#not my mutuals though i love you all and will never unfollow you
myvirtuesuncounted · 11 months
i'll be so honest, i am only in the swiftie fandom for the music atp
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
For those awaiting an answer on one of my more recent posts, and whether I'll be leaving, here it is. .....Under the cut, as it, in my usual fashion, gets lengthy, you can skip to the end for a TL:DR :)
I'm not going to leave tumblr/simblr, I'll be floating around and still liking people's posts, I'm probably gonna unfollow some people (not my mutuals ofc ilya) just because it's hard to keep up with my dash when I get over 10 notifications every 2 minutes or so especially when if I'm not going to primarily consume Sims 4 content. I'm going to put my mods folder into my external HDD, in order to preserve them ykwim, and I'm going to uninstall TS4, I'll try to make one more sim before the sims 4 gets poofed off my laptop, although as it stands even after freeing up 20 GBs of space, my space went back down to 400 MBs so 😭😭 I will probably be posting variety content, even though I know all my followers are primarily Sims content consumers (some of ya'll do other stuff, but I mean as a whole, my audience tends to be more Sims 4 related), I might play and share some of my Sims 1 content, which is not story oriented, it's just a little gameplay of Roo in the Sims 1 :) I'll also probably post Baldur gate stuff (if I can free up the storage for it LMAO), I'll post witcher content maybe, and plenty of other things, and like I said, I'll continue to float around, and I'll continue to reblog any Sims content I see and enjoy... as well as other things. .... So what about W.A.S? Yea. I dont know, while W.A.S IS supposed to be a fleshed out story, and while I know I AM leaving sims 4 behind, completely limiting what I can and cannot make story-wise (just cuz I don't know how to make scenes and stuff lmao), I will ATTEMPT to make W.A.S content, I will still make and post the Official teaser, and I'll probably introduce the characters myself sometime after the teaser (I'll take screenshots in CAS and just hope my storage doesn't dip TOO low). I may release some of the story in just text form, as I do really want to continue to post about the story. I'll try to come up with something tho, don't worry :)
I may also start getting back into art, I still need some hobby to preoccupy my time that isn't gaming, I will still do blender stuff (since I have a bunch of my Sims' DAEs) and I will maybe make more edits, but regardless, I still enjoy art and Sims 4 kinda consumed the time that I wanted to spend doing art, soooo yeah.
For the unrooleased tag, I have a bunch of sims that I've never posted, as well as renders that I've never posted, and I may, as Sims 4 filler, post those to fill the void that will become my Sims 4 content
and FINALLY. LAST THING I promise :) I know all of ya'll LOVE Roo, and I do want to reinforce the fact that ROO IS NOT A SIMS CHARACTER, I did NOT make him originally from the Sims, if you were at any point worried I would stop posting about him, I will not be, I will continue to share about Roo, probably with a lot less pictures considering I really only used TS4 as a visual assistant for his story, I do have his DAEs, so I can make SOME Roo blender content, albeit limited with Scenes and stuff. Roo is a character that I will continue to be passionate about, I never mentioned this but I LOVE to make Roo in pretty much every game I play (besides Skyrim................ and ofc games where u dont have customization), like Animal Crossing, I made a variant of Roo there, and in Stardew! You get the point, he will always be a prominent figure of my content. I may also bring back some characters I made from TS4, like Nirvana, I LOVE her character and would LOVE to continue to post about her, as well as Roo's family, I love posting about his family members and sharing their own story and what importance they are to Roo.
WOW, okay that was a lot, if you're skipping here for a clear answer, or a sort of TL:DR, here ya go, I don't want to leave tumblr, so I won't, and I won't necessarily leave the Simblr ring, TS4 is going to be uninstalled, but I WILL preserve my TS4 mods in my external HDD, and be on the look out for the last sim I make in TS4 :)
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thasorns-archive · 3 months
tag game ✨
I got tagged a long time ago by a mutual who went private... it's friday night and look at that I HAVE some time to do it :)
1. why did you choose your url?
just look at Emi and then we can talk again. Have you seen her? <3
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
juhotonin - is a kpop blog (even though I neglected it a bit)
alexreggies - yes, sometimes I reblog different things on this (thasorns) blog but this one is specifically for western things
kaiosmichiru - anime
I have another one where I only post gifs but never told anyone about it
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
probably since 2009. I used to have another blog but moved to my current one in 2012
4. do you have a queue tag?
used to have # queue to my life, # queueing things bc its quarantine things but now I'm just using q. bc I’ve become lazy
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
before this blog I was a dedicated fanblog about marko marin and sideblog was very multifandom and then I moved and stayed multifandom 
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
buttercup is THE mvp
7. why did you choose your header?
a tale of thousand stars do I need to say more (if you didn't watched it, THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this, mind that I was a beginner in gif making and you can see that in this 
9. how many mutuals do you have?
maybe I forgot one or two but the last count was 79 love you all 💕
10. how many followers do you have?
 more than i would expect and deserve but I appreciate every each one of you 🥰
11. how many people do you follow?
I'm surprised that after 12 years I don't follow more but I also go on a unfollow spree sometime anyway it's 372 people
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
no. don't think so. I used to say a lot about shows I watch. does this count as a shitpost? Idk
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
is that really a question? like? every day
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
no i'm staying in my bubble and be happy
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
i dont do it to be oppositional 
16. do you like tag games?
even though I try to participate as much as I can and not forgot about it I'll do it because they're fun and it's nice to see other perspectives or opinions on things
17. do you like ask games?
