#not only a vampire but wearing the volturi crest?
tiredg0ds · 2 years
brainrotting bellamy's volturi verse. info about it under the cut. (if you like this post i will assume u want to plot in this verse and come bother u )
this verse deviates from canon from new moon onwards. rather than suffering in silence and growing closer with jacob... bellamy takes things into his own hands. he's angry and not thinking straight.
he makes a series of impulsive decisions in an attempt to avoid popping up on alice's radar, even though he's not even sure if she's still watching over him or not.
these impulsive decisions end with him in volterra. this is where he gets a little lost. he doesn't know exactly where the volturi hide themselves but this is where his supernatural-magnet self comes in handy.
one of the volturi are drawn to him - who this is can be verse dependent !
he explains to them who he is and how he knows about vampires and begs them to take him to aro. he wants to be turned.
at this point, he's not thinking about the danger this could put the cullen's in... he's just desperate to be turned. to "stick it" to edward.
the guard takes him to the kings, and this is where it gets a little messy because i don't want to assume anything...!
but basically he ends up a vampire and becomes extremely loyal to the volturi for fulfilling his wish. he remains extremely angry at the cullens for abandoning him. specifically the ones that he was close to. edward is a given, but he's actually more upset at emmett , alice & carlisle / esme .
more tba here when i have brain juice
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kingdom-of-sins · 4 months
Aro Volturi x reader
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You and Aro met at an era where people believed vampires were real. There have been so many cases of finding bodies with the blood drained out, fang puncture wounds in the necks. Sightings of dead people coming back to "life". But in the midst of that your human life was going as normal as it could. Arranged to be married to a rich guy who is twice as old as you, an annoying family who only cares about wealth and reputation, and a future with very less freedom. You have made peace with it, but it doesn't mean you can't dream for something more.
The first time Aro saw you he immediately knew you were his mate. The beautiful silk gown, flowers in your hair, smile that can start a war or end one. He has never seen anyone so beautiful. Your blood calls out to him, attracts him, but despite that he wants you safe, protected, and in his arms.
He couldn't resist meeting you. Imagine you couldn't sleep. It's a full moon and something inside you was just telling you to go outside...maybe sit in the garden for a little bit. And that's what you did. Imagine feeling watched. You saw a figure in the shadows. You should run. You should go back inside, but instead you decided to see who it was. Imagine seeing the pair of red eyes for the first time. You could feel a pull towards him, and you didn't know he felt it too. Imagine he took your hand and placed a gentle kiss, introducing himself. The touch allowed him to see all your memories and thoughts.
It felt so good to always meet him in secret. Whenever you are with him you feel alive. There was a darkness in him and you are attracted to it. Imagine there are news flying around about monsters with red eyes killing people by draining their blood, everyone in panic, but here you are in Aro's arms, mesmerized by him. You knew he wouldn't hurt you.
Imagine Aro visiting you late at night when you are in your room. The candles are almost burnt out. Both of you making love as the room goes dark. If anyone finds out that you are in love with a vampire then you have no doubt in mind that you will be hanged or burned alive.
Even though you are still human Aro's view of the world, his visions, his mentality was rubbing off on you. It was as if the darkness he has in him is now inside you as well. He loves it. It only shows that you were meant to be part of his world.
Imagine he finally turns you into a vampire. You were practically begging for it, and Aro wants you turned before you two leave the place.
When you woke up as a vampire everything just felt perfect. Aro was there to greet you and welcome you into your new life. Immortality suits you. Imagine he brings you a group of people to feed on, watching you proudly as you drain their blood.
You two became more physical. He loves it when you try to dominate him with your new strength, but at the end he always ends up on top.
He never says no to you.
You are powerful. Your beauty incomparable. You want the same things as Aro. Soon words spread about you. Aro's wife, the new queen.
Imagine yourself in the Volturi castle, wearing a red dress with a train, long bell sleeves, the Volturi crest in your necklace. Aro never gets tired of seeing you.
Some believe the power you and Aro hold together is too much. And everyone knows you are Aro's greatest strength and his biggest weakness.
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thatfanficstuff · 3 years
Her Three Kings- Chapter Eleven
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A Volturi Kings x ofc story
Warnings: nope.
A/N: Only two more chapters until they meet! Just kidding. It’s here. I’m so excited.
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The final goodbye was as horrible as Lily thought it would be. Knowing Carlisle would be traveling with her helped somewhat, but she was still heartbroken to be leaving the rest of her family. She stared out the window beside her while they drove to the airport and Carlisle reached over to clasp her hand in his. She squeezed his hand in thanks and kept hold of it until they reached the plane.
Their luggage and her belongings had all traveled ahead of them and were already loaded on the plane. The only thing she’d kept with her was the backpack that had once belonged to John. It held the things she didn’t trust to anyone else. Even her sword was stashed in the cargohold. Mainly because she was fairly certain they weren’t going to allow her to appear before her mates armed.
She took a seat near the window and dropped her bag into the seat across from her. Carlisle sat beside her. The guard sat further away giving them the semblance of privacy. Growing up with vampires, Lily was used to having none so it didn’t faze her much. When Lily wasn’t sleeping, her and Carlisle talked more about Volterra or played hangman and cards. Sometimes she just stared out the window and contemplated her future. She’d brought a book but after reading the same page three times and still not processing it, she gave up.
The closer they were to their destination, the antsier Liliana got. When they were about forty minutes out, Jane approached. “Excuse me, Mistress.”
Lily gave her a tight smile. She really hated being called Mistress but had been unable to get them to call her anything else. “Yes, Jane?”
“We will be landing soon should you wish to don more suitable attire,” the girl suggested.
Liliana blinked at her a couple of times before smiling. “Thank you, Jane. That is most kind of you.” Lily pulled a sheer cardigan the same color of green as her off the shoulder crop top from her bag. She slipped it on. “Much better.”
Jane stared at her for a long moment without saying anything.
Lily leaned toward Carlisle. “I think I broke her.”
“Is there not something else you would rather wear? We can arrange for you to change at the airport if your clothes are below.” Jane’s voice was as calm as ever but it was obvious she was trying not to say something biting to her new queen.
Contrary to what Jane may have thought, Liliana had taken great care with her appearance. She had dressed in a pair of lightweight khaki cargo pants and her off the shoulder olive green crop top. Her brown hiking boots were comfortable and went well so she’d worn those. Alice had done her hair in a messy updo and used one of her hair scarves as a wide hair band with some strands of hair pulled through to frame her face. She’d also done a light makeup. Lily had finished everything off with multiple bracelets and rings along with a metal choker and her necklace with the Cullen crest. She even had her nose ring in. She was quite pleased with the look if she were honest. And most importantly, she felt confident.
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“One of the most important things my father taught me was to always begin as you mean to go on, Jane,” Lily said. “I would hate to give them the false impression that they are getting a proper lady.”
“Yes, that would be most horrible,” Jane responded in a completely flat voice.
Lily couldn’t help grinning. “We’re going to get along just fine, Janey.”
The guard turned on her heel to return to her brother’s side. Lily waited a couple of beats before she started laughing. She leaned against Carlisle and he began to chuckle as well. “Shhh,” he attempted to quiet her when he noticed that all four guards were watching them. That only made her laugh harder.
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By the time they arrived at the castle, Lily’s stomach was churning though she did her best to hide it. Two weeks of texting and the occasional phone call did nothing to prepare her for actually meeting the three kings that were her soulmates. She took a breath as they stood before the massive doors. Felix and Demetri were waiting for her to signal that she was ready.
“Let me take your bag,” Alec said from beside her.
Lily frowned at him, reluctant to hand it over.
