#not that anyone cares lol
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skyward-floored · 4 months ago
Btw this was the original idea for days 10 18 & 26. Ganon was supposed to have more of a vampirey vibe overall but it didn’t really come across in the fic apart from a couple things. I would’ve liked to explore that a little more, but that’s okay I’m happy with how it turned out in the end
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queer-goddess-of-the-hunt · 4 months ago
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Based on my recent poll asking people who their favorite is. I find it fascinating that the majority of fans preferred Dan originally. Also love that now phannies are less likely to have a favorite between them
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single-snail · 1 year ago
if lokius kiss i’ll get a lokius tattoo you can consider this legally binding
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outofcontextdanandphil · 4 months ago
Psa: I'm gonna work all day today so not sure if/when I'll have time to post clips of the LA preshow 🥲
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everybodylovesmusiala · 9 months ago
Hi. Remember me?
i decided to try to come out of hiding and to live blog as many germany games as i can during these euros
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cntarella · 2 months ago
Poetry Round-Up 2024, Pt. 1
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How to Carry Water by Lucille Clifton (2020) - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A beautiful, poignant, often sad, and sometimes joyful collection of poems. Lucille Clifton takes a lot of inspiration from her day to day, its tragedies and triumphs, and condenses them into some of the most throat-punching lines imaginable. These poems are meditations on race, family, womanhood, religion, illness—the primary concerns of her life, which seem deceptively simple at first but are full of genuine emotion. The recurring images of nature (flowers and fields, especially in the context of being barren or bountiful), the overabundance of the body (extra limbs, cancerous growths, an excess that can prove dangerous or destructive), and women as figures of religious suffering (Mary, Leda) each connect back to her own positionality—a Black woman, a mother, a widow, a cancer survivor, a person moving through the world with both the burden and gift of life.
Love Poems by Pablo Neruda (2008) - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I have always loved Neruda—his evocative, impressionistic, and passionate poetry ranges anywhere from romance to politics. Even in this collection of love poems, one cannot escape the political underpinnings which drive so much of his other works (and in the same vein, his political works are deeply tied to his romantic views of the world)—love bursts with violence; love is a return to home from exile; love is overwhelming in its intensity, a force of nature all its own. For Neruda, the erotic is deeply connected with images of nature, his lover's body like mountains and trees, the entanglement of their roots and their tides. This small collection packs the best of those qualities in it, and makes for a very enjoyable read especially for those who are looking for a gateway into poetry.
Incorrect Merciful Impulses by Camille Rankine (2015) - ⭐️⭐️⭐️¾
A great collection of poems that also throws the most devastating, gut-punch lines at you. Camille Rankine's poetry is urgent and electric, romantic and melancholy, and so much of it is about the ache of being in this world—of longing to be in it, to accept its hurts, and not dismiss its joy by distancing yourself from pain. I actually enjoyed the vague, dreamlike quality of the language that other reviewers have found a little off-putting. The poems sometimes feel very spare and rhythmic, but not in a way that makes it feel overly clunky, and reading out loud definitely improves the experience.
When Angels Speak of Love by bell hooks (2007) - ⭐️⭐️½
There isn't much to say about this one. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me as much as I wanted it to considering how much I like bell hooks' more political writing on race, gender, capitalism, and the like. bell hooks wrote prolifically on the subject of love, and this collection is a meditation on love and its varying intensities and registers—familial, passionate, tragic, sexual, religious. The poetry itself sometimes borders on too simplistic, focusing more on the resonance of image rather than language. There is a particular emphasis around the holiness and oneness of love, love as a sanctuary, love the product of grace and glory (in the religious sense)—could be read as a very traditional interpretation of love, but there is something compelling about the way hooks’ lack of punctuation makes the distinct phrases run into one another, as if the poem is mimicking this fluidity between lover and beloved.
Mysteries of Small Houses by Alice Notley (1998) - ⭐️⭐️
Was very underwhelmed by this collection, which is disappointing given what a celebrated and prolific poet Alice Notley is. I just did not get on with the style of her poetry, which often felt very fragmentary, so that the association between image and meaning felt almost nonexistent—hard to follow a through-line in a single stanza, let alone a whole multi-page poem.
Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season by Forough Farrokhzad (2022) - ⭐️⭐️⭐️½
A selection of poetry from an influential Iranian poet and film director, starting from early in her career through some of the last poems she wrote before her premature death at age 32. I had very mixed feelings about this particular collection. It was middling in the first half where many of her poems felt imitative classical Persian poets (specific imagery, cadences, etc.) in a way that felt shallow, rather than transformative of the form and imagery she is referencing. One interesting feature I found in her poems was the use of repetition, whether in words, lines, structures, that made me think that perhaps these poems are meant to be vocalized (and especially in their native language rather than translation) in a hymn or chant to fully feel the effect—again, not dissimilar to the Persian oral classics or Nakahara Chuuya's song-like rhythm. This quality is utilized a lot more effectively in the later poems, which speak more to her lived experiences and therefore offer more interesting subjects to plumb the depths—her affairs, motherhood and childbirth, alienation and exile, among the very least of them. The topic of her work is highly personal and, also, inseparably political as a female poet who chose to reproach respectability, moving from passion to pain to ruminations of mortality that tragically seem to anticipate an early death in her last years.
09/09: Nine Japanese Female Poets/Nine Heian Waka Poems by Naoko Fujimoto (2024) - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A small translated selection of female Heian poets, book-ended by Naoko Fujimoto's own interpretation of the pieces and then a small essay on the personal importance of the poem (whether it was the time she first encountered it, the meaning that resonates over a thousand years, or something else). The translations themselves read very well, but what I enjoyed most where the haibun directly preceding each translation to offer context on its historical background and emotional underpinnings—which can seem so opaque when in such a short, impressionistic form. It was a bit like her own hanka, one poet speaking to another across a thousand years, keeping up with the long-held tradition of poetry exchange.
Motherlands: Poems by Weijia Pan (2024) - ⭐️⭐️
A collection of poems that touches both the personal and political, andwhat it means to feel displaced in a home that is far from home. Weijia Pan's poetry speaks to his experience in the diaspora, how such a movement puts him farther from both country and history as the years pass, but also brings him closer to their heart as he reflects on the specific way the world encounters him as part of these legacies. Legacy is a central motif in this collection, and in particular, those passed between family—son, father, grandfather, and country all reckoning with the inheritance of trauma. Interestingly, Weijia Pan characterizes the country as "mother," when all the most important relationships traced in this collection were about men. Overall, did not work for me. While the subjects and themes covered were interesting, the poems themselves felt imagistically weak and lyrically boring.
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orchid3a · 1 year ago
*wipes the dashboard* hi guys...
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arcane-vagabond · 1 year ago
Let's play a game called "How long is this one-shot going to be if I'm at 4100 words and nothing has happened yet?"
It's gonna be so fun for me though
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sluttyjonahmagnus · 1 year ago
having weird rarepairs in this fandom is so hard because like on one hand i've seen y'all go nuts over some weird/interesting ships
on the other i know it'll get crickets
and on a third mysterious hand this ship could only be done in an AU so lmao
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loveshinesbrightly · 11 months ago
it's my birthday today :3
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0ccuria · 1 year ago
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In the 6 months after the Netherbrain debacle, Qi let's her hair grow out and before going to the reunion, has the kids in Raithwin braid and accessorize it for her 😊
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beckyharvey29 · 1 year ago
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msburgundy · 1 year ago
my fear going into phase 2 of the experiment is that what i was doing is absolutely working and that it's going to revert back to how it was when i stop
but i need to test it out to know, because i don't want to take anything any longer than i actually have to
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jojosgaylittleadventure · 1 year ago
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goldeunoias · 1 year ago
Guess who’s 21 now 😝😝😝😝
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spo0kybat · 2 years ago
Its been super long since i've posted last omg im sorry buy im here now! How is everyone? <<33
We moved houses and its been super rough so thats why no posting in a while but i think ive settled enpigh to start doing my basic shit again.. and yes the mental illnesses are indeed mental illnessing. The vibe is strong. Pls send help. my therapy is ending in september and after that idek what will happen im super scared tbh.
But i hope youre doing okay and pls send me a message if you want to talk im here <<33
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