#not for ying’er though
npcimpact · 1 year
ying'er | confessions
requested by @ash-11037 | i'll do a masterlist once i hit 10 posts
perhaps her perfumes are simply just love spells in disguise. maybe that's why timaeus fell for her so easily, and why you were entranced at first sight.
ft. completely oblivious reader
ying'er is amazing. from her smile to her beauty to her personality. maybe she's already caught onto you; you can't help but visit her every day, pretending to simply just being insanely interested in perfumes.
you decide you don't mind. is she simply just being friendly with you, or is she flirting back? maybe flirting is as close as you'll ever get to being with her, because it's not like you'll be able to ask her out. what if she doesn't swing that way?
there was a man from mondstadt, once. you're pretty sure he fell in love at first sight, and to be honest, you get it. you've visited her again, today.
ying'er grins at you when you approach, and you can't help but smile, albeit embarrassedly.
"hello, again."
"good morning, gorgeous."
"any new perfumes?"
"you sure go through them speedily."
"i just like having a collection, if i'm being honest," you lie, and then smile at the irony of saying something like that. her own smile remains on her face, and you wonder if she's seen through it your poorly constructed lie.
“if you’re being honest…” she muses. “i guess i thought i was being clear enough, but maybe there’s still some doubts? that’s okay. i don’t mind making the first move.”
wait. is what you think is happening actually happening? you’re not making it up? you’re not daydreaming?
ying’er takes your hand and pulls you closer. “you’re not very good at lying, i’m sorry to say.” ah. so she did see through you. you bite your lip.
“but you’re so cute that i don’t really mind.”
aha. you can only really focus on her hand, intertwined with yours. her eyes, sparkling.
“by the way, you’re blushing. you really are super cute. so- how about we go on a date? i’ll take you out to lunch.” oh. oh, it’s really happening. so all the comments really were flirting?! how could you not have noticed?!
“i’m sorry for not noticing sooner,” you say. you can’t wipe the smile off your face.
“it’s alright! as i said, it’s adorable. i really like you.”
later on, she does take you out to lunch. you can’t help but feel your crush deepen. a lot more dates happen after that, and eventually you become each other’s significant others.
you pay her back for her confession, eventually. it involves a ring and a deeper commitment.
and without hesitation, she says yes.
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guzhuangheaven · 3 months
Hi, could you talk about the marriage of imperial princes? Specifically the children of the current emperor. We can see this in Ruyi (it's been a while since I watched and forgive any mistakes) when Hongli was still a prince he had the ability to "choose" his wife, no matter how much Noble Consort Xi influenced him to choose Lady Fucha. Later we see him agreeing to Noble Consort Jia's request to marry Yongcheng to Prince Heyi's daughter, I can't forget Yonghuang who was resentful that his wife was from a lower flag. So I had this doubt, why did some princes have this opportunity to "choose" while others didn't?
sorry for my english
Well, choose is a strong word.
There is a distinction between the circumstances where Hongli chooses his wife and Yongcheng choosing his wife.
Ok, the ceremony we see where Hongli(‘s mother) choose Langhua, Xiyue and Hongli chooses Qingying as his wife is part of a much larger ritual, called xuan xiunu (selecting honoured ladies). Xuan xiunu is a ritual that takes place every three years, and in dramas it’s usually to select new concubines for the emperor (i.e. how Zhen Huan, Meizhuang et al. were selected). However, in reality, xuan xiunu is not just to choose wives for the emperor, it’s a much more complex process to select:
Yes, potential new concubines for the emperors
But also wives for princes and imperial relatives who the emperor may want to bestow (usually political) marriages on
But also high ranking maids to serve in positions close to women of the imperial family, including current consorts, consort dowagers, empress dowager etc. There are levels to being palace maids, and the highest level dealing closely with ranked persons would be more akin to positions of ladies in waiting, which in western history were also high-ranked women chosen to serve the Queen (in this case also high ranking imperial consorts and the empress).
(Contrary to what is portrayed in dramas, you can't just beat palace maids to death nilly willy with no repercussions like Hua Fei with Fuzi, especially maids who were serving close to higher ranks. There are consequences - see Qianlong's Dun Fei.)
There is a short subplot early in Bu Bu Jing Xin where Ruoxi, the daughter of a general and sister to the Eighth Prince’s secondary consort, is supposed to be a candidate in the xuan xiunu ceremony. While the Eighth Prince was able to use his connections to get her out of the list to be potential concubine to the emperor (Kangxi) and for marriages to the princes, she was nevertheless chosen for a guannuzi position serving the emperor himself.
(There’s a whole comedy of errors where the goal actually was to get Ruoxi to be not chosen for any position at all, but then too many princes suddenly took an interest in getting her out of lists that the consorts dealing with the selection started getting suspicious and competitive among themselves on who gets to keep her and then she becomes the emperor’s maid anyway, which they had been desperate to avoid because even though Kangxi hasn’t shown any romantic interest in Ruoxi, never say never.)
Guannuzi is a position that can potentially become a concubine to the emperor – a palace maid raised to the position of guannuzi can wait on the emperor overnight and in harem drama it’s equal to basically becoming the emperor’s concubine in all but name. Yu Ying’er and Songzhi in Legend of Zhen Huan were both raised from palace maids to guannuzi for this reason. But in BBJX it’s made clear that the position itself doesn’t have to be a concubine position, and Ruoxi was just the emperor’s tea maid.
High ranking maids like Ruoxi (and I guess dowry maids of the consorts we see in dramas like Ruyi and Zhen Huan) could be bestowed good marriages later as reward for their service as well.
Anyway. Back to Hongli. His wives were chosen in the xuan xiunu ceremony because the time of marriage happened to fall on the same period as a xuan xiunu ceremony was taking place. And by the time you get to that shortlist who gets to meet Xi Fei, there has already a whole load of selection and cuts being made off-screen. Everyone knows going in that both the Emperor and Xi Fei thinks Langhua is most suitable and the whole selection on Hongli’s part is jus ceremonial. He probably deludes himself into thinking he did have a right to choose Qingying/Ruyi if he wanted to, but honestly it would have been a bad move politically. At that point, even Yongzheng probably didn’t want him to choose Qingying, who has already been rejected by Hongshi. If disaster hadn’t struck with Hongshi and Ruyi’s aunt at that point, driving Qingying’s family into disgrace, if Hongli had insisted on choosing Qingying in that moment against his mother’s clear wishes, Xi Fei wouldn’t be able to say anything against it as at that point, Qingying was the empress’s niece. But it would not have been a good political move on his part and would have made things bad for Qingying anyway.
With Yongcheng, he is of an age to be married, but no xuan xiunu ceremony was due any time soon, in that case the emperor can just choose someone(‘s daughter) that he knows to bestow in marriage on his sons – same for Yongqi. Yuyan knew that Qianlong was thinking about Yongcheng’s marriage at that point, so she not so slyly suggested who she wanted, without realising that she was challenging the emperor in doing that and showing herself to be too arrogant for her own good. I think the idea was that Qianlong had someone lower in mind for Yongcheng but Yuyan thought that only a woman descended from Kangxi’s daughter was suitable. Yongcheng didn’t resent his wife for being lowborn, he resented his wife for being too high born and feeling like she shouldn’t be paying respect to a disgraced concubine, even though she still owes that to Yuyan as her mother in law regardless.
I think in the novel, Qianlong also deliberately chose women from lower ranking clans for both Yonghuang and Yongqi in hope that it would not make it too obvious how he was considering them both at different points as heirs (probably learning from his own situation where it was obvious where he was headed with Langhua being chosen as his consort), but it was Yonghuang that had a problem with that as well IIRC.
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coralinnii · 7 months
i love genshin
its my favourite game
my special interest
so far which characters do you like?
I just recently got into the game a few months ago and I only play it a couple of hours a week so I’m not too far into the story or know a lot of characters 😅
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Honestly had me when he said “Let’s go get dim sum”, man is after my heart I swear.
He’s selfless, helpful, adorable, aesthetically pleasing, a dancer, and has the cutest little fire doggo??
Another notable character for me? This woman
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People tell me how flirty Lisa or Kaeya is, but no one warned me about Ying’er? I swear she was teaching me more than just perfume making with the way she talks and word things. Miss Madam is sus in every sense of the word (I don’t hate it, tho 👀).
But yea, I’m still fairly new so I don’t know a lot yet. Feel free to tell me who to forward to as I’m definitely gonna keep going.
Just a FYI though, I already met Zhongli and sure, he good-looking but Sir got me paying out of pocket for the funeral stuff? Yea… I’m a little salty.
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simplyxsinned · 2 years
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𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
┊summary- oh no! they forgot about white day + the gifts they prepared for you :D
┊characters- Kaveh, Thoma, Kaeya x gn reader
┊a/n- part of white day event for @venexus HWJKWJ HOPE YOU LIKED IT
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˚✧ The first thought 𝐊𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐇 had was "shit." The dramatic reaction this man had was honestly comedic, his hands immediately flew into his hair, gripping them so hard that he almost went bald, please help him, please spare some mercy
As a self proclaimed romantic person, he’s the type of friend you'd seek relationship advice from when encountering troubles....but when it comes to his own love life? Oh archons he's a lovesick wreck, heavy footsteps pacing front and back in his room at 12am while unconsciously biting his inner lips, praying to archons for a brilliant idea to pop up his bright mind
Well that obviously did not end up well, the renowned light of Kshahrewar somehow waddled his way to his lover’s embrace, shedding tears and his babbling sob stories about how busy he was to forget such an important day, all the while ugly crying plus sniffing snots, his tears leaving a wet stamp on your shirt. It's not like you'd mind though, you still love him after seeing his multiple sides, even the bad ones
As your gentle fingers combed through his tangled up hair, he reaches into his little pouch and fumble a bit before pulling out his sketchbook. Little do you know, that was his not-so secret book filled with detailed sketches and doodles of you. "I'm not sure if you'll like this but happy white day my sunshine"
˚✧ Despite 𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐀’s cool and collected demanour, he was actually trying his best to conceal his nervousness, the beads of sweat tricking down his forehead along with the slight shake of his volume when he speaks, he could only hope that you wouldn’t notice
Even after years of knowing each other and working side by side as colleagues, he still couldn’t grasp the art of remaining calm around his little crush, at least now he has a mutual understanding with Timaeus about how he feels around Ying’er, the thought sends him to ease knowing that he isn’t the only one
You on the other hand was very much the same, watching kaeya try his best to start a conversation all the while dropping a few jokes here and there, the laughs he pulled out of you sounded angelic. You didn't even notice when he placed his hand on top on yours. One glass followed by another, the both of you guys ended walking home light headed, it was mostly your blue haired companion though
What a lightweight for such a heavy guy like him, holding his right hand while supporting his body with your other arm, you somehow carried him all the way back to his house. "Wait.. I h-have something for you" he strayed away from your grasp, fumbling his pocket pulling out a shiny object. He made his way behind you and clasped on a silver necklace with an expensive looking gem in the middle, "For you my dear" turning around, you pulled him into a passionate kiss
˚✧ Poor 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀 was panicking right before your doorstep, he feels as if he was a teenager again, fetching his partner right before prom. The bouquet of fresh flowers in his hands felt heavy with each step he took, finally gaining courage to finally knock on your door
It feels as if you were blinded by his close eyed smile as soon as you opened your front door, "U-uhm these are for you.." handing the flowers to you as he shyly looks to the side, thanking him you leaned forward to give him a sweet old kiss on the cheek, earning a blush along with an awkward chuckle. "Are you ready love?" he held out his hand waiting for yours to entangle
The day was spent by each others side, hand in hand wandering around Inazuma City, hopping from stalls to stalls, even stopping by the teahouse to say hi to Taroumaru, laughing when he responds to your questions and affectionate head pats with a cute woof. Both of you settled down for some tea before he accompanied you back home
"Today was fun, thank you Thoma" wrapping your arms around his neck as he holds you close, the hug lasted a bit longer than it should but neither of you wanted to pull away. That day left both of you a warm fuzzy feeling in your chests, most importantly a sweet memory you both shared
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fanghuas · 2 years
hanwenzhou thought of the day: the one where han ying is not pining.
he’s, well, of course he’s in love with his zhuangzhu, that’s a part of who he is, and he’s cheerfully surrendered himself to the process of falling in love with wen kexing as well, because who could help it. he’s not expecting anything to happen, he’s not even toying with the idea as a fantasy, but it’s – good, to be in love.
and it’s not just about wenzhou. he’s in the place he’s always dreamt of, he’s fulfilling his wish of being a siji disciple, all his xiongdi are there, and chengling took 0.2 seconds to adopt him as a brother/uncle figure – everyone and everything han ying cares about in the world is right there, and he can care openly and protect them if anything bad happens. it’s great, it’s fantastic, it’s the happiest he’s ever been and happier than he could have imagined.
wenzhou, though. they both survived, right, they found some handwavey way to leave the mountain and live happily ever after in siji. they thought they had all their shit figured out. they were not expecting how hard the ying’er effect – made 100% more lethal when he’s actually happy – would hit them, and they’re in big trouble.
at first they probably each think they can keep those pesky new feelings to themselves because they’re a minor inconvenience and they’ll go away eventually, right, they’ve already got everything they could possibly want, but unfortunately they know each other too well for that. so soon enough that they figure out that they may be pining to the most embarrassing degree, but at least they’re in it together, because that’s true love.
and if they want the situation to change? they’re going to have to take a risk. they see a han ying who is perfectly content with his life; he may very well not want anything more. of course, han ying adores them and would say yes in a heartbeat, and a large part of his current happiness is because of them, but the only way to learn any of that is to ask him.
