#not tagging anyone lmfao if you find this you find it if you dont you dont
ardentpoop · 3 months
just the samcrowley and sastiel pieces of this fic I wrote :)
“I have to say… For all my tasteful jesting, I didn’t know you had it in you,” Crowley said, his eyes riveted to Sam as he stalked around the dungeon, rummaging around in all sorts of nooks and crannies in the dark. “No talking,” Sam spat, the picture of misery from what Crowley could see of his side profile. He was, as usual, covered up in what might as well have been four blasted layers of shirts. The younger Winchester’s body was absolutely wasted on him. 
“No looking at me, either,” Sam said, somehow discerning Crowley’s gaze while his back was turned to him. “Eyes on the floor.” 
“You could engage in a bit of foreplay, Samantha darling. I’m doing you a favor here.” 
“Oh, sure,” Sam scoffed, “Out of the goodness of your heart.” 
Just like his brother, Crowley thought. Except Sam had always been… quieter, and deadlier for it. He was harder to toy with, this one. Delightfully less so in the present moment, however, considering the circumstances. Sam was standing before him, then, his head washed in fluorescent light from the single bulb flickering above and a deep frown carved into his face. “Hands,” Sam said, and Crowley was late to respond, witlessly enchanted by the perplexing color of his eyes. Variegated blue-green blooms flecked with brown and gold. He would’ve made a resplendent demon. It was a shame Crowley had to bet on the other one now. “Fucking focus,” Sam growled, grabbing each of Crowley’s wrists and manipulating them onto the armrests of his chair. “The bad-cop act doesn’t suit you, you know,” Crowley observed, as Sam restrained his wrists with leather cuffs, applying more force than was strictly necessary. “Your boyfriends make you look like you’re trying on Daddy’s worm-eaten skin in the mirror.” To his credit, Sam ignored this, pulling an empty syringe out of his pocket and holding it up to the light. “Speaking of,” Crowley continued, “How do I know your little feathered paramour won’t walk in on us? Would hate for Dean to catch wind of this moonlit tryst of ours when the state of your union is so dire.” 
“Cas is running an errand,” Sam said, fingering at the veins of his own forearm until he found one that was apparently satisfactory. “He won’t be back for hours.” 
“Hours. Fascinating.” 
Sam made eye contact with him so fiercely and unexpectedly that a frisson of glee shot down Crowley’s spine. “Don’t read anything into it. I just… couldn’t take the risk.” He’d put more thought into this arrangement than Crowley had initially assumed. Perhaps Sam had walked away from that church with a puncture wound that matched Crowley’s after all. Crowley watched as Sam filled the syringe with a dose of his blood, his mouth watering in anticipation. “It’s not purified,” Sam reminded him. 
“Whatever you say, Moose.” 
“You might not feel it at all.” 
“Now you’re just being coy. The stuff in your veins must be sterling compared to your egomaniacal brother’s. Hell, compared to most human vino. Trust me, I’ve sampled plenty.” 
Sam stared at the syringe like he was inspecting its contents for something. “You are the patron saint of bad taste.” 
“I resent that,” Crowley said, because he’d definitely expected that line to get a proper reaction from the boy. That barely-there smirk that hinted at the same flavor of aberrant affection that Crowley harbored, if he was lucky. The haughty narrow-eyed glowering thing he defaulted to, at the very least. Without warning, Sam was bending down to feel for Crowley’s jugular, a gust of his breath caressing the top of Crowley’s head. “Don’t move,” he said, and plunged the needle in. 
A sigh hissed through Crowley’s teeth as Sam’s blood met his own in a jolt of pleasure, making his organs quake with an exquisitely alien sense of mortality. He squinted up at Sam once the shockwaves had petered out, his frustration feeling bigger and louder than usual when he said, “Well? Your turn. Or are you planning on standing there all night like an uppity schoolmarm?” 
Stone-faced, Sam unsheathed his precious demon-killing knife, shuffling closer until Crowley could smell the sweat pooling in the hollows of his body, snuffing out the more delicate scents of his woodsy deodorant and his sweet shampoo. Crowley had to consciously monitor his own heightened physiological responses, dangerously excited before Sam had even touched him. He’d assumed Sam was going for his exposed neck, but he unknotted Crowley’s tie instead, slipping it from the collar of his shirt with a forceful snap that made Crowley’s wrists buck against their restraints. Sam made quick work of unbuttoning Crowley’s shirt to just above his navel, and then he took a step back to wipe his own forehead with the base of his palm. He offered no explanation when he shrugged off his flannel, letting it fall to the Devil’s Trap on the floor in a crumpled heap, exposing the dark patches of sweat staining the gray cotton stretched over his underarms, and - more importantly - the gorgeous swath of muscle he was typically mysteriously keen on hiding. The moment was so electrifying that Crowley suspected he wouldn’t especially mind it if Sam did an about-face and stabbed his knife directly into Crowley’s drunken heart, consequences be damned. What a way to go, his envious underlings would prattle on amongst themselves when they got the news, Murdered by Sam Winchester, the one true heir. Some say His Royal Lowness came in his pants like a total rube before his soul was dissolved into the ether. 
“Eyes on the floor,” Sam barked, and got up close again, holding the blade aloft, baring his teeth; this boy whose face could launch a thousand ships and burn the topless towers of Ilium. 
Crowley’s euphoria had started to really spill out by the time Sam administered his third injection, staccato laughter wheezing out of him with every stinging cut Sam carved into his chest in the interim. “What would Dean think,” Crowley sputtered, struggling to breathe through his outsized amusement. “Can you imagine? His p-perfect darling Sammy, gettin’ - soiling himself with the likes of me.” 
Sam gouged his fingernails into one of the cuts, making the millions of tiny fires blazing within Crowley leap in delirious unison. “I don’t need to imagine,” Sam said, dark, empty. For all his slicing and dicing, he hadn’t had a single taste yet. It was driving Crowley a bit mad. He tucked his chin to inspect Sam’s handiwork across his torso, blood from the freshest wounds dripping sluggardly into his pants. It took a second for Crowley to register that Sam hadn’t been indiscriminately hacking at him, but had in fact been drawing a familiar sigil. It was the one the Winchesters busted out whenever a member of the Heavenly host was getting a little too handsy. A staggering wave of sympathy knocked Crowley’s heart off-course. “How have you been, really?” He asked, the words tumbling out of their own accord. “Since Dean, and your Elysian squatter’s explosive eviction.” Crowley intentionally left off the supporting role he’d played in said eviction. Sam twisted the knife between his hands. He was anointed in Crowley’s blood from head to toe. Crowley couldn’t wrap his mind around the self-restraint required to withstand the enormity of such a craving. “Can’t complain,” Sam said. 
“Yeah. It never helps.” 
Such a shame, Crowley thought again. Such a shame that this glorious night of indulgence was merely a momentary lapse in judgment on Sam’s part. If not for Dean, if not for Castiel, if not for the rules and restrictions God had hardcoded into his failing universe, Crowley could have had a shot with this kid. He could’ve taken everything he had to give. As it was, Crowley was nothing but a blot on Sam’s escutcheon, and therefore needed to keep certain boundaries in place to protect himself. 
