#I finally figured out how those read more thingys work
voidandabyssal · 6 months
Just had an incredible Idea lmao. How do you think the UT and US bros would react to their s/o losing a tarantula in the back seat of their car? Kinda like that one meme: https://youtu.be/3wxagY29aKw?si=k-FaQHpUadVCGSyv
lost my shit watching that video, that was funny as hell lolol
he's in the backseat with you, knocked out cold as Papyrus drives you both to work
He only wakes up once you start nervously shaking his shoulders whispering about your lost pet
he's more calm about then you'd think he'd be.
he cracks some spider puns and helps you look for him but that's the most you got out of him
until he noticed the spider slowly creeping up Papyrus's head
oh shit
you're both in so much trouble
Sans is silently freaking out trying to figure out how to get the spider off of Papyrus before his brother notices and crashes the car
he manages to lift the spider off without Papyrus noticing and drops it into its jar
imagine this
it's a beautiful day. You, your boyfriend, and your hungry, hellspawn pet are all on a drive to the beach
then, said hellspawn disappears.
neither of you notice
then Papyrus feels its hairy legs crawling up against his head,
he grabs it with his hand
crashes the car
congratulations! You're all now stuck on the side of the road with no way home!
Papyrus is not happy,
the spider is tho :))
he notices the second the spider is gone and jumps out of the moving car
he was driving the car
the crash wasn't bad (luckily)
everyone was okay! Including the spider!
well, Blue is probably in a lot of trouble
but the spider is totally a-okay!
him and this spider have been enemies since day one
each competing for your affections
how the spider gets your attention more than he does, Stretch doesn't know
maybe it's the way its fangs curl up, or it bats its many eyes
regardless! Stretch will not be bested this time!
He plans a very romantic and special date, just for the two of you
Stretch even offers to drive, which is unusual for him with how lazy he is.
sadly, the spider is a stronger foe....
it manages to crawl into your bag and sneaks out mid-drive.
its fangs sink into Stretch's hand
Another car ruined, damn.
and that stupid spider still wins! Your too busy comforting it to notice it bit him!!
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eliluvschan · 9 months
New Year's Resolution?
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 928
warnings: little bit of cursing, just relationship things.
genre: fluff
a/n: happy new year everyoneeee
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i opened my closet, ready for the day. i had to get my beanie from the top shelf, which is very high. i got on my toes, still no use. hey it's not my fault i'm a shorty.
then suddenly, two hands grabbed my a- little- exposed waist and lifted me up. i grabbed my purple beanie with different coloured pom poms and set me back down. he put his chin on my shoulder.
''good morning, shorty.'' he said in a sexy raspy voice. i relaxed into him. ''morning sunshine. happy birthday to mother nature.''
he chuckled really softly and by his lightly swaying figure against me, i could tell he was either half asleep, or just smiling with his eyes closed. ''mmm.'' he mumbled.
''okay, let's get ready.'' i said trying- yes trying to straighten up. ''no.'' he said and began to slowly drag me back into bed. yeah, and i'm such a goof that i let him. i'm supposed to be the more responsible one here. wow.
he softly pushed me into the beige quilt, eyes still closed and a cute smile playing on his soft pink plush lips. ''what's your new year's resolution?''
''sleep more, and spend more time with my girl.'' he said yawning and cuddling into my side. ''good night.''
''that's cute.''
he chuckled but kept his eyes closed.
''but, Chan?''
''be serious please.''
''get in better shape.''
''you're in perfect shape.'' i told him, running my hands slowly over his belly.
''don't you want those hot packs of abs?'' he asked, finally opening his enchanting eyes. first one's of 2024.
''nope.'' i said, and traced my finger down to his V. he gasped at the sudden touch. ''i'm good with your sexy V-line.'' i said, smirking. ''really?'' he asked. i nodded in response.
''really?'' he asked again.
''yep, and if you really want to start working out, make sure your body doesn't turn out like Changbin. one Dorito chip is enough for the group and i kinda like your body how it is now.''
i finished the sentence and burst out in laughter as Chan also started laughing.
''yeah, one is enough.''
''okay, okay. i'll make sure my freakishly sexy V-line doesn't go anywhere.''
''remember how i used to watch the other member's abs when i was just a fan?'' i ask him, he looks at me with wide eyes.
''you looked at their abs?'' he says sassily, holding a hand to his heart.
''duh. i mean, every Stay does it as well!'' i defend myself.
''so, what's your new year's resolution?''
''stay away from you as much as possible.''
''Jagiya!'' i squeal.
i laughed and pecked his lips. ''kidding.''
''Channie, where are you?'' i asked, shouting around the house.
he came out of the bathroom, wearing a tank top and some shorts.
''you're coming with me.'' he said.
''why?'' i asked.
''your new year's resolution.'' he said.
''and that is?''
''kiss me every time i lift a dumbbell, and every time i do a push up.'' he said happily, smiling like a kid who got a giant box of his favourite candy for Christmas.
''don't i have better things to do?'' i asked, crossing my arms.
''is there something better than kissing me?'' he asked, his eyebrows disappearing under his bangs.
''of course! ironing your pants, walking Berry, reading, writing, sketching, messing with your sound system thingie...'' i said, counting on my fingers.
he pouted, angrily? pressed me against the wall, grabbed me and kissed me harshly. i kissed back thinking 'woah this guy can kiss!' okay, harsh but woah. he pulled away, panting, his grip on my shoulders very tight. ''Channie you aren't serious are you?'' i asked, still breathing hard.
his face cleared, and he looked down. ''sorry. got jealous.'' he murmured. i lifted his chin and kissed him one more time. ''i love you, okay? and i'll come to the gym with you.'' i smiled.
another kiss.
and another.
''i could do this all day!''
...after fifty times of lifting dumbbells, he did push-ups and made me lay underneath him. then i made him pick me up and run around. that was the best one. despite the fact that the trainers told us off- twice. but we had fun.
''baby!'' he yelled running into the house, sweaty, hot, stinking. the second day, we decided that i'll go to the gym with him once a week. he was satisfied and no more problems.
''you were right.'' he said, gulping down a bottle of water.
''i was right?''
''yes. one, i don't want to lose my 'sexy V'.'' he said emphasising with his hands. ''and two, working out alone isn't my thing.'' he said shaking his head. i laughed.
''that's where our Dorito chip comes in. you guys can workout together and stuff.''
''but he always makes me workout until the fullest. i'm convinced that man wants me dead by the end of the month.''
he smiled and hugged me. i literally pushed him off.
''get a fucking shower!'' i yelled.
''come with me.'' he smirked.
''hell no.'' i made a face.
he laughed, placed a kiss on me once, and turned towards the bathroom.
''we have a change of a new year's resolutions!!'' he yelled over his shoulder.
''happiness every year!'' i yelled back.
he laughed. ''new resolution! i love you more!''
''i think mine's changed too!''
''what is it?!''
''make you take more showers!'
i laughed.
''kidding! love you more too!''
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endcrman · 5 months
(Chapter 2)
As a general rule of thumb, Grian doesn’t do public servers for a multitude of reasons. This one hadn’t even made it onto the list.
TW for implied sexual assault, PTSD symptoms, Self-Neglect, and minor Disordered Eating
Read the whole fic here.
Grian woke to more messages. Some from hermits, but he didn't bother looking at those too closely, too preoccupied with the hours-old notification in the universal chat.
samgladiator: griannnnnnn
samgladiator: i know you havent blocked me grian cmon
samgladiator: are you mad about the redstone thingy? i was just goofing and gaffing you know what im like lol
Grian laid his head back against his pillow, eyes closed as he tried to figure out how to respond. His eye hurt. He didn't want to get out of bed. He didn't want to build, he didn't want to fish, he didn't want to work on anything right now. He was tired.
His comm buzzed again.
GoodTimeWithScar: hey grain, how are you doing after yesterday?
Grian: bit tired, but just fine! thanks for checking in
He was tapping out a lie before he could even think about it, not wanting to worry Scar. He had enough to concern himself with even before Grian was involved, he didn't have to add any more stressors to his plate.
Scar said something else, but Grian had closed his messages already, opening Sam's again, staring at them. What was he even supposed to say to that? Call him out on his bullshit? Laugh along with his shitty excuse of a joke? A voice in the back of his head was telling Grian to block him, but that would just make Sam mad, he reasoned.
Grian: what do you want sam
He regretted the message the instant he sent it, flinching as he turned off his comm again. Why was he so stupid? Why couldn't he leave well enough alone?
Grian turned over on his side, pulling a pillow over his head with a groan as the communicator buzzed. If only he hadn't just woken up, then he could fall asleep again and ignore all of this for even longer. 
Of course, Grian had no such luck. Instead he laid there, staring at the blank wall in front of him.
His comm buzzed yet again and Grian let out a bitter laugh, he could almost imagine Sam staring in anticipation at his own comm, waiting for Grian to get back to him after all this time. It was kind of pathetic, if that was what he was doing. How lonely was he?
And yet, Grian was reaching over to read his messages anyways.
samgladiator: i'm sorry.
samgladiator: like for real. no jokes. i know we were really messed up as kids and ive been working on it i promise. i guess i saw you and it just felt like we were kids again. fucked up but still in it together. i didnt mean it
He was still trying to process the words when another message came through, automatically populating the chat.
samgladiator: you can keep ignoring me if you want, i get it :( but if youre ever willing, i wanna make it up to you. text me whenever
He was going to throw up. There were a few panicked moments as he dug through his chests, silently pleading to anyone listening that he actually had a bucket up in his base, not just lost in his chest monster down below. His wishes were answered luckily, however unneeded, as he curled over the metal bucket on the floor, retching and dry heaving. His stomach was already empty, bile burning his throat, but that wasn't enough to curb the ill piercing it's way through his entire being.
Grian wasn't sure how long he sat there, bucket in his lap as his body tried to evacuate his stomach's non-existent contents. He was trembling when he finally managed to stop gagging, the bucket empty aside from a couple stray tears that had made their way down his cheeks. He was so tired again.
Shakily, he set the bucket down on the ground, easily accessible just in case. The sound of metal meeting the wooden floor was so, so loud in his ears, echoing around his base, making him flinch. Grian took a deep breath, carefully getting up on two wobbly legs before rolling into bed again. He should eat. 
He didn't get up, falling asleep again.
I'm sorry. Sam might as well have written those words on the inside of Grian's eyelids, as often as he was stuck thinking about them. Sam didn't apologize, that was part of what made him so insufferable to begin with, always convinced that he was in the right. So what the hell was this?
Grian wasn't sure how long it had been since he received those last messages from Sam, not really bothering with the passage of time. He'd spent most of said time thinking, turning over what had happened and what Sam had said in his head, picking at pieces of food he had laying around the base, and making up excuses to not have to see any other hermits.
