#not fair this pixel man has so much power over me
marvelassassin221b · 3 months
How it started: "How to romance Astarion"
*several tavs later*
Now: "How NOT to romance Astarion"
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pixelgrotto · 8 months
Top-down Planes Galore
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Over the last few years, thanks to my wife's English side of the family, I've visited a fair share of interesting British museums. One of these is the Shuttleworth Collection, a neat place that features an array of planes from the early half of the 20th century. If you're ever in Bedfordshire and have a hankering to see biplanes from the 1920s, I really can't recommend a visit enough. I wouldn't call myself an aviation geek, but there's something about seeing a World War II aircraft in person that stirred my imagination, and one of the souvenirs I bought from my visit was a cool pair of socks that had pixelated biplanes on them.
I specifically bought the socks because they reminded me of Capcom's 1942, the first entry in the 19XX series of shoot 'em ups, AKA shmups. Honestly, I hadn't played much of 1942 at the time, but I've always known enough about shmups to think of the game when I see pixelated biplanes. It probably stands out in my head as an interesting example of a Japanese company making a product where the whole goal is to blow up the Japanese. Yep, 1942 puts the player in the role of a Lockheed P-38 Lightning pilot maneuvering his aircraft through the skies of the Pacific Theater, on a mission to reach Tokyo and blast the heck out of everything. Apparently the game was made with Western audiences in mind, so I suppose we have capitalism to thank for a game that is both historically accurate and not historically accurate at all. (Yes, Japan lost the war, but I don't think any of the Lockheeds in the Battle of Midway had spray guns capable of shooting a billion bullets at once.)
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I recently dove into 1942 and almost all of the other games in the 19XX series, mostly because I was inspired by my British nephew, who's recently been going on about planes for hours on end. You can play almost all of them via the Capcom Arcade Stadium compilations on Steam, which repackage classic arcade games and make them easily playable without the hassle of needing to fiddle with MAME emulation. (The decision to make each game DLC that you have to buy is probably questionable, but putting that aside, these packages are pretty okay.)
Anyway, I soon discovered that the original 1942 is the epitome of a 1980s arcade quarter gobbler, with a staggering 32 levels of monotony and some of the most annoyingly tinny background music known to man. It's fun to do loops around Japanese bombers for the first ten minutes, and I've always loved the power-up that gives you two flanking planes that help soak up extra damage, which would go on to be a series staple. Beyond that, 1942 grates at the soul and has not aged well.
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1943: The Battle of Midway, and its slightly remixed semi-sequel 1943 Kai, are much better. Here, we bear witness to screen-filling tsunami attacks that can instantly wreck all enemies, a more forgiving difficulty level, and varied stages that don't consist of simply flying over the ocean and rice paddies. Everything's faster and a good deal more fun, and instead of solely taking down planes, now you've got boss battles against Imperial Japanese naval fleets, ending in a fight against the battleship Yamato. And thankfully, the tinny music is gone and replaced by battle-ready tracks that are nicely catchy.
This formula is refined even further in the later games, all of which loosen up on the feeling of "one American plane versus Japan" for a progressively zanier feel. 1941: Counter Attack ditches the Pacific Theater for firefights over European skies, and despite taking place in the earlier years of WWII, your pilot goes up against enemy crafts that are so extreme in size and flavor that they border on science fiction. You'll fire away at German rockets that look like they're designed to fly to the moon and tanks that take up a quarter of the screen. The end boss is a Horten Ho 229, the German prototype bomber that never went into mass production, yet is a formidable foe in this game that is sleek and almost alien-like in its movements.
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19XX: The War Against Destiny takes that science fiction appeal to the maximum and says, "To hell with a historical shmup, let's go to the future with two X's, baby!" In an amusing move that would later be replicated by the Call of Duty series two decades later (when they jumped from WWII to the arena of Modern Warfare - and later Advanced Warfare), 19XX sees you taking on the Outer Limits, a terrorist organization that somehow has a futuristic army with hundreds of expendable fighter pilots. For the first time, you can choose between three different planes: the old school Lockheed P-38 Lightning (the well-balanced one), the de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito (the heavy firepower one), and the Kyushu J7W Shinden (the speedy one). All of these planes are worthy options against enemies that scale in a ludicrous fashion, and one of the bosses in the later levels is basically a mech. It's great. And because the game runs on Capcom's CPS-2 arcade board, which also powered the Street Fighter Alpha/Zero series, the action is fast and clean to a degree that's very reminiscent of the company's fighting game output.
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1944: The Loop Master is the last 19XX game I played, because it's the last one available in the Capcom Arcade Stadium. It takes the action back to WWII, but the gusto and fury of all the futuristic stuff exhibited in 19XX: The War Against Destiny is present and accounted for. Hello, my biplane can shoot lasers? Sure, why not! Technically, this one was developed by Eighting and not by Capcom, and all I know about Eighting is that they made the Bloody Roar games and Battle Garegga, another shmup with a cool soundtrack that samples the techno track "Jupiter Jazz," by Underground Resistance. They did a good job, and while 1943 and 19XX: The War Against Destiny stick out in my memory more than The Loop Master, I can safely say that this one features a little dude who parachutes out of your plane when you die. About time I finally saw my pilot!
Honestly, I'm not a great shmup player. I played all of these casually on my Steam Deck, and I never would've made a dent in them in the arcades. But there's something about the 19XX series that's appealing to me, at the very least on an aesthetic level. It's probably the highly detailed 2D pixelated artistry that goes into the top-down depiction of these warplanes, which are given the same slavish fanboyism that you see in Japanese mecha franchises. I think back to the several times I've visited Japan and been to antiwar exhibits like the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. Minus a few groups of nationalist nutjobs, Japan's by far and large a deeply antiwar country - but there do exist otaku who nerd out over WWII-era tech, usually not in a "the Imperial Japanese Army was right" sort of way, but in a way that basically says, "the Yamato was one of the biggest battleships ever constructed at 70,000+ tons, I shall now proceed to write an essay about why that was cool." And you know, I can appreciate that attention to technical detail, just like how I can respect the planes on exhibit in the Shuttleworth Collection. So give the 19XX games a whirl if you like planes or simply dig fine artistry - and go visit the Shuttleworth and buy those socks while you're at it.
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ravenlking · 2 years
"𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑! 𝐎𝐊𝐀𝐘, 𝐋𝐄𝐓'𝐒 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐔𝐏 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄!" vanellope von schweetz! oc headcanons
female oc (vanellope von schweetz inspired but not her) warnings: none genre: headcanons a/n: - pictures don't belong to me, they go to their original owners! - please give me feedback :)
Let me know if you'd like more!
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When she opened her eyes, she expected herself to be in her bedroom in the Candy Castle, surrounded by pink and white swirls. However, darkness greeted her instead, making her eyes widen as she tried her best to get out.
Grim breaks her out with flames, making her yelp before glitching somewhere else, making the cat feel incredibly confused. He could have sworn seeing someone in ceremonial robes with bright pink eyes but shrugged it off, moving to the next coffin.
Meanwhile, Liv couldn't believe her eyes when she reappeared in front of a weird crow-man who screamed like a little girl. To be fair, she just appeared in a flash of green pixels so... But seriously, which game is this?? She was just falling asleep in her room after racing the entire day.
"Who are you?! What was that-"
"Sorry but I gotta get back to my game," she interrupts him. She sticks her hands in her hoodie pockets and blows a stray hair out of her eyes. "Mind pointing the way, sugarplum?"
As per usual, Crowley ignores her and steers her to the Mirror Chamber. The Dark Mirror doesn't sort her because of her strange "magic" (actually, it is her coding that's wrong but ok-), chaos issues, blah blah blah
Only difference is how Liv JawBreaker is just chilling by the side, rolling her eyes as she watches everything go down. Even Taffyta would be doing something helpful and she's the mean girl of their game!
Afterward, Crowley brings her to Ramshackle before leaving her there. She meets Grim before adopting him ("Because I'm lonely!") and battling the ghosts, the usual stuff goes down.
Crowley keeps her as a handyman, making Liv feel highly insulted. Back in her realm, she's the queen of Candy Kingdom! And now she's reduced to this?? Worse of all, she doesn't even see anywhere to race nor does she see anything candy related. Everything's so boring and monotone, like come on! Where is the color in this school?
Still, she and Grim still get assigned to clean Main Street. She doesn't use much of her powers because she wants to keep it a secret and it's much more fun that way! Imagine their reactions when she pops out of nowhere-
Lilia feels a chill going down his spine before he unleashes a sneeze.
When Crowley comes to rain hell-fire on Ace and Grim for scorching the Queen of Hearts statue, you can bet that Liv's outta there. She's glitching out of the scene, leaving both boys confused about where the heck did she go. Meanwhile, Liv's chilling in the library, reading up on the Great Seven so she never suffers another humiliation like that ever again.
Pops back in to check on Grim, who's pouting because his henchman just left him. Liv just laughs and their day goes on as usual.
Somehow gets roped into going to the Dwarf's Cave. How, Liv has no clue. Ends up revealing her abilities to Deuce, Ace, and Grim and explaining that she's part of a video game and that she was written weirdly so she "glitches". They just think it's her unique magic and move on because holy shit what is that?!?!
Don't worry, they don't end up dying. Liv uses her ability to "bait" the monster so Ace, Deuce, and Grim can combo finish it off.
Crowley calls her beast-tamer (Liv's so confused) and installs her as Ramshackle's perfect. Everything's normal other than the fact that Liv makes Crowley do renovations on the run-down dorm so that Grim and her won't die if they take the wrong step. She bases it off Candy Kingdom, so it's practically a giant sweet haven over at her place. (only after riddle's overblot does she get crowley to install a magic race track and get her own candy-themed car)
heartslabyul chapter/headcanons with liv jawbreaker will come up soon!
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mitchtheficus · 2 years
A Golden Lovers Timeline
the Okada trilogy takes place during a time of immense change in Kenny’s life, and you can see that in their matches
The Kenny who fought Okada at Wrestle Kingdom 11 had decided that caring for other people made him weak
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[ID: close up of Kenny in his post-G1 climax car interview. He’s saying: “I don't want to feel passion towards anything but my wrestling. When I start to care too much about people I find that my performance suffers. I think that was my problem when I wrestled in the juniors.” End ID. LINK]
that caring about Kota made him weak
“[Ibushi] was the bane of my existence. I had thought that he stood for everything that I hated and everything that I wanted to destroy. Both the man himself, and what he was inside of me. [...]”
- Kenny Omega, pre-Dominion Interview [LINK]
And so he tried to become an unstoppable machine without passion
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[ID: kind of pixelated picture of Kenny grinning during his WK11 entrance, he’s wearing a mask that covers the left half of his face and looks like the terminator. End ID]
And he lost to Okada anyway.
But that failure set him on a new path 
“As hard as I trained, as hard as I prepared, I lost. Something’s missing and until I figure out what, I can’t wrestle.” - Kenny, Tokyo Sports [Chris Charlton translation]
when he emerges from the ashes of that defeat, he has already begun to evolve into something new.
he’s no longer interested in cheating to win, he wants to be the best. And more subtly, his relationship with the fans and his own heart has been shifted. He’s started to open up to the feelings he has denied himself for so long.
but these changes alone weren’t enough
When he faces Okada for the second time at Dominion 2017, it’s fair and square, but they fight to a tie, and the match is ended indecisively as they hit the 1 hour time limit.
“I thought it was my time tonight. I did everything I could. I said so many bad things about you, Okada. I really did. And even if they were all true, I couldn’t beat you. I couldn’t beat you.” LINK
something’s still missing.
even though Kenny’s putting his heart and soul into matches, those things remain broken and damaged by the choices he’s made over the last three years.
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[ID: picture from Kenny’s rooftop interview with Kevin Kelly after the G1 Climax. Kenny says: “...that heart is black and that soul is mostly gone...” End ID. LINK]
the truth of that damage is written into his gear and spoken aloud every time he sets up his finishing move.
he has one wing and half a heart, and it’s just not enough to beat Okada.
When Kenny gets his third shot at the end of a grueling G1 block, Kota has returned to NJPW but they have yet to reconcile. Kenny is finally able to beat the champion, but not for the title, and Okada is badly injured and worn down by all his previous G1 matches. It’s not the victory Kenny has been striving for.
in the 10 months since Kenny and Okada last faced each other in the G1, the lovers have reunited and that reunion has changed Kenny in fundamental ways.
at Dominion 2018 Kenny and Okada face each other for the fourth time.
Okada has held the IWGP Heavyweight title for an incredible 1516 cumulative days, 720 of which come from his current reign. No one has been able to beat him for the title without cheating since Tanahashi did it in 2012.
Kenny wants to do the impossible.
But this time, he is entering the match with a restored and golden heart.
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[ID: Kota stands in Kenny’s corner at Dominion, he’s wearing a GL shirt and looking at Kenny. Kenny is hopping a little and grinning at Kota and then looks up the entrance ramp. End ID]
in the lead up to this fourth and final match up, you can finally see that the Kenny/Okada series is ultimately a tale about the power of love and human connection
“[...] Both the man himself, and what he was inside of me. And then I realized that that really wasn’t the feeling at all and it was something I needed to embrace. My absolute best matches have all been ones that come from the heart. So why would I shut something away- why would I turn something down that’s still so near and dear to me? Ibushi was that. He is that. He always will be. And I’ve realized that moving forward, I’m much stronger as a person, as a human being, with him by my side.”
- Kenny Omega, pre-Dominion Interview [LINK]
Kota of course helps him train and strategize and motivates Kenny to prepare, but his most important contribution is love and the way accepting him back into his life has transformed Kenny
“And for this match specifically, it’s the first time in a long time when I’ve had a training partner and someone who has helped me formulate a game plan for Okada. I’m not saying that I’m arriving to this arena with a bunch of new moves, but I am saying that this version of Kenny Omega might be the most prepared. And a big part of that [...]”
- Kenny Omega, pre-Dominion Interview [LINK]
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[ID: three gifs of Kenny doing his pre-dominion interview. His hair is golden and he says: “And a big part of that is because I’ve let someone back into my life that I cared about, that I loved, and that together with that power we can’t lose.” End ID. LINK]
A year and a half ago Kenny sat in an airport after his G1 Climax win and told us that loneliness made him better and stronger.
He understands now that that isn’t true.
Dominion 2018 - June 9th, 2018 [Official LINK, Unofficial LINK]
Kenny starts us off with a dramatic little intro video. in it Kenny is flinching from painful flashbacks of all the terrible things that have happened in the past year, when a single white feather falls from the sky, and Kenny looks up and sees Kota standing before him, wearing all white and standing among fallen white feathers.
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And we see that Kenny is standing surrounded by his own pool of fallen black feathers. Kenny remembers Kota’s rescue and their reunion and Kota telepathically asks Kenny if he’s ready and has prepared himself for what’s to come. Kota asks, “What did it cost?” We see the bullet club logo disappear into dust and Kenny says: “Everything.”
(Okada doesn’t need a dramatic little video for his entrance cause this is just defense #13 for him)
and then...it’s time
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[ID: picture of the lovers standing in Kenny’s corner. Kota’s hand on Kenny’s shoulder. They look intense and focused. End ID]
there’s a lot of little moments, their hug before the match
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[ID: gif of Kenny and Kota hugging over the ropes. Kota is saying something to Kenny and patting his back for emphasis. Kenny nods along. End ID.]
Kota and Kenny talking strategy during the 2 minute breaks after a fall
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[ID: two pictures of Kenny and Kota in their corner during the post-fall stoppage. Kenny crouches and Kota is kneeling in front of him, his hands on Kenny’s arm and knee, their heads together in conference. End ID]
but the most important moments come at the end.
Kenny wins the IWGP Heavyweight title, both falls coming from one winged angels
and the first thing he does is reach for Kota
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[ID: gif of Kenny laying on the mat, sweaty and exhausted. Kota is nearby and Kenny reaches up both his arms and calls Kota nearer. Kota crawls over and leans over him and Kenny asks Kota to pour water over his hair. End ID]
the young bucks come out, hesitating on the entrance ramp. They want to go to Kenny and be there with him so badly, but they’re not sure if they’re wanted
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[ID: two pictures. The first from far away, showing how alone the bucks are and how far away as they look towards the ring. The second picture shows their faces, both bucks are holding their new heavyweight tag titles and they look sad and wistful. End ID]
Kenny kneels beside Okada and takes his wrist. In his interview before this match he said he wanted to tell Okada: “You've done a great job, and now, my friend, it's time to take a rest.” and now he can.
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Red shoes comes forward with the belt and Kenny gently pushes it aside and takes Matt in his arms. 
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[ID: two gifs. in the first Kenny gently pushes the belt aside and takes Matt into his arms and Matt immediately puts his arms around him and closes his eyes. in the second Matt is holding Kenny and trying not to cry and Nick comes in and hugs them both. End ID]
Kenny has learned a lot about what’s truly important in the last three years
Kota makes the first move to include himself in the hug, and the crowd, who were already cheering the Elite’s reunion, erupts into cheers again. This isn’t Kenny picking one family over another, this is the building of a new family.
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[ID: Kenny and the bucks are hugging and Kota comes up on Kenny’s side and puts his arms around all three of them, pressing his head against theirs. End ID]
Kenny Omega, the boy who ate a star and lost his heart in pursuit of his own ambition - who once thought that he had to give up everything that he cared about to achieve his dreams - finally learns that allowing himself to love and be loved is what makes a moment like this possible
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[ID: Kenny is looking tired and euphoric an sweaty. he has an arm around Kota’s neck and he pulls him close and presses his forehead against the side of Kota’s head and then gives him a little head pat. Nick and Matt are there two. Matt is smiling at the GLs and Nick has his hand on Kenny’s back. End ID]
It’s a beautiful story.
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[ID: screenshot of a tweet from Matt Jackson saying: “Tonight, friendship, family & the power of love won. #GoldenElite” End ID.]
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[ID: two gifs of Kenny is wearing the title and some stray golden streamers and sitting on Kota and Matt’s shoulders. Kota is looking at the camera and pointing a finger at Kenny. Kenny ruffles his hair and Kota looks up and smiles at him. Kenny is grinning. Matt is quietly beaming at Kota. End ID]
“With the power of love and friendship I did something I never thought possible.”
-Kenny Omega, [Chris Charlton translation]
we so rarely get stories of reconciliation in wrestling, especially stories that give reconciliation the same time and weight that betrayal stories get.
we rarely get to see wrestlers try to reconcile, we rarely see them make an effort to make things right.
and that’s part of what hits so hard about the golden reunion with the bucks. just how much they all wanted this happy ending. How much they fought for it. It wasn’t easy, they had to try over and over. They never gave up. They kept reaching out. They apologized and forgave each other, made themselves vulnerable, put aside their own anger and pride and jealousy. They earned this reunion, they built it with their own hands.
Kenny gives a victory speech, much of it is in Japanese [LINK to njpw’s translation]
He says that he and the young bucks are champions, and Ibushi-
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[ID: picture of Kenny giving his speech. he’s gesturing to Kota and saying: And Ibushi is my strongest and most handsome partner.” Nick has his hand on Kota’s shoulder and Matt is beaming proudly with his title. End ID]
now that they’ve all come together, the bucks are just radiating love at Kota, like Nick has been waiting for ages to brother-in-law it up with this man and he is just all over him now, it’s so cute. and Matt is just beaming at Kota every time he looks at him. they love him so much already.
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[ID: Kenny giving his speech saying: “My way is to make my own rules. My way is to live life the way that I want. And with all of you by my side, and what I realized is my friends, my best friends, my lovers by my side we can truly do anything.” End ID]
Before they can leave the ring, Cody appears on the entrance ramp.
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[ID: picture of Cody in a white dress jacket standing midway down the entrance ramp. in the ring Matt is sitting on the second rope like he might be holding it open for Cody to come join them. End ID]
presumably he’s thinking about challenging for the title, but during the last few weeks of BTE episodes, Cody has begun to regret the consequences of his actions, if not the actions themselves.
instead of making a challenge he just stands there all alone, witnessing Kenny in this moment of triumph, surrounded by love
In some ways he’s the antithesis of the Golden Elite story. He doesn’t have the courage to reach out, to be vulnerable and ask for forgiveness. He's not willing to put his pride aside. Not yet.
After leaving the stage, Kenny reiterates the message of the story
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[ID: picture of the post-match. Kenny sits behind his title, speaking to the reporters. Matt and Kota have their hands on his shoulders. Kenny says: “You know, up until this point, I’ve used all my hatred to fuel my matches. [...] Then I realized I’m focusing so much on the negative when so many people are giving me love and respect and treat me like a real human being. [...] What really fuels great performances are my friends and the people that I love, and using that as my energy, that is how I truly became champion.” End ID. LINK]
in the BTE episode from Dominion [LINK] we get to finally see what was in the box the bucks sent to Kenny
The bucks show their love in many ways, and shared merch is one of them. It’s a t-shirt and a proposal of a new group that includes Kota
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[ID: picture of Kenny holding the opened box. inside the box is a folded Golden Elite T-shirt. It has “the ELITE” written on it in gold. End ID. LINK]
and the back says CHANGE THE WORLD
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amiedala · 3 years
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CHAPTER 4: An Open Wound
RATING: Explicit (18+ ONLY!!!)
WARNINGS: sexual content, canon-compliant violence, graphic descriptions of violence, mentions of past abuse/trauma
SUMMARY:  “I don’t expect you to follow what I say. I’m not a dictator, and I have no interest in becoming one. But if a single one of you brings danger to this planet you claim to love to hurt me or my wife,” Din continues, and the way his lips shape around the word wife makes something warm and wet unhinge in Nova, “there will be no place in this galaxy where you can hide from me.”
If you're a newcomer, my fic "Something More" is the first installment of this story! <3
AUTHOR’S NOTE: hello my loves and happy Something Deeper Saturday! this chapter is truly a whirlwind, it's hard and sweet and intense and simple all at once. there are very graphic descriptions of violence and death in the one (in the form of Force visions, no one's actually dying, I PROMISE!!!), so please be aware that there is potentially triggering material in what you're about to read. it mentions past abuse and dives pretty deep into current violence, so please just read with caution! i hope you enjoy this journey—i certainly did writing it! more notes at the end!!! <3
Mandalore isn’t a ghost town.
Not how Nova originally thought, anyway. The throne room is filled with wary, armored people. Some are the guards that usually stand watch outside, through the giant palace doors. Nova recognizes Koska Reeves and Axe Woves from the brief, charged encounters she’s had with each of them. Bo-Katan is there, of course, regal and pristine, her shoulders pushed back, her red hair impeccable. There are a handful of villagers that Nova’s seen in passing, but besides the few faces she recognizes, most of the people gathered in the throne room have been hidden somewhere on Mandalore, away from this strange Capitol, away from the everyday. Half of them are without armor, without impressive beskar helmets to hide their wary expressions. Bo-Katan’s icy, measured gaze is clearly a popular currency on Mandalore, because every single person in this room looks skeptical at best and enraged at worst. Nova keeps her eyes on Din, who’s decided to stand at the helm of the dais instead of taking a seat on the beskar throne, watching his every movement to ensure he’s safe up there, and that he stays unharmed.
“I want...to be your leader,” Din says, his voice quiet but earnest. He sounds like he’s incredulous at his own words, like he’s reading off a script he’s never seen before. But there’s power hidden underneath whatever’s scaring him, an undercurrent that Nova knows is unfettered, genuine passion. “I wasn’t raised in the way of Mandalore. Not in the ways that you were—”
“Clearly,” Koska whispers, and the Mnadalorians standing closest to her proximity offer uncharacteristic smiles and snorts. Nova steps forward, but Bo-Katan raises her sharp hand at her side, and they immediately fall silent.
Din looks back at Nova, and for the first time, she can see the fear in his eyes. She nods, encouragingly, even though she has absolutely no clue what point he’s trying to make. Every time she closes her eyes, even if it’s only for a heartbeat, she sees the strange, young hologram of her face, with the word MURDER, MURDER, MURDER flashing back at her, a ceaseless and terrible pattern. Nervously, she shifts her weight from one foot to the other, realizing that she’s the only person in this room who isn’t outfitted in Mandalorian regalia. Her black shirt has remnants of dust on the sleeves from the amphitheater. Her pants saw their best days weeks ago. Her shawl, the only proof that she wears any sort of allegiance to the throne, Mandalorian blue and regal, is thrown haphazardly over her rounded shoulders. The boots on her feet are older than her relationship with Din, picked up planets and planets ago, somewhere sunny and warm and an entire lifetime away. When Din’s panicked brown eyes find hers again, Nova smiles, taking a half-step forward, trying to portray anything other than her own frenzied state, the hammering heartbeat that could likely be heard outside of the palace.
“I didn’t ask for this,” Din finally continues, turning back to the crowd. Even from this angle, with most of his face obscured, Nova knows how hard it is for him to stand here, in front of dozens of people, without his helmet, how many rules he thinks he’s breaking, how this must feel like agony. He reaches for the Darksaber hanging on his belt, and when it ignites, every single face in the room is on Din, on that horrific, captivating blade of electricity and death. “I won this in battle. Twice. Both were accidents,” He inhales heavily, studying the flickering, wicked blade. “But they still happened. I wasn’t born on Mandalore. I wasn’t raised here, either. I’ve given some of you this speech before, when I first took the throne.” He exhales through his nose, and Nova wets her dry lips. Her throat feels like the middle of the day on Tatooine, parched and treacherous. “I...I am not a Mandalorian in the way that you’re Mandalorians.” Nova chances another half-step forward, letting the captive, tensioned room blur in her vision as she just focuses on Din. There’s a tremor in his voice, something alive and unsteady, something she only notices because she’s spent over a year studying every inch of him, memorizing Din right down to his bloodstream. “I follow a Creed that you don’t. I’ve spent most of my life trying...trying to be a good soldier, a true Mandalorian. I know I’m not the leader you wanted. I’m not even sure if I’m the leader I wanted. But I’m the one we’ve got, at least for right now. And—” Din exhales sharply, his breath strained, and Nova knows he’s suppressing a sigh, “I swear, I will try my best to do right by this planet. But—but I’m not only the reigning Mand’alor. I’m—”
“Right,” Axe interjects, but there's no malice in his tone. Nova stiffens, crossing her arms over her chest, staring over at him. But he doesn’t look threatening. His smile seems genuine, like he;s just attempting to get Din to lighten up. “And a bounty hunter. A damn good one, at that. He’s caught me twice.”
“Three times,” Nova corrects, and her eyes go wide when she realizes that everyone’s attention is now on her. “But,” she continues, rather nervously, trying to square back her shoulders in a shoddy imitation of Bo-Katan to not display that nervousness, “Din hasn’t been just a bounty hunter in a long time.”
Din sheathes the Darksaber, and instead turns his outstretched hand to Nova. Heart pounding, she slides her hand into his large, gloved one, trying not to show the massive tremble in her fingers. Quietly, he reaches for the Skywaker lightsaber hanging from her belt, and when Nova hesitates, he lets her hand close over the grip instead. Bo-Katan moves forward, so quickly Nova doesn’t even notice, and when she ignites the crisp, illuminated blue blade, half of the people gathered in the throne room draw a weapon. Nova’s expecting Bo-Katan to do the same, but she raises one impeccable eyebrow and turns back towards the room.
“Stop,” she says, and immediately, the majority of the room lowers whatever weapon of choice they’re gripping. Nova manages a tiny, stuttered breath. “She’s not going to hurt us.”
“She,” a voice says from the back of the room, “is wanted by multiple parties. Contacts all over the galaxy will pay a pretty price for Andromeda Maluev, you know. I accepted the cult member as Mand’alor. I accepted you standing down from the throne, Bo-Katan. I will not accept harboring a criminal,” he continues, voice as icy as Hoth, “and a Jedi, at that.”
Din moves forward, all tension, all rage, but Bo-Katan holds up that same, steady hand, and the man making his way across the foreground halts in the same beat that Din does. Nova pulls her own lightsaber back, pocketing it, pulling the shawl higher over her shoulders, trying to unclench her jaw before all of her teeth break off in her mouth. She’s tired. So tired. Exhausted, slogging through this conversation, her heartbeat accelerating, stars shooting out behind her eyes. And still, this time, when she closes them, all she sees is MURDER, MURDER, MURDER.
