#not exactly great stories and sometimes not that great acting BUT
its-chelisey-stuff · 1 year
i swear i have a long list of kdramas i want to watch that were announced over the past year but, they just don’t seem to air lol
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great-and-small · 5 months
My grandfather and my godfather (a beloved neighbor and dear family friend) had a long standing bet- for one dollar- about who would die first. Both of them being slightly pessimistic (in the funny way), they both insisted that they themselves would be the first to die. Any time my grandfather had a health scare, he’d gleefully call up my godfather to boast that he’d be passing “any day now” and he was sure to win the bet. It was a big family joke and they were always amiably sparring and comparing notes about who was in worse shape, medically speaking.
When my grandfather was in hospice care dying of liver cancer, my godfather was quite ill also. It took him great effort to make the journey to see his dying friend. As he came into the room, supported by a family member, he shuffled to my grandpa’s bedside and silently handed him a dollar bill. He was ceding his loss of the bet, as they both knew who was going first. My grandpa had been in quite bad shape for a while and was no longer able to speak but let me tell you he snatched that dollar with unexpected strength and literally laughed aloud. He knew exactly what the gesture meant and he couldn’t help but find the humor within the grief. It was the last time any of us heard my grandpa laugh, as he passed shortly after.
When I talk about my appreciation for “dark humor” I’m not so much thinking about edgy jokes, but rather the human instinct to somehow, impossibly, both find and appreciate the absurdity that is so often folded into the profound grief of life and death. When I tell this story I think it kind of perturbs people sometimes, but it’s honestly one of my favorite memories about two men I really deeply admired. I could never hope for anything more than for my loved ones to remember me laughing until the very end, and taking joy in a little joke as one of my final acts.
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chuthulhu-plays · 2 months
I generally watch LPs of horror games bc I'm too anxious to actually play them but a lot of them have FANTASTIC stories, so sometimes I just binge-watch KrinxTV for background noise. Been watching a lot of playthroughs of Still Wakes The Deep because it's such a delight to hear Scottish voice actors get work and I thought I'd address some questions I keep seeing Let's Players ask:
--Adair is a member of the National Front as you can find out from posters in his cabin, a Neo-Fascist British political party that’s been going since the sixties. While it often preaches British ethnic unity, in practice that often means “everybody in the UK should be exactly like East End Londerners” and features plentiful disdain for Scottish, Irish, and Welsh folk, alongside those perceived as “not British”. No wonder the wanker eats alone in the canteen.
--Neeps and Tatties=turnips and potatoes, mashed, drenched in butter or sauce. Fills your belly, keeps you warm, probably makes you sink like a stone because it’s so heavy.
--Cranachan=a dessert made of raspberries, honey, cream and oats, absolutely delicious
--Rennick calls Caz a “wee ned prick”. Ned is apocryphally said to stand for “non-educated delinquent” and is basically just a way of calling someone an uneducated, lower-class criminal
--A lot of things said by and about Roy indicate that he’s a teetotaller who went through AA and specifically became Catholic and is making an effort at converting Caz.
--I think it’s entertaining how Scottish nicknames often follow a pattern of shortening/rejiggering that I also see a lot with Australian nicknames—Cameron becomes Caz, Rafferty becomes Raffs, etc. Trots is an unusual one but is almost certainly a reference to him being a communist, presumably a Trotskyist. Gibbo is also an unusual one in that it’s just very silly. There’s a kind of indignity implied in being killed by a guy called Gibbo.
--A few times on the radio you hear the Shipping Forecast, a type of weather report aimed at specifically reporting weather conditions out on the ocean, and is also famous for the report being read in such a calm, soothing tone that some folk use it as a sleep aid.
--All the yellow paint for interactable things is very video gamey, yes, but is also in line with old British health and safety standards, and yellow paint on things like emergency ladders or on the edges of stairs that are trip hazards is a thing ou can still see in some older buildings.
--Caz keeps saying he’s “good with the leccy”; leccy=electricity. Caz is implied to be quite a wee guy who can get through a lot of tight spaces, and my uncle swears blind that electricians used to refuse to take on apprentices over a certain size because they only wanted to train wee guys who could get up into the tight spaces that a lot of older buildings are full of. On that note, “wee man” is a term of endearment, generally, and isn’t exclusively applied to short guys.
--Finlay saying of Gibbo that “he’s no right” is INCREDIBLY OMINOUS. It sounds mild but “he’s no right, that boy” is what older folk say about a child who’s been found disembowelling cats for fun or someone they strongly suspect is a pedophile. It’s not something you’d say about a friend who’s just acting a bit unusually.
– “Great minds united over a Buckie”--Buckfast, or Buckie, is a caffienated tonic wine that’s cheap, widely accessible, and is a bit like rocket fuel for bad decisions.
– “Ya roaster” tbh I don’t really know where it comes from, calling someone a roaster, but I’ve always felt like it has a vibe of telling them they’re huffing their own farts.
--Scunnert/scunnered--buggered, screwed, utterly fucked, etc
– “You’re the jammiest bastart on this rig” Someone who is jammy is someone who has incredible luck that is implied to be related to their sheer confidence or willingness to engage in risky behaviour. Walking along the street and finding a pound coin isn’t jammy; crossing the road confident that the cars won’t hit you and stopping in the middle to pick up a pound coin before making it unscathed to the other side is jammy as all hell.
--Barlinnie is the biggest prison in Scotland, and largely hosts violent offenders—it’s where Caz would definitely go for hospitalizing a man.
--Weans are children (contraction of wee yins/wee ones). I thought this one was contextually obvious but apparently not.
--”One spark and the whole thing’ll go up”—this is referring to the wee spark of flame in the lighter used to blow up the rig, but is also kind of a pun because electricians are often called sparks or sparkies, and in the end it’s Caz who blows up the rig.
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rainbow-nerdss · 4 months
AITA for accidentally traumatising a 13 year old kid by pretending to be his dead mom?
So basically a couple of weeks back i (33F) was at work and I noticed this guy (30sM) staring at me. Now, this isn’t totally unheard of, I'm kind of used to it because I've done some acting in the past and sometimes people sort of stare while they try to figure out where they know me from. Usually I ignore it, but this guy was like crazy hot so I figured, fuck it, I’ll go talk to him, maybe make a sale out of it. We sort of talked a bit while I served him, and found out he’s a single dad. He had sort of sad vibes and I was kind of into it so when he asked me out I said sure, why not and we agreed to go for dinner.
So everything was going well for a while, we went on a few dates but mostly we facetimed bc he works 24 hour long shifts and scheduling dates around that and a kid is tough, which i totally understood and I was happy to be patient with him.  I should also say we still haven’t kissed at this point, even when he took me out on a boat on a lake, which was probably in my top 5 dates of all time? Anyway, I got the vibe he was holding back a bit but I figured I could wait bc he seemed like he was working through some stuff and dating in LA is fucking hard. 
What happened next was where the real shit started to hit the fan, though.
Basically, I decided to bring him some brownies at work, but I mistimed it and he’d already gone home so I gave them to his coworker who looked at me like I was a ghost or something. I should have recognised something was off then but I brush it off and the next day I get a call from the guy, and he asks me to come over to his place which hasn’t happened before. I figure this is a good sign, that maybe he’s ready to start moving things forward, but when I get to the house, there’s all these pictures on the coffee table and they all look EXACTLY like me. My first thought was: holy shit, this guy’s a stalker. Great. Then I looked closer, though, and the pictures weren’t even of me. Turns out, I look exactly like this guy’s dead wife???
Anyway, that was wild and obviously I left after hearing him out a little bc I just needed to wrap my head around it.
Now this next bit might be where i’m the AH, bc i haven’t had a chance to do any acting in a while and I genuinely felt bad for the guy, he just wanted a chance at closure with his wife and I couldn’t really fault him for that. 
So long story short, I cut my bangs (they looked cute in the pictures of his wife so I figured they’d work on me) and I went to his house in character as his wife and encouraged him to say what he needed to say to her. Things got pretty heated and he shared some really intimate thoughts and feelings so I was getting into it, you know? We embraced and I was feeling pretty good about the whole thing. I thought it really helped him until the door opened and in walks his kid with a woman who is apparently his girlfriend? So i guess the single part of “single dad” wasn’t totally accurate either.
Also, the kid called me mom, which kind of broke my heart, and I feel like maybe I might have fucked up somewhere here.
So reddit, I have to ask AITA for pretending to be a dead woman and accidentally being the other woman while simultaneously traumatising a thirteen year old kid?
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comicaurora · 6 months
I rewatched an old charity stream and had a question: do you think My Immortal was genuine?
I didn't at the time I read it, but at this point, having watched a BUNCH of videos about fake My Immortal authorship confessions where every single one of them claims it was a joke and Bad On Purpose, my contrarion ass is inclined to believe it was, in fact, legitimately sincere on the part of the writer.
Sometimes a thing gets written because the writer really, really wants it to be good and make sense to the audience. Sometimes a thing gets written because the writer profoundly enjoys the act of writing it, and the audience is entirely secondary. Most writing is usually a combination of both motivators, but early online fanfiction especially skews heavily towards the latter; things get written because the author 100% loves writing it, exploring what they're putting in the story, etc.
Parodies are almost always written with the former motivation, with the audience reaction being centrally focused. A parody writer envisions their audience picking out their clever jokes and laughing along with their insights. Jokes aren't generally made purely for the joy of telling them, but for the laugh they receive in response.
I think My Immortal reads like something firmly from the latter category; a young teenage girl gleefully enjoying writing everything currently appealing to her - looking hot in rad outfits, going to cool concerts, hunky boys kissing her (and maybe… each other??? 😳) and generally dealing with the trials and tribulations of being the center of the universe. Fanfic is exactly the place to indulge that impulse, and I hope she had a great time writing it. And maybe indulged in a spellchecker eventually.
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penkura · 4 months
OP Men as Dads Part 2
Note: I chose to do another five OP men for this one!! My brain won't shut off about these men being dads, I'm losing it omg. I hope these are good, I kind of struggled a little but just wrote whatever came to mind. Maybe I can do a part three at some point with more of them! I have a small idea for Mihawk and Franky, but that's it so far. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! Sticking baby Ace for the image because I got nothing else lol.
Part One Here!
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Kid is a boy dad, I’m sorry he just is. I can’t see him with a daughter really, unless she’s the youngest and was a surprise. But anyway! He’d have three boys that were all three years apart, and all are exactly like him. You really do love your sons and husband, but how you wish at least one of your boys was calm. The four of them are always roughhousing to the point you’ve had to set rules to keep from Kid accidentally hurting them, or your children from breaking things when he isn’t involved. When you have a set of twins a few years after your third son, another two boys, you’re done and just accepting your fate as a boy mom. You and Kid love all your boys though, neither of you would change anything, especially when your youngest ends up being a momma’s boy who’s finally calm and would rather spend his time with you than anyone else. Kid isn’t jealous, he swears.
Usopp I can see with two girls! A few years between them, and they’re both the light of his life aside from you of course! Every story he tells them before bed makes them both so excited to grow up and become Pirates themselves, brave women of the sea! The oldest will want to help Usopp and Franky with inventions and fixing up the ship, while the youngest wants to be a sniper like her dad. You have no complaints about either one of those, more than grateful they both want to take after Usopp and following in his footsteps. Your girls absolutely love their dad, you get a little jealous sometimes, but getting to watch the three of them bond is your favorite thing in the world. It might make him a little emotional, especially after not having Yasopp around as he grew up.
Shanks, I’m sure a lot are wondering about, would be such a great dad, we’ve seen him with Luffy and Uta, there’s no way he’d let down his biological kids imo. I see him with a son first, one with his hair that’s even more wild, and then twin girls! They’d all be about four years apart in age, but they’d run him ragged day in and day out. He'd teach your son how to wield a sword and help him develop his Haki, while your daughters will learn more hand to hand combat, though your youngest will join the sword lessons when she’s ready. When they’re little, he lets your girls put pins and braids in his hair, while telling all three of them stories about his time on the sea. The rest of the crew adores your children, Shanks knew they’d all be great uncles to your little ones.
SHACHI WOULD SUCH A GOOD DAD OMG. You think I’m pushing Penguin propaganda, I’m here for Shachi now too. He’ll have two boys within two years of each other, yes the second is a surprise but so beyond welcomed, and then several years later a little girl that has all three of them wrapped around her finger! Your daughter would have his red hair, she’d just be the prettiest little thing, with chubby cheeks and her hair pulled back into two little ponytails. Your sons would have a mix between your hair and Shachi’s, both taking more after their dad in personality than anything. Of course, Shachi will teach all three of them to defend themselves, but especially your daughter since she’s the baby and he just wants her to be safe, even with her big brothers as her guardians.
