#not just Stark-Targaryen monopoly
lemonhemlock · 2 years
Tbh if trying to keep a monopoly on dragons is the problem for Targaryen princesses marrying outside of the family, then maaaaybe you could marry Helaena to one of the Hightower boys? Since the Hightowers are already backing up the Greens, then marrying Helaena to them keeps the dragons within the side, so to speak. And since cousin marriages are acceptable, then they wouldn't have problems with the Faith.
Another option could potentially be Helaena with the Starks? A marriage pact was part of the reason why the Starks eventually sided with the Blacks, so I could maybe see the Greens offering a marriage in the hopes they could get them on their side. It depends on who exactly is available at this time, however, and it does mean giving dragons to the North, which could be risky.
If we're talking about Aegon and his brothers, other options include the Lannisters (although since they're so ride and die for the Greens already, so maybe a marriage with them isn't essential) the Baratheons (definitely need to give them one of the Targtower boys), the Riverlands, or one of the other major Reach houses like the Tarlys, perhaps. Marriages with them could potentially pull them into the Greens' side and give them an easier time in the upcoming war.
Tbh if trying to keep a monopoly on dragons is the problem for Targaryen princesses marrying outside of the family, then maaaaybe you could marry Helaena to one of the Hightower boys? Since the Hightowers are already backing up the Greens, then marrying Helaena to them keeps the dragons within the side, so to speak. And since cousin marriages are acceptable, then they wouldn't have problems with the Faith.
They could, but while it keeps the dragons "in the family" for this generation, it creates potential problems down the line. Who knows what happens in 2-3 generations? The Velaryons proved very tricky to handle, so idk if Viserys (he still gets a say) would acquiesce to this. The green children also already have only 50% dragon blood (yes, I did feel like a eugenics scientist typing that). Jace and Luke have a bit less, but they get convenient betrothals with dragon-riders Baela and Rhaena.
I know this issue of "diluting the blood" sounds fucking ridiculous, but there is a twisted point to it. The Valyrians also intermarried and most likely not for shits and giggles, but to keep their dragons in the family. It's very likely that, in order to bond themselves in the first place, they resorted to blood rituals and human sacrifice. So, to not have to repeat that every other generation, it's easier to just resort to incest. Also, by the time of the Targaryens, it's possible this knowledge was lost, so incest is really all they have left.
It's interesting to note that the Targaryens sort of abandon this practice AFTER they lost their dragons, so it becomes less important, I guess. BUT it's also convenient that George brought this practice back both for Dany's parents and grandparents (perhaps to, forgive me, "strengthen her blood"). There is also a compelling theory that Dany's three dragon eggs belonged to her family anyway (they're Dreamfyre's eggs).
So, when it comes to Aegon & Helaena, I think the overriding fear here is that the greens have so few dragons to begin with, so their no 1 priority would be to acquire more of them. When Aegon & Helaena are betrothed, the greens have at most 3 dragons vs Rhaenyra's veritable fleet. If the betrothal happens before Helaena claims Dreamfyre, then they have 2. They must have hated those odds; if I were Alicent or Otto, I'd be shitting my pants.
Marrying two Targaryens does not automatically mean that their offspring would also be dragonriders (look at Jaehaerys' and Alyssane's children - 3 dragon-riders out of 13; on the other hand - 100% of Rhaenys' children were dragon-riders). But it does increase the odds. The eugenics scientist would also point out Aegon already has less dragon blood than Rhaenyra to pass to his children with a non-related bride (Aemma was also half-Targaryen). So, what I'm trying to say is that while a Hightower marriage for Helaena could theoretically work (for this generation at least), the odds of her and Aegon producing dragon riders are much better.
As for Aemond & Daeron, since there are no sisters for them to marry, yes, Lannister & Baratheon marriages are a must. The Lannisters are green stans no 1, they might feel offended if they pick the Tullys over them for a royal marriage, esp since Jason has 5 daughters. I'm not sure if the Tullys even have girls of marriageable age. Cregan Stark only has a young son.
Hope this helps!
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roxannepolice · 5 years
The positive side of D&D’s gist for ex-machinas and resurrections is that I can still sit in my bubble of denial and maintain it’s possible that in episode 5, when all will seem lost for The Alliance of Good, Theon, with a pierced side, blood coming from his mouth, exhausted from running all the way from Winterfell, will throw Red Keep’s door open Aragorn style and with a shit-eating grin say what is dead may never die, brotherfucka, and, like summon a Kraken to strangle Cersei.
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vivacissimx · 3 years
Like thematically the whole is Jon a Stark or a Targaryen or is Theon a Greyjoy or a Stark or Tyrion/Cersei/Jaime is truly Tywin's kid discourse is so misplaced. If it's meaningful to people personally then great but that's not my point. The fucking fundamental question of belonging is "complicated" by the inheritance of a legacy but it isn't answered by it! The question "who am I" originates in the family home because that's ground zero. It's training wheels. It's the point of departure.
