#not pjo related oops
snoelledarts · 4 months
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Have this Nico sketch I did while deciding what I wanted Nico to look like post-haircut from Piper in my fic Grace of Gods (Chapter 6 out now! With new and improved Nico!)
(edited bc i forgot his face scars at first!)
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I got bored so now I suddenly out of no where (genuinely don’t know how) I have black lines all over my left hand.
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ashoss · 4 months
Oops you got me going on two of my seven evil hyperfixations (batfam and pjo) so i'm gonna keep going ❤️ I think for Cass it really depends on what aspect of her personality/history you want to focus on! I've always liked Bellona (Roman goddess of war) for her as a connection to her fighting abilities. I feel like she'd have a similar relationship to her mother as Frank Zhang does to Mars. Hades of course for the connection to death. I also like Nike is another good one, especially with how CONFIDENT she is in the comics that she never loses. Like she's so smug about it, i love it!
Actually, if you still want Cass to have a relation to Hades without her being a kid of the big 3, you could have her be a legacy of Hades and have a different god be her other godly parent (like Frank)! Two for one because Cass is that special ❤️
Another one that I've never seen anyone mention, but one that came to me and won't leave my head, is Nemesis. Nemesis is vengeance, yes, but she is also justice and balance, passing judgment where it is and in proportion to what was deserved. Our first introduction to Cass was that she felt so much guilt over killing a man that she felt that the only way to redeem herself was to die. We see this fuel so much of her actions as batgirl, and even though she eventually grew out of that mindset, that really struck me that Cass was someone kind and fair. She values life so much that she couldn't forgive herself for something that wasn't her fault (passing judgment like Nemesis, but inward instead of outward), so now she fights so that others have a right to live and to right what she thinks of as wrongs
Also depending on which origin you use for Diana, the batkids being demigods means that cool aunt diana REALLY IS their aunt now! Or even better, their cool older cousin (which i think would be incredibly funny) LMAO aunt would be if Diana is directly the offspring of Zeus (along with Cassie Sandsmark, who would also technically be Tim's aunt in this case? LMAO) Cousin would be a bit looser, but going the clay doll route, diana could be regarded as being "birthed" by the other gods, or at the very least, is their champion and near-like their child in that way.
akhjds no please keep going!!! you have fantastic takes on this oh my god
god, nemesis Cass is honestly so interesting. i was focusing more on her relationship with fighting and death for some of my other ideas but honestly it makes so much more sense. (and me taking just the justice/retribution for me wanting her to be Jason's mom) but god that makes so much sense i am actually so in love with this take. (hades legacy cass is also sooo good ugh)
and yes!! that is absolutely their aunt Diana!! (when Jason actually gets claimed his first thing is "like wonder woman???") i also think their connection with some of the other Amazonians would be interesting in this case because it could be the cause for the FUNNIEST shenanigans that the other people don't get.
like Tim complaining to Cassie: ugh yeah there was a couple harpies on my way here. they're such a pain to fight.
Cassie: ugh yeah i know.
Kon and Bart: harpies????
or like, "hey Tim why are you covered in gold glitter?
Tim: had to fight a cheerleader.
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Always funny when I see some fan content for media inspired by greek mythology (hades, epic the musical, pjo, etc) and someone in the comments will be like "umm aren't these two technically related???" Like buddy idk what to tell you this is greek mythology. It's literally Oops All Incest
"So what if it's myth?? That literally doesn't make it okay??" <- guy who just found out ancient greeks were Problematic
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demons-and-demigods · 7 months
Greetings, my darlings!
You can call me Eliot or Dean ^-^
I made this side blog to post about my spn/pjo crossover au!
This pinned post is gonna be two-fold: basic info abt the au (which I've named the Demons and Demigods Verse) and some basic info abt me!
Behind the Screen:
As I mentioned, you guys can call me Eliot or Dean! My pronouns are they/he and im nonbinary (transmasc) pan ace!
This is a side blog!!!!!!!!!!!! My main is @invalid-author , and I have a couple other side blogs as well. @water-you-doing-bro is my pjo side blog, @pretty-boy-baby-girl is my criminal minds side blog, and @demons-i-get is my spn side blog!
I'd like to keep this blog for just my au, so if you want to talk with me about spn or pjo not related to this au or anything else, please feel free to hop over to the corresponding side blog or my main!!!!!!
I'll come back and edit this if I remember anything else I want to add!!
And now,
Demons and Demigods Background!
Some warnings/preface before I get into the actual au: I have a potty mouth and therefore so do the characters. I love using the fuck word.
