#not my best work but say la vee
butchniqabi · 2 years
(Email ask game) There is a large panicked bird flying around in your garage and you can’t get it out.
To whom it may concern (Animal Control),
I would first like to thank your representative, Katie, for her attempt to guide me through this process, she was tremendously helpful. Unfortunately, I was unable to remove the crane (Antigone canadensis) from my garage and I am afraid my intervention potentially made things worse. I've been advised to wait for your arrival, as I am stuck in the corner of my garage and incapable of reaching the door to my home or the button to lift the garage door.
I now realize my attempts to capture the sandhill crane's specialized dance in such a chaotic environment was a mistake on my part, and I take full responsibility for my present situation.
Thank you once again for your help. I appreciate all of your help and efforts in resolving this situation.
All the best,
The Guy with a Crane in His Garage
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seaofreverie · 19 days
Sparkstember Day 8: No. 1 In Heaven (Beat The Clock)
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Best album ever made?? I'm honestly very glad that this year has been a pretty big No. 1 In Heaven celebration, because even though I love this album to bits I used to have a bad habit of forgetting about it... And each time I come back to it I'm blown away some more. Despite its short length, this album is packed with amazingness and such personality and energy!! Or maybe its actually thanks to its length that there's no room left for any "filler" (not that Sparks have much of a problem with that otherwise, I'd say that's another of their big strengths: nothing feels extra on unnecessary) and so what we're left with is all top-tier and unique material. Once freaking again, Sparks have made something that's one of a kind and absolutely cannot be compared to anything else.
Of course it's a huge turning point in Sparks' career and a highly influential work too - can't forget to mention that. This whole time period also has a very strong image and identity that I really love: all those amazing music videos! And I think most of us will agree that this was THE #1 iconic Ron look. Can't forget the 21×21 show of it either: every song gains even more life and almost magical properties in this form, and that applies to later performances of them as well (Dee Vee Dee Tryouts performance, like, hello??? Also, Number One Song being home to one of the most iconic Sparks things - Ron shuffle!!!). Can't lie that I also really like this outfit on Russell... All in all, might even be my number 1 choice for if I had a time machine and could go back and experience one live show but in person this time.
And now, of course, while I still remember, The Season Association Of The Day: this album is very summery to me, but it's like a clear summer night with all constellations in the sky being visible. Most spacey and otherworldly of Sparks albums - it's really too good for this earth!!
Favourite songs (and other highlights):
As I've said, hard to cut it down to just a couple favourite songs and moments when everything here is so brilliant, so take this as more of an either very early or current (as in, this week or month at most) standouts, because seriously, everything here deserves a mention!! And my favs keep changing about every week.
Tryouts For The Human Race: such an important early fav of mine, I kept being blown away by all the different sections of it, and replaying it over and over all summer last year, an incredibly powerful album opener that's sure to leave a huge impact right away
La Dolce Vita: the instrumental bridge is soooo perfect, and when the vocals come back in, I don't know if there's some sort of key change or what but that right there is one of the most satisfying moments in all of music. Also, it wasn't until pretty recently that I've noticed how much I dig the bassline on this track in particular
Beat The Clock: the instrumental bridge is soooo perfect, once again, and this is funny because this was actually the song I liked the least at the very start... And now it might just be my favourite here really, this week at least I mean, the lyrics are also a real highlight, and the music video is so iconic and cool, my fav of the bunch
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formayhem · 1 year
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @twig-tea! Thank you!
I've never really talked about my favorite BL/QL ever, and I'm definitely not able to write in depth analysis or think pieces. I do know what I like and appreciate, though. :)
Below the cut I'll say a lot of not profound and probably stupid stuff. Yay. 🥳
Favorite Thai QL:
I Told Sunset About You (special mention to My Only 12%, besides its last episode, and before I finally watched ITSAY)
This really is no surprise, for anyone that may have encountered my posts here and there. My journey in BL is still ongoing, but I watched this one early this year, after spending half a year during 2022 writing it off. In my defense, I wasn't on BL Tumblr back then, and I just took one look at the trailer, and said, "no".
Then ITSAY came to Viki. I distinctly recall texting my friend that I was starting it, telling them I hoped there was something in it for me because it "didn't look like what I like" (I had no idea what I liked in QL series for way too long).
ITSAY wrecked me and surprised me. My viewing was a visceral one that completely and irrevocable transplanted me back into my own youth, causing me to relive falling in love with my best friend in middle school/freshman year, our summers of a love so consequential that I'd think of it in 2023, while watching a series, crying on my couch, and resonating entirely with two boys I'll probably never forget about, either.
Funny how I almost never watched Teh and Oh-aew, because then what series would I write love letters in my head about? It's beautiful to look at, to watch unfold, to listen to, to hear, and to feel.
Favorite Pairing:
Pete & Kao. I think this pairing may always kind of be my favorite for sentimental reasons. And no one wants to read that novel.
Favorite Pairing That Never Came to Pass? Oh, you didn't ask? Well,
Kim & Way from The Shipper because I was so invested in what they had going on, and I will remain forever sad that That's It (even though I sincerely appreciate a bittersweet ending).
Most underrated actor:
Up until recently, I would have said Suar because his work in You're My Sky wounded me. Except La Pluie has happened now, and people really adored his character there.
I also would have said Gawin, but now we have Be My Favorite (which I have yet to start)...
Maybe Fluke Pusit. He's in a lot, but I'd like to see him take a lead in a QL. I just think he has the range, okay. I want to see it.
Favorite Character:
(a 2 part and this will be a trend, clearly)
Teh from ITSAY
Because I am a Teh, through and through. I love how deeply he loves, how brash and thoughtless he is while thinking so deeply almost ALL of the time that he is literally frozen in fear of his present and future. This character is for all the idiots out there with bleeding hearts and who want to make everyone happy and forget what being happy themselves feels like. Cheers.
Mork from My Ride
Mork is just so sincerely GOOD. From the first episode, I admired this character and the warmth and kindness he exhibits. He is just everything decent and sweet in the world, okay?
Favorite Side Character:
Instantly I will say MAE from 3 Will Be Free. I wanted so much more of her story and her time with Tur, and I want to see her HAPPY. I want to see her okay.
And then the 2-part (3, 4 part.. ) not asked for:
I really like all of Mark's side characters (Jedi especially). I like Chot from Step by Step so so very much. I love Cheep and Dej, the uncles from My Ride, and I want to know everything about them.
Favorite Scene in a QL:
I refuse to list an ITSAY scene again (but pretend I have listed every single scene from the series, because I have, mentally).
So, I'll say from You're My Sky, when Vee and Dome sit next to each other, and we get the moving closer, wanting to touch, knowing they shouldn't, to fingers brushing, to pinky holding, all framed from behind, without their faces and so full of ALL the feelings.
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Also basically every night scene that exists in Moonlight Chicken, especially thst first drunken night:
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And I lied, I will mention ITSAY: Teh and Oh on the floor, under the stairs, and floating on the water. The red bra scene.
The first two scenes have me in a chokehold for their depiction of desire and longing and confusion and shame, the wanting, the running. The floating scene has me in a chokehold because I love how much deeper their conversation in the surface is, when I became more than a casual listener and heard it. I love that it's about their feelings and how they handle them, and the first time I listened, I just really thought they liked floating and sinking, okay? And Oh-aew and the red bra is another 10 paragraphs no one asked for.
It's actually a goal/plan to go back and view my 5 & 4 star rated series because I have the memory of a goldfish and can't SOURCE MY FACTS OR FEELINGS, but it's all really real, and I know I'm overlooking everything and just listing basic memories here. Ugh.
Favorite Line in a QL:
That's sooooooooooo impossible!!!!
Pat's "it was so depressingly lonely for me" in Bad Buddy.
"Time flies, right?"/"It flies too fast for me to follow." SOTUS S
"You think you're sending out a certain frequency no one hears like that whale. But I hear you." 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
"In that moment, I realize if he's the bravery, I must be the fear." Not Me
and on and on and on, and this is Thai only, but there's also like 20 sad Korean/Tai quotes in my brain because I like SAD quotes.
oh, and shout out to Fluke as Army screaming "what the fuck" on loop in my head from The Warp Effect.
Most Anticipated QL (& why):
I think we are all very excited about Only Friends because it's going to look outstanding and be fun, and it's got an amazing cast. I'm most excited for Neo and Mark. And the wardrobes for every character.
Outside of OF, I'm excited for After Sundown, just for the supernatural/horror aspect and because it looked pretty in the trailer. I'm just mehhh on the actual pairing of the film.
annnnnnd Cherry Magic just because I have a Tay Tawan soft spot forever. 😅 I don't actually keep up with what's "coming soon" in BL/QL, so I'm sure there are amazing things in the works that I'm unaware of.
Healthiest relationship in a QL:
Wait, you guys watch healthy relationships??
Kidding... Heck, I don't know. I personally want whatever the gay uncles in My Ride have. And I am realizing the next series I need to watch is UWMA because it keeps being mentioned...
Most toxic relationship in a QL:
VegasPete and TharnType (although I guess one could argue they were both into how unhealthy it was, but not for my viewing pleasure)
Guilty pleasure series:
SOTUS. It was my first BL series back in 2018, and I feel like I've seen so much better series and films since then, but I get stupid comfort out of this show.
Also, Enchanté seems like a guilty pleasure because so many people dislike it, and I don't feel so strongly. I like to play it and make memes of every side eye and disgusted look Akk gives.
Most underrated series:
I still will say You're My Sky, even after seeing He's Coming to Me. Hell, I will say both of them, but for entirely different experiences.
They both are entirely made up of basically everything that almost all of my favs share, and they're sprinkled with helpings of what I look for in series now and going forward.
Personally, I want to say all of my Top Ten Loves are underrated, just so I can have more people to talk about them with. 😤
Thanks for reading!
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grenadineghost · 1 year
ooh also crj's emotion!!!!
EMOTION by Carly Rae Jepsen
The best song on the album
emma youre right. it has to be Run Away With Me. its so fucking iconic
My favorite song on the album
either LA Hallucinations or Warm Blood. I learn towards LA Hallucinations because it's more energetic, its a fucking catchy jam, its so fuckin fun and has cool sounds. but Warm Blood makes me go fucking INSANE because there is something about this song that somehow sounds like a heart pumping warm blood. its somehow a little gross and visceral and intimate and glhkjds idk its amazing. song for vivisection.
My least favorite song on the album
All That. its just boring. sorry!
The most overrated song on the album
yeah i think you're right that its i really like you? i mean its a fucking JAM dont get me wrong i adore it and id be outraged if people didnt like it but how does it have like 4x the plays of anything else? cmon folks listen to the rest of the album
Most underrated
BLACK HEART. WHY IS NO ONE LISTENING TO BLACK HEART. half the listeners of the 2nd least listened to song! its a weirdly small number for the queen of pop! and its so WEIRD and full of beepboops and its so fun and i love the way she says "like a show on your... Tee Vee" like she's an alien
The banger of all bangers
boy problems. its gotta be boy problems. i feel like im really tracking my rating of the bangers by "would i dance in the kitchen with my loved ones" and this song is like. perfect for that omg
Rate from 0-10
8? its a WONDERFUL album, perfect pop, i own it on vinyl. It's bumped down a little bit because it is mainstream pop so not the most exciting and the slow songs really really dont do it for me. But there's so much cool stuff in it with so many different vibes and it works so well as a cohesive album and god i love this album
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pookha · 1 year
Changes on the Wind Chapter 3
After a very long delay, here's the last chapter of Changes on the Wind. I'm sorry this took so very long to finish. It became wildly wildly AU after season 2B and then even more AU after season 3. I'm sticking with Masha being Gigi here and using she/her pronouns because it was started that way before the reveal about them in TtT, but I love ENBY Masha and my series "No Tengo las Llaves" explores that.
Thank you to all of you who stuck with it and finished this.
Vee has to get used to living with hyperesthesia and synesthesia. Gigi goes off to school, then veterinary school. Vee struggles with how to contribute when it's hard to leave her home. She meets Mildred Featherwhyle, who is not what she seems and together they forge a path for Vee.
3 Months Later
Vee looked up from her tablet as an orange light blinked on the wall. She pulled her phone out of a drawer and flicked the screen open. The blue and gold painted nail on her index finger made a ‘whee’ sound in her head when she did this and it always made her smile. She saw it was Gigi and answered.
“Hey,” she said and put the phone on speaker while she turned back to her tablet. On it a cartoon knight struggled to pull his sword out of a gelatinous-looking wall while a zombie deer snuck up on him from behind.
“Hey,” Gigi’s voice came out tinnily. It had taken Vee a bit to find the right way to manipulate her phone to make people’s voices bearable, but Gigi’s was the best of the batch, followed by Camila’s. Gigi’s modulated voice made Vee tingle and Camila’s felt like a warm towel fresh out of the dryer.
“Want some company later after school? It’s only a half-day today, so I can come over before work.”
“Ooo, that would be great,” Vee said, adding a bright splotch of gore onto the zombie deer’s antlers then erasing it.
“I’ll take the bus and be there around 1ish.”
“Mom’s coming home for lunch today; I’ll ask her if she can pick you up at school at noon instead.” Vee texted Camila who responded with a thumbs-up emoji.
“She says yes.” Vee added a drape of intestines to the deer antler and erased it also.
“What are you doing?” Gigi asked
“I’m drawing a knight fighting a gelatinous cube, but he doesn’t know a zombie deer is sneaking up on him, but I’m having trouble with making the deer creepy in the right way. I tried to put some gore on it and some intestines on its horns, but it’s just not right.”
“Make the deer look more rotted, maybe have the intestine hang from its belly instead like it’s been rotting and is dehiscing,” Gigi suggested.
Vee undid the intestines over the antlers, then moved them to the deer’s belly and squinted. It was almost right, but would need refining and different colors. Right now it was shouting and it needed to grumble menacingly instead.
“Thanks, I think I can make that work.”
“Cool. Glad I could help. I gotta go back to class.” Gigi paused.
“Love you,” she said quietly. This was fairly new to both of them and it still made Vee’s blood fizz like she was taking magic from Gigi still.
“Love you, too. See you later.” Gigi hung up. Vee put her phone back in the drawer and looked up at the wall over her bed. The bright yellow of the walls tinkled lightly and the black trim mumbled gently. It was restful and peaceful. Gus had done a good job helping them choose colors with his illusions and he had held them on the wall until they could match it with paint. Of all of Luz’s friends from the Demon Realm, he was the one that Vee understood best. It was a shame that Luz had gone back and closed the portal. They still got occasional texts from her as they came near a weak spot and closed it, but they were already getting further apart.
Vee stroked the tablet and enjoyed the cool smoothness of it. She looked critically at the drawing and thought it was fine , just fine so far. She’d started drawing immediately after she woke up from her coma. She’d been out for two full days and then had to put up with all the visits to the doctors. If one of the doctors at the University hadn’t wanted to do research on her (it had taken a lot to explain that he didn’t want to experiment on her like Belos had wanted to) then Camila would have had a hard time paying for it all. She’d been diagnosed with hyperesthesia and synesthesia. The hyperesthesia was hard, but at least it was controlled with medication. The synesthesia, though, had awakened an urge to draw in her. She picked it up fast and Camila had let her enroll in online art courses as long as she kept up her remote homeschooling. She sighed and opened her math homework and slogged away at it. She was saving the Spanish homework for last as a reward to herself.
She’d just started on her American Government classwork when she saw the light on the wall flash again. She pulled her phone back out of the drawer and saw a text from Gigi.
Yr mom wants to know if White Castle is okay.
Vee texted back.
Yum sliders…no cheese on mine of course, big enough fries to share with all of us. Half-orange soda, half-sprite, pls
Ugh, how can you drink that. Kidding. Will get for you. See you in about 15 mins. Mwah.
Vee set a timer on her phone and did a little bit more classwork, then when the timer went off, she went down and put plates on the table. Camila came in a few minutes later with bags of food and Gigi was right behind her with a drink tray.
Vee gave Gigi a big hug before she could sit down and she almost dropped the drink tray. They all ate while talking about their day. Vee wished she could be at school with Gigi, but the noise from the beige walls and the olive-drab lockers was just too much: the constant mumbling of the beige was awful. She also was so far behind after having been left back a grade and then missing summer school.
“What?” she asked, obviously having missed something that Camila said.
“I said that I could get used to having lunch at home with your girlfriend. Although, I don’t think we could have hamburgers every day.” She pointed at her stomach.
“Yeah, I miss you when you’re at work and Gigi’s at school. It’s hard to be on my own so much. The online classes help, but it’s not the same as being there.” Vee sighed.
“It won’t be like this forever; you’ll be able to reintegrate soon.” Camila put her burger and onion-smelling hand on Vee’s head and rubbed her hair. Vee followed her eyes and knew that she was thinking that Vee looked like Luz and that she missed Luz.
“Yeah, high school will be over before you know it,” Gigi said, squeezing Vee’s hand.
Two Years After
High school was over for Gigi. Vee couldn’t believe it; she still had one more year. She’d made up her lost year, but Luz had been one year behind Gigi and when Vee had taken over her life she was also a year back.
“When do you leave for U of C?” Vee asked, lounging on the microsuede beanbag in the corner of Gigi’s room. Vee loved the black paint on Gigi’s walls and the bright RGB lights of her gaming desktop.
“Last week of August. I’ve got one week of freshman orientation and then classes start after that. She flopped down onto the beanbag next to Vee and kissed her. The kiss went on for a long time until Gigi fell off the beanbag and they both laughed. Vee helped Gigi back up and pulled her more onto her lap. This time the kissing got heated before Gigi pulled back.
“Mom’ll be home soon, sorry.”
Vee mock pouted and laughed.
“I gotcha.” She pushed Gigi off the beanbag and she laughed as Gigi picked herself up.
“Seriously, though, do you wanna before I go away or…?” Gigi left it hanging.
Vee stood up, pulled Gigi close and whispered in her ear.
