#not gonna tag it anymore because wow this show went off the rails for me
lurkingshan · 1 year
You know it’s a bad sign when you’re hoping the noble idiocy breakup will actually stick
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raspberry-arev · 4 years
After The Flood - pt.1
@opalpower13 thank you for sending me a suggestion that inspired this!! There will be a part two :)
It has been 10 years since the famous British boyband, The Ark, disbanded for personal reasons. Jimmy and Lister have been a couple for a long time now, and as the trio of friends starts their small revival tour, they both realize there are things they need to say - to each other, to the fanbase, and to the world.
Characters: Jimmy, Lister, Rowan, Angel/Feresteh, OC Abby (Rowan’s wife)
Tags: Bicci, Older Ark, Proposal, Coming out ... no Frowan this time sorry
Length: 3.6k words
It’s often impossible to pinpoint what exactly set off an event – or perhaps multiple – that changed your life as you knew it.
That was not Jimmy’s case, however. He remembered that Barbecue Saturday very well.
This time, it was Rowan and his spouse Abby who hosted. The two couples took turns and Jimmy was oh so grateful for it; the idea of managing Lister’s chaotic culinary experiments more than twice in one summer filled him with dread.
On Saturday morning, Jimmy and Lister packed up and drove all the way to the suburbs of London where Rowan and Abby lived. The sun was bright, everything gleamed buttery yellow, and Jimmy managed to talk Abby into letting him set the table and carry in all the food instead of her, which was quite an accomplishment. She was about as stubborn as her husband.
They rarely invited more than three extra people though. Being in the public eye in your formative years made you appreciate small gatherings of trustworthy people. And one of those proved to be Angel. Or, you know, Feresteh, but her nickname really stuck with them. From that time Jimmy nearly quit the band and Lister impaled himself and almost drowned in mud… yeah, call that a wild youth.
Over ten years later, they were hardly the same people.
After they decided to quit being The Ark for their own wellbeing and safety, Rowan kept his place in the music industry as a songwriter, producer and a solo artist. He went with the name Le Monde, a play on his surname as well as French for “the world”. It suited him. He was the world, never small, never just one thing.
Lister stopped being involved in music after a few collabs. While he was figuring out what to do next, he took a few modelling jobs, acted in music videos and got a small part in a sitcom. Jimmy used that time to get a college degree, but found he just wouldn’t be able to get the usual “college experience” he yearned for, and only got his diploma after doing classes long-distance.
Jimmy and Lister also got together. After many failed attempts at courtship and pretending being friends with benefits was enough… they got together. To Jimmy, it felt like it was inevitable; they have acted like partners long before it was official, they just needed to clean up their own messes before they could be a couple. It wouldn’t have felt right back then, but it did now.
Rowan was already at the grill preparing meat and grilling camembert in shiny aluminium foil when Angel marched in, tall, elegant, beaming. Jimmy loved to see her again. Each time, she seemed a little more confident, more expressive, more… just more. She really did find her calling in the music industry, just as much as he found his tucked away in rural England with his boyfriend.
Yet, he was to be “tucked away” no longer. At a certain point during their cook-out, their group fell momentarily silent; everyone was chewing their meal and soaking in the sun. Then Angel said, in an unfamiliar, cautious tone: “You see, I was talking to a couple of people…”
Rowan exchanged a quick look with Jimmy. “Go on,” he said.
“It’s gonna be ten years since you guys disbanded, you know.”
“I know,” Jimmy echoed.
“So. I was thinking. Hear me out, even if you think it’s bollocks…” Angel shot them a look, and then made a motion with her hand as if she was presenting them with something. “Have you ever thought of doing a revival concert?”
As Rowan did a theatrical “errrm”, Jimmy saw straight through his best friend’s bullshit: the two of them rehearsed this conversation. He knew Ro for most of his life, who did he think he was fooling?
His mind offered the answer quickly: Abby, perhaps. He wants to see how she would react, doesn’t he? Rowan would love to do a revival show like that, no doubt, but he valued his wife’s opinion too much to make a decision without her.
He felt movement on his left, and looked Lister in the eyes.
“Well,” said Lister, looking at him. “Wow, okay,” said Jimmy. Both were considering.
Angel swiftly picked up, “Just wanted to run this idea by you. Not because it’s me who would love to see you play once more – I mean, of course I would – but it’s expected to have an amazing turn-out.”
“Obviously, they’re The Ark,” Abby commented matter-of-factly.
“You’re right, Abby. So, guys? How are we feeling about this?”
It was bizzare. Normally, Jimmy would have expected to say he wasn’t at all interested – the boyband life was not for him anymore, tough luck – but recently, he felt a strong sense of nostalgia surge through him as the ten year mark got closer. He found himself reaching for his old guitar way more often, strumming at it, looking for something between the strings he could not reach.
Maybe he could do it just once.
What eventually came out of his mouth was… “I haven’t sung like that for a long time though.”
“You sing to me,” Lister contradicted him, his fingers intertwining with his. “All the time.”
Jimmy felt his face get hotter. “That’s hardly… Are you thousands of people?” He turned to Angel. “How many are we talking, anyway?”
She smiled a kind smile. “I don’t know, Jimmy, that depends on whether you three are up to it or not.”
Rowan cleared his throat. “Personally speaking, I think I wouldn’t mind, as long as we are just doing it once, and not trying for a comeback. I wouldn’t go there.”
“Same,” Lister nodded. “I love you guys, but I’m fine the way things are.”
“Right,” said Rowan firmly. “But… just this once, I mean, why not? We could use some extra money.” With this, he gently let his palm rest on Abby’s belly that swelled under her summer dress like a balloon. (Jimmy fought the urge to aww at them.)
Abby immediately assured him they were more than fine financially, but Rowan barely listened, clearly waiting for his former bandmates to say something. Jimmy felt Lister looking at him, unwavering. So he turned to him and asked, “What do you think? Cool or not?”
“I’m waiting for you to say.”
“Don’t want you to feel pressured or anything.”
“You shouldn’t… Just say what your opinion is!”
“You express your opinion,” Lister retorted, pretending to square his shoulders as a threat. Jimmy lovingly nudged him, and to stop being annoying to the remaining three people at the table, he shrugged, “It doesn’t sound so bad. One concert. I mean, we are still friends after all this time, so why not?”
“In that case, I would love to be the centre of attention again!” Lister exclaimed and gave Jimmy a boyish grin. “The crowd was deprived of my looks for too long.”
“Buddy, you were the drummer,” Rowan said. “Bold of you to assume anyone even looked at you with me and Jimmy jumping at the front.”
Jimmy snorted with laughter, but Lister was quick to defend himself. “Google all Lister Bird slash Reader fanfic and then we can talk about who got noticed, buddy.”
“Oi, you’re not even properly revived yet, stop fighting!” Angel called out, but laughter started bubbling from every direction before she even finished the sentence.
They had a proper business meeting about it in two weeks. And then another and another. When they announced the first date, the sales went through the roof. Jimmy had to get off of social media because the internet exploded with their names and faces. But he sort of found it a bit sweet, that so many people stuck around for them, like old friends that he never had the chance to talk to. One concert became three and then five, which was, honestly, more like a small tour at that point. Jimmy fought to call it After The Flood and won.
“You really shouldn’t do that, you know. This bitch is hard to get rid of.”
Rowan tried to hide a small cough and put out his cigarette on the metal window sill next to him. “Hey,” he greeted Lister. “Didn’t expect you to come out here.”
“Yeah.” Lister found it hard to hang around smokers, and unfortunately, he met quite the number of them while they were in the process of rehearsing. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“What’s up?”
“Can we walk, like, over there? So… nobody can hear us through the door?”
Rowan eyed him suspiciously, but he followed him to the railing on the edge of the roof. There, he turned to him, seeming to fight himself.
“I’m really looking for a less shitty way to ask this,” he admitted eventually. “But… What have you done now, Lister?”
Lister felt a sort of numbed cramp seize his stomach for a second. It took a lot not to let anger overcome him. They were well over thirty, how the hell was Rowan still treating him like a fuck up? But no. This was more important than old grudges.
“Nothing! As of yet,” he assured his bandmate.
“Right. So. Erm. Nobody is here, right? Fine. I had this idea… you know, Jimmy and I have been together for a long time and I obviously care about him a lot, I always have, you kind of know that…”
“Yes, go on,” he pushed on gently.
“Fuck it. I want to fucking propose!”
A giant weight fell off his shoulders when he spoke those words aloud. It was like coming out all over again, god.
Rowan’s eyes twinkled. “Oooh,” he almost whispered, “and you need my help with that? I’m your man, tell me the plan!”
“There is none right now.”
“Oh, okay. I can still help if you want.”
This was another part Lister dreaded discussing.
“I… okay, so, I was thinking of… doing it on stage?”
His friend’s face changed rapidly.
Lister’s dream of a grand proposal to the love of his life in brilliant stage lights and the roars of the audience faded away. “That’s a no? That’s a no. Shit, forget it then.” He felt sick.
“Lister, I’m absolutely positive you mean well,” Rowan started. “But Jimmy would-“
Speak of the devil.
The door opened and out of it peaked Jimmy’s unshaven face. “Oh! There you both are.”
Rowan froze for a second. Lister was ready to improvise. “Alright, so how about I come by yours after practice and you transfer the files to me?” He smiled, but impaled Rowan with a meaningful look.
Fortunately, he caught on. “Oh yeah, yeah, that could work.”
“What files?” Jimmy inquired as he joined them, oblivious.
“Rowan has some of our old drafts still saved. I was thinking of squeezing in a drum solo somewhere, maybe with spoken word over it?”
“Sounds cool,” Jimmy smiled at him and slightly brushed the back of his hand with Lister’s. “Anyway, Dick the Sound Guy wants us all in there immediately.”
“Stop calling him that or I’ll have a Freudian slip at some point,” Lister laughed and guided Jimmy back into the building. Him and Rowan managed to exchange a subtle nod over the shorter man’s head.
As they were packing up that day, Jimmy tried incredibly hard to catch Rowan alone. Just like the old times when he needed to discuss something personal. And yet again, it involved Lister. Jimmy felt young and stupid again, but not really in a good way.
