shit, you just keep cumming.... what is this, your fourth time?"
actually your sixth, but you weren't gonna correct him. if there was anything you knew, you wanted more. the way the veins of his dick dragged against your walls was a wonderful, irreplicable feeling, his balls slapping your clit with each profound stroke. his thick fingers found your hair, tangling his hand in your locks and giving them a courteous yank, making your back cave and arch deeper as you let out a yelp of pleasure. any other time, you'd for sure cuss him out... but his dick touching your soul was plenty good of a distraction. besides, you knew your hair was long sweated out anyway.
he was gonna give you some money for a new hairstyle anyway. he was good for making up for it.
choso feels himself teetering against the edge, between the sounds of your disgusting squelching and the mess you left on him and his couch, your pussy still begging for more as it and all its sloppiness still squeezed him whole, and your pretty keens and gasps bouncing around the room, it was almost too much. he felt like he was losing it, the hearts in his eyes palpitating as both of his hands held your jaw from behind. "the fuck are you doing to me..." he mutters aloud, his eyebrows furrowed as you eagerly sucked on his thumbs with a slutty moan.
"you know, yuji gets lonely sometimes," he whispers, slowing his thrusts and leaning forward to crush you with his weight, his dick bottoming out and making you let out a cry as your eyes snapped wide open. he rolls his hips more sensually as he licks at the back of your nape, the cool metal of his chain brushing the skin of your back and making you shiver. his lips trail to your ear, tongue lolling out at the shell as he continues, "i'm sure he wouldn't mind a friend. you'd like that wouldn't you? for me to fuck you full until i got nothing left, huh? you gonna drain me of all i got?"
you nodded your head desperately as you hummed a whiny "mmhm", turning your head to the side as you watched in awe as the man over you was spilling over the edge. "yes, i'd love it, cho, give it to me... please?"
choso hums in satisfaction, his heart thrumming against his ribcage as your words made butterfly cocoons hatch in his stomach and his dick stiffer than ever before. "yeah..." he slams into you, winding you with power and force that insinuated that he hated you, but he'd only make such a dangerous, promising offer to someone he truly liked. let alone anyone at all. "i know you would. you're nasty as fuck."
you didn't know if you were to be terrified or turned on, but the way your core pulsated around him let you know you were the latter. he let out a breathy moan at your physical response, but it didn't stop him. not even for a second.
he wasn't letting up. you weren't getting any breaks. the way you would be teasing him wearing those tight ass clothes and smelling like you wanted him to eat you alive. nah. he was giving you everything you ever dreamed about, everything you imagined when you'd resort to using your little vibrator between your legs.
and you loved every fucking second of it.
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is-this-yuri · 3 months
hey yall, the situation has changed.
i've tentatively started a fundraiser to potentially work toward getting a van. i was going to wait until i got approved for SSDI and use the backpay to purchase a van, but after speaking with some lawyers, it's looking like that won't be happening in a reasonable time.
i really need to get out of this tiny car and into something bigger and more legal. i'd also like to sell my car for a chunk of cash, but i can't do that until i have something else to move into (and i certainly won't be able to do it when it inevitably gets towed if i keep driving it everywhere)
here's the link to the fundraiser
the goal is $10k. i know that's a lot, but there's no time limit on this. at $6-7k i can actually get the vehicle. maybe less if i'm lucky, and if i get any amount of donations i'll be searching the market constantly. the rest will be used to sort the registration and insurance, and of course to convert the inside. i've been researching this project for years, so rest assured i'll be using the money well.
i'm not sure what to expect with this but i will be eternally grateful if it works out for me. if it works out, i'll be posting all updates on my situation on the fundraiser and on patreon, and of course here on my blog.
i'm so sorry to be placing this burden on yall, but i really need all the help i can get, and i have no other ideas. having a van will be like having an apartment for me, and even without reliable income it'll be a massive upgrade so i can more readily work on getting reliable income one way or another. i can't even think about getting a regular job or staying consistent with my treatment until i have somewhere safer to live.
as for today i could use some cash to gas up my car and take care of some other needs, and as always i appreciate the donations i get almost daily that have been sustaining my life. if you'd rather support me in the short term, there's:
or you can consider becoming a patron to allow me a small monthly income. thank you very much to my first patreon member! <3
so, there are many ways to support me now if you're willing and able! i appreciate every one of you <3 much gratitude to anyone who clicks any of the above links and for boosting and sharing! and thank you for tolerating me while i figure out this 'escaping homelessness' thing
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chaesparklez · 2 months
1.17am | gunwook x afab reader
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wc: 2.3k
content: 18+ MINORS DNI
gendered descriptions, ex!bf gunwook, angst, emotional, oral sex f!receiving, heavy petting, rough sex, makeup sex, unprotected sex (practice safe sex yall)
summary: “just look at this, jagi. we’re so good together.”
1.17am. a surprise visit from the person you want to see least. well, maybe not the least…
a/n: sorry for being mia guys!! hope you enjoy this latest piece, i’m not too familiar with writing angst so hopefully it’s not too clunky haha. cross-posted on ao3 & wattpad on user @/chaesparkle.
it had been a long week of work, your social battery too drained to join your friends for a night out. you splay yourself out on the sofa, absentmindedly watching a show and crocheting. a nearby lamp illuminates the room with an atmospheric golden glow.
you sigh. admittedly, part of the reason why you were so drained was because of your ex, gunwook. his work meant you barely saw him for the past few months, eventually feeling like he wasn't making time for you culminating in your breakup. despite his begging to make things right, you just knew things would never work out. clearly he thought differently, as he had been blowing up your phone all day.
why you hadn't simply blocked him yet, you couldn't quite figure out.
a knock at the door.
you frown looking at the clock: 1.17am. who on earth could it be at this hour? you throw a cardigan on and amble towards the door.
"who is it?" you call lazily.
no response. you furrow your brows, pausing for a second before another knock resonates through the room. and you realise. two firm raps followed by another quick tap; you know exactly who was knocking. the blood rushes to your head, face already heating up in anger. you were already having a rough week and now having your space invaded by the last person you wanted to see made you angry.
“what the fuck, gunwook?” you swing the door open. 'texting me hundreds of times wasn't enough so now you show up to my doorstep?'
gunwook stands before you, expression indecipherable. he simply scans you up and down with a dark gaze.
you shake your head in frustration. 'so??'
he slinks past you without a word, making his way into the living room with you following him becoming increasingly mad.
"oh, so you're just gonna waltz into my house then play the silent act? i don't even know why you’re h-"
"because i fucking missed you!!" he shouts, turning towards you finally. his cheeks redden like they always do when he gets emotional, dark eyes blazing.
'you break up with me all of a sudden then expect me to be okay with it?' he continues. he inches closer, towering over you.
you stare up at him, gaze cold and hard.
"it's hilarious" you say, keeping your voice level,  'how you didn't contact me for weeks at a time while we were together and now that im not putting up with your shit anymore you come crawling back.'
"i told you that i'd do better. we can make it work, i'm serious." his tone low.
"why do you keep deluding yourself into thinking you can fix this? you'll literally be touring for the next two months. forget seeing me, you won't even have time to call me."
you feel a lump form in your throat, quickly turning away so he wouldn't see your eyes moisten.
"why don't you have any trust in me?" he says exasperated. he grabs your wrist forcing you to face him.
'please. give me a chance,' he whispers, gaze intently fixed on you.
all this was too overwhelming for you. your exhaustion, him being in your space asking questions you couldn't answer, and in the middle of it all, you being very aware of his closeness to you in this moment, face so close to yours you were tempted to brush the hair out of his eyes...
shut the fuck up, you tell yourself off mentally. you look at gunwook, determined to drive him out.
"why the hell should i trust you?" you say. 'all the missed calls, cancelled dates, all you did was take me for granted.'
"that's not true", his jaw clenching.
"it's how you made me feel."
"you have no idea how *i* feel. i-"
"i do. you're a selfish jerk. you don't give a fuck about me, you don't-"
"LET ME SPEAK!" gunwook yells, voice making a boom that resonates throughout the room. you jump, shocked at the outburst. gunwook looks at you intensely, eyes blazing with passion.
'i missed you everyday. it was hard for me too, spending so much time apart from you and not even being able to contact you because the managers were always watching.'
he takes a step closer.
'i was going to see you first as soon as i came back to korea. but then you texted me all of a sudden saying 'it's over' and then disappeared?? you have no idea how much that broke me.' his voice breaks on the last sentence.
you look up at him sadly, clenching your jaw and trying to control your impulse to hug him. you couldn't. not now. you didn't want to start something you couldn't finish.
"i think you should leave," you say quietly.
gunwook stays standing in the same spot clearly having no intentions to abide by your words. he inches closer to you, eyes shining.
"stop. gunwook, i said don't come closer," you warn as he takes slow steps towards you.
the look in his eyes made you nervous. it was the way he'd look at you before you'd leave a party together, giving your thigh a quick squeeze with you both knowing exactly what the night was in for.
'gunwook, seriously...' you breathe, your breath quickening. he continues to approach you silently with that intent look in his eyes, staring down at you fervently.
'really i don't think we should-' you begin to say before a long finger rests on your lips shushing you.
"quiet." he says in a lowered voice.
his hand rests on the wall beside you, his face inches from yours. he cocks his head to the side with a smile. your pupils waver as you look up at him.
"got anything else to say?" gunwook whispers, pinning you against the wall. he smirks.
a hand roams down to the waistband of your shorts, cool fingers meeting the heat of your center. you can't help but let out a shaky sigh, having forgotten what this felt like in the time you spent apart.
you stare at him fervently. tall, broad shoulders, and those determined eyes that'd observe every detail of the way your body responded to him.
and the expression on your face is more than enough to let gunwook know how you feel. you want him. all of him.
you both melt into a mess in each other's arms. your hands locked behind his neck, his enveloping your waist as you share a rough, sloppy kiss. as if you're both trying to consume eachother, as if you're making up for lost time.
his full lips lock around yours, the heat of your tongues melding as you both kiss passionately, not even moving in time as your mutual desperation drives you to take in as much of each other as you can.
you pull him closer by the collar and run your hands through his thick black hair. you bite gently on his full bottom lip and he kisses you harder, tongue exploring your mouth tasting you.
a trail of hurriedly removed clothes is splayed on the floor behind you as you lay under him on the sofa. with his body on top of you, the heat of his milky skin against yours has a flush rising in your center. you drag a hand from his broad chest down to his toned abs, and he gazes at you beneath him with all the yearning in the world behind those brown eyes. he leaves warm kisses trailing down your body, the tingle of his breath on your flesh sending a shiver down your spine so you arch into his touch. he looks down at you with an intoxicating gaze, a large hand enveloping the curve of your waist, and kisses your stomach.
