#not just spiders lolol
unipacas · 1 year
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double date :3
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squuote · 1 year
I think all spiderpeople should have fangs why does only miguel get them. he ain’t special
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littleshysheep-at-da · 3 months
What is your favorite Kumoko Spider forme?
They’re all so good ❤️❤️❤️
I do stand by NOT like liking her Manga Adaptation Form because she’s very anatomically incorrect. Just. Look Arthropods are classified by BODY SEGMENTS and number of legs, the three body segments makes her no longer an Arachnid. Like sure they’re is like spider ants, I don’t know a lot of details of Scientific Classification I’m still learning, and it can be a bit Arbitrary at times, but man it’s just not the same!!!
But on the LN LIT THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD. Which is not surprising considering Drawing Monsters and Insects seems to be the Artist’s niche.
On her spider forms though…
What Spider is Shiro?: This is just for me who is obsessed with actual spiders. I’m an amateur though and can’t say I can identify or know all the terms. So it sounds like in her past life Shiro was a type of spider that lives high up and makes webs to wait for prey (I forgot/don’t know the scientific terms right now). But now she most resembles in behavior and appearance a jumping spider. Her original design was made to be the least threatening spider so it’s obvious that it would end up looking like a jumping spider which everyone agrees is cute. But she does also have the hunting patterns of a jumping spider being an ambush predator and attacking instead of just waiting in her web. Also later evolutions of Kumoko have spiky butts which, there are types of spiky orb weavers! Though I don’t know if orb weavers and jumping spiders overlap? I think they might.
Anyway Obligatory Thanks for the Ask! I LOVE KUMODESU WITH MY WHOLE SOUL!!!!
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wellhalesbells · 10 months
HAHAHAHA, I should clarify that I just mean for super hero-y ones. I mostly watch the first one and rarely watch the second (or anything after...... or remakes, lol), I think the only Marvel one I've seen in recent history is Thor: Ragnarok. Actually, the Spider-man franchise pretty much encapsulates how I interact with Marvel properties: I saw the first trilogy because it was new and exciting at the time, then they remade it too fast and I refused to pay for something I just saw, that was so recent in my memory from the release date I could still remember exact scenes from it (THERE WERE ONLY FIVE YEARS BETWEEN SPIDER-MAN 3 AND THE REBOOT - THAT IS NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR ME TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THAT AGAIN. HOW IS THAT ENOUGH TIME FOR ANYONE TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THAT AGAIN???), then I watched the first Tom Holland one (fourteen years I can vibe with) and nothing that followed because that's generally when the gimmicks and cameos start in lieu of good story-telling, or they make it dark and gritty because that's the only way to ground this superhuman, right (I assume a random white guy: "Should we fridge a lady? Yeah, we should probably fridge a lady"). The first one generally at least tries to have a soul because they have to introduce the character and make you care about them but many of the ones that follow (the few I've seen from when the MCU was just starting out and I had hope *coughs*Iron Man 2, Thor 2, etc.*coughs*) are just cash grabs that don't try because you already love this character and there they are, right there, so money please!
Meg 2 however..... EPIC, NO NOTES. It knows if I was a shark girl, I was probably a dinosaur girl and it gambled correctly. That's what you're watching this for? Have three sharks and an unnecessary (probably stupid expensive) dinosaur intro that is nearly completely irrelevant to the story but that you will also not want to live without and for an extra special bonus: oblivious husbands and their brilliant daughter. Like. You got me nailed, my dude. Will watch every subsequent sequel, no questions asked.