Finally, he managed to stop him while he was putting away the equipment. Lister was meanwhile in the office of their temporary new manager. “Ro, I need advice!” he whispered to his best friend.
“What about?”
“It’s Lister.”
“Oh dear Jesus, I’m having flashbacks.”
“Don’t be a dick, it’s important.”
“Okay then, spill.”
“It kind of involves you too. Just… tell me if it’s a good idea.”
“Go on!”
“I want to, uh… I want to tell people Lister and I are a couple…” He took a breath.  “Which means I would be coming out as gay as well, probably. I know that’s, like, a huge pile of drama, so if you don’t want me to complicate the tour, just say it, it’s honestly kind of irresponsible when I’m thinking about it now…”
“Jimbob. Easy.” Rowan waited for a second for Jimmy to wind down, leaning on a stack of five chairs, and then asked, “Are you really sure about it? Do you want people to know?”
Jimmy felt his thoughts humming in his head. He forced himself to say exactly how he felt.
“I know it’s gonna sound super dramatic, but I don’t want to die not saying it,” he explained slowly. “It became really important to me… I don’t know when. But it did. Talking about this part of me, too. I’m just worried about what Lister might say.”
“So I take it that you didn’t discuss this?”
“No way. I don’t even know how to start!” Jimmy exploded in loud whispering. “I should have talked to him a long time ago, but I just didn’t have the balls.”
“I get that, but… just bring it up. Like, theoretically. What if. I think he’s going to support you through it.”
“How could he?”
“What are you even saying at this point?
“You think he would like people sticking their nose in our personal business? I feel like it’s so unfair to him and his privacy… And I feel terrible about still wanting to do it… even though it’s inconsiderate. It’s all a fucking mess.”
“Okay, okay.” Rowan massaged his nose. He looked like he was trying incredibly hard not to snap at Jimmy and be at least somewhat encouraging. “Look, no spoilers, but I am going to say this. Lister absolutely will notbe mad and he will want to talk about the two of you if you give him the chance. That is all.”
“Wait, what? Ro, did he tell you something?”
“I am not talking!”
“Is that how you treat your best friend in a life crisis?!”
“You’re putting me in a life crisis, don’t you dare play the pity card! I swear, the two of you are a nightmare.”
“Rowan! Come back!”
His visit to Rowan’s place was very brief, but it was enough for him to understand Rowan’s concerns. Eventually.
Lister explained that it didn’t feel appropriate for him to just whip out a ring in a restaurant: Jimmy was his love, his dream boy, as cliché as it sounded, and he wanted to do something that would measure up to all he was feeling. Which was… well, a whole lot. Like a “get down on one knee in front of thousands of people” lot.
And yet.
“It’s all great, and I’m sure there are people in the world that would love it, but we are talking about Jimmy.”
“Come on. I know, he’s private about… well, everything, but…”
“That, yes,” Rowan pointed at him while holding a can of coke, “but don’t you think this proposal on stage would be an anxiety-inducing situation? Because to me, that sounds like a lot of pressure and nerves.”
“He hasn’t had attacks since we moved and he went on those meds.”
“That doesn’t really –“
“Matter. Yeah. Yeah, I get your point, mate, he would die of shock. And everybody watching him. Fuck, I’m stupid.”
“No, you’re not,” Rowan grinned. “The two of you are just different… in some aspects. I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
Will I? Lister asked himself as he was driving back to the hotel that Jimmy and him were staying at for the time being. This was the only thing I came up with, like, ever.
When he swept his key card over the sensor and the door to their suite opened, he was greeted by the smell of dinner. He took a look into their little kitchen and found his boyfriend sitting at the table with his laptop. He didn’t notice him for a second, so Lister came up behind him and hugged him tightly.
Jimmy yelped.
“Where’s the food?!” Lister shook him a little, imitating Batman.
“Your hands are so cold!” Jimmy protested, but there was a trace of laughter in his voice. “On the stove, you bully!”
Lister almost flew over there, looking under the lid on the pot.
“Pasta,” Jimmy shrugged. “I needed my comfort food, so that’s that for you.” Lister smiled and thanked him, because yes, he was starving. Pasta was Jimmy’s go-to meal to cook, as it was quick to make and he was a pasta-sauce prodigy.
While his dinner was heating up in the microwave, Jimmy made small-talk about the supposed unused lyrics Rowan and him exchanged. Lister found it hard to lie to him, so he just turned to playful teasing, telling Jimmy to stop sniffing around, he’ll hear it when the time comes.
“Oh come on,” Jimmy huffed. “I’m just asking! And it’s my show, too.”
“Sorry. Totally gonna steal your spotlight.”
“Lister, just tell me what it is.”
“A song.”
“What song?”
“A song that you have to wait for.”
“Babe, what song?!”
Lister took him by the waist and pulled him against his body. “Are you trying to ‘babe’ me into telling you right now? Is that what’s happening? Right in front of my pasta?” He went in for a kiss, and Jimmy tried to murmur something against his lips… but then he gave up. They leaned into each other and kept kissing until Lister pulled away to open the microwave. He got himself a fork and went to sit down after the long day, but Jimmy stayed there, right next to the sink. Looking a bit like he was going to hurl.
Before Lister could ask if he’s okay, Jimmy sat down on the other chair with a determined look on his face.
“There is something I need to discuss!” he blurted out.
Lister cautiously dropped the fork back into the bowl. “Okay…? And it’s something to do with me, yeah?”
“Yep. A lot to do with you.” He was visibly nervous. He clasped his hands together, as if Lister would have not noticed. “I… I was thinking about this one thing, and I need your opinion about it.”
“Cool. Go for it.”
“It’s about our relationship.”
“Are you aware you sound very sinister right now?”
He wildly shook his hands as if he wanted to dry them off. “Sorry, didn’t mean to,” he apologized in a strained voice. Then he cleared his throat, sharply lifted his eyes towards Lister’s and exclaimed, “I would like to reveal that we’re together.”
Lister felt everything about his face go lax in shock. He opened his eyes round and wide, his mouth followed, and Jimmy looked like he would faint.
“I, er. I just. I thought about it and I think it’s a decent idea and – please say something, Lister, before I get a fucking heart attack right now.”
It must have been so hard for him to speak up. Lister thought of his proposal plans and felt his mouth slowly form a smile. “I think it’s… brilliant! Yes, I would really like to do that!”
“Wait, really?”
“This is – I didn’t think you would want to, when did you change your mind?”
Jimmy shrugged, grinning in a sheepish way that made him look much younger. And cuter. “I thought I just… wanted to be open about this part of my life. Figured it’s time to say we are together. But if you, like, don’t feel like it, then…”
Lister beamed. “I feel like it. If you do, I do, trust me.” He walked around the table and lifted Jimmy into a hug. He laughed, relieved.
This was when it dawned on Lister… it was not such an easy matter. Exciting, yes, but it would gather all kinds of attention. He leaned onto the table, grabbed his dinner and him and Jimmy started talking about the situation it would put them in. If both are truly okay with it, how much would they reveal, when is the best time to do it. They kept talking through the bathroom door and while they were changing into pajamas in their bedroom.
As they were laying down and Lister gestured Jimmy to crawl into his arms, they became quieter. “You know why I also want to say it?” Jimmy mumbled, lying on the soft linen with one eye open.
“I’m all ears.”
“If I have to see one more article about which model or actress you’re screwing, I’m gonna lose the remaining marbles that I have.” Lister started chuckling as Jimmy awkwardly added, “Which is, admittedly, not many. Most have been lost in my youth.”
“Oh no,” Lister laughed and turned Jimmy’s face upwards to his. “So this just in: my boyfriend is possessive. Fancy that.”
“I’m not, it’s… I am… Oh, you hated Jowan, stop being smug.”
“I know I did, we both know. But jealous Jimmy? That’s a rare sight.”
“It’s just super uncomfortable. It’s all women, as well.”
“Heteronormativity is a bitch,” Lister nodded. He snuggled closer and let out a breath, “Don’t worry though. I am exclusively your problem.”
Jimmy kissed him, smiling. Lister felt lightheaded. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against Jimmy’s. He loved this – he loved how much he felt for him after so long they have been together. It never ceased or faded away… because it was Jimmy.
Lister was pretty sure he would love him until his last day on Earth.
It was time to start looking for a ring.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Late nights, Date nights
Tumblr media
Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 4.1 K words
Warning: There is fluff and humour in the beginning and smut towards the end. If you are not comfortable reading it, I have distinguished is with asterisks (*)
Taglist: @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @junggoku @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @ethanramseysgirl (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list 😊)
Songs: Eyes off you by Prettymuch and Unbelievable by Why Don't We
Forgive me if there are any mistakes.
Ethan was pacing around in his office, marching so hard, that it left tracks in the carpet of his office.
C'mon Ethan, Leah is your fucking girlfriend. You can eat her out but, can't ask her out on a simple fucking date??!!
It was their six month anniversary, after months and months of pining over each other. When he thought about it now, he wondered why was he so against the concept? He thought that he was doing the right thing by not giving in, but in the end, he just ended up hurting himself and his Leah.
Leah... His sunshine.
The concept of nicknames never really appeased him. It was such a ‘teenager’ thing to do. When he was with Harper, the word 'babe' made him cringe so hard that it made him want to throw himself off the railing of the mezzanine floor of the hospital.
But with Leah, it was different. She breathed back life into the parts of his soul, which he thought were long dead. She constantly challenged him, pushed him to be a better doctor, a better friend and a better partner. She brought light, to the valleys of abyss and grief. Just like nothing can escape light, Ethan could not escape Leah's affection.
And he didn't want to run anymore..
He had never felt these intense emotions in a very long time. His mother leaving him at a tender age of eleven, made him grow up way to soon. It fucked him up. It made him close up and build walls to protect his heart from such earth shattering pain. It made him distant and cold.
But now he laughed more. Smiled more. And he knew that Leah was the one who saved him.
His salvation. His saving grace. His sunshine.
He decided enough was enough. He spoke to HR and Naveen and they gave them the green light. Leah had already made a great reputation in the hospital for her work ethic, her passion and her compassion. So why waste anymore time?