I rarely do it because I think no one would send me asks
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
the first which comes to mind is sabrina @moonkhao
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
what does crush even mean?
claire @clairedaring @poomphuripan is such a cutie. The way she does so much for the msi community but at the same time highlights other lakorns and find the strength and time to gif it, so other ppl on here could watch it. always so nice and patient ❤️
an honorable mention: cata @kittychicha because I would've never thought that we would become friends and talk on a regular basis about everything and it is fun and lovely to talk with you and get to know you 🧡
Another honorable mention would be vish @morkofday because have you met her? Her mind is already enough. The way she thinks and sees things in perspectives - a reason to fall in love. Not even joking. Our dead friend forever days were precious for me 💕
20. tags?
@morkofday @itsallaboutbl @clairedaring @pondsphuwin @patchanons @milkpansa @kittychicha @jimmysea @loveisactivated
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getsusekaii · 2 months
Name / Alias: rubii, wubii, roob, puppy all fit haha
Pronouns: they/them
Blog type: single muse | multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other (specify)
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (headcanon based canon characters like tengen and rika)
Triggers people MUST tag: extreme eye gore, insects, trypophobia (for the love of god please)
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | [space for eventual additions / explanations]
i have adhd which means my communication in the beginning is staggered and all, but by no means does it mean i dislike you or anything. i'm actually really shy af too even though i'm also trying to loosen up and be more open to talking to ppl more. more often this results in mild burn out, i just ask for your patience, and to never be afraid to reach out to me (sometimes i just forget to reply to dms bc my life is weird af)
do NOT, do not, do not, do not pressure me into writing ships. there are a select few moots who you may see i add and have an instant shipping connection with, and it's often times bc the mun chemistry is peak, but never forced.
no drama. idc if i follow someone you dislike based off of a tiny fight. unless it's something egregious and serious and something i should 100% be on the look out for, i don't wanna know why you dislike a person based off of something silly or they hurt your feelings. it had nada nothing to do with me. i just wanna write.
do not pester me to reply to threads. i work graveyard shifts, working 9 blogs here and there. a casual reminder here and again is cool, but please don't rush me
force ship, even if it's my OTP
thinking im scary, 'anxiety is preventing me from' etc. etc. idk why this bothers me so much, but it does. i don't know why you follow or anything if you're too scared to interact with me, or anxiety is your reason for not reaching out, esp if you followed me first. its a little strange.
weird ass ships.
too much complaining on the dash, e-begging, gaslighting.
following for follow count. i want people to write with.
strange head canons, general things i just don't vibe with. no offense but we're entitled to our opinion and safe spaces
weird behavior, persistent annoying communication, soft gaslightling regarding threads/life/why don't my mutuals/followers blah blah.
i dont see ourselves vibing in general.
no age/rules/about page that's easily accessible.
"problematic" ships (adult/underage)
tagged by: yoiked by @hazubekimono tagging: you're it now
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liaazhang · 7 months
i saw you were discussing the lyrics from ttpd & i just wanted to add that i literally started laughing when i first saw "am i allowed to cry?" & "you don't get to tell me about sad" like... girl. this is so self-centered i want to throw up. i understand writing songs about your past relationships, because that's what she's always been doing, but i've got the feeling that she really wants us to hate joe... i feel so bad for him, he doesn't deserve all of it & we will never get to hear his side of the story, so... (also it makes me so happy that there are more of us with the same opinion 🤍)
yeah I agree with what you said and recently it's been a bit too much.. I still love her music and while I do still somewhat like her its just not the same bc of what's been going on since 2023.. I want to go back to when I was 13 and first heard her music and thought that she was a really good person :( [yes I only started listening to her in 2021 I realize how late that is lol]
and I also feel sad when mutuals unfollow me bc of these opinions, even though we rarely talk I still love all of you guys :( I get that you might not want to see smth like this on your dash about someone you like but there has to be criticism of her too right, I mean she is a human
most of my neutral feelings of her are because of the fandom as it is a toxic now, like please dont go after joe's new gf she literally did nothing wrong (idk if she is his gf but yeah) I want to go back when we all used to interpret different lyrics and talk about some of the easter eggs not whether each surprise song mashup is abt joe
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soov · 2 months
Hi! first of all I really love your account it’s really pretty and ur writing is so good!! anyways I’ve been following u for a bit and love how you post about Palestine and want to help out and I’ve decided to do a following cleanse and if i’m not wrong you’re pretty close to someone (@/haknom) and I recently sent an ask to her asking if she was ever going to speak about Palestine in any way and she’s pretty much ghosted my ask and I wasn’t trying to be rude in any way but I found it weird how everyone around her says they’d unfollow people who don’t talk about Palastine but continue to follow her (No hate to anyone really but she ignored both of my ask’s) ALSO NO HATE TO YOU BTW idk if it seemed like i’m coming at you lol i just though that you’d prob ask her about it (also u don’t need to post this I was just maybe trying to see if you could get her to talk about as she has a big platform lol)
HI ANON!!!! thank u smm for the compliments <3 i wasn't sure if i should answer this but here it is :)
about what you just told me, i did actually block kayla (and a bunch of other old mutuals of mine) when i made this post a month ago, because i was and am being serious when i say i'm not forgiving the ones who aren't speaking up on the gaza genocide. i still haven't seen her talk about it publicly, which does not sit right to me when she is aware of it, and many of her friends are also speaking up on it. i talked to her very, very briefly about it after blocking her here on blr and in her words:
im aware and talk abt it at school w my friends and in person w ____ a lot
but i just never thought to bring it up on my blr acc or any social medias actually
and that is that, from my perspective, is terrrible because she has a huge following and reaching. then, she was ALREADY aware that she could post about it, and still didn't do anything. what she does in real life is not my problem, because i was her online friend, so i'm primarily concerned about what she could do online to help the people being brutally murdered and displaced in palestine.
and genuine question, but how is talking to people who are already aware of the issue is going to help in anything, when there thousands and millions of people who don't fully understand what is happening (and some may be your followers), and they could be educated by posts you make and help the people in gaza?
either way, i am not associating myself with her anymore, and do hope this is the last ask i receive about her :) i'm so sorry that you trying to call her out didn't work either, anon, but your action was praiseworthy!! keep calling out the ones who didn't speak up on gaza and palestine. what is happening there isn't something to just not speak on.
