#not only they are separately rich but they are from the same family so combined money is a lot more
eternallovers65 · 1 year
Chat saying Tubbo will have to beat bad, forever, pierre, etoiles or vegetta for the richest person on the smp title, and I say yall are wrong because the richest people on that serve are Leo and Richas
He will have to beat Leo and Richas, literally eggs, to become the richest person
EDIT: For the people saying I didn't put Ramon or Dapper, they both have only a parent (sorry). Both Leo and Richas are from the same family, which means their money is somewhat connected. Not only that, but richas has 7 parents (who all are pretty rich, minus quacks and feelps) and is the grandson of foolish and vegetta, technically making him the richest imo
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opencommunion · 7 months
Hi opencommunion - you are one of my favourite Tumblrs and I love hearing about Lebanese history from you. You say you are antiPhoenicianist - I hope you would tell us more about it. Hope you're having a great day.
aww thanks, I love your blog too <3
Phoenicianism is a Lebanese ethnonationalist ideology that basically argues that Lebanese people are ethnically/culturally unrelated to (and, implicitly or explicitly, superior to) not only other Arabs but other Levantine peoples. It's a secular ideology but it's extremely Islamophobic, so it posits that Lebanese Christians (especially Maronites) are the "purest" Lebanese people with a direct line of descent from the Phoenicians, who are portrayed as an almost supernaturally heroic and advanced culture who were supplanted by savage Arabs from the south (you probably recognize this as a Zionist talking point; more on that later). It's a narrative of Lebanese history that originates from rich European-educated Lebanese and their French & English orientalist buddies, and it bears all the hallmarks of European ethnonationalism and scientific racism. In my experience ascribing to Phoenicianism is associated with class and it doesn't represent the majority of Lebanese Maronites, who do consider ourselves Arabs. My family are dyed-in-the-wool Maronites from Wadi Qadisha, the cradle of Maronite culture, and for as far back as our family histories go we've always described ourselves as Arabs, with religion being the only difference—and an unimportant difference—between us and our Druze and Muslim neighbors. Phoenicianism predates the Zionist occupation but it started to take shape around the same time as Zionism, and is based in the same core orientalist myth: that the ancient Levant was populated by strictly separate and homogenous ethnocultures with exclusive claim over portions of the land, which were later supplanted by Arab Muslim invaders who oppressed a tiny remaining local population. (In reality, of course, SWANA cultures have always been internally diverse and mutually influential, and "Arabization" in the Levant was characterized by organic cultural shifts among local populations, with Arab culture influencing and combining with local cultures rather than replacing them). So when the Zionist settler project arrived they found easy allies in Phoenicianism. This relationship eventually culminated with the settler state backing the fascist Lebanese Phalanges Party (Kataeb in Arabic, a direct translation of Falange, the Spanish fascist party that inspired its founders) in the Lebanese Civil War. Israel used the Phalanges as a proxy to fight the Palestinian resistance in Lebanon, and it was Phalangists who collaborated with IOF to carry out the Sabra and Shatila massacres. This is the cruelest and ugliest moment in Lebanon's history and Phoenicianism enabled it; Phoenicianism enabled the cognitive dissonance necessary for Lebanese to participate in the occupation's genocide against our siblings and act as footsoldiers for the European fascist agenda in our region. The Phalangists and Zionists lost the war but there is still a Phalangist presence in the Lebanese government, and Phoenicianism is unfortunately alive and well among the Lebanese right wing at home and in the diaspora
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Americans [...] would sip the rich cocoa as a hot drink. Cocoa made its way to North America on the same ships that transported rum and sugar from the Caribbean and South America [...] and was heavily reliant on the labor of enslaved Africans throughout the diaspora. [...] [B]y the early 1700s, Boston, Newport, New York and Philadelphia were processing cocoa into chocolate to export and to sell domestically. Chocolate was popular in the coffeehouse culture and was processed for sale and consumption by enslaved laborers in the North. Farther south, in Virginia, cocoa was becoming [...] so popular that it is estimated that approximately one-third of Virginia’s elite was consuming cocoa in some form or another. For the wealthy, this treat was sipped multiple times a week; for others it was out of reach. [...]
The art of chocolate-making – roasting beans, grinding pods onto a stone over a small flame – was a labor-intensive task. An enslaved cook would have had to roast the cocoa beans on the open hearth, shell them by hand, grind the nibs on a heated chocolate stone, and then scrape the raw cocoa, add milk or water, cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla, and serve it piping hot.
One of the first chocolatiers in the Colonies was an enslaved cook named Caesar.
Born in 1732, Caesar was the chef at Stratford Hall, the home of the Lees of Virginia, and in his kitchen sat one of only three chocolate stones in the Colony. The other two were located at the governor’s palace and at the Carter family estate, belonging to one of the wealthiest families in Virginia. Caesar was responsible for cooking multiple meals a day for the Lees and any free person who came to visit. [...]
The work was oppressive in the plantation kitchens at Christmas time. [...]
[T]hose working in the big house kitchen and as domestic laborers were expected to work around the clock to ensure a perfect holiday for the white family. The biggest task at hand was to cook and serve Christmas dinner, and chocolate was a favorite addition to the three-course formal dinner. [...] Oyster stew, meat pies, roasted pheasant, puddings, roasted suckling pig and Virginia ham are some of the many dishes that would be served in just one course. The night would finish with the sipping of chocolate: toasted, ground and spiced [...] and served in sipping-cups made specifically for drinking chocolate. [...]
Decades before the two well-known enslaved chefs, Monticello’s James Hemings and George Washington’s Chef Hercules, [...] Caesar was running one of the Colonies’ most prestigious kitchens inside of Stratford Hall, and making chocolate for the Lees and their guests. [...] [H]is son, Caesar Jr., lived nearby and was the postillion [...].
The stress of cooking the most important dinner of the year was combined with the fear of what was to come on Jan. 1. New Year’s Day was commonly known as heartbreak day, when enslaved folks would be sold to pay off debts or rented out to a different plantation. Jan. 1 represented an impending doom, and the separation of families and loved ones. [...] Caesar disappeared from the records by the end of the 18th century. By 1800, his son Caesar Jr. was still owned by the Lees, but as that year ended, Christmas came and went, and Caesar Jr. was put up for collateral by Henry Lee for payment of his debts.
The world Caesar lived in was one fueled by the Columbian Exchange, which was built from enslaved labor [...]: pineapples, Madeira wine, port, champagne, coffee, sugar and cocoa beans. These items traveled from plantation to dining room via the Atlantic trade, and were central to securing the reputation of Virginia’s plantation elite. The more exotic and delicious the food, the more domestic fame one would reap. Having cocoa delivered directly to your home, and having a chocolatier in the kitchen, were exceptional. It was through Caesar’s culinary arts that Stratford Hall became well-known throughout Colonial Virginia as a culinary destination.
All text above by: Kelley Fanto Deetz. “Oppression in the kitchen, delight in the dining room: The story of Caesar, an enslaved chef and chocolatier in Colonial Virginia.” The Conversation. 21 December 2020. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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happyinjection · 1 year
HC Novel ♦️7 Never No Dollars “Pre flop ~Prologue~”
People sometimes ask me about the appeal of collecting antiques. Personally, I believe it is merely a hobby, but at the same time it’s also my life’s work that I can’t stop doing.
It is difficult to put it into words, but the greatest value of an item lies in the spirit, or perhaps we can also call it the energy, of said item’s creator or successive owners which resides in it. In a way, it contained condensed history. The concept is not plausible by those with lower education or class.
Antique collectors are countless in number. Most of them are those who are considered to be rich.
On the surface, I’m the headmaster of Rummy College, a prestigious private boarding school for boys in Fourland Kingdom. However, in the end, I work under the board of directors. So I don’t get paid that much.
Antiques are made to be unique. If you miss the chance to acquire an item once, the next opportunity will only come when the wealthy owner dies and their family sorts out their belongings, or when they lose their mind and give it away for charity, or when they go bankrupt. When such an opportunity comes, usually the price has soared high.
Therefore, in order to compete with other antique collectors from around the world, it is necessary for me to form a few underworld connections. Even so, I’m first and foremost a teacher, hence I won’t take part in their terrible deeds. That said, I have no control over the happenings without my knowledge. I simply use money or some other convenience in exchange for antiques I want to get my hands on.
I’m talking about “the cards”.
At a glance, they seem to be no more than trump cards of somewhat good quality. However, the truth is there is no antique more valuable than these cards in the entire Fourland Kingdom. Their rarity, lore, and even purpose—they are all surpassed by none. I paid a fair price for the risk, thankfully the broker was an idiot and agreed to seal the deal.
In this Kingdom of Fourland, we have a folklore—or perhaps a myth is a better word. Every citizen must have heard of it from their parents or grandparents in their bed when they were children, and listening to it they would fall asleep peacefully.
In other words, everyone knows about the cards, yet only a few are aware that they actually exist. Isn’t that romantic?
—Fourland Kingdom as we know it is a nation made up of four states. In the past, when this place had not yet earned its name but was instead called Trapla Island, the four states were separate countries and were repeatedly in conflict with each other. Combined with the invasion of foreign enemies, the four states were at the edge of destruction.
During such a time, a figure stood to prominence, a boy who would eventually become the first king of Fourland and his 52 knights.
The boy alongside the 52 knights fought with all their might to unite the four nations. Unfortunately, the knights lost their lives in the midst of their battle.
It was then Lala Waldenklein[*] demonstrated her powers. Lala is a mage who accompanied and led the boy to become the first king. She magically transformed the souls of the fallen knights into cards and gave them to the boy who survived. With the cards and supernatural powers at his disposal, he splendidly defeated his enemies.
—Such is the folklore in essence. It gave rise to the publication of a lot of thick fantasy novels, but not many were interested in reading them.
The number of cards is equal to the number of knights, as there is one for each. Since the number of cards matches, those cards are said to be the origin of trump card games in the Fourland Kingdom.
Although they appear to be nothing more than ordinary trump cards, the cards grant supernatural abilities to those whom they have chosen to be their holders, rumors say.