The legacy from being born into a noble family is like. Getting $200 at the beginning of monopoly. That's where basic sense of self is fostered and it informs identity but it doesn't define it. It's in how Theon goes from telling Catelyn "my House owes yours a great debt" (performance within the status quo) to "this was not the Pyke he remembered. Or did he remember?" (incongruency between self vs. true perception) to "two sons of Eddard Stark to pay for Rodrik and Maron" (futile attempts to reconcile) to "Theon wondered what that would be like, to have a home" (acceptance that legacy must be of your own making). Tyrion is another incredible example because there's a marked tension between him being a Lannister vs. being Tywin's son and it's the latter that both defines & redefines the former
fuck it mask off I think fandom cares wayyy too much about asoiaf characters paying for and/or embodying the legacy of their parents. They're all going to have imperfect burdens on their shoulders but that isn't predetermining. Nobody is going to resolve the violence of their ancestor's existence, as much as nobody can avoid the consequences of their parent's choices, because that's an impossible desire! They're supposed to struggle, reject, return, internalize, fuck up in similar yet entirely different ways. They're not supposed to fix the past, that's ridiculous! Like why is Samwell Tarly the polar opposite of Randyll Tarly? Why did Oberyn die trying to avenge Elia? Why did Euron win the kingsmoot when all his promises were balls to the walls deranged? The answers are obvious and also all the same.
Anyways legacies exist and are important but just like prophecies they're of human making, with all the convolution and conflict that implies. As readers we have to at least act like these characters have free will because their choices should matter, even if/when they're backed against a brick wall.
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kylandara · 3 years
Quora Reshare 11
Q: GRRM identifies as a feminist. Do you think GRRM intends to bash Daenerys Targaryen as a tyrant and reveal Sansa Stark as the feminist queen icon?
A by Kelsey
Feminism is not, “Women must succeed and be flawless and powerful just because they’re women.”
Feminism is, “The failures of one woman do not speak for all women, nor does one woman’s success speak for all women.” Women can and should be evaluated on their own individual merits, without every other woman being dragged into it or artificially propped up by it. No single male character’s failures or successes would ever be used as a metric to judge or praise every other man, right? So why should it be different for women?
If you think that ASOIAF can only be a “feminist” story if Dany wins or ends up as a hero, you’re missing the point — not least because the argument seems to be that “Dany” is somehow a fill-in for every other female character, i.e. that all women in the story succeed just because Dany does; that’s bunk. Dany speaks for Dany; she doesn’t speak for female characters in the story in general or on the whole. Another female character in opposition to Dany is not inherently less feminist, and Dany does not have a monopoly on feminism in the story.
Similarly, if you think that Sansa can’t succeed as a queen or, sure, be a “feminist icon” unless she behaves in an un-feminine way, you’re also missing the point. Feminine expressions of power and sources of strength are as valid as any other, especially when they’re accompanied by Sansa’s shrewdness, administrative acumen (which knows no gender, near as I can tell) and concern for her people’s well-being on a micro level (e.g. keeping track of food-supply logistics).
Dany’s not a tyrant just because she’s a woman. She’s a tyrant because she behaves like one. She’d be a tyrant if she were a man doing the same thing. Likewise, if Sansa were a man who had her mindset and skills, she’d still succeed. Dany’s failure is not anti-feminist. What’s anti-feminist is a character who has no business succeeding artificially succeeding just because she’s a woman. If GRRM had given Dany these various fatal flaws and had her win anyway, I’d consider that anti-feminist — because it’s thumb-on-the-scale manipulation that would never be given to a man.
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
Do you have asoiaf ocs? If so can we hear about them a bit?
I have... a lot .... ...
My absolute favorites are House Greyspire, a whole-ass family my friends and I made up for the asoiaf tabletop game. After a year or two, the story's grown and we've written and roleplayed a lot about em 😅 As in, we have several generations of dysfunctional family drama, not just what went down in War of the Five Kings (which is where we initially started).
Other peeps have asked about this so, here you go?? Haha. I've always wanted to write a story or visual novel about them!
They live way up in the Frostfang mountains, where the Hill clans are. I'm talking the very top of the mountain, their keep is known simply as The Spire. It was initially a fortress that, over 200 years, has slowly been converted to a beautiful, decadent yet frigid castle of marble, stained glass and a labyrinth of old caves and mine shafts below.
Because while House Greyspire has very modest origins - their founders Clydas Stark and Bernadette Bolton were all but cast out of their families because of certain circumstances. No longer allowed to use the Stark name or sigil, Clydas renamed himself to "Greyspire", a reference to both his family's grey banner and the cold, heartless mountains they drove him and his new bride to. The exact circumstances were murky, and both the Bolton and Stark families have historically disputed the facts. But supposedly there was talk of a Bolton rebellion at the same time Aegon the Conquerer came to the North, and well, Cyldas and Bernadette may have had something to do with it ... ...
But anyway. The mountains they inherited ended up being full of diamonds. Snowstones, as the Greyspires called it. The largest mine was known as Bernadette's Bounty - because when she mysteriously disappeared, Clydas went out in a blizzard to look for her, and found her red velvet cloak sitting inside the same cave.