“Her name,” Bo-Katan returns, measured and cool, “is Novalise Djarin. And yes, she is wanted by both the scum that still survived after the Empire’s demise, and a middleman somewhere in between which we cannot identify yet. Yes, she is a Jedi, or at least is certainly heading in that way. Yes, I stood down from the title. But that wasn’t because I was weak, or because I wanted them on the throne.”
“Nova,” Bo-Katan interjects, “I’ve got this.” She steps off the lowest stair on the dias, posture perfect, right arm curled around her distinctive helmet. Everything in her screams royalty, regality. Behind her eyes is a fire so much stronger than the ice in her voice. “I didn’t want this. Neither did you. But Din won the Darksaber, fair and square. And Mandalore isn’t what it used to be. None of us are, either. We’re good at surviving, but we’re even better at fighting. And I believe,” she says, pointedly, glancing over at Din, who’s still coiled in an attack position, “that was the point our Mand’alor was getting to. So let him finish. With your mouths closed.”
The man who spoke, wizened but grizzled, exhales angrily through his nose, but his mouth stays clamped shut. Bo-Katan stands at attention, nodding back at Din.
“War is coming,” Din continues stiffly, and half of the people crowded around the room roll their eyes or mutter under their breath.
“War is always coming,” another woman enunciates, “it’s what the galaxy knows best.”
“War is coming,” Din repeats, and Nova has to force herself to unfurl her palms. Before she can even try to jump to his aid, though, he walks down the steps and presses his flat palm against the holotable. Reflected in the glittering dome above them is thousands of pixels of blue light. Nova’s juvenile mugshot is up there for the entire room to see, but so are statistics from every mission they’ve engaged in, anything even remotely related to the Order. Hundreds of faces swarm the screen, all with interwoven lines connecting them to other profiles and rotating planets. There, at the center of the screen, is the First Order’s name in menacing, large letters. Underneath are the silhouettes of Luke, Nova, and Grogu. When Din opens his mouth this time, his words are vivid and clear. “I know that Mandalore has been razed and sieged. I know that in your eyes, I’m not one of you. I know that none of you signed up for another battle. But I also know that fighting,” Din says, his voice weary, but his dark eyebrow raised, “is what’s in our blood. All of us.”
“I won’t follow a ruler who isn’t a true Mandalorian,” the same man finally continues. He steps towards them, and his face is angry and ghastly in the flickering blue light. His rage is barely concealed, and Nova’s hand flies unconsciously to the lightsaber hanging from her belt. “And I certainly won’t protect a Jedi who doesn’t belong here.”
“Well, then,” Nova says, and she’s so bone-dead tired that she doesn’t realize she’s the one who’s speaking until the second word is out of her mouth, “good thing I can protect myself.” She chances a glance at Din, who could very easily be aggravated at her stoking the fire. The only thing written across his face, though, is pride. Nova’s eyes flicker over to Bo-Katan, who is somehow, unbelievably, wearing the same exact expression.
Din slams his fist down on the holotable, sending all of the blue light back into the atmosphere it came from. The low light of the war room is returned to its usual state, but no one speaks. “I don’t expect you to follow what I say. I’m not a dictator, and I have no interest in becoming one. But if a single one of you brings danger to this planet you claim to love to hurt me or my wife,” Din continues, and the way his lips shape around the word wife makes something warm and wet unhinge in Nova, “there will be no place in this galaxy where you can hide from me.”
Still, no one moves.
“Mand’alor,” Bo-Katan snaps, icily, all of her usual vigor and venom back in her voice, and it’s like she’s given an order no one can deny. Half of the Mandalorians nod in wary agreement, and the other half keep their low mumbles close to their chests, all of them shuffling out of the throne room, presumably to disperse outside. When the heavy door closes shut, with only the three of them remaining, Bo-Katan turns back to Nova. Din is already climbing the steps back up the dais where the menacing beskar throne sits to retrieve his fallen helmet. When he pulls it back over his handsome face, it’s like closing an open wound.
Nova looks at Bo-Katan, who doesn’t look nearly as threatening in this low light. Her hair is slightly ruffled, and the hard set of her jaw is tense, electric. “Bo-Katan,” Nova whispers, and her gaze snaps impeccably back to Nova’s. “Thank you,” Nova continues, earnest, “for defending me. Defending us. You didn’t have to do that.”
“I did,” Bo-Katan counters, but there’s the ghost of a small smile on her beautiful, cold face. “They were wrong, and they needed to hear that. See? I’m not always a total bitch.”
The word—so commonplace, so foreign—sounds absolutely ludicrous coming out of her mouth that it makes Nova laugh out loud. The sound is both musical and jarring, and the tension held in Bo-Katan’s shoulders evaporates, even if it’s only momentarily.
“Noted,” Nova says, smiling. Maker and all the stars above, she’s exhausted. Bo-Katan glances back at Din, armored and impenetrable, and then back at Nova.
“You need sleep,” Bo-Katan allows, pulling her own helmet back over her head. “Both of you. I’ll stay down here and monitor any incoming correspondence. I’m too wired to go to bed anytime soon.”
“You don’t have to—”
“I do,” Bo-Katan interrupts, and her usual edge is back in her tone. “And I will. Go.” She raises that commanding arm again, and Nova’s too exhausted to resist. She wants to take a shower and wash the last few days off of her, and then sleep for three more. Her scar hurts. Her shoulders ache. Her head feels impossibly heavy. Silently, she lets Din lead her over to the heavy double doors, her ears buzzing with fatigue, but before they step into the hall, Nova hears her name chase her across the war room. In tandem, she and Din turn, watching Bo-Katan ignite the blue holotable. There’s something unreadable about her, even under the helmet. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Bo-Katan says, finally, and the heaviness of her words is louder than the doors when they close on her impenetrable face.
Steam from the shower fills the entire fresher. It’s wet and hot, the humidity seeping deep into Nova’s skin, burrowing under the residual ache from the last few days, nestling between her cold bones from the chill back on Ahch-To, the frigidity back on Hoth. Din joins her once he wrestles off the rest of the armor, and before Nova can explain she wants him, but it’s impossible right now with how exhausted she is, how she can barely keep her eyes open, Din wordlessly lathers up his hands with her favorite, clean-smelling soap, gently raking the suds through her hair.
Nova sighs in the silence, letting her shoulders hunch over, her body weight alleviated by sagging against the warm shower walls and by the soft grip Din has on her arms, making sure she stays upward. For what feels like years, they stand together under the warm running water, reveling in the steam, the heat, without either of them needing to say anything. Din wraps Nova’s long hair up in the freshly washed towel, while she dries off the residual runoff down her arms, her thighs.
The room is cool and dark in the blue twilight, that same fog and haze sinking over the horizon. Wherever the rest of the Mandalorians went, they’ve all but disappeared off the face of the planet. Everything is an eerie kind of quiet, no bugs, no animals, no clamor, nothing that signifies any kind of sentient life outside of the castle. Most nights, that kind of awful silence makes Nova wired, like it permeates even into her dreams, but not here, not now. She has what feels like years’ worth of sleep to catch up on, and the second that Din pulls back the fluffy, silk comforter on their giant bed, Nova steps out of the towel and into the soft cocoon. Din’s barely even settled up behind her before she drifts off somewhere peaceful, somewhere that’s not here.
She sleeps. For hours, maybe days, Nova sleeps. It’s dreamless and empty, warm and safe. Usually, nightmares flicker and flash through her mind, her legs sprinting away from whatever menace or threat is chasing her, but not tonight. Nothing wakes Nova up, not the strange quiet, not Din tossing next to her, not the immeasurable weight of saving the galaxy on her shoulders. She sleeps, uninterrupted and powerfully, swaddled up under the light blue blankets that are somehow keeping all the bad things away.
In the end, it’s not a nightmare that startles her away, nor is it Din’s unshaven face pressing into the crook of her neck. It’s the sleepy, quiet beeping of her commlink, which has somehow been removed from its usual place on her wrist and is buried under the extra pillows that stand sentinel over their bed when neither Nova or Din is there.
Din, at this very moment, is also nowhere to be found, and Nova rakes a hand through her hair, tries and fails to suppress a yawn, and digs through the array of pillows on the floor until she can see the bright, red light. “Hello?” she asks, her voice still off somewhere in dreamland, and she rubs sleep from her eyes as she collapses down on the bed, body still stuck in sleep.
“Hey,” Nova hears, and it’s halfway through another yawn before she realizes it’s Cara calling. “Listen, I’d love to actually catch up, but—”
“You have news?” Nova asks, suddenly wide awake. She smooths the comforter out under her hand, crossing one of her legs underneath the other. Outside, the sky is dark.
“I have news,” Cara confirms, grimly. “I know Wedge called you to Hoth a week or so ago because there was a prison break somewhere outside of my jurisdiction.”
Nova nods before she remembers Cara can’t see her. “Yeah,” she adds, belatedly. “Yeah, but no one seemed suspicious or in league with the Order, and it was a holding cell full of minor offenders, so it was kind of a dead end.”
“Well, it was,” Cara sighs, “until it wasn’t. We were right, kind of, because no one who escaped was linked to the First Order. But the night after that prison break happened, your photo with your old name and manufactured crimes popped up as a hit from the Guild.”
Nova’s heart sinks. Something suffocating is blocking her airway, and she tries to swallow past the feeling before she can exhale. “What does that mean?” she manages, barely, hand fluttering around her necklace, pressing into the embossed star.
“Someone’s setting you up,” Cara continues, and her voice is gentler than Nova’s ever heard it. “Someone who likely knows you or Din, knows how to get under your skin. The reason why this is so dangerous is because whoever did it knows exactly what they’re doing. I’ve tried, and Karga has tried, but we can’t even identify where the hit originated from, let alone who put it out. We’re not going to stop looking, but it’s going to be hard to figure out who did it. And because the warrant is for you alive or dead…” Cara trails off, the silence buzzing and dangerous.
Nova closes her eyes before she fills in the blanks. “I’m going to be in danger anywhere I go.”
“Listen,” Cara tries, but it’s too late. Nova’s still exhausted, she’s in pain, she has no idea where Din went, and all she wants to do is to bury her face in Grogu’s head and smell his sweet, reassuring baby smell. Her heart aches. “Novalise, I’m not going to let them get to you. You have some of the strongest forces in the galaxy who’ve got your back.”
“Yeah,” Nova whispers, “and I appreciate that, Cara, I do, so much, but—but Mandalore isn’t exactly a safe haven, either. The planet knows I can use the Force, and besides that, most of the people Din’s supposed to be ruling hate our guts. I’m not scared of being left to defend myself, because it’s kind of what I’ve learned to be best at. But with what you’re telling me, there’s not a single safe place left in the galaxy for me right now.”
Cara’s silence is deafening. Nova’s heart sinks just a little bit deeper, swimming around somewhere in her stomach. “It’s not forever,” she says, but her voice is a little too glum to be anywhere near reassuring.
“I’m so tired,” Nova admits, feeling tears bubbling up at the corners of her eyes. “And I can’t rest, because that’s when someone can get me. I mean—what would you do, if you were me, Cara?”
Nova can hear Cara moving, a soft rustle underneath the comm. When she speaks again, her voice is low and clear, like she’s telling a secret that only Nova can hear. “I would do what we both know you’re going to do. You’re the rebel girl, remember?” She pauses. “So rebel.”
Nova watches as the comm clicks off, everything in her body electric, a live wire. Before she can bolt to Kicker, or try to find where Din’s hidden in the chambers of the palace, or call Wedge and tell him she’s coming back to Hoth, the door opens, and Din walks in.
“Hi,” Nova breathes, suddenly very aware she’s not wearing any clothes, which is completely ridiculous, because Din has seen, ravaged, and worshipped every inch of it. “Where were you?”
She watches as Din crosses over the floor, the low light of the day catching on his armor. He sighs, moving closer to Nova until he’s standing in between her open legs. Halfheartedly, he hooks his fingers under the rim of the helmet, but gives up completely the second Nova’s hands reach to pull it off instead. Underneath, his mustache isn’t manicured, his hair has been weighed down by the metal, and he looks about as exhausted as she feels.
“Ruling,” Din says, tiredly, and there’s a flint to it Nova hardly hears. He lets out a small scoff in the silence, and she reaches out the smooth palm of her right hand for his cheek to nestle against. “Trying to get the people of this planet to recognize I’m not here to destroy it, or that you—we’re not the enemy.” He catches his slip almost as quickly as it comes out of his mouth, but still, Nova’s heart sinks deep down in her chest again. “I didn’t—look, Nova, I’m not blaming you—”
“It’s okay,” she whispers, even though they both know it’s not. For a second, Din just stares at her, and then he presses his forehead against hers. The warmth his skin gives off is almost enough to make her forget about where they are, about the people that refuse to see her as an ally, about having to save the galaxy from forces that want her dead or for their own malicious intent. “They’ll come around,” she offers, her voice barely there, and Din shakes his head, his hair rustling against Nova’s forehead.
“What if they don’t?” Din asks, and by the weight in his voice, it’s clear he’s not just talking about Mandalore accepting her as the Mand’alor���s riduur, as an ally, as on their side, but about the infiltrated Guild that’s out to kill her, and the First Order that’s out for worse.
Nova’s quiet for a long time, just listening to him breathe, trying to map both of their heartbeats, yearning for the constellations hiding above the hazy Mandalore sky. “What if we can’t do it?” she whispers, her mouth hollow, her head aching. “Any of this? What if we can’t pull this off, Din?” She doesn’t point out the specifics, the weight of planets hanging over both of their heads. They both know what she means. The silence is horrible, but Nova keeps her eyes closed, just like she used to, predicting every move Din will make in the dark.
“Then we don’t,” Din breathes back, and Nova’s about to resist, tears springing back to life in her eyes, and then Din’s mouth is on hers and nothing else matters. She lets him sprawl her back on the bed, the smooth satin coaxing and cool under her skin. Stars are burning out behind her eyes, the same celestial imprints that flood through hyperspace, something more, something deeper, something beyond this planet, this moment, this darkness. When Din’s mouth leaves Nova’s, her eyes stay shut, and his lips trail down to her ear. “I’d give everything else up but you.”
They both know he’s lying—Din’s heart is too big, Nova’s purpose is too bright—but neither of them say it out loud. Nova keeps his words in the hollow of her mouth, something shiny and devastating, a supernova or a pearl.
Din kisses Nova like he’s never had her before, low and desperate. It’s an echo of what happened in the amphitheater just hours ago, but it’s sustained, huge, warm. His mouth is made to devour, and if he’s whispering anything to feel the silence, Nova can’t hear it. She’s focused on where his kisses are trailing, desperate and hot and everything she didn’t know she needed. It’s freezing in here, but he’s so warm, his body heat louder than the cold.
“Kiss me,” Din whispers, his voice rough, a plea. One of his hands comes up and braces against Nova’s chin, not an order, but a question. She reaches towards his neck, trying to pull him down, to anchor their bodies together. It’s dark in their room. Without the stars shining above, it’s even darker.
She’s so tired. Still, even after all that rest, it’s like the exhaustion has permeated Nova straight down to her bones. She shudders and sighs as Din moves down her naked body, his lips planting kisses that she doesn’t know she needs until he’s already there. It’s easy and devastating and wonderful and crushing all at once. When Nova tries to return the favor, Din gently pushes her down, mumbling something about taking care of her.
It’s sweet. So sweet, even, that she’s on the verge of tears. Nova would do anything to stay here forever, to feel her husband’s lips on her bare skin, washing away all of the horror, the trauma, the darkness. She doesn’t open her eyes, even though she wants to. Din’s spent so much time without his helmet to appear like one of the people that call themselves Mandalorians, and she wants to give him back every single second of the time that prying eyes stole away.
Before long, Nova’s already close—her orgasm bubbling up quietly, without fanfare, without dramatics, just because Din knows exactly how to make her body sing—and when she taps at his arm to let him know, his mouth unlatches from the small hickies he’s leaving on the terrain of her bare stomach, and moves in between her thighs.
Effortlessly, he hold her legs up, hooking both of them around his shoulders so that his tongue can stay anchored in place. Nova moans, a quiet, radiant thing, and Din’s tongue finds exactly where she needs it to go. It pulses there, on the sweetest of spots, over and over again until she’s finished.
Breathless, she claws at his pants again, but Din shakes his head, his mouth dropping to her forehead as he pulls her into bed. “Rest, Nova,” he whispers, his voice faraway, a deep rumble. He pulls her in against his body, warm and soothing, and both of them are out before their heads hit their pillow.
Din’s asleep next to her, his slow, even breaths barely anything even in all the silence. Nova wants to fall back to sleep, but she knows she can’t. Her heartbeat is running itself rampant, and she’s a tangle of wants and needs, everything pulled in opposite directions. As quietly as she can, she slides herself out from the protective warmth of Din’s arms and the comforter, gently placing her feet on the floor. Even in the cool darkness of the night, her wardrobe, sleek but huge, has nothing but clothes in the same shades of Mandalorian blue, of beskar silver, but right now, Novalise doesn’t want to be a Mandalorian. She doesn’t want to be royalty, doesn’t want to be a figurehead. She doesn’t exactly want to be a Rebel either, because both titles mean the ultimate fate of the Outer Rim and beyond in her hands, so she settles for somewhere in between.
When she’s all dressed—black monochrome right down to her scuffed boots, in a weak imitation of the Luke Skywalker style—she braids the top half of her hair back, sleek and functional, and chooses a shawl buried at the back of her closet, underneath all of the Mandalorian haze of clothing. It’s a stormy grey that shimmers with the silver her husband wears when the fabric catches the light. If you pay close enough attention to the shawl, small, intentional stitches of rust and orange are woven into the fabric, hidden, furious, tiny flames.
Not exactly Mandalorian, but not entirely Rebel, either. And when Nova looks at herself in the mirror, studying the way her eyes flash with all that fire she was so certain was gone a few minutes ago, she sees herself right down to the quick, the high wire in between—she looks something like a Jedi.
So she pulls the Skywalker family lightsaber out of the hook on her door and pulls it to her belt loop, watching as the metal sways and dances in the low light. The weapon seems ancient, like something from another world. Something holy, even though she knows Luke Skywalker is a man and not a myth.
When she closes the bedroom door behind her, Din doesn’t even move. Usually, Nova’s the loud and clumsy one, worlds more obnoxious than Din’s practiced quiet, but she’s grown into her stealth over the last few weeks, especially living here, in a palace that has more rooms than the planet does people. It’s strange and eerie here at night, down the sprawling marble stairs, and she takes the first corridor she can find, just trying to walk off some of the pressure, to put her head back on her shoulders.
It’s lit only by candlelight, an archaic, flickering warmth, so in contrast to the rest of the steel and metal that Mandalore is made up of. It’s like she’s stepped into something that’s been around for years, even though she knows that it’s not possible. Mandalore was sieged, usurped, sieged again, razed and brought to the ground, destroyed. The planet’s atmosphere is mostly ash and haze, all that leftover war from years ago. But this part of the palace looks older, like a tomb that somehow survived.
It’s too creepy, Nova decides, even though the curious part of her is itching to explore it. She wants to pore through every aspect of it, try to find remnants of lost Mandalore, like her father used to unearth texts, like her mother used to excavate history. Before the war, before the Alliance was necessary, before all this death and darkness. When Nova comes out the other end of the corridor, she’s right next to the intimidating double doors of the war room, the holiest place Mandalore has. She pulls her shawl a little closer to her body, trying to retain the warmth she left back upstairs, trying to hold onto a memory more than anything tangible.
Nova isn’t intending to slip into the war room, let alone walk towards the sprawling dais that holds the beskar throne, but she does. It’s still quiet, so quiet, and the dark is coaxing her closer, pulling her up the steps, something beyond a simple want or need. She has the sneaking suspicion that she’s not supposed to be in here, not this late, not without Din, not when she has no legal or physical right to this place, but when she sits down on the throne, something deeper echoes out from within her chest.
It feels like a hymn and a battle cry. Before she has a second to adjust, to rationalize anything, everything becomes starry and disconnected. It’s been so long since she had a Force vision this immediate, this intense, and it hurls her through the proverbial hyperspace, everything dropping away.
It takes three steps forward in this strange, terrifying liminal space before Nova can even identify what’s scaring her. It’s the same kind of evil she felt way back on Takodana, before she was married to the ruler of a planet, before she even knew it was her destiny to be both Rebel and Jedi. There’s a mask she doesn’t recognize, twisted and devious. Behind its menacing, blank expression is something horrifying. Looking into the visor, it’s like her own soul is being fractured into pieces.
It’s humanoid until it’s not. The figure wearing the mask of destruction is tall, easily a foot taller than she is, horrible and menacing. But when the lightsaber they’re using ignites, it’s scarier than the vision of the person at all. It’s awful. It looks like it was forged out of lava, menacing red, the blade flickering and hissing in a way that’s somehow even more terrifying than the stark contrast of the Darksaber’s blade. Nova gasps, the light too bright, too sudden, and she can feel the residual thud on the floor, even in the vision. She knows when she comes out of it, she’ll be hurt, but the blade is getting closer. It looks like a giant rapier, a sword made only for evil things. At the hilt, spraying out in both directions, the blade extends. When the figure in the mask swings, it’s without remorse, so quick, so terrible.
But Nova’s not the target. She rolls away, out of the strike zone, and then she hears Luke Skywalker’s voice cutting through the darkness. She turns, and suddenly she’s not in the horror of the vision, anymore. She doesn’t know where she is. The ground looks icy, like Hoth, but there’s red powder spit everywhere, vomited across giant salt deposits. It’s so bright that her hand comes up in front of her eyes, and when she lowers it, Luke is gone. She’s gone, too. She turns around, hair whipping in the furious wind, trying to find where her name is being cried, and she trips over a mound on the salty ground, and when she falls to her knees, it’s a person, newly slain. The blood is so red, redder than the powder, redder than the evil lightsaber. It drowns through the lines on her hands, slips through her long fingers. She screams, trying to back up from the body, and then she realizes it’s Bo-Katan, gurgling through the slit in her throat, and when Nova tries desperately, in vain, to buffer the blood spilled, Luke Skywalker calls her name again.
But it’s not Luke. It is him—for a second, for the tiniest fraction of a moment—but then it’s not. His lightsaber floods with red, cancelling out the green light. The hallway flickers, once, twice, and then Darth Vader is charging towards her, and all Nova can hear is her blood pounding frantically in her ears and his heavy breathing through his mask, the sound that used to fill all of her nightmares. She’s slamming on the door at the other end of the hallway, and when it opens, the only person standing there isn’t a person at all, but a small alien baby all of two feet tall, green and adorable, and Nova drops her body around her son, protective and sobbing, curling every single inch of her around his tiny little frame, trying to shield him from Vader’s wrath, but when she cries, the vision changes again.
She can feel the motion sickness bubbling up in her stomach, horrible and nauseating. When Nova lands, she doesn’t open her eyes. She’s seen more than enough. Even right now, in the middle of her Force vision, all she wants to do is go back to sleep. She can feel the ache she slept away burrowing right back into her bones. Her scar is pulsing, enraged and angry. The headache she spent the last two and a half weeks fighting off is back, radiating straight down to behind her left eye. It’s all too much, and she can’t look. She doesn’t want to see anything else.
“Novalise,” she hears again, and the only reason she opens her eyes this time is because it’s her mother speaking. Her mother, who only ever called her Andromeda. Her mother, who spent half her life in the stars. Her mother, long dead. Her mother, who never got to know this version of her daughter, this Jedi-in-training, royal Rebel Girl that just desperately needs a hug from her mom.
“Mom,” she cries, and it’s so white. Everything here is antiseptic and deafening. It doesn’t even look like a planet, or even a room, or anything at all. She’s not even sure if there’s a floor, but Nova starts running like she’s never ran before in her life. Her breath is ragged and coming out in bursts. The jiggle in her chest and thighs burn under her speed, but she doesn’t care. She’s racing towards her mother, towards open arms, towards everything she’s been cheated out of for the last ten years.
It lasts for a second. Just a second. The figure is Piper Maluev, her skin dark and radiant, her hair down to her waist. Her lips are wide open and welcoming, her eyes crinkled at the seams. She’s tall and radiant and strong, and she’s everything Nova’s missed for nearly half her life.
And then it isn’t Piper. It’s not Luke, either, or Darth Vader, or whoever the dark, terrible, masked figure was. It’s not her usual nightmare transformation of Jacterr Calican. It’s not Bo-Katan, convulsing and dying. It’s Din. Just for a moment, a tiny fraction of relief, and then it’s not Din, either.
It’s a woman Nova’s never seen before, and her hand is clamped firmly around Nova’s windpipe. Like it’s nothing, she pulls her right off the disappearing floor and choking the life out of her. Her eyes are light but so terrifyingly menacing, her hair is a mess of a dark blonde. She’s pale and awful and her face is gleeful as she pulls the life out of Nova, a sucking, open wound.
She can’t talk. She doesn’t even want to plead for her life. If she’s this close to death anyway, and she just saw her mother, Nova figures there’s a pretty damn good chance that both of her parents are just over the other side. The woman is so happy to be killing Nova off, she doesn’t want to fight it. When her grip recedes, just for a half a second, Nova chokes out a confession that makes everything else grind to a halt.
It’s four words. Barely anything. Tears are streaming down her cheeks when her lips finally open. “I want my mom.”
Then she’s being dropped onto the floor, which very much exists now, and the light room filled with nothingness curls away, receding like it’s being burned. It’s dark in here, the tiled floor slippery and treacherous. In the background, there’s a makeshift trophy made from what looks like bones. Nova’s gasping for air, fighting back with a newfound vigor, kicking her legs helplessly to try and get some leverage on this woman who wants her dead, when, suddenly, she’s at eye level with her.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she seethes, a terrifying smile still spread across her horrible, beautiful face. “When I find you, you’re going to be begging for your life instead of your death.”
“Who—who are you?” Nova manages, through agony. Her shoulders hurt. Her headache feels like it’s trying to split her jaw in half. Her scar feels like it’s being reopened. Everything is torture, and she can’t even breathe.
“You’ll see,” the woman whispers, and her voice is so deadly that Nova internally corrects every time she’s ever called Bo-Katan venomous. Bo-Katan Kryze is a flower. One of the iridescent, gorgeous ones, that lined all the brush on Yavin, the ones Nova’s spent years pressing into the pages of every journal she’s ever owned. She’s kind and lovely and Nova’s very best friend, and when she gets out of this alive, Nova’s going to tell Bo-Katan that. “I’m going to enjoy killing you, Andromeda.”
Nova heaves one giant breath into her lungs, trying to muster up anything that she can, even if it’s just more air. “I—” she starts, and the woman smiles again, loaded and dangerous. “I—I already did that, you miserable bitch,” Nova manages, and when she’s slammed into the awful floor, it’s worth it. There’s some kind of desperation behind the woman’s eyes, now and when her hand finds Nova’s throat again, she spits in her face.
And then she’s out of it. Hurtled out of it, actually, like a dying starfighter in the middle of space. She gasps and heaves on the floor, and as her sight comes back, her breathing does, too. Her head is still killing her. Her shoulders feel like they’re trying to carry the entire weight of Mandalore. Her scar is awful, white-hot and painful to the touch. Somewhere, distantly, her knees hurt like she’s fallen to them, and when she gains back her sense of sight and the feeling of her life being choked out of her body subsides, Nova realizes she has fallen to them. She’s fallen a lot, actually, down multiple steps leading to the floor from the raised platform where she was once sitting in the beskar throne. Nova shudders, inhaling through a terrible wheeze, curling her legs up close to her chest, trying to shake off the absolute shitshow that just hurtled her through the most traumatic Force vision she’s ever had.
“You,” comes a booming, rueful voice, and when Nova’s eyes flutter open, she’s expecting it to be the malicious, purple-haired woman from her vision. Her eyes take a second to adjust, her left one throbbing from the horrid ache pulsing behind it, and when she finally locates the source, it’s the miserable man from the gathering earlier.
“Can I help you?” Nova asks, her voice shooting up at the end, on the verge of tears.
“You aren’t supposed to be up there,” he spits, and Nova squints up at the throne she’d just fallen from.