It seems that some people have started calling these cards the “X-Playing Cards”.
The existence of X-Playing Cards would confirm the existence of the supernatural powers they hold. If possible I want to see it with my own eyes.
Long story short—I’ve managed to acquire two cards.
Still, to prove whether or not they are the real deal is easier said than done. The day after I got my hands on them, I put the two cards on the large table in the headmaster’s office, and while leaning back into my leather chair I stared at them in utmost admiration.
The cards would never get damaged. I’ve tried to fold them and set them on fire, but in the end they continue to reflect the light like a mirror.
I left the windows open. The grids of anti-intruder bars were decorated with a pattern of lions which can also be found on the grassy fields of Rummy College. After I was appointed to be the headmaster, I had started displaying my collections here, so the bars were only recently installed. Through the gaps, a cool breeze was blowing.
Someone knocked on the door. It’s true that I had scheduled a meeting with the vice headmaster. 
“Come in,” I responded, and the door flew open.
I felt a particularly strong gust of wind. Had the cards not been right in front of me, I wouldn’t have minded the wind at all, because nothing would get blown away.
—Before I knew it, there was only one card remaining on the table, while the other had vanished without a trace.
For a split second, when he caught my distraught expression, the incompetent vice headmaster whose only talent was to lick my shoes appeared to be very afraid for his life.
I burst out laughing. But it wasn’t because I saw the hilarious reaction of the vice headmaster.
The cards were created from the souls of the 52 fallen knights. They were made using the mage Lala’s supernatural abilities. So if the cards can also magically disappear, isn’t that just one wonder among many others?
I still had one card in my possession, so there was nothing to be down about. 
The cards are by no doubt real. That knowledge alone had brought me immeasurable happiness.
TL notes: I’m not a professional translator so feel free to tell me if you spot any errors! Please do not repost this translation anywhere. In the case of any problem occuring in the future, I may take down this post. Also bear in mind that I’ll be updating at a suuuper slow pace. [*] I might not spell her surname right, will fix it once the official comes out.
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See the 3 witches are doing their pound land version of the iconic layby kiss with second rate characters nobody's interested in. Strikes me they are beyond desperate to inject some life into the soap they're ruined.
Honestly, this whole Caleb/Nicky story is so confusing to me at this point, I don't even know what to make of it anymore.
On a base surface level, it was kind of a fun twist/reveal with the Frank Tate connection but it just opened up so many questions that have yet to be answered, it's hard for me to wrap my head around and frankly, it's still just not that interesting to me.
I still want to understand how Caleb knew Frank was his father and how he got all of his Tate history information to even know enough to want to take down Kim. And then, why does he even really care?! And why does he care enough to rope his son into it? And not just rope him into it, but put him in the middle of it and potentially force him to marry someone against his will? And I don't understand his money problems and why we should care about Nicky's mum being homeless?! Or why she's homeless? Or what any of these people were doing before they showed up in Emmerdale?! I mean you had Caleb doing nothing but splashing out on fancy lawyers for Kyle when he first showed up and he did actually help. But all of a sudden Nicky is complaining that his mum needs money and is homeless and that's somehow Caleb's responsibility even though they're separated? Or does Nicky want to take part in this scheme because he wants to support his mum? But why is she so broke in the first place?
And what is Caleb even really trying to do to Kim? Get money? I guess? But also ruin her somehow? Sure?! But is he meant to succeed? Are having a changing of the guard or is he going to fail and we'll end up right back and status quo? And are we supposed to be rooting for him?!
And then I have all kinds of questions about Nicky and Ally. Not in a genuine interest kind of way, but in a 'I just want to understand what it is they're trying to do' kind of way. Is he gay? Is he bi and they're just continuing their whole 'every bisexual character has to cheat' story? But also it's not like he loves Gabby anyway and is only doing this for a scam so it's not quite the same?! And then were Nicky and Ally actually a thing? In the past? Currently? It half seemed like they had a thing going at some point and half like this was the first time this happened??
And we know absolutely nothing about Ally. Is he supposed to be a regular character or just a guest star for a few episodes? Are we meant to be interested in this relationship? Or is it just to give Nicky more secret reveals?
And if this relationship is supposed to be something, then I don't feel like they've started it off super well with all this cryptic confusion and unanswered questions either.
I mean, they're never going to recreate Robron because it was kind of lightning in a bottle, with them being two characters from big families who had such rich on screen histories to play off of and lots of connections in the village. they're just never going to have that kind of perfect combination to work with again.
But these two are so underdeveloped at the moment, I don't even know what to make of them. And sure, you can start stories from different points, but it wouldn't kill them to actually develop characters before they throw them at each other.
I don't know...this show is a mess. And so is this answer. Haha.
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frenchmonkeyslut · 10 months
Tumblr media
FULL NAME: TANAKA HIROTO [ たなかひろと / 田中大翔 ]
» MEANING: Tanaka [Tanaka (たなか) is the fourth most common Japanese surname. It is typically written with the kanji for ricefield & middle (田中). Less common variants include many & middle (多中), many & relationship (多仲), another & middle (他中), shelf & low (棚下), shelf & summer (棚夏) and many & name & congratulation (多名賀).]; Hiroto [The name Hiroto is boy's name of Japanese origin meaning "great flying". A very popular Japanese boys' name whose characters refer to the constellation Ursa Major. Hiroto (written: 浩人, 博人, 博土, 弘人, 洋人, 紘人, 裕人, 寛人, 大仁 or ヒロト in katakana) is a masculine Japanese given name. 飛 means "fly, jump, leap." From Japanese 大 (hiro) meaning "big, great" or 博 (hiro) meaning "command, esteem" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, glide" or 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation. Other kanji combinations can also form this name.]
VERSES: City of Gods, The Game, Le Château.
AGE: 26-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 1996 November 13th, Wednesday.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Tokyo, Japan.
OCCUPATION: Unemployed; heir to telecom company in Japan.
ORIENTATION: Bisexual; Biromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender male.
STRENGTHS: Resourceful, Powerful, Brave, Passionate, Loyal.
WEAKNESSES: Jealous, Manipulative, Violent, Distrusting, Obsessive.
FACE CLAIM: Mackenyu Maeda.
HEIGHT: 6"0 [182 cm.]
WEIGHT: 163 lbs. [74 kg.]
BUILD: Athletic, mascular.
GAIT: Relaxed.
EYE COLOR: Dark brown.
HOMETOWN: Tokyo, Japan.
RESIDENCES: Tokyo, Stockholm, New York, Los Angeles, London.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Uni graduate.
DEGREES: Computer-related and business.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese is his first language. He speaks Korean and he is fluent in English. He knows some French and Swedish. His grandfather loves Sweden and had a childhood friend from there because the old Tanaka went to school there. They have a house in Stockholm as well. His Danish is rusty but he gets by. Traveling to middle east and Africa, he picked up a lot of Arabic and can converse in it lightly.
PARENTS: Both his parents are alive but he was raised by his grandparents because apparently, his parents cannot be trusted. He doesn't agree. He has a good relationship with his mother
SIBLINGS: Yes, two younger ones from the same parents.
PETS: None.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: » Im Eon, friend from France. University friend, Red Sangchareon.
Hiro was born in Tokyo to young parents. His mother's parents' didn't think his parents were ready to become parents themselves so they adopted Hiro and raised them like he is their own son. Hiro's parents' relationship didn’t last long simply because the old Tanaka did not approve of it.
His parents didn't marry and stopped communicating until later on. They rekindled their relationship and married in secret against Hiro's mother's will.
Hiro, in secret, formed a relationship with his parents but eventually, his grandfather found out about it and threatened to disown him. Hiro was worried at first because he didn't have his own money and experience. But after learning how the real world works at a very young age - saving money, earning money, investing separately from his grandparents' wealth - he's able to build up his own future however, it cannot be compared to what his grandparents could provide.
In reality, his grandparents cannot disown him as he is the only heir they recognize. His mother, their biological child, is the only child.
Hiro compromised with his grandparents; he will run the business in the future but that he is not going to stop seeing his parents and his siblings. Little by little he works on chipping away the frozen ice that surrounds his grandfather in hopes that in the future, he'd be able to unite his family together.
Despite being a hard worker and for the most part, an obedient grandchild, Hiro can be a rebel and continuously questioned his grandparents. He's sent to France a few times but he doesn't take it as a punishment and instead, he network with everyone he meets.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Hiro has many flings in the past but he doesn't settle or doesn't have a lasting relationship because he's easily swayed.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: He is friends with Saam Akesson and will be good friends with Eon. Hiro is also good friends with Red Sangchareon, a Thai photographer whom he met in France during his college days. Hiro often met Red when they are in the same city. He once housed Red during the photographer's training in Japan. Hiro and Red often traveled together. A few times, they traveled all throughout Asia for a photobook project. Their big goal is to travel the middle east for a similar project.
THOUGHTS ON LOVE: “Sharing is caring.”
PHOBIA(S): None.
MENTAL DISEASE(S): Alcoholism, depression.
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ryuichirou · 1 year
So in your RSA!Kalim headcanons, you mentioned that Kalim had a hard time at RSA and that intrigued me.
My own headcanon is that Kalim would most likely not be nearly as well liked at RSA as he is at NRC since his habit of accidentally saying insensitive things combined with with his extravagant ways of performing well intended deeds would lead to him being perceived as condescending and obsessed with showing off his family's wealth and power.
Hi Anon!
What I meant by that was that it is unusual for Kalim to be away from Jamil for so long, and having a bunch of servants around is just not the same thing, because he considers Jamil a very close person to him, and definitely feels some separation anxiety. So, even though he is surrounded by all kinds of nice and fun people, there is this void that no one can really fill; the fact that there is no one around who would be similar to Jamil personality-wise only makes it worse.