“I’d like to try, but I don’t know if I can go through with it. If I have to stop, you won’t be upset?”
Gigi shook her head.
“Mom’s at a conference next week and you can stay over. We’ll try then.” Vee kissed Gigi soundly and reveled again in the tingle of Gigi’s lips on hers.
A week later, Gigi slept in Vee’s bed, a large sleep shirt covering all but her legs. Vee watched her sleep, enjoying the soft susurrus of her steady breathing. It had been more than she was expecting and less. Mostly it hadn’t been different than making out and the feelings had been just as exciting, but also some of the burning touches did just that… burned. She knew that she’d want to do it again, but worried about when Gigi went to school. She put her hand on Gigi’s thigh and Gigi sighed in her sleep.
Three Years After
When Camila came home Vee was sitting on the couch watching television. Vee let the bright images dance around in her eyes, but wasn’t really paying attention to what was showing. She turned her head as Camila came in and gave her a kiss on top of her head.
“Good day, Vee?” Camila asked and Vee shook her head. Camila put her purse and jacket in the closet and came back to sit by Vee on the couch.
“What’s wrong?” she asked as Vee leaned on her shoulder and tears started to leak from her eyes.
“I want to pull my weight, but what I’m making from my commissions barely pays for my food. I’m sorry to be a burden.” She lifted her head and met Camila’s eyes. Camila wiped a tear from Vee’s cheek with the back of her hand.
“You pull your weight; you contribute.”
“I don’t, though. I eat, sleep, barely go out and my medications have to put a hole in your pocket, even with insurance. I don’t know what to do,” she wailed.
“Just keep doing what you’re doing. I’ll take care of you for as long as you need. I love you, Vee.”
“I know you do and I know it’s not just because I look like Luz.” Luz’s texts from the Demon Realm had gotten even more rare as they closed more holes between the realms. The last one had included a photo of matching engagement rings and Amity looked especially happy.
“No, I love you for you. I wish the ritual had gone better, but what happened made you you. You see colors and shapes differently than anyone else and I know that one day your art will be sold at auction for a lot of money.”
“C’mon, I don’t make that kind of art.” Her original pieces were body horror mostly, and her commissions were mostly portraits of role playing characters.
“That’s what they said about what’s his name that did the Alien stuff.” Camila patted Vee again.
“Giger?” Vee half-asked.
“Yeah, that was his name.”
Camila stood.
“Wanna help with dinner?”
Vee nodded, wiped her face with her sleeve, stood and hugged Camila and they both went to make dinner.
Three Years Later
I was accepted
Vee read the text again and again. She’d known this was coming, but it meant she’d be away from Gigi even longer while Gigi went to veterinary school and then a one year internship with a clinic. She closed her eyes in thought, rested like that for a few minutes then opened them. She turned on her full-spectrum lights and looked down at the illustration on her tablet: the Cthulhoid horror on it had a princess in its tentacles, but it didn’t see the dagger she held behind her back. The princesses grim smile said she knew that she’d had to get into the horror’s grasp to kill it and she’d do what was necessary.
Vee’s phone buzzed and she jumped. She’d forgotten to put it in its drawer and the sound of it made her skin crawl. She sighed and looked at it, expecting another text from Gigi, but this was an email notification. She sighed again, and dithered with her finger over her phone before finally opening it and then opening her email. She didn’t recognize the email address, so she opened it in protected mode. She read it, then she read it again and again, trying to decide if it was legitimate. She looked up the company it came from, then the person it came from, then reviews from artists who’d worked with them. Finally, she closed her email, turned off her tablet, turned off her full-spectrum lights and sat in the dark in her room. She stayed that way for almost an hour before she texted Gigi.
I’m happy for you, but also sad that you’ll be gone longer. I got an offer to illustrate Wizard Warrior cards for Wizards of Seattle! I looked it up and it looks legit. They say they saw some of my work when one of their programmers for their digital cards saw a commission of mine and then they looked me up.
Gigi texted back right away.
That’s great! I’m sorry I’ll be away longer, but I will have 3 weeks after I graduate and before I go to vet school and I look forward to spending them with you.
I love you, Vee and I want to spend my life with you.
Vee smiled. They’d been basically engaged for a year, but Gigi wanted to finish school. She was driven and Mom had been there and been encouraging about Gigi going to vet school. She had told Gigi she’d always have a summer job and a place in her clinic when she was graduated.
Thinking of Mom made Vee text her about her offer. Camila texted back that she’d have her lawyer look over the Wizards of Seattle contract that was attached to the email.
Five Years Later
Vee opened the video call. Her agent was dimly backlit; he knew about Vee’s sensory issues.
“Hey! Good news, bad news!” he said exuberantly like always.
“Bad first,” Vee said.
“Wizards of Seattle didn’t offer you any contracts for the upcoming set.”
Vee grimaced. She’d been expecting it since they switched art directors there, but it still stung. The pay was a big part of why Camila had been able to take less hours at the clinic and be more of a supervisory vet.
“Okay, not unexpected. How about the good news.”
“Tripleday Publishing wants you to meet with one of their authors to discuss illustrating graphic novels based on their work and if they like it to make a new animated series on it.”
Vee raised an eyebrow. The graphic novel probably wouldn’t make up for the loss of the Wizards of Seattle income, but an animated series probably would.
“What’s the series?” Vee asked.
“They actually won’t say. I think they’re afraid of leaks, but I’ve been asking around and I think it’s a reboot of the Good Witch Azura by Mildred Featherwhyle.”
Vee sat back heavily and almost fell off her chair.
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” she whispered.
“I think it’s going to be the Good Witch Azura series. Rumor has it that Mildred Featherwhyle has finished a darker, updated reboot and that she’s signed a movie or television deal.”
“How would she have heard about me?” Vee asked.
“I’m guessing from the illustrations for the body horror anthology that Tripleday published last year.”
“Wow.” Vee thought about how Luz would react to find out that Vee might work on the Good Witch Azura.
“If it is the Good Witch Azura, I want it. I want it badly. I’ll fly to a meeting if I have to.”
Her agent blinked. She’d never offered to leave Connecticut before.
“I’ll get back to you by the end of work tomorrow.”
Vee nodded. The rest of the call was about residuals, which were smaller than Vee had hoped.
It was only an hour later when her agent texted her a meeting link for 10 a.m. the next day. Vee didn’t tell Camila about it so she wouldn’t be disappointed if it fell through. She slept poorly that night and woke up with her head pounding. She turned on her full spectrum lights and changed the curtains covering her walls to bright primaries. After showering, she dressed in one of her best dresses and put on the string of pearls that Mom had given her for luck.
Right at ten she opened the meeting link and was unsurprised to see MIldred Featherwhyle. She didn’t look any older than she had on her book covers.
“Vee Noceda?” she asked.
“Yes. You’re Mildred Featherwhyle. My sister was a huge fan of yours.”
“She’s gone to live somewhere else,” Vee said.
Mildred smiled.
“Yes, I know. She went to the Demon Realm, right?”
“I—Uh…umm…what?” Vee stammered. The red curtain chimed at her in warning.
“I saw your art in the anthology. You’ve either been to the Demon Realm or you’re from the Demon Realm. That was unmistakably a basilisk in the background with a flesh-eating fairy on its shoulder.”
“I—I—I,” Vee kept stammering.
“Breathe child; I’m not here to expose you or capture you. I want to work with you because you’ve seen what I’m writing about and I like the honesty of your artwork. You know what it’s like to be trapped in your body.”
She paused.
“Most people seem to think its a reference to your illness, but I think it’s because you have to pretend to be something you’re not…like me.”
“Is it safe to talk over this link?” Vee asked.
“It’s the best technology. The NSA would have to work for years to break the encryption. I paid for it myself.” Mildred smiled, showing more teeth than Vee thought was normal.
“What are you?” Vee asked.
“Oh, neither witch nor demon, nor human. I’ve lived in this dimension long enough to see the rise of man…and maybe I’ll see its fall if you don’t change your ways. Now what are you?”
Mldred’s eyes glowed and Vee couldn’t look away. She could; however, close her eyes and she did.
She heard MIldred laugh.
“I won’t hurt you; I promise.” Mildred’s voice was soft and grandmotherly.
Vee opened her eyes.
“I’m a basilisk, but I’ve been forced into a human shape permanently so I could stay here without needing magic.”
“Ah, that explains something. Your sister that went to the Demon Realm is the one who’s closing the holes between the realms? Did you take her spot in this world?”
Vee nodded yes to both questions then asked, “Wait how do you know about closing the thin spots?”
Mildred laughed and suddenly her seat was full of flames. The flames spoke in her voice.
“I’m what you’d probably call an ifrit, though I’ve had many names over the centuries. I come from another realm entirely, having travelled through the In Between. I’ve been to the Demon Realm, I’ve been to the stars with the Archivists, I’ve lived in the city of Fire and Brass.”
Suddenly she was Mildred again.
“But I like it here. I like writing for children and showing them that there’s hope and light, but also darkness and death. I want them to learn that they make their own destiny as long as they choose themselves.”
She looked at Vee again.
“You can help with that. Your art has truth in it that goes beyond its form. Your colors and subjects give life to themes that sometimes are lifeless in most human artists. Only rarely do humans achieve that level of consciousness combined with talent that sublimates to the divine.”
“I have that?” Vee squeaked.
“Yes, and now that I know what you are, I understand why.”
“What’s the project?” Vee asked, changing the subject.
“You’d be Art Director for the graphic novel based on my new novel and if it goes well, which it will, then you’ll be Art Director for the animated film for it. It’s a lot darker and about Azura and Hecate’s children discovering the truth of what happened with Villainous Lucy and their culpability in her death.”
“It pays quite well, and in addition, I can grant a boon.”
“A wish?” Vee whispered.
“No, not a wish, but a boon. I’m not omnipotent. I can offer money, power, travel between worlds if your sister should wish to return.”
“But the soft spots they’re closing?” Vee asked.
“I can travel without ripping them open. I understand what they’re doing and why. The Demon Realm had become too much in conjunction with this world; I could feel it. But my ways are not their ways and I can do it.”
“I—can you make it so text messages pass more easily and not just when the realms are in conjunction?” Vee asked. She got up and switched her curtain to a tangerine orange.
“I could make communication better, yes, but it would be different than you think. You’d write in a book like a diary and it would appear in an identical diary there. It would be writing only; voice would take too much magic power to cross the In Between.”
“If you can do that for my Mom and my sister, I’ll join you. I’ll even take less for it.”
“No you won’t. You’ll earn your money; the job will be hard. I’ll make the books and deliver them to the Demon Realm and your mother, Camila. Then I’ll send you the contract. Sign or not, the books are yours to keep.”
“Thank you,” Vee whispered.
“Don’t thank me yet,” Mildred said and hung up.
Vee sat there for a long time before getting up and calling Camila.
The book appeared on their table two days later with a note from Luz. It talked about Manny and it was clear that it couldn’t have come from anyone else. Camila cried while writing in it about everything that had happened. They discovered that photos wouldn’t travel, but Luz drew pictures of her wedding with Amity and their child, Azura. Vee drew back what Mom looked like now and the promise ring she had given to Gigi. No matter how many pages they filled, there were always more.
Vee signed the contract and drew the graphic novel. It sold amazingly well. Interviewers were always surprised by her reclusiveness and her disabilities, but she told them they weren’t disabilities, but rather just who she was. She finished the novel and then started working on the film. She’d just started putting the finishing touches on it when Gigi came back to Gravesfield as a newly minted veterinarian. She was going to do an internship with another clinic in Gravesfield then Camila would hire her for the clinic.
The book’s advance paid for the abandoned house next door and the first residual for it paid for the renovations. The movie advance paid for her wedding to Gigi and their move next door. Camila loved having them close, but also loved having the house to herself.
The movie was a smash and Vee’s star rose, but she stayed in Gravesfield with her wife. The world was too big, and this small part of it she had made was her part, her family.
Her family. She knew what she wanted and called Mildred with Gigi.
“Mildred, I know I don’t have the right to ask for another boon, but there’s something I would like if you could do it.”
“You wish a child?” Mildred guessed.
Gigi smiled and Vee blushed.
“I can do it, but children born like this are often different in unexpected ways. Will you love them no matter what?”
“I will,” Gigi answered in unison with Vee. Mildred looked sharply at Gigi.
“Ah, case in point. You didn’t tell me your wife was a witch.”
“It’s not been important since Vee became human. I can’t do anything magical.” Gigi sighed.
“Oh my dear, yes you can, you just haven’t discovered it yet.”
Mildred laughed her creepy otherworldly laugh.
“I’ll send instructions on how to conceive, but Vee, you’ll have to carry the baby. It’ll be very difficult with your hyperesthesia. Are you willing to sacrifice?”
Vee met Gigi’s eyes.
Mildred hung up.
“Why is she an author when she could be anything?” Gigi asked.
Vee shrugged.
“I think she just likes it.”
A thick packet came in the mail the next day with instructions on how they could conceive. Very blunt instructions. Eleven months later Manuel Caleb Noceda was born.
They lived mostly happily ever after.
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truckreincarnation · 9 months
(vee)va la (vee)da | Vee | Trial 4.1 | Re: Esmée, Manami, Yuliya
The first trial had been a painful surprise, the second had taken sandpaper to their heartstrings, and the third was an agonizing reminder that happiness and trust were privileges in this nightmare, not a right. The only boon was that each successive death only became easier to compartmentalize, easier to work themselves through, and so Vee had already quieted themselves down about the loss of Luz and Frank by the time they re-entered the summoning circle. It still hurt a lot, mind you; he was indebted to Luz for everything she had done for him many times over, from the complicated circumstances they’d gotten into out exploring, to letting him know that his last moments on Earth hadn’t been in vain, and the fact that he’d genuinely wanted her to accept his friendship, slow as it was to build. And she knew that Frank had been working hard on himself, to figure out who he was and what he meant to everyone around him. Vee truly wanted to believe he was doing better at the relationship front, a fact reinforced by how many at this circle mourned him. Mourned her.
Luz and Frank were truly loved by someone or another here, this they were sure, which made this entire fiasco even more troubling. They’d wanted to believe that whoever was responsible hadn’t exactly meant to kill them, but… Well, anything was possible. Maybe they were getting too far ahead of themselves. Assumptions and presumptions proved to hurt more than to help. Listing out the facts of what they were sure of would at least set the scene clear, and give them an excuse not to think about the fact the royal bastard was here with them to officiate this trial in person. One way or another, his presence here signaled trouble, and the fact he was so close to their podium made their skin crawl.
“I can f-fill in the blanks about where I was for the rest of the night.” Vee pipes up after Yuliya, following up on her alibi. “I’d been cookin’ d-dinner for Luz tonight - fettucine alfredo, if it matters any - and we’d s-sat down to eat around 6.30. Mimi came in a bit after we sat down, and aside w-wavin’ just to let her know we were here, I g-gave her some space. After what happened earlier t-today, it seemed… for the b-best.” Right, because on top of everything else that’s already happened, Vivianna and Meili had also departed the premises, not that he was going to voice that out in front of the King. “Yuliya did come in right as L-Luz and I were finishin’ up, and at 7.30, I left w-west for the rooms while Luz headed east, presumably towards t-the antechambers and portal.”
They drum their fingers on their parasol handle in thought. “I don’t remember seein’ a-anyone on the way back or out, after a shower and change of c-clothes, until I came back through the dinin’ hall and saw that M-Mimi had left and Yuliya was bakin’ things. Horse treats, apparently, and a-around 8.05 seems about right since I left my room just after 8. I went through the p-portal myself, and greeted Hero on the other side. He was exercisin’, I t-think, but I didn’t stay to join him and headed upstairs s-shortly after. Out into the courtyard, I headed s-south towards the intersection and then west into t-the thicket by the path to the ballroom. I still had an hour or so l-left of outside time I needed to run down the clock on, so I just c-camped outside there and waited." Vee pauses, glancing across the room. "About… I’d say 8.30ish? I saw Theophania and A-Avery head east on the same path, presumably from the b-ballroom. We didn’t interact, and from where I was, I couldn’t s-see which way they went at the intersection after that, but it lines up w-with some of the other alibis we’ve heard so far.”
Something seems a little odd about one of them, but they can come back to it later.
“Once 9.30 came and went, I was c-certain my time outside was done, so I went into the Ballroom. Nobody was t-there, but there were scratch marks by the time I’d a-arrived.” They decline to mention where said marks were in the presence of the asshole who’d probably be offended by it. “I listened to some music to pass the t-time, and I was plannin’ on goin’ back once I was done when ten o’ clock r-rolled around and I suddenly heard a loud explosion from outside. T-The buildin’ shook and everythin’. I pulled my journal out to s-see if anyone would message it and tell us what happened, and when n-nothin’ came, I left the ballroom and headed in the general d-direction of where I heard it from. The alarm got sounded, and then I stumbled upon… e-everythin’ else.”
They think they were first at the scene after the body discoverers, but that’s not exactly important as far as they’re concerned. Their shoulders slump, the energy they took to remain as calm as they did now spent, and they return to listening. Maybe someone else has a better idea of how all of this came to be… Well, someone definitely had, but it wouldn’t be them, at least right now.
0 notes
heymacy · 3 years
I love all those sentence prompts you just posted.😂 But I feel like the most appropriate one is probably:
“So why did I have to punch that guy?”
Thank you Arrow!! 💗
Ridiculous Sentence Prompts: "So why did I have to punch that guy?"
There were only a few things left in the world that made Mickey really, really angry.
The first was their property manager, Melanie, and her stupid-ass dog with its stupid, stupid diaper.
The second was the fact that a single can of beer cost four times more on the West Side than it did back in their old neighborhood. What special brand of bullshit were these crunchy granola hippies trying to churn out at the Wine, Etc. store, anyway?
The third thing, and probably the only one that would stick around after he adjusted to his new life above the poverty line, was any time that anyone disrespected, hurt, or even mildly annoyed his husband.