As the blog title states, I do put the characters through The Horrors arguably worse than canon. So. Please keep that in mind, also I am a big fan of dark!percy and making demigods a little eldritched (mostly percy tho) so expect a lot of morally gray (at the very least) actions on Percy's part and violence and gore more spn canon level than pjo canon level
Also, I do fuck around with timelines as I wish even if it doesn't make much sense bc I am the god of this world and Chuck's got nothing on me 😈
I make a number of changes to how spn s1 plays out and also smush the entirety of spn seasons 1 , 2, and most of 3 into the ~8-10 months during which hoo takes place. Like I said, I fuck severely with the timelines.
This au starts in the time between tlo and tlh where Percy has just gone missing, and picks up right after the pilot for spn
I haven't made it that far yet, but this au will be Destiel bc I'm down bad <3
Sally is Mary's younger sister. They were always close growing up, and both decided to quit hunting.
Percy is six years younger than Sam! (Sam is 22 in the pilot, and Percy is 16 when he goes missing.)
Percy disappears and Annabeth tells Sally that he's missing right after Jess dies. Oops. (Yes, I know the timelines don't match up but I don't care <3)
Everything else I'll get too into, so I'll post the rest of the set up separately!
I have some scenes fully written for this au and a lot of hand-wavey transition shit written down, too.
I'll work on getting what I've got so far posted over the next couple of days!
As I get stuff posted, I'll tag all fully written scenes with #dndv scenes and anything involving world-building or any kind of lore will be tagged with #dndv lore ! If I get any asks abt the au, they'll be tagged #dndv asks alongside #dean/eliot answers . All posts about the au involving plot or storyline at all will be tagged with #dndv and #demons and demigods verse . Anything like progress updates as I'm working on the next part will be tagged with #dndv behind the scenes
I'll include those tags in this post for ease of use, and if I decide to use other specific tags, I'll add them here as well!
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relzxency · 10 months
okay here’s a new pjo fic i posted a few days before the show came out
Please LOG IN to your AO3 account to view my works.
will a man rob god?
Relationships: Sally Jackson/Poseidon
Characters: Sally Jackson, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Hera, Paul Blofis (mentioned), Percy Jackson (as a baby), Original Family Members (Sally’s Uncle)
Word Count: 8,040
Chapters: 1/1
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, First Meetings, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Implied Sexual Content, Backstory
Summary: How did Sally Jackson meet the god of the sea?
I actually don’t like this.
Yeah…this was meant to be a short, 1k words max writing practice, but once again my brain hates me so I shat this out instead.
This isn’t actually the full thing- I meant to write two more scenes between Sally’s meeting with Hera and the last scene, but I didn’t have the time and I wanted to get this out of there before the new series starts airing so unfortunately we’re stuck with this. And I think the lack of those scenes kinda made this entire thing worse, so oops
I also don’t like how I wrote about her financial situation (too inconsistent and unrealistic) and how she seems to have forgiven Poseidon very quickly (he doesnt deserve that). For the former, it rubs off the wrong way and honestly slipped my mind that she grew up working class when I started writing and it’s pretty obvious I realised that and tried to remedy that halfway in (why did I even write her like that in the first place? i dunno). For the latter, I think I just got lazy :/ she shouldn’t have to forgive Poseidon immediately after finding out she’s pregnant and Poseidon 100% doesn’t deserve that from her. BUT we’re stuck with this now. If you’re gonna comment on those - save urself the trouble because I KNOW 😭
And the whole piano scene just feels pretty jarring and out of place - it gets very technical mostly because i’m a music student. But it doesn’t flow nicely with the rest of the fic.
Aside from that, i think this helped me practice writing dialogue and inner monologues! But that’s about it…
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cescalr · 2 years
thalia x reyna from percy jackson for the ask (i'm pretty sure you've read heroes of olympus but if i'm wrong, ronance from stranger things)
I will answer both and this is gonna be soooo controversial (for the second) lol ack
Also; I'm on mobile, and this is going to get long, and i cant link any suppirting posts that explain my perspectives better than i can, lol. If you want, i'll dm the metas. I hope I get the keep reading thing right, but if it doesn't work... sorry. Summary:
Tl:dr; I could see reynalia working, maybe, but I'd need to read some to get a proper feel for it. It might be one of those cases where I prefer it in polyamorous form, aka reynaliabeth. Reynabethalia. Or maybe when put alongside pipabeth (idk piper/annabeth...) Idk. As for ronance, just not my cup of tea for a variety of reasons. I prefer robin crossover ships, like my tiny little dingy of tarabin. (Tara Maclay/Robin Bucley).
