#not having voted for him is not absolution
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anonmousegosqueek · 16 hours ago
The results are in! Out of FOUR votes, FOUR of 'em said Gaz is a cat now.
Gatorrick, joins the team with Pawk, Meowtavish, and Goost!
I'll be making another little pixel animation for the update, I've also got some headcannons below the cut! Also, I found a buncha pictures of cats online for Soap and Gaz sooo... Enjoy?
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First two are coat colors, the second two are his dumb little kitty mohawk.
While yes, this is a hybrid au, I just also wanted an example of if he was full cat. Medium fluffy, choncky lad, 100% based on a cat I met at a cat-café once and fell in love with. He's a bit of a brick but he's soft and loves you. Besides, the thicker the skull, the more he can ram it into your leg when begging for pets!
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So brown cats are actually pretty rare, I couldn't really find images for what I'm thinking. I think he's very... Smooth. Despite having similar fur length to Soap, his is a lot more shiny and makes for a much sleeker look. The third image (bottom left) is the closest to what I imagine. The fourth image is just funny and I imagine it's the kinda photo Roach has for blackmail material. Also he has very soft beans, very dainty.
So very similar to the og post, lots of the points still stand
Agile, chirpy, Laswell's adopted kitten, cute, should not be in the sky, ect.
But noww!
Definitely a stray/alley cat
The kind that comes to your house for dinner, spends the day inside and lounging in sunbeams, but during the night is on roofs and fighting random stray dogs.
Always comes back though
Has the most freedom because of that, Price knows he can set him out and Gaz will return with a tasty mouse and a job well done
Also- sneaky
I think he has one of those crunchy ahh meows, the one that sounds like the cat has been smoking five packs a day for fifteen years (see: Zuko)
But doesn't mind a nice warm lap and some scratches behind the ear
Also- absolutely gets into scraps and play fights with Soap
(He's also one of those cats with a kissable nogin, yn? Like you see that boy and are like "yup. that cat needs a smooch on the forehead.")
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batboyblog · 8 hours ago
I haven’t been able to find a really good breakdown anywhere, but do you know who the current swing votes on the Supreme Court are?
I want to be clear there is not really a "swing vote" any more on the Supreme Court.
For many many years the court had Justices who tried to hold center ground on the Court, both Justice Potter Stewart (1958-1981) and his replacement on the court Sandra Day O'Connor (1981-2006) had a standard of "what does the average American feel" as for what was "reasonable" in a legal sense (O'Connor was more conservative than Stewart)
after O'Connor left the court the role of "swing" went to Justice Anthony Kennedy (1988-2018), but I think it would be more accurate and appropriate to say Kennedy was a liberal-Conservative, on some matters, like gun rights he was conservative, on some issues, like gay rights very liberal, on abortion you might say he was for as many restrictions as possible while still keeping it technically allowed.
Since his retirement in 2018 there are no real swings any more.
Chief Justice John Roberts is the most moderate of the Conservative majority, and has made clear he takes the responsibilities of being head of a co-equal branch of government, the Judiciary, seriously so at times has been more skeptical of Trump's claims of power, and at times as tried to rule, like Stewart and O'Connor where the majority of Americans are. But he is a conservative who voted against gay marriage, against the voting rights act (evil ass shit) and authored the Trump absolute immunity ruling
Other than Roberts there's Justice Neil Gorsuch, he's over all more conservative on a lot of issues than Roberts, but also has some weird idiosyncratic views on stuff which means he's for example super liberal on Native American tribal rights which saw him as the deciding vote on a lot of 5-4 rulings (before the death and replacement of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in late 2020) in favor of tribes, for example the case that ruled that most of Oklahoma over to the five tribes (later in 2022 with a more conservative make up the court pulled back and Gorsuch was rip shit) he's been kinda all over the place on LGBT rights, he authored the court's ruling on Bostock which declared the Civil Rights Act of 1964 covers LGBT people protecting them from work place discrimination, but he's joined with the two most conservative justices a bunch of times in 3-6 rulings whenever anyone says something about their religious believes allowing them to discriminate.
Finally there's Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who's only been on the court since late 2020, so her record is the least expansive of the Conservative Justices (and she'd only been a Judge since 2017) court watchers have been saying she's drifting away from the conservative block and becoming more independent and swing. I think it's a little early to say for sure. She did vote to overturn Roe which likely will be her legacy on the Court. But she did offer a much more narrow idea of Presidential immunity in her option than the other conservatives (since there were 5 of them it didn't matter what she thought)
Even Justice Kavanaugh has at times broken liberal, such as a voting rights case in North Carolina where he sided with Roberts and the liberals.
