#not that he's good health-wise
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months ago
Tim AU (Terminal AU)
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was thinking lately about how Tim seriously needs his own mantle and that i don't like that he returned to Robin after his stint as Red Robin.... and thus this was created.
named him Terminal because of what you see up there with the definitions. Tim coming into his own hero would be the "death" or "end" of his time as Robin for good, signaling a new era for him. He had to choose this path (because he was forced to). And also, the last one really felt Tim. I wanted to see if there was a part of a camera that I could use as the name (because I am a sucker for Tim and his photography, even if it's not "canon"), and saw the terminal cover and I went looking. and here we are!
It still very much looks like his old Robin suit but that was on purpose. He's not Robin, but I don't think he would branch away from it completely (because for Dick and Jason the circumstances were different), so I think he'd keep most of the suit design, but would go with developing a lot of his own gadgetry. hence: more storage space. (seriously considering that Tim would keep adding belts and then decide to change his pants, and from there he'd start losing aspects of the Robin suit naturally and delve more into an older look.)
color scheme based off of the desert, which I think was a serious turning point for him. + the gas mask because Gotham villains LOVE to poison, gas, etc and Tim, newly spleenless, should not take any chances with that. DC why did we ignore he lost his spleen. why.
(also i am obsessed with the pen I made but I'm still doing some tweaks to it/figuring out exactly how I want it. once i figure it out i WILL be unstoppable just watch me)
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lolottes · 21 days ago
Two face birthday, the Fenton Ghost Catcher tm and bats
The Fenton parents decided that to finance their new series of inventions, they were going to sell some of their inventions that they ultimately never used (and that the GiW does not want) on an inventor auction site… the most part of their invention is sold for almost nothing but the Fentons were committed to selling whatever the price, so… they must find other ways to earn money easily… maybe a fudge sale !
Two face managed to get his hands on the Fenton Ghost Catcher tm. OK, the other rogues give him a kind of tasteless gag gift for his birthday.
Except it works! Two-Face and harvey are free from each other!!! Two-Face remains in place but suffice to say that harvey went to celebrate with his best friend bruce who decided the best idea to have the machine studied by his company, Harvey therefore gives the location
So the Fenton Ghost Catcher tm ends up at the batcave that same evening
But after an argument and shoving, several members of the batfam go through the Fenton Ghost Catcher tm and the Fenton Ghost Catcher tm works for some of them as well and in the accident the machine is damaged
Cerize on the cake, harvey WITH Two-Face comes back the next day because they both feel sick…
They must urgently find out who the Fenton(s) are
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So, based on my headcanon Peeta uses both a wheelchair at home or crutches to prevent hurting both his amputated leg AND his good one.
He absolutely delights toastbabies by riding with them on his lap in the chair. They love to playfully try and push him and play in it when Peeta isn't using it. They request their own play crutches to 'walk like papa does', which of course Katniss makes them because when can she say no to her babies ever?.
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canisalbus · 1 year ago
just found ur blog and im kind of obsessed. especially with machete,, i relate to him so much. i know youve said he has anemia, does he have chronic pain? because i would love to project my own onto him. he is so!!!!
Thank you! I'm glad you like him!
I think a lot of the time he's in varying levels of vaguely uncomfortable. He gets headaches and migraines, often from some extremely fixable bad habits like not resting or eating enough, and from stress and work related neck and shoulder tension. His eyes are very sensitive to bright lights and he doesn't see that well, so he ends up squinting more than he should, which leads to chronic eyestrain and more headaches.
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blossoms-phan · 5 months ago
phil has always been a good looking man but the blonde has truly elevated him to another level of extreme beauty
if you asked me a year ago if phil should go blonde i'd be like no way that would look so weird and not suit him at all, and i would be 100% wrong. the man is a god now.
SO TRUEE like i'm genuinely floored every time i see a new picture or him in a video... i was gagged from the first sight admittedly i couldn't tell if it might wash him out a little in certain lighting but i couldn't be more convinced now that it was 100000% the right move for him. especially with the roots poking out now like it's just SUCH a good look i think since he wanted to do it for so long the confidence and happiness just elevates it even further he KNOWS it looks good and he's literally glowing and so so so pretty
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oetscop · 3 months ago
god its been 7 months on T. i should probably come out to my dad soon 😀 fuck. my voice is in fact dropping now noticeably so
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indigospyder · 4 months ago
You know, sometimes I’ll think “oh I really liked reading as a child but there weren’t any books that really molded my personality.”
