#not tagging gaster because he deserves better
This is a (sort of) fanfic for that one comic where gaster is very mean by the artist whose name starts with Z
More or less an extended version of this. Warning for vague discussion of abuse and trauma.
StrongFish91 likes a post from 20XX:
(pic of Alphys)
W. D. Gaster likes this.
Alphys: ……yeah i did :/
i had NO idea what he was doing, he never told anyone anything
im so sorry you can unfriend me if you want x.x
Papyrus: IT’S FINE
Alphys: he wasn’t really???
i helped him set up his profile actually
so we could chat more easily and stuff
he didn’t use it a lot… just commented on other people’s posts
are you mad at me? im really sorry
Papyrus: NO
CoolSkeleton95 updated status: Taking a break from UN for now.
ALPHYS commented: hope youre doing ok ^^
StrongFish91 commented: Come back soon punk!!!! OR whenever you’re ready.  I’ll text you!!!!
Sans: hey i saw your UN post?
u doin ok?
Papyrus: yeah
Just need to take a break
Sans: okay
is anything going on?
Papyrus: No.
sans: lmao sure
Papyrus: Just leave it Sans.
I’m sorry. That was rude.
Sans: it’s fine just
you kind of… always say that when you’re upset
and I try to help and you get mad at me
so can you be honest with me pls
Papyrus: I don’t want to get into an argument.
sans: ….oh
so it’s about /him/?
…did you turn off your phone
screw you too then I guess
sans: so im never gonna have kids but if russ ever has them im gonna use my brotherly authority to make their middle names foo bar and baz
sans: thats a programming joke
sans: al please clap alphys: ASJKFHKAJHSDKJ
sans: thanks for the pity al.
alphys: NO ITS GOOD
alphys: how is papyrus anyway? saw he’s taking a break from undernet sans: not talking to me lol
sans: i think he’ll be ok its probably just old stuff
alphys: yeah……
alphys: so please dont be mad but
alphys: he saw some of my old UN posts that your dad liked
alphys: and he asked me about them today so maybe thats whats bothering him?
alphys: im sorry i never told you but we used to be friends sort of. well he was my boss and i thought he was cool i swear i didnt know what kind of person he really was until after he died
alphys: ill delete all those posts he liked. i just feel so bad i hope papyrus is ok
alphys: are you ok?
alphys: are you still there? fuck im so sorry
sans: im still here. dont worry about it
sans: i was looking up his profile. looks like a cool guy lol
sans: kinda reminds me of papyrus and me
alphys: NO youre nothing like him!
sans: gtg im gonna talk to papyrus.
sans: im not mad at you
alphys: ok take care….. <3
dear papyrus,
writing this on paper because im 99% sure you turned off your phone.  but i know you’re in your room.  i saw you let the dog in.  you dont have to talk to me right now but please at least read this.
alphys told me about what happened earlier. i looked at his profile too. i saw his comments. alphys said she thought he was cool and i sorta get why, if he talked and acted like you.
but youre not like him. youd never hurt someone on purpose. youre not arrogant and youre not cruel.
honestly, im more like him than you are. he used to say that all the time. he said i’d understand why he did all that to us one day. must have been a real idiot if he thought i understood him better than you did.
im gonna shove this under your door.  ill be in my room when youre ready to talk. or you can text me.
love, sans (corny but true)
papyrus: Thanks for the letter.
papyrus: Please don’t think of yourself that way.  You’re not like him at all.
sans: oh dang that was fast. thought you wouldn’t talk to me for at least another day lol
papyrus: Can we just drop this for now?
sans: sure thing.
sans: youre not mad at alphys are you? she means well
papyrus: I’m not mad. But I also don’t want to talk about this anymore.
papyrus: And I just sent you a letter.
sans: awwww for me?
papyrus: You can keep it if you want.
sans: ...
sans: you can have it
My name is Papyrus.  I am a skeleton who lives in Snowdin with my brother, Sans.
Sans and I were created and raised by W. D. Gaster.  He used us for experiments with magic.  He died when we were still young.
Gaster and I have some things in common.
He used all-caps while typing, like I do.  He would focus on small pursuits for long periods of time without breaks, just like I get absorbed in my puzzles.  Many people liked him.
This does not mean that we are exactly the same.  I would never do what he did.
Gaster also had some things in common with Sans.  They both loved mathematics and physics.  Both of them often felt depressed.  Many people loved and supported Gaster, and many people love and support Sans.
Gaster thought they were the same, but they could never be the same.  Sans is too kind, too compassionate, to be anything like Gaster.  Even when we fight, it’s clear how much he cares about me.
We are better people than Gaster ever was.  And we can help each other be even better if we support and love each other.