(they will, though perhaps not very gracefully, and not before a good period of time that they’re both feeding into the other’s dramatic yearning and they are absolutely insufferable about it. but they’ll get there eventually.)
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But now I’m thinking about how good Han Ying is at being Han-tongling, at being loyal and dependable and self-sacrifical Ying’er, and how hard it is for him to transition to a life post-canon where he is alive and is regaining much of his health (though perhaps he will never be as able as he once was), and has nothing else on his plate except to rest and regain his strength and adjust to life as the da-shixiong of Siji Manor’s sixth generation.
Han Ying... doesn’t really remember how to be just a martial brother to anyone. His position as tongling was different. Tian Chuang was different. Everyone in Jin-wang’s court couched threats in four layers of pleasantries and protected themselves by casual affiliation to a third or fourth party. Figuring out those who would remain loyal to Zhou-shouling, under the watchful eye of Duan Pengju and Jin-wang, was a life-threatening endeavour. I think Han Ying spends the first few weeks of his recovery struggling to come to terms with everything. I think he finds some comfort in the surrender to his injuries - it takes away his ability to do anything. It renders him helpless and reliant on others in a way that he would struggle to do otherwise. But as he grows stronger, he grows restless. Anxious. He is now in charge of a sect he has no lineal affiliation to, nor prior history with, waiting on Spring to reach the mountaintops so that he might know if his zhuangzhu - their zhuangzhu, their shifu and shishu are still alive. And they are alive. They are, and Han Ying is overjoyed! He’s overjoyed.. but now there is nothing else worrisome to occupy him. And he starts to overthink, and grow paranoid. His brain creates threats and machinations where they may not be any at all, and it slowly becomes clear to both Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu that Han Ying is quietly buckling under the sudden experience of safety after nearly a decade of constant pressure and hypervigilance.
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salsflore · 1 year
falls from the ceiling
you. hand over info about your self insert (if you have one/want to talk about em!!) now!!! /lh
HII HELLOO new mutual ( =^ω^) i actually haven’t developed her much (not even her lore or her abilities or anything) but shes basically just me with small thingies changed! let me try to give more info about her anyways ... though it probably wont be anything i haven’t already said before loll
she hails from liyue! if i stuck with the idea of making her a vision bearer, she’d be a cryo catalyst — the only reason i’m not so sure is bc i don’t think i’d (realistically) get a vision ... but whatever loll if she’s paired with zl, i’d make her have adeptus blood, like yanfei! perhaps coming from her mother’s side ^_^ this is solely to avoid angsty immortality shit. none of that!!
about her wardrobe, i made a post with stuff i would want her to wear in my stead lol like cute dresses and stuff ... maybe these exact ones since they don’t feel super genshin-like, but theres a Vibe™️ and Style™️ i just need to tweak it to fit the source a bit more oop
heres her relationship chart. boom. there is no ying’er sticker (??? i don’t think) so i couldn’t include her but i initially wanted mika to work under her* :D for thats how she’d get acquainted with zhongli (shoutout to my buddy twine this idea stuck with me bc of something she said) i know the chart says she met him via yunjin but its more like “i met this cute guy yesterday and now he’s here watching your show. help me” “okay!” then they get formally introduced to each other zzz
* i have a poor sense of smell so i think she’d just be restricted to like selling, delivery, material collection lol err i don’t think i wanna keep the same occupation for childe though, so mayb i could have her work under ning~ but also again i can be as self indulgent as i want so what if shes just like paid to be her friend. sugar friend. i am her pitiful bff and she just throws mora at me for existing
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dxstopiaa · 1 year
hello dystopia moot! *waves enthusiastically* i hope you're having a lovely weekend! 🧡
since you love yummy scents, what do you think zhongli smells like? what cologne do you think he'd wear? he seems like the type that would wear cologne to me.
are there any other characters that you think would wear a particular perfume/cologne, or maybe just have a signature scent? like a blend of things they smell like?
hi kel!! *waves happily* i hope you are too ♡
omgomg FOR SURE zhongli wears cologne and musk!! he definitely has a natural earthy and musky scent (from drinking tea so much), as the geo archon, but i think he has a HUGEE collection of cologne and musk, correct me if i’m wrong but i’m sure in one of the liyue quests it involves getting perfumes and scents from ying’er and he knew a lot! even about the feminine ones !! but personally i think he loves colognes with a pleasant but strong scent that resembles frankincense and sandalwood/oriental woods!
if you’re close enough to him you may smell a hint of sweet tea and jasmine fhhgfbjfxbh (i want to bury my face in his chest) he’d love going perfume shopping with his s/o <33
as for other characters, childe is another who i think has a very distinct smell! i think he’d like traditionally masculine cologne! we all know about that strong signature hugo boss smell and aftershave! he smells refreshing although that faint scent of metal you can’t place is there…. minty citrusy colognes!! if he physically recoils back when he smells it for the first time, he’s getting it. Lemongrass and spearmint ofc!!! don’t forget he LAYERSS it on, while it dissipates during the day, though it’s not as unpleasant as them avid axe body spray gymrats, he’s getting damn well close 😭😭
hehe that’s what i think as of now!! if you have any other character headcanons lmk! id love to hear them, take care <333 ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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goldenorder · 2 years
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zl birthday ask @sylvctica​
... and so, somehow two years have passed by in the blink of an eye; of course, to gods, years are nothing—a mere drop in the basin of experience that they’ve had ... but the god was excited all the same for another December, and another birthday.
The problem was getting something as sentimental as ... err, well wedding rings, accidental as they were when Sylvie had first offered them to the Geo god, so they were left quietly ruminating for days, weeks ... and eventually finding small moments to work on their gift.
( Obviously, although Zhongli had come with them to Sumeru, both still had their own whims and schedules! Which worked out for them to sneakily work on said gift they were planning. )
It took some string pulling and secretly shuffling off to a more secluded part of their teapot to not ruin the surprise, but as the 31st rolled around, they were more than fully prepared. With them luckily getting to see the consultant from the early hours of the morning, they could snag a kiss and a quick, tender ‘happy birthday’ along a quiet whisper that their surprise would come later in the night.
The rest of the day? Relatively uneventful! Spent idly together, wandering through the city, deviating here and there pending on what came up, but when the sun began to lower beyond the horizon was when they truly could begin their little bundle of surprises. “Ok, ok, now I can give you what I want. Trust me, I’ve been waiting in anticipation.”
The corner of their eyes crinkled up a little, disappearing only to return with a semi-small package wrapped with a pretty orange bow ... that they ended up opening themselves to reveal the interior: a dark bottle with no label on it, a small container of semi-clear orange liquid, and two slips of paper.
“... of course, how could I forgo making another wine for you? Same as last time.” There is a flush of colour at the tips of their ears with that set of words, but the small wink that follows shows they’ve very aware of what may follow. Fingers plucked the little container out, watching the thick liquid slowly swish for a moment.
“Ahem ... I also made you a custom perfume, hopefully way better than what Ying’er often tries to push on you—not that her product is bad, but I’d very much like to think as a Dendro god that I know how to squeeze out scents! ... this one consists of sandalwood, vanilla, yuzu, and ginger ... should give a bit of a sweet and fruity scent that’s not too strong. Calming to the senses ... no spray since it’s an essential oil base, so you’d just have to rub it against your pulse points. And as for the last...”
Was the tickets. “... puppet theaters are quite popular still, which I’m glad to see; I haven’t seen one in so long that I thought it would be a nice show to wrap up the evening with before returning to ... hm, a hotel room. Just us two, settled near the top of the divine tree.” They placed the held objects back within the gift container, free hand moving to take his with a soft squeeze.
“... just for you, tonight. Sadly, we’ll have to wait for my birthday for any true new year celebration, but we may still see some fireworks from others tonight as well.”
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Before he could realize it, time had caught up with him—as today marks another end, but also the beginning of the new year. And while a year is hardly much to a god, a raindrop amidst a sea of water, each upcoming year always raises more opportunities and experiences. Though despite his apparent absence from the harbor, he does not find himself yearning for it, as Sumeru had quickly become another home for him–much like how Liyue is to Sylvie.
Who–speaking of–approached him without time to waste, bringing a delighted smile onto his face. Knowing how they are, they likely have something prepared. But even if they hadn’t, it would hardly matter to him as long as the other god remained by his side.
Breathing a soft ‘thank you’ against their lips, it is immediately followed with the curious raise of his brows at the mention of a surprise. With how unforgettable last year proved to be for numerous reasons–the ring on his hand evident of such–there is no telling what could be in store for him. Granted, he would likely forgo the curiosity in a short time anyway. Time spent now is just as precious as what awaits him.
“Then I shall look forward to the surprise. Though you should know that I look forward to spending any time with you regardless.”
Sure enough, they both carried on with their pleasant stroll around the city. While not too different from their usual outings, the two could still be found enjoying themselves—more so even with the added knowledge of the occasion.
But with daytime coming to a close, so does their brief trip; the dendro god practically beaming with anticipation to show what they have planned, almost like a giddy child. It was hard not to share the anticipation in return, as Zhongli eagerly studies the contents of the wrapped package.
Beginning with…Ah, yes. The osmanthus wine. A commemorative occasion always calls for it. Though it is clear that his thoughts are elsewhere in regards to the drink, his cheeks powered a rosy hue. “Well, you know how I am—I will gladly help myself to a glass…or more.” He clears his throat, possibly making his own implications before bringing his attention to the smaller vile.
The thoughtfulness of the perfume is apparent from how Sylvie spoke with such vigor; listing the scents one after another and demonstrating their knowledge in their handiwork. It was endearing to the consultant, and he found it as pleasant as the gift itself. “You do not have to worry about me ever doubting the quality of your crafts. And knowing it is made exclusively by you makes me favor it all the more.”
Taking the small bottle between his nimble fingers, he uncaps it with a pop, allowing the scent to waft over sweetly. “Mm, subtle but fragrant…even if you had not listed out the ingredients, I could gather what they are from the scent alone. You’ve truly outdone yourself. Truth be, I have been thinking of changing perfume, so this makes for quite the timely gift.” And it certainly isn’t the last of the surprises either, with a theater show to tie it all together..
“Oh?” Immediately piqued with interest, he has always had a deep appreciation for the arts, especially regarding that of the Grand Bazaar after hearing nothing but great things—Akademiya aside. And a hotel room, on the divine tree no less to top it all off, with a view stretching over the entire city…as expected, the other truly did go all out.
“...Sylvie, you…” Chuckles. “ —spoil me so much.” With intense fondness swelling up in his chest; a heart he had once seen as an unbreakable stone, he squeezes their hands in return, hazy eyes glossing over the ring as his thumb fiddles with it. He gets lost in doing so for a few seconds, briefly recalling last year as well as other fond memories made in the past couple of years they’ve spent together. Exhaling deeply in content, he looks back up with warmth in his eyes, a smile reaching from cheek-to-cheek.
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“...Thank you. Let us enjoy the evening the fullest, shall we? I am sure you must have been waiting for long enough if you had this much planned for us.”
The remainder of their evening stretches over a few hours. Finishing off with the theater showing that was nothing less than spectacular, they reach for the inn high above the ground and into the stars, leaving the glistening city behind them. As peaceful as the streets were in comparison to the bustling harbor, his shoulders slack in relief in knowing he will spend the rest of the night alone with Sylvie. He frankly couldn’t think of a better way to end off the day.