It was Clydas' grandson who realized the potential fortune they were sitting atop and since then, the Greypires have kept their ruthless hold on the diamond and gemstone trade in Westeros - Similar to the real-life De Beer diamond monopoly. House Greyspire also began hiring and cultivating their own jewelry-makers, resulting in beautiful pieces that have long been considered status symbols. Targaryen queens were regularly gifted luxurious necklaces and circlets, and ladies who married into the Greyspire family were also adorned with beautiful jewels, furs and silks. It was a small price to pay for the supposed "madness" that their husbands and children often suffered from.
Their house sigil was initially a pair of black Frost Ibex horns against a white standard, but a brilliant blue diamond was later added between the horns.
At the start of the War of the Five Kings, House Greyspire is as follows:
Lord Bernard Greyspire, aka The Mad Goat, a violent, powerful old soldier who still has plenty of fight in him. In his youth, he was somewhat of a terror to Rickard Stark, though the men still respected each other. He became known for his constant fighting, whoring and delight in executions. Often, he was the "attack dog" Rickard Stark used to keep others in line. He's also fathered many bastards and only kept those he's deemed "useful" to the family. While he has his moments of cunning, often he's too short-tempered to see the plans through.
Lady Noyelle Greyspire, a beautiful and elegant woman from a wealthy family in Lys. When Lord Bernard courted her, he was ten years her senior, but brought so much jewelry and gemstones, she was sure he was king of Westeros. It wasn't until she was brought to the beautiful yet haunting and frigid Spire that she began to regret her decision. She was a woman who loved art and poetry and music, who was kind to her husband's bastards and treated them as her own, and doted endlessly on her daughter. The isolation of the Spire, culture shock of Westerosi society and hot-and-cold treatment by Bernard led to her committing suicide when her daughter was young.
Ser Walyse Snow, Lord Bernard's oldest son, and his first bastard. Walyse is the spitting image of his father: Towering, broad-shoulder, thick black hair and cold, steel-grey eyes. Unlike his father, his anger is a slow simmer. From a young age he realized recognition and praise would only come via his absolute obedience to the family. And when the Greyjoy rebellion came, he jumped at the chance to fight for his father's attention. It was there he gained his reputation as the Black Bastard of the North, with how ruthless and violent he was. Still, his skills led him to being knighted on the field. It was here that Walyse met other highborn men, first-born or not, and a deep resentment and bitterness began to grow. He follows his father's orders dutifully, he follows Liam's orders bitterly, and he follows Lior's orders gladly.
Liam Greyspire, Lord Bernard's oldest trueborn son. He inherited his mother's curling blonde hair, watery blue eyes and darker complexion, a far cry from most Northmen. His talents also leaned toward calculations and stewardship - useful for a lord to know, but pointless to his martial-minded father. Since he was young, Liam always felt a mix of inadequacy and superiority when it came to his half-brothers - to compensate, he tormented them where he could. And once she was old enough, this complex extended to his sister Lior, whom he always thought little of. He's become increasingly paranoid about Lior and has schemed to marry her off as soon as possible.
Calbul "Ironjaws" Snow, the violent and temperamental opposite to Walyse. While he looks more like his common mother, he shares his father's appetite for blood and women - though his excessive drinking is all his own. Calbul is also a powerfully built man, only slightly shorter than Walyse, but they both tower over most men. Before the Greyjoy Rebellion, he was more jovial and lighthearted, but in that short war he was terribly mutilated in the jaw and injured in the leg. Rather than leave him on the battlefield, his brothers sent him all the way back to the Spire, where he was carefully nursed by Lior. Calbul nearly died from infection. He survived, and now has an iron/wood prosthetic jaw and a brace for his leg. His drinking came as a way to relieve the pain. While not a bright man, he's eternally loyal to his brothers, and is closest to Alcuin.
Alcuin Snow, the youngest in the famous trio of Bernard's bastards. While he's still a tall man, he's notably shorter than his great older brothers, and has a handsome face they tease him for. He has the soft chestnut hair of his mother, and his father's grey eyes look much kinder on him. He tries to be a good man, but is often consumed by his hatred Bernard - whom he sees as responsible for ruining the reputation of his birth mother and the suicide of his adoptive mother. Lady Noyelle was always kindest to Alcuin, who was the age of her beloved daughter. Alcuin's anger toward Bernard and Liam, plus his devotion to Lior, makes him blind to the latter's schemes.
Lior Greyspire, the only daughter of Lord Bernard. A great beauty like her mother - perhaps moreso - she began as a mousy, trembling girl who always hid from her father's violent outbursts and her brother's relentless bullying. It was her mother and half-brothers who were kindest to her. She grew into a woman whose warmth had been thoroughly drained by the Spire. She's 19, far past the marrying age, though that doesn't stop suitors from climbing the treacherous Frostfangs to ask for her hand in marriage. Greyspire dowries have historically been full of gold and diamonds, making her a "prize" on the marriage market... But her father has refused all of them. Lior is his most significant advisor, something she's worked toward for years. She hides her many neuroses and insecurities behind her beautiful face, silk gowns, expensive furs and endless jewels. What little affection she has left is given to her half-brothers, and they say she has spies all through the North.