Your headcanon sounds interesting though! Even though, as far as we know, the guys from RSA are also quite rich (at least according to Leona), maybe Kalim’s behavior would’ve been ehhh excessive? I’m not sure what would be the main source of potential discomfort between Kalim and other students, but it would be interesting to see him feeling out of place surrounded by all the “good guys”, when we’re so used to him hanging out at the “bad guys” school and feeling pretty much at home.
Have a great day, and sorry for the late reply!
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thetoiletwater · 1 year
The "LGB without the T" TikTok and its comments are so rich with enlightening context about transgender ideologues and qu**r theorists' views of the world, and in particular gay rights activism. Aside from the general historical revisionism ("trans women of color threw the first brick at Stonewall" already being something we're all familiar with being wrong in almost every sense, along with the other statements asserting that gay people are not responsible for any of their own activism or attaining of rights), there are a few things of particular note that I want to call attention to.
For starters, I want to shine a spotlight on the second most common sort of comment present in your screenshots (aside from the aforementioned historical revisionism): "You can't leave us." Not in the sense of denial or disbelief, but as a statement of authority. This can be seen in the comments of users coffaeiene, ch1oethebitch, and the user whose name is cropped out of the top of the fourth screenshot.
Now, I understand that the tone of these comments are intended to be jokes. However, I also understand that abusive, entitled, and narcissistic people can, and often do, make jokes about the exact sort of behavior they genuinely present. This is an extremely common form of gaslighting used in abusive relationships. "It's just a joke" doesn't simply serve to negate what has been said, but to call into question if someone who would make jokes that are supposedly mocking abusive behavior would truly be abusers, themselves.
When we contextualize all of the comments with that in mind, as context (though I understand that, to many, this will come across as pretentious; I have seen the way modern conversations have become overly-saturated with psychological terminology and comparisons, myself), the rest of the contents will become eerily familiar to anyone who knows even the slightest thing about emotional abuse (be it romantic, platonic, familial, religious, etc.). "You cannot leave. You are helpless without me. I have done everything for you. If you leave, you will be in danger. Others will harm you more than I have. I will not save you if you leave me. You will be harming me if you go. You are being selfish. Your views are ridiculous and unjustified. You just don't understand how much I have done for you." We are simultaneously helpless victims that they are burdened with protecting, and cruel parasites that do nothing for them.
Anyone familiar with this sort of situation would know it crumbles under the weight of a single question: If it's true, why are they so desperate to keep us? Surely, if they have any reason to so much as believe this, regardless of if it's actually true or not, they would abandon us, or at least allow us to leave them.
The mask of the abuser slipped slightly in one comment, however. "The pettiness in me is saying we should just leave them behind and let them suffer their battles," the user conspicuously named the_rainbow.system says. "But," the comment continues "I know that would divide the community more." The implication here being that the people infuriated by LGB separating from the "TQIA2S+" believe the same-sex attracted individuals attempting to go their own way are both self-destructive and the only thing holding either group (both the LGB and the unrelated TQIA2S+) together, the only thing keeping any of this afloat. It is the precise conflicting sentiment a narcissist would hold over one of his victims; a truth and a lie that do not, and cannot, combine. We are parasites who do nothing for them, or even ourselves, but we are necessary for them to survive.
tl;dr The way TRAs and qu**r theorists speak about LGB people and activists is precisely the same way abusers speak about their victims (if you will pardon me for using psychological terms that have become buzzwords)
Very true. On top of that the way they talk about it is so childish like "why are we being excluded!!!!" is such a immature response; as if LGB is just a fun little club. Sorry but if you're not ssa it's not about you 🤷‍♀️
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290 Song Lyric Prompts
This is months of work, FIVE different "Volumes" (Playlists). I have combined all of my previous Song Lyric Prompts into one post, one list. I hope you enjoy. They are separated by Volume because tumblr yelled at me :)
[Volume One]
[Volume Two]
[Volume Three]
[Volume Four]
[Volume Five]
Volume One
 “Drive this car through the drive thru please”
“Dirty laundry looks good on you”
 “Where’s the dotted line at?”
 “Are there windows in heaven?”
 “Bought you a twelve pack, promised you sushi”
 “I want to take you to a gay bar”
 “I’m in love with the girl I hate”
 “It’s been a while since I’ve felt butterflies”
 “One day you’ll know who you want to be”
 “You ain’t nothing but a prick”
 “You’re not in love with me”
 “I wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, every day”
 “On second thought, forget it, that one turns out kind of cool”
 “Honey, I’ve got real bad news”
 “I heard that rock is dead and cellphones give you cancer”
 “It will be worth it, everything you went through”
 “They’ve never drove through Indiana”
 “You’re my song, my sweet home Alabama”
 “You’ve got so many options, every fish in the sea wants to kiss you”
 “Relationships, I don’t know why, they never work out and they make you cry but the guy who says goodbye to you is out of his mind”
 “My family is dysfunctional but we have a good time killing each other”
 “I fell in love in the back of a cop car”
 “You don’t have to worry”
 “I’m still having nightmares”
 “I flashback to the night in your parents yard when we drank too much and we talked about God”
 “We’re gonna make it if takes all night”
 “She’s my kind of crazy”
 “Who says you can’t go home?”
“Fist fights turn into sex, I wonder what comes next?”
 “If I were a boomerang, I’d turn around and come back to you”
 “It’ll still be two days till I say I’m sorry”
 “Remember when you broke your foot jumping out the second floor?”
 “There’s room for two, six feet under the stars”
 “Oh god, I did the wrong thing to the right girl”
 “When it comes to condoms, put two on”
 “I won’t give up on us”
 “I’m a bit too pop for punk kids, but I’m too punk for the pop kids”
 “We don’t have trouble sleeping”
 “Daddy’s little girl knows how to party”
 “A days worth of bitching goes down the drain when you lay in my bed and pick my brain.
 “Wrong name, my mistake”
42. “Being us feels good to us”
 “It’s not high school, man, you graduated six years ago”
 “A few drinks in, here I go missing you again”
 “There’s something about the way our bedsheets turn religion upside down”
 “And I’ve made mistakes, but you were not one”
 “I swear to god, I never fall in love”
 “I miss the way you breathe, the way you twitch in your sleep. Your smile, your straight teeth and the scars along on your cheeks”
 “When you talk, its in cursive to me. And it’s nicer than anything I’d ever believe about me”
 “I don’t mind if you fuck up my life”
 “Make a man feel rich on minimum wage”
 “You broke my heart and all I got was this t shirt”
 “You ask “When did I first know?” I always knew”
 “You’re kind of hipster, I grew up on punk rock”
 “Made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter”
 “And all my friends don’t give a fuck”
 “We’ll talk about how your parents separated and how you don’t want to make the same mistakes as them”
 “Is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything?”
 “Leave your sorrys, grab your car keys.”
 “I’d unfuck you if I could”
 “You say you love me, I know you love me. Love that you love me, baby”
 “I lose my voice when I look at you, can’t make a noise though I’m trying to”
 “Now with my eyes wide open, it’s heaven in your arms”
 “I know that you’re in pain but if we die at the same time does it still scare you?”
 “I can make you laugh ‘til you cry, but she can make your tears dry”
 “I hope a heart only breaks this bad once in a lifetime”
 “I didn't call you back because I was learning to dance”
 “Sometimes I just want to tell you about my day”
 “Yes my fucking nails are painted, what you think I didn’t know?”
 “Mama tried to raise me right, but she couldn’t raise the hell out of me”
 “Dancing in the dark ‘til the sun comes, tangled in the sheets ‘til the days done”
 “I take a drink ‘cause the truth is hard to swallow”
 “Big heads up, that’s a really stupid plan”
 “We used to kiss all night, now it’s just a bar fight”
 “What’s the point of going out when you could just give me a call”
 “I didn’t know I was broken until I wanted to change”
 “We have something worth remembering”
 “I fell in love with the girl at the rock show”
 “And I just can’t stop thinking of you, wherever you are"
"I never wanna leave this sunset town
Volume Two
“Do you ever get a little bit tired of life?”
“Will you even look back when you think of me?”
“Somebody’s gonna love you. Take all the dark, turn it to light and paint you sky blue”
“They’re judging me, I’m judging you, we ain’t got nothing else to do”
“Don’t wake me up in the middle of the night, because I finally found you”
“I lose my voice when I look at you, can’t make a noise though I’m trying to tell you all the right words”
“If all it is is eight letters, why am I in my own way?”
“If I said I want your body, would you hold it against me?”
“They say don’t go to bed angry but I guess that’s where we are”
“Things you take for granted when you grow up by the beach”
“Go on then, love, and show me your heart, ‘cause you are enough as you are and I’m awestruck”
“Is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything, or do you just not want to?”
“Welcome to the world that we live in. A perfect collision, it’s beat down, it’s broken, it’s bright. Welcome to happiness, sadness, to love and to madness”
“I always hear you on the background laughing, you know I hate it when you’re not around”
“These days you’ve been stuck in my brain, wanna play you over and over again”
“Secrets don’t make friends. We make love and love falls apart”
“Tell me you’re okay, yeah what’s that like? Rose tinted glasses, it must be nice. Doing your best while you die inside”
“I’m happy to see the happy back in your eyes”
“You make it hard to miss this hometown”
“A bad boy seems like a good idea until it’s too late”
“Couldn’t keep running, had to hit rock bottom to know”
“I wanna get back to where we started, to the summer night. You know, you know, you know, you know we got it right”
“I realized you are destined and meant to be mine”
“Keep switching your alibi, stuttering when you reply”
“But fuck, I’m so alone, and really need some help”
“We’re dancing on the edge of anxiety’s ledge and I might fall again”
“If we’re said and done, I know that I shouldn’t say that I still care but I still care”
“I haven’t slept in days but who’s counting”
“So I drown it out like I always do, dancing through our house with the ghost of you”
“Too many bottles of wine, can’t get my ducks in a row”
“Got me panicking, manic, and I can’t get no sleep”
“I’ve got a feeling I don’t get a grip I will slip and fall completely under”
“Some days you start singing’ and you don’t need a reason”
“I need a little more luck than a little bit, cause every time I get stuck the words won’t fit”
“Must be the music that’s got me shaking like an addict”
“I bite my tongue so you don’t hear me”
“I’d unfuck you if I could”
“Here’s to now and nothing else, in the crowd all by yourself. To the hellos and the goodbyes, the lows and every high. In this moment I could die with you.”