“I know,” she whispers, dully. She presses a shaking hand to the ache behind her eye, trying to shut out this conversation like she wishes she’d ignored the vision. She tries to stand up, but her knees are too bruised to sustain pulling her to her feet, so she just slumps back against the step she’s on, trying to muster all the strength she has in her exhausted body to not break down. “I’m sorry,” Nova tacks on, the words barely there. “I—I wasn’t intending to sit here, or even come in the room, it just—”
“Happened,” he finishes, oddly calm. His voice sounds closer. Much closer. Nova opens her right eye, and he’s only at the bottom of the staircase. There’s something so wretched and dangerous about the energy he’s giving off, and she wants to run, but she’s in no position to even stand, let alone fight him off, so she just sits there, curling her knees into her chest, pulling her shawl as tight as she can against her upper body. “You’re an abomination.”
A laugh, the traitorous thing, bubbles up inside Nova’s throat. It’s not funny. It’s not. It’s pathetic, and likely racially motivated, but she can’t help herself. Her ribs ache, like they got banged up in her distant fall down these sharp, steep marble steps. “That, surprisingly, is not the first time I’ve been called an abomination in my life.”
“Do you know what the Jedi did to our people, little girl?” He’s angry. Nova can hear it in his voice. And normally, it would scare her, trigger her fight or flight reflex, keep her moving, but after her paranormal face-off with two of the scariest figures she’s ever seen, this one isn’t really that high up on our list. “I do. You were eradicated for good reason. You scorched our planet down to nothing, and now you and your cult leader husband come back here and try to take over? Not on my watch.”
Nova can feel him getting closer. He’s so much bigger than she is, up close, tall and buff, menacing and taut. She weakly pulls her hand away from her eye, trying to at the very least give him her full attention, but she’s so fucking tired. It’s in her bones, at this point. She doesn’t want to be royalty. She doesn’t want to be a Rebel. And, in contrast to what the man in front of her is screaming, she doesn’t want to be a Jedi.
She wants to be the Novalise she was on Naator, with nothing but domesticity and yellow leaves and pink skies. She wants to be the protector she was out there in hyperspace. And, for the first time in ten years, she wants to be Andromeda Maluev, fifteen and gleeful, running around Yavin knowing the stars were her destiny and that evil could always be defeated.
“I don’t even want to be here,” Nova whispers, finally, and it’s like something inside her breaks.
“Good,” the man spits, “then we’re in agreement.” And then his hands are yanking away the hood of her shawl and tangling in her braided hair. Nova’s scream gets cut off as she’s thrown down the rest of the stairs, like her body’s giving up. She chokes out something horrible, fighting to get to her bruised, banged up knees, sore from the fall, aching from the blissful time riding Din’s face less than an hour ago, but she can’t summon the strength. Somewhere, she knows Luke Skywalker is yelling at her to use the Force, but Nova’s had enough force today to last a lifetime. When she’s kicked in the stomach, brutal and awful, she just curls in on herself, hoping her death isn’t a slow one. He startles towards her again, ripping her shawl off of her body, clawing at the meat of her upper arm, and something snaps inside of her. If she’s going to die, really die, it’s not because she succumbed to the injuries this rabid Mandalorian is giving her to try and put the blame on her shoulders. She survived Moff Gideon. She survived Din and Grogu leaving her. She survived her parents dying. And she survived the abuse of Jacterr Calican’s awful hands. Novalise can survive this.
When her lightsaber roars to life in her hands, it’s not only Nova swinging. She can feel the weight of what it being the Skywalker family lightsaber, of Luke and Leia before her, of his father before him, of all the generations yet to come to wield this weapon, this holy sword, this impossible thing. It takes all of her energy, a brilliant beam of blue light, and then she falls to the floor, knowing that even if this is where it ends, that she fought back.
Everything next comes in flashes. It’s in these tiny fractals like what happened when the Crest had died right over Dagobah and crashed to the surface. She sees a blade ignite, and in between the rhythm of her fading in and out of consciousness, Nova thinks she’s just watching herself fight the man back. Suddenly, he drops to the floor, his body nothing but dead weight, and she wants to scream, but she’s back out. It’s horrible and deafening. She’s being scooped up, she can feel that. She’s crying. She’s definitely crying. There are voices, loud ones. When she has enough strength to open her eyes again, Din is slamming his gloved fist against the airlock on Kicker, his voice frantic. She can’t make out what he’s saying, though, and another face appears above her. Din gently transfers Nova’s limp body into someone else’s arms, and when Nova looks up, it’s Bo-Katan, her face so panicked it’s almost impossible to recognize who it is.
“Nova, you gotta stay awake,” Bo-Katan whispers, her palm slapping softly at Nova’s cheek. “C’mon, I mean it. If you die here on this planet you hate, I will haunt you in the afterlife. I swear, you have to stay awake.”
“I don’t—” Nova starts, and Bo-Katan shakes her head.
“You literally should not be talking,” Bo-Katan says, her eyesight dipping to Nova’s neck. Her eyes widen for a second and then her smooth fingers ghost over the outline. Nova coughs at her light touch, and she realizes that the marks from the vision she had of being choked within an inch of her life are here, that they followed her back out of the vision and into this moment. “Nova, no, shut up, I’m serious—”
“I don’t—don’t hate Mandalore,” she manages, her voice sounding like shards of glass, and Bo-Katan offers her a hasty, worried smile.
“You do,” Bo-Katan argues, but her voice is so gentle. “But don’t worry, princess, we’re getting you the hell off of it. No complaints now that you’re off Mandalore, you got it? The second you got here, I knew both of you wanted to leave.”
Din’s at her side again, and Bo-Katan kneels down, gently placing Nova in her familiar tangle of blankets and pillows. Nova’s eyes close again, and when they slide back open, Bo-Katan is standing, trading worried glances and hushed tones with Din.
Nova’s head hurts. So bad. It’s splitting down the middle of her skull, actually, but all she can do is press a hand over her eye and try to block out the familiar low light of the ship that smells more like home than this entire planet ever had.
“Listen, about what I told you back on Hoth—”
“It’s fine,” Din cuts her off, and his next few words are warbled. “I get it. Your allegiance is to Mandalore, not to us.”
Nova can’t hear Bo-Katan’s answer. In fact, she’s not even sure if there’s even words being spoken, because the next time she looks up, Bo-Katan is just staring down at her, incredibly concerned, such an obvious change from her usually stoic expression. Nova’s whole body feels like it’s on fire. She’s exhausted. Bo-Katan kneels down again, just for a split second, to pull the loose end of Nova’s shawl over the rest of her folded body. Nova wants to cry.
“Flower,” she garbles, nonsensically. She’s trying to tell Bo-Katan that she’s sorry for all the animosity, that she trusts her, and more than that, she likes her. It doesn't make a single lick of sense to anyone outside of Nova’s head, but Bo-Katan offers a tiny smile anyway.
“Here,” Din says, stiffly, holding out the sheathed blade of the Darksaber to Bo-Katan. Nova’s eyes flutter closed, just for a beat, and when they open back up, Bo-Katan is pushing the weapon back into Din’s grip.
“It’s not mine,” she insists. “Besides, you’re not getting out of it that easy. You’ll be back.”
“Take care of her,” Bo-Katan interrupts. Nova blacks out again until they’re up in hyperspace. Din’s body is shielding her from the cold, his limbs draped all over the places that hurt the least. When she opens her eyes, they’re floating through the cosmos, and all her eyes can see is sweet, sweet stardust.
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hankwritten · 3 years
No Thru Traffic
Gen, 1k
Part of the DontNeedADiscord Pride Week, Day 6: Parade
“I’m really sorry Administrator,” I coughed into my tissue. “It really is- achoo-! It really is that bad. But at least it came after I got all that work done yesterday, right?”
The slightly pixelated Administrator on the other end of the Zoom call did not chime in in agreement. She narrowed her eyes, and I swallowed, hoping the sweat beading down the side of my face added to the charade.
After several tense seconds, the Administrator said, “very well. But I expect you early tomorrow morning to make up for the lost contracts.”
“Oh d-definitely,” I sniffed. “I’m sure it’ll be c-cleared up by tomorrow,”
“It better be. Administrator out.”
Her face hung frozen for a half second before the call dropped, replaced by a black void on my screen. I cautiously closed the webcam cover, just in case.
Then, I flew into a frenzy, wiping off the makeup I’d used put fake bags under the eyes. From my nose I removed two stubs of tissue, and took in a glorious breath now that I was freed from stuffy-nostrils. The sweat was real though. I’d never lied to the Administrator before, never to her face, and the sudden adrenaline as I realized what I’d just pulled off threatened to jitter me out of my skin.
“Yes!” I said, punching the air. “Ha! I did it!”
The exultation was short lived, as my head whipped to where my laptop was still sitting open. The call was over but…better be extra safe and power that off before I go.
I changed out of the grubby, sick-girl pajamas, and went to my closet. Habitually, my hand went to one of my numerous purple tops, but stopped just short of the hanger. Was this what I was going to wear, today of all days? Same boring work clothes I did for the other three hundred sixty-four days a year? I drew my hand back and frowned.
Screw it. Who knew when the next time I’d work up the nerve to do this again?
I began shoving hangers aside, heavy with their deep whooshing as I sorted through dozens and dozens of painfully similar button downs. Sometimes there was even a dress! How original! So I just kept searching and searching until-
There! Right at the back: an orange Hawaiian shirt I’d worn exactly once, back when I’d been forced to take my government mandated vacation. I pulled it on with gusto.
The tangles came free from my hair—I hadn’t brushed it yet that morning in order to give it that “sickly” look—and then I was in front of the bathroom mirror. Biting my lip, I looked down at the facepaints I’d bought on an impulse, thinking at the time I could paint little flags on my cheeks, but now that the time was upon me I wondered if it was too much. Already I was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, how much more wild was I willing to get?
But, well, since I’d already bought them…
Fifteen minutes later, I examined myself in the mirror again, and gave a relieved sigh. Hadn’t managed to smudge a thing!
Sensible shoes, my bus pass, and then I was off.
The parade was vibrant, so much better in person instead of looking at YouTube clips later and sighing wistfully. My first day off to coincide with it ever, and all I’d had to do was a little office subterfuge. Now, as long as I didn’t end up in any photos, no one would know I’d been here at all! Everything was going to be absolutely-
“-Oof, entschuldigung, I did not see you there.” The man who’d just bumped into me adjusted his glasses. “Miss Pauling?”
“Medic?” I gaped. “What are you doing here?”
“I am here for the parade of course,” he said, gesturing around. He was dressed for it, his usual vest replaced with one of horizontal rainbow stripes. “As are you, I assume.”
“Yes but,” I stumbled over my words. “What about work?”
“Ah, the Voice? I simply told her I was sick.”
I felt my spirits sink. “Did you now.” I rubbed my face, only remembering to avoid the facepaint at the last second. “It’s fine. Great to see you actually. As long as no one else recognizes us I’m sure we’re-”
“Doktor! Miss Pauling!”
“Aw jeez.”
Pushing through the crowd to greet them was the Heavy Weapons Guy—even worse, Engie appeared to be tagging along behind him, discussing a brochure with a unicorn-costume clad Pyro.
“Did not expect to see you here,” Heavy said as he made it to our side of the street. “Thought little Pauling must work.”
“Could say the same to you guys!” I said, irritation creeping into my voice. “Don’t tell me you all just played hookey together?”
“Naw,” Engie replied. “Didn’t know any of these fellers were coming until we all ran into each other.”
“This is bad,” I began to titter. “If we’re here, then who’s at the office?”
“…Is this a bad time to tell you that Demo ‘n Soldier are coming at us from down the street?”
I whipped around. Sure enough, there they were: Soldier with rainbow-striped American flag tied around his shoulders, and Demo with his afro dyed a deep commitment to purple.
“Ahhhhh!” I couldn’t help but let out. “Why did you all have to skip work at the same time as me?”
“We all wanted to come to the parade, lass.” Then, noting my distress, Demo added with a wink, “don’t fret! The old woman won’t know a thing. Currently, I’m home in bed with the measles.”
“The measles,” I deadpanned. I turned to our now rather obstructing group. “And what did the rest of you say?”
“Gingivitis,” Soldier offered.
“Chicken pox.”
“Cat Scratch Fever,” Scout said, taking a bite from a hot dog.
“Scout!” I demanded. “When did you get here?”
He shrugged. “Don’t blame me, I was just following Spy, seeing why he was sneaking around and crap.”
“And I told you,” Spy’s voice replied, “that I was merely following the bushman and seeing what he was up to.”
Maybe I should just stop turning around. Then my coworkers would have to stop randomly appearing behind me, right?
“That’s literally everyone,” I berated them all. This time, when I rubbed my palms under my glasses, I did end up smudging the paint, streaks of white and pink running up my cheeks. “Uhg, we’re so screwed. What is the Administrator going to think when she walks in to the office and sees-”
“Absolutely no one?”
Okay. It looked like I’d have to turn around in a horrified manner one more time.
The Administrator parted the crowd around her, not the least because her shoulder pads threatened to stab anyone who got too close. Everyone shrank before her, except for Heavy maybe because I don’t think he has it in him to shrink before anyone.
“Helen,” I started, then cleared my throat. “I guess you uh…took a guess where we all went huh?”
“That I did.” She blinked down at her employees. “I must say I am disappointed. Of course, I expect something like this from these idiots, but from you Miss Pauling? Couldn’t even engineer a decent structural emergency in order to justify shirking your work. At the very least you could have flooded the building, or released feral opossums into the ventilation.”
“HEY NOW,” Soldier barked from the back of the group. “Have you been reading my itinerary? Because it very clearly says SOLDIER’S DAY PLANNER, DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU ARE SOLDIER OTHERWISE I WILL KILL YOU!”
“…Are you saying you wanted me to fabricate an emergency?” I asked, perplexed.
“It would at least have been more convincing than nine separate emails from my employees, all claiming different maladies. One of which was,” she looked at her phone, “‘A Case of the Mondays’.”
“It is actually proven that worker productivity is up to thirty-three percent lower at the beginning of the week,” Medic justified.
The Administrator stared at him. “It’s Thursday.”
“Alright, alright,” Engineer butt in. “I think we can all agree that we may have messed up a little. Told a few harmless lies about medical issues we may or may not have. But that ain’t exclusive to Miss P here! We all’ve been lying ‘round here, and it ain’t fair to single her out.”
“The laborer is right,” Spy agreed. “The blame should fall on all of us.”
One by one, to my amazement, the others spoke up, or nodded in agreement. When I glanced up at the Administrator again, she had an eyebrow raised, as though I had somehow orchestrated this as well.
“I could instruct you all to return to work, you know,” she said. “It is only fair that your recrimination should begin there. However…”
“You showed up, saw how sick it was, and decided you’re going to hang out and eat hot dogs with us instead?” Scout asked.
She glared at him. “I still have work that must be done before the end of the day. But, it appears Miss Pauling has tripled her workload in the week leading up to today, she has effectively removed any urgency from the rest of your duties. Thanks to her foresight, you are technically not needed at the office today.”
“Aih! Way to go lassie!” Demo said, squeezing me around the shoulders until only my toes were on the ground. Similar congratulations were offered, everyone getting in a pat on the back.
“You inspire great loyalty, Miss Pauling,” she said. “But do not let this happen again.” With that she turned, and disappeared into the revelry.
“Wow,” I said. “I think I’m going to have a heart attack now.”
“Have one when the parade is over!” Soldier demanded. “Look! Floats!”
There certainly were floats. As the chatter died down, and everyone celebrated their good luck, I was left standing among my friends with a new appreciation, these people who’d stuck by me when it’d counted. They were a bit of a colorful bunch but, hey, who better to celebrate pride with than them?
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bltngames · 4 years
SAGE 2020: Indie Games
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SAGE may closed more than a day ago, but thankfully, the website remains up for those who still want to download its games. So even though this article is technically very late, nothing listed here is out of date. The event may be over, but the games live on! Which is honestly a relief, because I think doing ten games per article is taking its toll on me. Normally, when I’d write for TSSZ, I’d do somewhere in the realm of 5-7 games per article, and even that would eventually burn me out. After writing about 20 games this year, I was clearly starting to feel like I was running out of steam. Oh well. We live and learn. Here’s another ten games!
There’s one more article left after this, a sort of “honorable mentions” round-up that will feature much shorter blurbs as I blow through way more games way faster. If I didn’t talk about your game here in these three articles, now’s your chance to let me know so I can say something about it in the final article.
Anyway, onwards to our ten indie games.
Victory Heat Rally
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I’m all for any game channeling the spirit of Sega’s old SuperScaler arcade technology, and Victory Heat Rally is all about that. Everything about this game seems so MY AESTHETIC that my only complaint is that I’m hungry for more. A lot more. This demo is a simple time trial on one race track and I’m itching to sink my teeth into literally anything else this game has to offer. There is an older demo from back in April with more content, but it’s running on a different version of the code base -- this newest demo is significantly improved both in terms of visuals and control. I really don’t have anything else to say about it. There’s not much here, but what’s here is charmingly retro in the style of Sega’s Power Drift, but cuter and even more colorful.
  Sondro Gomez: A Sunova Story
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I had been interested to revisit Sondro Gomez after playing the first demo last year, but I don’t know if I just wasn’t in the right mood for it this year or what, but I kind of bounced off the game this time. To my memory, Sondro Gomez is a kinda-sorta side game in the Kyle & Lucy universe. You may remember Kyle & Lucy as one of a growing number of games coming out of the Sonic fan gaming community trying to break out as an original title. A while ago, the developers announced a partnership with Stealth to use the Headcannon engine to make the game with, something that extended to Sondro Gomez here. The problem is, it feels kind of weird now, and I can’t quite put my finger on why. I think it’s the little stuff -- you don’t get a lot of positive feedback when attacking using your whip (the sound is a bit quiet), and the difficulty balancing errs on the side of caution. I died a couple times in my time playing this newest demo, but I wouldn’t characterize Sondro Gomez as a game that feels challenging. Some of that probably has to do with the fact this is still just a demo, which means you spend a long time fighting the same four enemy types in every single level. There’s a lot of charm to the story and the characters it involves, but that only takes you so far when it feels like you’re doing the same things over and over in the actual levels, you know? Either way, the touched up visuals and the new boss fights are welcome. Interested in seeing what the full release looks like next year.
  Delta Gal
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In retrospect, a Mega Man Legends fan game seems like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? Where Delta Gal has a leg up is in controls. Even considering the era Mega Man Legends was released in, it had very awkward controls. Delta Gal’s response is to embrace standard third person action game controls with a mouse and a keyboard. Now, there is controller support, but even once you get it set up, you have button layout presets like “Bad” and “Almost Good.” Honestly, if you can, just play it with a keyboard and mouse. The demo offers about 30-40 minutes of gameplay, with a bit of the town, a forest section, a cave, and one whole dungeon. Visuals nail the best parts of the Mega Man Legends low-fi aesthetic, colors are vibrant, and the pixel art textures look very good. The town is full of characters with lots of personality, too. A particular favorite being the guy who runs the junkyard who likes to show off by flexing his muscles but then ultimately chickens out when it comes to exploring the cave he discovers. The only downside I’d say is the sound design. The game sounds okay, but some of the music is a little bland, and certain sound effects lack the right kind of punch. Granted, this style of sound design isn’t easy, so I can empathize with the developers in that respect. Honestly, it doesn’t really detract from anything at all, so maybe it’s not even worth bringing up. Either way, good stuff, and I’m looking forward to the full release.
  Bun n’ Gun
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Here’s a cute little game about a bunny in the old west. I’m absolutely in love with the visuals and the music here, but the gameplay is… interesting. Bun isn’t a typical shooter or platformer, thanks to the fact that he appears to only have one arm, which is occupied by his gun. Now you wouldn’t think this would matter, as it’s pretty easy to design a game around only having to jump and shoot, and that’s fair enough. But there’s a strange heft to this character. It takes them a little bit to pick up speed, and it takes them a bit to slow down, and there’s an unmistakable, split-second delay between pushing the jump button and actually jumping. I know enough about this kind of game development that a delay between pushing a button and actually jumping has to be a deliberate design decision, and I split on whether or not I like it. I don’t think I hate it, because it’s pretty easy to get used to the way it feels, but it does mean you’re working with a handicap when it comes to split-second movements. Given the bunny seems to only have one arm, though, perhaps that’s the point. Either way, it’s cute. Give it a look.
  Shield Cat
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I feel like I’ve been over-using the word “charming” to describe games at SAGE this year, but you know what? Shield Cat is charming as heck. People also tend to think it’s reductive to describe things by comparing them to something that already exists, but I say nuts to that, too. Saying “It’s like…” is an easy shorthand, and besides, if somebody is saying your project is like one of their favorite games, it just means they’re giving you praise and might lack the words to accurately describe that praise. Thing is, that’s actually kind of hard to do with Shield Cat. The nearest relative to this game would be The Legend of Zelda, but Shield Cat honestly plays very little like Zelda, beyond having a top-down perspective. Secret of Mana, maybe, with the stamina meters? I don’t know. Regardless, this is a charming (!!!) top down action game where you roam around exploring an overworld and solve light puzzles. It controls well and the aesthetics are nice. Can’t really get much better than that, though I do have to wonder what it is you’re supposed to be doing in this game. It took me about 30 minutes to see everything available in this demo, but there’s no story setup and only the smallest pieces of what could be considered a dungeon. What’s on offer here is interesting enough that I find myself wanting to know more about this world. For example, it’s called Shield Cat, but clearly you’re some kind of ferret. What’s that about? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
  Prototype N
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I’ve sat here staring into the void wondering what to write about for this game for a long time, because it’s one of those demos that’s just… a solid and fun game that nails exactly what it’s going for. I would say that Prototype N leans a little too far towards the easy side of things, but the third level provided in the demo ramps the challenge up enough to be just about perfect. And, really, that’s it. That’s the game. You get two softer introductory levels to get you acclimated to the controls (which are similar to Mega Man, but different enough not to be a direct clone) and one “real” level to actually give you a bit of a work out. There’s nothing else to really say. This has the vibe of a 1993 or 1994 Capcom game, or maybe something from Data East. Every single part of this game’s presentation is laser-focused on that aesthetic, and it pulls it off flawlessly. Sound design, music, visuals, it’s a bullseye. This game fell out of a time machine in the best way possible. Definitely give it a look.
  Yan’s World
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From a game that nails the SNES aesthetic to this, a game which pays tribute to the Virtual Boy… but not really? I actually became aware of Yan’s World many years ago through a mutual Discord, and it always looked interesting, but simultaneously a little confusing, something that still mostly holds true to this day. Per the game’s own Kickstarter sales pitch, Yan’s World is “stylized as a lost title for Nintendo's Virtual Boy.” I can get down with that, but the game almost instantly breaks its own rule because Yan’s primary method of attack is to shoot a missile from his head that can only be aimed using the mouse. As such, Yan’s World doesn’t have controller support, even though one of the stretch goals currently listed on their Kickstarter page is to make a version that can be played on real Virtual Boy hardware. And, honestly, what’s the deal with this game’s whole… everything else? Why is this kid an onion? Why are the platforms made out of clocks? Why does all of Yan’s dialog make him seem like he’s sort of pissed off when he’s got such a big happy smile? There’s a bit of a hand-wave to suggest the entire game takes place inside of a dream, and for once that actually means throwing logic out the window, I guess. Oh, the missile is a pillow? Fine, whatever. Use it to blast this demonic apple, and then threaten to kill an innocent NPC. It’s a dream! Despite how little sense that makes, it… kind of works? The sprites are big and lovely, the game controls well, and the level design is plenty creative. I can’t fault the game for that, it’s just trying to figure out everything wrapped around the game that feels so bizarre.
  Cosmic Boll
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I don’t know if I really understand what’s going on in Cosmic Boll, but I love to play it just the same. This plays like if Treasure made Dragon Ball Advance Adventure while strung out on cocaine. The end result is pure hyperactive chaos. There is a whole complicated combat system at play here, and a very lengthy in-depth tutorial when you first start the game, but you can figure out a lot of it by just skipping the tutorial and playing the game for real. You can get by pretty easily by just mashing buttons and seeing what happens, and that’s not a complaint, because a lot happens in this game. Like, constantly. It never stops, it never really slows down. You’re always zipping around, spinning and flipping and punching soldiers, explosions everywhere, collectibles everywhere, just utter madness. It’s Sonic the Hedgehog plus Devil May Cry plus Gunstar Heroes and all of it is mixed up in ways you probably don’t expect. All of this is to say that Cosmic Boll is messy and cool and fun and you should probably play it.
  Brock Crocodile
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This is a game I’ve seen a lot of around social media, and it’s nice to finally be able to try it. Weirdly enough, this is the first game all SAGE that has flat out refused to see my controller. For the last few years at SAGE, I’ve been using a Playstation DualShock 4, which typically causes me all kinds of headaches with games expecting an Xbox controller. This year, I’ve been using an 8bitdo SN30+. These things are designed primarily to be used on the Switch, but using a controller macro, you can change it to Xbox or Playstation modes. The “Xbox” mode has served me well so far, but Brock here fails to let me use the controller at all. Fortunately, with only three buttons, Brock manages to be mostly playable on a keyboard. That being said, a lot of this game feels a little bit off. The camera is kind of swimmy, as it's almost constantly in motion trying to get a better angle on what's around you. Brock himself doesn't have a smooth acceleration curve either -- it's more like shifting gears in a car, where you reach one top speed and then click up into the next highest speed. That can work, but Brock changes gears much too quickly and without much feedback, making it look like one jerky acceleration curve instead of two. And then there’s the visuals. Level art looks great, character portraits look great, but I’ve never been the biggest fan of the sprites I’ve seen in this game. Take Brock himself, for example: he’s got insanely thick thighs for some reason but the rest of his body looks thin and wispy, and he stands with kind of weird posture. The good news is, despite these complaints, Brock Crocodile is actually really fun to play. You eventually get used to the game’s control quirks, and the level design and included boss fight are excellent, striking that perfect balance where they aren’t too easy but don’t feel unfairly difficult, either. Plus, even though the cutscenes aren’t skippable (annoying as I was dealing with controller issues), the writing is snappy and the dialog is funny. It may not be perfect, but there’s still a lot to like here.
  Marble Launcher
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Here’s one of those games where you can tell the creator is just starting out making games. And that’s great! These sorts of endlessly complex, winding mazes are exactly the kind of levels I started making when I first got into game development when I was 16 or 17 years old. One could spend hours searching every nook and cranny in these levels, which is simultaneously awesome and exhausting. Thankfully, near as I can tell, nothing FORCES you to go exploring, so if you’d rather just finish the game, it’s easy enough to head straight for the goal. Gameplay is extremely simple, otherwise. You’re a marble, you can attack enemies by bouncing off of their heads, and you have a slam move. That’s it. You might think that with this being a marble game, you’d get real rolling ball physics, but all you get is simple platformer controls. They’re good enough, especially considering how esoteric the shape of the levels can get, but it’s hard not to be a little disappointed. Still, it’s not a bad little game for what it is. Controls a bit better than some of my earliest attempts at game development, too.
Thirty games total! That’s a lot of games to talk about. And there’s still more to come, so stay tuned for that.
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zenonaa · 5 years
for the writing meme,what bout sfw 17 with Nagito and Makoto?
A white ellipsis pulses across the middle of the computer screen like fingers drumming against a desk, one after the other. In Nagito’s case, more like the fingers on his original hand, because the ring and pinky fingers on his prosthetic left hand always passively follow the rest of his fingers. While he waits, sitting at his desk, he can’t hear anyone or anything beyond his cabin walls other than the purr of the ocean.
It’s peaceful.
The flashing dots on the screen vanish with a plop and a face appears in the virtual window. At first, it’s slightly pixelated, just for a few seconds, but even before it sharpens, Nagito already knows who it is he stares at.
“Good evening, Naegi-kun,” chirps Nagito.
Makoto pushes out a small smile. His bedroom provides a plain, off-white backdrop, with a collage of blurred faces on the wall some distance behind him. A line of tinsel hangs over the photos. Green.
Nagito focuses on just Makoto, though.
“Good evening,” Makoto says back, just as politely.
A wider grin spreads across Nagito’s face. He slouches forward, propping his chin on his prosthetic hand. His other hand offers a quick, friendly wave.
They first met when Makoto enrolled at Hope’s Peak a year after Nagito. A member of the teaching faculty led the new students through a courtyard, taking them to their dorm building. Nagito recalls being stood near a fountain when he spotted Makoto, with his shock of brown hair and darting, curious eyes. He recognised Makoto from an archived newspaper in the library, in a feel-good article about an injured crane. Dedicated message boards about the new students turned up barely any information on Makoto, so Nagito had been required to do a fair amount of digging to find anything out prior to Makoto’s arrival.