He knew he was in a sorry state, and he knew he had to pull himself together before anybody saw him. Unfortunately, the universe seemed to have other plans.
“Grian!” Joel's voice was loud, Grian almost didn't recognize it as his own name, directed towards him. He pulled a pillow over his head, squeezing his eyes shut. Maybe if he ignored him, he'd go away.
That was too much to hope for though. Why would Joel ever go away when he could cause problems instead?
“Grian! It's Sunday!” His voice was getting closer, and all Grian could think to do was hold the pillow even tighter over his head. “It's Sunday and you're not at the permit office! Get your butt out here! Or else I'll come in, and drag you out of your birdhouse by your scrawny little ankles, I swear to-'' Joel's voice peaked in both volume and proximity the same time it petered off into uncertainty. Then, it was quieter again. “Grian?”
Grian just groaned in response, holding the pillow even tighter over his head, maybe he could suffocate in it. Then he would respawn, Joel would laugh it off, call him some names for being stupid enough to do something like that, and everything would go back to normal instead of whatever else was about to happen, whatever lecture he was about to receive.
No such luck. Instead he felt a touch on his forearm, something he instinctively rolled away from which left him looking up at the other, wide eyes meeting even wider. He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn’t force anything to come out. He noticed too late to stop just how tightly he was clutching the pillow to his chest, he must look like a mess.
Joel slowly withdrew his hand, and judging by how his brows furrowed and ears flattened against the top of his head the mess part was definitely true. Without wasting another moment, Joel schooled his expression into something more neutral— as if his tail flicking back and forth didn’t give him away— and sat bodily onto the foot of Grian’s bed, bouncing on the mattress.
“You seem busy, the permit office can wait,” he said with a shrug, not looking directly at Grian. He sat cross-legged, pulling his tail into his lap to brush the fur into place, pulling out a leaf and dropping it on the floor without even checking if Grian would care. His wings itched at the reminder of what could be. “Impulse’s wall is starting to get some graffiti on it, have you had a chance to see? Gem’s got a real good tag up there, I think you’d like it.”
Grian was silent, pulling his legs up just a bit so they weren’t in Joel’s way and shifting onto his back to look up at the ceiling instead of the tanuki in front of him. He couldn’t tell if this was better or worse than if the other had just confronted him about what was going on.
“I’ve actually been thinking about what I want to put on it,” Joel continued after a moment, as if the other actually had responded. Grian’s muscles ached from the sudden movements after what felt like days of disuse, leading to him stretching his legs out again, around Joel this time, but he didn’t seem to mind. “I need to put something up over by my base, I couldn’t stand it if it didn’t match my build, even if it was undeniably fantastic.”
He just kept talking, filling the empty air with his voice. Grian wouldn’t admit it, but it was sort of soothing, having somebody else around instead of just jumping from thought to thought, getting lost in them and feeling worse and worse.
It did start feeling awkward after a little, having Joel sit while he laid in bed, so Grian forced himself to sit up even as his muscles protested, at least a little, leaning back against the headboard of his bed.
“Thought you might have fallen asleep or something,” Joel joked once Grian had settled, making him look away in embarrassment. “I wouldn’t have blamed you, you look blummin’ tired, huge bags under your eyes. Something bothering you?” He asked, as if the answer wasn’t obvious. Grian only shrugged, not trusting his voice after so long, thankfully Joel didn’t push for an answer beyond that, coming to the same conclusion. “Stupid question, sorry. New question, when’s the last time you got out of bed?”
Grian must have made a face at that, because Joel laughed before managing to catch himself, snapping his mouth shut, which pulled the quietest huff of laughter out of Grian in turn. Just that by itself made his throat hurt a bit.
“Don’t laugh at me, I’m trying to be a good friend here.” Joel’s tone was light, and his smile made it clear he considered the small noise a success. “Hey, bed boy, let’s get you up and clean, how’s that sound? You go shower, and I’ll make you some real food.”
He wanted to protest, but his throat felt all closed up, and his traitor of a stomach growled at the thought of something other than stale bread for the first time in forever. Instead he pouted, petulant, and held his hands out.
“Yes!” Joel pumped his fist, making Grian roll his eyes. This was so stupid. “Sorry, come on, let’s get you moving again.” He slid off the bed first, taking Grian’s hands and helping him stand up. He almost fell at first, leaning far too much of his weight onto Joel, his legs wanting to do nothing but lay down again. “Careful, can you stand by yourself?”
It took a couple hundred ticks for him to stop swaying, and a couple more for him to finally stand on his own, wings spread just a bit to help him keep balance. He took a deep breath, trying to think of anything but said wings.
“Good job, you’re doing great,” Joel murmured, and it didn’t sound mocking at all, but Grian couldn’t help himself from ruining everything good that happened to him.
“I’m not a child,” he croaked out, voice rough from disuse, it almost didn’t sound like him.
Joel must have thought the same, because he looked shocked, though he quickly gathered himself again. “I know you’re not,” he scolded gently, too kind, “but you look like you’ve been through hell and back, and I want to make this as easy for you as possible."
And now he felt bad, guilty, for ever considering anything different than that. “Sorry,” he managed, even quieter, but Joel shook his head.
“Go get cleaned up, alright? I’ll make some food for you.” He brushed Grian’s hair out of his eyes, brows furrowing again, and he only pulled away when Grian nodded, throat hurting too much to say anything else at the moment.
He didn’t think Joel was going to find anything to make in his base right now, having neglected to actually fill many of the chests, Grian was lucky to have had enough bread to last him as long as it had. Regardless, he made his way to the tiny shower he’d managed to cram into the base, cranking the water heat up as high as it could for now and carefully pulling his t-shirt he’d been wearing for void knows how long off over his wings. He crinkled his nose, imagining the smell he’d become blind to and immediately feeling grateful that Joel hadn’t said anything about it.
Grian kicked off his pants without much fanfare and immediately dove into the shower, melting under the hot water. Now that he was made aware of it, he could feel the layer of grime that was surely there covering his skin, burning water finally melting it away. He carefully sat on the floor of the shower, barely managing to fit in the small space, especially with his wings. He took a deep breath, resting his head on the wall behind him, and just soaked it up like a fish left out of the river for too long, he chuckled softly to himself at the comparison.
He must have dozed off or something, because he jolted awake at the sharp knock on the door, and Joel's voice coming from just outside of it. “You alright in there Grian? Food’s almost done!”
“Y-yeah!” He called back before even thinking about it, regretting it immediately, voice scratchy. His throat hurt, but he didn't have time to worry about that, fumbling for the shampoo among the other bottles in the shower with him.
He definitely spent too much time just sitting under the water, so he tried to properly clean himself up as quickly as possible, so Joel wouldn't be left waiting. It wasn't long before he was out again, towel around his waist, hair and feathers dripping as he peeked out the door into the rest of the base.
“Joel?” He tried not to speak too loudly, not wanting to irritate his throat more, but he needed the other's attention. It seemed the other wasn't wandering far though, with how quickly he reappeared. “Can you-” He coughed. “Can you bring me clean clothes?”
Joel brightened up the more he spoke, nodding quickly as his tail swished behind him. “Of course! Be right back!” And he was off again.
He was back just as quick, and Grian didn't have the energy to ask him how he managed to find everything so easily, and whether or not his closet was left in decent state. Instead he closed the bathroom door again, pulling on clean clothes and already feeling a bit better. The sweater topped that feeling off, covering him like a security blanket. He shook the water out of his hair and wings before padding out into the main room again, catching a whiff of something that smelled amazing.
“Hey,” Grian's gaze fell on Joel, who was setting up a place for him to sit. “Your hair's a mess still.”
He blushed, shrugging his shoulders. He sat down before Joel even suggested he did, feeling tired.
“I can brush it for you,” he offered, setting down a grilled salmon in front of Grian, whose mouth was watering already. “I've done it for Lizzie before, I promise not to pull.”
“Did you catch this?” Grian asked instead, forcing himself to slow down before he ate the whole thing immediately.
“Borrowed one of your poles, figured you wouldn't mind too much,” Joel explained, setting a steaming mug down in front of him too.
He hummed softly in response, forcing himself to slow down after a couple bites and taking a sip of the tea Joel had made him. Far too sweet.
“I added some extra honey,” either Joel was reading his mind, or he'd made a face without realizing. “Your throat sounded pretty rough, it'll be good for you.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled, truly meaning it, whether it sounded that way or not. Joel was pretty quiet while he finished eating, puttering around the small base, occupying himself. Eventually he finished, pushing the plate away for later, and he heard Joel coming up behind him.
“I found your brush, mind if I take care of your hair?”
Grian sighed, a little smile creeping onto his face. “I guess, you promised not to pull though,” he reminded the other, head tilting back a bit.
“And I meant it!” Joel sounded offended, though he snickered after a second. “It'll help, you'll feel more like a person,” he murmured, and Grian felt him starting to work his fingers through his hair.
“You've been helping a lot already,” Grian admitted softly, relaxing easily into the touch. How long was his hair now? It couldn't be too much longer than he usually kept it.
“Glad to hear,” for once Joel didn't sound smug or full of himself, just genuinely glad. “How long have you been out of it?” The brush started working it's way through his hair.
“Dunno,” Grian mumbled, taking a deep breath. “Since… Since I last went off server,” he felt himself tense a little at the reminder, wings twitching.
“With Scar and Mumbo?” Joel kept his tone even, non-judgemental for once. “They mentioned your eye, was that what happened?”
A hand suddenly flew up to his eye, gently touching the skin near it. “P-part of it. Is it still there?” He'd been avoiding looking in the mirror since.
“Barely,” Joel assured him, and the motion of the brush through his hair started relaxing him again. “I only noticed because I knew to look for it. You said part, what else happened?”
He felt like his throat was closing up, eyes watering a little. “My- my wings,” he managed out, taking a deep breath. “Something happened.”
“Something,” Joel repeated, hands never stopping. “Are they alright? Nothing broken at least? They don't look broken.”
“N-nothing broken,” Grian confirmed, feeling them tremble, just a little. “Don't really wanna-”
“That's fine,” Joel murmured, and it was quiet for a moment. “With me? Or with anyone?”
He didn't know how to answer that, opening his mouth to begin speaking, only to close it when he couldn't think of anything. No, not Joel specifically, but he wasn't sure who, if he would anyone.
“I usually braid Lizzie's hair when I'm done,” Joel said nonchalantly, the brush regretfully leaving Grian's head, “but yours is pretty short. We could try a little ponytail if you want, I think it'd be fun.”
Grian shook his head, reaching for the mug of tea again. Knowing Joel, he'd gather up all the hair in front of his head, pull it all together right on his forehead… Though maybe not today specifically.
There was silence for a bit, comfortable, until Joel decided to speak again. “Would you tell Mumbo?”