Rosinante, Corazon, however we wish to call him, he would be the best dad out of this group, I’m sure of it. Apart from taking in Law, he’d have two of his own children, a girl first and then a boy a couple years later. Law would act as a big brother to the two, it’d be the cutest thing ever. While your daughter would be outgoing and ready to take on the world, your son would much shier and would rather hide himself behind you or Corazon, normally his dad though. Corazon would NOT let Doflamingo around them; he’d probably keep the three of you a secret, maybe even his adoption of Law too, just to keep you all safe. He’s lost family before, he doesn’t want it to happen again, even if that means picking up and moving you all where his brother can’t find you. Apart from that, Corazon would make sure all of you had everything you needed, and your son would hold onto him through everything.  Your daughter would attach more to Law, but that’s perfectly fine, he’s accepted her as his new little sister and wants to protect her, he wants to protect your son too where he can. Your daughter would also want to keep her baby brother safe, not one of you would let a thing happen to a hair on his head. Corazon finally has a family again, a family of his own, he’s not letting anything happen to any of you anytime soon.
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brillantradiance · 2 months
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What kind of lover Sung Jin Woo would be?
Warning: this post may be a little suggestive some yandere themes if you squint. Unedited.
It would be very subtle. Definitely more through actions rather than words. Since we all know that Jin Woo is very reserved.
Slowburn but when Jin Woo falls he falls hard.
Jin Woo would love deeply. So much so that it utterly consumes him. Reason why: As the story progresses Jin Woo loses more and more of his emotions. However if someone could rekindle that side of him and remind him what it’s like to be human. He’ll be obsessed 100%.
And if you were by his side when he was weak. Congratulations he’ll be even more obsessed. Mostly because chances are he would actually trust you as you were able to respect him and care about him despite him being weak.
That being said, you’ll probably have this perpetual feeling of being watched due to Jin Woo monitoring your actions through his shadows.
overprotective. To the point, where you jokingly stated that he would rather keep you locked up in tower so he could have you all to himself. (Little did you know he has thought about keeping you in his realm on multiple occasions. This thought would occur much more if you were a hunter and continued to go on raids despite him begging you to retire).
Deep down Jin Woo is so afraid of losing you that he can’t help wanting you to be in his presence at all times.
Jin Woo is possessive in nature. He would appear nonchalant but within him a tempest is brewing. During Hunter events he would maintain physical contact always. Usually his hand around your waist surveying the area of any wandering eyes or If they can’t get the hint your obviously taken potential targets.
Jin Woo’s desire to keep you to himself has manifested in multiple ways including smothering you (affectionately) while you sleep. Jin woo is touch starved. Most contact he has with any other living is usually violent in nature. So being able to hold you just completes him. So when he comes home seeing you laying on his bed he can’t help but to hold you close. He tries to be careful knowing well how easy it would be to crush you but sometimes he can’t help it. He brings you close enough that you can hear both of his hearts beat. As Jin Woo relishes in your warmth he drifts off to sleep. He won’t let go and with his vice iron grip good luck getting out of bed in the morning.
Even after finally getting up that morning Jin Woo would be draped over the entire time trying to drag you back to bed. (He doesn’t need the sleep he just wants to spend more time with you).
Hypocritically Jin Woo is a morning bird. He will wake you up so you can accompany him during his morning run.
He loves to provide for you. Whether it be cooking for you. Buying you gifts. Etc.
Intense eye contact. He would stare at you for hours. Maintains it while talking to you as well. He’ll lean closer to you. You’d think to hear you better but he just wants to be closer.
He loves to hold you and kiss you for hours. He’ll kiss you until you’re out of breath. And when you finally breakaway he’ll just follow your lips. And if you can’t handle that he’ll go for your neck. His breath grazing your pulse before planting sloppy open-mouthed kisses. He’ll keep going until your a mess in his arms. That being said….
HE’S A HUGE TEASE. He knows exactly what you like and will make you suffer smirking the entire time. He loves to see you squirm and blush. This includes working out shirtless in your vicinity. He acts all innocent but he knows exactly what he’s doing.
He’s lowkey a brat tamer. Like if you tease him back he’ll enjoy the challenge. Push him to the edge he’ll take great pleasure putting you in your place. Also gives him an excuse to be a little rougher than usual.
Don’t get me wrong Jin Woo is a gentle lover. But he’s definitely holding back this intense beast within him every time he’s with you because he loves you so much and would be devastated if you were to be afraid of him because of that intensity. However, in bed if you were to tell him to let go. That you can take everything he could give and more. Be Prepared.
I think this is my first Jin Woo x Reader. I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you for reading :)
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
poisoned mercury | damned if i do ya (damned if i don't)
a/n: oooohhhh i love them bad. the slow burn is slow burning a little bit. btw the song is daylight by 5sos!
series masterlist | previous | next
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v. damned if i do ya (damned if i don't) by all time low
all the progress luke thought he was making with you was thrown out the window after the concert. at first, he was glad to have some distance between you guys. he was dealing with sorting out what he felt for you. it was stupid, really, how he realized that you reminded him a lot of his childhood nickelodeon crush, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that it was more than that. 
sure, you were a fucking headache sometimes, but he liked it. he liked you. he liked how you always tore him a new one, made him feel normal, like he wasn’t luke castellan – lead singer of poisoned mercury, he was just luke when he was with you. you asked him about his music, his life, but knew when to stop right before the conversation got too heavy because you understood him. you knew how he felt even when he didn’t say it. 
maybe he’d just been around his bandmates too much, teenage boys with emotional iqs of a thumbtack, but you took one look at him and he knew that you understood what he was feeling. as great of a writer he was when it came to music, he was never good with expressing how he felt. 
but now, it’s been weeks since you last talked to him, like really talked to him. whenever he’d see you in your smoke spot, he’d try to start a conversation, but you’d stuff your vape in your pocket and walk away before he could even say hi. you stopped going to the gym in the morning, often coming into the cabin after your workout during random times of the day, no longer following a set schedule. you rarely hung out with the boys, opting to retire into your room earlier than usual. you still joined clarisse during her counselor duties, but she stopped letting the boys tag along when luke was available as much as she used to. she’d offer an apologetic smile to luke and slip out an excuse why he couldn’t join for music lessons. 
luke was tired of it. he didn’t know what went wrong, what he did wrong, to make you act so cold towards him. even when you didn’t know him yet, you were never like this. you always had a snide remark ready for him, but now, he was met with silence. 
on the bright side, he at least had inspiration to write new songs. 
he wandered into the cabin, thinking that it would be empty. clarisse was being held hostage at arts and crafts again. (she complained the whole morning about it until chris offered to join her so she wouldn’t be the only one covered in glitter this time.) the stolls were in the studio recording the instrumentals for the song luke showed them a few days ago. they’d asked him who the song was about, though he had a feeling they already knew. he wasn’t really trying to be secretive with the words. and you, luke could only wonder where you were. 
he stopped in his tracks at the sound of mr. d’s voice in your room. your bedroom door was wide open and luke feared that you’d see him so he hid around the corner, back pressed against the wall. 
“this is serious, kid,” mr. d yelled. “your teammate is pressing charges so i need the full story! i don’t care if you don’t want to talk about it. this can go on your record permanently.” 
“so let it!” you screamed back. luke heard you pacing around your room, heavy steps against the cabin floors. “i don’t care.” 
“i care! i’ve been pretty goddamn lenient when it comes to you, y/n, but this?” mr. d countered, veins on his neck bulging out as he raised his voice. luke had never seen him like this, “this is fucking serious. you need to tell me exactly what happened.” 
“she was talking about you, okay?” you sobbed. you sat on your bed, hands buried in your open palms. “she said something about your addiction. i don’t fucking know how she found out, but she said something and i just lost it, dad. she was talking out her ass and i just needed her to shut up because she didn’t know what the fuck she was talking about.” 
mr. d’s tongue poked the inside of his cheek. he gulped, not saying a word. your dad looked at the decorated wall of your bedroom, polaroids of you and your friends, your framed high school field hockey jersey, and the concert ticket from the first show he ever took you to. he looked down at the pink rug on your floor, unable to say anything. 
you looked up at him, eyes brimmed with tears, “there, i told you. happy now?” 
it wasn’t long before mr. d stormed out of the cabin. luke flinched as the door slammed shut behind him. he heard you sobbing in your bedroom and he contemplated approaching you. you were already mad at him, for a reason that he still didn’t know, so what the hell? 
with a deep breath, luke emerged from the corner and walked towards your door. his knuckles softly knocked on the open door. you looked up at the noise, rubbing your eyes with your forearm. you chewed on your bottom lip, “not in the mood to argue, castellan.” 
“not here to argue,” he stood under your door frame, leaning against the side. “i’m here to see if you’re okay.” 
you had this habit of running away from things when you knew it had the power to hurt you. it wasn’t the healthiest coping mechanism, but your fight or flight response was triggered every time you started catching feelings for someone. it didn’t happen often, you developing actual feelings for people. you developed crushes, sure, but not feelings. 
you didn’t get googly-eyed and love-dumb with guys. you knew better– growing up with a dad who could quite literally transform people’s lives with a snap of his finger made you hyperaware of people’s intentions with you. but sometimes, you get blinded by the guy who sweeps you off your feet and you forget about it all. 
after the concert, you couldn’t stop thinking about luke. you already knew what kind of person he actually was, kind, caring, talented, all of the above, but there was still a nagging voice in your head telling you: “what if this is all an act?” “what if this is his move? pretending to be a different guy from the tabloids just to get you to fall for him then break your heart like everyone else did?” so you fled. you ran away from luke. 
clarisse caught onto you avoiding luke fairly quickly. she no longer saw you two walking into the cabin together in the early mornings when she was getting ready for the day. you started declining invitations to hang out at the activities center, stopped having time to help her with music lessons when the band was tagging along, and started hanging out with her in your room instead of the common space. 
she asked you about it after a week of the same thing. you told her you just weren’t in the mood, lacked energy. you said a million excuses but she could see right through you. you and the lead singer weren’t really subtle with your longing glances. 
you crossed your legs under you, pulling the blanket up to cover your legs. you moved over on your bed, tilting your head to let him inside. luke took his shoes off and closed the door behind him, sock-clad feet tapping against the wooden floors. he sat on the edge of your bed, playing with the stray thread on your blanket. 
“you ever feel like your parents wish they had a different kid?” you whispered, “maybe a kid that wasn’t so difficult?” 
“all the time,” luke replied, “every time my name is in the tabloids, i swear it takes years off my mom’s life.” 
you laughed, sniffling, “you need to take it easy on your mom. she’s too good for this world.” 
“that she is,” he leaned back on his elbows, resting his head on his shoulder. he tapped your leg under the blanket, “you know your dad loves you, right?”
“yeah,” you sighed, looking at luke. your makeup was smudged under your eyes and it took all his power not to lean over to wipe it away. you hunched your shoulders over when you spoke again, “just feels like sometimes i’m too much for him and i don’t know how to stop doing that.” 
“i don’t think you should.” 
it was the truth. you dealt in extremes. you were intense but it was only because you were passionate about things. he’d seen you practicing for hours, staying up late to help the younger kids with their projects even if it wasn’t your job, bossing people around to make sure that the camp activities were perfect. when you put your mind to something, luke knew there was no stopping you. 
“so i’m guessing you heard that whole thing with my dad?” 
“yeah,” luke rubbed the back of his neck. he looked at you, feeling caught that he’d been listening in on your private conversation. “i didn’t know anyone was in here when i walked in.” 
“it’s fine,” you shrugged, “pretty sure the whole camp heard my dad yelling anyways.” 
he laughed, “probably. i’d never seen him like that before. he’s usually so chill. it kinda caught me off guard.” 
“me too.” 
“it’s not as bad as when my mom yells at me though,” luke offered, trying to lighten the mood. he grinned when he saw your eyes brighten. you never did pass up the opportunity to have luke embarrass himself. if he could stop you from crying, he would lay out all his embarrassing stories in front of you for your listening pleasure. “the time she found out that me and trav got banned from wichita, like the whole city, she got so mad that the hotel we were staying at kicked us out because there were so many noise complaints. had to sleep on the bus. my back was killing me the entire time we were playing a show the next day.” 
“what the fuck did you guys do that warranted a ban from the whole city?” 
luke’s cheeks turned pink, “we mooned a cop car.” 
you bursted into uncontrollable laughter, falling back on your pillows. luke watched you, laughing along at your reaction. you were crying again, but it was a good cry this time. luke thought you looked pretty like this; cheeks red, eyes shut as you tried to regain your composure, and smiling, all teeth and lips. he hadn’t seen it in a while and he wanted to take a picture of you right now just so he could always remember how you looked at this moment. he wasn’t sure if he could survive another few weeks without seeing it again.
luke nudged you as your laughter died down, “if shit goes down with your teammate, there will be three of us with a permanent record in this cabin.”
you smiled at him, sadly, voice returning to the hushed tone you used earlier, “you think my dad could forgive me for this?” 
“don’t think anyone could hold a grudge against you even if they tried, five star,” luke placed a hand on your thigh covered by the blanket. he relished in the feeling of the hand you placed over his own. it felt intimate. “what does your mom think about all of this?” 
“i dunno,” you played with the rings on his hand, twisting the silver metals on his fingers, “i haven’t talked to her about it yet. been avoiding her calls.” 