"i missed this so badly," he says in a lowered voice.
he positions your legs to rest on his shoulders and begins to plant open-mouthed kisses on your inner thighs. you gasp, the muscles in your thighs contracting. his tongue makes contact with your throbbing pussy, lewdly licking a stripe up your slit. your eyes flutter shut as he begins to work his magic on your center, the movements of his tongue slow and sensual at first, then increasing in speed as your hips began to undulate against his mouth, your body begging for more.
his tongue runs up and down your folds, your thighs trembling but remaining firmly locked in place by his firm grip. he laps up your arousal like a dog thirsty for water, the view of your breasts jolting as you reacted to his touch further motivating him to deepen his movements.
you moan desperately and throw your head back. his grip on your flesh tightens and he moans against your clit, the vibration sending another wave of pleasure through your body. you peer down at him and feel your center flutter at the view; his muscled arms flexing wrapped around your thighs, face buried in your pussy letting out impassioned moans.
you lace a hand through his thick hair, tugging gently and moaning as he continues stimulating your clit. you make eye contact, a faint blush seeping across your cheeks at the intensity of his gaze. he picks up the pace and you let out a yelp. the relentless flicks of his tongue against your clit having your hips rolling against his tongue more and more deeply.
fuck, you really did miss him.
you plead in a shaky voice: "gunwook.. need you inside me..." and he retracts slowly from your center, almost reluctantly as he breaks out of his daze.
"oh yeah?" he asks with a sly smirk. 'guess you missed this a lot, huh?' he begins to kiss your neck lazily, his hand roaming your body again.
"s-so full of yourself.." you stutter, unable to deliver this remark as bitingly as you intend as he pinches your nipple lightly.
"don't i have a right to be?" he smiles. continuing to caress you. 'after all..' he whispers, 'isn't this what you missed the most after i came back from overseas schedules?'
his long fingers are now between your legs, rubbing along the length of your center and drawing circles around your clit. you let out a moan, stomach contracting in pleasure as your hips rise to ask for more again. gunwook really did know you inside and out. exactly how to touch you so you'd be gasping and arching into him.
he aligns his erect cock with your pussy, tip red and leaking a bead of precum. as he pushes his length inside you, you throw your head back and gasp for air at the feeling of him filling you up. his massive length still had you gasping for air even though you'd had sex countless times already. he lets out a deep moan at the way your pussy wraps around his cock and begins to move his hips, thrusting deeper inside you.
you lock your fingers around his neck so you're inches apart from eachothers faces, both hearing eachothers breathy sighs of exhilaration. his weight on top of you makes you feel engulfed in him.
gunwook's cheeks are flushed, his eyes slanted and locked on yours as you moan and whimper looking into his eyes with each thrust. he adjusts his hips so his cock starts to hit that spot deep inside you with every thrust, prompting a loud "fuck!" from you.
your pussy clenches around his length deliciously, and he can't help but squeeze his eyes shut and moan into your neck.
"fuck, jagi... feels like this pussy was made for me," he breathes.
"don't.. call me jagi.." you protest weakly between thrusts, not sure you even believe your own words at this point.
he lets out a breathy laugh and his pace quickens.
"or what?" he challenges, his voice low and husky in your ear.
his thrusts become faster and harder so you scream out in ecstasy, his strong thrusts having you moaning and gasping for air.
"ah, j-just like that.. fuck!" you cry between moans.
gunwook starts to rub circles on your clit again sending another wave of pleasure crashing over you, the overstimulation making your head spin. your hands claw helplessly at his broad back leaving red scratches in their wake. your eyes begin to water and you look at him through half-lidded eyes, his gaze meeting yours with the same emotions. his bangs are damp from perspiration, hair falling into his narrowed eyes.
"gunwook- i- please-" you stutter out before screwing your eyes shut, your jaw open in a fixed contortion of pleasure.
"what was that, jagi? can't hear you." he chuckles with a raspy voice.
the view of you overstimulated and teary eyed, literally fucked dumb, drives gunwook crazy. he lets out a raspy sigh as he watches his length moving in and out of you. your pussy is dripping wet, the sound of skin slapping against skin so raw and visceral that you both start to cum. your hips begin to rut against his, your movements and impassioned breaths syncing with eachother in time. he moans, forehead against yours.
you gaze blearily and kiss him passionately. your climax begins to run through you and you moan between his lips, your cries becoming louder as he fucks you through your orgasm.
"ah, gunwook!" you throw your head back and cry out at the feeling of his cock pushing inside you as your walls contract around him, practically having you seeing stars.
gunwook lets out a constrained grunt as he reaches his climax, biceps flexing as he grips the arm of the sofa. with a final impassioned thrust he pulls out just as he cums, hot sticky fluid coating your stomach. he sinks on top of you as you both catch your breath, a mess of slick and perspiration. your arms are wrapped around his back as he sinks his head into your neck, warm breath tickling your skin.
he gazes at you laying before him staring up at him through half-lidded eyes.
"just look at this, jagi. we're so good together." he breathes.
you regard him with half-lidded eyes, chest rising and falling against his.
"should we… start over?" you whisper.
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angelicdanvers · 1 month
a charlie bushnell x fem!reader social media fic.
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liked by y/n, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries, and others
levizmiller — she won at pool. again.
tagged | y/n
y/n hey at least we got drinks ↳ levizmiller true ↳ walker.scobell YOU CAN DRINK??? ↳ y/n technically yes BUT i settle for virgins
dior.n.goodjohn best duo loading?! ↳ levizmiller YES
user i lowk shipp ↳ user2 nah they prob friends ↳ user3 ay no need to speculate 😭
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liked by levizmiller, dior.n.goodjohn, walker.scobell, and others
y/n — prep for the jumpscare at the end
tagged | levizmiller
levizmiller 😭
walker.scobell i wanna be your age ↳ y/n in like five years buddy
walker.scobell also levizmiller your physique is ELITE ↳ levizmiller thank you walker :)
leahsavajeffries YOU GUYS ARE SO COOL ↳ y/n that’s our goal >:)
iamcharliebushnell hope ur having fun! ↳ y/n thanks!
dior.n.goodjohn YOURE SO HOT ↳ y/n BABES YOU ALL YOU
user2 not charlie becoming less and less consistent ↳ user4 fr man this is sad
forbidden child added cutie patootie
↳ HI ARYAN OKAY SO UH I NEED YALLS HELP i think you guys were right
cutie patootie aw what’s wrong?
chanel’s enemy uh oh
↳ yeaaah so is charlie mad at me??? for hanging out with levi?
lee lee he shouldn’t be, he doesn’t have a reason to because even tho all of us are close it’s still your life yk
chanel’s enemy i second that, and if he does that also means SOMETHING if yk what i mean
dr dre im not even gonna sugarcoat, his comment seems so passive 😭
↳ welp i’ve screwed up big time 😃
cutie patootie i mean he’s okay around walker and i. he did keep talking about you at one point last night when we were watching moon knight literally made us pause the ep and just spoke of you
cutie patootie idk bro it just seemed to me that he missed her a lot. he kept saying how he wanted to take her to egypt esp a restaurant by the pyramids considering y/n still hasn’t been and other places
chanel’s enemy ong he deffo should if he likes her, he should actually ask her out before anyone else does take her to a nice lil restaurant, get her flowers, whatnot
cutie patootie yeah fr
↳ yall pls tell me youre not speculating he likes me
↳ yes but im choosing to ignore them for the sake of my sanity
dr dre is he tho guys do dumb shit when they like a girl
↳ he doesnt like me 😭
cutie patootie ANYWAYS i'd keep my eyes and ears open if i were you, y/n, you definitely didn’t screw up but if you're worried abt charlie maybe just be a tad bit more careful?
↳ gotcha, no more levi posts then?
chanel’s enemy i mean ofc you can post him, it shouldn't be anyone's business as to who you're posting, but idk it's so hard to explain like don't get me wrong i think you should post whomever you wish but hopefully it won't hurt anyone. i mean you're not with anyone controversial so it shouldn't be a big deal anyways, plus if someone cough charlie cough can't fess up their feelings it's on THEM not YOU
↳ i definitely get that, thank you for the insight you guys :) it’s just tough because i really don’t know how i feel either
chanel’s enemy WAIT WHAT i did NOT expect that response
↳ i can't help it idk my emotions are all over the place right now
cutie patootie okok miss y/n do you, or do you not, have a crush on levi?
↳ i do not
chanel’s enemy okok MISS y/n l/n would you rather be MRS. y/n bushnell?
dr dre well THAT got a reaction out of her
↳ ugh but he's cute and he’s so sweet and he’s so charming too he texts me every morning no matter what timezone i’m in and he gave my mom flowers when he first met her too he’s so smart, both emotionally and intellectually like doing math with him is just >>>>
lee lee girl. GIRL.
chanel’s enemy LMFAOOO MATH 💀 she down bad BAD
dr dre you see there’s a river in egypt…
↳ OKAY OKAY fuck i like charlie don’t i
↳ aw shit man WHAT DO I DO
chanel's enemy MAKE A SUBTLE MOVE ASAP
cutie patootie YES THATS PERFECT
↳ guys this is too hard i dont like this
— taglist.
@shokocoded @istillremeberthefirstfallofsnow @surftrips @svtsimp22 @thames-fig @captainshischier @reggieslifeboat @multifandom-loser @wheelerslover @mermaid-mqtel @randomnpc456 @kaithoughs @isab3lita @mariposa555 @sunshinessky @myr-cheri @thedeadlynights @ella33 @c1nn4mng1rl @poppysrin @breadbrobin @lucy-the-ant @jules-loves-lukecastellan @taloulalila @tom-pls-fuck-me @mia-luvs @iknowyoureabigfan @rinisfruity14 @chasebeth @auttumnsayshi @prettygirlformula @alwayswndr @balletfilmss @kestisvrse @1forthemoney2forthekish @eissaaaa @emelia07 @toffytaste @soulaires @bearwon @happy-mushrooms @simrah1012 @blimp-blimp @obxstiles @yuminako @hopexcroc @mackycat11 @knowugetdejavu @0puddleofgender0 @callsignwidow @i-heart-emos @eddiesdrummergf @suckerforblondies @homebyeleven @bookworm-center @kawliflo @https-evan2 @ihrtzku @strawberryapplesauce13 @captainshischier @vbbaby-girl @honeysmoonn @itssmandiee @kinderwh0r3 @willsdills @americanbluebirdrb @bokutos-biddys @ln4author @lqclercs @czennieszn @laveens-pearl @inlovewithcarsthatrunreallyfast @aerangi @taygrls @ilamara @hanjiiberry
hi my loves! i am so so sorry for disappearing for a bit, school was getting horrible during the second semester and i found very little motivation. i rested all of july and i am hoping to update this series, along with posting a luke one i've written for the past few months, throughout this month! i think i've mostly tagged all the people that requested to be a part of the taglist, forgive me if i missed you or tagged you twice.
how are you guys doing?
please stay safe and drink water, i'm proud of you <333
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klxudykai · 3 months
the ugly part of reality shifting
as great as shifting is, its really fucking draining. like REALLY draining. its nice that people want to show the fun and positive side of shifting and all, but once new shifters (specifically) hit the stage where they're drained and extremely demotivated, they aren't going to know how to deal with these new overwhelming emotions. reality shifting takes a toll on our mental health even if we don't like to admit it. this may not apply to everything, but I know it applies to the majority.
ive been shifting since 2021 (if you saw my post Abt me starting shifting in 2019 that was wrong lmfao mb yall-). and I still haven't shifted. I used to think I'd shift within 4 years but surprise surprise. I haven't. I'm drained and demotivated. I don't completely believe I wont ever shift, but I don't think I can get what I want by manifesting or affirming or doing any of that. I think the universe will just randomly hand it to me. it sounds dumb but that's the weird luck I have. when I don't expect it, I get what I want. but when I try hard and I expect it, nothing happens or I get smth worse. i don't think that even when I put blood,sweat, and tears into this that I'll shift. I've discovered so much shit about myself yet I am still here with no experience of what its like in another reality let alone my dr. never saw my dr once. only in my dreams and my imagination.
im going to be completely honest when I say that shifting is not for the weak. I'm not saying this to get you to quit because shifting is one of the best things that I found. I just want you to know that its not always going to be perfect. you might feel desperate, you might feel homesick, you might feel exhausted mentally. and sometimes you'll make progress but then find another obstacle. quite frankly, fuck the obstacles because that's not the issue. its how you deal with them that really determine how your growth goes. and no I'm not saying it controls if you'll shift or not because it doesn't. but if you're a person that gives up easily, its going to be hard to overcome those blockages. I say that because I myself give up easily. which is ironic because I don't give up when it comes to certain goals I want to accomplish (one of those goals being shifting), but I refuse to get rid of those so called "blockages" and avoid them even though I know what's the problem. I avoid them because I don't know how to fix them and I just have this fear that's telling me I'll fail.
this post probably doesn't make a lot of sense but that's because I'm writing this in the heat of the moment so I'm not doing a lot of thinking, I'm just typing. what I'm saying is don't be that person that avoids the problems. be transparent with yourself because I'm telling you, the more you avoid it, the more drained youre going to become. it might turn into an endless loop where you think about your Dr daily but you have zero energy to shift. and it fucking sucks.
overall, please take breaks whether they're mental or shifting breaks, if you feel like there is an issue with yourself, fix it. this is a hard journey but it will be a lot easier once you're honest and overcome problems that need to be solved.