Grian froze. Would he? He could. Mumbo knew the kind of stuff he went through when he was young, even if just vaguely. He was scared though, there was always the chance, no matter how small, that Mumbo would scold him when he found out just how deep that rabbit hole went.
“Careful, you'll shatter that,” Joel warned him, moving to take the mug from his white-knuckled hands, setting it down on the table again. Grian hadn't even noticed how tightly he'd been holding onto it. “Not Mumbo then, what about Scar?”
Scar. Scar didn't know any of it. At least, he knew less than Mumbo, he'd have less context clues to put it all together, he'd be reliant on the details Grian told him, and only those.
“... Maybe, I don't know,” he answered honestly, tracing the grain in the table with his finger.
“Maybe is better than no, or trying to shatter a cup of boiling tea all over yourself,” Joel was being dramatic, it wasn't even steaming anymore. “Why don't you take a nap? I'll get him over here in the meantime, I think he'll help, even if you don't tell him.”
Grian hadn't even realized how tired he was again, the thought of a nap sounding much more pleasing to him than it usually would. He didn't even think to argue, nodding as he carefully got up from the table, a yawn escaping him.
“Careful now,” Joel warned, helping him to bed. Grian would have taken offense at that were he not so exhausted, and the second he was laying down again he was out like a light.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
For the fan kid thingy, can I get a velvetgatto? (Affogato x red velvet)
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Finally…after an eternity (about 6 months, which Jesus that’s a long time), he is finished. Zuccotto Cookie
So his name. Zuccotto is basically like an ice cream cake, so a combination of Red Velvet’s cake and Affogato’s ice cream. Also, it’s Italian, like affogato. I vaguely recall the name giving me trouble at first, until I realized cake and ice cream was a valid combination and got this
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So I had his design sketched out like a month ago, and I think I recall telling you all that I couldn’t figure out how to make his design work. I had left the design I made and just went and did something else, and then today I was looking for something to draw and I said “yeah the design looks fine, don’t know why I didn’t like it” and just drew that
But also this means that I don’t remember all the reasons for his design details, most notably the staff
I mean, I know I based it off the staffs some of the Cake Monsters have, specifically the Pomegranate shamans or whatever they were called. I also know originally I was trying to make it a spork, but I couldn’t get it to look good, so I switched to the other staff. But I admit, it looks a bit out of place. I mean, I changed some of the colors at the end to match it, but I think it still looks off. But I’m not going through the effort of making a new one, I remember that staff being a pain
Anyways, so I think I was trying to give Zuccotto a style more befitting a shaman, but also with a more modern twist to emulate Red Velvet. I think I did it well
But one thing that was a real struggle was the colors, because I had no clue what to do for them. In my mind he had a black and red color scheme, and that’s how I had it at first, but I was having difficulty with putting the reds next to each other, and I changed some of the colors at the end to match the staff, and I think it worked out fine in the end
I feel like he looks too similar to Affogato, at least without colors (I felt that when I was drawing the sketch). But maybe I just need to take some time away from him and come back to really know. He probably doesn’t look as similar as I think
Also I’m just realizing that considering he’s not made of a food that contains coffee, he probably shouldn’t have dilated pupils, but like, both Red Velvet and Affogato have some form of them, so shhh
Anyways, so let’s move on to him
So Zuccotto is part of the Cookies of Darkness (assuming they stay for a long time and/or there’s a new group), and he’s some sort of Cake Shaman, summoning Cake Monsters to do his bidding. Though he has a great respect for Cakes and see them as equals. He’s not necessarily a bad guy, but he’s very loyal to the Cookies of Darkness and has no inclination to leave, feeling that normal Cookies have no respect for Cakes
I can imagine him playing cards or chess with the Cake Monsters, or at least the ones with hands
Now one of the other main things I have for him is his relationship with Licorice Cream, a darklico fankid I did some time ago, and whom you can see in the sketch (it’s supposed to be a recreation of that Toy Story meme). Basically my idea is that they’re both part of the CoD and they’re this duo within the group. Zuccotto is the straight man that gets dragged along into Licorice Cream’s antics and tries to stay the voice of reason. I said in my head that they have a dynamic similar to Mule and Sonia from Berserk, but also it’s been a while since I’ve read the chapters with them, and my mind may have branched off from that initial dynamic. But basically it’s “weird girl and normal dude who has no clue what she’s on about”. Actually that’s probably not accurate, I just don’t know how to describe Sonia, so sorry to those who haven’t read Berserk and don’t know what I’m talking about
Zuccotto’s also generally the more mature of the two, despite Licorice Cream being older (Zuccotto’s like a teenager while LC is an adult)
I feel like I should have more, but really those are the only two bits I have on him, I don’t think he’s that complicated. But I might have more to say about him when I redo Licorice Cream, since I have a better idea of what to do with her now, and they are rather close
But yeah, that’s Zuccotto Cookie, hope you like him and that maybe he was worth the wait!
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silviakundera · 1 month
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Love's Rebellion ep 4 -8 watch comments (warning: these are my raw thoughts, so can be critical. don't read if that will upset you.)
I am enjoying the drama now less than in the first 3 episodes. I think it's that I have limited patience for nice characters pretending to be menacing. I'm ready for them actually to be communicating with each other and working off the same page.
I can see that he's becoming soft for her, since she's so obviously a nice person (and because of seal thingy we know he canonically has a pure heart). But I want more sexual and/or romantic tension than what they are giving so far. ML has made some effort but I'll be honest, I'm feeling nothing coming back from the FL actress. (i.e. nothing in her micro expressions & body language)
Gonna try to fast forward thru things.
Fox clan prince has been introduced. He doesn't like women; he only loves himself. So there is our first grey character.
Episode 5
It's so dumb that she believes in the fake death curse that I refuse to acknowledge this is happening
They are finally turning on some romance but guys, slow mo and mid music is not the answer. Just ask them to both ACT like they're falling in love.
The Great Sect dicks are being dicks, except 1 junior good boy
Young Dragon Lord is still a bro. Very appealing loser.
Episode 6-8
Continuing the situation where she's a nice person, but there's little in her individual performance that indicates she likes him that way. While it's clear that he has started falling for her.
Fox guy is just annoying. Sorry to all fox fans out there.
ah, memories of Super Sus Shifu. Why did ML of the canonically pure heart plead guilty? 🤔 The reason is gonna be some noble idiocy, I'm sure.
More contrived misunderstandings. The writing is forcing her to be annoyingly foolish. Why would she assume he is only after her pearl when he's never been the slightest bit interested in it?
This thing where they are always at odds for petty reasons, a fake-ass enemies to lovers, is wearing thin. Real enemies to lovers, I like. This stuff isn't to my taste. I am not a determined-to-dispute, bickering to lovers trope fan.
Now everyone's in mortal peril from boat lady, the demon elder of Evil Path sect. Sadly, she also bores me.
I like ML and FL ok (when they are getting along) and I do like Dragon bro. Add in fox and demon jiejie and 💤💤💤
Ugly cgi gremlin makes another appearance
ML shows up finally as backup. But will this just end up another annoying misunderstanding?
So after he rescues her and puts her necklace back on, they actually have a mutual romantic moment!
She's finally figured out he's a Canonically Pure Heart™ who is all bark, no bite
Now can you just get along for multiple episodes in a row???
There is absolutely no reason to forgive duplicitous fox boy and not wipe his memory and kick him the fuck out. 😑
On the plus side, we are finally getting some warm vibes back from her
oh how nice, poisioned hot pot. The fox betrayed them AGAIN. And once again he just says shit and FL lets it go. 😒
We actually get a moment of her appearing attracted to Shao Cang! 😯
I still attest that you don't need lense flares, slow mo, or tinted filters to communicate affection. Just acting. Someone ring Richard Li, he can show you how it's done.
I have enjoyed objectively worse & lower budget dramas, but somehow LR isn't clicking in with me. It somehow doesn't have that cdrama feel that compels me... Perhaps I'm not hooking into that emotional sincerity; so many things are constantly happening but they feel like noise and I don't have emotional resonance from the episodes. Characters are frequently picking at each other & prodding at each other, which fills up time on screen but that's what it all feels like... filler. Somehow the vibes remind me less of a cdrama and more about the fantasy adventure genre of tv series that were being aired on Sci-fi (Syfy) network and the BBC circa 2005 - 2015. And tbh I mostly watched those shows because of fandom participation and fan outputs, not for the media product on its own.
I've commented before that cdramas finally introduced me to "good guy" characters that I wholeheartedly love and see as badass. But these leads aren't that style of protagonist. This isn't Xie Lian, Shen Qiao, Tang Fan, et al. So I'm left wishing that FL and ML were more ruthless, calculating, and grey.
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leclerced · 8 months
Ohhh okay so we’re talking real vampire au. I love it tbh. Charles for sure is super old but just loves humans and Max is perfect for being old and grumpy in a godly body hahaha
Poor Oscar is terrified when he learns what he’s become and the stories aren’t only that-fiction made by someone’s imagination. He’d try and starve himself but learns it’s not that simple when you’re a vampire and finally he stumbles onto Charles who immediately knows what’s going on cause he’s seen things like this more than once in his life. He’d be the first of his bloodline so he’d have to learn about the specifications of his powers. Oh damn him meeting Lando whose specialty is seduction and generally making people do what he wants. Can def see a love story here with Oscar being insecure because he doesn’t know if it’s real or just Lando’s powers meddling with his brain.