#i do understand that spider-man is a bullshit studio thing#and that it's a marvel property that belongs to sony and i implied everything is under the mcu umbrella#(and i honestly don't fault them for remaking it. instead i just don't understand how there was an audience for it???)#but they're all guilty of the same shit for different but also EXACTLY THE SAME reasons#they want to fleece money from me. because that's how it feels: like i'm being swindled#they're not earning my money through good content but instead through brand recognition and shared cultural touchstones#YOU CAN'T HAVE MY MONEY MOUSE#sony you can when it's miles (that is a sequel i DID watch and that DID have a soul imo) :))))#something similar (cash grabs) are pretty much the exact reason i stopped reading marvel comics too#capitalism ruins everything#for a moral everyone knows *snorts*#also generally the sequels have bigger budgets and just to quote freckle...... sometimes things that are expensive are worse#great things sometimes come from people having to work within constraints and when you aren't given any....... terrible things can happen#like bbc sherlock lolol. AHEM#basically if i watch a sequel now it has to be a character i am VERY invested in so i'm willing to be burned - deadpool or miles#or it has to break containment from people who will go see anything with a marvel sticker on it to people who..... won't#and still recommend it - like ragnarok#(i wonder if NOT going the dark gritty route and instead having a fun story with a conflict that wasn't dependent on outdoing every#other conflict that came before it in this whole universe had aNYTHING to do with its success. hrm. it's a mystery!)#normally i would answer this privately but i had to explain about the sony thing so you would know i KNEW about the sony thing and then....#tag explosion and now it has to be public and i'm sorry i went on a mouse rant. I HATE THE MONOPOLY MOUSE I JUST DO.#IT'S BAD AND IT MAKES BAD LAZY THINGS THAT KILL CREATIVITY (AND NOW ALSO FUNDS GENOCIDE SO)#!ask
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ar1h1 · 1 year
Okay, I just thought about it... A good nickname for Miguel (if you're in a relationship with him or good friends) is daddy long legs. He's half spider and he's tall. And a dilf. It's perfect lolol
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sunshadowed · 2 years
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// TW Arachnophobia
Lucia loves her creepy little friends ok
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kelieah · 1 month
if anyone… wants to you know… maybe send in some short prompts…. i wouldn’t mind posting some drabbles… hehe…
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needlxd · 1 year
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« ...how long can you keep that up? » she isn't sure if that's the appropriate response to finding someone simply hanging upside down, but it's the first thing to come to her mind. kitiara is plenty used to odd behaviors, but isn't this one a little dangerous? or does he have some kind of immunity against blood rushing to his head and causing hemorrhaging?
...actually, that'd be a pretty neat bragging point, in her opinion. though being upside down at all is definitely not her personal cup of tea.
@wildkaart liked for pavitr
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nofollowgame · 2 months
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🔶 Proxy's ~* bl0ggie of d00m *~ entry 3 in No Follow 「game」 :: File #000009
i just made ANOTHER friend!!! his name is kb n he likes to DANCE DANCE~ me n mel were lookin for teh mall again (spoilerz: we still didnt find it TToTT) BUT we did find a cool dance club n thats how we met kb!!! then me n mel were havin a lil dance partyyy but then kb kicked us out LOLOL kb ya big goof XD and THEN on teh way out i was tellin mel about teh layout i got from spiderrr n then kb was like o_O??? but he was kickin us out so idk maybe kb is friends with spider too i got distracted by mel bc she was makin a funny face like <3ww<3 how does she do that?! XD teh rand0mness…
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extravalgant · 5 months
speaking more from my last post about shadow magic and its just. so interesting tbh. like the first mention of shadow magic comes from khrysalis when we enter the eclipse tower and it gives us interesting looks into how shadow magic as a whole is regarded in the spiral...
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its so insane to hear that its a forbidden magic and that grandmother raven and BARTLEBY of all people forbade it to be taught. raven i could probably understand, but considering we are now bartlebys scion... it's hard to think about the possibility that he didn't trust us before. an outsider from the spiral learning a forbidden magic...
i think what's also interesting is the fact that the shadow magic the wizard learns is a wholly unique one. shadow magic corrupted the moon magic inside the tower, so there's a possiblity that our wizard only knows this specific subset of shadow magic—one that's been permanently altered by moon magic in the eclipse tower, and one that can only be taught by sofia darkside.
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it makes me wonder if velma knows the same kind, or if hers and the wizard's shadow magic is different... is one more volatile than the other? or if there's no difference at all and im looking into it too much lolol
knowing this and knowing raven forbade anyone in the spiral from ever learning shadow magic, it would make a little bit of sense for how hostile she initially seems towards the wizard... if we take what we saw from the book of secrets, then we know that magic law states that nothing is an accident—magic is reactive and 'sentient' to a certain degree, so there was no mistake in the wizard freeing grandfather spider from his prison using magic, because that's what they wanted.
granted it was for other reasons... but it doesn't paint a pretty picture of any of us. the wizard learns shadow magic, the wizard frees spider, and then spider goes on to say that theyre his favorite.
i think what makes this particularly more tragic is the fact that the wizard didn't even have a choice. sofia says this herself!