Crowley watched as Sam dragged his thumb through the blood coating his blade and lifted it to his mouth, his eyes glazed and distant as he sucked on the digit, tasting Crowley at long last. 
“How is it?” Crowley asked, too eager, too curious about whether the marriage of his and Sam’s blood in his veins had altered its chemical composition to a detectable extent. “Is it… different?” 
But all Sam said was, “I don’t know.”
“You’ll be completely healed in a few more sessions. Four at most,” Cas said, smiling kindly back at Sam from his chair facing the TV. They’d stumbled into a bit of a routine over the past week; Cas meeting Sam in his bedroom every evening to look him over and work on the detritus Gadreel had made of his insides; staying afterward while Sam tried to sleep, or read, or beef up Cas’s pop culture lexicon as the two of them took turns flipping through channels. Today, Cas had landed on an old episode of Hell’s Kitchen. Gordon Ramsay was a whirlwind of wrathful energy on the screen, shouting censored expletives at the kitchen staff, smashing an unsatisfactory plate on the floor to the dismay of the two sous chefs cowering behind him. A sad state of affairs, the narrator overemphasized in a jolly newsman’s drawl. Will Chef Ramsay manage to whip this crumbling team into shape before their time is up? The theatrics onscreen segued into a commercial for antidepressants that featured a little girl spinning through a field of white flowers while a more bubbly narrator prophesied her deterioration and death via a sprawling list of possible side effects. “Uh, Cas,” Sam said, “Can we turn that off? It’s making my head hurt.” It was actually his shoulders that hurt; strung together with a tension that he hadn’t been able to shake since Dean left. 
“Of course,” Cas said, obliging him right away. The absence of fight between the two of them physically itched. Spit it out, Sam demanded of Cas where he couldn’t hear him. Tell me how you really feel. Except Sam’s thoughts never ran totally freely, anymore - you never knew who might be listening in. There were places in his mind that the threads of his consciousness snaked around like diverted streams, instinctively safeguarding him against an ever-looming danger. He always wondered how much of him Cas could see, when he stuck a probing finger into his molecular makeup to suss out the damage. He wondered whether Dean ever interrogated him for details. “It’s really gone, right?” Sam said out loud, keeping his eyes fixed on the blank TV screen. “You weren’t just saying that?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sam.” 
Cas couldn’t read Sam’s mind, although his body’s oldest secrets were most likely exposed to him. Sam wondered whether he preferred it this way around. “Gadreel’s… ” Grace. Such a nice word. 
“Ah. I’m sorry,” Cas said, misunderstanding as he often did, “There’s truly none left. I wouldn’t lie to you about that.” 
Wouldn’t you? If Dean asked? 
“Okay,” Sam said, and, unthinkingly, “You don’t need to sit all the way over there.” 
A cartoonish expression of bewilderment came over Cas’s face, and a part of Sam that rarely saw the light of day writhed with vindictive pleasure in response. Dean can’t teach him this. 
“Here,” Sam said, clearing his books and laptop off the bed and stacking them on the nightstand, patting the space next to him invitingly. “If you’re gonna spend the night with me, you might as well be comfortable.” 
“I have only waning memories of what it means to desire comfort,” Cas intoned, but he took a seat on Sam’s bed anyway, copying his posture; back to the wall and legs stretched out over the sheets, his shoulder brushing Sam’s. “Normally I’d kill you for not taking your shoes off first,” Sam said. 
Cas shot a startled glance at him. “Oh. I’m so sorry. Had I known I was being rude - ” “It’s alright,” Sam said, smiling, hopelessly endeared in spite of everything. Picturing Cas fumbling through the worst of his human phase on his own made his heart ache. “The rules are different for you.” 
Cas’s eyes narrowed to pensive slits. “Why is that?” In lieu of an answer, Sam drew him into their second hug in as many days, letting it last this time. Cas felt like a man. Cas was so much bigger than a man. And yet, Sam breathed easier, touching this body that had suffered untold indignities but was still somehow carrying Castiel, who could resurrect the dead and command the overtaxed thrombocytes in Sam’s bloodstream to march at the exact speed of light, who had probably watched the earth turn for thousands of years before he was permitted to experience it for himself. If Cas’s body was nothing to him, then maybe… maybe…  
“How did I look?” 
Cas’s hands fluttered awkwardly over Sam’s shoulders. He wasn’t quite hugging back, but he wasn’t pulling away either. 
“You’re getting better, Sam. I promise you, the neurodegenerative changes I observed after Gadreel discarded your vessel have nearly - ”
“No,” Sam cut in, viscerally affected by Cas’s clinical wording but unable to tell whether he wanted less of it or more of it. Our vessel, his deficient blood crooned. His and Cas’s, at the moment. His and Dean’s, forever. Sam turned his face into Cas’s neck, a wretched animal mouthing sloppily at the root of a sky-scraping edifice of gold and glass, and clarified, “When you were human. How did I look to you then?” 
One of Cas’s hands settled on the back of Sam’s skull. Still awkward, like he was imitating something he’d seen on TV. Gently support Baby’s fragile head so it doesn’t fall. 
Cas’s mind whirred and clicked for a moment. Then he said, “I suppose the sum of your parts was… nice.” A bitter little laugh leaped out of Sam’s throat. “Ouch.” 
Cas’s hand slid from Sam’s head to the nape of his neck. Baby’s neck muscles are very weak. Keep it under control to avoid incurring serious brain trauma. 
“I meant,” Cas said, clearly trying for a reassuring tone, “that I prefer your complete form. All your rhythmic cycles and interlocked structures. Your distinctive patterns. It’s… hm. What would you call it? Bingeable.”
Sam thought about the discomfort Cas had projected as he mechanically chewed his mouthful of peanut butter and jelly, the wistfulness with which he’d recalled his normal human tongue and normal human stomach. “Bingeable,” Sam echoed, ending their embrace, tethering himself to the dead TV screen instead. “Sure.” 
[Scene that takes place before this one excluded]
Don’t cry, Sam, Cas kept saying, while Sam dabbed at the wreckage of his face with the cuff of his jacket. We’ll find him. We’ll save him. Sam’s ability to speak had deserted him the moment he found Cas in the library, lying there motionless and bloody, surrounded by three other bodies, a monument of violated books erected over them like a tombstone. He’d believed - for a horrifying, earth-shattering second - that Cas was dead. That Cas was dead because of Sam. The reality was only marginally less shocking, accelerating Sam’s heartbeat to a hysterical sprint while his own throat attempted to strangle him unconscious. It was Cas. Dean wasn’t supposed to be able to hurt Cas like this. One of the corpses was a teenage boy. Sam had found a backpack drooping by the front entrance, containing sheaves of loose paper and several books. Pages of incomplete school assignments. Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Ellison’s Invisible Man. An anatomy & physiology textbook. A TI-84 Plus graphing calculator and a green PSP. Cyrus Styne, the blocky print at the top of a graded test revealed. Dean was in the wind, and there was a bloodstain in Cas’s pristine white collar that would never come out, and an A-student was crumpled on the floor of their library with a bullet in his brain. Because of Sam. His hydrogen peroxide solution burned the paper cuts along his fingers as he scrubbed at the tacky blood seeping into the hardwood, his eyes puffy and sore. He’d sent Cas up to their bedroom to recover, but not before he pulled him close and pecked him on the forehead, then again on the cheek. I’m sorry, Sam had said, bemoaning the poison in every breath he took and every move he made. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. 