“...This is the first time I have viewed the city in such a way.” He says while awestruck, unable to pry his eyes away from the flickering lights below him. Not that he hasn’t had his share of appreciation for the region before, but he never had the time to fully see the city for its intricacies.
Following the other’s suggestion to stargaze, but not without sharing some cheers over some wine first, they lay with their backs to the bare roots of the divine tree—feeling as though they are specs compared to the vast sky above them. And for some time, they simply remained there; idly chattering and hands entwining, the man feeling their fingers dipping in between his knuckles, or slipping a little beneath his glove.
…Perhaps it is the intimacy speaking—or perhaps the wine. Maybe both. But after what had to be almost an hour, he found himself sitting upright to hover himself above them, face flushed and lips slightly parted… and just when did he get so close to their face? He almost didn't realize.
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“The stars… they are beautiful, but— Sylvie, I want your eyes to be on me instead. It is my birthday…so your attention should be on me, don’t you think?”
Is he acting a tad greedy and spoiled? Perhaps…
…But he figures it should be okay. With them, he can be a little selfish and indulge—and he knows that they will gladly indulge back.
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mikazukinika · 2 years
II. Shameless [Once]
"O YOUNG PEACOCK" TAGS & ABOUT → Summary: Zhongli confronts Tartaglia about a few interesting rumors he has heard around the Harbor. Some pretenses are finally dropped and yet new lines are drawn between them all the same. Scene Rating: M (suggestive + explicit language) Scene Length: 1.4k words, about 5 minutes NEXT → READ ON AO3 → MORE FROM THIS AUTHOR →
O Proud Peacock, gleaming in green Didn’t I tell you not to go near brides-to-be? Lips painted red, you will learn temptation is sweet
Travel is good for someone as young as Childe. Chances to stretch his legs beyond Snezhnaya - which to his mind is like a childhood backyard - came to him more often once he joined the Fatui. Never before, however, has he traveled beyond the Cryo Archon’s reach for more than a week or three - a month at most - before returning to his post. The Tsaritsa’s current machinations are so grand that it requires even him, with his young age and new position, to travel far and long. Or perhaps the other Harbingers had interfered again and pushed to send him as far away as possible.
But maybe what he means to say is that Liyue is good for him.
“It seems your popularity has increased, Childe,” Zhongli says one day over tea made from calla lilies. Freshly imported from Mondstadt for their calming effect, he had explained earlier.
Childe tilts his head at the odd observation, briefly wondering if Zhongli is testing him in implicit communication again. He explores the possibility by calmly taking a sip of his tea and asking, “Oh? Have the children at the wharf been talking about me again?”
From the small smile Zhongli gives to the glassy surface of his tea, Childe knows he was right to tread carefully - or maybe he is amused by the irony of his getting along with the local youth. “I’m afraid the rumors I have been hearing are not appropriate for children’s ears.”
This has Childe perking up in interest, but outwardly, he only raises a silent brow. Though the Northland Bank and the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor are business partners, he has made sure up until this point to keep his less-than-moral activities from impacting their relationship. It would be a shame if relations were to break down after all this time. It has nothing to do with not being able to see Zhongli as regularly as he does now if their ties were to be cut, no, not at all.
Thus, Childe forces a thin smile to his lips and hopes his tightened grip around his teacup isn’t obvious. “I’m not sure I understand, xiansheng.” 
“Oh?” He thinks Zhongli’s eyes flicker with a wisp of amusement, but it happens too quickly for him to be sure. “Ms. Ying’er of the Scent of Spring spoke quite highly of you, though?”
Childe chokes, flying into a fit of coughs as he processes the man’s words. So it wasn’t my imagination! His cheeks are flaming red by the time he manages to get himself under control, and he twists his shoulders away from Zhongli to cover his mouth with the back of his hand. “Xiansheng,” he protests quietly, painfully embarrassed, but the man has been drinking his tea calmly all the while.
“I must say that I was quite surprised. I never expected such rumors to emerge considering your reputation.” 
Yes, Liyue has been good for Childe.
He had strolled into this foreign land with all the swagger of a top-notch bard, sharp as a jackknife and hungry for power. What met him instead were tedious meetings, a perpetual flow of paperwork, and the occasional retrieval of loan payment from those too weak to challenge him. And then… Zhongli. Liyue’s grandest prize if anyone were to ask Childe, but one that remains nevertheless unattainable. Frustrated by their little song and dance (i.e., Childe flirting mercilessly with a stone wall that only on rare occasions replied with thank-yous), the young soldier had no qualms seeking pleasure in others if only to confirm that he still “has it.”
Well… not quite.
The people of Liyue, after getting over their initial wariness of him, are no longer shy about their attraction to his looks, money, and power. He would not usually indulge, but the long stay in the region and the thought in the back of his mind that there isn’t a soul here to judge or punish him for any choice that he makes have changed the game - until now. Suddenly, Childe cares very much about what Zhongli thinks of him.
The gears in his mind turn before he makes a spontaneous, definitely dangerous, decision.
A thrill of anticipation dances down the young harbinger’s spine and he gives the man across from him a pretty little smile. “I’m surprised as well,” he begins casually. “To think you would be so interested in my private affairs as to confront me directly.” His voice drops to a seductive baritone. Slowly, as if tasting each word before it left his lips, “Is this an invitation, xiansheng?”
There is a moment of silence in which lust-darkened blues meet calm pools of gold. Zhongli breaks eye contact first to take yet another infuriatingly calm sip of his calla lily tea.
“Surely, it isn’t so strange for me to be concerned, as your teacher, if you are using my lessons to worm your way into the beds of Liyue’s eligible young men and women.”
“Afraid I’ll ruin them for any other lover?”
At this, Zhongli gives a short and sharp huff through his nose, brow crinkling in annoyance. The diplomat across from him has long since learned that this action is his equivalent for clicking one’s tongue. 
Childe throws his head back and lets out a hearty laugh, a part of him exhilarated by this conversation. It is the most explicit he has been with Zhongli in all this time, and he loves the feeling. The consultant, for his part, lets his lashes flutter in surprise at the unexpected outburst before fixing the roguish redhead with a reproachful stare.
“You’ve dropped all pretenses ever since I caught you stabbing your food with your chopsticks,” he notes. 
Childe shrugs, a lazy grin pulling on his lips and eyes dancing with unbridled joy. “You’ve already seen me weak,” he says, referencing his clumsy use of chopsticks as well, but he knows the underside of his words is still brushed with lust. “And I daresay we both like it better this way.”
Zhongli’s gaze snaps to Childe’s teasing expression as if he had never expected the Snezhnayan to get a read on him like this. His lazy grin has softened to that signature smile that makes his eyes glitter like noctilucous jade found unexpectedly in a glowing cavern. In other words… 
“In the many months we have shared each other’s company, I have yet to understand the meaning of that smile,” Zhongli says thoughtfully.
And then Childe is freezing in place as a gloved hand gently cups his chin, tilting his jaw this way and that as the consultant examines his face as if it were an expensive, one-of-a-kind jade vase. The other hand grasps one of Childe’s wrists, keeping him still as if the man isn’t aware that it’s completely unnecessary. Childe couldn’t move if he wanted to. He doesn’t dare breathe, except to carry on the conversation lest Zhongli realizes what he is doing and stops. “What smile?”
The consultant’s eyes bore into his own and it is only then that Childe realizes just how close the man is. If his heart wasn’t already pounding away at his chest like a man trapped in a room with a starving beast, it is most certainly doing so now. He swallows thickly, eyes darting down to Zhongli’s exquisitely-shaped, oh-so-close mouth. I could kiss him, comes the delirious realization. 
“The one that you give me when you’re thinking something shameless.”
A beat of silence passes as the words hang between them on a thread pulled taught. Slowly, slowly, said pretty little smile spreads over the redhead’s lips once more, like sweet jam. “So you do know what it means,” Childe breathes. He wants nothing more than to lean in and capture the man’s mouth with his own right here, right now, in front of all the people bustling around their little stone table on the outdoor terrace. 
But Zhongli’s gaze remains unyielding, and all he gets in response is a short and low, “Hm.” Then the man pulls out of his personal space in one fluid movement, settling gracefully into his own seat as if nothing had ever happened.
And Childe takes that personally.
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ichorleaked · 2 years
⠀⠀i'm here to raid your fridge, ‘cause my date went really bad, &. all i've had is lukewarm water &. breadsticks. ⸃⸃⠀
content: pining, genderneutral reader, mild suggestiveness in childe's part because i'm mentally ill, kaeya knows what he wants
| childe, diluc, kaeya.
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        a date? the word makes ajax's ears buzz, but he finds rude pleasure in your romantic affairs not going well. he rises without prompting, following you into his kitchen.
“i'll cook!” it's not an offer, but a demand. his hands gently place themselves over your hips, guiding you to sit at the kitchen counter.
“what? at least let me help—–.”
"nope. i only have one apron, &. your clothes are too pretty to get food on. ..hey, are you wearing perfume/cologne?”
he's suddenly close. too close. it brings a flush to your face; red &. hot. a hand is gently placed at his sternum. “it's something pine—y. i purchased it from ying’er.”
his breath tickles your neck. “it smells like home.” it's almost addicting. he just wants to press himself against you &. take in your scent a little longer. still, he pulls away. clearing his throat, he proceeds to pull out ingredients. “so, how about something from snezhnaya?"
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        ruby eyes soften upon your admittance. even though diluc has no involvement, he feels ... bad. you deserve good things, &. he knows it. :(
“why don't you let me cook for you, then?" he suggests, gently placing a gloved hand against the small of your back. “i can make you once upon a time in mondstadt.”
“..you'd really do that for me?"
it aches; the way he wants to comfort you from your date. it should've been him instead! he should have been the one sitting across from you on the balcony at the cat's tail. ... well, uh. maybe not the cat's tail. the bartender kind of hates him.
a moment of silence goes by as he begins to prepare your meal. for a full minute, the only noise that fills the room is the sizzling of boar meat on the stove.
“——they didn't hurt you, did they?”
for a moment, you're so stunned that you laugh. “what? no. they annoyed me, more than anyway. kept talking about their ex–girlfriend, &. how much of a 'bitch' she was. it was so disrespectful.”
well, someone has a visit from the darknight hero coming.
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        kaeya almost chokes on his bottle of wine when you casually stroll through his door, dressed fancy with fury in your eyes &. hunger in your gut.
“..that door was locked.”
“so, you're a criminal now? breaking &. entering into a knight's home.” a laugh of amusement trickles past his lips. “if you're truly hungry, there are some fruity skewers on the kitchen counter. bring them out here &. tell me about this mystery date.”
“you already know who it was with. you purposely lied to huffman about what i like, didn't you?"
caught red—handed, the knight laughs. “you're too good for him.”
“then who am i good for?”
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Buds of Marigold. Yan Childe x Reader x Yan Scaramouche
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Warnings: Implied forced marriage, unhealthy relationships, depictions of anxiety, darling threatening violence against someone, mild not SFW implications.  Word count: 2.5k.
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“I never thought the day would come where I’d be so stumped,” Ying’er runs her fingers over glass bottles of essential oils and varying plant nectars. “For such an important customer too… everything needs to be perfect.”
You don’t lift your eyes from the task in your hands, scrubbing valiantly at a stain blemishing an incense pot. To affirm you have been listening, even if you won’t spare her a glance until you’ve finished cleaning, you hum with a rising intonation. Ying’er sinks to the ground with all the grace of a drunken sailor, sniffling in a final attempt to pry out your sympathy.
She hobbles over to where you’re sitting and places her head on your lap. Your body tenses at the sudden touch, but you steady your breathing before it can get noticeable.
“Oh, almighty Yun, the lost Archon of fragrances, have thee no pity for thy devout follower,” Ying’er lifts the back of her hand and presses it against her forehead in a show of unparalleled theatrics. The sight does as she intended, a light giggle leaving your lips at the impromptu melodrama. Her timing lines up well as the stubborn grime you were fighting finally concedes.
You place the incense pot aside and sheepishly pat her head. “Ying’er, how are you going to learn if I give you the answers every time?”
“By your ingenious example!” She exclaims, jutting out her lower lip into a pout. “I’ve already picked out the base, I just need a little nudging in the right direction for the top and mid notes.”