“I’ll take it straight to your room. You will be fine,” he assured with a soft smile.
She nodded once and handed the pack over. “Thank you, Alec.”
He bowed his head and raced away. She turned back to the doors. “It’s not like they don’t know I’m out here. Let’s do this.”
Felix’s lips twitched while Demetri outright grinned at her. His grin was infectious and Lily found herself smiling as well. He winked at her and opened the door. Lily stepped into the room, Carlisle trailing behind. Her heart raced as her gaze fell on the men sat on the thrones on the far side of the room. All three sat straighter as they watched her approach. Her gaze moved between them, unwilling to pick one to settle on. No picture could ever do them justice. She wanted to greet them, to say something, but she was too wrapped up just watching them. If she’d had any doubt that they were mates, it evaporated with the feeling of elation in her chest at finally being in their presence.
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Marcus POV
She was stunning. Breathtaking. If he still needed to breathe that was. Carlisle had sent them pictures but they were nothing compared to the real thing. And it went far beyond her looks. It was the aura that seemed to surround her. She was confident. True. Theirs. Most importantly, his.
The only thing more beautiful than the woman in front of him was the vibrant, brilliant gold true mate bond connecting them to her. That it would be so strong upon their first meeting spoke volumes. She was truly perfect for them.
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Caius POV
He ran his gaze over her from head to toe. She was pretty for a human, he supposed. But could she not even be bothered to dress herself appropriately for their meeting? Did she not care? His eyes moved from her to Carlisle behind her. Surely he’d taught her better. His gaze flicked back to his mate. His human mate. He barely managed to keep the snarl from his lips.
His eyes narrowed as he took a better look at her. Was that a nose ring? Caius couldn’t fathom how the fates thought this was the perfect woman for him. He couldn’t imagine anyone more wrong for him. For all of them.
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Aro swallowed as he took in the stunning creature in front of him. Something about her made him want to take her hair down so he could run his fingers through it. He wanted to curl up with her while they read or just watched the world pass around them. He just wanted to be near her in whatever capacity she would allow it.
It was an unusual feeling for him. Normally his first thought was always about how someone could be of benefit to their coven. To him. But all he could think of was how much he wished he could take her in his arms right now. He could only think this would be the beginning of an amazing eternity with her.
Being the first to recover from her arrival, Aro stood and stepped forward to greet her. He grinned as he approached her. “Liliana, it is so lovely to finally meet you in person.” He held out his hands. “May I?”
Elation flooded through him when she shrugged and held out her hand. That she would trust him already meant—Aro frowned when he realized that he was only seeing a very small portion of her memories. He was seeing the moments that brought her to them but that was all. His brow furrowed. “What is this? I don’t understand.”
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Lily POV
Aro looked so confused and upset that Lily felt a little bad for blocking him from her memories, but just a little. He had to earn it. She pulled her hand away from him, her chest aching slightly as she did so. “It’s my gift.”
His brow furrowed. “I’ve never seen a shield that allows only partial access and you seem to be controlling what I see.”
She shook her head. “I’m not a shield. I can block things. I really don’t know how else to put it. I simply put up a block between that which I wished you to see and that which I didn’t.”
Her mate’s eyes went wide. “Amazing, cara mia. I understand and do not take it personally though I do hope you allow me access to everything eventually.”
“Show them, Lily,” Carlisle said from behind her. He never pushed her to share her gift with people, but she understood this was different.
She took a breath and shifted her gaze to Marcus. He lifted a brow at having her attention. With a thought she put the block up on their bonds, though not all the way. She didn’t want to cut off the link with them. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Marcus said. Aro immediately moved to him to take his hand so he could see as well. Caius seemed disgruntled that he wasn’t in on the secret.
Moving her eyes to him, she dropped the block on the bonds and instead blocked her scent and the sound of her heartbeat. Every vampire in the room snapped their attention to her. It didn’t intimidate her. Her gift was odd. She knew that. As the only human in the room, they all knew the instant her blocks slid into place.
Lily blinked as Caius suddenly appeared in front of her. He was fast. She hadn’t even seen a blur. He ran a hand along her jaw as he studied her face. Grasping her chin lightly, he turned her head and sniffed along the length of her neck. Why was that so hot? When he finished, he took a step back. “Impossible.”
She shrugged and dropped all the blocks except the ones she kept in place all the time. Caius inhaled deeply as her scent came back, his eyes turning a deeper crimson as he did so. She smiled and gave a small nod. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Caius.”
“Little human,” he answered with a sneer.
She shook her head at him, but said nothing further. She wondered if it would do any good to remind him that he’d been human once upon a time. Or maybe he’d just take it as an insult.
When he didn’t get the response he was looking for, he looked past her to Carlisle. “And what is your purpose here, Cullen?”
“Excuse me, sir, but that is my emotional support vampire,” Lily said.
A snort of laughter carried to her and she glanced over to see Demetri with his hand over his mouth. Jane and Alec were both smirking as well. Caius however just stared at her without blinking. That was creepy. He was a little unsettling. But he was hot. God, what was wrong with her?
She dragged her eyes from him to look at Aro as he returned to stand in front of her. He smiled at her then reached past her toward Carlisle. He returned the gesture, revealing his gloved hands. A flash of hurt showed on Aro’s face and Liliana reached out and touched his wrist. “That was my doing. Sorry. I wanted you to get to know me the regular way. If it bothers you that much, it’s okay. I don’t mind.”
His gaze softened as he turned to her and took both her hands in his. “Whatever you wish, cara mia. I look forward to getting to know you in whatever way I can.”
She smiled and glanced to his left where Marcus still sat on his throne. His sharp eyes were taking in everything. When he noticed her watching, he smiled and held out a hand as he stood.
Returning his smile, she stepped past Aro and walked over to the quiet king. He met her at the bottom of the steps and took her hand in his. “It is so lovely to finally meet you in person, Liliana.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, keeping hold of it when he finished.
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Marcus.” She looked at him for a moment, uncertain what to say. She just enjoyed being in his presence. Her gaze darted down then back up as she bit her lip. His crimson gaze met hers and he tilted his head slightly. “Could I have a hug?” she asked. Her voice was so quiet even some of the vampires in the room had trouble hearing.
He grinned and pulled her to him. Wrapping his arms around her, he buried his nose in her hair, taking in her scent. “You need never ask for affection from me, dolcezza. It will always be freely given.” The whispered words brought happiness with them and the arms she’d curled around him squeezed.
“Thank you, Marcus.” She still sounded so quiet, so shy. After releasing him from the embrace, she stepped back. She turned so she could run her gaze over her mates. “Is there somewhere I could freshen up? It was a long flight.”
“Of course,” Aro exclaimed at once, clapping his hands together. “We will show you to your rooms immediately.”
Lily blinked as the three kings led her and Carlisle from the room. She hadn’t expected them to show her personally. They took the stairs up a couple of floors and stopped at a room just off them. “Carlisle. This is your room. I know it’s not where you are used to staying, but we thought it best if you were easy for our mate to find,” Aro explained. “She has the rooms right above you.”
She made note of where the room was. It would be easy to remember.
“Thank you, Aro. I’m sure it will be fine.” He opened the door and turned back to Lily. “Text me if you need anything.”
She nodded and he disappeared into the room. She followed her mates up one level to the top of the stairs. They ended in an open area filled with plants and huge windows in the ceiling. There was also a collection of couches and chairs in the middle and a large television hung on the wall above the fireplace that sat to the side of the stairs. A long table sat to one side and was covered with books and papers. Wide eyes took everything in.
“This is our shared area,” Marcus explained.