“Just watch from a safe place so I never have to lose”
“I don’t really understand this life and why we’re all here.”
“If you need me now, I’ll be there somehow”
“I’m so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere”
“Let’s see how far I’ll go now that I’ve lost control”
“If I could go back and erase you from my mind, I’d do it in a second”
“I was so scared of losing you, so I lost myself instead”
“I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.”
“Your heart belongs to someone else and I’m always here to keep you company”
“You say you’re sorry and you want us to fix what’s wrong, but I’d rather dye all my insides blonde”
“These last two years were the worst of my life”
“So hold on tight it’s a fast ride in the end”
Volume Three
“If I knew from the start would it change a thing?”
“You don’t have the time to not make time”
“There’ll be happiness after you but there was happiness because of you”
“You used to make me feel like I could walk on water but now most nights I’m just sinking”
“So go to hell and tell the devil I’m not that far behind”
“I’m trying to keep from going insane, ain’t that the way of this whole damn thing”
“For a minute, I was stone cold sober”
“I wish I could still call you friend”
“I know I deserve what you’re putting me through”
“I’ve been trying hard not lose my breath ever since you left”
“Where did you lose your happiness?”
“You’re the thing that I can’t quit”
“Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat”
“Tell me it’s okay to be happy now”
“I was born but I wasn’t raised”
“I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again”
“Five best friends on four bald tires”
“Even if I knew you’d be the one that got away, I’d still go back and get you”
“Tell me who you were falling for when we were lying on the floor”
“All the greats die young, that’s probably why I’m still alive”
“I never thought we’d make it out”
“I wish we could live here all the time”
“I know that you’re in pain but if we die at the same time, does it still scare you”
“I don’t want to leave this bar until I get your number”
“All that I know is that I just can’t say no to you, funny how things never change”
“I was young and horny.”
“I’d kill for one more way to tell you how you make me better every day”
“How did we end up talking in the first place”
“The weight of the world’s getting harder to hold up”
“There’s a lot more color in the mix when you’re loud and proud out in the sticks”
“Faking smiles and confidence”
“Fight the break of dawn, come tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll be gone”
“Why do I get myself into something I’m not ready for”
“I’d be lying if I tried telling you that you’re not everything that I want”
“It’s bittersweet I can still count on you for something”
“I see you when I close my eyes. I see you like I did that night”
“Tomorrow isn’t promised if the planet falls apart”
“If we get sober, we’ll never get old until we die”
“The tears from your eyes are leaving stains on your shirt, man”
“I ignore all the warning signs, fall for you every time”
“If I think you’re for real, I’m in denial”
“I’m just trying not to lose my shit this time”
“You don’t want to be friends, you’re just horny and fucked up at two am in the morning”
“I’m still young, wasting my youth. I’ll grow up next summer”
“With a full moon and a shitty mood”
“Everything gets fuzzy when you come around”
“I’ll be fine even though I’m not always right”
“We haven’t got time to be putting out fires we didn’t start”
“When you touch me I know there is purpose in my life”
“Maybe someone will save us before we drown”
Volume Four
“Playing fiction in a parking lot, anything to be more than an afterthought”
“Yeah, that’s good to know, wish I knew three years ago”
“I watched you fall away, evade accountability”
“Was I a fool for ever thinking I could get you to stay?”
“If I wake up and I’m still breathing, meet me where the sidewalk ends” 
“Today I called to tell you that I’m changing but I don’t think you have enough respect to see me try”
“Don’t you ever dare call me Vanilla”
“I read your letter, the one you left when you broke into my house”
“Leave it to me to fuck it up without a good reason.” 
“I’m not scared to jump if you want to”
“I’ll keep my secrets inside of my mind, promise I loved you but you roll your eyes”
“Got this bloodstain on my shirt, looking back it doesn’t hurt”
“I don’t mind sleeping all alone, but I’d rather wake up next to you” 
 “I’m always the outcast, I’ll take the blame. The first night you met me, you forgot my name”
 “Like bullets inside my head, you’re drivin’ me insane but there ain’t nothing I would change”
 “I’m at the same dead end, the lonely space in my head”
 “Now we’re at the part where you’ll hate what you see, what the fuck is wrong with me?”
“We’ve got this thing and it’s untouchable. It’s so dirty, pretty, beautiful” 
 “I’m a first class ticket to a fistfight, took a hit to the ribs but I feel just fine.”
“Is this butterflies or nausea? I can’t tell the difference anymore”
 “Tell me what it’s like to be loved by you”
“Baby, I can tell you ain’t easily impressed”
“Like weeds through the concrete cracks, and the flowers by the railroad tracks”
“It’s only been a couple of days and I miss you”
“When you change your mind, I’ll be waiting”
“I only miss you at midnight”
“Remember when you hit the brakes too soon, twenty stitches in a hospital room”
“Mama tried to raise me right but she couldn’t raise the hell out of me”
“So let’s take it back to the basics ‘cause let’s face it, I am on my own”
 “You’d never remember me when you’re pulling on his jeans”
 “I’m over wasting time in life trying to be something I’m not”
 “There’s only one place I wanna be” 
 “Deep dive off the coast of my feelings”
 “I’m glad to say this chapters about to end”
 “And when you touch me like that I get a little attached”
 “I’m single in September when I didn’t want to be”
 “I’m at best your second option”
 “Redefine rock bottom with these empty orange bottles”
 “A sloppy drunk obsessed with his juul”
“The things I’ve learned from a broken mirror, how a face can change when the heart knows fear”
 “I can’t forget the way you looked without your jeans on”
“I’ma treat you right tonight, let’s make it last forever”
“Pushed out of the family tree”
“Guess I think too much, maybe I’m obsessed with universal things like money love and death”
“You love who you love, ain’t nothing you should ever be ashamed of”
“With the boombox blaring as we’re falling in love”
 “I go back to the loss of a real good friend, and the sixteen summers I spent with him”
“There’s a noise complaint from room 304”
“Just shut up and drink your diet soda”
“We had to learn the hard way”
 “All You ever wanted was a part of me that I couldn’t fake”
“Love’s got a funny way of keepin’ score”
 “If the world ends, I hope I’m in my living room with my best friends”
“Baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side ‘til the mornin”
 “I’ll have you know, I’m scared to death”
“Tell yourself it’s never gonna happen again”
     “All the times you said you hate me, baby, I know what it feels like now. Damn it, I’m sorry”
“I would have married you in Vegas had you given me the chance to say I Do”
“Oh well, guess I’ll see you in hell”
“I got one thing to say and that’s thanks for nothing, kiss my ass”
Volume Five
 “Wide awake but it just feels wrong”
“We can fuck about it later if you want”
“I was fighting for my life eight months ago”
“Don’t be fooled, I’m only letting you down”
“Let’s run free and carry on, like we did when we were young”
“But I’m headstrong and stubborn and stuck in my ways”
“I wanna wake up with you and I, I wish we could live here all of the time.”
“I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it”
“I have this thing where I get older but never get wiser”
“I picked the petals, he loves me not”
“There’s always gonna be that one forever thing attached to you and me”
“Moving on isn’t something I regret, but it hard to forget” 
“I don’t want to waste my life without you baby”
“As memories fade, nothing’s the same, guess I better act my age” 
“You’re either with us or you can keep it to yourself”
“They say bad things happen for a reason”
“This could be the end of everything”
“Love me for who I am and who I’m gonna be”
“When we were still changing for the better”
“I’d tell you that I’m scared of turning out a failure”
“It’s safe to say I knew it, yeah, I knew it all along” 
“You can do just what you like tonight”
“Memories I hold to keep safe, and I live for that look on your face”
“Go ahead and take life’s lemons, you can mix them with some top shelf”
“Now we’re at the part where you’ll hate what you see.”
“I’ll go through the walls and kick down doors” 
“I even hate my favorite band, all because of you.”
“You make me feel like  1990 something”
“There’s nothing but broken streetlights, and I’m just trying to escape”
“I know I shouldn’t tell you” 
“Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?”
“Don’t you go and carry on with your life”
“So go to hell and tell the Devil I’m not that far behind” 
“Sex and white lies, handcuffs and alibis”
“So pour me another and kiss me like there’s no tomorrow” 
“Spare me just three last words”
“I still don’t know when I can come home, but I promised I would try”
“I barely know her but she starts to give me butterflies”
“She said she wants me for a lifetime”
“Guess I’m getting used to sleepless nights”
“You look pretty with my heart in the palm of your hand” 
“I thought this was as bad as it gets but I was wrong”
“You don’t wanna love me right now, ‘cause baby, I don’t even like me” 
“Lying isn’t me, so I’ll just be completely honest” 
“This shit should be a sin”
“Part of me’s a saint, but I’ll be a sinner”
“I miss you in the mornings when I see the sun”
“Now those songs we used to sing are just songs I can’t sing anymore”
“I would do anything, anything for you”
“I’d drive her anywhere from here to California” 
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ennysimmer · 2 years
Build a City Challenge – Rules
I’m technically using a combination of different rules that I’ve picked up from different corners of the internet, but the main ruleset that I’m using is this one from The Redmond Flats (a combination of the original version and the modified one).
The most important changes I’ve made are:
I allow CAS-sims to marry each other. I don’t use townies in my game (at least not now, at the beginning of the challenge). I also play with ACR to let the sims choose their partners themselves, so not allowing CAS-sims to marry would be impossible.
My goal is to play a semi-integrated hood. Meaning – maids won’t be unlocked until there’s an actual cleaning service company in town, and someone’s working there. There will be exceptions to this rule (which is why it’s semi-integrated). For example, there won’t be a playable babysitter or exterminator in the neighborhood. Instead of strictly following the population goals, I’ll unlock the services when it makes sense. Food services will be unlocked when there’s a corresponding restaurant for example. There will also be restrictions to the services. Butlers will only be used by the richest of the richest sims. Same with the gardener.