Like Nagito, Makoto was there due to winning a lottery. At the time, Nagito wondered if Makoto’s luck shunted him about like a metallic ball in a pinball machine, like it did with Nagito, or if he was just an ordinary person.
Nagito’s gaze had lingered on Makoto.
It stays on him now.
“It has been a while, hasn’t it?” says Nagito evenly.
Back when they first met all those years ago, Makoto had been colourful. Now he seems washed out. Tired. He grew up. Or maybe it’s just the poor lighting in the room. The quality of the webcam. Maybe it isn’t.
Makoto stares back at him.
“Yeah, it has been,” says Makoto.
Nagito lifts his head and flourishes his prosthetic hand. “You know, having this robotic hand has actually given me some supercomputer abilities. Since we last saw each other, it has been precisely seventy days, two hours, fifty three minutes, twenty…” 
But then Nagito can’t keep it up anymore and he cracks up laughing at the shock on Makoto’s face.
“I’m joking, Naegi-kun!”
“Oh!” Makoto jerks his head back.
Honestly, Makoto looks ridiculous, but Nagito can’t avert his eyes from the man ogling him, wearing a suit slightly too big for himself. Nagito’s heart gives a leap and his grin twists into a smirk as he straightens. He lowers his hands to the desk. 
“I’m not joking about how long it has been, though,” says Nagito, only a bit more serious now. “But I know because I’m on a computer and can calculate it on the internet.”
Makoto cringes. “O-Of course.”
Nagito’s head tilts to one side. He shows more teeth.
“I apologise if I freaked you out,” Nagito says cheerfully. Makoto sits up.
“It’s fine,” replies Makoto with a shaky smile, showing his palms, and he glances at Nagito’s hand. “So, uh, how’s it going? Sorry, we didn’t get much of a chance to talk before you all had to leave.”
“Yeah, that was a downer. But other than that, I’m pretty good, thanks! Do you like my new hand?” Nagito demonstrates, opening then closing a fist. Then, when he doesn’t do anything to it, it shifts into a natural position. “I don’t expect any less from a former Super High School Level mechanic, but it really is remarkable, isn’t it? Technology can sure be scary, but Souda-kun explained to me how it works.”
Makoto leans in. “It must be complicated.”
“It’s myoelectric.” He catches Makoto’s blank expression and adds, “Controlled by signals generated naturally by muscles in my residual limb.”
Nagito casts his gaze downward and surveys his hand, his lips faintly curved. 
“It still needs power from a battery but fortunately for us, I can plug a cord into it and charge it overnight,” says Nagito. “Handy, huh?”
“Y-Yeah,” says Makoto, not laughing at the pun.
Nagito studies his prosthetic fingers. His thumb wiggles. Then the index finger. When the middle finger sways, the ring and pinky fingers shadow its movement. He slowly balls a fist.
“Tsumiki-san has been very patient with me, getting used to it,” Nagito says. His eyes flit from his hand to the screen. Makoto’s mouth hangs open, but Makoto shuts it when they make eye contact.
The corners of Nagito’s eyes crinkle with amusement.
“Well, if there’s anything I can do to help…” Makoto starts, only to trail off. Nagito beams.
“It’s greatly appreciated,” Nagito tells him. “From the former Super High School Level Hope, that means a lot. Thanks!”
Neither speak as they continue looking at each other. The room feels brighter now, like night had become morning. Makoto has that effect, on things, on people. Even a dim cabin on a ship, even a rotten person seated at a metallic desk, can be touched by it. Can feel it. 
As Nagito drinks in Makoto’s presence, traces over every line, every curve on his face, he could keep on digesting him for longer, but Makoto thaws first and squirms.
“So, um, is that everything?” asks Makoto, fidgeting. Nagito’s eyebrows raise.
“You emailed me that you needed to ask me something important,” Makoto reminds him. “I assume - ”
“Oh.” Nagito flaps a hand. “Oh, no. No, no, no, Naegi-kun. I did email you, but that has nothing to do with what we just talked about.”
Makoto blinks. 
“I wanted to know if you’re free tomorrow night,” says Nagito. He speaks calmly, but his heart beats faster. “You know, on Christmas Eve. Hanamura-kun graciously offered to make my side of the meal, but I’m afraid you’ll have to come up with something on your end. It’s not the most conventional of dates, but that can’t be helped.”
One second passes. Then another.
“… Are you asking me on a date?” says Makoto, squinting.
Nagito frowns. “I mean, I did use that word, so yes.”
“I…” Makoto’s face reddens. “T-Tomorrow night, yeah?”
“Mmhm.” Nagito nods. “Is that alright?”
“Y-Yes!” Makoto blurts, gripping the edge of his desk tightly. “I’d love you! To! I’d love to!”
Makoto looks ready to melt into his seat. His eyes flicker, absolutely flustered. Nagito takes pity on him.
“Well, thank you for taking some time out for little ol’ me,” he says, tipping his head forward, and Makoto jolts.
“It’s no problem!” Makoto says. The ends of his lips climb and he places a hand over his heart. “I like talking to you, Komaeda-kun. I like you… Ah, if we’re talking like this, then it should be ‘Nagito-kun’, right?”
Now it’s Nagito’s turn to warm, but he laughs and says, “Excellent! Well, I won’t keep you any longer. Goodbye, N… Makoto-kun.”
He ends the call just as Makoto opens his mouth. A black square appears where Makoto was, and where his face had been now hovers Nagito’s reflection. 
A moment later, Nagito hides his blushing face in his hands.
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atopearth · 4 years
Xenogears Part 1 - Fei’s Experiences & New Meetings
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The classic 90s anime style is really beautiful! I wonder what happened though, something contaminated a ship and it caused all the controls to go out of control, forcing the captain to self destruct it since it even killed all the evacuees?😣 And then some lady rose from the wreckage? It's kinda crazy how the Kislev Empire and Aveh country could fight for so long that they don't even know what the initial reason for war was anymore. So, Gears are the gigantic humanoid robots that both countries excavated from ruins and used their newly developed technology "Ethos" to repair and use these ancient Gears that are really useful for war since it reduces the need for man to man combat. Hmm so our MC Fei has lost his memories and had been taken to Lahan by a black hooded guy... I thought Dan was being crazy to suggest that Fei take his sister Alice away from Timothy (since they're getting married tomorrow) but it seems like there's more merit to it than I thought... Since even Alice thinks that if only Fei was born in this village and that if they had met earlier, then maybe things will be different... I wonder if Timothy knows, he seems like a nice guy too... Omggg, I feel so bad for taking the bird egg lmao, especially since the bird pecks you to give it back... And now Yui is cooking it!! Ahh, I feel bad loll.
Well, I expected Timothy to die but I didn't think that Alice, the chief and many other people ended up dying because the Gear Fei knew how to use went out of control... That's pretty saddening. To be fair, it wasn't exactly his fault since Lahan was getting attacked by Gears, but I guess if he listened to Citan and didn't fight, everyone would have been able to evacuate properly.. you can't blame Dan for hating him. I think his confrontation with Elly was pretty telling though, shows how much he's given up on life after losing everyone and having others hate him... Okay, the jumps/platforming in this game kills me, I'm so bad at it that I want to quit lmao. Anyway, Fei's outburst on Elly trying to blame the Gears for the destruction of the village was saddening to watch, like it was obviously their fault but it was also his, but he couldn't accept that it was he who killed everyone important to him. It was pretty heartbreaking. It was obvious that Elly was a part of the Gears who ended up emergency landing at Lahan and caused this all to happen, but it seems like the words she shouted at Fei were also directed at herself. She seems to have been unable to accept that she needs to take responsibility over other people's deaths in her past too? Well, all we know now is that somehow Fei knew her name before she even said it, so they must know each other in the back of their minds, especially since Fei knows how to pilot a Gear, but Citan is also important in this since he seems to know what or who Fei is to an extent? I guess Fei's fate is doomed to be surrounded by the Gears no matter what, since he had to use it again to save Elly. It was pretty saddening that Fei told Citan to shoot him if he were to go out of control again though. Citan was really perceptive to realise who Elly was, and it was kind of him to tell her to go back before she gets into trouble and causes pain to Fei. It was nice of Elly to want to apologise to Fei after realising how terrible she was for trying to shift the blame to Fei when she was the one who caused the tragedy. I didn't really realise what was the difference between surface dwellers etc, but I guess people like Elly are rulers of people like Timothy and them?
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It honestly took Fei a while to realise that leaving Weltall (the Gear) around would endanger Lahan since both Kislev and Aveh obviously want it lol. But it's nice that Citan finally explained to him properly that they need to fix it and move it away as far as they can to protect the rest of the people. Took a while for Aveh to get them, but I wonder why Grahf wants Fei to "awaken"? Obviously no one cares about razing Lahan, so doing it to awaken Fei was no problem for them, but why do they have to go through this trouble? Lol at Bart the pirate guy, so rash and silly. Getting stuck underground due to quicksand does not sound fun... But to think that Citan knows the guy on the pirate ship, and his name is Hyuga? Hmm. Ohh so the thing Grahf said about killing God wasn't too insane, since apparently humans and god got along in Paradise until humans ate the forbidden fruit for knowledge and got kicked out, so then humans went to get revenge and somehow made god injured enough to go into sleep? But right before god went to sleep, god made right hearted humans and that's their ancestors... Hmm, so then Grahf is from the humans before? If Balthazar called Weltall a slayer of god, maybe it's one of the Gears back then?
Ohh, so Bart is really some form of royalty! It's a good idea for him to try and create a new power aside from Aveh and Kislev to make things more balanced, since right now, all they continue to do is try to one up each other until the other can't anymore. But it seems that Aveh's Prime Minister Shakhan has captured Bart's cousin because she has half of the puzzle to some sort of treasure? Lmao at the cups floating instead of being picked up by the pixel characters hahahaha. Also, it's nice to know why they're pirates, since it's true that considering their manpower, money etc, they would never be able to excavate ruins at the same rate as the other countries, so they've gotta steal it instead. Surprisingly, Bart was much more mature than I thought. His exchange with Fei after Fei got mad and ran off was really...understandable. I think I really liked the part where Fei said that Bart likes to fight, but Bart says that no one really likes to fight, it's because they all have reasons to fight that makes them have no choice but to fight. I also agree with Bart that the best way to "help" the children from Lahan now is to end this war. I like this part though, Fei may seem annoying but he's just really lost and confused right now, so it's nice to see everyone try not to force him but tell him their perspective. I'm amazed at how proactive Citan is and how responsible he is though. I'm glad he's got his own Gear now! So Shakhan killed Bart's father right before Kislev and Aveh could come to some sort of a truce? That's terrible... Glad to know that Margie/Marguerite seems to be doing well though. Kinda crazy to go into a random house and there's a guy saying he wants miners without families so that if they die, he doesn't need to pay compensation to them...like, wow. Omgg at the thieving kids though! We have to give them 1000G right now to get stuff later on😭 I'm so poor after getting ripped off at the restaurant and the inn, sighh. I thought the inn was 40G for the whole party but it was per person!! Insane!! And then the food!! The food was 300G! Even more expensive than the stay at the inn!! Sigh. This place is so cool though! I can run around with a balloon and a kid laughs at Fei for having a balloon even though he's an adult lmao. Also, loll if you drink the alcohol from a shop, the screen goes wonky because Fei is a bit tipsy or drunk hahaha.
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The moment I heard about a tournament, I knew Fei would have to enter. It's funny though that guards would slack off from their post and watch the tournament, so that's the best opportunity to get Bart to go through the sewers and save Margie. Dragon slaying slacker or beloved slacker sounds like a great anonymous name to use in the tournament though hahahah. I'm shocked that Dan is in the tournament, like wow, he's beating adults?! Dang. Anyway, it was pretty depressing to see him bash up Fei for revenge but still not being able to satisfy his hatred, it's understandable though... I wonder who that Mysterious guy was, but honestly, whether it be Ramsus or this guy, they all seem to know Fei. Ramsus was an okay boss though, combos are pretty cool now that I know how to use them lol, never realised you could save your AP by not using it all up when you attack. I didn't think Elly was here though, it was nice of her to save Fei and them, but it was also kind of Fei to tell her to escape with them. As expected though, she's definitely got her own reasons for staying, and it would probably be really bad if she deserted Gebler. I think it was really nice to see that Margie is really faithful to Bart and wants to help him as much as she can, but she feels bad that instead of helping him out, she seems to cause trouble for him instead, which is saddening... But, I think her being safe is a form of support for Bart so I hope she stays safe... I have to admit though, that Chu-Chu stuffed doll she took with her actually being alive and in love with Fei was so random lmaoo, now Fei has a weird fan?
Sending Margie back to Nisan was more emotional than I thought. It was nice to see the variety of reactions towards it, such as the Sisters being so happy to welcome her back, whilst other townspeople are having an important meeting to talk about what they should do if Shakhan were to retaliate etc because Bart kinda "stole" her back. I think the symbolism of the one winged angels in the cathedral was pretty cool, the whole idea of God being able to create perfect beings but choosing not to so that humans would rely on each other was kinda nice; just like how these angels need the other's wing in order to fly. Oh wow, the portrait of Mother Sophia really does look like Elly... I wonder if Citan saying the brush technique of the painting being similar to Fei's means that he painted it or something... It makes me wonder if Elly and Fei are modified humans or something so their life spans are long🤣 Sophia is the founding mother of Nisan huh? 500 years ago...hmm, I wonder if it's related to the legend of the "old humans" and the "new humans". Maybe the "old humans" created by the God back then are people like Fei who don't grow old or die or something haha. 
Ohh, both Citan and Sigurd are actually from Solaris (where Gebler is from) and they call foreigners "Lambs", people who are used as slave labour, and they left because they disliked Solaris' doings... Hmm, I wonder if that means the Emperor that Citan thought about in his memories or something is the Solaris Emperor, and he's actually a spy from there coming here to find a way for them to invade or something. That would be pretty crazy, especially since he made a family (Yui and Midori) here... Oh okay, I'm glad they're expanding on what exactly the Solaris Empire is because I've been a bit confused. I never thought that the capital of Solaris was actually in the skies above though!! No wonder why they look down on "surface dwellers", it's like as if they're their own gods since they're in command of distortion fields called "Gates" that allow only them to tread through to the capital. Ohh, Sigurd is actually a "lamb" and was used as a test subject and then escaped by airship (so I guess you can leave and go to Solaris by airship huh?), wheras Citan was actually born in Solaris! Whaaat! Pure Solarians are rare, so they just steal surface dwellers to like have children?! Crazy, absolutely crazy. I didn't think the place Ramsus and Elly came from would be too crazy compared to Aveh and Shakhan but omg, I think they're more insane now lol. I'm not sure what or how bad Ramsus is exactly, but if Citan and Sigurd both revered his ideals and followed him willingly because of his dreams and visions to change the system in Solaris and kinda make test subjects and lower citizens like them have more equal standing and opportunities, I wonder if he lied or did he kinda like brainwash them and take advantage of them due to their weaknesses? Hmm, so the higher up Sigurd and Citan went, they found out that Solaris uses people as human guinea pigs to test out drugs that change people's personalities and make them more aggressive and draw out their latent abilities, which I assume would be beneficial for war? I wonder if that means that the reason why Elly couldn't leave with Fei and them is because she's been affected by drugs like "Drive" and the other variations, and she might die or have withdrawal symptoms that she can't control if she were to leave? I see, so Citan realised that Ramsus was the same as all the others, instead of prioritising rank, he just prioritised skill, in the end, his methods and everything didn't hope to change people's lives for the better, he just put in his own way of ranking them instead.
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Hmm, with Gebler on Shakhan's side, it will definitely be troublesome trying to get Fatima Castle/Royal Capital Bledavik back considering the difference in their forces. Ohh, that's a good idea! To use the Kislev Gears they have to lure the smaller Western Guards to think that Kislev is invading! Interesting to know that Vanderkaum was demoted and will be easy to deal with because he's a simple guy and doesn't know how to deal with Gears LOL. Anyway, executing the plan tomorrow is so quick!! It's kinda interesting that Fei will be leading some Gears to cause a diversion with the main unit at the Kislev border so that it'll be easier for the others to infiltrate the capital. Aww it's so cute how Sister Agnes talked about how Margie should prepare herself to be the future queen alongside Bart. Honestly, I think the connection between Bart and Margie is undeniably deep and loving, so I'm all for it! On the other hand, it was nice to see Bart being doubtful whether he's really suitable to be king, since it's normal to think like that, but it was really sweet to see that Sigurd's desire to come home was what gave him motivation to save himself from his kidnapping + brainwashing in Solaris, so it should be natural for Bart to want to go home to his kingdom too. 
Miang and Ramsus are a thing?! Anyway, she seems dodgy...I thought she was going to be an unimportant character, but it seems that she actually has her own objectives. Omggg those rocks with the running jumps, so frustrating!! Lol, I wanted to throw my controller loll. Anyway, I feel bad for Elly... She was forced into using 'Drive' to protect her team, but it changes her personality drastically, and it makes her unable to control herself... I'm glad Fei helped her come to her senses but I worry for her since she doesn't feel like she has anywhere to go aside from staying in Solaris, even though they just really want to use her as a weapon due to her potential. Loll at Maison coming to the rescue for Bart using his crab looking robot that can fly, but then the motor died or something so they had to jump away lol. Miang seems much more vicious than she looked in the beginning though, she literally called Shakhan a puppet and said she didn't care who was the puppet as long as they were obedient to Gebler. It's really saddening how wrong everything went though... What was that OP gear that Ramsus wanted to destroy? And did it really kill everyone on the Yggdrasil..? Maison and Sigurd are such good people though... It's kind of nice that Ramsus actually treats Sigurd as an old friend that he trusted back in Solaris, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I feel so sad though, not only did the guys on Yggdrasil sacrifice themselves to protect Bart, but even Maitreya and them who went with Fei on the mission sacrificed themselves for Fei. Why are they so kind and faithful?
Anyway, I'm quite enjoying Xenogears, I think the journey and adventure is actually really fun, but also very emotional. Right now, Elly and Fei's interactions are probably my favourite because of how similar they are to each other, yet they make the other realise things about themselves that they could not find within them. They bounce off each other nicely to show their feelings, their guilt and their sadness really well. I also really love how active and strong Bart is. Initially, I thought he was rash, but really, he's actually quite level minded, and very kind. You can see it in how much the others respect him and believe in him. Citan is still more of a mystery for now, but he is a helpful guide for everyone. But yeah, I love the variety of everything, whether it be the tournament, playing mini games etc. The only thing I hate is all the platforming lolll. Battle system isn't the most interesting either, but I'm just kinda here for the story anyway so it's all good for now lol. (edit: I’ve taken a break from playing Xenogears for a while because it’s so clunky and tedious but I’ll see when I go back to it haha XD)
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foxyninjabear · 5 years
A Hacker’s Tale -  Chapter 1
Hello all! I’ve got something to show ya! I’m making a HermitCraft fanfic... if you couldn’t tell by the tags. If not, I have no clue how the heck you found this post xD But either way, welcome! This story idea has been floating around in my head for awhile, but I finally have it up and ready to roll! So without further delay, here’s my introductory chapter to my pride and joy of a nerdy story, A Hacker’s Tale!
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!: This fic is rated as PG-14+, so read at your own risk! There's swearsies, suggestive references, and LOTS of blood and gore! Be aware! 
Seventeen minutes. That was how long she had been waiting at their planned meeting spot. Same time, same place, every single week.
Of course he was late.
The creeper lifted herself away from the wall she was leaning against. “C’mon, where are ya…” She muttered, before glancing around at the dozens upon dozens of people walking by in the hall. Her coal black eyes shifted from person to person, and she searched for a head of fiery red hair, to no avail. She groaned in annoyance, gritting her teeth. “Ugh…”
“Did you miss me that much?”
The green scaled woman heard the familiar voice behind her, and her shoulders stiffened. “Synth… you’re late. Again.” She stated, not turning around.
The male voice chuckled. “Hey, you know me, Coda. I like pushing your buttons.”
Coda rolled her eyes, turned around, and saw that apparently nobody was there in the first place. Her lips pressed into a firm line, and her brows furrowed. “...okay, dude, c’mon.” She said, clearly feeling bothered. “Just show yourself so we can get this over with.” She then pulled out a small stack of plastic, multicolored cards from a back pocket on her jumpsuit. “I lost the bet and I owe ya.”
Before her eyes, a taller man with fair skin and long red hair tied back into a ponytail appeared out of thin air in a flash of pixels. Like her, he wore a black and gray uniform with red accents, a pair of black boots to match. His piercing grey eyes locked with hers, a sly grin on his lips. 
"About time I get my deck back." He chuckled, taking the cards out of her hands. "Good thing you suck at poker."
Coda laughed and shoved Synth at the comment. "That's cuz ya cheat, you fucker," She laughed.
The ginger winked. "Hey, I don't cheat… I just find loopholes."
"Yeah… sure," The creeper replied sarcastically, chuckling. “You elegantly… expertly… carefully dupe everyone into giving you their shit.”
Synth let out a laugh. “Now that’s ridiculous.” He insisted. He was about to continue his sentence, only to be interrupted by a small ping. “Hmm?” He lifted his arm to look at his wrist, where what resembled a watch resided. On its small screen, an icon of a bell was ringing back and forth, signalling that a brand new message was there for him to read.
Coda raised a brow at the beep. “What’s that about? Is it that crazy ex of yours again? I told ya that if ya needed me to shut’er up, I would.”
A confused frown formed on the redhead’s face as he read the message. “Apparently we’ve got a mission… World hijack. Block A, Floor Seven, at eight thirty.”
Coda eyes went wider in disbelief. “A mission? Today? But it's our day off…”
Synth frowned even more. “There’s no one else available…” He stated, before turning off his communicator and sighed.
The creeper’s brows furrowed. “You gotta be kidding me...” Her shoulders then sagged, and she let out an irritated groan. “Dammit... I gotta cancel my date now…”
Synth’s eyes widened slightly in interest. “A date? With who?”
“A hot tub.”
The redhead smirked. "That sounds more like a party."
Coda rolled her eyes. "You're so not invited."
“Awww!” Synth chuckled, before clearing his throat. “But hey, think about it. This could be your opportunity to finally get promoted. Show that you have what it takes to be a Sergeant.”
Coda thought for a moment, pursing her lips. “...you have a fair point...” She replied. After a few seconds of silence, she then pushed herself off the wall and stood up with confidence. “Y’know what, fuck it, I’ll show ‘em!” Determined, she began to march off down the hallway. 
The redhead chuckled and looked on at the creeper as she strolled away. "What're ya waiting for, a red carpet?" Coda asked, turning around to face her friend. "C'mon, we're gonna be late!"
“Don’t worry, I’m coming,” Synth answered, shifting away from his spot on the wall and beginning to follow the creeper. “And we still have half an hour. It’s only eight o’ clock, after all.”
“The Hive has over a hundred floors, dude!” Coda stated, gesturing around her with her arms to emphasize her point. “And the floors are enormous!”
Fort Oblivion, or the Hive, as it was commonly called, was the Shadowbyte Army’s base of operations. It had been ever since the military faction was founded hundreds of years prior by Ecryptos, a hacker said to have unspeakable power. With over one hundred floors, countless amounts of soldiers flowed in and out of the fortress like bees, loyally serving their queen, or in this case, king.
“That’s what hacks are for.” Synth replied, before pointing over to a mechanical sliding door. “And elevators.”
The green creeper glanced over at the elevator. “...you’re lucky I like you.” She said as the mechanical doors slid open. “You’re such a smartass sometimes…”
The human just smirked as he and his friend got into the empty lift. “You’re one to talk,” He teased, pressing a button on the elevator's control panel. 
“Oh, shut the fuck up,” Coda shoved Synth and laughed, crossing her arms as the elevator closed and began to descend.
A few moments of silence passed after the descent started. It was then that another soft ding came from Synth’s communicator. He lifted his wrist to check it, and he let out a small groan of annoyance as he did.
Coda tilted her head to look up at her taller friend. “Now is it Vinnie?”
“Yeah…” He replied, a frown on his face.
“She’s still pissed at ya, huh?”
The redhead nodded. “Mhmm…” His lips were pressed into a firm line, obviously fed up with the situation.
Coda gritted her teeth at the thought of Synth’s ex girlfriend. “Bitch…” She muttered. “Why can’t she just leave ya be? You came outta the closet almost a damn month ago.”
“Correction: you dragged me out of the closet.” Synth pointed out as the elevator stopped and opened its doors.
The two friends stepped out of the elevator and into another bustling hallway of Shadowbyte soldiers and personnel. “That’s cuz ya needed a polite shove in the right direction.” She stated back as they walked side by side. “You couldn’t hide your secret forever, y’know. Eventually ya would’ve broke.”
“She would have been angry either way,” Synth said.
“Who fucking cares if she’s mad?!” Coda snapped, eyes angry and full of protective rage. “She’s just some self-centered lil’ bitch who can’t handle the fact that the hottest guy she ever dated turned out to be ace!”
Synth blinked at the outburst, but then he chuckled. “You think I’m hot?” He asked.
“No shit! Look at yourself dude!” Coda gestured to him dramatically. “You’re hot as hell!”
“I thought you said that to everyone…” The redhead tightened his ponytail as he let out another laugh.
“That’s cuz I don’t give a fuck who I hook up with,” The green creeper stated. “Y’know I’m fine with every gender of the fucking rainbow.”
A grin tugged at the corners of Synth’s lips. “So… if you could, would you hook up with me?”
Coda immediately stopped in her tracks. “What? Ew, fuck no!” She answered. “Dude, I’ve known you for years! Even before you came out, the thought of hooking up with ya was just…” She shivered in disgust. “Uggghh…”
Her reaction make Synth smile wider and burst out laughing. “Pffft!” He had to lean himself against the wall and clutch his stomach, he was cackleing so hard. 
“Dude, I’m serious!” Coda stated.
It took a moment for him to catch his breath, and once he did, he cleared his throat. “Hey, like I said before; I love pushing your buttons...!” A sly smile formed on the redhead’s pale face.
"Yeah, yeah,” Coda said, before she noticed a set of large metal doors. Above it read a single sign in bold lettering. Block Seven A. “Wait, we’re here?”
Synth stepped up to the door. “See? I told you we wouldn’t be late.” He said, and pushed open the door to walk in. 
The room was rather large, giving plenty of space for soldiers to work. A raised platform was at the end of the expansive space, giving access to a large monitor, currently blank and dark. On one side of the room, long racks of all sorts of weapons and armor ran along the walls, displaying everything from assault rifles to gas masks to swords. Massive sparring mats were conveniently spaced out evenly along the perimeter of the racks, allowing easy access to the large amount of hardware. On the other side of the room, a row of pixelated targets and training dummies lined the wall, waiting to be used.
Synth brushed off a bit of dust from his shoulder. “You think the Hive is so large now?”
Coda rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, shut up.” She said, surveying her surroundings. For a moment, she thought that she and Synth were the only people present. But then her gaze landed on a figure near the sparring mats. A short, pudgy girl with long brown hair sat cross legged on the floor, surrounded by countless papers with what appeared to be blueprints. She had a pencil grasped between her milky fingers, and was writing down on one of the sheets.
A that moment, the curvy girl glanced away from her papers and caught sight of Coda and Synth. Her thin brown eyes lit up, and she grinned, standing up to happily greet the new arrivals. "Ooo, you must be the Infantry soldiers!" She said as she pranced over to them, gesturing to their red-accented Shadowbyte uniforms. "My name's Sakura."
Coda looked the girl up and down. She appeared… almost too cheerful and peppy at that moment. Especially since missions were never exactly a happy time. "You… don't look like you're a soldier, not gonna lie." She said.
Instead of being offended, the brunette shrugged and laughed. "I know. I'm not exactly a soldier anyway." She then tapped a small cloth badge in the shape of a cog sewn onto her uniform. "I'm more of a hired nerd than anything."
Synth raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Ah, you're in the Engineering department. You operate mechs?"
Sakura nodded. "Mhmm!" She answered. "I operate mechs, make cybernetics, design machines, the whole nine yards." She counted off each thing she said by holding out a finger for each one. It was at that moment that one thing was very apparent to Coda and Synth; the short woman had a prosthetic left arm, intricate lines of redstone wiring spread throughout the whole limb.
