#not everything i make has to be good. they just need to be good enough so i can share em with people i like and make them happy
cressidagrey · 1 day
Brighten Up the Sky
This started as a prompt from the lovely @satiresunflower, (though it is pretty much unrecognisable from the prompt she actually gave. She did give me permission to go wild though, so this is what you get lol) 
This starts in Chapter 14 of ACOWAR, so some of the sentences are taken verbatim from the original text. I did change it into 3rd person, because me trying to write in 1st person never ends well. I also think there is a longer story in this particular idea, but quite frankly, I don’t have it in me to write it right now. 
A Mating Bond between her younger sister and the Night Court’s shadowsinger was the last thing Feyre had expected to spring up…but then, maybe it did make sense. 
Public Displays of affection, kinda Nesta bashing, but like...she has her reasons?, Cassian being annoying
(Lovely dividers thanks to @cafekitsune)
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“Where are my sisters?” Feyre asked, the thought clanging through her head as jarring as a pealing bell. 
Her sisters
Rhys paused for just a moment, his hand slipping from her hair as his smile faded. “Elain and Nesta are at the House of Wind.” He straightened, swallowing. “I can—take you to them.” Every word seemed to be an effort.
But he would, Feyre realized. He’d shove down his need for her and take her to them, if that was what she wanted. Her choice. It had always been her choice with him.
Feyre shook my head. She wouldn’t see them—not yet. Not until she was steady enough to face them.
“They’re well, though?”
His hesitation told her enough. 
“They’re safe,” Rhys answered quietly. 
"That’s good," Feyre murmured as she took a deep breath in an attempt to calm the swirling, churning emotions inside her chest.
Her sisters...her sisters were safe. That was something. That was enough. For now. 
Only then she realised something else.
“You said Nesta and Elain are at the House of Wind,” Feyre pointed out, her hands clenching, her heart beating faster. “Where’s Alana?” she demanded, singling out her younger sister…singling out her half sister. 
The result of their father’s dalliance with a maid during her mother’s pregnancy with Feyre. Alana was just 6 months younger than her. Alana’s mother had died during childbirth…so their father had been saddled with another squealing infant that his wife was ill-pleased with. 
Nesta liked to say that that affair had eventually killed their mother. Feyre thought it to be ridiculous. It had been a fever and Alana had nothing to do with it, because she had been a literal child…and Alana had lost her voice to the very same fever. Feyre could still remember her singing like a pealing bell when she had been a child…and then…then she hadn’t been able to anymore. Even talking was near impossible for Alana, her throat unable to produce any sounds. 
Even as Alsna had been thrown into the cauldron…Her mouth had been open in a silent scream, but no sound had come out of her mouth. 
A shudder ran through her at that memory.
Alana. Her sweet, quiet younger sister. The sister that always smiled too sweetly and saw too much with those sharp eyes of hers. 
"Where is Alana?" She repeated. The silence in the room hung thick in the air as Rhys continued to hesitate.
A prickle of unease started to make its way up her spine. 
“Rhys, where is Alana?!” she demanded, her voice rising. 
“She’s safe, I swear,” Rhys hurried to promise her. “She’s not staying with Nesta and Elain but she’s safe. She should be here soon. I think…everything else…you should ask her about that.”
His words did little to soothe her worries, the unease that now clawed up her spine stronger.
“You’re not telling me something,” she pointed out, her brow furrowing. “Rhys, what are you not telling me?” 
She thought back to the last time she had seen her sister…thought back to her being poured out onto the wet stone floor from the cauldron…not a noise had come from her…nothing. She had…She had been poured out of the cauldron and had just kneeled on that stone floor as they had forced Nesta into the cauldron after her. 
She hadn’t…she had been…absent. Like the cauldron had taken too much from her. 
And then, in the moment as Mor had pushed Lucien away from Nesta and Elain, Feyre had seen Alana lunge. 
Not for the King of Hybern. Not even for Mor, who would have been closer to her…But for Cassian and Azriel for some reason. She wasn’t sure what had been Alana’s reasoning. Wasn’t sure what…Rhys had grasped all three of them and winnowed them away. 
Her heart was now hammering.
“What did you do with her?” Feyre demanded, her voice growing panicked. “What did you do with Alana? Why isn’t she staying with Nesta and Elain?” Feyre asked, her voice forcedly calm. “Rhys, what is going on?”
There was another moment of hesitation, another moment of silence, before Rhys finally replied. "She just…opted to stay elsewhere."
Those words did little to reassure her.
"Where?" Feyre pressed, her eyes narrowed. 
Rhys sighed. “How about you get into that bath that should be ready by now?” he suggested. “I’ll…tell you some of what happened. But I do think that some of the things should come from Alana and not from me,” he pointed out drily. 
The last thing she wanted to do right now was take a bath, the last thing she wanted to do was to be pacified with pretty words and nice things. That was the last thing she wanted.
But...he was right. She needed to be clean. 
Feyre growled at her mate, but stomped into the bathing chamber, stripping out of her clothing. Her fingers were near-black with dirt and caked blood. 
Rhys snapped his fingers, and her skin was nearly instantly pristine again. “Tell me what happened,” Feyre said flatly, as she sunk into the blood-hot water. “Why isn’t Alana staying at the House of Wind?”
Rhys was silent for a moment as he looked at her, his mouth in a grim line.
Then he let out a deep sigh, sitting down on the edge of the bathing tub. “A lot of things happened,” Rhys said drily. “But the biggest reason why Alana isn’t at the House of Wind is mostly that…I can’t guarantee Nesta’s safety, if she keeps spewing some of her venom in Alana’s direction.”
Feyre’s brow shot up at that, her heart skipping a beat. “What?” she demanded. “Rhys, what are you talking about?” That didn’t sound—didn’t sound like...
To say that Nesta and Alana didn’t get along was an understatement. Nesta gave Alana the fault for seemingly everything and Alana…well, she played deaf. And even more mute than she normally was. Even when Feyre‘s sister hadn’t been able to talk, she had been more than able to communicate if she wanted to, either with her expressive face, or her hands. And still, Alana had pretended like it wasn’t happening. Elain was no better to her…Elain liked to ignore Alana’s very existence.
But Alana wouldn’t have done anything…Alana wouldn’t have…
“Alana doesn’t lose her temper,” Feyre said carefully as she looked at Rhys. “She doesn’t.”
“She didn’t,” Rhys said drily. “My spymaster did.” 
A puzzled frown crossed over her face at that. “Azriel?” Feyre asked, her eyebrows furrowing. “What did he do?”
Azriel had lost his temper with Nesta? 
“If Cassian hadn’t been there, I think Azriel would have torn out Nesta’s throat with his bare hands,” Rhys said with a grimace. “It was…bad.”
Feyre’s jaw dropped.
Azriel, tearing out Nesta’s throat? With his hands? That…that didn’t sound like him. Not at all.
“I...” Feyre had no idea what to say. Why would Azriel have done that?  Feyre couldn’t…Of course, she knew that Azriel was capable of great violence, but he had never…she had never seen him lose his temper with a member of his family. Had never even through that that was a possibility. Whatever Nesta had said, must have been…
If he had gotten this angry on Alana’s behalf…What exactly had been said?
"What did Nesta do? What did she say?" Feyre asked, her voice hard. "What did she say to warrant that reaction from Azriel?" 
Rhys grimaced, shaking  his head. “You don’t want to know,” he said, his voice low. “Trust me, you do not want to know what she said. It's...complicated."
"Complicated, how?" Feyre demanded as she towelled herself off, walking back into the bedroom and pulled on comfortable clothing, her worry mounting. "What could possibly be so bad that you don't want to tell me?" 
If it was bad enough that Rhys didn't want to tell her what exactly happened...what exactly had been said.
"Well, that…” Rhys trailed off.
"Tell me," Feyre demanded again. "What exactly happened after…Hybern?"
Her mate gave in, holding out his hand and she joined him sitting on the edge of their bed.
Their bed.
She was home. Finally.
Rhys sighed.
“After Hybern…Mor dropped Nesta and Elain off at the House of Wind and then came back to the Townhouse. I had…I had Azriel and Cassian, and Alana too” Rhys said quietly and Feyre swallowed. Azriel and Cassian were healed. Rhys had told her that…but somehow she hadn’t been able to believe it…until she had seen it. 
“Amren tried to stop the blood flow from the literal hole in Azriel’s chest. I didn’t notice at first…Alana was kneeling at Azriel’s side…covered in his blood…holding his head on her lap…” Rhys’s violet eyes seemed to be far, far away, as he nearly shuddered, just thinking about it. “Azriel was…in and out of consciousness…but he was just…he was just holding onto her.”
Feyre’s heart was lodged in her throat. Azriel, nearly dead, was just…holding Alana. Her head was spinning as her mind worked hard to comprehend this. 
“The mating bond snapped for them,” Rhys finally said quietly. 
Feyre’s eyes widened. Her mouth went suddenly dry.
The…the mating bond? Alana and Azriel? Mates?
“The mating bond,” she echoed faintly. “The…the mating bond.” 
Feyre was quite sure that her jaw dropped. And that she stared at Rhys like he had just grown a second head.
“Azriel and Alana?” Feyre asked, unable to believe that. Azriel and Alana?! The brooding shadowsinger and spymaster of the Night Court and her youngest sister?
Azriel, who seemed to have a thing for Mor and had never looked at another female as far as Feyre was aware?
Rhys winced at her look.
"Yes, I know," he said quietly, wincing. "That was…my reaction too. I didn’t see it coming. I don’t think that anyone saw this coming...especially not Azriel." 
Feyre’s mind was racing.
Azriel and Alana. Mates.
She couldn’t…she never would have imagined it. Never seen it coming. Not in a thousand years. 
“Have they…” she wasn’t even sure what she was asking.
“Three days late,” Rhys said with a sigh. “They were not willing to wait.” 
“Three day?!” Feyre demanded. As far as she knew, Alana had never even entertained the thought of a suitor. Not that there had been any men that had looked over the fact that she was a bastard…and mute. They had never bothered to look further and Alana had never fussed about it either. 
"Three days," Rhys repeated. "The moment Azriel was well enough to be mobile again, they mated."  Rhys shuddered, his face scrunching up in distaste. “They are insufferable. The both of them.” 
"What do you mean, insufferable?" Feyre asked. A million thoughts were running through her head. Alana and Azriel…mates. They mated. 
"They could not stay away from each other," Rhys said, shuddering again. "They were...touchy. All the time. And so very...cutesy and sweet with each other. Gods, they are nauseating."
Feyre’s eyebrows rose at that. Alana and Azriel. Touchy? Cutesy and sweet? She could barely even imagine it. Alana...and Azriel. Being affectionate. 
"She’s sitting on his lap constantly," her mate groaned, rubbing his eyes hard. "And he is just…constantly touching her. I don’t even think that they have gone a whole five minutes without touching each other."
"And the looks," her mate continued drily. "Gods, they are exchanging these  looks. You would have thought that they are the soppiest, lovesick couple in existence. I did not ever need to see Azriel making heart-eyes at Alana. That was…traumatising."
Feyre pressed her hand to her mouth to muffle a snort. Azriel, making heart-eyes? That was a sight that she could not quite imagine. She…she hadn’t even thought that Azriel was even…capable of making heart-eyes. 
"Cassian and Mor kept poking fun at them. At every opportunity, which they definitely got often. Alana just…ignored them. But Azriel…" Rhys’ lips curled into a smirk. "He was not as amused as Alana by their teasing. He kept threatening violence every five minutes."
Feyre’s eyes widened at that, a laugh escaping her.
Azriel threatening violence for every five minutes that someone teased him about his new mate? She could not picture that either. 
"Cassian started making kissy faces at Alana just to see if Azriel would lose his temper," her mate said, a broad smile on his face. "And let me tell you, he nearly clawed out Cas’ eyeballs for it."
"So she's staying here?" Feyre asked carefully.
Rhys shook his head, his expression growing more serious. "She's at Azriel's house," he explained with a sigh. "It's...the cauldron left her with some...abilities. She’s a daemati…of sorts, at least,” Rhys said with a grimace. “We are still trying to figure out…how exactly it works. You and me…we need to concentrate if we want to read somebody’s thoughts. Alana…she said it was like she was standing in the middle of a market square and everybody is shouting at her,” Rhys said quietly. “We haven’t yet found anybody with shields solid enough to keep her out.”
Feyre swallowed at that. Alana, a daemati…of sorts. Having no control over whose thoughts she heard. No control over how loud everything was. 
“It’s like every mental wall, doesn’t even exist for her," Rhys said with a sigh. "Being around Amren gives her a headache too apparently. Azriel and Cassian are the most relaxing to be around according to her. There minds seem to be...even, analytical."
It sounded like a living hell. No control, no shields. Nothing.
“Is she…” Feyre’s voice was quiet. “Is she doing alright? Considering everything that happened.” 
“She’s fine,” Rhys promised her. “Alana is probably doing the best of them all,” Rhys said, something like amusement bleeding into his voice. “She can tell you all about it."
