#not like a fucked up little not quite but mostly fey creature could go up to any temple and expect to be trusted enough for charity
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Wait. Logistically speaking. Would Elluin even know how to read.
#i've had this in the drafts contemplating for days#like. he had a frankenstein creature situation of being reborn with no memory of anything.#and even if language magically stuck with him you got the First World time thing going on#something something you're alone after coming into a new existence. You're on a field. It's day. And you exist#and you exist. and you exist. and you exist. and you exist. It's day.#is it the same? is it different?#you exist. nothing changes. you slowly lose your mind. it's still day. you exist. you exist.#thorns grow around you. under you. under your skin. do you have skin? The more you struggle the worse it gets. It's still day#anything he did know he forgot at that time so#even after being kicked off to golarion it's not like he could have like. a teacher dfjg#half of it was spent in an inq asylum which was not at all traumatizing and from which he got out in a very moral way for sure#and after that he was scraping by on the streets until areelu snatched him up#like. makes sense he's be able to Speak common- as this all takes place through an indeterminate amount of years#up to interpretation since he wasnt keeping track but the post first world era alone was probably many centuries.#but when would he have been able to pick up reading? Since he'd have to do it on his own too.#not like a fucked up little not quite but mostly fey creature could go up to any temple and expect to be trusted enough for charity#the hc is that the wound winds up disguising his fey with a mortal soul business since it overshadows it. before that though nope!#he'd have been clocked as fey by anyone that can sense it even in elf form#basically. Galfrey what have you fucking done putting this guy in charge dfjghfh#maybe he can read a LITTLE. just enough to make do at first at least#would probably try to get some help on the sly because there's a minimum of two companions that should Never Know (Nenio and Daeran)#Nenio for reasons you can probably guess Daeran less because Ellu cares about being insulted-#more so because he doesn't have anything funny to retort with. like yeah i can't. kind of sad isn't it. and now the conversation is awkward#great and now i'm thinking about how much he deserved to live again#There's some great parallels with Orion actually. They were in a very similar mental place at the climax of their respective stories#dare i say Elluin actually deserved to live more. Which is why he doesn't#oc: elluin
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Festival (30/30)
@beejiesbitch @turtlepated @clairjohnson @memedemonhours @monsterlovinghours @yankyo @edosunshine @go-commander-kim @saucymangos @beetlebitchywitch
Everyone departs, in various ways. Some go away further than others (and may have further adventures . . . wink) Thank you to everyone who took a chance reading this very self-indulgent rp scenario. Thanks especially to @pinkbeej for being such a fun amazing partner, and more importantly, a fun amazing human being.
Beej and his clone locked eyes as Eve explained the circumstance. Initially there was hesitation on his part for losing a piece of himself permanently, a sort of damage he had never sustained before; on her part, for losing her home, her lover . . . the two of them felt so certain that the curse would bring her back into him the moment he was put away. If that wasn't the case, though . . .
"It'll be fine. I think she's shown she's got enough drive to be . . . the me I could never quite be," he said softly, giving a nervous grin to the manifestation of his self-hatred and femininity. She was made from powerful feelings, and had much more potential than he'd previously thought.
Pink swallowed thickly and nodded, biting at her lips as tears lined her lower lid. Beej floated closer to her so that she'd have no cause to release Carmen's hand or leave Kadus' grasp. Two additional arms sprouted from her, reaching for him as he leaned in to embrace her. The hair of both forms gleamed brightly, and when he pulled back he looked surprised for a moment, until understanding and a wider smile set in.
"Go. If you end up staying . . . you'll be all right."
He backed up a step as Pink scooped Carmen up into arms that stretched to comfortably hold her even with her distended stomach.
"I'll see you at home, sugar." she murmured, kissing her cheek and neck. "Or I'll find a way to come see you again."
She turned timidly to Kadus and blushed. "You . . . you sure you don't mind me coming along?"
Jessie perked her brow a little, but noted that it didn't seem like Eve would help them find out more about Andy . . . now that she was familiar with his face, she supposed that didn't matter much. Perhaps she'd talk some sense into him, but . . . well, there was always her way of dealing with things to fall back on. She shook off the initial irritation at having no further leads into finding the asshole and turned her focus back to the brownie and Ollie.
"What do you think honey? He's been helpful and sweet. If he would like to, would you mind us offering to bring him home?" she asked. It relieved her to think that there would be another being to keep Ollie company if she wanted some alone time with BJ. She had to admit, the furry little thing was so ugly it was cute.
"Does that interest you?" Her last question was asked directly to the brownie.
She mindfully continued to touch BJ through the questioning, allowing a steady stream of her thoughts to pass to him in flashes. The man being gutted if he appeared again-- Ollie and the brownie being occupied together while she took his hand and pulled him to Harold's porch--a little burst of excitement and pleasure at the recollection of the taste and effect of the jelly cakes.
With a pink tint to her cheeks, she allowed her mind to wander down other avenues as well. His thumb in her mouth--hands held above her head--the sharp, repetitive slap of hard thrusts--her pinned and bent beneath him, thighs nearly at her sides with his tongue in her mouth . . .
She looked a little dazed as the fantasy ran away with her and she stopped herself before she could go so far as to tease him with the orgasm he wasn't yet allowed to have. Gods, she hoped it'd make him ravenous. She felt delightfully attractive and sensual, reveling in the pleasure she'd been able to share that night. She ached in her womb with the desire to be claimed by him, to give back every piece of her she'd shared for his pleasure.
The flow of thought and emotion shut down as she found herself spurred even further into her needy daydreams by the realization that he had access to her little mental spiral. She tried hard to focus instead on the responses to her questions.
Watching her lover and his clone quietly make the decision for her to go, Carmen chewed on the inside of her lip. She wanted him whole but wanted him happy, and she was only just beginning to understand which fractured parts of his souls each clone manifested. It seemed like this decision was edging more towards the happy side of his equation. She enjoyed getting to know this clone, but if it was best for Beej, she supported it.
What worried her most is not calling his name. He’d been out all night, and despite not using much of his energy he did use some, and she had no idea how much he actually had, or if he was leaving a trail that was going to lead his monster of a mother back to them. She hated that keeping him safe meant keeping him cocooned away from the world.