With them still being drivers I can totally see it too! Like maybe there is one or two super old that decided they are getting bored in their too long of a life so why not hop into f1 car. But then someone getting turned accidentally and having so much troubles because of it. Maybe it does help a little but…(here’s how I’d imagine the vampire thingy to work lol). When you’re a new vampire it’s not like you have all of your heightened senses all figured out just like that and the bits of additional strength are not settled in (?) so whoever would get turned would struggle so much through the first ad second race. Then he’d get used to it and start using it so that’s why suddenly he’s better after actually being the worse for the past weeks. Maybe after one race the hunger for blood would be so bad that he’d attack his teammate? Or the older ones without knowing they’re also vampires ofc and it would be pure comedy with them finding out in that way. Like suddenly they have fangs in their neck and someone’s trying to feed on their almost nonexistent blood n they have this debate whether it’s just weird or uncomfortable or enjoyable??? Either way they don’t know why people are letting them do this haha
Oh god it’s so long probably deserves “read more” right after the first sentence hahaha
yes real vampire au !! my fav vampire stuff is like buffy, cirque du freak, lost boys. that's more what i would draw inspo from. im forgetting some but those are more my vibe than like. tvd or twilight. i like tvd but i like it for the same reason i like teen wolf, y'know?
oscar’s slowly drying out or is extremely sick (what happens to vamps that don’t drink blood?) because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone. charles stumbles upon him and immediately knows what’s wrong with him and takes him home, gives him a few blood bags and asks who turned him. oscar’s got no clue, he woke up one morning in pain and in a room he didn’t recognize surrounded by dead bodies. can imagine he’d want to stay inside and avoid humans because he’s terrified he’ll rip into someone’s throat. charles would introduce him to other vampires, and they’d help him understand what he’s going through, maybe telling him about how they were turned. they’d get him to go out and start living again, promising they’d stop him before he could hurt anyone.
lando being super seductive !! i think vampires sharing blood is very intimate but i can imagine lando shares his blood with oscar and oscar assumes he shares w everyone because of it but then oscar finds out he’s doesn’t and lando’s just like “well you won’t bite a human to feed and it’s better fresh. it’s not my fault you’re a big baby.” and totally makes it out to be like he’s doing oscar a favor by letting him feed from him
in a possible racer vamp au, i can definitely see them attacking a teammate after a race, when they can hear their blood pumping and can see the veins in their neck throbbing. im thinking about landoscar and oscar becoming a vampire midway through his rookie season. he manages well enough getting blood from people in the middle of the night and healing them with a bit of his own blood before he returns to his hotel room and pretends he didn’t go out for a late night snack. he’s so careful not to take too much. one day he can’t control himself after a really good race, he didn’t feed the night before and now all he can think about is blood. how it’s pumping through everyone who gives him a congratulatory hug or even passes by, he can’t help but think about sinking his teeth in them. he had a good race so he’s on the cameras giving tight lipped smiles, forcing his fangs to retract during interviews and the debriefs. stumbling upon lando back at the hotel when he’s debating calling room service and snacking on whoever brings his food, but suddenly his teammate looks really good. goes a little blood crazy and bites lando before he remembers who he’s biting, then starts panicking and giving lando his blood to heal him. drags him to his room and is pacing around while lando slumps on the couch.
i think it’s fun when vampire venom makes it’s victims feel euphoric so they’re not scared, so lando’s just like “hey that felt really good do it again.” while oscar tries to figure out if mind control is a vampire ability or if that’s just in movies, hoping he can make him forget this ever happened because it never should have!!
it’s very funny to think about two vampires on the grid and not knowing the other is one! max and charles being old vampires who are bored and decide to see what humans are up to lately, find out about formula one and think it would be funny to race. then one day they catch another driver drinking from someone at a race, like in a back hallway or bathroom, and just being like, “jesus you’re so stupid. don’t do that here! what is wrong with you? who raised you?” and then teaching them vampire etiquette!
i like when vampires have blood and they can feed from each other but its an intimate thing, so only done with someone you’re bonded to, or not really sustainable because it’s not human blood. they could get by but they’re weaker. and i swear there’s one vampire book i read where when they drink from each other they see each other’s memories or something weird like that. they get bitten by a newbie vampire and are like “hey! what the fuck? not cool man!! only my friends can do that.” the newbie is confused why they’re fighting back and why they taste so different than others they’ve fed from
also the drama of a vampire driver getting in a crash and coming out unscathed? just like aha yeah nbd! just got really lucky! haha! stop looking at me. they def have tests done on them (at least random piss tests for drugs, no?) so would he have to mind control ppl to fake the tests ?? how would it work
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the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapter 28 + Interludes 1-4 - 1-6
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Hello hello hello, I am back, again, with another edition of ‘This Book Delights in Not Respecting the Structured Chunks I Planned to Write on’ bc naturally there had to be ONE chapter in between the previous part and interludes so they’re getting smushed together. No cool accompanying image this part bc all I have done is sit inside and do nothing so enjoy Twilight and mess (and technically Twilight counts as research for my final year project as I’m doing it on vampires so technically I’m working rn). 
Honestly, I think Brando delights in making me forget that Szeth exists only for him to re-emerge and fill my head with his stupid ass name (see one of the previous parts for my inital anger and outrage). All in all tho, I do love the interludes, they have such a palate cleansing vibes after the end of chapter 28 that help you kind of get over the wtf before moving on to the rest of the story. I will never understand when I hear that people skip or disregard them.
Spoiler Free Zone: 
With being so busy recently, I honestly forgot what happened in chapter 28 bc I read it so long ago now it seems but it does not disappoint skimming over it again. Not necessarily the whole chapter, I honestly didn’t have much tabbed, but the Dalinar character development and tHE END?? besties...
Brando’s book structuring is great. Minus the interludes (which again if any of you out there are skipping these ur so wrong for that), this feels so much like a Victorian three volume novel, which for those unfamiliar (tho it kind of speaks for itself) was a form book release under the serialisation umbrella that was popular at the time (for example the Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey, as the two were too short for a traditional three volume release, were released together in the three volume format). Naturally this is my lit student side coming out but I feel like this isn’t done enough and it makes for an interesting structure. Ok, nerd moment over.
The interludes themselves, I mean, always iconic. I love the world building element it brings as even having a multi-perspective narrative, considering how expansive the universe is, is limiting to the possibilities you can explore in this. READ THE INTERLUDES AND APPRECIATE THEM. 
Spoiler Zone:
And now, the epigraph for this part had me like so ready for this chapter. I was like thinking this shit right here just feels like theres something coming. Now initially I was a little disappointed bc I was thinking this just feels like an average chapter like I’m not seeing anything I feel like tabbing am I missing sections???
Then Navani comes in and starts chatting up my home slice Dalinar and I am like I was sensing tension earlier but more in the traditional sense over romantic tension like what is going on. But like this isn’t the climax I know it isnt.
BUT DALINAR ABDICATING ??? I know its bc like everyone is disrespecting my guy and he needs Adolin to fill the role so nothing like shady can happen but I was like floored man. For it to be then followed by interludes? Bro like just shoot me bc I have to read them its who I am.
It was interesting to see different character perspectives and locations etc in the interludes tho it always is. I love how Brando uses his writing at times to portray clear moral messages like in interludes 1-4 with the farmers as a respected population amongst the Shin and how Rysn finds that odd. For that to be followed by Vstim establishing that its not strange and just different and that should be respected was just such a lovely moment to see. 
A little bit obsessed with Axies tbh bc frankly if there were little spirit creatures that appear with what seems to be a wide range of idk what to call them like states of being or occurrences idk stuff and things basically I would be studying that shit too. 
And then, the bane of my existence, the bastard that haunts my nightmares: Szeth :|. Idk WHY his name passionately enrages the very core of my being but it does. Not to mention that I am actually invested in his story bc wtf is this now with some random geezer materialising from the shadows with the head of his former master? OF COURSE I would eat that shit up man. (I do applaud Brando tho for clothing him like a slut but acknowledging how impractical it is and making it an annoyance that was extremely iconic). 
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 1
Fights - 0
Sad ;-; - 0
Death - 0
Cool - 5
Wtf wow - 0
Wtf Why - 1
Slay Quotes - 1
Love this! - 3
Hate this >:( - 0
Lore - 1
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 13
Fights - 9
Sad ;-; - 5
Death - 4
Cool - 13
Wtf wow - 3
Wtf Why - 4
Slay Quotes - 15
Love this! - 17
Hate this >:( - 5
Lore - 7
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vividentropy · 3 months
Entry #1
The Entries Catalog | Monday, July 8, 2024
12:36 PM
I finally got my ass out of bed. Today, Hurricane Beryl decided to make its way here. We have no electricity, so I have no idea when this will be posted.
At least I charged my laptop so I can at least write what’s been going on. The back door suddenly opened from the wind. I ran over there to close and lock it. Figured my dad could just knock the shit out of the door when he needed to go in, but mom said to leave it unlocked and just make sure it was closed well. So, I did that. Then I told my cat he was a good boy for not running outside when the door was wide open. See, he’s a retired veteran from the outdoors. Usually, he would sprint the moment he sees his chance to relive his younger years but not this time. I take it the wind was too intimidating for him. I still called him a good boy for not running out.
My family got lucky. All we’re getting is high winds and no electricity. Some areas north and west of ours got flooding and worse damage. Don’t even want to think of the areas south of us. My far neighbor’s tree got split in half with some of the branches on top of the car. Three small parts of the fence in our backyard got toppled down. Those won’t be repaired until my parents come back from their trip. I can hear the rumble of a generator from a neighbor in another street. I wonder how they got their generator set up. It always powers on immediately when there’s no power and off when there is. I’ll ask my dad one day.
Currently, my mom is making homemade chili. We have a gas stove, so we can still cook food. We also have plenty of water. My family uses this water service this for our water dispenser thingy upstairs. They send several three-gallon things of water. I have some right now. My dad is working on our generator, wondering when my brother will get up. My mom is back to crocheting a shirt and my sis is reading this book on seeds. My cat is just laying on the floor all cute and stuff.
I’m not gonna lie, it is a tad humid in here. Thankfully, the sun is covered by the clouds, so we aren’t dying of the heat, but we do have light to see.  I do have a handheld fan that I’ll grab in a second. That and more water since I’m thirsty as fuck.
Off in the distance I hear someone using a chainsaw. Probably to cut down the tree branches they can cut off. That’s wild, to be honest. The wind is strong enough to push me aside like tumbleweed. I have to use force to push the door shut. It’s not as bad as Harvey or Ike (I do recall with Ike that the wind being so strong I could see the wind punching the door partially open). But I know there’s still others less fortunate out there than I.
Anyways, to better things.
Yesterday, I downloaded FFXIV Online. I downloaded the free trial. Definitely did not expect it to take over six hours to download, but it did. I spent all that time waiting watching YouTube videos from AstralSpiff and Chickeninja42. The moment everything was done downloading, I hopped on the game. I only got as far as character creation. Which is not far, to be honest. But I did finish the character! I customized her the same way as I do in every video game that I own that has character customization - white hair, red eyes, fair skin, and some muscle. Her hair had to pulled back. Funny enough, choosing the voice I wanted for her took longer than anything else. It was great having my sister helping me out though. Not that she plays the game, but I like having her input. If I have time and electricity, I’ll put a picture of her below this paragraph.
[I am absolutely not in my computer to screenshot. RIP.]
I hope we get electricity back soon, but my gut tells me it’ll be a good while before it comes back. Maybe tomorrow morning. Will I even work tomorrow?
Eyyy, my brother finally made it downstairs. I’ll take it as my cue to go write or do something else. Cause, to be honest, I can only type as long as this laptop battery will last me.
5:41 PM
Electricity isn’t back yet. I’ve spent the last several hours napping my life away after I ate. For some reason the tiredness washed over me. Could keep my eyes open. So far, my phone is on 80% because I haven’t been using it. I need to remember to call my boyfriend later because I want to hear his voice. We won’t be able to FaceTime today which sucks but that’s okay. I need him to know that I’m alright. I mean, he knows I’m okay, but I want him to hear it out of my mouth.
The sky is blue. Like nothing ever happened. My mom stuck her tongue out at it.