Synth kept his gaze on her arm for a moment, before lifting his head up to look her straight on. "So do you know any of the other two people here?"
The brunette gave him another nod. "Oh yeah!" She pointed to a corner of the room, where two guys sat. One had bright blue hair and eyes, and the other had blonde hair and a pair of welding goggles. "The blonde one is Lucky, he's part of the Cyber division. He's going to be our go-to for information. The one next to him is Jazz, part of Special Ops."
Coda nodded. "So we're still waiting on three more people…" She said to herself.
"Yes, three," Sakura replied. "As far as I know, I'm the only mechanic, and we should be getting at least one medic. Not sure about the rest though-" She then fell silent, and leaned to the side to look past the two Infantry soldiers. Her signature wide smile reappeared on her face. "Oh, nevermind!"
The two friends glanced over their shoulders, and sure enough, there were two new arrivals in the block. A man with greyish-white hair and faded blue eyes had entered, closely tailed by a taller but younger male with dark brown eyes and black hair. Both had the typical Shadowbyte jumpsuit on, as everyone else did, but instead of them being mostly made of black fabric, they were a clean white tone accented with shades of red and grey. It was very apparent that those two were part of the Medical division of the Army. And Coda immediately recognized one of them.
The creeper flashed a smile towards the two medics. "Hey, old man!" She called, waving to the white-haired medic and getting his attention. "Still kickin' huh?"
The older man chuckled and waved back as he approached, the younger medic in tow. "It's gonna take a lot more than a zombie hoard to kill me, Coda." He called and held up his arm, which was wrapped in some bandages.
Synth glanced at his friend, then the man, and then back to his friend. “Wait… this is Grey, right?” He asked her. “You said that he was your mentor when you first enlisted.”
Coda nodded. “Yeah, he was. I was still in the Medical Division back then. Eventually I got transferred to Infantry.”
“That’s because she has zero patience,” Grey said. At this point, him and the other medic had reached Coda, Synth, and Sakura. “Staff Sergeant Grey, at your service,” He held out a hand for the trio of soldiers to shake.
Sakura was the first one to shake his hand. “Sakura. Sergeant for the Engineering Division.” She said, giving him a warm smile.
Synth was next as soon as the brunette let go. “Master Sergeant Synth. Infantry.” He introduced himself. “I’ve heard a lot about you from Coda.”
“Good things, I hope?”
The redhead shrugged and chuckled. “Eh, healthy mix of both good and bad.”
Coda elbowed her friend at the answer. “Hey, I don’t say that much bad stuff ‘bout him!” She stated, crossing her arms and pouting. “He was just-”
“Not letting you have any fun?” Grey finished, a half smile on his wrinkled face.
The creeper fell silent, and let out a frustrated huff. “Fuck you, Grey.”
“Missed you too, Coda.”
Sakura then spoke up. “Excuse me, sir…?” She asked. “Who is that with you…” She gestured to the other medic next to Grey.
“Oh, yeah, him,” Grey gestured to the quiet boy next to him. “This is Nix,” He said. “He… doesn’t say much, but he’s one of the finest kids I’ve ever mentored.”
The two Infantry soldiers glanced over at the medic. A small smile formed on his lips, and he gave a small wave, but no words came from him as a greeting. 
Coda nodded, tilting her head slightly. "Aight then…Word of advice though." She took a step closer to Nix, grinning slyly. "Don't forget to pay attention. If ya don't, you'll be coming back here in a body bag." She then walked away chuckling, leaving the teen's eyes wide and skin draining of its warm umber tone. His scrawny figure shrunk back in fear. He opened his mouth to say something, but only a single squeak sounded out.
Grey shook his head, pressing his palm against his forehead. "Some things never change..." He muttered to himself. “Ignore her, Nix. She’s always been like that.” He assured his pupil, making the color slightly return to the student's bronzed skin.
After leaving Nix absolutely terrified and walking some distance away from the group, Coda leaned up against the wall, arms crossed. Next to her, also up against the wall, was the guy with bright blue hair and eyes that Sakura had pointed out before, heavily focused on a small device in his hands.
“So you’re Jazz right? Special Ops?” She asked, glancing over at the soldier.
The blue-eyed man nodded, his gaze fixed on the gadget in his hands. “Mhmm.” He said. “You?”
“Coda. Infantry.” She answered. A small ding then sounded from her communicator, and she glanced at her wrist. The time was eight thirty; exactly when the meeting was supposed to start. And there were still only seven people of the byte present.
Coda frowned, feeling annoyance bubble in her chest. “There’s only seven here… we’re missing the damn leader.” She growled. “If anything, they should at least be on time.”
“Don’t worry,” Jazz spoke up, not removing his focus from his game. “She’ll be here soon.”
The creeper raised a brow at the Special Ops soldier. “She? Who’s comin-”
The blue eyed gamer cut her off, holding up a finger. “Ah, hold on! I’m almost at the next level!”
“Shhh!” More beeps and boops and blasts from the gaming device.
Coda’s patience was wearing thin. “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” But before she could rip the gadget out of Jazz’s hands, she felt two hands wrap around her arms and pull her away.
“Okay, come on.” Synth said, calmly dragging his angered friend across the tiled floor, away from the current object of her rage.
The creeper glared up at the redhead. “Synth, c’mon man!” She squirmed violently to try and get out of his grasp. “Get off me!”
The soldier shook his head. “Not until you calm down, man,” He stated back. “Your temper gets you into trouble. You know that, right?”
Coda huffed, and gave up trying to escape her friend’s grip. “Yeah… I know.” She answered reluctantly. “...you can let me go now.”
Synth chuckled, and removed his hands from her arm. “There you are, m’lady.” He joked, brushing his hand off on his red and black uniform.
The green-scaled woman rolled her black eyes, turning away from him and crossing her arms. “Yeah, yeah.” She said, obviously salty. She glanced over at Jazz, who was too wrapped up in his game to have a single care. “Is Jazz ever gonna put that brick down?” She asked after a moment of quiet.
The redhead snickered and shrugged, shifting his focus to the blue eyed soldier leaning against the wall. “I don’t think he will, no,” He laughed. “That thing might just be the death of him one day.”
Coda burst out laughing, but tried to hold it back. “Pffft!” Her attempt to try and stop her chuckle only worked for a moment, and she then let it sound from her mouth. “Probably, yeah.” She said while laughing. The funniest part to the two of them was that Jazz was so absorbed into his game that he didn’t even hear the two talking about him.
A few moments later, their giggles died down into silence between them. “...have you heard of the name Nightingale?” Synth suddenly asked his friend.
Immediately, Coda recognized the name. According to word spread around the Hive, Nightingale was one of, if not the best Special Ops soldier in the whole Shadowbyte Army. She was especially known for her reputation as an incredibly skilled sniper, which explained her high ranking of Sergeant Major. But outside of missions she was put on, she was rarely ever seen. In fact, most of her existence was shrouded in mystery.
The creeper shrugged, but nodded. "Yeah, sorta." She answered. "All I know is that she's like a ghost around here. Why you ask?"
"I'm quite certain that she's the one we're missing."
Coda blinked. "...wait, what? You sure?"
Synth nodded. "Mhmm."
"...you wanna bet on it?"
The redhead raised a brow, but he grinned. "What did you have in mind?"
The green creeper smirked back. "Whoever's right has to buy the other person lunch when we get back." She then held out her hand and spat on it, before holding it out for him to shake. "Deal?"
Synth laughed. "Deal." He then spat in his own palm, before firmly grasping his friend's hand and shaking it. "And you know you're gross, right?" He let go and pulled a silk handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe his hand off.
Coda raised an eyebrow, her smirk turning mischievous. “What, y’mean like this?” Before Synth could respond, she then disappeared in an array of static, only to instantly reappear latched onto him as if he were giving her a piggyback ride. She snickered and dragged her tongue across his freckled cheek, immediately letting out a cackle as her friend shrieked in disgust.
“Coda! Get off!” He scrambled to get her off his back, but the creeper only laughed more and latched on tighter. After drawing the attention of almost everybody else in the room, Synth eventually teleported a few feet away, causing Coda to fall to the floor with a loud thunk.
Coda groaned and leapt to her feet. “Oh c’mon!" She lunged to where Synth was, only to grasp at open air as he activated an invisibility hack and disappeared. She heard him let out a relieved chuckle behind her. "You mother-"
“I presume everyone’s here?”
Everyone in the room turned to face where the new voice came from. A tall woman with ebony skin and black curls stood in the doorway, donning a standard black and grey Shadowbyte jumpsuit with purple accents, signifying her position as a Special Ops soldier. A long, jagged scar stretched across one of her dark eyes, most of it hidden from sight with the leather eyepatch she wore. But with or without her nasty battle wound, her respectable title, or her surprising height, her gaze alone was cold and intimidating enough to make anyone stop in their tracks.
Synth, who had now reappeared, let out a chuckle and nudged his friend with his elbow. "I guess I won the bet." He said.
Coda tore her widened gaze from the woman as she strode into the room. “Wait… that’s Nightingale?!” The creeper whispered harshly to Synth.
“Mhmm. That’s her.” He replied. “What, are you surprised? Jazz and I told you she was a woman...”
“Ya didn’t tell me she was smokin’ hot, though!”
Synth covered his lips with a single finger. "Hush now, Coda. You wouldn't want her hearing that, would you?" He teased. "Besides, she's coming this way." He nodded his head in the sniper's direction, and indeed, she had her dark eyes set on Synth and Coda.
The redhead gave the woman a nod in respect as she approached. “Ma’am,” He greeted, holding out his hand for her to shake. “Good to see you again.”
Nightingale returned the gesture and shook his hand. “You too, Synth," She said. "And please, Angel will do just fine.”
The taller male chuckled, still holding the woman's palm. "But how would I be a gentleman then, ma'am?" He asked playfully, before lifting her hand up to press a kiss against her knuckles.
Angel rolled her eyes, letting out a small laugh in return. "Charmer as always, Synth," She pulled her hand away and rested it on her hip. "And I'm guessing the one next to you is Coda?"
As the creeper felt her heart skip a beat, her taller friend nodded, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Yes ma'am. This is her, in the flesh."
The ebony woman turned herself to face Coda, and she gave her a nod. "Synth says that you're pretty skilled at hand to hand combat. One of the best in your rank. Specialist, if my memory serves me correct?"
Coda, as flustered as she felt, put on a sharp-toothed smile and nodded. "Yes ma'am. That's me." She answered.
The corners of Angel's lips pulled up into a slight grin. "Well, let's hope you live up to your reputation." She turned to Synth and smiled wider, although not much. "That goes for you too, Synth."
The redhead chuckled. "Yes, ma'am." He responded, and watched the woman walk away, presumably to inform the rest of the byte about the mission.
Coda then slowly craned her neck upwards to face Synth as soon as the woman was out of earshot. “Since when did you and her know each other?” She whispered, demanding an explanation.
“I’ve worked with her before on many occasions,” The redhead stated simply. “Mostly on World hijacks. As stern as she is, she’s damn good at what she does.”
The creeper glanced back at Angel, who was striding up to the front of the room. “She sure is good… I can agree with that.” She still couldn’t get over how attractive she thought the woman was, even if she appeared to be in her late thirties, maybe even her early forties. A well-toned body, pretty face, full lips. It was as if she were the embodiment of a beautiful night itself-
“You thirsty again?” Synth’s chuckle snapped Coda out of her thoughts and made her cheeks heat up. However, as he opened his mouth to speak again, Coda bent her elbow and jammed it into his gut. "Ow! …alright, I deserved that."
"Ya think?"
"Okay everyone, listen up!" Angel stated loud enough to capture everyone's attention as she stepped onto the raised platform at the front of the room. "Our job today is to capture the target World, right here!" She gestured her hand to the massive screen, which had now turned on and had an expansive view of a single World, encased in several large translucent blue spheres. Firewalls. "Now, who's the Cyber soldier here?"
Almost everyone's gazes shifted to Lucky, who's figure went from already timid to extremely nervous. He gulped, and shyly raised his hand. "M-m-me, ma'am…" He squeaked.
His meek reply was only just enough to get the sniper's attention. "Alright. Can you pull up the information on this World? Anything you can find."
"Y-yes ma'am." Lucky nodded, and slowly left his corner to step up and onto the platform with Angel. He tapped the screen a few times, and a translucent keyboard appeared before him. The blonde them typed away at his console, glancing between that and the monitor. "Okay… s-so this World has received the latest known Update. And it's been around for a little over a month now."
Angel nodded slowly. “And its name?”
“Uh...” Lucky tapped away some more, eyes darting back and forth. “It doesn’t have a registered name, but it has an admin authority listed. Which is…” He then blinked a couple times, before biting his lip. "Uh oh…”
Coda raised an eyebrow. "What? What is it?" She demanded.
The shorter male timidly looked back at the creeper now eyeing him expectantly. "Th-the admin authority is listed as W.E.S." He gulped. “W-World Exploration Society.”
Almost every other member of the group grimaced at the name. The World Exploration Society was the bane of the Army’s World hijack operations. If a World had W.E.S. as its admin authority, it meant that it had at least twenty inhabitants working fulltime to make that World eventually livable and safe for the general public. Which also meant that there was at least twenty more ways that the mission could possibly go wrong.
“...well shit.” Coda said, pressing her lips into a firm line. “This is great. Just fuckin’ great.”
Sakura’s dark brown eyes shifted to the creeper. “Well… it could be worse.” She replied, trying to be optimistic.
“How the fuck could this be any worse?”
The brunette flinched slightly at Coda’s response, but she continued. “We… we could be going on a suicide mission...?”
“As far as we know, this is a suicide mission.” She retorted, leaning her face closer to Sakura’s, an irritated sneer on her lips.
“Hey, ladies,” Angel asserted, getting the pair’s attention with her stern and annoyed tone. “Work together here instead of going at each other’s throats.”
A new voice then spoke up. “M-ma’am…?”
Everyone turned to see who it was, and Lucky had his hand raised. “M-maybe if we try to figure out who’s in that World… w-we could make a plan of attack easier.”
Coda locked her jet black eyes with the blonde’s. “And how would that make anythin’ easier?”
"Well… we would want to know who we're going to encounter, right?" Sakura explained. "We could get an advantage if we knew who we're up against."
Angel pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed in irritation. “Alright… Just get the list of names for the group members assigned to the World. Understood?”
The blonde nodded rapidly and saluted. “Y-yes ma’am! I-I will!” He squeaked, before heading over to his corner to type away once again, pulling up holographic screens and monitors.
The Special Ops soldier turned to face the rest of the party under her command. “Until he gets the information we need, you all can go to your own devices.” She gave them all a strong salute, standing tall. “You’re dismissed.”
Everyone else gave her a salute back, before dispersing around the room. Coda looked over at the large sparring rings, and she shrugged. She figured that while they waited for Lucky to finish his research, practicing combat wouldn’t be so bad. Plus, she had heard rumors that there were some new weapons to test out.
“Hey, dude,” She said to get Synth’s attention onto her. “Wanna spar?”
The redhead looked over his shoulder to face his friend, and his grey eyes lit up in interest. “Yeah, sure,” He answered. “Real or fake weapons?”
Coda let out a chuckle. “Do I look like a wimp to you?”
“Don’t you remember the last time we used real ones?” Synth asked. “You nearly took my head off with that mace you had.”
“Oh, c’mon man!” She whined. “I won’t send you to the infirmary this time!”
“That’s what you said last time… and the time before that. And the time before-”
Coda huffed and raised her hands. “Aight, aight, keep ya pants on!” She stated. “But I’m still gonna get weapons for the mission, cuz right now I got nothing. And I suggest you do the same unless ya wanna be beaten to a pulp.”
Synth grinned a bit and gave a single nod. “Then shall we?” He gestured to the massive array of weapons and armor on the wall next to the sparring mats, and jokingly held out his arm for his friend to grasp.
The green creeper rolled her eyes and smiled, before wrapping her arm around his. “You’re so proper, it’s borderline annoying.” She chuckled as they walked arm in arm across the room.
“What can I say? A fine lady such as yourself needs to be treated with the greatest amount of respect.” The redhead winked at his fellow soldier.
She let out a snort of laughter. “You got the fine part right.” As soon as the two got to the massive wall of weapons and artillery, they let go of each other and went off on their own to find their desired gear.
Coda gazed at the variety of melee weapons as she slowly walked past them. Spears, daggers, staves, maces, swords. But a wide grin formed on her lips once she saw a beautiful and shining battle axe made of dark steel perched on the rack. Bold red accents ran along the edges of its two large blades and long handle, making the heavy weapon much more menacing. Just how she liked it.
“Oh hell yeah!” She eagerly made her way to the battle axe and ran her fingers along the cold metal, before grasping it with both hands and lifting it off the rack. “Come to Mama!” She turned to glance over at Synth. "What'cha picking out?"
The redhead carefully slid a long, elegant black steel sword off its perch on the wall. "This," He answered, holding it up for her to see. "You getting a gun?"
The green creeper pursed her lips in thought. "I probably should…" She said back, before lifting her heavy weapon over her shoulder with one hand and beginning to browse the next section of artillery, mostly consisting of firearms and miscellaneous weaponry, like smoke bombs or garrote wires. After a few moments, she shrugged and decided on a couple of pistols. They weren’t the most powerful guns, but they would do in a pinch.
She knelt down and tucked one of the handguns in the side of her boot. “Hey, while you're over with the training weapons, grab me one of the axes, will ya?” She called out to her friend as she concealed her weapon with the hem of her jumpsuit pant leg.
“I’m way ahead of you,” Coda heard Synth answer. When she looked up, she saw that he was already holding two synthetic weapons in his hands; a battle axe for his friend, and a longsword for himself. “Now, think fast.”
Before she could respond, the redhead sheathed his fake blade and then threw the fake axe, sending it spiraling in Coda’s direction. “GAH!” The creeper jumped to her feet in surprise, and instinctively held her hand up. Right as the large weapon was about to smack her in the face, the axe came to a sudden halt in midair and remained there floating.
“Synth, what the hell?!” The creeper cursed out her friend, demanding an explanation.
Synth only grinned and laughed. “I’m just testing your reflexes, that’s all,” He cooed, striding over to one of the sparring mats. “Making sure that you’ve actually been practicing telekinetic hacks.”
Coda huffed and gritted her teeth as she grasped the hovering axe. “Fuck you, man,” She lifted her weapon up over her shoulder, and she walked over to the opposite side of the large mat. “Anyway… Ya ready?”
Synth twirled his sword in his hand, standing tall. “Ready,”
Coda’s grip on her training axe tightened, and she grinned. “On my count.” She stated. “One…”
Both friends adjusted their stances, preparing for the brawl about to ensue.
The creeper felt her heart pumping, loving the adrenaline rush through her body. Her sharp-toothed smile grew wider at the feeling. It was a feeling that thought she was timeless. And she couldn’t wait to actually go out and fight in the field head on against the enemy.
The two soldiers then rushed at each other, weapons poised and ready to strike. Coda was the first to make a move, swinging her large axe in a large arc at Synth’s torso. Though Synth quickly leaned to the side and dodged the attempted blow, before making a quick swing of his own with his sword.
They kept swinging back and forth, dodging and blocking each other’s strikes, using teleportation and speed hacks to their advantage. As violent and hasty as it appeared, it was almost graceful. The two had gotten sparring down to almost an art form, after all. Maybe training side by side for years was starting to take its toll; actually landing a hit on one another was proving to be more and more difficult with each fight.
It wasn’t until after several long, neverending moments that one managed to land a blow on the other. Coda and Synth’s weapons clashed against each other, and the creeper managed to send the human’s sword flying out of his hand and across the mat. Seeing her chance, she swung her axe at his feet and knocked him onto the floor.
Coda pressed her boot against his chest, resting the edge of her synthetic weapon on his neck. A mischievous but tired smile danced on her lips. "I...I think I won." She said in between labored breaths.
Synth coughed, but grinned back as his friend moved the axe away from him and lifted her foot off of his torso. "About time." He said, before sitting up and holding out a hand, which Coda properly grasped to help him up. “You’ve gotten pretty decent with that handling that axe. I remember when you could barely hold one of those.”
The creeper rolled her eyes, managing to finally catch her breath. “That was when I first met ya, dude,” She chuckled. “Almost ten years ago! I was still a twig back then! Now I literally bench press you like it’s nothin’!” She lifted the training axe over her shoulder. “Plus these things are a lot lighter than the actual weapons.”
“His point still stands.” Angel’s voice caught the two friends off guard. They turned, and saw that she stood a few yards away, with a familiar blank expression on her face. “You did good.”
Coda felt her cheeks heat up a bit, and she gave the woman a nod, clearing her throat. “Thank you, ma’am.”
A small moment of silence passed, and then the creeper felt a hand on her shoulder. “I… think I’ll leave you two alone for a bit.” Synth said, making his friend look up at him in confusion. “Get to know each other a bit more.” He winked, a playful glint in his eye. At that moment, she immediately knew what he was trying to pull.
Coda gritted her teeth in irritation as he walked off, presumably to interact with the rest of the team. She glanced back at Angel, who’s expression remained pretty much the same. “Uh… so you’ve heard ‘bout me? From Synth?” She asked, in an attempt to try and make conversation. Internally, she was growing frustrated; normally this wouldn’t have affected her so much. Why did Angel have to be so pretty?
The ebony woman nodded as a response to her question. “I have. He talks about you quite a bit, actually.” She said. “I’m presuming that you’ve known each other for some time?”
The creeper internally sighed in relief at how the feeling of butterflies in her stomach began to fade. “Yes, we have,” She answered. “We met a little after I finished my training and officially became enlisted. About ten years ago.”
Angel raised an eyebrow slightly. “So you’re about twenty eight?” She questioned. “That’s quite young to be a Specialist. Most reach that title in their thirties.”
Coda chuckled. “I’m not most people,” She replied. “And neither are you. There’s so many rumors about ya I can barely keep track of which ones are legit and which aren’t.”
"Oh?" The sniper tilted her head a bit. "And what would these rumors contain?"
The creeper let out another laugh. "Well… people say that you can empty a clip in the blink of an eye. Don't know how that started."
To Coda's surprise, something new glinted in Angel's dark gaze, though she couldn't tell what it was. "You don't trust the rumors?" She asked.
"Not really," She stated. "I know you're a good shot, but I doubt you can shoot that quick-"
Angel suddenly drew a gun off of her belt and aimed at three targets all the way across the room. Three loud shots sounded out, and the trio of targets exploded in a bright array of red pixels, before flashing white and returning to their original, untouched state. The sniper stood strong for a moment with her arm raised and smoking pistol poised, before calmly holstering it on her hip. “You believe the rumors now?” She asked.
Coda’s eyes were wide at what just occurred, feeling absolutely flabbergasted. “H...h-heh…” Her face began to feel hot as she blushed. She couldn’t even see the woman fire each individual shot, she was that quick. How could she have fired three bullets in the blink of an eye and have each one meet its mark perfectly? Aimbot? Speed? Haste? The creeper thought and thought, and drew nothing but a blank.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Angel snapped Coda out of her thoughts, before striding away and leaving the creeper flustered and shocked.
This woman would be the death of her.
"I take it the chat went a bit south?" Synth's voice sounded next to the green creeper, though this time it didn't make her jump. Her focus was still fixed on her superior's figure as she walked off.
"...how is she such a badass…?" Coda mumbled.
"I ask myself every day, Coda," The human replied, before patting her shoulder a couple of times. "Come on. I think maybe getting your focus on something else will snap you back to your old asshat self." He then led his friend across the room after wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Sakura! Is that thing of yours almost done?"
Sakura was near Jazz, Nix, and Grey, who had gathered around her to see what she was up to. "Almost!" She called, her back facing Coda and Synth.
The closer the pair got to the mechanic, the more curious she became. "What are ya doing…?" Coda asked as she and Synth were close enough to see what she was apparently working on.
The short brunette's thin eyes lit up, and she gave a warm smile. "I've been working on…" She then turned around to proudly hold up what appeared to be a small metal box with a single button on top. "This!" She stated proudly, before setting the box on the ground.
The green creeper eyed the gadget curiously. “Uh...What’s that…?” She looked back up at the brunette who set it on the floor.
"Just watch," Sakura said, before she pressed the button on the device. As she took several steps away, the metallic contraption began to unfold and expand with whirrs and clicks and hums. In a matter of moments, the final parts shifted into place, making a massive and powerful mech that towered over everybody else in the room.
Jazz's eyes widened in awe. "Woah…" A wide grin formed on his face, and he turned to Sakura. "Can I try it?! Please!!" He asked, repeatedly bouncing up and down where he stood.
Before the mechanic could respond, Angel calmly spoke up. "If you let’em in that thing, he’ll blow us up in five minutes." She called from across the room, soon approaching. "Don't let him near it."
The blue-haired soldier frowned. "Aww, please?" He begged his superior. "I promise I'll be caref-"
Only one quick glare at him was enough to silence Jazz. All of the color drained from his cheeks in a matter of seconds. "Y...yes ma'am…" He uttered.
Coda snorted as she held back a laugh. Even though she had known Angel for less than an hour, she was already growing a liking to her, and not just for her good looks or the fact that her heart skipped beats when she spoke to her. To her, the older woman was very admirable.
The ebony woman then shifted her gaze back to Sakura. "You can get back to testing your mech, Sergeant." She stated.
The mechanic blinked, but then smiled, before stepping up to the back of her creation and pulling two levers simultaneously to open what appeared to be the cockpit. Pulling herself up and into the mech, she laid down in the snug chamber and pressed a few buttons, and the machine whirred to life, a control panel with dozens of buttons and dials and levers lighting up as a result.
Grey's faded blue eyes widened slightly, impressed at the complex and beautiful piece of machinery. "I'll be damned…" He said, before looking through the windshield of the mech and at Sakura. "You made this by yourself?"
The girl nodded. "Yup!" She answered, her voice slightly muffled. "This is the latest model of what I call the Redstone Operated Shadowbyte Automaton. Or R.O.S.A. for short." The brunette patted the side of the cockpit. "Takes a lot to maintain her, but she's a beauty."
Synth eyed the mech with interest, specifically the guns. “Do you mind showing us it works?”
“Sure, I don’t see why not,” Sakura replied. “I’ve got to make sure the firing mechanisms work anyway, so I can show you those. Just don’t get in front of me when I do.”
The brunette grasped two lever-like controllers on her console, outfitted with several buttons and triggers. She pushed them both forward, and the mech swiftly moved across the floor to the small firing range, making soft stomps with every step. "Now, stand back!" Sakura called out as the automaton's two machine gun arms lifted. The submachine guns soon spun and whirred to life, and before anybody could say anything, a bright display of red hot plasma charges flew across the room towards the targets and obliterated them in an instant.
Jazz’s eyes lit up at the sight, and his jaw dropped. “Holy shit! That’s awesome!!” He exclaimed as the gunfire slowly ceased, and the mech’s operator exited.
A light blush spread across Sakura’s face at the praise. “Aw, it was nothing...” She answered, smiling shyly.
Angel then spoke up. “Don’t sell yourself short,” She stated. “You have a great piece of machinery here-”
Her sentence was cut off as she felt a tap on her shoulder and heard Lucky’s voice. "M-ma'am, I've got it…"
The sniper raised an eyebrow, and shifted her focus to the timid blonde now next to her. "What was that?"
"I-I've got it… I've got the names of the group members." He repeated.
Coda's eyes widened in interest. "Well, what're ya waiting for? Show us!"
With the seven other soldier’s eyes focused on him, Lucky began to sweat. “Y-yes, of course!” He answered, and rushed to the front of the room where the massive screen hung. After tapping on it a few times, the empty monitor then lit up brightly once he made a final tap on his wrist communicator. On the screen, over two dozen photos of different people popped up, each with their own sets of information and data pouring in.
Sakura’s jaw dropped at the sight. “Oh my goodness…” She said. “All of those people are in that one World?”
“P-possibly,” Lucky replied, and swiped his hand across the screen. The portraits then enlarged to show only one at a time, with their personal details next to the images. Both slowly scrolled by, displaying each member for a moment before moving onto the next. “But most likely… yes. They’ll likely all be on at the same time…”
Coda let out a huff. “Aw, shit… great.” She grumbled. “Now we’ve got more witnesses to take care of…”
Synth turned to the creeper next to him. “Unless we have the element of surprise.” He countered. “Even if there is that many people, they’re bound to be spread quite thin.”