Still, she accepted the the final decision and burst into a surprised little laugh as his female clone pulled her against her, even as tears wet her face. “Have fun,” she whispered into her ear, “be careful.” She took a deep breath, locking the light floral scent from the delicate flowers into her memory. She pulled back a little and brushed her pink hair back just to keep the contact for a moment more, then kissed her gently on the mouth. “I can’t wait to hear about everything,” Carmen told her, then let her go. Once Pink was released, Kadus gathered her up. “Yes, ροζ θεά μου. I wouldn’t have invited you otherwise. What the witch says is true, however. I don’t know the way back that isn’t ordained by set laws between the worlds.”
“The door, centaur,” a low voice near the dying bonfire called. Carmen and Beej looked over Kadus’s haunches to the minotaur who’d spoken. At some point he’d put on his thin loincloth again, and in the brightening dawn, Carmen saw the true color of his horns under the gilding: verigated white and black. In respect to the somberness of the moment she had to bite her tongue and not giggle; she must be automatically drawn to black and white now. She could feel Beej’s fingers tightening on her and his quizzical glance at her as she shook slightly in the effort not to laugh, and knew she’d have to tell him why sooner or later.
“I’ll take care of her,” Kadus assured Beej and Carmen. It was easy to see they were torn between letting her go, worry, and fear. It pleased him, however, that his offer was accepted; he hadn’t lied when telling Pink he wanted to show her his homeland.
With a final nod to the two of them, he led Pink away towards the faint shimmer passed the bonfire. A satyr slipped through, and a few fauns lingered as if to see if Eve was going to follow. She didn’t. They skipped into the doorway, visible one second and not the next, and then the minotaur lowered his head to step through as well. When it was Kadus’s turn, Carmen lifted her hand to wave and then wiped away more tears that fell.
Jessie had asked him a question, but before he could answer dirty fantasies flooded his mind’s eye. As much sex as she’d had over the past night she was still horny and it showed; it should be embarrassing to get a hard-on with a breather who was a essentially a stranger standing right in front of him, but after this orgy he supposed it didn’t matter.
BJ reached up to cup Jessie in what he hoped looked to be a protective way, although it was mostly to keep his hand off his cock for the moment. He did manage to muzzle a moan at the images she fed him too, and briefly he wondered if she was going to be sore, when they could find some time for themselves, and--oh shit, when did she need to feed again?
They really did need to go.
It was in the back of his mind that he had no real reason to refuse to let another fey take up residence in his place, and Jessie was already asking the little creature its opinion. It was answering positively without his blessing anyway. The witch’s pointed directive at least gave him a chance to turn and move to pick up his suit. “Leaving the clearing is exiting,” she called after him, making him pause. Should he say something to anyone else? The specter who seemed so similar to him but different in fundamental ways hadn’t yet turned back to them. He had no idea if he’d ever see him and his scarred lover again, so it would probably be polite--
“We’re going,” BJ called in their general direction. When the two of them turned, he lifted a hand. “Thanks for . . .”
Stupid, but he didn’t know how to end that sentence. A one time blow job and fuck fueled by fairy magic didn’t mean anything, but being approached and accepted did. In the end, paralyzed by indecision, he simply nodded to them, made sure everyone he carried had a handhold on him to not be dislodged, and stepped into the treeline. His suit reclothed him with a thought, like a second skin, and despite Ollie’s earlier declaration he’d have to find his own way home, the leprechaun twittered in his ear a route. Arriving with two housemate but leaving with three, BJ shook his head and glanced back for a final look at the clearing.
As Pink returned Carmen's kiss with a sweet smile in her eyes, Beej watched the exchange with mixed feelings. There was still the large amount of certainty that his clone would be pulled back into him by the curse, but the tears on his lover's face made him almost regret the decision to let a piece of himself travel to another world. The potential for what they could learn from it, though . . .
As Pink floated alongside Kadus, having waved to Carmen, Beej and even smiling in farewell toward Eve and the specter who had indulged with them all earlier . . . it dawned on her that perhaps it was his interaction that gave her the courage to try to branch out and caused her to make Kadus' acquaintance.
She hugged close to him, eyeing the door between their worlds with excitement, wonder and curiosity. Her arms tightened around his arm as she watched the other beings vanish in passing through. As Kadus prepared to pass through, she turned and saw Carmen waving to her. With a brilliant smile, she raised her arm and waved back, though her wave was bouncy, happy and enthusiastic.
Before she could change her mind, she turned and met Kadus' eyes with a warm smile and nodded, floating alongside him as he stepped through.
Beej turned to Carmen and gathered her to him, wiping the tears from her cheeks and bending to kiss her lips softly. Multiple hands fussed over her, drying her tears and brushing back her hair from her forehead, stroking her back and cupping her ass to pull her in.
"'S alright babes, I'm right here." he murmured softly, hoping to comfort her.
He nudged her forehead with her own, kissing her cheeks and the tip of her nose sweetly. The call of BJ's voice snagged his attention, and even as he held her close he turned to listen to the other ghost.
The half-finished sentence made him smile, the guy did seem like the type to not know what to say after a positive experience with strangers . . . and truth be told, he could remember the time when he wouldn't have had words either.
"Thank you!" he called back with a grin, "'N remember, it's all right ta be happy."
One of his many hands held up BJ's card, displaying that he'd held onto it purposefully, not wanting to lose the memento of this strange other.
Jessie listened to the exchange with a grin, cocking her head a little as Beej held up a somewhat familiar looking card. It'd been ages since she'd seen any of those, back before they'd replaced the bed! She didn't have much to say, but she raised her tiny arm and waved at Beej and Carmen and Eve as BJ stepped away, clothing himself and taking his leave with her and both tiny fey clinging to him securely. As they vanished from view, Beej looked back down to Carmen with a smile.
"How're ya feelin' babes?" he asked, brushing her hair behind her ear again. "'m surprised yer still standing."
His lighthearted tease was followed up by a soft kiss to her lips.