There was a knock at the door at that moment.
Feyre tensed as her eyes flew to the door.
“That’s her,” Rhys said quietly, placing a soothing hand on her leg. “Are you ready?” 
Feyre took a deep, steadying breath, pushing down her worry and her nerves.
“I’m ready,” she said. 
Her sister's voice. Her sister's voice.
Feyre’s heart skipped a beat as her body went rigid.
She couldn’t…she couldn’t believe it. After so long…after believing…believing for so long that she would never hear Alana’s voice…
Feyre remembered with a shudder the sight of small, slight Alana in her translucent nightgown…being poured out of the cauldron onto the stone...She looked nothing like she did now.
She looked well.
That was the first thing Feyre realised. Colour on her cheeks, dark, pin straight hair pinned away from her face and these devasting doe eyes…
Feyre’s eyes roamed over her sister, drinking in the sight of her. Alive. Well. Whole.
She could barely believe it, her mind struggling to catch up. 
"You can talk," Feyre whispered as Alana hugged her.  
She grimaced.
Kinda. This is easier though, she answered, her mental voice slipping into Feyre's mind without her even noticing. My throat hurts if I talk too much.
It was strange, having a voice in her mind that was not her own. Different from when her mate spoke to her down the bond. It was more…pronounced. Clearer, somehow. 
"Are…” Feyre’s voice broke again, her eyes roaming over Alana again. “Are you really alright, Al?” 
She drunk in her sister's face, the pale skin, the freckles that covered her face...she had been pretty as a human but as a fae...as a High fae she was gorgeous.
Alana’s eyes, her sister’s eyes, were still the same. Still that same dark, endless brown that had always seemed to hold so many secrets. She had never met anyone who could hold as many secrets as Alana had.
She looked so healthy, so well and Feyre felt a lump form in her throat. 
She had to fight the sudden urge to cry, as she pulled her sister into another hug. Her sister’s slender arms wrapped around her, pulling her in tight. Like she was never going to let her go again. 
I am alright, Alana promised fiercely. I am better than alright. I am...I am so happy, Fey.
The thought in her mind brought another wave of tears to Feyre’s eyes. She held on to her sister tighter, burying her face against her neck as a sob escaped her and she inhaled her sister’s familiar, comforting scent. Pomegranate and Vanilla, with an underlay of Azriel. 
He treats you well? she asked, cradling her sisters face in her hands. She didn't think that Azriel would...mistreat her but...
Alana’s eyes darkened as she thought of Azriel and her expression softened as a faint smile crossed her face. 
Feyre swallowed again. This was different. This was…her sister had never smiled like that. So open. So happy. So filled with…love. 
And then, very carefully, Feyre felt how Alana pulled at her mind in some sense and then dropped a memory.
For just a moment, it felt like she was in her little sister's body. And she stared at Azriel who looked at her, at Alana with utter and complete adoration, scarred hands cupping her cheeks so gently.
Feyre’s breath caught in her throat at that.
She could feel, could understand the feeling of Azriel’s warm, scarred hand against her skin. The way how the pads of his fingers ran over her jawline, the way how his thumb traced over her lower lip. The way how those hazel eyes of his were filled with nothing but love. 
A shudder ran down Feyre’s spine. That look, the way how Azriel had looked at her sister…it was like the expression in Rhys’ eyes when he looked at her. 
Her eyes flickered to Rhys, where he was patiently waiting in a corner.
He was looking at her with that same look in his eyes. The same look that Feyre knew was mirrored in her own eyes. It was the same, that look. Pure, utter devotion. 
It was the look of a man completely and utterly in love. 
Feyre swallowed as she turned back to Alana, her mind whirling. This was…Alana, her sister…her quiet, shy, closed-off little sister. And Azriel, the Shadowsinger and Spymaster of the Night Court. The one that no one saw as anything but sharp and deadly and a ruthless killer. 
He didn’t hurt you, did he? Feyre asked weakly. She didn’t think he would but…
Alana’s expression softened. Her hand gently came to rest on Feyre’s arm and she shook her head, a small smile on her face.
He was gentle as possible, Fey, Alana promised quietly. Gentler than I would have expected. He made sure to go slow, to be careful. He was…he was everything I could have wished for. He has never hurt me more than I wanted. 
Feyre let out a long, shaky breath she didn’t know that she was holding.
She…she had been worried. Worried for her sweet little sister, being together with a man like Azriel. Who was dangerous and deadly and…and lethal. 
What do you mean with no more than you wanted? she demanded suddenly. Alana just grinned at her, her laugh like a pealing bell.
A shudder ran down Feyre’s spine again. Alana’s…her sister’s voice, the sound of her laugh. It was the most wonderful sound that she had ever heard. She could’ve started bawling like a child, but the thought that Alana dropped into her mind just completely derailed her.
He knows what I like, and he’s happy to oblige. 
Feyre’s eyes widened and she choked on nothing.
She…oh Gods. Her face heat in a blush as Alana just continued smiling at her innocently. 
This was her sister. Her quiet, shy, closed-off sister. That was how she remembered her. And now…and now…she was standing in front of Feyre, smiling at her like a cat who had just devoured an entire bowl of cream, telling her that her stoic, broody, deadly Spymaster of a mate was apparently…into things… 
Her sister smirked at her. Alana! Her shy, little sister, who had never even so much as looked at a male with interest, stood in front of Feyre, a smirk on her face as she told Feyre that her mate knew what she liked. 
I was surprised too, you know, Alana’s voice echoed in Feyre’s mind. But well…I like it, and he’s happy to oblige. He’s very good at it… 
But the look on Alana’s face, the utter contentment in her eyes, and the feeling of…of lust from her sister, made it even more mortifying. 
Alana was happy. Her sister was happy and well, and she just radiated happiness. Feyre’s heart soared, seeing her sister like that after so long.  And even the horrifying bits, Feyre could push past.
Seeing her sister happy like this…that was worth a bit of mortification and discomfort. 
So she swallowed her mortification, and just pulled a face at her smirking sister.
Enough with the gory details, for the love of the Mother. she chided her in her head. Alana just let out another pearly bell kind of laugh.
You should come downstairs. Nuala and Cerridwen have given Lucien some clothing and showed him to a bathing chamber. Lunch should be served soon, if you are hungry, Alana said into her mind.
I am famished, Feyre confessed in her mind. “Lead the way,” she said aloud and Alana just rolled her eyes, taking her by the arm and pulling her downstairs. 
And then something else came to her mind. What did Nesta say to you?
Alana sighed. Nothing that matters, her sister said easily as they reached the dining room. Azriel and Cassian were waiting for them.
And then Feyre saw how her sister turned from happy to radiant as soon as she saw Azriel. 
Feyre watched with ill disguised horror, as the spymaster’s shadows came over to Alana, seemingly swarming around her. Whatever bits of naked skin they could find…in this case her hands and face, because she wore a long sleeves high necked gown, they caressed. Nearly sweetly. 
Alana absentmindedly drew her fingers through one tendril as she floated over to Azriel, sitting down onto his lap like that was an utterly normal thing to do. Feyre could just stare as Azriel pressed a kiss against her sister‘s cheek, one scarred hand possessively spanning her waist.
Like this was normal. Like this was something they had done dozens of times…like it was the most normal thing in the world. Like this was their usual routine…and Alana smiled at him, broadly, pressing a kiss against his cheek in greeting. 
It was...it was surreal, watching Alana like this. So much more open, less reserved than Feyre had ever seen her. And the way how Azriel looked at her...Feyre had never seen him express such open and utter adoration before. 
Cassian made a retching sound, catching Feyre’s attention. Azriel’s eyes darkened as he threw an icy look in Cassian’s direction. Alana just snuggled deeper into Azriel’s chest. 
Azriel let out the smallest of chuckles at Alana’s behaviour in his lap, one of his hands coming up to gently play with a strand of her dark hair as he pressed another kiss to her forehead. 
The quiet, brooding Spymaster of the Night Court, who could be downright terrifying when he wanted, completely and utterly smitten by her little sister. 
Feyre could just stare. 
She had not for one moment thought that they would…would be a good match. But here they were. 
Alana...Feyre had never seen her sister like this before. So open, so happy. So...unreserved. She was like a cat, settled in the lap of her male, letting him pet her like she was...like he owned her. And it seemed like Azriel would gladly claim ownership too. The possessive, proprietary look on his face told Feyre all she needed to know. 
“Get a room, for the love of the Mother,” Cassian drawled with a disgusted look on his face as Azriel buried his nose in her sister’s hair and Feyre shot him another dirty look. Alana just stuck her tongue out at him. 
Azriel just bared his teeth at Cassian, a silent warning to watch his tongue in the direction of the woman in his lap, who was busy playing with the buttons on his fighting leathers. 
“What did Nesta say?“ Feyre repeated as she sat down herself. 
The reactions were immediate. 
Azriel growled.
Feyre couldn’t help but flinch slightly. That growl...she hadn’t heard him make that sound before. It sounded utterly terrifying. Alana didn’t even flinch. She just touched Azriel’s chest in a soothing gesture and Azriel immediately quieted down, holding her even tighter. 
It doesn’t matter what Nesta had to say, Alana’s voice echoed in her mind.
“It absolutely does,” Feyre muttered, feeling some anger rising in her. Her sister deserved better than what Nesta had to say. 
I don’t care what she says, Alana replied in her mind. She can believe whatever she likes. She is entitled to her opinion. 
“She can be quiet about her opinion,” Azriel hissed. Only then Feyre realised that her sister must have been projecting her mental voice so that everybody could hear it.
"Azriel." Alana's voice was soft. "It's alright. We both know the truth. It doesn’t matter what she believes"
Azriel looked down at her and a slight frown appeared on his face. He gently cupped her sister's chin, his hazel eyes staring into her dark ones. Feyre could practically hear the silent conversation between them. 
Cassian sighed. "Nesta found out about the mating bond between Azriel and Alana and she didn't take it well," he told Feyre drily.
Of course, she didn’t. Of course, she didn’t. Feyre ground her teeth together. 
"So what exactly was said?" she asked sharply.
Cassian and Rhys shared a look as Azriel let out another warning growl. Feyre ignored him. 
I want to know, Feyre snapped towards Alana. Her sister stiffened. 
Feyre, Alana’s voice echoed in her mind, a hint of warning in her tone. Feyre pushed down a wave of irritation. 
Tell me, Feyre demanded. She was done with secrets. Done with not knowing things. 
It’s nothing, Alana tried to brush her off and Feyre’s irritation flared up in her stomach. 
It is not ‘nothing’. Feyre snapped at her. Her sister’s face was a stoic mask as Azriel let his hand span across her stomach. 
Nesta made a comment about how she was surprised that Azriel hadn't ripped me apart during our...mating. But maybe she shouldn't be surprised because I was a whore anyway, Alana finally answered. How a brute like him was all I amounted to, given that I was a bastard...and then there was some more stuff in that rant about how unfair it was that I had landed on my feet but Elain is...well...Elain isn't doing so good, Alana answered flatly.
Feyre felt her blood boil in her veins. Of course, Nesta would say something like that, the bitter, twisted...- Feyre bit down on the string of curses burning on her tongue. 
Nesta isn't doing well, Feyre. You can't take what she is saying right now to heart, Alana warned her softly. You haven't been in her mind...it's...it's bad.
Feyre felt some of her anger cool down ever so slightly. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t pissed off at Nesta for what she had said. Even if...even if Nesta wasn’t doing well. 
That doesn’t change anything about what she said, Feyre said through gritted teeth. 
I am not defending her, Alana said firmly. I love Nesta. Doesn’t mean that I like hearing her talk about Azriel like that. But Feyre... her voice grew softer. I have seen her mind. Her thoughts. She isn’t in a good place right now.
Feyre grimaced, feeling her anger slowly disappear. She didn’t like it. She didn’t want to. But...maybe Alana was right. Nesta was her sister, and Feyre loved her. Even after everything that had happened between them. 
Still...what she said... Feyre said weakly and Alana’s lips quirked. 
I know, she said gently. I was angry too. I nearly tore her head off. But Azriel...he was furious. I’ve never seen him like that before. 
Feyre didn’t need to be told how furious Azriel had been. The look in his eyes, the clenched jaw and the growl that Feyre had heard...she didn’t need anyone to tell her how the usually stoic male had been absolutely furious about what Nesta had said. 
"I'll talk to her," Feyre said aloud.
She ignored the dubious look that Cassian and Rhys were giving her. Her sister just smiled at her softly and nodded. 
Talk to her gently, she urged in Feyre’s mind. Please. And don’t...don’t try to defend me. It will only start a fight. 
Feyre winced. Even though, she didn’t like the thought of it and not defending her sister went completely against her nature, she knew that Alana was right. And her sister could read her thoughts with ease anyways. 
I’ll bite my tongue, Feyre promised her. Alana smiled at her again, that smile that lit up her entire face. Feyre felt her heart clench at the beautiful sight. 