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koushisun · 10 months
i really wish there were more music anime out there
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windupaidoneus · 3 months
now some people may not like to hear it but even the worst people who exist are still people & there is no human being who has More right than others to decide whether others deserve to live or die (does not mean i personally condemn murder in self defense or anything of the sort or killing fascists or whatever i'm just saying as a baseline This Is How it Is) & this is why the death penalty is not a good thing no matter how good & trustworthy the people in any government might be. people on average also deserve the chance to learn to do better. & no, someone who's been forcefed propaganda their entire life will not let go of that deeply entrenched mindset so easily, it's not particularly unrealistic & it absolutely sucks to deal with but in the context of tangibly working toward world peace it's also not an issue to try & help such people both in material ways & in helping them learn better rather than cut them down or abandon them to a grim fate. all this to say that's why i don't think garlemald is written badly, as unpleasant as the experience might be. walks off the stage
#ffposting#also if you hate garlemald's writing THIS much but like emet-selch i think theres a disconnect there i just dont understand.#like he made it that way. you do understand this is all because of him right. maybe you should be more upset about that.#garlemald is very uncomfortable & the real life parallels it draws make it a very very touchy Thing to deal with#but i do not think it is handled badly.#their supremacy is entirely gone by the time of edw the people there have known nothing but propaganda#the populares are known to be a minority. people like cid or jenomis aren't that common. this is why they get along#the propaganda is such that even occupied domans like asahi fell for it & feel absolutely nothing for their kin#thats what propaganda does. there is absolutely a degree of responsibility regarding what they do & i would never say otherwise#however the idea that we should let them die & not get a chance to rebuild after theyve lost everything (again) is like. huh.#when you want to work toward world peace in a meaningful way you cant just abandon anyone like that.#like thats a whole people. they suck! but it is not immutable & they deserve the opportunity to do better like any other#id much rather they face retribution for their actions in meaningful ways including working toward reparations#wrt all the peoples the empire occupied than to round them up to kill them or worse let them die to the telophoroi#OR to becoming blasphemies. that would make things so extremely worse.#i just dont understand how you can have sympathy for jullus when he was just like everyone else at first#but you want to leave the rest of them to die. & i dont get how you can like emet & want them to die.#like he fucking did this its a pretty notable very fucking bad thing that he did. no doubt varis has made it worse#but varis was in power for like 2 years at best.#that emet was playing a role & did not actually believe in or care about what he was doing does not erase that he did it#& i personally find it hypocritical to like him if you balk at the idea of garlemald restoration. clears throat#i believe in killing fascists but i also dont believe in punitive justice#& by the time of edw garlean civilians do not hold the systemic power they once mightve#which i think is also important. their entire country is in shambles.#if anything its the ideal opportunity for them all to start anew & learn better. shed their preconceptions as one might say#that said i still skip garlemald cutscenes bc i dont need cunts calling me a savage ✋-_-#do not take any of this for garlean apologia i fucking hate dealing with them on an individual level as a xaela player lmfao#also as a jew. notably as a jew. the similarities w both nazi germany & israel have not escaped my notice believe me.#but yeah. if you can feel pity for livia who is a military general WHO HAS ACTIVELY KILLED YOUR FRIENDS#but not for the civilians whove never been exposed to anything other than propaganda. idk man. 30 tags. fly free my post
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skyjynxart · 5 months
#hmmmm#vent cw#dont read this#no seriously i warned you im being a whiney piece of shit#I should probably be worried about the 3-day long panic attack ive had going on#the physical symptoms really are rhe works- the swimming vision the dizziness the tight chest feeling that is uniquely 'anxiety'#and then you add the inability to think for more than like 5 minutes about any given topic#the stress to the point of wanting to cry when things go slightly wrong#but ironically i cant seem to summon any actual anxiety about the anxiety#juat a blank numbness there#really do need it to stop tho as i think its destroying what little appeal as a human i had left at this point#and its seriously hampering my ability to get work done#which i absolutely need to be doing bc if i dont finish my work i cant take on more work#and if i dont take on more work i will officially no longer be paying my bills next month#'sky this seems like talk for a therapist not hidden tags on the tumblr dash' yeah I dont think sitting on this for a month will work#'talk to a friend about it then' hahaha no at least here anyone who reads this fuckin chose to#putting up with me normally is a big ask putting up with me when im needy & anxious & breaking down bc its Too Fucking Much?#lmfao hell no i like my friendship INTACT thanks#a bitch is not about to be a drain on emotional resources when said bitch cannot contribute fuckall of value thats how you make it all worse#and then a month later the therapist cancels so i just keep adding tags to this post bc no one will read them#but i feel like im “talking to someone”#the panic attacks stopped but i have no idea why#i mean im still feeling unusually heightened anxiety 24/7 but its not causing physical symptoms#not like it was anyway#and at least now being anxious makes sense#its a bunch of small to medium shit id probably feel better about if i talked more#but the less i talk and just observe people from a distance unseen the happier people i care about seem so#im literally a fifth wheel so the least i can do is not squeak and alert others to my presence#i really need to get better at art and get faster at working so i can have SOMETHING to offer#oh wow theres a tag limit apparently guess i have to find a new method bc making a new post is begging for attention & I don't wanna do that
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
fic rec friday 56
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Shiro's Skunk Hair Steals Lance's Boyfriend by @bleusarcellewrites
Lance nods, eyes scanning Keith’s face slowly, “I gotta ask, though, do you come here often?” Keith snorts, fondness for this dumbass making his heart to beat faster. “Charming as always, I see.” “I can show you ‘charming’.” Lance says, eyebrows wiggling in a suggestive manner and while the others groan behind them at the line, Keith just smiles. “But before that, I’m a man of honor and I gotta know: are you single?” Keith blinks at the question and suddenly he's laughing. [Or the one where Lance can't hold his alchohol and Keith gives up a Cuddle Night of his boyfriend to be flirted by said boyfriend just for his boyfriend to forget he was already his boyfriend. It's a mess but Keith wouldn't want it any other way.]
yall remember bleusarcelle...remember 2018.....crazy times. anyway. this fic is fun and sweet and dorky, nice to read when you want to forget how bad vld dropped the ball and ruined everything :))
2. Your Love Keeps Me Warm by crystalklances
Keith is giving him a look, contemplating, eyebrows drawn together. Noticing his gaze, Lance looks up, raising an eyebrow. “Are you cold?” Keith asks after a moment of a silent staring contest. “No,” Lance replies. “You should’ve said something.” “I just said I’m not—” But Keith doesn’t listen. Already, he’s shrugging out of his red varsity jacket, and he leans over to drape it around Lance’s shoulders. ---- Or, 4 times Keith is determined to prevent Lance from getting sick, and the time Lance catches a cold after all.