Carmen watched as Beej’s clone floated to the doorway on the arm of the centaur, excitement plastering a wide smile on her face. It occurred to her, in a rush of panic, that she was nude, but just before she could call out after her to put on some clothes, Beej was holding her and kissing her, and the other specter’s voice was telling them he was leaving.
She turned just her head in response to the call, and by the time she looked back to the doorway between planes, Beej’s clone was gone.
She held onto Beej a little tighter then, even as she managed a good bye to the ghost almost at the tree line. His striped suit reappeared on him and although she should have been able to see him for a longer period in the trees, after only a step or two he was gone from sight as well.
Her throat hurt, and she took in a shaky breath. Beej still cuddled her, soothing her; it occurred to Carmen she should be doing that for him, not the other way round. Still, his query made her laugh a little. Luckily Eve had given them a little privacy, returning to the side of a few other witches tamping out the remaining coals of the fire, so she didn’t feel embarrassed to answer him.
“I’m not sure either,” she admitted, slipping a hand between her legs to cup herself lightly. “I don’t know how well I’ll be able to walk once all the adrenaline wears off.
“Thanks for last night. I’m glad we attended.” Carmen kissed him and was interrupted with her cousin telling them to get their clothes; it was past time to go. Hand in hand, they crossed the clearing to where they’d entered. Carmen slipped her cotton shift over her head and let Eve and Beej lead her through the forest again.
#writing#fanfiction#Beetlejuice#Movie Beetlejuice#Musical Beetlejuice#Beetlejuice x OC#OC x OC#festival#rp#drabble
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SO I was just inadvertently reminded that I need to talk about the setting of Sparks (and many other stories).
Very minor spoilers for uh... all of these ahead.
That out of the way, let’s begin!
I usually call the setting “Shadowed Dreams” as a combination of the two halves of it, Shadowed Souls and Dreams (which are themselves multiple stories coming together).
So the setting of Shadowed Dreams exists in five planes. (Also the separation of Shadowed Souls and Dreams is primarily whether the plot stuff is more related to up from Earth (Dreams) or down from Earth (Shadowed Souls))
Each plane has it’s own color of magic (mostly called Quintessence, or tessence on Earth; which is the term I will use from here on, even though other planes have different names) and each kind acts slightly differently.
They can also react with one another.
Purple and Black tend to mutually destroy one another, and they act really similarly and will supplant one another whenever possible. Black tends to be better at creating permanent effects versus purple and black is better at affecting the souls of living things. Purple on the other hand is better at quick changes, natural phenomena and mind affecting abilities. Both are very good at magical binding, whether it’s tying two souls together, or locking someone into a magical contract. It can be very tricky.
They also move similarly, but not quite identically. Both kinds of tessence travel through the air like a mist. Black acts like it’s a little ‘heavier’, but it’s slight. The similarity is why they tend to supplant each other when they end up in the same environment.
Yellow and Green tessence also react with one another as well, but rather than destroying and supplanting one another, they tend to repel each other. If forced together they’ll mutually destroy, but one has to force that.
Both Yellow and Green are particularly good at conjuration; creating something out of nothing. Yellow is also extremely good at illusions, and any and all magic related to the mind. Green is... VERY good at conjuration. Also at like... edict magic. Magical commands that one has to/is compelled to follow. And divinations. It’s very good at divinations. It’s also good at messing with souls, though not as good as black.
Yellow and Green tessense both spread through the air too, but green tessense tends to sink close to the ground and creep along like a heavy smoke, and yellow spreads out fast and always ends up scattered and thin if it’s not actively controlled or replenished.
Worth noting about all of these specialties is that they aren't hard rules. They’re just what’s easiest to do with each color by default. Technically there’s nothing that one color can do that the others can’t.
Movement between planes is possible, but not without rules. Without considerable magical power, it’s basically impossible to go more than one plane away from your native plane. That’s what the arrows on the image mean; it’s showing the possible travel.
Also worth noting is that tessense as a whole travels up between planes where it can. It usually can’t because there’s just too much of the native tessence for it to matter but it will be relevant.
“You skipped Orange-”
Orange is fucked. I’ll GET TO IT. Just know it hates all other kinds of tessense right this second. If you’ve read Sparks (and you’re not a specific friend I’ve talked about this stuff to) you’re probably a little confused because, uh, isn’t Earth Purple?
I’ll get to it.
Oh and a couple of quick side notes
~ All sapient denizens are humanoid to some degree. The weirdest is gets is the more powerful Angels and Demons. Angels will have more wings the more powerful they are, and demons will have like weirder legs or arms or whatnot. But still a bipedal creature with one head two arms, two forward facing eyes, etc. Also the fey have some variation (especially in size) but are never too far from the humanoid body plan.
~ Every plane has at least one ‘monarch’ sorta. It’s magical thing. They don’t have to have any political power (though they usually do; Earth excluded). The Monarch(s) are powerful individuals magically connected to the plane itself, and without the Monarch(s) the fabric of reality is less stable. This is a relevant fact. OKAY.
So let’s talk about these planes, from the top down.
The top plane is native to the Angels. It’s ruled by the King of Angels, and at any given time there are nine archangels in existence, though not all of them are in their home plane, since one of them has been banished down to Earth by the King. The King is the Monarch, though any of the Archangels could take that position if it was ever opened. He’s very paranoid about that possibility and rules the whole plane (or well, his planet in the plane; they all have Outer Space) with an iron fist to keep tight control and maintain his position.
He’s also in a long term war with the Demons, but it’s mostly In Name Only because it’s very rare that they can actually access each other. Hatred of demons is a very real thing in Angel culture though, especially after an archangel was killed by a demon on Earth (the fact that said Archangel was banished there by the King is conveniently left of of the narrative).
Next down is the Dreamers. Dreamland as as place is fueled and influenced by the thoughts and imaginations of the people on Earth. Yellow Quintessence is created by the dreams and ideas of Earthlings, rising up like magic and forming into the tessence on Dreamlands plane.
All of that is why the culture and magic in Dreamland is influenced by Earth’s.