Ethan was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice Leah come in. "Woah woah Ethan. Are you trying to wear the carpet thin? You just got this office?!" Ethan looked up and saw Leah leaning against the door, with a smile. She was wearing a green blouse with a black pencil skirt. Ethan approved mentally.
"Hey sunshine."
"Hey yourself." She said as she closed the door and stepped into Ethan's embrace. He buried his face into her hair, and inhaled the lavender scent, which immediately soothed him. To him, she smelled like spring. She was perfect.
God, could you be any more sappier Ethan? Be a man.
But he knew, that if Leah even looked his way, he would be down on his knees.
"How was your day?" Ethan asked as he kissed her crown.
"It was so productive. I saved a nine year old girl today. Seeing her parents happy... It was beautiful."
"Well, I never doubted you once." He said with a tender smile, cupping her cheeks. "Also, do you have plans for tonight?"
"Yeahhhh, today is just an ordinary day, with no anniversary whatsoever. I was planning on going home and binging on greys-"
"Sunshine, don't talk shit."
"Hey, but you still love me."
"That I do... Anyways I have made a reservation in 'Osteria' tonight to celebrate our anniversary."
"E, you know that I wouldn't mind staying in bed and drinking cheap wine right?"
"I know, but I want to spoil my baby!! Be ready, I will pick you up by seven."
"I will be ready."
Ethan rolled up to Leah's penthouse and send her a message. He had donned his black tux but had skipped the tie. He unbuttoned the top buttons of his crisp white shirt. He was going to call her again, when he heard a tap on the window. He looked up and the phone almost fell out of his hands.
Leah stood in front of him, wearing a black evening gown. It was an off shoulder, which showed her collarbones. She was also wearing the ruby stone necklace, her birthstone, which Ethan had gifted her on her birthday. Her jet black hair had been tied up to a messy side bun, a few rebellious strands blowing in the night wind. He steeped out to open the door for her when he almost tripped at the sight.
The dress had a slit which almost went up to her thighs, putting those glorious bronze legs on display.
God, she was gonna be the death of me.
"Wow. You look gorgeous Dr. Garcia."
She blushed red. "You don't look so bad yourself Dr. Ramsey." He pecked her on her lips.
"Shall we?" He opened the door for Leah, like a true gentleman.
"Yes, we shall." Leah giggled and stepped in. Ethan walked around and sat in the driver's seat, and they pulled out of the curb.
The entire ride was filled with jokes, heated gazes and silent promises. Ethan had placed his hand on her bare thigh, slowly caressing it. Leah knew that it was risky to wear such a gown, but she took the chance anyway. And now here she was, slowly going crazy with Ethan's hand on her thigh.
She wanted to devour him. He looked delectable and so very handsome in a tux. The open buttons, gave her a peak of his collarbones and she literally salivated. Collarbones have always been her weakness.
Soon, they showed up at the restaurant. After handing of the keys to the valet, and borderline threatening him that if there was even one scratch, he would have a nice chat with the manager, they headed towards the restaurant.
"God Ethan, you are such a Karen." Leah giggled.
"I maybe old, but I got that reference!! And no, I am not. I am particular."
"Whatever floats your boat babe." She linked her hands in his and they headed towards the hostess.
"Welcome sir and ma'am. Do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked.
"Yeah... Please check under the name Ramsey."
The hostess checked the log book for a long time. Ethan started sweating. What was taking her so long?
"I am afraid but, there is no reservation under that name sir." The hostess replied timidly, after Ethan's cool eyes landed on her.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Hundred percent sir."
"But it does not make sense...I called two months before to get a reservation... Do you have any empty tables?" Ethan said, pinched the bridge of his nose, slowly getting frustrated.
"Sorry sir but... All the tables are occupied."
Goddammit Ethan!! You had one fucking job.
He led Leah back to the valet and ran a hand through his hair. "I am so sorry sunshine. I just wanted this evening to go perfect and I had to go fu-"
Leah put a finger on his lips. "No. You haven't fucked anything up. It's the gestures that counts. Also, the night is young."
"But you heard the hostess-"
"Well, I have some ideas on how we can spend our anniversary." Ethan just gave her a quizzical look. She took the car keys from the valet and turned towards Ethan and winked. "Get in the car Ramsey. Get ready for the best night of your life."
"So your 'best night' includes shopping at Target??" Ethan asked amusement sparkling in his ocean blue eyes.
"Shut up. Where we are going, we need a little more casual clothing."
"But I like your gown. It helps me slip my hand-"
"Shh Ethan!! We are in public. Keep it PG 13 for now." Leah said, as she blushed red. Ethan just laughed, enjoying teasing her.
Leah proceeded to pay for the clothes and pushed Ethan into the changing room with his set of clothes. Ethan simply obliged because by the look of the determined glint in her eyes, he didn't want to be trampled by a woman on a mission.
The dark jeans fit him perfectly and the grey V-neck fit him snugly. He was wearing his slip ons when Leah came out of the dressing room, smoothening her outfit.
She was wearing a black tank top which she tucked into a baby pink skater skirt. On top of the tank top, she had slipped on a denim jacket. "How do I look babe?" She asked as she observed herself in the mirror.
"You know that even if you wore a potato sack, you would still be the prettiest woman I have ever laid my eyes on, right?" Ethan said earnestly.
She gave a soft smile and kissed his bearded cheek. She plopped down next to him and slipped on her white converse hightops.
"Seriously sunshine? Converse again? You literally have so many at home."
"Well I don't have this style. And you know what they say, 'once a converse girls, always a converse girl'." She said as she brushed him off.
"Sunshine.... literally no one says that."
"It's all in the details, E. C'mon let's go."
After a half an hour drive, Leah pulled into the make shift parking lot near the docks. They got out and Ethan let out an appreciative whistle. "Wow."
Leah had brought them to the annual fair, where there were tonnes of food stalls and gaming places. The entire place had been decorated with LED lights that were illuminating the Boston night sky. The Ferris wheel stood tall and proud, moving at a gentle pace. The place was littered with a number of game stalls like 'shoot the bottle' and 'ring toss' where people competed to get a prize. Fairy lights hung from the trees around there and a number of people were sitting under them, laughing, eating and drinking cheap beer.
On the other end there were a number of food stalls open, which were being catered by the numerous food joints in the city. The crowd near the ice cream vendors and the cotton candy vendors were unreal.
"Oh. My. God. Ethan they have go karting as well!!" Leah exclaimed grabbing Ethan's arm and pointing towards the make shift track. The karts had designs in various neon colors and the entire track had been painted with glow in the dark paint.
Leah continued to point at the different places and stalls, talking excitedly, but Ethan's eyes stayed glued to Leah's face with a small smile. The child like wonder in her brown eyes made Ethan melt. Her voluminous dark hair blew with the wind, caressing Ethan's face. The way the neon lights reflected on her caramel skin, the way there was an pearly smile on her face and the way she clutched Ethan's arm made his heart do somersaults.
"Are you even paying attention?" Leah asked, breaking Ethan from his reverie.
"Sorry, I didn't get the last part. Was blow away by how beautiful the view is."
Leah rolled her eyes and smacked Ethan's arm. But there was a small smile on her face.
"Let's go to the go karting place."
"Oh yes. Can't wait to see you behind in the dust." Ethan said with a teasing smile.
"Oh honey. I can't wait to see your face after I defeat you. If you think I am going to go easy on you just because I love you, you are very very wrong." Leah said with a coy smile.
"Oh you are so on. Winner can ask the loser anything and buys snacks."
"Let's do this." Leah said as she cracked her knuckles.
"So...what do I ask you?" Leah questioned herself, with her fingers tapping against her chin. She had won hands down. She got a tacky medal which she decided to wear for the rest of the evening. She just continued to wear a smug smile on her face, so that she could annoy Ethan.
"Please, just get it over with." Ethan groaned as he munched on the caramel popcorn.
"Hmmm.... Which is your favourite place to kiss me?"
"Hmmm..that's a tough question.. see, my favourite place is your pussy but I think your neck would be my favourite place to kiss." Ethan mused.
"Why?" Leah asked as she took a bite of bite of the cotton candy, letting it dissolve on her tongue.
"There are three reasons- One, the moment I kiss your neck, you have that wanton and 'fuck me' expression which drives me crazy. Secondly, the moans you let out are....oh Lord. Just thinking about them gives me a bad case of blue balls. And lastly, you become so wet and ready for me... It makes the experience much more memorable." He said nonchalantly as he continued to munch on the popcorn, seeing Leah's reaction from the corner of his eyes.
Leah was blushing wildly. Ethan may come across as a gentleman but his dirty talk made her knees weak like jello. He could speak things that would make a priest blush. "That's not true." Leah weakly objected as she stuffed her face with cotton candy.
"Oh really? So if I do this.." Ethan reached to place a hot, wet kiss on the spot below her ear. Leah's mouth opened slightly at the intense feeling. Her body flushed wildly. Her toes curled as Ethan continued to lick and suck. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter when his teeth sank into the tender spot on her neck. After what seemed like eternity, he pecked it and moved back to admire his handiwork. "....it won't do anything?" He asked in a husky voice.
Leah didn't dare to look at him because she knew that if she would, her face would betray everything. Also she didn't want to see the shit eating grin on his face.
"Shut up." Leah grumbled as she tore and ate her cotton candy more aggressively.
"But I didn't say anything!"
"I know what you are thinking so shush."
Ethan laughed a deep laugh, his dimples on display as he wrapped his hand around her waist. "It's okay sunshine. You can tie me up and have your way later." He said as he kissed her crown.
"Oh look, there is a shooting booth." Leah said, changing the topic before her mind could go into full fantasy mood of Ethan being below her, moaning her name as she rode him six ways to Sunday.
They reached the stall which was decorated in a western country style. "Howdy! Wanna shoot somethings?"
"I'm a healer but.." Leah picked up the shotgun and loaded it while Ethan rolled his eyes. He will never understand her obsession with anime.
"Shoot all the balloons on that board and then you can choose what prize you want." The guy with the handlebar moustache said.