“This is our floor. No one is allowed here without our express permission,” Caius said as he stepped past her. He stood a short distance away and crossed his arms over his chest.
Aro took her hand and led her toward the left. A large set of doors emblazoned with an A stood there. Further down there stood another set of doors, much smaller than the first. “Behind these large doors, is my office and private rooms. They are all connected. The smaller doors lead to my bedroom.”
Her face heated at the mention of the bedroom. Why did her body insist on acting like a hormonal teenager around them? So embarrassing.
Obviously seeing the color on her cheeks, Aro chuckled. He turned her so she faced back toward the common area. “Beside me are Caius’ rooms, across are Marcus’. Our initials are on the doors in case you forget.” Then he led her to the right, to the rooms that ran behind where the stairs were. “And these are yours.”
“We can do a full tour later, dolcezza. For now, let us show you the bedroom.” Marcus took her hand from Aro and led her over to the small doors that had been painted white. Instead of an initial, intricately carved lilies served as the handles on the doors. She ran her fingers over them and glanced up at Marcus. He gave her a soft smile in return.
She pulled open the door, understanding the heaviness when she saw how thick the wood was. As the beauty of the room was revealed, Lily gasped. She stepped inside and sank into the plush carpeting. The entire room was done in white, lilac and sky blue. The king sized bed was draped in netting with fairy lights wrapped around the top. Across from it, a TV was mounted on the wall. It was on an arm so it could be pulled out and watched from the bed or the small sitting area. A dresser stood beneath it.
The sitting area had a lilac rug with blue and white flowers. The couch and two chairs were white with lilac and blue pillows and throws. A wall of shelves stood beside it. While there were a few books and things on the shelves, they were mostly empty waiting for her to fill them. There were three doors leading off the room. She opened the first to show a massive closet that already held a selection of clothing.
“We took the liberty of providing a few things we thought you might like,” Aro said. “The door near the shelves leads into your other rooms.”
She turned to look at him and simply nodded, still in shock. Moving across the room to the remaining door, she opened it to find an amazing bathroom. There was a large shower with dual heads and a separate massive bathtub. She could live in there and be perfectly happy.
Once she took everything in, she looked at her mates. Aro and Marcus stood near the bed, hands clasped in front of them as they watched her. Caius leaned in the doorway trying to appear uninterested, but she could tell that he was just as anxious for her reaction as the other two.
“This is absolutely perfect. It’s beautiful. Thank you,” she told them, willing the tears she felt creeping up to disappear. She ran across the room and threw her arms around Aro. He sighed, his shoulders dropping as the tension left him. She buried her face in his neck and he returned the gesture. “You are very welcome, my mate.”
Releasing him, she turned to Marcus to hug him as well. “It is our pleasure to care for you.”
Last was Caius. Unlike with the other two, Lily couldn’t just pull him into a hug. She wasn’t sure he even liked her. As she stood in front of him, he stayed leaning against the doorframe. His arms were crossed over his chest again and he ran his gaze over her from top to bottom. “If I hug you, are you going to eat me?”
He hummed and the corner of his mouth kicked up into a smirk. “My brothers would be very unhappy with me were I to do so.”
“That was really a yes or no question,” Lily told him.
The blond let out a little growl and grabbed her arm to pull her forward. He gave her a one-armed hug and kissed her forehead. “I am glad you are happy, little human.”
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Pet (Part Four)
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Word count: 1936
11th august 2006 Volterra, Italy
“Stay still, Dolcezza.” Dora said while she used a brush to apply some eyeshadow. “Scusa, Dora.” I said while my hands gently caressed her thighs. Dora had wanted to do my make-up before I would go and see Marcus for the evening, and currently she was straddling my lap with nothing on but a very see-through night gown, easily distracting me, my hands lightly resting on her hips, not knowing where else to place them. “Dora?” the soft voice of Caius breaks the pleasant silence between Dora and I as she works her magic on my face. “In here, my love.” she said, her face lightening up at the sound of her mate's voice. I wanted to move my head to the side so I could greet Caius but Dora grabbed my chin in her slender fingers. “No, stay still.” “I am sorry, Mistress.” I said. “Careful now, or I will keep you here for the night and Marcus can actually try and pry you away from my grip.” she said, her voice ending in a gentle growl making me shiver in pleasure. Soon I felt strong arms wrap themselves around my waist and a chin resting carefully on my shoulder. “Buonasera amore mio, bambina. Has she behaved today, Dora?” Caius asked, his voice low and husk. Dora smirked softly and leant forward to gently peck her husband's lips. “Yes, she has been a good little principessa. So, she will be treated like one for now.” her lips moved to my forehead and pressing a gentle kiss to it, making me blush. “That is very good. I love it when you behave well and we can treat you, bambina.” Caius whispered in my ear before gently placing his lips against the side of my neck where Marcus’ bitemark resided. Overall, the Masters and Mistresses left their bitemarks on my neck and shoulders while the three elite guard members stuck to my wrists. But that didn’t mean they didn't occasionally bit over each other's bitemarks when their instincts took over for the most part, or just to annoy one of the others. A small smile played around my lips while Dora put the finishing touches on my face. She put the brush down and let her fingers gently move down my cheek. “Sei bellisima, Dolcezza.” she whispered. “Si lo è, amore mio.” Caius agreed as he moved his arms from me to stand behind his wife, taking in her artwork on my face. I blushed deeply. “Grazie, Master, Mistress.” I whispered while looking down at my hands. “It is only because I value my brother's happiness that I will let you go from our grasp tonight, bambina. Or else we would have kept you here and ravished you until the sun came up come morning.” Caius whispered as he gently made me look at him, the look of a predator in his eyes making me blush even further. I looked back down at my outfit which was a simple evening gown in a deep red colour, my shoulders completely bare and the skirt was just above my feet to make sure I didn't trip over it. It was one of Dora's many, many gowns. Dora sighed and slowly got off my lap and gently pulled me up by my arms, helping me stand steadily on the new, deep red heels that accompanied the gown beautifully. My hair was being held up by a single, large and heavy silver clasp that was decorated by very expensive looking gems. “Hmm,” Caius said as he approached me. His fingers lightly traced my collar and he spoke very fast to Dora in what I assumed was ancient Greek. Dora giggled and seemed to agree to what he was saying making Caius smirk. “Very well, bambina. Off you go.” Caius said after a few seconds more before taking a step back to stand next to his wife again, wrapping an arm around her waist. I gently bowed my head to them and slowly left their chambers, careful as to not trip over the heels nor my dress.