“well, happy to know that i wasn’t the only one getting the silent treatment,” he teased, no bite to his voice. “shit, five star, even with your punishments, you still manage to not make me feel special.” 
you squeezed his hand, a giggle escaping your lips, “shut up.” 
luke looked at you, “you should probably talk to her soon.” 
“i will,” you nodded, meeting his gaze, “soon.” 
the two of you stayed there in silence, you playing with his rings and the bracelets on his arm. you were so enamored by the silver jewelry on his hand, twirling his rings to read each engraving, looking at each design, humming in appreciation. you looked at the camp half blood bracelet on his wrist, recognizing the beads on the string. 
“i can’t believe you got a camp bracelet before i did this summer,” you huffed, admiring the beads. “i’ve been here longer than you and nobody made me one yet.” 
“a little girl made it for me,” luke said, smiling at the memory. “i helped her with her with the production of the song for her summer project and she made it for me.” 
“i didn’t know you also produced music.” luke castellan continued to surprise you. 
“not well,” he replied. “just the basics, but i like to think i helped her out. annabeth— you know her? the kid with perfect pitch. fucking brilliant. smarter than i was at her age.”
“i love beth. i’m pretty sure she’s the smartest 12-year-old to ever exist,” your eyes twinkled, moving your index finger to his own, “what’s the story with this one?”
luke looked down at the ring you were touching. it was the silver ring he bought for himself using his first paycheck from their album sales. it cost him a pretty penny, but it was worth it. the font was tiny, but he memorized the words. 
“aγάπη χωρίς πείσματα δεν έχει νοστιμάδα,” luke said, no doubt butchering the pronunciation. “it’s greek. my mom used to read greek proverbs to me as a child. i think she hoped i’d become the next great philosopher, but instead i became a musician. this phrase stuck with me.”
“what does it mean?”
“love without a bit of stubbornness isn’t tasteful,” he whispered, “it’s a little reminder to myself that even though i can be difficult as shit sometimes, i’m worth it.”
luke cleared his throat, “had a tough time when we first got big. i’m sure you’ve heard of some stories. there was a time when me and my mom didn’t talk much. i thought i knew what was best and i pushed her away. i was so stubborn, five star.” 
“my dad left when i was a kid and for second, i thought i would lose my mom too,” he shook his head, the bitter taste of regret in his mouth as he recalled those memories. “im glad i didn’t. this ring reminds me that no matter how stubborn i am, i still deserve love, y’know? maybe it’s stupid, but sometimes i doubt it. mom always told me that love isn’t supposed to be easy, but it’s supposed to always be worth it– worth all the trouble, the stubbornness, the hurt, so this little phrase keeps me grounded in a weird way.”
“worth it to an extent,” you said. there was something hidden in your words like you were somehow asking him if you fell within the extent of it being worth it. it was in the look in your eye, doubt and worry that maybe you pushed it too far this time and you were no longer worth the fight. 
“extent is subjective. i know my mom thinks i’m worth it. i know that no matter how much me and the stolls get into fights, our friendship is worth it. i know that even though me and chris grew up to be different people, our bond is worth it,” luke leaned in closer as if he was going to tell you a secret, something that stays between you and him, only allowed to be spoken within the walls of your room. “and you, five star–” 
he couldn’t finish his sentence. his words got caught in his throat. he was afraid that if he kept talking, he wouldn’t be able to stop. he didn’t know if there was a universe out there where fighting for you wouldn’t be worth it. had you been thinking about him all this time you’d been apart? have your thoughts been plagued by the idea of him? all he could think of was you. all his songs were about you. it seemed like everything had been about you since he met you. 
is it too much too soon to even say things like that? luke didn’t know where you stood, if you even felt the same way about him as he did about you. how evil must the world be to have you exist in his orbit but not allow him to fight for you? 
the corner of your lips lifted a tiny bit and luke knew he didn’t need to say anything else. you understood. 
luke wanted to stop you when you removed your hand from his, but he didn’t want to test his luck. you dug through the drawer by your bed, pulling out the familiar vape, “i could really go for a smoke right now but this stupid thing died.” 
an idea popped into luke’s mind. he got up, motioning for you to do the same. you stayed seated on your bed, eyebrow raised in concern. 
“come on,” luke sighed, playfully rolling his eyes when you still refused to get up. he held out his hand, looking down at you. “you trust me?” 
you glanced at him then at his hand, deciding. it felt like a loaded question, like he was asking about something more than if you’d go with him to whatever adventure he had planned for the both of you. his heart hammered in his chest as he waited for your answer. you didn’t say anything to his question, unsure if you could rationalize your decision, but when you laced your fingers with his, luke didn’t let go of your hand until you were both out of the campgrounds.
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tiny-pretty-sana · 7 months
sana gf | headcanons
warning: nsfw content (+18), minors dni, men dni
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sana is a ray of sunshine, the type of person that lights up a room as soon as she gets in
she’s welcoming, warm, and full of energy like having a coffee in a winter morning
she’s a dangerous combination of cute and sexy, she’s aware and she takes advantage of that. she knows exactly what to say and how to act to get her way
sana the type of girl that gets princess treatment without having to ask for it
you get her flowers, open the door for her, give her your jacket, carry her bag and you will do everything it takes to get the plushie she wants at the fair
she is aware of everything you do for her, she appreciates it and gives you all that love back
she is very empathetic. it helps to solve conflicts most of the time, but sometimes it can really affect her to see you upset and she cries with you the same way she celebrates your achievements as if they are her own
she’s an it girl, she’s up to date with the latest fashion trends, likes designer clothes and has an amazing fashion sense. since she's your girlfriend you've started to dress better
she takes you shopping and chooses your outfits on special occasions but her favorite thing is to wear subtle matching outfits with you
her love language is physical touch, so expect a huge amount of skinship
she clings to you, kisses you, hugs you, holds your hand, caresses you, plays with your hair, strokes you… she always has her hands all over you
she doesn’t mind pda to the point it can be too much and you sometimes have to stop her because things can get too cheesy or heated
she showers you with love and she wants everyone to know how much she loves you and how special you are
she posts ig stories of you with cute emojis or texts, photo dumps of your dates and she will randomly bring you up in conversation when you aren’t there
she will ask you to take a lot photos of her when you go on dates
her gifts are always expensive, luxurious, useful and she never misses
sana has a flirtatious personality, it’s something that just comes natural to her. she’s playful, she enjoys teasing you and likes seeing you get nervous but if you respond with the same energy you will have her blushing and giggling
she likes the attention and sometimes she might be flirty with her friends or strangers but you don’t really mind, you know she just likes attention and having a bit of fun
however don’t you dare to flirt with anyone that isn't her because she’s possessive and the jealous type of girlfriend. she’s been clear about that since the beginning and you actually love seeing this side of her
you can easily tell when she's jealous/mad because she looks like she’s about to slit the throat of anyone that gets too close or too touchy with you for her liking with her perfectly done nails
when she's jealous not even her empathy can save you. she won’t say anything, she will give you a cold shoulder until you apologize or convince her that she’s the only one for you
she always sends you mirror photos when she’s in the changing room, when she likes her outfit or when she tries a new make up even if you’re in the same room
when you aren't together she's the type of girlfriend that sends you a bunch of texts with a bunch of emojis and a bunch of exclamation marks
"good morning baby!💟" "have a great dayyy!!!🩷" "have you eaten yet?" "💗💗💗💗💗" "drink water!!! 😡💗" "i miss youuu!!! > < 💗" "good night babyyyy!!! 💖"
as someone that expresses her love mostly through physical touch being intimate isn't essential or the center of your relationship, but it's important to her
she likes to make the best of these moments whether they are planned, spontaneous, rushed, soft and slow or fast and rough she will make you feel special, loved, desired, wanted and even worshiped
sana is a passionate, skilled and generous lover
that dangerous mix of cuteness and sexiness is also present in the room she might blush, giggle and cover her face and the next second she's whispering the filthiest things that she wants you to do to her in your ear
when you call her "princess" something just clicks in her brain
she is pretty much a switch in every sense of the word she enjoys bottoming, topping, being in charge and letting you have control
she's possessive, so of course she likes to mark you up and leave hickeys and bites all over your neck and other hidden places. luckily they're subtle enough so they can only be noticed if someone gets a litter too close
sana is usually so touchy that it is hard to tell apart when she is being her usual needy self and when she is just being a brat and is teasing you
casual touches on your thighs, kisses too close to the mouth, glances that undress you, praises that get a little too suggestive…
she's a tease, she likes attention and also praising, so sending you pictures of her cute outfits is not the only thing she does. when you're at work or out with coworkers or friend it's likely that you'll receive pictures of sana in underwear or lingerie if she feels like behaving because if she isn't she will be completely naked doing ungodly poses
she's a kinky girl, open to try new things and isn't shy about it, in fact she has made a few great suggestions that now are part of your routine
her main kinks are praising, degradation, bondage and orgasm control
she loves mix of praising and degradation "you're such a good slut for me, aren't you?" "taking me so well like the little whore you are" "my pretty slut"
she loves when you use the strap on her and she has recently started wearing the strap as well and you can't choose if she is better at giving or receiving
when you're using the strap she loves to do this thing . you lay on your back, she gets between your legs and her hand starts teasing you with strokes on your inner thighs, then she slides a finger between your folds and as soon as she feels your wetness she wraps her lips around the tip of the strap locking her eyes with yours if you're strong enough to look at her
she loves teasing but she hates being teased
if you tease her in an inappropriate place or at an inappropriate time when she can't do anything about it when you finally get home she'll make you sit in a chair in front of the bed and will make you watch while she touches herself
when this happens there are clear rules: 1. you can’t touch her 2. you can’t touch yourself
she is very vocal. she tells you what she wants, where to touch her and how to do it but she also moans without restraining herself and always lets you know how close she is and how good it feels
aftercare is just a long intimate session of cuddles and kisses
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nxuvillette · 7 months
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synopsis: you and wriothesley’s relationship ended years ago. neither of you thought you’d ever see each other again, until one night you both meet after years of being apart.
❥ pairings : wriothesley x fem!reader
❥ note : sorry for the inactivity !! i was kind of going through a slump, but i’m hopefully gonna start returning to a regular schedule. i hope you guys enjoy this !! reblogs are appreciated <3.
content warnings : nsfw [17+], fem!reader, ageless + blank blogs dni, mentions of childhood trauma (wriothesley), high school relationships (they’re both adults when meeting again !), alcohol consumption, breakups, some angst, fluff, car sex, creampie, use of pet names (baby , good girl), ex!wriothesley, vanilla sex.
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You were never the type to dwell on the past. Whatever happened back then happened, and there was no way for you to control it. Time kept moving and it wouldn’t pause for you whatsoever. It was something everyone was told to move on from. 
However, you couldn’t exactly move on from one thing in your past.
Your ex, Wriothesley.
You and Wriothesley met when you were both in high school. Neither of you were in great headspace at the time, so you two connected over the fact that you were dealing with lots of pain during that time period. He wasn’t exactly the most responsible student. He often showed up late, talked back to adults, and he gained many enemies from his impressive stature. He was intimidating. Even you felt a bit of fear whenever he walked into a classroom, but he turned out to be a really nice guy. He sat next to you in your algebra class and asked you for a pencil since he came to school without his backpack. You gave him one and then ended up chatting towards the end of the period about school and other random things.
A lot of your friends questioned why you of all people spoke to Wriothesley. He wasn’t exactly the kind of guy who would speak to girls like you. You had perfect attendance, good grades, and a pretty decent friend circle. He was the opposite of you.
Eventually, those platonic feelings turned into romantic ones the more you got to know him. Wriothesley confided in you about many things pertaining to his home life. He was in and out of foster care due to his parents passing early on in his childhood, and it led to him being moved around a lot. He wasn’t exactly good at making friends because a lot of them came from these perfect homes. None of them would understand that feeling or his story. Although you couldn’t understand it either, you tried your best to see things through his lense. There was a reason he acted the way he did. 
You two then began dating a few months later. It was a perfect relationship. He treated you better than any ex of yours would, and he made you feel safe around him. He was somebody you could rely on. Despite many people frowning upon it, you never listened to their opinions. Wriothesley was someone you thought was your soulmate. It was young love, but to you, it was everything you ever wanted.
However, you did have some problems in your relationship.
You and Wriothesley had many arguments during your time dating. Sometimes he didn’t care for himself and he would miss school to do god knows what. You wanted him to do better for himself, but it didn’t seem like he was taking you as seriously as you thought he would. It would always end with him apologizing and buying you flowers or taking you out for a date to make up for the harsh words thrown around. He didn’t like fighting with you. He knew you wanted the best for him. He just had a hard time committing to the things he had promised to you. 
He always thought you two would date for a while, but that was until your senior year. At that point, you two had been dating for almost two years. Things weren’t bad, if anything, it was a lot better than it was early on. Neither of you considered your relationship to be toxic by any means. 
Unfortunately, things did come to an end.
You knew that you and Wriothesley were on two completely different paths in life. You wanted to go off to college and begin a career, and he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his life. There wasn’t an issue with that, but you had a lot of doubt that the relationship would even work with the distance and your differences. Having to break up with him was one of the most difficult things you had to do. 