I MISS CRYSTALKLANCES EVERY DAY, BRO. no one got ridiculously soft modern au keith like he did. fuck. but at least most of his works are still on ao3. i like this one in particularly one because its soft and im a weenie but also because its a 4+1 which is my favourite genre of fic ever actually
3. what makes you beautiful by seventies
MMA fighter Keith Kogane is admitted to the hospital and gets KO'd by blue eyes that rival the seas and a crooked grin that knocks the air out of his lungs. It hasn't even been a minute in the ring. It's a world fucking record.
rare blue eyed lance appreciation moment from me (old bookmark lmfao). but jokes aside i do love this fic. i will always always always every day of my life love whipped on sight keith idc. its so so funny to me. its funnier when lance is like oh! this is my rival. we are going to be ENEMIES FUCK YEAH and keith is like oh my god if i dont marry him right now im literally going to die. also this fic has matt just fyi
4. Lance and Keith's guide for how to cure insomnia by crystalklances
Keith has always had trouble sleeping, but never told anyone. When they fall asleep together after a mission by chance, Lance finds out and offers to share his bed to help Keith fall asleep. However, sleeping together every night has unforeseen side-effects for both of them.
from the iconic INVENTOR of the smitten keith tag. soft klance, in canon. touch starved keith. sharing a bed to stop the nightmares. i bought my ticket on the first word of the summary like
5. love you so bad by seyama [EXPLICIT]
Keith and Lance sneak off from a party to go and fuck. That's it, that's the whole story.
this was bantery and silly and fun. and the little argument over who gets to be the little spoon....shockingly tender and so so them ive read this one a fewww times lol
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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tiredsmashbros · 2 months
I've been thinking about making a comic w ur oc, Im pretty sure his name is tsb??
basically, smg4 and him get into a fight for uh obvious reasons lmfao, the argument was gettin heated, and 4 ended up accidentally saying some hurtful shit like always, causing tsb to be like "BITCH-" and slapped em pretty hard, knocking dat meme boi to le ground, making 4 get the beeg sad 😖 (I portray 4 as being pretty sensitive to getting slapped sjrjskfjksj)
tari was watching the fight go down aaand when she saw tsb hurt 4 she was like "nahh bro that's crazy💀💀💀" and left with her meme boi leaving tsb in the room to be EXTRO DEPPRESO😔😔😔
so I was wondering if I could draw it sometime and post it!! tbh, I barely know anything about your character, but I think he has a lot of angst potential 🤭
if u don't want me to post it it's completely fine!! i jus wanted permission and maybe some more facts about tsb before I post it :)
if u haven't seen my drawings, here's a pretty good example of it!!!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
{straight-up idk why, but this ask reminded me of my film era last semester when i was a film director IOHUGIHBDCSCDSA IDK IT WAS FUNNIER AND CHARMING IN MY HEAD AAAAAAAAAAAAA now i have to draw myself with shorter hair smh sad. i also dont know if u have a sona/oc so i just drew the character/smg4 from ur profile icon iuigyuhjecdwsxiuhj AND I LOVE UR ART IT'S SO CUTEEEE UYOGIXZGUIHXZDXFCGHVJBKNLM}
if ur really worried about getting tsb down correctly or getting to know more of him, i suggest going through the #tsb tags if u haven't already!! esp art/stuff from me specifically if ur looking for something certain/canon to tsb's character. i got some asks i've been itching to get to that will be more focused on lore-drop if u're willing to wait just a bit for me to get to! if u got smth more specific in mind u can't find, pls don't be afraid to dm me !!! :DD
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aspd-culture · 4 days
hey, so i recently did some research and took the mmpi and a few other tests that i knew were well regarded as diagnostic tools by professionals, as well as self reflection and matching myself with criteria. (all tests found free probably illegally online via links on reddit cause i dont got that kind of money) and it appears that i have aspd.
I consider myself a good person, i try to always be good to everyone which is a lot of effort because it’s something i dont do naturally, and imo that makes me better than a “normal person” but i digress
finding this out, while relieving in the way that it explained a lot of stuff, has also made me feel more alienated. i cant tell anyone im close to because theyll just hear “sociopath” and think i dont care about them or ive been manipulating them this whole and leave, and i wont be able to find new people because im bad at connecting with others so ill be alone. and no one online with aspd seems to have my experiences (also a lot of the online spaces are filled with pwBPD and pwNPD using our tag lmao and i dont relate to them either obviously) so i feel alien here too.
I dunno, finding this out was helpful in some ways but in others i just feel worse.
I guess it’s a net good now that i know that my way of thinking and going through life doesnt make me a bad or manipulative person its just how i naturally think bc of my disorder, and as long as im choosing to be good to people it shouldn’t matter. i just wish it wasnt so stigmatized to have, and i wish people would realize that i am capable of being a good person just as much as they are, i just have my own way of doing it.
I actually dont get why having it Come Naturally is such a good thing anyway, isnt it more meaningful if someone isnt “good by nature” but actively chooses to be anyway? I think it means less and is less reliable if someone is good by nature because then it means that they don’t actually know how or why theyre doing it, and if they have a moment of fluctuations in their empathy then they could be worse than any of us disordered folk who had to learn they why and how of this stuff.
lmfao ok uh sorry for having a character arc in your ask box you can delete if you want idc
No, no worries! I'm sorry it took me this long to get to honestly because yeah I agree with this - it is in my opinion objectively better to do good things by choice, even when it's hard for us. And, in fact, the NTs feel that way too but they don't like that it applies to us.
It's a whole cliche people like to throw around, that it isn't easy to be a good person and that the only truly good people are the ones that doing it when it's hard too - that the easiest thing isn't always the right thing, all of that. They just don't like that those things apply to us too and therefore we are very much their definition of good people.
The world has so much stigma against us, and I'm sorry you're struggling with it, that any and all of you are. We shouldn't be treated this way as a result of us being mistreated as kids. It's not our fault, but we're labeled and demonized anyway. And it sucks, and even though it says everything about them and nothing about us, people believe them bc they're so used to thinking we're the scary ones so we must be wrong.
That seems to be slowly changing, and I hope I (and you) are around to see when it does.
Plain text below the cut:
No, no worries! I'm sorry it took me this long to get to honestly because yeah I agree with this - it is in my opinion objectively better to do good things by choice, even when it's hard for us. And, in fact, the NTs feel that way too but they don't like that it applies to us.
It's a whole cliche people like to throw around, that it isn't easy to be a good person and that the only truly good people are the ones that doing it when it's hard too - that the easiest thing isn't always the right thing, all of that. They just don't like that those things apply to us too and therefore we are very much their definition of good people.
The world has so much stigma against us, and I'm sorry you're struggling with it, that any and all of you are. We shouldn't be treated this way as a result of us being mistreated as kids. It's not our fault, but we're labeled and demonized anyway. And it sucks, and even though it says everything about them and nothing about us, people believe them bc they're so used to thinking we're the scary ones so we must be wrong.
That seems to be slowly changing, and I hope I (and you) are around to see when it does.
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daynightshipping · 3 months
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💚 Welcome to Daynightshipping 💚
Wowee I’m finally making a pinned post to explain all this!! My name is Ares, I’m 22 and extremely gay. I’ll warn you now I am the literal manifestation of 30 mental illnesses and banned from most public spaces. As John Mulaney once put it, “I also dont want me to be doing what I’m doing”. I’m ADHD and there’s probably some autism in there as well I don’t know anymore. My brain is not normal basically lmfao.