Reyna/Thaila (reynalia??) Is not something I've ever considered, to be honest. I'm not sure how compatible they'd be, but I do ship annabeth/thalia (I should really look up pjo ship names, huh) and I've even given thalia/percy a go, because I'm firmly in the camp that you should give most ships a chance before you write them off completely (as it stands, the most controversial pjo ship I've ever read would either be luke/percy or nico/Sadie - that was written before he was confirmed as gay, though, so it's a grey area, like pre-confirmation romantic stobin fics, or willow/oz content, though differently so for the latter*).
Given all the above, I can't say I don't ship it, but I can say I'm not sure. I think given I like thaliabeth (??) and reynabeth, it wouldn't be a stretch to ship reynalia, though!
(*willow is controversial because of a clash between people who interpret her being called a lwsbian as biphobic vs people thinking calling her bisexual as lesbiphobic, its a whole deal I don't want to her into rn but... eeh, I guess I should state that I'm in the camp that her being bisexual is the most logical reading of canon, her status as a lesbian is a self-identifier because she swore off dating men, not because she isn't attracted to them - she cheated on Oz with Xander for purely lust related reasons, her whole thing with the will be done spell, and her actions with Amy when she goes off the rails (magically forcing men to dance half naked In cages in the bronze, along with other questionable acts) is... uh, not particularly lesbian behaviour, generally speaking; imo, Willow uses being gay as a mask for her insecurities same as she does her witchy power and her choice of fashion - to distance herself from the 'pathetic' girl she used to be. Its a whole psychological thing tied up in era-typical bigotry, unfortunately. It was the 90s. She wasn't going to be addressed as bi, even though she so clearly was. There's a reason I really like 2000s doctor who - it was the first positive representation of a bisexual I'd seen on screen, and being bisexual is clearly going to affect my opinion, here. Like. Duh. Same with lesbians who interpret her as lesbian. I don't think we should be arguing- at the end of the day, we all technically want the same thing; personal representation of our own lived experiences, and that's not a bad thing. Theres a good video on youtube about the controversy, which. Theres always a good video on youtube, lol.)
Um. Oops, rambling. Anyway.
So, ronance. Oh boy.
I see Nancy as straight. I'm also not fond of how she treats Robin in the little time we see them together. Im also not a fan of robin dating the ex that broke her bestie's heart. So, ergo, I don't ship them. I'm genuinely, as much as it probably doesn't seem that way, more of a fan of friendship, at the end of the day. I would see it as a betrayal (same way I see scolia and stydia as a betrayal). I tend to use romantic/sexual relations as a way to explore character because that's easiest to get my points across, but I prefer friendship. Romance is, at the end of the day, conditional. Friends can be friends still after three years of no contact, but that's a signal for the end of a romance. So what I'm getting at here - you can be tentative friends with someone the way robin and Nancy act (as is their canon dynamic), but I wouldn't be conformable with them dating. Nancy barely tolerates Robin. She displays annoyance at pretty much everything she does, from rambling to venting to expositing her mental state, Nancy's countenance just screamed 'I'm waiting for this to stop'. I don't like that in friendship, and I like it much less in romance. Even with my most controversial ships, there's still a kind of passion. Hate is not the opposite of love - it's apathy. Nancy seems often apathetic to Robin's mental state, her worries and concerns. She dismisses a lot of what robin says and does, at least from my perspective watching them. And it must be said - and I'll freely admit - I'm not Nancy's biggest fan, but I love Robin, she's my girl. That's going to cause some problems. Even with ships that are objectively questionable, I have to like both characters for me to get behind it, or I have to like both characters when in the context of the ship. This makes little sense, so I'll extrapolate.
In the Vampire Diaries, I don't really like Stefan Salvatore, and unpopular opinion time, I hate Klaus. I really, really hate him. At this point, it's straight-up loathing. But I greatly enjoyed their dynamics, from 20s to modern day, and that they shared an ex was funny to me (same way it is with Zutara, and making jetko kinda-canon for that reason alone half the time, akfjqlfjwk) as well as being an interesting thing to happen. (I mean, what are the odds, really?). So there's that. I also liked stefan and Katherine's whole weird deal, which played an aspect. What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that there's a certain respect even in my most dubious ships (jetko, steo, fuffy, spuffy, etc) that I feel is completely lacking in ronance. There's a video by Jill Bearup about enemies to lovers ships that might give a good reason to one aspect of why I like it - they take each other seriously. There's an understanding of competence, an acknowledgement of thought processes, a certain level of understanding. Nancy has none of that for Robin.