Wriothesley honestly didn’t understand why you wanted to leave him. You were absolutely everything to him, and he never was one to treat you poorly. However, he also knew that your feelings about it were valid. He didn’t know if he could handle a long distance relationship and you honestly deserve someone better than him. In a way, he knew he was dragging you down in life. He was the one blocking your way of becoming the absolute best, so he took the break up respectfully. He would always love you no matter what, and that’s what he told you. You didn’t think you would take it as hard as you did, but you knew it was for the better. 
As the years went on, you slowly forgot about your relationship with him. It wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to process while in college, but you often distracted yourself by going out with your roommate and other friends you made along the way. Soon enough, it was a thing of the past. 
It wasn’t until you came home to see your parents that all of the memories came flowing back to you.
You and your roommate had decided to move into an apartment close to your university, so you weren’t home as often as you normally would be. When you came by to visit, everything felt so nostalgic to you. You hadn’t been in your hometown for a little while and you weren’t sure where to even begin. 
You don’t know how you ended up at the bar just ten minutes away from your home. It wasn’t exactly packed for a Thursday evening, so you didn’t have to worry about weirdos at the bar hitting on you. You were sitting on your own, sipping on a random cocktail the bartender had made for you. Your mind wandered to many thoughts that only crossed when you were intoxicated. Your past, random embarrassing moments you wished you didn’t let happen, and your ex boyfriend from when you were in high school. 
You disliked that you thought about Wriothesley more than you should have. You two had broken up years ago. Why would you still have these thoughts about him? Maybe you could blame it on the fact that you hadn’t exactly had the best luck with romance while in college. There was no other man who was interested in you like Wriothesley was. Most of the men around you were only looking for something short term, or just a quick fuck that wouldn’t mean anything at the end of the day. It was honestly a shame, but you shouldn’t have had such high expectations. Maybe you were a fool. 
You didn’t pay much attention to the presence that had appeared next to you. You assumed it was some random person who needed a drink just like you did. 
“Yeah, whiskey and coke, please.”
Your heart stopped when you heard the smooth voice speak beside you. A part of you didn’t wanna believe there was a possibility he was here after just thinking about him, but could luck be on your side? It took a lot of courage, but you eventually turned your head to place your eyes on the man beside you. There he was. Your ex, Wriothesley was sitting right beside you. You weren’t sure if you should even speak up and talk to him. Neither of you had crossed paths in years and you didn’t know if he would even want to talk to you. 
It didn’t take long for him to notice your staring, and soon enough, Wriothesley’s eyes made contact with yours. You never forgot the color of his ice blue eyes. He looked much older than he did before, obviously, but he seemed more mature. His body also seemed a lot more bulky than it was back in high school. Despite that, his scars still remain etched into his skin as permanent reminders of his past. 
“(Y/N)..?” your name left his lips in a whisper, seemingly shocked by your presence. 
You felt your heart rate begin to speed up from seeing his face. You didn’t think he would stay, but he sat there in his seat like a deer in headlights. You weren’t sure how to even respond. It was awkward. “H-Hi.. Wriothesley..” you said, trying to ease the awkward tension in the air. It felt so uncomfortable, but you didn’t want to leave. 
Wriothesley blinked, trying to take in the realization that you were sitting right in front of him. He hadn’t seen you in years. He vaguely recalled going to your home the day you left for college. He felt like shit knowing you were gone and he couldn’t say what he wanted to. It had been so long. It was like you were a completely different person, but at the same time he recognized you. He thought you were still as beautiful as you were the day he first laid his eyes on you. “Hey.. how are you? It’s been a while..” he turned his body to face you, giving you the chance to see his physical changes.
You laughed through your nose. Relief washed over you when you saw his soft smile appearing on his face. You thought he would just walk away, considering you were the one who broke up with him. “I’m good! How about you?” you asked, sipping your drink to try and calm your nerves.
He honestly was sitting there in disbelief. He didn’t think he’d ever have the chance to speak to you again. “I’m doing alright, haha! How has college been for you?” he questioned, nodding his head.
The conversation between you felt so weird. It was like you two were strangers, but at the same time you knew so much about one another. There was a time in your life where Wriothesley played such a significant role through your teenage years. You didn’t wanna see it that way, but it was difficult knowing there was so much that you missed. Did he ever get away from foster care? He was now over eighteen, so it’s not like he could be cared for anymore by a random family. Did he pursue his dreams of becoming involved in law enforcement? There were so many questions you had yet to be answered. 
Wriothesley revealed so much to you. He spoke about how he was able to go and apply to be a security guard at one of the clubs downtown, and with that money he managed to move out and get his own place. He seemed to be doing so much better in life than he was when you first met. He had somewhat of a personality shift as well. There was more maturity in his words and he listened more than he would talk. He was happy you were doing good in life. He wanted nothing but the best for you ever since you two had broken things off.
The evening hours crept up on you two, and the bar had become a little busier than it normally was. The alcohol in your veins also made you loosen up around Wriothesley. He felt the same way, but he was a little more sober than you were. He had a better grip on himself. It was honestly really nice to catch up with you. He really missed you. He didn’t like admitting it to others, but he often yearned to see your face walking around town. There was so much he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure how to put it into words without sounding weird or making things awkward. 
“Do you need a ride home..?” he downed the rest of his drink within his glass. The last thing he wanted was for you to go home being slightly intoxicated and on your own. 
You hesitated for a second. You didn’t want to give the wrong idea to Wriothesley, but there was the part of you that would feel a lot safer if he was around you. “S-Sure!” you replied, picking up your things off of the table in front of you.
Wriothesley stood up, leaving cash for both of your drinks which you didn’t expect. Standing beside him made you feel somewhat embarrassed. It was like he grew overnight with how broad his body had become over the years. You never thought he would be the type to work out. He talked about it a little while back, but the way he looked now was insane to you. 
The two of you left the bar and entered outside. The air nipped at your skin from the slight chill that was in the atmosphere. Wriothesley walked over to his car that was parked in the lot. It was a really nice one, too. You pulled open the passenger side door and climbed in, getting hit with the strong aroma of his cologne that lingered around his vehicle. Once he climbed in, he glanced at you briefly. It almost seemed like he wanted to say something to you, but he decided not to at the last minute.
The car ride back was quiet. Neither of you spoke, and you honestly thought that’s where it would end. 
But, it didn’t.
Once he arrived outside of your house, there was something brewing between you two that was bound to burst at any moment. You didn’t know if maybe it was his cologne or how the alcohol made you bolder, but clearly there was something going on and both of you seemed a little hesitant to make a move.
However, that didn’t last long, because Wriothesley was the one who planted a kiss on your lips. 
It felt so familiar to you. Every little memory from your relationship played in your mind, making you recall things you thought you had forgotten. You missed it all. You missed his touch, his kisses, his hair that your nails used to dig into when you would make out, the way he would nibble at your neck to turn you on. It didn’t take long for you to end up on his lap with his hands all over your body. His kisses were rough, but passionate at the same time. It brought you back to the many times you two would make out in your bedroom while your parents were out of the house. God, you missed those days. Everything was so much more simple back then. 
Wriothesley’s hands lifted up your skirt, squeezing the plush of your ass. He remembered every little part of your body. He knew you so well. It didn’t matter how long you two had been apart. “Fuck.. I’ve missed you so much..” he whispered against your lips. “You don’t know how badly I wanted to go and find you..”
A whimper came from your lips when you felt his hardened cock brush against your clothed pussy. There was a part of you that wondered if you should actually be doing this. You two were ex’s. You were meant to be apart, but there was just so much about Wriothesley that you craved. He was practically your first everything back then, and those things are hard to just forget. “Missed you more, Wrio..” you panted, looking into his eyes. “Please.. I need you.”
He was a bit taken back when you guided his hand to your soaked underwear. His dick practically twitched when he made contact with your arousal. He remembered how easy it was to get you riled up. It seemed like that didn’t change at all. 
He wasted no time and pushed your panties aside to begin rubbing your clit. Your hand flew to hold onto his muscular shoulders. It felt so good. His fingers were all too familiar to you, and you loved it more than anything else. Wriothesley then pulled you in for a sloppy kiss. He swallowed every one of your pretty moans that kept leaving your throat. He just couldn’t get enough of you. 
Wriothesley’s hand left your clit several seconds later. His fingers fumbled with the buckle of his belt. You could tell he was rushing. “I need you now.” he looked at you then down at his pants where he began to pull them off.
You watched as his cock sprang out of his boxers. The tip was leaking precum. You somewhat forgot how big he was. The girth was quite large and his size was one that you thought you wouldn’t be able to take the first time. 
He placed his forehead against yours while his tip glossed over your wet cunt. You moaned in pleasure when he made contact with your sensitive bud. “Are you sure you wanna do this..?” he was breathing heavily, showing just how desperate he was for you. “We don’t have to.. but I just need to know now.”
You nodded almost immediately. “Y-Yes! Please, Wriothesley, I can’t wait anymore..” you begged, grinding your hips against him.
Wriothesley didn’t hesitate before pushing his cock into you. Both of you let out loud noises at the sensation of being in each other’s embrace. It had been so fucking long since you felt Wriothesley inside of you. He was stretching you out completely. There was this burning feeling, but you didn’t mind it all. It quickly faded to pleasure the moment he started moving his hips into you. His hands went to your waist where he started guiding you. There was nobody else like you. He loved you. It didn’t matter how far you went, Wriothesley always had that love for you. He knew it sounded dumb to be still thinking about his teenage love, but there was so much about you he just couldn’t get over.
It didn’t take long for him to find your g-spot. He could see in your expression how good you felt when he kissed it with his tip. You could hardly believe this was happening. You never thought you would be able to have sex with him again, but you had zero regrets in your mind about it. 
Your fingers laced into his onyx colored hair. You were so lost in bliss. He was better than any lame college hookup you had before. Part of you questioned why you even decided to leave him at the time. Sure, you two were on different wavelengths in life, but he was still a great guy regardless. He treated you like a princess. He never made you feel insecure or unwanted. He was perfect. “W-Wrio..! Yes, yes! Feels so good!” you cried, digging your nails into his scalp.
His grip on you tightened as you kept moaning for him. It was like he was reliving a dream he had. You were so beautiful. He didn’t wanna keep missing you anymore. “Yeah, you like it, baby? I missed you so bad.. I never stopped waiting for you, (Y/N). ‘M always gonna love you..” he captured your lips in another kiss that left you breathless. 
Your cheeks turned hot when he said those words to you. You thought after all of this time Wriothesley would hate you for breaking up with him. There was doubt in your mind that he would even wanna see you again, but hearing that he still loved you made you feel relieved. You still loved him too. “Missed you more.. Wriothesley! I love y-you!” you made eye contact with him. 
He was surprised to hear that you felt the same towards him. He assumed for so long you had moved on and found somebody else while you were in university. Somebody that was better than him in many aspects. Nonetheless, he didn’t care to question you. You of all people would never lie to Wriothesley, so he trusted your words more than anything else. 
Without warning, Wriothesley’s pace picked up. His balls began to smack against your puffy clit. Your vision grew hazy from the amount of pleasure that was rushing through your body. The pit in your belly was growing deeper, implying your orgasm was on the brink of reaching you. Wriothesley could sense it, too. Your pussy was squeezing his cock so hard that he thought it would be difficult for him to even think about pulling out of you. There was so much you two had to make up for. 
“Wriothesley.. I’m gonna cum!” your hands gripped his shoulders. 
His larger hand went around your throat. You could hear the way he was grunting. It sounded so erotic. “C’mon, baby, cum all over my dick..” he said, his voice sounding deep. “Be a good girl..”
Your cunt then clamped around his cock. A deep groan rumbled in his throat as he felt his own high reach him. His cum filled your womb, making you shiver from the warmth that was spreading from your belly. You could hardly keep yourself upwards from how tired your body was. You felt yourself slumping against him. 
His arm went to wrap around your waist, placing his chin atop of the crown of your head. He honestly missed nights like these, and he wasn’t going to let it slip away ever again.
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© NXUVILLETTE ┆ all rights reserved, do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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lokidjarin-7567 · 23 days
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TTPD Contents
Aaron Hotchner x Reader After a tough case in Tallahassee, a storm blows in and the jet is grounded, so you find comfort in the arms of someone unexpected. fem!reader, 18+ MDNI 4,203 words
It had been a horrible case. Children had been going missing across Tallahassee for a few weeks, but the incompetent police department had only just called you in. You found the unsub after a few long days and even longer nights. He was a police officer, someone that kids were taught to trust. At least that explained the shocking lack of investigation so far. Thankfully, the children he had taken - all 9 of them - were alive, but you couldn’t say too much more than that. The state they were in when you found them… it wasn’t something you were going to forget any time soon.
And now, a storm was coming in and the jet couldn’t take off until tomorrow at the earliest.