Every time they dealt with an irritating client or an overzealous new employee, Mickey would clench his teeth and fight the urge to knock them on their ass. One hit was all it would take, he knew that for certain. He'd taken down Ian's exes, family members, hell, even Ian himself on a few occasions, with a single punch to the throat.
Now, he was an adult, a business owner, a husband and partner that needed to play by society's rules if they were ever going to crawl out of the gutter completely.
The very idea made Mickey's teeth ache.
He bit his bottom lip while they sat side-by-side in their booth at the Alibi, waiting for some schmuck to meet them for an interview.
"We need to start interviewing the guys we hire, Mickey," Ian had said one night while cooking dinner. He chopped the carrots and celery on the wooden cutting board while Mickey sat slumped on the couch, nursing a beer and watching a TikTok Mandy had sent him earlier that day.
He looked up at his husband as he watched an orange and white cat chow down on kibble after his automatic feeder malfunctioned.
Mandy 🌻 (6:09pm): plz tell ian this is him in cat form
Mickey snorted at his phone, barely registering Ian's comment.
"Mick?" Ian tried again, and Mickey looked up from his phone.
"Hmm?" he replied through a mouthful of beer.
"I said we need to start interviewing the guys we hire," Ian said again, using the knife to scrape the carrots and celery off of the cutting board and into the giant pot he had boiling on the stove. Mickey wasn't sure what he was making, but it smelled amazing.
"What for? Those resumé things ain't good enough for you?" Mickey's mouth quirked up on the side as he tried to hide a smirk.
Ian rolled his eyes and used the comically oversized wooden spoon to stir his soup.
"No, Mick. So we don't have another Connor situation."
Mickey snorted. Connor was a dipshit they'd hired back in April to help with pickups, a dipshit that had cost the company almost $2,500 after he "forgot" to make the deposit with Ian and Mickey at the end of his scheduled route.
"I mean, his name's Connor. Kinda feel like you should've known what you were walkin' in to with that one."
"I'm serious," Ian said. "Interviews. We gotta do 'em." He stirred the soup vigorously, the spoon clanking against the side of the pot with every twist.
Mickey sighed deeply and rolled his eyes.
"Fine, we'll interview some new guys. But we're not doing it at a Starbucks or some shit. I'm not ready to go full West Side." He scrunched up his nose and made a face, to which Ian just chuckled.
"Glad you're on board," he teased, getting back to work on his soup, which had started to bubble.
Kev and Vee had moved to Louisville a month before, transferring ownership of the bar to Carl and Officer Tipping, who promised to keep everything just as it was. It gave Mickey a sense of calm knowing that even as the rest of his old neighborhood was slipping away, his adolescent stomping grounds now littered with coffee shops and yoga studios, some things remained the same.
He ran his fingers along the familiar crack in the table, a sharp sensation prodding the pads of his fingertips and helping him forget, even temporarily, what they were there to do.
Ian smacked the back of Mickey's hand gently.
"Stop it," he said, referring to the way Mickey was two seconds away from giving himself a splinter.
Mickey huffed and rolled his eyes.
"What's this guy's name again?"
Ian looked at his phone where he had an email pulled up. He glanced over the message then scrolled to the bottom.
"Derek," he said plainly.
"Derek," Mickey mocked, and Ian whacked him in the chest with the back of his hand.
"Knock it off," he said, and Mickey rolled his eyes again.
"Whatever. He's late anyway, let's just bail and go get some pizza."
"He's not late, Mickey. It's only..." he looked at his watch. "3:58. He's got three minutes until he's late."
Just then, as if summoned by Ian's voice, a tall, lanky, blond man walked through the front door of the bar and made his way towards the back corner booth where Ian and Mickey sat.
"You guys Ian and Mackie?"
Ian snorted as he tried to hide his laughter. Mickey rolled his eyes a third time, this time so hard that it was honestly impressive he didn't snap his optic nerves in the process.
"Mickey," Ian corrected politely. He nudged his husband with his elbow and the two of them climbed out of the booth to meet with their interviewee.
Ian shook his hand firmly.
"I'm Ian, and this is my husband Mickey." He smiled and turned to Mickey, who was standing with his hands in his pockets and giving Derek, all six feet two inches of him, an intense once-over. Elbowing his husband for a second time, Mickey relented, pulling his hands from his pockets and reaching out to shake Derek's hand. His giant palm was cold and clammy but also somehow uncomfortably hot. Mickey grimaced.
"Hey," he said gruffly. "Mickey."
"Derek," the other man said as they shook hands. "So you two are married?"
Ian nodded.
"Little over a year now, yeah."
Derek nodded.
"Cool, cool, cool," he said, nodding and looking around. "So this place is...interesting."
The judgmental and condescending way Derek said "interesting" wasn't new or unusual to either of them, but tall lanky blond bitches with North Side energy and a terrible fade saying "interesting" like they wanted to say "disgusting" made Mickey's blood boil.
He clenched his fist without even realizing what he was doing. Ian noticed immediately when Mickey's shoulders tensed up, stiffening in a way that reminded Ian of a startled cat, and he turned to climb back in the booth. He squeezed Mickey's arm once, twice, and dragged him down into the booth with him.
"It was a family friend's place," Ian said, nonchalant, eager to move the conversation away from the Alibi and towards their business. "So, Derek, on your resume, I see that you worked--"
Derek cut Ian off mid-sentence.
"Have they ever thought about turning this place into some sort of art installation or something? Just with the open floor plan and the exposed pipes, it's very pseudo-industrial-chic."
If they hadn't already assumed before by his distinct vocal fry and the smell of coconut hair gel, Derek's use of the term "pseudo-industrial-chic" solidified what the other two already knew: there were three gay motherfuckers in this booth.
Ian stuttered for a second, surprised by Derek's interjection and resistance to changing the subject.
"Don't think so, no." He grabbed his phone and opened up the Gmail app again. "So, anyway, your resume says you worked at--"
"You know what would be really cool in here? A movement class. I went to one in LA once that was hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow and it was liberating."
Mickey snorted and Ian elbowed him in the ribs.
"I bet it was," Ian said, unamused at Derek's refusal to talk about his work history. "So you worked at--"
"Have you guys ever been to LA? Oh my god, it's the best. So chic. I mean, I'm from Evanston originally, so basically anything is chic in comparison. I mean, not here, obviously, but you know. Other places."
Ian sighed.
"Totally," he said. "So, your work history, it says--"
"Hey, do you guys know what the best dispensary is around here? Preferably something upscale, with those iPads you can order on. I need a few new carts--"
"Dude," Mickey cut in. "Can you shut the fuck up for five seconds?"
Derek looked surprised, and Mickey could hear Ian's sharp, apprehensive inhale.
"Excuse me?" Derek said, holding his hand to his chest.
"He's been trying to ask you the same question since we sat down, and you won't shut the fuck up about chic cities and weed, so if you could just answer our questions, that would be great." He looked over at Ian, whose eyes were wide and hesitant, unsure about how things were about to unfold.
"You're very rude," Derek said to Mickey, giving him a scowl.
Mickey snorted.
"Yeah, tell me something I don't know."
Derek's eyes narrowed and his forehead wrinkled up, agitated.
"You should be nicer to the people you want to hire." He crossed his arms over his chest like a petulant child.
Mickey laughed out loud.
"Dude, who says we wanna hire you? I'm pretty sure if you worked for us, I'd blow my brains out in the first two minutes."
Ian tried and failed miserably to conceal his laughter, covering his mouth with his hand and looking down at the table. Mickey leaned over towards his husband.
"I kinda wanna punch this guy in the mouth," he mumbled, and Ian side-eyed him from where he sat beside him.
"Please don't," he replied in a whisper before composing himself and turning back to Derek.
"Look, Derek, you seem like a nice guy, but I don't think this is gonna work out." He held out his hand to signal that the interview was over, but Derek didn't return his handshake. Instead, he pouted like a toddler that had just been scolded for bad behavior.
"Your husband's a dick," Derek said to Ian, and Mickey could literally feel Ian's body stiffen next to him.
"Hey," Mickey said, putting his hand on Ian's knee. "Forget it. Let's go get pizza."
"No," Ian said sternly, turning back to Derek. "Listen, dude, you're also kind of a dick, so why don't we just call this a wash and you can go track down your carts or whatever."
Mickey bit his lip, fighting a smile. He secretly loved when Ian got defensive, as long as it wasn't directed towards him.
"You're both dicks!" Derek said, slamming his hands down on the table. He slid out of the booth and stood up, and Mickey and Ian did the same. The three men stood there, Derek facing the husbands with a pissed-off expression.
"You should go," Ian said, pointing at the door.
Derek snorted.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised. When the ad said South Side, I knew there was a good chance the owners were a couple of trashy, ghetto assholes. But him?" He pointed at Mickey. "He's a world-class dick."
Before Derek could say anything else, he was cut off by a fist to the jaw and dropped to the floor, unconscious.
The ambient chatter and loud clacking of billiard balls came to a halt as the regulars that sat scattered around the Alibi turned in unison to see what had happened. Once they identified the source of the loud "thud" as one of the Gallagher-Milkovich boys knocking out some blond giant, they immediately turned back to their various activities.
Just another day on the South Side.
Ian cupped his right fist in his left hand and turned to Mickey, bewildered.
"I just punched that guy, Mick," he said, genuinely surprised. "I knocked him out. Shit."
Mickey shrugged.
"He kinda deserved it."
Ian looked at Mickey with a really? sort of expression and shook his head back and forth.
"Still," he said, turning to look at Derek, sprawled out unconscious on the floor like a rag doll.
"C'mon man, it's fine. He'll come to, and when he does, we'll be long gone." He grabbed Ian's upper arm and gave him a tug, but Ian just sat back down in the booth.
"Why did I do that?" he asked, but Mickey knew he was talking only to himself. He sat down beside his husband, stepping over Derek's long ass leg on his way back to the booth.
"I mean, you kinda had to."
Ian looked over at Mickey, eyebrows raised. He stared at his husband for a moment, puzzling, before breaking into a smile.
"What?" Mickey asked, confused as to how Ian could go from having some sort of moral crisis over knocking out a hipster to grinning gleefully at his husband in a half second. Ian reached over and put his hand on Mickey's thigh. Immediately, the mood shifted. Pool cues squeaked as they were chalked up and glasses clinked on the countertops. The distinct chhh-chhh sound of a spray bottle punctured Mickey's ear drums as he looked down at his husband's hand on his thigh.
"So," Ian said, voice quieter than before. "Why did I have to punch that guy?"
Mickey smirked. He could be honest, and say the obvious reason, which was that Derek was a total douche canoe and deserved to be socked in the mouth by someone his own size. He could lie, and say it was because Derek seemed dangerous and Ian was just following his instincts, but that would have been the lie of the fucking century.
Instead, he said neither, and opted for something he knew would make Ian smile.
"Because you love me."
Ian's face broke into a full grin and he giggled, leaning over to kiss his husband once, quickly, well-aware of Mickey's hesitancy towards PDA when they were out and about on the South Side.
When he pulled back, he was smirking, and Mickey knew his cheeks were flushed. He hadn't been expecting the kiss, however brief it was, and his stomach felt a little fluttery.
"I mean, I'm not the kind of guy that just stands by and lets people talk shit about the man he loves." He grinned and Mickey rolled his eyes, remembering Ian telling him about the last words he'd said to Glittery Twink Byron the night they'd gotten engaged.
"You're a fuckin' sap, man."
"True," Ian said, standing up from the booth and stepping over Derek's leg as Mickey had done minutes before. He reached out his hand and pulled his husband from the booth. The two of them stood there momentarily, staring at Derek's lump of a body on the sticky, peanut-shell covered floor.
"Should we like, do something?" Mickey asked, kicking Derek's foot with his own boot. The man didn't move a muscle. Mickey wondered for a second if he might be dead, but the shallow rise and fall of the douche canoe's chest let him know that unfortunately, for all of humankind, the asshole was still alive.
Ian shook his head.
"Nah, he can sleep it off."
He reached down and took Mickey's hand in his own.
"C'mon," he said as he dragged them both towards the door. "Let's go get pizza."
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ghostinthebau · 5 years
Super Fanfic Rec List -- Iron Dad Edition (because I just wanna share the love)
I’ve had such a blast reading fanfic of the IronDad and SpiderSon variety over the last 6 months or so, and I thought I’d just make a rec list of some of my favorite stories.  Most of them are angsty, with whump and hurt/comfort because that’s what I live for.  
This is in no particular order or in any way complete because there’s just way too many amazing fics/authors in the Iron Dad fandom, but it will still be hella long, so....here goes! 
First off, @yellowdistress:
What We Are series - Bio-dad Tony series that goes all the way through Infinity War.  Endgame AU.
Someday I’ll Make it Out of Here series - Adoption AU!  It’s so good.
The Missing 92 Days - A take on HYDRA Peter that destroyed me emotionally.
Reviving Peter Parker - This about killed me.  Peter actually died during his fight with Toomes and SHIELD brings him back a la the TAHITI project like they did with Phil Coulson.  
A Sailor Went to Sea - Gut-wrenching Endgame fix it.  
Double, Double
Webcams and Webshooters series
I Never Lived ‘Til I Lived In Your Light series - !!! TISSUE WARNING !!! Peter dies, but there’s another one shot with a happier ending if you need it.
And You’ll Blow Us All Away - Adoption fic!  A lovely one at that.
5 Times Peter’s Mental Illness Made Him Stumble And The 1 Time He Refused To Falter - I really love a well-depicted take on mental illness, and losingmymindtonight delivered 100%.
If You Can’t Catch A Breath (You Can Take The Oxygen Straight Out Of My Own Chest)
Cyanide? In My Shawarma?
The Guardian - Adoption AU with a lovely Loki and Peter friendship!
Radioactive - Peter endures the after effects of the spider bite, and scares bio-dad Tony to death.  Lovely, lovely, lovely.
The Good Fight - Peter gets hurt at the airport in Germany instead of Rhodey.  
ever in your favor - Hunger Games AU and an epic work of art!  
Lazarus, come forth - The Endgame fix it before Endgame.  Peter will break your heart.
dear mr. fantasy
this isn’t a game - Highly underrated fic based off the PS4 Spider-Man game.  I’ve never even played the game, and I loved this story.
what if there is no tomorrow? - This story actually made me kinda like Justin Hammer, if you can believe it.  
hydra’s not a home series - HYDRA Peter, and also bio-dad Tony and bio-mom Pepper!
i’ll find you in the drift - Pacific Rim AU, and I have never seen PR, but I adored this so much.
it’s okay, we’re okay [whumpvember 2018] series
Lights To Guide You Home series - Another adoption AU.  They are my weakness, and this is one of the best out there.  
... and when you can’t crawl ...
Damaged At Best (Like You’ve Already Figured Out)
No Life But This
come morning light (you and I’ll be safe and sound)
Burying Grounds - Eeeek!  Tony has to choose between saving Peter or Pepper and it hurts.
hold on, hold on
Something the Soul Needs
turn back the clock (and I’ll try again in the morning)
when my body won’t hold me anymore (where will I go)
They have so many other lovely looking fics--including an adoption au series (which I, of course, love), but I just haven’t gotten around to reading them yet.  I’m pretty sure anything they write is golden.  :)
It’s Always the Little Things
I’m sure their other fic, The Third Option, is fantastic and I really, really wanna read it but I’m trying so hard to wait until it’s complete!  It’s really difficult to wait, though, tbh....I may give in soon.  
Twelve Days Of Peter Parker - So cute and fluffy, and then it kills you at the end.
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud
5 Times Tony Didn’t Need To Worry About Peter
5 Times Peter Pretended To Be Tougher Than He Was
Between how it is and how it should be - This story made me love a Peter and Bucky friendship.
Identity Theft - This was one of the very first Iron Dad fics I read, and it was a doozy.  Full of whump, medical accuracy, and hurt/comfort!  The author is posting a sequel now, too: Identity Crisis.  :D
For Pete’s Sake!
Goner - A perfectly heartbreaking kidnapping fic, but heed the warnings!
Who Saves The Hero
Never Meet Your Heroes
i’m the satellite (and you’re the sky) - Tony is Peter’s bio-dad but Peter doesn’t know it.  I haven’t actually finished this yet, but it’s good.  So, so good.
built from scraps - YOU GUYS, this is one of the best fics I’ve read on AO3.  It’s a ‘Tony gets dusted instead of Peter’ AU, and it’s got such an amazing dynamic between Peter, Pepper, and Morgan.  It’ll also make you tear up a few times, at least.
Sins of the Fathers - So, I’ve only read the first 5 chapters of this epic length (303k words@) adoption AU so far, but I’m LOVING it so I wanted to add it here.  They also have an even longer bio-dad Tony with added Stony bonus series, Pieces of Echoes, that they’re posting the 3rd installment to right now.  I’ll definitely be checking it out!
let’s kick it
like a bridge over troubled water
it’ll be over (and I’ll still be asking when)
where the memories reside
Quieting the Void series - Peter kinda has an eating disorder due to the spider bite, so take care if you read!
Poison Apple - Loved how medically accurate this was, and Ned’s reaction to Peter’s condition was heartbreaking.
It Hurts to Become
Someday We’ll Know - This is a Walk to Remember AU, so there’s MCD.  I’ve gotten about halfway through, but I can only read it when I’m in the right mindset.  But it’s lovely and so well done.  
This author has so many fics that I’m sure are amazing, and they’re on my ‘to read’ list when I’m in the mood for beautiful Spideychelle stories.
The Primary Reason Tony Stark Would Throw Down With an Anti-Vaxxer in the Street - Hella scary depiction of Peter with tetanus, and it’s SO GOOD.
it all comes back to this
skeletons series
to build a home series - I love recovery fics, and this was a beautiful story of Peter dealing with the aftermath of being snapped and coming back.
lay your weary head to rest
Exploding Head Syndrome - Everyone comes back when the snap is reversed, but Peter is sort of catatonic--stuck between the living world and the soul stone where he’s with Gamora.  It’s such a lovely fic.