Love, Papyrus
(P.S. Sans I didn’t write this for you at first, but I want you to see it.) (P.P.S. I’ll start writing in all-caps again eventually.)
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Can i get a reaction from the friendly Little Underling guys if they saw helper going on a date with someone?
((Course~~ Here you go! Hope you enjoy this~))
* Riffle/Mafiatale Sans ‘ The Mobster ‘ - Riffle honestly would be curious. He wouldn’t be angry or anything. He just wants to know who you are going out with. When he wouldn’t recognize who it is, he would take a picture of the woman, just to make sure that she’s right for you, when he’ll research into her background.
* Rose/Mafiatale Papyrus ‘The Right Hand ‘ - Rose would probably laugh at it. Oh yeah, she thinks she’s important? Well, she’s probably just a toy to you. He’s not even worried about you playing with her, because he knows that you would never like someone like that. You have better tastes, that’s for sure.
* Riggs/Mafiafell Sans 'The failing underling' - Riggs would try to act like he was happy, but if he was, why did he feel like breaking the woman’s neck? Honestly, he was feeling so weird around you these past few days... He wonders if he is maybe getting sick?
* Whip/Mafiafell Papyrus ‘ The Boss ‘ - Whip would feel uncomfortable. He never thought that he would see you with clothes outside of your suit and looking so happy with someone that wasn’t him or his brother... But he wouldn’t say anything. He wasn’t in any position to do that...
* Slate/Mafiaswap Sans ‘ The Two-Faced ‘ - Slate would have a serious talk with you back at home. Honestly, it’s like you are a child. You know that people will use you for your power right? And clearly, that woman was doing that to you. You better stop hanging around her and instead hang with him. He would never use you and in general, he is your enemy. It’s your turn to take care of him.
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' - Jealous. He would feel jealous. Not too long ago, he was walking and joking with you, and now someone else was doing that... He would probably come back to the mansion, feeling like he lost something very important...
* Casanova/Mafiaswapfell Sans ' The Angry Boss ' - He would be angry. How dare some whore try and steal his human! Well, he’ll show her! He will run up to you too, before dragging you away and not stopping even if you or that whore would try to get your or his attention. He knew that he should have out a collar on you, that way people would know that you belong to someone. Actually, he’ll do exactly that when you two go back to the mansion.
* Rus/Mafiaswapfell Papyrus ‘The Jack-Of-All-Trades ‘ - Rus would feel happy for you. Honestly, you deserve to find a little sweetheart to settle down with. He would probably ask for more details after you return from your date. He knows that you have some good inside of you and he’s glad someone managed to see that too.
* Mal/Mafiafellswap Sans ‘ The Malevolent Boss ‘ - Mal would be... confused. Who could ever actually like you? Was that woman trying to get on your good side too? Smart woman. He would follow the two of you, trying to see if the woman would give him any good tips to use on you later on himself. 
* Toots/Mafiafellswap Papyrus ' The kind follower ' - Toots would probably roll his eyes. Wonderful, you found some whore that enjoyed your annoying personality. Was that something that he should care about? Exactly, he shouldn’t and he won’t. 
* Grim/Mafiahorror Sans ' The Devoted follower ' - Grim would be pissed, that’s for sure. He’s not sure why, but he doesn’t like how happy and comfortable you are looking. He would come over to you both and start trying to hint at your date that you are cheating on him with her so she would just disappear as fast as possible. 
* Dreary/Mafiahorror Papyrus ' The cowardly follower ' - Dreary would glance at you, smiling a little bit and waving, before heading back to his path. He wouldn’t try to interrupt, but he would tell Chompers and Grims about your date, hoping that they would do something about it... it just felt wrong that you were on a date with someone who wasn’t from the mansion.
* Syrup/Mafiafellswap Gaster ‘The Spy ‘ - On the outside, he would be excited for you and congratulate you. He would approach you on the date, tease you jokingly, trying to show your date that he is much closer to you than she would ever be. After that, he would try to tag along with the two of you, to try and keep you away from that woman. She was just clearly not good enough for you. As your friend, he doesn’t want you to do a big mistake and go out with someone not worthy of you.
* Chompers/Mafiahorror Gaster ‘The deceased Don’ -  Of course, chompers would be following her. He had been following her since she got ready for the date, but right now, he was curious about who you were going out with. Besides, it was his job to make sure that no one hurt you. Who knows who that person could be. Maybe she tried to seduce you and then kill you.
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bublp0pr · 7 years
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I thought it would be fascinating to include some of the less friendly actions you can do to Gaster under the ukagaster tag :D
Of course, after that final blow, telling him that he should have died with the rest of his family, he doesn’t even have the motivation to do anything anymore except cry and act pathetic. You literally BREAK him. Seriously, every time i punch him after that, he doesn’t even TRY to get up. He just lies there motionless until you bark at him to get up because you want something. 