There are five courts in Dreamland, each one having it’s own Monarch. Thematically, they’re each one of the french suits, as through Dreamlands history their courts have always built off of Earthly games, and as time went on the powers shifted and it slowly went from one monarch to five.
Five though, you might be asking? There are only four french suits; hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. And you’re right!
But before the french suits there were the minor arcana. And the major arcana. But as the french suits took over as the actual game cards, things shifted in Dreamland, and the Major Arcana court eventually became the star court, as a fifth suit.
But... saying Dreamland has five courts isn’t entirely accurate. It’s supposed to have five. That hasn’t been the case in a long time. The Diamond court ended up absorbed into the Heart Court, making the Heart Court the defacto court in control of all of Dreamland, and making the whole plane less stable and that’s a dangerous state to be in. It’s a good thing the Angels aren’t trying to take advantage of that /foreshadowing
Hoo boy. Earth. Okay. So Earth’s color is orange. A fact that I’m SURE confused any readers of Sparks.
Orange quintessence doesn’t spread. It doesn’t spread like, at all. It clumps together leaving it wide open for the tessence from below to flow up and spread on Earth, to the point of dominating and becoming the life energy everything on Earth, when on every other plane it’s their own native color in that role.
There aren’t very many magic users who use orange, and those who do... don’t consider themselves magic users.
See, orange Quintessence is more commonly called anti-magic. As used by hunters. You see it now, Sparks readers, Eh?
ACTUAL SPOILERS AHEAD THOUGH. Skip to Fey if you don’t want spoilers about a major villain + some other stuff
So what about Earth’s Monarch? And for the readers of Sparks- what the hell is the Master? What are Mages? While those later questions are more related to the Fey, I’m going to answer them here.
The Master is the reincarnating soul of a deceased Monarch from the Fey world. When a monarch is killed by someone else who could magically hold that position it shunts the soul to a different plane. And it only reincarnates in the mages and into specific families a lot because... mages are descendants of Fey, and the stronger a family’s fey blood is, the more likely it is that the fey monarch would be born into, because magically it’s drawn to Like.
So... Earth’s Monarch.
Earth’s Monarch is Kevin Anderson. The only people who use orange magic are the organization of Witch Hunters, who actively hunt down and kill magic users, because orange destroys all other kinds of tessense, and isn’t mutually destroyed to the same extent as the other reactive colors.
Kevin Anderson is a name that has meaning to anyone who’s read Sparks though.
See, Monarch on Earth just reincarnates (common for monarch souls) whenever they die, and the Hunter Organization actively hunts the kid down every time, and due to how reincarnation works (with past lives acting as a base for a new personality to be altered and changed by a new lifetime) it’s slowly made them hateful and cruel across many lifetimes
Which lands on Kevin Anderson by the time the story starts. At first the characters only know him as a very powerful Hunter, but it’s a lot more than that. He’s extremely dangerous.
So about those Fey Monarchs. There’s three fey Monarchs. There’s supposed to be four, one for each Season.
The Winter Queen is dead though, killed by her own child (who was a literal CHILD and got banished to Earth for their ‘crimes’), and no one took that throne. The Autumn Queen grabbed up a lot of the Winter Courts people and power, but not all of it, so the power imbalance isn’t quite as extreme as in Dreamland.
It’s still not GOOD though. Especially given what goes on below them though.
Oh also all of the Queens are kinda terrible people.
Below them though? Well there’s the Demon King, and nine archdemons, mirroring the Angels in that. Frankly the King of Demons and the Angel King have more in common than they have different. They’re both old fools who are clinging to their throne at all costs and stoke hatred towards the other to maintain control.
But the King of Demons is doing more than the Angel King. He’s actively seeking to advance that war, damn all the people between them.
And what do you know, the plane between him and Earth is weakened for having a monarch missing, so his war starts against the Fey, but his plans go much further than that.
#worldbuilding#sequel: shadowed dreams#this was fun to actually write up#writeblr#writing#My writing
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A Somewhat Mythology Lesson for the Fae’s Sake
I am now seeing a lot of questions regarding the Fae and have decided to do another of my HoaDS Reference Material Lessons because this was one of the things I researched a lot. Yet again, I will add links to Wikipedia as it has the most basic and easily understandable information, but this time I will also be linking to various Wikia fandoms as I relied heavily on them for inspiration.
First off, Fae (both plural and singular form) also known as fay, fey, fair folk or the traditional fairy are a type of mythical being that does not have a single origin as they are a collection of folk beliefs from a verity of sources. Some see them as a form of spirit, sometimes spirits of the dead, while others believe them to be demoted angels or demons, minor deities, or even as elementals. They are not always small-statured winged creatures, as at one-point goblins and gnomes fell into their category as well. Thus, there is a lot of conflicting information on the fair folk.
More often than not, the fae are usually attracted to those who are beautiful as well as wealthy and seek them out for various reasons. They are masters of enchantment and tend to only care about themselves even when dealing with humans but fae can be persuaded for a price. Traditionally, iron (and by extension, steel) is inimical to them and is often referred to as cold iron when used as a weapon against the fae.
For Heart of a Dragon’s Soul, I relied heavily on both Merlin and Dresden Files as reference rather than relying on the folklore since that gave me a more narrowed down basis to work with rather than too much conflicting information. However, as many of my readers have found out, I used the pixies from Disney Fairies for my Wyldfae as to not have to create my own characters. I also stuck to using Fae(rie) for the fair folk in the series to distinguish them as different to Toothiana’s Fairies.
In most folklore, the two most prominent categories of fae are the Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classifications_of_fairies) which I stuck with for the most part but incorporated the Wyldfae as well. However, it should be noted, that the fae, no matter their classification, are still dangerous if crossed. Something I adhered to in my writing as well since it paralleled the dragons who are also Creatures of Magic willing to work with the Hairy Hooligan Tribe but are dangerous creatures in their own right.