It’s a Little Bit We Do
Danger Pizza
oh, darling - Peter’s kidnapped and Tony frantically searches for him--one of my favorite things.  Peter uses his smarts to help him get out of the situation, too, which is also one of my favorite things.
don’t think about tomorrow. 
Broken Thoughts (I Remember Everything)
Leave Me to Dream
A Nightmare to Remember
Accepting the Tides - Here I am with another adoption AU.  Can you see a pattern yet?  I love them, and this one has danger and whump and comfort as well.  
they are standing in the garden - This hurt.  Several times the author had me tearing up and there’s a few lines that will stay with me forever.  It was just immensely lovely to read.
At the Start of the Universe - This was so much better than I was expecting! Peter is an Angel, and he knows Tony from the very beginning of the universe. It’s different, but absolutely gorgeous.
somewhere outside my life - I don’t wanna say too much, but just read this.  It’ll break you and you’ll love it.
too bad (but it’s the life you lead)
The Fire’s Out (But Still It Burns)  
Like A Strike of Lightning - I kinda took this as a demonic possession a la Supernatural, but I don’t think it actually was.  Either way, it was fantastic.
five, tops
The World Stopped
Into His Fold series - Where Thanos brings Peter back from the ashes to make him into his new son (a la Nebula and Gamora).
Doom and Gloom - A ‘Peter doesn’t get dusted’ AU, filled with whump and Iron Dad and an awesome Carol Danvers.  Angst!!!
Dust and Blood - Peter is hurt much worse when Toomes drops the building on him.  More angst!!!!  This author does angst very well.
You don’t have to hold your head up high - Peter can’t thermoregulate!  I love that trope.
All the Things We’ve Lost (And All the Things We’ve Gained) - This one gutted me, and then made it better.  But there’s pain to be had before the comfort!
They just posted the first chapter of a new WIP that looks AMAZING, too: Can’t Part the Sea, Can’t Reach the Shore.
foolish, fragile spine - Peter’s severely injured in his fight with Adrian Toomes and Tony finds him.  
god did not craft us as altars, but as dying gods - Okay, guys.  This one is heavy.  It deals with Skip coming back into Peter’s life, and it’s not pretty but it’s handled superbly.  It’s a tough read, but one I definitely recommend if you can handle it.  Take care of yourselves first and foremost, though.  <3
~ ~ ~ I’m not sure if the following authors have a tumblr, so I just linked their AO3 pages ~ ~ ~
Only for a Little While - This is a Titanic AU, and it’s AMAZING.  There’s several scenes that just took my breath away and brought me to tears (not an easy feat). They’re also working on a WWI sequel!!!!
the one who made it out - Short, simple in a gorgeous way, and poignant.  
And finally, I thought I’d humbly add my own little contribution to the fandom.  So far, I’ve only written the one fic, but I hope to write more in the future!
For Want of a Dad (in need of a son) - There’s a bit of blood, and a very distraught Tony at one point, so warning for angst and injury!
Again, this list is probably severely lacking, and if someone has a rec that’s not on here please please please reblog this and let me know!  I’m always in the mood for more fics.  
And I hope anyone reading this finds something they enjoy!  
I’m sure you will.  
ilu 3,000
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acciohq · 3 years
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WE’RE SO EXCITED TO HAVE YOU! thank you for the effort you put into your application, we are so grateful that you’ve taken the time to apply to our roleplay. welcome & we can’t wait to write with you — find the acceptances below!
ADMIN COMMENTS: this was the first app we received, and what a wonderful way to start! you presented a beautiful conflict for ayeleen — we LOVED that she’s an auror and trying to atone for her past. we also found the secret to work really, really well & found that it puts her in an especially interesting position given her career as an auror. we’re always a little hesitant about ocs, but ayeleen felt like she would be a very dynamic addition to the group & we’re so excited to see more of her!
ADMIN COMMENTS: you got pansy so incredibly correct jane! we felt her really shine through this application, especially with characterization. your mockblog was my personal favorite, you reblogged a lot of musings for certain fictional characters (i.e. allison dilaurentis, fallon carrington, lucrecia montesinos) that i would associate with pansy immediately. i also really enjoyed your background story, and the complicated relationship with her father, especially considering her secret! 
ADMIN COMMENTS: ELIAS, ELIAS, ELIAS! let us just say that we absolutely ADORED your application for mr. george weasley! OF COURSE george caused a lot of unintentional pain and suffering during the wizarding war; he IS one of the infamous weasel twins, after all. we also loved your point that rapier could’ve been EITHER fred or george because, as stated in your application, did one NOT follow the other?? overall, we can tell you have a FANTASTIC grasp on george and his character; also… that secret? spicy, spicy, SPICYYYYY. we’re excitedly anticipating where you’ll take george in our group and can’t wait to see what he brings to the overall dynamic. WELCOME!
ADMIN COMMENTS: tyler, this application was a WILD ride in the very best way. the backstory was incredibly well-thought out, and we all thought that you demonstrated the way that theo is a product of his upbringing incredibly well. you can truly see where aspects of his personality — his dislike of friends, his trust issues — stem from and we applaud you for that! also, this just might be the coolest secret we received?
ADMIN COMMENTS: amelia, we really loved the creative approach you added to your application! the additions of “background check” and “restricted notes” were a nice touch! we also can’t wait to hear about dean’s SECOND secret; we love that you’re ready to add even MORE things accio can torment him with. you clearly have an immaculate understanding of dean’s character and his voice is apparent in your writing. we can’t wait to see what you, and dean, will contribute to our group… welcome aboard!
WELCOME RON WEASLEY ( elliot fletcher fc ) — PLAYED BY E!
ADMIN COMMENTS: E, when we saw your application for the famous ickle ronnikins in our inbox, we were SO, SO, SOOOO excited! we can tell you take ron’s character seriously and have a firm grasp on his experiences throughout life. you have a natural talent for writing and your words flow together nicely! ALSO, we’re all SUUUUPER excited to see how ron’s secret plays out! thank you for taking the time to work on that with us; we really appreciated that! we can’t wait to write further with you and welcome to the group!
ADMIN COMMENTS: we were so excited to see your rita app come in jane! i feel like rita is a difficult character to get right, but much like pansy, you got her down to a T! from the start of her name explanations, we were entranced, the choice for rita, keeping skeeter to spite her father, it’s SO good. basically forcing people to be nice to her because she knows all their secrets? spectacular! she’s going to be so incredibly interesting to see interact with the others, we are ecstatic to have her around.
ADMIN COMMENTS: gosh, cal, you have NO idea how badly we wanted a neville application! for me personally, he’s one of my absolute all-time favorite characters, and i’m so glad we’re getting to see him portrayed in the group! your application was a delight to read, i especially loved the mention of “courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the triumph over it”, because i think it fits neville’s character so well. he’s going to be an amazing addition to the group, and we cannot wait to have you & neville around!
ADMIN COMMENTS: i think most of us are already completely & utterly in love with gabrielle, x! the combination of her being a social media queen, practically being given the world because of her beauty, but then also her being a chess master, and wishing people could just see more to her than outside appearances. we were also super intrigued by the strained relationship with fleur, as well as gabrielle being the problem child, and are excited to learn even more about her!
WELCOME KATIE BELL ( madhulika sharma fc ) — PLAYED BY MYR!
ADMIN COMMENTS: you are a talented writer myr, that much is definitely obvious! we think you really showed us katie’s life & personality, and we think it fits very well with what we already know about her from the books. it was sad to read about her having to step down from her position at the caerphilly catapults, and her struggle with adjusting to the new reality is definitely something we’re interested in seeing written more about! can’t wait to have her around & thank you for your lovely application!
ADMIN COMMENTS: the moment our eyes hit “cold-blooded miss granger” we knew that we needed to accept your application. in your app you strike a really marvelous balance and demonstrate that you fundamentally understand hermione through & through. her voice shined through beautifully and we are so excited to see where you take her! also, JC your enthusiasm is infectious and we are so happy to have you join us!
ADMIN COMMENTS: lizzie, your application absolutely blew us AWAY! first off, badass ang who takes no shit? YES! we found the self-para journal entries a SUPER creative way to showcase your talent for writing; and angelina’s voice ALTOGETHER. plus, the fact that angelina is seeing a wizard therapist? man, at least SOMEONE is! we’re honored to welcome you to our group; we can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!
ADMIN COMMENTS: vee this app was GORGEOUS. we loved the way you delved deep into his life, it was beautifully written & carefully executed. we adored his relationship to dennis, his hard-core crush on harry, the his thinking behind the choice to join dumbledore's army. colin’s voice really shines through in your writing, and we could all tell that you have a very strong grasp on who he is. we are so happy to have you & your wonderful colin with us!
ADMIN COMMENTS: i think some of my favorite applications are the ones that take minor characters & make them super cool & interesting. and this was the case here!  from your analysis of his personality traits, to your explanation of his early life, to his secret, they all come together really nicely to form a beautifully well-rounded character. seriously, i think we all fell in love with your michael a little bit. 
ADMIN COMMENTS: anna, we’re STOKED to see our favorite lesbian PARVATI join the group. you have an incredibly solid grasp on the character and her background; not to mention, you’re such a TALENTED writer! the rivalry with padma, her twin, intrigues all of us and we can’t wait to see how that aspect in parvati’s life continues to develop. we’re so, so, SOOOO elated to welcome you to the ACCIOHQ group. THANK YOU for taking the time to submit your application; it was marvelous!
WELCOME SUSAN BONES ( jessie mei li fc ) — PLAYED BY LUCY!
ADMIN COMMENTS: lucy we were all SO ecstatic to see your application for susan. i’m pretty sure we all collectively fell in love with her a little bit by the time we got to the end. with the way her personality shone through in the way you wrote about her role as a protective big sister and her position at the ministry — how could we not? also? her secret? you REALLY went there are we absolutely applaud you for going in that direction. we’re so excited to have you & your susan around, and we can’t wait to see more!
ADMIN COMMENTS: i think tracey was one of the characters i, personally, really wanted to have around! slytherin girl gang, and all that — but zai, you REALLY delivered with this tracey app, you are an incredibly talented writer, but i love the creativity in ways you chose to show her personality most of all. the frequent haunts part, with la duchesse, asphodel & the valerian fits so well, and i loved the “being prejudiced against halfbloods and muggleborns and squibs would be bad for business” part in her beliefs section. we are excited to see more! 
 * we sent a message regarding her secret, and would love to chat with you about that!
WELCOME LUNA LOVEGOOD ( alessandra malabanan fc ) — PLAYED BY CAY!
ADMIN COMMENTS: just like the character you applied for, cay this application was extraordinary! verbatim, this is what admin janis said after reading it “lits SO luna, the voice is just... there!!” the personality traits are luna to a t, the secret is really cool, but the real star of the show is that drabble! luna’s voice, her presence of mind, her interactions with the shopkeeper — it’s all amazing. we are so excited for what comes next for your luna!
ADMIN COMMENTS: i’m gonna be honest with you laura, when you said you were submitting at the last minute, i would have never expected this app! it was so spectacular, it made me just wonder what amazing, god-tier kind of writing you must be capable of without time constraints. the characterization for blaise is so on point, and we love the god complex with low self-esteem combination. we think he’s going to be a wonderful addition to the group, and cannot wait to see him in action!
11 notes · View notes
k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 5 Part 9
Hello all, I am back with another exciting segment of Midnight Striga!! Admittedly, this one is slower than the prior chapter, but I still hope you all enjoy it.
Lilith strode forth, Eda hot on her heels. They circled through the Covention, spotting the representatives from the Major Nine assisting. The Construction Coven workers were rapidly working on structural damage dealt to key pillars and walls, members of the invading force held tightly by hastily assembled cells and chains, the Construction Head, and Lilith was genuinely puzzled as to where he had come from, looming over the invaders, personally guarding them. The Oracle, Healing, and Illusion Covens were working in concert, with the Oracles tracking down trapped or injured citizens while Illusionists either guided them to safety, or rescue workers to their locations, and the Healers had set up a clinic to attend to the injured.
The Plant and Abomination Covens worked to root out and capture the remaining attackers, many of whom were thrown into those same cells she had passed alongside the Construction Coven. The Beast Keeping Coven members used their abilities to track down and locate those stuck in areas inaccessible to the abilities of Oracles, allowing rescue workers to bring them to safety, the Bards using their magic to manipulate the pieces that the Construction members couldn’t move safely. The sight of the Covens working together, in harmony, brought a melancholy smile to Lilith’s face. Her mood plummeted further, however, when she saw the bodies.
Piles of corpses, so many they couldn’t lay them out properly and were overlapping in awkward lumps, were arranged before the Healers’ Clinic, families weeping over their loved ones, the ones who had been present with them at least. The rest would need to be informed. And not to mention the numerous corpses of Guards, some having died cleanly… others not so much. Titan, she really was a failure, wasn’t she? Shaking herself from her self-loathing, she turned to her sister. “Edalyn, I must ask, but do you have any idea what has occurred?”
“Well, from the looks of it, a huge fight.” Eda said, faux-humorously. Before Lilith could snap at her, she continued. “But seriously, while you were stuck in la-la land, that guy, Rudolph he called himself, said he and his group were part of the ‘Black Dog Squadron’ whatever that means, and that they were here to kill everyone for someone or something called Oroboros. Beyond that, I couldn’t say.” She recalled, face grave.
Lilith bit back a curse. Taking a deep, calming breath, she attempted to draw more information out of her sister; out of all the adults on the Isles, Eda’s knowledge of humans was estimated to be some of the best, by virtue of her regularly full stores of ‘treasures’ to sell. “Edalyn, I am begging you, if you have any knowledge of how this…” She gestured, to the corpses, to the crying parents and children, the ruined stands and damaged walls, ”all happened, I need you to tell me!” She pleaded.
Eda leveled an even stare on her sister, before slowly replying. “Lily, I had no idea how this happened, or what went into it occurring. As much as I hate Bonehead, if I had ANY idea that something like this was going on, I would’ve either let you know, or tried to stop it beforehand myself, maybe both.” Lilith searched her eyes, an almost desperate light burning within her, before sighing, accepting Eda’s words.
“As much as it pains me to say this, I will likely need your help for the moment.” Lilith said as evenly as she could, the bitter sting of acknowledging just how much her sister still outclassed her rearing its ugly head. “If any of these scavengers are still lurking about that are on the level of that maniac Rudolph, I will likely need your skill to defeat them before they can wreak further havoc.”
“Heh, glad to see you finally admitting my skills,” Eda preened, oblivious to Lilith's mood plummeting at her statement, before growing serious. “And yeah, of course. We may have had our differences, but I’m not gonna cut and run when kids are in the crossfire.”
Lilith nodded, relieved. She hated that she felt relieved; it was just another admittance of how Eda was better than her. Still, Lilith took in the sight of the dead guards, the mutilated children, and felt her resolve harden. It didn’t matter if Eda was better than her right now; justice was what was needed, and she would bring about that justice. She felt her eyes mist. It was the least she could do, as penance for failing them.
Throwing up her arms in confusion, Lilith exclaimed. “What I truly wish to know is how did Humans gain the ability to wield magic!? It should be impossible!! They lack a bile sack, so how did that-that maniac cast those spells!” She whirled on her sister. “Please tell me you didn’t know about this?”
Eda shrugged, feeling guiltily amused at Lilith’s flustered panic. “Eh, only for a few weeks or so. And let me tell you, it sure caught me by surprise!” She laughed. Eda paused, a thought occurring to her, but it was one she was hesitant to share. Biting her lip, she carefully broached the topic. “You know, I think I might know someone who could shed a little light on this whole mess.” She said cautiously.
Lilith zipped into Eda’s personal space, tightly gripping the front of her dress. “Truly!?” She asked, pleading honestly. “Where are they? Who are they!?”
“Well first off, personal space sis,” Eda bluntly stated, lightly pushing Lilith out of her comfort zone. Taking a breath, she added, “As to where they are, they honestly should be right here in the Covention.”
Lilith’s face fell, already fearing the worst. “But, if they were here, then wouldn’t they have had to face…” she gestured to one of the attackers being led to the cells, cackling insanely, “ Them?”
“Pffft! If goons like that were a serious problem, I’d be a little worried, but she’s crafty enough to stay alive, heck, she probably beat a few of them!” Eda cackled, before adding, with a hint of nervousness, “And, well, I hate that I got to ask this, Lily, but please keep an open mind when you meet her? Please?”
Lilith gave her sister a flat stare. “Edalyn, I have just had a rather large portion of my worldview regarding humans and the power and stability of the Isles torn out from under me, as have a large group of others. When word starts spreading, I have no doubt that more than a few people will either go into denial or mass hysteria.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Very little could properly phase me at the moment. So yes, Edalyn, I will keep an open mind.” She said the last part so dry and sarcastically that, if this weren’t serious, Eda would’ve been so proud to call them sisters. Eda nodded grudgingly, accepting her promise. With that, the two headed out. Eda really hoped the kid was okay.
Luz gasped and sputtered, nearly choking on her tears. Willow slowly rubbed circles on her back, calming some of her heaving and screams. Gus and Amity stood on the side, both feeling lost and awkward; neither was as close to Luz as Willow, but neither wanted to see the girl in such despair either. All three just wanted to know what was going on.
“Sshh… sshh… it’s gonna be okay.” Willow whispered, unbothered by the tears staining her dress; it had already been ruined from the blood and grime of the battlefield the Covention had turned into, but even if it was fresh and clean, Willow would gladly soil it for a friend to cry on. “You can talk to us, okay? And if you don’t want to, we’ll be here anyway.”
“She-She can’t be alive!!” Luz spluttered, tears clogging her throat. “She can’t be!! I can’t have abandoned her!” She wailed. It had to be a lie, it had to be!! Because, if it wasn’t… Luz would never be able to stop until she saved her, no matter what she’d have to do in order to do it.