It took me about 10 minutes to leave Caius and Dora's chambers and enter Marcus’. I slowly made my way down the long hallway to the very last room opposite to the entrance door. My heels clicked loudly against the stone floor and my heart was beating in anticipation. Once I reached the door, I gently patted down any non-existing creases before gently knocking. The door was quickly opened by none other than Marcus. His appearance taking my breath away. He was wearing a full suit, apart from the jacket and the sleeves of his black dress shirt were rolled up. His dress shoes shimmered in the candlelight coming from his bedroom and his red tie was still neatly tied around his neck accompanied by his Volturi crest that all the kings and queens wore. It was made of pure gold, like the crest of the higher guard. The only difference was the stone at the bottom. Each King had their own colour diamond in them. And every diamond had their own meaning. Marcus had a blue diamond that stood for peace, truth, devotion and eternity. Peace and truth for his place as judge, jury and executioner. Between the three brothers he was the most peaceful and always sharing the truth, how painful it might be. Devotion and eternity were for his loyalty to his coven and their cause, keeping the vampire world safe with enough humans to sustain them for all eternity while they reign. Marcus smiled at me, his smile even reaching his usual sad eyes. “Cara mia! I was slowly getting worried that my brother and sister had claimed your attention for yet another evening.” he said as he held his hand out for me. I smiled and gently placed my warm hand into his cool one. “I am sorry for making you worry and wait, Master. That was not my intention.” I said while Marcus pulled me towards him and into his bedroom, closing the doors behind him. He gently nuzzled his face in my neck taking in my scent. “I forgive you, cara. Although, it is not your fault that we like to revel in your presence.” his lips gently pressed themselves against the bitemark he left the first time he had been buried deeply within me. The memory, I was sure of it, would forever remain with me and send shivers down my spine in delight. “To lose ourselves in your scent and your love.” his lips moved upwards to my ear while he spoke. “Even the slightest touch of your fingers can make any man or woman long for more, not to mention what those lips can do.” he finished before gently claiming my lips, as if to prove what he just told me. The touch of his lips against mine alone was enough to make me sigh in pleasure. It wasn't a kiss full of lust nor need. It was a simple kiss, one that made my head spin a bit and yet made me long for more. Marcus pulled away after a few seconds, resting his forehead against mine for a few seconds longer and finally pulled his face away from mine. “Well then. I have a few things I would like to see your improvements in.” he stated, his voice becoming very serious, yet a playful glint remained in his eyes. “First off I would like to talk about your dance lessons. I do hope Demetri, Felix and Heidi helped you out in that aspect while in the ballroom. And I mean dances such as the waltz or any other form of dance that would be appropriate in company. I am not talking about, according to what Aro told me, what you like to call the ‘Devil's Tango’.” A deep red blush spread over my cheeks as he mentions this and at the same time remembering all my dance lessons with the three higher guards. “I am well aware you have practised that specific dance with the three of them on multiple occasions. The broken mirrors and furniture are proof of that.” and if possible, an even deeper shade of red coloured my cheeks now at the memory. “But I want to see if you improved on your other dances as well. Did you practice?” he asked as he gently stroked my heated cheeks. “Yes Master.” I said, gently biting my lip and trying to calm my heart down. “Good.” he said before his grip on my loosened and he made his way to a large stereo in the corner of
the room. Soft music came through the speakers once he pressed certain buttons and in the blink of an eye his left arm had wrapped itself around my waist while his right hand held my left one in a very careful way. I bit my lip and placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to not get distracted by the hard body I felt as he pressed me close against him. His, nowadays, piercing red eyes bore into my green ones. “Let us see how much you improved, shall we?” he asked and before I could answer his question, had he started his dance, gently guiding me across the room gracefully. I tried to keep up but my human body could not be as graceful as his vampire body, yet he didn't seem to care as he floated in circles, me close to his body and his eyes never leaving mine. After a few minutes the song came to an end and Marcus let go of my hand only to place it behind my head as he dipped me down on the final tune. I was panting slightly from the exercise and the excitement of having this godlike creature float me around the room as in a dream. Marcus had a playful grin around his lips before he gently pecked my lips and pulling me upwards again, helping me to regain my balance. “You are getting much better, Cara. Well done.” he said while gently stroking my cheek. Finally, my breath had calmed down and a small yet very proud smile crept onto my face. “Thank you, Master.” “Now for the other lessons I have been teaching you.” his hand slowly travelled from my cheek upwards towards the back of my head. His fingers gently opened the silver clasp that held my hair together and removed it, letting my long, brown locks fall down in waves. “I want to test your restraint once more, Cara.” his face slowly moved forwards until it was deeply buried in my neck and hair while his hands made their way towards the laces of the corset body on my gown. “Tonight, I will not tie you up. Nor will I blindfold you.” he whispered while his fingers skilfully undid the knot that kept the laces together. “However, you are not allowed to touch.” another pull at the laces, loosening the corset. “And you must keep your eyes closed at all times. Unless I tell you otherwise.” he carefully pulled the body of my dress apart, completely loosening the dress from my body. “Show me what a good little pet you are, Cara mia.” he released the dress making it flow down to the ground, leaving me in nothing but my heels. Dora had insisted on me not wearing any undergarments. A bra wasn't needed thanks to the corset of the body part of the dress and according to her, panties where nothing but a nuisance anyway. “Yes Master.”
Next Part
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writersblock2point0 · 6 years
Sweet Serial Killer, Part 2
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Oh wow guys! I actually did it! Omg. I’m so proud of myself.
Now, I really need ya’ll to read this next bit. 
Blood, gore, like omfg so much gore. Skinning, flaying a man, death(don’t worry, no one important-duh) and Jerome being a fucking badass. This iss very VERY dark material, like sickening to most(or some of you, lets be honest, if you were wanting more after the first one ya’ll be a little fucked up). 
Okay, so I hope ya’ll enjoy. This is more relationship building with the three main boys(A,M,C) omfg I'm totally calling them AMC from now on! So yeah, amc bond building with Jerome but also the others. Like, super cute but in a demented and concerning way? I was also inspired by GoT with this. (Go House Bolton*coughcough) 
Also, the song mentioned in this is Teddy Bears Picnic, if you were curious. It’s a creepy, but favorite of mine. 
The rain hits the world outside. Drops running down the large window as I sat at the small square table, a small cup of coffee in hand as I watched the drops compete with one another. When two would combine, I’d move to another, and then another.
I looked up when I heard the soft clicking of heels, turning to see Jane suddenly peering down at me. She was wearing this cute dress that was black and lace. It ended at her knees, and the sleeves puffed but ended at her elbows. It had a high collar, and held her Volturi crest as a brooch. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, elegantly braided and looked softer than silk. Her red eyes were accented by her bold makeup.
I smile up at her, “Janie! So lovely to see you here, what are the odds?”
She doesn’t reciprocate a smile. “The masters want you home. You’ve been gone for a while.”
I smirk, “What? Only them? You sure you didn’t miss me?” She doesn’t answer, and doesn’t look impressed as I sigh and tell her to sit. She does, sitting taller than ever and with an air of propriety. If I didn’t know any better, I’d take her as a trophy. I’d keep her hair, and eyes, and those lovely lips. I wonder if there’s a way to make a body last as long as I would like it to, other than the obvious.
Vampires. I hum to myself, sipping my coffee as I look out the window again. Aro, the head of this family, along with Marcus and Caius offered me a home and something I haven’t had in a long time. Love. Did they love me? No, perhaps they loved the things I do; my mind, my creations, my art. A trill of pleasure slithered down my spine at the thought. Yes, my art.
Still, vampires. Who would have ever guessed. I freeze as I see a child walking down the street, a yellow umbrella and a pair of bright red rain boots. From the white dress, I could see it was a girl, with long yellow hair and light skin. I held my breath as flashes flickered inside my head, images of what to do, how to do it. I watched her turn to look at a woman with a baby and a obviously round belly calling to her. I relaxed as I turned back to Jane. Giving her a smile, and finished my coffee.
The castle was quiet when we entered, other than the brunette receptionist greeting us. The one that was here when I first arrived didn’t make it long. It wasn’t because of me, but a guard lost control. Sad, I would have liked to hear her beg, her voice was always so lovely. What was her name again?
We walked in silence to the library, a place the masters often were. It was a large room, bigger than my childhood home, filled with old books, ones with pictures and ones without them, ones in different languages, and ones that were actually journals. They even had scrolls.
The doors opened, and I followed Jane in. The air was stiff, but it wasn’t like these vampires needed to breathe, or open a goddamn window. It smelled of paper and wood, and dust. I stand still as we come to the table they are seated at. Marcus is sitting, a comically large book in front of him, and his long boney hand smoothly flips a page, not making any sound as he does so.