“Thank you,” Alana said happily, her voice like the most wonderful sound. Feyre had a feeling that that was the thanks not only for agreeing not to defend her but for just...not making a scene. Feyre felt a small, answering smile tug at the corners of her own lips.
Instead, she watched her sister pick up a piece of bread from the plate in front of Azriel and hold it up for him to eat without another word. A silent gesture of acceptance.
Azriel’s lips twitched as he looked at his mate, sitting on his lap like she belonged there. But he obediently opened his mouth, a subtle sign of complete surrender to Alana. 
Cassian made another retching sound. Alana ignored him.
Azriel was the one who kissed Alana.
Feyre could have gone quite a long time without that sight. Especially because it wasn't a simple peck on the cheek or a quick kiss to her lips. 
Feyre could have gone forever without seeing her sister like this, settled in the lap of her mate, their bodies pressed together tightly as Azriel kissed her, devoured her, his hands possessively splayed out on her slender waist. 
"Now you are just fucking with me," Cassian said with a sigh.
Alana just broke out in a fit of giggles as Azriel threw a glare in Cassian’s direction. 
“Maybe I am,” Azriel mused, as Alana settled back into his lap. Azriel’s one scarred hand was back to playing with a strand of Alana’s hair. “Jealous?” he asked lightly and  Cassian actually growled at him.  Azriel snorted, his hand possessively covering Alana’s stomach, who was smiling like the happiest person in the world. 
“Shut up,” Cassian huffed. “I am not jealous. I just don’t want to know what you two get up to at night.” 
"Only at night?" Azriel asked drily. "Brother, you have much to learn."
Feyre groaned internally at the hint in Azriel’s voice as Cassian looked a little ashen, while Rhys burst out laughing and Alana let out another one of her pearly-bell like laughs. 
“Stop tormenting him,” Rhys said with a chuckle as Cassian tried to recover. “He’ll have nightmares for weeks if you continue like this.” 
“That sounds like a you problem,” Azriel replied, completely unrepentant, “not ours.” Alana was still giggling, a sound like tinkling bells in Feyre’s ears. 
“Of course you say that, you bastard,” Cassian said with a sigh as Azriel’s hand on Alana’s stomach started to slowly wander upwards. 
Feyre could see how Alana’s cheeks flushed slightly in response to the possessive touch. How her breathing quickened ever so slightly. Azriel’s lips twitched as he noticed it too. 
"We'll let you deal with Lucien," Alana said suddenly, gaining her feet quickly. "We'll see you at dinner. Az?"
“Coming, sweetheart,” Azriel said and Cassian made another retching sound as Feyre could feel the waves of possessiveness coming off Azriel in waves. Her sister was his. 
In a matter of heartbeats, they were gone. Feyre was left with Cassian and Rhys who were both looking at her intently. 
"Yes, they are always like that, if you wondered,” Cassian said with a roll of his eyes. "I think they are still in the Mating Frenzy."
“Most likely,” Rhys agreed with a chuckle. “But they also don’t seem to care who sees it. Mor is still horrified from walking in on them a few weeks ago.” 
“So would I be in her shoes,” Feyre said honestly and Cassian snickered. 
“They are insufferable, aren’t they?” He said with a grin. Rhys just chuckled. “So utterly happy.”
“Yes,” Feyre agreed, the image of the two of them, completely oblivious to the world around them still in her mind. “Unbelievably so.” 
“They’re also completely and utterly devoted to each other,” Rhys mused. “It is…kind of sweet.” Feyre nodded thoughtfully. 
It was sweet. The way Azriel looked at her sister, how he was so utterly possessive about her. And Alana…there wasn’t a hint of hesitation about her when it came to Azriel. 
"As long as she's happy," Feyre said quietly. As long as Alana was happy.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
Mapi León x Reader x Ingrid Engen
Summary: You and Mapi have always been loud
*TW: referenced sexual content*
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It starts off with you and Mapi.
You’d grown up together, fallen in love under the slide at school when Mapi pushed over annoying Matty P for pulling on your pigtails. She’d been your knight in…well not really shining armour but definitely your knight in shining shoes.
You did everything together. Eating. Sleeping. Playing football.
You were attached at the hip and then Ingrid came along.
A tall Norwegian woman who had your jaw falling to the ground and Mapi nearly walking into a pole.
Opening up your relationship wasn’t new to the pair of you. At first, it had just been sex but sex spiralled into a third in the relationship and that usually ended up in a breakup.
But not with Ingrid.
You’d opened up your bed for her, already weak at the knees the moment she took her clothes on and very bluntly told you and Mapi to put on a show for her.
And you’d certainly done that.
You’d put on enough of a show that she’d taken you both that night, in all the positions you liked and ended it all with you and Mapi holding hands over Ingrid’s stomach as you lazily kissed while your heads rested on her chest, her hands gently stroking both of your hairs.
And, like always, sex spiralled into a relationship but the breakup never came.
Ingrid fit so perfectly into you life and your relationship, adored by you, Mapi and Bagheera. Two princesses in the house to spoil and love, although one of them never got to travel with you much to everyone’s disappointment.
“You’ve got something there!” Mapi declares, her voice booming loudly across the dining hall and you look up from your plate.
You were deep in discussion with some of the others but you stop immediately to turn to look at Mapi.
Your table is nearly full, just one seat empty next to you. Ingrid sits on your other side, talking softly to Frido while Esmee and Aitana talk next to them and Alexia and Irene sit opposite.
“What?!” You yell back.
Mapi’s across the room from you, still at the buffet and trying to fill up her plate with food that looks like it’s going to tumble onto the floor any minute now.
“You’ve got something on your face!” Mapi replies, her voice just as loud and clear as before.
You frown, wiping your face with a napkin but seeing no kind of staining as you pull it away. You frown.
“Did I get it?!”
Mapi doesn’t even need to come closer to answer. “No!”
“Where is it?!”
“Do you have to yell?” Irene gripes good-naturedly but you and Mapi are so loud that you don’t even register her talking.
A hand grips your chin though. Ingrid’s slender fingers angle your face towards her and you go willingly. She moves your face around, eyes narrowed as she tries to see what Mapi had so clearly seen from across the room.
“There’s nothing,” Ingrid says, leaning forward to press a flutter of kisses onto your lips,” I don’t know what she’s talking about.”
“Mapi’s silly,” You agree.
“Mapi’s loud,” You hear Frido complain.
“They’re both loud,” Ingrid says over her shoulder though her eyes stay on you.
You fight to keep the blush off your face.
You and Mapi are both loud, something Ingrid is intimately familiar. You’re loud on the pitch and off the pitch and definitely in bed, though the only other person in the team that knows that is Ingrid.
She seemed to thrive on it, to make you and Mapi moan louder and louder. She took it as a challenge, to string as much pleasure out of both of you until you’re just a crescendo trying to come back down.
But nobody else knew that was what Ingrid was referencing and you fight to keep your face turning bright red.
Ingrid’s hand drops from your face to take your own under the table and you smile as you pick your fork up again.
“I haven’t got anything on my face!” You tell Mapi as she sits down next to you. “Hey! Don’t take my food!”
You swat at Mapi’s grabby hands but Ingrid’s tug on your other one has you stopping.
“Sharing is caring!” Mapi laughs and you stick your tongue out,” And you’ve still got it on your face.”
“I haven’t got anything on my face!”
Mapi leans closer and crashes her lips against yours.
“You had my lips on your face,” She teases, tapping your nose with her finger,” I could see them from a mile away!”
You laugh at that, the head thrown back kind of laugh as you and Mapi snicker together. Even Ingrid, consistently the quietest member of your relationship, lets out a little chuckle.
“Come on,” Irene groans,” You’re telling me you enjoyed that?”
“Mapi’s jokes are funny!” You defend, still laughing and Irene rolls her eyes fondly.
Honestly, you thought she would be used to Mapi’s antics by now but Irene likes to pretend to be surprised every time.
“I will never get your sense of humour,” Is what Irene decides on as a response.
“You can always ignore us!” Mapi says with a rbight smile and Irene rolls her eyes again.
“No one can ignore you two. You’re both so loud.”
“Actually, I have to talk to you about your loudness,” Alexia says, one of the few things she’s said this morning before finishing her coffee,” It kept us all up last night.”
Ingrid’s hand squeezes yours and you almost choke on your food.
“Look, I don’t care what card game you were playing but can we stop playing so late at night? I get you guys are competitive but those walls are thick and I could still kind of here you guys going at it.”
You and Mapi exchange panicked looks. For once, you’re both speechless, mouths opening and closing as you try to think of something to say.
“Don’t worry, Alexia,” Ingrid says, her hand still holding yours,” I’ll keep them both a bit quieter tonight. You know how they get.”
Oh, Alexia didn’t know the half of it.
“Thank you, Ingrid,” You captain says,” At least you can keep those two in line.”
“Of course.”
Mapi coughs a little bit, speaking under her breath so only you can hear as you exchange secret smiles. “Ingrid’s the one keeping us loud.”
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kurooh · 23 hours
when choso first learns about what facesitting really is, he brings it up after a make out session that’s left you both hot and heavy. he’s tugging on your hand, practically begging you to take a seat.
“i-i’m not sure,” you stutter, unsure. “what if you suffocate or something? i don’t wanna hurt you..”
the look he gives you is one of pure need and longing. “i don’t care, just sit baby. please.”
for good measure, choso gives you a little pout, breaking into giggles and a smile once you slip your panties and shorts off. your thighs tremble as you hover above his face, eyes squeezing shut at the heat of his breath against your sticky cunt.
“mmm, that’s no good,” he remarks, large hands rising to your hips and settling lightly. “i told you, sit down.” choso’s strong, yanking you down hard onto his face; you feel and hear his muffled moan when your pussy’s all over his whole face.
“so, so fucking good,” choso gasps against you, holding your squirming body in place as his tongue laps and laps at your sticky cunt.
beneath you, his body’s sweltering with heat, racing through every nerve like electricity while tight pressure builds in his cock. with a glance over your shoulder, you notice his hips rutting into the air as he searches for friction.
“cho,” you sob, so overwhelmed you actually feel tears building in your eyes, “i-i wanna suck you off, ‘s not fair—”
he easily lifts you and peers up at you from between your thighs, face flushed and shining with your slick. with a shaky finger, you nudge some of his hair away from his forehead.
“don’t want you to,” it’s painful to say, because he really does, but that’s simply a distraction for the both of you. “baby,” he murmurs gently, “i want you to focus on cumming for me, ‘s all, okay?”
you nod quietly, and the gesture is met with a mild slap to your ass. “okay, cho,” the moment the words leave your bitten lips, he’s pulling you back down and greedily drinking all of you in, taking whatever he can get.
choso’s ministrations encourage you to roll your hips against his face; a light bump of his nose to your clit has you crying out and grinding all over him. that’s right, he thinks, stars in his closed eyes. he wishes he could tell you to use him to get off, but he’d have to lift you up and he doesn’t want to even breathe.
unconsciously, he matches your pace, his hips rising into the air in synchrony with your own. one of your hands slips into his silky hair and tugs; he’s your anchor, keeping you somewhat steady although he’s the reason you can’t stop shaking.
“choso,” you wail loudly, angling your hips to let him take your clit between his lips and suck, “oh, i’m so close, ‘m gonna cum soon—”
from between your thighs, choso sees everything: the parting of your lips, the way your face crumbles in absolute pleasure, the brief moment of stillness as you fully fall over the edge.
it’s too much and not enough, but he cums too.
“c-cumming, choso,” is all you can muster, riding out your orgasm on his face and tongue while his hips buck wildly into the air.
the muffled moan you feel deep in your cunt makes you gasp, pulling away at the feeling of overstimulation, but he’s holding you tight. a look over your shoulder at the right moment, and you watch as his clothed cock explodes, gushing cum and soaking his boxers.
after all your squirming and pulling away, choso finally lets you go with crescent moon indents in your plush skin and a loud huff.
“i wasn’t done,” he heaves, skin smeared with your cum. it’s glossy and messy, but he won’t think about washing it off until you’ve cum at least three more times.
“but you came and everything, i—”
choso silences you by sealing his lips against yours, and you can briefly taste yourself— sweet, just like he’s always said.
“a few more times, please?”