“Who?” Amity hesitantly asked.
“My hostage.” Luz said glumly, her tears drying up for the moment. She reached into her jacket, pulling out a photo tucked inside, showing it to them, a watery smile forming on her face. “My sister.”
“Sister?” The group echoed, leaning forward. Staring back at them was a picture of Luz and, well, Luz! Or rather, they saw Luz standing by what they presumed was her identical twin. The two were still very much distinguishable from one another. The one on the left was clearly the Luz they knew, having a similar style, a wild and reckless grin stretched across her face. The one on the right, however, was shyly glancing away, a nervous smile on her face, hair tied back neatly with a pair of clips.
“Yeah, Vee.” Luz said, a melancholy look of remembrance on her face. “She was always my leash, even before I got drafted into Oroboros. Whenever I had some crazy idea, she’d talk me through it before I did something stupid.”
Willow and Gus sat down beside her, leaning close, Amity standing a respectful distance behind them, clearly listening. Luz continued. “One time, I got this idea to make home-made Lacrimas by shoving a bunch of magic into one spot, and Vee reminded me that neither of us knew how Lacrimas formed, and just stuffing magic into things blew them up.” She snickered, a tear tracing down her cheek. “And this one time, I was gonna try and tame a Wyvern, I actually went out and did it even! But then, Vee reminded me we had nowhere to keep it, and no way to feed it, so I found it a nice hunting ground, and convinced it to defend a nearby town.” She laughed out loud, a heavy, full-belly laugh that sent her sprawling, tears leaking.
She paused, tears in her eyes. “She was my best friend, the person who made every day away from home something bearable. She was my anchor, my rock, and Oroboros used her against me.” Her fingers dug into her hand, a pained look crossing her features. “If she’s actually been alive this whole time…” Her tears were cut off when Willow and Gus hugged her, both having tears of their own.
“Hey, it’s okay. We’ll get through this.” Willow stated, pulling away and looking Luz straight in the eye. “Oroboros is going to keep coming after the Isles, so you’ll probably get an answer one way or another. And either way, I’ll be right by your side.”
“And the same goes for me!” Gus chimed in. “Plus, my dad’s a reporter, so I can help find out new info for you to go off of!”
“And if I am available, I would not be averse to using my magic to fight against those who’ve threatened the Isles. Rescuing an innocent will be a nice bonus, I’d say.” Amity primly stated, sporting a confident look.
Luz gave the three an almost awestruck look. “You guys.”
“GET AWAY FROM THEM!!” A voice screamed, drawing their attention. Luz’s eyes widened as Lilith Clawthorne, Eda’s apparent sister, rocketed towards her, staff glowing with magic, her eyes burning with rage. Before she could smash Luz’s face in, however, Eda jumped in, tackling her sister to the ground.
“Sheesh, Lily! Chill out!” Eda cried, desperately wrestling her sister to the ground. “I told you to keep an open mind, remember?”
“What does that have to do with-” Lilith ranted, only to pause, eyes widening in realization. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” She groaned, hanging her head as Eda sheepishly chuckled.
“U-um… Eda, what’s happening?” Luz tentatively asked.
Eda really wanted to ask Luz why she’d been crying, but decided to put it off, focusing on the current issue. “Well,” She drawled, “My prissy sis here wanted info on everything that happened. And after thinking it over, I thought you’d be the best person to give it to her.” Eda stated, pointing at Luz decisively. As unbalanced as Luz’s emotions were at the moment, she could see the logic in that.
“Seriously!?” Gus cried, incredulous. “After what she just learned!?”
Eda blinked. “What? What’d she learn?” She asked, figuring that whatever it was was the reason behind Luz’s tears.
“Something we can talk about later. In. Private.” Luz stated, her face screaming ‘let it go for now!’ Eda grudgingly agreed.
“Ugh, can we please move back on to the topic of information?” Lilith growled, pulling herself up. She loomed over Luz, a suspicious glare emblazoned across her features. “I have a great many questions for you, human.”
“And I’m perfectly willing to answer them, Miss Clawthorne.” Luz replied, unblinking. She glanced around, taking note of the damage around them. “But maybe it’d be better if we went somewhere more private for this?”
Lilith nodded, seeing the logic in that. “Indeed, better we not be interrupted.” She turned to her sister. “If that is acceptable for you, Edalyn?” She asked, getting a shrug and a nod in return, the Witchlings following Eda’s lead. Lilith clapped her hands. “Well then, we’d better be going back to the main center, as I recall seeing the Covens building something of a camp there to deal with the aftermath of this mess. The Healer’s Clinic should have a room we can use.” And with that the group set off, a tension running through them after their collective ordeal.
Emira paced, frantically glancing about the interior of the Healer’s Station, Edric gloomily slumped next to her. Her eyes scanned the nearby groups, hoping to spot something, anything, that could give her some hint as to where her sister was. She and Edric knew she was here, but where had she disappeared to after being displayed up there with Lilith was the real question.
“Could you please stop pacing, sis?” Edric groaned, clutching his head. “It’s not going to just make her appear if you keep doing it.”
Emira whirled on her brother, fire in her eyes. “Well what do you expect me to do!? Maniacs barged into the Covention, massacred who knows how many people, and OUR SISTER IS MISSING!!! I don’t have a lot of options right now, now do I?” She brutally snapped, briefly yelling in the middle of it, before fading into a broken tiredness. All those people, those kids, all gone. If her sister was gone like that, and her only memories were of her and Edric pranking her… She looked into Edric’s eyes, and saw the same fear, the hopeless, helpless realization that Amity may be gone, and her only memories of them would be of all the times they gave her trouble.
Edric sighed, tiredly rubbing his eyes. “Believe me sis, I get it, but all we can do is wait, and hope she’s okay.” He patted the spot next to him, a clear invitation to sit. Emira gave one last furtive look around, and glumly complied. The two briefly wondered just how their parents would take all of this.
Bria bit her lip, glancing over at Gavin and Angmar. She didn’t consider them friends, not really. Maybe she’d change that? She wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure about much right now. She… had been made helpless. Magic like nothing she’d ever seen had been on display, and a LOT of people were dead. She, Gavin, and Angmar WOULD be dead. If it hadn’t been for Matty. Matty; goofy, clumsy, always taking the fall, boasting about his skills Matty, had saved their lives. Tears pricked her eyes, as she remembered how close she’d come to death, the sheer heartlessness on display. Was that what she was like? Some kind of monster? ...Was that what everyone was like at Glandus, behind all the excuses about being powerful?
“Hey, I got your drink!” Matty cheerfully replied, holding a glass out to her.
Bria shot him a half-hearted smile. “Thanks Matty.”
“Eh, it’s no problem.” He said, waving it off. “After all, we’re friends, right?”
“Yeah, friends.” Bria muttered, sipping her drink. Maybe… they really were friends. She’d have to talk to Angmar and Gavin about this. Maybe Hexside was still taking transfers.
Skara listlessly handed supplies to Bo, who was frantically patching up as many injuries as she could. Skara just felt so tired, so hollow. So many people had died. She’d seen little kids ripped apart, their parents crying over their bodies. She’d seen the opposite too, parents being cried over by their kids and family members.
Skara only had eyes for one thing, though. Boscha. Boscha was propped up on a bunk, at least two rows away, but still in Skara’s line of sight. She’d been brought in by a little demon, screaming and demanding that someone help her. Skara felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought that it wasn’t her demanding that someone heal her friend. Oh, wait, they weren’t friends anymore. It still hurt to think about, even though talking with Amity helped. The demon was hovering around Boscha, ranting and ordering around anyone and everyone who got close. In the back of her mind, Skara was honestly impressed at how unrelenting and exacting he was with his demands, even if no one was following them.
Then, Skara caught sight of another body brought in, another corpse. It was Batthew, a nice guy who had flirted with her a few times before. He was sweet, in his own way, and was really fond of going over the top. His throat had been slashed open. Skara didn’t fight the tears as they came.
Lilith pulled up a seat, eyes glaring daggers at the human seated before her. One way or another, she was going to get the answers she needed. She briefly spared a glance at Perry Porter, a known and well-viewed reporter upon the Isles, and one known for being unabashedly honest and direct in his reporting, something that earned him several points with the populous, as they knew they could trust his information. The boy, Augustus, had called him in after they’d gotten to the emergency clinic the Healers had established, citing a need for the people to understand what had happened. Thinking of her own impending reveal to the public, Lilith had agreed. If all turned out well, both could be accomplished together.
Lilith leaned forward. “Now then, human, it’s time for you to answer my questions. The People of the Isles are dying to hear what you have to say.” She said, eyes half-lidded.
Luz placed her hands on her chin, a brave smile on her face. “Ask away. I’m all ears.”
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chadbaileyanimates · 5 years
“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”
I’ve heard that expression a lot during my own personal journey of life and attempting to pursue my dreams. I would hear if from mentors, and peers. From athletes and celebrities in interviews and from some family and friends. However just recently 2 unrelated instances have given that expression new meaning for me and I think, finally, helped me understand what that message MAY be trying to convey.
The first instance I heard it most recently this week was during the Kobe Bryant Memorial/Tribute that was on TV. The tribute was playing a clip of Kobe from, what I can only assume was his speech during his LA LAKERS Basketball jersey retirement ceremony only a few years ago. In it Kobe says:
“...those times when you get up early & work hard. Those times when you stay up late and work hard... THAT is actually the dream. ....it’s not the destination, it’s the journey. If you guys can understand that... then what you’ll see happen is that, you won’t accomplish your dreams. Your dreams won’t come true. Something greater will. “
Now before I dissect what Kobe said in more detail, I want to go back to the original expression. “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey, that matters.”
I could never understand that quote. It never made sense to me. Most of all while I was struggling to reach my destination of working at an Animation studio and be a professional animator. I spent countless hours behind my computer day in and day out trying to create enough quality work that I could present to studio and someday live out my dream of calling a place like Disney, Pixar or Blue Sky Studios my, “day job”.
Ever since I was a child I loved art. And ever since college I had trained and studied to be a professional animator. After college I was working a traditional day job that was not my dream and all I could do to keep positive and productive was to focus on one day getting out of my current job and reaching this pinnacle of life success I had set for myself.
So imagine my reactions anytime I would hear that: reaching your dream really wasn’t the important thing, the special thing. That somehow “now”, my journey, my process, was what I should be happy about? It didn’t make sense! I was putting everything I had into getting hired at one of those studios— At any animation studio! Tiring late nights of work, countless rejection emails or letters. Potential opportunities never coming to fruition. The idea of me “enjoying THIS?! “ Never made any sense.
Now the second time this week this age old expression made its way back into my life recently was the catalyst for me writing this blog post today...
While I was listening to the Gary Vee podcast, and if you don’t know who he is— I highly recommend you Google him! Anyhow, the podcast this episode was a recording of a live talk he gave. It was during the Q & A portion of the talk that someone got up to ask Gary a question. This man started out by giving Gary some background on himself. The man stated that he had spent the majority of his career at his current job and he had been aspiring and working the whole time to reach this senior position as a “Regional manager” ( or something of the sort). He told Gary he was promoted and had reached his desired position about 6 months ago—and he couldn’t have been more miserable! He continued from there, and Gary gave him some life guidance and the episode carried on. But something in that moment struck me!
Maybe it was all the events from the week mixed with some of the words Gary Vee has said earlier in the podcast. Whatever it was, that expression came rushing in and mixed with Kobe’s previous words.
This guy in the podcast had reached his goal ...and he wasn’t happy? Now it could have just been him, an isolated incident. But how many times can you think of something you wanted desperately and it turned out to not be as satisfying as you thought? Some new clothes you were waiting for? A new car, a new job? When you can’t wait to win some award or accolade, achieve a land mark, reach a personal best. Why is it that sometimes, not all the times, whatever you may have been chasing doesn’t seem as good once you catch it?? Now that question alone is worthy of its OWN blog post haha, and this one is already getting too long. So putting that aside let’s go back to Kobe’s quote from earlier.
“...those times when you get up early & work hard. Those times when you stay up late and work hard... THAT is actually the dream. ....it’s not the destination, it’s the journey. If you guys can understand that... then what you’ll see happen is that, you won’t accomplish your dreams. Your dreams won’t come true. Something greater will.
That got me thinking; what if the best part of having a dream is the ACT of trying to achieve it?! What if the steps you take to try to get you where you want to be is actually when you will feel your best?
The sense of satisfaction you have in yourself when you’re being consistent and dedicated to what you want most in life. Being proud of yourself as you achieve small victories on the road to your overall goal. The feeling of happiness with your work ethic and discipline as you trudge and struggle along. During the “journey” there is a mix of anticipation to receiving what you had hoped for and the idea of what it will be like for you once your goals are met.
But more than anything else, what if the best part of having a dream or a goal is the feeling of Purpose it gives you? A destination. A benchmark to hit. A goal to achieve. And then what of the sense of emptiness that MAY come when you no longer have that anymore? So while people rush to get past the journey, for the 1st time I really see how perhaps the journey really IS the best part. And instead of being impatient for it to be over, we should consider how good we have it NOW, and appreciate all the journey really has to offer us.
This really was meant to be a positive post & I hope it comes across that way in its underlying message. My mind is still reeling from this new conclusion and I’m completely in shock at this new perspective. I for one, will be approaching my process: my journey to continue after my life long dream, in a much more mindful and thoughtful way from now on.
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littlemisskookie · 6 years
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Playgirl: Kiwi Black Sheep Scott Pilgrim Horns LA Devotee S.L.U.T. Boy Ship: Playgirl!Reader | Namjoon Description: You attend a frat party the inductees throw. Warnings: Choking, Tie Kink? Face Fucking, Deepthroating, Intercourse, Humiliation, Dirty Talk, Degrading Names, Fingering, Spanking, Slapping, Dom!Joon Word Count: 4,156 Song: Horns by Bryce Fox
Part of you regretted having to attend this damn party the inductees threw. But as Namjoon explained it'd be expected for you to show up, especially since you had helped him with the presentation. The theme for the night was jocks versus nerds, which was pretty cliche, but you didn't mind.
You stared down at your sexy nerd outfit, a schoolgirl skirt and white button down, complete with a blue tie. You wore pigtails and fake glasses, matching the theme.
Soyeon stepped into your room, eyeing your outfit. "You look nice," she complimented. "I don't know why you don't want to go, though. You love parties more than I do."
You nodded, noting that she hadn't attended a single party since her breakup with Taehyung- but you weren't going to force her into anything. "The theme's nerds and jocks, so I went this route," you said, adjusting the tie.
"I... Do you think it'd be ok if I tag along?" Soyeon asked nervously.
You looked at her, surprised by her request. "Sure. I'd probably need company anyway. You sure you'll be ok?"
"I doubt I'll run into Tae," Soyeon assured you. "And if I do... It'll be fine. It's been more than a month since I've partied- I need to get back out there, no?"
"Yeah, sure," you smiled. "This'll be good for you."
"What should I wear? I don't think I have any fake glasses," Soyeon questioned. "Oh, what about the slutty cheerleader costume I wore last Halloween?"
"That could work," you encouraged. Secretly you were super relieved that she'd be there. It'd provide more opportunities for you to avoid a certain someone. It wasn't because you were ashamed of your past- it was more like you were ashamed of your present. And you didn't want him to see that side of you.
An hour later and a few beers down and Soyeon had disappeared into the crowd. You were left drinking beer, looking out at the party the inductees threw. You could spy them- they were the ones who didn't get drunk and kept an eye on everything, making sure it was all in order. You felt a bit of pride on that note, but you were quickly whisked out of that good mood when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You tensed up, seeing Jin. "Oh, hey." Your tone is clipped and awkward, and you gulp down the rest of your drink, knowing you didn't want to be sober for this conversation.
"Hey," he said, pressing his plush lips together. "Uh... do you think we could talk?"
"About what?" You played dumb, looking at him with wide eyes. No no no, you did not want to have this conversation. You'd rather die in a hole than confront a problem. You just liked to walk away before it escalated- but you guessed Jin couldn't walk away from you.
Jin narrowed his eyes. "You know exactly what I mean. Vee, I busted a lip for you back there."
"I didn't ask you to," you mutter. "I could've handled myself."
"You can't seem to handle anything, considering the fact you ran out of the room in the first place," Jin said, caging you against the wall, both arms on either side of you. "Vee. We can act like adults about this. I know that I might've sprung it up on you, and you're not the relationship kind of girl, but I want you to know that-"
Before he could finish his sentence, however, a hand pushed against his chest, flaring nostrils and glaring eyes meeting you. Your blood ran cold as Taehyung's handsome face glared at yours, and he was grabbing your arm. "We need to talk."
Jin pushed against his shoulder, brows furrowed. "Dude, what the fuck? I was having a conversation."
"It's a Soyeon thing," Taehyung grunted.
At that, Jin let the younger man go, face falling. "Oh... that. Wait- what happened?"
"First I've got to talk to Vee," Taehyung said, dragging you along. You could do nothing more than be pried away from Jin as you scrambled after Taehyung, wondering what he could be going on about. Truth be told, though, you were kind of scared. You had never seen Taehyung so pissed. But despite that, you were grateful to leave the awkward situation that was transpiring between you and Jin.
Taehyung took you to a secluded closet, turning on the light as he crossed his arms. You blinked up at him, confused and unaware of what had him so moody.
"I get Soyeon's still pissed- but this is low, even for her," Taehyung growled, his voice low.
"I... I'm lost," you said. "And I don't think it's very wise of us to be in a closet together. Not that you're not attractive or I don't trust you or anything- but I don't want someone to catch us in here and get the wrong idea. Hell, how would we know Soyeon didn't see us walk in here?"
"Oh, trust me, that won't happen," Taehyung hissed. "I just saw her fucking one of my best friends."
Your eyes went wide as you processed the situation. "Oh... I'm sorry you had to see that, Tae. I had no idea honestly. I lost her about half an hour ago and had no clue where she went."