Your eyes soften and your heart is strum with conviction. You soothe your grumbling friend by stroking her hair, humming a soft tune, all the while feeling somewhat baffled by your growth thus far. A few moons ago, you couldn’t have pictured allowing yourself to be touched like this by anyone. It wouldn’t matter how innocent the contact was. The moment someone got too close for comfort, you were willing to reduce them to nothing but a pile of cinders.
You pause your ministrations and sigh. “Fine, fine. I’ll help you compose your perfume. This is the last time though, okay?”
Ying’er ailments seemingly vaporize into the air at your begrudging assistance. She shoots up from her kneeling position like her feet were coiled springs, an overflow of gratitude fumbling past her lips.
“You’re the best, Yun,” she praises and pinches your cheek, much to your chagrin. “Now that I’ve won you over with my charms, how about—”
The front door’s chimes ring, alerting you both of someone entering. You two exchange a look of confusion, as Scent of Spring is closed for the day, the oil lanterns extinguished and doors locked. Your finger twitches by your side in anticipation. Ying’er is blissfully ignorant to your Vision and subsequent ability to command forward a blade, a façade you wish to sustain.
“I’ll handle it,” Ying’er says before you can contemplate your options another second. You nod, an unspoken appreciation etched onto your countenance. The details of your circumstances were purposefully murky and she never presses. Whatever conclusions Ying’er has come to, you prefer it stays that way, not wanting to upset the delicate balance that is your current life.
You straighten out her collar which had wrinkled. “Call me if anything’s wrong.”
Ying’er winks reassuringly and presses her hands over yours, the touch featherlight. “I’m a fearsome opponent, no one would dare cross me.”
Let’s hope that’s true, you think. Frowning, you observe her retreating figure, taking caution to remain out of sight. Ying’er steps out of the backroom, the thick wooden door closing loudly behind her. You keen your ears to listen, cursing internally over how the thick walls muffle their voices. Her voice is one you instantly recognize, but the other belongs to someone with a deeper timbre. Your boss is an elderly woman, so that rules her out. A Millieth, perhaps?
You’re not left waiting for long, much to your relief. Ying’er pops her head back in a few minutes later.
“It was just a returning customer who was pleased with his latest commission, the one you helped me with no less. He had nothing but high praises for it!”
Waves of relief crash over you, but your senses remain on high alert.
“I’m happy to hear that. Still, how did he manage to get in? Didn’t you lock up for the night?” You inquire, hoping you don’t sound overly paranoid. In the back of your mind, you can’t fully discount the idea that it’s him, the thought alone enough to have you shaking in place.
“Must’ve forgotten or something,” she shrugs. You let out a breath you were holding in at her nonchalance, it seems plausible given her airheaded nature. “By the way, Yun, can we work on the perfume in the morning? I just realized how tired I am.”
“Of course. It has been a long day... I’ll finish things up here, go home and get some rest.”
Ying’er waves and wishes you a good night.
It’s now your turn to slump onto the ground, grasping your chest when your knees hit the floor. Deep breaths, deep breaths, you tell yourself. Everything is going to be okay.
This peaceful existence that you’ve fought tooth and nail to build for yourself… the only way it could ever get be stolen from your hands is if air no longer filled your lungs. Your fingers travel underneath the foreign fabric of your Liyue garments, the warmth of your pulsating Vision giving you solace. Tending to the last few chores, your subconscious drifts elsewhere, to an island beyond the sea. What is it you would be doing this time of day again? Ironically enough, you realize you’d be working with incense as you are now, but for different reasons. The reason you excel with curating incense to produce the best aroma is because you were trained to do so.
Your work now is your lifeblood, giving you enough to scrape by undetected. Those days, however, were a different story. It constituted survival like now, but to a far more humiliating degree. It was expected of you to perform your duties with grace and discipline. You would retire early to your shared chambers, prepare and burn your husband’s favorite incense, and fuss over your appearance in the vanity. Then you would loosen the sash of your obi, just enough so that if it had been a frustrating day, he could lose himself in your body for a momentary escape. Those customs had been ingrained into your mind. Had you needed to, you’re certain you could’ve done everything with your eyes closed from memory.
You head for the back exit. Surely, your past self would be thrilled to know your meticulous plans had come to fruition. All those smiles through gritted teeth, submissive language, and patience that could rival that of a god… everything was worth it.
Now you’re no longer the number Six of the Fatui's Eleven Harbingers’ spouse. You’ve taken the identity of Yun, a Visionless worker for a perfume shop in Liyue, everyday defined by freedom. To do as you please, go where you please, speak to who you please. The little details that were stolen from you by his hands return like tentative buds in spring.
You’ve yet to fully assimilate with Liyue’s cuisine, but it’s steadily growing on you. Maybe you’ll make an Inazuma-inspired dish tonight? In the months that have passed, you’ve found a taste for your nation’s food coming back. So as not to repeat Ying’er’s mistake, you double-check the backdoor’s locks, finding it is as it should be. Behind the humble shop is an alley which you use to creep back home. It’s best not to risk traveling out in the open if you can avoid it, you never know what eyes might be hiding in plain sight.
“Liyue apparel compliments you very well.”
With the speed of a descending phoenix, you pivot on your heel, summoning your weapon and pressing it to the jugular of whoever spoke just now. Squinting, your eyes take a few long seconds to adjust. Once they do, your body feels like it’s being drug into the underworld, the air in your lungs forced out. This man… you’ve seen him before. He gives you an all teeth grin, azure eyes swirling with delight and face contorting in amusement.
You remain steadfast through your bewilderment. “Try and scream and I’ll slit your throat.”
“I’m not much of a screamer,” Childe replies, laughing as if the situation was comical. “It’s good to see you too, [First]. Never thought I’d happen upon an old face in Liyue. I knew I recognized that unique combination of perfume, looks like I was right.”
It hits you that this is the first time you’ve heard your actual name in months. How Childe says it doesn’t feel right, he utters it with familiarity. Though, from what you remember, he’s never been known for having boundaries. Scaramouche would complain about his conduct for hours if given the opportunity. This would be the first time you’ve spoken with him, not from a lack of trying on his behalf. When Childe paid a visit to your husband’s estate, you were expected to be present at the start of their meetings. They would discuss business together while you stood there and looked easy on the eyes. Occasionally, you would refill their tea, but that was all you were permitted to do.
The look Scaramouche shot Childe when the latter tried speaking with you was enough to give you nightmares for days.
“What… what are you going to do now?” You murmur, anticipating the worst. This isn’t going to end well no matter what. If Fatui are in Liyue, that means Childe’s likely told someone where he was going; meaning that him going missing would be suspicious and warrant an investigation. On the other hand, who is to say he won’t just return you to Scaramouche if you let him live? You doubt your tears and pleading would have any effect on the youngest Harbinger. He’s similar to your husband — acting altruistic and kind — only to show their true colors when it suits them best.
“Right now? I’m trying not to get my throat slit,” he raises an eyebrow like that was the most obvious answer.
You bite your lower lip. “We both know you could get out of this hold if you wanted to.”
“Emphasis on the ‘if I wanted to’ part. As of right now, I don’t believe I do, being held by you is rather enjoyable,” Childe tests the waters by moving forward, humming in contentment when you lessen your grip as not to slice through his skin. “See? You’ve never even killed someone before. Call it intuition, but I don’t think you could.”
He reconsiders the proposition for a second. “Well, maybe if it was him...”
“You’re as insufferable as I remember,” you hiss, imbuing heat into your blade. Childe barely backs off and the unspoken threat. “Everyone who refuses to take me seriously comes to regret it.”
“Don’t worry, I fully agree with that. The Balladeer reduced you to nothing but a pretty little ornament. He underestimated you and this is the consequence.” Childe has an easier time maintaining eye contact than you do. It’s another minute detail that expresses the gap in your experience. You may be adequately trained in combat, but that pales in comparison when faced with a trained killer. This sorry charade will end the moment he wants it to.
Hate floods through your veins like venom. He’s looking down on you, just in a different way than how your husband would. Where Scaramouche was condescending and sadistic, Childe is brutally honest and teasing. It’s a split-second decision on your behalf, one motivated by the desire to prove this smug bastard wrong more than self-preservation. You loosen your grip on him and jump back. It’s not a lot of space, however, it should be enough to allow you room to react when he strikes.
He goes silent. It’s painfully obvious that he’s trying to get a read on you, now that you’re veering into unexpected territory.
“You were waiting for an opening, weren’t you?” Your words come out with more strength than you thought possible, deep from the chest and guttural. “Well, here you go. It’s the best you’re going to get.”
Childe blinks. Once, twice. His shoulders start to tremble, his chest following soon after, and he lifts his gloved hand to cover his mouth. Hearty laughter leaves his lips and pierces your self-esteem. You don’t understand what’s so humorous to him — though you’re well aware these Harbingers hold no humanity — repulsion flooding your system. This feels nostalgic in the worst ways possible. Early on in your marriage, Scaramouche would regard your resistance with a similar air of blatant dismissal, like your protests were nothing but a tantrum.
“You were wasted with him,” Childe’s loathsome cackling dies down, a maniacal grin splitting his face ear to ear. “Now I understand… the way you’re looking at me now is chilling. Exciting. In what ways have you evolved to survive? I love the fight in you, unlike him. Your adaptability is remarkable, like that of the most cunning prey. ” 
Prey. The dehumanizing word makes you frown, yet you remain firm in your stance. This is the best chance, you think, now that you’ve managed to surprise him once. There’s plenty more where that came from. Tendrils of molten flames, like they were stolen from the sun itself, would make for a considerable challenge. Harbinger or not, he should know better than to charge in without thinking twice when you hold a Pyro Vision.
His face returns to a more casual visage and he waves his hand. “I never had any intention of bringing you back to Inazuma. You think a Mora reward would be a good enough motivator for me to do that?”
“T-then why are you here?” You challenge, ever the skeptic. Childe can weave a tale of lies as much as he wants. That doesn’t mean you’ll allow yourself to be ensnared in it.
“I wanted to see how you’d react,” his nonchalant admission leaves you speechless. “Needless to say, you didn’t disappoint. A pretty face with the feist to match. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.”
“Oh, fuck off with that,” you snarl, your vision almost going red from the fury holding you hostage. Now that you no longer need to play the subservient partner, vulgarities come to you with ease, and you have no shortage of them for this blight in the flesh.
Childe’s smile widens. “No can do, I’m afraid. My curiosity has gotten the better of me this time. Could I tame you? Break your spirit better than he did? So show me your resolve to be free, sweet [First].”
He readies himself and you do as well. It’s in the dull illumination of the overhead lanterns that you realize there is no light in his eyes. How fitting, you think. That even his body has come to accept his lack of humanity.
“Go on. I’ll give you a ten second head start. After that... well, you’ll just have to find out, won’t you?” 
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twelfth-harbinger · 4 years
A/n: Enjoy ^^
Mentions: Zhongli convinced you that breaking a contract has its consequences.
Warnings: Nfsw!! 18+ Use of Shibari, Teasing/Denial, Oral, Edging, Mild Exhibition — Semi Soft Dom Punishments etc. don’t read if that’s not your jive lmao.
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The Broken Contract Pt. 2
Soaking inside of the mildly luxurious in-ground bath remedied any and all feelings of stress, doubt and anxiety. It may have been the very perfumes and essential oils you’ve dowsed into the hot water. The most potent and fragrant of them all was that of ‘Fate’s Yearning’. The aroma lingered on your body even as you climbed out of the now lukewarm bath. The temperature had cooled beyond your liking.
Below you, the front door opened. It was an action you did not hear as you sat upstairs in front of your vanity. You now wore a robe, brown silk woven and lustrous in color. It was lined with a rich yellow gold with imprinted obsidian scales as a design around the edges and middle of the silky attire. It was clearly printed and produced by the finest seamstress one could find in Liyue. ‘Twas also made in the honor of Rex Lapis — how could you not purchase it with every intention of luring the said archon to your bedside? You couldn’t, which is why it blessed your very skin as you braided your thick hair back into a French Braid; or at least you tried your very best to. It wasn’t until you heard footsteps and the door to your bedroom sliding open did your gaze shift in the mirror to see Zhongli standing with a bag in his hand. He let it rest on the ground by the door a faint smile crossing his features as he laid eyes on you. The sun set quite some time ago, he was expected to be home around this time. This man was nothing but punctual. He met your gaze in the mirror as he strolled over to you, placing a kiss atop your head. You weren’t smiling albeit you were glad to see him. He glanced up at you in the mirror whilst he leaned down to kiss your head. Eyes glinting a bit playfully, which was simply odd coming from him; especially since he’s so stoic.