Aro was standing with a book in hand, eyes flashing over the pages before he turns them.
Caius was sitting in a chair, but he wasn’t reading. He was staring me down. I’m wondering why he looks less pissed than he usually does. Perhaps there was a feeding today and I didn’t know about it. I do not attend those, for my own safety, as Aro puts it.
“So nice of you to join us, Jerome.” I turn to Aro, seeing his eyes on me. He shuts his book, and in a blink of an eye is standing before me, palms out and fingers wiggling in a ‘gimme gimme’ way. His face is frozen in a stoic grin as I let him see.
“Hm, still looking for inspiration?”
“Yeah, though I’m willing to wait. Are you?”
He lets my hand go, grinning at me in surprise, head tilted down as his eyes narrowed in amusement, as if I made an inappropriate joke, as if I was flirting. “Of course, you always make it worth the wait dear.”
I sniff, my lungs uncomfortable with the air. I nod, turning to the closest window and opening it. The rain smelled refreshing, and I let the breeze comb through my hair as I hear the book pages ruffle in the wind.
“Why must you always open that blasted window Jerome.” It was no question, but a bitten remark from Caius. I feel myself smirk, and I look at him from over my shoulder.
“Why must I breathe you ask?” His eyebrows raise, as if I offended him. “I’m hurt, Sir, I thought you wanted me alive and kicking. Without me, you don’t have your fun.”
He narrowed his gaze, “You call what you do fun?”
“For me it is, for you? Hm, no.” I smirk, glancing at him from the corner of my eye, “But you like to watch, don’t you.” He glowered even more at my remark. I hum, looking outside. I was still at a loss as to what to do next. I didn’t have a victim; usually I got one and then the inspiration would come to me. But not so much these days. It’s been four days, since I’ve started looking. I needed to scratch the itch, just reach over and sink my nails into my skin and dig. Dig until skin peeled off, until blood stained my fingers, and screams shredded my ears. Not my screams of course, no, that wouldn’t do. How could I enjoy it if I was screaming the whole time? No, the screaming was for the victims, my sweet little victims.
“You're spacing again, dear.” Aro’s voice is a far away echo that travels closer as my thoughts are waved away. I hum, turning to look at him. I know I look dazed, perhaps even a little high.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?”
Aro grins, like a proud father looking at a monstrous child destroying a toy. So loving and oblivious to what their child will grow to be, but I suppose Aro is encouraging my future.
“Be patient child, you will find the one.” Marcus’s weazed advice is almost calming, but I still cannot help feel a twinge of annoyance. I am calm, and I am patient. Who said I wasn’t? Nevertheless, I send the three of them a charming smile, wild thoughts flowing through my brain like a river. Persistent and untamable.
“I hope so,” I reply, watching a bird land on a ledge of a window across the city. For your own sake.
I smiled as I dragged the body in by the ropes I tied around the man's ankles. I found the perfect one. Dark silky hair, long lashes that tears would just cling to, beautiful blue eyes. I pass by Demetri and Felix, both give me charming sinister smiles.
“Murder on the agenda today?”
I hum, “Not until next Tuesday,” I stop pulling, letting the rope fall off my shoulder as I turn to gaze down at my new plaything. He was a looker. He’d be a gorgeous vampire. I sigh, tilting my head, too bad he wouldn’t be pretty for too much longer. Perhaps I’ll keep his skin.
“Would you like some help?” Demetri offers, red eyes unblinking as he stares me down.
I nod, “Yes, please. I want him perfect.” I watch as Demetri holds the limb figure, wincing as his shoes drag. “Be gentle, if he bruises too much it won’t look right.”
“What do you have planned for us this time?”
“Something long, something I need to think carefully about. Too much at once and he will die, too little, it is boring.” I speak freely, knowing that usually I surprise them all. I like to be secretive. Very secretive.
My nerves fluttered inside of me. My stomach swelled with each step and I was so eager to get to my special boy. I hummed to myself, a jolly little tune, pushing the doors opened as I entered the room that the Master’s themselves set up perfectly for me. There were their chairs, not that they would have an issue standing forever, but they were royalty, so of course they needed designated seats. Each master was seated in his respected seat. A guard on each side of them. A few were by the doors, letting me pass as I pushed a small trolly in. It squeaked as I rounded the large wooden X. I could sense Caius’s agitation on my back. I would need to fix the wheel if I didn’t want to hear him complain for an hour.
I rub my fingers, so happy to have finally found one so special. My perfect boy. He would be the best yet.
“My sweet,” Aro smiles, eyes light with curiosity as he watched me. He waves me over, but I stand still. He wanted to see, but I shook my head.
“No.” Reaching up, I let my finger tips fall over the bare ribs of my boy, feeling him shutter as my fingers were probably cold. I hummed as I saw his nipples harden from the sensation, though I doubt it was because of arousal. “It’s a supposed to be a surprise.” I look to him, “You’ll ruin the fun.” Aro sat back, taking my small, useless warning to heart. I was human, I couldn’t hurt him, but perhaps I would be turned and I knew newborns were dangerous.
I slowly lift the sack I made sure Demetri placed over the boys head. He winced at the low light of the torchest, casting a yellow glow over the room as he took in everything around him.
“What-what is this?” He was english, coming from somewhere I wasn’t able to pinpoint but the accent was cute. I wondered if you could hear it in his screams.
“Shhh,” I place a finger to his lips, stepping closer to him. It wasn’t that warm in this room, and his body was already shivering. I frowned, turning to Aro. “Can we turn up the heat?”
“Is it necessary?” Caius replied, and I nodded. He snapped his fingers and two lower guards quickly left.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get you warm soon enough. You’re gunna need it.” I grin, and he’s already got tears in his eyes. I love it. They pool under his eyes, reddening his cheeks as they stick to his lashes. Just like I had hoped. I spend a few moments admiring his face, he was so pretty.
“If you would, Jerome.” Caius complains, and I pause in tracing the boy’s cheek bones. “Start already!”
I clench my jaw, “It is not warm enough. I want him to sweat.”
“Why? So you can order for the room to be cooled?” He shot back, and I hissed.
“Be patient you old hag, I am trying to enjoy this!” His eyebrow shoots up, and I give him a charming smile, “It will be fun. Now, let me work.” He doesn't say anything, but his eyes have darkened in the low lighting.
“I’m sorry, he is such a rude man.” I whisper to him, going back to following his jaw. “He is very old you see,” I move to the side, taking the boys chin and turning him so he is looking at Caius, “He does not allow himself to enjoy the little things. Like how pretty you are. Isn’t he pretty Caius?” I use his first name, knowing how it irks him. I grin at how Caius’ hand twitches as he glares at the boy. “Hm?”
“Jerome.” I sighs, seeing a bead of sweat roll down the boy’s neck. He’s ready. I reach over to the trolly, taking the comically clean white sheet and lifting it, making sure my special boy can’t see what is on it. He wouldn’t like it too much. No, and I want him guessing.
I take a very thin blade, one I had picked out just a few days ago specifically for this.
“Tell me, what is your name?”
“Llion.” His voice was barely a whisper as he watched me, eyes such a beautiful crystal. It was like looking at a broken sky.
“Llion,” I parroted, bringing the blade out and he shifts in fear as he sees it. “Now, I need you to hold very, very, still for me.” I stand in front of him, “Can you do that?”
He’s looking around, probably for help or an escape, but when he finds none, he resolves so silently nodding. “Yes.”
“Good.” I boop him on the nose, “I knew you could be a good boy. Now, I have another question for you. Have you ever read a book, called a Song of Ice and Fire?”