(disclaimer that this may not apply to everyone, just the people who are going through a rough patch in their journey. this is mainly just my perspective and what I've heard from a friend of mine since our issues seemed pretty similar. and if anyone needs someone to talk to, my DMS are open. I want my blog to be a safe space and that this is a place where not everything is perfect. I love y'all and please take care and don't stress yourselves <33)
also, fuck that toxic positivity shit that just makes mfs more drained. if you feel demotivated address it don't push it away
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alldoll3dup · 9 months
໑୧﹒★﹒Veneer crushing on you - one-shot ᰍ﹒∿
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - You are an artist well known for your impeccable works and Veneer really appreciates your work, perhaps even too much (the troll thing didn't happen here)
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 - Trolls
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - GN!Reader, fluff
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- Well it all started when Veneer was bored scrolling through Instagram
- Until something caught his attention, it was a painting, very well done by the way, so he decided to do a little stalking on the page
- As time passed, Veneer began to like the paintings of the famous Y/N more and more he admired his work
- As he really wanted to meet you, but couldn't appear at public events because of fans and paparazzis, he had the idea of hiring you to do art for him
- His sister Velvet, on the other hand, thought it was an unnecessary waste of money
- When you were going out on the street you were stopped by one of Veneer's advisors who gave you an offer you couldn't refuse, it was A LOT of money for just one painting and of course you accepted
- Then he gave you the time and place, was it the Velvet and Veneer brothers' mansion? You were perplexed, you didn't know how but you got noticed by your favorite stars you couldn't miss the chance to impress them (especially Veneer)
- You showed up at the agreed place and time and you saw Veneer waiting for you there, you were emotional, but maintained your posture you were just there to paint after all
- When Veneer sees you he immediately smiles and greets you in a way you didn't expect
"Oh my god, you are Y/N in the flesh! I was so looking forward to meeting you up close" - you immediately felt a blush on your cheeks as Veneer shook your hand gently
"I think I was the one who should say this, you're a super pop star and I'm honored to finally meet you" - Veneer practically melted, did you follow his work? It could only be a dream
"D-Do you follow the music i do?" - you laugh a little confused
"Of course! Your songs inspire me, I thought it was obvious" - you see Veneer become totally embarrassed and blushed
"I am inspired by your arts to make music" - you look like two fools exchanging shy glances and silly smiles and Velvet appears looking at you with a certain contempt
"UHHH Get a room lovebirds ew" - she screams loudly as Veneer turns even redder taking you to another place
"Y/N, I'm sorry about Vel, she doesn't know what she's saying" - he says covering his face in shame
"It's okay, I think I'd better start painting now, since that's why I came here, what do you want me to paint?" - you give a small smile, arranging the materials
"I want you to paint me and you together holding hands in the most beautiful place you can imagine" - you nod awkwardly starting the painting while Veneer watches while you doing it
- After a while you finally finish the painting, you and Veneer together in a sunset on the beach, a painting so detailed that it is impressive
- Veneer smiles with the painting in his hands and he hangs it on the wall, turning his attention to you
"You know... we could uh... do this in real life, what do you think?" - he says a little unsure thinking you would refuse him, scratching his head lightly trying not to be so anxious
"Of course! I would love to Veneer" - you say with a slight smile and Veneer hugs you excitedly, already thinking about the thousands of things you will do together
- After some time getting to know each other better and becoming friends, you actually go to the beach together recreating the painting of you two at sunset on the beach
- But with something more, Veneer puts his hand on yours and with his free hand he gently holds your face giving you a little kiss that left you blushing so with a smile on his face he asks you
"Do you want to date me Y/N?"
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▐ Hello yall! Hope you liked this little one-shot of this silly lovely guy, if you got any requests send it ♡
▐ Sorry if there are any grammatical errors love you guys ^^
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cxffecoupx · 3 months
when jihoon comes home in the evening, he finds wonwoo sitting in their shared apartment, idly shuffling through the programs on television, trying to appear unbothered. maybe it's the 3 years of being roommates, but jihoon sees clearly through the guise.
just as his friend is about to greet him, the phone rings and wonwoo almost flies across the room to get the call.
simp behaviour, jihoon thinks to himself.
wonwoo perks up at your name displayed on your phone. the sound of your sniffles the next minute worries him almost instantly.
"can you come pick me up?"
all things that could probably have gone wrong rushed into his mind. did your date not go well? was he an asshole? did you have a malfunction? was he not the type of guy you expected? but he pushed them aside as he ran to where you said you were.
and he found you sitting on the sidewalk in front of a store. hugging yourself, because of the cold or because you were... lonely?
as soon as he tapped your shoulder, you turned to him and wonwoo's heart shatters. tears pooled in your eyes, some rolling down your cheeks. nose red. lips chapped as if you had been biting on it. he knew you were; he knew you do that when you were anxious.
he doesn't say anything, simply wrapping you in his arms as you start to break down against him. those walking past look at you both weirdly, but you don't notice and wonwoo doesn't care. all his thoughts right now were concerning you.
you pull away after a while, and wonwoo wipes away any stray tears.
"cmon, let's get you out of here," he says and pulls you up, side-hugging you as he leads you.
you end up in a park, and sit on nearby swings in silence. you clear your throat to speak.
"he didn't show up."
the swing squeaks as you swing it lightly. you let out a laugh, but wonwoo doesn't have to look to know it's to mask your cry.
"he's... i've had a crush on him for what, two years now? i was so looking forward to this and... he never showed up."
wonwoo doesn't say anything. his heart is aching but he continues to draw on the ground with his feet.
"go ahead. tell me. tell me that you told me so."
"i should have listened to you. i shouldn't have come. I shouldn't even have worn a dress, or dolled up. i shouldn't even have accepted it," you start crying again and he sighs before standing up and hugging you once again.
wonwoo starts, "you never knew. it's okay, dear. you didn't know all this could happen." he takes your face in his hands and wipes your tears away. you have a slight pout on your soft, red lips, and wonwoo has to control every cell in his body to not kiss it away right now.
"let me tell you something. he doesn't deserve your tears. you know what? let's go back to my house, and we can eat some spicy ramen and bitch about him with jihoon. you know he loves a good gossip."
the thought makes you chuckle and you stand up.
"okay, let's go... i don't know what I'd have done if I didn't have you as my best friend."
wonwoo just laughs.
he just laughs because he doesn't want to let you know that he wants to scream right now.
because that's what he'll ever be. just a 'best friend'.
but he tells himself it's okay. he knows he'll never break your heart, but until that day comes, he'll always be there to pick up your pieces.
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im so sorry I ghosted yall😭 i have an exam this weekend and absolutely zero urge to do anything BUT I will get back to posting after the exam please forgive me😭🙇‍♀️
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looooochie · 29 days
okay here
hate me // marc bernal
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requested: yes
word count: 849
summary: the average case scenario of enemies to lovers, but one rainy afternoon makes a difference.
There was a heck lot of bad blood between you and Marc. You two hated eachother for as long you can remember.
And it was even worse when you were a Madridsta and he was well... You already know he's a Barça player. Marc never knew how you two collided but, he pretty much hates you.
You were getting your stuff from your locker and suddenly it closed. Then you feel someone grab your collar, he had a line tattoo on his arm.
You sigh, to see your enemy pinning you. "The fuck do you want with me Marc..?" you look up.
"I want you to put something else on. That jersey makes me sick as hell." Marc says. It was clear he didn't like your Madrid shirt.
"You don't get it estupido (stupid). You cant make me stop supporting Madrid. So, Hala. Madrid." you reply angrily. Marc scoffs and let's go of your shirt. Then the bell rings.
As Marc walks, he looks at you with a scowl. "I better not catch you wearing that shitty shirt ever again." he says. You also scoff and begin to walk towards class.
It was finally the end of school and you were walking home. Then, you felt something cold hit your head. Next thing you know, you felt that se feeling, but all over your body.
That meant, it was going to rain now. You started to run, and the rain started to get heavier and heavier by the second. There is a Blue, cover thing where you could sit down and take shelter or something..
You got to that place and sat down. Every part of you was drenched due to the rain water. You take your hoodie from your backpack to try and keep warm, and that was not wet.
Then, you hear some footsteps snd you look, to see it was him. It was none other than him, Marc Bernal. As Marc is walking, he sees you.
At first, he tried to ignore you by walking past you and acting like he didn't care. You were practically freezing. And you didn't expect Marc to care. He then suddenly stops and walks backwards, slightly looking at you.
"Hey loser. Are you okay?" he says in a playful tone. "Why the hell would you care, don't you hate me?" you scowl back, giving him a glare. "I do but, you don't look too okay there."
"What sort of thing possessed you- ah- ah- Achoo!" you say, but then you get interrupted by a sneeze. Marc sighs and takes off his hoodie and tosses it to you.
"Wh-what the.." you say as you look at the hoodie. "Look, I didn't do it because I felt like being nice, it's because you looked like you were getting sick." Marc scoffs again, with a little blush.
"Uhm.. thanks? I guess." "Don't mention it." He continues. Then Marc walks off. You were extremely confused right now.
Why on earth would your sworn enemy want to give you his hoodie Just, why? You just then sneeze again, so you put on the hoodie that Marc gave you. Oh my God, it even smells like him. But, the scent was awfully nice though.
Ever since that thing that happened between you and Marc, you began to start liking him. You always kept trying to deny it, but you just help it.
You were sitting in class, almost half asleep because it was THAT boring. "I'm going to get some whiteboard markers from the art room, there better not be any chaos." the teacher says, and she left the room.
It was silent for a few moments then, it slowly started to turn into a chaotic mess. In the midst of it all, Marc got something from his backpack, and got a pocky stick from it.