And then I’ll look at a self insert character I’ve made and realize it’s literally a fucking reskin of Sydney Carton from A Tale of Two Cities.
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skinreflectsthesun · 1 year ago
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sagehaubitze · 11 months ago
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Today was Flak's birthday, the big one one, eleven years! Little grumpy old-ass man.
Dug in the dirt some, harassed some people, got a peanut butter chess pie baked for him... I'd say he can't complain, but he can, he will definitely find something to complain about. (but he likes complaining too, so he can't really complain about that either)
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victorluvsalice · 6 months ago
AU Thursday: Valicer In The Dark -- Fun With Trauma
Hi all -- it's time to talk about my VITD trio again! Specifically, today we're discussing their Traumas! :D Now, "Trauma" in Blades In The Dark refers to a condition your scoundrel picks up when they max out their stress during the course of their adventure -- once they fill up all their stress boxes, they have some sort of mental break, can no longer participate in the rest of the current score, and develop a new specific personality quirk that will haunt them for the rest of the adventures. A character can develop four traumas before they have to be retired from life as a scoundrel (either literally retiring or being thrown into jail as a sacrifice to the Bluecoats). On the plus side, each new trauma is also a chance to earn extra XP -- if your character struggles with the side effects of a trauma during a score, you can mark a point or two of XP for it and level up your character a little bit faster. The book has eight potential traumas for scoundrels to pick up -- Cold, Haunted, Obsessed, Paranoid, Reckless, Soft, Unstable, and Vicious -- but as I've thought about my trio and where I want them to go (and what other systems in the book I'd like to use), I've come up with somewhat more bespoke traumas for them:
-->Alice: Our favorite Cutter actually starts with a trauma -- as I've mentioned before, I looked at the description for the Haunted trauma -- "You’re often lost in reverie, reliving past horrors, seeing things" (pg 14) -- and went "yeah, that pretty well covers her hallucinations of Wonderland." (It's the reason she also gets two starting abilities instead of just one -- trade-off!) As for her next potential trauma, I was initially considering Vicious -- "You seek out opportunities to hurt people, even for no good reason" -- but then decided that perhaps a slightly more logical one would be a tweaked form called Overprotective -- "You make sure everyone knows that what's yours is yours, to the point of violence." Alice is, of course, protective of Victor and Smiler even before she picks up this particular trauma, but afterward, she can get a little overenthusiastic about keeping danger away from them, simply because she doesn't want to lose the people she loves again. That house fire where her family died did a number on her head, after all! The pair probably have to rein her in sometimes to make sure she doesn't accidentally cause them more trouble trying to keep them safe. I don't have a specific scene in mind for what triggers it, but I know it would have to involve Victor and/or Smiler getting hurt and her just letting loose to protect them.
-->Victor: My initial ideas for a trauma for our lovely Whisper were Paranoid -- "You imagine danger everywhere; you can’t trust others" -- as the result of a particularly dangerous score that spooked him badly, or Obsessed -- "You’re enthralled by one thing: an activity, a person, an ideology" -- as the result of him getting a little too much into studying the dangerous magic of Duskwall...but then, while researching the Ritual special ability to figure out how to create new rituals for Victor to use, I found the sample ritual "Portal to the Depths" -- which involves singing an ancient song to open a portal up into the Void Sea, swamping anyone unlucky enough to be in front of it with its dark water filled with mysterious starlight and dragging them into the cold depths. The thing is, whenever someone uses this ritual, along with taking six stress, they must also tick a progress clock called "Seduced By The Leviathan's Song."
Cue me coming up with a scene where Victor, having filled up that progress clock, is with Alice and Smiler at The Docks (yes, this the name of a neighborhood in the city; it is self-explanatory) -- and ends up getting mind-controlled by the song of a nearby Leviathan into nearly walking off one of said docks to either drown or get devoured. Fortunately, this is after the trio have started playing with hypnosis in their private lives, and Smiler and Alice are able to stop him in his tracks by invoking their control over his mind -- but the experience leaves Victor with the custom trauma Phobia -- "You are terrified of a particular person, thing, or place and refuse to be near it." As you might imagine, Victor's terror revolves around the ocean, and he refuses to be anywhere near it if he can -- no more scores involving The Docks for this trio!