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they need to learn it. the sword of kings isn't enough. being a child of prophecy isn't enough. they failed once before, and theyre not eager to fail again. theyll try anything, and everything, and that includes... freeing grandfather spider.
which, you know, speaking of backlash... sofia mentions it too lol.
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which is interesting to me... i always complained that the morganthe fight needed a bit more oomph—which, i still believe it does, to some extent—but i think how she died was a fitting end to her. crushed underneath the weight of her own powers, her own shadow—her backlash. she was the instrument of her own defeat, and, well... that could have very well been the wizard. she's our reflection, our parallel. i think it's why the wizard never mentions or claims that theyre the one that did her in—because they technically... didn't, but they also did. which is cool!
much to think about....
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
How things would go if lil Billie and Mona met their dad as Spider-Punk before knowing that the big, stick-buggy masked vigilante is their dad? Hobie might want to cry 'cause he can't kiss or show affection to his girls in public BUT HE WANTS TO DO IT RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW [Lil twins being in the cutest twinsies R made didn't help him either lolol] -🦊
Ramona would cry bc of the mask! (Poor baby) Hobie tries really hard not to take off his mask in public to comfort his baby. Meanwhile, Billie would be very excited to see spiderman in person after seeing him on the telly, she thinks he's a character like on one of her shows lol 😂 she hugs his legs suddenly before r has time to react bc Mona's bawling her eyes out and Billie's like "wait a minute I know this leg" and she just looks up at hobie with narrowed eyes and the cutest pout whispering a "daddy?" And Hobie acts like he isn't the proudest dad in the whole world
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lokust · 1 year
Literally anything with lee!miguel orz
I’m especially fond of the miguel/peter b/mj poly dynamic but I’d happily take anything lolol
There was something up with Miguel. Something just... not quite right, and everyone closest to him had noticed it. Hobie and Noir gossiped about his attitude, while Gwen interrogated Lyla in an attempt to get to the bottom of it. Miles minded his own business, but Pavitr and Jess went to Miguel himself to question it.
Miguel was irritable- more so than usual, and he was really, really jumpy. Every little noise, every accidental touch, made him flinch or jerk away as if he was expecting something to happen, but nobody had any idea what.
He was also incredibly snappy- again... more so than usual. Every inquiry about his mental state or general unusual behavior was met with a snarky remark or a near-deadly glare. Everyone had caught attitude from Miguel throughout the day. Well, almost everyone. Everyone but Peter B.
It was no secret that Miguel had something going on with Peter and MJ. What little free time he had was spent in their universe, and the kids had caught glimpses of heart emojis and sweet messages from both Peter and MJ on Miguel's phone, but nobody ever dared say a word about it.
It was unusual for Miguel to spare Peter from his general grumpiness. For some reason, though, Miguel seemed to be an absolute mess anytime Peter was in the room. It was like he couldn't keep his eyes off of Peter, staring at him from across the room and blushing like mad. Even something as simple as the sound of the older spider's voice had Miguel a blushing, stammering mess, but all he could do was hope nobody had noticed, especially Peter.
They had all noticed, especially Peter.
Peter knew exactly what the problem was, and he was not helping.
Every time they were in the same room, Peter sneaked "accidental" touches to Miguel's sides or back. He made it a point to let Miguel know that he noticed the staring. He stared back, smirking while drumming and tapping his fingers against whatever surface he could find. He wanted Miguel to know that he knew.
Miguel was, in fact, in a lee mood. The worst lee mood he'd ever been in.
Miguel finally realized that the only way he'd get through the day without turning into pure mush was by avoiding Peter at all costs. So that was what he did. If Peter was going one way, Miguel went the other; if Miguel noticed their paths crossing, he made a beeline for the bathroom or the closest supply closet; if he walked into a room that Peter just so happened to be in, he immediately walked out in a flustered, frustrated frenzy.
But, of course, Peter noticed. For the last time that day, Miguel had found himself inside a supply closet, peeking out of it for just a moment to make sure Peter wasn't following him, and he let out a sigh of relief as he realized Peter was nowhere in sight and had probably gotten lost in the crowd.