He furrows his brow, shaking his head.
“Well, there is a quote, from there that I just love.” I smile, holding my hands behind my back, “It goes like this,
‘A naked man has few secrets; a flayed man has none’.”
His eyes widen, and I take it all in.
“No! No, please!”
I grab him by the face, holding him still as he cries. “Stop. I said, stay still.” I hold his arm, and begin. I watched a few videos on skinning animals, and so I have a vague idea of what I want to do. I hum the same song I sang before, content in my work as I ignore his jerking and screams. I smiled as I sliced a piece from the top of his wrists to elbow. The skin was thin and floppy as I dangled it in front of his face.
I didn’t even bother to look, just tossing the piece away from me and hearing it hit the stone floor with a nice wet splat. Poor Llion was sobbing, shuttering with pain as he kept his head down. I marveled at what it looked like underneath his skin, running a finger over it and shivering at the feel. It made him make a funny noise.
I worked quietly, pausing to admire his bare arm as I worked my way up to his shoulder. I just began to reach it when a large mass suddenly pushed me away, causing me to fly back and onto my ass. A guard was on Llion like a cat on a mouse, teeth sunken into his fleshless limb. Llion screamed as, what I assume is the venom, hit him, also the biting of course. I wrinkled my nose, shaking with anger as I stared the vampire down.
How dare he!
“Jane!” I bit out, and smiled as the vampire crumbled under her gaze, feeding stopped as he froze in agony. I reached into my pocket and flipped my lighter open, calmly lighting him on fire before watching him erupt into flames. He would not be able to run the flames out, while he was still frozen in such pain.
I registered Llion’s screams, the venom working it’s way into him.
I spot a large machete on the floor, next to the overturned cart, and I pick it up, and shrug with a look at Llion’s arm. I hold his shoulder before hacking away at his socket. The arm falls from him, dangling in the air as it was still held up by a shackle. I take it and pull it apart, the bones and muscle causing a little strain, but without the skin, it seems to pull apart fairly well. I look to the other guards, eyes black as the stair me down. They are across the way, the burning vampire between us. The lower guard is silently screaming as he begins to crumble into dust. The flames are fanning me, and I bask in the heat they give. I sneer, looking them over and then at the arm.
“If you were that hungry, you could have just asked.” I throw the arm towards them, letting it fly through the arm and land with a slap and a roll, stopping at their feet. They don’t move, “Go ahead,” I can feel the tension in the room, and I soak it all in, letting it feed my anger. “Eat it.”
A guard, with a dark complexion and strong jawline, picks it up and holds it out to the others.
I throw my arms out, “Enjoy!” I give a mock bow, before turning back to Llion. He is crying, but isn’t screeching anymore. I see how much his wound is bleeding, and I place my blade over the guard’s dying flames, getting it red hot. I roll my eyes and carderize the wound.
“We can’t have you dying on us, can we Llion?”
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volturisecretary · 7 years
What do you envision to be the typical daily duties of some of the Volturi and/or guards?
Volturi Coven:
If the Volturi (especially Aro and Sulpicia) don’t have at least one hand in Volterra politics, I’d be disappointed. I think the Volturi induce enough fear (and excitement of ‘maybe they will turn me’) that a politician or whoever will not speak out with any suspensions they may have about them. And if they did they would look crazy and Demetri would eat them later, so I mean. I see no problem. 
Marcus keeps a tab on everyone’s bonds, and notifies Aro of any ~issues going on between guards. It’s probably not very exciting, but he is caught up on the gossip around the castle. (Note- I’m still not exactly sure how I imagine Marcus’ gift functioning. I’d like to think if he knows someone well enough, he may be able to detect if they just had an argument due to fluctuation in their bonds to said person). 
Athenodora and Caius are heavily involved in the training of the guards. It’s something they enjoy, and they both are good at planning a variety of scenarios to ensure everything goes smoothly. 
Occasionally, guards that are in their trial period are offered temporary guard positions, where they are officially given a crest and ropes. Aro gets really into the whole ceremony and gives some a heart-felt, but totally embarrassing for that guard, speech. He also wears a fancy outfit (the rest of the Coven rolls their eyes but lets him indulge). The poor guard is probably completely terrified the whole time.
Volturi Guards:
↪In general, the duties a guard is given is based upon their rank and abilities. If you have a lower rank (or if you are being punished for poor performance), you are given the more mundane duties, while higher ranked guards get to go on the ~fun missions. 
General Cleaning- Obviously someone has to dispose of the bodies after the bimonthly feeding session and I’m 100 percent sure it’s some poor, lowly ranked guard. In addition to that, I think there is a team of guards that handles cleaning the castle. I know a lot of fanfictions like the idea of their being humans around to do that, but I just don’t see that as practical. There is probably some vampire that loves cleaning that practically jumps at the opportunity (or I’m assuming? I love cleaning dishes so there must be some vampire that loves vacuuming or dusting ancient artifacts?).  Plus, vampires don’t sweat, apparently, so they are less likely to damage said ancient artifacts. 
Vampire Popular Culture- A few lucky guards get the pleasure of keeping up with vampires in pop-culture, meaning they read a lot of cringy romance novel and the occasional comic book. They also get the pleasure of binge watching TV series, like Supernatural and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, to see what myths are currently being perpetuated. In addition, they monitor any “cryptid” hunting videos on YouTube, just on the off chance something is actually caught on camera. The positive of this job is they are fairly “hip” with the times, or at least the vampire side of it. Obviously, there are running jokes about how “vegetarian” and angsty vampires are all the rage now-a-days. 
Media Control- Another few lucky guards get to keep tabs on the major news outlets throughout the world. These guards aren’t just looking for any ~suspicious activity, but keeping up on the advancements and politics within the human world. It helps the Volturi adjust appropriately, especially with technology (a well-placed security camera is not a vampire’s friend). I’d imagine the Volturi convey these sorts of advancements to other Covens via Demetri so that vampires aren’t caught doing something ….vampire-like on camera. That be… bad for all the parties involved. 
Patrolling Volterra- There are usually 4-6 guards patrolling Volterra (in groups of two). They will approach any vampires that enter the area to ask if they are passing through or have business. It’s mostly a lot of human-watching. It’s by far the most relaxing duty for a multitude of reasons though. 
History Museum Guide- There are a few guards that get to give the tour for the Volturi history museum. It gives the opportunity for younger vampires to learn about the history of their kind and the purpose of the Volturi. Once a vampire is out of their newborn period, they are encouraged to visit Volterra to learn about their kind firsthand. Plus it gives Aro the opportunity to say hi to said vampire if anyone suspects they may be gifted. 
Various Specialized Missions- Miscellaneous jobs that are usually much more fun than the previously listed duties. Sometimes Covens need to be executed for being conspicuous, while other venom samples need to be destroyed before they are tested by a city’s forensics team. 
Various Training Regiment- All of the Volturi Guards, regardless of rank and abilities, are required to train daily in a variety of circumstances. Aro is currently looking for a complete mental shield, like Bella’s, for training purposes because there is only some much you can do to block certain members abilities. The idea is that everyone should be ready for the Volturi equivalent of DEAFCON 1 (in this case meaning, no one’s abilities are functioning, plus we are all blind and everything is terrible). I feel like Athenodora and Caius really push everyone to be overly prepared for the worst, even though it’s unlikely to happen. Of course, more common scenarios are drilled too. 
There are some guards (mainly Demetri and Heidi) that have very specialized duties, due to the nature of their ability. 