I did finally wash my hair. I didn’t put conditioner, just leave-in. My lower back pain flared up which made me cut my wash time in half. Let’s see how long my hair lasts. For now, I’ll just sit here and talk to my mom and sister.
7:10 PM
My dad and brother got the generator working. It’s working upstairs for sure. Got my phone charging. I think they’re trying to get the refrigerator and freezer to turn on. I’m just saying, we can do without the TV. And we could just keep the power downstairs instead of both. I can sleep on the floor that’s chill.
For now, my mom is going to find something for us to eat. I am going to try to cool down some more. All I want is to cool down. At least the A/C is on so the upstairs can cool down. There’s nothing much else to say.
I did talk to my boyfriend on the phone for a little bit, but the call dropped. It was nice hearing his voice. He’s more freaked out than me, but in his defense, I’m used to this.
Just talked to bro. He said the freezer and fridge are working. He’s going to turn off the A/C because we don’t have enough gas. That’s cool, to be honest. We can survive the heat for a little while. It could always be worse. I have my handheld fan, it’ll be okay.
8:11 PM
WE GOT POWER BACK, BABY! Wifi isn’t working but honestly, I don’t care.
I’d like to thank the hard workers who oversee the electricity shit because I know they’ve been working nonstop. I also like to thank my boyfriend for being patient with me. Honestly, just give it up to the electricians who were working honestly all-day getting shit done.
Now, I have to be real, I’m probably one of the lucky ones. While the storm was only during the day, there’s probably still well over a million people without power. I hope they get theirs soon. For now, I’m going to finally relax, maybe take a cup of decaf coffee, and continue playing minesweeper for the rest of the night. Hey, I might even get on YouTube. I’ll see what I’ll do.
Until next time,
Vivid Entropy
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 3 months
And another dump! :D
Mostly Riddle edition
Instead of working on my comic, I am doodling away. :'3
But we have today concept art, sum au stuff... thingies :3
First up: a new au(still up to debate?)
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I really loved the headmistress Rosehearts au from @adrianasunderworld, (pls check them out, they are a great writer) which inspired me to try and see how Michael(my Mr Rosehearts oc) would look in that position instead, with a sprinkle of dragon au and sum lore. :3
In here, Mrs Rosehearts tries to use her doormat husband to get in the position of headmaster, due to his clean record, but comes to regret it as Michael FINALLY grows a spine. As for Riddle? He's trying to survive school as the most popular guy(the students just want the tea on their new headmaster). Also yuu gets proper housing and nice treatment around.
Of course, this is just a concept idea, smth that I thought would be funny. Idk if the op of the au wishes for me to retailor it a bit, but alas. :'3
2. Sum bakugan au visual lore(spoilers for those who didn't read post the doom trials arc)
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As u know, in the series I did expand a bit more of the magic and how it affects both bakugans and mages alike. :'3
Still Idia took the most bcs moi trying to figure out anatomy.
And Sebek has a small design ref to another comic I drew before. :3
Out of all of them, I like Epel and Floyd's designs. They just have that nice feel to them, dunno. :'3
It's pretty fun how their outfits have a tie in their lore. Epel and Sebek had to change theirs(also a funny thing: Sebek's stickers on his jacket are to remind him of his friends/family), there's Ace who bearly changes smth and then there's Idia and Floyd, who change almost nothing. Riddle is a bit of a special case, but again, his appearance is very lore heavy so there's that :3
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I really wanted a comparison in between Floyd and Riddle, since out of our 6, these 2 tie in because of their appearances. Floyd as the one who is in his element, already at peace with his appearance, while Riddle(if u know u know ;3) struggles and thus clings to an item to push his agenda forward.
Tbh, now that I'm finishing this series, I can certainly say that Ace's interactions with his mom and Floyd's arc were my favorite. :3
3. The winx au :D
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One was a ref practice and one was a silly idea I had at like... Dunno... It was months ago :v
I do like the winx au, mostly for how the plot and the lore allows everyone to have their adventures. Ye, the first years were the main focus, but there's definitely plenty of room for the others too :P
I wanted more to do the wings in the first one, while in the latter I was thinking of enchantix concepts that could both pass as pretty and also as utterly embarrassing due to plot reasons :'3
4. The om! Au mcs
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This is a fun duo, so why tf not?
I see these outfits as their casuals around devildom. Mammon and asmo each had a say in the choices, but I was thinking that Riddle leans into more elegant\neat looks while Ace tries to go with a less tight look.
It's bonkers since these 2 sheets were done a year or so ago I believe... Like I had these in the dust for so long, even before the explanation au chapter came out :'3
Since this is the next fic series, I think it's apropos to have them in here, as a lil visual reference.
I will probably change so goddamn much on it bcs I am in a mood for more lore
Welp! That's all!
Until next time! Buh bye!
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leavemerot · 1 year
So, I'm making my first oneshot and I'm trying to figure out which writing thingy people would prefer most so I might aswell just ask
Here's just two versions up to the same point in the story and if you guys are willing, I only ask for you to read through and answer the poll qt the bottom
Also the oneshots are hunter x male reader but the fact that the main character is male only appears in the first one once
Toh s3 e3 spoilers
Thank you in advance
Version 1
It had been roughly two years since boo-los was defeated for the third and final time. These 2 years have been hard, rebuilding the isles and all, but they have been been bearable due to friends you have made
After Belos’s defeat, you had to move from your home on the arm as it was now flipped 90 degrees and barely below the clouds now. Luckily for you, you moved to Bonesborough as it allowed your parents to help in the new Blight industries that were focusing on healing coven sigils and removing them from everyone in the isles, even if it was just testing and trials at this point in time. As a result of this move, you ended up transferring to Hexside, the chosen school of the Isle’s heroes. Speaking of these heroes, you quickly clicked with them and became good friends. You mainly became friends with Hunter, the blonde, kind, dorky guy with a heart of gold. Soon enough, those feelings of platonic friendship grew into something more and you two became boyfriends.
In the present day, you are sitting in your room, twiddling a pen between your fingers, thinking about what you are going to draw. Your mind flips from a cat with noodle legs to a rabbit with wings for ears, your mind always keeping the topic of animals in mind. During your brainstorm, you hear the door swing open and when you turn your head you find your boyfriend standing there, peeking through the door with a grin on his face. His eyes glimmered with a brilliant idea.
“Hey, are ya busy?” He asked, moving side to side in an attempt to relax his energy. You spin your chair around to face him before responding:
“nope, why’d ya ask?”
Version 2
You sat in your room, tapping a pen against the table, hearing the click every second of the pen on wood echo through your room. You had drawn a blank on what to draw. You had been at this for hours and just could not come up with a single idea. However, like a knight in shining armour coming to save you from your boredom: your boyfriend of a tad over a year , hunter, rounds the corner, stumbling in with a grin plastered on his face. He holds onto the door frame and stands up straight,the pale blonde cowlick falling in front of his eye a second later. He is breathing heavily from seemingly sprinting here and chuckling between breaths.
“Titan, are you okay, Hunter?” You ask, mostly knowing the answer but just wanting to confirm.
“Yeah, I just- just had an idea and wanted to- ask as soon as possible,” He gasped, still keeping his dorky grin up for you to stare at as if it was the only star left in the galaxy. You spin fully in your chair to face him with your body too.
“and that would be...” You coax, leaning onto one of the chair arms and raising an eyebrow in a playful manner.
If neither are good or you like one thing in particular compared to the other then please feel free to mention it in the replies
And if this questioning seems bad or seems like im trying to get free work out of people then I do not mind taking it down, I don't know how fajfic writing works as of yet and am still trying stuff out
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
do you ever do these surveys with your SO? we do all the time I’m single, but I wouldn’t want to do these with anyone else. These surveys are like my diary entries, they’re for me (and people I don’t know on the internet, ha). 
have you ever totally lied or made up ridiculous answers for surveys? No. I sometimes give sarcastic answers, but I have no reason to lie. In fact, I tend to overshare and be very open with my responses. 
do animal furs upset you? I do not wear fur. Not even faux fur. 
who picks the music when you’re riding in the car? My family listens to their Spotify playlists In their cars. I have played mine sometimes as well, but typically it’s whomever’s car I’m in.
do you have a waste basket in your car? I don’t have a car; I don’t drive. 
what’s the Spanish name for your favourite food? My favorite foods right now are burritos and Doritos tacos from Taco Bell and pizza, all of which are the same in Spanish lol. 
do you know anyone who regularly uses a bike for transportation? No.
do you consider audio books not really reading? Technically, reading is reading something written or printed. With audio books, you’re listening. I mean, you’re absorbing the same thing, but it’s done in a different way. 
strangest thing you’ve ever put in the trunk of a car? I haven’t put anything strange in the trunk. Or anything, period. 
do you carry matches or a lighter? No.
do you keep socks with a hole in them if they are your favorites? None of my socks have any holes. 
last time you wore clothes that were too small on you. I don’t recall. A lot of my clothes are a bit oversized. 
have you ever frightened someone on purpose. not as a tease but to seriously No.
have you ever had something taken away from you by airport security? No.
what’s the last wild animal you have seen? I don’t recall. 
something you were surprised to learn about your parent’s childhood? Uhhh. I don’t know.
do you store any non food items in the fridge? No.
have you ever told a friend you thought their parent was hot? No. I’ve never found any of my friends’ parents attractive, but if I did I certainly wouldn’t tell them. 
what was the last thing you bought from a gumball machine? how long ago was that? I used to like getting M&Ms from those when I was a kid more than actual gum balls. Or something like stickers, those little bouncy balls, and those sticky hand thingies. 
have you ever destroyed another person’s belongings out of anger? No. 
plain band aids or fun ones? It doesn’t really matter, but fun ones can be fun. 
which pain killer do you use? A prescription pain med. 
have you ever used someone else’s Rx med? ,,,,
have you ever borrowed underwear from a friend? Ew, no. I would not wear someone else’s underwear. 
would you like to be part of a wedding party? No, ha. Too much work. 
last pair of shoes you threw out and why? I got rid of some Converse and boots awhile ago. I just wasn’t wearing them anymore. 
have you ever thrown anything up to hang on the power/phone lines? No. I don’t understand why that’s a thing. 
have you ever really stayed up all night to do homework? I’ve stayed up late or gotten up early to do homework. There was one time I stayed up all night studying for a final and I was a total zombie that whole day. 10/10 would definitely not recommend. 
have you ever had anything stolen from you? Yes. Some literally, but a lot figuratively. 
if you could make up one rule for all your friends, what would it be? I don’t even have friends. <<< Same. I wouldn’t want to have rules if I did. 
do you pay attention to people’s posture? I mean, I likely will notice it but it’s not something I’ve actively seeking.
do you have a creepy uncle, or have a friend who has one? No. I’m watching Wednesday and this made me think of Uncle Fester lol. 
alarm clock, or do you use your phone? I use my phone.
have you ever backed into a cactus? ouch! No, thankfully. 
do any of your relatives not have home internet? Yeah.
when you get the munchies, do you want sweet or salty? Both. My latest go-to snacks are RItz crackers with cheez whiz and Reese’s. 
something you taught yourself how to do? Hm. I can’t think of something at the moment.