He shut and locked the door, allowing himself a moment to relax. He closed his eyes, resting against the wall as he took deep breaths. He tried his hardest to calm himself down and get rid of the embarrassing blush that covered his entire face and traveled all the way to the tips of his ears.
He sighed once more before taking a deep breath, "Come on, Miguel. Keep it together…”, he said to himself before pushing himself off the wall and opening the door, peaking out one last time before deciding it was safe.
Unfortunately, just as he opened the door, he heard the unmistakable ‘thwip’ of a web shooter, and the door was shut again, white webs covering the knob. Miguel's eyes widened as he stood completely still, blood rushing to his cheeks as his heart started beating nearly out of his chest.
"Turn around”, said the voice behind him, and slowly, Miguel turned around.
There he was, Peter B. Parker, hanging upside down from a web with that goofy smirk. Miguel looked up and mentally kicked himself as he noticed the open vent in the ceiling.
Miguel opened his mouth in an attempt to speak, to try to explain the situation away, but Peter beat him to it, "It’s been awfully hard for me to catch up to you today, Miguel~”, he sing-songed, looking around the small room as he did so “That’s alright, though! I enjoyed our little game of Cat and Mouse”, Peter said before dropping from his web and inching closer to the adorably flustered spider in front of him. "Care to explain why exactly we were playing?", he asked, his voice dropping slightly as he raised one eyebrow.
Peter loved this: toying with Miguel and watching the usually stoic spider crumble into a bashful mess. Even more than watching it happen, he loved knowing that he was the reason.
Miguel's throat went dry as he looked for an explanation, stammering over the beginning of his sentence, “I-I, uh, I don't- I have.. n-no idea what you're talking about. I was just- I came in here to-“
"To hide from me?", Peter teased, stepping even closer to Miguel. Miguel had backed up against the door, his chest nearly against Peter's. "You can't hide from me forever~", he said, placing his hand on Miguel's side and gently drumming his fingers.
Miguel swallowed nervously, his eyes widening as he looked down at Peter's hand and then back up at Peter. He tensed his muscles and bit his lip, preparing himself for the inevitable, but... nothing ever came.
They stood just like that, in total silence, for about half a minute, That teasing smirk never leaving Peter’s face, and Peter’s gaze never leaving Miguel.
Thirty seconds had never felt longer, and Miguel thought surely he would combust as his eyes darted nervously around the small room before finally landing on Peter again. Peter chuckled and rolled his eyes fondly, deciding to give Miguel a break. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna get you”, he said, ruffling Miguel's hair as the younger sighed in relief, “Not yet anyways."
Miguel's eyes widened again as he looked at Peter. That was just cruel. To get him all worked up for it.. and then take it away.
“That was a fun game, my little Spider-Mouse!” Peter said with a giddy laugh, patting Miguel’s cheek gently, "We'll deal with you later. See ya at home, my love!", he said happily before turning around, flicking his wrist at the open vent and hoisting himself back into it, but before he could leave, he was interrupted as Miguel uttered just one word.
“We?”, he repeated, his heart rate increasing as he looked at Peter incredulously. Peter giggled as he peered down at Miguel, nodding and bringing his phone into view, the screen facing Miguel.
“Oh, did I forget to mention that?”, he asked, still smiling from ear to ear, “I texted MJ! Had to let her know about your current condition.”, and sure enough, Miguel caught a glimpse of the few messages Peter had sent MJ over the course of the day.
Peter smiled triumphantly as he saw the look of realization cross Miguel’s face, and he quickly tucked his phone back into his pocket. “Now, I’ll leave you to sit with that information for as long as you need, buddy! I’ll see ya at home- er, we’ll see you at home! Love ya!”, and with that, Peter was gone.
As Miguel stood there in utter disbelief, he finally snapped out of his flustered trance, allowing himself to sink down against the wall and bury his head in hands.
'This is gonna be a long day...'
It was a long day, and Lyla had to pull him out of a smiley daze more times than he’d like to admit. He just couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stop himself from imagining the trouble he’d be in when he got to Peter’s place, the way they’d tickle him to pieces, expertly targeting each and every little tickle spot, how they’d tease him…
He couldn’t wait for the end of the day, when he’d finally be able to leave, but once the time finally rolled around, he found himself too nervous to even leave his office.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?”, Lyla said as she suddenly appeared, projecting on his desk.
