#not jr or sih
sekaiichis · 7 months
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Emerald Magazine - 2024 Spring Issue - Releasing April 30th, 2024
It will have a 68-page chapter of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (Confirmed to be Onodera Ritsu no Baai chapter where we will be hitting 0 Days in Ritsu's countdown!) and a 52-page chapter of Junjou Romantica.
It will come with a Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi themed coin purse.
Links to purchase below! I’ll try to update it as more become available in the coming weeks.
Amazon JP - Digital Wallpaper Bonus
Animate (Regular Edition)
Animate (Limited Set) - Comes with Junjou Romantica themed sticky notes.
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theredcuyo · 3 months
You know how Ritsu and Takano are pretty much dating now
And like, how in junjou Misaki's been trying for Usagi to stop smoking (and he's been doing it less)
You think Ritsu is going to pull that too?
But worse-
Like "If You keep smoking i won't kiss You again, it tastes gross" because HE IS stubborn enough to pull that off (he just did, pretty much, it was hard on him, but he did it)
Tho, its been a while since i last saw Takano smoking
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dollbitezzz · 5 months
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felt obligated to show you all what i decided to paint on a rock.
not traced but definitely copied the idea because it’s so cute
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nutton-of-tata · 8 months
One time I was going to a big art school and I joined the Facebook group and introduced myself and one of my future classmates commented that they knew me from my sihjr art.
Anyway I ended up not going to school there
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h4desian · 1 year
i don't think i've said this before, but i can't be grateful enough for how welcoming this fandom has been to me. like, before i made this sideblog, i hadn't drawn a single thing since 2020, and i thought i'd lost my passion for drawing altogether.
so, yea, thank you all for being so lovely 💕
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ditzyblogs · 2 years
My yearly routine
Remember sih and jr exist
Reread/watch them
Obsess over them for like a month (includes irrational purchases)
Get back on tumblr to make sure the fandom is still kicking
Forget about them until I am somehow reminded of their existence
It's so cool that y'all keep things active. I really love these series and I cannot believe how long I've been following them. Ahhhh❤
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lunardum · 2 years
woke up and decided to go back on tumblr. happy to see the sihjr fandom still here !!!
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uknowyato · 2 years
If only I could do all at once...for the Romantica and Sekaiichi asks could you please do: 🍙, 🌸, and 👔
hello <33
🍙: Who's your favorite supporting character?
for sih, it's yuu yanase. reason being he's just like me lmao. for jr, definetly kaoruko. she's a queen let's be real here.
🌸: already answered!
👔: already answered!
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chocodoughnuts · 6 days
hrmmm i keep wanting to start reading JR/SIH since ive watched the anime so much, but they all look the same esp in black and white. i dunno how yall can tell the characters apart sometimes lmao
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perfectlovepoison · 5 months
thoughts about spring emerald 2024 (sekaiichi hatsukoi ritsu no baai act 38 & junjou romantica act 60(!!)) and other random thoughts nobody asked for
[SIH act 38]
wew...actually I was surprised that the chapter went as it did. It felt actually kind of cliché to introduce a character in this chapter, have her confess, and use that as a way to have ritsu confess. I feel like...it almost felt dare I say it rushed?? considering all the build up to this moment, why did it have to be done in that way? I feel like it was meant to build up to the climax but particular aspect didnt quite land for me. And it may partially be because of all of the hype leading up to this chapter, my expectations may have been impossibly high...
that said...that's not to say I didn't enjoy this chapter. In fact, I really did. I appreciated all of the callbacks...the rain, takano handing ritsu the coffee, ritsu's phrasing 'I'm the one who loves you the most in the world', firstly it was like a title drop, I was like He Said The Words!!! also the phrasing being kinda like 'I'm the one who loves you the most', like it's not just that Takano is his number one, it's that his love For takano is the number one in the world, that wording actually caught me by surprise a little bit. But yeah, it's that kind of careful wording that I appreciate from nakamura-sensei.
Admittedly takaritsu are not my favourite couple, but I have come to appreciate them more. I understand their popularity, and as i've reread sih in the past year or so and caught up, I have genuinely enjoyed their story bc I always like the flow of nakamura-sensei's stories and gags even when they are a little bit cliché. When ritsu confessed, from that point onwards I did feel happy and relieved, maybe my heart did flutter a little bit???? I am happy for takaritsu fans but I'm also happy for them. Please just move in together god damn. tbh, I am more excited to see where they go next now they are 'together'. we can call them together now, right???? we still dont know what they are calling their relationship lol. but I think it's good enough
also I think that the sex scene was pretty sexy, i like that onodera seems to be enjoying giving takano blowjobs recently (thumbs up) thanks for coming to my ted talk
[JR act 60 (bruh 60??????? 60 acts really?????)]
And ofc sih is the biggest topic right now but I'm also curious about where JR is going to go. It actually felt like a very important chapter solidifying usami-mama is standing against usami-papa. (Actually I'm getting very confused with all of the complex usami family business but I, /think/ I'm following)
even if usagi did not really accept misaki's words in this chapter. The way Misaki was ruminating over the situation, it felt like we were gearing up for Misaki to somehow solve this whole issue, Somehow, just by being himself, and having some kind of outburst in front of all the family members probably. Honestly I don't even know, but now I guess we have team usami-mama vs team usami-papa. And usami-mama doesn't hate her son, but was just trying to protect him and/or just failing at being a emotionally-involved mother(???) tbh I don't envy misaki, because I really struggle to follow what the Heck is going on here...anyway we stan toudou's muscles.