"It's not your fault," Taehyung grunted. "But that's just stepping over the line- she could've picked anyone else and yet she decided my best friend."
"She's probably just drunk," you explain, trying your best to defend her. "And you guys broke up- why would you care?"
"I care because someone told me where she was, and I was going up there with a box of chocolates and an apology card, about to beg for her back saying I probably made the biggest mistake of my life letting her go, and then I find her bouncing on my frat-brother's dick," Taehyung sighed. "So sure, why would I care?"
Your face falls, and you rub his arm tenderly. "I'm so sorry, Tae. I... If you had gotten to her a few minutes earlier, maybe it would've been different. But that's not how things went so... What're you going to do?"
"I just want to know if she still even wants me," Taehyung mumbled. "Or if I should give up now."
"I'm not one to input my opinion here, Taehyung. I don't know why you came to me," you mumble. "I thought you moved on when I caught you in the bathroom with another girl."
"After you did I didn't move forward," Taehyung admitted. "I was too shaken up. But I did sleep with someone else after I broke up with her. I dunno, you know how guys are. Right after the breakup, it's great, but then they get lonely and realize their mistake. It's the opposite for chicks."
"I suppose. I'm not too familiar with breakups to know," you confessed. "But I do wish you and Soyeon the best of luck working things out- getting back together or not. Just do what'll make both of you happy and communicate."
"For someone who's literally repulsed at the idea of having a love life, you give good advice," Taehyung chuckles, tugging playfully on one of your pigtails. He swings open the closet door, giving you a grateful smile. "Thanks, Val."
Your face falls. "Don't call me that here, Tae- someone could hear and-"
You wince, and Taehyung slips away into the crowd. You turn towards Jungkook, frozen stiff as a board. "Oh, hey Jungkook," you greet, flinching. He's dressed as a jock, a sporty coat on. "Didn't see you here."
"Yeah- I'm so glad we ran into each other, it's been too long," Jungkook grinned. "I haven't seen you in forever."
"Yeah, tell me about it," you say, scratching the back of your head.
"So, how do you like the party? It's part of my job to ask, since I'm one of the inductees who helped throw it," Jungkook smiled.
"It's great. You did a good job- most of the parties don't even have themes, so it's a nice change," you compliment.
"Say, why'd you run out when I greeted you at that induction meeting," Jungkook brings up.
"Oh, I had to run some errands," you blatantly lie. Quick to change the subject, you think of another topic. "So what brings you to this school anyway? I thought you were at Crestmont."
Jungkook smiled. "I was, but I decided to transfer here. You know, get away from our hometown and all that. None of the kids from there come here, and when I saw you here I was glad to see a familiar face. I mean, I remember how things used to be when we were in high school. We were close back then, but I was sad we lost touch."
"Me too," you admit. "I guess I was just busy. Y'know, college and all that."
"I get it," he assured you, coll and level-headed as always.
Truth was, Jungkook was exactly the kind of guy who you didn't want to know about your reputation. But if someone didn't tell him already, he was bound to find out soon, especially since he'd be at this frat's parties. Jungkook was a close friend of yours back in high school, and the two of you were close. Hell, you might've even had a sexual crush or something of the sort back in the day- but you could hardly remember it now.
But you just didn't want him to find out and go blabbing to all of the people back home. You trusted Jungkook wouldn't do that, but you undoubtedly grew out of the image Jungkook would've pictured for you, and you weren't sure if he did as well. Though the scrawny little kid you used to know way back when was now built into a fully grown man, and you couldn't help but let your eyes rake along the muscles that looked taught and bulky beneath the thin fabric of his tight shirt.
"Hey, Vee!" Namjoon popped up behind Jungkook, beer in hand as he slapped the boy's shoulder in that 'macho' way. He's dressed as a fellow nerd, a loose tie and his spectacles acting as his makeshift outfit. He looked like a nerd no matter what he wore, in your opinion. "See you're making sure our inductees are frat worthy- huh?"
"Vee?" Jungkook repeated in confusion, brows furrowed.
"Uh, yeah. This one's a keeper," you assured Namjoon with a smile.
"I'll say. He put the most effort into this shindig," Namjoon complimented, grinning to Jungkook as a sense of flattery.
You rolled your eyes, flinching. "Who the hell says shindig, any more?"
"I'll leave you two to it- I've got to check on others," Jungkook says, quickly leaving the two of you be.
You look up at Namjoon, a cocky smirk on your face. "You know... I did say it'd be your turn next time, didn't I?"
Namjoon's eyes widened. "Oh?"
"Surprised you haven't called me up on the offer. Jimin said you were interested. Guess I'm just disappointed," you sigh playfully. "Don't tell me you're that shy now."
"No, it's not that," Namjoon assures you with a warm smile, though his eyes are cold.
A shiver runs down your spine automatically, but you don't acknowledge it. "How come, then?"
"Because you wouldn't be able to handle it."
Your blood runs cold, and you lick your lips, stepping forward to run your fingers along the fabric of his shirt. "I think you underestimate me, Joonie."
He smirked at you, quirking a questionable brow as he slowly took your tie in his fingers, pushing it up where the knot was at the base of your throat, and you stepped back, head slamming into the closet door as your breath hitched. Your hands wrapped around the frat president's wrist, which was firm in holding the tie against your throat, making sure the veins along your neck would pop beneath the skin around the tie. Namjoon looked up to you skeptically, his eyes searching yours. "Still think you can handle it?"
You let out a shaky smile, your face blooming red as he finally slightly loosened the tie. "Why? Is that all you've got?"
It seemed to be only those words that had him dragging you to his bedroom, kicking the door back with his foot as he shoved you inside, yanking again on your tie to choke you, forcing you to jut your chin upwards to face him. You felt the sharp sting of his palm against your cheek, and you grinned as he shook the tie.
"You must really be a cockslut if you like this," Namjoon chuckled, watching your face bloom red.
"Uh huh," was all you could choke out, your breath hitching as you felt your lungs begin to burn in your chest.
Namjoon let go of the tie, letting you gasp for breath as it hung loosely, though the collar of it was still snug. You loosened it, sure that bruises would blossom around the collum of your throat. You stared up at Namjoon, eyes wide as he quickly unfastened his belt, staring down at you until he finally unsheathed his erection.
You reached up to touch it, but he swatted your hands away. "No hands," he commanded, instead opting to grab onto your pigtails. Your eyes widened as he moved you closer to his cock, and you wrapped your mouth around it, sucking him in as he let out a throaty groan. He started to maneuver your movements, bobbing your head up and down his girth. Soon enough you weren't doing any of the work, just letting him tug at your pigtails as he aggressively thrust into your relaxed throat. Your pigtails were merely handlebars, and he was using you like his new makeshift fleshlight.
"God, fuck, you feel so good," Namjoon groaned, tilting his head back. Perspiration popped up along his temple as he sweated, using an extreme amount of force as he repeatedly rammed himself into your throat. You relaxed your jaw as best you could, though it was beginning to ache from his ministrations. You typically wouldn't be so trusting of this amount of kink for a new sex partner- but you knew Joonie for so long that you were confident he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Besides, you most definitely liked this treatment from the typically sweet boy.
You felt like some sort of school girl having sex with her teacher. What, with Namjoon's open-mouthed pants and the glasses slipping down his nose, to the way his hands were tightly wound in your pigtails as he pumped into your mouth with brutal force- it was so sexy and wrong that you felt wetness pooling into your underwear, begging for attention.
You gripped onto Namjoon's thighs, trying to halt his movements, feeling your lungs trying to collapse upon themselves like dying stars. He halts his movements, pulling out of your mouth, and a string of saliva interconnects your lips to the head of his dick for but a brief moment before it falls, breaking. You're left drooling over yourself, and your head throbs on the areas of your scalp that he tugged at.
You look up at him, waiting for his next command. His dick is shiny with your slobber all over it, and he pumps it gingerly, feeling the beads of precum spilling from the head of his cock. He walked forward, slapping his dick against the side of your cheek, and you couldn't help but grin at the feeling, the wet thwaps making you squeeze your thighs together.
"You like this, huh?" Namjoon questions, purposefully rubbing his dick against the side of your face.
"Mhm," you hum. "I love your cock."
He didn't hesitate to slap you, your head swinging to the side. But he knew you liked it based on your eagerness from before. He leaned down, face to face with you, gripping onto your chin to force you to make eye contact. Your cheeks squish between his fingertips, and your lips pucker out. You wonder to yourself when was the last time he was able to properly get his rocks off with a girl this compliant and submissive.
"Want to know why you were slapped?" he questions sternly, as though he were a parent who had to spank their child, though it hurt the parent more so than the one on the receiving end.
"Why?" you manage to ask.
"Because you're a cockslut. And cock sluts get slaps," Namjoon answered. He slaps you again before standing up, pointing to the bed. "Get on all fours on the bed- and don't make me ask again."
You're quick to scramble up there, and you hear him chuckle at your eagerness. You get on all fours, and you feel the bed shift behind you with his added weight, and he flips your skirt over, hooking a single digit into your panties as he drags them down your legs and off the bed. You feel the cold air reach your wet pussy and bare ass, and you couldn't help but shiver at the feeling.
You yelped when you felt a sharp spank at your rear. "Spread your legs," Namjoon grunted. You did so, your back arching as you pressed your chest against the mattress. You felt his finger slide up your slit to your dripping entrance, a sharp intrusion as he began pumping it inside, curling it into the sweet spot right behind your clit.
"You're so wet. I didn't even do anything," he marveled. "I bet my dick could just slide in already."
You wiggled your ass, pushing it into his hand. "Please- I need it."
He pulled it out, slapping your ass again, some of your juices smearing onto the flesh. "Of course you do. Cock sluts like you always need a good dicking down."
You moan unabashedly at his dirty words, wiggling your ass as you sought his cock, digits, tongue- anything. He leaned over to the nightstand, retrieving a condom as he undid the wrapper, pulling it over his length. He chuckled, and you felt him get nearer, hands hooking in front of you to slip beneath your thighs, spreading your legs further. You felt the head of his dick run along your folds, gathering some of your slippery juices before he sunk the head of his cock into your entrance, pushing slowly inch by inch.
You curled your fingers into the covers, biting on your lip as you felt the pleasurable burn of his dick against your walls, stretching you out. You felt his hands press against your shoulders, forcing you to dive face first into the mattress until he was balls deep.
He groaned at the sensation, your warm walls squeezing around him. "Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned. "You good?"
"Mhm," you hummed, panting. He released his grip on your shoulders, and you properly raised your chest from the mattress, supporting your weight with your arms. "Move, please."
He didn't await further requests, slamming himself into you with one brutal thrust that had you gasping outright, closing your eyes as you contracted around him. He repeated another one, pauses in between as he let you get used to the feel of him before soon he couldn't maintain further self-control and was hammering himself into you, his balls repeatedly slapping against your cunt as he buried himself inside of it.
You wantonly moan, the long-awaited coil of pleasure forming in the pit of your stomach. It was slowly stretching, waiting for the peak of pleasure where it'd be allowed to snap.
You feel Namjoon's fingers reach towards the base of your neck, and you think he's about to squeeze to choke you again, but instead, he reaches for your tie, twisting it around where the dangling tie was on your back. He yanked on it tightly, and you feel your breath stolen from you again, and you're forced upwards to an upright position, his dick still slamming into you, but your fingers no longer able to so much as graze against the covers.
You feel his chest against your sweaty backs, the perspiration evident even between layers of thin fabric. You gasp out, feeling his fingers rub against your clit. You arch your back, feeling your cheeks burn as they turn red, and you aren't able to so much as gasp out.
You feel the coil stretch out further, at its max potential, and you're just waiting for it to snap. Namjoon's panting, and you suspect he's closer than you expected. "Are you close?" he grunts, an aggressive roll of the hips that has you bucking into his awaiting hand.
You nod desperately, unable to beg for him to let you cum. You wanted to plead and whine, but your voice was stolen from you by how tightly the fabric around your neck was squeezing, acting as Namjoon's makeshift leash for the bitch you were.
"Cum then, cockslut," Namjoon commanded in a firm rasp, lips brushing against your neck. You feel your eyes roll behind your shut eyelids, and you shudder in his arms, feeling him continue to rub circles into your small nub.
He lets go of your tie, now wrapping both arms around you as he continues to pump into you, only using you to get himself off. You were completely limp in his arms as he uses you to chase his own high, and soon enough he's cumming into the condom, slowing down his movements with labored breaths.
You collapse once he lets you go, and you feel completely weak, in a state of both external and internal bliss. You close your eyes, letting out a content hum.
Namjoon smiles, loosening your tie to make sure it's no longer to snug on your neck. He adjusts your clothes, making sure they're fit and no longer a mess. Or at least he does as best as he could, considering the fact you weren't budging an inch. "I'd offer you a place to sleep in my bed, but I know you hate that sort of thing. But still, if you make an exception and decide to spend the night, you're more than welcome to take my bed."
"That's sweet of you," you smile, patting his cheek with one hand, admiring the dimple that pops up along with his smile. "But I really should get back home. And not just because of my whole 'no spending the night' thing. I'm Soyeon's ride- and I don't know if she's spending the night at the person's house."
"Soyeon hooked up with someone?" Namjoon asked, eyes wide.
"Uh, yeah. Taehyung walked in on her. He was pretty upset," you tell him. "One of your frat brothers actually."
"Shit, he must be crushed," Namjoon cursed. "I'm sure things will work themselves out. But yeah, you should probably get home. Go find her and see if she still wants the ride home. Oh, and if you ever want to do this again- I'm down."
"Sure thing," you laugh, grasping his hand as he helps you to your feet. "Trust me, I am too. Hopefully next time I'll make it out in one piece."
Namjoon smirked to you, adjusting your pigtails, despite the fact they were probably half pulled out by now. "Baby- I was going easy on you."
You're well aware that you look positively wrecked- way more wrecked than when you were in the closet with Hoseok. Regardless, the stares you get from the strangers nearby only confirm your suspicions, but you don't really care. At the moment you had to find Soyeon.
You search the crowds, squinting your eyes as you try to look for the familiar cheerleader costume. Unfortunately for you, too many of the girls here decided they'd show up as cheerleaders. And slutty ones at that. Which meant there were about a dozen Soyeon-look-alikes in the room, which really wasn't any help.
"Soyeon!" you shout, cupping your hands. Maybe you should check upstairs and see if she were still with that frat guy, though you doubted it. Soyeon wasn't the type to sleepover for one night stands. Though back then when she was single and before Tae was years ago. This was her first serious rebound in quite a while.
You quickly spot her, however, calming your worries. She's laying down on a couch, half asleep, leaning on the shoulder of Jimin. You figured she must be passed out drunk, and Jimin doesn't seem to be doing anything, only letting her rest on his shoulder as he glares at any guys who eye the unconscious girl too pervy.
You're about to run to her when you run into what feels like a brick wall. Arms grip onto your shoulders, however, and with wide eyes, you look up to Jungkook.
He eyes you, taking in your appearance. He gives you a cocky, sideways grin. "Y'know, you seem to look pretty wrecked lately. Guess you're not the innocent little girl I used to know, huh?"
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itoshit · 3 years
Time slowly went by, days turning to nights. And nights turning to days. That day, when I left Vee, I didn't think it would have been the last time I saw her. But she left. My men found her quickly of course, some even offered me to bring her back to me. But the whole point was to not be in contact anymore. I refused to see any picture of her, to see what she was up to. Ran's reports were enough for me. My heart was hurting me, especially when I learnt the existence of her friend, Darren. I was in the private room of one of our clubs, and Ran showed me a picture of them together. She seemed happy, healthy. And I was glad to be out of her life at that moment because honestly, I shattered everything and everyone that I touched.
It was not too long after I cut our strings. I remember that night vividly because that was my very first step to hell. Drinking to forget what I saw, I apparently passed out. Sanzu was the one bringing me back home. My place didn't look good anymore, but I didn't care. No one would stay here except me anyway. I wasn't even sleeping in my bed anymore, not that I was sleeping in the first place. But I couldn't do it. Too hard. Her scent lingered everywhere in my room, in her room. The small amount of sleep that I had was spent on my couch. Christmas went by too, and nothing happened. Her coat and the concert ticket were left untouched in my bedroom, in a random drawer. That evening, I stayed alone in my apartment, trying to imagine what it would have been with Vee around. We would have probably been drinking and laughing, making out on my couch. I'm sure she would have wanted me to buy a Christmas tree, and we would have decorated it together. And the night would have finished somewhere in my apartment, both naked and drowning in each other's touch.
Six months have passed. I tried so hard to forget her face with the many girls trying to get into my pants. I tried so, so hard. But I've never been able to touch someone else. Vee was like a drug, and I was experiencing it. But I was so content for her, she looked like she was finally balancing everything in her life, and she was probably grateful for that. She probably didn't want me back in her life, and I would never dare to enter hers anyway. She must felt relief after all that ended up.
I went back to the Mikey I was before meeting Vee, the cold; heartless man I used to be. My black hair was the only different thing from that past.
Every night I recalled our moment spent together, the only vestige of her was in mind.
Well, my vision seemed to be quite subjective and false, because on few occasions, the guys talked to me. Kakucho, Sanzu, Takeomi and Ran were the ones telling me how I changed, in a bad way. To them, I was more reckless. There were probably right, not that it mattered anyway.
Dante and La Cosa Nostra became close allies, the first trying his best to ease my heart. He presented me to his wife and children, and they were probably the ones who helped me getting through all that shit.
My life didn't make sense anymore. Without Vee by my side, I could finally say it, I was nothing. A dead man walking. While she looked so... full of life.
I saw Senju multiple times, and what I said to Vee was obviously completely false. I've never let myself be tempted with her flirt. The Yamaguchi-gumi stayed on the low for a while too, making their presence known from time to time.
They attacked one of our clubs once, and I almost died in the process. That's maybe what the guys reproached me when they said that I was reckless. Luckily though, Sanzu helped me. Got shot close to the heart, would have died if he didn't push me at the last minute.