Then, he put it in his mouth and tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey loserface. You know how to play the pocky game right?" Marc says.
"Uhm yeah, why?" you ask him in response. "I wanna play with you and beat you to prove that I'm better than you." he replies, with a playful tone.
"Sure. I'd never back down from challenges." you reply, then you put the other side of the pocky stick in your mouth. The class fell silent and turned their attention towards you and Marc.
Your mouths began getting closer and closer to one another, and they were almost together. Then out the blue, Marc bites the stick and crashed his lips onto yours.
This was totally unexpected. Well, you liked Marc back too. So it wasn't really a suprise. He ran his fingers through your hair and you traced the tattoo on his arm.
You and him pull apart, looking at eachother, blushing. "Wow Marc.. that was.. Amazing." you say.
"Stupid girl! Quit being so cute!" Marc says, hugging you. "Is that so? More like you're the one who's being cute." you say as you hig him back. "Oh shut it!" Marc responds, still hugging you.
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flemingsfreckles · 6 months
Be a Good Teammate pt. 4
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Read Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 first!
Preview: You and Jessie have dinner at her new place.
Warnings: it’s angsty yall, buckle up (just for a bit), swearing, very brief mention of sex (no descriptions, nothing like that, but it gets mentioned)
WC: 5.5k
A/N: I think this is the end of this series. I never intend to make it more than 1 part honestly, but you all enjoyed it enough so here we are at Part 4. This also ended up more angsty than I had planned so, whoops :)
It was nearing 5pm when your Uber pulled up in front of the address Jessie had sent you. You thanked the driver and hopped out. You hadn’t thought much of the address, not noticing that there wasn’t an apartment number or a unit letter attached to the end of it, so you were surprised to find yourself standing in front of a house instead of an apartment complex as you had expected.
It was a small little blue house, wood fencing all around, a good sized front yard, a few trees, it was exactly what you would expect Jessie to pick out. 
You pulled your phone out of your sweatpants pocket to let her know you had arrived. You had gotten back to the hotel, quickly thrown on a Nike sweatshirt and a fitted pair of gray joggers.
“Hi.” You look up to see Jessie walking through the doorway and down the steps toward the fence gate. You put your phone back in your pocket, not needing to let her know you were here anymore. She reached the gate, unlatched it and held it open for you to come inside. You notice that she quickly looks you up and down as you walk through into her front yard. You can’t help but do the same to her.
Jessie’s hair was down, still slightly wet from her postgame shower, she was wearing a lavender colored long sleeved shirt and a pair of sweatpants. She looked cozy, as if she was ready to cuddle up on the couch for the evening like she had mentioned wanting to do.
“You bought a house?” Your curiosity gets the best of you and you can’t help but ask. 
“Yeah, I did. I lived with Janine and her fiancé for the first few weeks while I looked at places, and then I had to leave for the gold cup and I just couldn’t find any apartment that felt like home. I started looking at houses instead once I got back. This was actually the first one I saw and I really liked it. It’s not too big, which works since it’s just me right now but has some room if I need it in the future.” Your brain wanders to the thought of Jessie having her own kids in the future, you knew she wanted them and you had seen how good she was with kids over the years. 
“Plus I figured even if I’m only here for a couple years, I can keep the house. It’s only been a few weeks but I love the area. I'd consider coming back here to settle when soccer is over.” She opened the front door, stepping back to let you walk in first. 
You slip off your shoes, placing them on the mat next to the door where Jessie’s shoes lay neatly in a row. Looking up you realize you're standing in her living room, there’s a large gray couch, a small table in front of it, a tv, a bookshelf that’s filled with books and art and other trinkets. 
“You can keep a plant alive now?” You tease her as you see she has a variety of green plants. In college you had watched her become what you described as a serial killer of plants.
“I’m getting better. A lot of them were housewarming gifts from my teammates so I maybe just haven't had enough time to kill them.” 
Stepping out of the entryway you walk over to her bookshelf, looking at the various titles, there’s a couple photos placed on the bookshelf, one with her parents after she had won the gold medal, one of her and her Chelsea teammates holding up a couple trophies, one of her and her siblings all wearing matching Christmas pajamas. The opening to the kitchen was just to your right, you step in its direction before turning to look at Jessie who was following closely behind you.
“Can I see the kitchen?” You don’t want to invade her privacy by inviting yourself to take a tour of her place.
As if she read your mind she gestures her hand in the direction of the kitchen. “Go ahead, I can just give you the whole tour now while we wait for the food, it should be on its way by now. I was also thinking we can watch the Angel City and Orlando game, only if you want it should be on at 7. ” She looks at the clock mounted on the wall. 
“Yeah that sounds good.” You reply as you step into the kitchen.
Her kitchen was cute, the same wood accent from the outside of the house scattered throughout. She offered you an ice pack for your nose as you stood looking at her fridge. You declined, having just taken the pain meds, it was bearable pain. 
As you continue to move through her house Jessie makes a few comments here and there about what she liked about the house so much, the wood flooring, the large windows that let in natural light, the little nook that she had set up to be a place to read. Hearing her talk about the little things, paint colors, furniture was so simple and yet it made you feel like you were back to your old friendship. The simple minded discussions, the joking around, all the tiny moments you would have with her, it hit you how much you really missed just her existence and company.
You get to two closed doors at the end of the hallway, you point at the one closest to you and look back at Jessie.
“Linen closet, nothing exciting unless you want to see towels.” You move your finger to point at the other. “My bedroom.”
“Oh,” You’re not sure what to say, the closed door seemed like an obvious sign to not go in. Jessie again, able to tell what was running through your head, speaks up.
“You can go in, I just close the door out of habit. I don’t have anything to hide.” Wanting to see her bedroom, you push open the door. It reminds you a little bit of her bedroom in your college apartment. Not much as far as decor, just a few special things on display throughout. Her bed in the center of the room, a nightstand on one side.
“Sorry it’s still a mess in here, I haven’t had a ton of time to dedicate to unpacking and I was more focused on the rooms everyone else would see.” You look around, trying to find the mess she was referring to. Her bed was made, no clothes scattered across the floor, no pile of clean laundry to be put away, no water bottles on bedsides, not even dust, just a few boxes stacked neatly in the corner, the one on top open as if she had been in the middle of unpacking when you had arrived.
“If this is what you consider a mess, we have completely different standards of mess.” You let out a laugh, Jessie doesn’t say anything, just gives you a smile and slow nod. 
You’re interrupted by her phone ringing, she picks it up and before answering the call she points around the corner. “If you want to see my bathroom, it's through the closet. I’ll be right back.” 
She walks out of the room and you hear her answer the call. You take a second look around her bedroom, looking at the couple of personal items that were scattered, photos of her and her Canada teammates, photos of her family, photos of skylines and nature that you assume she had taken. She has her array of cameras all neatly set on a shelf, displaying them. Making your way over to her closet you walk through to peek into her bathroom. It looked like a bathroom, nothing too special about it, a shower, toilet, a vanity with two sinks, her toothbrush, hairbrush, and other bathroom things just placed neatly around one side.
You turn back to go wait in her bedroom being done looking at the bathroom. You walk into her closet, taking a quick glance around, the closet had more boxes in it than unpacked clothing items. Each box was neatly labeled, varying in sizes, all stacked on top of one another. You look at what clothes she had unpacked, it was nearly all clothes for training, one pile had clothes with the maple leaf and the name Canada across them, the other a mix of red, green, some blue, with the thorn’s logo and Portland across them. Looking back toward the exit of the closet your eye catches on a box, more specifically the label of the box catches your eye.
It was a box with your name on it. Printed carefully along the side, in Jessie’s handwriting. You could feel your heart begin to race. You couldn’t move, your eyes staring, your own name looking back at you. Why did she have a box with your name on it? 
“Foods here.” You didn’t even hear Jessie coming, the sound of your blood rushing through your ears muffling outside noises. She comes around the corner, you quickly look away, not wanting her to see you and think you were snooping through her stuff. You weren’t, but you could see how it could look suspicious, but then again she was the one with a box labeled for you. She must’ve seen your sudden movement as she looks at you with a questioning look, then at where the box sat, you see the moment she knows you’ve seen the box. Her eyes widen and dart back to you. You expect her to say something, she does, just not about the box.
“It’s on the kitchen table.” Her face returns to a relaxed state, almost emotionless.
“Perfect.” Mirroring her behavior you decide maybe you’ll both just pretend that box doesn’t exist. Maybe you’ll just let it eat away at you for years, just like you had done with your feelings for the girl. You follow her out of the closet and bedroom back down the hallway and into the kitchen. 
You both make a plate, grab a water, and sit down at her kitchen table. She sits first and you’re then forced to make the choice between sitting next to her or across from her. You decide on sitting across, hoping she doesn’t judge your choice. It’s quiet for the first few minutes, just the sound of silverware. Jessie keeps her eyes down, looking very interested in the plate of food sitting before her. You knew it was going to be awkward, seeing her in a non-football setting for the first time in so long, you were prepared for the small talk, asking about your family, your friends, the weather, you weren’t prepared for whatever this was. Both of you sitting here thinking about that box brought a whole different level of unexpected discomfort, it was making you itch.
“Your girlfriend doesn’t mind you having a box with another girl's name on it?” Unable to hold it in any longer, you let the question come out, you quickly kick yourself for asking that way, bringing her girlfriend into this conversation. Jessie picks up her head and puts her fork down.
“She’s not my girlfriend anymore.” Choosing the wrong time to take a sip from your glass you choke slightly causing a coughing fit. Jessie just looks at you as you try to calm down. Once you stop coughing she continues muttering the words, “and she actually did mind. A lot.”
Your brain is spinning, you heard her keep talking but your mind kept repeating the words she had spoken “not my girlfriend anymore”.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you split.”  You now feel guilty for bringing up the girl.
“Of course you didn’t, you stopped talking to me, you didn’t get to have the privilege of knowing that we split.” Her tone of voice was shifting, becoming annoyed. Wanting to ask more but also not wanting to pry on a relationship you barely knew about.
“Why didn’t you just get rid of the stuff? If that would’ve made her happy?”
“I don’t know.” She pauses looking down at her hands. “I mean I do, it’s,” she sighs. “To be fair it wasn’t just the box, she had always been a little suspicious of our relationship, I told her the truth, that there’s never been anything between us, we didn’t have a history. And she believed me, I think, at least at the start. But then when you stopped talking to me, she’d catch me watching your games, checking up on you, looking at old photos of us, and she eventually found some clothing of yours that I had put away, along with the notes we used to write each other, the birthday cards, the Polaroids, everything. I wasn’t intentionally hiding but it was out of sight out of mind for me. I didn’t need the constant reminder that I had been dumped by my best friend. She again made the assumption that we had dated, or at least had slept together. She read the letters claiming friends to talk to each other in that manner. That was just the start of the mess.”
Nodding along to her story, you try to show her you’re paying attention, and you were, it was just hard when your mind was drifting to a hundred different thoughts. 
 “And then the rumors started about my transfer. I hadn’t told her about it, I hadn't even mentioned the idea of leaving London. I wasn’t even sure it was going to go through, it was a lot of money for Portland and I was waiting on visas and medical and all that bureaucracy and we got into an argument about it. She accused me of moving for the wrong reasons, she brought up you.” Jessie pauses for a minute as if to collect her thoughts before she continues.