The motel you were all staying in wasn’t the worst by any stretch of the imagination, but it wasn’t exactly great. The rooms were small and dingy, the smell of sweat and cigarettes clinging to the soft furnishings, and questionable stains bloomed across most of the carpet. You weren’t complaining too much, though. There was a dive bar next door, and the bed was clean. That was all you cared about.
It hadn’t taken you long to wind up at the bar. Most of the team were there already, seeming a hell of a lot happier than you. They had drinks and a handful of appetisers spread out on the table, laughing at a story Rossi was telling enthusiastically. You were about to turn and leave, to find somewhere else to wallow for the evening, but Emily spotted you, waving you over with a wide smile. Fuck. At least you knew how to fake it. You plastered on a grin and said your hellos while everyone congratulated you on finding the kids today. It made you feel sick. Maybe that’s why they saw this whole case as a win. They hadn’t fucking seen it.
You excused yourself to get a drink before you had even sat down, ordering two shots alongside the beer you would be drinking at the table, wanting to feel something quickly. You took them as soon as the bartender gave them to you, thanking him and paying what you owed.
“Bad day?” He mused, eyebrow raised as he put your cash into the register.
“You have no idea.” You muttered, and you noticed his eyes raking over your body. He was cute. A little older than you, but that was what you usually went for anyway. Maybe he was something else that you could drown your sorrows in later.
You smiled at him as you left, just in case, and headed back to the table. It was then that you noticed Hotchner wasn’t there. He was the other member of the team who had been with you when you found them, and he had been even more shaken up than you afterwards. It made sense; he had a kid. You were sure he was calling Haley now so he could talk to Jack like he usually did after any cases where children were involved. You just hoped he made his way over at some point. It would be nice to have someone else here who understood a little more.
And you did your best to hide it, but you did have a bit of a crush on him. It was wrong, and you would never act on it; he was your superior, your boss, and he was married. But he was so authoritative and intelligent and handsome that you couldn’t help but think about it sometimes. A lot, actually. Hopefully, by the end of the night you’d be drunk enough to imagine the bartender was him.
You finished your drink quickly, having completely ignored the conversations going around the table. It didn’t take long for Rossi to offer to get you another, a soft, concerned expression on his face. You thanked him with a wide smile, promising yourself to try harder as him and Morgan headed to the bar to get another round, and Emily and JJ headed to the bathroom. Spencer moved next to you in the booth when everyone had left, filling the space where Emily had been sitting and nudging you softly.
“Are you ok?” He asked. You opened your mouth to say that you were fine, but you knew you didn’t have the energy to lie well. He would just notice straight away.
“Just… um… finding the kids today…” he nodded as you ran your hand through your hair, as though trying to dispel the images that had accumulated again at the mere mention of it. “I know it was a good thing, that they were alive and they would recover physically, but it just really didn’t feel like a win.” He didn’t say anything, just squeezed your arm and pulled you in for a hug, which you gratefully accepted. He was your best friend on the team, and he always knew exactly what you needed. You were glad he was here.
Spence had only just released you when everyone came back, their energy still high. You chatted for a bit, forcing yourself to engage now that the conversation had shifted from this week’s case. It was nice, and you felt your mood start to pick up as the drinks kicked in, finishing your second and third beer before excusing yourself for a smoke. You knew it was a bad habit, but with a job as stressful as yours, it was hard to kick.
You had only just lit your cigarette when you saw Hotch heading across the carpark of the motel. It was hot outside, the Florida humidity lasting into the night, but he was still wearing his suit, but he had ditched the jacket, and his tie was hanging loosely around his neck. He looked about as grim as you felt. You smiled softly as he got close, the usual butterflies gathering in your stomach, expecting him to go past you and inside, but he stopped, leaning on the wall next to you. You offered him the pack, just in case, but he shook his head.
“Are you ok?” You asked gently. He sighed.
“Not really. You?”
“Not really.” You took a drag as he stood there, and you felt the need to fill the void with something. “Everyone else is inside celebrating.”
“I’m not sure I feel like there’s a lot to celebrate.”
“Me neither, but Rossi seems to be buying a lot of drinks, so I’m sticking around for that.” He almost laughed at that, a harsh expulsion of air that was as close as you’d ever come to seeing a break in his stony exterior.
“That is a good incentive.” You smiled at him, taking the opportunity to just look at him. He was so fucking attractive, the dark brown of his eyes, the strong nose and jaw that gave him a permanently serious expression, his lips…
“Did you talk to Jack and Haley?” You asked quickly, as though reminding yourself that he has a wife.
“No, Jack was asleep, and Haley and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms right now…” You had to stop yourself from asking anything too quickly.
“Oh?” You were impressed by how casual you managed to keep your voice.
“Yeah, we separated a few months ago.” Oh. “I haven’t exactly told the team yet, I…” he sighed heavily, running his hands over his face in frustration, “I’m not really sure why I’m telling you to be honest. I just…” He seemed to stop himself, sighing again, and looking at you in a way you couldn’t even begin to interpret. Regret maybe?
“I won’t tell anyone, don’t even worry about it.” You said trying to quell his doubts, and he just smiled softly, shaking his head.
“I know.” A third sigh. “I’ll see you inside, ok?” You couldn’t do much but nod, your heart still lurching from his revelation.
You got another beer as soon as you were back inside, ordering another shot as well to calm your frazzled nerves. You knew you were reading too much into it, that he had just had a bad day and let something slip, but it had made your stupid brain think you had a chance. You sat down again next to Spencer, who smiled at you, and you noticed Hotch’s whole demeanour had changed. He was smiling, and actively participating in the team’s chatter and you felt like you couldn’t stop staring at him. How did he do it so easily?
After about an hour or so some of the team started to head to their rooms, midnight looming, and it was at this point you noticed the glances from Hotch. That was a lie, you had noticed them earlier, and you had just chalked them up to your own imagination running away from you. But now, there was no denying it. He was a couple of drinks in, and his looks had started to linger, even when you weren’t the one talking. There was an element to them that made you squirm a little in your seat, especially the way he had stopped hiding the fact he was looking. His eyes were openly gazing at your lips, your chest, and when your eyes met his, he didn’t back down. He didn’t smirk, or smile, or anything other than maintain infuriating and intense eye contact until a blush forced itself across your cheeks. It was fucking intoxicating.
Emily excused herself. Then Morgan. Then JJ. Reid finished his story with a smile, finishing his drink too as you tried your best to comment as though you were listening. It seemed to work.
“I’m going to get a drink, do you want another?” Hotch stood up, talking to both of you, but his eyes stayed firmly on yours.
“Just a diet coke please.” You had had enough for the night, your mind finally quiet enough to stop replaying the days events. “Reid?”
“No, actually I’m going to head to bed too.” Hotch just nodded, wishing him a good sleep and headed to the bar. Reid squeezed your arm softly as he stood up, his expression serious. “You going to be ok?”
“Yeah, I’m good, honey. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Ok, you know where I am.” And with that, it was just you and Hotch.
He put the drinks down wordlessly, sitting opposite you with an unreadable expression on his face, one even a profiler like yourself couldn’t read.
“What?” You asked playfully, your brows furrowing as he took a sip of his scotch.
“Nothing, just the bartender.” You glanced towards the bar to see him standing there, looking at you with a soft smirk on his face. “He was asking after you.” Oh God.
“Was he?” You asked coyly, smiling at the thought. Hotch’s face was steel as his eyes continued to rake over your face and body. Was he… jealous?
“Interested?” He muttered coldly. You grinned.
“Maybe…” You watched as he clenched his teeth and repositioned himself in the seat, leaning forward to rest his arms on the table, never once breaking eye contact.
“Really? Him?”
“What’s wrong with him?” He laughed dryly, taking another drink.
“He’s not exactly…”
“He’s not what I’d imagine you going for.” So he’s thought about it. About you. The idea made arousal pool in your stomach.
“Who do you think I’d go for, then?”
“Not him.” He dodged the question easily, not taking the bait. “He’s too cocky, but he also has no real respect for himself. He pours drinks like a performer, just showboating for attention. A bravado begging for approval, but still believing he deserves it. He must be delusional to think he deserves even a glance from you…” He paused, and for the first time you saw a slight waver in his confidence, watching his face change as he realised he said something a little too close to home. You just smiled as he carried on, trying to retrace his steps. “I just think you would only go for him if your first choice wasn’t available.” He knows. Surely he knows. “I know Reid went to bed, but if you…” You cut him off with an uncontrollable laugh of genuine disbelief as he just furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“You think I’m after Reid? And you call yourself a profiler.”
“Are you not?” You finished your drink with a sigh.
“Jesus, no Hotch, I’m not. And with that, I’m going to bed.” You left him sitting there, same confused look on his face, sending an apologetic smile to the bartender as you left.
You found yourself pacing when you got back to your room, unable to make sense of what the fuck just happened. You must be going crazy. You thought he knew, that it was so painfully obvious, that he maybe even saw you in the same way… but no. Nothing. Your stupid mind playing tricks on you.
You don’t know why you even wanted this. You couldn’t date him, you couldn’t do anything about it, married or not he was your boss. He was on your team. You saw him everyday at work. It would never end well. It was just a bad fucking idea, regardless of how much your dirty mind protested. How much it reminded you of all the times you’d thought about him while you were touching yourself, or sleeping with other people, or when you were bored on the jet. He had been the only thing that got you off for months and he didn’t even fucking know. But now you knew it was a possibility? That he wasn’t married, that your dirty little fantasy could actually happen? You were spiralling. You needed a smoke, some fresh air, something to remind you nothing had actually changed.
You opened the door, pack in hand to see… him. He looked dishevelled, his tie long gone and his hair messy, as though he been running his hands through it. He was as shocked as you were, just muttering your name quietly as you stood there just looking at him, waiting for him to explain why he was here. What he wanted. He didn’t. There was just this intensity that seemed to emanate from him, this nervous desperation that made you want to grab him by the collar of his shirt and show him what you could do, how you could make him feel better after horrible cases like this one, give him something to use for his own pleasure. Show him that you would do anything he fucking wanted. But you didn’t.
“Did you…” you trailed off, vaguely gesturing to the open door in a way you hoped conveyed what your lips couldn’t bring themselves to say. He was silent as he stepped into your room, closing the door behind him.
“Was it me? Am I…?” He muttered, and you knew what he meant. Am I the one you were after? You stayed quiet, not trusting yourself anymore now he was here in front of you, looking at you like that. He knew anyway. You had no doubt in your mind now. He stepped closer.
“This isn’t a good idea.”
“I know.” You let yourself whisper as he moved to just an inch away from you, a shuddering breath escaping his lips as he looked down at yours. You couldn’t even breathe, couldn’t make eye contact as he continued to scan your face and you could feel yourself getting wet before he had even touched you. Everything you’d wanted for months was a breath away and you still couldn’t bring yourself to be the one to close the gap.
“This isn’t…” he started to repeat himself, tapering off as his fingers touched your chin, tipping your face further up to look at him, a light touch that was fucking electricity through your body.
“I know.” You breathed the words, not meaning them anymore and as you met his gorgeous, hazel eyes, you knew you were fucking done for. He pressed his lips into yours. Just once, light as a feather. But that was all the permission you needed. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, smashing your lips into his with a desperation you had never felt before. It was a kiss of teeth and tongue, and as you licked up into his hot mouth you heard a groan from him that sent your hands flying to his shirt buttons. He grabbed the bottom of your top and pulled it over your head before you had even had a chance to undo a single one. His lips were back to yours as quickly as they had left, and you only registered that you had moved backwards when your legs hit something. He grabbed your hips and easily lifted you onto the desk, and you thanked the lord you had decided to wear a skirt today as he pushed it up your thighs and settled comfortably between them. Your entire body was practically shaking in anticipation already, and as his hands gripped the soft flesh of your thighs, you whimpered into his mouth. He pulled you forward until you were pressed tightly against his thick erection, and you couldn’t help but grind into him as you undid his buttons, desperate for some friction against your aching cunt. It was almost embarrassing how quickly he had turned you on, wound you up to the point where every tiny touch made you feel like you were going fall over the edge into that white hot pleasure you knew he was capable of giving you.
The hottest part of it all was the pure need you felt from every grab and kiss. Even the moments where he pulled back for air, he used them to bite your neck, or press sloppy open mouthed kisses to your chest that made you whine every fucking time. The way he wanted you so badly he couldn’t even move to the bed, just to wherever was closest, and even when he was trying to catch his breath it was as though he physically couldn’t keep his lips off you.\
You finally got his shirt undone and pressed as much of yourself to him as possible, wrapping your legs around his waist. His kisses were getting more and more sloppy, his hands wandering further and the moan you let out when he grabbed your breast seemed to flip a switch in him. He pulled you off the desktop by your ass, flipping you in a way that was pure filth, and pressing your hips hard into the desk.
“Can I…” You didn’t need him to finish his question as you heard him unzip his fly.