The Seelie Court is the more beneficently inclined fair folk whereas the Unseelie Court, are more malicious in nature. These courts are also referred to as the Summer Court and the Winter Court and in HoaDS, there is a reason for the difference between Seelie Court and Summer Court as well as the Unseelie Court and Winter Court. But I’m not sure how far I will go into explaining that as it is a part of the storyline I haven’t yet to post and carries potential spoilers (there is a reason I am the Norn of Silence after all, and that is because I don’t give spoilers if I can help it). However, just know for the most part, the Summer Court is the Seelie Court and the Winter Court is the Unseelie Court.
The Seelie Court more often than not would seek help from humans and warn those who accidentally offended them, returning human kindness with favors of their own. As stated before, they are still dangerous and were quick to avenge any insults to their persons. They also were prone to mischief by playing light-hearted pranks without realizing how the pranks affected humans.
The Unseelie Court, on the other hand, needed no offense to deem it necessary to bring down assault and often attacked travelers out at night. Just like how the Seelie Court were not always seen as benevolent, neither were the fae of the Unseelie Court always malevolent as they too became fond of particular humans if they were viewed as respectful. Though, those humans often times made into something of a pet, which reflected their darker aspects compared to the Seelie Court.
The last classification I use is that of the Wyldfae (inspired by the Dresden Files: https://dresdenfiles.fandom.com/wiki/Wyldfae). These are the fae that are bound to neither of the faerie courts as they are oftentimes seen as insignificant in the eyes of the higher-ranked fae. Though, in the event of a war, most Wyldfae will associate themselves with the side that they are most inclined. For the most part, they lived in harmony in the Wyldfae Haven, home of Pixie Hollow and the Winter Woods before it’s fall. Now, they mostly live in the Nevernever or have carved out a small place for themselves unseen by humans.
Now that classifications are out of the way, let's dive into fae ranks. Here is where I will go into the Summer and Winter Courts as laid out by the Dresden Files as it gave me the groundwork for the fae hierarchy.
Sídhe (pronounced ‘shee’) literally means “people of the (fairy) hills”. This comes back to the idea that fae were spirits of the dead since the ‘fairy hills’ were often burial mounts. Furthermore, Sídhe was the original term for fairies in general but has since changed over time to refer to the nobility of the fae.
In HoaDS, the Sídhe are the nobility of the fae, the upper echelon which is not hereditary—though that can be a determining factor—but based on status and their abilities. In short, they are powerful as fuck. They have fought their way to the top and are still there because lower-ranking fae respect their rule and power but also because no one has managed to kill them off yet.
Originally, the Sídhe were made up of the Sídhe Elders which I envision are the Sídhe Kings of Old from Merlin’s time (https://merlin.fandom.com/wiki/Sidhe_Elder) who have seen the Great Purge and witnessed the Balance disturbed. They might have gone a little insane from their immortality, they could have decided a purge of their own was needed, or they might have seen an opportunity to fill the vacuum of power left from the Great Purge (I’m not saying which), which lead to the destruction of Pixie Hollow and the beginning of the Sídhe War.
During the time of the Sídhe Elders, it was taboo to kill another Sídhe Elder and the punishment was death unless it was another Sídhe Elder that committed the murder. In which case, the Sídhe who committed such an offense was cursed to live the life of a mortal in body and soul. However, if the cursed Sídhe sacrificed a human of great worth, either royalty or one with great magical potential, they’d gain back their life as a Sídhe.
After the Sídhe War, both Courts have their own territories in the land of Faerie within the Nevernever governed by the three queens. The eldest of the Queen, otherwise known as The Queen Who Was, is either Mother Winter or Mother Summer, according to the court she belongs to. They hold no official power over the court but are extremely powerful beings as the former queens who were not killed during their reign. The ruling queen, The Queen Who is, is often referred to as the Winter Queen or Summer Queen and she controls the courts. Lastly, the youngest of each court is the Lady Summer or Lady Winter, The Queen Who is to Come, and is considered to be a Queen in training. The rest of the Sídhe are akin to the Lords and Ladies of the court and take offense at not being referred to faerie rather than Sídhe because they are above normal fae. (https://dresdenfiles.fandom.com/wiki/Faerie_Courts)
The Dresden Files also has a Winter King and Summer King, both of whom are technically Wyldfae but are associated with their respective seasons and are independent of the Queens. In SoaD, the Winter King and Summer King are more or less the protectors of the Wyldfae. It is an alliance of convenience as the two are not truly their Kings but they call them that out of respect.
Dewdrop Faeries are the weakest of the fae. They typically only have the magical talent for one type of magic, be it a certain element or skillset, but not much else as their magical reserves are quite low. Their size is in direct correlation with their magical capabilities, the more magic they have, the larger they are but if they expend all of their magic, the dimmer their light shines. The majority of which are Wyldfae since neither of the courts see the need to recruit such lowly creatures into their services.
Brownies are what some would be considered domesticate fae as they come out at night while the owners of the house are asleep to perform various chores and farming tasks. However, they are far from domesticated as they only complete the tasks in trade for a bowl of milk or cream or some other offering for the brownie left by the hearth. They are easily offended and will leave their homes forever if they feel like they’ve been insulted or taken advantage of in any way.
The Wee Folk are less of a faerie rank and more of a generalization of all the small size fae which include Dewdrop Faeries, Brownies, and the likes.
Pixies are a step above Dewdrop Faeries in power and were the original creators of Pixie Hollow, hence the name. However, upon seeing their power and capabilities, the Sídhe from both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts swayed them to their side with promises of power, forever garnering them as loyal servants to the Sídhe.
Please let me know if this clears things up and if there is still any confusion that doesn’t count as a spoiler, I will do my best to answer. Hope you enjoyed the lesson.