“ I then said some things about you I shouldn’t have said to her and then it was over with her shortly after.” The volume of her voice drops as she rushed her words at the end of her sentence.
“You could’ve just thrown it all out at the start, if that would’ve fixed things with her, I wouldn’t have known.” Your statement is true, you didn’t even know she had kept all those things you wouldn’t have known if she had gotten rid of them.
“It wasn’t that easy, I know we weren’t talking, and like I said we weren’t even friends, but fuck I missed you so much. You were my best friend for nearly 5 years, only to get dropped without a reason and I was mad at you, sure but I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of that box of stuff.”
“There was a reason, I hope you know that.”
“Well you didn't give me a reason, if you just would’ve told me I could’ve fixed it or apologized or something. Instead I just had to sit and run through every decision I had ever made questioning where I went wrong with you, what I did to hurt you.” You can see tears welding in her eyes as she continues to stare at you, despite the tears, her eyes are cold and make you feel tiny under her gaze.
You stayed sitting, staring back at her, having no clue on what to say to her, stuck between wanting to apologize and also wanting to yell back at her. You silence allows her to continue.
“I would’ve done anything to have you back in my life, all you had to do was ask, but it felt like you wanted nothing to do with me. And that fucking hurt.” Her fist comes down hard on the table, it startles you, making you sit back away from where you had been leaning against the table. You cross your arms as you sit back and bow your head to stare down.
“I couldn’t ask.” It comes out quiet, from your mouth almost as if it was an accident.
“I couldn’t ask you to fix it, it wouldn’t have been fair.” Speaking louder you bring your head back up to look at her.
Now it’s her turn to say nothing. She looks from you to where her hands sat on the table. She just waits, giving you the space to give her more information. You know you owe her the explanation, what you don’t expect is the word vomit that comes out once you start.
“I couldn’t ask you to break up with her, I couldn’t tell you I was jealous of her, I couldn’t bring myself to tell you those things, you seemed so happy with her, it wouldn’t have been fair. I had my chance for 4 years before she existed to tell you and I didn’t, but I also couldn’t stand seeing you so happy with her, it tore me apart, I wanted you to be happy and you were. It just sucked that you were happy with someone else. It sucked trying to be a supportive friend, I hated having to hear about your dates, and hearing about your first kiss, and I really hated having to hear all about the first time you two fucked.” The last word coming off with extra emphasis, the memory of her call to you after their night together briefly plays in your mind, only making you more upset.
“I hated it Jessie, but I sat through it for as long as I could because I wanted to be there for you. I wanted to be a good friend to you. I wanted to still be your best friend but I couldn’t and all I wanted was for her to no longer exist. I started to think horrible things about her and your relationship and that’s when I knew I needed to take a step back for my own health. I was no longer being a good friend to you. So I stepped back.” Your voice was loud, you were slightly out of breath barely stopping between words as you yelled across toward her, you’re not sure why you were yelling, you weren’t trying to yell at her. It wasn’t her fault she had found someone to make her happy that wasn’t you. But the past year of frustration had built and built and unfortunately this was the time the wall broke, and here you were practically shouting at Jessie across her own kitchen table.
Jessie doesn’t say anything. She stands up from the table, the sound of her chair scraping the floor was the only noise in an otherwise silent room. Grabbing her own empty plate and then extending her hand she offers to take yours. You pass it to her. She walks them over to the sink, putting them down, running the water over them. You stand up, not wanting to feel like a terrible house guest, you start packing the leftovers back up. You open the fridge door and place them inside. The water shuts off and Jessie puts the plates on a mat to dry. She walks past you, not saying anything as she moves into the living room. You hear the noise of the couch, assuming she has sat down you take a few steps toward the other room. 
She’s sitting on the couch, bent over with her head in her hands. Her thumb is rubbing against her temple and she’s bouncing her knees. Leaning against the doorway you stay quiet, you feel bad for yelling at her, seeing her overwhelmed like this because of you, tugged on your heart. You wanted to rush to her side and hug her but you also knew that would probably be the worst thing you could do. You stayed put, leaned against the wall just watching her. She lets out a large breath and then sits up. 
“I didn’t,” you shake your head, not sure what she’s asking. “Nothing. I didn’t say anything.”
“I know, but you look like you want to, so what? Just say it. Don’t be a coward again.” Her words are harsh, insulting you in a way she hadn’t ever before. To be fair to her you realized you had also never yelled at her before either.
“I’m not a coward.”
“Hiding your feelings for 6 whole years, 5 of those years when we were best friends feels a little cowardly, but that’s just my opinion.” You hadn’t seen Jessie like this often, especially towards you, she was almost being mean, not caring what she said to you or how she was saying it. 
“Fine, what did you say about me to her? Before you broke up, you said that you said stuff to her about me that you shouldn’t have. What did you say?” You can’t help but ask, the question of what she had said had been sitting in your brain since she mentioned it.
When Jessie doesn’t respond right away you push her. “Don’t be a coward.” You mock her tone from earlier using her own words. She rolls her eyes at you.
“She accused me of moving to try and be closer to you, she said I wanted to rekindle our relationship. And by that point I couldn’t take her nagging about you anymore and so I was honest with her. I told her the reason I had kept all of your stuff, the reason I checked up on you, the reason I would look at old photos of us, even though you didn’t care about me anymore. I had to tell her my memories of you were comforting for me.” She looks you in the eyes for a second before looking down at her hands.
“Those memories felt like home, that you felt like home. And I then had to tell her that was something I had never felt with her.”
You’re not sure how to respond, trying to process all of Jessie’s words before saying anything back to her. You move off the wall and sit down on the couch, putting some distance between where you both sat.
“Naturally, admitting having feelings for someone else to your current partner doesn’t go over well so that was the end of that.” She mumbles as you sit down.
“You have feelings for me?” Maybe you had heard her wrong, doubting that this conversation was actually happening. She slowly blinks at you.
“Did they check you for a concussion after the hit?” Her question only confuses you more. 
“Oh my god.” Jessie throws her hands up. “Yes, I have feelings for you. That’s what I just said, I just didn’t really know that they were those kinds of feelings until you stopped talking to me and I realized how important you were and that it felt like I was missing a part of me that no one besides you could fill. And then I had her, and that was fine for a little bit, but she wasn’t you.”
You have half a thought to call her out, call her a coward the way she had to you for hiding her own feelings, but decide against it. 
The silence takes over the room, you’re not sure what to say to her. What do you say to someone you’ve been secretly in love with for 5 years when they finally admit they want you back? Where do you even start to make up for the time you both wasted? Where do you go from this conversation? 
Thankfully you don’t have to figure it out at that moment as both your phone and Jessie’s vibrate and light up, both of you reviving the notification that the Angel City and Orlando game was set to start. 
Jessie looks up from reading the notification, “Do you still want to watch the game? I understand if you don’t, I probably wouldn’t want to stay around someone who called me a coward.” 
“I want to stay, if that’s okay. You can yell at me and call me whatever, but just being around you has really made me realize how much I’ve missed your company. So, I’d like to stay if you’ll let me?” 
“Of course.” She reaches for the remote on her coffee table and points it toward the tv turning it on.
“Can I get that ice pack you offered earlier?” No longer caught up in the intense conversation you feel the pain from your nose starting to return in full force. Jessie tosses the tv remote in your direction and hops up from the couch immediately, rushing to her freezer. She comes back with an ice pack, a bag of frozen veggies, a towel, and a bottle of pain meds. 
“Do you want to just sit and hold it or lay down? I can get you a different pillow. I brought the towel in case the direct ice is too cold. And if you want these.” She gives the bottle of medicine a shake. “I also wasn’t sure if the ice pack would sit nicely on your face so I got this.” She holds out the package of frozen vegetables to you. 
“Yeah that’ll actually probably work best.” You take it from her hand. “Thanks.” You add. She placed the pain meds on the coffee table and leaves to put the other ice pack back in the freezer. You use the remote to find the game, and Jessie returns as they commentators start talking about the starting lineups for each side.
When Jessie sits down you notice she sits a lot closer to you then the two of you had been before. Your hips and thighs are only inches apart. She leans back and puts her feet up onto the table. 
You both sit in what is now a more comfortable silence, watching the game. You both make comments here and there about footwork, ball movement, passes, shots, critiquing and complementing the players. At halftime Jessie stands up, takes the now thawed bag of vegetables from you and brings it back to the freezer. She comes back from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and waters.
When she sits back down, she closes the gap between the two of you. The outside of her leg now resting against the outside of yours. She places the popcorn bowl so that it rests on both of you. Jessie leans back to rest against the back of the couch and you do the same. The game starts back up again, you both focusing your attention back to the tv. 
It only takes 5 minutes into the second half for you to feel Jessie shift in her seat. She’s moving only slightly but being hyper aware that she’s pressed up against you, you can’t help but notice her movements. Your breath catches in your throat as you feel her lean her head over, placing it to rest on your shoulder, leaving her body more forcefully against yours. Your whole body tenses, not wanting to move and disturb her. 
You stay like this for a couple minutes. Deciding you couldn’t let her make all the moves you glance down to see Jessie’s hands resting on top of each of her thighs. You place your own hands in the same position, then move the one closest to her, in her direction. You move just as slow as she had until your pinky finger is hovering just over hers. You slowly let your hand fall on top of hers, she doesn’t pull away, or tell you off. Instead she flips her hand so her palm is now facing up. Eager to finish what you had started you now quickly move your hand, interlocking your fingers with hers. You wait a minute, then let the pad of your thumb gently rub against her thumb.
You stayed in that position, holding her hand, her head resting on your shoulder as the two of you watched the remainder of the game. Wanting more time with Jessie you desperately were hoping for an insane amount of added time, unfortunately only 3 minutes are added and the game is quick to end.
Jessie pulls her head off your shoulder, sitting up with a yawn.
“I should probably get back.” You say, realizing it was nearing 9pm and while you didn’t have a curfew, you still didn’t want to be caught coming back too late by any of your teammates knowing you’d never hear the end of it, especially since they knew you were at Jessie's.
“Right.” Jessie stands up from the couch and flips a light on. The sun had gone down as you watched the game and the two of you were in the dark without the light from the tv. She holds her hand out to you, you take it and stand up. You quickly pull out your phone and order an Uber, thankful you were in a larger city and your ride would be here in less than 5 minutes. You move toward the door, bending down to slip your shoes on before standing up facing Jessie. 
“It feels weird to say that I had a really good time tonight with all the yelling that happened, but I did. I had a really good time with you Jessie.” You smile at her.
“I had a good time too, this was nice. I’ve missed you.” She replies to you. She holds her arms out to you, offering a hug. You take a step toward her, leaning in to wrap your arms around her waist as she places hers on your shoulders. You stay hugging, longer than a normal friend’s goodbye hug would be. You both release the hold on each other but you don’t move back from her. You stay face to face, your eyes staring back at her brown ones. 
Much to your surprise Jessie is the one who makes the move. One of her hands comes up to your cheek, her fingers are warm and soft on your skin. Her eyes break contact with yours dropping to your lips quickly and then back up. She starts to lean in but stops just moments before your lips would connect.
“Is this okay?” Her voice is barely audible, quieter than a whisper. 