“Fuck, please.” You couldn’t help but beg. His hands ran up the back of your legs, pushing your skirt to your waist and pulling your panties down so quickly you barely noticed until his hard dick hit your throbbing pussy. You could feel the weight of him, the thickness. You wanted to turn around and look at him, truly take him in like this, but you were pinned to the table still, the sharp edges biting into your hips in the most deliciously painful way that you knew would leave bruises. You heard him mutter something, but you couldn’t make it out, anticipation causing blood to rush in your ears and your heart was beating so loud it blocked any other noise. Before you even knew it was happening, he was pressing against your entrance, slowly at first, but then he snapped his hips into yours, splitting you open and all the air was pushed out of your lungs. The groan that escaped his lips was intoxicating, and he stayed there for a moment, gathering your hair in his hands and twisting your head so your lips met his. You felt like a ragdoll, your body and movements his now, but you didn’t care. This is how you wanted it. You just want to make him feel good, and you needed to think about nothing but him. It was working. There was no space for any other thoughts with his cock filling you and his hand gripping your hair.
“Are you…?”
“On the pill.” You confirmed, and he bit down on your shoulder in approval, earning a gasp. One hand stayed on your hair, but he moved backwards, his other hand pressing the small of your back into the table. You were utterly powerless, and you clenched around him at the thought. He groaned as he pulled out of you slowly, and you could feel every single inch of him as he did. And then he started just pounding into you. It stole all the air from your lungs, and you were left gasping as he continued his merciless pace, filthy sounds of his hips meeting your ass and your shuddering breaths and whimpers filling the room. You had to brace your hands against the wall, nothing else to hold on to, and as you lifted your chest slightly to breathe, he took his cue, grabbing your neck and pulling you up so his lips could reach you, the slight force he applied to your throat making you clench around him and earning a loud moan from him. The angle he hitting into you now was incredible, this sweet spot that made your legs turn to jelly and your breaths shorten.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” He panted into your ear, earning a loud moan.
“Fuck, I’m close Hotch..” Even now, with him inside you, you couldn’t bring yourself to call him by his first name, but the soft growl he let out told you he might like it more this way anyway. You just needed something to push you over, and you grabbed his hand on your neck, tightening it to indicate what you wanted. He followed suit, gripping you in a way that limited your air just enough to go a little lightheaded and you whimpered.
“Filthy.” He whispered, and that was all you needed. You started cumming, clenching around him with a strangled sob and he let go of your neck at just that second, letting the blood rush to your head and searing hot pleasure course through your body. You heard him groan and curse behind you, his hips stuttering too as he came, filling you and staying pressed deep inside of you as you rode out the waves of your orgasm, pressing soft kisses to your shoulders.
You stayed like that for a little while, catching your breath. He moved first, pulling out of you slowly with a sigh.
“You can… um…” the energy was awkward suddenly, both unsure of what to do now that passion wasn’t driving you. Unsure how to be around each other. You still knew what he meant though.
“Thanks.” You headed to the bathroom, cleaning up quickly, taking a second to fix your messy hair and makeup, and pulling your skirt down. He went in straight after you, and you took that time to find your panties and put them back on. You had no idea what would happen now. If it was up to you, he would just stay here, but he might not feel comfortable enough to do that. You just wanted to know what he was thinking.
He came out of the bathroom looking perfect, but pensive, his brow furrowed in his signature scowl. You were sitting on the side of the bed, just waiting for him to speak.
“We probably shouldn’t have done that.” He muttered. Disappointment flooded your system. You knew he was right, and you agreed, it was messy and stupid but so fucking good it couldn’t be ignored.
“Probably not.” He nodded.
“Well, I should…” He moved towards the door.
“I don’t want a relationship you know.” You blurted out, and internally scolded yourself, but it had stopped him, so you stood up, carrying on. “This is all I want. A distraction.” You watched relief bloom across his face, and he strode back across the room, planting a light kiss to you your lips.
He stayed, not leaving until the early morning. You knew he just wanted some comfort after the past few days. Something solid to hold on to. You also knew your feelings had already gone past a crush, welling up inside you as he slept peacefully, feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath against yours. But you didn’t care. You would rather have some of him than nothing at all. Even if you were going to get hurt. Even if it got messy. He was worth it.
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kandlewick · 3 months
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i'll dry the villain's tears
t h e r o s e r e d t y r a n t ' s m o t h e r pt.2
you get reincarnated into a role that became the breaking point of the villain's story and you, be it an unwillingness to cause them harm or a desire to survive, must work hard to make sure they grow into a better (or at least safer) person.
You felt entirely too overdressed sitting here at the park. Your former body's wardrobe was obviously not meant for anything too strenuous and that apparently included just enjoying your time outside in the sun. You could feel the sweat gather in uncomfortable places... but your nerves weren't just because of the warm weather.
Trey's mother sat beside you, much more dressed for the occasion, and watched as Trey and Riddle reconnected. You could hear the two of them laugh and giggle as they began playing as if nothing had ever happened and the two were quick to run up the steps leading to the slide, followed by a whole gaggle of other children. You let out a soft sigh of relief at the sight.
Not just the clothes, but your body was so stiff and rigid it was hard to even relax as you tried to breath. Your back was straight as a rod while you sat on the uncomfortable park bench, your well manicured hands firm on your lap and you shuffled uncomfortably in place. Trey's mother eyed you from her spot on the bench and offered a small smile, like she was acknowledging how strenuous this whole situation was for you.
"I'm guessing you've never brought Riddle to a public park before, huh?" She crossed her arms and leaned on them over the table, linking her fingers together, "You look like you're about to faint."
You forced out a laugh, too embarrassed to meet her gaze and pulled at the high collar of your buttoned top. You could practically feel heat waves steaming off of you. "Something like that," you admitted, "I wasn't exactly a good mother when it came to recreational activities."
You inwardly cringed at your wording — what, is Miss Rosehearts vocabulary infecting you too?
Trey's mother hummed as she continued to look at you. You could feel her bright hazel eyes staring at you. You could feel a cold sweat drip down your neck.
"Please stop me if this sounds too forward," Trey's mother leaned back but quickly offered her hand to you, "but my name is Dinah."
You blinked up at her, startled. She... wanted you to shake her hand?
She offered up her hand again and made a motion for you to follow. Almost hesitantly, you reached out and clasped her hand in your own, shaking it. Her palms were so warm, comforting, almost the exact opposite of your body's cold touch. She smiled at you, the dimple on your cheek crinkling with delight.
"I figured since our children are such good friends, we could at least try and act cordial." She glanced over as your two children sat next to each other on the swing set, the elder Trey guiding Riddle on how to kick back his feet. Riddle was hesitant and stumbled a few times, but kept giggling all the same, obviously entranced.
"Trey likes to baby younger kids," Dinah smiled, "I wonder how he'd do with younger siblings..."
You noticed that too as Riddle followed him around like a little duckling chasing after its mama. Whatever Trey did, Riddle would follow even if it meant pushing his limits. Trey watched carefully from the other end of the playground as Riddle jumped from one platform to the next, his arms out and knees shaking as he tried to keep himself balanced. Whenever he would stumble and topple over the edge nearly sending him into a fit of tears, Trey was quick to act and followed him back to the beginning.
"He's a sweet kid." You mumbled, "You're a great mother."
She gave you an almost sympathetic look, noticing your tone before reaching out and grabbing your hand, "Hey, you're not doing so bad now either." She squeezed your hand in her own and offered you an encouraging smile, "Parenting isn't easy and sometimes you don't notice the damage until it's too late but look at you," She gestured to your whole self, "Better late then never, right?"
You both sat there idly chatting until much later then you had figured you would and before long, the sun had began to set, casting the park in a orange hue. You were caked in sweat but Riddle wasn't doing much better. The two children came back huffing and puffing from exhaustion, sweat dripping off their foreheads like rivers. Riddle looked especially tired, his cheeks a bright red.
"I think I'm ready to go now," Riddle sighed.
You gave him a small smile and pulled him close, rubbing your pristine sleeve against his cheeks and wiped away any of the dirt that stained his skin, laughing as he let out a soft whine. Trey wasn't faring any better and was quick to lean against his mother's lap. Dinah ruffled his hair but her face quickly grimaced at the sweat in his hair. The kids obviously were going to need a bath after this.
You pulled Riddle in to your arms and tucked him under your chin. His bright red hair tickled your face but you held him even closer as his arms wrapped around your neck. He let out a soft sigh against your shoulder. Trey, being much taller then Riddle, simply grabbed Dinah's hand. He tiredly looked up at the young boy in your arms and smiled, his hands raising to offer Riddle a small wave.
"Bye, Riddle. We'll play again sometime, ok?"
Riddle turned his head and nodded, a sleepy smile on his face, "Mmmhm..."
"We will do this again sometime, right?" Dinah lowered her voice and leaned over so that Trey wouldn't be in ear shot, "This isn't a one time thing?"
"Oh?" You blinked over at her. Oh! "Yes!" You reassured her, your voice a little too loud, "Yes, we would love that. Riddle would love to." I would love to!! You screamed in your head, eager to befriend her. You wanted friends too!!!
Dinah gave you a dazzlingly bright smile, "Then I think we should invite Chen'ya and his uncle next time too!" Riddle and Trey straightened up at this and you could tell the two of them were excited about the thought.
"His uncle?" You questioned. That doesn't sound very familiar.
"Oh yeah," Dinah laughed behind her hand, "Chen'ya's parents are always out of the country on business so he lives with his uncle and his grandfather. My husband and I are good friends with them both and his uncle is a really fun guy, I'm sure you'd find him... interesting!"
It would certainly be interesting meeting someone new that you had no idea about... plus you'd be able to apologize properly to Chen'ya and whoever his guardian was. It could possibly be very... fun. You could feel your body hum in excitement as you found yourself nodding eagerly, nearly bouncing Riddle in your arms, "I would like that very much."
And then after exchanging phone numbers, you and Dinah parted ways, the two children eager to return home and rest.
"Mmmm," Riddle hummed in your arms, his hold on you loosening as he began drifting off, "I had a lot of fun today —" He yawned loudly, his head burrowing itself further into your neck, a content smile on his face, "Thank you."
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apricotgojo · 1 month
Boyfriend Choso headcannons !
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ㅤ♡ Content: Gender neutral!Reader, tooth-rotting fluff, mention of nicotine, just down bad cute boyfie choso ~ SFW ★ A/N - ilovehimsomuchthisisjustpurebrainrot
He's definitely the type to make those lock screens of cute photos of you where the picture changes with every tap of the screen - and all of them are photos which you thought you looked absolutely horrid.
Choso NEEDS to be touching you in one way or another when you're next to him - be it holding hands, locking pinkies together while you walk, letting his hand rest on your thigh, putting his head on your lap or even just grabbing your legs and putting them across his lap just so you can sit comfortably on the couch with him.
Choso has never and will never let you light your own cigarette. It's basically just a silent understanding between you two at this point that you light up both cigs at the same time while he holds the lighter in the middle.
He will send you random photos throughout his day of things he does; random bowls of cereal, him looking annoyed with a cig between his lips with the caption 'bored', pictures of flowers bcs they remind him of you, pictures of cute cats and dogs he encounters outside and oh we cannot forget about the delicious gym mirror pics he sends you where he's shirtless, hair down and has his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth with just 'done ;)' as a caption.
his Instagram is basically just you. no profile photo, no bio just photos with you, of you, you and your cat and every story is about a moment with you.
EVERYONE knows he's in a relationship. He will bring it up in every single conversation he has undoubtedly. "Nice weather we're having." "Yeah, my partner loooves the sun" or "I think i feel sick" "My partner felt sick 5 days ago, actually."
You guys have the cutest but cringiest nicknames for each other and have made up your own nonsensical language.
his favorite nicknames for you are "bunny", "baby", "love of my life," "love -bug", "pretty"
Choso 1000000% uses a baby voice with you and he acts like a little baby when you guys are alone.
he insists on getting matching everything - keychains, rings, shirts, underwear.
If you mention that you remotely like something just prepare yourself to get something related to it the next day. "Choso, why is there a big ass block of brie in our fridge?" "You said you liked it at the restaurant yesterday so i got it." "I said i liked many things at that restaurant Cho~" A small smile, "I know." That's basically how you ended up with a new set of plates, an unholy amount of homemade bread and 3 bottles of vanilla handsoap which smelled exactly like the one at the restaurants bathroom.
although he's quite reserved and quiet in public, with you he can actually be all goofy.
car rides with him are great -he's grabbing your hand between gear changes and loudly singing and dancing with you to your favorite songs.
your tiktok drafts are basically just you and him doing cute couple trends,
he WILL rap along to sexyyred with you every time she comes on AND he will put his entire Chosussy in the dance with you - even if he refused to at first.
he's quite overprotective - he would never hold you back from going out or anything but he needs to know every detail about your plan.
He has a resting bitch face - you're aware of that but what's really funny is that when you're out together with others it only takes a "Cho~?" from you to make his bored face instantly light up with a soft smile. "Yes, my baby?~"
sometimes he asks dumb questions randomly.
"Do you still love me? Because you didn't show me your liked tiktoks yet.."