Smoke detectors are unlocked when there’s a fire department selling them (which also unlocks the ability to call the fire department). Fire extinguishers will also be sold and can’t be used until a sim actually owns one. The same goes for the burglar alarm, it’ll be unlocked when there’s a police station selling them.
Buy mode is locked until there’s a store selling the specific objects. Meaning –appliances can be bought from buy mode when there’s an appliance store, furniture when there’s a furniture store, and hobby items when there’s a hobby store. (I won’t do specific themed stores like a music store, painting store, and so on).
The store’s business rank also determents how expensive objects you can buy from buy mode. At level one, only the cheapest objects can be bought. If possible, buying the objects from the actual store is preferred, but obviously, they can’t hold every single object from buy mode.
School is unlocked when there’s a teacher in the neighborhood and enough funds to build a school. There might only be an elementary school in the neighborhood for a while. High school unlocks when there's enough funding for a second school. Private School has to be built as separate building too, and only rich families can send their kids there.
My goal is to build every building myself. And I really suck when it comes to building so… Good luck to me…
I might lower the cost of the university to §500000, or just unlock it whenever there are enough funds to build all the necessary buildings. Maybe the neighborhood can take out a loan to build the university at a proper time, and then charge the students to pay it off (and once the loan is paid in full uni is free to attend). I haven’t fully figured this one out yet. However, the population will matter either way. It makes no sense for a town of 10 sims to have its own university.
Traveling is unlocked when there are an airport and a travel agency selling tickets. I might “unlock” a few townies at this point too, to act as tourists.
Randomized lifetime wants actually matter… whatever they’re given by the game is their lifetime want. If they want to reach the top of a locked career, they have to do whatever they can to unlock it. If it’s impossible… Well, too bad for them. Life isn’t fair anyway :) The only exception I have is if too many sims end up with the same LTWs… Then I’ll randomize it again. I’ll never choose their LTW for them (I’m leaving some room for some exceptions though).
Also, I play wants-based (to an extent). It’s most important when it comes to the sim’s relationships. I let their wants (and fears) and their autonomous decisions decide who becomes friends, enemies, or lovers/partners. When it comes to work and skilling, I might make a few decisions for them here and there, otherwise, we’ll be stuck with no unlocked careers and only level-one businesses forever.
At the start of the game, all careers are locked… with the exception of one position in the political career, which is occupied by the chosen mayor (btw, if the mayor is fired because of a bad chance card, they’ll actually be fired, and a new mayor has to take their place).
How to unlock the rest of the careers:
(Just FYI. From here on, a lot of the text is copied from The Redmond Flats, with a few tweaks from me).
Adventure: The first position in this career opens when a museum community lot is placed in the main neighborhood. (Not in any sub-hoods that you've earned and attached.) It doesn't matter if the museum is player-owned or not. What matters is that it must be placed on the largest lot possible in your game. The career is unlocked for all Sims once the first Sim in the career reaches the top of the career track.
Architecture: The first position opens when there are 10 lots (residential or community) in the main neighborhood. Lots in sub-hoods don't count for this. It is always freely open to any Sim with an Art, Physics, or Mathematics degree. The career is never unlocked.
Artist: This career is only open to Sims with an Arts degree. There are no other restrictions, however. The career is never unlocked, but you can have as many Sims in the Artist career as you have Sims with Art degrees.
Athletics: This career is unlocked for all Sims once a player-owned sports-themed community lot is in place. The sport in question can be just about anything: Bowling, darts, ice/roller skating, basketball, soccer, mini-golf, or swimming. Whatever. There must be equipment available to participate in some sort of sport, though. You can't have just a "sports bar."
Business: A new position in this track opens every time a player-owned business of any kind reaches Rank 5. It is unlocked to everyone once someone becomes a Business Tycoon, the top of this track.
Criminal: Unlocks when there’s a police station and a prison in place in the hood. The only sims who can join the career are the ones who either have the LTW to become a criminal mastermind or the trait kleptomaniac. I haven’t downloaded any mod to make the trait functional, this way it still serves a purpose.
Culinary: The first position opens when there’s a restaurant in town. The career is unlocked when there’s a downtown.
Dance: The first position opens when a player-owned dance studio reaches Rank 5. When that first person reaches the top of the career, the career is unlocked for everyone.
Education: One position is opened when an elementary school building is in the hood. Then there’s one position for the high school and one for the private school. The career is unlocked when there’s a university attached (but only to those with an appropriate degree).
Entertainment:  Any Sim who has maxed their Charisma skill may enter this career. It is never unlocked.
Gamer: In order for a Sim to enter the Gamer career, they must personally own at least one of each of the following: an expensive computer, a video game console, a pinball machine, and an arcade game. There can be unlimited Gamers if you want, but each must personally own all of the above equipment. The career is never unlocked.
Intelligence: A position opens in the Intelligence career whenever a Sim reaches the top of the Military, Criminal, or Science career. The career is never unlocked.
Journalism: Any sim who has maxed the writing skill can join the career. The newspaper is unlocked with this career.
Law: The career is only open to Sims with a degree in Political Science, Business, Economics, or Psychology. It is never unlocked.
Law Enforcement: This career is never unlocked, but a position opens whenever one of the following happens:
A burglary Three Sim-started fires A playable Sim reaches the top of the Criminal career Also, there can only be one Police Chief and one Captain Hero at a time.
Medical: The first position opens when there’s a hospital. Once uni is unlocked the career is open to anyone with a degree in biology.
Military: The town must be connected to a downtown and there has to be a military base, built with tax funds. Only sims with at least 5 athletic skills can join. Only one sim can be general at any given time.
Music: The career is unlocked when a community lot including a stage and three musical instruments is placed. This lot does not have to be player-owned.
Natural Science: Open only to Sims with a degree in Biology or Mathematics. The career is never unlocked.
Oceanography: Open to any Sim with a gold fishing badge. The career is never unlocked.
Paranormal: One position opens when there’s a graveyard with 5 gravestones. Every time an occult sim (witch, alien, werewolf, zombie) moves in/sim gets turned an additional position opens.
Politics: The career is completely unlocked once the population reaches 1,000. However, there can only be one mayor at a time.
Science: Any Sim who maxes out both their Logic skill and their science hobby enthusiasm may enter the Science career. The career is always open to Sims with a degree in Biology, Mathematics, or Physics. The career is never unlocked.
Show Business: The career is open to any Sim with a degree in Political Science, Drama, Economics, or Literature, so long as there is already either a Prestidigitator (top of the Entertainment career) or Professional Party Guest (top of the Slacker career) residing in the city. The career is never unlocked.
Slacker: A position is opened whenever a "club" community lot is placed. It is unlocked once the city has a Downtown.
Careers for Pets:
Security: This is unlocked for all pets once there are 5 positions filled in Law Enforcement. Or it is always open to any pet owned by a Sim in Law Enforcement.
Service: Unlocked once the majority of phone services are opened.
Show Business: Open only to talented pets. Talented pets are those who have learned all their commands, except toilet training for cats.
Some other important information/rules:
Unlocking business districts:
You need:
5 player-owned businesses
1 Business Tycoon Sim
When you have 10 player-owned businesses and 2 Business Tycoon Sims you unlock a second business district, and so on. For every business district, you earn 5 CAS-sims.
Unlocking Downtown: Unlocks when the population reaches 25,000. You can only have one attached. It earns you 20 CAS-sims.
Calculating your population: The actual number of sims in the hood X your current multiplier = your population
The first multiplier is given for founding the town, so you start out with 1. Then you get:
+1 for the first community lot you place
+1 each time you reach a multiple of 5 community lots (So, you add one to your multiplier when you reach 5 community lots, then one when you reach 10, then 15, then 20, etc.)
+5 for adding a Downtown
+5 for each Business District
+5 for each University
Expanding your town: You expand your town by creating new households, which in turn earns you community lots, and the community lots earn you new Sims to create.
With every new community lot (player-owned or otherwise) you earn 1 CAS-sim, with every fourth new household you earn a community lot (children moving to their own place, or sims separating, counts as new households).
Have I forgotten something? Most definitely. I might also tweak the rules as I go. Any suggestions? Feel free to share :3
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find-your-wings · 1 year
What is v's gender? His sexuality?
For now, he's demi-romantic and demi-sexual! He does not care how someone presents their gender, but he needs to be emotionally attached to them to form any romantic or sexual bonds.
Short answer on his gender: He goes by He/Him!
Long answer, and a surface-level delve into Notseanis gender/sex politics!
Notseanis [the elf people that make up Vee's world] have a much different concept of 'gender' than we do. While humans may divide their sexes by [roughly], genitals, presence of breasts, dna stuff I don't understand, and other things... Notseanis have a completely different set of traits they define sexes by. [They all have the same genitalia sets]
Eyes, tongue, ear length, general body build, chest muscle development, muscle mass, etc are some of the traits that define their sexes.
I'll eventually have a whole 'study' I make that explores the intricacies, but I can summarize it like this:
SEX: There are 3 kinds of nis, they are on a firm scale. There's Maltis, Itsu, and Fauce. [You can substitute this as Male, Intersex, and Female, but it's not a 1:1 comparison.] Maltis and Fauce are the most clear-cut sides of the spectrum, and have defined physical traits that scientifically separate them. If someone does not fit ALL the traits on a Maltis or Fauce's list, they're considered an 'Itsu', which roughly translates to 'of both'. If someone has a mix of 'male' and 'female' traits, they're an Itsu. The only thing that matters really, is that SOME itsu are capable of producing offspring. Not all, but some. Maltis and Fauce CANNOT produce a baby, they are the catalysts. Fauce are much more likely to pass on their physical traits to the offspring than Maltis. If an Itsu gets with another Itsu [who is able to produce a catalyst], then the chances of passing on traits goes to who has more Fauce traits.