I ship with Jesse Glenn from Bakugan Battle Brawlers. I have loved this fruit since the moment I laid eyes on him at like 12 years old or however old I was when I watched Bakugan lol. About a year ago I got sick with covid, rewatched the show and fell absolutely head over heels again…. I definitely attribute him to being my gay awakening (even though I thought I was just a really fucked up weird straight girl up until after I graduated high school). This blog is for the ship between my self insert and Jesse, although I may refer to my s/i and myself interchangeably.
What is the ship?
Jesse Glenn x Aires Gallo. Aires is a boyfailure brawler who meets Jesse in Bakugan Interspace and finds himself in love and also entangled in an interplanetary war! Fun! Lots of angst potential here if u know the source material lmao
Why the name?
It’s inspired by the song When The Day Met The Night by Panic! At The Disco
I don’t really have a DNI just don’t be an asshole about me self shipping or anything lmao. It’s honestly rare I block anyone but if ur being shitty enough I will 💀
As far as like content and sharing f/o’s and stuff I’ve always been of the opinion that it’s not my place to police anyone and if I don’t like something I may complain bc I’m a complainer, but in reality it’s not that big of a deal and more of a personal preference or something I just need to get over. Obviously not into going out of my way to harass people as long as they don’t harass me lol. That being said, I’m not the biggest fan of Jesse in m/f ships (and just most m/f ships in general UNLESS it’s your self ship or Zelink then I love you mwuah) so, not that I really think anyone would bc this character is so niche in general, dont like tag me or send me that type of stuff. TLDR, keep it at a distance ig lmfao.
Other stuff???
My headcanons aren’t exactly 100% clear and I do like to imagine different scenarios between these 2. One of the divergent paths is where they have a kid together, Zephyr, so I’ll of course post him too. Idk this started off as more of a selfship dumping zone and it still is kind of that.
I have a NSFT blog (gummysharksafterdark) where I do post some selfship stuff too that’s obviously 18+ only.
My ask box is always open, and my dms are too to some extent, although I don’t answer those as often usually. My main is gummy-sharks666 which is mostly Bakugan right now bc that’s what I’m hyperfixated on atm and other general fandom stuff. I look forward to interacting w other oc/canon shippers and selfshippers, esp ones with anime or hobbyani f/o’s, and also obviously Bakugan fans if u care this oc/canon stuff at all uwu.
That’s about it, so yeah
(Art at the top gifted by @ / freaquin)
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yenqa · 2 months
10 QUESTIONS FOR U - enhablrinas edition get it bc tumblrina + enhablr
favorite color of themes?
moot with best theme?
you can send a love letter to anyone. fictional/idols/celebs. who?
which moot is most active? which moot do you barely ever run into but LOVE?
most rizzful mutual? do you flirt with ur moots?
favorite petnames/nicknames? giving or recieving?
have you ever had an online crush? (or on a moot GASP)
ever been involved in drama?
do u keep up with tumblr drama?
be honest. how many times have u swapped biases? no judgement here :D
were u here for the insaneness that was lockdown enhablr?
MIA moot u want to comeback?
ur fave fic or smau that gagged u when u read it? seungstarss BET was the end of the fucking world for me I WAS DISTRAUGHT oddeonu too grrrr the ptsd fuckkkk too there was someone m1ngh8o or smtg idk w this jungwon smau and it KILLLED MEEE he was yns roommate and always so fucking rude and his gf was legit cheating on him but he didn't leave her. gf made moves on his bff jake too who liked reader. slowburns where the main lead is an ass rlly annoy me but i also will them the shit up bc i luv angst and toxicity :DDD
are you close w ur moots? do u have any on socials?
what is ur biggest ick to see on tumblr?
words u find urself repeating too much? words u love using?
any enhablr inside jokes ur part of?
ever been featured in a moots fic?
have u ever dreamt of enhypen?
ur favorite enha pc u want rlly badly?
thank you so much for sending an ask!! i love these weirdly specific questions! moots so sorry if youre tagged multiple times
1. i lovee pink or like neutral colored themes because i love when themes are super minimalistic !!
2. i love @okwonyo @byhees and @soov ‘s themes!! they always eat down and i use them for inspo sometimes ^_^
3. obviously, would send a love letter to my beautiful boyfriend park jongseong
4. okay idrk most active but i see @flwrstqr on my feed a bunch!! and i lovee talking to @boyfhee on the rare occasion we do talk T^T
5. guys this is all about mutuals but i literally have like two i talk to 😭 but most rizzful is @voikiraz my queen mari <3
6. my name “yen” is a nickname that just stuck with me for tumblr so probably that! but i love saying babe but i can only say that online
7. no 😭 i honestly dont think i could ever have an online crush
8. in real life no! on tumblr…
9. i want to but im so out of the loop 😭😭 @yeokii keeps me up to date though!
10. for enhypen,,, like three times… at first it was heeseung, then sunghoon, then jay!!
11. sadly no!! i joined in like summer of 2022 (happy two year anniversary!)
12. i actually am so bad at remembering my moots. like i have to interact with them to remember them so no so sorry 😭
13. OH MY GOD ODDEONUS SMAUS. but theres this one heeseung smau called “reality check!” i forgot the author, ALSO @amakumos go figure! OH MY GODD STUCK WITH ME FOREVER I DONT CARE ITS DISCONTINUED. also one more. “the language of flowers” by @soobnny GOD KILL ME NOW I LOVE THAT SMAU.
14. i am close with a couple of them!! i have @yeokii @wvnkoi and @jennaissantes on insta and a bunch of moots on discord!
15. people who dont reblog about gaza.. no matter the account size..
16. i use “LMFAO” a lot because its the only way i laugh ERMM and recently ive been calling people just “boy” or “girl” LMFAO
17. uh none! its okay though i am #antisocial girl
18. i have!! check out @yeokii ‘s upcoming smau “love glitch” guys (and upcoming maybe @soov smau *cough* tdwp *cough*🤫)
19. thank GOD i havent 🙏
20. JAY PEACH PC ONE DAY I WILL GET MY HANDS ON U. also sunghoon glasses pc in romance untold 😵‍💫😵‍💫
anyways… thank u so much for sending me these questions!!
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deedala · 1 year
🌟macy's lil tag game tuesday🌟
thanks @celestialmickey for making us another fun tag game and tagging me! also thanks @energievie for the tag!! <3
name: deanna🌱
age: still sticking with "noel-aged" you can pry that one from my cold dead hands
how many hours of sleep did you get last night?