He is constantly mentioning the future with you - what your house is gonna look like, your future travels, the pets you're gonna have and sometimes he lets it slip up that he wants kids. (but reassures you that he'd be happy without any too, as long as he has you.) <3
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flowerandblood · 3 months
Play with my heart (3/3)
[ modern actors • Aemond x Strong • female ]
[ warnings: unprotected & proctected sex, smut, angst, fluff, sexual tension, feeling of guilt, unprofessional behavior ]
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[ description: He gets the main role in a series about a great family and dragons, which could change his career. He is set to play the uncle and love interest of his childhood friend. When he meets the actress who plays her role, he begins to lose track of what is an acting and what is his real feelings. Sexual tension, grumpy, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: Yeah. I talked about it and I did it. You don't even know how much fun I had doing this. Of course, my characters play in a series whose script is an exact copy of my story The Fall from the Heavens. In this universe, Aemond (playing the One-Eyed Prince) and Rhaenys (playing the Princess) are of course not related – the other characters are also just actors. This three-part series is my gift to all fans of the original series, thank you so much for your support. "Rhaenys" in this story is her artistic pseudonym which she use instead of her real name. You can read this as a standalone story.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
They spent the next few days on set together with the other actors in a very pleasant atmosphere. He genuinely liked Daemon – he played the Princess's stepfather and had an incredible charisma that outshone everyone in every scene he appeared in.
He watched him intently from the sidelines, trying to remember his facial expressions and his reactions, wanting to use this later in his role.
To his satisfaction and relief, he could call his relationship with Rhaenys warm. She always smiled broadly at the sight of him and ran over to talk to him between scenes they weren't filming together, sometimes bringing him a sandwich or coffee from the vending machine.
"– you have to eat something – you can't survive on acting alone –" She said regretfully, and he shrugged his shoulders, biting into a sandwich with lettuce, tomato, cheese, pickles and sauce.
He had already forgotten about his eye patch and wasn't taking it off, not wanting to step out of character.
The day was fast approaching when they were to shoot the scene in which the Prince and his niece escape from the library together and spend their first night with each other.
It wasn't his first sex scene, but he had never played it with someone he cared about in any way, and her inexperience worried him.
As it turned out, he wasn't wrong, and the evening before shooting day she knocked on his door. When he let her in he could see that she was distressed and terrified, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
He let her in without a word.
"– I've never – you know – acted a scene like this and – more and more I feel that in front of such a large group of people I just won't be able to relax and get into character –" She muttered, standing in front of him but not looking at him, wrapping her arms around herself as if she was ashamed.
She was asking him for advice and help.
He nodded at her words.
"– it's natural – it's a very intimate scene – you have a right to feel insecure – me and the sexual psychologists are on set to help you –" He explained, putting his hands in the pockets of his trousers, looking away, feeling hot at the thought of what they were about to do.
Of course he knew they weren't going to have sex for real, however, they were going to be very close and he knew he was going to be touching her naked body.
She had a right to feel uncomfortable about this especially as he was more experienced than her, clearly not just as an actor.
She nodded and smiled at him, as if his words actually comforted her.
"– I – would you mind if we did a rehearsal? – I mean – if I go through it with you without cameras, hear your advice then maybe – maybe tomorrow it will be easier for me, I'll know exactly what I want to do –" She choked out in embarrassment, looking at him as if she was asking him if she was demanding too much of him.
He stared at her for a moment with his mouth open thinking he shouldn't be doing this, if only because his erection had swollen in his sweatpants at her request.
The fact that his cock wanted it meant that his mouth should refuse, but on the other hand he didn't want her to feel abandoned with something that obviously scared her.
He figured he needed to get a grip, think about her and her comfort.
He nodded and she breathed out loud, shifting from foot to foot, scared and excited at the same time.
"– so – where should we start? –" She asked quickly, and he involuntarily licked his lips, looking at her bare legs.
He wondered if she had panties under the material of her long, cream-coloured hoodie and cursed in the back of his head.
"– from the touch of a hand – a kiss – that opens the door to further emotions –" He replied in a hoarse voice, horrified that she had approached him, that she had taken his hand in hers, looking at him with her big, bright eyes.
It wasn't good.
He kissed her more passionately than he had planned – his lips swollen involuntarily pressed against hers and brushed her skin with a loud click, from which she sighed, her soft, warm cheeks locked between the fingers of his hand.
He sighed quietly when it became apparent that his directness did not deter her – she followed his lead, her hands enclosed his cheeks in a tender embrace, from which he involuntarily put his arm around her waist. Her body slammed against his, and her belly felt what was happening in his trousers.
He felt her tremble and moan quietly in his embrace, surprised and ashamed, parting her lips invitingly, allowing him to tentatively slip his moist tongue between them.
They sighed against their throats, pressing against each other, his hips beginning to rub against her while his kisses became more ferocious, aggressive, messy, full of their saliva, teeth and tongues.
He heard her sound of surprise as his hands slid down to her buttocks and clamped down on them, slipping under the material of her shorts. When she threw her hands over his shoulders he simply lifted her, grabbing her hips and turned, throwing himself on the bed with her.
"– too much wine, uncle? –" She asked with amusement, following the script, letting their lips melt again and again in soft, deep, warm kisses, sticky with their saliva and tongues. He grinned under his breath at his words, running his swollen erection between her thighs.
"– you'll see in a moment –" He gasped into her throat, her arms hugging him close pressing his body closer, her legs intertwined on his back making him feel like his cock was about to explode with desire.
"– and now what? –" She mumbled excitedly, clearly wondering how actors performed these kinds of scenes without having sex.
The problem was, that he felt like it.
He rested the weight of his body on his hands, placing them on either side of her head, looking at her for a moment – her glossy, puffy lips were parted in an accelerated breath, her eyes shining, warm, bright, her gaze misty.
God, how badly he wanted to fuck her.
"– in the scene the Prince exposes her breasts – can I do it? –" He asked in a trembling voice and she nodded, the expression on her face full of trust and confidence from which he felt a tightening in his stomach.
As he grabbed the material of her hoodie she raised her hands above her head to make his task easier. He pulled it off her reverently, feeling his breath get stuck in his throat at the sight of her lovely, plump breasts and her little nipples.
"– so pretty –" He whispered, leaning over her body, placing a gentle kiss on her sternum, from which her whole body trembled.
"– so, so good –" He murmured, not knowing fully himself what he was actually doing, convincing himself that he was trying to reassure her, to give her a sense of security.
Her hands stroked his short hair slowly and tenderly as his lips, with loud clicks of his saliva, lazily found their way up her neck and to her jaw, her soft, warm cheek, and finally her mouth, whose wetness he welcomed with relief.
He heard her moan quietly, surprised, clasping her hands over his neck and the material of his shirt as his hips began to roll back and forth, rubbing against the space between her thighs, mimicking the movements he would make if he were deep inside her.
"– ah –" She sighed, tilting her head back, his hot, swollen lips trailing over her fragrant neck while his hands blindly found her smooth breasts, caressing them and kneading them tentatively between his fingers.
Despite the fact that they should be speaking their lines, only silent moans of shame and panting came from their mouths. He knew, feeling her hips come up to meet his, that what they were doing was slowly turning into something else entirely, but neither of them dared to admit it.
Her body, the touch of her hands, her embrace, her scent, it was all so pleasant, warm, familiar, sincere, desired.
"– fuck –" He muttered, involuntarily speeding up the rocking motions of his hips and groaned a tad too loudly, betraying that he was long past his role, that what she felt under the material of his sweatpants was embarrassingly real.
It seemed to him that she didn't know what to make of this fact, hugging him close, trying to understand what she herself felt, why she was allowing this to happen, what was actually going on between them.
"– it feels good –" She mumbled into his ear, making his hard erection push against her stomach. She gasped, surprised, clenching her fingers on the material of his shirt as she felt his slick, moist tongue run over her neck, his hand sliding down to her warm thigh.
"– too good –" He confessed, embarrassed that his hand had slid lower between her legs, his fingertips teasing the material of her soaked panties and what was beneath them.
She squealed and tilted her head back, at the same time wanting to push him away and hold him close, feeling his fingers wander around her hot, pulsing womanhood, squeezing it gently.
"– ah – ah, oh God –" She whimpered, involuntarily spreading her thighs wider, wordlessly giving him permission to do what they both knew they shouldn't have done.
They both groaned embarrassedly loudly when, with an impatient flick of his hand, he pushed the material of her panties aside, sinking his fingers into her warm, silky folds, all sticky from her wetness.
"– just like that – that's what you should feel – tension –" He whispered in a trembling voice, kissing her hot, soft cheek loudly and lingeringly, digging his fingertips into her sensitive, tender skin, teasing and rubbing the space around her little bud, making her whole body tremble under him in convulsions.
"– Aemond – a-ah – mghmmm –" She mumbled out as she felt his fingers invade her swollen slit, throbbing with desire, all leaking from his treatments. He closed her mouth with his own as he slowy and gently slid his middle finger into her quivering, fleshy, hot interior, her walls sucking and clenching around him, tight and swollen.
He moaned low as her hands slid down to the fabric of his trousers, undoing his button and zipper. Knowing what she wanted to do he finished the job for her, watching with his mouth wide open as she herself slid her shorts and panties down her thighs, panting loudly along with him.
They clung to each other again immediately, their kisses lustful, shameless, loud, intimate – his hands slid down between her thighs, his fingers spread the folds of her little cunt open to the sides, letting the fat head of his cock find her throbbing, weeping slit.
She threw her head back as the thick, smooth tip of his erection burst inside her with her loud moan of pleasure, the next helpless thrust of his hips into her throbbing, tight interior made him know there was no turning back.
"– I'm sorry – I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry –" He breathed out, pounding deeper and faster into her with each word, imposing an aggressive, rough pace on her, her body, however, welcomed him with ease – he leaned forward, listening as her slick pussy was filled with his swollen erection with each successive shameless slap of their bodies against each other, their breaths heavy, their moans helpless, too loud, too animal, too desperate.
"– m-me to – fuck – fuck, God, oh fuck –" She mumbled and pleaded at the same time, tightening her fingers on his buttocks, directing him back deep inside her again and again.
Her tight, warm walls gave him a wonderful squeeze again each time he slammed into her, his body pressed hers against the bed which began to creak loudly beneath them, their bodies bumping against each other like mad with loud clicks of their wetness creating one big, wet, sticky mess between their thighs.
"– fuck – so fucking good – God, yes –" He breathed out, chasing his own fulfilment, as was she, not thinking about what they were actually doing or why, focused only on the fact that it felt wonderful, that it felt safe and that he wanted to come inside her, inside her, just inside her, as deep as possible.
"– m gonna cum –" She muttered helplessly, as if she was about to burst out crying with pleasure, and then she wept loudly, coming hard on his cock, her warm, fleshy walls beginning to squeeze and suck him inside.
He felt his mind stop functioning, the tension and tingling in his lower abdomen, testicles and length was approaching its zenith, and he wanted only one thing – to come inside her.
"– do you – God, oh, fuck, fuck, FUCK –" He cursed, before he asked the question feeling his warm seed fill her insides, bringing his body a relief from which he groaned low, his mouth wide open by how a strong wave of pleasure shook his body.
They looked at each other with eyebrows arched in pain, her gaze warm and tender, her hands running down his sweaty back and cheeks.
"– i-its – it's okay – I'll make sure I don't find myself pregnant –" She mumbled, something in her words and in her gaze made him want to cry.
How could he have been so irresponsible?
"– I'm sorry – I'm so sorry –" He mumbled out, feeling with embarrassment that warm tears one by one began to run down his cheeks onto her face.
Not a second passed and they both burst into sobs and hugged each other like little children, lying like that, exposed and vulnerable, bare before each other.
"– was it – was it real? –" She muttered in a breaking voice, and he nodded, choking on his own tears.
"– yes –"
He personally drove her to a twenty-four-hour pharmacy so she could buy a ‘morning-after’ pill. He insisted she let him pay, but she said there was no need. She returned a while later with a packet and a bottle of water, getting into his car.
All around them only night and silence.
"Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to. It's my fault." He muttered, but she shook her head.
"– yes – I mean – I asked for a pill that will prevent conception if it hasn't happened yet – there's a good chance it will be enough –" She muttered, reading the leaflet quickly, and he nodded, feeling ashamed, sad and disappointed in himself.
"– I'm sorry –" He muttered, repeating it for the hundredth time that evening.
"– it's okay –" She replied, popping a tablet into her mouth and sipping it with water. She took a heavy breath, as if relieved and sad at the same time, then nodded.
"– let's go –"
By the time they got back to the hotel, it was almost midnight. He escorted her to her room, not knowing what to say, how to act.
"Do you want me to stay with you?"
She looked at him, surprised, and swallowed hard.
"That's okay. Don't feel guilty. I have my own reason too." She replied, looking down at her fingers in embarrassment.
"I want to stay with you. If you want me to." He replied in a trembling voice, looking down at the floor, feeling ashamed of how small he felt now.
A great actor who can't even put a condom on his cock before putting it inside good girl who came to him for help and advice.
She nodded and went inside, and he came in after her, bitter and broken. They lay down side by side on her bed facing each other. For a moment they just looked at each other, and then he leaned in – she opened her mouth thinking he wanted to kiss her, frightened, but he only pressed his forehead against hers, his hand stroking her soft, warm cheek.