MOST nis fall under Itsu. There are far, far less pure fauce/maltis in the world at this point. Same-sex relationships aren't a big deal. The only thing nis care about is that most couples should produce at least 1 child, even if they don't raise it. 'Donators' are very common, and some nis put themselves up on 'dating sites' more or less to show off their features, should they be desirable to someone looking to have a child, but who can't because their partner isn't a catalyst. [I'm being vague cuz someday I plan on making a full breakdown of all this]
Fauce: Taller, more muscle mass, more rounded/developed chest muscles [they do not have boobs], clipped tongue, unusual pupils, longer ears.
Maltis: Shorter, less muscle mass, flat chests, regular tongue, round pupils, short ears.
Itsu: Combination of any of these traits.
GENDER: Notseanis care little about gender. Many of them change between pronouns freely between he/she/they/etc, and the only struggle usually comes from people getting used to the new pronouns as they change, little more. More strife comes from whether Nis have tails or longer fur, which is frowned upon.
Most notseanis are given a basic name when they are born, and then they choose their name when they turn 20, which is a wonderful celebration of the Self. Gender is not a big concern in this celebration. NAMES, however, are a big deal. Not calling someone their chosen name is considered greatly disrespectful.
Rich or high-up nis families usually choose their childrens' names. The children are not allowed their coming-of-age celebration, as a way to 'pay back' their parents for 'giving them such an easy life'. [Yes it's very fucked up]
So uhhhhh V chose his name [Vinny/Vincent/Vee-vee/V], and goes by he/him.
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
The Setting
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A quick note: Our world is based on medieval Euron, and the countries and nations within the site are our fictional versions of those countries. Some have been combined together, others have been left as they are. When thinking of 'The Isle' in greater detail such as climate and geographical lay out, imagine the United Kingdom. When thinking of 'The Continent' in greater detail such as climate and geographical lay out, imagine mainland Europe. For history and religion, we ask that players please refer to this guide as we have changed things to fit in with our world.
Another quick note! This is just a teaser of our guidebook page for Setting so what you will find in this post is a brief description of the two main settings of Honor of Apostates. Our Guidebook will have a look in on some history as well as a note on religions.
The Isle • 'Ograin'
Although referred to as 'The Isle' by both nationals and foreigners, the country is composed of several islands all united under the banner of one King. To differentiate the various islands that make up The Isle, they are often referred to by the cardinal direction they lie within. The central and largest island is often called the Royal Land and contains the bulk of the nobles, and the general population of The Isle.
The King and his family rule from the Capitol, a city set on the top of a plateau and surrounded by lush farmland and prosperous rivers. The nobles beneath the King rule over their own parcels of land, and meet yearly at the behest of the King.
The people of The Isle speak a variety of languages but are united under one common tongue called the King's Word.
The Continent • 'Padun'
Across a gentle sea, lies The Continent. Separated into 4 primary nations ruled by their own Kings and Queens. The largest of these nations is a direct ally of The Isle due to the efforts of King Lom. Soldiers and Knights are often brought over as emissaries and live in the courts of nobles as protection. There's no clear idea of what this nation is getting in return, but it is said to be for magical purposes.
These Kingdoms are:
Alhstan: Ruled by a King simply called 'The Barbarian' this kingdom leans on the merits of one's own hand. A place where The Archon has not truly taken hold, they worship their own gods in the forms of great warriors that have risen from mortal status to that of gods.
Creatus: Ruled by a Queen and hailed as the embracers of exploration, this kingdom is deeply reverent of The Archon and it's teachings.
Vertifine: Ruled by a King, this kingdom is vastly rich. They are upheld as the shining examples of the Archon's Creed at work, with gallant knights from this kingdom often hailed as the best warriors in the World.
Otia: Ruled by a Queen, but only allowed to speak through her male advisors, this kingdom is what is left of The Empire that once spanned the entire Continent. They are the home of Archonism, and because of that still are central to the known world.
Each kingdom has their own unique language, but they do know the same common tongue that is spoken in The Isle. On the continent the spread of this language was done thanks to the missionaries of The Archon and for this reason across the Continent this common language is known as 'The Blessed Tongue'.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
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vorphyxredtech · 2 years
Augmented reality; learn about AR techniques, use cases, devices, and more!
Augmented Reality and the Larger Metaverse
If you've heard of augmented reality, chances are it's in the context of the larger metaverse. And to understand one, you must understand the other. You can explore the general metaverse meaning by viewing it as a separate digital universe alongside the physical realm or offline. If you "enter" the metaverse, it is considered virtual reality (VR). This is done by wearing a VR headset or similar device. If you're taking everything from the metaverse into the offline world, you're using augmented reality. But the variety of technologies involved in the metaverse give their permutations to the concept, including helmets and even masks or full suits. But they also include smartphones, game consoles, and computers.
Metaverse is also very social and you can bring your friends and family. And whether you're alone or with a company, your actions in the metaverse will remain as real as in the real world. Metaverse is still in development, but you can explore it right now. You can read more about the fundamentals of Metaverse in the article “Metaverse Tutorial; Understanding the basics opens up a whole new world.”
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What Is Extended Reality?
Now that you know about the metaverse, it's time to see how people can use it. The various technologies that provide access to the metaverse are often referred to under the general term Augmented Reality (XR). XR includes any technology that combines or connects the real and virtual worlds. New forms of XR may appear in the future. But for now, the XR contains augmented, mixed, and virtual reality. In the article “Augmented Reality; What is XR and how is it changing the digital world”, you can dive into the full scope and future of augmented reality.
What Is Augmented Reality?
Augmented reality differs from other forms of augmented reality by balancing the physical and digital worlds. Virtual reality fundamentally changes human perception from the physical world to the digital world. But augmented reality moves elements of the digital world to the user's physical location. It usually works by combining the two methods through mobile devices such as smartphones or smart glasses.
AR data usually takes the form of 3D entities. But it is also quite common for AR systems to present analytical, biometric or engineering information. The wide range of data is part of the reason why so many industries use AR. The same general technologies apply to related business environments, movie services, and games. AR even offers a variety of presentations. It can add small elements like real-time visual translation or cover an area around the user with a virtual landscape.
What Is the Difference Between Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality?
The difference between different forms of augmented reality is not always noticeable. This is largely because they exist in a larger continuum. Each type of augmented reality technology is essentially sampling from the larger metaverse and will have certain things in common. The difference often comes from the way technology approaches the digital realm. Virtual reality immerses users in digitally created 3D landscapes. Augmented reality enhances users' perception of the physical world by adding digital overlays. This is usually, but by no means, done only through the flat screen. Smartphones are often used to access augmented reality in this way. AR can incorporate 3D entities that are aware of their surroundings. But it is often found in mixed reality. MR sits between AR and VR by providing rich projections.
Components of Augmented Reality
Now that you’ve seen what augmented reality is, it’s time to see how the technology is actually implemented. AR is produced through the union of a wide range of different techniques and technologies. The following technologies are separated into hardware and software-based options, but they’re all among the most important components of augmented reality.
Augmented Reality Hardware Technology
Each element of the physical world needs a corresponding AR sensor for the two to integrate properly. The visual component of AR requires at least one camera. AR needs an accelerometer to track the user's location within that physical area. The system will need GPS to detect the user's location on earth. Even an ambient light sensor that tells you how bright an area is can be an important part of AR. But all this information requires powerful hardware to act as a primary workhorse for this endeavour. This is where the system's processor comes into play. The AR processor works the same way as it does in your phone or computer. They are synonymous if you use your phone for AR. Finally, the video processing is pushed directly to the digital display by the processor.
Augmented Reality Software Development Kits
The software side of augmented reality is typically handled by an engine and software development kit (SDK). These packages consist of extensive collections of source code and techniques to work with augmented reality. SDK packages let developers start work with some of the foundational elements of AR already set out for them. If developers have a solid SDK to work with, they’re not stuck reinventing the wheel
Many people don't know that Apple has been a big proponent of augmented reality for quite some time. ARkit is Apple's first foray into the metaverse. This is a complete augmented reality SDK for iOS devices. The SDK was originally released for iOS 11 in 2017. The SDK has evolved significantly over the years and is now in its sixth iteration. ARkit 6 is notable for including 4k video support. This makes the already popular SDK even more sought after by those working in professional film production or media editing. ARkit has made Apple one of the biggest AR companies.
Apple's biggest competitor in the mobile space also has a powerful AR SDK. However, ARCore allows developers to build Android (7.0+) and iOS augmented reality apps using the same underlying code. ARCore is designed around three different key capabilities. It's motion tracking, environment insights, and light estimation. Google has even made it easier to use these AR capabilities through ARCore Elements development and user testing. These AR UI components have been thoroughly tested to ensure developers know exactly which techniques will enhance users' immersion in the AR experience. Similarly, ARCore Elements highlights potential pitfalls to avoid.
Vuforia is an augmented reality SDK with a wide range of potential target platforms. This high level of compatibility is partly thanks to the SDK’s use of the Unity engine. This doesn’t mean that developers can quickly deploy AR apps for iOS, Android, and UWP. The ties with Unity also enable compatibility with many different programming languages. This includes C++, Java, Objective-C, and .NET. The SDK also makes heavy use of computer vision for its AR implementation. This makes it easy for developers to work with 3D objects, planer images, and addressable Fiducial Markers (VuMark) in real time.
Easy AR
Easy AR is another augmented reality SDK that developers can download and use for free. The SDK has many powerful features such as multi-target tracking, power management and various optimizations. But perhaps the most important feature of Easy AR is in the name - it is very easy to use. The generic SDK syntax is designed for ease of use. And EasyAR also comes with easy-to-follow examples for best learners by actively tinkering with existing source code. Code samples highlight how to easily implement video playback and even AR-based transparency for the resulting media stream.
AR Toolkit
AR Toolkit is particularly notable for being an open-source SDK hosted on GitHub. Developers can use this powerful augmented reality SDK for free. But the truly revolutionary advantage of the open source SDK is that anyone can add functionality to it. If there's a feature someone has always wanted in the AR SDK, they can add that feature and make the changes available to others. The SDK is written in C++ and has a class-based API that provides both power and ease of use. One of the SDK's biggest claims is its native feature tracking system.