Miguel jumped and hissed at the sudden noise, blushing when he realized it was just Lyla. He cleared his throat awkwardly and sat up straight in his chair, furrowing his eyebrows, “W-What are you talking about?”, he asked, trying to be inconspicuous.
Lyla quirked an eyebrow, propping her hand on her hip and tilting her head, “You really gonna make me text him and tell him to come get you? Is that what you want?”, she asked, not even a hint of a joke in her tone.
Miguel huffed, taken aback by Lyla’s threat as he stared at her with furrowed brows. With a few incoherent grumbles, Miguel stood, still glaring daggers at Lyla. Using his watch, he opened a portal directly to Peter’s house.
His hands shook nervously as he felt his face already heating up. He tried to contain the bashful grin tugging at his lips, but it was no use as he stood in front of the portal. He knew what awaited him on the other side. He knew there was no avoiding it. For a minute or so, Miguel simply stood there, taking deep steady breaths and trying to calm his shaking before finally letting out one heavy sigh… and stepping through the portal.
He was tense as he stood in Peter and MJ’s kitchen, looking around the dimly lit room nervously. He saw the glow of the TV from the living room, and he could smell something sweet- like cookies baking. He took a deep breath as he slowly entered the den from the kitchen, but as he rounded the corner into the den, MJ rounded the corner as well, bumping right into Miguel.
She yelped a bit as she was unaware of his arrival, but as she looked up and saw Miguel’s blushing face, her look of surprise turned to a sweet smile, “Hi there, sweetie”, she spoke softly, her tone loving as she leaned up and kissed Miguel’s cheek, “I’m gonna take these cookies out of the oven”, she said, putting on an oven mitt that had little flower patterns all over it, “I went ahead and made you a treat for… well, after”.
Miguel’s breath hitched in his throat and he buried his face in his hands, but before he could worry himself too much with it, he heard a much louder playful voice from behind him.
“Well, honey, would you like who finally showed up!”, Peter exclaimed, picking up a cookie before hissing in pain and immediately putting it back down, “Oh wow those are hot! Hey, Miguel, we had some matters to attend, right? I think we did!”, Peter spoke quickly, a happy smile on his face as he grabbed Miguel’s wrist and immediately turned on his heels, leading Miguel through the house. “Let’s go, MJ!”
MJ stood with her arms crossed, a slight smirk on her face as she watched Peter all but drag Miguel as the younger spider turned to look at her with wide eyes that were begging for help already. She just chuckled, shaking her head and following after them fondly.
Peter opened their bedroom door and playfully pushed Miguel onto the soft mattress, laying down next to him with one of Miguel’s arms underneath him. Peter smiled at Miguel and ran a hand through his hair, “And look MJ! He must’ve gotten into these clothes before he got here. I always wondered how changing out of a holographic suit worked…”, he said, furrowing his brows a bit in thought. “The tank top’s very subtle though, certainly doesn’t make your intentions too obvious. Very inconspicuous!”. Miguel was practically scowling, but the unusual bright red color of his cheeks certainly decreased the intimidation of it.
MJ couldn’t help but laugh at the two boys as she too laid down beside Miguel and did the same as Peter, pinning one of Miguel’s arms beneath her. Miguel just huffed, his face scrunching up a bit as he turned his neck to look at MJ instead of Peter. MJ raised her eyebrows as she placed a hand on his side, gently tracing her nails up and down, “Oh, do you think I’m gonna save you from him, hun?”, she asked, leaning in a bit closer and dropping her voice to a whisper. “Not a chance, sweetheart”.
Miguel squealed and tugged at his arms a bit as MJ’s nails traveled up to his armpit, and he also wondered what on earth was going through his head when he decided to wear the tank top. Spoiler: it was this exact situation. She spidered her nails slowly and oh so lightly under his arm, watching intently as he let his head fall back against the pillow and bit his lip in an attempt to keep himself from giggling.