"– try to sleep – hm? – I'll stroke your head –" He whispered. Her eyes glazed over with tears for some reason, her small body clung to him, seeking refuge in his chest.
He wrapped his arms tightly around her, stroking her back and hair, again and again placing a moist, tender kiss on the top of her head.
It felt so right.
They fell asleep like this, entwined in a tender, warm, safe embrace, and he thought, listening to her calm breath, that never before in his life had he felt such a need to protect someone.
Despite what he had promised himself, each of their meetings in her room, the pretext for which was to rehearse the script together, ended with their naked hips slapping against each other greedily with their loud moans of pleasure.
Their hands tightened on their bodies in a way that was not overbearing, aggressive, but tender, gentle, wanting nothing more than to become one.
He was ashamed that even though they pretended to meet as friends, he made sure he had a condom or two in the back pocket of his trousers every time before he was to come to her.
He didn't want her to go through again what she had when they first had sex.
On the one hand, the thought that she might have believed that he wanted to take advantage of her terrified him, so he assured her, kissing affectionately her exertion-soaked, sweaty cheeks, that he needed it as much as she did.
Never before in his life had he felt something like this, such an overwhelming need to be close to someone.
Afterwards, he always stayed through the night with her – even if he wanted to, he couldn't deny himself the warm embrace of her arms and fell asleep with his face cuddled between her naked, soft breasts.
It was real.
The director was delighted with the tension and electricity they were able to generate between each other on set without knowing that it had long since ceased to stem from their acting.
They teased and joked with each other between scenes, adding improvised, biting or ambiguous remarks to the script that they thought suited the era, and then, when it was all over, they sank into each other's bodies until they were one sticky, panting, throbbing mess.
His grandfather was proud of him and said that already several other productions were interested in casting him in the role.
"Seeing how you've handled the bed scenes, this will go easily for you." He said over breakfast, which they ate together. He felt a sense of discomfort at the thought.
"I want to limit myself to productions where I don't play intimate scenes. It costs me too much." He lied, not knowing how to explain that what was happening in front of the cameras was not because of his acting skills, but because his cock simply stood at attention when her tongue licked his on set.
His grandfather laughed under his breath.
"Don't be silly. You have to grab the opportunity. You're on a wave of recognition right now, everyone is waiting with bated breath for this show. If you are successful, the world will open up to you." He said, taking a sip of coffee from his cup.
"Some great artists have never played any intimate scene. I'm not a porn actor." He said coldly, grabbing for his phone, hearing it start to vibrate and saw that he had received a text message from her asking if they were going to watch The Lion King tonight.
He smiled involuntarily at the thought.
"Are you listening to me? You think you're shagging that little girl and you've fallen in love? Romance on set happens, but you're being dramatic." Said Otto, and he looked at him, shocked to feel his heart leap into his throat.
"Don't speak about her like this. Never." He growled warningly, looking him straight in the eye. His grandfather was silent for a moment.
"That won't do. She lives far away, once the shooting is over the thing between you will be over too. Don't be naive."
"It's a three-hour drive from our town by car."
"She lives three hours away from our town by car."
His grandfather looked at him in disbelief.
"You are making this naive girl hopeful. Don't waste her life and your career in the process. Don't turn down good offers."
He pressed his lips together at his words, looking at him indifferently.
"I will decide what proposals I consider good."
They had spent the last few days between shoots, during the day and at night in bed, and their disappearance together had sparked gossip and curiosity.
It was, however, the last thing he thought of when he could finally clamp his hands on her naked buttocks and slide her panties off her, a smile on her lips knowing that he certainly wasn't even bothering to take off the summer dress she had changed into.
"– the scene in Harrenhal – I almost fucked you there for real, you know? –" He gasped, kneeling on the bed in front of her, looking down at her with lips swollen with desire as his long fingers quickly took care of his trouser button and zipper.
"– come here –" He murmured, grabbing her by the hip and pushing her closer to him, her legs spread out in front of him in some natural gesture of trust and acceptance as he placed the condom over his painfully hard erection.
"– 'm sorry –" She mumbled out, thinking for some reason that she should be remorseful that he couldn't feel her completely, just like the first time.
"– stop – when this is over, we'll think about you taking pills – hm? –" He asked encouragingly, leaning over her, the weight of his body resting on his elbow as his free hand guided the head of his cock against her leaking, throbbing hot slit.
Her eyes got big at his words, as if she didn't believe he could want there to be anything after and she nodded quickly, making him feel that familiar heat spreading through his chest.
He leaned over and kissed her in a way he'd never kissed any woman before – their soft, warm lips were one loud, sticky, wet mess, their hands clenched on their bodies, holding them close together as he opened her wide on his long erection with one lazy thrust.
"– oh –" They both sighed, looking at each other with misty eyes, their mouths wide open as he began to pound into her quicker and deeper with loud, wet slaps of skin against skin.
"– A-Aemond – oh God –" She mewled, throwing her head back in pleasure, his hands blindly finding her breasts, sliding from the sides under the material of her dress, clamping down on their plump, firm structure.
"– you didn't touch yourself, did you? – am I right? – my sweet baby girl –" He hummed with a hint of sweet threat in his question, sliding his swollen lips down her cheek to her neck and jaw, leaving a warm, wet trail on her skin.
"– I – mghmm – n-no –" She mumbled out, stroking his hair and buttocks, her legs crossed over his back as his erection no longer slipped out of her, thrusting into her greedily, bringing him closer and closer to his peak, his mind and body hot with desire.
"– good girl – fuck – m close –" He gasped weakly, feeling a wave of pleasure approaching and a tightening in his testicles. His lover reached out eagerly to meet him with her hips, slapping against, his skin, crying and babbling about how much she good it felt, him deep, deep, inside her.
Their bodies intertwined in a close embrace as he pressed her tighter to the bed, imposing a brutal, fierce pace on her exactly as in the scene they were about to act out. Her scent, her moans, the warmth of her body and her fleshy walls, squeezing and sucking him inside, made him come in a condom with a low groan of relief.
He lay on top of her, panting heavily while his hand from between her breasts slid between their bodies, down to her thighs – his fingers gave her puffy bud a few encouraging, teasing squeezes before her little cunt began to pulse around his half-hard manhood in euphoria and her body was shaken by a sweet, hot orgasm from which she drifted off completely.
They lay like that for a long moment with their eyes closed, cuddled into each other, listening to the indistinct sound of conversation outside the window a few floors below, where the restaurant was located.
"– Aemond? –" He heard her quiet whisper, her hand stroking his head gently. He lifted his misty gaze to her, dreaming now only of a nap in her embrace.
"– hm? –"
"– what will happen after the shooting? –" She asked quietly, and he smiled lazily, for some reason calm and happy.
"– we will stop pretending to be actors –"
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budbuddnbuddy · 9 months
Little obey me headcanons (pt2)
A/n: Some more of headcaons and world building for y’all to enjoy, NSFW is included. Also some full fics are in the works rn so enjoy.
I can’t remember who exactly said it but there was this headcaon that Lucifer was always a bit horny for you and I fully agree with that. HOWEVER, he only really gives bedroom eyes when either: A. He’s been working at his desk for fucking 20 hours sometimes even days. or B. You haven’t been in the Devildom in over 3 months. His eyes are already super pretty, but he’ll flutter his long eyelashes at you, get super close, touch up all over your arm and shit. That kinda stuff.
Amsodeus definitely has piercings, specifically on his nipples, bellybutton, and tongue. Mammon would get nipple piercings if he wasn’t such a pussy.
I feel like this is already canon due to the manga but Mammon has a great ass, like a really great ass-
One time you and Lucifer got into an argument and you tried to be the bigger person by leaving the room and trying to cool off but he mistook it as an act of defeat and…
“MC, you need to get more sleep. I always keep on telling you this why don’t you ever listen to me?”
“I literally only pulled 2 all nighters! You’ve been locked up in your room for the past 2 weeks! Do you understand how hypocritical you sound right now?”
“That’s different, I’m a demon. You’re just a human MC.”
“Y’know what? Whatever.”
“That’s what I thoug-“
And then just picture MC whipping around and giving Lucifer the one of the hardest slaps they can muster. He wasn’t even mad about just in shock.
Personally, I think Solomon has the prettiest blush out of everyone. Maybe it’s because his skin is so pale and his blush is so pink and he gets so shy and bashful and UGH HES SO PRETTY 😭
Simeon is a milf, no I will not explain.
Part of me just cannot accept that Luke is canonically over 4’11, I think he’s just a tad bit shorter then that, maybe 4’9 and a half.
I feel like Barbatos has a negative cantal tilt, or just has sleepily drowsy like eyes.
RAD is actually 6 stories tall, there are 3 gyms , 2 courtyards one on the roof (the one we see the most) and then the one on the first floor, and over 700 classrooms. Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos. Are the only ones out of everyone who don’t attend classes but rather manage everything that happens within RAD and out.
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impactedfates · 10 months
are we gonna get argenti hcs anytime soon 😍😍 lmk lil bro
★ A/N: Argenti, my bby, my everything. My husband <33 I have a good few HCs of him so here's a list :>
☆ Genre/Trope: Fluff
★ Format: HeadCannons
☆ Warnings: Slight spoilers for Argentis companion quest
★ Extra: Most are romantic HCs // I love this man smsm // Mainly romantic HCs
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Definitely compliments you a ton, like he knows exactly what to say to make you feel good about yourself and how to make you feel loved. However if you do the same back, although he thanks you. Deep down he's a flustered mess.
He's so devoted to Idrila that I feel he's not one to easily be swayed to fall for someone, so when he DOES. You know damn well he's deep in love.
He'll do the classical gentlemanly things like hold open the door for you, pull out a chair for you, kiss your hand. And if you want to be held? He'll do it.
Writes you poetry, and it's the most sickly sweet thing ever, you'd almost want to cringe in embarrassment but at the same time the words written on the page are so cute you likely can't help but find it endearing.
If perhaps you stay on the one planet, and not adventure with him on the 'One and Only' expect at least weekly visits and letters sent to you written in gold ink <33 He wants to show you he's okay and well and wants to check on you as well.
If you do go with him however, then he'll be extremely happy to have the love of his life join him on his search for Idrila - he'll be the one steering the ship, however he is more then happy to have you in the same room as he drives.
We know he's not selfish, how he's willing to risk his life to save just about anyone no matter what, no matter how long he's known them. And every time he comes out safe, he seeks you out to ensure he's safe and sound. (He will NOT allow you to join him in these situations - He's okay with himself getting hurt but will NEVER let you get hurt, aeons forbid)
So gentle and so delicate. Even in arguments which you'll inevitably have. No matter what it is, even if it's about his devotion to Idrila and how he still searches. He'll be so gentle and soft spoken, will never raise his voice at you. He'll always listen to your side and calmly explain his and in the end, the arguments always end on good terms <33
Love languages are so many. Like, I think he shows love in all the 5. As said, he's good at complimenting you and reassuring you (Words of Affirmation)
He's a knight so ofc he'll do things for you, like get you a blanket if you perhaps fell asleep at a desk or make you tea (Acts of Service)
He loves spending time with you, I mean, he holds you to the same regard as he does Idrila - he wants to be with you as much as he can (Quality Time)
Anytime he leaves to do something on a planet, even if you come with. You bet you're gonna have something you eyed with admiration even once in your hands or that you mentioned liking to have (Gift Giving)
He would absolutely love cuddling and holding you. And he's more then happy to kiss you anywhere you want, just say the word. (Physical Touch)
In the end, whichever you enjoy the most/love receiving the most will be the one he does more often if he knows - talking about love languages, I think he enjoys receiving Quality Time and Acts of Service
VERY supportive of your talents, if you like drawing? He's hanging each one on a wall. You like writing? Great! He could use a bed time story, singing? He'll listen to you for as long as he can.
He'll let you style his hair or just run your fingers through it if it calms you down, just try not to tug it if he's steering the ship. He needs to concentrate properly!
You wanna cuddle? You got it! His body is like a human radiator. Is it a hot day? Boom, he's like your own large freezer that you can cuddle. It's a cold day? Human heater, and he's more then happy to help you cool down or heat up.
Sometimes, if he's feeling tired or anything and is just sitting down to rest. He likes staring at you, lovingly and if you catch his eye and smile at him? A e o n s it's like he fell in love all over again. You're able to make his tiredness seemingly go away.
Marriage isn't a thought that comes to him, it's not that he doesn't want to but he wishes to find Idrila first before that. It's a big step in your relationship after all - however if years go on and you two are still happily dating but he still hasn't found the goddess? He might consider marrying you if you wish.
I feel like he paints, is he good? Maybe not, but you'll find a collection of paintings that's just you or you and him that he keeps safe. He will not loose those.
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Very happy he came home. I also have his lightcone!! He did nearly 3 million ult rjpgdnwrb (w/o LC. I didn't have it at the time of that dmg)
He is my everything, my bby, I'd do anything for him <;33
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