Brynden Snow, the youngest of the bastards who are recognized and put into the service of their father. Only sixteen, he already considers himself a tired old man. He came to the Spire when he was older, meaning he wasn't as close to Walyse, Calbul and Alcuin. To his father, he's Master of the Hunt due to his genius with falconry and archery. To Lior, he's one of her closest and best spies. He's had the green dreams since he was a boy, and while he doesn't know how she found out, he knows what she'll do if he defies her. He's seen what she did to the others.
Ser Rowen, not related to the Greyspire house, just a very loyal knight and bodyguard. He was once sworn to House Mormont, and was in fact a good friend of Ser Jorah. When the man was disgraced and fled the North, Ser Rowen presented himself for judgement to Ned Stark. He wasn't guilty, but he was still disowned from his family. He became a wandering hedge knight until he impressed Lord Greyspire by saving Lady Noyelle from bandits during a terrible thunderstorm. He was later assigned to Lady Lior's bodyguard, and he always felt sorry for the sad, quiet girl. He's seen all sorts of Greyspire madness from the shadows, and feels sorry for the children the bastards and Lior used to be. While the bastards are friendly enough with him, he prefers to keep to himself when he's not on duty.
And several more bastards!! I'm not naming them all; it was a running gag that the party kept running into their half-siblings (though not were all aware of their bastard status). My favorites were a sweet, unassuming girl who was one of Lior's many seamstresses and the grumpy, gangly daughter of a logger.
We also have House Caspian (which you know from Salt & Snow!), they were also in the tabletop! And House Vulpine from the Reach, aaaand a House in the Eyrie I think we called Noir? We didn't flesh those guys out as much! House Greyspire kind of took our entire attention away lol. There's other household people (like more guards, the maester, Lior's small army of handmaidens and seamstresses, etc etc) but this is already too long. I'd really love to draw them but I'm so inexperienced with armor and older, grizzled men 🙈🙈🙈 I mostly just draw Lior's gowns LOL
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fedonciadale · 6 years
I've seen the argument that Jon becoming king would also be a Targaryen restoration thrown around as another way to "debunk" Jonsa logic, but I just think there's a big difference between Daenerys, the daughter of two Targaryen siblings who was raised believing in their family and has dragons, and Jon, the son of a Stark and a Targaryen who was raised by the Starks with Stark values and has an explicit connection to the Stark symbol, the direwolf? Can you explain it better?
Dear nonny,
I don’t know, if I can explain it better, but I’ll try:
Honestly, if we have an Iron Throne at the end - which I think we will have, even if I hope for some sort of proto-parliament - there are only a limited number of options, if the people of Westeros somehow stick to the system that the throne is given to a person who has a claim by inheritance (remember Robert might have won the war against Aerys but he also had a Targaryen grandmother).
I mean as someone who is quite familiar with the German system of royal election in the Middle Ages I would be thrilled to see a real medieval royal election in a fantasy novel, but I doubt we’ll get that. If you’re interest in the historical and GRRM pseudo-historical background I direct you to two older posts of mine: on claim to the throne (x), and on the legitimacy of kings/queens (x).
So, who has a claim to the throne and could be put forward by something like a Great Council to be raised as king or queen?
Every Targ obviously. Not much left there, there is either Jon or Da€nerys. Now we could get
1) Targaryen restoration DE LUXE: Jon and Da€nerys unite their claims and sit the throne together. In terms of monopoly this would mean: Back to beginning and do not collect 200 $… I doubt we’ll see this. The Pseudo-history of the Targs shows that the inbreeding caused several problems - and I’m not talking genetics here, but politics. More to find here. As much as we would want a story to become full circle, we would not want “nothing changes at all, it’s the same mess as before”.
2) Targaryren restoration MEDIUM: Jon (who has the better claim) and Da€nerys come to an understanding that suits both. Da€nerys becomes Queen and Jon is named heir. Since Da€nerys can have no children, it is understood that Jon’s children will inherit in the future. I’ve encountered this take in fics quite a lot, but i must admit that I see no chance for this in canon. It is a risk anyway. Jon would have to make it very clear, that he steps down from his claim, and this could still lead to trouble because people might still want him on the throne. This is not stable situation.
3) Targaryen restoration LIGHT: Jon who has the better claim than Da€nerys is chosen over her and decides to abolish the Targs’ claim to supremacy once and for all by a) stressing his descendance from one of the oldest houses of Westeros maybe even setting up a new house b) marrying into said older house so that his children will be more Stark than Targs (#Wargs before Targs). You wouldn’t need a Jonsa marriage for that. Jon could marry into any of the other great houses, but the show has eliminated almost every option there but the Greyjoys (Yara) and the Lannisters (Cersei) - fat chance of that happening….
I’m not clever enough to have come up with these denominations on the Targ restoration all by myself. The credit goes to all the witty Jonsas I chat with.
Now, there is also the option that some Baraetheon comes out of the bag and becomes a contender as Robert’s son. I would not count out this option because the show brought Gendry back and other than in the book made sure that there are no other Baratheons left (since Joffrey killed all his father’s bastards in season 2, episode 1). But unlike Jon Gendry has not been groomed for command or rule and thus I would think that Gendry as king might only happen if the other people with a claim are dead.