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caughtredfeathered · 27 days
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if you've got wings, you should stretch them and fly.
#caughtredfeathered— independent selective criminal keigo takami blog. medium activity. 18+ only. written by puff (she/her 25+).
dark & questionable themes present. please read rules under the cut before following.
bio. memes. multimuse & jason todd blogs.
18+ Only. I am over 25, and I will only write with people over 18. If I believe I am speaking with someone below legal age, I will cut off contact immediately.
21+ Shipping. I am so sorry to anyone under 21, but I am more comfortable writing ships / more intimate relationships with those over the age of 21. I’m still happy to write with anyone over 18 in a general manner, but I just don’t want to write that, you know?
No Bigotry. I know BNHA has some HELLA problematic kids, but ooc we do not take any of the phobias. Just leave.
Following. I will probably only follow blogs I see myself having fandoms in common && I will have read your rules. I am happy to write with OCs as well, but I am mainly on tumblr to explore more dynamics in the fandom I love. I will not follow those who are critical of what others are writing in their own spaces. I can respect having boundaries. I do not respect calling people names or hammering down on people for their interest in fictional topics.
Ending Contact / Blocking. The block button is a friend and I advise we all get to know her.
If we are mutuals and you unfollow for any reason other than inactivity please hard block me. I do not mind and I will not dig into it. I mainly do not want to cause discomfort because my forgetful ass follows you again. Moreover, I don’t want to be under the impression we’re still mutuals. I’ve gotten chewed out for it before and I’m way too sensitive for this world.
If I unfollow from inactivity or just no interaction, I'll probably soft block. I just prefer to do so.
If I’ve blocked you and we’ve never interacted? I just don’t see us meshing and/or something in your rules made me decide my blog may not be for you. No one is perfect for everyone.
If I am made to feel uncomfortable for any reason, I will cut off communication and block. The block button is a friend. We love her.
Triggers. This blog can and probably will contain dark, questionable, and possibly problematic themes. I will tag things as appropriately as I can. I will not tag things out of fanon thought (i.e. ‘they’re like brothers’ does not equal incest). All ship art / ship threads will have tags. Block them or block me. Again, I don’t mind. I don’t have many triggers, but will not be writing the following:
Any terminal illness au threads or any thread that has terminal illness romanticized.
Any romance / sexual relationship between a minor and an adult. All my muses partaking in a relationship WILL be 18+, though more likely 21+.
Anything regarding scat or vomit.
On Shipping.
Do not force ships on me. I will not force ships on you. I don’t mean don’t approach me and ask— I mean don’t have your muse automatically talk about having an intimate relationship with mine without discussion. My muse USUALLY need to work up to ships and I most likely will NOT instantly ship unless we’ve discussed it due to an AU plot.
Also— please do not take me talking about a certain ship and/or writing fic or drabble about a certain ship as me trying to pressure you into it! I enjoy EndHawks, DabiHawks, and would probably like many other ships should I be exposed to them!
Length. I’m not a stickler for matching length by any means, but PLEASE give me something to work with, even if it is continued from a meme. I will most likely not reply to one-liners.
Writing Multiples. I am open to playing multiple characters within a thread (NPCs included).
Characterization. My characterization of my character is my own. Do not force your headcanons for my character on me. This blog is canon-divergent.
Literate. My job includes copy editing... so I don't want to write with a mass of errors. I expect my writing partners to be literate-- though of course errors happen and I'm perfectly understanding!
God Modding. Do not godmod. Do not assume things of my characters. Do not try to control the actions of my muses— NPCs I am happy to share 'custody' of. Exceptions are made for small things that help more the story forward.
Drama. I REALLY didn’t think I needed to add this. Do not, under any circumstances, involve me in your drama. Do not take our mutual status as a reason to bring me into your battles. I do not want details, I don’t want information, I will block you. Unless someone is harming REAL MINORS or doxxing people? I do not want to know your beef.
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moonjxsung · 7 months
STAR IM DEVASTATED so i have a priv twt acc right w some irls and this stay from stayville req-ed me a long time ago and i was soooo happy that i was mutuals w someone from stayville and i THOUGHT everything between us was cool? but today they unfollowed me and removed me as a follower and im devastated i dunno why they did that :((( i don't think they had a problem w me saying nsfw stuff cuz they previously tweeted things like "cancelling someone over saying smth nsfw abt an adult is stupid" and also ive seen them interact w nsfw minsung posts so i dunno if me tweeting smth like "i wanna suck flxs cock sooooo bad" couldve made them wanna break the mutual??? i dmed them too and i was like "heyy is there a reason you don't wanna be moots w me anymore </3" and not even minutes later they turned off their message perms and im devastated. its STUPID bcs they'd barely interact w me Sure but it felt nice to have a stay be my friend on my priv twt that's usually just for my irls and i </3 it's ironic that they did that too bcs just earlier today (before they broke the mutual) i noticed that my followers went down (i have a very low amt already. like. 25. not even joking) and i tweeted "yall dont wanan be friends w me anymore </3" bcs like. my followers are QUITE LITERALLY only my irls + a skz writer so i was (i think rightfully??) alarmed that the number went down!!!! man im just Sad about it and SIIIGH i know i shouldnt care so much bcs at the end of the day they're just a person online but the least they could've done was dm me back and explain why and GHFSDDSJHFKJADDSDSAAAAA you get me!?!! also im sorry i dropped this on you randomly feel free to ignore LMAAOOAOAO can i be 💫 anon? thank yew <3
(Adding 💫 to the anon list!!! Also fun fact that’s my favorite emoji of all time. Slay)
I feel like I’m the LAST person who should be giving advice abt this bc one of my mutuals and a very good friend of mine who I’d been talking to every day randomly blocked me on everything this week after me literally being there to console this person for every little thing and playing into this pretend homoerotic friendship we had even though she was clearly looking for another boyfriend and would get mad if I even called another girl pretty (???) I wish nothing but the absolute best for her but like…. The double standard is WILD. to not provide closure to a months-long friendship is just genuinely a very mean spirited thing to do imo.