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But by that point the skeleton’s completely useless. You have hurt him in every possible way the menu will allow you. You have broken him both physically and emotionally. Tapped every source of pain I can think of. (Except perhaps developing a stronger bond of trust before the betrayal. Might be a fun experiment to try one time) Torn apart every weakness. Devalued his opinion of himself and his work so thoroughly that he just stands there and takes whatever abuse you do like a magic punching bag. Using the ACT menu is deemed worthless by the internal narrator. 
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You can’t try to give him anything because you don’t see how he deserves the right to have anything at all.
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Talking about any of his friends just makes him moan a little. Talking about the brothers you can rub into his face that he deserves everything you’ve done.
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You don’t care about his past. Most of the time he just shivers/trembles/says nothing in response to your questions really. Sometimes the internal narration fills in the blanks.
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He doesn’t grow bored i guess so that’s a plus. He just... sort of stays silent. Eventually the menu screen goes “...” and disappears.
Really the point is that there’s nothing left to do. Your toy is ruined beyond any sort of further action. There’s no other way to interact except to reset. 
Fun Facts! (and a warning to people who want to try this): 
He’ll feel uncomfortable with you touching him after the reset. It will take a lot longer to get past the initial skepticism and get him to talk to you/ask why you’re doing this. The fun part (and this really kicked me) is that the game almost lets you believe that with enough patience you can get back to a good place again. RIGHT up until you confess to him. That’s when he tells you that he has a strange feeling that we’re not sincere and he can’t trust us. Hahahaha. You literally can’t gain his true trust again. Believe me, I tried for a bit. The only thing left is to hurt him over and over again until you grow bored of this thing and uninstall it. Destroy this world and move onto the next =)
Honestly, it’s only really worth doing once so I recommend doing it right. Violence out of nowhere is one thing but taking the time to build up a relationship you willingly destroy gives you more dialogue and reaction to work with. It’ll take more time but hurting him gets real old real fast so trust me, it’s better to do it properly.
It was kind of entertaining proving him right. Giving in to frustrations and curiosity to experiment with him without an ounce of “humanity” (ha, the irony of that word probably isn’t lost on him). Unlike nicer options, you can get instant gratification for your actions. Getting him to open up to me took hundreds of actions, getting him to break took about ten minutes (longer if you want to repeat actions for fun variations in dialogue). 
I noticed a fun symmetry where physical violence without the verbal abuse has similar limitations as physical affection and actual sincere communication. Every time you punch him he falls to the ground, sure. But breaking his spirit is what stops him from standing back up. Petting him hundred upon thousands of times will help make progress with him but if you don’t try to ask about certain things and continue to press them, then he’ll never give you a fuller story about himself.
I’ve probably missed out on a lot of things. There’s so many secrets to zarla’s thing I haven’t found yet. Especially with that new update. But I don’t think I’ll do the violent route again for a while yet. I re-installed the ghost and this time I’m doing things the nice way. It’s a lot more rewarding and worth my time really.
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Could i get some h/cs for UT / UF gaster and sans reaction with a s/o that leaves little hidden notes for them in books or their documents with just little 'i love you's on them? Or snacks cause gaster always forgets to est while working? Thank you!!!
{ Awww~I am more sure than before that I am unable to do fluff stuff…  I can’t escape from the jokes of any kind because they’re life —Yey, you asked for Gaster, he became one of my favourites ~ }
✎ Sansy ;
You are such a cutie pie and you leave him speechless all the time.You can see his face turns blue every time you dedicate to him some sweet words. He is not used to it so you can take advantage of this situation saying the cutest quotes possible until he faints for the embarrassment or he vanishes in his hoody. It’s a great show and you will be entertained a lot.The notes you leave are the sweetest and you hide them in the weirdest places. Sometimes, you put them in his quantum physics’ book, he uses your notes like bookmarks, and it’s something adorable. Another time, you placed it inside his hoody and he never finds them out, or you write your notes on the ketchup’s tag. One time, he found one of your messages on the side of the carton milk. You have so much inventive!He appreciates the flirty jokes you write there that are too funny but also so delicious, just like: «Hey can I follow you home? Because my parents just told me to follow my dreams», it’s never enough. You understand very well how to win his heart.«Are you from Korea? Because you could be my Seoul mate», and you don’t stop until he explodes so he can understand how people feel when he is the one to bombard them with all his jokes, «Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’m looking for!». It’s the karma, Sans. «When a penguin finds its mate they stay together for the rest of their lives. Will you be my penguin?», that’s too romantic, he disappears in his hoody.