If Jon, Da€nerys and Gendry are dead and the people of Westeros still want a king for all the seven kingdoms there might be genuine election and one of the remaining great Lords could be chosen. But who would that be?
To me storywise only Targaryen Restoration LIGHT makes sense. It would be so light that it is not a Targaryen Restoration at all but the Starks rise to power or a new dynasty alltogether. Hope that clarifies it, all!
Thanks for the ask!
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chitowngirl-12-blog · 6 years
Answering a Whole Load of Questions from a Daenerys-Fan Part 1.
Okay, so these are @ princess-from-another-galaxy and I don’t want to clog up to replies on someone else’s page.
have you ever been in a relationship???
Yes, but this isn’t relevant to the inquiry.  I think that you are looking at JonxDany like it is a 21st-century relationship, not a feudal one where Dany has absolute power over Jon.  Dany has the RIGHT as queen to order people around, execute people on a whim, and burn Winterfell to the ground.  She practically isn’t going to burn Winterfell to the ground, but it is still legally hers that she can do of as she wishes.
Moreover, Jon and the Starks have no leverage over the Targaryens.  The North is powerless in terms of military and economics and is about to be overrun by ice zombies.  There is no way for them to exert leverage over the Targaryens.  They are at Dany’s complete mercy.
why would the woman who ended slavery half way around the world and made such an impact for it that they call her breaker of chains, want slaves ??
Again, I think that you are looking at this from a 21st-century Western state where people have rights.  Under a feudal system, the king or queen technically has all the power and BEND THE KNEE does mean absolute subjugation.  L’etat, c’est moi means just that.  The entire power of government is imbued in one person who makes laws, enacts laws, and judges cases.  There is no written constitution, no separation of powers, no Bill of Rights, no independent courts, no federalism, no capitalism, etc.  The ruler holds all the land and has complete control over all the economic activity.  To open a market or plant certain crops or trade with certain people, a vassal had to get approval from the Crown and the Crown will grant a monopoly (i.e. the East Indies Company.)  Moreover, the Crown has a right to approve or reject marriage alliances.  We saw this right after Aegon’s Conquest with Argella’s forced marriage to Orys and the forced marriage of Torrhen’s daughter (which he and his sons protested.)  This is done to keep rebellious lords in line and to prevent lords from forming powerful blocs and alliances against the Crown.  A wise ruler would have never let Rickard Stark, Hoster Tully, and Jon Arryn get away with the marriages they were planning because it was clear they were preparing to act against the Crown.
Now, it is wise politics for the ruler to present a certain image and be liked so he/she doesn’t lead people to rebel, but absolute dicks can survive in the system as well.  The books give us Robert, who was good at being liked, but also Tywin, Walder Frey, and Roose Bolton.  If you are a savvy politician or control a strategic waterway, you can be a tyrant and rule with fear.  Tywin was a pretty horrible man but was able to survive at the pinnacle of power for decades.  He would have gotten away with everything if he was kinder to Tyrion and cultivated him.
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fanfictionlive · 7 years
Outline of a Game of Thrones sequel I started 2 years ago, but never got around to doing.
Anybody who had a cliffhanger death in S5E10 is alive for the purposes of this story.
Twenty years after the War for the Dawn, where a member of the Night's Watch named Jon Snow, later King Jon I of House Targaryen*, was revealed to be the long-lost bastard son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark and the legendary, prophesied Azor Ahai Reborn. A holder of magical power no other man possesses, he is widely loved and adored by both the high lords and smallfolk alike. During his reign as King of the Seven Kingdoms, his empire grew to include the Free Cities, as many of their influential families are devout R'hllor followers and bent the knee to him after he was revealed to be Azor Ahai, as many R'hllor followers worship him as a direct conduit to their deity. His reign has been peaceful and prosperous, Westeros has only had two mild winters since the great war against the White Walkers, and neither lasted longer than a year. Married to Daenerys Targaryen, who carved out her own empire in the former Slaver's Bay colonies of Meereen, Yunkai, Astapor, and Ghis, Targaryens hold an unbreakable monopoly over much of the world east of Yi Ti, with the exception Ibben, Lhazosh, and a few desolate Dothraki grazing grounds, and their oldest son Rhaegar is set to inherit both empires.