(If she’s reading this, best of luck with everything and I hope you know I cared for you a lot more than you think I did. I distanced myself because you were clearly looking for someone to fill a void in your life that I could simply not fulfill, and I didn’t want to lead you on, nor be kept around like I wasn’t allowed to talk to other girls either. Regardless, I hope you know I used to sleep with my phone on full volume in case you called, and I deleted a page worth of poetry in my notes app for you I meant to deliver on your birthday. I also deleted your number so I have zero way of contacting you, but I will always be here if you need me. Take care and I love you always, I hope you still see me when you look up at the moon)
It’s not the first time I’ve lost an internet friend to the magical world of blocking, but fortunately the attitude I’ve developed towards it is that none of this is real!!! These are people on the internet miles away you’ve never met irl and they have no real impact in your life whether they remain following you or not. I’ve lost internet friends nearly a decade ago that I don’t even remember anymore. Better ones will come along!!! Especially stays! This fandom has so many beautiful remarkable people who are actually worth following and they wouldn’t cut you off like that. Sending so many positive vibes your way and I KNOW that the universe will send you some better mutuals. In the meanwhile I will be your internet bestie and I would never unfollow you for nsfw content or without some form of an explanation. And I also want to suck Felix’s dick. 🩷🫶
(I love you, don’t be so hard on yourself!!!! You’re wonderful, angel 🩷 anyone would be lucky to be moots with you)
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Man, in a million years I would never have thought that Levi's current frustration, anger, and threat of breaking his legs was the frustration of not being able to persuade Erwin to stay just because he was risking his own life. And I think if there was such a thing, he could have said that he wanted Levi to stay behind for personal reasons in the interview with E L, where Isayama also added him thoughts on this scene but instead he said that saying he trusted Erwin's decision meant that he would take his responsibility if something happened. And then he took him anger out on Eren and Jean (Even though I thought the violence was unnecessary here)
Similar to those who say that Levi made a selfish choice by choosing Erwin's peace over humanity.
Unfortunately, even some popular accounts say so, and some people have a habit of relying on their popularity and believing what they're saying is true. In short, a flock of sheep.
When I saw your mutual analysis articles with that blog, I was surprised and triggered at first. Because years ago, I followed that blog and some of the big accounts it interacted with, read and liked some of its metas. After a while, I noticed that she reduced Levi to E at odd angles in some of her writings, and after a while I turned away from her and their analysis, and cold from Levi.
Then I realized it was because of their favorite ship. I noticed that they wrote biased articles without taking off their ship glasses under -neutral posts - to find materials and support for their ships. Most recently, I unfollowed her and the others when I saw her response to someone asking if Erwin was the focus in the final salute scene in the final episode. In her answer, she did a math calculation to prove that Erwin was ahead of the rest and Levi was more in focus than the others :/. not joke.
While I may seem like I've vilified her and their other colleagues here, it's not my intention, but.. this is what really happened. Because of meta and analysis writers like them, I had come to question the actions of my Comfort character, Levi, and my love and admiration had waned. And now, years later, when she threw a question at you, my first thought was that maybe years later she had changed her ideas and views and maybe offered a good analysis. but no. as I predicted. They're reducing him to Erwn again as usual.
Sorry if I'm out of context here. I know some of what I write seems delusional. but ım tired
Hi there,
No worries, I understand perfectly what you're saying. Yeah, this is what I'm always saying, is that when one is adamant on seeing their ship as canon, even when there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever of the ship existing in canon, they ultimately will filter everything that happens in the story through that lens, and it warps their perception of the story and their ability to have an objective read on the situation and the characters actions.
Things have definitely gotten out of hand in the online community. People allow others to influence their own opinions and even, sometimes, a lot of these people haven't even read AoT and form their opinions completely based on what others tell them. And your particular story is one of the most unfortunate results of this kind of thing, where people begin to think less of Levi as a character, because he's been cast in this sort of light, portrayed as someone who's only and main focus is Erwin, instead of what he's truly fighting for, which is humanity. There's a mountain of evidence supporting this fact. There's none supporting the idea that Levi "did it all for Erwin". But people twist it to the point of making Levi seem selfish or self-interested, or unable to think and act for himself, totally reliant and dependent on Erwin, and even beholden to Erwin, like some sort of slave. It's pretty awful and absolutely insane. In order to come to that conclusion, one would either have to completely ignore Levi's actions and words within the story, or twist them to the point of them being unrecognizable.
And lol, yeah, that whole thing you mentioned, with the final salute, how anyone could "interpret" that as Levi being solely focused or mainly focused on Erwin is beyond me. It reduces Levi's commitment and respect for his other comrades, which in turn, would reduce the respect one feels for Levi as a person. I don't know why anyone would want to claim that, or "prove" that Levi was focused on Erwin in that shot. The vow he made was for ALL of his comrades. And so, his final salute was for all of them. He fulfilled the vow, and he was showing his respect for everyone. He cared about all of them equally. He placed equal value on all of their lives, equal meaning. It's just sad and bizarre, besides, that anyone would want to deny that, all for the sake of trying to prove he was in some sort of romantic relationship with his commanding officer.