✎ Reddy ;
At first, he is worried because you are leaving notes and little pieces of paper around the house. He threw them away without reading them because he thought it was trash. Then, Sans was afraid Papyrus would have lectured him for that mess and Sans was innocent for once. He did not want to hear his brother complaining all the time for these things. Sans could not think those notes were from you and when he found it out he remains confused and startled, he feels a perfect idiot!You should have known how paranoid Sans is and you should have known Papyrus was a total asshole, too. Better if you search for other locations for your notes.You decide to collocate them in Sans’ room and it was the safest place of the house, nobody would have junked away your stuff. Your notes contain funny and dirty jokes, it depends of your inspiration and you know how he is a naughty skeleton because sweet and fluff stuff make him uncomfortable. With him, the lascivious approach is the perfect one, « Do you even know what slut stands for? (S)weet (L)ittle (U)nforgetable (T)hing. You’re my slut!» he thought you were his slut but the joke is quite funny so he approves!«I’m a zombie, can I eat you out?» it’s luck Papyrus has never read this stuff or he would have given the two of you detention. Then, he could answer to your pick-line notes with other ones so funny and lewd, «Do you like Adele? Cause I can tell you wanna be rolling in the D.» you know what D. means, you little dirty mind since the other deep thing is yours *wink wink*.
✎ Gaster ;
You know he is a very busy skeleton and he overworks himself so much.You have to forgive him if he does not spend all the time with you, but you are such a delicious soul and you spoil him with the sweetest gestures and you are always present with your heart and it’s just enough for him.You have the habit to leave everywhere in his lab posts about your feelings because you want Gaster always to remember about your love and the sentiment you feel for him is so pure and precious. You don’t care if he pays not so much attention to you, you have not so many necessities. Sometimes, it’s just like a long-distance relationship even if the two of you live in the same house. You are content anyway.You like writing poems and romantic quotes on those notes and Gaster feels so embarrassed because he is not used to these kind lovely actions, he is the one who always acts cold and distant with persons because he is so introvert and thoughtful. He prefers stay alone with his thoughts rather than with people.Now and again, you are so worried about Gaster because he keeps ignoring his physical needs, he forgets to eat and sleep, and it’s not good for his health. You have to lecture him as if he was your child convincing him to think about himself a little more. For this reason, you leave on his desk snacks or some packed lunches so he can feed himself. When he notices your kind gestures, realizing how you care about him, he feels so guilty but so lucky at the same time. He thinks he does not deserve you because you are too special and you are a sort of saint with your kindness and patience. His soul his melting.One time, you notice him sleeping on his desk holding one of your notes like it was a treasure and you can see a blessed smile on his face.
✎ Gas ;
You are waiting for something will never come because you know with whom you’re dealing with. Not the kindest skeleton of the realm, you know it very well but you keep persevering and he keeps taking advantage of your gentleness asking to you little favours that regard experiments and researches even if you have never accepted to become his little guinea pig. You are so scared when he looks at you with that maniacal face that shows everything except of love and affection.He does not know how to define your behaviour whatever if it’s stupid or crazy, he is not so sure but they are not positive definitions anyway. Gas thinks you have a sort of Stockholm syndrome because you keep trying to conquer his heart (even if we have to understand if he has a heart), and he keeps refusing you treating you with coldness and contempt so maybe you are masochist, too. Ah, but if you love so much the taste of pain why don’t you want to be part of his experiment? You would make your beloved skeleton so happy and satisfied. Don’t you want to see the man you love happy? Are you so egoist?Sometimes, he reads the notes you leave here and there in his lab but he ignores them because his job gets all his attention.  If he even tries to compliment you saying something vaguely sweet and kind, it means he has something in mind so you have to be careful with this mad man. You have to be smart and maybe you should provoke him as well. For example, your notes should be more dulcet and devious and you should compliment his science and intelligence since his ego is so pumped, it’s like you are purring him with your devotion. He’s about to get a taste of his own medicine. Provocation and devious games are his favourite flirt techniques.