Underneath the surface, however, there has been a storm brewing for quite some time. Under Daenerys' suggestion, Jon spared the Lannisters, except Cersei, for Tyrion's sake, and Tyrion had performed admirably as Warden of the West and Hand of the King for much of their reign. Now in his late 50s, Tyrion abruptly retired from his position on the council, abdicated Casterly Rock to his nephew Tommen, and gone into hiding. Here is the current state of affairs in Westeros:
King's Landing: There is a power struggle between Jon's councilors; Master of Laws Trystane Martell, Master of Coin Willas Tyrell, Master-at-Arms Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and Master of Whispers Robin Arryn, as to who will be the next Hand of the King. The most capable of the candidates are Trystane and Willas. The problem with Trystane is, while he is completely loyal to the Targaryen cause, he is married to Myrcella Lannister, who hates the Targaryens for revealing her true parentage to the world and burning her mother alive in front of her. Willas is even more capable than Trystane at governing, but he still follows the Faith of the Seven. While some say Robin Arryn is more knowledgeable with court intrigue and detecting dissent within the kingdom than his late mentor Petyr Baelish, he didn't inherit the latter's aptitude with money and business management. His son and heir, Prince Rhaegar, while he is nearly 7 feet tall, brave, strong, and much smarter than the general public believes he is; he is also just 19 years old, a lazy, foul-mouthed and indulgent womanizer when not training for battle and he has three bastards; two with Princess Lyvia Martell, and one with a lowborn handmaiden who died in childbirth.
Two months before the start of the story, Jon died a second time, after his skull was bashed in while fighting pirates in the Stepstones who had been raiding along the coast of Storms End. Since coming back a second time, he has become more short-tempered, paranoid about poison and assassins, petty, spiteful, and mean-spirited. He has started taking Milk of the Poppy in doses that would kill most other men. He isn't completely gone, and to the smallfolk, it seems he is the benevolent and just leader he has been, but his actions may plunge Westeros back into civil war if he doesn't watch himself.
There is still religious tension as well. While Jon is a respected king, there have been several clashes between radicalized peasant gangs of R'hllor followers and followers of the Old Gods and the Seven. Crimes that warranted a month in the dungeon or a few missing fingers now warranted sacrifice, and some crimes even warranted the sacrifice of innocent immediate family members of the criminal as well.
The North is one of the more stable kingdoms, Rickon has been Warden of the North since he was 8 years old. He is well respected by all the Northern lords. While Rickon still follows the Old Gods, he has built a metal stake in Winterfell's courtyard for R'hllor worshippers to conduct their religious ceremonies. The two northern houses to follow the Seven, the Manderlys and Whitehills, have converted to R'hllor, as did the Cerwyns. He is married to a lowborn servant he had been childhood friends with at Last Hearth. Since he is only 28 years old, his children are still very young and don't factor into the story much. There is one existential threat; and that is Azmal the Black; a rogue priest from Asshai who claims to be the true Warden of the North.
The Stormlands: The Stormlands are almost entirely R'hllor followers now. They started following R'hllor there due to Stannis over a year before the War of the Dawn began. Stannis was spared by Brienne of Tarth and was rescued by Sansa and Reek. They made it to the Wall with the help of the Umbers and Manderlys in time to see Jon brought back to life. Stannis is getting old and frail now, and many still hate him for sacrificing Shireen. He has a bastard son with his red priestess Melisandre named Jon, after Jon Targaryen. He bent the knee to Jon after the War for the Dawn and was spared.
The West: Tommen made it no secret that he hates Jon and has stated out loudly to his bannermen that he wants to declare war on the crown to return it to Lannister control, but Jon, Daenerys, and their oldest son Rhaegar rode the dragons Viserion, Drogon, and Rhaegal, respectively and his bannermen talked him out of it, wisely saying it would be idiotic to ride against dragons. Partially as just punishment for treason and undocumented incest, and partially out of revenge for the Red Wedding, Jon did get to burn Cersei alive and do it in front of Tommen and Myrcella. During his prayers to R'hllor, he referred to Cersei as an unclean whore and said that the "holy fire that brought him back from death was the only thing that could cleanse her from her life of sin".
The Riverlands and the Vale: While Robin Arryn, Master of Whispers and Lord of the Vale, had embraced the Lord of Light after Jon cured him of his seizures with blood magic, but the Vale was the landing point of the Andals and the Faith still ran strong there among the smallfolk. Edmure Tully had gone even further into his devotion to R'hllor. Roslin had died in childbirth with a girl, leaving him without a male heir. He knew Jon had been raised from the dead by a red priest, so he and the Brotherhood without Banners burned both the sept and the godswood at Riverrun. It kept Roslin alive long enough to give him a son Gordon before she, the last living daughter of Walder Frey, was burned alive by the Brotherhood in order to fulfill the house's debt for violating the guest right of Robb Stark and his bannermen.
In Dorne, Trystane is prince, but spends most of his time in King's Landing due to his duty as Master of Laws. He is married to Myrcella Lannister and has a son Anders, his heir and 4 younger children. Anders was raised in King's Landing and would rather visit Flea Bottom to play cards and bet exorbitant amounts of money on dogfights instead of learning how to govern properly from his father. Like his late uncle Joffrey, he is overly vain, and he has a short temper. His daughter Lyvia would be a much more capable leader, but she has disgraced the family in a royal scandal by having 2 bastards with Prince Rhaegar. She is basically a female version of Rhaegar, strong, beautiful, and badass, but also crude, crass, and a drunk.
The Wall: Jaime Lannister's heroism in the War of the Dawn had impressed Jon enough that he was spared. He voluntarily took the black, and was immediately elected Lord Commander. Despite more criminals being burned, people now know what role the Night's Watch really plays, and their numbers haven't been that high since before the first Dance of the Dragons. Jaime had recently rebuilt the Night Fort and returned command of the Night's Watch there.