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neo-kosmos · 12 hours
hi all, shelby here! sorry for the total lack of activity on this blog for the past few years. we have been working diligently behind the scenes on our discord server as we wrote the drafts of the novels
if you haven’t heard, danny broke up with me and brian. we are getting neokosmos in the divorce as it has always been my baby and brainchild and brian has done virtually all of the prose writing since 2020. danny has wanted to step away for quite some time, and we are super proud of him for following his own path in life. the two of us will always be best friends but our time as partners and creative partners has come to an end.
we will be changing the name of neokosmos because danny is no longer working on and it is just not the same project that it was back in 2015. its a lot more adult, its a novel, the story and world is so much more developed and honestly we need a fresh start. as soon as we can we will be relaunching everything with the new name and posting the first five chapters for free for everyone to read to see if you wanna join us and make it happen. both brian and i are too disabled to work normal jobs so we need to make writing and selling artwork as our main gigs or we will be kind of fucked.
thank you to everyone who has believed in us over the years and especially our loyal patrons. its been hundreds of thousands of words and concept art and prep over the last 9 years and im so stoked to finally share what we have been cooking with more people. i started this project as a 23 year old recent grad with no idea what i was doing in life, and now at 32 i finally feel confident enough that what i am making is ACTUALLY GOOD????
so yeah, stay tuned, the whole project is about to enter Phase 3. love y’all
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darnell-la · 7 hours
just imagine logan as a lone wolf who lives in a cabin in the middle of the forest and maybe the reader is just an ordinary girl (maybe shes a farmer or a gardener) that lives behind the forest and she needs to cross the path along the forest every day to go home, it goes down to rain and she gets lost, and finds logans cabin.
Then she looks at logan for the first time and its just love at first sight.
Well maybe lust, but also love.
note: Logan lives far from civilization in this story, so you can imagine when a young lady, the only person he sees daily, accidentally steps too far into his property wet and dirty. He can’t help but invite her in and pray for the best.
Y/n had been running through the woods for what felt like hours, eyes constantly getting rain in them as her shoes soaked. She could barely feel her feet, and her clothes were drenched.
“Oh my god,” y/n said, coming across Mister Howlett’s house, a man she’d never seen but had heard of. One part of her was happy seeing the house, knowing she had gone the right way, but the other half still hurt her head. She has ten or so minutes of running and no walking.
Y/n walked in front of the house, about to pass until an alarm went off, almost scaring her out of her shoes.
Lights flashed on the young lady as she heard rustling coming from inside the house. “Goddamnit,” she cussed under her breath, realizing she had stepped too far into the man’s property. She never does, but it’s raining hard tonight, and she can barely see.
“Who the fuck is on my property!?” A man asked, voice sounding a bit different than an average male. “I-I’m sorry, I-I always walk this way, I just walked a bit too far into the grass. I-It’s raining heavy out here,” she said, loud enough for him to hear her over the rain.
Logan walked past the frame of his front door, revealing the shotgun he had in hand. At first, she was terrified, but her mind instantly forgot about the weapon in his hands as her eyes scanned the rest of his body.
“I see,” the man said, scanning the young lady. He wore thick blue jeans, with a beat-up heavy belt, and his tank top was white and dirty. Y/n on the other hand had an amazing outfit. A fluffy skirt with an uptight crop top.
Of course, all of it was drenched, but the man had seen how good she looked earlier today, like every day. He never gets a good look at her, but the consistency of her going to work or whatever she did every day, seemed to rub Logan the right way.
“C’mon in — Let the weather cool down a bit,” Logan suggested, tone still unfriendly, but she understood she could’ve woken him up. “Oh, uh- Thank you,” she said as she approached his doorstep.
Once the two met eyes, it was almost like everything from then was in slow motion. The way they blinked, how slow they stepped, when he talked, telling her to take her shoes off for him to dry, and when he locked his front door.
“So — What do you do exactly?” Y/n asked as she shifted on his couch to look at him who was at the end of the same couch she was sitting on. He never sits on the long couch, but tonight, he felt like it.
“Chop wood, give to the community, fix up the land, and cook,” he said before taking a sip of the whiskey he had poured and offered her, but she told him she wasn’t a drinker.
“Sounds like a lot of work,” she said, making him chuckle. “Maybe for you, princess,” the man said with a look over his reading glasses before he looked back down at the newspaper he was reading.
“I work hard — Just in other ways,” she smiled. “And what is it you do, Bub?” The man asked, now placing the newspaper down to listen. He was interested. He didn’t know why, but he was.
“I write online books and sell clothes. These! I made myself. Hope I can dry them without it messing up,” she said as she tugged on her clothes. “You made that?” He asked, slightly surprised.
“Mhm hm — Took a while, but I got through,” she smiled. “Maybe I can dry it. I mean, I don’t think the rain’s gonna slow down anytime soon, so you can just stay here until they air dry in my basement,” he offered.
“You can take my bed. It’s clean, and my room has a lock if it makes you uncomfortable that a man’s in the house,”
Y/n stayed silent, thinking to herself. It didn’t seem like too much of a bad idea. She didn’t know the man, but he was a neighbor. She passes his house all the time, and she’s sure he’s seen her before.
“I’ll stay,” she said, making Logan huff out a breath he didn’t know he was keeping in. “Let’s head upstairs. It’s late, and I was going to close up down here anyway,”
Logan had shown y/n to his room, telling her she could make herself at home as he pulled out a shirt she could wear to bed.
“When you wake up, I’ll have your clothes in front of the door, alright?” He asked. “Okay, uh- I know I’m asking for a lot now, but is it possible to take a shower?” She asked.
Logan looked at her body, almost forgetting she wasn’t clean. Her legs had mud in them, her skin was wet, and her hair had branches in leaves in them. He had ignored all of that before. He hadn’t cared what she looked like. She looked pretty no matter what.
“Of course,” the man said before he went into his closet to grab a towel. “You can use my bedroom bathroom. It’s clean too,” he said, making sure she didn’t feel uncomfortable.
“Thank you for this all. I’ll repay you someday,” she looked up at him as he gave her a towel. “You don’t have to. I would never leave a pretty girl in the dark,” y/n giggled at his response, happy she knew he thought she was pretty.
“Hey, Bub, I almost forgot to give you some soap. Those in there are a bit strong smellin, so I’ve got some normal scents for ya,”
Logan knocked on the door bathroom door a few minutes after the had started the shower. “Oh my, thank you!” Y/n said as she hopped out of the tub and slightly opened the door, covering anything that could be seen.
“Of course, princ-“ the man had cut himself off as he looked behind her, seeing her figure in the mirror. “What's wrong?” Y/n asked as she followed his eyes, looking behind him before she let out a scream.
“Oh my god!” The main tried covering herself up as the door slowly opened. Logan wanted to look away, but he couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the younger woman.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Y/n said, covering as much as she could as she looked up at him. “It ain’t like Ian seen a naked woman before, Bub,” Logan said. Y/n let out a sigh, knowing a man who looked like him had definitely seen enough naked women to not feel disgusted or anything by her.
“Okay, okay,” she caught her breath, still covering herself up as Logan stood in the door frame, scanning her body. Her wet skin which wasn’t completely clean yet, made him feel a type of way. She made him feel a type of way, but he wanted to be respectful.
“I’ll leave you to it, princess,” Logan said before he went to turn around, but y/n stopped him. “Wait!” She said. “I-I need the soap,” she spoke low, making him realize he never exchanged it with her.
“Oh, shit- Yeah, yeah,” Logan said as he handed the bottle to the young lady. Y/n grabbed it, pulling at it so she could take a shower and ignore how embarrassed he was, but he kept a grip on the bottle.
He had no idea what he was doing, but he wanted to see what she would do.
“Is something wrong, Mister Howlett?” She asked. He loved the way his name rolled off of her lips. He never thought he’d love his last name more. What was this random girl doing to him?
“Yeah, it’s just- I don’t know,” he said, making her smile slightly. “I-If you wanna join me, you can. You know, to save water?” She suggested, surprising the man. She even surprised herself.
“You sure, Bub?” The man wanted to make sure he hadn’t been dreaming all night. “Yes-“ Before she could finish, the man threw the soap bottle to the side, grabbed the woman by her face, and pulled her into a rough passionate kiss, making sure his tongue slipped right in.
Y/n instantly maimed in his mouth at the aggression. He gave back a groan as he picked her up and placed her on the wooden sink counter.
Logan ripped his white tank top off before pulling his jeans down, revealing the hard-on he had since he saw her outside in the rain.
“Got me so fuckin’ hard, Bub. Don’t know why,” he said, making her giggle. “Maybe because I’m pretty?” She suggested, making him laugh. “That’s definitely one reason, Bub,”
Logan spat on his fingers before wiping the across her cunt which was already leaking. “Fuck,” y/n cussed under her breath as her body hitched.
“Mhm, potty mouth,” she said with a smile before he licked his fingers, tasting the mess he had just wiped across. “Fuck, you taste good,”
Logan put his cock in hand before lining up. When he pushed at her entrance, she instantly tightened around him. “Fuck,” Logan groaned, hands gripping the sides of her ass to pull her into him.
“Oh my god,” y/n cried out as his length buried inside of her completely. “Fuck, yes,” the man huffed out as he rested his head on her shoulder. “Ian gonna last,” he admitted, slightly embarrassed, but she loved it.
“Good — Makes me know you like me back,” she said. The man chuckled against her skin, moving his face until his slips were on her neck. “You gonna take it all?” He asked, kissing along her neck with a few nibbles.
“Yes, Mister Howlett,” she said. “C’mon, Bub — Ian that old,” he chuckled as he moved his hips, slowly thrusting into the woman to take in his good or felt, the way she gripped him.
“I like them old,” she admitted. “Oh, really? Is that why you’re so wet right now? Because you’re working my cock so fuckin’ much,” the man said in her ear, making her whine.
“Yes — Yes, that's why,” she admitted again. “Well luckin’ me,” Logan snapped his hips, getting ready to spill deep into her.
“P-Please cum in me,” she begged as she wrapped her legs around his waist, making sure he knew she really wanted it. She needed it.
“Wasn’t gonna do it any else were, Bub,”
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creatively-cosmic · 3 days
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in loving memory
or: what did @pkmn-monochrome mean by this
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hitoshitoshi · 2 days
Rafayel Loves Musty Pussies! [ Rafayel x Fem!Reader 18+]
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Summary: We all know that Rafayel, our beloved lemurian has a scent kinkーbut to what extent? The answer is yes. Rafayel's scent kink extends beyond perfume. CW: Degenerate and desperate Rafayel, cunnilingus, scent kink, begging, patheticness, and whimpering.
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Rafayel loves shoving his face into musty pussies. He regularily spreads your legs and lays between them, taking large inhales between your legs.
Rafayel purposefully tells you to not shower for 2 days or more because he loves it when you smell 2000 x more pungent. He doesn't want to smell and taste clean skin and a hint of soap. No, he wants to smell you and taste only you.
The mustier you are, the more Rafayel whimpers in pleasure, because to him, it's your pheromones that drive him insane. He just wantsーno, he needs you so badly, and this right hereーyouーare his for the taking.
Rafayel would spread your pussy lips wide open and make sure every crevice is traced with his tongue, with the occasional:
"Mmfh... bodyguard, you taste so good."
"Such a good girl for me."
"Thats right, bodyguard, relax... just a bit more."
"I need you to sit on my face, please... I need you so badly."
And you do just that. You hover on Rafayel's face, to much of his displeasureーhe grunted as he grasped onto your thighs, yanking you down. He didn't want a pathetic hover. Rafayel wanted you to suffocate him. He needed his oxygen blocked and his mouth and nose absolutely smothered with your juicesーyour scent.
This was paradise for Rafayel. God, oh god, he loved how your thighs hugged him on each side of your face. Rafayel's face was buried between your legs, his tongue darted in and outof your pussy as he begged for more. He was desperate, needy, and couldn't get enough of your taste.
Rafayel let out a needy moan, "F-fuck... body guard," his voice was muffled as he clenched his eyes, slurping up your essence, "I need more. I need you to come all over my face". He was a mess an absolute mess. A whore for you.
"Mmfh...," Rafayel's hips bucked forward into nothing, getting hard just by being under you. His cock was leaking with pre-cum as Rafayel loved everything. The taste. The saltiness. The bitterness. The smell. He loved it. He loved it all.
Rafayel's arms wrapped tightly around your thighs, forcing you to stay in place as he lapped at your pussy like a starving dog. He held you still when you squirmed on top of him. As much as he wanted to use him as though he were your toy, he wanted to make you cum all by yourself. He wanted to you to cum from just his tongue. Rafayel loved the way you trembled on top of him. It was just more motivation because he wanted you to feel just what you make him feel.
But as time went by, the strain on Rafayel's cock was getting overwhelming, 'I need it, bodyguard, I need it so bad," He whined, his voice cracking with desperation. Rafayel looked up, meeting your gaze, and he knew he was pathetic. His eyes were teary as the bottom half of his face was soaked in your juices. His cock was flushed red and cum was dripping down from it. Rafayel needed you to touch him. He needed you to want him. To need him. To need his face, his cock, his everything. He needed your soul to need him.
"Please, please, plese," Rafayel begged, his voice was barely a whisper. "Make me cum, bodyguard... Make me come with you."
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A/N: Testing the waters rn because I have a really really degenerate raf draft that's begging to be written.
If you like otome games, including Love and Deepspace, you should join Linkon Lounge! A discord server that's LGBTQ+ friendly (only serving those who are 18+) where we all can share our interests, talk to roleplaying bots (Caleb, Rafayel, Zayne, Xavier, and Sylus), and have fun game, movie, and stream nights where we stream games and/or cards that we pulled that others want to see. It would be super fun to have you as a member of our server. Click here to Join Linkon Lounge!