Levi chose to follow Erwin in the first place because Erwin sold him on this idea of saving humanity, of using his strength to save humanity. Levi trusted in Erwin's ability to lead and to tell him how best to use his strength to that end. He didn't follow Erwin because he was in love with him, or beholden to him, or obsessed with him. He chose to follow him because he respected Erwin's ability to do the right thing and make the right choices when it came to advancing humanities cause and fight. It's just so obvious, and it really is a head-scratcher why anyone would want to take Levi's heroic nature and altruistic motivations and reduce it to a love-sick obsession. That's not who Levi is. It never was, and it never will be. Levi cares about all people.
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hai and welcome :0]
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my name is: Rex / Quill
i use these pronounz: it/it/its & byte/byte/bytes
im a justa fat boy-girl-animal-thing trying to live in tha world. idk what to tell you. i personally am not a fan of large amounts of (unhelpful) anger and hatred. peace and love on planet earth, okay? 💛
i'll gladly reblog donation/fundraiser/etc. posts, always feel free to ask. very sorry if i dont respond verbally- i promise i see your request and im not ignoring you!
i am very shy and paranoid all the time so please be niceys. okay thank you. i love you
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important info & my tags are below this read more!
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- 😁 please just be thoughtful and considerate with the things you say and do, even when its regarding shitty people. im so tired. 😁
- I think everyone deserves slack and grace- as you never fully, truly know someones life. I think it is a good idea to grant others the benefit of the doubt and assume no malicious intent, until proven otherwise. I think it is important to be kind, considerate, and understanding. People tend to be foolish, and if you (have the energy to) lend others grace in those foolish moments, then I think you will surely help make the world a more pleasant place.
- if we are mutuals it would make me super duper happy if you would tag sugary foods, as they make me sick just to look at or think about! just a "#sweets" works! if you dont wanna thats okay though, but thank you so muach if you do!! :0] (cupcakes, cakes, cookies, anything with icing or frosting, chocolate, or marshmallows on/in it)
- i try to tag posts for when they use gifs, depictions of death/blood/gore, or ableist language- but i usually refrain from doing so when they are on a donation post or something similar, as to not hinder the reach of the post. If you frequently reblog posts with/use ableist terms like "moron" or "stupid", or frequently make assumptions about peoples experiences/intentions/abilities then I am likely to unfollow/block you. I am not a fan of any generalizations, especially not ableist ones 😁👍
- i personally believe that gender is next to pointless, and hope one day that it will be treated as such. the only real thing about gender is the awful way it affects people. genders arent actually definable, theyre entirely made-up. "masculine" and "feminine" are not real things and do not ever use those words around me or i will have to send 14 locked and loaded chickens to your location.
my tags:
#hashtag awesome - (usually) for cool art
#hashtag beautiful - (usually) pictures/art of people
#hashtag fav - my favorite posts
#hashtag ultra fav - my favorite posts (cooler version)
#hashtag beastly angels worthy of worship - posts containing transmission towers
#hashtag freddiez favorite wordz - poetry, stories, words, etc.
#hashtag cool ass clothes - i want these clothes they look cool
#hashtag yimyum - things i want to eat/chew on
#hashtag need this - i need this item
#hashtag real - posts i look at and go "omg so real/true"
#crying crying crying - many variants of this tag, just basically means this made me tear up or made me extremely emotional
#hashtag squaking - thats me baby!
if you need something tagged let me know :0]
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colebabey888 · 5 days
i've never made a blog rules post because i never thought it would be necessary. i started this blog 4 months ago, on a whim and had no intention of it becoming successful...
to my surprise ( not really ), ive been gaining quite a few followers and my inbox has been flooding with requests from supporters and anons. i love that you are interactive with me but after being on this app for some time now ive learnt that amongst all the love, there are weirdos and haters lurking aswell, playing nice doesn't put me at any advantage, so i guess it's time to make a blog rules post and set some boundaries...
explicit messages ( i don't have to elaborate on what explicit is, you musties know exactly what im talking about, i will block you! )
DON'T COPY ME‼️( you can repost my content but give credit where it's due damn! )
to my haters : ive been ignoring your messages but i will now start responding, be ready. if you overstep your boundaries though, i will put you on blast and being anon does you no justice, an IP is easy to trace and a digital footprint lasts forever.
im not your fan ! ( i have good relationships with a few mutual creators but some of you will follow me then unfollow once i follow back, if you're one of those people, i just know you STANK )
don't be a fake supporter ( as many of my loyal 8.88's know, i release E Books on occasion and my followers always receive a discount code. i haven't said anything before but i do notice those who follow me just to get the code then unfollow me, do you think im dumb ? i know exactly whose following me and when they started, don't treat me like a dumb blonde when my hairs black dumbass )
im not a charity case ( it's weird that i even have to speak on this, no i will not send you money, you can't be that broke if you're begging strangers on the INTERNET... )
men : i have no problem talking about your relationships, as long as it's not sad shit or trauma dumping about musty men. there's over a billion people on earth, it's basically dicks galore, my only advice : to get over one, you gotta get under another , so if you ask me a question like "im sad because my bf left me what can i do to get him back", i will block and pray you grow a pair of balls ( if your question also resembles anything like this i will not answer it either )
reciprocation : if you know me, you know im kind and i love kind people, but don't take it for granted, i still have a few petty bones in my body and i know how to use them.
xoxo, COLEBABEY8.88
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knifvd · 10 months
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NAME :   bunny , but closer friends , people on my discord call me gigi .