So basically Justices Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito, are literally ALWAYS bad news, you see a ruling has been written by them, it'll suck and be horrible. Chief Justice Roberts is a conservative but is most likely to side with the Court's 3 liberals, Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson, but that's just 4 votes, on different issues there are possibilities that Justices Gorsuch or Barrett, or even Kavanaugh might side with them, but I wouldn't generally bet on that happening, idk if Gorsuch with his quirks or Barrett with her maybe growing independence is the more likely "swing" vote.
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inkskinned · 5 months ago
"don't make it political!" .... what proportion of death and suffering must occur before politics are involved. if this isn't political, what is even the point of any politics, ever. of democracy. the words are "by the people for the people." if i am going to be left alone by my elected representatives to "figure it out" - to undergo damage, hardship, fear. what the fuck did i elect them for. what was their job. the entire point is that they handle this shit. this is why we were supposed to be electing leaders.
poverty is political. misogyny is political. gun control is political. climate change is political. how much aid a community gets is political. what the fuck are you talking about. it's been political this whole fucking time.
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redspacegirl · 8 hours ago
i am back. with the headcanons. big ol warning for PD s2 finale spoilers! anyways lets (noises that sound vaguely of an airplane) fly right into this.
So, ashe (reminder for my first timers here. i hc ashe as transfem. don't agree? that's chill, you can have your own headcanons. however ill be using she/her in this post <3) carries the squad in nearly every video game. she is genuinely so good, on the verge of a sweat in most games. while playing in minecraft, she'll be the one to actually farm everything. she has the y level for diamonds memorized by heart (-54 iirc), and is solid at using redstone. she has a solo minecraft world that she's played on for 4 years, and has given Dakota a tour of what the world looks like. she also plays a lot (LOT) of horror games, and knows a bunch of good, niche, roblox horror games (+ indie horror games outside of roblox games). she also follows a few roblox myths, and was absolutely devastated to find out that it had been a year after she returned (missed out on a bunch of myth events :'C). She ends up being the one to walk first in the roblox horror games (dakota tries, but then gets distracted, or maybe a little scared but shh you didn't hear that).
William is on the COMPLETE opposite side of the spectrum. He is. SO bad at video games. He love video games, he just can't help but suck complete and total ass at them. the only game he is good at is, as is canon, mario kart. i mean, given he was living in his rotting body, it would high key make sense for him not to have full articulation. even after that, after the s2 finale, he still completely sucks. despite this, he rages SO hard. obviously not breaking controllers or anything (that shit is expensive), but he will start yelling at the screen, yk chuck the controller at a soft surface or something. Another thing, he is very good at roblox dress to impress. He has all the gamepasses for it and everything. He also votes everyone else (minus his friends) one star. He didn't play a lot of roblox growing up, but he surely watched so many indie horror game playthroughs. he and ashe both know a lot of video game lore stuff, though mainly william. william will actually research and watch a lot of video game theories (he totally watches so much game theory no question). he'll post on reddit about his findings and everything.
Vycent managed to adapt to video game controls with surprising ease. I think he also gets REALLY competitive at video games, he will sometimes go out of his way to get Will riled up. Mario Kart games with the prime defenders are actively the worst. anyways, he's solid at video games. Vyncent prefers stuff like Legend of Zelda, and is a switch main, however he'll play on PC for some games, especially Minecraft night with the squad (on Java edition, as things should be /j). he has played baldurs gate 3 and full on started crying over how much it reminded him of home. A similar event happened with Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. he does play some games on his phone, however most of them are the type the average middle-aged mother has on her phone, yk the ones where you match the stuff together and all that. he has like 20 of them that he'll cycle through, but he does have that one dragon matching game specifically that he plays every day religiously. (and he has cookie run kingdom for the enjoyers out there. i guess)
Dakota is incredibly chaotic when gaming, which should come to no surprise. (shout out to the person in the replies who said this but) he mains. his fucking. tablet. he is also insanely good on tablet. however, for whatever reason, he'll struggle a bit on pc (depending on the game ofc). not as much as will, but he's better on mobile either way. he plays fortnite on there (i have never really played fortnite on mobile but i've heard it is absolutely horrendous). While ashe goes out to gather materials, Dakota likes to build the base. He's actually very good at it, and makes a homey cottage for the team. when he does try to go mining, he ends up mainly going cave diving, and he'll set up a bed near the entrance of the cave, because he just KEEPS dying. he doesn't rage as bad as Will does, he just keeps getting more and more determined to keep trying. He is also the reason there is a designated 'Pet Room' in the base, where they have 14 dogs, 9 cats, 6 parrots, 7 horses, a polar bear, and a huge fish tank. They all have names, and Dakota Did go out and gather up nametags for all of them.