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scientistredacted · 7 years
NAME: Dr. Wing Din Gaster. ALIAS(ES):  Din, Wingding, Gaster, sometimes but very rarely Aster, Specs if he’s in another universe GENDER:  Male AGE:  … Listen, I don’t have a specific number. I don’t like to pin down how long ago the war was if I can help it. DATE OF BIRTH: August 30th OCCUPATION: Royal Scientist, a lot of different things under the purview of being the Royal Scientist, Medical Doctor
EYE COLOR:  N/A? His default eyeglow is a slightly aquaish light blue colour though?  HAIR COLOR: N/A HEIGHT:   6'4" SCARS: He doesn’t have as many as he could thanks to healing magic, but he does have a few. There’s his permanently closed and blind eye, a scar almost all the way around his upper left arm, and of course the holes in his hands. He’d have a lot more were it not for healing magic. Also his SOUL is scarred so that’s a thing? BURNS:  None OVERWEIGHT:  He’s a skeletion?? UNDERWEIGHT:  See above
COLOR:  Dark greys or blacks. Also blue. He likes blue. HAIR COLOR:  Blond or white gosh I wonder why EYE COLOR: Brown or Blue SONG: fdmdkvnf uh something that’s piano and instrumental FOOD: Sweets DRINK: Coffee with a lot of sugar BOOK:  He really likes books so it’s hard to say but he’s fond of hard sci-fi? PASSED UNIVERSITY:  Yes HAD SEX: No. HAD SEX IN PUBLIC:  No. GOTTEN PREGNANT: No. KISSED A BOY: No. KISSED A GIRL: No. GOTTEN TATTOOS: No. GOTTEN PIERCINGS: No. HAD A BROKEN HEART: … Yes. He is in love with Asgore so it was more than a little heartbreaking to stand by and say nothing about his feelings as Asgore married Toriel. Also in a non-romantic way… uhm. He lost almost everyone he cared about in what was basically a blink of an eye. BEEN IN LOVE: Yeeeah. STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS: Pffffffftt. Ofc he has. Way too many times. He’s a workaholic who also has really severe nightmares that’d he do almost anything to avoid. He needs to take care of himself.
██▒   ARE THEY
A VIRGIN: Yes A KISSER: No?? He can’t kiss?? He doesn’t have lips?? I mean I guess someone else could kiss him but he really can’t kiss SCARED EASILY: Yes and no. Outwardly no, but internally he’s quite prone to paranoia and anxiety so yes? JEALOUS EASILY: Not really. I mean, Toriel is one of his best friends, and she was married to the person Gaster loves TRUSTWORTHY: … Not really. But also yes? Usually? But he’s keeping more and more secrets lately and is lying more often as a result DOMINANT: Usually SUBMISSIVE: Rarely IN LOVE: Yes SINGLE: Yes, because he’s a twit who would never admit feelings
HAVE THEY HARMED THEMSELVES: Yes.Never just to do it, but he way too frequently experiments on himself and it’s very dangerous THOUGHT OF SUICIDE / ATTEMPTED SUICIDE: Uhhh. Not exactly? He dwells on how things would probably have been better had he died in the war, and Post-Void he feels he doesn’t deserve to exist, but he’s never considered actually killing himself? WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE: Ah. Actually wanted to? Only once, and he didn’t actually do it. DROVE A CAR: No. And he’s not interested HAVE/HAD A JOB: Yes.
██▒   FAMILY
SIBLINGS: A little sister, Mistral. She was killed a few years before the war PARENTS: Aster and Sabon    CHILDREN: Sans and Papyrus; not that he acts like much of a dad to them PETS: Not for a long time.
RULES:  repost, dont reblog! Tagged by: @voidscattered​ Tagging: Anyone who wants
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harrish6 · 7 years
Healing What Has Been Broken - Chapter 6 - Name, Dresses, And Little Booties
I just wanted everyone to know that Error is tall-for a Sans anyway-but is in no way the tallest there is. But I would say he is in the top ten in the least. Heights will be different in this Multiverse then the other to show how different it is. I wanted this Error to be different from the others I wrote, I usually make him shorter.
But here is some fluff before I have to get back to the hurt in the next chapter.
-Chapter Start-
When Error awoke it took him a moment to realize that what happened before was not a fever dream. How he came to that conclusion? Well, it was hard to ignore the proof sitting inside his rib cage for him to feel and see as the Sans of this AU refuses to let go if his rib.
The two little bones were still curled up in his rib cage, scarf and magic keeping them warm as it started snowing. Error could still not believe that he was in this position. 'I just jumped into the Void to die-the only thing that could kill anyone but apparently not because I am sure I am alive right now-and what happens? I get two little tag along's for the night! The kind that I can't just up and leave because I am one weak fuck!' Error silently grumbled to himself as he berated himself, crawly at the chips on his check making more of his skull chip off, not paying any attention to the older baby bones that was waking up.
One had never felt so rested before. Feeling the warm, but slightly jumpy magic, wrap around him in a protective embrace along with the arms around him he could safely say he never wanted to move or wake up. But as he felt Two shift, memories smacked him in the face. Sockets quickly opened to see red and black bones. His SOUL calmed when he remembered what had happened last night, meeting the tall, strange Monster who gave them the fluffy cloth.