PRONOUNS :  any , she/they/he all ok .
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION :  discord . i hate tumblr ims . except for cupid they can bother me on imessage .
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : katarina , jaylina , aiko , hyun , marina , silas and soon eight for original characters . for canon characters , sage , reyna , neon , fade , luxanna , soraka , mc , monika , chara , guoba & ethan .
i want to bring some league characters ( ekko , jhin , zed , amumu ... ) as well as some other , older anime characters i used to write ( shiratorizawa!tsukishima ... icr but still ... )
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EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) :  since 2013 at least maybe idk i haven't done math .
BEST  EXPERIENCE :  my experiences with the community , and the people i've met , more specifically @killerhubby , @morphes / @stamour , and daisy ( playing val with ori and daisy ) . i love making new friends and being able to hang out with them outside of tumblr .
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS :  people who don't break mutuals when unfollowing , just leaving people to follow them even though they're not mutuals . not reading rules . determining people to only be as good as their graphics . only interacting with my canon muses but never my original characters . only sending things in when they get something out of it ( ie , a character graphic meme , etc ) . only interacting for ships .
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MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT :  angst into fluff . i like smut with people i like .
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :   both ! memes into plots happen alot which works for me , but plotting something out makes it INFINITELY more easy to write stuff out if we plotted before hand .
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES :   i like both ; but tend to longer replies on my end bc im a weenie who doesn't know how to stfu .
BEST TIME TO WRITE :    mid afternoon , or night . not the morning .
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) :  im the most like mc , aiko and kat . :) personality wise , at least , but backstory wise i have nothing in common with like , any of them . LOL .
TAGGED  BY  :   ... stoled it TAGGING  :    @killerhubby , @ferinehuntress , @shimmerbeasts , @stamour , @solivcgant , @bitterseadrop , @volonata/@daemonry , @vonerde and you , the person reading this .
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esta-elavaris · 3 months
22, 24, 28 please <3
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
Oh, all of the time. I used to have panic attacks over CTW, and even now I still think every time I post a chapter that this will be the one that exposes me as an absolute hack and everybody will unfollow and unsub 💀 I don't think it goes away, I think it just get easier to act in spite of. I remember when I was at uni, I gave my novel writing teacher the first chapter of my novel (the one I'm still working on now lmao) and when I had a meeting with him a week later to get my feedback, I walked in already apologising for how bad it was.
He had to stop me, be like "Lucy please just read the feedback, here" as he handed me his notes, and the feedback was literally 99% praise, paired with one minor piece of criticism over a paragraph that I already knew wasn't great. It's just how I am. CTW was written years after that, and there are still times when I'm furiously justifying plot decisions because I was certain they'd be hated and I was defending myself against hate that didn't even end up sprouting up (the captaincy of the Dutchman was a big instance of that), we really are our own worst enemies a lot of the time.
I would highly recommend reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. But also, just get used to doing the thing in spite of that fear. It's definitely disproportionate considering I don't really write anything too controversial, but this is the internet and you do occasionally get people just looking for problems. The funny part being that when they sprout up, I usually just laugh at them - the thought of them cropping up is worse than when they actually do. I just struggle to respect the opinions of people who spend their time being shitty to artists online, not least because they NEVER have any of their own stuff posted.
The only way I'd be able to take non-constructive criticism seriously would be if it came from a respected mutual because I'd know it was coming from a well-meaning place, but my lovely mutuals would never be non-constructive in their criticism, so the point is moot.
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
So I write daily as a rule, and after around four months of that (which were challenging, I won't lie, back when I started in 2020), whether or not I "felt" creative stopped being a factor in that equation. The more you show up, the more your creativity does, it really is like a muscle. Some days are still better than others -- I did find this year that having other creative outlets helps a lot. I think about writing and plot decisions etc. so often while I'm crocheting, because it gets me into that same zone but without the added stress of staring at an empty word document, which can be very intimidating at times.
Reading also helps! Fic is great, ofc, but I really can't emphasise enough how good it is to read books, and cast a wide net for that reading material. Rn I'm doing three reading challenges, one that revolves around classics, another where you read a book from every single country in the world, and a third where it's all book recs from mutuals, on top of whatever I'm mood reading, and I always have at least one non-fiction book on the go, too. Some of those reads end up being absolute stinkers, but it's a necessary process.
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
Descriptions! Dialogue comes so quickly and so easily to me - so many of my drafts start out just looking like a script because I'll get all of the dialogue down and then I have to fill in the bits in the middle. I'm not great with metaphor, and I struggle to wedge in my descriptions in a way that feels natural and not shoehorned in.
When I read back old stuff, though, I don't think that struggle shows too much, which is nice.
I also hate edits, because if I spend too long doing that I'll end up not wanting to post the chapter, so I have to find a nice balance between proofreading and not giving myself a chance to freak myself out...which is how an embarrassing number of typos and mistakes slip through.
Thank you!! 💜
Ask game ✨
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jellybeanium124 · 7 months
it's not anti semitic to be against zionism. Regardless of how zionism intended to start out (whether it had good intentions or not) its clear that today its movement is equivalent to extremism and white supremacy in other parts of the world. Its anti colonial to be against zionism.