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Name: Claerwen Hailstrum
Meaning of Name: Claerwen “Clear Light”, Hailstrum “Hail storm” Nickname(s): None
Age: 100
Birthday: Unknown
Species/Nationality: Eladrin Elf/ Unknown
Accent: Unknown
Language spoken: Common, Elvish,
Powers: Ninjutsu, Magic,
Pet: Unknown
Illness/Allergies: Unknown (None)
Occupation: Ninja
Description: Pointed Eladrin ears, fair skin, turquoise colored eyes, scar on his head,
Height: 5′2″
Weight: 111
Body Build: Nimble, acrobatic, Lean, Athletic
Claerwen was born last to his mother and father. In his family they start training their children very young, for combat. So Claerwen rarely had down time. Despite his family's high stand among the Eladrin people, who often send their own children to the academy his parents ran, Claerwen was treated just the same as the other students in attendance. At this academy the students would live their lives from early childhood till late teens. Claerwen had been an exceptionally talented student in his grade at the academy. Of course with the help of being able to get a head start his entire family was exceptionally talented in the skill offered to be taught at his parents school. Once he was old enough to choose a course he had become attached to, Claerwen easily chose to take the ninjutsu course at the school. Which had by then been a long standing course offered at the school to talented students for many years. The majority of Claerwen's school life had gone smoothly. After finishing his schooling Claerwen was recruited onto a task team and lived out the next eighty two years perfecting his craft and completing missions.
Though, since the orcs had taken over, these sort of things were often very dangers. Though his team had often been regarded among the other Eladrin, they would not always be so lucky. As all good things must eventually come to an end. Fortunately the only bad thing that happened was Claerwen had managed to stupidly sprain his ankle while on a mission that had him and others of his group separating into different directions. While he had been trying to silently, and stealthily get back to the meeting spot however, Claerwen had been spotted by some orcs who easily trapped and captured the injured elf. They then took him to one of the fortresses that had been nearby. This of course, had been all a part of Claerwen and his teams plan. As he was being pulled away toward the fortress, his teammates who had come back after leading several orcs away from the fortress, and killing them. They watched from the trees waiting for the right time to strike. But that would not be...
Once inside the orc fortress Claerwen had been stripped of his clothing down to a loincloth, because some unseen force had apparently liked mostly nude elvish men. Claerwen then was dragged to a dank cell that, specifically had all manner of smell. Mostly consisting of rotting or spoiled old blood that he was glade to be mostly nude for. He knew he would never get that stench out of his clothing otherwise. From inside the cell he had waited, biding his time, gathering information off of the orcs who were far too stupid to keep their traps shut. He had overheard them talking of their Master, who had wanted the elf for whatever reason, and would be coming in a few days time. Claerwen, still sitting quietly and silently, had rolled his eyes. The amount of stupid he was currently listening to being enough for him to want to gouge his own eardrums. However, he remained silent, as was a major part of his training. To talk only when it benefited him or his team. This had been how all the Ninja of the Eladrin Training Academy had been taught.
They had been rigorously tortured, teaching them to withstand any attempt to pry knowledge out of them, or otherwise things they didn't want to say, if they ever got captured. As was Claerwen's current issue. However, apparently no one at the fortress knew how to shut the fuck up. Which was good for him. Moving over to wall that had been across from the door, Claerwen began to pry at some of the wooden planks that were becoming brittle and chipping away, due to little to no maintenance being done since the Orcs had moved on in and took over the place. The filthy creatures clearly being too stupid to know that they needed to manage upkeep. Claerwen could never wrap his mind around how such an ignorant race had managed to take over the entirety of this worlds land. Though he had assumed that being raised in the world of the Fey was a pleasure compared to how any being would have ever been able to run this sinking ship of a Wasteland. Which was the main objective of his teams mission. To figure out just what in the hell was going on in this world.
Keeping the piece of wood in hand he looked out into the rock breaking area he had been lead through before, seeing some dragon scaled woman hammering away at some rocks as an orc had stood by yapping away with her. He couldn't really make it out because they were quite a distance away. But he could see everything that they were doing. Even the orcs that were piling into an area near by with some tiny little mutant cutting up a deer. Claerwen had watched as these events soon folded out before him. The dragon scaled woman smashing a rock and finding something glowing red underneath. Claerwen's eyes widened, knowing at least vaguely what the hell had just been uncovered. He pulls away a little bit as he watched orc after orc come over and foolishly stare at the rock before soon starting to fight and kill each other. Claerwen shook his head at this before moving toward the door and listening in for the guards that had been standing their. Conveniently enough they had noticed the sound of the slaughter going on.
Moving toward the back of the building he watches as the two guards who were at his door moves out toward where all the fighting was going on. Narrowing his eyes on the stupidity being displayed by every single creature in that group, Claerwen let out a breath. Still in awe about how such stupidity could strangle an entire land this way. Though he was also a bit amused by what he was witnessing, where else could anyone find a show this entertaining to watch. Then he had seen the psychotic little mutant running around and snagging up the now displaced glowing red rock and seen it had also cause the mutant's eyes to start glowing a bright red, just as it had several of the orcs before that. He knew enough about this stone to know that that had been a very bad sign. Moving back toward the cell door he started to work on getting out. Of course it wasn't really that easy. But by the time he had finally managed to get the damn thing open the noise of fighting outside had ended. Taking this time Claerwen made his way out of the prison.
Once outside he had heard an alarm going off. So with what little time he did have he moved stealthily to the felled bodies of orcs on the ground. Noticing that the dragon lady and mutant hadn't been there, nor had the glowing red rock. Snagging up some armor and weapons and such Claerwen also made his way toward the woods before he could get caught by any more orcs and risk fighting his way through them or getting captured yet again. He knew his team would be swooping in to save him at some point. But he had also gathered enough information on the goings on with the orcs that he felt he didn't need to stay and pretend to be prisoner any longer. He had made his way into the woods, tracking the orcs as they followed what he assumed mussed have been the dragon lady and the mutant, into the woods. Claerwen kept at a safe distance, though most of their distraction had been on locating the other two. Claerwen climbed into the top of a tree some yards away from the opening of a cave, watching as not long after both the mutant and the dragon lady had emerged from it.
Scanning them both he noticed that neither the lady or the mutant had had any red glowing rock. But he was sure that the little mutant had ran off with it from before. Hiding in the leaves he continues to observe as the two fought the orcs that had followed them into the woods and onto the mountain. Claerwen noticed during this time that now the dragon lady's eyes were glowing the same red as the orcs and mutant had, back at the fortress. After most of the orcs were defeated, another being emerged from the cave opening, and he could tell that that being was giving the others orders. Claerwen's gaze lingering on the strange being before looking to the mutant, figuring out that the mutant was willingly following where as those with the glowing red eyes had been forced to obey. It gave him a disgusted, sinking feeling as he then watched the group head out when the strange being went back into the mouth of the cave. Claerwen made his way down to keep an eye on the strange part that was now apparently making their way back toward the camp.