Looking up, One shifted so that his head popped out slightly to look at the other. Seeing all the marks all along the darker one's body made One feel confused but safe. While he wondered how he got all these marks, he knew that this Monster would understand them. "...Safe...."
Error, after finally coming back to reality, stilled his hand and glanced down meeting white eyes head on. "i StILl ThINk ThErE aRE SaFER PlAcES, BUt We'LL dEaL WIth THaT LATEr." Error muttered to himself before speaking up more so the other can hear him. "WeLL THeN KId, SInCE YOu SlEPt InSiDE MY RiBS i ThINk WE nEEd To KnOW eAcH oTHeRs NamES. dO YOu GoT a NAme?" Error added on the question as a second thought. It all mattered what type of AU he was in if they had a name. Then he had to find out if this AU is a messed up as Horrotale or more like Underfell. There was no way he was going into town only for someone to try and mug him or kill him. Error was not in the mood to fight them off.
"Project One." One stated factually and blandly before shifting the baby who was now starting to wake up. "Project Two."
'I hate it when I am right about something.' Error sighed, hesitating before cuddling both closer. His glitching worsting before settling after a few moments. "ThAT WoN'T DO. dO YoU WaNT DifFReNt NamES?"
One's sockets widened in awe. "I...can have a name? Two too?" One was just a experiment, not worthy of a real name. The doctors made that fact known very early on. When he and Two were cuddled closer, One held back tears. He had never been given such mercy. This Monster really did understand!
"YeS." Error took in a deep breath, only to continue after One nodded in agreement. "SkElEtON's ARe UsuALlY NAmEd aFTEr FrOnTS-" Error began to explain a little for their benefit. He was about to name then Sans and Papyrus as all the others are, but One interrupted before that could happen.
"What is your name?" One questioned swiftly, only to flinch back as if waiting to be hit. Error just calmly, and softly, went on. Not wanting the little one to have a panic attack. Error knew those were a pain and he didn't know if he could handle it right now if someone had one. Him or the little one's.
"i Am cAlLeD ErRoR. I Do nOT hAVE a FRoNt NaME lIkE ThE REsT do." 'Not anymore at least.' Error finished in his mind. He doesn't even remember a time when he was called Sans anymore. Better to forget he ever was one by now, less hurt that way.
One had heard that word before, the doctors liked to say that word a lot when a test failed. 'Error, meaning something wrong...' Looking at Error, he could not find anything wrong with him. And he did not want a front name, for him or Two. That would mean sharing something with Him. Being like him. He would rather share something with Error. After all, those who are failures should stick together, right? "I wanna....name like yours. No front. Please?"
Error couldn't help but choke a little. Their names were always Sans and Papyrus, with a few exceptions. But...'I no longer care for the balance. Ink can deal with it if he wants.' But Error also thought that these two deserve better names then something close to the word 'error'. It wasn't like he wanted to be called 'Error', but the name stuck. So he made it his own before all the anger faded, making the words 'Error' something to be feared all across the Multiverse. Something he has come to regret after so many went after his life and SOUL. Hating him when they wouldn't save him from his own madness. 'Even the name Blue and Orange would be better then mine!'
One only blinked when Error softly rubbed the top of his skull. "YoU dESErVe a BEtTEr NaMe THeN oNE cLoSE tO MiNE. ERrOr iS NOt A niCE NamE, i wAs namEd THat BecAuSe i Am a ERroR. I aM a GliTcH, SoMEtHIng WrONg." Error tried to explain as simply as he could that their were better names that one could have. "ThErE aRE bEttER ThIngS-"
"No!" Error held back a yelp when all of a sudden the little brat grabbed on to his rib a bit too hard. "Wanna name like yours!" One demanded with a pout, more confident when the other made no threatening movements after the first question.
"AnD wHy iS thAT?" Error questioned back. He did not see what the big deal was. If he doesn't wont a front name there are better things to be called then something close to the name 'Error'. "WHy iS THiS sO IMpoRtAnT?"
"You Safe. I...I wanna share with you!" A bright blue blush worked it's way up the smaller face much to Error's shock, One trying to explain why he wanted something like his name in his limited vocabulary. "Want to be mine and ours, not His....." A little sob broke out at the end.
Now how can Error say no to that? While he may not fully understand, he knew that if he persisted it would only make things worst. Error sighed, swiftly pulling both out of his shit. Ignoring the pain and the little one's horrified face, Error brought the two back into his hold letting his magic wrap around them.
Error only went on after they both were relaxed. "FiNE yOU sTubbEReN BrAt. YoU cAN hAvE a NAme LikE MInE." Error thought for a moment, trying to think of something similar to his while One grinned up at him as he sniffed, showing that he was missing a tooth. Snorting, a funny thought went through his mind.