LAST DAY OF FLUFF WEEK(I AM SO BURNT OUT WITH PD (which is crazy as number three pd enjoyer) IM SORRY ITS LATE) (they are playing minecraft. btw)
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i have gaming headcanons but i will be writing those later. maybe
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tenthdocter · 2 months ago
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teamhawkeye · 4 months ago
i just genuinely do not understand
how can so many people have such hatred and ugliness in their hearts and souls to keep supporting such an evil scumbag. there is not a single redeeming quality to be found in him - not one. this is a convicted felon with further criminal trials still oncoming against him!
being behind bars for the rest of his miserable life is the kindest thing that man deserves, not another shot at the highest position of power in this godforsaken country
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kimberlychapman · 4 days ago
I'm a citizen of Canada, the UK, and the USA. Born in Canada to a Scottish father, immigrated to the USA for a time and became a citizen there because adopting a child required it. Now living in the UK. I have US-born children, one of whom would qualify as an "anchor baby" except we're white so the entire time we lived in Texas I referred to that child as an "anchor baby" when Republicans I knew railed on about "anchor babies" but they liked my little white child so they were horrified and I regularly put it to them that the term should horrify them regardless of who it's used on.
Point is, I am an American citizen, ptui. And that spit noise has been since before 2016, because Bush was also terrible and tbh Obama has a lot to answer for internationally too.
Anyone who lives literally anywhere else on the planet knows Americans make deals like the Vader "pray I do not alter it further" thing over and over and over again. They make excuses for invasions, especially if there's oil on the table...or now I guess it's other minerals too. They backstab. They veto shit that they don't want to face at the UN level themselves. They put economic interests over everything, even when other nations do get together to rarely do the right thing that isn't all about money. American governments over and over again have thwarted global efforts towards climate change, LGBTQ+ rights, misogyny, public health issues, etc. if they had too many corporate lobbies against it.
And for decades on the internet any time anyone pointed out, "Hey, the US is doing a jerk thing over here," legions of Americans would show up to argue, "Yeah, well, what about [other country] doing this over here?!" Occasionally it was related, but usually not. The constant straw men, goalpost-moving, and other misdirections are so exhausting that anyone with experience in online discussions was used to deal with American exceptionalism bullshit long, long before Trump walked into his first presidency.
And Americans have been all too happy to blame everyone from [X] country for their leaders' doings, even ones where there were not democratic elections.
So yeah. Fuck it. Nobody wants to give the US a pass anymore and it's not just because of Trump in the here and now. It's decades of exhaustion at dealing with the "rah rah USA USA" crowd. FFS I have complained about "rah rah USA USA" on goddamned usenet when I accessed it on an amber monitor at university in the early 1990s.
And when I lived in the US, I warned people. When I left the US, I warned people. I said, "Stop socialising with racists. Stop platforming MAGAs in your Facebook threads, even if they're your buddy/auntie/whatever. Stop normalising all of this crap." And I got ignored, or occasionally told I was the intolerant one...by people ostensibly on "my side".
Now Americans want to pull the, "Well I didn't vote for him" card? Nah. None of the rest of us are having it. I didn't vote for him either, but that's completely irrelevant. Because he's there. He's there after decades of normalising the path to someone like him. He's there for lots of reasons, many of which are the burden of all Americans and even a few key Russians. He's there, this is reality, nobody gets to hide behind a shield of, "Well I didn't vote for him."
Because the whole "Well I didn't vote for him" excuse is exactly the same as "Not all men." Just as we don't let cis men get away with that excuse when we decry cis male violence, Americans don't get a free pass card because "not all".
When you're part of a privileged, dominant demographic that is harming others, it is on you to take the criticism and work towards ending the problem, not reflect it back and blame the victims.
Elbows fucking up, and any American who doesn't like it is invited to get to work with their own elbow grease in their own way.