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goldenroutledge · 2 days
never say goodbye
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
word count: 2.3k
summary: you remind daniel of who he is when he needs it most.
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, swearing but a happy ending (i tried)
a/n: self-indulgent to unbreak my heart a little bit. if he really leaves for good, the void will never be filled. there will never be another danny ric :,)
i listened to michael giacchino’s bundle of joy from inside out while writing this. if i could put my feelings into music, it would be this <3
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Your heart aches seeing the expression on Daniel’s face; painstakingly bittersweet in showing his signature smile even when it kills him. It gives you at least a little comfort knowing that no matter what happens, nobody will take that away from him. As he recounts his time in Formula 1 in the interview, it is clear that his journey here has not only been a mere time in his life but it is a part of his being. The ebbs and flows, the triumphs and defeats he’s experienced over the last decade condensed into a few short yet symbolic sentences.
This might be the least talkative anyone has ever seen Daniel Ricciardo, who's otherwise radiating relentless positivity to a point that is undeniable. You know that’s still alive in him somewhere underneath it all. Maybe that’s part of why it hurts so much, he is someone so undeserving of such treatment, to be dismissed this way. Everyone can feel it, and even under the night sky of Singapore, the paddock is enclosed in its own bubble. When the bright lights go down and the noise turns to silence, you can only imagine how he’ll be when it’s just the two of you again, knowing that those with the brightest smiles hold in the heaviest tears.
It’s impossible to miss the solemn glances toward him or the way the interviewer’s eyes match the look in Daniel’s, searching in the dark for an end to this nightmare. Even from afar you can see the way he’s holding back tears, choosing his words carefully to keep the dam from breaking just a little bit longer. He musters a smile and a nod at the end of his interview trying to convey that it's going to be okay, he is going to be okay.
Before you know it he’s making his way back to the team’s hospitality. Claps and cheers interrupt your thoughts, and you glance around to see his team members and friends now surrounding you near the entrance. It’s hard for everyone to see him this way but they also can’t help but be astounded at the way his head is still held high. He thanks each and every one of them with gratitude, before locking eyes with you at the very end.
Unexpectedly, your eyes are filled with tears at the sight of him. A quiet sob leaves your lips as he scoops you into his arms, swaying you both soothingly. “I’m sorry.” You whisper, barely loud enough for him to hear and for reasons you can’t quite explain. I’m sorry I can’t keep it together. I’m sorry you have to be so strong. I’m sorry this is happening to you.
Daniel knows everything you mean by that, and feels his throat swell up, pressing a long kiss to your cheek instead. You squeeze your eyes shut, letting yourself take in his embrace for a few moments before it’s over. A few tears fall down your cheek and you’re not sure who they belong to.
After a deep breath you pull away from him, returning a kiss to his cheek along with a proper smile of reassurance. As deeply as you feel for him right now, you feel just as much of a responsibility to make sure he’s taken care of.
“Meet you at the hotel after your debriefs?”
Daniel nods, eyes solemn as they drift behind you into the hospitality suite. He sighs, knowing what’s ahead of him. You figure it would be nice to give him a little time to himself, to stitch up his remaining wounds and take in what could be his last moments as a Formula 1 driver. To say a sudden goodbye to this paddock, his second home for the last 13 years, and to say goodbye to all of those that have been beside him, who have become a second family over those 13 years.
“Yeah, I’ll see you soon.”
Daniel gives you one last smile of reassurance, knowing that no matter how many times he tells you he’s okay, you won’t believe him. He pecks your lips softly, walking inside and waving to you from behind the glass door. You wave back, still struck with emotion, feeling like a parent sending their child into their first day of school. Instead of the moment being a new beginning that’s filled with hope and joy, it’s a moment of bittersweet ending filled with sorrow and sadness.
You can only hope that whatever’s waiting for him on the other side of this, he’s happy. You make a promise to yourself that you’ll be there through all of the grief and the restlessness it will take for him to get there.
Back at the hotel, you sit quietly for a while, gathering your thoughts. It certainly wouldn’t be in your best interest to scroll through the endless articles and videos of a heartbroken Daniel giving interviews. Though seeing him secure both the fastest lap and driver of the day makes you smile. P1 or P18, he is beloved by everyone inside of the paddock and out. He infects others with a unique energy that can’t be replicated. One could only dream to help him truly understand that.
The unzipped suitcases in your hotel room were taunting, as if they could know how badly you didn’t want this to be the last time you both have to pack up and leave a race weekend. But the thought of Daniel coming back and having to do all of this himself was even more painful. Begrudgingly, you began to organize the contents of your luggage.
Underneath one of Daniel’s hoodies were a collection of bracelets and trinkets from fans given to him over the last two weeks. Yet another reminder of something he’d be saying goodbye to. These gifts weren’t simply material things. They were symbols of the love and adoration people had for Daniel. They were a representation of the inspiration he gave to so many around the world. And not only to them, but to his friends, his family members, and to you.
This moment felt like deja vu as you vividly witnessed him say goodbye once before when his time ended at McLaren. And then the spark of hope began to glow brighter once again when he was welcomed back to Red Bull as a reserve driver, and then as a driver for RB.
It was a journey you’d been capturing for quite some time now on your own camera, moments that you weren’t ready for Daniel to see just yet. Of course the end of his career was bound to come, but you believed you’d have more time and you’d have more experiences turned memories for him to look back on. You find the camera in your handbag before gathering your laptop and USB. If now wasn’t the right time, you didn’t know when it would be. The clock tells you that you only have a couple hours, maybe more depending on how long he spends at the track. Thanks to the extra surge of emotions you’d been feeling tonight, the memories from your camera and a video production class you took in school many years ago, you’re able to pour it all into a little gift for him.
After watching it once through, you uploaded it onto a spare flashdrive. Luckily you had one that would’ve otherwise been used to store photos for daniel3.jpg.
You barely noticed that hours had gone by, the clock now reading 1:46am. Your heart breaks for Daniel. Despite being apart from him you know how he must be feeling. Yet above it all, you knew he’d be leaving with a smile.
The door clicks open.
Exhausted, Daniel drags his feet inside. He’s relieved to see you stayed awake for him. There’s nobody he’d rather be alone with right now. Without a word, he relaxes into your arms that are open and waiting for him, and his for you.
Unsure of how to start the conversation, you decide that you should let the video you made for him speak for itself. You hold him for as long as he needs, feeling his breathing steady into a calm rhythm.
“I have a surprise for you.”
“Is it underneath this hoodie?” He teases suggestively, lips curling into a smile. He tugs at the bottom of the fabric to emphasize his point.
“Later.” You quip, taking his arm and patting a spot for him to sit next to you.
He looks utterly confused yet intrigued when you hand him a flashdrive, but puts it into the laptop anyway. “What is this?”
“You’ll see.”
Daniel clicks the play button on the black screen. The sounds of soft piano music is the first thing he hears before a picture of himself as a child illuminates the screen.
The voice of an interviewer plays over it, asking: “What would you tell your younger self?”
“Enjoy the butterflies, enjoy being naive, enjoy the nerves, the pressure, people not knowing your name… all that stuff. Enjoy the process of making a name for yourself, getting faster and faster with each lap, and meeting some great people along the way. Embrace the good ones, stay focused.”
A collection of pictures plays in sync with the audio of Daniel from his youth to now, edited in a perfect sequence. The clips show his best moments; his podiums, his shoeys, his radio messages, his laughs shared with fellow drivers, him riding into the Austin Grand Prix on Horsey McHorse, his fans cheering as he walks through Albert Park, hugging his niece before a race.
“You got to the dance in the first place doing what you do so don’t change too much. Don’t forget what got you here. Earn the parties, earn the drinks. Bring friends along, bring family along, don’t assume they’ll be a distraction, they might be something to take the weight off your shoulders on a race weekend, they’re also people to enjoy the moment with and to celebrate with, so don’t be afraid to surround yourself with people you care about and love.” The clips showed moments in the paddock with his fans, friends, family, and with you, always cheering for him.
The video shows him again, smiling wide as he reflects on some of the best lessons this life has shown him. “So, yeah. Get after it.”
Soft piano notes play once again, detailing ambivalent sounds that are yearning and wishful but also bring solace. Daniel is focused on the screen, so much so that he doesn’t pay attention to the tears that have started streaming down his face. In his eyes is love and gratitude for the journey he’s been on, and to you for reminding him of it in such a meaningful way. Your head rests on his shoulder carefully and you’re anxious to know what he’s thinking.
“You made that for me?”
“Mhm. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for you, I just didn’t know when it would be a good time to show you.”
“I guess there’s no better time than now, right?” Daniel mumbles, looking at you with admiration.
“I know you’ve been unsure of yourself for a while. And as much as I want to, there’s nothing I can do to change that. I don't always know what to say, so I thought, there’s no one better to tell you who you are than you.”
You take his face in your hands, gently brushing away any spare tears.
“But what I can tell you Daniel, is that I love you. I know you don’t want to be sad because you think you’ll be letting everyone down, but you could never let me down. You can be happy or sad or angry, you can shatter these lamps on the floor if you need to and I won’t be disappointed. If you let me, I’ll help you pick up the pieces. Whenever you feel alone, just remember you have me.”
Daniel can’t deny the way his heart warms at your words, an abundance of love and sincerity behind them. He tilts his head, pressing kisses to each of your wrists. “I love you, too. Even if I don’t deserve you.”
You scoff, harmlessly nudging him in response. “Shut up, they don’t deserve you. Fuck them all. That’s why I did that, to show you that there’s actually no one more deserving than you.”
“Yeah. Fuck ‘em all.” Daniel chuckles, looking down to hide the blush on his cheeks. You both sit there in a comforting silence, happy to be hidden away from the outside world for the night. With both of your busy schedules keeping you apart, times like these are especially important. There’s nobody you’d rather come home to, there’s nobody else that feels like a safe haven away from the cruel world that’s now turned its back on him.
“I can’t thank you enough, honey. I love you. I don’t know what the future holds… but I promise I’ll never take you for granted. How you always stick beside me, I’ll never know. It might be the end of an era in my career but I could never forget that I have you. You have me, too. When it comes to this,” Daniel gestures between the two of you, “I wouldn’t even know how to say goodbye.”
“And you won’t have to. We’ll never say goodbye.”
Your eyes twinkle and you press your lips to his, kissing him with a passion that can’t be put into words. Perhaps he didn’t get the fairytale ending he wanted and deserved in his career, but what he has here with you could easily pass as a fairytale of its own kind. It's what allows you both to sleep peacefully, knowing that whatever lies ahead, the only goodbye you won’t have to make is to each other.
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a/n: comments, reblogs, and feedback is greatly appreciated! stay strong dr3 nation 💌
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janeyseymour · 1 day
Without a Shadow of a Doubt
This has been sitting in my WIPs for literal months- and here it is. I hope you enjoy her.
Summary: Melissa helps you raise a child, and on more than one occasion, you have serious doubts that you're a good mother.
WC: ~5.1k
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When you moved into your new apartment complex with your three month old baby girl, perhaps the last thing you expected was to meet someone who would fill a hole in your heart that your ex-husband left when he up and abandoned you and the new baby that he claimed would be the love of his life. 
Of course, that statement came with a caveat; he wanted a son. So when the doctor gleefully announced that you had given birth to a daughter, he fumed and stormed his way out of the hospital. And when you came home the next day, once your mother picked you up and took you back to your quaint little apartment in, anything that belonged to you was in a box. He told you to get out, and the divorce papers would come through a few weeks later.
Your mother had been gracious enough to let you and your little girl stay with her for some time, but you need your freedom and space. So, not only did you have an ongoing divorce- you also had a three month old baby that depended on you for everything, and on top of that, you were dealing with moving into a new apartment. So, maybe the last thing you expected was to meet someone who would fill a hole in your heart, but the absolute last thing that you expected was to fall in love with a woman. But it would end up happening. 
Your mother has been a huge help in this whole ordeal- helping to bring the various boxes into the new little one bedroom apartment that now had your name on the lease, holding and rocking your little girl while you did as much as you could, fed you and the baby when you were too exhausted and would fall asleep sitting in the rocking chair that she had helped assemble, and above all else, she has been your rock. She’s been the one person who shows you unwavering love and support in terms of your impending divorce. Almost everyone else in your life attempted to show sympathy, but it oftentimes came off as judgmental or downright pity.
But now, your mother is sitting in the Philadelphia airport waiting for her flight back to Indiana to take off, and you’re in the new apartment all alone. All alone, aside from the baby. She’s strapped to your chest as you attempt to make dinner for yourself, but something in her little body is not having any parts of this. She wails- ear-piercing shrieks that make you want to burst into tears too. You quickly get her out of the sling and attempt to hold her and soothe her all while continuing to stir the pot of soup you have on the burner. This was so much easier when you had both hands free.