“Yes.” Before you have a second to think about kissing her it’s already happening. It’s a gentle kiss, her lips just placed on top of yours. She starts to pull away a second later, but you let your head chase her lips, giving her a bit more forceful of a kiss. In doing so, you bump your nose against hers causing you to pull back quickly from her, hand coming to clutch your nose.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I forgot about your nose.” Jessie’s eyes are wide as her hand comes to rest on the forearm of the hand holding your face.
“It’s okay Jess, that was my fault, I forgot too for a second.” You wipe your hand under your nose and look down at your fingers making sure you’re not bleeding again. “It’s not crooked or anything right?”
“No, but those black eyes are starting to come in.” Her eyes dart between both of yours. You both let out a small laugh and then are left in silence.
“I’d like to take you out sometime, on a proper date, if you’d want that?” You look at her hopeful she’ll want to continue whatever the two of you started.
“I do, I want that.” She smiles back at you, you let out a sigh of relief. 
“Okay.” You can’t help but smile big back at her.
“Okay.” She just repeats your words.
“I should be going.” You repeat your words from earlier, you knew you had to go, you just didn’t want to.
Jessie moves her hand from your forearm up to your face to grab your chin. You think for a second she’s going to kiss you again but then she’s pushing your head away from her and to the side. She moves in and places her lips on your cheek. 
“Once your nose is healed you can have more on the lips.”  She says teasingly. The gentle gesture has you blushing more than the kisses to your lips did. She releases your face and you see her eyes look at your cheeks, the blush growing. You turn quickly facing the door, grabbing the handle and stepping out. 
“Goodnight Jessie.” 
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy 9
Part 8
I know some of yall were upset by the cliffhanger last time. I hope this makes up for it
Eddie had been more than ready to spend the next week taking care of himself with his own hand and whatever fleshlight Chrissy could get for him, as mortifying as it sounded. He hadn't packed anything for himself. He never anticipated going into rut while on the road. Then again, he never anticipated Steve.
Steve, who made him want to drop everything and breed him full of pups and then raise those pups somewhere nice.
Now, said surprise was on top of him grinding down on him and promising a night of ecstasy. Steve pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor, hips still moving. Steve helped Eddie out of his own shirt and leaned in to kiss him. Eddie nipped at his lips and couldn't help but nose at his neck. The bandana wrapped around it was thick with his scent. This was his omega.
"Mine", he growled just as Steve pulled away.
Steve unzipped the alpha's pants and began to drag them down his legs. "When you pushed me away earlier...I thought...", he laughed and shook his head. "I thought you were running to someone else."
Eddie shook his head in protest. "I'd never do that to you, I wouldn't."
"I know", Steve said, pulling his cock free from his boxers. "Mmmfuuck", he moaned as he took a deep breath, nose buried in Eddie's bush. He kissed up the length, keeping one hand on it.
Eddie watched as the other hand dipped between the bed and his body, the shifting of his hips confirming that Steve was rubbing himself through his pants while he licked at Eddie, eyes closed in rapture.
"Tastes that good baby?"
"Thinking how you're gonna knot me so good, Daddy."
"Oh fuck..."
Steve grinned and reluctantly pulled off. One of these days, he needed to suck Eddie off while humping his leg. He needed to cover him in his slick and be covered in his cum. For now though, he removed the rest of his clothing and crawled back over Eddie's body.
"I need you to get me ready for your cock. Think you can do that?"
"Y-yeah, yes."
Steve smiled and then turned around so that he was on all fours, face to face with Eddie's crotch while he had a similar view of his own.
"Shit, holy shit."
Anything smart Steve had to say was cut off by a shocked moan when Eddie grabbed his hips and pulled them down, absolutely devouring his cunt. Any plans he had to give Eddie a blowjob while in this position were for naught. He was helpless to do anything but rut against his face.
How could Steve put such a beautiful pussy in front of him and not expect Eddie to worship it? Especially when it was about to take his knot over and over? He caressed the swell of his cheek, drinking him in, tongue delving in and reaching even deeper. Steve's cries were music to his ears. When he felt Steve's cunt clench around his tongue as he came, he wanted to do it all over again.
But Steve shakily rose up, turning around and rubbing his cheek against Eddie's, their scents mixing. He'd said earlier that the bed didn't smell enough like them. They'd be rectifying that tonight.
Steve straddled his hips again, placing his warmth against Eddie's cock. Eddie's hands smoothed up his thighs while Steve slid on him. It was like he was giving him the dirtiest, wettest lap dance.
"Baby", Eddie whimpered, cock already leaking at the tip. "Baby, please, don't tease. Need you. Need your sweetness." His hips bucked upward, making Steve bounce.
"Oh, poor Daddy", Steve cooed. "You can't be more patient? What if I wanna cum like this?"
Eddie sobbed. He wanted to cum and normally where didn't matter. But-
"Don't worry, alpha. I know you can't give me pups unless you cum inside", Steve assured him playing into it. He lifted up to position himself and slowly slide down on Eddie's cock, watching with pride as Eddie bit his lip and held back until he was fully seated.
"You've been so good for me, alpha."
"Can I? Please, baby, lemme-"
"Yes", Steve permitted, allowing Eddie to set the pace from under him. They rocked against each other, meeting each other thrust for thrust. The bed under them creaked and Steve might've had sympathy but then Eddie reached between them to rub at his clit and Steve didn't care who heard now.
Eddie was entranced. This beautiful, beautiful man was his, all his and the cunt milking his cock right now was his and it was taking his knot and he was gonna give his omega all the pups he wante-
"Fuuuuck Steeeve." Eddie's body felt like a livewire as he drained into Steve, pumping him full.
Steve fell on top of him, kissing up his neck and then to his lips, tasting some of the remnants of his juices on Eddie. His fingers curled into the alpha's hair. Eddie's own fingers tangled in Steve's honey brown tresses and slowly rutted up into him, pushing his cum deeper. Steve moaned into his mouth. He was going to need to take double doses of birth control. He knew it didn't work that way, but every single force in the universe, including his own will, seemed intent on getting him pregnant.
The next morning, Steve was slow to wake up. Before Eddie's knot had gone away, he had gotten hard again while still inside Steve and fucked him again.
When he did awaken though, he noticed a slight change in decor. And an absence of Eddie. There was a sheet draped over the four posts of the bed, turning it into a canopy. Some of both Steve and Eddie's clothes had been left on the foot of the bed. Items that had been in their suitcases.
"Alpha?", Steve called out, voice thick with sleep still.
Eddie immediately showed himself through the curtain from the foot of the bed. He nodded to the clothes that he must have left. Steve's brain began to wake up as he realized what was happening. Eddie was denning. While omegas nested during heat, creating soft and comfortable spaces for themselves and anyone they trusted, alphas denned, building an enclosure. One that was meant to be nested in once they courted an omega. If an omega liked their den, they would nest. Eddie had brought their clothes as an offering.
Steve didn't know how good of a nest he could make when it would need to be taken down in just a few days, but he wasn't going to reject his alpha's efforts. And it made him think of perhaps building a more permanent one with his and Eddie's scents. Steve sat up and selected a few pieces, placing them near the headboard. Then he held his hands out to Eddie.
"Need you~"
Eddie crawled right up his body, it seemed he'd put on some pants before making the den. "How are you feeling?"
"Mmm, good", Steve said before letting out a soft yawn. He rubbed at his eye. "But you could make it better."
Eddie obliged right away, pulling the covers down just slightly to kiss his collarbone, then his just. For a moment, Eddie just rubbed his face in the hairs there. Eddie's lips on his stomach tickled in just the right way and it was in that exact moment that his phone began to ring. He was ready to ignore it. And then he remembered that he needed to be Eddie's contact with the outside world. He stretched over to reach for it off the nightstand, expecting to see Jeff's number, or Grant's, or Gareth's, or an unknown number because he didn't have Chrissy's yet only to see Dustin's name.
Steve truly had no idea why he could be calling him right now but at the feeling of Eddie spreading him wide and pecking at his clit, he decided it could wait. Eddie wrung out another orgasm from him with his mouth before Robin called this time. Steve hadn't the energy to answer her and let it ring. Maybe she'd get worried and think something bad happened, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Steve would fill her in later when he wasn't getting his brains fucked out.
She called again at literally that moment. Steve and Eddie had left the den to get something to eat. Had done so with Steve still fully naked, and that led to Steve being bent over a table, cunt on display before Eddie plunged into it. After that bout and a shower, Steve finally texted her back, scrolling through any of the ones she already sent. He looked himself over in the massive bathroom mirror. Of course, there were quite a few bite marks, but nothing Robin hadn't seen in case he needed to send a pic to prove his safety.
'im fine' 'im literally getting railed on the hour'
His phone buzzed in his hand and Steve could already hear the tirade his friend had prepared about not answering when he went on a cross country trip with strangers. Eddie came up from behind, body still a little damp from the shower they had just shared. He kissed Steve's shoulder, nipping every time he reached a mole.
Steve let out a sigh and answered. "Hey Robs."
"Steven Anita Harrington!"
"You know that's not my middle name-"
"Don't crack wise with me! Is that guy forcing you to be his cocksleeve while he's in rut!?", Robin accused.
"He's not exactly forcing me", Steve said, body tingling as Eddie made a soft sound against his skin.
"Angel, miss your sweet cunt, need it."
Steve took pity on him, since the last time he made Eddie cum with only his mouth. "Misses you too", he whispered, forgetting for a moment that Robin was on the line.
"Steve! Are you listening? What's he doing to you?"
Eddie knelt down, hand to the small of Steve's back to make him bend over the bathroom sink. Robin was asking the wrong questions.
"Look, Robs, can I call you back? I promise I'm safe, I promise I'll-", his sentence cut off with an incredibly pornographic moan when Eddie licked up his pussy. He had the decency to look ashamed while Steve craned his neck back to look at him.
"Actually Robin, I'm gonna call you back in a literal second. Just hang tight." Steve hung up and then turned around to frown at Eddie down on the floor. "That wasn't nice. I was on the phone."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I just couldn't resist, your pussy drives me wild baby, I needed another taste." Eddie put his hands on Steve's thighs, pleading at him with his eyes.
"You need to learn patience, alpha. And now you need to wait for it to come to you."
Eddie let out a whimper as Steve got onto the counter and opened up his legs. He dialed Robin again and held the phone with one hand while the other stroked his thigh.
"Hey Robs, so what did you wanna talk about?"
"Dustin tried calling you earlier to tell you, dingus but when you didn't answer, I assumed the worst. Twitter's blowing up because apparently you caused your rock star's rut?!"
Steve licked his fingers and then just barely touched his lips between his legs. "How would twitter know that?"
"I don't know, I only got a summary from Dustin. I was hoping to get the rest from you?"
Eddie was watching, hypnotized as Steve touched himself with the lightest of grazes, denying himself and Eddie what they truly wanted. He swallowed and let out a whimper as a little drop fell from Steve onto the counter.
"I'll fill you in later", Steve promised. "But I'm not in any danger. Having the time of my life, actually."
"Okay, just needed to hear your voice to confirm it. Go and finish getting your brains fucked out or whatever."
"Will do. And thanks Robbie, for caring about me."
"Anytime. Have fun slutting it up."