With quick precision, she shot all the balloons in a matter of seconds. She then twirled the gun around her finger and blew the smoke away. "And that's, how you do it in the wild wild west." She said in a smoldering voice.
Ethan and the gamekeeper had their jaws on the floor.
Could she get any more attractive? Ethan asked himself.
"Damn girl.." the old guy with the funny moustache spoke.
Leah gave out a short laugh. "If you don't mind, can I get those rose tinted glasses?" She pointed to a pair of cat eye sunglasses.
"Sure girlie."
After wearing them she grabbed Ethan and walked hand in hand towards the next booth. "Sunshine, what is the point of these glasses if they can't even cover your eyes?"
"These are stylish and I can wear them when I am going out."
"I don't think I can ever understand your sense of fashion."
"Uh duh!! You guys can't even distinguish between 'peacock blue' and 'turquoise' colour."
"Is there even a difference between them?" Ethan asked incredulously.
"A fine example right here."
Ethan lightly shoved her but Leah just held onto their intertwined fingers. She pulled him to her, went on the tip of her toes and kissed him. Ethan cupped her cheek and kissed her slowly and tenderly. The sounds of people talking, the mainstream pop music playing through speakers, everything disappeared as they kissed each other under the neon lights.
"Oh god...I am so full!" Leah groaned she leaned back on her hands. They were sitting under a secluded tree, with golden fairy lights hanging off them.
"Sunshine, I think you will have to roll me out of here." Ethan groaned as his hands caressed her bare thighs, which she had thrown over his lap. He picked up their popsicle sticks, and threw them in a perfect arc, into the nearby dustbin.
"I can't roll out a 6 feet something skyscraper on my own. I would die."
"Sucks to be short." Ethan stuck his tongue out.
"Hey your tongue is blue!!" Leah exclaimed.
"And your is red from the strawberry flavour." He observed.
"Wanna make purple?" Leah asked slyly, waggling her eyebrows.
Ethan guffawed at the expression and soon she also joined in his laughter. She clutched her stomach. "Oww....shouldn't try to laugh too much. Gosh, I shouldn't have taken that second helping of Quesadillas."
"C'mon let's take you home." Ethan stood up and grabbed Leah's hand so that he could pull her up to stand. She dusted her skirt and then intertwined their fingers. She leaned against him, as they headed towards the exit.
"I had a lot of fun today. Thank you."
"You can thank me in different ways later." Leah said, as her brown eyes darked with desire.
Ethan just smirked and squeezed her to his side.
"That's a promise baby."
The moment they entered Ethan's penthouse, Ethan pressed Leah against the door. Leah's let out a sharp breath and she looked up at the stormy blue eyes. She could see the desire and the lust swimming in those blues of his and she could also feel the desire in her, ignite like a slow fire.
Ethan cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a heated kiss. She went on her tiptoes to meet him half way. With their lips locked in a passionate embrace, she still felt that he was too far away. So, she hooked her fingers on the belt loops and tugged him closer to her.
Getting the memo, he moved closer until they was no space between them except their clothes. Ethan reached to take her jacket off, which he threw across the room. The need to get her naked, writhing and moaning under him, was becoming overwhelming.
She took out Ethan's shirt and moaned when she felt his warm skin on hers. She wrapped her arm around his neck while she laid her other hand on his bare chest. Her dainty fingers seemed to have a mind of their own. They caressed his chest, his back, his abs and were about to go lower, to his happy trail when he growled and caught them.
He grabbed her thighs and lifted her so that her legs were around his waist. He took her hands and pinned them against the door. The kiss was a fight for dominance, where nobody seemed to be a clear winner. Leah slipped her tongue into his mouth and he groaned appreciatively.
He tastes like ambrosia, sweet nectar and all the good things in life. Leah knew that she could never ever get over the way he tasted.
Ethan lifted her with ease and led her to the first surface he found, the dining table. He moved his hands under her tank top and groaned when he found out she wasn't wearing a bra.
"God Leah, you know how much control it takes to be around you? That when you pull such stunts on me, I just want to bend you over and fuck you on the first surface I find?"
"So what's stopping you?" Leah asked. She pulled him in for another searing kiss.
"After I am done with you...you won't be able to walk for a week." He spoke in a husky voice, filled with need. He took of her tank top and growled appreciatively at the sight of her breasts.
Leah smiled coyly. "Don't make promises you can't keep Ramsey." Ethan just narrowed his eyes and kissed her with so much force, that it made her gasp. His hands reached for her ass and squeezed it.
He then descended on her neck kissing and licking the small droplets of sweat accumulated on her neck. He slowly grinding against her heat, making her aware of how badly he needed her. His hands went from her ass to her breasts. He massaged it before pinching the nipples. Leah yelped. Ethan did not once show her mercy, as he stimulated each sensitive spot on her body. Leah felt as if her nerves were on fire.
He slowly made his way down south, leaving fiery hot kisses on her body. Not having any patience left, he just lifted her skirt up and quickly slid her panties out. Seeing her exposed pussy just made his jeans tighter around his growing erection. He blew air on her wet cunt, leaving goosebumps on their wake. "What are you doing?" Leah asked breathlessly. She was finding it hard to keep her eyes open due to the desire coursing through her veins.
"What we do on a table Sunshine.... Eat." His dark blue eyes met her brown ones and he licked her dripping slit, slowly. Leah thought she was going to loose it at that very instant.
He gripped her thighs and threw them over his broad shoulders and proceeded to eat her out, properly . He swirled his tongue on the sensitive bud of nerves and then went on to stick his tongue into her wet pussy.
He let out a moan, which resonated deep in her core.
He never once slowed his pace. He continued to lap up all the moisture. He alternated between her clit and her cunt. As he pushed his fingers in her, and fucked her, Leah climbed higher and higher. Her stomach started to tighten, with the need to release.
"Oh god...I am gonna come..."
Ethan stopped his hand movements and rose to his full height. Leah's eyes snapped open and she glared at him.
"Fuck you Ethan!! Who the hell gave you the fucking righ- ohhhh."
He shoved his dick slowly into her, enjoying the way her walls clenched around him. They fit each other perfectly. Like two jigsaw puzzles. You couldn't differentiate, where he ended and where she started.
This..this was heaven.
He slowly moved, in and out. But Leah wasn't having it.
"Ethan, I want you to fuck me."
"Are you sure you can handle it sunshine?"
"I ain't no weak bit-" Leah couldn't complete her sentence because at that moment he snapped his hips and started fuking her. He held her hips with one hand for leverage and his other hand gently squeezed her throat, feeling her rapid pulse under his hand.
He did not let go of the punishing rhythm he had set. He moved his hips in such a way that he hit her on that spot which made Leah see stars. It was quite a view for Ethan. The moonlight streaming through the glass facade and illuminating her sheen skin. Her eyes half closed, her breasts moving with every stroke and her legs wound around his hips.
"Please, please, please let me come." Leah choked.
Ethan also felt a tingle in his lower back and his abs constructing. He was close too. His strokes became faster and shorter.
"Okay sunshine. Come."
Just that one word and Leah obeyed. She felt a burst of pleasure rush through her body, setting every part of her alight. She saw fireworks behind her eyelids. She hadn't even come down when, Ethan's release caused her to have another mini orgasm.
It was too much. Way too much.  Aftershocks racked her body and tears streamed down her face as she soared through cloud nine.
Without pulling himself out, he gathered Leah in his arms and took her to the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed and pulled out and headed to the bathroom to get a  washcloth. Leah winced and felt empty like a crater.
Ooooh boy, gonna feel that tomorrow.
Her eyes were closed as she tried to catch her breath and get her head straight. Ethan slowly wiped her neck, her stomach and her sore centre, instantly cooling her body down. He threw the washcloth into the laundry basket and slid into his bed. He wrapped his strong arms around Leah and pulled her close to him. He bent down to kiss her lips tenderly.
"I love you sunshine."
"Happy six months, babe. I love you." She gave a tired smile and they both slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Wow that was the longest I have written. *wipes brow*
Like, reblog and let me know how you liked it :))
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forwhycas · 5 years
Love Thy Neighbor (part 5)
Was just reading through part 4, and wow the spelling mistakes!! I read through this several times so it shouldn’t be as bad, so this chapter is super cute with a little under the table action;) Enjoy ladies and gents!!!!
It was summer time in England, you had been spending basically all of your free time with the band. Sleep was not even a thing anymore, the boys had you up till dawn then you would stagger into work and come home and do it all over again. Concerts, events, dinners, move premiers, tv interviews. You were inner circle which meant you went to almost everything you could.
 “Darling what are you doing the week of your birthday? And don’t lie saying you’re working because I saw your calendar and it says vacation.”
 You were out to eat with Freddie and the rest of the boys.
 “I was just gonna hang out have a quiet week……why are you looking at me like that?”
 He was looking at you with a smirk and bright squinting eyes.
 “You like the beach right? I was thinking Sao Paulo?”
 “Freddie I don’t know about that.”
 Freddie still had that look of “I know something and you don’t” on his face.
 “Lacey, were going to be there for a week and we already added you to the flight and everything……..”
 John whispered to you.
 “You did not.”
 “Darling I’m just trying to help you out, your terribly pale and you need some sun, also we all know you love the beach you’ve told us countless times, so what better place to ring in 24! Plus I’m bringing Marry, you two get along well.”
 “Freddie I can’t………”
 “Yes you can actually, and you will. I will force your tight ass on that plane, or should I get Rog to do that?”
 Roger chuckled.
 “No please don’t, If I agree, and that’s IF, I want to pay for my own flight and my own room.”
 “Oh, darling, everything is already booked, no need to take separate flights, who’s gonna keep dear old Roger entertained on that flight? Certainly not me. It has to be you.”
 You chugged your whole beer at this point stressing on how you were going to pay Freddie back for this. The thought of you lounging on the beach sounded so nice. Work had been crazy, your boss was working you extra hard ever since your co worker quit. Doing double the work and trying to keep up with the boys was exhausting. Going to shows, photographing them before and after shows, just being with them was always so tiring since they were always so energetic.  
 “I see wheels turning in her curly haired head, I think we got her.”
 Freddie said excitedly.