The not so discreet scar that I had on my chest was a daily reminder that life was, even for me, something ephemeral.
Tonight was no different than the other nights. Would drown myself in work, files, alcohol and memories of Vee. That scared me because I was slowly starting to forget the sound of her voice.
You can't keep doing that
Doing what?
You're not living, you're just... surviving. Amico mio, it's not good. Even Luka noticed your pain, shall I remind you he's only 8? You need to do something.
Look Dante, I appreciate your concern but I'm working right now. Did you call me to say something else?
Your girl has been-
She's not mine anymore. I lost her long ago.
... Venus is going outside tonight. Ran told me and as requested from you, my men keep an eye on her. She hasn't been outside since you stopped talking. You should come and-
Scoffing at him, I rolled my eyes, forehead pressed against my hand.
Dante, just... don't. She's clearly better off without me, and the Yamaguchi-gumi understood she wasn't someone who counted for -
But that was a lie! Manjiro. You could try again with her! We could finish them off, and you two could be happy together. It's just-
No we won't. They got the message when we blew their hideout up. No needs to start something big like this once again, especially when we all know the finality of it.
And what is if if you're so sure of yourself? You know what? I'm gonna bring her to you tonight. You're always staying at your office, expect her and I to be here.
... Venus doesn't need me. She realised she didn't miss me, and that I was only a cancer in her life. I need to go, don't call me again. Thank you for what you did back then.
Hanging up, I left my phone on my desk, leaving my office, but not before asking my executives to meet me in our meeting room.
What's up Mikey?
All sat around me, I looked at them first, before speaking.
Just, thanks for what you did for me.
Snorting, Sanzu stared at me, pupils dilated.
Why does it look like farewells though?
You can leave, you have your evening off. Find some pussy to fuck, get drunk, get high. Do what you want. I want you all to be here tomorrow before 8am.
Groaning, Sanzu stood up, and was the first to leave the room.
You okay?
Of course I am Ran.
Nodding, he patted my shoulder while Rindou simply smiled at me.
Koko had an eyebrow raised.
What's up with you Mikey?
Nothing. You can go Hajime.
Eh? First time you're saying my name. But alright, goodnight Mikey
Now alone with Mochizuku and Takeomi, I turned to them.
Guess I'll head to the strip club then.
Go ahead Kanji
Door closing, I felt Takeomi's eyes on me.
What are you up to Mikey?
Nothing, just need a night away from work. Why aren't you leaving?
Raising his hands in defeat, Takeomi stood up, and as he was going to exit the meeting's room, he stilled.
Manjiro. Don't do anything stupid yeah?
No worries.
Eventually alone, I sat back on the chair, chin on my crossed hands. Would I regret what I was about to do? Probably not. Vee gave me hope, showing me some good time. But I wasn't destined to happiness. My place was in darkness, in hell.
An hour passed, and directing myself to my office, I checked the security cameras. It was 9pm, everyone left the building, as I requested beforehand.
Turning one last time to my office, I suddenly imagined Vee here, with me. Taking my gun off my hoster, I put it on my desk. Closing the door behind me, I went to the roof.
The last time that I've been here was when Sanzu surprised me, and when I said to him that if I happened to die, he would take the lead.
Guess nothing has changed since then.
Approaching my feet from the edge, I looked behind, a flash blinding me for a while. The good old days, when I was Toman's leader, Ken-chin by my side. Takemichi, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, the Kawata twins and the others were below, acclaiming me.
How were they doing now? Did they find happiness? I hope so. Vee crossed my mind too, leaving a warm feeling in my heart.
Throwing a glance at the concrete, I felt cold sweat on my forehead.
I'm sorry, Venus
TO EXPLAIN MYSELF - I wanted to keep the final scene from the manga, when Bonten Mikey is with Takemichi. It's not to destroy the good mood at all, but I do think Mikey is someone who's extremely tortured in his life (as everyone knows lmao) so in this case, where him and you were an item and he had strong feelings toward you, obviously it will destroy him more. Hopefully it's not a triggering subject for you, if it is, I'm sorry bby 😔
see now mod… *exhales*
Yeah, I don’t know about this, Dee.
We stood outside the bar, which from the outside, looked pack to capacity already. Apprehension consumed me. Darren noticed, taking my hand into his and squeezing it.
Do you wanna go home? he asked gently. We don’t have to go in if you don’t want to.
I shook my head. If I couldn’t do this, with my best friend no less, I probably wouldn’t be able to do any social event.
No, I’m fine. But we are leaving before 11.
He winked at me.
Fuck yeah we are.
We walked in together at that, arm in arm. Eyes flitted to us and then away when they realized we weren’t anybody of importance. A few lingered on me, recognizing me from the news maybe. I ignored them, allowing Darren to introduce me to his friends. He was right, they were nice. We shared a few drinks, me only having one beer to the others four. After Natalie, I just didn’t trust drinking anymore. Or people in general, always looking outside of people’s actions for their hidden motives.
We left at ten as promised. I shoved Darren and a couple of his friends into separate Ubers since they were way too drunk for me to even trust them driving. After I managed to get transportation for the final drunkard that I was with that night, I started walking toward my own car. But I noticed something. Somebody was following me. Clutching onto the pocketknife I started carrying ever since I got back home, I steeled myself with the thought of pulling it out and taking a life if needed be.
As the person neared, my grip on the hilt was knuckle-white and tight, with little to no chance of slipping off. When they touched me, I spun around fast, placing the knife right beneath their throat. I was smart enough to avoid streetlights.
Who the fuck are you? I snarled, pressing the knife closer with each word I spoke.
The man threw up his hands quickly, but made no move to disarm me. I’m with Dante of La Casa Nostra.
Me, somebody spoke from our left. I chanced a look and found a man sitting in the back of a heavily tinted jeep. My heart sunk. I learned a long time ago that tinted jeeps were the poster cars for criminal organization and gang leaders to move around in. My name is Dante, Venus, and I came to you requesting help.
Funny way of asking for it, I bit, throwing a look to the man who was following me. And besides, I don’t think I can help you.
It’s about Mikey.
I froze, unsure how to answer for a few seconds, then eventually came up with a, I don’t know a Mikey.
We were there with the Yamaguchis, Venus. La Casa Nostra was a big help in aiding Bonten in that victory. Our sniper was the one that saved your life. So technically, you owe me.
Could I even argue that? I had a feeling that even if I wanted to, there was only stalling I could do before he lost his patience and just forced me to do what he wanted. Powerful men weren’t used to being challenged, after all. Slowly, I placed my knife in my pocket, but always kept it ready to grab in case I had to run. I walked up to the Jeep and hopped in beside Dante, keeping my distance at the same time.
What do you want?
I wanted to get straight to the point, go home if possible.
It’s Mikey, he sighed, pinching his nose as if even the thought of the man pained him to talk about. He’s… not doing so well. Not sleeping, barely eating, wasting away.
Have you ever stopped to consider he was always like that?
It honestly sounded like he was behaving just as he was—
But that was before you met him, Venus.
I clenched my jaw, remembering how he had started eating and sleeping at my request, soon not even needing me to tell him to do either at all. A certain beach date flashed into my mind and I shook my head to rid myself of the memory. Dante observed my reaction, and I wanted to pinch myself for giving an observable one.
Either way, I’m worried, Venus. Mikey is a good guy, an extraordinary ally, but with the way things are looking…I don’t think he’s going to survive much longer to be any of both. Which is why I offered to take you to him as a last resort.
Without my consent?
With or without, he admitted with a laugh. I’m that desperate. He’s not well, Venus. Even my children are concerned.
I gnawed on my thumbnail.
Bringing me to him might not fix him. They might make things worse. For both of us, I wanted to say.
Or they might make them better, he argued.
You couldn’t possibly know that.
I’m willing to take that risk.
I couldn’t answer that. Few things could talk down a stubborn man. I wasn’t one of them.
You know, I really think you and Manjiro belong together. You’re both just too stubborn to see that.
I didn’t reply to that, either. I would’ve agreed once. Manjiro made sure I couldn’t.
We arrived to the building and I was astounded by how distinctly I remembered it despite being away from it from so long. My mind went on that nurse who helped me escape. I wondered if they fired her.
Dante hopped out of the car the same time I did, using a fancy keycard to gain access into the building. Walking through it, I realized I never took the time to appreciate how large the space was. We reached the room where Dante said he’d be— the meeting room.
Mikey, I’m here as promised, Dante announced and I held my breath. I hadn’t the slightest clue what to say when I saw him, or whether what I’d say would be the right thing. Probably not, considering I wanted to curse him like a dog.
I still had time to think of something though. When Dante opened the door, nobody was there.
Am I being pranked? I asked Dante whose eyebrows were furrowed.
That’s strange. He hasn’t checked out of the building at all today so he’s still in here.
I looked around for a bit, feeling something amiss, and then I found the window looking out over the city. Dante, is there any room in this place that has a better view than this one?
No, this is the highest floor in the building. No view comes close. Why do you ask?
They all had something in common. This room, Mikey’s house’s design, the hotels he booked, down to the dates he scheduled— there was one common denominator.
The view. I snapped my fingers. Mikey likes the views!
But there’s no better view than… the roof. He’s on the roof.
I wasted no time, bolting out of the door. The elevator stopped just to the meeting room floor. Only stairs could take you up to the roof. I sprinted up them by God’s grace, barely even winded by the time I opened the door.
Good thing too, because the sight of Mikey took my breath away. It was only his back, the same black hair I had seen him in the last time fluttering in the wind. What worried me most was not where he was standing, feet firmly planted on the ledge. What worried me most was how relaxed he was on the ledge, as if he wasn’t staring a certain death right in the face. A strong enough wind would send him right to it. I couldn’t witness that. My feet moved on their own, fueled by adrenaline. I had barely reached him when he started to push himself over the ledge, but I caught him in time, gripping my shirt between his fingers and snatching him back with all my might. He fell back easily, too startled by the fact somebody was there to catch him to brace himself. He landed right atop of me in a heap of limbs. My hands were trembling. It was as if I had just realized how close I was to missing that chance to grab him. Tears came into my eyes, but I didn’t know if they were from anger or from fear.
You idiot, I whispered harshly through sobs. You fucking idiot.
0 notes
What Education Do You Need to Be a Wedding Planner
How to become a wedding planner: Do you need a college degree?
Emma Holland left a comment on my video about Theft in the Wedding Industry that said, ”Hi Andrea! Could you make a video about the education requirements to be a wedding planner? I’m a high school student and I’m very interested in event planning. ❤️❤️”
Well, Emma - this video is for you and the thousands of men and women who are interested in this field, but not quite sure how to proceed.
One of the reasons that I am so committed to teaching others is because I remember how greatly I struggled to find information on the industry when I was in high school and college. The World Wide Web was not yet a thing, and there were not great resources for those of us who wanted to become wedding planners and event designers.
As a matter of fact, my family relocated from Long Island to Las Vegas so that I could attend UNLV, which was and remains one of the top hospitality universities in the world. When I first met with my college counselor I was asked, “So, what do you wanna be when you grow up?”
I said I wanted to be a wedding planner. The counselor looked at me with this blank stare and blinked a few times before telling me, “But that's not a real job. You should study catering!” I kind of laughed and said that while wedding planning was not the most popular job right at the time, there was a woman Marcy (Marcy Blum) doing it in New York. All of these celebrities and socialites were hiring wedding planners. I really believed that the industry would take off, and I was just so insistent and so passionate about it that the counselor enrolled me in….catering. There really was no other place for me to go!
Fortunately, times have changed. In the last 25 years, the role of a wedding planner has grown from something that only socialites and celebrities used to widely being considered a necessity, With so many different types of wedding planning experiences available, many couples find that they can afford to include some sort of professional planning and execution in their budget.
And so how do you break into this industry? What kind of education is it that you need?
The truth is, all you need to do to start your own wedding planning company is a business license, insurance, and a website. That's it! A couple of clicks of a button and boom! Your wedding planner. But that won't make you successful, and it certainly won't make you good. I have a lot of issues with people entering the industry without having taken the time to study both the art of design and the business of being a wedding planner.
Being good isn’t enough. Checklists are good. Apps are good. To do this the way it needs to be done, you need to be great. T and the only way to be truly great is to be incredibly and continuously educated..
Here are 5 things educational elements you need to commit to in order to start a successful wedding planning business:
1. WORK: Get real-world experience. One of the greatest differentiators that sets me apart from others in my field is that I have decades of hands-on, real-world experience. Think about your career and every job you have taken. From my first job as a greeter at a wedding tradeshow to my first "real" job as a hostess at a high-end restaurant to all the years that I spent in hotel and resort catering departments, restaurant sales, and nightlife operations, every job I took was with the intention of honing my craft so that I could be the very best operator on site. I knew that in order to execute and run a successful wedding day, I needed to fully understand what it took to set up event space, to cook and produce food for hundreds of people, and what the service standards were that needed to be obeyed and adhered to. Not because I read about a 1 per 75 rule in a book, but because I watched a bartender get crushed at the opening of doors. My years in retail taught me how to sell to a woman in a dressing room, which has helped me understand what a bride wants to look and feel like while shopping for a wedding dress. There is no amount of book knowledge that will ever substitute for starting from the bottom and working with your own two hands in every facet of the industry you are entering.
2. READ: Equally important to the real-world experience is reading about business. This doesn't necessarily need to be about the wedding and events industry. When I want to engage my mind, I seek to learn from others who have become icons in their own space. Books such as Shoe Dog, written by Phil Knight (the founder of Nike) and inspirational how-to guides from the likes of Tim Ferris and Gary Vee have helped me learn about the business side of being a wedding planner. Reading books gives you the opportunity to learn directly from people that you respect and admire, that you would likely never get to meet. My own personal goal is to read 2 to 3 business or autobiographical books a month. Start with one book, and you will quickly find it addictive. Not a reader? Listen to them on audiobook!
3. INTERNSHIPS: When I was working at the Bellagio as a wedding coordinator, I offered to come in on my own time to learn how to capture and edit video. Back then,, we were working with VHS! I spent about two months working in the darkroom for free so that I can understand how to quickly cut a ceremony and turned around for our couples. I spent another month and a half in horticulture learning how to make a bouquet and boutonnieres. While I was a hostess, I volunteered to set up for large parties so that I could figure out how to set up and teardown around.
Interning may sound like real work experience, and to some extent it is. The difference is, when you're an intern you work for free. There is this idea that working for free is bad. No one wants to work for free anymore. But the truth is that an internship is an investment that you make in yourself. You are paid not in money, but in education and experience.
I get emails and DM's weekly from people who want to come and "work a wedding for free" I never accept these offers for a few reasons. First, my clients deserve to be serviced by top-notch, skilled professionals. I will not disrespect their experience or violate their trust by allowing someone who has not been fully trained on hand. It simply is not worth the risk, and my clients deserve more. Secondly, in order to make the process of an internship beneficial for the intern, I need to be able to spend time with them. I want to be able to give them real access and knowledge, to go over their questions, and to fully explain how I work in a one on one setting. On a wedding day, my focus is my client and I simply cannot do both at once.
So how exactly do you get an internship that will help you while not taking away from the person you're interning for? The trick is to offer to do the grunt work. Offer to respond to emails or direct messages. Offer to schedule social media. Offered to sweep up someone's floral shop, or wipe down rentals. It's not about being in the front of the line and doing the glamorous work. An internship is about you doing the grunt work and learning by osmosis. It's about you being around the real nitty-gritty so that when you are ready you have real-world, behind-the-scenes knowledge that you simply wouldn't have otherwise.
4. FREE CONTENT: Today you are reading and watching a video on the types of education you need to become a wedding planner. That in and of itself is a part of your education. There is a tremendous amount of free content available on YouTube and on Podcasts, blogs, and digital downloads. I can tell you firsthand that I have absolutely learned and picked up tips and tricks on how to run my business by listening to the podcasts and watching the videos that others in my industry have created. Spend your time following and studying the wedding professionals that you admire. Watch how they work if they share behind the scenes videos. Study their style. If they create content, download everything they offer. This will give you a strong basis for developing your own set of skills.
5. Last and Finally….PEER TO PEER LEARNING: Of all the things I've suggested you do, none of them are as valuable as peer to peer education. Conferences and associations put a lot of time and energy into bringing out guest speakers that will present on highly specialized topics that you can learn from. Organizations like WIPA, ILEA, and NACE are amazing for peer to peer education. Conferences and educational events produced by The Knot Pro, Wedding MBA, and Engage are built on the idea that we learn best from each other. These activities are so worth it, and I will say that even with 20+ years of experience and my degree, the most important things I have learned have come from others that are in the trenches with me. If you cannot join an association, enroll in an online course. Personally, I love online courses and am forever enrolled in something. There are also a number of Facebook groups both private and the public that has been created specifically for peer-to-peer education in the wedding planning space.
You may have noticed that nowhere in this video did I say that you needed a college degree or certification because you don’t. That does not mean that I don’t value the degree - I do! I love learning and believe that you should attend college if you have the ability to do so and if you truly enjoy the process. A degree is something that no one will ever be able to take away from you. However, I don't believe the book smarts are the only pathway to success, and when I think about what traditional upper education has turned into I think about that line from Goodwill Hunting where Will says, “You wasted $150,000 on an education you could've got for a buck-fifty in late fees at the public library."
The greatest indicator of success is someone who is committed to continuously learning. My best advice is to read everything you can. Listen to podcasts. Watch videos. Sketch, design, and play. Get a job in the industry. Intern on your off days as often as you can. Volunteer to work on every event you possibly can, because nothing will ever take the place of real-world experience.
So to Emma and anyone else wondering about what kind of education you need to be a wedding planner, I hope this helps! I also hope it encourages you to send in comments and questions. I really do read them and try my best to create the content that YOU need. It is my way of giving back to an industry that has given me everything in terms of professional success and happiness, that has allowed me to make a living while building a life.