Steve hung up and gave Eddie his full attention now. He slid off the counter and grabbed the back of his head, pushing it into his pussy. Eddie could have cried. He nearly did, grasping Steve's thighs and letting him use him, with little to no finesse. Just a slide as Steve covered him in that glorious nectar.
Only when Steve was satisfied with how Eddie was anointed with his slick did he turn around and let Eddie bend him over the sink to fuck him.
In between their couplings, Eddie would sometimes press a hand to his torso, as if checking for new life. The den still didn't have a fully complete nest, just some of their clothes strewn about. Steve's omega felt it inadequate and in turn felt that he wasn't worthy for an alpha that tried so hard but he tamped it down. This wasn't about him. And for now, his alpha was pleased with his nest.
It had their belongings and smelled like them and thus far no one had come to challenge his claim or territory. On the fourth day, it seemed that Eddie was getting over the final crest of his hump. Steve would miss the moony, pussy-drunk version of his alpha, but maybe on the next rut-
No, not the next rut. Steve probably wouldn't be here for the next one. This whole thing was supposed to be temporary, as intense as it was right now.
Eddie's mind was clear enough to attempt to cook something substantial. While he did that, Steve finally opened up social media to see how the world had taken CC's tour delay. Fans seemed upset at changed plans but mollified since they were given refunds or allowed to exchange tickets for the new event time. So thankfully there wasn't any blowback from that.
The drama was all concentrated on the reason for the change. The band's official statement was a health concern. But since everyone but Eddie was shown in the statement, most people had made the correct assumption that it was due to a rut. What made Steve's stomach flip was a picture of him from a tabloid the night of the concert.
Part 10
Doing something new with this one! I want to show the whole circus of speculation and theory in the next part so if you'd like to show up in the next chapter, here's what to do:
Comment or reblog with how you'd react in universe to the news and rumors that Eddie went into rut thanks to a random omega (that he's possibly been sighted with before) and I'll add it to the next part. I just think it'd be fun. Be as nice, off-base, mean, bitchy, or neutral as you like (it's all in good fun and in the name of fic drama after all)
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stylezxsilvermoon · 29 days
but I'd bet we'd have really good bed chem » chris s. smut
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"come right on me, I mean camaraderie! see it in my mind let's fulfill the prophecy"
» chris smut one-shot based off of the storyline of "bed chem" by sabrina carpenter (in my opinion) (this may or may not turn into a series! let me know if you want more!)
wc: 4k (got carried away, oopsie)
warnings: 18+ content, youtuber relationships, oral (fem receiving), porn with plot, no use of y/n, poc friendly, fem pronouns, kinda teasing chris?? play mocking during sex, mutual friends of the triplets mentioned (they have a minor role)
this is my first chris smut (so pls be kind! feedback would be really nice!) and also I literally don't have Instagram so if the details were off use your imagination ☺️
a/n: yall i haven't written smut in literally forever, i'm more of a fantasy creative story writer so this is SO out of the realms of the comfort zone, but i'm all about pushing boundaries of my imagination so here ya go!
excerpt: sierra dawson is a bit of an it-girl, she's a popular youtuber/vlogger, all of her fans are all up in her dm's and comments begging her to meet chris sturniolo, and when an influencer party comes up hosted by one of their mutual friends, well she just has no reason to ignore the call from the universe pulling them together, right?
The silence in the room is getting loud. And I mean, really loud, most likely because I never expected this to happen. I've just uploaded my latest video addressing the drama. It looks like any other youtuber's video, I'm sat on my bed, cross legged and looking into the camera. The video has been up for exactly 10 minutes and the comments are already flooding with more fuel to the fire. My editor and I are rewatching the video to watch for any mistakes or parts that may need to be addressed later, a deep frown settles across her face.
"I think you may need another video on this." She nods "I mean, everyone wants you together, it's crazy." She nods once more, almost coming to the final verdict that my youtube career might as well be screwed the fuck over because of a man. One singular man, Chris Sturniolo.
"I don't understand why everyone is so hooked on this! I mean, I've never even seen the guy in person." I say, my attention split between her puzzled face and ghosting over Chris' "follow" button on Instagram.
"It's fate, I suppose." She shrugs "But hey, your friend Jake is hosting a party at his and roommate's place, you should go." She says "Maybe that'll put all the rumors to rest, the triplets already said they were going." She says, and I stare, dumbfounded.
"Oh yeah, sure, because the answer to putting the rumors to rest is, to show up to a party I'm sure he'll be at?" I question, as if sniffing out the bullshit in her tone.
"Sierra, if you have to meet him, you might as well be at a place where you’ll know he’ll be, so everyone can stop fantasizing about it happening." She explains calmly "But it's up to you, don't just do it because of the fans."
I hear my own voice echo off of the laptop we're watching the video/live reacting to comments on.
"Guys, I'm not dating Chris Sturniolo, so quit asking!" I say in an exasperated tone, but it's all jokes, there's no real bite in my voice.
I'm mulling over my answer to alot of things at the moment, whether or not I will follow him back and become mutual, announce I'm going to this party, because I just know we're going to be doing content. And I'll be seen with him, which means edits, lots and lots of edits.
And I have to admit, he's not that bad looking either, and he seems like a nice guy, along with his brothers they seem pretty chill. So is it really lose/lose like I'm painting it out to be?
Either way, I bite the bullet and smash that follow button and watch my screen light up with comments within the next few hours. If I'm going to be in a fire-flamed flambe of chaos, I wanna be the one holding the kerosene. I click on Instagram and post my weekly photo dump and tap my screen with my nail as I figure out what I want to caption it. But I decide to just ride this train of chaos while it's here. Because regardless of the complications of attending the party, I am still excited to go, so I might as well show that.
see you there @.jakewebber, ready to party hard and see all of our friends, including someone...special👀
I sit and watch as the comment section quickly is filled with conspiracy theories on what my 'cryptic' message could have meant. And what the implications are on the current situation, especially all of the drama surrounding me. But, I see something that absolutely shocks me, after I scroll for a hot second, I see Chris comment that same eyeball emoji I had in the post with a question mark.
And my whole world just explodes in that very moment, but obviously I try to keep it cool, even in the midst of every social platform I'm on ripping their hair out at the notion of a single reply. But regardless, all of it is to implode ten-fold once the event actually comes around. I scroll through Chris' Instagram for a few moments. Based on this and the content I've seen of him and his brothers, he seems like a pretty nice guy. And god, is he attractive, very attractive, I try to keep a tiny smile from creeping onto my face at the notion of being deemed 'fated' to him by our fans and the prospect of meeting him later on today.
I'm starting to like the idea, like a lot.
Who is Sierra Dawson, you may ask?
Well, according to sturniolo nation she's 'meant to be' with me and we should definitely start dating 'just because they say so'. Which is a bit bullshit. But regardless, us meeting was inevitable, and besides, I've been seeing her everywhere. It's almost like a sign, which i almost hate in a way.
I'm walking into the party at Jake's when I see Sierra walking in as soon as get finished greeting Jake. And woah, she's even more beautiful in person, dark skin and bouncy curls, a total knockout.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous vlog girlie with the bad rep?" I tease as I walk over, and it's as if I automatically register in her mind as who I'm known as, which is good.
"Sierra," She says as she gives me a brief hug, which I respond to in kind as I give her a little side hug.
"So what's your reason for being here? The comments?" She teases a little bluntly, which I quickly begin to like.
"Pretty much, and Jake, and we're doing some content together obviously which is really exciting, I do enjoy a good collab." I nod as I look down at her, she's a bit shorter than me, but not abnormally so.
"Is that so? A collab you say, so would you say that we are..collabing?" She asks, teasing a bit more, which causes a smirk to break out like wildfire across my face, and a bit of a blush as a chaser.
Oh boy, great.
"At this moment, I'd say so." I nod, attempting to be at least a little professional, this is our first time meeting. "I'm a big fan of your work, you always come up with good content ideas, I'd love to be in one of your videos one day." I remark, already loving the energy between us.
"Oh my gosh shut up!" She laughs "I'm a huge fan of you too, you and your brothers are hilarious." She nods, her eyes lighting up at the notion.
It only takes a moment to see that for once, in this case, the fans were actually right.
"You free next week?" We both end up saying in unison, before laughing.
"I do recall you following me on insta, but I don't remember receiving a dm." She says snarky tone, almost as if she's almost unwilling to admit the fans were right.
"Oh, you don't recall, huh?" I repeat as I pull out my phone and flash her account in her face, pointing to the following button. Not willing to give in first either.
After a very comfortable stand-off, she ends up breaking and pulling out her phone and texting me on insta, little did I know, those three little words could mean so much more later on.
‘hey, wanna collab?’
“There, it’s official.” I say proudly, as I hold my phone in my hand as I replied ‘sure, since it seems like the fans want it so much. 😊’
As the party went on, the large group of influencers began posting content for the party so each of our individual fanbases knew their faves were linking up and collaborating. The news spread like wildfire, as expected.
Nothing too crazy, Jake did his longform content, as did I. Did a couple TikTok’s, until I had an idea just then.
“Do a tiktok with me?” I asked Chris, which was sitting to my right on the big couch we all were sitting on, as he nodded.
“Course,” he said, scooting closer so we could both get in frame together, which caused me to be hyper-aware of the closeness the entire time. I could feel the fabric of his clothes against mine, which was a jean dress with a black chunky heel, and for Chris, a blue fresh love hoodie and some jeans. After I got over my irrational fear of closeness born out of this situation, we lip sang to ‘bed chem’ by Sabrina Carpenter.
After I’d posted it on my account, he looked at me with a peculiar look. “Don’t you think that song is a little…presumable?” He jokes, but with a little serious tint in his tone.
“Maybe?” I teased “I just felt like it matched the vibe of the situation, is it bad?” I ask, biting back the urge to just rage-quit and delete it before anyone could see, there was still time until-
Too late, my phone began buzzing in my hand, great.
“You’re in for a lot more conversations about us then.” He chuckled warmly as his palm found it’s home on my knee, at the end of my dress, just where the hem was. I fought the urge to melt into it.
I couldn’t explain it, everything felt so natural with him. It was almost as if fate really was pushing us together. And by fate, I mean the fans, but maybe…I assume because we’ve just both been seeing each other everywhere for a bit.
I look down at his palm, large and a little veiny and then back to his eyes, he looked for reassurance if the move was okay before I nodded discreetly and relaxed against the sofa.
“I’ve been seeing you everywhere lately, it’s safe to say you’re on my mind a lot.” He says after a moment of silence.
“Me too, seems like we can’t keep each other’s name out of our mouths, huh?” I say, which causes him to sport a lopsided prideful smirk. Insinuating a dirty joke in my words when there really wasn’t. But, if you squinted…. there perhaps was.
“I was not talking about that, I’m not saying you’re in my mouth- I mean.” I say before rolling my eyes at my mis-speak
“Sure,” he nods cooly “Let’s believe that Sierra.” He smirks again
“Don’t go marching off to the fans saying that shit.” I laughed a little, before we both begin laughing at the nightmare that’d cause.
“’Course not.” He nods, very serious but very toned down, the party isn’t all that highbrow. Very low brow and mellow, just some drinking and talking between mutual friends, and maybe…. more?
“Can you imagine? God we’d never hear the end of it.” I nod, as I unconsciously get closer, the heat of the moment drawing us closer.