“What?” He spoke with a light smile, standing upright to remove his jacket. Still facing the mirror, your eyes narrowed a bit and they shift down to the bag only to stare back up at him. “That? Well, my dear it’s a bag.” He reached out to complete the middle of the braid for you, his hands may have been gloved yet despite that you could feel how gentle and delicate his fingers were moving. Unbeknownst to you, he was admiring your entrancing beauty. Something he hadn’t seen this close in well over a few millennia.
“Is it another book on the meaning of life?” You replied with light banter, standing up to face him with a cross of your arms as he lowered them from your hair. His eyes drifted down your figure quickly before he met your eyes. He noticed the robe but you couldn’t tell if he liked it. It was nearly impossible to get an accurate read on this man. You were kind of dreading your impending punishment. You honestly didn’t think you had it in you to sit down and read for 12 hours straight again. He chuckled, his arms crossing along with yours.
“Of course not, that was a different punishment in its own right. It wouldn’t be just if I repeated the same one.” He made a fair-ish point, alas it only made you wonder what he was going to do. He stepped forward, shortening the gap between you both. “Did you eat anything?” He asked, changing the subject. He completely dodged your comment on the contents of the bag. There was no telling what was inside and getting past him to look inside would not be easy. Looking back, whenever you sparred with him he always found a way to knock you back onto your ass; although, you’ve one upped him a few times which surprised him. He wasn’t holding back either...though, that’s a story for another time.
“Yes, I had Jade Parcels before I took a bath.” Your eyes dart to your left, touching down on the bag. It was from ‘Wanyou Boutique’, you could tell by the decorative floral design on the base corners of the bag. Zhongli’s eyes never left your face as you glanced past him, adoring your natural curiosity. He stepped around you and over to the doorway that lead to the bathroom.
“Good. I’ll be in the bath if you need me but please,” he paused before he turned his back. “Don’t look in the bag. It’ll ruin the surprise.” He vanished behind the closed door of the bath. You stood there, arms hugging your sides in a rather uncomfortable silence. What was he talking about, weren’t you supposed to endure a punishment? Did he have a change of heart somewhere during the midst of his day? No, highly unlikely — you broke a contract. Upon hearing the sound of water rushing and clothes dropping to the floor your head turned in the direction of the bag that sat by the door. Would he notice if you took a quick glance inside? Biting down on your bottom lip you quietly tip toed to the door, crouching down as your hand moved to pull the handle of the bag to the side. “Patience, my dear.” You heard, it was his deep voice that pulled you away from the bag. Zhongli’s arms crossed over his bare chest, a bronze towel clung low around his hips. Your cheeks flushed out of the embarrassment of being caught and seeing your lover nearly nude. He held out a hand, pointing to the bag before he turned his hand upright. As you rose you grabbed the bag, you didn’t dare peek inside to see it’s contents. Zhongli took it from you when you made your way over to him. He did not appear to be upset, in fact he was calm and wore a serene yet clearly blanketed expression on his face. Your brow furrowed as you voiced your confusion.
“Aren’t you mad at me?” You asked, for the first time since his arrival Zhongli’s expression softened even if it were only for a split second. He kept his stern demeanor as he shook his head in reply.
“I can never grow truly livid towards you, that doesn’t mean you don’t upset me or make me irritable. They say the ones you love bring you the most discord.” When his eyes fixed themselves on your face his pupils dilated, he loved you. He reached up, his hand resting on your round cheek. He admitted to loving you without directly saying it, could this man be evermore clever with his wording? You leaned into his touch, destitute for his affection. Again, without commenting on the bag he leaned down to place a kiss atop your head once more. Before you could question him, he disappeared behind the sliding doors of the bathroom. Your cheeks puffed out, you found yourself on the bed on the far side of the room. The large ceiling to floor windows by the bed spanned above the beautiful night view of Liyue Harbor to the left. To the right was the vast open ocean, the docks and market place. The view was breathtaking to say at the very least. You sprawled out onto the bed topped with gold and red fine silk linen. He took his time in the bath, you nearly fell asleep waiting for his return. The door slid open to the bath area and he stepped out with the bag in hand.
As Zhongli stood there, he peered down at you. His eyes were soft and hinted at his intentions quite smugly but you couldn’t seem to understand what he was trying to get at. He was glistening having just exited the bath, the bag he had now sat by the edge of the bed. You stared back at him, your eyes glimmering with desire as you crawled to the edge. You reached out for him and he obliged, stepping forward. Without any hesitation you pulled him down into a kiss, if he couldn’t tell by just looking at you, he could feel how much of an effect he had on you by just being there. Kissing you sent electricity through to the core of his very being. Your lips were plump and intoxicating, your skin smelled simply ethereal. A soft but lingering scent, akin to a mist that captures the last light of dusk. Or at least that what Zhongli believed; as well as what Ying’er told you. If he could kiss you and hold you in his arms for eternity he would. Your hands tangled in his dark hair and your grip idly tightened as you pulled him forward. The light moan that left his lips gave you goosebumps. He hasn’t been this close to you in so long, you almost forgot what his touch even felt like. Your hands slipped down his chest as you proceeded to reach for the towel. Your eyes may have been closed but you felt him smirk against your lips as he stopped your hands. He took hold of your wrists and uttered a simple and light. “No.”
You opened your eyes to see him staring back into yours with a hint of mischief. Which, might I add, it’s been throwing you off since the moment he avoided telling you what your consequences were for breaking the contract. Your brow creased and you moved to kiss him again, this time he pulled away leaving you like a lost puppy. He caught your needy gaze and physically fought the blush that might’ve risen to his cheeks. He crossed his arms over his chest and his brow creased a little as if he caved in to his own desires.
“W-Wha?” You mumbled out, sounding a little hurt for a moment. Zhongli let out a deep breath through his nose to regain his composure. He almost negated an important contract for lust. Although it wouldn’t have been his first and certainly not his last but he vowed to see this through when you so boldly stated you didn’t do anything wrong. Now he was going to make you see that you surely did. Your life meant everything to him, throwing it away so carelessly didn’t sit well with him.
“Don’t you want to see what’s inside of the bag?” He asked, piquing your interest completely. Your eyes drifted down as he bent over to place the bag on the bed. You pulled the sleeve of your robe over your shoulder, Zhongli’s bright eyes noticed your subtle movement. Your curiosity was so beautiful and caused your body language to change even if you didn’t take any heed. You scooted over to the edge of the bed and reached out to touch the bag. Zhongli placed a hand over your own. Grabbing your attention and a slight frown he found quite amusing. “Before you look inside, if you aren’t interested please let me know. I will never do anything that will make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.” His words only made you want to look inside the bag more but what was the most endearing part of his statement was his concerning gaze and how much love it held within. You swatted his hand away, wanting to see what the contents were. Your eyes widened and you looked up at him genuinely appalled. Your eyes darted to the side as you contemplated for a second. — Were those hand-woven red silk ropes? You looked at Zhongli who waited in slight anticipation for your answer. He was ready for acceptance, denial, judgment you name it. He had lived for three thousand years. There was nothing he hadn’t seen. Or so he thought, you pulled out the rope to check how sturdy it was.
“So...old man Bolai makes things like these? That shady bastard, I knew he wasn’t just sellin-“ Zhongli chuckled his smile always seemed to crack his stone exterior. You glanced over at him as you toyed with the rope between your slim fingers.
“I had them made for your, punishment. That is if you’re willing to go through with it.” your brows raised evermore in curiosity. What was he talking about? It didn’t take very long for it to suddenly click, your cheeks warmed and you stared at him.
“Oh! ...oooh.” You mumbled completely tongue tied. You looked at Zhongli who remained calm. “How did you have them made on such short notice?” You asked, out of everything you could’ve asked him it was that. He stared at you in a bit of awe, unsure of how he could go about answering.
“I erm-“
“Wait! No, Zhongli what punishment? I’m not reading the Laws of Life Vol. 132?” He didn’t laugh, only because he knew you were seriously asking. A faint smile did cross his face through as he reached for the rope. In one swift movement be wrapped it partially around his palm and knuckles then shook his head.
“Of course not, I was thinking of shibari-“ you scoffed, your lips quirking up into a passive smile. Zhongli wasn’t really one to be trifled with but your worries melted away when he said he’d let you off the hook and fuck you instead... That is what he said right? No lol.
“That’s hardly a punishment Zhongli, I accept.” Your abrasive gaze and the challenge turned him on, he shifted a bit on the edge of the bed as a light smile began to surface onto his face.
“Are you sure?” He asked, needing your confirmation.
“Are these good for suspension- hm? Yes Zhongli I am okay with this. Feel free to...” you paused looking him over, your eyes burned his skin like heated rocks in a sauna. He utterly adored the way you looked at him. “To punish me as you see fit.” Your words were all he needed to hear. All he wanted to hear in that moment apart from the whimpers you were soon to make.
“Good.” He moved fully onto the bed crawling over to you like a dragon claiming his loot, the bed shifted under his weight as he cornered you. His hand moved up to the string of your robe. “I don’t think Rex Lapis would mind if I removed this, you wore it well. It’s unneeded now, I think your body should be on display in its stead. I’m positive he would much prefer that.” A light grin spread across his lips as he tugged the string loose, the robe slipped off from hanging onto your shoulders and pooled around you. Zhongli leaned down, his lips grazing your shin as he drank in your very essence. His touch made you shudder, you both reveled in the feeling of his lips moving up to your knee and thigh; your skin was so soft and warm. He kissed in between them before he moved up to your navel. Purposely ignoring your needy core. You writhed upon him stopping over your hardened nipples. Your chest perky as you arched your back into his skilled touch. His lips and nose buried in your neck before he met your eyes again. Your breathing hitched in your throat as he smiled down at you he was so beautiful.
“How shall I showcase you tonight? Hogtied? No...no I’ve more sophistication than that.” His eyes drifted over your nude body and his brows knitted together, like he was really trying to figure it out. He kissed your cheek, and then your lips. You didn’t care in all honesty, as long as he kept close and fed into your touched starved needs. His lips curled into a cheeky smile, something unusual for him but it oddly complimented his features. “I know.” He said sitting back, taking the soft rope in hand as well as one of your legs. His fingers gazed your skin as he bent your leg back against the underside of your thigh. “Frogtie, and then the Box-Tie for your arms. I want you exposed yet restricted; order is needed if your punishment is to be done...just.” He spoke the last word in a bit of a taunt, his eyes glinting playfully once again. Your own widened, you were still going to get punished? Damn. With careful skill and consideration, Zhongli began to wrap the soft rope around your thigh and upper shin as well as your ankles and upper thigh. You watched him whilst laying on your back he caught your gaze on him and smiled your way, it was radiant. Your cheeks felt warm again as he spread your legs and repeated his actions to your other leg.
“I didn’t know you knew how to knot properly much less be into Shibari.” He held out his hand to help you up into a kneeling position on the bed. Your words made him smile as he maneuvered off of the bed to stand, he picked up more rope from the bag as he began to secure your hands behind your back folding them gently before he began the tying and knotting process once more.
“In recent years, it’s been popular in and around all of Liyue. First used to restrain thieves and bandits, it soon rooted itself into sexual culture. It’s even found in some parts of Monstadt.” His voice soothed you, it was soft and inviting and coated in silver. “I read about it in a book and went to an...art gallery.” He went where? To a private showing of Shibari? You turned your head to look at him. Your eyes searching his face for an explanation. “Models volunteered to display themselves in light of making Shibari a renowned art form for those it may interest.” You smiled, your eyes narrowing slightly. Before you could open your mouth to speak he pulled on the rope to tighten it around your upper arm and wrists. A smirk spread across his face as he leaned over your shoulder. “Too tight?” He asked, you shook your head and as you did he pressed a sweet kiss onto your temple. “Good.”
Zhongli sat in front of you, his legs and arms crossed. You, were completely exposed for him to see. Your cheeks warmed in embarrassment as he sat there admiring your form as well as his handy work. He had only seen it preformed it was his first time attempting to knot. “Zhongli a-are you just going to sit there?” Your words pulled him away from his thoughts, your voice was small and shy. It made his brow twitch a bit.
