#not sponsored but i will sponsor nocd anytime they want
fangsup-cobrastyle · 1 year
I've always had a very hard time being happy and living in the moment. Years and years of therapy and tools haven't helped at all. You know what did? Exposure response prevention (ERP) therapy. I tried being happy today - despite a lot of negative things happening - using the methods I've learned in ERP, and it worked!!! Turns out the other methods haven't been working because they were targeting my anxiety and depression, not my OCD, but my OCD is why a single bad moment can ruin my day.
I can't find it but someone in my OCD memes group made a meme of "Wait, it's all OCD?" "Always has been." And I can't stop thinking about it because I never would have imagined my bad attitude was OCD. I feel like 90% of my psychological problems have actually been OCD this whole time.
Seriously, I know everyone is different and the same methods won't work for everyone, but if you have access to ERP for your OCD, you should at least try it. It's been like a miracle for me. It's giving me a life I never thought was possible before.
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