As the party goes on, Chris and I continue to get a little too close for comfort, and the urge to do something with him grows closer by the second.
Until, finally, I break, shattering like glass.
“You think the fans were…right?” I gulp, speaking over the loud music, and Chris is only a hair away, staying close to me the entire party. Every time he gets up to talk to someone or his brothers, he returns right back to me. And despite everything, it sends a small thrill through me, like lightning.
God, I can’t actually want him, right?
“Hm?” He teases, inching closer and throwing an arm over my shoulder for extra affect, gazing at me with those blue eyes of his as I stare back, dumbfounded.
“They were…right, I think.” I say, as his face all of a sudden goes soft “You think so?” He says gently, before it twists into a mischievous smile.
God, he’s doing all the right things, all the right moves, it’s crazy. Is this what my fans were talking about? If so, thank the heavens above for all of this drama
The party goes on for a bit longer, until everyone gets a little too sloshed and it begins dying down. After several down-low comments to Chris, we’re both feeling a little wound up to say the least. Or at least I’m feeling the heat, more than anything. And the worst part is it’s the middle of August! Everyone’s heading out, as I make my way out, as I see Chris over to the side, waiting for me at the door.
It's almost already been established something is going down tonight, I just don’t know what. But I have a feeling I won’t be able to walk tomorrow, I’ll just have to do a sitting-down video for sure. Can’t let the fans see me limping…or maybe…no! Absolutely not! But the temptation is so strong, I can hardly resist it. All I know is that little devil on my shoulder looks a lot like Chris.
I’ve barely known him for a few hours, and I already want to jump his bones? I’m all about taking risks today, might as well keep the streak strong, right? But this isn’t just a follow or a text, this is real. But people take risks all the time? After all, as they say, don’t take the flight if it isn’t worth the fall.
“Hey.” He says, breathing smoothly into my ear as he walks me to my car, since it’s dusk dark outside.
“Hey.” I reply back, turning to face him, as his eyes are going haywire, up and down, behind me, to my face, to my tits. 3 key words; what. the. fuck.
“So, were the fans, right?” He asks as we stand against my car, watching everyone wave us goodbye as Matt stands dangling the keys to their van on his finger. From what I’m gathered Nick and Chris don’t know how to drive, and they certainly all came together.
“Yeah, they were, I think, we should try something. Don’t you agree?” I tease “After all, giving the audience what they want can’t be so wrong, right?” I smile slyly as I look him up and down, as he nods curtly. The unspoken conversation between us clear as day.
“I’m heading home with Sierra Matt, I’ll see you later.” Chris says to Matt as he gives him an odd look, overly uninterested because he’s sure he’ll be hearing it all later.
“Okay…” Matt says as he walks away and hops in the van, as he watches it drive away.
No going back now.
We make it there, and I give Chris a home-tour while I’m still at my wits. It takes the edge off of things and gives us some time to figure out whether this is about to happen or not. I head up to my bedroom, the place where I mainly film videos, the bed sheets are a plum purple and there’s a dream board above the bed. But, I’m sure he’s already seen it on his phone if he’s heard of me.
“Woah, behind the scenes.” He nods “Sierra’s studio…” he muses out loud, as I pat the bed, and he gives me a peculiar look.
“If you say so.” He says a tiny glint of excitement in his eyes.
The night turns into midnight, and our minds begin weary, and we begin to blur the line between proving the fans wrong and falling harder, for sure. In fact, I’m confused why we hadn’t met earlier, even.
We lay on my bed, our feet dangling off the bed, talking and talking for hours to get to know each other, even after the party. Everything still feels so much, I still feel the buzz of music in my ears, the pounce of the pavement against my heels.
“They were right.” He sighs, running a hand through his brown short hair, his earrings glittering as he moves his head in the slightest.
“Why do they always have to be right!” I groan, but there’s no real bite in my voice, just like the video, just like tonight.
I keep making choices I know will not lead to the rumors to an early grave, in fact it’s really leading them to a euphoric beginning of an everlasting life. Each comment, edit and rumor pumping life into the veins of something between us.
Usually, fans drive people apart, but tonight? I couldn’t feel closer.
“You like that they were right.” He smirks as he turns to me, looking me up and down.
“I do, I really do.” I nod, inching closer, as his hands clasp my waist all of a sudden, and the world’s feeling smaller than usual. The bed, that usually cascades for what feels like miles feels small and cramped with him in it.
“And I was right, wasn’t I?” He smirks, his lips creeping closer to my ear, pressing a kiss there.
“Is this really about being right?” I ask, gasping at the feeling.
“You started this.” He reminds me, maintaining that power over me, and I feel the sparks of chemistry in my veins like tiny fireworks.
“Did not.” I pout like a child, but there’s no use, I’m already wrong.
His head turns to me, stopping to make sure this is really what I want, seeing if I’ll defy him, defy what the fans had said about us. About what would happen.
“Oh, Sierra, you so did.” He nods, teasing further and further, reaching for the hem of my dress, testing the waters gently while remaining on the absolute edge of defying the fates that’s been set before us.
“Now what happens next, is up to you and me, not the fans.” He hums
“Of course I know that.” I scoff, pulling him closer gently and running my hands through his hair as he closes his eyes in bliss, and I take the chance of his eyes being closed as a sign of risks being taken.
I kiss him, he kisses back ever so gently, his lips coasting against mine like a California shoreline. Fizzing and bubbling with chemistry.
“Fuck,” he hisses, pulling me closer by my thigh, effectively parting my thighs as he slips between them. We kiss for a bit longer before he takes control, getting on top of me quickly, it’s like a flip switched between us.
“Gonna fuck you now, okay with that?” He smirks between kisses
“Yeah.” I breathe heavily as he nods against my lips, taking a moment to breathe as his lips drift down my neck as his hand finds my clothed core, rubbing over it like a mad man.
I yelp and attempt to close my legs, but he keeps them open.
“Ah-ah.” He tuts as he pulls away, I instantly sit up before I watch him take off his shirt, his toned body casting shadows against the dim-lit room. The crevices of his collarbones being explored by the shadows entices me.
In this time, he ever so gently gets my dress off, the Jean dress coasting on a smooth zipper, his hands down my back, grabbing and feeling until it’s off, and I’m in my bra and underwear. He whistles at the sight.
“Beautiful.” He smiles softly, continuing to rub my core as he returns to my parted legs. He dives in for a deep kiss, tongue and all. His hands are all over, mine are all over him too, all in his hair as I grind against his fingers.
“If you want me to do anything, gotta get these off hm?” He teases as I lift my hips as they come flying off within a split second.
“Good, very good, oh Sierra.” He muses, his voice breaking with emotion “the fans were right, I am going to destroy that cunt” he says, before I can even blink his lips are all over my clit as I gasp and my legs shake.
“Chris-“ I cry out, grabbing at the sheets as he works his fingers between my folds, stuffing them in my mouth before pushing them in my pussy.
“Mhm, yeah, what were you saying in that video?” He says between kissing and licking my pussy. “Guys I don’t like chris sturniolo!” He mocks as I’m eating it up like a flame does oxygen, his fingers working on my clit now as he’s circling around my hole, stars in my eyes.
“I didn’t say it like that.” I whine as his other hand goes up and shoves his fingers in my mouth.
“I don’t even know him! We could never happen!” he mocks again, a teasing glint in his voice “Oh Sierra, look at you eat those words.” He says, his voice muffled by my pussy as he eats it like he’s never ate in his entire life. His tongue flat licking over my pussy like a starved man, sucking from my clit like he’s desperate for air. And when I start getting close, he keeps up the teasing as I grasp at his hair.
“That’s it sweetheart, mhm, come for me.” He slurs, not pulling away until I’m over the edge.
“God you’re so! Gah!” I cry as I come apart on his tounge “Chris! Fuck!” I shout as I collapse against the bed, the orgasm wracking through me like a freight train. Chris keeps on rubbing on my clit like a mad man.
“Satisfied?” he asks, smug as ever. “You came all over my face, you’re gonna pay for that.” He remarks with that glint in his eye.
It’s clear to me that we’ve only just begun.
Within minutes I’m balls-deep inside Sierra Dawson. Which is something I never thought would be happening. Regardless, we’re both moaning like crazy people, fans be forgotten, bed shaking, earth quaking.
“H-holy shit.” I say, bottoming out again and again as I hit that special spot.
“Don’t say it.” She grits, still holding onto that bit of bratty attitude and resistance despite coming multiple times underneath me.
“Oh?” I tease as I suddenly stop “Say what?” I ask curiously, hands above my head in a uncaring manner, smug. “Could do this all day sweetheart.” I smirk
“Alright fine,” she remarks, and within a second I’m already back to it, and her back is arched off the bed. Kissing the hollows in her clammy skin that’s somehow frosty and flaming hot all at once. Must be that hot-n-cold attitude.
“Yeah…” I coo in her ear, biting it gently, slowing down just a bit. “Because I’m not inside of you right now, mhm?” I tease, tilting my head to meet her lips gently, kissing her slowly.
“Put some respect on my name next time you make one of those little videos huh?” I say in a snarky tone as I look in her little Bambi eyes, fluttering and filled with those fucked-out tears.
“God.” She says, throwing her head back, hiding her gaze from me as I snap her head right back, grabbing her pretty little face.
“Look at me sweet thing.” I say gently. We’re both close and we know it too, and within seconds I’m bursting inside of her and she’s coming perfectly on my cock, eyes wide and looking at me.
After everything, and I mean everything I never expected that to happen. Or maybe I did, maybe it’s all in my head...
The next morning after Chris and I shower, roll around in bed talking each other’s ears off, we decide to film a Tiktok, maybe just because of the controversy, or we just wanna be little bitches to our fans.
We lip-sing to bed-chem once again, but this time a different line different time.
“Come right on me! I mean camaraderie!” I lip synch while looking in his eyes as he sings the back vocals “bet we’d have really good bed chem.” 
And later on, after it’s posted, it’s clear the rumors is thriving and creating new theories on things we never even thought possible, or even true. Pregnancy, rebounds, covering for what happened last night at the party, since we were seen together and even more ridiculous fantasies.
But we see a special comment that catches our eye “they’re so cute together!”
We each like that one on our insta after we post some pictures together from my bed. Which can only mean one thing, to the fans at least, a collab. They may never know what we’re up too, and it’s a mystery for me too, even. I never expected things to take such a turn. But alas, Chris’ shirtless body in my bed sort of makes all the rumors worth it, even if they’re only just rumors.
Or are they?
a/n: yall I totally got carried away with this PLOT lord, but I had really alot of fun writing it, let me know if yall want a part 2? I feel like it's sort of open ended so I could do another sabrina carpenter short n sweet song one-shot for Sierra and Chris or make it a series? Whatever yall want to be honest! I like both ideas, I think I'd do Juno next if I did, but a part 2 to this storyline sounds kinda cool!
also yall sorry the smut was so bad😭 I never write smut like literally ever so that part of it was kind of short and I know that's the main part but I've literally never written chris before so I was freaking on writing him kinda accurately so..yeah
all the love, stylezxsilvermoon! (I'll add this to my masterlist later on and make a series masterlist if you guys end up wanting it!) I'll make a tag list for anyone that wants notifs for the next part if I make one? Umm I'm new to this LMFAO, comments, reblogs and likes are totally appreciated!
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