“I could.” He replied, a hand moving under his chin in thought. “After all if I were to touch you, you’d learn nothing.” He shifted on the bed and knelt in front of you. His fingers brushing against your round cheek, the other hand slipped around your waist to pull him into his chest. Your eyes were doughy and vulnerable, Zhongli wanted nothing more than to give you what you wanted. “Tell me, sitting here have you thought about the contact at all and your actions?” He leaned down to your ear and kissed you gently, then moved down to trail warm kisses down along your neck. He moved forward to place you onto your back. Your moans were fueling the fire that began to build up inside of him.
“W-what are you talking about?” You mumbled, he halted his movements and you frowned along with him. As he moved back to look into your eyes your entire body tensed, he didn’t look happy. With everything that was happening in this moment it was quite difficult to focus on anything else. Zhongli leaned over to place a kiss on your forehead, your eye closed and you stared up at him.
“What am I going to do with you hm?” He maneuvered behind you, placing you in his lap now. He was already hard, you couldn’t help but want him to remove the towel that was wrapped snug around his hips. The feeling of you writhing in his grasp was enticing enough for Zhongli to move his hand down to your crotch. You were wet, he barely touched you and you were so fucking wet. He slipped his fingers into your heat and your lips parted to let out a moan. His free hand moved up to pinch your nipple, squeezing it between his fingers and tugging lightly. Lips grazed the skin of your neck as he toyed with your body, all you could do was whimper and writhe in his hold; was teasing you relentlessly. His fingers were magic and the slight pain from your stimulated nipples drove you crazy. You lost count at how many time you’ve cried out his name. You could feel tears forming in the corners of your eyes, being played with was overwhelming because he did very little to give you release. He chuckled, you heard it despite being absorbed in your own pleasure.
“You broke our contract and yet all I wish to do is please you. So much that you’ll beg me to stop but...” He removed his fingers from your heat, they were coated with your sweet glacé. Without any hesitation he pushed them past your lips and into your mouth. Your moan muffled as you sucked on his fingers, he watched your tongue dance around them as he pulled you further back into his chest; his free hand snaked up from your chest to wrap around your neck- he did not squeeze. You were now sitting directly on his bulge. Saying he was as hard as a rock is an understatement and a pun he probably wouldn’t find too amusing given his status as an ex-archon. “First, you’re going to sit here and think.” You turned your head as much as you could to look back him, confusion written all over your face once again. He chuckled and lowered his hands from your body he gripped the ropes that were securing your arms. Then pushed you forward and face down into the soft mattress of the bed.
“Zhongli, please...I’m sorry.” You whimpered out, already at your limit there was no way you were going be thinking straight like this. He didn’t do anything yet and you were giving in? He smiled, it was soft and held the patience of a saint.
“Are you now?” He knelt behind you, his hands on your upper waist now. He leaned over to pepper kisses along your lower back and ass before he dug his face inside. His tongue slipped down to your aching hole teasing you before he pushed past your soaking folds. You cried into the mattress upon the feeling of his hot mouth on your core. Your body began to tremble as he had his way with you, he teased you relentlessly sucking on your bundle of nerves as he plunged his thumb inside your aching core. You were so close to coming undone with just that, he pulled away slowly. Albeit only to flip you over onto your back. Your breathing had run ragged your chest squeezing together from the ropes and your eyes half lidded. You were a beautiful sight to behold when you were in heat. Zhongli’s hands moved up your waist and stomach before his right hand wrapped around your neck again, he pulled you down onto his clothed and hardened member with a smile. He liked having you sit there; still, unmoving and obedient. You were in order and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Do you want it?” He asked, his deep voice made your entire body jolt in ecstasy such simple words coming from this former god of a man. You nodded and his brow raised indicating he wanted you to use your voice.
“Yes.” You nod again, and squirm a bit underneath him. His gaze was so gentle, his touch was too it left your body starving. For even such a subtle brush of his fingers shot flames through your entire being. He didn’t budge which ushered a light whimper and a “Please..” To run past your sweet lips his own lips curled into a smile.
“You do not deserve it.” He stated, his smile faltering slightly to a more serious expression. “Do you know why?” He asked, his eyes narrowed a bit as he studied your pained face and your lips. Your body was crying out to his, he could feel it. He was unsure of how much longer he could hold on to his sanity.
“I..I thought I could do it.” You mumbled, Zhongli’s eyes shifted up to meet your gaze, upon noticing the tears forming he removed his hand and let it rest on your waist. He was a bit worried that he went too far. “I was so adamant on completing the commission and fighting those thieves that I didn’t consider anything. Not you, not the contract, my life...will you forgive me. Please.” Zhongli made an audible noise of defeat, he folded quicker than you did. His arms shifted up to wrap around you, you nestled your head into his chest as he hugged you.
“I’ve already forgiven you, you needn’t worry about that. Don’t cry.” He mumbled into your hair and closed his eyes as he rested his chin and nose atop your head. You were the only thing that could cause him any real harm emotionally, he worried about you so much that he lost sleep. If you could wrap your arms around him you would even so, as you moved back to look up at him with a smile he smiled with you. “Do you still wish to continue?” He asked, your comfort was his comfort in all honesty. You did your best to seal your lips with his, he helped and leaned down to kiss you. Pulling you closer than you thought possible. His hands rested in your braided hair as you tilted you head to deepen the kiss. He sat you back onto the bed he pulled back, his hand resting on your cheek. “I lov-“
“Are you going to keep teasing me?” You asked, cutting him off, a soft pout forming on your lips; Zhongli glanced down at them and then up to meet your eyes. He chuckled and let his hands lower to slip around your waist.
“I may, I enjoy the way you writhe in need underneath me. Your whimpers and the way my name sits upon on your tongue is a symphony I do not wish to end.” He pecked your cheek quickly and your face flushed. “At least not so soon, so please. Allow me to enjoy it a little longer.” He quite literally pushed you back onto the bed, with your legs spread automatically from the frog-tie he simply lowered himself in between your thighs. He wasted no time in licking the entrance to your heat, the surprised squeal you let run past your lips urged him to loop his arms around your thighs. He wanted to completely lose himself in your body. A muffled groan rattled through his chest, if you were sitting upright you’d be sitting on his face. He pushed his tongue past your sugar coated folds and curled upwards. Your back arched off the bed and you whimpered out, you were close again, this time closer than ever before.
“Z-Zhongli I-“ You began with labored breathing, you paused upon seeing Zhongli’s eyes peering up at you from below. They glowed ominously, his eyes ensnared you the moment you looked into them; they made your body heat up and tingle. You bit down on your bottom lip as Zhongli’s hands slid along the length of your thighs. His eyes closed patiently upon him doing so, you exhaled and melted into the plush mattress beneath you. Your moan made him twitch, the way you tried to squeeze your legs together at the height of your release but to no avail inevitably made him pull back. You were finally ready for him.
“My darling.” Zhongli pulled you against his chest once again. His stiff member imprinted on the bronze towel he wore whilst it continued slipping further and further down his hips. “How shall I take you tonight?” Your cheeks and body burned as he nestled his face in the crook of your neck and his hands moved up to squeeze your sides as he awaited your answer. He toyed with your body as you caught your breath. His eyes opened to see the window that sat adjacent to the right side of the bed. He trailed kisses up to your ear and whispered low. “My love, shall I put you on display for all of Liyue Harbor to see?” You didn’t answer him in time so, he took it upon himself to figure it out. You could feel this teeth tugging at the lobe to your ear, it made you shiver. Your eyes drifted to the left to half see his face before they drifted over to the window. They instantly widened as he slipped his arm around your waist only to push you up against the window where the side of the bed sat up against. Your chest and nipples pressed against the cold glass and your gasped out. Your body was hot, the sudden chill of the window made you ache with a newfound need for pleasure and release.
“Zhongli- people will see! I-I...” Your eyes fluttered and your lips parted into a moan, the head of his thick member prodded your entrance the moment you began speaking. Teasing you with the feeling of being full. Your hips bucked against the window and his member and he chuckled.
“A fitting punishment then.” You didn’t protest, not that you could as he slipped himself inside; past your slick folds and into the deepest depths of your aching core. He stretched you out in a way that sent fire coursing through your veins and directly to your heat. Your moan was loud, it echoed through the room and rang through his ears. With his arm wrapped around your waist he pulled back to let it rest on the curve of your hip. He smiled happily as he kissed the back of your neck. “Good, you take me well.” He said, as he got comfortable, pushing his hips forward. In doing that, it only made your body press further up against the glass and your insides contract against him.
“Z-Zhongli..” You whimpered out, your cheek smushed on the glass as you watched people walk by. It may have been a bit late in the evening but Liyue Harbor was still bustling even past sundown. Zhongli squeezed your hips and leaned forward to look over your shoulder, only his eyes could be seen in your peripheral. He kissed your shoulder gently and remained still. Despite the way your ass rocked back against him, you knew he wasn’t going to move without your asking. “P-please, please don’t tease me anymore.. I can’t take it.” Your pleas were cute but he was still unmoving.
“I told you earlier you do not deserve it. I may have forgiven you but, that doesn’t mean I’m not upset. Now, if you want pleasure seek it out yourself.” The last sentence made your cheeks warm up again, and a strained groan move past your lips. You thought he’d be the one wrapped around your finger tonight. Yet here you were on a showcase for Liyue Harbor to see, your arms and legs comfortably bound to one another as you sat on his hard cock. Feeling him throb inside of you as you tightened around him. All of these sensations were overwhelming but still you ached for a climax and did not care who witnessed.
You squirmed on him as you began rocking your hips faster, he held you in place as you tried your best to get off on just a full feeling alone. Trying to stimulate your inner spots the best you could in your position. Zhongli watched your body work and you slip into a pool of pleasure and lust as you rode his member; using the window to support yourself as well as leaning into his strong hands. Your moans were exquisite and your closed eye expression made his eyes grow a bit wide. You were so beautiful, he may have been having fun ordering you around but he wanted your face twisted in pleasure as he fucked you raw against that window. Before he proceeded to give in to his urges you started to shudder and a soft moan moved past your lips. You were coming undone in a low voltage release. Still pleasurable but not enough to satiate you. Zhongli let out a light and silent half pleased groan and pressed his head onto your shoulder. Your whimpers and pants were enough for him to give in.
With Zhongli’s other hand — the one that wasn’t resting on your hip, snaked it’s way up your neck and to your lips, his fingers slipping back into your mouth. Finally, he pulled back his hips so just the tip poked at your entrance. It left you feeling empty, you whined in need and before you could beg him he slammed himself back inside with a deep groan stemming from his chest. You moaned out and pressed your forehead against the glass. You knew someone was watching from down below. The excitement of being seen skyrocketed your pleasure and you came down onto him in a slight bounce as soon as he thrusted up. His fingers moved from your mouth and to your hair, running through your locks from the back of your head to the side as he tilted your head back so his lips pressed against your ear.
“I adore the way your body submits to mine, I will treasure it for this night and all to come.” A deep chuckle echoed in your ear, “As will those men and women down there.” He pulled back and let go, both of his hands holding onto your waist now for a steady hold. Your eyes drifted along the streets of Liyue Harbor to see what he was talking about. In the corner by the docks, a group of men caught wind of the show and a short ways away from them by several food stands was a group of women and a few more men who did as well. Your eyes closed as your body jerked upwards against the glass. The rhythm he had accustomed to was that of power and pure skill. He angled you in a way he found your body reacted well to his thrusts. Your vision had become hazy and you slipped away into lust. Being rutted into the way that he did and at the pace and force of what you expect only someone who was once godly would be able to do — albeit in your mind he was still a god. Your body began to heat up again, just like a furnace that was to blow.
“D-Damn it, I’m gonna— I’ll cu-“ Zhongli slowed before you could cum. Which caused your body to relax and tense at the same time. The disappointed whine that left your lips was short lived. He pulled you away from the window only to lay you flat onto the bed and onto your back. He looked down at your body and then to your flushed face.
“I believe I’ve let you climax a few times without my observation gaze upon your face. This last one will be something that I see in full.” He pulled you down onto his thick shaft, bottoming out completely. If that wasn’t enough to make your body burn again he picked up his pace this time with deep and elongated strokes that simply drove you up the fucking wall. The build up was a bit slow in attempts to drag out your orgasm and tire you out. It was working, you wasn’t sure when it began but it did. Zhongli groaned as you constricted around him tighter than ever before. The continuous intense contractions were blinding and your breathless moans filled the entire atmosphere of the room. In the midst of your orgasm you felt a deep warmth pool into and fill the depths of your core. He groaned in your ear knowing how much you loved to hear his voice. Be it deep and melodic that it was his groans and moans were like none other you’ve heard before and it heightened every aspect of the experience climaxing together. He pressed his forehead against yours, the tip of his nose poking at yours. He looked into your eyes and you pouted at him, your ven as he reached down to tug on the rope around your legs and thighs. It loosened with a few pulls before your legs were free. He moved off of you, laying back on the bed at your straddled home freely. With one more pull the ropes around your arms were undone and you were free to move again.