“He’s right,” Angel agreed, stepping up next to the two friends. “We’ll need to be stealthy about this. As long as we stay below the radar, these guys won’t suspect a thing.” She kept her gaze on the profiles continuously scrolling by. “Besides, think about it... if we don’t kill them, we’ll have more possible soldiers to take in.”
The blonde Cyber soldier lifted his head up to face the sniper. “U-uhh… n-not to be rude, ma’am, but… a-are you sure they’d want to join…?”
“Like I said. Possible soldiers.” The woman repeated. “If some join, great. If not… that’s more for us to clean up.”
Grey's face contorted into a frown. "Being a cleaner isn't part of my job description. Or Nix's." He gestured to his student, who stood next to him awkwardly.
"Ya deal with blood and guts all the time, old man," Coda countered. "You have been for years."
"Exactly my point. I don't want to deal with any more than I already do."
The creeper huffed, crossing her arms. "It isn't that bad-"
"Hey," Angel stated forcefully, interrupting the two's debate. "Another day."
While the older male fell silent and nodded, Coda only got more defiant, even if she did respect the woman as her superior. "Why the hell not? Ya already-"
The team's leader flicked a finger in the soldier's direction, and a small burst of pixels erupted from the tip. No more sound then came out of Coda's mouth, although her lips kept moving as if she were still talking. Angel muted her.
"That's better," The sniper said, before turning her attention back to the other six members of the byte, completely ignoring Coda's silent bout of anger and frustration. "Now, where were we?"
Lucky hesitantly raised his hand. "W-we were talking about how we could get possible recruits from this World...?" He answered.
Angel nodded in the blonde's direction. "Good. You were paying attention." She said, and then turned to face Coda. “Unlike some people.”
The creeper could only respond by scowling and crossing her arms, appearing to have let out a frustrated grumble.
The ebony woman continued. "Anyway… with the amount of people residing in the World, there's bound to be someone who has some sort of hacking experience." She gestured to the massive screen of scrolling profiles. "If we can get more than one, then that's most definitely an added bonus."
Sakura raised her hand. "Ma'am, if I may ask… isn't there a way for us to tell if any of those members are a possible threat…? If they have any record of hacking in their files?" She asked.
Angel tapped her chin. "I suppose there could be a way to find out." She shifted her dark gaze to Lucky. "Hey, you able to check each of their backgrounds for anything iffy? Filter out which ones we need to look out for?"
The short blonde nodded. "Yes ma'am," He tapped the large screen, and a large translucent keyboard pixelated before him. His fingers flew across the console, tapping keys left and right. After a moment, the photos on the screen stopped scrolling, and zoomed out to show all two dozen profiles again. "Anything in particular you want me to search?"
"Check to see if any of them have military records, combat experience, maybe even records of hacking." She answered, shifting her gaze back to the group of profiles on the wall. "We shouldn't leave anything to chance."
Lucky gave another nod and set to work. Text spread across the screen as he typed, before disappearing as quickly as it appeared. Over half a dozen of the profile pictures then flashed a bright green, and expanded to only present themselves on the giant monitor.
"The first one is listed as Biffa2001…" Lucky started, expanding the photo furthest to the left; a man that appeared to be more machine than alive. The only flesh visible was his face, which was covered in countless scars. "He used to be a bomb tech in his home World's army, but was honorably discharged after…" Lucky then visibly cringed at what he read next, eyes wide. "L-losing over fifty percent of his body when trying to disable an IED… He had to get a specialized suit and prosthetics so he could walk again..."
Sakura blinked and bit her nails. "Oh gosh…" She muttered. “Please tell me it only gets better from here…”
Lucky shrugged, appearing uncertain. “I-I… I have no clue.” He replied, before typing once again and moving onto the profile next to Biffa’s. "Okay… This guy here is DocM77." Lucky enlarged the photograph on the monitor, giving a more detailed look at a creeper with visible metal cybernetics on his face. "Used to be a military scientist and mechanic before becoming an employee for W.E.S." The blonde blinked. "Nothing much else in his file other than that one of his experiments went wrong and he had to have a bunch of his body replaced with cybernetics."
Jazz, although not looking up at the monitor, spoke up as he continued to play his game. “You think that these guys would be more careful with their bodies,” He said.
Grey chuckled and nodded. “Good point, kid. Looks like the rest’ve had better luck though.”
"Next up… FalseSymmetry." The focus on Doc's photo shifted to the profile of the blonde woman next to him. "Former military commander, dozens of awards for valor and bravery. Left a few years ago to become apart of W.E.S." He tapped a few more times on his keyboard. "It doesn't say why she left though… as far as it looks, she was better off where she was."
"Everyone has their reasons," Angel stated. "But I doubt she's forgotten how to defend herself. Who's next?"
The Cyber soldier immediately followed her order and scrolled to the next member in question, a man with spiky brown hair and a missing eye, replaced with a mechanical one. "His name is Iskall85, according to his file." He answered. "Another military guy… Ooo, ouch…" He cringed at the line of text he was reading. "Discharged honorably after getting his eye shot out by a sniper. He literally never saw it coming, pun int-"
Angel interrupted him. "Lucky… next one." She said.
Lucky gulped and nodded nervously. "Y-yes, of course!" He then tapped his keyboard, making the view on Iskall's photograph shift to the next person. "This one is listed as… Mumbo Jumbo." He stated, gesturing to the photo of a thin man with black hair and a moustache to match. "Famous redstone engineer turned W.E.S. employee. He's pretty young, too… only twenty-three years old."
"He looks like a pipe cleaner with eyes," Coda's snicker caught the rest of the group off guard. Most turned to face her, and she had a smirk on her lips. "And yeah, the mute wore off finally. Ya can't shut me up forever." She then pulled out a small pack of gum from her back pocket and tossed a piece in her mouth, proceeding to chew and blow a pink bubble with it.
Synth raised an eyebrow at his friend, but decided against saying anything and looked back at the younger blonde. "But how is he a threat? Like she said… he doesn't appear to be that tough."
"He has a military record… s-sort of." Lucky answered. "Apparently a few years ago, he designed redstone machines and weaponry for a war going on in his home World. And they must've been pretty good, because he got a significant amount of compensation for making them."
"How much did he get?" Sakura questioned.
"Umm…" The blonde scrolled through the information next to Mumbo's photograph, before a single line of text highlighted and kept blinking on and off. "Woah… He got hundreds of millions of bits for the inventions he made!"
Coda's gum bubble burst loudly the moment Lucky finished his sentence. "Wait, what?" She asked, showing genuine surprise. "He's a multimillionaire? Why would he even be employed?"
Lucky blinked. "Wh...what do you mean?"
The creeper held her hand up and rubbed her fingers and thumb together. "Well, he has over a million reasons to not risk having his ass kicked in some untamed World. He has enough bits to retire and kick back."
Lucky shrugged. "I… I guess you have a point." He then cleared his throat, before moving along to the next member, a creeper with coal black eyes and ruby red scales. "A-anyhow, this is PythonGB, a former military soldier. A decorated one, too; a lot of awards for bravery and skill, even some of the highest honors you can get. Left a few years ago to join W.E.S." Lucky then blinked in surprise. "Huh… and it says he's only in his early twenties, too. How did me manage to become so talented so young…?"
"Doesn't matter." Angel stated. "All that matters is that he has skills. And a lot of 'em."
The Cyber soldier nodded, slightly nervous. "T-true, ma'am…" He scrolled over to the next profile, of a blonde man decked out in an almost medieval style of iron armor. "N-next up is Welsknight. Also former military… he's a bit older though. Nothing much other than that in his file…"
"What about the last one? On the right here?" Synth asked, gesturing to the photo of a man in green armor, his face hidden by a massive helmet covering his whole head.
"Uhh…" Lucky tapped the monitor a few times, expanding the profile picture so it was the only photo on the screen. "Okay, this guy is…" He blinked at the name next to the image. "Eye-sumavoid? Egg-sumavoid? Ex-sumavoid?" After a moment, he just shook his head. "Nevermind… A-anyway, there isn't much on him, either, but it does say that he has a lot of experience with putting up firewalls around Worlds. And by the reviews he has, they're pretty good at keeping malware out."
Coda then took a step closer to the screen, arms crossed. "So… In total, we've got a scrawny redstone genius, two badass blondies, a wannabe turtle, a military child prodigy, and three cyborgs…" Her gaze was fixed on the monitor for a moment, before she turned away. "All of 'em with some sort of background that could make the whole mission fall apart… Great."
Grey's eyes focused on the eight photos. "Geez, with that many people with that kind of combat experience, that group sounds more like a rogue militia than anything else."
"Umm… I don't think they're exactly called that." Lucky corrected shyly. "A-as far as I know, each group hired by W.E.S. has the option to choose their own name. To make it easier to identify them."
The older medic raised an eyebrow. "Well… what do they call themselves?"
Lucky turned to the screen and zoomed it outwards, so all of the images could be shown at once like they had moments before. A single name in bold lettering was at the top of the cluster of photographs.
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radiant-flutterbun · 5 years
Pixel and the Shapeshifter
(Some context because it’s been Awhile. In my lore I have gods from another world who can visit Sornieth if my shapeshifting shadeling, Inkdrop allows them to. These gods have a mostly human appearance, but a few animal characteristics too. Think of Catra’s design from the new She-Ra show)
Queen Sagacious wasn’t around anymore. One day she just left her queendom and never returned. She didn’t leave a note. She didn’t leave anything behind to tell her subjects what to do in her absence. It was unusual for her. Normally every move she made was carefully planned and organized. She scheduled her life out years ahead of time. And now she was just. Gone.
There were rumors that she went to live on the Dragon Planet, that the gods have started to hear so much about. The was a land dominated by dragons. It was a land of magic. When gods entered the land, they too turned into dragons, but with a price. They lost their immortality.
Ever since Sagacious’s disappearence, Pixel looked for a way to escape. But no matter what they did, they couldn’t seem to get the ankle bracelet that Sagacious placed on them off. It was ironic, considering that Pixel’s own creation was being used against them. As the God of Technology, that had made the parts possible to create the bracelet, and yet Sagacious outsmarted them with their own craft. None of Pixel’s tools could pry the thing off of them. They suspected that Sagacious mixed their tech with her magic, meaning that if they had any hope of removing it they would need to either remove their own leg, or beg Sagacious for forgiveness.
Pixel was considering cutting off their leg when they spotted someone move past their house. They lived in a pretty busy section of the queendom, so the movement wasn’t that unusual, but the look of the being certainly was.
She looked like a young girl with jet black skin, neon green hair, and bright yellow eyes. Immediately Pixel stepped outside for the first time in years.
“HEY SHAPESHIFTER! OW!” Their anklet bracelet zapped them “HEY WAIT!” Zap “OW! PLEASE-” Zap. They could hardly speak with the ankle bracelet continually pumping electricity into them the longer they were out of their house.
The strange girl stopped and turned around. She watched Pixel with a wary expression. Pixel trotted closer to her, but with another good zap collapsed on the ground beside her.
“Um,” The girl said “Are you ok?”
“No,” Pixel admitted as they yet again felt the pain of electricity coursing through them “But I will be if you can take me to the Dragon Planet.”
The girl clicked her tongue “Hmm I don’t know, the last god who convinced me to take him there turned out to be a no good meanie.”
“Hey- OW! I promise I’m not a no good meanie,” Pixel winced. The voltage was increasing the longer they were outside of their house.
“Why do you have a shocky thing on you?”
“Hey uh, I’ll be happy to discuss this with you in my house where I’m NOT constantly getting electrocuted.”
The girl watched as Pixel was shocked yet again and then looked at their open door. She shrugged “Ok, sounds safe enough to me.”
The girl followed Pixel into their little home. Inside wires and glowing machinery lay across everything in a seemingly unorganized mess. There was only a small path to walk without stepping on something. Pixel gestured to a spot on the sofa with no machines lying on it. 
“Please, you’re my guest so you can sit on the couch. I’ll just slump on the ground and catch my breath from being repeatedly electrocuted.”
“Ok,” The girl sat on the couch as was requested “You have a lot of… stuff.”
“Yeah, I have a lot of on going projects. I’m Pixel by the way. Pixel Pronoia, the God of Technology. And I only know of you as the Shapeshifter, but I’m guessing you have a name right?”
“Yeah it’s Inkdrop!”
“Alright cool! Nice to meet you! Now about the Dragon Planet…”
“Why do you have the shock bracelet?”
“Oh. Because I’m under house arrest.”
Inkdrop cocked her head “Why?”
“Because Saga is a bitch.”
“You mean Sagacious?”
“Yep. That’s Queen Bitchface.”
“My brother says she’s a bit mean, but all I’ve ever seen her do is read.”
“So you know where she is?”
“Yeah. At Clan Ton Theon.”
“That wouldn’t happen to be on the Dragon Planet, would it?”
“Yeah. Queen Virtuous asked me to take her there.”
“I fucking knew it! It has something to do with the Demon King’s growing power, doesn’t it?”
“Uh. Maybe? Sorry it’s hard to keep track of the politics that happen in every single world I visit.”
“Right. Must be nice being able to travel between worlds AND shapeshift.”
“You’re right it is pretty nice!” In an instant Inkdrop’s hair changed into long thick locks that matched Pixels “I like your hair by the way.”
“Thanks, that’s a good look for you. Anyway, I guess if you’re going to trust me I owe you the truth. Sagacious put me under house arrest because I befriended some mortals, which we gods aren't supposed to do.”
“Really? My brother has lots of mortal friends! And so do I! That’s such a dumb rule!”
“Wait. But you’re not a god.”
Inkdrop shot Pixel a chilly glare that sent a shiver up their spine.
“I mean yeah, it’s a fucking dumb as fuck rule. So as you can see I’m innocent. So can you please take me to the Dragon Planet?”
“Hmm… I still don’t know…”
            "Who was the god you let in that you regretted?"
             Inkdrop's face further soured "Naperone."
             "Why in the Spirits' names would you ever think trusting him was a good idea?!"
              "Hey I was new to this world and he seemed nice! How was I to know? Just like how am I to know that I can trust you?"
            "Ok, fair. What can I do to get you to trust me?"
            Inkdrop scratched her chin "Oh! I know!" She snapped her fingers and suddenly there was a swirling black void in the middle of Pixel's living room.
            "Is that a portal?!"
           "Yep! But it's not to the Dragon Planet. Hop on in. I want you to meet someone."
           Pixel backed away from the portal "Hold up. Where are you taking me?"
            Inkdrop held out her hand "Do you want to go to the Dragon Planet or not?"
           Pixel thought for a moment and then took a deep breath, stood up and grabbed her hand. 
With a giggle Inkdrop jumped into the portal with Pixel in tow.
For a moment everything was black, and then for a split second Pixel saw a flash of white light, causing them to instinctively close their eyes. When their eyes opened again they were in what appeared to be some sort of massive, dim lighted cave. There were several buildings constructed in this cave and the one closest to Pixel was one they recognized. It was a massive black Victorian style mansion, except this version of the building wasn’t dusty or falling apart. It looked formidable and elegant.
“Am I… Am I in the Underworld?”
Inkdrop nodded.
“But didn’t it get overtaken by demons?”
Inkdrop didn’t answer, a tall winged man was approaching her.
Pixel instinctively took their phone out of their pocket and it transformed into a knife with electricity sparking off of it.
Inkdrop smiled and tackled the man in a hug.
“Inky! Wasn’t expecting you to be here. Are you visiting Saph?” the man asked, returning the hug.
“Uh huh! Is she around?”
“Yes she’s in her room.”
Pixel squinted at the man. There was only one person that this could be, but something was off about him “Sepulchral Solstice?”
The man turned to Pixel. He was wearing a blindfold over his eyes, so he must not have noticed Pixel until they spoke.
“Yes that’s me,” The man answered “but I have a feeling that I’m not the Sepulchral you’re familiar with.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh!” Inkdrop spun back around to Pixel “Yeah this is a different universe. It’s pretty similar to yours accept not quite. Like the Underworld is fine here, and Sepulchral is older and Saph exists! That’s who I need you to see so come on!”
Inkdrop grabbed Pixel’s empty hand and with a strength Pixel couldn’t believe such a little thing could have, she began to drag them away from Sepulchral and into the mansion. Pixel quickly turned their weapon back into a phone before they could accidentally shock anyone.
Pixel watched as Gods of Death walked by and ignored them and Inkdrop. Some of them looked familiar to Pixel, but like Sepulchral there was something off about each one.
“Is Arkina here?” Pixel asked as Inkdrop led them up a staircase.
“Arkina, the Goddess of Animal Souls? She’s my sister.”
“Oh. I didn’t know she existed. But if she is here, you know she’s not really your sister right? She’s another Pixel’s sister.”
Pixel rolled their eyes “I know that. I’m just curious is all.”
“Oh well, we’re here now,” Inkdrop knocked on a door painted a dark purple with crayon doodles tapped on it. It was hard to make out what some of the drawings were depicting, but they thought some of them were supposed to be Inkdrop. Others showed a girl with black wings, and more showed another kid with orange eyes and who always seemed to have a dragon nearby.
The door opened and there was a girl with brown skin, black feathered wings and a frilly purple dress. Her face lit up when she saw Inkdrop and the two kids squealed and hugged each other.
“Inky!!!” the winged girl shouted at the top of her lungs.
“Saphy!!!” Inkdrop returned the shouting energy.
“I LOVE your hair!”
Inkdrop giggled and twirled one of her new dreadlocks “Thanks, I thought Pixel’s hair was neat so I decided to sport a new look!” As she said this she gestured to Pixel who was standing awkwardly behind her.
Pixel gave a little wave to Saph “Er, hello?”
“Oh! Hello! I’m Saprophyte Solstice! And who might you be?”
“Oh. Uh Pixel Pronoia.”
“Pronoia? Oh! Are you Arkina’s little sibling?”
At the sound of their sister’s name Pixel’s ears perked up “Yes! But uh-”
“Oh this isn’t your world’s Pixel!’ Inkdrop interrupted “This is a Pixel from another world.”
“Oh, okie dokie.” Saph said.
“And I actually came here because I’m not sure if I should trust them.”
“Ah gotcha,” Saph gestured for Inkdrop and Pixel to enter her room.
Her room was black with splashes of purple and pink. More doodles were taped all over the walls.
“I was kinda hoping you were here to play,” Saph said as she sat on the side of her bed.
“I know I’m sorry.”
“Next time you visit you should bring Cassia and we can have another adventure together!”
“Ok, ok I promise. Next time I visit we’ll do that.”
“Yay!” Saph turned to Pixel “Now I’m going to have to look into your Soul.”
She reached out toward Pixel’s chest and they took a step back “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the fuck are you doing?”
“I have to touch your chest to see into your Soul.”
Pixel scowled “Oh fuck no.”
Saph rolled her eyes “Relax, it's not like I’m asking you to lift your shirt or anything. I just have to touch the spot where your heart is. That’s where the Soul is. Don’t make it weird.”
“Uh, how about no?”
“Then I'm not taking you to the Dragon Planet.” Inkdrop crossed her arms.
Pixel clenched their fists “Fine. Read my Soul or whatever the fuck.”
They winced as Saph placed her hand over their chest and closed her eyes. An uncomfortable silence followed, and then Saph gasped and yanked her hand back. Her eyes were wet with tears and she began to sob.
“Uh… Are you ok?” Pixel asked. In response Saph hugged them.
“You… You’re in so much pain.”
“SHE KILLED YOUR GIRLFRIEND.” Saph shouted it at the top of her lungs, a combination of rage and sorrow.
“Y-yeah…” Saph’s reaction brought back a wave of emotion that Pixel thought they had buried. They crumpled to their knees and were now at the perfect level for Saph to wrap her arms around their shoulders. Tears now fell down Pixel’s own cheeks “Her… her name was Dana.”
Saph sniffled “That’s a beautiful name! I bet she was beautiful.”
“Y-yeah… She was. But she was more than just looks,” Pixel clutched their chest “She was the only one who ever saw anything in me.”
“W-well I just saw into your Soul, and I think you’re pretty great too,” Saph wiped away her tears and nodded to Inkdrop.
“Alright, if Saph trusts you, then so do I,” Inkdrop snapped her fingers creating another portal “Let’s take you to the dragon planet.”
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mucky-puddler · 5 years
Here is Kubrick blog no. 2
So, this week I’ll be looking at Kubrick’s early work (again), Paths of Glory, and the introduction of Depth of Field; Stanley Kubrick, film, and the uses of history – yes, that is the whole title.
The first thing Nathan had us all do was shout out any themes we could think of that Kubrick had used in the films we had watched so far. This list ended up being ridiculously long and appeared to contain every film under the sun (which is something I never understood – creatives don’t really think about themes when creating things, it just kinda happens, so what is the point in listing themes to look at?). Here are a few examples of themes we named;
- Madness
- Masculinity
- Obsession
- Photography
- Chess
- Brutality
- Violence
- Animalism
- Sport
- Fathers/mothers
We then reviewed the Seafarers (again) and looked deeper at the shot composition used; one of the more obvious ones was the shot change from machinery to people, suggesting that within the seafarer community the people are simply machines designed to complete certain tasks.
Let’s move on to the man himself. It has been suggested that Kubrick makes his films for men, and the evidence is as such – his characters fulfilled the stereotypes of having the damsel in distress and the knight in shining armour, making his female characters weaker and in need of assistance, he would often utilise the male gaze to sexualise women (as seen in the Seafarers when the camera pans up and holds on the image of a naked calendar), all of which makes him seem misogynistic. Alternatively, Kubrick could just be representing the world around him – personally, I think we give people who grew up during the 40’s and 50s much more credit than they deserve – there is no way we can assume that so many people during that time felt the way we all feel now, because the times have changed so much and we don’t want to ruin our idealised, romanticised perspective of a different time. I’m not saying that there weren’t people that thought this way, I have no doubt that there were, I just don’t believe that everyone thought that way. In every single piece of media I have studied where there is some injustice, the argument has always been made that they were “representing the views of the time”, inferring that the creators did not have the same views when it is entirely possible that their own views aligned with the unjust perspective they present.
Okay, rant over for now.
Something else I picked up on, that is somewhat related to what I’ve said above, is how Kubrick used his camera to give himself as much freedom as possible. Kubrick was commissioned to film the Seafarers as a promotional piece, meaning there was very little creative liberty given to Kubrick – what he did have control over was the camera movement. It would appear that his favourite were the long tracking shots, giving the audience long takes of the food hall (and the food itself, to a pornographic extent).
Another clear feature is Kubrick’s sense of humour – his sense of humour was young, like that of a teenage boy (hence the calendar shot). He would sneak as much suggestive evocative imagery through the loopholes into his films to entertain his audience.
And now for our word of the week – Gematria; Greek for geometry, turning letters into numbers, giving the numbers power, meaning texts have hidden codes.
It has been suggested that Kubrick used gematria in his films – critics and fanatics have spent hours poring over his films, trying to discover the hidden meanings behind the numbers and text he leaves in the shots. The numbers 7 and 3 are said to be popular numbers in Kubrick’s films but no one has figured out why yet. I personally don’t see the point in obsessing over every pixel in a shot to mangle it into an alternative meaning, but some people enjoy it, so you do you.
The last thing I took from the lecture was that theme and style should be considered together, especially over the many films brought to life by a single director. For Kubrick, we should look at similar themes through films like 2001 and Spartacus and Lolita, just to name a few.
Now onto the film – the film we watched this week was Paths of Glory. Like all of Kubrick’s films so far, it starts with a lovely bit of narration and a somewhat boring long shot – expositional, some would call it. Both these features together let us know that we are in for a war-time film. For almost the entirety of the rest of the film, I couldn’t understand what these characters were saying, So I had to gather the deeper plotlines from context. Something I drew from the film was how realistic it was for a film of that era; it does not romanticise war like others have, it is a good example of strong men being scared to obey orders, then suffering the consequences.
Here is something about the film that confused me – there is a single shot that pans around the characters to watch them leave, and a washing bowl that was used at the beginning of the scene comes back into the shot – why? It is not referenced at all in the scene, or even the rest of the film. Why was that shot included? Was it because it looks cool? Thinking about it deeper, the character played by Kirk Douglas was using it at the beginning of the scene – this character goes on to defend the men who get called to trial for ‘not following orders’ but assigning their deaths anyway because of the the decision of the court. To someone who grew up religious, this sounds familiar (that’s right, we got Jesus imagery right here). Kirk Douglas’ character could be reflected as Pontius Pilot – he washes his hands of the blood of the men under his command (as demonstrated by the washing bow) – making the men that were sacrificed as an example to the rest a reflection of Jesus – they were strung up to poles.
Let’s now talk about authority, an obvious theme in this film. There appears to be two types of authority – those who care about the mission, and those who care about the people. The general, who is the former of these two authorities, could be considered obsessed with winning the battle and then the war, and does not consider casualties (he’s a bit of a dickhead). On the other hand, the colonel’s concern is for the men and the logic behind why they did not obey orders (which makes sense). There is, as there is with reality, challenge and contention within and between the ranks; everyone wants to either impress their superiors or undermine them. Within the theme of authority, I’m going to make up a sub-theme – authority vs reality; those in higher authority have an idea that they want to execute, and put it into action without thinking about the factors that could make it possible e.g. the men that would have to die to make their ideas a success. The reality of the ideas is that it most likely isn’t possible, and hundreds of men would die in the process before the authority would begin to realise. One of my favourite scenes from the film is when the fate of the selected men are being decided by the colonel and two generals, one of whom is for killing them in a court-martial, the other hearing reason and willing to give them a fair(ish) trial. The colonel is framed between the two generals, and at first, I thought it would have made more sense to have the more neutral general framed between the two arguing parties. However, after a second thought, the colonel is the one frames between two opposing but equal forces – they are the angel and devil on his shoulders (hell year).
Ah yes, we love a courtroom drama, a turn I did not expect this film to make – it reminded me of the courtroom scene in Hacksaw Ridge (such a good film), and I feel this is a fair comparison; the intensity was continual and high, there was a ‘will they, won’t they’ vibe to it, and an all-round good scene for both films. Only with “Paths of Glory”, I hated the son-of-a-bitch prosecutor and the court for clearly favouring him, giving way to another sub-authority theme – humanity vs the court. Like the overbearing general, the court sides with the authority rather than reason – I thought the defence was not given the opportunity to give their case to the fullest extent, even though their evidence was solid.
The final theme I’m going to look at is religion (catholic flavour) – there isn’t a whole lot to say here as it doesn’t play a huge role in the film, the only religious figure (other than the Jesus imagery) is the father that comes to bless those who were chosen to be sacrificed as an example to the others.
Okay, onto the reading – this reading doesn’t really have anything to do with the film specifically, and I only got through the introduction again. These people really need to calm down with their intros because I’m never going to actually read something of merit if they keep their intro’s long. The book I read is called “Depth of Field: Stanley Kubrick, Film, and the uses of History”. One of the first things it discusses is the phrase ‘depth of field’, because it’s meaning it two-fold; the first is concerning photography, as depth of field refers to how sharp and in focus parts of a shot are (which is relevant to Kubrick because he loved photography, so would be able to use depth of field to his advantage), and the second is in reference to researching and trying to understand as much about an area of expertise as possible (this could be Kubrick researching for his films, or could be these critics learning as much as they can about Kubrick – I suspect it’s the latter).
Also, they spoke very briefly about how what is in the frame is the only thing that can “portray the world of human emotion/feeling and action realistically”. I completely disagree with this statement – there are so many elements that goes into portraying human emotion, like music, rhythm, acting lighting, just to mention a few.
Something else I don’t quite understand is how/why directors are praised for working in multiple genres over their career – how is it different to a student having to do multiple courses or modules at the same time? Surely, they just work in whatever genre they want to at the time?
This might just become a list of things I don’t understand because we already know that Kubrick liked to have control over every single aspect of the film, but according to this introduction, he let the cast and crew experiment with their tasks? How does that work?
A quote I found interesting is this – “…seen as bringing the terrible news of the twentieth-century history…to a mass audience” – sorry what? What is this even saying? Is he translating what was happening around him into film for other people to better understand? But if that is the case, then the ‘terrible news’ would have already passed because of how long it takes to make and distribute a film. Why aren’t these people reading the news? Surely no one relies solely on film to give them ‘terrible news of the twentieth-century history’? Or does this mean the people outside of America, seeing as global news was not yet prevalent?