As a game engine, Unity can provide many of the most important built-in features that make games work. That means things like physics, 3D rendering, and collision detection. From a developer's perspective, that means there's no need to reinvent the wheel. Instead of starting a new project by creating a new physics tool from scratch, calculate every final movement of every material or how light will bounce off different surfaces.
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Once Upon a December - The Invitation - Walter x Reader - P1
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first vampire/the invitation fic les gooooooo NOTE HEAVY SPOILERS, DOES FOLLOW THE MOVIE/PLOT CLOSLY...that is until it dont, i’m a sucker for happy endings~ 
(i specialize in Thomas Doherty characters x readers so if i wrote something wrong no i didn't) 
They said I was found by the side of a road, there were tracks all around; it had recently snowed. In the darkness and cold with the wind in the trees A girl with no name, and no memories but these
It was dark, cold, and wet-that’s all you could remember-the flashes of fire and lightning, the echo of screams, a hand in yours, pulling you to what seemed to be safety, and then…gone. Someone screaming a name that-seemed to be yours, their voice sobbing and desperate as they drifted away until you couldn’t hear them anymore.
You don’t know how you got separated from them, they seemed to care a lot about you, just from how they screamed for you. But you could recall your foot hitting something-metal and slippery, and you fell; hitting your head. You had a nasty scar from it to this day.
You woke up to what felt like-hundreds of years later but couldn't have been more than a few weeks realistically, you couldn’t remember anything, only your name, your age, and the feeling that you were missing something…or someone-by your side.
All you had was a ruby crystal, silver stems and thorns holding it tight to the leather cord around your neck with two small letters engraved into the gem. ‘H.D’. Along the silver vines was another engraving, in the same style as the first except it seemed to simply be an extension of the last letter.
It was so simple; you had the initials and the last name. All you had to do was match the name to the person, but-even after years of searching, be it through books or the internet; nothing popped up. A clue that led to nothing, it left you to wonder; who was this H. Deville?
And could you find them? Could you discover your lost past?
It seemed like a long shot, since this-Deville didn’t seem to exist, not a single search engine had any answers, not even a family  tree to maybe help you find them.
Maybe this-Deville had disappeared in the same incident that had caused you to lose your memories 10 years ago, you sighed remembering the day you woke up; all alone on a roadside, freezing cold with snow covering you and the forest surrounding you.
You had wandered into the town nearby, a kind family taking you in and warming you up, giving you new clothes, and doing their best to help you. But with no memories, and no account of-who you were other than your possible name-they couldn’t. Somehow you ended up in new York, homeless and doing your best to survive.
That is-until you met Evie Jackson, your now roommate and one of your only friends, whom you had met during a catering job and hit it off pretty quickly; when she heard about how you were homeless and just looking for a place to crash until you could save up for your own place, she offered her apartment.
You had told her many times that you were grateful for her offer but-you couldn’t just-take half of her space, especially as someone she just met. But she insisted and now here you were, four years later, still living together.
With your combined paychecks, you had been able to move out of her studio apartment to a two-bedroom only a year after you met/started living together, and you were both just scraping by, doing your best to survive in a world that didn't favor you. Evie was a wonderful girl, smart and kind, with a wonderful sense of humor, and wicked ceramic skills. Your favorite thing from her was a beautifully made vase you always made sure to keep stocked with flowers, she had made it for your first birthday in the apartment. You did have to admit, you did cry.
You were just grateful that you had someone, two people in fact, that you cared about so deeply and they felt the same; you wouldn’t trade Evie or Grace for all the riches in the world. They made you feel just-so much less alone than you really were, a girl with no memories of her past other than voices and snow.
You were ripped out of your thoughts and memories as Evie walked into the apartment, sighing heavily as she kicked off her heels and gently threw her backpack onto the couch; before plopping next to you with a raspberry “long day?” you asked, knowing Evie had to work at this boring catering gig about a 10-year anniversary or whatever. She just groaned, leaning into you and hugging your arm.
You laughed gently, squishing your cheek into her head “Long day. I made pasta if you want it? Ravioli~” Evie perked up, opening one eye to get a good look at you “it’s that uh-lobster and ricotta cheese one I bought a few days ago, made some garlic rolls to go with it too”
Evie hummed, realizing the smell of garlic and lobster still waved about in the small space that was known as the living room and kitchen. “yes please” Evie muttered, huffing as you slipped out of her hold to go make her a bowl “Can you get me a Fanta too? Please?”
“Yep yep!” you called back, taking the leftover pasta out and heating it up in the microwave, sticking your hands in your hoodie pockets as Evie went to her room to change, sick of the full black outfit she had been wearing for hours on end. You took out Evie’s preferred pasta sauce and an orange Fanta, getting one for yourself as well; eyeing up the chocolate cake that was inside the fridge before closing it and finishing up Evie’s bowl, setting it on the counter with a re-toasted garlic roll on a paper towel.
“Orders up!” you yelled down the hall, laughing as Evie made a sarcastic laugh, coming back out of her room in a comfortable-looking set of overalls and her hair up. “Thank you (y/n), I really appreciate it, today was just-guh” Evie muttered, giving you a quick hug before collecting her food and drink, plopping back down on the couch to eat.
She un-paused the movie on your laptop and you sat down next to her, the two of you enjoying the near silence as you watched the cheesy vampire “horror” movie you had pulled up. By the end of it the two of you were cheesing it, sharing the small bottles of wine Evie had brought back in the little goodie bag grace had scored.
“I mean, who would be scared of that?” Evie snorted, gesturing to the goofy-looking vampire with obviously fake teeth and horribly done hairline. “man’s looks like Dracula on meth” At this you cracked up, sliding down the couch as Evie smirked in victory, finishing off her bottle before standing up to go wash her bowl “Thanks for dinner (y/n), really” you smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up, sitting up to change the movie as Evie washed up. “I’m gonna do some ‘pottery’” Evie mocked, using air quotes as you rolled your eyes “I said I was sorry, Ceramics~” you teased, having referred to her art as pottery only once and she still made fun of you about it to this day. Evie stuck her tongue out and sat down in her chair, taking a chunk of clay and slapping it down on her table.
You glanced at her as a few minutes later she made a frustrated noise and smushed down the bowl she had been making, pulling it up with the cord and throwing the clay with its ruined brethren. You looked away as she sighed, wiping her forehead. “Please tell me there's more mini-wine bottles in that bag” Evie muttered, standing up and walking over to you, holding her hand out as you grabbed the back and checked.
“Two more” you muttered, handing her the bag and looking away as she muttered thanks and took out one of the two wine bottles “You okay?” Evie shrugged, fiddling with her necklace like she always did when she was feeling alone. “You still have clay on your hands.”
Evie’s eyes widened and she yelped, looking down at her now clay-covered necklace and slamming the wine bottle onto the table, rushing to go wash her hands and necklace. You took a paper towel and cleaned the bottle before setting it back down on the table, resting your feet on the table as Evie walked back in, rubbing her face with her now clean hands.
“You wanna talk about anything?” you asked as she grabbed the wine bottle and the bag, smiling softly as she shook her head “Okay, I'm one doorway away if you need anything, okay?” Evie smiled at you, nodding as she turned to retire to her room “Goodnight Eve”
“Night Anya” you rolled her eyes at her nickname for you, but if fit; you matched the fictionalized Anastasia all too well. You just hoped your story would follow her’s in turn. Soon enough you were going to bed, passing by Evie’s room to hear her mother's voice faintly through the door. You frowned, knowing Evie was feeling just as lost as you did, she had no biological family left, simply floating by in life; just as you were.
You fiddled with the crystal hanging from your neck, thumbing the engraving on the vine “H. Deville” you whispered, sitting on your bed and leaning against the wall. “Just who are you?...who am I for that matter” you muttered to yourself, letting your hands fall and your head flop into your pillow, curling your hands to your chest to hold the necklace close.
“I’m never going to find out who I am” you whispered, feeling a tear roll down your cheek as you fell into a dream-filled sleep of grand parties and a soothing voice in your ear, strong hands holding you close.
A week later, you, Grace, and Evie were in the living room, Evie scrolling on her laptop to find a movie while Grace helped herself to some white wine. “Did you ever go out on a date with that bartender guy?” Grace asked, Evie made a gagging noise, sticking her tongue out as you giggled, curling the leather cord of your necklace between your fingers.
“I’m ignoring his texts” Evie muttered, looking back at her laptop screen as she switched over to her email, unable to find anything interesting to watch. Even your cheesy horror movies looked boring. Grace frowned, turning to Evie with a shocked look “why? I thought you said you liked him! Didn’t she (y/n)?”
You nodded, giving Evie a teasing smile as she glared at you for helping Grace mess with her “Yep, she said, and I quote ‘oh he’s cute’~ think I can get his number?’ with a capital c” you said almost proudly, and Evie chuckled a pillow at you, rolling her eyes as you giggled “For someone who doesn’t remember a lick of her past, she’s got our words down pact” Grace laughed, sitting next to Evie as she rolled her eyes and you blew a raspberry at Grace.
“I’m just-not-I can't handle the new York dating scene right now” Evie muttered, sipping at her coffee when her email pinged, Grace agreed with her opinion on the whole dating thing. “it is exhausting” Grace hummed, tilting her head as Evie blinked in surprise at what she found in her email. “What?”
“Yeah, what? You gasped like when you got 500 bucks off that lottery ticket” you asked, repeating Grace’s question as you moved from the love seat to sit on Evie’s other side. “I got a cousin!” Evie proclaimed, leaning back to show you and Grace the screen.
Well, there it was, right on the screen; Evie had a 2nd cousin, Oliver Alexander. “Impossible he’s white as hell” you muttered, laughing as Evie pushed at your shoulder. “What she said, that is the whitest man I’ve ever seen, and he’s British” Grace said with a small laugh, watching as Evie read what Oliver had messaged her.