I did not bring up israel or zionism or palestine in my post. you decided my post about how a lot of people on this website are being openly antisemitic is me calling out """antizionists""" (whatever you mean by that, because zionism and its converse have completely lost any meaning to me online because everyone means something different when they say those words). people are being antisemitic. I have seen so many posts that are like "when someone tells me they're jewish I just can't trust them anymore idk, what if they're a bad jew??" PEOPLE ARE BEING ANTISEMITIC. LISTEN TO JEWS. PLEASE, PLEASE LISTEN TO US. no one is listening. no one hears us when we cry out. no one cares. you all think we are lining up to suck netanyahu's dick and praise him for his political decisions. we're not. netanyahu is a fascist and the sooner he's removed from power (or dies, hopefully) the better for israelis and palestinians and just everyone.
why did you feel the need to immediately send me an ask like this? is it to defend yourself? is it to quell the idea that maybe you need to look inside yourself and check yourself for antisemitism? because if a goy these days ain't checking themselves, they will say or reblog or agree with something antisemitic. THE WORLD IS ANTISEMITIC. society is racist. society is sexist. society is homophobic. society hates jews. you grew up in society. you need to unlearn the jew hatred you were fed.
the free palestine movement and """antizionist""" movement have a nazi problem. not everyone in it is a nazi. I am for a free palestine. I've been a proponent of the two state solution before most people my age could locate palestine and israel on a map, because when you're jewish you have to know about these issues, and you have to know about them young. I've said this over and over. I keep telling you people I think palestinians should have their own free, peaceful, and democratic state, and you never fucking hear me. you disregard me saying that because it isn't enough. it won't be enough for you until I think israel should be destroyed too. but I will never believe that. israel gets to keep existing too, because otherwise half of my people will die. israel gets to exist despite it's horrible, terrible wrongs, same as america or britain or china. you don't get to call for the destruction of a country that contains half the world's jews. I will never be on the side of history that is calling for the murder of half of my people. we have to stick together. there's so few of us already. we haven't recovered from our most recent genocide.
I've probably been a bit rude and angry in this post. The past several months have been tiring, hard, and terrifying, that's my excuse. I know you, though, you're not some anon. I like your art. we were mutuals for a short stint, until you unfollowed me, probably because you don't like any of my opinions on i/p, which is your right. it's also your right to block me after reading this. I'll miss seeing your art. it's nice. I like the animatics you made, particularly the "I won't say I'm in love" one. it's a classic. it's sad, really, losing friends. not that I would call us friends, exactly. I don't think we ever spoke until literally right now. still, we run in the same group. I recognize you and you recognize me. so I will say one last thing as kindly as I can, because I don't actually like being mad. I don't like arguing. I don't like being blocked. None of this is fun.
Here it is: when a Jew talks about antisemitism, it is a gentile's job to listen.
Same principle as everything else. When Black people talk about racism, it is white people's job to shut up and listen. When queer people talk about homophobia, it is cishet people's job to shut up and listen. When disabled people talk about ableism, it's abled people's job to shut up and listen. No matter how much you want to speak up, no matter how much you want to counter what they're saying, no matter how much you want to argue with them, it is your job as someone not in that group to close your mouth and listen and think.
This can be difficult and uncomfortable. I say this from experience as I am not in every minority group ever. I've felt uncomfortable before listening to people in minority groups I'm not a part of talk about the bigotry they face. this doesn't make me evil, and it doesn't make you evil either. I'm not perfect. You're not perfect. Even the best allies fuck up sometimes.
Thank you for reading all of this. Genuinely, seriously, and from the bottom of my heart: thank you. This goes for any gentile reading this, not just Wen. Thank you, all of you.
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the-haunted-office · 3 months
Added a TLDR section to my rules! Thought that might make it easier for people than reading an entire book. xD But I've also left the book there for people who like me who sometimes need finer details.
I'm putting the TLDR here for reference, and also so I can look it over in a different format and catch typos. >>
Mun: I go by Author, I’m in my 30’s, preferred pronouns are she/her, but they/them are also fine.
Blog is Multi-fandom, Multimuse, Multiship, and crossover, OC, and self-insert friendly.
Private and mutuals only. 25+ age minimum, although I may go a couple years lower than that depending on material presented in your blog, rules, etc.
Dark themes are present, including death, terminal illness, horror, occasional gore and the like, emotional trauma, anxiety, etc.
NO smut will be roleplayed on this blog. NSFW things may be discussed and alluded to, but not roleplayed. I do not have a problem with interacting with blogs who roleplay smut, though. 
Mun ≠ Muse, period. Some of my muses may say mean, aggressive, or antagonizing things, but none of it is ever directed towards you, the mun. I will never take anything personally, either.
I usually reply within a few days, but feel free to inquire if it’s been more than a week. I have a kid and a busy life so sometimes things may be a bit more sporadic. Always feel free to chat ooc if you have any questions or concerns, with the shared understanding that we all have lives outside of rp. We’re all here to have fun!
I am open to shipping! However it is not the main focus of my blog. I am not into insta-shipping - I prefer shipping with chemistry and after we’ve rped our muses together for a while. A good deal of my muses require time and patience to develop ships with them. I am willing to listen to thoughts and ideas if you have any, though, and will be honest about whether or not I think a ship could work. Always feel free to approach me if you have any thoughts, not just about ships but also about any plot ideas you have.
I am also okay with unrequited feelings between muses, both from my muse to yours and your muse to mine. If you aren’t comfortable with it, let me know and I can certainly make changes.
Trigger warnings - Please see the section below, I have a list of triggers I try to make a habit of tagging. If there are any you would like to be added, do let me know. I do my best to tag the ones my mutuals have asked me to tag, but sometimes I forget the less common ones as it’s hard to juggle them all. If I ever mess up, let me know and I will tag it immediately.
If you do not wish to interact with me any further, the simplest way to prevent me from following you again in the future is to hard block me. Softblocking may not get the point across because Tumblr has an unfortunate lovely feature where it will unfollow people for you - i.e. a glitch.