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this is actually pretty good for me i've been bad lately!!
which do you use more: tumblr mobile or desktop? i use both pretty equally
a hobby you’d like to pick up: i started getting into voice-acting for game mods before the panini big time interrupted that. would be fun to get back into that though i have no clue when i could possibly fit it in.
if you were a crayon, what color would you be? somehow this one is stumping me...i feel like i *want* to be like a sweet little pastel mint green but i'm probably more of a tangy peach color that a lot of people dont find palatable lol
what was your average screen time last week? uuhhh i have this turned off apparently and that's probably for the best lmao
a song you put on every playlist: here with me - susie suh & robert koch
favorite holiday: i'm gonna be real lame here and say labor day. because it gets my husband off work but we dont have to do anything extra for the kids or hang out at a big family gathering lmao
something on your bucket list: all i can think of is places i want to go, California, Seattle, Iceland, Amsterdam, Greece... i hope i can see more of the world one day.
you’re invited to a costume party, what are you dressing up as? i have a big comfy sloth kigurumi i will be wearing thanks!!
what show takes up the most space in your brain? lmfao Shameless.
and finally, share something you’re looking forward to: ngl kind of in a lull right now. i guess i'm looking forward to drinking some more of my oatmilk latte after i finish posting this.
ok little nuggets gonna tag folks if you wanna play! @michellemisfit @too-schoolforcool @harrowhark-a-vagrant @thepupperino @gardenerian @heymrspatel @grumble-fish @callivich @scurvgirl @themarchg1rl @canticle-of-apotheosis @maizzycakes @sickness-health-all-that-shit @juliakayyy @mmmichyyy @crossmydna @grossmickey @lee-ow @mickeysgaymom @rereadanon @creepkinginc @mishervellous @lalazeewrites @lingy910y @sleepyfacetoughguy @vintagelacerosette @metalheadmickey @mikhailoisbaby and anyone else who wants to play just say i tagged you i will corroborate!!
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forcebookish · 1 year
Hey so you don't have to answer this if you dont have the time or anything but I really love all your takes on the show and was wondering if you had any thoughts/theories especially when it comes to mew's revenge and how you think all that is gonna go down. I'm just asking cuz I spent too much time in the tags and saw people that legit think mew is gonna sleep with boston or ray lmfao and I just need some good takes from someone that actually gets his character to drown it out.
oh, anon, i am at this level at all times,
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so of course i will answer this, i need very little prompting haha (and i'm glad you're loving my only friends takes❣️) BUT OMG IMAGINE THINKING THAT MEW WOULD SLEEP WITH BOSTON AFTER ALL THAT CAN'T RELATE BECAUSE I HAVE A BRAIN LOL trying to drown him is their foreplay i guess lmao ppl are really out here writing fanfiction and calling it "predictions"🤣🤣🤣
however, as for sleeping with ray, i'm not entirely sure actually! if at all, definitely not in the next episode, although it does look like mew is going to forgive him for ruining his birthday
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and my hope is that it's, in part, because ray is actually going to get sober. we've already seen that mew is maybe a little too forgiving when it comes to ray.
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but i don't think that now that mew has ~lost his virginity~ he's going to suddenly jump into bed with anyone. like how falling in and out of love isn't a switch you can flick on and off, losing your virginity after being that particular isn't a dam breaking. and when it comes to ray, i think mew's got a couple reasons for not wanting to be with ray and rejecting him when he did: not only because he "can't hook up with his friend," but because ray is a hot fucking mess. mew's already gone through a lot because of ray's addiction. plus, now that he knows how long ray has been holding that torch and how hard it's been burning, mew's smart enough not to fan the flames. especially based on his attitude in the above cap.
and we have this to look forward to:
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which i'm sure will be related to mew, but might be about something that hasn't even been set up yet, idk. we're only halfway through D:
all this to say, to your actual point, as angry as mew was at ray he's not going to be one of the "targets" for his revenge. boston's definitely going to get the brunt of it, and i'm hoping in the process mew will find out/realize what top's part actually was in all of this - and soon!!! it's tearing me up inside that mew thinks top slept with boston to mess with him and their whole relationship was a lie😭
as for how the revenge will be planned/play out, i've got a few of loose, disconnected ideations but nothing concrete:
sabotaging boston's part of the hostel project, specifically finding a way that he can fail without hurting mew's grades in the process (which i'm guessing may backfire)
(side-note: if nickboston are endgame at all, i don't think they're going to actually get back together but i do think that boston is going to move to new york to be with his mom/pursue photography - because i do not see him graduating without mew's help lol - and that nick is going to follow him. they may meet up with each other again, but no matter what i think it's going to be open-ended.)
leaking the audio recording and/or gap's video of him and boston, thus sabotaging boston's dad's campaign; this would definitely involve nick like book hinted, and hopefully will reveal all of what went down in the car. (there also could be footage from the photobooth where top and boston hooked up and/or security cam footage of the elevator in top's hotel, as @topapologist pointed out to me. that might be overkill though.) my guess is that mew's creepy bathtub brain-blast in the preview is going to be related to that, and after he finds out from ray where he got the recording, which should lead him to nick. and because of the full audio, mew will not only find out that top was coerced, but that boston has some kind of sex tape that "proves" mew and ray slept together. i've hidden this in the tags of some other post, but i do have a suspicion that the video boston showed top was the video gap took of them, either edited to make it hard to see or otherwise, especially since we don't see it or hear it. however, since it's been hinted that gap may still have a copy, nick might get it from there idk
something something nick is into animation something something lmao that could be totally unrelated!! but that seems to be where papang at least comes into it at least, seen here:
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and my wildest, totally out of left field, am 99% sure won't happen, just for giggles prediction is that mew frames boston for arson lol
i thought i had more about the revenge but guess not🤔 i do think that the first two are going to be in tandem, but if there's anything else going on or how it specifically goes down, no idea.
boeing is going to show up as the ex that sand said top "stole" - i've been thinking this for a while and i would assume it's become a popular theory now that we're sure mix is coming on to the show as boeing.
the ominous music cue when mew found the toy airplane seems like a lot just to indicate that top was going to lie about it, there has to be a deeper reason than just "it was my ex's"
the obviously abridged version of the truth that top tells mew later in the episode may be related to "stealing" him from sand, to hide an ugly side of himself he didn't want mew to see (we already know that he's uncomfortable talking about stuff that happened before meeting mew, see: beam - although i will maintain that beam made him uncomfortable in general because of their sexual history and whatever trauma he's secretly got going on)
however, i also think boeing either "pursued" top rather than the other way around and/or top didn't know that boeing was taken. i've got a few reasons:
top doesn't go after people who are "taken," based on this line when he first met mew (even though mew's wristband meant he wasn't looking for anyone), perhaps because he "learned his lesson" but i don't think so
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i think this line
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is a red herring. it's meant for us to think that top was the one who came on stronger, right? but i think it has more to do with boeing coming on stronger to top. (but maybe i'm just looking with my top lovin' goggles😅)
relative to "coming on stronger," i think that boeing may have something to do with why top shuts down when boston gropes him and why he's instantly on his guard when beam touches him (even before seeing who it was). it may have been another case where someone took advantage of him that he blames himself for - might've been the first case.
top is going to steal mew's pain medication.
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this one's pretty obvious, although i suppose since the above q photo was staged between shots, it could be a red herring (i no longer think it's a suicide attempt, although that might have been the original intent based on the pilot trailer. they deleted/privated the pilot trailer for a reason; we picked that shit apart like wild animals lol). they reference the medication, they're definitely opioids, and we already know that top's drug of choice is some kind of opioid/opiate. it looks episode 7 might pick up right where episode 6 ended, since it's the same outfit, you know, before he got shirtless lol we also know that it's going to be harder than ever to sleep without mew and who knows what his tolerance level for his sleeping pills is at this point.
i might be forgetting something i've posted about or chatted about with friends already but for now, i rest my case lol
as always, i wrote too much, but these are still only small fractions of what may play out and i find that really exciting. guessing twists is a lot of fun, but how we get there or seeing them be built up especially without really knowing what's going to happen is the most fun to me! episode 6 was a wild ride: a lot of my predictions were correct but they still only made up, like, 10% of what actually happened. there was so much stuff i never would have guessed! even when it was breaking my heart, i loved it.
hope you enjoyed these takes too, anon! <3
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defensivelee · 7 months
ok... i just blocked anon at this point but heres what they said bc apparently i didn't read what i wrote myself(?!)