He had managed to follow them most of the way their without being detected, soon though he had to step in eyesight. Even though by that point he was only wanting to get his gear back. He looked over when the strange evil little mutant had pointed him out to the rest of the group and then proceeded to get up in his face and ask him questions. Claerwen quickly told the other he had been working for the man the little freak had named in their question toward him. Which had worked, but still the little freak wouldn't give him any breathing room. The Dragon lady however, he had noticed, had enough control over them self to prevent the freak from killing him and he was soon able to regather his equipment. However, still, the freak would not let him leave without seeming like they were going to kill him. Claerwen followed along with the two as they both almost got let him be taken back with the orcs, and also prevented it, not that the little mutant had liked it all that much.
Claerwen continued being strung along with the two weirdos for a while staring off into the tree's as he noticed they were being followed by his team. Gesturing for them to stay back when Reet hadn't been looking and waiting for his moment. Which was sure to come because he didn't imagine the two of them had one brain cell between them both. Sure enough, that moment had finally come some hours later when they came up to a building and Reet ran inside to go slaughter some orcs fucking inside. Claerwen dashed away, into the woods, disappearing into the dark, probably never to be seen again! Unfortunately, things do not work that way. However, he was able to reunite with his team and pass on the information he had gather. The leader of his team then ordered him to keep an eye on Reet and Mysten. Which, even if he didn't want to, Claerwen nodded his head and went back to working. Unfortunately he had apparently run out of food at some point so he ended up wondering into a fishing village after following the two weirdos.
Prior to that, his time following the two hadn't really given him much to go back to his team with. Mysten's eyes no longer glowing red and her infatuation with a donkey wasn't really good information. So once she had disappeared into a creepy cave somewhere, Claerwen made his way to a nearby village where he had tracked Reet toward the village, not that he wanted to find the little weirdo anyway. He had mostly gone to the village in order to restock up on food. Unfortunately that too, did not happen. When he made his way up to a shack, or shed, or whatever in the hell, he noticed that the small freak was their and was walking out, so he hid beside the building away from them, only for them to again spot him. It was at this moment, Claerwen knew, he was going to blind that little fucker. The moment he got into a bar no one was at the front, so he scooped himself something to eat and then some weird old fucking lady came up and started to interrogate him, despite his being disguised. And the person she was apparently thinking he was, wasn't described as 'masked' as much as they were described as 'elf' and he sure as fucking shit didn't look like any elf from where and old lady pissing around in the back of her shed could see. He paid for his meal and then some though, just to get her to shut up and finished his meal.
It was then, knowing Reet was already gone that he decided he was going to follow the gigantic man, and the two cloaked people at his side, one which was clearly Mysten because she smelled terrible, he could remember that smell coming off her when he entered the camp. Clearly not having bathed properly in some time. But it wasn't just that by itself. It was her natural smell. The smell she gave off that perhaps not even she had noticed. Turning his nose up at it he turned his face away so she couldn't look at him, ready to grab a dagger and throw it at her throat if she started yapping.
Claerwen soon finished up his meal and moved quickly to keep up with the trio that had just left the village. Staying with the trees as he had moved along, within range of seeing them and hearing them. He was about to come out and warn the giant of Mysten's red eye mind control issue. As well as whoever the human was that was with them. But three orcs had come up. So he stayed where he was, continuing to watch from afar as the giant managed to get the orcs to move along. Claerwen again was about to come out and warn the two with Mysten before Reet came back into the picture. Again, he pulled back away, because that was the last person he had wanted to deal with. Mysten, he knew had been under some control, and was extremely stupid. But Reet, he had easily seen there had been something deeply disturbing about Reet. Even more disturbing than the strange cloaked human that smelled of rotting flesh. Claerwen had watched the group then, deciding to keep an eye on Reet for the time being, and figure out of he would do anything strange.
Nothing happened, the giant had forcibly removed the arrows Reet clearly had deserved being shot for. Then heal the other, he wondered why the giant would feel the need to help someone who clearly had some major fucking issues going on with him. He even was treating a 'friend' like shit. Claerwen wondered how Reet was not sending red flags up for anyone in that group. Of course he knew these primitive peoples were not aware of such signs. Though he had continued to watch, seeing the human eventually climb into a tree as the group made camp and decided to go into a trance for a little while to, to build his strength back up. Even though Reet again had seen him from the trees. Claerwen hadn't done much else until about an hour later after a huge storm had started. He continued to hide and followed the group over to an elven bridge that had been old and falling apart. Yet. Every single one of them, including himself a couple of moments after they had walked across, had managed to get over it. Claerwen had stayed just outside the cave.
But for some reason by unseen forces, he had managed to find a coin on the ground and by the time he stood back up he had been teleported several feet inside the gave, because science...So he hid in the darkness, moving father into the cave in order to stay far away from Reet. However, he had noticed the other was not talking about following some guy, to anyone. He thought this was, a strange inconsistency, compared to how Reet had acted when seeing him for the first time. However he didn't have much to say or see when he had heard something from his side and started moving away, only to be suddenly distracted by a shiny...copper coin, laying on the ground. Then a scaly mutant teleported over toward him and bashed him in the head before hitting him again. After that everything had gone dark, because he had been knocked unconscious. By the time he had woken up again, he was a little confused and disorientated. But what was weirder still, was that the giant from before had been holding him in their hand, and telling him they were a bear...
Claerwen nodded at this, not knowing what the other had been getting at. Or why they were a bear, they certainly hadn't looked like a bear. They didn't feel like a bear, they didn't smell like a bear. They were also a bit to squeamish for being a bear. He didn't say anything though, because he didn't want to be crushed by 'the bear'. Still not back to being fully away, dazed, Claerwen had somewhat forgotten what he was doing their and watched Reet and Mysten about ready to maybe fight each other, though even as dazed as he could still see those two idiots wouldn't do a damn thing to one another. So he turned his attention to the other two, who he hadn't known the names of so he decided to name the Giant 'Bear' and the hooded smelly guy nothing, because he couldn't think of anything. Nothing still continued to happen, the little mutant curled up on the ground and tried to go to sleep, allowing Mysten to tie him up. Perhaps he could gouge the little fuckers eyes out then. But when he tried to stand up his head spun.