Adorno is a man that pops up a few times in this intro and is said to have said “art and ideology are becoming one and the same thing” and I honestly love that because it’s kinda true. This is also the same guy that said “poetry became impossible after Auschwitz” which is the kind of deep, philosophical shit I enjoy.
This intro really does jump all over the place because then they discuss how Kubrick primarily adapted texts that weren’t already popular, with the exceptions of The Shining and Lolita, so his audience could judge his work as his own rather than an adaptation. This seems a little selfish to me. Like he’s not acknowledging the fact that it’s someone else’s work?
I do plan on reading more than just the intro’s to the actual readings, but it’s so difficult because the intros are so long! Also, somehow this blog ended up being longer than the last one, I don’t know how that happened, please don’t hate me.
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jemmaginary-blog1 · 6 years
Agents of SHIELD Promo Poster
Because I can never just leave things alone, below is my analysis/thoughts of the poster and what I think it could mean. I very well may be wrong as this is Agents of SHIELD and they like to keep us guessing and make us think we know what’s going to happen but I did try. Some of this may be a reaching a bit or wrong and feel free to correct me/tell me what you agree or disagree with! So I apologise if this is a mess as I’m new to all of this and new to Tumblr so the formatting may not be great.
I shortened this down as I didn’t want to annoy people with my six page ramble.
(Also credit/thank you to jemannesimmons for pointing out that Fitz wasn’t grabbing Daisy’s hand as that is what sent me on this mad spiral trying to see what else I missed and what subtle clues were lurking in the poster.)
(Also did a quick speculation of the previous poster down at the bottom as I hadn’t really seen it before!)
(Also my computer isn’t great so I may have missed things to do with the kree writing as it’s currently impossible for me to zoom in on this picture without it becoming impossible to actually look at and see something other than pixels.)
(Alsoooo need to come up with a word other than also wondering if anyone has any breakdowns of previous season cast photos? Joined this Fandom during the break between S5 and S6 and curious as to what predictions people made last year.)
(Yay it’s been confirmed that there ARE easter eggs/clues in this poster so yay for that. Though easter eggs and clues/hints are different.)
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The Last Supper
The fact that it's positioned in a similar way to the Last Supper could be accidental but I doubt it as 'faith,' has been a bit of a theme in AoS and so I think with Mack being director and becoming more of a main character it would be interesting to use the Last Supper as a way to hint to what's going to presumably be a season with a lot of focus on him. So here is me breaking down that side of it first.
I think multiple characters match with the same character or could due to the smaller number of characters in AoS when compared to The Last Supper and the different grouping.
You can somewhat match them up with the identity of the apostles and their grouping, either by their reactions to what’s happening or their placement in the photo frame. Though it does change depending on which one you do.
In The Last Supper it’s broken down into four groups of Apostles:
GROUP 1: Bartholomew, James the Less and Andrew are all surprised.
GROUP 2: Judas Iscariot is taken aback; next to him, Peter holds a knife and looks stormy, while the boyish John, the youngest apostle, simply swoons.
GROUP 3: Thomas is upset; James is shocked. Philip wants an explanation.
GROUP 4: In the final group of three, Jude Thaddeus and Matthew turn to Simon the Zealot for answers.
Out of our eight I’d roughly match them up, reaction wise, as follows:
Group 1: Fitzsimmons and Deke, they’re all surprised although Deke also appears to be up to something. 
Group 2: May and Not!Coulson
Group 3: Daisy
Group 4: Elena
Mack: On a framing/position basis he matches up with Jesus. Like Jesus in the Last Supper he has an expansive pose that contrasts with everyone around him, he's the focus and the centre of the frame. The new leader and he has his agents(apostles/followers) around him. Mack appears to be positioned in a similar place to Jesus, opening up the idea of him suffering some kind of betrayal from those closest to him. Similar to how Jesus was betrayed by Judas. I don't see Fitzsimmons being the ones betraying him because of last season, he's already had conflict with Fitz and then saw him die - so I don't think it'll be Fitz and Simmons had a minor betrayal by siding with Fitz rather than following orders and helping lock him up. For me the most likely candidates are May, Daisy or Elena as they are all close to him.
Judas Candidates:
May could betray Mack for Not!Coulson, Ming hinted towards May having some kind of motive/alternate mission this season that isn't to do with SHIELD/Being a SHIELD Agent and so she could be delving into that.  If May is Judas then perhaps Not!Coulson is Peter although that could shift old Coulson into being Jesus (depending on if when referring to Peter saying he doesn't know who Christ is he's referring to not knowing what SHIELD is - like in the trailer or Coulson.)
Elena and Mack are already slightly strained, the conflict over the death of Ruby and the repeated idea that Elena seems to feel like she has to do what’s right regardless of the others opinions of it. She’s impulsive and headstrong (I love her, putting that in here as it sounds like I’m just criticising her,) which could cause problems as she’s the Directors girlfriend and she’ll probably be going against orders during the Season. He’ll not want to seem like he’s playing favourites, especially as in S2 it was shown he wanted a fair SHIELD and I’m assuming he’ll still want that. Plus Mack will be extremely busy, too busy for them to be as close as they have been. And Coulson/Fitz’s deaths will place a strain on Mack. He’s lost Coulson, been placed into the position of Director and has a hologram with the face of Coulson telling him what to do. I really doubt he’ll be in a great place during Season 6.
Daisy: To me she’s the most unlikely candidate for Judas but I will admit it’s a possibility. Similarly to May it could be a Not!Coulson caused rift as Coulson was a Father to her and she may be feeling guilty over his death considering it was a give the serum to her or him situation. Or it could be because she wants to be the Director, Coulson had been grooming her to be the new Director or at least the new face of SHIELD and maybe she’ll disagree with Mack over how he decides to run things as he will do things differently this season as he’s called Coulson out/disagreed with him multiple times.
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Other thoughts:
Fitzsimmons and Daisy are grouped together, hopefully showing that at some point that rift between Daisy and Fitz will be healed. I simultaneously want that Fitz/Daisy bromance back and want Daisy’s trauma to be addressed because it got somewhat ignored last season.
May is drinking what is presumably Haig, somewhat heartbreaking.
Elena is wearing the ill-fated SHIELD jacket of death if Season 3 is anything to go by.
As mentioned in many other posts Mack has his toolbox, offically the Director of SHIELD.
Daisy appears to have different gauntlets, presumably because her powers are stronger this season (after taking the serum) this will probably affect her in some way. Also backs up how she seems to be more powerful/confident in her powers in the Season 6 trailer.
Red Lights
The red light seems to be focusing on three people: May, Fitz and Deke with a focus on May and Fitz especially. 
All people that were separated from the team in some way at the end of the last season.
May: She lost Coulson and was with him as he died. The team left her on the beach as they flew off to find Fitz and so we can assume there’ll be some distance between her and the rest of the team. She is also physically separated from them in 5x22 with the ship flying off into space, though the s6 trailer does show she reunites with SHIELD at some point it doesn’t mean it’s immediate. With her I think the ‘danger,’ is Not!Coulson and whatever his mission/motive is - he looks like the man she lost and loved and so he’s in a position to manipulate her. 
Fitz: He’s out frozen in space and the team are going to find him. Though he may have been abducted which only separates them further. There will also be emotional distance as he died, he hurt Daisy and so he’s going to be shocked. They’re dealing with finding him whilst knowing their Fitz who rescued them from space died and dealing with what happened to Fitz (mental break.) The danger when it comes to him is the physical/literal danger he’s in if he’s been taken captive and taken away from cryo!chamber the team are heading to and the mental danger (maybe why the red light covers his head - brain -> brain injury -> framework!Fitz - the whole dual personality thing) as this Fitz has been hearing the Doctor and there’s still a chance he could go through what Loop!Fitz did. Whether that be because of something that has happened during the time between Season 5 and 6 or sometime during the season.
Deke: The canary in the coal mine, their proof that the timeline changed. As far as the team know he’s gone, he never existed and so to them he’s dead. Rather than them searching for him I think it’ll be the other way around, Deke finding them or them finding him accidentally.
These people are the most isolated from the others and so are in the most vulnerable position. They are in the most hypothetical danger and have the greatest chance of being hurt/influenced right now.
Red is traditionally used to symbolise danger and so the light could be representing that, danger and anger and a warning to the audience that none of these characters are safe. Either during or at the start of the season.
With Fitz there are also alien runes surrounding him, symbolising the fact that he’s lost in space/surrounded by aliens? May’s is simply light reflecting on the metal grating of the background, seeming much more ‘normal.’ Reflecting the fact that she’s on earth/focusing mainly on earth in terms of her plot-line?
In contrast the light around May seems darker, emotionally she’s in a dark place and she’s also in the dark when it comes to the mystery surrounding Not!Coulson.
Also may be reaching slightly but Not!Coulson (how are we actually referring to him?) is looking towards her and the light follows the arrows in his eye-line heading towards May with the light increasing in brightness. Showing he’s influencing/manipulating her this season? Or placing her in danger.
With Fitz and May it could also link to the religious symbolism.
The light around Fitz almost resembles a half halo (because he died and was reborn? Angel? Or because this Fitz is innocent compared to Loop!Fitz) and his light is also the brightest shade of red.
The way the brightest red forms a red triangle almost horn shape. Indicating she could be Judas? or influenced by the devil/Lucifer (Not!Coulson) although I don’t feel as if Not!Coulson is going to be a villain after Captain Marvel (he could be but that movie changed how I felt about the Skrulls and so far I think he’ll be a Skrull.) Maybe it indicates that whilst Fitz was reborn she’s going to die (hopefully not!) or ‘fall,’ by doing some bad deed and/or betraying the team/SHIED.
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Look who’s in front of the ‘D,’ and guess what word starts with D?  Doctor.
Also does anyone else see figures in the background of the pink/orange bit? Behind the writing
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elles-choices · 6 years
Part 6: Water Under The Bridge (TRR AU, Liam x MC - NSF*W)
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Pairing: Liam x MC (Catherine)
Words Count: about 3500
PS: For part 1-5 please look below :)
Summary: Catherine Spencer returns to New York after her fall from grace in Cordonia. She left the love of her life behind and all the dreams she had dared to dream. Now she has to pick up the pieces and move on but her past has a way of finding her.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Choices by Pixel Berry
„If you're not the one for me
Then how come I can bring you to your knees
If you're not the one for me
Why do I hate the idea of being free?
And if I'm not the one for you
You've gotta stop holding me the way you do
Oh honey if I'm not the one for you
Why have we been through what we have been through?
It's so cold out here in your wilderness
I want you to be my keeper
But not if you are so reckless
If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently
Don't pretend that you don't want me
Our love ain't water under the bridge“ Water Under The Bridge, Adele
Catherine looks through the can window, wondering where the driver is taking her. Liam called 30 minutes ago telling her that his meeting was finally over and she should come meet him. However, he didn’t want to share any further detail as it was supposed to be a surprise.
The black Mercedes stops in the entrance of the marina — the same place where Catherine won the ceremonial race a few years ago but for her it seems like ages. She feels an uneasiness in her stomach… how many times had she hoped Liam would just send the other ladies home because he knew exactly who was the one for him; instead, he would repeat many times how he ‚should be fair to the other women‘ — she takes a deep breath and repeats to herself ‚but that was then and this is now‘. 
One of the King’s guards open the car door to let her out. She looks around looking for Liam but all she sees is a group of men in black suits, part of Liam’s security team. The man who opened the car door says: „Lady Spencer, please follow me“. She nods and they walk down the docks towards gate D where she sees an impressive-looking yacht. „His Majesty the King awaits you inside, my Lady“, he bows to her and leaves. 
Catherine embarks the yacht slowly, looking for Liam but there is nobody in sight. She walks up to the flying bridge and finds Liam studying a map, „Hello, Captain!“, she smiles and waits for him to turn around and see her.
„Hello, my love“, he walks up to her, pulling her into an embrace that lasted for a few seconds, „God, I missed you so much!“, he leans in for a slow, smooth kiss full of love.
„Hmmm“, she says when his lips leaves hers letting him now how much she enjoyed his taste, she has still her eyes closed. „These were the longest 5 hours in my life…“, Catherine says.
Liam puts his arms around her waist and chuckles, „I could barely concentrate, Kate. I kept looking at the photo we took this morning, flying back to Cordonia“, he looks into her eyes, „I could get used to this, you… here. Seeing you after a stressful day makes my life worth living“, he rests his forehead against hers. „I cleared my schedule for the week so we can do something special“. Catherine smiles, looking at him curious, „We will take the royal yacht, drive a couple of miles out into the Mediterranean Sea and spend these five days alone out there, just you and me. What do you think?“, he smiles, lowering his hands to her butt. 
„It sounds nice but I thought you hated boats?“, she says cupping his cheeks, „Also, I didn’t bring my luggage with me…“. Liam takes her hands into his and says:
„Well, I may be coming around… with the perfect company and a scenic background it is the perfect place to be“, he kisses her hand, „And your luggage should be in our master cabin“. Liam turns around and takes her to the map, „Tomorrow we can drive to the French Riviera but now you should go get ready for dinner, while I drive us out. We don’t wanna miss the sunset…“, he kisses Catherine gently and says, „Go all the way down, it is the only door to the right“, she excuses herself and makes her way to their room.
Catherine walks into the cockpit and sees Liam leaning against the railing, looking into the horizon. She observes him attentively for a minute until he realizes she is standing there looking at him. His eyes widen and a smile grows over his lips when his eyes meet hers. She looks like a bride, his bride, in a white fitted, sleeveless mid dress in satin with a v-neck and narrow straps crossed at the back. She moves her blond hair to one shoulder and walks slowly to him. His eyes sweep over her body, with a look that is slow and lingering, stopping at her bold red lips.
„What did I miss?“, she smiles looking at the setting sun, „Wow, this is stunning…“, she says stopping by his side.
„Yes, indeed… I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life“, he says looking at her. Catherine glances at him and realizes that he was talking about her. He gets closer pulling her into a fervent kiss and she feels an electric charge, a surge of power going through her body… it is intense, it is primal and incredibly familiar — it’s the way only Liam can make her feel and she knows whatever happens to them, she will always have this… his love and desire for her. Liam draws back, savoring her taste on his lips with a satisfied smile. He holds her in front of him and they watch the spectacle together for a while. „I never thought I’d feel this happy ever again… and it’s all because of you, Catherine“, his hands roaming her curves, trying to memorize them as he kisses her neck from behind. She is his soulmate, his present and future, his weakness, his strength, his happiness… she was divine, he was sure of it from the moment she breath life into his being, healing his deepest wounds.
She turns around holding him tight, listening to his heart beat and feeling his chest raise and sink with his breathing.  „Thank you…“, she says, looking up at him, „for not giving up on us“. She sees a single tear leaving his eyes and she brushes it away, kissing his cheek, „I love you, Liam. All this time… it has always been you!“, she rests her head on his chest and feels so vulnerable. It is undeniable now that she can’t fight this feeling anymore, her heart belongs to him… he is the solution for everything.
After dinner, they cuddle in the luxurious sky lounge. His hand brushing her arm as he kisses her temple. He sighs deeply and she asks:
„What is it, honey?“, she turns to look at him.
„We should talk about a few things that happened throughout these four years“, his expression is serious and thoughtful. „I don’t wanna feel like I’m hiding things from you…“, he holds her hand.
„You are scaring me, Liam…“, she looks at him unsure of what he means.
„Don’t be, sweetheart. I’m here with you…“, he squeezes her hand and breaths deeply. „The first thing I need to tell you is that although Tariq came forward taking all the blame for the scandal, he wasn’t the conspirator… unfortunately, my father was…“, he looks down feeling the pain of this betrayal.
Catherine shakes her head in disbelief, „What? No… it can’t be…“, she takes a deep breath, „But why would he do that?“.
„He abdicated because he had an aggressive cancer and only a few months to live. He knew I would have chosen you to be my Queen that night and thought you would weaken the monarchy standing because of your courtly inexperience…“, his eyes meet hers, „I never forgave him and I will never forget what he did to us. He changed our lives and because of him, we almost lost each other forever“, his eyes fill with tears.
„His ways may have been twisted but your father loved you, Liam. Trust me, I’m not happy about it either but he was more to you than just that. You have to let it go, you can’t carry this anger and rage with you forever“, she caresses his cheeks.
„You amaze me every time… Why do you think he deserves our forgiveness?“, he looks at her confused.
„He doesn’t but this is what forgiveness is about. He is gone now, Liam… it is okay to grieve the father you loved and admired your entire life. His mistake was one chapter of his life, it was a desperate decision of a dying man trying to make sure his son would survive in a dangerous world“, she gives him a gentle kiss on his lips, „Don’t let these feelings consume you, turn his actions into a reminder of what you don’t wanna turn into. One day you will have a family of your own and you will understand the kind of love that drove him to do this… he was wrong, very wrong by not trusting you but nobody can denies that he loved you“, she holds him tight in her arms and they stay like this in silence for a few minutes.
„Thank you…“, he whispers, „for making me a better person“. Catherine smiles with so much love for him that he feels his heart skip a beat. He kisses her cheek and says: „There are still a few things I want to address though…“.
„Oh God… I don’t know if I can take more of this, Liam“, she smiles unsure.
„This was definitely the worst news, my love“, he brushes his thumb over her knuckles. „Remember when I told you how difficult it was for me to accept losing you?“, she nods, waiting for him to continue, „I got involved with some women but I want you to know that it wasn’t serious… it was just sex and I don’t want you ever wondering about it“.
„Well, I wasn’t until you brought it up again…“, she says a little annoyed at him for bringing up the topic. „Look Liam, four years passed for you and for me too. We made mistakes, we learned from them… I don’t really wanna know about your sex life during this time because in the end it doesn’t matter. Today, I am the one by your side and tomorrow, you will be the one waking up in my bed“, she feels awkward, she has never been the jealous kind but she knows she won’t handle this talk too well if he goes on.
„You are right… but there is something I have to tell you“, he sighs closing his eyes, getting ready to share the upsetting news.
„Please, don’t tell me that you have a kid…“, she buries her face in her hands.
Liam laughs and says: „No! Oh, God, no… I was drunk but not too drunk to forget using protection!“. Catherine breathes deeply in relief. „Most of these woman were not from Cordonia and I didn’t know much about them but…“, he pauses and watches Catherine opening her eyes waiting for the blow, „One day I was in Lythikos with our friends. It was late, most of them had gone to bed and it was only me and Olivia. I drunk too much, she made advances and we almost did it…“. She looks at him as if her head was going to explode. „I was too drunk to actually do it. We talked about it the morning after but now we just pretend it never happened… she won’t be a problem since she and Drake are exploring their options. However, I don’t wanna hide it from you“, he kisses her hands.
„Please excuse me, I… I need some air“, Catherine stands up and leaves. She leans against the railing, looking at the lights of the capital. It doesn’t take too long before she feels his hands touching her back.
„I’m sorry for hurting you…“, he holds her from behind and they stay there for a few seconds.
„I’m not mad“, she says, „It’s just… Olivia? Really? She used to be one of your best friends and you knew she always had a thing for you, Liam… why would you go there?“, she shakes her head.
„I was too drunk to think straight, Katie. I apologized to her afterwards. We agreed that this was a mistake… I do take responsibility for what happened but I want you to know that I wasn’t myself at that time…“, he kisses her head and tightens his embrace.
„Does Drake know about it?“, she says under her breath.
„Yes, he does. He understands that it was before they even had feelings for each other, we just don’t talk about it. I was too drunk to even remember exactly what happened“, he kisses her softly down her neck and bites her skin gently, causing her to shiver with pleasure.
She turns around and says: „Okay… if it didn’t mean anything to you, I am sure I will get over it sooner or later…“, she hugs him, closing her eyes, „I don’t have any right to be mad at you, Liam… maybe we should leave the past in the past and figure out how we want to move forward“, she looks at him and he kisses her gently on the lips, smiling as his lips leave hers.
„I’d like that“, he looks into her eyes shinning bright like two aquamarine gemstones, „I don’t deserve you. I don’t know if I ever will but I know I wanna become the best man I can be, for you“, slowly his lips move towards hers, getting so close she can feel his breath. He touches her lips like a whisper at first, so gentle and lightly sending shivers of desire through her body, causing her to gasp in delight. Then, suddenly, he greedily takes every inch of her mouth, leaving her breathless.
Catherine pushes him gently away, making her way back into the sky lounge and leaving him puzzled for a second. She stops at the entrance, lowering the straps of her dress and opening the concealed side zip. She trows him a glance over her shoulders, „Are you coming?“, letting the dress fall to the floor and making her way to their master cabin.
Liam bites his lower lips as he watches her swaying her hips as she walks. He looks at her tight ass and swallows hard, feeling his trousers getting tighter by the second. He moves quickly after her, holding her from behind — one of his hands massaging her bare breasts while the other slips under her tiny underwear. He closes his eyes and kisses her neck while his fingers slowly circle her bundle of nerves and she moans, sticking out her ass against his hard cock. „You are so wet, love… I want you so bad…“, he says with his husky voice.
„Then take me, Liam…“, she whispers and he turns her around, grabbing her butt and lifting her up, she wraps her legs around him. Carefully, he walks down the stairs and enters their room. He kissed her with a heat, letting her know that he wants her. He lowers her onto the mattress and licks her body back up to her chest. She helps him with his clothes until he is only in underwear. She slips her hand inside his boxer briefs and starts stroking his 8 inches long cock, he groans her name:
„Catherine…“, he kisses her passionately for a few seconds before spinning her around on the bed. He kisses the back of her neck, down her spine and she pushes her butt against his cock, „Do you want it now, love?“. He takes his underwear off and throws it on the floor.
„Oh yes, Liam…“, he lifts her a little and slips a pillow under her belly, canting her hips higher. Opening her legs, she leaves her sex wide open to him. Slowly, he guides himself to her slick folds, rubbing his thick member through her wetness, making her beg him to finally fuck her. Liam grabs her hip with one hand and glides himself into her and she purrs. She moves her ass as he thrust like there will be no tomorrow. His fingers find their way to her clit, massaging her as he thrusts harder into her, „Oh God, Liam…“.
„You feel so good, beautiful!“, he says. He pulls her up to him, both still kneeling and she nestles tightly with her back to his chest. She hugs his neck with one hand and he caresses her breasts, kissing her shoulders. He slows his pace a little, enjoying the sensation of her pussy. One of his hands reaches down and gently massages her clit. He turns her head to him and she holds his gaze for a while — this moment is so unique and intimate to both of them, they can clearly feel the deepness of their souls' connection. „Come for me, love“, he whispers and she moans, leaning forward, her hands grabbing the sheets and she moves her butt up and down while he thrusts harder into her. She moans his name and he feels her muscle tightening around him. He groans reaching deeper into her and they reach ecstasy together.
Liam lies down and pulls Catherine into his arms, he is exhausted but can’t stop smiling. She rests her head on his chest, „This was… incredible!“, she giggles.
„I love you, Catherine… I adore you… I don’t need anything in my life but you!“, he kisses her head and she looks up smiling.
„I love you too, Liam“, she kisses him one more time before they fall asleep in each other’s arms.
The days have gone by so quickly and Catherine will return to London the next day. They have never felt as close as they feel now. She feels more secure with him, they laugh together again and things seem to be heading to the right direction — Liam knows that his decision of taking the week off to spend with the love of his life was one of the best he has ever made. They reconnected and they are so good together.
Catherine sits on Liam’s lap as he checks his emails, she waits for him to get it done so they can finally enjoy the sun. Suddenly, her phone rings and she looks at the caller id, „Oh, it’s my work. I gotta get this!“, she kisses Liam’s cheek and disappear inside the sky lounge. Liam watches as she leaves, not thinking too much of it and getting back to his email. After 10 minutes she comes back and takes a seat in front of him, she looks a little unsettled. 
„What is wrong, love?“, he looks at her worried.
She shakes her head and tries to smile, „Nothing, really… I have a working trip coming up. I just found out about it“, she says looking at the horizon. 
„Oh… when is it? How many days will you be gone?“, Liam reaches for her hand, squeezing it.
„Hmm, I’m flying out in two weeks and I’ll be gone for three…“, she looks into his eyes.
„Three days is not that bad… and when you are back I’ll come see you! There is no need to be sad“, Liam smiles and brings her hand to his lips.
„Not days, weeks. I’ll be gone for three weeks… but I will really miss you!“, she smiles but there is a sadness in it.
„Wow… three weeks is a long time!“, he brushes his thumb over her knuckles, „I can visit you then. Where are you flying to?“, he smiles.
„No, it’s fine… we can talk every day and Skype“, she smiles but he doesn’t buy it.
„Where are you flying to, Katie?“, he looks at her, serious and arching a brow.
Catherine looks away, „I can’t share this information with you… I am going with a few of my colleagues in a UN mission to gather information, conduct interviews and try to find witnesses in refugee camps“, Liam lower his face holding his head with his hand, „I don’t want you to worry. It’s going to be my third time flying there… It just... it has never been this long“.
„You don’t want me to worry?“, he whispers, „You are going to the Middle East and I should not be worried?!“, he raises his head looking at her, shaking his head. „You are not going, Katie… this is a fucking war zone. I can’t let you go… this is not happening!“, he covers his mouth with his hand.
„This is my job, Liam. How do you think I get to the informations I need for court? I can’t just go to my boss and tell him that my boyfriend, the King, doesn’t want me to go. They will replace me in a heart beat“, she tries to explain. ‘Boyfriend’, she said it and he noticed but he can’t feel as happy as he thought he would. Not when his girl is leaving putting her life in danger.
„This is too dangerous, Catherine. I don’t care where you are going to… I know it is too dangerous and I don’t want the most important person in my life to be exposed to this danger!“, he tries to convince her.
„I’ll be flying from Rammstein to a Peshmerga controlled zone far away from the front. It isn’t as dangerous as it sounds“, she stands up, walking behind him and hugging him.
„Fucking Iraq? You are going to fucking Iraq!? This is insane… please don’t do this to yourself, please don’t do this to me“, he closes his eyes and one tear runs down his cheek.
„I have to…“, she buries her face in his shoulders.
(to be continued)
For more chapters go to my MASTERLIST in my bio.
The Royal Romance Liam x MC Tag
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #386
“Octagon and Enix, Spleef, Bird Dad”
[CP] Is holding his no longer flaming baby and is letting Notch visit with the others when he feels the shift in the mainframe and he shudders a little-
[Fangbo] Notices his reaction. - Did Aether pull your hair or something?
[CP] - No...- He looks over at the mainframe- The seeds have shifted...
[Fangbo] Oh? You're sensitive to that? Maybe one of the big multiplayer servers changed host sites or something.
[CP] - Maybe...- He takes Aether and hands her back over to Notch- Just give me a moment
[Notch] Any reccomendations to keep her from getting cold again?
[CP] - Keep her out of the way of the vents and if she does catch on fire again, well, you know it wont hurt you yet
[Flux] Digs through the diaper bag and finds an extra blanket-
[Notch] Got it. Where are you headed?
[CP] - The main frame
[Notch] I'd say be gentle but you know how to conduct yourself.
[Jeb] He does????
[Flux] - He'll be fine
[CP] Ignores Jeb and touches the servers letting himself be pulled in and he looks to see what happened-
-There is now a very big server next to the one he's been calling home-
[CP] Snickers and goes to inspect the new bigger server-
-It's already super overbuilt. There are a faintly ridiculous number of players running around and the chat is full of random emoticons and leetspeak. There are quite a few large sculptures with just random words and pixel art from various 8bit games. There's a spleef dome rising over part of the town as well. The spawn is a sort of open waiting room with the basic server rules posted on a series of white colums in a circle. People are hustling in every direction but the spot he's standing in is relatively quiet.
[CP] - Oh joy, fresh prey
-He's immediatly struck with the feeling of being scrutinzed-
[CP] Focus' on the feeling to see what it is-
-There's a bit of a cough from above him-
[Octagon] You look lost friend. I hope you're not here to make mischief. - The figure is unmistakably a NOTCH, but he has a full long beard plaited like a dwarf and a name floating over his head like a player.
[CP] - Oh fuck off
[Octagon] Now that's not very nice. And here I'm being super polite too.