Also will feature updates on fan favorites outside the Great Houses as well as new colorful exiles Barthogan Bolton, Julian Stokeworth, Steffon Trant, and Flea Bottom's organized crime figures Thad and Hobber.
*Jon's full title is Jon I of the House Targaryen, First of his Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Divine Emperor of Valyria Reforged, Imperial Minister of the Free Cities, Prince Consort of the Ghiscari Empire, Theological Patriarch of All Those Faithful to the Lord of Light, Azor Ahai Reborn, the Prince that was Promised, Vanquisher of the Dead, Ender of Winter, Wielder of Lightbringer and Merciful and Benevolent Friend to Mankind.
I would like any feedback on the plot or what direction I should take this. This would be my first serious attempt at a narrative story as opposed to Total War and Paradox AARs.
submitted by /u/Deflatriot [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans http://ift.tt/2xbk20t
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farrelldistributing · 7 years
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At Farrell Distributing we pride ourselves on supporting iconic and authentic Belgian breweries. During the month of July we’ll be highlighting some of the best Belgian beers that you can buy in the Green Mountain State. We’ll also explore Belgian beer styles and provide resources for you and your staff to aid in furthering their beer education.
We have put together a full Belgian-Style Beer Book which can be found on our website by clicking here.
Two iconic beer styles were developed in Belgium that both rely on wheat in the mash: SAISON and WITBIER. Here are some of our favorites.
SAISON: “Belgian Farmhouse Ale brewed to refresh seasonal farm workers after a long day’s work in the fields. Special yeasts produce spicy notes of white pepper and lemon, fine carbonation & a dry finish.”
BRASSERIE DUPONT (Tourpes, Belgium) – SAISON DUPONT – 98 on RateBeer.com! The Dupont brewery was established in 1844 in Tourpes, Belgium on land that was formerly part of a Benedictine abbey. The brewery is most well-known for producing Saison Dupont, the benchmark of one of Belgium’s most influential beer styles. It is the most admired and imitated Saison in the world and has been named the “Best Beer in the World.”  Full-bodied and malty, Saison Dupont  is beloved for its distinct peppery bite and unique flavor derived from Dupont’s signature strain of yeast. 12.7oz/12 (#02156), 750ml/12 (#02150), 5.16 gal. logs (#04124).
FEUILLIEN (Le Roeulx, Belgium) – SAISON – St. Feuillien’s Saison is what the Belgians call a “beer of the terroir”; a traditional farmhouse ale with all the rich flavors of the fertile land of southern Belgium. The region of Hainault, where St. Feuillien is located, is the traditional home for this style of beer. It originated as a beer made by and for farmers. Thirst quenching, not too strong, and great with food. A warm, golden blonde with a beautiful farmhouse character featuring hints of melon and apricot. Full-bodied, fruity and yeasty, Saison has a rugged, charming character with a lot more flavor than it’s 6.5% ABV would suggest.  Winner of the Best Saison in the 2009 World Beer Awards, this is a beer with the pedigree and the quality to become a classic in the style. 11.2oz/6/4 CANS (#01726).
WITBIER: “Refreshing beers made with a substantial proportion of un-malted wheat in addition to barley malt, plus dried orange peel and coriander.”
HOEGAARDEN (Hoegaarden, Belgium) – ORIGINAL WITBIER – 2016 World Beer Cup Gold Medal winner! “Perhaps they had too much time on their hands. Or they were sick of the sacramental wine. Maybe it was divine inspiration? We’ll never know for sure. What we do know is that the Hoegaarden monks were the first to discover the unique recipe for wheat beer around 1445. 500 years of hard work went into making this beer that features the aroma of orange peel, coriander and herbs that the merry monks imported from sunny Curacao. Speaking of which: pouring Hoegaarden is just like letting the sun fall into your glass: light yellow and naturally murky. And the soft foam adds a cloudy finish. And then there’s the soft taste, light and slightly sweet and sour and with subtle citrus notes… ah, just go ahead and taste it instead of reading about it!” Available in 11.2oz/4/6 bottles (#32031) and limited draft. If you’re interested in working with Hoegaarden kegs, please email Mark Moore.
BRASSERIE DE BRABANDERE (Bavikhove, Beglium) – WITTEKERKE WILD – Not your typical Witbier – this one has a sour twist and is a beer to blow your mind and refresh your soul. Harvest…….The wild idea to use the microflora derived from the Petrus Oak foeders into another beer has never seen before. Through a new technique at Brewery De Brabandere they are able to harvest those wild yeasts and bacteria that live on the inside of the oak foeders. Unleash…….By unleashing the microflora into Wittekerke, their sessional wit beer, a unique refreshment is created. A wild idea in first fermentation. The refinement and refreshment of Wittekerke Wit united with the harvested and unleashed wild yeast and bacteria,  results in a unique balance of wit beer and sour aromas. This ultra-flavoured and refreshing session beer is easily accessible for everyone … and demands for more than one! Wittekerke Wild, The Ultimate Sour Refreshment! 5.0% ABV. Available now in 16.9oz/6/4 cans (#04197) and 7.9 gal. kegs (“A system” coupler, #35921).