“Are you still upset with me?” You asked curiously, Zhongli’s gaze pulled away from between your thighs the sight of his seed gliding down your inner thighs was a bit distracting and arousing. He met your eyes though, and a light smile spread across his lips.
“Should I be? Did you not learn anything tonight? If you take anything away from this. It is that I love you and will make it known to others if the need arise.” Your eyes rolled a bit, you made a mental note not to show your face around that part of Liyue Harbor for a while. Your arms folded over your chest and you glared down at him playfully.
“I did, I’ll be more careful next time.” He knew he couldn’t stop your form adventuring, as long as you remained aware of how much your life meant to him he would have peace of mind. He reached up to cup your cheek with his hand, you leaned into his palm and laid on top of him with closed eyes. “I love you Zhongli, I...won’t scare you like that again.” You mumbled into his neck, drifting off into a well deserved sleep. Zhongli laid with you in his arms as he pondered about many things, you being the subject of every one of them.
A day or so went by, you were on a nightly stroll with Zhongli on your arm. Seeing as you were dragging him around all of Liyue for food, you found yourself under the docks and strolling past Bolai! You turned your head to look out at the water, Zhongli looked down at you with an amused smile.
“My dear is there something out on the water?” He teased lightly, you pouted your lips and turned your head again.
“Shh!” You hushed him trying to walk by without being seen. If only it had worked, Bolai closed a deal with another customer before he caught sight of you two. He waved you over with a welcoming smile. Given you couldn’t control Zhongli’s stride you were dragged over.
“Ah, Mr.Zhongli from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, I didn’t get a chance to get a review from you since our last transaction. I hope that all was well with your order...” Bolai trailed off when he noticed you glaring at him from halfway behind Zhongli. The said Archon smiled and nodded.
“It served its purpose quite well and will continue to do for some time. I thank you for taking the request on such short notice. I will be sure to have something issued with more leeway if the need ever arise.” Zhongli and Bolai talked business like it was something casual that he wanted arranged. Bolai waved passively and smiled at him.
“No no, it was no trouble at all. In fact I will have something ready for you within the next day if you ask. We have a wide array of colors for your choosing.” You perked up at the sound of that, Zhongli looked down at you and arched a brow. Your cheeks puffed out and you looked away from him and Bolai in silence trying to act like it didn’t interest you in the slightest. He chuckled and turned to look over him.
“I will be sure to discuss it with my partner, thanks again.” With a nod of his head Zhongli took his leave with you trailing behind him. You looked at Bolai with narrowed eyes before waking off completely.
“I knew you were a shady bastard.” Bolai chuckled as customers came up to him he placed his hands together and greeted them like you weren’t standing there.
“I’ve no idea what you mean now scram — Ah! Welcome, is there anything I can do for you this fine evening!” You were pulled away by Zhongli before you could ruin his business transactions, he wore a smile on his face as he walked up the incline with you to the streets of Liyue harbor. 
“I must say, you looked intrigued by the assortment of colors. Do tell if you have any in mind, though you’d look breathtaking in anything.” He smiled your way and your cheeks burned with a mild embarrassment. It would seem Shibari would be incorporated in your sex lives often and in a plethora of colors at that. You couldn’t wait to see what the future of love, lust and pleasure held with Zhongli at your side.
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anemo-writes · 4 years
hello travelers! again, thank you for putting up with my inactivity, it’s been hard to write lately haha. anyways, i thought this would be something fun to post and for everyone to enjoy, whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not :) (note: this will probably be more fanon than canon so please bear with me, i’ll make it as canon as it can be :’) i also kept this pretty short, so hopefully that’s okay too,, and sorry for this being late haha—i wrote this very late at night so don’t mind any typos you find please)
much love,
~ anemo-chan <3
(The Playable) Genshin Impact Characters on Valentine’s Day (Romantically)
super romantic; gifts you a bouquet of flowers and takes you out to eat at a fancy restaurant/cooks for you.
He is nervous. He’s never paid close attention to the countless amount of people who have lined outside the tavern to ask him to be their Valentine, only to be rejected. There was absolutely no way that he would turn to Kaeya for advice, so unfortunately this was something he would have to figure out for himself. He figures that it wouldn’t hurt to go traditional, so that’s what he does; he buys a large bouquet of roses (which he had to get from Donna, seeing that at the hours that he ended work were very late and Flora’s shop was not open at the time—yeah, that was not fun) and presents himself outside your doorway, to which he invites you to join him for a late dinner—which he makes!
She leaves a letter on top of your nightstand, paired along with a singular rose. The letter states for you to meet her outside of Good Hunter, where you find her sitting at a table with a candle dimly-lighting up the surroundings. She greets you with a warm smile, gesturing for you to sit down—the two of you enjoy a candle-lit dinner as well as bolognese she specially requested for Sara to make for the two of you to enjoy together why does this remind me so much of Lady and the Tramp,,
Oh boy. It’s always a fun time spending a holiday with him, seeing that it could go two ways; one, he would be too busy to celebrate it with you on the day of, and he would take you out the day after, or two—have a store’s entire line of merchandise presented to you outside your doorstep, in which a very, very smiley Tartaglia hidden within the pile (after all, he was the best present!) After you’re done moving all of the gifts into your house (it took up the space of your entire living room), he tells you to cover your eyes and follow him. He takes you to one of the most well-known restaurants in Liyue (which currently doesn’t have a name because it is very late here!), and insists that you order whatever you want, and however much you want.
Over the years, he’s witnessed many, many couples celebrate this holiday and every year he’s wished to do the same. He finds the perfect opportunity to do so when Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and boy does he plan it out for the two of you. He’s even made sure to have his wallet on him at all times—it would be extremely rude for you to have to pay if he happened to forget his wallet. He makes sure to stop by to pick up a bouquet of flowers, as well as a bottle of perfume (not in a bad way, just to clarify) from Ying’er’s shop that he recalled you liked. He makes sure to pick you up early from your work place to make sure you made it to your appointment on time; after all, being late to an appointment was similar to breaking a contract, no?
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surprises you with homemade sweets.
Oh, she is so nervous—of course, she doesn’t show this. The entire week, she spent researching recipes to create a special batch of chocolate-dipped strawberries just for you—she even sent Oz to the nearby farms to “borrow” the freshest strawberries for the treat (the farmers were too scared to confront the talking bird who “borrowed” their strawberries, so luckily they got away with it). She dips them in a purple-colored chocolate (because what other color would she use, really?) and drizzles on a dark-chocolate syrup to top it off. She’s too shy to actually give it to you herself though, so she has Oz drop it off for her.
Even though she’s quite busy, she’s somehow found time to whip up a special batch of chocolate just for you! She shapes them into Glaze Lilies (which she found quite hard, which is why there are so few of them) and presents them to you in a neatly-sealed box. She’s quite modest when your eyes widen and tell her it’s the best chocolate you have ever eaten, claiming that she only followed a recipe, when she really made it from scratch.
Like Ganyu, you have no idea how she finds time to create a perfect array of chocolates, which she made herself! However, with her tightly-packed schedule, she has to drop it off at your house in advance, to which you accept happily. She tried to decorate them with designs of cartoon-versions of your faces, but they’re a bit...messy. Nonetheless, they’re tasty, and to her relief, you enjoy them.
Somehow, she’s managed to scrape up enough mora to buy you a necklace; yes, a necklace, and a real one at that—none of that fake, costume jewelry stuff! She even added a pendant shaped like star, just so you could be reminded of her whenever you fiddled with it or even glanced at it. She’s quite flustered when she gives it to you, ignoring the way you ask how she managed to save this much mora to be able to buy something like this, changing the subject on how you should never-ever take it off (because it looks great on you.)
One word: pancakes. (Have you seen the ones she makes for her special dishes? They’re frigging amazing) As a dutiful maid should, she wakes up especially early to prepare a homemade breakfast just for you, to which she serves to you just as your wake up in bed. The fluffy stack of pancakes are decorated with fruits cut up in heart-shapes, as well the words, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N”, written neatly with chocolate syrup—it’s quite a sight to see, to be honest, and utterly delicious. Lucky you!
The day before, she tells you to meet her at the restaurant around noon. When you arrive, the restaurant is adorned with Valentine decorations, as well as a terrifying amount of food; she insists that she only made it for you, so you better eat up! Before she can show you the other dishes, the restaurant is suddenly filled with a strong, bitter smell—something burning. With a yelp, she runs into the kitchen, coming out a few minutes later with a tray of half-scorched cupcakes, their Gouba-shapes adorned with...a lot of burn marks. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts, doesn’t it?
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buys/makes a present for you.
Without your knowledge, Albedo has been creating a collection of artworks throughout all the time you had spent together. The pieces include portraits of you, portraits of you and him (sucrose helped with this), as well as just random sketches of the little things that remind him of you, such as the bare, snowy-white terrain where the two of you first met, as well as its flora and fauna. If you request it, he’ll even make the painting come alive (literally), and the two of you run to Sucrose’s dwelling, who is very shocked to see the pair of you running from a Frosted Lawachurl when she peered out her window to see if she could pinpoint the sounds of distant screaming.
Is there anything better than a matching set of wind gliders? Not only that—they were homemade! She spent the last couple of weeks putting together a pair of gliders for the two of you, customizing them to your tastes (which she nailed!) She quite literally drags you to the nearest hill to test them out, and the two of you end up challenging each other on who can get back to the Knights of Farvonius Headquarters the fastest—spoiler alert: she did.
Oh, she would make the cutest card for you—the envelope is decorated with cute stickers (some of them even had her face on it; there’s nothing like promoting merchandise, am i right? jkjks) She also pairs it off with a box of chocolates that she bought from Sara—however, what she didn’t know was that in the box was a special-edition spicy chocolate truffle. With your luck, that was the first one you chose—and boy, were you met a surprise (it was so bad that you were begging Barbara to use her Vision on you, which she refused of course). Fun times.
He’s real sweet. After his expeditions and commissions, he opens the freezer (yes he keeps them in there, don’t judge him) to an array of ice sculptures, shapes varying from flowers, hearts, and such—although it’s quite the simple gift, he’s put a lot of effort into them, even putting in the extra effort to cast a spell to make sure they would not melt; it’s all worth though, when he sees the absolutely giddy expression on your face, and the look of pure awe as you pick one up and study it closely, admiring all of the details and work that’s he put in.
She sends out informants to find out what you like, whether it be something that your gaze settled on for too long or something you’ve mentioned while talking to her—on the day of, you open your door to a mountain of gifts, with Ningguang herself peering out from behind it with a calm smile and a wave (which was the opposite of your reaction, because who has that much mora to purchase all of these gifts?!?)
He doesn’t have a clue on what the holiday until Lisa asks him if he’s planned something for the two of you during one of his lessons. When he shakes his head no, Lisa suggests that he make you something, to which he sets out on an adventure to do, looking for flowers and flower stems to weave into a pair of matching bracelets—they’re not the prettiest, but he is pretty proud of it; after all, it was his first time making something like that. He’s quite nervous to present it to you, afraid that you might not like it, but all feelings of worry melt away when you slide it on with a huge smile on your face, insisting that he wears his too.
At first, she considers gifting you a present that she created herself; of course, with her work being alchemy, she isn’t sure if that would be the safest option, despite being talented herself. And so, she resorts to buying a present for you—she is very picky with the present though, insisting that it should be perfect since she could not make one herself. She even consults Albedo when selecting some of the presents (he doesn’t help her unfortunately; he believes that she should figure it out herself haha). Like Razor, she’s quite nervous to give it to you, but lets out a huge sigh of relief as you thank her happily for the gift, wiping a bead of sweat from across her forehead (sucrose bby anything you give us would be perfect,,)
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whisks you away somewhere sentimental, where the two of you can enjoy a special date.