Demetri, as I imagine it, is probably rarely in Volterra. He’s constantly keeping tabs on other Covens growth and assessing how ~conspicuous they are being (are they feeding too much in a particular area, are they making a place appear ~haunted, are there weird vampire feuds that may draw media attention, etc). As stated above, I imagine he conveys information (particularly to older Covens that are detached from human society) regarding advances of technology that could prove to be a threat to vampires. I’ve never been a fan of the idea that the Volturi are not up to date on the times, because I assume they would have to be to keep the vampire world hidden from humans. 
Heidi is always planning the “tour groups” (I talked about that a little here). Nowadays, if you want to trick people into going on a death-tour, you really have to have an official looking website because people aren’t going to fall for that sort of thing. She has her work cut out for her to say the least. 
Volturi Secretary:
↪Besides the vampires, the secretary position is pretty similar to an actual secretary position. They handle phone calls, take messages, assist Heidi coordinating the tour groups, sign for packages, and put on a nice face for any wandering humans. I’m not sure the generous salary and employee benefits could ever outweigh the risks of the job, but to be honest I would strongly consider applying for reasons.
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lavendairs · 4 years
❀ . ❛ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒔.
IMPORTANT: this blog canon / headcanon was originally written by @amaeranthos here and has been reposted on this blog with her permission to do so. ( bless her for turning my vague ideas into wine ).
As mentioned in my previous post, vampires are impossible to miss in the sunlight.  Due to the properties of vampire’s venom and the effect it has on a vampire’s skin, it reflects sunlight in such a fashion that it can be confused for the individual being lit on fire.  Even in indirect sunlight, such as through tinted windows or hidden in the shade or during a cloudy afternoon, a vampire’s skin has a sort of luminosity that is impossible not to notice.  This is why nomadic vampires tend to only travel at night and stay hidden during the day—unless the sun is completely covered by thick storm clouds, they simply cannot pass as human and they cannot uphold the absolute law of their kind.  Secrecy is key.
That being said, the sun doesn’t merely affect the way others see them.  When a vampire is out during the day time and touched by the sun, even indirectly, it is an incredibly uncomfortable experience for them.  Their skin is sensitive to the heat of the sun, leaving their flesh tingling with the sensation of being too tight, almost like the aftermath of a sunburn.  Likewise, their eyes are so well tuned to seeing in absolute darkness that, in the sunlight, they find themselves somewhat disoriented by the light.   While not overly painful, the feeling is akin to the light sensitivity a human experiences with a migraine, leaving them feeling uncomfortable and distracted by the discomfort.
Unlike most of their kind, the Cullen family is capable of walking in the sunlight among the humans.  Shortly after Rosalie and Emmett returned to the Cullens permanently, Rosalie’s growing exasperation toward the constant dreary, predominantly white  ( and racist )  communities they had been forced to settle down in finally came to a head, forcing the family to discuss an option Carlisle had previously avoided.  This option was a whispered secret amongst their kind, something Carlisle had only ever heard of in passing during his time with the Volturi, an unknown factor that was spoken of as perilous and dangerous to their kind...  but it was still a lead that the family deemed worthy of pursuing.
It was ultimately Esme who took the initiative to hunt down the witches of old, flying to New Orleans to seek out the only lead they had on a line of true witches that followed the old ways and knew of their kind’s existence.  Finding them was easy—they knew what she was, knew what she sought—no, the difficulty of the situation presented itself in the form of equivalent exchange, as Esme had to give payment worthy of the items she wished to receive.  The amulets that the Cullens would require were a product of blood magic, something permanent and extremely powerful:  the bloodstone amulets, crafted with the sole intention of allowing vampires to move about freely in the sunlight.  The exchange that Esme chose was monetary in value, as she used much of the Cullens’ wealth to purchase all means of ingredients to make an equal trade.
The bloodstone amulet is a charm made of pure obsidian and imbued with the blood of the creator.  ( Obsidian was chosen due to its natural ability of absorbing natural energy like a sponge. )  Each bloodstone is bound to a single vampire by a piece of themselves—hair or venom—and is as eternal as they are, meaning they will not wither to time even if the jewelry holding them does.  While in contact with a vampire’s skin, the bloodstone amulet shrouds them in protective illusionary magic, a spell that both alters how the sunlight interacts with their skin as well as the sun’s negative impact on their bodies.  While there is still some mild discomfort, it is negligible with the aid of a bloodstone, allowing vampires to truly walk amongst humans in broad daylight.
The Cullens chose to fashion their amulets into a unique family crest in order to further symbolise that they were more family than coven.  Each person chose the form in which they wished to wear their crest, some more unique than others, always perfectly fitted so that the bloodstone remains pressed firmly against their skin.  For Carlisle it was a ring, while Edward and Jasper fashioned theirs into wrist-cuffs.  Esme and Rosalie both chose to wear fashionable bracelets of delicate gold and silver, while Emmett fashioned his into an ear-cuff and Alice wove hers tightly around her throat with a lace choker.  Upon Bella’s transformation, her own amulet is fashioned into a ring that she wears on her right hand, bearing the family crest.  ( This changes every now and then—after all, while the stones are eternal, the jewelry is not, which gives them all a chance to switch things up. )
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The Lost One (Part Seven) (Alec Volturi)
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Headcanon requests: Open Imagine requests: Closed Taglist: Open
Taglist: @aro-is-gay-af @vamp-army @raindancer2004 @like-rain-or-confetti @volturidoll13 @kpopgirlbtssvt @avyannadawn @alexavolturisblog @alecvolturiswifeforever @imaginetwilight2704 @develin13 @wallwriterstuff @volturiwolf
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Word count: 1.303
Caius and Athenodora lead Melody to their quarters. Many emotions and feelings rushed through her as she processed the information. Melody mostly felt happy that she had found her parents but she still had many questions that she wanted answered. They entered a huge room; it had many books on bookshelves in it reaching all the way to the ceiling. A massive painting decorated the back of the room. Melody walked to it to examinate. Caius and Athenodora were portrayed on it. Athenodora was sitting on a chair, wearing a black gown and her hair into an old-fashioned top bun making the rest of her hair flow over her shoulders. Caius stood behind her, his hands on Athenodora's shoulders. Caius was wearing a dark red robe, the only thing that was missing would be a crown for him to look like a king. But the thing that caught Melody's eyes was the baby that laid in Athenodora's arms. The baby's hair was dark brown, almost black and her eyes where an electric blue. And around the baby's neck laid a necklace similar to the one Melody had owned as long as she could remember. Athenodora held the baby close to her in a loving way and Caius eyes were stern, but not cold like usually were. It even seemed he had a ghost of a smile on his face. Melody had been in thoughts while looking at the painting, that she slightly jumped when Athenodora started talking. "That painting was made a week before you were taken from us." Melody turned around to look at the two vampires. Athenodora had a gentle smile on her face while Caius watched the two females, the same small smile still around his lips. "I am sure you have many questions, so please. Feel free to ask." Athenodora said with a reassuring smile. "Well, how is it possible that I am your daughter?" Melody asked while looking back at the painting. "Your father once showed a woman mercy and saved her from being burned at the stake. She later travelled to the castle to reward him." Athenodora started. "She told him she was a witch and could make anything happen. And since I really wanted a child of my own and-" "And I wanted to test this woman out." Caius interrupted, a small sadistic smile on his face. "And that, he asked for a child of his own. The witch took a hair from both of us and went on her way. In all honesty, we thought this woman wouldn't be capable of succeeding but she did. Almost a year after her first visit she showed up again, a small baby girl in her arms. But the baby wasn't breathing. She placed the baby into my arms and casted a spell. And with that the baby started to breath, and those blue eyes were looking at us, holding so much innocence. Your father might not admit it but you had us both wrapped around your little finger the moment you opened your eyes." Athenodora said, remembering that day very well. Almost like it was yesterday instead of 1500 years ago. Caius rolled his eyes but the gentle smile was still on his face. "What happened? I mean, why was I found as a baby?" Melody wanted to know why she never knew who her parents where and why she was found by the woman who raised her. Caius suddenly growled and slammed his fist on a wooden table, splitting it. Melody jumped a little and took a step back. "S-sorry for asking. I didn't mean to anger you!" "No, it is fine. We were in a war against the Romanian Coven. It was the night the Volturi won. You were in the tower with your mother and Aro's wife, Sulpicia, when six vampires ambushed the castle. The Volturi had killed the leaders' mate and they were out for revenge. And what better way to repay us than to go after Aro's and my mate. Sulpicia fought off three vampires while your mother ran. There she was attacked by another three vampires and you were ripped from her arms, and they left her dismembered." Caius voice held a cold and regretful tone. "For decades, many vampires searched for you. But to no avail." Athenodora finished the story. Melody looked down. Many years she thought her parents abandoned her, and by the time she heard about Caius long lost daughter, it had become a myth.