I am looking forward to where the story goes next, but even as I feel that the story is gearing towards Something, it does feel somewhat slow, so I'm not feeling a sense of urgency here. so that said...
[overall random thoughts about jr/sih ending]
It does kinda feel like JR/SIH are gearing up for the end but by gearing up I mean it feels like we are really only just heading for the end. Obviously, it's super hard to tell what the end looks like because none of the stories in JR/SIH have really ever ended?????? How many plot threads can we expect to tie up here?
But it's not just Takaritsu and Usamisa I'm talking about, but also
Yukisa – Kisa suddenly meeting Yukina's family in act 12 just recently, I mean Yukina buying them a ticket to Hokkaido out of nowhere and just going straight there?? and the narrative flirting with the idea of them coming out to Yukina's parents (even if they ultimately didn't) I think this is not the first time this has been somewhat brought up but I was surprised at how close they got, I honestly thought they might do that in this chapter
Miyashino – of course I can't not mention it............in the previous junjou mix, Shinobu just casually throwing out there that he's sick of lying and they should just tell his parents...like, it's a gag but it isn't because you know how serious he is. Plus in the same chapter he also brings up how he knows he might be getting in Miyagi's way and that their relationship would not be seen as acceptable to most of society, but he still has no intention of breaking up anyway. Which are like, all obvious things to the reader but actually shows Shinobu's maturity in comparison to the past, the fact that he can acknowledge all of those things whilst keeping (relatively) calm...anyway, they are my otp, I could write entire posts just about them but that wasn't the point...I just feel like in lieu of getting junjou terrorist chapters we are just getting these like...plot points??? thrown into junjou mix chapters
Nowahiro have also had this thread with Hiroki's parents going for literally years (irl...& maybe in universe??? how long has it been???) they are just two working adults who are 100% comfortable with each other but navigating the troubles of busy working lives together, in this case as well I feel that coming out to Hiroki's parents would be the main thing which would provide some kind of tension & character growth, unless there are other things I'm not thinking of, (there could be, I'm not an expert on them)...Asaisa also kinda similar they are just two adults living their lives but they have their standing to consider in terms of family and also business...like they Could go that route but is it the goal??
>>I mainly ended up talking about JR because I'm not really caught up with all the SIH novels so idk where torichia and kiriyoko kinda stand in all this (cough I can read japanese but I forgot where I got to and I can't even remember which novels I physically own so idk which ones I should buy or not man it's a whole thing
Kiriyoko should really just be a happy family.................
[conclusion (maybe)]
anyway my main point was........that there is just So much to think about...would all these stories really get tied up? There is so much to consider lol. Like in a few years time, I think it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I've been reading/watching jr/sih for half of my life, so it's very hard to imagine it not being there. I just wonder if the end will feel sudden or not, and to what extent every side story will receive a conclusion. I wonder if nakamura-sensei (& including fujisaki-sensei for the novels, though I guess it was nakamura-sensei who created the characters) thought about endings when she started all of these millions of stories? But I guess for some of them, it's a bit like we just see a window into their world, so how does it 'end'?
I think considering nakamura-sensei's track record, things won't get tied up that succinctly, and even (an) ending(s) would take a long time with many many chapters, which will in itself span multiple years due to the nature of emerald's release schedule...but then again, like with ritsu no baai act 38, things can also be suddenly tied up very quickly, unexpectedly...
plot points that I didn't expect to happen for various couples, suddenly happened...so things could happen more suddenly than I expect.....
anyway those were really just my gut feelings after reading those chapters, not everything may be accurate and so on!!!!!!
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sensenotsense · 9 months
im trying to finish up old projects like the snow day pic, pmd comic, etc. this of course includes my crochet projects. when the granny hexagon cardigan crazy first happened i started one and made a lot of progress over thanksgiving break then dropped it. i didnt like the colors, couldnt decide if i wanted it bigger or not, and probs some other shit. i ended up using another yarn to make the hexagon cardigan and debated what to do with this first one. i decided to make the pullover version instead and decided i wanted smaller sleeves. and let me tell you frogging back all those rows are killer esp since i used a dk weight yarn. it had to be done so id actually have a chance wearing it....
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sekaiichis · 3 months
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Emerald Magazine - 2024 Summer Issue - Releasing August 30th, 2024
It will contain a chapter of Junjou Romantica as well as an unspecified chapter of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi.
It will come bundled with a Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi themed sacoche from all retailers.
Links to purchase below! I'll try to update it as more become available in the coming weeks.
Amazon JP - Digital Wallpaper Bonus
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vitoritsu · 2 months
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SiH JR characters in my artstyle!
Hi everyone! I want to show you Takaritsu and Usamisa in my artstyle ^^ (wth i made takano so "😏"?)
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h4desian · 2 years
im officially done with finals now i can be silly and post more stuff yipee
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suzuki-chiyeko · 3 months
I know there's a Hunger Games simulator, but I'm curious which character from JR and SIH would genuinely have the biggest chance to be the last one standing. Not by random chance, but by actual skill and survival instinct.
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hinatternk · 1 year
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some sketches of jr characters!
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more content with hiroki and nowaki yay
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HE IS SO......SO...................
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"run, bitch" -- "my husband is so cute omg"
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i still working on jr+sih fantasy au sooo i will publish post about it later (maybe in july, after i finish my exams)
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