 “Ok, I’ll go, but only for the view, and because I can’t leave poor Marry alone with you guys for a whole week. No telling the paps where were going, or making a big deal of my birthday, it’s just 24, nothing to fuss about.”
 Freddie had a bad habit when he was drunk to call the press and say we were all going to be someplace, all those lights were enough to blind anyone. It made you uncomfortable to be the one people are taking pictures of, you preferred to be behind the lens.
 It was the night before you were to leave, sleep did not come easy, you got maybe 2 hours before you heard the pounding of Rogers fists on your door, you jumped up from bed in just a t shirt and un locked the door for him.
 “Good morning to you too, excited are we?”
 You poured yourself a drink, something you often did now to tolerate Roger’s cockiness. You gulped it down fast. Roger was on your couch looking through your sketch book, invading your privacy per usual.
 “I swear English people have no sense of privacy, please do just look through my stuff, have a drink, smoke my whole carton of cigs……”
 Roger laughed, which put a slight smile on your face. He came over and kissed you lightly on the lips.
 “Calm down…..”
 He kissed you a few more times, before you pulled away.
 “I don’t like to fly, I’m nervous.”
 “Stick with me kid, you’ll be fine.”
 “Roger I’m like three years younger than you, please stop with the kid jokes.”
 You walked down the hallway to get dressed, for once Roger didn’t follow.
 “Ok, I’m ready.”
 Roger grabbed your bags, and out the door you went. He was holding your hand all the way to the airport and when you got onto the plane, you downed another drink. Roger sat next to you, immediately intertwining your hand with his and he brought it up to his mouth and kissed your hand. Such a simple act but so needed. You heard a camera click and knew it was Brian, you looked at him and he just winked at you, with a wide smile on his face.
 “You’ll do fine love, it’s a long flight, but you’ll sleep through most of it
 You yawned as Deaky told you how long you’d be stuck on this plane with 4 guys plus their whole team. You should just sleep, your gonna need it, Freddie will have you at full party mode the whole time. That’s 7 days of full force Freddie in your face.
 Your eyes fluttered open and noticed you were covered in a blanket, you moved it off you and straightened up, hearing your back crack.
 “How much longer?”
 You looked across from you at John, he looked at his watch.
 “About 8 hours?”
 You smiled in relief knowing that you were almost half way there and got up to get a drink, you decided to sit next to John for the rest of the flight. You were telling him about your first beach trip that you remembered as a child.
 “I was about 6 I think and my brother spent the whole day playing catch with my dad, my mom had just gotten me my first camera so I was everywhere taking pictures of everything, mom was reading the whole day under the umbrella.”
 John was smiling at you.
 “How did the pictures come out?”
 “Oh they were trash, I had no sense of angel or lighting back then, the only picture that came out decent was one my mom took, it was of me building a sand castle. I still have that one.”
 “I’m sure they weren’t trash! I’m sure they were all lovely.”
 “John they were trash.”
 “How come you don’t go to the beach more often? If you love it so much.”
 John was facing you and reading your face.
 “Um, my mom got sick shortly after and I just never wanted to go without her, she always helped me find the best sea shells, and it never really feels right to go without her ya know?”
 John frowned, and patted your leg.
 “Were gonna find the best sea shells ever, don’t you worry love.”
 You let a few tears fall down your face but you smiled when he said that.
 “Yea we are! Sorry I’m never really like this when I talk about her.”
 Johns hand reached out and wiped the tears away.
 “Hey don’t apologize she must have been an amazing woman!”
 You took a deep breath and nodded.
 “Darling are you ok?”
 Freddie asked, he had just sat down across from you.
 “My dear what’s going on?”
 Brian knew about your mom and how she passed. You had told him one day when you were with him developing some pictures. He must have overheard the conversation you had been having with John, he came up next to you.
 “Freddie, she’s fine she just woke up from a nap that’s all.”
 Brian was next to you with his hand on your shoulder. You nodded and wanted to cry more. Turning another year older without her here was just never easy.
 “What’s going on?”
 You turned your head to see Roger.
 “Love are you ok?”
 His hand cupped your face, you gave him a smile even though you were fighting back tears. Too many emotions. This is so unlike you, normally you just push it aside but you can only do that for so many years. He kissed you lightly on the lips, he’s never done that before in front of the boys, mostly just small gestures of pda.
 “Yea I’m fine, it’s just, this plane ride is dragging on, I really need to get on some solid land, ya know?”
 You chuckled but you felt a few tears fell, Roger wiped them away. But he didn’t push you any further. You pushed past everyone and found an empty seat and just closed your eyes and took a few breaths and decided to draw. You heard someone sit next to you. It was Brian.
 “I heard you and Deaky, I’m sure it’s rough this time of year, but I’m here and now that John knows he’ll be there to talk as well, don’t be sad though, you’re going to have a great time this week! We have a few surprises for you, so keep that chin up love!”
 Brian was so cheery you couldn’t help but smile.
 “Thanks Bri, I appreciate it. A lot. I think I’m just gonna try to get some more sleep.”
 He nodded at you and grabbed a book.
 You were awoken when you heard the wheels screech, you smiled knowing you were going to get off this plane soon.
 “Look at that, were on solid land!”
 Roger interrupted and you smiled at him. You laughed at how excited he looked looking out the tiny window.
 2 hours later you entered a villa, with the most beautiful view you have ever seen. Nothing but the ocean, extending for thousands of miles. You were smiling while leaning on the railing of the balcony. All you could do is smile, as you closed your eyes and listened to the waves and the birds squawk.
 “Guys come here, you have to look at this!”
 They all came out one by one, you told them to close their eyes and just listen.
 “Thank you again for letting me tag along for this.”
 “Lacey, you should travel with us more often, you’ll get to see views like this every day.”
 John spoke.
 “Maybe one day.”
 “Dear, let me escort you inside the room with the best view of the sea, it’s also the biggest room, so you can fit all the ladies and gentleman you want in their!”
 You blushed while Freddie had his hand on the small of your back and lead you to your room. He was not fucking around either, it was huge! A bed that could fit at least 10 people, with a canopy. A full living room set complete with a tv, the bathroom was all white marble, a huge bath tub a walk in shower, and the best part the French doors that led to the balcony.
 “All you have to do is open the curtains and the sea is right there, best view, just for you darling.”
 You were in shock that you were actually in Sao Paulo, being surrounded by such luxury was not something you were used to, everything in here must cost a fortune, you were so thankful to have friends like these.
 “I, I don’t even know how to even begin to thank you guys, I’m super overwhelmed by all of this……”
 You kissed Freddie on the cheek, and he returned the gesture but with a little slap on your ass.
 “I’m starving, anyone else hungry?”
 John spoke, looking at everyone.
 “Yea I’m hungry as well now that you mention it!”
 Everyone made their way to their rooms to get changed, per Freddie’s request, we all had to put our best ensemble together. You chose a long red strapless dress, very beachy. You sat down on one of the chairs on the balcony and waited for everyone.
 “Wow, Lacey you never cease to amaze me”
 Roger sat down next you on the long beach chair, his sun glasses low on his nose as he stared at you. You looked at him, long, tight black dress pants, sparkly shoes, and just a black vest on. You reached for the buttons on his vest and un buttoned them.
 “You look fantastic as well.”
 “I thought I liked you in black but red might be my new favorite color.”
 You smiled and got up to lean against the balcony railing, the sun was setting and it was blinding. You need a picture of Roger and the sunset.
 “Roger stay there I’ll be right back.”
 You walked into your room and came back out with your polaroid. You grabbed the sun glasses off of Rogers face and put them on so you could see what angel you were getting. You pushed him up against the balcony railing.
 “Lacey what the fuck are you doing?”
 “I’m about to take a fantastic picture, now just look natural…….no, Rog don’t posing just stand there and look at me….. please.”
 He put his arms against the railing and smirked at you. His eyes looked next level, the orange and red burnt sky behind him really made his blue eyes pop. That was it, that’s the shot.
 “Am I your muse?”
 You chuckled at him and gave him his sunglasses back.
 “I guess so”
 “Alright Lacey give me the camera, it’s your turn.”
 You shook your head as to say no, but Roger was persistent, he pushed you up against the railing and just stared at you, then his lips crashed with yours, so needy so hungry. You didn’t even realize he grabbed the camera out of your hands. You pouted when his lips left yours, he smiled and pecked them once more.
 “Alright love, no posing, just stand there and look at me.”
 He smirked at you, once again stealing your own words.
 “Roger I really don’t like people taking photos of me, it’s not my thing.”
 “Well love, you’re my muse now…...you’re so beautiful Lacey, please?”
 You were blushing, so you stood their same pose as Roger did, expect you smiled the biggest smile you have in a while because Roger was doing the same to you. He took the picture and he immediately put it in his back pocket.
 “I’m sorry are we interrupting something? Because we can totally hold off on dinner if you two wanna fuck real quick?”
 “Honestly Freddie, fuck off”
 Roger said harshly while still looking in your direction.
 “No Freddie you’re not interrupting anything, let’s go eat.”
 You winked at Roger and grabbed the camera from his hand while you were passing him, he grabbed your other hand and out the 5 of you went.
 “Lacey, what are you in the mood for? Steak, salad, pasta, Rogers co…”
 Freddie liked to stir up shit so you stopped him before he could.
 “Well Freddie, I’m a vegetarian so no steak for me. I’m going with this grilled chicken, and as for Roger, I did not know he was on the menu.”
 Rogers hand squeezed your thigh. Your breath hitched in your throat, you definitely needed to have a few drinks to get through this dinner. Rogers hand wanted under your dress, and you were not about to let that happen. You were already flustered by Roger kissing you earlier, and now the thought of his fingers pumping in and out of you was making you flush.
 “Darling, are you ok, you look flustered, is dear Roger playing with you?”
 Fucking Freddie.
 “Freddie I have no idea what your talking about……stop looking at me like that.”
 Freddie winked at you then smirked at Roger. Rogers left hand started to gather your dress so he could gain access. He leaned over to your ear.
 “I’m gonna do this and you’re not going to make a fucking noise, got it.”