"I am sorry you had to go through that." "It isn't you who should be sorry. It should be that vampire who took you." Caius said, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. Melody nodded her head. "Thank you for telling me this." "How was your human life? How and when did you get changed? Where you taken care off?" Athenodora asked, her red eyes fully focused on her daughter. Melody frowned and looked down, for many years she had pushed the memories of her human life back. They were simply too painful and confusing. But now that she had her answers, she might be able to leave the past behind. "My mother found me in a dark alley. I was wrapped in blankets and I was crying. My mother found me and brought me home. Her husband had recently passed away due illness and they never had a kid. My mother was a simple sewer so we lived in poverty but we were happy. We were living in a small cottage at the edge of the village, near the forest. The forest held many animals and I would always play there when I wasn't helping mother or working to earn a piece of silver here and there. Like I said we lived a simple life, but it was a happy one. That is until one night the village was being ambushed. The whole village was killed off, including my mother. The man whom killed my mother had me pressed against the wall. I can only remember his red eyes and the last thing he said. He told me that he hoped my father would pay for what he did. And then the burning pain. I woke up three days later and left my cottage. Only I survived. Well, I wouldn't call it survived, since I had been changed. Some guards from nearby villages came by, as the smoke from burning houses had disappeared. My throat was burning and well, they were my first major kill. Scared I ran off and hid. Slowly I could control my thirst and lived like a nomad for 1200 years, never joining a coven. That is until I met Siobhan and Liam. We hunted together and they offered me a spot in their coven, and I accepted it. Living with them for the remaining 300 years until now." Caius and Athenodora listened closely to her story. Athenodora was glad the woman had taken good care of her daughter, and she was glad her daughter had been happy even though it was not with her and Caius. "I have always wondered though why I had your crest when I was found." Melody continued. "Why didn't you ever come to visit?" Caius asked gently. Melody shrugged. "By the time I found out about the Volturi, the story of your lost daughter had become a myth. Besides, the Volturi has a reputation for ripping vampire's heads off if disturbed for an invalid reason." Caius chuckled. "I guess that is a valid reason." Melody and Athenodora smiled slightly at Caius' comment. "Now." Caius made his way into another room and returned with a Volturi cloak and her original necklace. He gently placed the cloak on her shoulders and Athenodora placed the necklace around her daughter's neck. "Welcome home, my daughter. Melody Volturi!"
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Life (Part Ten)
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Taglist: @aro-is-gay-af @vamp-army @raindancer2004 @like-rain-or-confetti @volturidoll13 @kpopgirlbtssvt @avyannadawn @alexavolturisblog @alecvolturiswifeforever @imaginetwilight2704 @develin13 @wallwriterstuff @volturiwolf @marcusofthevolturi
The trip to Volterra was a quiet one for Maeve. As they ran she mostly focused on the ground rather than her new coven. Felix and Demetri where close behind her, making sure that Maeve wouldn't slip away. But that wasn't her intent. She had agreed to join and she would keep that promise, even though her power would no longer be used for good, only for bad. Maeve let out a small, not hearable sigh and removed her Cullen necklace and placed it in her pocket, knowing Aro would not appreciate it if she'd still be wearing it once she had officially joined the Volturi.Soon enough Volterra came into view. It was a beautifull, old, Italien village ontop of a hill. Maeve looked around slightly in awe. She had never been to Italy in fear that she would be easier to be catched by the Volturi, since she would have been real close to their home. Not that any of that mattered now. Aro got what he wanted, he had Maeve and she knew that Chelsea was already using her gift to break the bond Maeve had with the Cullens and create a bond like that between her and Aro. She could feel it. Aro almost seemed to skip from happiness, yet no one but Maeve seemed to find this strange. Maeve would have found it amusing to see a grown vampire skipping if she wouldn't have been the cause of his happiness. The vampires entered the castle and all made their way towards the throne room waiting for their Master's orders. Aro, Marcus and Caius took place in their thrones and their milky, crimson eyes where focused on Maeve. "Dear ones. I could not have been any happier to finally welcome our dear Maeve to our little family. I trust everyone will treat her as such. Now, to make you truly part of our family. Brothers if you'd please." Aro said. Marcus grabbed a black cloak, similar to the twins' cloak collor, and placed this on her shoulders. Caius laid the necklace with Volturi crest around her neck before Marcus and he returned to their thrones. Aro grabbed Maeve's hand, reading her thoughts, and kissed it gently. "No more running, my dear. I promise you made the right choice." he said. Maeve nodded her head feeling Chelsea's gift work fully now, feeling bonded to Aro like a slave. "Yes Master." Maeve said. Aro smiled like a little kid who had just been presented by his favourite toy. "Very well my dear. Everyone is dismissed. And Jane, Alec, show our new family member her chambers." Aro said before sitting down on his own throne. Jane and Alec bowed to their Masters before leading the way to Maeve's new chambers.
The walk to her chambers was quiet as neither one of them spoke a word. Jane seemed bored while Alec ignored her completely. Not that Maeve cared one bit. They where the witch twins, really sadistic and evil. Alec, being the calculating one, being more dangerous than his sister Jane. Yet Maeve felt intrigued by Alec. The scent he was carrying was very luring for Maeve, like he was a type of drug and she was the addict. Jane opened the door to Maeve's chambers. "Here it is." she said watching Maeve closely. Maeve nodded her head. "Thank you." Jane and Alec both nodded their heads in return and made their way to their own chambers. Maeve closed the door and sighed. She removed her new black cloak nd hung it against a hook on the wall, next to her door. She released her hair from the ponytail and laid down on the huge bed. Maeve missed sleeping. Sleeping was an escape for humans, but vampires would never be able to sleep, ever. Maeve closed her hand and concentrated on a flower. She opened her eyes and hand and indeed the flower that she had imagined blossemed from the palm of her hand. The flower's leaves where a mixture of orange, purple blue and pink. Maeve smiled and grabbed the flower, placing it on the nightstand next to her bed. She looked around the room and found it to be elegant yet simple. The huge bed as next to a door that lead to her own bathroom, a small Bookshelf was placed above a desk and a closet from dark oak wood finished the room off. The walls where a blood red and the floor was from a black marble. Overall it was quite a nice and elegant room. Maeve relaxed alittle and laid back down in her pillows. Maybe living here wouldn't be so bad. Maybe her new home would grow on her eventually. And maybe she will be able to call the Volturi her family one day. Just maybe.
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