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i would just leave it at that, but honestly? i do wanna address some things here not bc i feel the need to defend myself to anon, but bc i wanna make it clear to you ppl WHY all this stuff was written.... like im not gonna sugarcoat it, i DO enjoy writing this bc hi. huge whump lover here. making pretty people suffer is my favorite thing. but it's also so important to say that this is FICTION (this is historical rpf which is kinda funny but still, none of this actually happened). there is no real abuse going on so there is no need for any of this performative bullshit. anon is just wasting time bc it goes without saying but i would never ever condone or do this shit irl. idk how it works for other ppl but for me fiction does not affect reality, the only way it does is that it makes me happy precisely because i can do whatever i want and nobody gets hurt. and these mfs dont care, they're dead im sure they have better things to do. anyway i just wanna say:
all the details anon is giving me abt my story makes it sound like they read the whole story, both Dona Dona and the main chapters. that's almost 100k words. when they could have clicked off at any time. when the tags are so clearly right there. like... you did this for what 😭
i assume the gang rape anon is talking about is in the Tenth Hot Spring when Bentinck serviced a bunch of dudes to seal a deal for William. i would find it kind of difficult to describe it as that... but tbh, yeah, it would have been incredibly hard for him to say no. in any case, so sorry to tell you this anon but there are no perfect victims in this AU! he never sees it as rape because he thinks he deserves it, and because he does enjoy it at times. his whole image as an Ally under an Overlifer kind of relies on that. and while i'll tag it properly, i'm not going to sanitize or sugarcoat it as it's a huge part of his character arc. he doesn't think he's allowed to say no or have boundaries, so he won't! in this society i think it would be hard to find a "perfect victim." Bentinck doesn't cry about this because he thinks he's fulfilling his purpose.
Bentinck being described as a shotacon..... im so sorry that was so fucking funny to me LMFAO
i wouldn't say he enjoyed kissing William's father as a boy, he just thinks he did. obv we don't get to see much of it in Dona Dona bc it's from William's POV. but even then, as an adult, he stills sees it as an honor. AGAIN, part of his whole arc of how he views himself, the religion, and his role in it. that event is kind of the starting point of that, it was put there for a reason and not bc i actually think kids can consent/enjoy assault! in my experience, they can think they did. here again, the perfect victim narrative does not always reflect reality.
you're right, kids can't initiate that! like i said in my disclaimer, it's a result of grooming and how they've been raised. they think they are, but it's just making them easier to abuse. i never once believed they could consent.
im not a rapist period full stop. just not
yeah i romanticize abusive relationships. in FICTION. they're fun to write. jamesborough is a delightful ship and the succubus au has been so fun to work on. real life abusers can choke and i would encourage anyone in a relationship like the ones i write about to seek help immediately.
Anne called Marly a slut bc SHE is victim blaming. EVERYONE victim blames Marly in this story. it's part of HIS arc. i would not blame any victim of this sort of shit irl. and even then, in this universe "slut" doesn't have such a negative connotation as in our world. yes, it is still victim blaming, but how can you read the story and still have it completely fly by your head like that
im aromantic, which i dont know how you wouldnt have just picked up from idk... SCROLLING THRU MY BLOG LIKE ANON SO CLEARLY DID?? LOOKING AT MY ICON?? so no need to pray for those hypothetical partners, it's never happening.
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adrienschat · 2 years
About Me Tagged
So, I’ve been tagged in a few posts by @summerfrwrks @lady-de-mon-coeur @sub-text & @rosie-b (ily guys thank you for being patient), and I decided to put them all together lmfaoo 
WIPs Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
The Wall Between Us (miraculous fic)
Golden (3rd edit - mysterious demon comes to town, a girl confronts her grief)
Stitches (poetry book)
Winterville School for the Talented and Gifted (paranormal romance)
Random music & animations
Barely Seen the Light of Day:
I have it kinda planned out but my alt-marinette au lmfao
Strikes at Midnight (fantasy novel I’ll never finish, but it has like 100k words)
Open Caged Bird (Webtoon I started like a year ago...)
three ships:
adrien/marinette (in ANY FORM)
....... Drarry (dont block me i know hp is problematic etc etc)
those silly gays from our flag means death
first ship:
Probably percabeth? 
last song:
Cannibal (Nathan Apollo)
last movie:
currently reading:
The Dark Prince (i’m on like page 30 because i’m a dumb slow reader)
my Python textbook
the picture of dorian grey
random fanfics i love
currently watching:
Orange is the new black
currently consuming:
right now i’m having a smoothie
wish i was having DIET COKE
currently craving:
rules: list five things you never get tired of writing. it can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. then tag five people!
1. LESBIANS!!!!!!
2. BISEXUALS!!!!!!!!!!
3. slightly spooky
5. Dramatic irony
About Me
1. Are you named after anyone?
I actually named myself! I was 7, getting adopted, and i hated my birth name so i switched it to Julia (not named after anyone)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday during my singing lesson (i’m sorry K, i hope you read this and know i’m sorry lmfao). I cry a lot
3. Do you have kids?
nooooooooooo but i love kids and i love my niece and nephews.  someday i’d like to be a mom! 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah but tbh i think it’s more like a teasing sarcasm. i don’t like to make people think they’re stupid 
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
How they’re feeling in a situation
sense of humor
6. What’s your eye colour?
Dark blue! Some people have asked me if I have brown eyes but only in dimly lit rooms lol.  
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies with happy endings my beloved. Finding love despite the horrors. etc etc 
8. Any special talents?
Projecting myself onto characters
i’m not good at most things i do, but i have a talent for doing what makes me happy
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing music, novels, fanfic, and poetry
languages <3 (I speak Spanish fluently, ASL & French pretty okay, and a bit of german)
video games
crafty stuff (i used to crochet and knit a lot)
11. Have you any pets?
two kitties hehe. they’re under my “thea��� and “dorito” tags. thea’s legal name is cool ranch. 
12. What sports do you play/have played?
just gym, no sport 
but also i did do cross country back in high school 
13. How tall are you?
I’m 6′ lmfao. I love being tall, it calls forth the short lesbians (this is a message to short lesbians to talk to me)
14. Favorite subject in school?
i liked math, which is ironic since i’m an editor/writer for work
15. Dream job?
I’m getting a master’s in software development rn, so i reeeeally want to create beautiful video games. 