Peter chuckled and shook his head, “Holding out on her, hm?”, he asked teasingly as he lifted Miguel’s shirt up above his ribs. “Why don’t you see just how long that works for ya! I’ll bet twenty seconds tops.” Peter placed his hand on the very center of Miguel’s tummy and formed a claw with it. “If you win the bet, we’ll stop teasing. Deal?”
Miguel looked at Peter with wide eyes and shook his head frantically as he realized Peter’s intentions, twisting his hips in an attempt to get away from the hand on his tummy.
“Deal!” Peter said on Miguel’s behalf. “Twenty seconds starting… now!” Suddenly, Peter began digging and clawing all five fingers rapidly into Miguel’s belly, wasting no time in driving him up the wall.
Miguel let out a strained squeal and arched his back, biting his tongue to keep himself from laughing, but there just wasn’t much he could do. Within seconds, he was a blubbering mess, “NNGH! Peheheter! Peter, that’s no f-FAHAHAIR! I cahAN’T!”.
Peter cooed in mock sympathy, moving his hand a bit lower to assault Miguel’s much more ticklish lower belly. He tickled from side to side, clawing from one hip to the other over and over again, “Aww, well, that was only about two seconds. Did you misunderstand the premise of the bet?”, he asked in feigned curiosity, looking over Miguel at MJ. “Should I have been more specific?”, he asked, rapidly squeezing the little bit of pudge at Miguel’s lower tummy.
MJ chortled, shaking her head at her husband as her nails fluttered and danced oh so gently in the center of Miguel’s hollows- a total contrast to the rough tickling Peter was putting his tummy through, but the light flutters gradually became light, quick scratches, “Are you enjoying yourself?”, she asked in that soft, sweet tone. “Is this what you wanted? To come home and let us tickle all your worries away?”.
Miguel shook his head at MJ’s teasing, but his entire body tensed as he let out a squeal, Peter’s hand suddenly jumping from his hip to his armpit. Miguel arched his back as the two opposing sensations persisted: MJ’s light scratching and spidering, and Peter’s rough digging and clawing both assaulting his pits. “W-WAHAIT WAIT!”, he choked out, his face red as tears of mirth pricked at the corners of his eyes, “CAHAN’T- cahan’t tahaHAKE IT!”. He kicked his feet, clenching and unclenching his fists in hopes that it would distract from the tickling, but it was no use.
“Look at those fangs!” Peter said excitedly, “Who knew deadly weapons could be so adorable, am I right?”, he teased as his hand traveled down just a bit, squeezing and pinching at Miguel’s very top rib. He didn’t know what to do with himself. He tugged at his arms and twisted his hips, but it was all fruitless.
“Aww, Peter..”, MJ said as she slipped her hand into his tank top, raking her long nails up and down the side of his rib cage, “He said he can’t take it~”, she cooed, kneading her fingertips into the spaces between the bones.
Miguel’s laughter raised in pitch and volume, and there was nothing he could do to ease the maddening sensation. If he twisted his body to the right, he only brought himself closer to MJ’s long nails, but if he twisted himself to the left, Peter was right there, cooing about how he must love it since he’s trying to get closer.
As evil as they seemed to be, both MJ and Peter were in absolute awe as they teased and toyed with the man below them, admiring his blushing face and adorable giggles. Miguel squealed, his eyes shut tight as he squirmed. The two of them looked up at each other, both smiling as they gave a silent acknowledgment of their adoration for Miguel.
“Cant take it, hm?” Peter asked, tweaking up and down Miguel’s rib cage, vibrating a clawed hand into it after delivering a couple teasing pinches and pokes. “What about this? Is this any better for you?”, he asked, knowing damn well he’d just made it ten times worse.
Miguel’s eyes shot open at the sudden sensation of five fingers vibrating against the front of his rib cage while MJ’s nails danced up and down the side of his ribs. He couldn’t take it. “NAHAHA! STOPSTOPSTOHOHOP! MJ, HEHEHELP! M-Mahahake him stOHOP!”, he pleaded, tugging desperately at his arms. He needed to get away, but he couldn’t, and he really didn’t want to, but he thought certainly they’d tickle him to tears. He tried to take a deep breath through his loud belly laughter in an attempt to ease the sensation as he thought there was certainly no way it could get any more ticklish.
Oh, how wrong he was.