It’s ungodly early in the morning when Beidou presents herself in front of your doorstep, announcing that you’ll be joining her and the crew on a special ride. She tugs you along beside her until you reach the harbor, where you are met with the sight of her ship adorned with streamers and banners, varying between shades of pink and red. Onboard, there is a table filled with goodies the crew collected and made, and boy do they look delicious. The group sets out to sea, and you take your place next to the captain, who even lets you steer the boat (momentarily, at least.)
He takes you to meet his dads; yes, yes—he knows that it’s not the most romantic thing to do on a day dedicated to lovers, but he figures it’s just as important. Besides, they’ve been asking about you for quite a while—they even set up a small party within the Adventurer’s Guild, with the help of Bennett, of course. You spend the day listening to their old adventuring stories, as well as bits from Bennett’s childhood (poor boy is flustered from all the information his dads are spilling, but he’s still happy either way; after all, he’s with the most important people to him.)
He quite literally kidnaps you; one second you’re walking in the streets of Mondstadt on your way to work when suddenly someone grabs you by the waist and pulls you into an alley way (that sounds so creepy but i swear he means it in a good way). He only chuckles and shields himself with his arms as you punch him lightly, retorting that he scared you. He doesn’t care that the two of you have an overwhelming amount of work to do—after all, Valentine’s Day only comes once a year, right? Surprisingly, he doesn’t take you the tavern, but instead...Dawn Winery! Diluc received quite the surprise when he is met with the two of you standing outside his gates, with Kaeya requesting a wine/grape juice taste-testing. Yeah...you guys didn’t get any of that, but you did manage to snag a couple of grapes on your way out! Good for you!
You wake up in your bed, opening your eyes to see a very-smiley Venti laying beside you, chin propped up against his hand as he watches you yawn sleepily as you force yourself out of bed. You’re then presented with a handpicked-bouquet of Ceceilias, the freshest of the bunch, if he may add. You barely have time to thank him before he hoists you up in his arms and out of your dwelling, gliding over the city of Mondstadt as he whisks you away to Starsnatch Cliff, where he’s prepared a special performance just for you (and no, you don’t need to pay.)
While he’s not the most romantic, he does have a clue on what people look for on Valentine’s Day; after all, that’s what cheesy-romance novels were for, right? Unbeknownst to you, he takes you on a date very similar to the one the main characters in his favorite novels partook in—and you don’t find out until you catch him peeking into the pages while you weren’t (you were) looking. Again, it’s the thought that counts—
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doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Sadly, she probably forgets about the holiday. She’s too busy holed-up in her office to notice the couples gathered up in the courtyard, sharing moments with their lover. It’s not until she walks out to take a breather that she notices the commotion—she immediately calls you over, apologizing frantically. Of course, to this you respond that’s it’s okay, but that you would much rather her take the rest of the day off to spend time together, to which she reluctantly agrees.
“I do not have time to celebrate silly human traditions like that.” He would say as you bound up to him, exclaiming that it’s Valentine’s Day, the day where you can give sweets to your loved ones, and asking if he had someone special in mind to spend it with. He’s irked when your gaze falters and the grip on the object you’re hiding behind your back tightens—he only grows more irked as you mutter to yourself how you’ll give the chocolates you made to someone else. He scoffs loudly, avoiding your gaze as he lays out his hand in front of you to accept the chocolates (just because he doesn’t celebrate the holiday doesn’t mean he can’t get jealous!)
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fanghuas · 2 years
i love this ask game! ofc i have to ask - which scene was it for spark to a flame? 👀
Ahhh, thank you 💖💖💖 The process of making this fic was a little bananas, I'm so pleased to get to talk about it!
I knew the very basics of the setting from the start, but not exactly what had zzs otherwise occupied/hanwen going out alone, so I jumped straight ahead and wrote THAT SCENE pretty much before anything else. Too long to include in full but:
Han Ying shuts the doors behind them soundlessly. Up here, it is quiet, the jovial sounds coming from the hall indiscernible unless they stretch their hearing. The privacy robs Wen Kexing of his bravado, only serving to make the novelty of the situation starker.
“How bold of you, Ying’er,” he drawls, circling Han Ying with his hands tucked behind his back. “One might think you were propositioning me.”
He’s still reeling from the revelation that he wants Han Ying even without Zhou Zishu as an intermediary. It’s vindicating to tease him and make him laugh and blush – and it’s just as vindicating, he discovers now, to push him until he retaliates, to have his attention like this, sharp and focused.
“I can arrange that,” he murmurs. “Another time, perhaps?”
That, of course, implies there will be a repeat of tonight. Han Ying’s face is only inches away. Wen Kexing is met with the full force of his grin as he nods.
“Next time,” Han Ying agrees.
This scene was the cornerstore of the fic for me. I wanted to establish several things with it, that being
1) HY and WKX having been in bed together before, have sufficient knowledge of each other's preferences and boundaries to allow for going as hard as they did, even if it isn't explicitly mentioned.
2) ZZS would be absolutely enthusiastic about them starting something with each other, there's not a question in anyone's mind here about that.
3) But this also isn't about him -- it's an opportunity for hanwen to figure out their own dynamic outside of him, if the attraction remains, if there's something more, how they want it to develop.
4) They're both kind of anxious for this not to be just a one-time thing, as much as they won't say it outright.
I was also pretty enthusiastic to get to write this exchange towards the end, though it underwent some revisions:
Wen Kexing could deflect, nag about Zhou Zishu having been busy, stick to the excuse he’d given himself earlier.
“Your Ying’er is a menace,” he tells Zhou Zishu instead.
“Huh? What nonsense. My Ying’er is a good boy,” Zhou Zishu says indulgently. “I don’t know what your Ying’er is like.”
Originally the whole piece was going to retain a bit more of the playful fight atmosphere from early on, so when they met up with ZZS at the end HY would be like "ha look at that, look how sweet and good I can be, I'm just an ass to you on purpose". But then both HY and I realized that a very strong dose of TLC was needed to get WKX comfortable in subspace, so it all became a bit softer. Pretty happy with how it turned out, though.
Thank you for the ask 💖
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suganovakawa · 4 years
do you happen to take requests? if so, may i- hcs abt playing and simping on genshin impact with kenma, kuroo, oikawa and bokuto-? you can lessen the cast if you want^^ thank you for the time! i love your blog 💖
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genshin impact frenzy!
— kenma, kuroo, oikawa, and bokuto play genshin impact with you!
gen masterlist
taglist ( open! ) —
a/n — this game has taken literally so much of my time, it was only meant to be that i fulfill this request—also bokuto’s has minor spoilers to venti’s story quest! it’s pretty vague but it’s still there
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kenma kozume.
✧。 this guy can take on literally everyone with just the standard team
✧。 and he does—he sees no point in wishing for people when he’s already got a decent team given to him for free
✧。 you’ve literally fought with him so many times because he forgets that wishing is a thing and finds it strange that you are willing to spend your life savings on a single five star character
✧。 he will only wish on the standard banner, since that’s where you can get constellations for the standard team
✧。 somehow he’s collected so many constellations for kaeya and amber, it’s unreal
✧。 you’ve debated on sending a complaint to mihoyo because kenma can’t send any of his primogems to you
✧。 he’s currently AR 50 and still has the beginner’s banner untouched aside from noelle
✧。 “kenma, would it kill you to wish on a banner once? just one ten wish summon. one time.”
✧。 “but i already have my team up to level 90, why should i put in the effort to grind for anything else?”
✧。 “because the other characters look nice?”
✧。 “okay, and?”
✧。 there’s no winning against him
✧。 you ain’t ever catching him simp
✧。 you almost caught him eyeing kaeya’s new idle animation but to no avail </3
✧。 timeskip kenma streams on twitch, where even some of his viewers are completely distraught that he never wishes on the banners
✧。 on multiple occasions he’s held events where he gives you money for primogems, and just streams you wishing for the characters instead of him
✧。 he’d never admit it out loud, but his heart flutters when he sees the excited look on your face as you pull a five star character
tetsurou kuroo.
✧。 for shits and giggles he probably decided to choose lumine instead of aether
✧。 when he realized that he liked aether’s design more than hers, he just stopped using her entirely
✧。 if he hadn’t gotten all the way to AR 30 before this realization, he probably would’ve started over with a new account just to choose aether instead
✧。 he doesn’t play this game religiously, but he is far from a f2p guy
✧。 will shamelessly simp with you if he deems the character simp worthy—if not he’ll just watch you simp and then simp over his own characters
✧。 he almost lost his mind over albedo and had a heart attack when he ended up pulling a weapon instead
✧。 don’t even get me started when he laid eyes on ganyu
✧。 if you can’t get a five star character you want, he’ll purposely spend money so that he gets them before you and rub it in your face
✧。 that’s what he did for zhongli
✧。 “i mean, he’s right here. look! isn’t he so sexy? he would be a great addition to my team. you enjoy having jean though! i’ve heard she’s a great healer.”
✧。 “tetsurou, i am going to murder you.”
✧。 “no you won’t.”
✧。 “i won’t. i just won’t help you with domains anymore.”
✧。 “okay okay wait this can be discussed—”
✧。 he hates grinding and will continuously hold if off until he physically can’t defeat any of the ascension material bosses
✧。 however, he completes ascension quests the moment he can—it’s just his luck that he has to deal with the consequences when he has to deal with mobs with his severely under leveled team
✧。 both of you raced to get to AR 40 first, and you won since you were actually smart enough to level up your characters long before he did
✧。 you two like completing domains together rather than doing it online or alone
✧。 genshin is more of a leisure pastime for kuroo, but he finds himself playing it more and more with each passing day
tooru oikawa.
✧。 surprisingly? he’s much better at genshin than what you were originally expecting
✧。 it’s probably because he has enough patience to grind for all of the materials SDJKFJKSDF
✧。 but because he prioritizes volleyball a lot more, he’s only at AR 36 while you’re on your way to AR 47
✧。 he takes it upon himself to compare himself to childe, and you just have to go with it because tooru will not take no for an answer
✧。 just to spite you he goes around saying “hey girlie” every now and then
✧。 he’ll come up behind you quietly and whisper in your ear, causing you to jump at the sound of his voice
✧。 “hey girlie, hold still.”
✧。 “c’mon, you know you you like it.”
✧。 “maybe if you dressed up into childe’s foul legacy transformation, i would be persuaded.”
✧。 simps for both mona and diluc lowk
✧。 i just know he purposely chooses the suggestive and flirty choices every chance he gets
✧。 he had a field day with ying’er (that perfume lady idk)
✧。 he hates spiral abyss with every fiber of his being and refuses to do anything more after he got xiangling
✧。 he likes flaunting his five stars to random people he plays with in domains just for the fun of it
✧。 his favorites to flaunt are childe and xiao (he was originally wanting ganyu but her banner expired before he could pull her so he just wasted the rest of his pity and got xiao instead)
✧。 idk why but i get the sense that he’s eagerly waiting for an announcement that scaramouche will be a playable character
✧。 he will give you money for genshin if you ask nicely
✧。 if you ask nicely and you give him something in return
✧。 but all in all, he does genuinely enjoy the game
koutarou bokuto.
✧。 kou will either forget to play it for months or you’ll have to pry it from his hands after being locked away in his room for at least a week
✧。 his favorite five star to use would probably be klee, just because of all the explosions she sets off
✧。 definitely simps for ningguang and albedo, but will see to it that he proves himself better than any of the guys you simp for
✧。 he loves using fischl so that he can use oz
✧。 he doesn’t take the game very seriously but still manages to reach AR 40, even though he has no idea how builds work
✧。 he has no desire to learn either, he’s just enjoying himself and exploring the world
✧。 he gets carried away with exploring the world that he found both all of the anemoculus and the geoculus before AR 40
✧。 goes into emo mode when he doesn’t pull the character he wants
✧。 the story quests make him sad when he does them, especially venti’s
✧。 he regretted not having venti after he finished that story quest and just watched the story with venti and his old friend over and over again to mourn
✧。 and he checks up on stanley every time he sees him anywhere, usually in front of mondstadt at night
✧。 “i promise you that i will never leave you or let any harm come to you, y/n”
✧。 “kou, that’s sweet of you—”
✧。 “i mean it! i would rather die than put you in harm’s way”
✧。 you have to comfort him repeatedly and eventually gets over it
✧。 but now he’s saving up for venti’s rerun and has not been deterred or tempted for anyone else, mans is almost at 10k primogems for this guy
✧。 mihoyo pls give bokuto a venti rerun
✧。 it’s safe to say that venti slowly becomes bokuto’s favorite character
✧。 you should watch out before kou becomes too emotionally attached to every character
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