As an American, I need another Americans to sit down and take the verbal beatings from people in other countries. Even if you somehow ignore the current administration, this country has been a blight on the world. It will take millions of years for the earth to recover from what we have, and will, put it through. Oh, it hurts your feelings? You don’t like lying in the bed you made? Good. Maybe it’ll inspire you to fucking do something. Shame is a powerful tool.
Yeah, there’s simply going to be a lot of ill will towards America that is probably quite unusual for Americans experiencing it.
At the end of the day, every country needs to protect its citizens. Constant threats on Canadian sovereignty, demands for Greenland, betraying allies in NATO and Ukraine, constant threats of tariffs and trade wars - the average US citizen isn’t even being considered by policymakers in other countries.
It might also be surprising to hear that it’s not other countries responsibility to save the US from itself either. Seen a lot of sentiment online along the lines of ‘Canada help us!’ as if Canada is somehow able to engineer Trump’s resignation.
And some people might think I’ve done a bit of a 180 on how I’d normally comment on situations like this - But that’s the reality for millions of people outside the US now. America has elected a leader that’s openly betraying and threatening its allies. I don’t really know how else to explain it.
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billdenbrough · 8 months ago
fundamentally disinterested in the recurring discourse about kevin's drinking that aims to a) make it his Specific Problem To Focus On And Overcome when it is a crutch and coping mechanism to get him through a Much Bigger Problem (emotional fallout he can't square with by himself, culture shock, trauma, loss of his extremely wildly co-dependent relationship w riko, losing the structure of the nest, mourning a future he was meant to have, processing a grave injustice, anger and fear and desperate grief, all of which is his Actual Specific Fox Problem) while he builds himself back up, and b) thinks that even if it is a problem (more on that later), it's the foxes' problem to deal with.
like. it's just not.
yeah, he doesn't drink until he meets them. they gave him that habit, and in traditional terms, they're (the monsters specifically) a 'bad influence'. but these are the foxes. this is kevin day, son of exy, whose meteor is crashing spectacularly through no fault of his own. there are no traditional terms to be found here. the framework for it literally doesn't exist. neil comes into the foxes with more conventional expectations—appalled at the athletes' substance use, his horror at matt's trip to columbia, his steadfast and early repeated stance that none of the foxes should let andrew treat them the way he does, and certainly not nicky—and tends to engage with them less as the series goes on and he folds himself into the foxes. the thing about the foxes is that they've all been in pits deeper than they are tall. and some of them got a helping hand on the way—erik, andrew's extreme intervention methods, stephanie walker—and wymack was always waiting for them on the other side, ready to throw down a rope, but all the foxes dragged themselves out of their own holes. often not alone, often not without assistance, but at the end of the day, they have to do it.
there's that line neil has about aaron in that scene that got deleted when the timeline shifted around, when he thinks about how aaron got this far in life on his own, surviving on willpower and sheer desperation. that applies to aaron in a way that's a little more acute than some of the rest of them—boy who doesn't let the foxes in bc of andrew, boy who doesn't let nicky in bc he doesn't know how, boy made of flinching and seeking an escape and grieving the one who hurt him—but is broadly true for the foxes en masse.
this isn't to say the foxes can't help each other, but it's not their job. it just isn't. they'll keep kevin alive, keep him safe, keep him flanked and contained within their ranks. they'll fight tooth and nail in this battle with him, fight to get him to that championship game, fight to get that trophy in his hands. but that's all they've agreed to. that's all they're responsible for, in this covenant they've made with him. he says they can make this happen, and they're going to get him to that final game, but it's up to him what state he's in when he gets there.
like. they're foxes. they've been triaging their whole lives. they hate each other and they hate everyone else more. they're the kids with their backs up against the wall. half of them are addicts. i don't think kevin is comparable, personally; he's getting through a horrific situation with a coping mechanism. that's not the same thing as battling yourself to stop using. but that's not really the point of this. what i'm getting at here is that to the foxes, it's easy math: kevin who can lean on vodka and andrew and wymack and the foxes to stay upright when he's not ready to stand on his own two feet is still a kevin who is standing. a kevin with one less piece of scaffolding to lean on is a kevin who falls over, a kevin at risk of complete collapse, a kevin one phone call away from running back to the master, a kevin one crucial loss away from not ever making it back to himself at all. they're triaging. this is low on the totem pole of things they have the room to care about. they very much have bigger problems, both individually and even just kevin-related. if alcohol makes seeing the boy he knew best in the world and moved in tandem with his whole life and who destroyed their entire legacy and his entire life in one move — if alcohol makes facing that boy easier to stomach, then, fuck, why would they take that away? they're foxes. they've all got their demons. this is what kevin needs this year and a half to let him face his, that's all. they can understand that. it doesn't have to be pretty, as long as it keeps him in the fight. that's the priority.