 Holy fuck, right here at dinner with the boys around, Freddie is going to catch on if you don’t keep a straight face. But you nodded and unclutched your thighs, spreading them slightly for him, your pushed your chair closer to Roger so his movements wouldn’t be as noticeable.
 “So Lacey, Brian tells me you play the piano? You have to play for us.”
 You glared at Bri, you told him one night that you used to play when you were younger, but not so much anymore.
 “I don’t play as often as I used to.”
 Just then Rogers middle finger entered you and you let out a sigh, holy fuck it’s been a while since you’ve had him this close. Then his pointer finger, both of them curling up inside you, your left hand came down and grasped his thigh. Roger laughed as your hand kept gripping his thigh.
 “I want you to play something for us tomorrow at rehearsals.”
 “If I say yes will you let me finish eating my dinner in peace?”
 Rogers thumb now circling your clit.
 “I want a whole set of you performing Journey songs, warm up that voice of yours love, I wanna hear it.”
 Roger was looking at you square in the face, you needed to distract him, you needed his fingers to stop, you knew that when you did cum it would be messy. You wanted this but not now, not so public.
 “Oh no….I don’t sing, I’ll play the piano and Freddie can sing for me.”
 You were starting to squirm when Roger added a third finger, how dare he try to have a normal conversation with you while his fingers are inside of you.
 “Really, I’d love to hear that sweet American voice of yours sing.”
 Rogers fingers slowly going in and out of you, wow you needed relief.
 “I’m all good, really!”
 Your hand went under the table and stopped Rogers hand, you were done. You needed him inside you not his hands.
Rog really likes to mess with this poor girl!!! Part 6 tomorrow possibly, if not tomorrow then Wednesday for sure! Please share and like this, I’ve put a lot of time into this:)
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ijustwant2write · 6 years
Wrong Lover-Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes (Part 6/?)
Tumblr media
(GIF credit to @fyeahmarvel)
Part 1/ Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4/ Part 5 / Part 7 / Part 8
Summary: Now that Wanda knows (Y/N) and Bucky’s secret, tensions start to rise. They’re terrified that they’ll be exposed to everyone and try to come up with a plan that will stop all this.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, cheating
Tags: @lovely-geek @projectxhappiness @seargantbcky @pluckastarfromthesky @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @aznkim @buckyness-intensifies @youreahandsomedevil @florenceivy
(If you want to be tagged just ask)
“Shit, shit, shit, shit-”
“(Y/N), stop, we need to get down there.” Bucky stopped me, trying to not panic himself. 
“And do what? She can get into people’s minds, there’s no stopping her.” I stressed, hitting the elevator button repeatedly.
“Steve won’t believe it.”
“But why would Wanda tell him something like this? Let alone lie to him? He’ll be skeptical but he’ll find a way to figure this all out.”
“Look, let’s just get down there and see what’s happening before we jump to conclusions.”
As soon as the doors started to open, I wrestled my way in, slamming the buttons again to make it move faster. Bucky pulled me away, restraining my arms. I fought against him, terrified that I had fucked all of this up, that everything was going to fall apart because of me. When we broke apart, the doors slid open again, both of us bursting out of it. We tried to mask our expressions, acting neutral as we quickly walked down the corridors. Bucky suddenly started guiding me in a different direction, looking like he had heard something; as we got closer to one of the many conference rooms, my heart started to beat faster than it already was, making me think I was about to have a heart attack.
We came to a halt down the hall from the room, their voices were muffled to our ears. I could see Bucky straining to listen, making me want to burst through the door and see what was happening. I started taking slow, silent steps towards the door, desperate to find out what my fate was. 
“Wanda, are you sure about this? I’m not sure where I stand on this.” I heard Steve say.
“Yes, I wouldn’t tell you any of this if I wasn’t sure.” Wanda replied through a sigh.
“I just don’t know what to say.”
She had told him. This was it. Not wanting to hear anymore, I brushed past Bucky, wanting to get away from this place, these people. It was better to get away whilst I could rather than wait to be thrown out. I could hear bustling going on behind me, Bucky calling after me as Steve asked what was going on. I jumped into the elevator, catching one last glimpse of everyone as the doors closed, seeing Steve rush forward before the elevator finally started moving. I let out a long, shaky breath, trying to devise a plan to get out of here without being noticed; that was impossible, there were eyes everywhere. 
The only person I could see in my mind was Steve. Of course I felt this almighty guilt about what I had done and how I was feeling, but there was also this other form of guilt inside of me; I really sympathised with him, I wanted to hold him, to comfort him, lie through my teeth and tell him that I love him. Why was I suddenly wanting to be around him like this? I tried to convince myself that it was the guilt, but the realistic side of me knew that there was something deeper to all of this.
As soon as I got to my room, I hurried to pack a bag, not really paying attention to what I was throwing in. Stopping in my tracks as my eyes landed on Steve’s sketchbook, I pondered for a moment, not realising how fast my breathing was. This was all a spur of the moment; would Bucky come with me? I mean, the whole reason I was running away was because of him. Where would we go? Everyone knew who he was and S.H.I.E.L.D was sure to start tracking him down as soon as he stepped foot out of the building. 
“(Y/N), what are you doing?” Steve softly said from the doorway.
“I-I don’t think I should be here anymore.” I sobbed, staring down at my bag.“I need to leave, this won’t work out.”
“Work out? (Y/N) you have no where to go.”
“You don’t have to be nice to me anymore, you can let your true feelings out now.”
He approached me, standing so close behind me that I could feel his breath on my neck.“Whatever is going on, I don’t care. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
I sniffed.“How can you act like everything is OK?”
“Because I know we’ll get through this.”
I finally turned around to face him, for once not flinching as he held me by my waist, pulling me close.“Why are you so good to me? After the awful things I’ve done to you?”
“(Y/N) I don’t know where this is coming from, but you’ve never been awful to me.”
“Steve...what are you talking about?”
“The doctors said that you may have episodes like this, because you’re emotions aren’t in the right place. Don’t worry, you aren’t a burden to me, I just want to help.”
He didn’t know.
He didn’t know.
I closed my eyes in relief, leaning into Steve’s chest. One hand wrapped around my torso as the other went to the back of my head, swaying us slightly as I calmed down. Wanda must have not told him. I knew when Steve was lying, he wasn’t pretending not to know; others may fall for it but I knew him too well. 
“It’s gonna be OK. I’m going to look after you.”
“I don’t deserve this.”
“Shh, don’t worry about it anymore.”
I sighed into his shoulder, my mind overcome with thoughts; how the hell was I suppose to get out of this? I raised my head slightly, only to glance at the still open door, a shadowy figure lurking there. Only, I knew who it was as I saw something reflect on their arm. Bucky stood there for a second, his eyes boring into mine before he quickly stormed away.
Later that day, I found Wanda relaxing with a book on the balcony, not looking fazed by the scene I had caused earlier. I slid the door aside, preparing myself for a lengthy conversation. As I closed it behind me, Wanda folded the page she was on, placing it on the table but she still wouldn’t look my way. I leaned my back against the railings, crossing my arms over my chest as I sighed.
“Why didn’t you tell him?” I asked, desperate for an answer.
“It wasn’t my place.” She shrugged.
“No, there’s more to it.”
“What do you want me to say? I didn’t tell him because I wanted to be a lying cheat just like you?”
My eyes widened at her comment.
“What? It’s the truth isn’t it? Can’t you admit anything?”
“(Y/N), Steve has never let me down. He’s always been by my side, just like Pietro was. When I saw how good you and Steve were together, I had never been happier. But now that I’ve seen the real you, I can’t let you ruin him.”
“I can’t help how I feel. Perhaps the accident muddled things up in my mind and these are my feelings now.”
“That’s utter crap and you know it. You need to sort yourself out before you tell Steve.”
“I can’t tell him about this! He would be heartbroken.”
“Imagine how heartbroken he would be if he found out by himself?”
“Please don’t say anything to him.”
“Will you tell him?”
I hesitated.“Yes.”
“I don’t believe you, but is there any point arguing?”
I huffed, making a statement as I stomped away, slamming the door shut before I could let myself shout at her. I was already losing those I loved, I had to stop taking these risks.
It seemed that the commotion had stayed with the four of us, as the next day, everything was back to normal. Wanda was still ignoring me, though that didn’t surprise me; we hid it well from the rest, knowing that questions would follow. However, one person I didn’t expect to have an attitude was Bucky. His tone was sharp and cold towards me, he never wanted to be near me. I was confused as to why he was acting this way, blaming it on the fact that he didn’t want Wanda assuming we were still close.
“Hey, Bucky!” I called out down the corridor, running to catch up with his long strides.“Hey, don’t ignore me.”
“Maybe it’s a good idea to ignore you.” He whipped round to face me, looking mad.
“Why? Bucky what’s wrong?”
“You’re too soft on Steve. If you really wanted this to be real, you would have said something by now.” He bent down so he was eye level with me.
“Bucky, are you hearing yourself right now? We can’t just dump all of this on him!”
“I know, but I don’t know how much longer I can wait for this-”
“What are you two whispering about?” Steve startled us both, making us move away from each other.
“If we were whispering then it must be a secret.” Bucky joked, giving a sarcastic smile towards me.
I tensed up, wondering if Steve had seen how close we were.
“I don’t want to interrupt, but can I talk to you for a minute (Y/N)?”
Bucky smiled at us both, beginning to walk away. He was pissed off at me, pissed off at the fact that I was being nice to Steve.
“Uh, actually, can it wait? Bucky and I were about to go do something.”
Wow, you can’t even come up with an actual excuse.
“It’ll only be a minute. Buck, you don’t have to go.”
Bucky stayed his distance, trying not to show his annoyance. I faced Steve, a small smile appearing on my face as he held my hand gingerly.
“I know it seems like a big step, and you can say no if want, but I thought I could take you somewhere this weekend? I think it might help with the therapy.”
“Oh, wow, really?” I mumbled.
“It will have to remain a secret until then. What do you say?”
I stopped myself from looking over my shoulder to Bucky. It was as if I was being tested, go with my boyfriend or his best friend? Fuck, when you put it like that, it sounds awful.
No, everything about this is awful.