When I compare the two ships of the 'fruity four', as people have taken to calling them, steddie and ronance strike me as two very different kinds of ships. And I only half get steddie (very not fond of popular portrayal) - there's no real chance for me to get ronance. It is what it is, I suppose. People like what they're going to like. If you want me to extrapolate on any of this, I'd be happy to! My thoughts are oft all over the place and need a bit of direction to make sense, though, fair warning. I think about a lot of stuff and only rarely coherently akdhlwkfkq but I think there is a throughline. At the end of the day, mutual respect is mandatory for me, in romantix relationships especially, but not only for that. If I can't really get behind ronance platonically, there's no hope for romantically. And for the record, as stated above, I did give it a shot. Read the most popular fics and then a couple of the most recent, as I always do. They didn't agree with me, and they left me feeling distinctly... well, not so distinctly because I can't find the right word, but I couldn't help feeling the way I do about the popular portrayal of Hermione is happening to nancy? She's perfect and flawless and a girl boss and has never made a mistake ever and I just.... eeh. Also the treatment of Robin is... not always great. But that's a whole 'nother topic I've already rambled long enough, I don't need to add that.
Basically, tl:dr; ronance is kind of disquieting, probably because I'm not fond of their characterisations within ronance fics, and I'm often affected by the fanon regarding a ship. I never liked Sterek, for example, but I could've tolerated it if a) it wasn't so prevalent in fandom that it appears often untagged like an accepted part of canon when it is not and b) if it didn't so wildly misinterpret the characters, plus didn't include a character that doesn't sit right with me (Derek - Nancy) and a character I love but portrayed in a way that doesn't even remotely align with my interpretation of them 95% of the time (Stiles - Robin).
Er. Yeah. Oof.
Tl:dr; I could see reynalia working, maybe, but I'd need to read some to get a proper feel for it. It might be one of those cases where I prefer it in polyamorous form, aka reynaliabeth. Reynabethalia. Or maybe when put alongside pipabeth (idk piper/annabeth...) Idk. As for ronance, just not my cup of tea for a variety of reasons. I prefer robin crossover ships, like my tiny little dingy of tarabin. (Tara Maclay/Robin Bucley).
(As you can probably tell, I have... lots of very complicated feelings about shipping Robin (and like, shipping in general, being honest) with canon ST characters. I'm much less strict abt Riordanverse characters as a whole, for reasons I'd be perfectly willing to extrapolate on/discuss if you'd like to do so!).
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hola! para el ask de los libros: 5 (which book did you last re-read) y 29 (how do you sort your shelves)
5. which book did you last re-read?
i think it was all the pjo books, i re-read them last year in preparation for the pjo show (that i never watched oops) i am also listening to this one podcast where they're reading the books and they're now on the lost hero, which probably means i'll re-read hoo sometime soon. i also wanna re-read thg chronologically at some point in preparation for the new book, but that'll probably be later i think.
BUENO now that i think about it, technically my last re-read is a sappho anthology, i read it earlier this year. my bad.
29. how do you sort your shelves?
kinda thematically? so i have four main shelves in my bedroom. in one i have fiction books i haven't read, in other non-fiction books (like of my field and stuff) and also fiction books related to my field (aka ancient literature), in a third one just random encyclopedias and other random books like that, and in the fourth one i have my favourite childhood / teen book sagas <3
bookish asks
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rose022 · 6 months
1 and 4 for mafuyuuuu
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
like how shes trying. like she felt so empty and lost and wanted to disappear so bad. but shes trying. shes trying to work with her group members. shes trying to find out what she likes and doesnt. shes trying.
i dislike how relatable she can be lol
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
hmmmm. uhm. i have no idea. im tempted to say like. pjo or atla idk why. also idk many things i forget everything i ever like oops
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fictionfixations · 10 months
christmas go brr
realized i have a startling lack of fandom stuff. (..and a stupid amount of hoodies for those i do get as a person who doesnt even wear hoodies that much.. oops.)
so. i. got. stuff. and im gonna show you. cause this blog is all for random stuff that i share that people probably wont care about but i dont care haha
The first thing that arrived. Basil keychain :DD
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I don't have an actual picture of it and i kind of cant cause i attached it to my phone. and its kind of hard to unlink it off? i have like one of those wallet phone cases and since its not meant to be an actual phone charm (as in, it'd probably have like a string you tie around a hole and boom?) i had to clip it around like the camera hole. which youre probably not meant to but i see a hole im taking it. i dont really use bags that often anyway
2. gojo keychain
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he was soldout when i first went to actually go buy it. but then it got restocked so yEAHH, arrived pretty fast imo. (theres a suguru one too)
..i. also. hanged it on my phone. but also it took a lot of careful maneuvering to get it in so i cant really be bothered to take it off. or even try to. very pretty, one of the sides glitter if you change the angle)
3. pjo decal stickers (well. hoo.)