But your little love just continues to cry, her face bright red, and the tears are running down her pudgy little cheeks as she clenches her little fists and beats your chest repeatedly.
Giving up, you turn off the stove and turn your attention fully to the baby.
“Sweet Ellie girl,” you sigh. You stroke her cheek gently with the tip of your finger. “What is it?” You know she isn’t hungry- she ate half an hour ago. She burped afterward. Her diaper is dry. What on Earth could this sweet little thing want? You suppose that she just wants to be held and loved. You can do that- you can do that far better than your soon-to-be ex-husband could ever. With a little exhale, you open the pantry and grab yourself a granola bar to eat before settling into the rocking recliner that you have in the living room thanks to your father. You eat around Ellie as you mindlessly hum a few lullabies before switching into a few of the softer songs you know. You were somewhat hoping that she would be lulled to sleep with your soothing voice and sweet melodies, but your efforts are fruitless. That sweet little love of yours continues to stare up at you with wide eyes as she clutches your pinky in her own hand.
You sit there for what feels like forever, humming songs ranging from Adele to Bob Dylan to Join Mitchell and everything in between. That is, until you hear a knock on your door.
That in itself is odd. You don’t know anybody here, at least not yet. And it couldn’t be your mother. You know she had boarded her plane an hour ago and is in the air- she had texted you that much. She then followed that text up with a reminder to take care of yourself and that she was always just a phone call away if you needed her for anything. Your heart almost flies into your throat at the thought of it being Michael, your ex. Why would he show up here after serving you with divorce papers and telling you that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with the ‘little worm’ you brought into the world?
“Let’s go see who’s at the door,” you whisper to the little one in your arms. You continue to mindlessly hum a tune, one that you’ve always adored- ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by the Beatles- as you make your way over to the door. Looking through the peephole, you see a redhead with a box in her arms. Her green eyes nearly stare into your soul as she tries to decipher if you’re going to answer or not.
Out of curiosity, you open the door. “Hello, can I help you?”
The woman, whose green eyes have already been imprinted into your memory, just gives you half a shrug as she looks down at the baby in your arms.
“Uh, I didn’t think I left any boxes in the moving truck?” you question with a nervous chuckle.
The woman almost snorts out a laugh before she remembers why she’s here. “No. I uh, I’m your next door neighbor. I saw that you had a baby, and I work at a school, and I-“ she hums absentmindedly. “Some of my coworkers were getting rid of their baby items, so I came to offer them to you- if you want them.”
“Oh!” your eyebrows creep up your forehead. “That’s- that’s really kind of you.”
“Do you want the stuff or not?” the redhead asks.
“Please,” you smile softly. “Thank you.”
“Where you want it?” she asks a she looks around your place.
“If you just want to put it on the kitchen table, I can handle it once I get Ellie in her crib for the night.”
The woman, whose name you still don’t know, enters your apartment, sets the box down, and looks around.
“Did you not eat?”
You look up at her, lifting your gaze from your baby. “I did.” Your eyes dart to the wrapper from your granola bar, and you’re just a bit embarrassed that you hadn’t thrown it out. But how were you to know that she would drop by?
“All you had was a granola bar?” she asks as her own eyes follow your gaze. You nod sheepishly. Her eyes go to the pot on the stove, and before you can stop her, she looks inside. It’s just chicken stock, onion, and celery- that was as far as you got with making dinner before Ellie started wailing and effectively put your meal on hold. “Sit down,” are the next words out of her mouth. “Hold your little girl, and I’m making you dinner.”
“What?” your mouth opens and closes a few times. “I- You don’t have to do that. I don’t know you, you don’t know me.”
“Melissa,” is all the woman says as she opens up your refrigerator and grabs the chicken breast that you were meant to put into the soup. “Now sit and relax.”
Her tone leaves no room for argument, so you settle in a chair.
“Th-thank you,” you say quietly after a few moments of awkward silence.
She waves a hand in dismissal. “So, what’s your story?”
You mull over in your head just how much of your past you should reveal to this woman, a stranger- but also your next door neighbor who is cooking you dinner. You end up detailing that your husband left you days after you had your little girl, just dipping slightly into the fact that he left you due to the fact that you had a daughter and not a son. “Her name is Elizabeth, but I’ve kind of landed on the nickname ‘Ellie’,” you tell her softly.
“And your name?” she prompts.
You give her your name as she stirs the dinner she’s making. And it smells heavenly.
“Well, Y/N,” Melissa says your name in such a way that you’ve never loved your name more. “For what it’s worth, I think you’ll be better off without him. He sounds like a jackass.” And then she sets the bowl down in front of you and holds her arms out expectantly.
“Oh,” you whisper. “I uh, I can hold her while I eat. You don’t have to. You’ve already done enough.”
“Just let me hold her.” Green eyes are rolled before practically daring you to protest. “You’ve been holding her for the last hour, at least. Your arms have to be tired.”
You bite your lip before hesitantly handing your sweet pride and joy over to the woman who stormed her way into your life not an hour ago, expecting Ellie to fuss- the only people she let hold her were you and her mother. She’s not even particularly fond of your father holding her, much to his disappointment. And somehow, Melissa knows just how to keep your little girl calm and quiet while you eat one of the most delicious bowls of soup you’ve ever had. She even has your little girl giggling before managing to get Ellie to fall asleep. You see the way that she’s a natural with your daughter, watching over both her and you with soft eyes that you weren’t quite expecting.
And since that day, Melissa has been a near constant in your apartment. Whether it’s to make a meal, to hold Ellie while you simply rest and reset, or to keep you company, she’s almost always there. Her presence is always warm and inviting, which is something that you’ve come to learn isn’t necessarily the norm for the woman that lives next to you.
You’ve discovered that she usually likes to keep to herself and her personal life is under wraps to almost everybody she knows. You’ve also discovered that you are the exception. Melissa Schemmenti, a woman who is usually very reserved and has described herself as ‘an aloof bitch at times’, is beyond soft for you. She’s even softer when it comes to your little girl, who you swear is growing up before your eyes.
About three months pass of you living in this new apartment with your next door neighbor almost always keeping you company before you finally give into the fact that you have a small thing for your neighbor. It takes another month before you ask her what her game is.
“What do you mean?” Melissa rolls her eyes at your question.
You hum softly as the two of you prepare a meal while Ellie is down for her nap. “You’ve told me yourself that you’re tough, aloof- and yet you’re always so gentle and kind to my daughter and me.”
She laughs, like fully laughs. “I thought my intentions were pretty clear.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I started by helping out a neighbor, but I may or may not have fallen for her and her sweet little girl.” Green eyes search your face for your reaction. The only reaction she gets is you taking a step towards her before pulling her in by the waist and planting a soft kiss to her lips.
Her eyes are blown wide when you pull away, and for a split second you think you made a mistake. But then she’s opening her mouth again. “Wow.”
“I- I may have fallen for you too,” you admit, cheeks flushed. “But I never thought you would want to-”
“I thought you were straight,” Melissa bites her bottom lip. At the shake of your head, she breathes a quiet, “Oh thank God,” before pulling you back in for a second kiss. 
That is the beginning of your relationship with Melissa Schemmenti, next door neighbor. From the start, it’s been a serious relationship. You made it quite clear that you did not have the time for any flings, and she just rolled her eyes before heading towards the little nursery that you had set up for your daughter. Sometimes she jokes that she’s really only here for Ellie and not you.
She’s always been great with your sweet girl- and as you would come to find out, she will always be great with Ellie. So great actually… that sometimes feel that she’s a better mother to your daughter than you are. 
The first time it happens is when Ellie is turning one year old. You’ve been so wrapped up in your job and making sure that your little girl is as happy as she can be at any given moment, that you entirely forget about planning a first birthday party for her.
“Shit!” you groan as you’re finishing up a project that you brought home for the weekend. “Fucking dammit!”
Your girlfriend stops her cooking and turns to you with a raised eyebrow. “Care to share with the class why you’re yelling out curse words while our girl is asleep?”
You pause your tirade when you hear her refer to Ellie as both of yours- it’s something she’s started doing recently, and it makes your heart flutter for a second. A dopey grin washes over your face for a moment before you frown again.
“I’ve been so busy trying to work on this website that I forgot to plan Ellie girl’s birthday party,” you admit quietly, planting your head in your hands. “I can’t believe I forgot. I’m a terrible mother.”
“You are not a terrible mother, and you didn’t forget,” Melissa tells you as she turns back around to tend to the pan on the stove.
“What are you talking about? I absolutely did.”
“You’ve been mumbling about planning it in your sleep, but when I never got an invitation, I planned it all for the two of you,” the redhead reveals.
“Wha- how?”
“If you checked your personal email once in a while, you would know this,” Melissa teases you. “It was pulled up on your laptop when you fell asleep in bed a few weeks ago, so I just sent out some e-vites.”
A few clicks of your laptop later, and you see that what she’s saying is true- there are quite a few responses to a birthday party being held at the apartment this weekend.
“I’ve been quietly cleaning while you’ve been working yourself to the point of exhaustion too, so the place will be ready,” the teacher chuckles. “I figure we use your place for the actual gathering, and we can put coats and presents and things like that at mine.”
You stand and make your way over to your girlfriend, spinning her around to face you. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“I ask myself that about you every night,” Melissa hums as she leans in to give you a quick peck.
“Thank you,” you whisper as you close your eyes and press your forehead against hers. “I’m glad that Ellie at least has one mother that didn’t forget to plan her first birthday party.”
Your girlfriend rolls her eyes, not that you see it. “I already told you, you didn’t forget- you just needed a bit of a push to send out the invites.”
“You planned the whole thing,” you point out.
Melissa kisses you softly. “I’m just looking out for my girls the best I can.”
The birthday party is an absolute success. It’s filled with her coworkers who have come to love and adore your little girl almost as much as Melissa, your parents were able to fly out for the gathering, and a few of your coworkers from your new job are able to make it to help celebrate the milestone of your little girl.
After everyone heads out, you’re exhausted, Ellie is absolutely beat, and you’re sure Melissa has to be tired too. But still, she insists that you hand over your little girl for her to hold while you take a nap after all of the emotions that you’ve felt today.
“Babe, I can handle it,” you try to tell her. “I’m-” you stifle a yawn. 
“Go take a nap, hun,” the redhead says softly as she kisses your cheek. “Miss El and I are just going to do a bit of cleaning up before we come lay down with you.”
About an hour has gone by by the time your little girl and girlfriend are finished tidying up, and you’re dozing in and out of sleep. Feeling the bed dip slightly, you peel open your eyes and hold out your arms for your little girl to come into them. Ellie wiggles in the redhead’s arms and reaches for you, and as Melissa lays the two of them down, Ellie squeals with delight- she’s between two of her favorite people. She lets out the softest yawn before promptly falling asleep.
Melissa watches as your eyes soften, gaze on your little angel. “She’s perfect,” she muses softly.
“She really is,” you agree just as quietly. “And it has a lot to do with the fact that she has an amazing second mother who has really stepped up.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s because she has you for a mother,” the teacher argues.
You roll your eyes. “I’m hardly a great mother,” you sigh. “Honestly, there are some days I think you’re a better mother than I am.”
Melissa frowns, the lines in her forehead deepening. “Hun.”
You shrug. “I do my best with her, but you pulled all of this together for us. If it was up to me, there wouldn’t have been a first birthday party.”
“There would have been,” your girlfriend tells you. “And it would’ve been just as great.”
“I still should’ve-“
“You do everything you can for that little girl of ours,” the redhead says softly as she reaches over and brushes a few hairs away from your face. “Sometimes you need a little help, and I’ll always be here to help.”
As the years go on, there are times where you feel that you’re doing wonderfully as a mother, and there are other times that you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing and are beyond terrified that you’re ruining your child’s life. 
Every time, Melissa is there to reassure you that you are perfect for your little girl.  
The second time that you feel like Melissa is a better mother than you and you are feeling doubtful tenfold, at this point, you’ve been married for three years now. Ellie is five and entering kindergarten. The day where you send your little girl off comes quicker than you ever could’ve imagined, and yet here you are, walking hand in hand with your wife and your daughter into Abbott.
“You’re going to have such a great time with Auntie Barb,” you tell Ellie softly.
“It’s Mrs. Howard, Momma,” your daughter giggles. “At school, she’s Mrs. Howard.”
“How silly of me,” you playfully roll your eyes. “You’re going to have a great time with Mrs. Howard.”
And all is fine, and Ellie is excited, until it comes time to part with you and Melissa. Then it’s waterworks, and she can’t believe that you would even leave her for this long (despite the fact that she’s spent several nights with Barb and Gerald).
Despite every word of encouragement and praise that you give your little girl, she’s still absolutely hysterical. She clings to you, yes- but she’s mostly clinging to your wife. Ellie wants you, yes- but she really wants Melissa. The redhead looks down at the little girl she loves more than anything and sighs. She really should be down in her own classroom prepping for her little eagles, but Ellie comes first- she always has and always will.