Who I’m Tagging
Don’t feel any pressure to answer all or any of the questions! Love you guys <3
@castles-in-the-eyre @keyboardnonsense @asukiess @lesbitorte @fantasybuff3186 @juliuli @fragileizy @everythingisubtext @dorkylovespepsi @chatdc @talkstoself @doksangs 
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palehottubchild · 1 year
ˏˋ°*♡➷ get to know me ༊*·˚
I was tagged in this lovely game by @sflow-er- i stole your exact post dont hate me i love doing these things also im not gonna tag ppl bc i have anxiety but if you wanna do this consider yourself tagged by me
(explanations below if anyone cares)
The idea is to pick a favourite movie, character, animal, drink, song, season, book, colour, and hobby and present them as pictures.
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ok so first off, movie; I don't really tend to have favourite movies (i don't watch a lot of movies in general) and at the same time every movie I have ever watched is my favourite. For today, tho, Dead Poets Society has been the latest rewatch and it just Hit Me and I haven't stopped thinking about it for 3 days now so that's getting the favourite movie spot.
Character; Mike Wheeler. I think Mike is severely undervalued (by the GA especially) and there are sooooo many interesting things to his character that i wish were explored deeper than they are currently. (I am also a strong mike-in-the-closet believer but that's besides the point)
Animal; Whales. I don't really have an insightful reason for this. When i was 11 someone asked me what my favourite animal was and because i wanted to be special i said it was a whale and its stuck by me ever since.
Drink; Not Heineken, but i do love me a good beer. I was debating between beer and iced tea, but then i realised that whereas i only really drink iced tea in summer i am always always down for a good beer. not heineken tho, its just the first picture i could find.
Song; Another hard one, because as for the movie every song i have ever heard is my favourite song, but i chose It's All Futile! It's All Pointless! (wilbur soot version in particular) because I feel like it resonates with me a lot and while i love the lovejoy version, the og has a special place in my heart. I encourage all of you to listen to it if you havent and while you're at it throw in the entire Maybe I Was Boring album.
Season; Winter. I love winter. I love christmas and i love new years and i love snow and i love not sweating my balls off at 7 in the morning and i love that it reminds me of home and my grandparents. i love winter.
Book; Another 'i love everything ive ever consumed' answer. but a little bit different. This is probably not my favourite book ever but i read this in the past year at a time where i was doing particularly bad and as cringe as it sounds it did help me a lot in realising that yes, life is shitty, but maybe its okay after all. if youve read the book youll know what im talking about.
Colour; yeah no this doesnt have any fun reasoning i just like the colour green.
Hobby; Rowing. I love rowing its a great sport for people who have bad knees (me) and people who are terrible at running (also me). Yes, the young royals rowing scenes hurt me deep in my soul, yes i loved seeing rowing on my laptop screen and yelled about it for an hour w my best friend who also rows. Its just a great sport. Its outside, its together, it gets me to be active. Great on all aspects and I miss it every day now that i cant do it.
anyways tahts all Im sad my pictures dont form as nice of a collage as ive seen some other people (although i will admit that maybe i chose the particular song and book because the covers have kind of a dark-ish colour that i felt fit the other pictures a little more lmfao) thank you for reading if you ever got this far.
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hatchetverse · 2 months
hi this has been weighing on me for a very long time but i have to say it at this point. a while back you made a post about saf writers not having good writing skills and needing beta readers. and then you proceeded to spell the word ludicrous as "ludacris" in dialogue in the middle of a sex scene. ludacris as in hit rapper ludacris. completely serious. in a sex scene. ludacris. Ludacris. thank you for your time
LMFAO THATS FUCKING EMBARRASSING! omfg thanks for letting me know!!! (wish someone had pointed this out a lil sooner bc its been up for MONTHS lol).
im a shit speller. always have been and I guess gdocs didn't have the heart to tell me either lmfao
Iirc i didn't say anyone had bad skills? I dont think i said anything specific, on purpose. But maybe i did, i can't seem to find the post rn and im an idiot bc i have no earthy idea what i tagged it as. I was kinda referring to formatting bc idk i saw one or two fics that were just like one big paragraph or the dialogue was all on the same line. (which is not a big deal when i comes to free stuff on the internet, OBVIOUSLY, but I just wanted to offer my help).
Specifically not for spelling, clearly. lol
((((outside of that embarrassing spelling error...............what did u think of my fic?))))
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sadability · 4 months
hello!! i was scrolling thru the obey me tag & I saw that ur avail w matchups rn so i'd like to have an obey me match up! ^^
i checked ur profile & i dont think u specified on what info we should write of ourselves so pls don't mind if my format is gonna b rly messy ;_; (lmk tho if u did put some specific template or format on what we should write in ur match ups!)
I'm from asia, height is 164 cm/5'4 ft, im still a student but i do side hustles sometimes, for my age i prefer if u don't rlly count it in the match up since yk the characters in om are like all ancient lmfao so age will definitely already have a big gap but just in case u need it im turning 18 this dec:)
so anw my mbti is IDK im honestly confused but I think mbti/cognitive functions are interesting. im a sagittarius ♐. i like to think that im an ambivert, but at first i may definitely come off as shy reserved to others, but friendly to to others tbh it depends if I find them approachable/scary or not. my hobbies are reading, writing, sing & dance (but I suck at it lmfao). lately I'm also into podcasts,also recently I like to take night walks in my neighborhood:)
personality wise. . . i like to think myself as an open minded person:]. a friend of mine refers to me as a golden retriever and in my circle of friends im known to be the joker goofy one, but some also refer to me as a 'listener' or 'therapist. w my friends im sarcastic and dramatic ironically lmfao. anyways,, out of my main friend group and just to other people/casual friends, acquaintances or schoolmates, they refer to me as nice, friendly, chill. OHH and I think im expressive bc people say my face tends to express a lot of emotion even tho I don't rly intend to :’). my flawss? I've been said that I tend to yap sometimes lmfao. i also think I can be absent minded especially when I'm under pressure :’) I don't take pressure well huhu. so that means I'm not rly adaptable either. also i can be indecisive. also another info im a homebody but like it's not rly obvious at first bc sometimes I force myself to go out bc a lot of my friends in my friend group r outgoing & I don't wanna make them disappointed or smth (sometimes I make up an excuse tho so I don't go out lmfao). oh and I'm a night owl and prolly have undiagnosed insomnia /lh
anw I think I explained a lot (tbh too much actually) of my personality ngl so I'm gonna try my best to make my lists of interests short: I'm interested in biology, zoology, and history. I hate physics w all my heart. I like coffee, but tea is ok too. I like video game lore but I'm usually too lazy to play the game itself and I usually play fast paced games and valorant. current fave book is: romancing mr bridgerton from the bridgerton series. current fave show is: romance killer. my music taste is all over the place so I don't rly have a fave music genre.
anw that's all, have a good day!! thank u so much for reading & I'm sorry if it's too long. it's ok if u don't wanna answer this match up yet, take ur time!! once again thank u v much u don't need to answer this!
Anyway!! I match you with...Satan!! :D
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I think you two would be absolutely adorable together!! Satan would be very protective of you and always try to make sure you're comfortable, especially when meeting the demons for the first time. He would listen to your rambles and shut anyone that tries to speak over you up. Would let you roam his library and pick out any books you want, occasionally reading you to sleep :D Will hand you giant ass history books, biology books and zoology books. Will teach you about demon world animals too! He'd also love staying home with you and cuddling, just relaxing with each other ESPECIALLY when his brothers are out for the day
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