i think there's absolutely space to explore this in fic and art and fandom in a way that maybe does explore it as a Problem, both that it's an active problem for kevin & that it's something to explore other foxes helping him with (there's a t&n fic that i've been gnawing at the bit to read for months that seems poised to explore this premise, and that's super up my alley)! i just think we're in different territory when we're talking about the series—and its characters and dynamics—in a conversational rather than transformational way, and end up talking about this like the foxes are responsible for kevin's choices. i love kevin day. i read these back at the start of 2015 & he's so dear to me that loving him was the blueprint for how i feel abt kageyama. but it's been pretty weird to see how the conversation has been translating Loving Kevin Day into... thinking the foxes are doing wrong by him with respect to this in actual canon. like that's just not how it operates there
#kevin day#aftg#aftg is a sports anime story that's mostly about survival. it's no surprise they're all aiming to Get Through This Year‚ first and foremost#personally i don't think kevin is an alcoholic. that's a specific term that means something that i don't think means kevin.#i understand why people apply it to him with the way it's used colloquially a lot but like. that doesn't make it true#but i'm also not particularly interested in hashing that out and litigating it#i've seen people with more specific and relevant Personal experience than me try that and it fell on deaf ears#so i don't particularly care to waste my breath there. that's not the main point of this anyway#i am saying that i don't think kevin's drinking is the Capital P Problem but mostly i'm saying even if it is. that's not the foxes' issue#like in the most basic truth sense. it just isn't. you can wish they did or think friends should or whatever but like.#you have to remember who they are. they're not the trojans. they're not the gangsey. they're foxes.#they wanted to mutiny against kevin within twelve hours of him opening his mouth but they still voted to keep him. ykwim.#they're not here to hold his hand but they will keep him intact.#like. they're gonna get him to the championship game. he promises them that and they promise in turn to show up and get there.#but they're only in charge of making it there. it's entirely up to him what state he's in when he gets there.#this isn't to say that they wouldn't care; it's that the foxes have been triaging their entire fucking lives.#kevin with alcohol in his hand is a kevin who can stand up on the court and face riko instead of giving up. it's a shield.#absolutely there's an argument that it's not healthy but like. Cs get degrees. if this gets him through‚ then it gets him through.#alcohol tw#alcoholism ment //#substance abuse ment //
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thevioletcaptain · 2 years ago
if you as a fic reader ever become possessed by the urge to do a popularity bracket with the fics other people wrote and shared for fun and for free, consider:
don't ❤️ 
#just!!!! make a rec list!!!!!!!!!#popularity contests do nothing but drive writers out of fandoms by pitting people against their friends#and invariably result in people being assholes in the comments as if the people who wrote the fic can't see it#like ''oh clearly fic x is better than fic y''#or ''why is fic c even in this poll?''#nobody gains anything by you doing a bracket to see which fic is the ''most popular''#a stat which could be found more easily & less cruelly by simply hitting the sort by bookmarks/kudos button on ao3#anyway ugh. i saw that one of my fics was being pitted against one of my friend's fics in this bracket that's going around#and i have no idea who is ''winning'' because i refuse to look. but either way it's gonna feel bad!!!#because i want my friend to get his flowers so i want him to win!!! but i also would like to know that people like my fic!!!!#so it's just a lose/lose situation even though i generally don't give a shit about numbers#but this turns it into a schoolyard popularity thing#and the emotional response to having people *vote* on if your work is *better or worse* than other fic is hard to ignore#cannot reiterate enough JUST MAKE A REC LIST#or if you absolutely must do a bracket like this do it in a private chat server or something#don't create a public forum for people to pass value judgements where the authors can see it#and feel bad if they get told their fic is ''worse'' than someone elses#but also feel bad if they get told theirs is ''better'' because it came at the cost of telling another author they weren't good enough#ANYWAY i still feel sick with a super sore throat and a headache & am probably extra cranky because of it#(still testing negative thankfully so it's probably just weather/allergen related)#gonna go make some tea and prep the fic updates i want to post today#cass says things#fandom problems#wank adjacent
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sinsations-art · 2 years ago
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tommygotwrittenoff · 7 months ago
buck and eddie would be the most insane PTA moms ever, actually. because eddie loves his son and being a bitch and buck loves bossing people around with a clipboard and being involved.