“Baby,” Melissa breathes quietly as she kneels down in front of the girl in pigtails. “You’ve been so excited for school. What has you so nervous all of a sudden?”
“I want you,” Ellie mumbles into your wife’s shoulder. “I don’t wanna go to school; I just want to spend time with you.”
“Well,” the second grade teacher says softly. “Little girls have to go to school. But can you think of it this way? You get to make new friends, and I know Auntie Barb is so excited to have her little Ellie Belly in her class. During lunch, you can come say hi to Mom for the first few days, and we can call Momma if you want. And then when we get home, you get all the love.”
Your little girl looks at your wife suspiciously before furrowing her brow and sticking out her pinky. “You promise?”
You see the warmth wash over Melissa’s face as she sticks out her pinky. “I promise you, lovey. So, why don’t we let Momma head to work, and you and I can make our way down to Auntie Barb’s?”
Ellie worries her lip between her teeth before looking to you. “I guess.”
Green eyes meet your own as she pulls your little girl into her arms again. She whispers conspiratorially to your daughter, “I think Momma might need a hug before we head down, what do you think?”
Ellie flings herself at you with a bright, somewhat still teary, grin. “I love you Momma.”
“I love you too, sweet girl,” you tell her softly as you hold her close. You pepper her face in kisses before releasing her back.
Your daughter’s first day of kindergarten has you anxious as all hell. You hope she’s having an okay day, and you really do expect to receive a phone call at lunch from the two of them. You don’t.
You having a good first day? Is El? you text your wife.
It takes a minute, but you get a reply back. These kids are going to be the death of me, but El is having a grand ol’ time with Barb. She told me at lunch that she can’t wait to come back tomorrow.
You smile at that. You knew once Ellie actually made it into the room, she would be just fine. You only wish that your words of encouragement and affirmations would’ve made her feel more at ease. Instead, it was Melissa’s words. Thank you for helping get her to class today when I couldn’t. You’re the best Mom that little girl could ask for.
I’m pretty sure that’s you.
I couldn’t get her to let go of either of us, you reply. You just seem to have the magic touch with her.
Babe, you get a response. You have such a way with our daughter, but you also have to remember that I’ve been a teacher for years and have dealt with kids not wanting to go into school for forever- this is new to you just as it is for El.
That day when you get home from work, Melissa and your Ellie are already curled up on the couch relaxing. They’re both dead tired from their first days, and you can tell that it’s going to be an early night for everyone the way both of their eyelids are drooping as they try to stay awake for dinner. You drop your bag on the bench you keep by the front door before pressing gentle kisses to both of their heads and walking into the kitchen to start on dinner.
“Don’t,” your wife’s voice floats into the room as she carries a barely awake Ellie in. “I ordered your favorite on my way home, it’ll be here in about ten minutes.”
Your face falls just slightly- you were planning on making their favorite, in order for them to be able to relax and enjoy the first day of school being over. You just give her a soft smile instead, before you turn yourself back around to face the counter. And that’s when you see the beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase.
“Honey,” you sigh.
“Miss Ellie girl and I stopped on our way home to pick up flowers for Momma,” Melissa says softly. “Didn’t we?”
Your daughter nods in her arms before reaching for you. With a small grin on your face, and a few tears now beading in your eyes, you take your little girl. “Thank you,” you whisper as you delicately press a kiss to your wife’s cheek. You then dot a few sweet kisses to Ellie’s hairline.
Dinner is a quiet affair aside from Ellie sleepily telling you about her first day in kindergarten. The three of you settle on the couch to relax once dinner is cleaned up. It doesn’t take long for Ellie to fall asleep, sprawled out on both you and Melissa.
Melissa quietly details her first day- how the children were, how she was so happy to see Ellie giggling along with her classmates at lunch, and how Barbara just gushed about how your daughter was a big help in calming others’ nerves.
“She’s a good kid,” your wife finishes. “You’ve done great with her, babe.”
You look down at the little girl laying in your lap. “I didn’t do much.”
Green eyes stare at you incredulously. “Honey, I wish you could see how amazing you are. You’ve done wonderfully with her. She has your kindness and your compassion- she has your heart. And unfortunately for both of us, she picked up on my stubbornness. You’ve done so much for our little girl, and you are the perfect mother to her.”
You shrug. “I don’t know. I just… you know how I feel about this.”
“Tell me.”
“You already know,” you sigh as you rest your head against her shoulder. “And I think we need to start heading up to bed.”
“It can wait a few minutes,” your wife tells you. “So talk about it.”
With a breath, you tell her how you feel that you’re failing because you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re hurting Ellie because you’re so unsure of what you’re doing that your little girl is aware of your hesitations in the way you speak with her and act with her sometimes.
That weekend you head out to the grocery store, and for once Melissa and your daughter are not with you. No. Instead, they’re at home. Your wife has Ellie make you a card telling you that you are the world’s best mother and listing the things that she loves about you while Melissa writes it out. Then, the two of them get to turning the living room into a comfortable space to watch your favorite movies.
When you return home, your welcomed with a new bouquet of flowers (you later find out that Barbara dropped them off while you were out), the card, and what you can only describe as a blanket fort.
“What is this?” you ask softly as you carry in an armful of groceries.
“The best, for Momma,” Melissa says softly as she takes the bags out of your hands. She sets them down before pulling you into her arms. “Enjoy today.” She kisses you quickly before heading back out to the car and bringing in the rest of the groceries while Ellie pulls you into the massive pile of blankets on the floor.
“Momma, read the card,” your little girl tells you. You pull her into your lap and cuddle her close before reading the card. On one side is what Ellie had to say, while the other side is what your wife wanted to tell you. Their words and kindness bring tears to your eyes.
“Did we make you sad?” your daughter looks to you fearfully.
“No, baby. These are happy tears. Happy tears,” you promise her as you repeatedly kiss her head over and over.
Once your wife is finished putting away the groceries, she plops herself down next to the two of you and reaches for the remote. You put a gentle hand out to stop her, and when she looks at your curiously, you just kiss her gently.
“Thank you,” you sigh quietly as you press your foreheads together. The moment of silence most likely would’ve been longer if not for Ellie squealing about putting the movie on that she had picked out for you.
The rest of the day passes by in a blissful haze full of movies, warmth, and lots of snacks. The two of you put Ellie to bed before cleaning up the living room mess, and as you clean, you pick up the card again and read what Melissa had to say.
“I mean it, you know,” your wife says softly as she wraps her arms around your waist. “I am the luckiest person alive to get to have fallen in love with you, to help raise our beautiful little girl, and be the one who gets to love both of you through every high and low- every doubt and fear. But I promise you, we are the lucky ones to have you.”
You crane your neck to kiss her gently. “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” Melissa repeats back as she tucks a few stray hairs behind your ear. “Please know that I will always be here for you- my wonderful, lovely, perfect wife, as we work our way through motherhood together.”
From next to your wife, you groan as you let your head fall against her shoulder.
“If I’m feeling like this now, how the hell am I going to feel when she’s a teenager?”
The redhead chuckles as she brings your left hand up to her lips and kisses just under the rings that sit beautifully on your finger. “I’ll be there for you, and Ellie. Always.”
And she is there for you. She always has been. She always is. She always will be.
tags and lmk if u wanna be on this list: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo @m1lflov3rrr @ricejucie
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hoonigiris · 20 hours
p. sunghoon x f!reader
just silly shenanigans from a chronically jealous guy (he can’t help it he was born this way, just check his birth chart!!!)
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“i think i need to lock you up.”
you slide your eyes over to him, exasperated. “what…”
sunghoon mutters under his breath, nodding seriously as he repeats the idea in his head until it sounds more plausible than insane. “yeah…” and then again, softer, “yeah…”
“nurse,” you call out to the empty air, “he’s out again.”
he looks at you gravely, shaking his head. “i think it needs to be done. for the greater good.”
“what am i, rapunzel?”
sunghoon opens his mouth to retort, but the image of you as a princess in that pretty, purple dress has him sidetracked and pondering. “that would be a good couple costume this year—flynn and rapunzel.”
“personally, i was thinking more rapunzel and mother gothel.”
the dreamy look in his eye drops almost immediately, suddenly remembering the reason he burst into the living room in the first place. whatever it was, nothing was worth interrupting you in the middle of a grey’s anatomy episode.
sunghoon moves in front of the tv, feet planted and stance determined. you crane your neck to the side to catch a better look of the screen. “can you move? dr. mcsteamy is in this scene and he’s extra hot this season.”
you roll your eyes, pausing the show. “yes?”
“i’m serious!”
“about mother gothel?”
“about locking you up!”
you tilt your head, innocent. “isn’t that what i just said?”
sunghoon groans loudly, running a hand through his hair and squeezing his eyes shut to fight off an incoming headache. you’d almost feel bad for making his life harder if the threat of imminent captivity wasn’t looming over your head.
but he’s your boyfriend, and he’s obnoxious, and you love him anyway, so you toss the remote on the couch cushion next to you and you give him a smidge of what he wants. you like to call it a pity crumb.
"ok fine, i'll stop teasing," you relent, leaning into the couch with an amused glint in your eye. "why am i under arrest and why is it for the greater good?"
you have some vague idea, of course. any time sunghoon acts like this, the reasoning always lands somewhere around him being jealous, which, as frequent as it comes, is something you’ve learned to take in stride. play dumb, laugh at his antics, give him a kiss, and everything settles back to normal.
the reasoning tended to differ each time, enough to consider creating an encyclopedia page to study from, so you like to make it a game of sorts, to see if you can guess it correctly before he tells you. it’s the closest thing you’ll ever get to the thrill of being on an episode of jeopardy, so you like to relish in the challenge while you can. topic: things that make sunghoon jealous, for 500.
“you’re too…” sunghoon starts, taking you out of your proverbial podium and back to the couch, dr. mcsteamy and mcdreamy blocked behind him. he narrows his eyes, searching for the right word. “unassuming.”
“unassuming,” you repeat, bemused.
"yes." sunghoon knits his brows together, tortured at even the thought. "why else would you have come home with a coffee. from another man."
you look at him quizzically, and then remember how this morning, your classmate who you kept running into every morning at your local cafe offered to buy your drink. you'd accepted, of course; who were you to deny a perfectly innocent gift?
"oh please," you roll your eyes. "he was just being nice! besides, i'm sure he just did it since i helped him finish his lab report on time the other week."
sunghoon frowns. "he was hitting on you. he has motive."
you stare up at him with big, innocent eyes, like a defendant in front of the jury. "how could you ask me to look a gift horse in the mouth... especially when the horse had a cinnamon honey latte."
"because the horse wants to eat you!"
"but it was free!"
sunghoon whips out his phone, tapping a few times, and a ding! sounds from your own phone on the coffee table. you glance over, and try not to laugh.
VENMO sunghoon paid you $6.00 - 😐
"there," he huffs. "if you want free coffee, i'll pay for it from now on, okay?"
you eye him, amused. "if i say yes, will you free me from my predestined shackles?"
he opens his mouth and you can tell by his expression he's about to get started again, so you rescind yourself quickly. "okay, okay. consider it done."
it's sweet, in some way, to have him care this much, even if he makes such a big fuss about it. there's something in his gaze that bleeds earnestness, even through the indignancy, that makes you want to peel him back more. jealousy is an ugly beast, even if you think it looks cute and amusing on him, and often you wonder if it consumes him, if he allows it to lead his thoughts astray.
(it was so easy to fall for you—he couldn’t blame others for doing the same. and if you ended up leaving him for someone else then—well. sunghoon tries to stop it before he gets to that point.)
"hoon," you call gently, and he physically softens at the nickname. you wonder how one word can mean so many things—my love, my heart, my home. all yours. "you know i love you, right?"
he flushes at the sudden confession, ears turning scarlet. and then quietly, sincerely, he mumbles, “i love you too.” perhaps that’s the secret, the reason you can be so flippant about everything, suspiciously free coffee and all.
at the end of the end of the day, you’ll always be his, too.
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atzaurora · 1 day
[˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗] 𝒢𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒞𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒔.﹙엔하이픈﹚(0.7k)
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𖥔 fem!reader x enhypen ; good friends, crushing? ⸼જ Their reaction to walking in on you crying... ➤ reaction (angst, fluff) .ᐟ.ᐟ >none< .ᐟ.ᐟ
꒰🖇꒱ working on requests rn, but wanted to post something else first :3 enjoyyy
if you have any ideas or wishes let me know, requests are open
here's my [𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕]! ; [𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕] here! ; [about me] + [guidelines]!
reblogs appreciated
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• hesitates at first, but then walks over quietly.
• softly calls out your name, making sure not to startle you.
• wrapping you in his arms before talking to you in a soft tone.
• tries to comfort you without asking too many questions, offering his presence more than words.
• will lightly touch your hand or shoulder, his way of showing support without overwhelming you.
• offers to stay with you until you’re ready to talk or calm down, never rushing you. ── ࣪˖ OTHER MEMBERS BELOW
• immediately notices something’s wrong but doesn’t react dramatically.