"NuLl." One, now Null, blinked up at him before Error turned his head to look at the now wide awake baby. "VoId. ToGeTHEr YoU aRE NulL aNd VOiD!" 'At least with their names being a pun and word play it should take some of the harshness off.'
Null gasped in delight at his new name while Void giggled when Error slowly stood with them still in his arms. Shifting them so that both were on one side of his arms, both of them looking up at Error in confusion while he did so. Error ignored and pushed back the pain to the back of his mind. 'I have to his out for a while so Ink doesn't find me. But before that I'll find these two a home.' Error nodded to himself as he walked in the shadows, making sure no one saw him as he went further into the woods. 'That or I'll just dust whoever hurt them, whichever comes first really. After they have a nice home, I can go into hiding. Find myself a better way to finally die or disappear as the Void and Death himself was useless in that regard, ironically.'
Looking down at his torn and shredded shirt and shorts, then glancing down at the black and white torn rags that the two boys wore, Error knew where to go first. Swiftly keeping to the shadows, Error headed to the dump. If anyone saw them they would only think the worst and then Gaster or whoever had the boys first would get them back, and that would mean the boys would have a less of a chance of getting a good home because he would have to dust a lot of other Monsters.
And if the dump doesn't have anything, then he'll just steal something for them all. It's not like he has any money on him and it has never really been a problem before. Error's mind immediately went back to one Underfell Sans kicking him in the ribs for taking his chocolate before he got to busy to eat, nearly breaking it in half. He took that back, it did cause him quite a few issues. But what else could he have done?
"CoME On BOyS, LeTs gO fINd OUrsElvES sOME cLOtHEs." Error muttered lowly at the two, who just curled closer to his body in answer, the scarf wrapped around the two of them tightly to keep the cold away.
-A Hour Later-
It was easy getting out of Sowdin, but in between Waterfall and Snowdin Error about said "FuCK iT!" and pull out his blasters, even if he still felt too weak to do so, when he saw all the guards scrounging around, sniffing about for the two in his arms. But Error is not a fool, doing so would just cause problems. Also the two little ones looking up at him innocent eyes may have played a part in his decision. He really did not want to be the one to kill off whatever innocence they have left, he already has done that so many other times.
So after hiding the shadows for a while, and trying to keep Void quiet, Error was able to go into the dump. The dump is the best place to be so far, a lot of places to hid and items they need right in front of them. Now all they has to do was find said items.
Sitting down a clingy Null and Void, Error took a glance around the huge piles of trash. Null holding Void close made sure to stand as close as he could to Error. "StAY ClOSe, DoN'T wAnt YoU gEttInG lOSt hErE." And after Null nodded in agreement, the hunt was on.
Error first found a large, long strapped, black travel bag that had a lot of pockets in it. It had a lot of holes in it, but Error knew he could fix that up with his strings. And not to mention they would need something to keep all their items in. It also helped that it was dark in color as no questionable stains were showing up on it. So Error tossed it to where Null sat with Void, who was attentively watching both Error and Void, making sure neither get out of his sight.
After the bag Error found some old bottles that he could reuse after cleaning them up for Void, and he even found a sippy cup that was now a faded pink color. Or at least, Error thought it was light pink because it was faded. Tossing them into the pile, Error started digging  bit further, trying to find some clothes for them but keeping a socket out for anything useful in the long run.
Null blinked when something shiny caught his eye in a pile of trash that was only a few feet away. Pooling the long scarf around Void to make sure he stays, Null went and started digging. His curious nature getting the best of him, and maybe it was something that could help them. With new found determination, Null worked a bit faster.
"FiNaLlY!" Error huffed triumphantly, lifting up something that one of them can wear. It was a long-sleeved dress with a tutu bottom that puffed out. The top was stripped blue and white and a blue bow around the middle. All in all, it looked like it would fit Null to Error. Sure the white strips are now yellow, and there were a few tears in the skirt part, but Error could make it work. 'I saw some children on the surface wearing these, so they should be safe....Right?' Tossing it in the keep pile, along with some little socks he found that had ruffles on the top, Error continued his hunt.
Soon after that he found some children's books and toys, a few cans of food that Error decided looked okay enough, a few articles of clothing that wouldn't fit any of them but kept so that he could bind his ribs, and then some clothing for him and Void. All in all it was the most productive hours that Error has done since he fell here.
Turning around, and nearly having a heart attack when he didn't see Null by Void only to find him digging around and pilling something in front of him, Error went to Void, who was trying to wiggle out of the scarf. "WhAT ArE YOu PlOTtinG yOU lItTlE TeRRoR?" Error asked suspiciously before he sat by him, pulling out his string so he can start doing a quick mend on the clothing.