Sitting still he listen to the Bear's offer to take him back to their cave and,...thankfully, just heal him, apparently? Though suspicious he knew that was a fairly good option compared to Reet being up in his business, when, he eventually was freed, or broke free of his bindings. Claerwen then followed the giant out and toward their cave. The next day when he was healed he thanked the giant and then moved on his way, even if he had to make a stealthy escape. Because no one in this land could be trusted entirely, not even him. Kindness tended to often come with a consequence or a price in the land he had been on his mission in. Claerwen switched his alignments to Spring and made his way to another city, completely disguising himself, looking nothing like his winter form outside of shape, he was able to easily blend in, only using a little bit of his disguise kit if he needed.
(Work In Progress)
The chaotic eladrin are creatures of powerful emotions, infused with a power that can align with the magic of the seasons.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence or Charisma score increases by 1 (your choice).
Fey Step. As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Shifting Seasons. At the end of each short or long rest, you can align yourself with the magic of one season, regardless of the season that is dominating your personality. Doing so allows you to cast a certain cantrip, as shown in the Shifting Seasons Cantrips table. When you align yourself with a season’s magic, you lose the cantrip associated with the previous season and gain the cantrip associated with the new season. Your spellcasting ability for these cantrips is Intelligence or Charisma, whichever is higher.
Shifting Seasons Cantrips
Season : Cantrip
Autumn : Friends
Winter : Chill Touch
Spring : Minor Illusion
Summer : Firebolt
The Four Seasons Each
Eladrin has four distinct personality states—one for each season—that they shift between when they experience powerful emotion.
Autumn is the season of peace and goodwill, when summer’s harvest is shared with all. Eladrin adopt this personality when overcome with contentment.
Winter is the season of dolor, when the vibrant energy of the world slumbers. It is a time of sadness and regret, entered when eladrin are overcome with sorrow.
Spring is the season of cheerfulness and unfettered celebration, marked by merriment as winter’s sorrow passes. Eladrin enter this state when overcome with joy.
Summer is the season of boldness and aggression, a time of unfettered energy. Eladrin enter this state when overcome with fury.
You may create personality traits and flaws for each of your seasons, reflecting an eladrin’s tempestuous personality. You can roll on the following tables or read them for inspiration. To add some chaos to your character, you may roll on these tables each time you change seasons.
d4 Autumn Personality Trait
1 If someone is in need, you never withhold aid.
2 You share what you have, with little regard to your own needs.
3 There are no simple meals, only lavish feasts.
4 You stock up on fine food and drink. You hate going without such comforts.
d4 Autumn Flaw
1 You trust others without thought.
2 You give to the point that you leave yourself without necessary supplies.
3 Everyone is your friend, or a potential friend..
4 You spend excessively on creature comforts.
d4 Winter Personality Trait
1 The worst case is the most likely case.
2 You preserve what you have. Better to hunger today and have food for tomorrow.
3 The world is full of dangers. You never let your guard drop.
4 A penny spent is a penny lost forever.
d4 Winter Flaw
1 Everything dies eventually. Why bother building anything that is meant to last?
2 Nothing matters to you, and you allow others to guide your actions.
3 Your needs come first. In winter, all must watch out for themselves.
4 You speak only to point out the flaws in others’ plans.
d4 Spring Personality Trait
1 Every day is the greatest day of your life.
2 You do everything with enthusiasm, even the most mundane chores.
3 You love music and song. You supply a tune yourself if no one else can.
4 You can’t stay still.
d4 Spring Flaw
1 You overdrink.
2 Toil is for drudges. Yours should be a life of leisure.
3 A pretty face infatuates you in an instant, but your fancy passes with equal speed.
4 Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
Free Thinking
d4 Summer Personality Trait
1 You believe that direct confrontation is the best way to solve problems.
2 Overwhelming force can solve almost anything. The tougher the problem, the more force you apply.
3 You stand tall and strong so that others can lean on you.
4 You maintain an intimidating front. Better to prevent fights with a show of force than be led to harm others.
d4 Summer Flaw
1 You are stubborn. Let others change.
2 The best option is one that is swift, unexpected, and overwhelming.
3 Punch first. Talk later.
4 Your fury can carry you through anything
Quirks/Savvies/Other: Mutterer, Awkward, Taps foot when he’s bored, Tinkering with things, Tugs on his ears, hums under his breath, goes quiet and becomes slightly more goofy.
Likes: Reading, Writing, Lyricism, Playing Instrument, Acting, Play writing, Music Composition, Games, Storytelling, Cooking, Adventuring, Sewing, Singing, Dancing, Voices ( for performances, duh), Drawing, Painting, Journalism, Puppetry, Creatures, Writing in his journal, playing his violin, singing, fruit, sunflower seeds, fish, learning new things, exploring the world, music, books, swimming, games, performing, looting, animals, quiet alone time, getting stuff for basically free, traveling, new things,
Dislikes: Reet (Reet), The Red Glowing Rock, Red Glowing Eyes, Orcs
Fears: Unknown
Personality Tests: ENTP-A, Choloric-Phlegmatic Blend, Chaotic Neutral(Alt Neutral), Enneagram: 7/7w8, The Enthusiast, The Challenger, Aquarius,
Other: Elements(Extra): Steel, Light, Thunder, Dark, Balanced Brain, Hogwarts House: Gryffindor/ House Blends: Ravendor, Ilvermorny: Horned Serpent, Aura: Green, Patronous: Hawk or Swan, Divergency: Dauntless, Candor, Erudite, Natural Disaster: Earthquake,
-> Father: Llywelyn
-> Mother: Ceinwen
Sibling(s): Older Brother: Neifion/ Older Sister: Briallen/ Older Brother: Eirwen
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