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sorry about the light lmfao official image beacuse i dont really think mine does it justice is:
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i got like the hoo ones (or im pretty sure its hoo. gaea. prophecy. seven. its been a hot minute since ive thought about it)
and depending on which one you get, you can customize which cabin or roman god you get. i went with like pluto i think
you can also choose the color. very cool
last thing im waiting on are some vanitas earrings
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admittedly. i kind of have like a. sort. of. sensitivity towards mixed metals? something like that (i have no clue if its count as an allergy)
but i think its like a delayed reaction. and im too dumb to know the difference of whats good and what isnt?
basically. if it triggers anything. i can just wear it for short periods of time, no harm, cause otherwise itd be fine (i had another set of earrings that triggered something, but nothing actually happened until awhile later)
if anything, it'd be fun to attach it to something and still look nice
anyway. i should probably lay off on getting more keychains. but its either that or like standees of characters?? i dont use stickers that often, i dont use pins (i dont really use bags that often??), i dont wanna get stuff thats just gonna waste space so im just stuck here getting decorative stuff to attach onto things. aghh
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Yall this acc is probably dead lmao i started school in august and i cant post since i have 1 free day out of the entire 7 day week and i am not using that on tumblr😭sorry but if i do post its just gonna be reblogs and it might not even be pjo related
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demigolds · 4 years
hello!! is the percyjack url still available? 🤗
hey, sorry, I know I’ve took around 130 years to answer this, but finally: no, I released when I came into hiatus.
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stvrmbrekkers · 3 years
i need to know if reading the first book of heroes of olympus for the first time and almost not continuing it because percy jackson wasn’t in it is a universal experience
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skaterbeth · 4 years
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i have a *slight* problem
ignore my shitty cursive america never taught me
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hofudlaus · 5 years
uuuuuhhhh can I mayhaps get some uuuhhh Rick Riordan drawing ideas??
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
HI Dani you ASKS are open
Umm yeah so covid
On Sunday night/Monday morning I finished the return of the king (which you’ve heard) and that was probably the most emotional literature related experience I’ve ever had. BROKE ME
So yeah Monday I finished PJO. I was already 2 third through battle of the labyrinth so I finished that and then read the last Olympian
I also have this playlist and it’s got like 6 songs on it and basically when I was really young my mum made me this playlist with songs on from a couple of movies I liked and one of them is from Prince Caspian so I watched that on Tuesday
I also read the lion the witch on the wardrobe, in my new favourite reading spot
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My garden looks super dodgy oop
But yeah the old owners built a tree house so even when it’s cold I put on fluffy socks and just dangle off the edge 😂 and I finished TLWAW on Tuesday as well
And then I decided to watch the movie cos why not, but I didn’t finish it
And then… I sat outside in the dark and ranted to my best friend about all my characters and he’s a good guy he just listened and was a bit like wow you have all these people in your head 😂 and I’m like yep
I had to miss my music recital evening which was sad, and I kept emailing my teacher saying good luck and he DIDNT REPLY TO ME so now I’m sad
I finished the lion witch and wardrobe and then I watched the voyage of the dawn treader and cried at that because apparently only Lewis and Tolkien possess the ability to make me cry at anything they write
- fun fact, they were friends, oh, and my dad acc met tolkiens grandson because my nanny was his nurse and he was a paraplegic
Aaaand yep I’m now reading the hobbit, which my dad read to me as a kid and now im actually like huhhhhh and im over half way thru and intend to finish it today
Long story short I did no work and im still positive so I still have to isolate tomorrow which ngl im not overly sad about 😬
And yeah I think that’s it? I’m currently listening to the lord of the rings soundtrack cos I like classical music when I read lol
Phew that’s a lot 😂
hold on.
wait hold on.
I hope you keep this going. Truly.
"and my dad acc met tolkiens grandson because my nanny was his nurse and he was a paraplegic" - this whole sentence was so bizarre and I am shooketh.
I hope you like the Hobbit! I am hoe for Thorin :)
Babes. BABES.
I say with this with respect, what the fuck is up with your garden?
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