Always, ALWAYS feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns, thoughts, ideas, or just to chat. I’m ready to listen and love plotting and love chatting.
Read on if you like reading novels. 😛
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buddieslovecore · 3 months
TL;DR : As if there's not enough drama in the fandom. As if there is no toxicity in the fandom.. probably the worst timing ever to confess something. Because again there's always something negative about me apparently. So let's get over with it. I'm Yelena and this me addressing myself about everything in very long post. I'm sorry for everything. And whatever you like me or don't, i wish you the best. 💖🩷
But even my understanding has its own limits. My compassion has its limits. Because that's a way of advertising about something that is important. And there's a way of being a bully that just want to make people feel bad because for many reasons. Because if someone is not following the "right " path or not saying the exact words like many people are saying, is just morally wrong and somehow the villains of the society. Can people have a different opinions of many topics and issues and still be friends along with disagreements? Can people acknowledge that people are not their government ? Can people accept the complexity of other people and the environment that they are in?
So I'm Yelena aka yelenasbuddie and I think that my silence is conforming to what people had said about me, that I'm that person. And first I'd like to say that I'm sorry for desiving you with pretending to be someone else. It was wrong and unethical to you guys. I feel like if I'll try to explain myself to you guys ,I'll come as someone who is trying to make an weak excuses and perhaps I'll be pointed as someone who is trying to manipulate you to see me as a victim. I, by making this post, let them win the game. But honestly, they didn't break me. Because by their actions, I learned their true colors. I honestly thought that they were caring a good heart and having sincere interests about fighting for human rights for Palestinian people and maybe having some criticism about the war and Israeli government. Thought they might not have understood the complexity of this ongoing conflict through many aspects. I did and still do separate the political views and the personality. After all, we do share some things in common, which are the fandom and our love for the show and for buddie and some silly things and positivity and etc.. So I kept following those people who are part of the fandom and clearly are supportive of the Palestinian people. And I never came at them for that matter in chats or asks anonymously. I only created a new account with a different name because mostly I didn't want those people to come after my mutuals or other people for associated with me. Even though my blog is apolitical and buddie and 911 centered.
I'm choosing my battles, and tumblr is my escapism. Therefore, my escapism has no moral values. I just filtered those posts that relate to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. So I won't have to unfollow people knowing their opinions on this.
Well, I'll admit that zionist is a strong word for me, and I honestly don't feel like it. I take that as being patriotic, which truthfully doesn't describe me at all. I'm just a little girl who tries to live the best life in a very, very difficult world. Although I do believe in Jewish people right to self-determination and for having a safe place. And for some people, that belief is enough to identify me as a zionist. And absolutely in no shape of form, I would agree to suffering Palestinian people and killing them in the name of zionism. I believe in Palestinian people's rights for liberation and self-determination as well. If there's a genocide in Gaza, I won't support that. No decent human being would support genocide at any kind. What is happening in Gaza is so heartbreaking, and my heart goes out for the families and children. At the same time, I won't support the dehumanizing of Jewish people and Israeli people. The same goes for dehumanizing Palestinian people. Even today, I still believe that there are innocent people in Gaza who just want to live a peaceful life, and yes, the Israeli government and military are too harsh in their responses and actions. I really wish that the war would stop soon along with the return of hostagers and ending the suffering of the Palestinian people. I didn’t choose this war, just like I hope many Palestinian people didn't choose this as well. I just happened to be an Israeli because well I moved here from Ukraine simply because of my parents' search for a better life quality for me as a girl with CP. Which is honestly it's true that Israel has better qualifications when it comes to people with disabilities wellbeing in comparison of Ukraine. It's definitely not perfect, but really, is there any other perfect country? If I had stayed in Ukraine, I wouldn't have had so many accomplishments as I have so far now. And that's not really in the name of zionism for myself and my family. But it was an easy way for us to move in another country without having to deal with too many obstacles due to the fact that my grandfather was a Jewish and holocaust surviver.
Since October or maybe since I seem to be associated with openly zionist buddie and 911 fan, people were questioning my relation with zionism. They done it by sending me this anonymously and partially giving me a choice to rather address that or not. Because I guess my blog is apolitical and safe place for fandom stuff. My blog and my choices right?
If after my explanation, you don't accept my perspective and my thoughts and (not) respect them, then you are welcome to unfollow me and block me. No hurt feelings. But DO NOT COME AFTER PEOPLE IN THE FANDOM FOR ASSOCIATED WITH ME , FOR REBLOG FROM ME. Because I won't accept this behavior and I will dare to say that this tactic is not helping for the cause of the Palestinian people's rights for liberation. I really think that you can do better than that.
I guess that no matter how polite and compassionate I try to explain myself to you or address my political views without dismiss other people's opinions and perspectives, people will always have something negative to say about me. People will always try to find something wrong about me and therefore will paint me as the worst person in the world, no matter which side. Some would say that I'm naive for still believing in peace. Some would say that I'm a people pleaser and don't really have the balls to say anything that is so certain. Either this or that. Some say that I'm manipulater who tries to lure people to my side aka pro Israel side. Some would mad at me for not saying the exact words they wanted me to say. And some would just twist my words to something I never said. Honestly, I don't care about this anymore because I know who I am, and I know how I treat other people. And I think that if other people from the fandom would be honest with themselves, they know very well what kind of person I am .
To those of you who will still (hopefully) decided to stick with me despite or not the difference in our opinions and perspectives, you are truly good friends and kind people 💖 it's a humongous honor to have you as my friends and mutuals. I don't deserve you and I'm so appreciative for you. I also want to apologize for not trusting you in this because it's really tough days. And I again want to apologize for desiving you with my other name.
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