Interested in my courses? Watch the video above to the end for a special code that will enroll you today and give you a one-hour consultation with me.
0 notes
mistylane059-blog · 7 years
Challenge 5: Panic, Croquet and Vollyball
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A/N: Heya! So this one is a little bit shorter because I had to do this in a hurry. Thanks @nathaniel-schreave , @ladyvenusvale , @fleur-quinn ,@ladyaadamaier and @claraeclair for the RP! Also thanks Skye for finding the pic of Alia that I ended up using! Decided to add a sport to Misty for character development. Anyways sorry for any mistakes and enjoy! Word count:2,430 words
Waking up to the sound of my alarm is not a good feeling. I should be used to this, but it just made me feel like I had to go to school. I grab my phone and turn off my alarm. Scrolling through my notifications I noticed a couple that caught my eye. One was from my dad asking how the ball went and if I was doing ok. Another was another kid from archery. They were just anime memes which made me laugh a tiny bit. The last one was the earliest. At around 4 in the morning. It was from Ambers mom. ‘Shes awake’ is all she said.
I had a flashback to last night. I felt like crap the entire night from the alcohol and probably the dairy. I had a lot going on last night. First I see two of my mains making out in my room, then I find out that my best friend was in an accident. How was I supposed to keep those a secret? I would see Felicity and Belle any moment now. Not to mention the fact that I need to cover up emotion. I used to it though.
My parents went through a hard phase when I was in 3rd grade to when I was in 6th grade. Those were some of the toughest years of my life. I had to go to school, acting like nothing happened and rolling with it. There were so many nights spent locked up in my closet, crying my eyes out. It would always happen in the middle of the night too when I would get woken up by my parents yelling. There were so many times where I had to destroy the evidence. I would have to clean up my tear-kissed face, fix my closet back to how it was, and act like nothing happened the night before. My grades ended up being terrible, later affecting my middle school grades. I changed schools for 8th grade and it sucked. At the time Amber and I went to different schools.
Pulling up the call app I click Ambers moms number. Once again, she picked up right away. “Let me guess, you called me to ask how is Ambers doing?” “I should have known that you would know, but yes, you are correct.” “Well, Amber woke up around four, she was steady but she had to go into surgery.” “SURGERY,” I yelled, immediately sitting up in my bed. “Yes, surgery. One of her bones in her leg needed a pin to heal.” “A PIN!” “Yes dear, calm down. She’s going to be alright. Once she’s off anesthetics and in recovery I’ll call you. But you have to keep your phone on, ok?” “Alright, alright.” “Ok, talk to you later, bye.” “Bye.” She hung up and I got up from the bed. I walk to my bathroom to fix my hair. Grabbing a ponytail holder, I put my hair up. I was still a little hung over from all those glasses of wine. But to be honest, I think we all were. I hear a knock on my door. “Who is it?” “Anaïs, Belle and Felicity.” “Come in,” I respond.
They all gave me a small curtsy before Anaïs started talking. “So sorry I wasn’t here when you woke. I needed to grab something from the laundry room.” “Oh, it’s fine, no need to apologize.” I grabbed a dress and retreated to my bathroom to change for breakfast. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was mostly hangover food.
~~~~~~~~Time skip to the day of the group date~~~~~~~
“Croquet huh,” I say looking at all my dresses, my finger on my chin. Well, it was obvious that my hair would be in a ponytail. Anaïs interrupted my concentration. “La- Misty, we made these for today, but anytime you want to go to the gym.” She was holding a sporty outfit in hand. I had asked my maids to just call me Misty. I felt close to them (besides the fact Felicity and Belle are dating in secret). The outfit, a white top, and black pants. It looked like there were shorts there too. Pants, oh my god! I didn’t think I would see the light of day without wearing another pair of pants. Well, there’s a slim chance I’ll be picked, queen. Granted it had been what, 5 months since the selection started. Wow, has it been that long? It felt like forever ago.
“Oh, thank you Anaïs! This will come in handy today.” “It was no problem. By the way, Belle was fell ill last night with the flu. She will be fine, but Felicity will be taking care of her.” “That’s too bad, and that’s fine. I only really need one maid for my personal needs, will you need any help Anaïs?” “No, ill be fine.” “Oh yeah, before I forget, do you know if y’all have volleyballs and a net?” “I believe we do. I can go check for you when you’re on the group date.” “That would be great! Thank you Anaïs!” She smiled. “It’s nothing. You should be getting ready.” I look at the time. I should. I have to be there in 30 minutes. That was plenty of time. I nod and give a smile.
While Anaïs was doing my makeup, I thought about the girls I would be with. Venus Vale. I hadn’t talked to her really, but she seemed nice. I knew who she was for a long time. People would always ask for jewelry that would go well with a specific look. Most of those looks were by Venus Vale. Aada Maier. I had already met Aada we were on the plane together, so she was one of the first selected I met besides Avalyn. Besides, I didn’t really know Aada. I didn’t know any of the girls, to be honest. Fleur Quinn. I had not formally talked to Fleur yet. I saw her get very drunk during the ball though. That thought made me laugh. Fleur had left me a card under my door Christmas morning too. Clara Éclair. I had not crossed paths with her yet. She seems nice and I have heard her baking is amazing. I’m pretty sure she baked a cake for Marshal or Fleur. One of those or maybe both. ———– I had 5 minutes till I had to be at the date. So far I was successful in finding my way. On my way there, someone grabbed my shoulder. “Misty, it’s me. Can you tell me about what happened to Amber?” I turn to see Eden, a worried look on his face. Shit, what do I do? Take a deep breath, Misty. “She’s fine now. She got into an accident. She was unconscious for a bit and had to go into surgery. They had to put a couple pins in her leg to heal properly.” “That’s too bad. Well, I better be getting back, nice seeing you!” “Nice seeing you too Eden,” I say back.
I had 3 minutes. I knew my way. Thank god I wasn’t wearing heels. Anaïs left my hair down, plus I could put it up. I made it there and pulled my hair into a neat ponytail. Venus was hitting the ball. I walk over to the other girls and give a small curtsy. It was weird curtsying without a dress. Apologizing, I explain that a guard pulled me aside and I couldn’t say no. I look at Vee’s ball. “Wow, your good!” Noticing me, everyone exchanged hellos. Vee admitted that she was a natural. She was though. “Are you sure you haven’t played before Vee?” I had the tendency to use nicknames right off the bat. She looked like she didn’t mind.
Before Vee could answer, Clara started talking. “I was originally planning on going last since I wanted time to watch and learn, but since you came late would you want to go after me?” “I’m fine with any turn,” I respond. Vee got a turn to answer my question. It was her first time playing, but when she plays, she gets competitive and does her best. She also thanked up and gave us a little bow. “That’s true. Now whos next?” I ask. “It’s you or Clara,” Aada replies. “I guess I’ll go since Clara wants to watch.” Vee lifts her mallet and waves it like a flag sort of. “Gooo Misty!” “You’ll do a good job I’m sure,” Aada says with a smile. I laugh, thanking Aada and Vee, grab a mallet and walk up to an unused ball at the start. I look at everyone’s balls and decide which one to hit. I didn’t really pick a specific one to hit. Letting out a sigh, I hit the ball hard enough to go through the first two loops. “Well done!” Aada says. “Thanks!” I reply Vee claps at my hit. “Yay!” Turning her head to look at Clara, “Your turn, hun.” “Good luck,” I respond. She hits the ball passed 2 loops, but went around them, giving a small laugh after the ball came to a halt. “Well it was a good try,” she says. We encourage her saying better luck next time. Vee raises her hand in a high five saying, “You go, girl!” Clara gives Vee a high five “One for you Mist,” Vee says, turning to me and raises her hand. I had never really got called ‘Mist’ before. I actually liked the nickname so I didn’t mind it. Returning the high five, thanking her. She does the same for Aada, but Aada didn’t return it. Instead, she touches Vee’s arm saying, “We should do this more often.”
I raise my eyebrow at the sight. They were giving looks at each other. I knew they didn’t have the best history, but still. I ended up facepalming and shaking my head. It was silent. Vee shrugs, walking to the drink table. I follow her. I felt like I was dying over here. “God its too hot for winter. How do y’all live through summer 24/7?” “We shed our skin every week,” Vee whispers. That made me laugh. She asked where I was from, and we ended up talking out Waverly .
We keep taking our turns talking and having an overall good time. Vee had the idea to do 20 questions, and we all agreed. Turns out Fleur was an extra in Harry Potter. When I mentioned that I had read and watched the movies too many times, she wiped her head toward me as fast she could to ask who my favorite character was. I replied that my favorite character was either Luna or Tonks. We went on to talk about how the sorting hat was the sassiest character. It was true though. We all agreed Dramione is the best ship in the series. Thank god I found people who ship them. All of my Harry Potter friends ship Harry and Draco. I don’t get how that would work. Aada mentioned how Princess Quinn sort of looks like Hermione. The thought had crossed my mind a couple of time, but I hadn’t really thought about it in depth before. Fleur mentioned that she watched the movies before reading the books. I gave her a good lecture about that. Aada hadn’t seen or read any of them so the Harry Potter conversation died down. Nate, surprisingly, didn’t say a thing. He just stood there smiling. He was probably happy that we were getting along.
Aada asked a question on what do see you doing in the future. For me, it would be taking over the shop. I still kind of can’t believe I am in the selection. Vee joked being queen but saying her channel would be a backup. I asked if she was still vlogging and she responded saying she was taking a break. Aada said her and Victoria were moving in together. That took me by surprise. More tension was building up between Aada and Vee that resulted in me facepalming. Fleur wanted to be an actress, ideally with an Oscar. She also brought up on of the ten of us left will princess and eventually, we agreed that it was a weird thought. Vee said she might be the future Queen adviser. Imagining Vee running a selection scared us all. We went on to talk about our heroes. I didn’t really have one. Vee’s was the queen, Fleur and Aada’s were their moms. Turns out Fleur is a lawyer as well as an actress. Aada also mentioned she wanted to go to medical school. We joked that if Aada was picked she would have an epic name. “Her royal highness, Dr. Aada,” Fleur added. Nate asked if we were more of a clean or messy person. We all said clean, but Clara said messy. She was a baker after all. Clara asked if we were more of a cat or dog person. Everyone said dog but I said cat. Vee, being who she was, said exotic animals. When asked what her favorite animal was she answered snakes. Fleur and I agreed she sounded like Taylor Swift.
There was a few more questions and answers. I started to zone out. I was worried about Amber. Getting my thoughts together, we finished our game. I had a lot of fun. I had bonded with so many girls to the point I felt they were some of my really good friends. ————- Making my way to my room I remembered I would practice some volleyball. I used to play a lot. When the selection started, the season was just starting. I still went to my room. Anaïs informed me that they had a court and volleyballs. I would probably see a couple guards at the gym. I stayed in the same outfit because there was no way I was playing in a dress. I could practice for an hour or so till I had to go to my room.
Anaïs showed me the way to the court. There was already a net set up. Finding the cart of volleyballs, I decided I would start off with spikes. I could jump really high, which was a plus. As I spiked another ball, a person came in. The person, probably a guard, was staring at me. “Hello,” I say to him landing on my feet. He stood there. “That was a fantastic spike, Lady Misty.” I took me a minute to register who it was. “Zach, what are you doing here?”
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings CROMWELL, CT - The trade deadline has come and gone. The roster of the Hartford Wolf Pack is intact and now the next goal for the New York Rangers' AHL affiliates is making the Calder Cup playoffs. “We have 21 games left before the playoffs. 12 of them are on the road. We still have our work cut out for us,” remarked Pack Head Coach, Kris Knoblauch. The lineup he has, with few exceptions, will be the one the team will have when they head into the playoffs for the first time in five years. “This is our group. We have had a few changes, but will have some more, maybe later on, but this group will have,”  Knoblauch said stoically. “Our goal is always to have Hartford Wolf Pack players play for the Rangers whether it was Phil (Di Giuseppe), Lindy (Ryan Lindgren), Igor (Shesterkin) or (Filip) Chytil that’s our job here. Make the best environment for them to play in. One of the reasons (for the development success) is the veterans brought in here such as Danny O’Regan, Phil Di Guiseppe, Mason (Geersten), and Vincent LoVerde. Can’t say enough how well he has played. They all have made their mark with this team." Knoblauch loves to talk about O’Regan. “He’s not a loud guy, but a quiet, effective leader. He works very well with a player like Patrick Newell. On the ice or just hanging out together. He’s a natural person to gravitate toward. There is an extra step when he is paired with Danny.” The Pack begins a second three-games-in-three-days with two on the road. They visit Binghamton to play the Devils on Friday, then travel to Bridgeport on Saturday against the Sound Tigers, and then Sunday afternoon they'll have a crucial meeting with the Providence Bruins at 3 PM at the XL Center. From the good news department comes word that centerman, Boo Nieves, is close to returning to the lineup. He was in practice for a third straight day sporting a green jersey, not the non-contact yellow he'd been wearing lately. “Right now, he is day-to-day, (but) questionable for the weekend. He looks fantastic. Our best player the last three practices. We're very eager to get him back. However, it has to remain day-to-day until he gets (medical) clearance.” For team captain, Steven Fogarty, he can jokingly celebrate that he was not traded at the deadline. Fogarty staying breaks the "Captain Trade Jinx" which saw the team's captain being traded the last five consecutive years. “I wasn’t too worried about it,” Fogarty said with a laugh. Now, with all the distractions behind them, for the team, the march to the postseason is everything. “We put ourselves in a good spot. We like who we have, so it’s a matter of doing what we have been doing and clean up the things we need to.” The strong finish on Sunday in the solid effort in the 4-1 win over Bridgeport is what they want to carry into the start of the weekend in Binghamton. “Two points is all we got out of it last week. We didn’t play well Friday. We did well, but not enough on Saturday. We want to help ourselves down the road. We're still in a battle.“ Fogarty has been just as effective in getting offense while the team is shorthanded as he has been while playing five-on-five. There is an art form to playing shorthanded. He has a very quick stick, but a player needs to know when to be careful and when to use it. “You gotta know when the right time to jump on it to make the play is. I got a long stick and it helps sometimes. You can get too deep trying to fish one on a play and use your body more sometimes. So, we’ve got important meaningful games in the last ten. It's something we haven’t had in the last few years looking forward to it.” His linemates have changed throughout the year, which happens, but nothing tends to change, “You start to hunker down a bit, get all four lines going. That’s gonna be important to us.” Playing for something after several miserable years is certainly something Fogarty relishes. “The last few years certainly didn’t end the way anyone wanted. Playing for something this year is something we've worked for all year." The chase for the Calder Cup is fully under way and picks up in earnest this weekend. NOTES: On the Rangers "paper" assignments of Julien Gauthier and Brett Howden for the postseason, Knoblauch steered clear of that one. “That’s way off in the future. I don’t have control of those decisions. Till the playoffs are here, and those players are sent here, I can’t really think that far ahead. We'll have some bodies here and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.” No decision has been made, publicly anyway, on the weekend's goaltending rotation between Adam Huska and J.F. Berube. Congrats to Fogarty who's heading to the Hall of Fame….the BC (British Columbia) Hall of Fame. The 2011-12 BCHL Penticton Vees team is among inductees. The team went 54-4-2 and won the BCHL Fred Page Cup, the regional Junior A Doyle Cup, and the national Junior A RBC Cup. “That was a special team. I haven’t been back there since. Several of us will be going with the ceremony in the summer. I'm very much looking forward to it. That was a special year and I'm very honored that our team was selected.” With 81 points, Fogarty was the sixth-leading scorer on the team. His teammates included current Sound Tiger, and former Quinnipiac University Bobcat, Travis St. Denis. The other player of local note was one of St. Denis’s collegiate teammates at QU, goalie Michael Garteig, who's now playing in Finland. “It's been something playing him (St. Denis) the last four years,” Fogarty said. Fogarty explained how he wound up in Penticton, BC, saying, “I knew a couple of guys I played with who were going up there to play. Why would anyone go there to play? Usually, kids from Minnesota. You're off to the USHL and then college. The USHL draft didn’t go as planned. Notre Dame wanted me to go there, get a little seasoning. It looked like a good opportunity. So, I went for a visit and fell in love with the place. Penticton is one of the most beautiful spots in Canada, just gorgeous. It was first-class. They treated us very well. Fans were out every night, cheering us and made it great every night. It was one of the best years of my life. We won 42 games in a row. We had everyone following us around like TSN. It was a wild, fun time.” They almost lost everything. “We lost our first two games in the RBC Cup (National Junior A Championships) and we're down in the third. We're almost eliminated. We tied it and won in overtime. We won the rest of the games. It wasn’t so easy. It wasn’t what looks it on paper, but we had our moments.” Interestingly, current Wolf Pack, Ryan Gropp, played his first two Junior A games that same year with Penticton where he notched a goal. The BCHL announced it's reducing its schedule starting next season from 58 to 54 games, plus they're starting later in September. The league will go now to two nine-team conferences based on BC geography for teams on the mainland and Inland locations. In Montreal, not only was Pack radio voice, Bob Crawford, in the Bell Centre. For the second time, Lindgren got to be on the same ice with his brother Charles, but this time in the NHL. The two met earlier in the season in Hartford with both brothers still playing in the American League. Charles was in goal for the Laval Rocket. The two brothers got their pictures taken at center ice before the game. Gauthier, a Montreal native from the east end of the city in Pointe-aux-Trembles, had plenty of family and friends in attendance. He was interviewed by his uncle Denis Gauthier, a former NHL defenseman, who is now an analyst on RDS (the French language sports station). It was also the 30th anniversary of the last NHL hat trick by Canadiens' legend, Guy Lafluer. The "Hattie" wasn't tallied for the Habs. It came while Lafleur played with the Rangers against the LA Kings. A few more names have been added to the Wolf Pack Calder Cup championship reunion that will take place on Friday, April 10th. Daniel Goneau and Jason Dawe will also be on the ice. 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