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hospitalterrorizer · 4 months
thursday - friday
i think the final check is now waiting for me...
anyways, today i've been reading monster, i got up to chapter 55 about, very excited to read more tomorrow, it's really really incredible and has made me tear up a couple times (richard, the alcoholic (recovering) detective, gosh) it always strikes me how urasawa has these perfect characters, how you jump around, how we spend so much time with richard as another protagonist basically, and how you never feel put out by that. that and the scope and that it doesn't feel like a cheaply pulpy adventure thing, which is fine but like, it has this scope of adventure but it's so tragic, whereas in things, even like berserk, you've got this fantasy setting to absorb some of the pain i feel like, whereas with urasawa and those who seem to follow him (thinking of asano) the places the narrative goes, if expressive and crazy, and with humor, it never feels like some kind of trope-y thing. it's always rather considered and exigent, whatever is going on. the fact that it's so willfully political as well, urasawa's work (thinking on 20th century boys and it being so focused on japan's changing nature, the kinds of religions which appeared, (much more i imagine but i need to go back to it i think to say much more) and here in monster the weight of ww2 leftover on germany, the cold war, all that atrocity and the still present forms of neo-fascism, i suppose again there's this tendency one can see in japanese art dealing with politics where one sees the villain is really just someone who wants to make things 'better' or something but urasawa's good at subverting that i think, the depth doesn't negate that entirely but it is more the case that, beyond just being flawed, the sense of tragedy around everything makes the motives actually complex, rather than being like, 'well he thinks he is right so is he truly a villain?' and also i need to learn more of why johan started a 'revolution' in kinderheim 511 and stuff. insane stuff happens in the story though. i do like that it paints the struggle to be good as constant and painful, that tenma struggles to descend to the level of murderer, the notion i guess in the morality of the work that one cannot take that back, every death is rather weighty. and again, i keep returning to the fact it deals with xenophobia in a rather like, pointed way, in a way that's not really interested in even pointing at two sides, rather like, pointing at a fact of history and its sustained effects. there are minor things i see and find interesting as like, i guess counter-points to the work, as in the reliance on criminal psychology for characters or characters who are criminal psychs and how that is, thus far, unexplored as anything other than a 'true science', it's interesting how that goes, though.
sudden pangs of missing dededede washing over me, as well. strange.
anyway here's a cute pic i found of a woman standing in front of a yakitori stand on the lolita gallery archive thingie:
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i love that.... those festive banners hung over stalls in japan are really pretty to me, they're so perfectly garish, over-bright, oddly contradictory, there's violence in them kinda, to me. i want to absorb that in how the cover looks on some level, i tried it on the single art for north american razor apples:
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anyway i am getting pretty close to getting this record done now i think, so i really need to get started on the cover art. soon the usb hub i ordered will get here and getting back into drawing will be easier cuz i can just leave that plugged in alwayss.
i did one song today, there's like one for sure left, and 2 maybes and there will probably be more, i think, as soon as this next listening of the album occurs, but we'll see. it could be less intense than i think and it could all be like...good. idk. it might sound weird but maybe that's just the sound i'm at. i'd like to figure out something for the next record, a sound, i think that's gonna be centered on how i process the drums. i also figure, i think i want it to sound more 'dangerous' and fucked up, i think, even if i write a rather poppy thing or part, i want to be using sends that have glitchy things going on, weird squealing going on no matter what, so maybe i'll try and use some of those jack dark plugins as weirdo delay things, see what that can do, mix them with the next reverb/room setup i come up with, less saturation on the master and more weird, not spatial stuff, but like, textural noisy stuff. idk. we'll see, that might be hard to figure out / get right.
anyway, we're gonna go out tomorrow so i need to sleep so:
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 172
LARP and the Real Girl/Closing Time
“LARP and the Real Girl”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean investigate the mysterious deaths of two LARPers who were engaged in a game involving a real fairy
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I mean…if the fae get you, the fae get you…
I did cut out the part in the description where they said what LARP stood for, just full disclosure
Honestly, they DESERVE to go see a movie or hit up a bar. Just one night off
Omg I love that Dean really has accepted Garth as the new Bobby
God…I’d love that LotR poster.
Fuck you, small town cop. Look. I don’t know what this guy’s whole deal was, but as long as he treated women right and wasn’t a gatekeeping asshole, “toys” on display at your residence (read: replicas of weapons from fantasy series and probably figurines of some sort. (Remind me to make a post about how much I’ve spent on the anime figures at my work desk…and the look on my work bestie’s face when she saw the amount)) are not a sign that you can’t be in a relationship or get laid.
“These kids today with their texting and murder…” I wanna kiss whoever wrote that line of dialogue on the mouth.
Felicia Day’s hair is so pretty
The dramatic thunder is…well, it’s something
Sometimes I get so sad about how much Dean has missed out on due to John. THIS is one of those times. He’s so excited to help Charlie with her battle strategy!! And he never got to foster that because he had to grow up WAY too fast and ALWAYS had to keep the tough guy persona. He’s such a little nerd at heart
Dean and Charlie should have gotten wayyyyyy more time together
You know, for being known as the nerdier of the two brothers, Sam is having zero fun with this and really just wants to get the job done. Dean’s in costume and following Charlie around as she flirts with every woman she encounters in their investigation
Noooooo don’t abduct Charlieeeeeeee
Oh. Looks like Charlie is no longer disappointed in her kidnapping
I love the boys getting sidelined in favor of the rules of this LARPing community
Of COURSE it’s that dude
Did he really think that the sword, once it turned back into foam, was going to stop Dean??
“Closing Time”
Plot Description: The Doctor, in his final days of life, encounters a mystery as he visits an old friend
Don’t love that we’re back with James Corden
What is happening with the…no that’s not how you ask about lighting in this show. Hey, who turned out the lights?
The cybermen? Maybe
Stormaggedon, Dark Lord of All is quite the name for a baby to give themself
This Farewell Tour he’s on doesn’t hit as hard as Ten’s because he’s really been with just Amy and Rory and River most of the time, with the exception of Craig (who he’s visiting now), also I know he has at least two more seasons
Hmmmmmmmm a motorized toy…the cybermen are hijacking TOYS??
Omg…I don’t like how often Moffat-run shows have the joke “oh these two men seen together and/or show any sort of affection toward each other MUST be gay.”
He just went straight for the lingerie department?? Come on…
Oh they didn’t hijack shit, they just put a weird robotic rat thing in a department store
I forgot we jumped ahead some time….we still get a little bit of Amy and Rory, but Amy’s already a perfume model
The cybermen gave the cybermat TEETH??? WHY???
These….oh, yeah. Those are things to cry about later. For sure
Oh…that baby’s ceiling is the ideal. Like, real project galaxies
Aw man, James Corden only ALMOST got mauled by the lil rat thingy
Ugh, the Doctor is doing the whole “I shouldn’t have anyone around me” thing again
Did they actually kill Craig???? What is happening???? Ahhh, rats. Like, of course they didn’t but STILL
So the cybermen just exploded? Because Craig felt emotion again??
This episode is just eh. Except for the Doctor’s coat. The coat’s good
Why DOES linear time affect him now??
Oh that’s where he got the hat River’s about to shoot off
0 notes
fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
(Hi, me again)
Hello it is I! A flying magic dude here to solve all your problems and make all your decisions. No but seriously, they both sound really cool. I’ll use my infinite wisdom to come up with a plan to ensure that you have the better excursion.
*sound of coin flipping*
Your going to the zoo! Although the aquarium also sounds good so I’d recommend going there some other time.
Also about hormones, I could probably summon some up for you. Pills for Remy and presumably injections for Remus if you struggle to take pills? Although I definitely agree that you should have someone make sure that it won’t be harmful to you in some way.
When you figure it out let me or one of the other Watchers know and we can conjure up some for you.
Glow Eyes
(Good choice. If they went to the aquarium there was a chance they'd meet Os since he works there)
A week passed before Remy had recovered enough to be able to leave the apartment. Since they were staying at Janus' apartment and he was still working full time they got a lot of alone time.
Mostly they laid on the couch and stared up at the ceiling while music loud enough to hopefully blast away their thoughts played in their headphones. Dozens of hours of Britney, Charli and Gaga was working against their thoughts constantly lingering in harsh memories. Even while Remy was distracted the memories of bruises and screams hung like a shadow over them.
The only time it subsided somewhat was when Janus was home. Even though it made Remy nauseous the amount of times memories of Virgil flashed behind their eyes when they kissed him.
Every now and again a bored snail demon took a break from haunting Oswald to come over and pull Remy into a make over or a seated version of just dance.
When they finally felt well enough to go the zoo Remus pulled up as soon as he could after forcing Logan along since he had anticipated the zoo visit just as much as them. He practically threw Remy into Logan's car while chattering on about a bear (!) having been moved to the local zoo,
As soon as Logan had started to drive Remus excitedly began with "Sooooo about those hooormones" He turned to Remy who was sitting in the back seat and explained "I texted Logie about the hormones thingy a few days ago"
"I've attempted to find information to the best of my abilities but as you can guess my expertise lies more so in estrogen because of experiences with Patty. My wife. My wife Patty. But I have read through a few papers about testosteron and tried to find information about how hormones can affect fibromyalgia"
"Do either of you have any underlying problems or known generational problems with blood pressure or heart diseases?"
Remus and Remy glanced at each other before both shaking their head.
"Good. That lowers a lot of potential risks" Logan took a turn by a sign that pointed towards the zoo before continuing "And as far as the fibromyalgia is concerned I found nothing to indicate hormone treatment could worsen it. Though it is probably good to start with a smaller dose to be sure"
"I don't want like a full dose anyway. I wanna be like fem but not like fully like I wanna be a 90's model with such a thin fucking frame no one can tell if she even got like boobs. That kinda fem"
"Right" Logan drove into the zoo's parking lot and looked for a space close to the entrance so Remy wouldn't have to walk too far "I am sure the two of you are aware of the consequences of hormones more than I so I assume I won't have to ask about that. Unlike certain doctors I trust in full grown adult's abilities to decide if they accept how hormones will change them or not"
"Hehe. Sneaky surprise penis" Remus chuckled while rubbing his hands together like a villain.
The car stopped and Logan turned to look at the two of them while fixing with his glasses "Well then I see no dangers of going on hormones. Do you?"
"Not really. Maybe I'll get Too sexy and the earth will blow up though. Just a warning"
"Nah girl"
"Happy hormones to you then" Logan said with a slight smile.