#eddie would absolutely have beef with one of the moms over something stupid like the bake sale banner colors or something#and would convince buck to join the planning/organizing commitee and buck would be all okay!!!! yay that sounds so fun!! :)!!#and buck would end up taking it Very Seriously and whenever eddie tries to tell him ideas for the bake sale buck would get all ah ah ah#as a member of the committee i cannot consider new ideas without consulting the other committee member#eddie always complains that hes just brain storming and needs to bounce ideas off of buck and buck would just be all rules are rules eddie#so eddie has to present his ideas to the pta like all the other parents and buck doesnt ever appear to treat his ideas any differently so#eddie always catches his eye after hes done and winks at him and buck just glares back at him with red ears and ofc buck (usually) ends up#voting in favor of eddie and buck scolds him after meetings because “its inappropriate to flirt to try and get my favor eddie”#“i already have your favor buck. and when you have a clipboard its really hard not to flirt.”#also you know buck would be all over the micromanaging#like “hi jill you wrote down on the spreadsheet that you were going to make four dozen brownies#NOT four dozen chocolate chip cookies. now we have more chocolate chip cookies than we'll be able to sell and not enough brownies.“#and eddie would love getting involved like “yeah jill WAY too many cookies. now the sale is ruined and the kids will never get their trip.”#“eddie why dont you go set up your booth? you shouldve already done that by now...”#“right....”#like eddie would love arguing with the moms about like which activity is more suitable for earth day or whatever#they would literally love it so much#me thinks
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eeveeistired · 9 months ago
actually freaking baffling to me that people are mocking Biden right now. and these people are "leftists". like, sure, you can critique him all you want about him supposedly being fascist and whatnot, but you are failing as a leftist if you don't vote for him. I REALLY wish there was, but there. is. no. better. option. get that through your brain. if you don't want Trump, who will undoubtedly make things worse in every conceivable way, not even mentioning the threat to our democracy he poses, to sit in office, then you HAVE to vote for Biden.
I hate him just as much as you do, but I KNOW that if we don't, we'll end up with a man who will not only continue to further genocides overseas, but will also start trying to commit genocides on our soul while putting Biden's "fascist" policies to shame. have you forgotten that he directly stated to us that if he were elected in 2024 that he'd put a stop to "transgenderism"? have you forgotten the amount of harm he caused to our nation his first four years? are you genuinely saying that THAT man would be a better president than Biden??
are you out of your mind?
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months ago
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This is the spiritual successor to Four Seasons Landscaping. To me.
#the political career of rishi sunak over the past two years is something that is absolutely fascinating to me#mans kicks off the mass resignation of virtually everyone of relevance in the johnson government just for a shot at power#manages to climb over everybody else in the leadership campaign; loses at the last hurdle to liz truss#(the human embodiment of a soggy ball of iceberg lettuce you left in your fridge and forgot about)#when truss’s premiership imploded he was right there to… further cock things up?#his highlights include hiring back a cabinet minister who had literally been fired the previous day#after 18 months; his party finally got sick enough of him violently hydroplaning down the highway to hell that they threatened him#with a vote of no-confidence#so he went out in the rain and went straight to charles iii of all people to ask him to dissolve parliament. as you do#and called a general election WHILE STILL IN THE RAIN and while the most unserious music imaginable played in the background#because i guess he thought ‘if i’m going down i’m bringing all of you with me’ ?????#knowing that unless something absolutely bananas happens; he is essentially handing over the country to keir starmer mind you#and then today someone placed him in front of a morrisons sign in such a way that his big head makes the sign look like it says ‘moron’#and photographed him as such. i’m obsessed. no notes#i will not miss this idiot but i can’t say i haven’t been entertained. because i have#i’m like genuinely impressed with how much the tories have managed to fuck up in so many different ways#to be honest ever since david cameron resigned and walked off humming; nothing has been normal here#i mean things were bad before that but good god#personal
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andorerso · 1 year ago
I'm gatekeeping Cassian from the people who thinks he can't cook
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quietblissxx · 1 month ago
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whos-hotter-jjba · 11 months ago
Hottest JoJo Character Bracket - Match 3-1
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