“He wants to meet up” Evie muttered, licking her lips in thought as Grace choked on her wine “A stranger? On the internet?” Grace said with raised brows, as if the idea was stupid “mm-mm, you’re not doing that” Evie tried to justify it, stuttering on her words as you leaned closer to the laptop, clicking on the ‘family tree’ to see how she was related to this, Oliver.
“He’s family” Grace just gave you a look that said ‘and?’ which made you snort a bit, slapping your hand over your mouth and nose to let Evie go on without making her feel like she was being made fun of; because you both knew how important finding her family was to her.
There was a reason you got along so well, especially after her mom passed away. Evie continued, glancing back at her laptop “And-I don’t have any” Grace hummed, pursing her lips as she looked at Evie, mostly teasing but she didn’t want Evie to walk into something that was only going to get her hurt.
“Oh, so you wanna be catfished? Oh, interesting” Evie let out a small scoff at Grace's playful yet serious words, shrugging a bit as she gestured to Oliver “I mean-look, he’s wearing an ascot. What could he possibly want with my broke ass?”
“Your kidneys?” Grace joked, still kinda serious as you let yourself laugh, Evie rolled her eyes at Grace’s wild guess “That’s probably exactly what this site is, tinder for unassuming organ donors” Evie laughed, shaking her head as she clicked ‘read more’ on Oliver.
“Well, he’s British, they’re all absurdly polite” Evie muttered, pursing her lips as Grace snorted, standing up to move to the love seat. “Yeah cause they’re wracked with colonial guilt! Doesn’t mean you need to mistake that for good manners.” Evie nodded, turning to you; playing with your necklace as you stared off at nothing.
“What do you think I should do?” Evie asked quietly, and Grace leaned forward; because you would know what Evie was going through the best, both of you without families and feeling lost without a map. You hummed, glancing between Oliver and your necklace, before you smiled.
“I think you should meet him, if just to meet him and know you have family. You don’t need to get all-buddy buddy, but-you know” you shrugged, leaning into Evie and resting your cheek on her shoulder “just make sure you meet in a very public place and update us about everything. British or not dude could be dangerous” Evie snorted, patting your head as Grace pointed at you.
“Exactly, if you do go through with this, keep us updated, he’ll make a group chat even.” Evie rolled her eyes again “you keep doin’ that you’re eyes gonna get stuck” Evie stuck her tongue out at grace as she stood to make sure dinner was ready while you leaned forward to check the family tree again, seeing they were related through Evie’s great grandmother Emmaline.
“maybe I should do this, see if I have any family” you muttered and Evie shrugged, playing with her necklace as she glanced between the family tree and Oliver's message.
Finally, she took the laptop from you and clicked the ‘respond to message’ bubble, taking a deep breath before she started to type.
-end of part 1-
 yeeeeeeeeeeee im hyped for this, I've been thinking about it since i first saw the invitation~ just-ah~ inspired by Anastasia, Beauty and the beast, nnnnnnnnn...idk my stupid brain XD
idk who wants to read this soooo no taglist yet? this isnt my Harry Hook stuff so no perm taglist...if anyone wants to be tagged just lemme know i guess?...okay byyyyyyyyyeeee
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beeinahailstorm · 3 years
Piglin Culture
Gold is not only viewed as Shiny, it's viewed as something that helps protect people. They can't really use netherite from what I can tell, so gold is the only thing Piglins can use to defend themselves.
Non fighters will commonly have earrings or rings, maybe some gold lined clothing if they are upper class. Maybe rich piglins put ancient debris in their earring for that extra Status.
Fighter piglins — so like general piglins and piglin brutes — however tend to have gold necklaces, chains, or bracelets. They will still have rings and earrings, don't get me wrong, but they usually have more concentrated pieces of gold. Piercings are also common because I said so <3
When raids happen it's often that people look at the shiniest person for protection, which can be helpful in blind panic! It also is a good way to show your dominance. Yeah you're invading my bastion, but I am shiner and therefore more protected, get rekted.
Because of the hierarchy of Gold, younger piglins tend to have stud earrings or small loops. These smaller jewels are often unique and have a gemstone. When the piglin grows older, this can be a brand of who they are, like a second name.
Pack dynamics:
Piglins exist between these roles commonly, though they can some what branch out if other things are needed:
Elders council
HOWEVER, to different groups the roles might appear differently. Brutes tend to care more about the elderly, young, handymen, and other regular people. Young are on their highest priority! It is often for brutes to be separated from young unless in high stress situations, so they can complete their jobs.
Don't get it twisted, brutes are sweethearts deep down. Just don't mess with their family and you will meet one of the chilliest people in the nether (no pun intended).
Brutes don't really care about their leaders, actually. Piglins who carry out military duty and value leadership are soldiers! They have the same hybrid mind as regulars, just with the added bonus of kicking ass. They highly respect their leaders and the elder council and often get into disputes with brutes over their conflicting instincts. They do however grow bigger due to different environments when being raised, though they definitely aren't as big as the brutes. I would make Techno a soldier or brute class, but whatever one you choose is up to you.
Leaders are pretty self explanatory. With a combination of gold usually worn by civilians and fighters alike, leaders wear long golden robes. Their robes are probably made of the material of the "leaves" of the trees in the nether, because I feel like that would be a hard material to refine. Depending on the climate that also makes their get up different colors. Leaders also can wear heavy armor. Piglin brutes can not be leaders. It goes against their instincts, since in general they don't really care about leading people. Leaders are usually ex soldiers. They are valued for being coldhearted and brutal to enemies, but a guiding firm hand to their bastions.
Leaders and brutes don't always get along, but they have heavy respect for each other. Brutes want the best for their pack, and someone who tells the others what to do and organizes their efforts seems to be the best! If the brutes don't like the leader, there will be no leader 😊.
The elder council is made up of old brutes and soldiers. These individuals have seen many battles and often help the much younger leader with advice and guidance. The elder council also handles legal matters, but the leader acts as the supreme court.
Handymen make the tools, weapons, armor, and clothing of the bastions. Usually the role is tied to a bloodline, but sometimes they can take apprentices from other families or even from outside of the pack. Becoming a handyman after joining a bastion is actually easier than becoming a soldier, since the other role is highly respected and valued.
Handymen are still really important to bastion life though! Mess with a brute or a soldier's favorite armor maker and you will end up six feet under 😀. Often you will have a handymen who gives advice to a general or something because they hear a lot of shit in their shops, man. People just enter the store and think no one is listening.
Regulars are usually lesser handymen, family people, hunters, or merchants. They grow to be smaller and can be easily thrown by brutes. Not that a brute would ever do that. For fun. When bored on a Saturday night. I have no idea what you mean. Just because they are the lowest class do NOT think they are pushovers. They are still piglins and can put up a good fight. Also every family of regular piglins — and handymen for that matter — have a brute assigned to them. Mess with their little found family, and the brute will find you.
Teenagers have their own class divides depending on who they are going to be. Between their young and teen ages is when this role is picked, and afterwards they are raised and trained to be that role. Teenagers are often doing whatever job they are trained to do poorly or goofing off.
Young! Babies! Children! Literally do nothing but look cute and get everything for it. Probably would bite you and get away with it. Hurt a young, and everyone in the bastion will hunt you down <3. Better know where your nether portal is, bitch, it's the only thing saving you right now.
(I would put Tommy under teenager or young depending on the fic. Take that as you will. Like I know most people would make him a young, BUT IMAGINE TECHNO TEACHING HIM HIS TRADE!!! THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE. BRUTE TECHNO BEING LIKE “you are doing good with your cobblestone making stuff” WHILE ABSOLUTELY HATING IT BECAUSE HE MUST SUPPORT??? AMAZING.)
Wait but, what are Phil and Wilbur then:
Okay, listen. As I said, piglins can have other roles. Wilbur fits both the elder and regular role in my eyes, so Techno would probably view Will with respect, but also view him as someone to be protected for the good of the pack and not because of status.
Phil? He’s probably a leader to Techno! That could have a funky dynamic if Techno is a brute, because his instincts don’t give a shit about Phil, but it’s fucking Phil, man. Techno has to listen to him smh. I love the concept of Techno telling Phil his hybrid brain considers him an elder just to mess with him. “Phil. Phil, look, I’m not saying anything, but the little voice inside my head — well one of them — tells me you’re old. That voice has never led me astray. I think you should lie down,,, for a couple of years.”
Honorable mention, but when Tommy grows up, I heavily see him in the soldier role. He respects authority and is eager to fight, it’s so him. I feel like this implies that Tommy would be the soldier under Wilbur who is his leader, so you could also write a fic where Techno feels like crimeboys have left his pack and made their own. Betrayal,,,,
Another honorable mention, Ranboo. Ranboo is totally a teenager right now, but when he grows older? Probably a Regular.
Displays of Affection (we know why this is here):
Cleaning. IRL pigs are some of the cleanest animals. If they clean your house for you, it means they care. This can also tie over to sharpening your swords or even taking care of your animals.
Resource sharing. Sharing is caring, literally. If someone shares food, clothing, or weapons with you, it means they trust you! Water is a heavily limited resource in the nether, so if a piglin shares water with you assume they would die for you.
Headbutts. Need I say more?
Brutes really hate being thrown off their Duties, but young and teens are 100% allowed to infodump the more boring shit to them. I see many a bedrock bros moment with this.
Music. When everything is on fire, you rarely have time for some sick lofi beats. Sharing music with someone is a way to show that you are completely relaxed with that person and have your guard down around them.
Piglins don’t actually like hugs and cuddles as much after a certain age. Not that they hate it, it just isn’t their most common way of saying “I love you.” They will put up with it for other cultures.
MENTIONED BY A FRIEND, BUT CUTENESS AGGRESSION AND CAIN INSTINCT!!! I could see brutes getting in trouble because of biting a young </3. Techno would smack Tommy upside the head (affectionate). Though, Tommy would probably bite back, and he has rabies.
This is over 1k words, so will stop writing … for now. If you want to see me infodump about bird culture then SMASH THE LIKE BUTTON AND HIT SUBCRIBE/j/j/j/j
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