Remus let up into a grin while flapping his arms around "I am feeling like an entire flock of fresh cows being released into the grass after a long winter!!!" He gasped "I'M GONNA GET TO USE A SYRINGE EVERY DAY!! I'M GONNA LIVE MY MAD SCIENTIST FANTASY!!"
"You'd think the floaty thingies could like get it to us today even? Like once we get home?" Remy asked in a hushed tone while their feet quickly tapped into the ground out of excitement.
"YAYAYAY! For sure my beanie!! Or I'mma Float up there myself and get the hormones by force!!!"
"If you need any help with how to safely use the syringe I or Patty can help. Just so you are aware" Logan said while locking the car "Ready to see some spiders?" He asked his friend.
Remus was already eyeing the zoo's map to try and find the spider's house "Super fucking ready!! OH! Maybe we can get there during feeding time!!"
"That would be fascinating"
Logan and Remus were taking big strides towards the entrance while chatting about their latest notes on spiders. Remus looked back to see Remy stand lost in thought with a hesitant smile on their face, as if they couldn't quite believe that that conversation had just happened.
Remus lightly bonked his head against their shoulder to get their attention before taking their hand and intertwining their fingers. He felt their thumb run circles against his skin as they followed him to the entrance.
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emperor-starscream · 2 years
SLAYYY I haven't posted anything at all in awhile SO! I'm gonna info dump about Starscream and my personal like story for him that I have planned out
This is more like a mixture of different concepts and continuities of Starscream and how I personally see him!!!
If you have any other questions about my Starscream my ask box is open :D
TW: after the pictures there WILL be mentions of @bus3 so if you don't wanna know about his like backstory and stuff like that please don't read that section!
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First up, his full appearance! Yes it may seem a bit wonky how I colored it BUT it was all intentional, I'll explain in a second why I gave him the different colored optics BUT. his shoulder pad thingies are a reference to coronation Starscream where he has the purple shoulder pads. Originally I was going to make the pads PURPLE but I changed on that idea since it would add too many colors to Starscream's already colorful appearance.
I gave him a heart on his little forehead thingy because I thought It would be cool if that could represent the Decepticon logo type deal
I mixed IDW TAAO Starscream with a tiny bit of armada screamer, again, I thought it'd be cool. His hands are also build like TFP Starscream's, he's got CLAWS
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At first they were like simple little kitty paws but then they EVOLVED and so now he's got that TFP drip
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IM ALSO GOING TO EXPLAIN HIS EYES, his eyes are like that cause 1 I thought they were cool and 2 in some IDW comics I saw that he had yellow eyes kind of like some versions of Optimus or Soundwave, I thought it'd be cool to make a yellow/gold eye type deal and then the other eye red because it's also cool and 3 I'm indecisive.
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Next up is Starscream facts before I go on to explain his short backstory
So like he is trans FTM, I have an unfinished design for that aswell
He's a lot more empathetic than usual screamers
Kinda like armada Starscream where he was friends with Alexis
He is polyamorous :)
And also has anger issues he's trying to work on
After the war he also became emperor because I love that he rules over a planet
He still sucks at it and makes horrible decisions, he's still selfish and shit like that lol
Starscream has a link to his trine(skywarp and Thundercracker) through his spark which is swaggy
So again TW for @bus3 and stuff like that. Nothing sexual though /srs
Megatron had convinced Starscream to join the Decepticons because Starscream was leader of the air command on Cybertron, who also studied Science and a bit of history. And also star joined the cons because he was tired of being treated like he was just some tool. Megatron was like a father figure to Starscream at first. After some time Starscream started realizing how many holes Megatron's leadership, Starscream's respect for the bot started fading as he started snapping and acting more arrogant n shi towards Megatron which lead to Megatron beating the spark out of Starscream more and more often, leaving him absolutely BEAT UP and so like it started becoming worse, Megatron started mentally manipulating his second in command, emotionally aswell, this lead Starscream to fear Megatron, to the point that Starscream having his negative thoughts like anxiety etc basically calling those thoughts "Megatron's voice". When Megatron almost died Starscream still brought Megatron to safety.
So Starscream kept being loyal to Megatron, slowly planning his downfall, Megatron knew about this, knowing Starscream isn't trustworthy. Then other Decepticons like shockwave and Soundwave would degrade him or make fun of him aswell. This made Starscream have cool little trust issues. When Starscream reunited with Jetfire he was finally relieved at the fact someone didn't treat him like literal trash- BUT! since all of Starscream's trauma he was kind of aggressive towards Jetfire, which resulted in Jetfire leaving to join the Autobots which made Starscream have abandonment issues aswell.
It's all janky and shit but if you have any questions I'm happy to answer :D
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messedupfan · 3 years
I'm With You (Y/N Stark) Chapter 7
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Summary: Y/n Stark is rescued by the Avengers. Wanda and Pietro decide to join them.
A/N: Seriously don't know where I'm going with this series lol
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“What is that?” Steve asks over comms as the area suddenly quiets down and his bike throws him with an abrupt stop. When they arrived, Hydra was sending out their soldiers in droves. Now, halfway through the woods and closing in on the base, every advanced weapon dropped and so did the men. So far, the only enhanced personal they knew about was someone that was exceptionally fast. Clint only saw him for a moment but everyone else had yet to see him. It gave the team hope that this was finally the base they had been looking for. However, they were slightly concerned about how many more people were harnessing abilities and what those abilities were. Especially after watching the men drop. “Guys, what do you see? Hello? Can anyone read me?” Steve tries again but there is no response. Not even the soft static sound that let him know the device was on.
He pulls it out of his ear to find the device was deactivated and he quickly scans the area for his fellow teammates. Thor startles him by landing with a boom beside him. “The ear thingy stopped working,” the demigod says in apology. “Do we find the others or keep moving forward?” The Captain is unsure what to do until he watches something burst out from the roof of one of the buildings.
“Move forward. They might be running towards that anyway,” he points to the glowing figure in the sky. Thor nods and swings his hammer in the air so that it would carry him as Steve unfortunately had to get there on foot. He tried to steal one of the motorbikes but the engine was completely dead.
“Come on Clint, let’s get you back to the jet.” Natasha helps her friend up and pulls his arm over her shoulder to help him stand. She tries to call for cover and to let them know that they have a man down. There was no response and it hadn’t occurred to her how quiet it was. One second there’s explosions and gunfire, another it’s completely still. “Damnit, something happened. We really need to get you out of here.”
“No complaint from me, Nat. Just please, hurry,” Clint grunts through the pain as she drags him back to the quinjet.
“Tony?” Steve says when he almost runs past the pile of metal. “Tony!” He shouts this time, realizing that it is the Iron Man suit.
The suit pops open and Tony sits up with a groan. “What the hell just happened?” He looks around in shock. There was no way his suit should have failed like that on its own.
“I don’t know, Stark. Something weird is going on.” Steve offers his hand to pull the guy up but Tony is working out how that was possible in his head.
“They have to be using the scepter for some crazy power switch, but then why on their own men and weapons?” He mutters to himself, thinking out loud. He lays back down into his suit and calls for J.A.R.V.I.S. but there is no response. His chest tightens at the flashback of being stranded in the middle of nowhere just around Christmas the previous year. He presses the button for his back up generator and thankfully it powers back up, relaxing his anxiety almost immediately. “Jarvis, scan the area. Something has to be wielding a massive amount of power.”
Steve points up at the sky, “I think it might be that.”
“Mr. Rogers is correct,” J.A.R.V.I.S. confirms as he scans the figure and enhances Tony’s view until it gives him a clear image of Y/n’s face. Her eyes had disappeared, covered by bright yellow lights. The stone glowing just as bright in the middle of her forehead.
“What did they do to her?” Tony says in shock.
“What?” Steve asks cluelessly.
Tony points in the sky, “That’s Y/n!” They exchange a look before taking off towards her. Tony boosts the suit to reach Y/n faster while J.A.R.V.I.S. reconnects the communication devices.
“All devices are back online, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S. confirms.
“Thank you, Jarvis. Guys? Talk to me. What's the damage?” Tony asks as he zooms up to the sky. Natasha informs them that Clint was down and waiting in the jet. She patched him up as best as she could but he was going to need some serious medical attention. Then she asks what the bright thing in the air is. Tony tells her who it is and Natasha freezes. It couldn’t be, could it?
“Romanoff, locate Banner. It’s time for a lullaby. Can you do it?” Steve directs to get his friend moving and distracted with a task. He knew her well enough to know that she needed it. Natasha accepts the task and runs to the last place she saw the big green guy. By the time she found him, Bruce was already back. He was knocked out and was turning blue because of laying in the snow completely naked.
Natasha was confused, she didn’t think that his body would react to the cold, “Banner!” she screamed into his ear to wake him up but he barely flinched. “Dammit,” Natasha huffed as she lifted him up to dress him. “Come on, Bruce. Wake up,” she lightly slapped his cheeks to wake him up but nothing happened. “Banner is down, I’m heading back to the jet. How’s Y/n?” She asks carefully.
“Get in the jet and go, Romanoff. Another one is headed over to collect the rest of us,” Steve responds.
“It's an order, now go.” Natasha clenches her jaw but continues to haul Bruce to the quinjet. Meanwhile, Steve is running past frozen civilians to get to the building that Y/n was hovering above and keeping an eye on Thor and Tony as they fly towards her. “Get to safety. Run. Find shelter,” he says to every person he passes on the way. No one listens, they’re all mesmerized by the bright floating figure in the sky. “Stark, update,” Steve asks when he sees the IronMan has stalled several feet away from Y/n. “Thor, what do you see?” The demigod was also frozen in the air. “Dammit, what’s happening?” Steve hustled further through the crowd.
Wanda snaps out of her trance. She was on her way to see if they were done hurting Y/n so that she could hurry up and take the pain away the best that she could when all of the lights shut off and there was a large hole in the building. “Wanda, thank goodness you’re okay,” Pietro hugs his sister the moment he finds her. “I saw it happen and I can’t explain it. But I knew that I had to find you. They’re all down, all of the men. Strucker is dead, the lab is completely destroyed. Whatever they did to her, they really shouldn’t have done it.”
“I have to find Y/n. Is Y/n dead?” She looks at her brother who doesn’t answer. “Is she dead?” She asks again, this time with more urgency. Pietro points to the hole in the ceiling of the building and all she sees is a glowing figure. Her brother says that it might be Y/n and Wanda does something she wasn’t even sure that she was capable of doing. She flies. She is the only person that the stone lets near Y/n. From the distance Thor and Tony are talking back and forth to each other arguing whether or not they should destroy the stone while it’s attached to her but they go silent when Tony notices another person that was able to get close to his daughter. “Y/n can you hear me?” Wanda asks but all she gets in response are her friends screams of agony.