My heart started to beat rapidly as I thought about a getaway with Steve, though not in a bad way. I wanted to go, I wanted to see what would happen between us when we were alone; as I thought about what would happen if I stayed with Bucky, I found myself not excited. We wouldn’t be able to do anything, we probably couldn’t even be the same room for more than five minutes without Wanda making us feel guilty.
“I think that’s a great idea. I love surprises.”
“Great.” He quickly kissed my cheek, patting Bucky on the shoulder as he passed by.
My smile disappeared as I turned to see Bucky, who looked even more angry than earlier. My shoulders slumped as I let out a sigh.
“What was I supposed to say?”
“You could have lied. We’ve both being doing it for the past week.” Bucky flailed his arms around, though his tone was calmer.
“It might get them off our backs for a while.”
“You’re falling in love with him again, unless you’ve just got really good at pretending.” He started to walk away.
“No I’m not-”
“I don’t need this right now (Y/N), go on your honeymoon then tell me how you really feel.”
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sueboohscorner · 6 years
Wynonna Earp S3 Ep3 : "Colder Weather" (A Time To Mourn)
Dolls is dead. It appears with all certainty that he is dead for good.  Death itself is easy for the one dying, but the ones that get left behind are trying to pick up the pieces and figure out a way to mourn the loved one that passed away. That requires some time.  What I like about this show is that they never just pass over the feelings.  This is a big one and the greatest thing this show did was to allow an entire episode to see how all of Dolls' new "family" deal with him being gone and to allow us fans to mourn right along side them.
The opening is stunning. 
A beautifully haunting song and Melanie Scrofano's close up of her face, mainly her eye with tears and the tears falling down on Dolls' dog tags.  No other way to describe the feeling of losing Dolls. Dolls was the voice of reason, the rock that helped to anchor Wynonna and even helped to keep the team together.  What are they to do now? 
Wynonna is definitely not taking it well. 
She is outside in the cold weather and snow in the woods near the Earp Homestead shooting off Peacemaker and screaming for Bulshar to show himself and come and face her.  She is stone cold drunk off her ass.  Bulshar doesn't show up, but a revenant does.  "Not the prick that I was looking for, but a prick none the less." she tells him.  He smiles and says " That's what my first wife said and I killed her for it."  He goes on to say that he is surprised to even see her there.  Doesn't she have a funeral to plan?  She swings at him and misses him by a mile (yes, she is that drunk) and falls down.  See raises the gun and then basically to hell with it.  "I'm too tired to kill you."  But he isn't too tired to try to kill her, but before he can, Waverly and Nicole come out and Waverly fires a shot and the revenant runs off.  Wynonna has to chuckle "You shot him in the dick!  That is so sweet!"
They help Wynonna back and Waverly says "No one goes anywhere for awhile until we ....."    "Until we say goodbye." Nicole finishes.  Wynonna stares at the fire and says "I don't know how I'm gonna put Dolls in the ground."
It should be noted here that the theme song that came after this scene was still the same opening song, but acoustic and mournful sounding in honor of Dolls and how everyone is feeling.
We go to Doc's bar and he picks up a piece of clothing and hears a noise.  Kate is sitting at the bar.   "The last time we met you had me tied to a stripper pole."  he says.  "You used to like that kind of thing. However, if we are keeping score, you shot me!"  "And you did not die." Doc points out.  
  Kate tells Doc that the cards (her tarot cards that go everywhere with her) told her about the death of the great warrior (as she turns over that card).She apologizes for Dolls' death but Doc stops her and says "I am sorry, but that is not for you to apologize for."  He means that she didn't know Dolls, so she doesn't get to give him (Doc) sympathy for someone who meant something to him and not her. "I can tell you where he's gone."  Doc gets closer and stares her down.  He knows exactly where a man like Xavier Dolls is and he is at peace.  "My hero, the one who took down your vampire kin, she is hurtin'.  She is the one who needs my help.   Kate tells Doc "You might as well stop chasing that girl. You'll competing with a ghost for the rest of your days. It never ends well."  This doesn't help to improve Doc's mood and tells Kate to leave. He asks what does she want from him.  She replies that she just wants him to say her name (real name is not Countessa), but if he won't do that can she at least meet his friends.  "Absolutely not!"  Doc says to her.  As she walks to the doors she says  "We always did have terrible timing."   "No, we were just terrible." Doc replies.
Back at the Earp house, there is a funeral director showing Nicole and Waverly types of coffins and all that good stuff.  The funeral director at first assume they have husbands, but they hold each other and he gets the message.  Nicole tells Waverly that when she dies, she wants to be put on a high platform, eaten by vultures and pooped out back to the Earth.  The look on Waverly's face is priceless.  "Wow.  That's.....very graphic."  Waverly brings up that she will probably be buried with her family.  However, the funeral director points out that Ward Earp only had 2 additional plots besides the one for their mother.  One for Willa and the other for Wynonna.  Ouch.
Wynonna comes in, sees the coffin photos, etc and says she is definitely not dealing with that.  Death is permanent and they have all the time in the world.  She heads outside with her gun and a bottle of booze.
Doc comes up and finds her shooting stuff off the rail with precision.   "Finally planted that left foot I see." he says to her.   "No, more like I stepped in a frozen cow patty and now I'm kinda stuck."  Doc reply?  "Well, it looks good on you."  LOL.
Wynonna says how she is supposed to face the facts, again.  She's done this before.  WIth Daddy, Shorty and Willa.  Doc says "Twice."  and Wynonna agrees that yes, she dealt with it twice with Willa.
"This was a real kick in the box." she tells Doc  
"Yes, ma'am." he replies.
Wynonna goes on to say that she just doesn't understand what happened to him out on that ledge.  
"We were dyin' Wynonna.  Dolls, he saved us."  Doc says
Wynonna begins to cry and falls into Doc's arms.  He hold her tight with a hand in her hair and on her back.  
"Oh, love.  Love, sometimes you get and sometimes you get got."  he says and then starts a  conversation of "Back in my day...."  He tells how gunslingers would die and be buried with their boots on.  To be buried on Boot Hill and it became a popularity contest.  
"However, the ritual of it.  Setting a man's horse loose to run, placing a fine bottle of whiskey on his grave."  Doc says and Wynonna thinks that sounds nice.  "Whiskey, I would then steal because a good liquor should never go to waste on the dead."
"Death must have been cheap then." Wynonna comments.
"Death is never cheap."  Doc replies 
Wynonna tells Doc that (as he gently wipes a tear away from her cheek) that they need to get Bulshar.  Doc informs her that they really should do right by Dolls first.  Wynonna asks if Doc knew Dolls was from Arizona.  He did not ask to go back there.  "Dolls chose his family and we are it." she tells Doc.  Doc smiles a little and says "Poor asshole."  They shut up then and hug some more, silently holding each other on the hillside.
I LOVE LOVE this scene.  First, I love the Wynonna and Doc love that is there, but they fight it like it is something so scary, but then fall for it again and again just to run away once more.  You can see how much Doc really loves Wynonna when he is holding her and talking to her.  He even makes her smile, which is something no one else has been able to do so far.
Back inside the house, Wynonna sits in her spot on the couch while Waverly and Doc argue about the idea of a wake.  Waverly thinks it is a bad idea to celebrate and be merry when someone has died.  Doc says it is necessary and is the proper thing to do.  When a man dies, you celebrate his life.  Nicole agrees with Doc.  Waverly then decides a wake it is and starts manically listing sandwiches she will need to make and how can they eat when Dolls will never eat again.  She starts to nervously giggle.  Doc tells her she is being disrespectful and Waverly calms down and tells Doc that what, to be more like him.  Lifeless with no feeling.  Doc pauses then slaps his glass across the room and it smashes against the wall.  "Is that enough feeling for you?" he asks.  He then gets up, and walks out.
Wynonna finally speaks up and asks what do they do now.  Nicole suggests that maybe she and Waverly can go to Dolls' hotel room and find him something nice to wear.  Waverly asks how are they going to get in.  Nicole discloses that she has a key (which gets a look from Wynonna) and explains that it was in a professional capacity.  Two officers in the line of duty.  There is more to that story, but we will never see that side of the conversation.  Wynonna puts out there that she doesn't even know where Dolls is.  Nicole says that Jeremy is doing the autopsy which upsets Wynonna greatly and she rushes out of the house.
Doc back at the bar is in his basement.  Apparently there was a break in and he is none too happy about the lack of respect.  However, all he sees missing is the banana liquor.  However, what he doesn't see is that the BBD serum for Dolls is missing. He hears a noise upstairs and pulls his gun and goes to investigate. He finds a man in his bar saying he just got off the bus and could use a beer, but instead has found himself at gunpoint.  He is also pointing a gun at Doc.  Doc says it seems they have "a classic Mexican standoff" to which the man points out that is is probably not very PC to refer to it that way anymore.  Whatever.  Doc informs the man that the bar is closed and will remain closed due to them having a wake.  The man claims he knows that it is for Xavier Dolls.  Doc is still not convinced and cocks his gun.
At the hotel room, Waverly and Nicole are looking through what there is of Dolls' stuff.  "I have seen monks who have more shit."  Waverly observes  Nicole chuckles. Somehow the conversation turns to Nicole's story of when she was young and went to a music festival here in Purgatory with her aunt and uncle.  There was an attack and a lot of blood and screaming. She thinks it was the demon that dolls killed.  She was lied to for years that it was a forest fire, but as she has looked into it, it seems that Black Badge didn't want info leaked and burned the forest to cover stuff up. 
She made it to a boat and someone eventually saved her, but she couldn't save Dolls.  She begins to cry.
Back at "basecamp" Wynonna comes bursting in yelling at Jeremy to put down the scalpel.  He puts his hands up.  He has no scalpel and there is no body as she can see. 
He doesn't need to do an autopsy on Dolls because he knows exactly what killed him.  Wynonna knows now that Jeremy knew something was wrong with Dolls and didn't get told about it.  She's mad.  Jeremy says that he was ordered by Dolls not to tell anyone and that he was respecting his wishes.  Wynonna doesn't care.  She thinks that more could have been done, but Jeremy tells her that there is absolutely nothing anyone could have done.  He himself had tried.  It was the Black Badge serum.  Wynonna tells him that she will never forgive him for this.  Jeremy pauses for a sec and then says, "I get it.  It's easier to blame me than the dead dragon."  Wynonna gets pissed and tells him to pack his stuff and leave, he is not needed here anymore.