MJ giggled and shook her head, kissing his cheek, “You know I can’t do that, sweetie. You waited all day for this, why would I stop him now?”, she asked, only half teasing him. He had waited all day, and they were definitely making up for it, but suddenly, MJ’s nails latched onto his lowest rib, and a loud hiss sounded through the room in unison with a couple yelps as Miguel’s loud laughter turned to frantic giggles. It took him a moment to realize the tickling had stopped, his two partners looking down at him with wide eyes and smug grins. As he calmed down, he looked up at them, still giggling a bit, “W-Whahat is it?”, he asked, his face flushed red as he looked between the two of them.
MJ giggled, tilting her head as she spoke, “You hissed at us!”, she said, playfully feigning anger. Miguel’s eyes widened, realization hitting him like a train as he hurried to apologize, but he couldn’t get the words out before Peter was chiming in.
“That you did! And not to mention..”, Peter sat up, crossing his arms over his chest and nodding down at Miguel’s hand, “You stabbed us! Stabbed us both right in the back! What do you have to say for yourself, mister?”, he asked with a pout. It was clear neither of them were actually upset with him, but that didn’t stop him from feeling tremendously guilty.
Miguel gasped as he looked at his own hand, his claws now fully on display. He pulled his now free hand to his side, doing the same with the other as MJ sat up as well, “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!”, he said, stammering over his apology as he hurried to get it out, “Did I hurt you guys? Are either of you bleeding? I really didn’t mean to, I promise! I just- it.. it-”, Miguel trailed off, unable to finish his sentence as he looked down at his hands.
“It tickled?”, MJ offered, smiling at him as she slipped her hand under his shirt, scratching gently up and down his back. He shivered a bit at the feeling of her long nails against his back, but thankfully, her touch was firm enough not to send him into a giggling fit. He really was too ticklish for his own good.
He blushed, curling in on himself and hiding his face in his hands. They knew there was no way he’d answer that, but thankfully, Peter answered for him, “It did! Like crazy probably, but he’s Spiderman”, he said with a wave of his hand. “I’m sure it was no problem for him at all!”
Miguel whined, shooting a glare at Peter before suddenly finding himself pinned down again. This time by webs that trapped his wrist against the headboard. He felt the familiar flutter in his tummy as he tugged at his wrists, “Hey! What are you doing? I-I thought we were done!”
Peter just laughed, tilting his head in confusion, “You thought we were done? Oh no! We were just getting started!”, he said as he and MJ both repositioned. Peter straddled Miguel’s hips, smiling down at him innocently while lifting his shirt up. MJ sat on his shins, facing Peter’s back. “And after all, you did scratch us… On purpose or not, I think that’s worthy of a punishment. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Miguel’s eyes widened as it struck him why they had pinned him in the way that they did, and he shook his head, “N-No! It was an accident, I couldn’t control it!”, he said, huffing a bit and glaring at Peter. “If anything, it was your fault that you got scratched!”
MJ tutted as she suddenly dragged her nails down his thighs. He absolutely should not have worn shorts. “That’s a shame… this could’ve been so much easier on you if you’d just taken responsibility..”.
Before he could protest any further, Peter’s hands were clawed and poised above his tummy, fingers wiggling as those hands got closer and closer, while MJ continued to drag and scrape her nails up and down every muscle and curve of his thighs.
“Remind me, my tickly little spider. Your worst spots are your belly, and your thighs, right?”, Peter asked, a small innocent smile tugging at his lips. Miguel couldn’t even try to conceal his nervous smile, and there was no point in trying to suppress his anticipatory giggles.
Peter’s hands were so close, Miguel swore he could already feel them.
“You ready, Miguel?”