Tony attempts to grab the brunette's attention by turning on the amplifier on his suit; she couldn’t hear him. That didn’t stop him from turning the volume up and trying again and again. Until Thor had enough and sent a lighting bolt to one of the speakers. While they were distracted with another argument, Wanda was trying to figure out the best way to tame Y/n’s pain. All she could think to do was to place both hands on Y/n’s head, shut her eyes, and convince her to go to sleep. She hoped that even though Y/n had a powerful source in her head, that she could still control her mind and that putting her to sleep will help stop whatever was happening.
Next thing she knew, she was pleading with the Avengers to come along because she needed to be sure that her friend was okay. Steve was the only one willing to hear her out and gave Wanda and Pietro seats on the jet. Tony sat with Y/n the entire flight, holding her hand and praying to whoever that she makes it out alive and well. Wanda watched with worried eyes, the only thing comforting her is that she could still feel Y/n. Something connected them during the time in the sky. She figured that it had to do with the stone because after she and Pietro got their powers from it their connection grew stronger. She wondered if her brother could feel Y/n too but the space was too small to ask.
Once they arrived at the Avengers tower in New York City, Steve and Maria Hill escorted the twins to a temporary holding area. It was an unused bedroom which was better than any place they’ve ever lived. Wanda sat on the bed worried and constantly telling her curious brother not to touch things. He ignored her of course. After a few hours, Steve brought the twins a decent meal that neither was quick to eat and a tablet that had all of their files from Hydra. “We know what the two of you are capable of and I have to ask. Are you with us or are you still against us?” The twins shared an uncertain look with each other. In the time that they sat in the room, bored out of their minds, neither had thought to discuss if they were abandoning their original mission.
“Is Y/n okay?” Wanda finally asks instead.
Steve clenches his jaw and sighs, “I can assure you that Y/n is being well taken care of by the best of the best. I understand that she was previously being cared for by you, Wanda?”
“Is that a question or a statement?”
“You’re the mind reader, why don’t you tell me?”
“Look, I get it. You don’t trust us. But I can’t leave Y/n, she’s my friend,” Wanda says impatiently.
“Then are you with us?” Steve pressures.
Wanda looks at Pietro to be the deciding factor. If he wanted to go, she would and she let him know that. Pietro sized up the super soldier as he calculated in his mind whether or not he was going to hold onto old grudges or help his sister find happiness. He could tell from the way she talked about Y/n that she was crushing on the girl; she would never admit to it. Then there was the fact that this place was impressive and he knew that any organization that is hell bent on tearing this one down won’t treat them as nicely as this place would. But it was the Avengers, it was Tony Stark. The man whose weapons killed his parents and had him terrified for years. How was he supposed to just get over that? He looked at his sister again, she was so bright after her visits with Y/n. Pietro knew that whatever issues he had weren’t going to fade over night but he would work through them for Wanda. “If you’ll let us, we’re with you.” He finally answers.
Wanda is surprised by his choice but stands by him nonetheless. Steve is pleased, “Alright then. We’ll arrange rooms for the two of you and Jarvis will go over the rules, protocols, and schedules. You’re on a probationary trial period for the time being until I say otherwise. For the meantime we have training clothes that you can change into and all kinds of fancy toiletries in the bathrooms of the rooms that I’ll show you to in a moment. So please, eat and I’ll give you a little tour after.” He taps a few things on the tablet, closing out the file and opening a map of the building. He scowls at the device as he recalls how to assign a room to someone. Tony showed him once but he was still getting used to this kind of technology.
The twins cautiously took a bite of the food, after a single taste they began to devour their trays. By the time they finished, Steve had successfully figured out the system. When he looked up and saw the empty trays he smiled and told them to dump them in the shoot before he led them out of the room and to the corridor where they would stay. Pietro walked into his room without a second thought and shut the door to undress and jump in the shower. Wanda, however, hesitated at the threshold. “When can I see Y/n?” She asks.
“I don’t know, kid. They won’t even let me near her,” Steve frowns. I missed her so much, he thinks a little too loud. Wanda decides not to fight with him about seeing Y/n. She would find a way to see her even if it meant violating a rule.
Y/n startles awake when she feels the cold wet rag being lightly pressed on her forehead. Wanda shushes her softly and it calms her instantly. “I didn’t mean to wake you, I’m sorry. I couldn’t sleep so I came to check on you and you seemed to be running a bit of a fever.”
“Thank you for your concern but you don’t have to take care of me anymore,” Y/n says in a hoarse voice. Her throat was sore from all of the screaming but she knew that would go away soon. With her tired eyes she glances at the digital clock glowing behind her friend. “It’s late. What’s keeping you awake?” She whispers, Tony was asleep in a chair in one corner and Natasha was asleep in a cot next to her bed. “Is it nightmares again?”
“You remember?” Wanda says a little too surprised.
Y/n scoffs tiredly and sits up in the hospital type bed and makes space for Wanda, “Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I?”
“They said that you might not be able to remember much. Stark and Dr. Banner were arguing forever trying to decide if they should remove the stone and try to repair the damage. Or leave it in and hope that you can live with it,” she answers as she climbs onto the bed. “They’re still undecided, they were waiting for you to wake up to see how much damage there actually was. But of course, you took your precious time and now everyone is asleep,” Wanda teases.
“Everyone except you,” she reaches for Wanda’s hand and gives a soft squeeze. “Were you too worried to sleep?” Y/n asks with a lazy smile. A light blush creeps onto Wanda’s cheeks and she opens her mouth to retort with a snarky comment when she is interrupted.
Natasha rolls over after hearing voices and springs up, “You’re awake!” She smiles and jumps from the cot. While she does, Y/n takes her hand back and Wanda gets off of the bed and fixes her sleep shirt. She doesn’t know why she feels like she was just caught doing something wrong but she can’t shake the feeling. “Do you remember anything?” Natasha asks as she takes Y/n’s hand.
“Her brain function seems to be fully intact–”
“Thank you, but it’s important that Y/n answers. You should have woken us up. How long has she been awake?” Natasha narrows her eyes at the suspicious brunette.
“Not long, only a few minutes,” Wanda answers, a little intimidated by the slightly older woman.
“And why didn’t you wake me or Tony up sooner? You’re not a doctor, she could have severe damage and you could have just put her in jeopardy. Where is Banner? Did you at least think to contact him?” Natasha glares at the nervous girl.
“Ey, krasavitsa, uspokoysya. YA v poryadke, my tol’ko chto pogovorili. Ostav’ yeye v pokoye, ona moya podruga. (Hey beauty, calm down. I’m fine, we just talked. Leave her alone, she’s my friend)” Y/n finally speaks up, not liking the way that Natasha was speaking to Wanda. “Just call Bruce and wake up Tony so they can get started on examining me. Okay?”
Natasha blinks a few times to ward away the tears that sprung up from Y/n speaking in Russian. “Do you even know what you just said to me?” She asks in complete shock.
“I-I do but I’m not sure where that came from,” and she didn’t. She hadn’t taken the time to learn Russian yet. How the hell did she even know that would keep her sort of girlfriend from killing her friend? “Can you wake them up?” Y/n asks Natasha with pleading eyes that the former spy can’t deny. She places a tender kiss on Y/n’s cheek and softly tells her that she will return soon before leaving the room, allowing Tony to rest a little bit longer. Wanda clenches her jaw and swallows the pang of jealousy that she feels at the small display of affection.
She continued to deny that she might have any feelings towards Y/n. It wasn’t like she had any chance with her, especially since she was no help in her rescue. It’s not that Wanda didn’t want Y/n to get out of there, but that she didn’t try to help her escape. What was she supposed to expect from her now? For her to ditch the woman she cares about — the one who actually saved her — and love Wanda instead? No, she couldn’t ask that of her. She had to control herself and be happy that her friend isn’t being abused or tossed aside anymore. “I should probably go, I don’t think that I’ll be wanted here much longer.” Wanda says as she picks at her fingernails.
“Hey, I want you around but I think it’s best that you get your rest,” Y/n says softly while reaching for one of Wanda’s nervous hands. “Do you have a room to yourself this time or are you still bunking with your brother?”
“We share a wall but we have separate bedrooms this time. It’s weird, I kind of miss him.”
“It’s not weird, you’re just not used to having a bed to yourself. Which can get kind of lonely but I think you’re going to love it.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I’ll just have to bunk with you. We can finally have that sleepover we talked about. OH!” Y/n’s eyes widen in delight and Wanda can’t help but grin at the girl's excitement. “We should totally do a slumber party once I’m in the clear! I’ve never had one of those.”
Wanda is surprised, even she has been to a slumber party, “You know, sometimes I think my childhood was tragic but then you say something and I just feel bad for you.” Y/n sticks her tongue out at the brunette which makes her laugh.
“Y/n was terrible at making friends growing up, I get pretty depressed talking to her too,” Tony mutters in the corner as he wakes up. Y/n lets out a noise to tell them that she is offended to make them apologize but they just laugh at her. Tony stretches and makes his way over to Y/n as Wanda drops the girl's hand this time. “Hey, how are you feeling?” He places the back of his hand on Y/n’s face, avoiding the stone just in case.
Y/n shrugs, “I know Russian now. I’m ninety-nine percent certain that it has to do with the stone they put in my head."
Tony frowns as he asks Jarvis to read out the vitals on the machine to help him make sense of what he was reading off of the monitor. "Huh, you seem to be in perfect health. You even look stronger than when we found you. Where's Nat? I thought she'd be all over you."
Y/n blushes, "Oh. You know."
"I do. When were you planning on telling me?" He steps away from the monitor to look his daughter in the eye. "You know I don't have a problem with that kind of thing," he says softly. "In fact, I wish you'd have told me sooner. We could have gone out! I make a pretty great wingman." He winks and Y/n rolls her eyes.
"Oh please, you're selfish and you know it. If we went out as a team, I would be the one driving you and both girls home. That's if Happy wasn't already driving. Then I'd be next to him like I always was." She chuckles lightly as she recalls the rare occasions she joined him at some event that he ended up leaving with some woman. "Besides, by the time I knew about that part of me, you were already seeing Pepper."
"Wait. When did you find out?" Tony asks with his arms crossed over his chest.
Y/n blushes again and begins to bite the inside of her cheek pondering whether or not she should tell him. Thankfully, Natasha returns with a disgruntled Bruce Banner in tow shutting down the conversation. "You're still here." Natasha observes when she sees Wanda standing at the foot of the bed.
"Try to get some rest, I'll still be here when you wake up," Y/n sends the mind message to her friend. Wanda offers a small smile before informing the rest of them that she was just leaving. She makes her way back to her room and climbs into the full size bed with a tired sigh. Sleep eventually greets her and this time she is able to greet it openly without a single racing thought knocking it away.
Chapter 8
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