Wynonna goes back to the bar, only to find Doc laughing and drinking it up with a man she has never seen before, but his hands are bound with christmas lights.  Doc introduces him as Ramon Quinn.  But the man says that just "Quinn is fine."  Wynonna asks Doc if he knew about Dolls dying.  Quinn steps in and says that of course Dolls was dying.  His body couldn't handle the stress of it anymore and it was amazing he lasted as long as he did.  "Probably by sheer will." he says.  Wynonna asks if he knew Dolls.  "Better than anyone." he says showing a bunch of dog tags.  He adds that now that Black Badge is in the wind, no one has that serum anymore.
Meanwhile in some cafe nearby, a revenant shoots himself up with some of the stolen serum.  They want the power that the Black Badge agent had and then they will be unstoppable.  Or so they think.  He starts to change and goes bezerker mode on a fellow comrade.
Back at the bar Wynonna finds out that Quinn found out from an ad in the back of a magazine that Jeremy probably was told to do by Dolls when he was gone. Apparently it was in a special code that only their squadron knew so that when one of them died....they are all dead now.....they could attend the funeral without Black Badge showing up.  He talks about how Dolls was a rebel.  He escaped the facility six times in three months.  Wynonna wonders why Dolls, if he knew he was that bad, didn't seek help.  "Maybe he stuck around for you." Quinn remarks.  "No maybe about it." Doc adds.  Wynonna leans into Quinn and says he is allowed to stay for the wake, but then he is leaving and he had better not try anything while he is there.  Especially today.
Waverly and Nicole are still at the hotel room.  They had found an envelope for Wynonna that said "When I am gone" on it.  They are shocked to think that Dolls knew he was dying and didn't tell anyone.  They talk a bit about how Nicole doesn't want Waverly's pity and Waverly counters with that it is going to take a little bit to process the fact that her girlfriend was involved in a supernatual massacre.  They promise each other not to die and kiss.  Then they see a shadow of someone running past the window.  The only problem.....they are 3 stories up and no balcony out there.
They run outside and Waverly is trying to guess what or who it is.  A voice says, "You can call me Katelin." and Kate grabs Waverly's purse and runs.  They try to run after her, but as Nicole points out, she "can run pretty fast for a hot chick."
There is a sweet moment with Wynonna and Nedley in the morgue. 
He was there to make sure no one did anything with the body.  Wynonna admits that she used to think he was an asshole and Nedley says that he used to think the same thing about Dolls, but he saw that when it comes to saving the world one had to have some selfishness.  He tells Wynonna that the body will be there for as long as she needs.  Thank you Nedley.
The wake begins.  Whiskey is poured and a toast made to Dolls. 
Waverly got to make her sandwiches after all and everyone seems okay.  Waverly sees Doc across the way and goes to talk to him.  He interrupts her and apologizes for his behavior earlier.  Also, he wishes he could take back the last words he said to Dolls which was they were both destined for Hell.  Waverly is shocked and Doc confides in her that he himself has been there.  He went there when Dolls shot him in the alternate reality.  He has come to the conclusion that he is destined to return there no matter what.  (Somehow I REALLY don't think that is going to happen)
Waverly understands and feels for him, but she needs Doc's help in the now.  She explains about the envelope for Wynonna from Dolls and that a hot chick with a perfect purple pout came up and stole her purse and that was in it.  Doc curses under his breath and says he knows who the thief is but they need to keep it on the down low.  They quickly go out the back and take off.
A quick moment with Wynonna and Quinn.  Quinn wasn't one of the ones (who have some weird nicknames...like Jingles) who were experimented on because he was the wrong blood type.  However, Black Badge would never simply give up Dolls and that there is a good reason his other team members are in unmarked graves.
Jeremy and Nicole are in the basement.  Nicole looking for some more vodka and wonders why Jeremy is down there alone.  He is looking over the carnage of the break in and just shrugs when she says that he should be upstairs too.  He looks and sees that the BBD serum is all gone.  Someone stole it!  Just then you can hear demonic voices coming to the bar.  
When Nicole and Jeremy arrive upstairs, a bunch of revenants come bursting in totally high on the serum..  A fight ensues with Wynonna having a few good one liners as she shoots them back to hell.  "This is a memorial dipshit.  Did you even bother to bring a casserole?"   When there is a small lull in the fight, she quickly calls Doc, but gets Waverly.  They are on an errand Waverly explains and will be back real soon.  "In the middle of a wake?" Wynonna asks.  She goes on to explain what is going on there and for them to get the hell back to the bar ASAP.
Doc and Waverly arrive at the house.  Waverly asks who this woman is, even though she suspects who it might be.  "My wife." Doc says simply.  "Is there anyone in this town without a secret wife?"  Waverly asks.
Inside, Kate is waiting for them.  Waverly gives her a talking to and Kate turns over a card and it is the angel card, but it is upside down.  Waverly says something to Doc about Kate being such a.....and Kate gets offended.  Waverly just threatens her with a stake.  She wants her purse back.  Kate gives it back and Waverly makes sure the envelope wasn't open.  Waverly points out that if they are to exist together in this town, they all need to learn to live together in it and leaves.  Kate stands next to Doc and says she sees why he likes the little one.  A lot like Wyatt, full of spirit.  Doc says, that Waverly isn't even an Earp and walks out,
 Kate picks up the angel card and says "She is something alright."
Wynonna has a quick conversation with Nicole who gives her some tough love.  The grief is not only for her to bear and the wake isn't for her either.  They all loved Dolls and they all can grieve for him.  Wynonna says she told Jeremy to pack his stuff and leave and Nicole tells her she had better go stop him.  
Wynonna gets to the station to find that Quinn has Jeremy tied up to a chair and is "doing bad things with [Jeremy's] best stapler".  He knows that Jeremy can synthesize the serum and wants it.  Jeremy of course is trying to tell him that is the problem.  It was stolen and even if he did make the same stuff, obviously it didn't work.  Of course, he gets hit with the butt of the gun.  Quinn says that he didn't do the experimentation, but he did help in other ways and he is pissed at Black Badge and wants to take the serum and storm the headquarters.  Jeremy is Black Badge, so in his eyes, shouldn't be trusted. 
She slowly puts her gun down (with the whiskey bottle of course). Wynonna says she trusts him and goes on to tell Quinn that he really shouldn't do what he is thinking of doing.  Being that angry and retaliating will not bring Dolls back.  Everyone, including herself, has had to deal with the death of loved ones, sometimes in horrible ways. It is how they choose to deal and mourn the death of those loved ones and it is their burden to carry throughout time.  Besides, she says, Dolls would not want any of them, including Quinn to do this.  Quinn hands Wynonna his gun. Later, he leaves on the bus and Wynonna hands him the dog tags and tells him that he had better not be seen back here or she will come after him.
A little later, Wynonna finds Jeremy at the morgue and he nervously replies that he is relieving Nedley to watch over the body.  They kind of talk and make up and Wynonna says that Dolls' body can never be used for currency.....ever.  There has only been one option.  Jeremy agrees.
The next scene is probably the saddest.  There is only a sad song playing about "going home" and Wynonna brings the ashes of Dolls in a wooden box up the hill.  The others are waiting at the grave.  She gently puts it in the grave and then everyone adds something.  Waverly adds a scarf, Nicole adds his credentials and badge, Doc adds that fine bottle of whiskey, and Jeremy adds Dolls' favorite mug. 
The last is Wynonna who puts the necklace she has worn forever not in the grave, but hangs it on the tombstone. 
They all stand, some hugging, silently and mourn their friend Xavier Dolls.
Later at night, Waverly and Wynonna are sitting outside in the cold all bundled with blankets around the fire.  They talk of what their plans might be when they die.  Waverly tells Wynonna that she found out that there is no plot for her with the family.  Wynonna waves it off and says that is fine, she wouldn't want to be buried there anyway, because the view sucks.  It is a view of the high school and who wants to see that.  Wynonna says that in 80 years or so she and Waverly can be buried right there on the homestead anyway.  She has always watched out for her little sister and Waverly is stuck with her forever.  That is fine by Waverly.  When Wynonna says that Nicole can be buried with them too, Waverly tells her about Nicole's vulture idea.  Oookaay.  
Waverly hands Wynonna the envelope from Dolls.  When she opens it there is a big picture of all of them at a restaurant at a table with Dolls taking the selfie so he is in the foreground.  Waverly says she remembers that night, but what does it mean?  "Keep going.  Keep fighting."  Wynonna says as she looks at a smaller black and white photo that was also in there.  One of just her, that must have been Dolls' personal photo he kept of Wynonna.  He wants them to LIVE.
The episode could have ended there and I would have been happy, but no.
Doc returns to the Gardner house to see Kate.  She is sitting by the fireplace playing around with her tarot cards again.  "Is there nothing you would do to get under my skin?" Doc asks her when he comes in.  "You keep pushing me away.  You gave me no choice." she replies.  "He (Wyatt) also never stopped looking for you. Spent thousands. Hired trackers. Ultimately, it broke his heart." she adds.  Doc says he thought he had a full life and died in Hollywood as a stunt rider.  Kate says that is true, but when she had learned Doc was gone, it nearly.......but when Wyatt told her before he died that Doc was still alive, she knew what she had to do.  "And what is that?"  Doc asks as he removes his gun belt.  Kate comes up to him, removes his hat and says anything she has to. "No teeth, Kate." Doc says to her, finally giving her what she wanted, for him to say her name.  I am both mad and confused at the same time.  What the hell is Doc playing at.  Does he still love his wife (who btw in REAL LIFE they were notorious for their loud and sometimes violent fights) and is going to screw over Wynonna's feelings, or is he playing both sides of the fence?  UGH.
Overall, a very satisfying albeit sad episode.  We didn't want to lose a main character, but if you watch enough of these supernatural shows, a character we love tends to sacrifice themselves to save others and we have to say goodbye.    Goodbye Dolls.  We loved you too.
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