[CP] - I just  came to find out what had been placed next to our server and if it were a threat
[Octagon] Then we're neighbors! How wonderful! You can see my name, what's yours? -Chuckles- Though I can probably guess.
[CP] - The others usually refer to me as CP
[Octagon] Hops down from the pillar and stands next to him. He's average height for a NOTCH, so shorter then Cp- Pleased to meet you then! I wouldn't have a player name, like this- he indicates the floating bar- but my brother tagged me.
[CP] - Your brother?
[Octagon] Yes! Let me see if I can get his attention. I think he'd be more your speed anyway- He does some whisper typing and then waits-
-A Herobrine basically steps out of his shadow and makes a show of stalking and menacing the NOTCH from behind before tickling his ribs with a gigantic grin-
[Octagon] Dissolves into wild laughter - BRO!
[CP] - Oh joy- He's dead pan
[Enix] Speaks with the most sinister voice Cp's ever heard outside the mansion, it's practically an oily sound. - What? No sense of humor?
[CP] - Only when it comes to murder or teasing my wife
[Enix] A brine with a mate? Did you wed an Alex? Lucky man.
[Octagon] You have a wife? That's so sweet. Is she nice?
[CP] - Another brine, and it's none of your fucking business
[Enix] Shrugs- Suit yourself.
[Octagon] He lives next server over!
[Enix] Lounges against a pillar. - So how's the neighborhood around here? Our admin changed hosts.
[CP] - Well it was quiet, but don't expect to be able to just hop over, it's a private server
-There's a bit of commotion as a few players spawn in and stand for a moment. The native NOTCH and brine make a show of stiffly waving at them and doing a few player hops-
[Octagon] Sounds quiet.
[CP] - Again, it was, but I suspect we'll be picking up a fair amount of noise from your server here
[Enix] Not much to be done about that. This is a kids server.
[Octagon] Little players really liven up the place!
[CP] - Ours is a sanctuary for brines
[Octagon] So you don't have any players at all?
[CP] - Occasionally a few that we trust explicitly will come on, but otherwise, no
[Octagon] But who pays the bills?
[CP] - We have our ways
[Enix] Clever, and close with secrets I see. Well we're set up decently well too. The head admin thinks we're both players.
[Octagon] Snickers-
[CP] - Pathetic
[Enix] Scoff if you want. It's a good gig.
[Octagon] Some of us like kids you know. He and I keep the griefing and hacking to a minimum so everyone has fun.
[CP] - We're brines!  We're supposed to grief!
[Lie] Slips into the server, having been wondering what was taking CP so long and so had traced his path through the office.  She appears right behind her husband-
[Octagon] But they're just kids. It would be mean to grief them. They'd just cry.
[Enix] Hides a growing smile behind one hand - You wouldn't burn down some little kids clubhouse would ya?
[CP] - I have in the past
[Lie] Sighs- CP...
[CP] Stiffens and turns around- Lie...
[Enix] Laughs- I think someone just got busted!
[Octagon] All smiles- Hello miss! Welcome to our server.
[Lie] - Hello, I apologize if my husband has been harassing you
[CP] - Why are you here?
[Lie] - You were taking a very long time checking on our daughter so I figured I'd see what was taking you.  Oh, and you also griefed your father, she pooped right after you left apparently and Jeb had to show him how to change the diaper
[Octagon] You have a daughter too???
[Enix] Scoots closer- You're a Herobrine! A female Herobrine???
[Octagon] Gets closer as well- My stars!
[Lie] Hesitates a little- Yes, a newborn, and yes I am a female brine...
[CP] Growls as the other two get closer to his wife-
[Octagon] Congratulations! I had no idea that was even possible!
[Enix] I hope she didn't inherit her dads temperment. He's a bit rude.
[Lie] - He's better than he used to be
[CP] - Speaking of our daughter, we should be getting back to her
-There's a bit of commotion and a player with a silly skin runs up to Octagon and places a sign before typing on it-
[Octagon] Oh dear, that's not allowed. I'm sorry I have to tend to this. It was nice meeting you.
[Enix] Watches his brother rush off. - Yeah, likewise. Sorry about the noise, we have so many players, this place is like a madhouse. Even the Nether and Aether are noisy as all get out. Only the End is quiet.
[Lie] - Our Aether is noisy sometimes too
[CP] Groans at his wife's joke-
[Enix] Stares at her for a long moment and then lets out a rather evil sounding laugh- That's excellent! You named your child after the NOTCH realm mod didn't you???
[Lie] - Yes, we did
[Enix] I love it! What are your thoughts on players? Your hubby seems none too keen on them.
[Lie] - It depends on the player themselves, although I really have no room to judge since I used to be one
[Enix] Oh now things start to make sense... this means someone in your circle can get out. How intriging. I spend most of my time with players.
-A few players are creeping around a little watching them-
[Enix] Hang on- He turns quickly and gives them a freaky grin-
-There's some excited jumping and the avatars sprint away merrily-
[Enix] I save my A-game for more adult multiplayer games mostly.
[Lie] Motions at CP- He's the one who dragged me in initially
[CP] - Lie!  Let's go!
[Enix] Something on fire Cp?
[CP] - You're being annoying!
[Lie] - Adult multiplayer?
[Enix] Gives her fingerguns- I slay at Overwatch, TF2, COD, I know how to do remote logins.
[Lie] - Okay then
[CP] Flumps on his wife a little-
[Lie] - Really CP?
[CP] - I would think you'd want to get back
[Lie] - Why?
[CP] - So we could finish what we were doing~
[Enix] Ah, is it adult playtime?
[Lie] - It was until the baby figured out how to set herself on fire
[Enix] You don't sound panicked so I'm going to assume it's a normal thing for a child brine to be on fire.
[Lie] - Considering it's one of her father's powers?  Yes
-Another small group of players spawn in and wave -
[Enix] Just play it cool.
[Lie] - Well we should be leaving soon anyways, but I'll be sure to let our head admin know about you guys
-messages in chat-
-Whoah Pretty hair! O-O-
-Red Herobrine! Super talllllllllllllll-
[Enix] Thanky. Come back and visit if you want. Just walk stiff and follow the rules.
[Lie] - We will- She stands near CP and he lets both of them out and back into the office
[CP] Helps Lie out and both of them can hear Aether getting fussy-
[Notch] Back again? How did it go?
[Fangbo] Is making faces at Aether to make her giggle-
[Lie] - Well the new neighbors have a brine and a NOTCH
[Dofta] oh dear... do they get along at least?
[CP] - Their relationship is brotherly
[Lie] Goes to take her fussy baby from Notch-
[Dofta] Oh good. [She's still upset about the incident with Mb and Echo the other day]
[Notch] That's a relief at least.
[Lie] Picks up on Dofta's emotions- Hey, it wasn't your fault.  It was actually the NOTCH's fault that MB was up for deletion
[CP] - Yeah, and they are way too cheerful
[Fangbo] Cheerful is bad?
[Yster] Well I can think of worse things.
[Jeb] Is looking at a screen on the mainframe - that's a big server...
[CP] - The head admin just thinks that they are players, they hit each other with name tags
[Notch] That's actually kinda clever. They're just living there?
[Jeb] Is looking up some info on the server. - Oh man...! I found the stats for it.
[CP] - Yeah well can you move it farther from ours?
[Locklear] - Are you really being territorial over a digital space?
[CP] - Yes!
[Jeb] The owner is a rather sweet-looking little old lady. And no, I can't move it. The placement is decided by the hosting service. They just got a packet near yours.
[Yster] I got the impression he was territorial about everything in general.
[CP] - Then I'll find a way to move it
[Notch] Just leave it be please, it sounds like they might be decent allies.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Lie] - Should we be heading back?
[Notch] I think so, Aether looks sleepy too.
[Lie] - Yeah, I think it's nap time
[Lie] Once back home they say goodbye to Notch and go inside. CP lays down on the bed with their daughter and Lie watches as he falls asleep with her, taking a screen shot as her daughter sleeps soundly on her father's chest. With a giggle she decides to check on CN and looks around for the child-
[CN] Is digging around in the food trunk for a snack-
[Lie] - And what are you doing CN?
[CN] Yelps and quickly turned around- Lie!
[Lie] - Are we getting a snack?
[CN] - Yeah...
[Lie] - I see, well after your snack, do you want to go for a ride with me?
[CN] - Sure! Where are we going?
[Lie] - Just to Docs place, there's some stuff I need to tell them
[CN] Quickly eats an apple- Okay! I'm ready to go!
[Lie] Smiles and follows CN out to the stable where he selects a horse and then follows her to the front of the house so she can get on Beau. The stallion is happy to be getting out and prances a little- Easy there, we're just going for a short ride
[CN] Climbs on his horse and follows Lie towards Docs house-
[Doc] is dozing in the sun near the spawn, hir dragon tail is draped over a few of the headstones and the small wall-
[Lie] - Guess we won't have to go so far- She trots over to Doc- Hey Doc? I've got some news...
[Doc] blinks sleepily- mm? Oh. Hi lie, Cn - Xe yawns - I didn't sleep worth a damn last night...
[Lie] - Because of the server shift?
[Doc] You felt it too huh? It was that, and the noise...
[Lie] - CP felt it from out in the office. He also went to investigate and it's where I found him
[Doc] Groans- please tell me he didn't already piss everyone off?
[Lie] - Not yet, but there is a brine and NOTCH over there
[Doc] Hunkers down into a tidy, alert crouch- Now you have my full attention.
[Lie] - They have taken on a brothers relationship and the server admin just believes that they are players.  It's a server for kids
[CN] - For kids?
[Doc] No wonder it's so noisy. They must have a lot of players for all the activity I've been picking up on.
[Lie] - It looked like it too.  Jeb looked up the stats for the server and said it was massive
[Doc] Interested tail flick - and the brine and the NOTCH? They're just living there? Are they really into babysitting or something?
[Lie] - I'm not sure, CP talked to them longer than I did.  But he's currently napping with the baby.  Their names are Octagon and Enix though
[Doc] How odd. Well at least it's nothing bad. I'll make my way over with a welcome cake or something, but not right now. I'm so tired... - They lay their head down with their chin in the grass. - I can't even sleep in my bed right now. Buff decided to evict my cobweb collection and it's annoying as hell listening to him whistle and bump around cleaning stuff.
[Lie] - I'm sorry to hear that
[CN] Nudges his horse closer to Lie- Lie?
[Lie] - Yes?
[CN] - Could...  Could I go over there?
[Lie] - Well, I don't see why not, but you'd have to move stiffly like the players
[Doc] Thanks Lie. They might be suspicious of you too since you're smaller then a player.
[Lie] - That's true, but they just seemed awed at how large CP was.  They're kids, they might not think much of it
[Doc] Perhaps. And if their Herobrine doesn't shade his eyes, they might be used to a few anomalies... - They sneak their tail fluff over their eyes and shift to a more comfortable pose. Like a balled cat.
[CN] - Could we...  Go now?
[Lie] Hesitates a little- Are you sure you want to CN?
[CN] Nods his head-
[Doc] You guys have fun then, and be careful. Cn, you're not used to being around players, they can be impulsive and even destructive.
[CN] - But they're kids!
[Lie] - And they don't realize we're real and can feel pain
[CN] - Oh...
[Doc] They're just playing from behind a screen. Dying is a minor inconvenience. And they can't talk except in the chat and passing stuff like signs or books back and forth.
[CN] - Okay
[Lie] - Lets put our horses in with the skeletal ones here CN, then we can go
[CN] Nods in agreement and jumps the horse over the low fence-
[Lie] Does the same with Beau before creating an opening- See you in a bit Doc
[Doc] -is already asleep again-
[Lie] Makes the opening and guides CN through, both showing up at the spawn of the other server-
[CN] Looks around and bounces a bit in excitement-
[Enix] Runs by playfully chasing some players and stops- You came back so soon, and you brought a child? I thought your little one was a newborn? - He leans down to get a better look at Cn-
[Lie] - This is my NOTCH, CN, he heard their were other children here and wanted to come visit.  CN?  This is Enix
[CN] Takes a step back and moves a bit behind Lie-
[Enix] He's a bit timid huh? - He realizes the kids he was chasing have snuck up on him and are peeking at him from behind a pillar- Excuse me for a sec- He turns quickly and teleports right in front of them with a pickaxe in one hand. The kids leap and run like the dickens- Hehehe. Works every time.
[Lie] - And not just on children
[CN] Is looking up and around at everything there-
[Lie] - Go on CN, if you want to go explore then go.  I'm sure Enix or Octagon can teleport you to me when you want to
[Enix] Perhaps I can show you around in the meantime? We've got quite a community of budding pixel artists.
[Lie] - Sure, I'd love a tour.  Go have fun CN
[CN] Doesn't need to be told twice as he rushes off-
-The town is full of people rushing back and forth, some of them are even running little shops to trade things with other players. The chat is full or random talk as well, mostly about school and gossip. The houses are laid out on a basic grid and they vary in quality and materials-
[CN] Wanders around and checks everything out, reading the chat and getting confused about some of the things being talked about-
-A few avatars stop to look at him and there's some activity in the chat-
-There's a little guy LOLz.-
-Mini Notch wtf?-
-Neat skin!!!!11!!1-
[CN] Tries to figure out how to talk in chat without being too obvious- THanks?
-Wanna play with us???-
-Agian? OMG. -
[CN] - Spleef?  What's that?
[FollyCloud] You run around on snow with a shovel and try to cut the snow out from under other people!
[CN] - Sounds easy enough...
[BlockofFred] We have our own big stadum! Octagon keeps it set up!
[SilverMilk] We need one more person though....
[CN] - Okay, I'll play
[CaptainPurple] I call little guy!
[BlockofFred] I want Folly!
[SilverMilk] I'll message RobbinTime and meet you there.
[CN] - You can call me CN
[CaptainPurple] Cool!
-The others are all bouncing and sprinting ahead-
[CN] Follows, forgetting to move stiffly-
[BlockofFred] Watches him curiously- You move weird...
[CN] - Uh, it's...  Mods
[BlockofFred] Oh! Neato1!
-The group approaches a board covered in game rules and a button in the center.  The group hits the button and CN follows suit-  The end up in a lobby where the players are partnering up and going to the designated areas for a match.  As they cross a line of purple blocks, it sets their spawn point for the arena-
[CN] - Whoa...
[SilverMilk] Comes back with another player, their nameplate is RobbinTime - ready!
[CN] - Okay, so how do we do this?
[CaptainPurple] Nods at RobbinTime and they each hit a button on the wall-
[CN] Follows suit and the trio are teleported to an arena.  Their inventories have been cleared and they now only have an iron helmet and a diamond shovel-
-The other three are facing them from across the snowfield-
[SilverMilk] Just use the shovel to knock the snow out from under them, and don't fall, okay?
[CN] - Got it- He gets ready and his vision is briefly obscured by a countdown timer and when it's time to go he races forwards with the others
-There's a lot of scurrying and jumping, snow is flying everywhere and BlockofFred is the first to fall-
[CN] Jumps over a gap to try to get behind the other team.  He manages to knock RobbinTime down- Yes!
[CaptainPurple] Shoves Cn out of the way just as FollyCloud swings to knock the ground out from under him-
[CN] Stumbles and falls- Oof!
[CaptainPurple] Is now chasing FollyCloud around and they're swiftly  running out of blocks to stand on-
[CN] Shakily stands and starts running to head FollyCloud off-
[FollyCloud] Manages to drop CaptainPurple and turns his attention to Cn-
[CN] Is having a bit of a stand off, not sure how to proceed and is looking for a safe route-
[FollyCloud]Chases him into a corner and takes a swing at the block under him-
[CN] Falls and it's at this point that he realizes that there's lava beneath the snow.  He panics and without thinking he shifts into his bird form and flies up-
-How did he do that??????-
[CN] Panic and flies to the far side of the arena where there's still snow and he shifts back, pressing himself back against the door-
[Octagon] Tps into the arena and looks around with his hands on his hips and his black eyes narrowed in annoyance-
[FollyCloud] Jumps around- He did something weird! He's cheating!
[CN] Starts breathing hard- There's lava down there!
[Octagon] Stalks over to him- well yes, that's kinda the point of not falling. Who are you?
[CN] Is trembling a little, looking for anyway out- C...  CN...
[SilverMilk] He was moving weird...
[FollyCloud] He turned into somethign small!
[CN] Is really wanting Lie right about now-
[Octagon] Very quietly- I'm not sure what you're playing at, but you've thrown the gauntlet down now. If he knocked you down and you cheated back up, then the game can't end until you fall.
[CN] - But...  That's going to hurt (String of numbers)
[Octagon] I'm aware of that, but you won't be deleted.
[CN] - But...  But...
[Octagon] Just swats the block out from under him-
[CN] Falls with a yell and doesn't manage to transform quickly enough this time, hitting the lava and screaming in pain before popping back into the Spleef lobby.  He immediately takes off at a run to try and get out with tears forming at the corners of his eyes-
[Octagon] Reassures the other players before tping to his location. Or course Cn is moving but he's close by- Wait a minute!
[CN] Stumbles and turns quickly terrified-
[Octagon] Easy there little NOTCH. That was nessesary.
[CN] - It...  It hurt...  So much...- CN leans up against a wall, they are mostly hidden from sight
[Octagon] Sorry, but once you start a Spleef game that's the only way to end it. There's no way out of the arena except to auto tp when all the opposing team has dropped and hit respawn.
[CN] - I didn't know that!
[Octagon] I hear that a lot. Most of the players here are children and they tend not to read rules carefully.
[CN] - I...  I just wanted some new friends to play with...- He's still shaking and a couple of tears roll down his cheek
[Octagon] Kneels down and pats his shoulder- Are you lost? Did you wander in from the void?
[CN] Shakes his head- My brine brought me because I asked her...
[Octagon] There's another Herobrine on the server????
[CN] - She visited earlier...
[Octagon] Blinks- The white-haired brine?
[CN] Nods- Yeah, she's my brine
[Octagon] Would you like me to find her for you?
[CN] Nods-
[Octagon] Reaches out for his hand - then that's what we'll do. I'm Octagon by the way.
[CN] - You already know my name...- He cautiously takes the offered hand
[Octagon] Uses his free hand to try and get Lie's attention in the chat-
[Enix] Notices and pauses from pointing out different types of planes someone has built high above the harborside- Oh dear... it seems your NOTCH had a bit of an accident.
[Lie] - Is he okay?
[Enix] He respawned, but Octagon says he's okay. Just a bit shaken up. It seems he decided to join a game of Spleef with some players.
[Lie] - Oh dear, take me to him?
[Enix] Of course. - He takes her hand and tps her to Octagon and Cn. The two of them were passing through a small park when the others appeared.
[Lie] - CN...
[CN] Runs for Lie and hugs her-
[Lie] - Shhh, it's okay, I know it hurt
[CN] Is sniffling-
[Lie] - Thank you for helping him Octagon
[Octagon] Well... I didn't help much. I kinda had to drop him to end the game...
[Lie] - I see, I'm going to guess he shifted forms to avoid the lava?
[CN] Hugs Lie a bit closer as she rubs his back-
[Octagon] Yes. He set off several accusations of cheating and hacking.
[Lie] - Oh CN...  I'm sorry, he's never really interacted with players before and he's never died before either
[Octagon] Well he's welcome to play, he just needs to stick to safer things.
[Enix] Wait, he's not lava-proof?
[Lie] - What games would be alright?  And no, he's not
[Octagon] Makes an expansive gesture, - this is a good place to start. - The park around them has several groups of kids playing. Some are doing parkour on little obstacle courses, and others are clearly playing tag or hide and seek- There's a hedge maze too, people like to see who can solve it the fastest.
[Lie] - Alright, maybe next time.  I think somebody has had enough excitement for now
[Octagon] I understand. Kids get overwhelmed.
[Enix] One's first death is also no small thing.
[Lie] - Yes, I remember my only death so far, I'd never wish it on anybody.  Thank you for letting us visit- She creates a way home and the other two get a brief image of spawn as Lie passes through with CN
[CN] After a couple of hours he flies over to Firebirds tree-
-Firebird's sitting in one of the higher spots writing in a book, His tail dangles down like a brightly colored banner,-
[CN] Spots the tail and make a beeline for it. He turns back mid air and barrels into Firebird, pulling him into a hug-
[Firebird] Woah CN! -Nearly falls backwards as CN slams into him, but doesn't. He hugs CN back with one arm- What's up with you?
[CN] Looks up, his eyes still red from crying- I... I died...
[Firebird] Oh dear... I'm sorry you had to experience that.. I don't like it either..
[CN] - I was playing a game with some... With some players and beneath the snow was lava! I tried to fly away! They all started calling me a hacker!
[Firebird] Players can be like that... It's alright... -pets CN- Players don't see us the way we do.
[CN] - It hurt so much, and that other NOTCH made me fall into it...
[Firebird] He did what? -Angry bird? Angry bird-
[CN] - He said that was the only way to end the game...
[Firebird] I doubt that...
[CN] - That's what he said! He's on the server next door if you don't believe me!
[Firebird] I'll have to have some words with them...
[CN] Snuggles in closer to Firebirds side- Can I stay here tonight?- He's still a bit shaken up
[Firebird] Of course you can. Do you want to stay up here with me? Or do you want a bed?
[CN] - I'll stay up here...
[Firebird] Alright. -Shifts around so he can keep writing with CN in his lap-
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commhunter736 · 3 years
True Crime Pc Game Download
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Real Gangster Crime! Immersive Open-world action-adventure shooting game for desktop! Download and play free on PC! Share with and play with friends! Experience fast-paced narrative-driven game straight from your computer!
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True Crime Pc Game Free Download
True Crime New York City Pc Game Download
Luxoflux invites grown-up players back for another game of 'good cop (or) bad cop' in this follow-up to 2003's L.A.-based action-adventure. As in the original True Crime, players take the role of an unorthodox law enforcement officer, and by their actions and in-game choices, determine the character's morality as they play through the story. In True Crime: New York City, the hero is a former gang member named Marcus Reed, who uses his hard-knocks schooling to powerful effect in the gritty underworld of the Big Apple. As in Streets of L.A., New York City missions play out in freely-roamed, GTA3-style environments, stocked with plenty to see and do even when Marcus isn't working towards a specific mission goal. Key characters are voiced by accomplished screen actors, including Christopher Walken, Laurence Fishburne, and Mickey Rourke, with Marcus Reed portrayed by Avery Waddell.
Click the 'Install Game' button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game. View all 52 True Crime Streets of L.A.
True Crime NYC is the sequel to True Crime: Streets of LA. It's also attempting a huge bite out of Grand Theft Auto's target audience. It's gritty, realistic (sort of), and meant to bring you right into the seedy underbelly of a New York crime drama. Does it do all this?
Nope, no, nada, sorry, but I digress. The rendering of New York City is incredible. A lot of detail and painstaking care went into making every street and alley look authentic. From Times Square to the depths of Harlem, everything is VERY close to reality. As a tour program this game excels, but I'm betting you're hoping for a lot more than a tour.
Before I get to what's wrong with this game, let me focus on what's right. It's a much shorter list. The graphics are quality, with features drawing from the latest in pixel shading, high polygon count character models and impressive motion capture, topped off with a gorgeous depiction of the big city that leaves a good taste in your mouth. You can spend a fair amount of time enjoying the scenery and getting lost in the mix. Another point for True Crime: the voice acting. They have spared no expense to obtain talent, Laurence Fishburne, Christopher Walken and many others top the list of grade-A voice acting for this game's gritty plot. When I first heard the voice of a mysterious officer bark out orders and explain my next mission in Christopher Walken's creepy cadence, I was very much caught in the moment. On a further note, the audio in this game is not lacking. Sound effects are crisp and believable for the most part, the soundtrack is as varied as you could ever hope for. Bouncing from White Zombie to De La Soul to The Ramones had me guessing that they wanted to avoid the rap-only crowd, though there is a large share of that too.
The plot, in case you're wondering, is you taking the role of Marcus Reed, a down and dirty gangster thug who has embraced the straight and narrow and become a police officer. Although he can still fight and play dirty, he's out to solve a few mysteries and clean up the town. This is mostly achieved by driving around (or by subway, or walking, but, unlike the real NYC, driving is preferable) and catching calls on the radio for random crimes. There is an interesting amount of variety in the crimes, but you soon reach the end of the cycle and bust your 34th counterfeit syndicate and your 23rd serial rapist and the regular missions soon get old. There is a larger plot to follow, however, and it is slightly more interesting. You follow a series of clues and leads to interrogate increasingly more important thugs. The interrogation mini-game is a fun little past-time to beat, or reason, information out of people. You're soon turned onto a mission that involves a mole from inside the precinct.
Ultimately, this plot has been done to death so many times on so many cop dramas that it's difficult to get engaged. This is just the beginning of where the game goes downhill. Obviously, high production values went into this game, but as is so often the case lately, they missed the mark in some very key areas. The controls for one. Amd display driver whql 8.10. I have rarely seen a more convoluted control system for PC.
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I'll be the first to admit that this was originally for console, but it seems that barely a token effort was made to translate the commands to a keyboard layout. My fingers got a workout hopping all over the keyboard for the numerous and poorly constructed commands. If you're thinking that a gamepad might fix all this, nix that idea too. My Logitech PS2 Styled PC gamepad looked like a perfect match for this game, alas it was barely configurable and did not coordinate to the multiple styles of game play, you could set it up for driving, but not running, or vice versa, but its limitations soon had me back on the keyboard.
After I had adapted to the controls somewhat, the physics had me somewhat at a loss. Keeping in mind that this is not a driving simulation, at its core, I don't expect much more than doughy arcade style driving. Labtec speakers drivers download. But nothing handled as I expected, the cars were sloppy, sometimes you lightly skidded off the front end of a fire truck, other times being brushed by a motorcycle had you recoiling and turning 360's while your perpetrator was getting further and further away. The fighting system was convoluted as well, with a light attack, a heavy attack, a grab attack that was also the way to frisk people, which is also the button to arrest people, plus the buttons to put away your gun, pull it back out, fire a warning shot, flash your badge, tackle someone, all while trying to keep the squirrelly camera centered behind you (which it rarely does well).
In the graphics department there were glitches, clipping into walls, as well as criminals falling through solid concrete and waiting in the ether for you to attempt, in vain, to arrest them. At one point I was forced to kill a non-lethal perp by shooting him in the foot, just to end the mission. Top this off with some frame lag and a whack targeting system, and you can sense my mounting frustration. You'll often find yourself tackling air, punching civilians and firing point blank at walls. There were also numerous points where the textures for multiple guns seems to be missing, and your Uzi,s or pistol would appear as a white textureless shape.
True Crime Pc Game Free Download
In a GTA-styled attempt to test the limits of my virtual city, I shot an arsonist, grabbed his flamethrower and took out 30 people before highjacking a public bus and driving over half the residents of the Lower East Side. I finished up with some cop killing. reckless driving and traffic accidents. I was being hunted by every cop in the city and identified as a rogue cop who was 'mentally unstable,' according to the radio. Assured of my own impending death, I ran to and fro waiting for the inevitable. Which never came. I made a break through the park and dived into the bay and swam around for 2-3 minutes. Upon returning to shore my 'criminal' rating had gone back down and I was back to being boy hero. Realism indeed. In another game glitch, I began a mission to follow a motorcycle courier on a bike of my own for an exciting chase, but after trying 20 times to follow him, he wrecked within two blocks almost every time. Finally I just tracked him down on foot after he fell and interrogated him, wondering why I even got on the motorcycle. It's this kind of unfinished and unpolished gameplay that brings this gaming experience to its knees. I couldn't bring myself to care about the characters, the city, the law; nothing in this game draws you in efficiently enough to make you want to finish it.
The controls need work, the engine needs work, the collision detection needs work, the AI needs serious work, all in all I wouldn't be surprised if you told me this was a beta. A brief look at the customer support page for Activision also shows that numerous glitches and problems were had by users of all consoles. Overall, a well-presented, high-budget flop. Advanced systemcare ultimate 7 crack. The world doesn't ever need another World War 2 game but developers keep making them, which I guess is the same reason they keep trying to capitalize on the awesome profits of Grand Theft Auto. But a bigger budget does not make a better game.
True Crime New York City Pc Game Download
People who downloaded True Crime: New York City have also downloaded: True Crime: Streets of LA, Scarface: The World is Yours, Thing, The, Turok: Evolution, Godfather, The: The Game, Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, Unreal Gold
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