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l3viat8an · 1 year
i like to think that if any of the demons were to have kids (biologically, not emotionally), the kids' symbolic animal would be similar to their dads. ex, fly papa beel and his butterfly kid or peacock dad lucifer with his hummingbird child
Wait this so cute omg-
Tho Asmo’s child could have spider, which is a little less cute but just as fitting!! (if I remember right spiders are closely related to scorpions because they’re in the arachnid family-)
and imagine Satan’s child is the only one who doesn’t have an animal similar to their dads. They don’t have a regular horse or anything like that. They have a cat- lolol
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papaziggy-devblog · 3 months
Would cum spider man shoot cum webs? 🤔
Just... Blasting ropes lolol
Why are you all ruining Spider-Man for me? ( qwq)
At least wait until AFTER I've gotten to actually watch the spiderverse movies first ( QwQ)
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voidandabyssal · 5 months
Just had an incredible Idea lmao. How do you think the UT and US bros would react to their s/o losing a tarantula in the back seat of their car? Kinda like that one meme: https://youtu.be/3wxagY29aKw?si=k-FaQHpUadVCGSyv
lost my shit watching that video, that was funny as hell lolol
he's in the backseat with you, knocked out cold as Papyrus drives you both to work
He only wakes up once you start nervously shaking his shoulders whispering about your lost pet
he's more calm about then you'd think he'd be.
he cracks some spider puns and helps you look for him but that's the most you got out of him
until he noticed the spider slowly creeping up Papyrus's head
oh shit
you're both in so much trouble
Sans is silently freaking out trying to figure out how to get the spider off of Papyrus before his brother notices and crashes the car
he manages to lift the spider off without Papyrus noticing and drops it into its jar
imagine this
it's a beautiful day. You, your boyfriend, and your hungry, hellspawn pet are all on a drive to the beach
then, said hellspawn disappears.
neither of you notice
then Papyrus feels its hairy legs crawling up against his head,
he grabs it with his hand
crashes the car
congratulations! You're all now stuck on the side of the road with no way home!
Papyrus is not happy,
the spider is tho :))
he notices the second the spider is gone and jumps out of the moving car
he was driving the car
the crash wasn't bad (luckily)
everyone was okay! Including the spider!
well, Blue is probably in a lot of trouble
but the spider is totally a-okay!
him and this spider have been enemies since day one
each competing for your affections
how the spider gets your attention more than he does, Stretch doesn't know
maybe it's the way its fangs curl up, or it bats its many eyes
regardless! Stretch will not be bested this time!
He plans a very romantic and special date, just for the two of you
Stretch even offers to drive, which is unusual for him with how lazy he is.
sadly, the spider is a stronger foe....
it manages to crawl into your bag and sneaks out mid-drive.
its fangs sink into Stretch's hand
Another car ruined, damn.
and that stupid spider still wins! Your too busy comforting it to notice it bit him!!
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steve-brules-rules · 4 days
Wizblr, you’re the only ones on the internet who understand my deep and troubling compulsion to world-build and expand lore. So I have to ask you all an open-ended question: what makes a god in the W101 canon?
I think Spider and Raven, and probably Bartleby too, are pretty widely accepted as gods both canonically and by fans. So if we use them as a litmus test for godhood, who else is a god? The first world titans? Dasein? Mellori? Malistaire the Undying? The wizard? Morganthe? …Merle Ambrose?
What skills or features do you have to have to be a god of the spiral? Immortality? The ability to sing the song of creation? Being around during the first world? Extremely op magic that literally rips holes in reality? Or is every god just a little different and it’s up to everyone else to decide if you’re a god or not?
Do you have to be the patron god of specific things, like the god of light and order, the god of darkness and chaos, the god of harmony, the god of Nothing, etc?
Is it like Homestuck where there are tiers of gods? If the wizard could be considered a god, would they be a lower tier than Bartleby?
I’m not really counting the immortals on mount olympus, because they’re just glorified chickens sitting on a rock and handing out gear to wizards. Yes I adore them, especially Poseidon who gets no love, but I’m talking about beings who have a major influence on the spiral as a whole
In my own HCs, I think Raven, Spider, Bartleby, Dasein, and the wizard are gods. Raven and Spider were keeping things together until their divorce and subsequent marriage counseling in isolation. Bartleby has those two freaky eyes I always forget about and he’s been around since the first world. He’s also kind of a living world door lolol. Dasein popped out of literal nowhere but he can take on the forms of others, made himself into a sentient world, and put the schools of magic in a blender on the “idgaf” setting. The wizard, I mean cmon, they’re called the divine paradox !! They managed to summon another god while trying to take down the Disney corporation. I like to HC that they’ve achieved immortality and are just too young to realize it yet. I have a whole thing about that and I hope I have the time to make a comic about it in the future :]]
But I’m curious to hear what everybody else thinks about this messy subject >:]
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