Void looked up at the weird new Monster who gave him the soft thing. "UWHOOO~" Void cooed out, waving his hands out to be picked up. He wanted that warmth that the tall one gave out. The tall one just gave a small smile before handing him something soft. Rubbing his hands along it he couldn't help but squeal, this tall one is better then that other tall one! "AHOH~"
Error snorted at the sight of Void cuddling a teddy bear he found. It was missing it's ear and had no eyes, but it worked all the same for him. Turning his attention to Null, who was now looking inside a small plastic bucket that had a crack running down the side, Error cleared his throat. "NuLl! CoME HeRE!" He had just finished patching up the kids clothes. They may be a bit dirty, but anything is better then those rags on them in his opinion. "i FoUnD YoU SOmEtHInG TO wEaR."
Null huffed as he lifted the bucket, hulling it to where Error and Void sat. Null puffed out his chest after sitting the bucket in front of the dark skeleton. Error blinked lazily down at him before glancing inside of the little bucket. Then his eyes went wide, glitching slightly, then started to chuckle. To Null's shock, Error reached out and rubbed his skull more gently then he had ever been touched before. "GoOD JOb." 'Good Job?' Null had never had those words directed at him. His SOUL warmed, Null felt proud and he had no idea why.
Error wanted to laugh himself silly. Inside the bucket were gold coins. Apparently someone either hid there savings here or it has been here so long that no one knows about it. In any case it means that he doesn't have to steal food just yet for the little ones. Lifting up a yellow onesie, longed sleeves and having pants on it, Error looked to Void who was swinging the eyeless teddy bear around. "WeLL, lETs gEt YOu bOtH DrEssED."
Soon Null was swishing his dress this way and that, eyes stars and smiling in delight. The dress was a little to big, it falling off his shoulders slightly and it ending past his knees. The saving grace is that the socks are already dirty so it doesn't matter that he doesn't have any shoes. Void was waving around his 'new' red booties, that were a little too big for his feet, on his hands shrieking with laughter.
Grumbling as he called out his string once more, to the shock of Null who stopped still once he saw it, Error started to tear of the clothing that didn't fit to rap around his ribs. Once that was done he took off his bloody and dusty shirt and shorts to put on a baggy black t-shirt and a pair of baggy sweat pants. Luckily his shoes were okay so he didn't need to worry about that. And he found a long, black trench coat and a pair of black gloves. So while he may look very different if others saw him, at least they won't see the scars and chips all along his body.
"Magic? You?"
Looking down with confusion, Error was met with Null's confused and worried face. "yEs, i HAvE mAgIC." Error stated simply before bending down, strings coming from his hands for the others to touch. Void immediately reached out and tugged at it, babbling inaudible words. Null reached out a hand, but stopped just before he touched them.
"...Bad?" Null asked hesitantly, little hand wavering just a inch away from the strings.
"ThEy CAn Be, BuT i WilL nOT hURt YoU WiTH ThEm." Error admitted with a shrug. There was no way he was going to lie about how dangerous they can be. There was no point in it.
With a glint in his eye, Null reached out quickly and grabbed on to the string. After a few moments of nothing bad happening, Null's eyes started to sparkle. Error huffed, trying to hid a smile that was wanting to come up. Null and Void babbled together, trying to understand how Error formed his strings.
In another part of this AU, a furious scream echoed across the halls. "WHERE ARE THEY!? FIND THEM NOW!"
-Chapter End-
The reason I named this Sans and Papyrus differently is because it just makes it easier on me when all the other Sans's and Papyrus's come into play. It also gives Error more of a connection to them, and them to him as he was the one to name them. I also think that Null would like to share something with the one who hurt him if he has a different option.
Sans - Null means invalid, a zero, having zero value, and to cancel out.
Papyrus - Void means not valid, completely empty, empty space, discharge or to drain away.
These words are similar to Error, which comes with a lot of negative meanings/synonyms, but not synonyms with it. Error knows what the Void is of course but he doesn't fear it, but in a way he is hopping that even if Void grows up all innocent that his name will protect him in a way because of what he is named after. After all the Void is one scary place for those that know about it, and Error knows what the inside is like.
Null's education is all over the place because of his past, so that is why he is ahead in some areas and way behind in others, like talking because he had no one to talk to who would talk back.
Void is just a baby, a few months old at the most, so he is the least effected by what has happened to him and Null. But with someone like Error trying to watch over him I don't really see him growing up normal either.
Error doesn't know what is normal and what is not, he has been stuck in the Anti-Void for god only knows long. I like to think Monster's don't care about gender or what they are wearing as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Or in the more violent AU's, it doesn't matter as long as you are not dusted.
In the next chapter, Error finally realizes he is very much attached to this two little babybones.
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