NEW FROM DROP-IN DROP-IN (Middlebury, VT) – ORANGE YOU GLAD I DIDN’T SAY BANANA? – How many times did you hear that joke as a parent? Don’t worry – no orange slices here! Although in America a glass of hefeweizen is often served with a slice of orange or lemon, Germans scoff at such a notion. Instead, we used two aromatic hop varieties, Mandarina Bavaria and Lemondrop, to play up the citrus character of the beer. Our hefeweizen is made with 50% wheat and 50% barley malt with the star of the show being the authentic German Hefeweizen yeast. Hefeweizen, or “yeast wheat” in German, is one of the country’s most popular and distinctive beer styles. An unfiltered wheat-based beer, hefeweizen dominated brewing in Bavaria during the 16th – 18th centuries. This beer style was so profitable that the noble ruling families fought over the brewing rights for the hefeweizen monopoly until the style fell out of favor at the end of the 18th century. Light, refreshing, yet complex, this is an excellent summertime beer! 5.5% ABV. Download the sell sheet PDF. Available now in 5.16 gal. logs (#45969) and 13.2 gal. kegs (#45968).
The new GAME OF THRONES release is here: BEND THE KNEE – Golden Ale! “Paying homage to the struggle for control of the Seven Kingdoms, Bend the Knee will be available on draft and in a series of three collectible 750ml bottles, all finished in matte black and adorned with one of the three Great House sigils: Stark, Targaryen, or Lannister. “With this next Game of Thrones-inspired release, we wanted a beer and a pack that was fit for a king… or a queen,” said Brewery Ommegang President, Doug Campbell. “Drawing from a rich Belgian brewing tradition, Golden Strong Ales are deceptive due to their unique combination of extreme drinkability and relatively high alcohol content. Bend the Knee walks that line, while also incorporating the delicate flavors of honey into the mix. The subtle noble and floral hop contribution adds to its delicateness, and the beer finishes smooth and dry.” Bend the Knee is brewed with pils malt and flaked oats and hopped with Saaz, Bravo, and Styrian Golding hops. It pours a golden hue with a large, frothy head. Both the aroma and flavor mix maltiness and citrus from the hops, while Ommegang’s signature house yeast produces prominent fruitiness. Wildflower honey added during fermentation provides light sweetness to the beer, which finishes dry and with firm hop bitterness. Fit for any feast table, Bend the Knee’s clean and balanced flavor and effervescent carbonation make it a fine pairing for a variety of foods including seafood and shellfish, roasted or grilled chicken, grilled steaks, and aged Swiss-style cheeses. Download the sell sheet PDF. Available in 750ml/12 bottles (#04372). Very limited 5.16 gal. logs were allocated to Vermont. Email Josh Trombley if you’d like one.
Also just in: BRUNETTA – a 5% ABV traditional Oud Bruin, or sour brown ale, developed by our brewmaster Phil Leinhart, and the master blenders at our sister brewery, Liefmans, in Oudenaarde, Belgium. Liefmans has been perfecting their blending techniques for more than 300 years, and is renowned for their clean and balanced sour beers. The Oud Bruin style is known for its playful flirtation between sweet and sour flavors and Brunetta is no exception. Brunetta pours a deep amber-brown with clarity and a tan head with light retention. Aromas of raisin, prune, and sweet malts are followed by subtle hints of lactic sourness. The balanced sweet and sour flavor leads with caramel malt and finishes with a clean, refreshing sourness. Brunetta is medium bodied and moderately dry with a pleasant nutty flavor in the finish. Brewed with a traditional blend of pilsner, amber, and caramel malts and with minimal hopping, Brunetta’s mixed culture fermentation begins in Liefmans’ open copper vats and continues in stainless tanks for four to eight months. This Oud Bruin’s balanced acidity is a perfect accompaniment to rich dishes like duck confit, chicken liver pâté, all manner of mild cheeses, and NY-style cheese cakes and other mildly sweet desserts. Download the sell sheet PDF. Available in 11.2oz/6/4 bottles (#04355) and 5.16 gal. logs (#04356).
Belgian Beer Tastings
Monday, July 10th – Belgian Beer Trade Tasting (North) – details below
Tuesday, July 11th – Belgian Beer Trade Tasting (South) – details below
July 14th-21st – National Belgian Beer Week – Three of our importer partners – Artisanal Imports, Merchant du Vin & Global Beer Network – have teamed up to sponsor a National Belgian Beer Week from July 14-21 and we’re going to celebrate here in Vermont as well! Click here to see the main Facebook event page. Let us know if you’re planning an event or feature and we’ll add it to the schedule!
Tuesday, July 18th – St. Arnoldus Day – Bibe Cervesiam Non Aqua. – “Drink beer, not water.” St. Arnoldus, the Patron Saint of Belgian Beers, centuries ago cured the village plague by encouraging them to drink beer for its healing qualities. Raise a chalice in his honor!
Friday, July 21st – Belgian Independence Day
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