-->Smiler: Deciding on any trauma conditions for our cheerful combination Leech/Slide was a bit tricky for me at first -- not only is Smiler a naturally-cheery person who takes a lot of things that would stress out others in stride (see them very casually talking to ghosts in "Start At The Beginning...Sort Of"), they also of course end up in possession of the ability Functioning Vice, which allows them to adjust how much stress they clear when indulging their Vice and makes emptying out that track between scores a lot easier. I really wasn't sure which of the ones on offer would actually fit them --
And then. While reading through the "Changing The Game" section of the book, I stumbled across the "Forgotten Gods" section in "Advanced Abilities and Permissions." Which details what happens when your character opens their mind to a forgotten god -- including access to the ability Glorious Visage, which allows the character to hit everyone in the vicinity with an image of the god's form, costing them three stress and causing everyone around them to at least flee in fear or be paralyzed with dread. The more traumatized the character, the more harm they can do, up to killing a specific person by shattering their mind. I was like "Oooooo, wow, creepy but neat" --
And then I was like "Smiler's already been touched by their god..."
Cue the creation of the custom trauma Vessel -- "Your body is capable of hosting the will of a forgotten god -- and they know it." The way I see this working for Smiler is, the first time they overmax their stress, their god Mar-Mal sees this, is like "!!! Let me help!" and straight-up possesses their body for the rest of the score. Fortunately they do leave once the danger is passed -- helped by Victor and Alice going "It would make us VERY HAPPY if you gave us Smiler back" -- and Smiler recovers from the experience, but the door has been opened in their head, and it's not being shut anytime soon. The trauma automatically gives them access to the customized special ability Joyous Visage -- where Smiler can use Mar-Mal's power to stun people with happiness (it works a bit like the "Hysteria" power in VTMB's version of the Dementation discipline, with people getting completely incapacitated by laughter) -- but every time Smiler uses that power, a die must be rolled. On a six, they use the power safely and only take two stress; on a five through two, they use the power but Mar-Mal takes an interest in the proceedings, forcing them to take three stress; and on a one, Mar-Mal is like "time to take over again!" and possesses their body for the rest of the score. On the plus side, Mar-Mal automatically succeeds at everything they do while in control of Smiler's body (they are a fucking god, after all); on the minus side, when they leave, Smiler has to deal with Level 2 "Post-Possession Exhaustion" harm (because hosting the power of a god is no joke). Smiler has mixed feelings about this whole situation -- on the one hand, they're super excited that they can host the will of their god and not die, but on the other...they are a little scared that maybe, one day, Mar-Mal won't give their body back...
And there we have it -- three lovely traumas for my characters to suffer with! I don't know yet when they'll come into play during all the various stories I have planned, but they are there when I need them! I'm sure the trio are thrilled. XD
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little-mimikyuwu · 3 months ago
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hairydykecunt · 11 months ago
the only things on my mind this week has been ‘i wanna kiss i wanna kiss i wanna kiss i wanna kiss’ and ‘OMG I LOVE MY CAT SM I HOPE I CAN KEEP HER ^_^’
here r more pictures !!!!! and a really funny gif of her lol she had catnip Probably for the first time (i assume?) and she was KNOCKED out after… eepy girl
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fragmentedblade · 1 year ago
I can't believe they apparently introduced Ratio by showing him playing chess alone and taunting himself. What a dork. I actually love him
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doomednarrative · 2 years ago
Listen as much as I love Ryuki, I think the deeper themes of OOO hit a much more personal chord for me and this is like. The Show for me
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werewolfdog · 16 days ago
are you and M around the same age? are you "equals" at your job or is he your supervisor or anything like that? i don't wanna be presumptuous at all, but as someone who also gets affected by people caring about them and expressing that, i do wonder if it could be a situation where there could be a power dynamic. again, i don't mean to assume anything bad, it's just something people have had to tell me before, and i hope that it's safe for you to have those feelings, whatever they are :)
He's a fifteen years+ older full time program counsellor and we’re a part time program counsellor assistant, but our roles and responsibilities are fairly the same! I completely understand your concern, though, and I appreciate it a lot. ;; A bit ago, I could sense Sol had a concern similar to yours as well, but when I vented to them about how I felt it's wrong having these feelings and thoughts and I felt guilty + ashamed about them, Sol told me as long as the dynamic M and I have are comfortable and healthy for us, then what we have should be okay! But I think I'm in a safe position! I don't think he's the kind of person to hurt me in any form and degree, not after everything he had done for and said to me thus far.
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sarcasmandsnozzberries · 9 months ago
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