• takes a moment to assess the situation before speaking, using a calm and steady voice.
• stands nearby, giving you space but staying close enough to show he’s there if you need him.
“You don’t have to say anything if you’re not ready, but I’m here.”
• gently rubbs your back while looking at you with a reassuring expression.
• might cross his arms or lean against something, a practical gesture showing he’s here for the long haul.
• will check in later, making sure you’re really okay after some time has passed.
• his expression immediately softens when he sees you upset.
• says something light-hearted or casual at first, trying to brighten the mood but not too pushy.
• quickly finds a way to sit next to you, offering physical comfort, like a light pat on the back or shoulder.
“Want to go for a walk? Fresh air might help.”
• offers distractions like talking about his dogs or other things you both like.
• encourages you to open up in your own time but doesn’t press if you stay quiet.
• pauses when he sees you crying, unsure of what to do at first.
• approaches quietly, not saying much at the beginning, just sitting nearby.
“I don’t really know what to say, but...I’m here.”
• tries to make you feel less pressured, letting you have space to process your feelings without interference.
• will stay with you, even if it’s just sitting in silence for a while.
• when you’re ready to talk, he’ll listen carefully, but won’t push you to share more than you want.
• notices immediately and says something like, “Hey, what’s going on?” in a soft, concerned tone.
• takes a proactive approach, grabbing something comforting (like hot chocolate or tissues) without asking.
“You don’t have to hide it, you know. I’m here for you.”
• tries to bring light to the situation, but knows when to back off if you’re not in the mood for humor.
• gently reassures you that it’s okay to feel this way, offering words of comfort and a hug if you’re okay with it.
• will stay close by until you’re ready to feel better, offering warm, nurturing energy.
• notices you’re upset and quietly approaches, sitting next to you without making a big scene.
• stays silent at first, giving you time to compose yourself before speaking, but already offering physical comfort (like gentle pats on your head or back)
“You don’t have to explain, but if you want to, I can listen.”
• his calm presence helps you feel grounded, and he’ll wait until you’re ready to talk.
• offers practical comfort, like breathing exercises or suggesting a short walk to clear your head.
• always patient, waiting for you to lead the conversation and assuring you that everything will be okay, step by step.
• freezes when he sees you crying, unsure of how to approach at first.
• might awkwardly clear his throat before quietly asking, “Uh...are you okay?”
• keeps a bit of distance at first, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, but watches you closely.
• tries to figure out if you need space or comfort, staying silent until you give him a cue.
“I’m not really sure what to do, but I want to help.”
• might suggest doing something fun together to lift your spirits, like playing a game or watching a funny video.
• offers his company in a subtle way, staying with you even if he’s not sure what to say, just so you don’t feel alone.
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merwgue · 3 days
The idea of Nyx and Tamlin becoming mates in a platonic, parental sense is an incredibly profound and heartwarming twist. It redefines what it means to be a mate—showing that the deepest connections aren’t always romantic but can also be based on trust, care, and the unconditional love found in parental relationships.
Imagine Nyx, the child of two deeply traumatized and distracted parents—Feyre and Rhysand. Despite their best efforts, they rush into parenthood for all the wrong reasons, feeling the pressure of impending danger and the belief that time is running out. They're powerful, yes, but so burdened by their past that they can’t give Nyx the love and attention he needs to thrive. They try to be present, but emotional neglect slowly seeps in, leaving Nyx feeling alone, unloved, and desperate for connection. They compensate with material things, but it’s not enough. Nyx is still just a boy, craving someone who will truly see him.
At around ten years old, in an attempt to make his parents notice him, Nyx starts sneaking off to the Spring Court. What begins as an act of rebellion turns into something entirely unexpected. Tamlin—who has been broken, hollow, and struggling to rebuild his life—finds this small, vulnerable boy suddenly seeking him out. At first, Tamlin is hesitant. He’s never been good with children. He doesn’t know how to connect, especially not after all the devastation he’s been through. But slowly, Nyx keeps coming back, visiting him again and again. Tamlin begins to open up, maybe not in grand gestures, but in small acts of kindness—offering Nyx a safe space, listening when he speaks, giving him attention that’s not laced with expectation or distraction.
As the months pass, something shifts. Nyx starts to see Tamlin not as the feared High Lord of the Spring Court, but as someone who cares for him in a way that his own parents cannot. He finds solace in Tamlin’s presence, and Tamlin, in turn, finds a sense of purpose in looking after Nyx. It’s not about power or obligation—it’s simply about being there for this boy who so clearly needs a father figure. Tamlin never asked to be a father, but he can’t ignore the bond that’s quietly forming between them.
Then one day, after countless visits, Nyx accidentally calls Tamlin “papa.” It slips out in a moment of vulnerability, perhaps after a particularly rough day back at home. Immediately, Nyx freezes, terrified of how Tamlin might react. He starts to apologize, stumbling over his words, thinking he’s crossed a line. But instead of pulling away, Tamlin wraps him in a hug, a genuine, comforting embrace, and quietly says, “If you want me to, I will.” And in that moment, everything shifts.
The world seems to stop for both of them. The bond that snaps into place isn’t the romantic mating bond we’re used to seeing—it’s something entirely different. It’s a bond built on trust, on care, on the love of a protector for a child who needs him. It’s a parental bond, the kind that says, I will be here for you, always. I will keep you safe. I will love you like my own.
Nyx finally feels seen, finally feels loved in a way that’s not forced or transactional. And Tamlin, who has been so lost and broken, finds a new sense of purpose. He never expected to be anyone’s father, but in that moment, he becomes one—not because of blood or obligation, but because of the bond that has formed between him and this boy. Nyx starts calling him "papa," and Tamlin, despite all his fears, accepts it with open arms.
This is why Sarah J. Maas should expand the idea of mates beyond just romantic connections. Mates should be about completing each other’s souls, in whatever form that takes. For Nyx and Tamlin, it’s not about romantic love—it’s about the love between a father and a child, a love that grows naturally and beautifully out of shared understanding, trust, and care. And in the end, it’s this bond that brings healing to both of them.
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hazeltongzhi · 1 day
incredible article assigned to my class by a professor who regularly says "we're gonna go to war with china in the next twenty years"
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Oh WOW. I know the author is being intentionally ideological but this is an insane amount of jerking oneself off and taking credit for other people's work. The overarching sentiment is that, because the western world operated under liberal democracy, then everything that happened during this period is liberal democracy's win. Love the focus on moralism and abstractions too. It's not just "liberalism is MORALLY good :)" but also undefinable shit like spooky "authoritarianism" and "totalitarianism". Backed up by even more people who jerk themselves off to liberalism like francis fucking fukuyama.
but it gets better, folks.
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holy shit, what to even say here. Liberals fundamentally have different definitions of words, especially imperialism here. Incredible that russia is the sole imperialist and the one bringing it back, but not the united states who has been operating under imperialist monopoly capitalism for over a century.
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If you add -ism to something then it becomes an ideology! Behold! The apex of the liberal framework of analysis! Really the pot calling the kettle black here. Is it not true that under liberalism, certain people do not get access to rights and liberties that otherwise should be universal? Migrants, refugees, undocumented workers, etc. etc. pay into systems of liberal democracy yet rarely if ever get anything in return. That's not to mention that liberalism very easily cheered on the genocide of indigenous peoples and slavery and only found it objectionable when it became no longer convenient for the bourgeoisie. Not to mention, the founding thinkers of liberalism (who the author praises!) themselves thought slaves, Indians, indigenous peoples were literally not wholly people.
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incredible cope right here. Let's see how the author tried to cope even further.
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Makes sense from an author that uncritically cites the economist, a paper made for british millionaires! They act as if China is just the president when there's dozens of governing bodies, built from a bottom up model. They act like demographics in the west aren't crashing as well. They act as though the usa's and the west in generals overt and covert military threats via. NATO, alliances, and straight up armed intervention isn't militarism. They act as though Marxism is an ideology of subjugation, which, if you were to argue that, it would apply more to liberalism by thousands of times more. And unattractive to immigrants? Laughable.
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This is tantamount to admitting defeat. "No, my ideology isn't meant to help you provide for your material needs silly goose (its to provide for the material needs of the bourgeoisie). You're just not making enough of your own meaning! back to brunch i go!"
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Are you gonna claim the GDR, USSR, and all the other socialist states who, at the very least, provided for these people and often gave more freedoms than the liberal democracies of their time as liberalism wins as well? Who were the first people to make abortions legal? Was it the usa with roe v wade in 19-fucking-73, when the practice had been ongoing, free, and legal in the PRC for literal decades? Was liberal democracy giving refuge to Jews when the usa and canada turned away refugee ships full of Jews during WW2, condemning them to the holocaust? Liberal democracies lag behind the left because liberalism is fundamentally right wing.
This article spends paragraphs to say next to nothing, citing the usual bourgeois rags and priests of capitalism, all to jerk oneself off to liberalism. Incredible.
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https-murdock · 14 hours
Love Like This - Matt Murdock
summary: Matt has never felt anything like this, never mind a love like this.
word count: ~1k
warnings: porn with plot (finally!!) - oral (F receiving), p in v, suuuper lovey dovey stuff - 18+ MDNI
note: felt like writing something super loved up! hope it’s ok :))
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Matt often wonders how someone with a heart like yours has fallen for someone with a heart like his.
When he comes home from work and smells you. Sitting on his couch, he knows you have your eyes glued to the tv by the way you don’t even realise he’s walked in.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He smirks, glasses and cane placed in his usual spot.
“Oh, hey! sorry i got really invested again.” You’re laughing now, and he can feel the vibrations through his chest.
There has always been something about you that made Matt feel like the world would heal again. The way you laughed, the way you grab his arm when he makes a good joke, the way you hum to yourself while you clean - everything, right down to the way your breathing hitches slightly in your dreams. There was always something about you that Matt just got.
“You know how much i love you, right?” He says, tie now across the back of the couch, few buttons undone, as he sits next to you with one arm around you. “Course i do. and you know how much i love you?” You’re very aware of how soppy you’d sound to other people, but these moments come rarely with Matt so you take them as they come.
You move to straddle him on his couch, holding his stubbled cheeks in your hands as he smiles up at you.
“I do.”
Matt’s lips meet yours in a loving, gentle moment - and it almost makes you wonder what has made him so lovey today. He always loves you, and he’s no stranger in showing you that, but it’s not often he’s so open about his feelings.
As the kiss is becoming deeper, tongues meeting, his hands move under the t-shirt of his that adorns your skin nearly every night.
“Mmm, so beautiful,” He mutters to himself, lifting your t-shirt over your head and letting your fingers work across the buttons of his suit shirt, “Can never get enough of you.”
“Need you.” You speak, lips still attached to his.
Tough hands flip you onto your back, leather couch sticking to the slight sheen of sweat against your skin. Now only in underwear, you feel much more exposed than him. “Matt, need to see you, please.” You smile, and he doesn’t even reply before taking off his shirt and undoing his belt, letting his suit pants fall to the floor with the rest of your clothing.
“Wanna make you feel so good, sweetheart.” Matt whispers, leaning down and letting his nose meet your naked thigh, biting gently and relishing in the muted moan that leaves your lips.
Silently, you sit begging for his touch, only hearing your breaths between each other. He knows what you want, what you need, but he’s just existing in the moment.
“H- Shit.” Words have now left you, as he licks a long stripe up your folds, leaving you breathless at his touch, “Taste so good.” Matt talks between your thighs, running his tongue in circles around your clit.
All thoughts leave your mind, your body the only thing existing with the way it feels under Matt’s touch. His hands hold your wrists down at the side of your body, feeling how tense your arms become when you can feel an orgasm building,
“Always so wet, all for me, love.” He smirks, letting his teeth graze your clit softly, before going right back to his little kitten licks. All that can be heard in his loft is your breathy moans, Matt relishing in the way you sound each time he touches you.
Before you know it, you’re right on the edge of the point you desperately need to tip over, and you’re begging for more. “M- Please, fuck i’m-“ You’re well aware you don’t make much sense, but all you care about is the way his mouth is making you feel. “Come for me, sweetheart.”
His deep, growling voice was all you needed to fly across the line. Hearing muffled, your back arches off Matt’s sofa, his hands moving to your hips as his mouth doesn’t slow down, leading you through your orgasm.
“Matt, fuck me.” You mumble, pins and needles still running through your fingertips from your erratic breathing.
“Patience, love.” He giggles, standing up to strip himself of his boxers before sitting down with his back to the couch. As you straddle him again, you think of all the memories you share and the nights spent on his sofa together.
As you sink down onto him, his head falls to your shoulder, groaning to himself about how right you feel around him, “Always wrap around me so well.” his hands graze up your skin, meeting both of your tits, thumbs running across your nipples as he listens to how fast it sends your heart rate.
“M- Feel so good, so good.” You babble, bouncing softly up and down, feeling how deep he’s reaching inside your walls.
The way your slick is slowly hitting the base of his cock is sending Matt’s brain wild, the feeling of you so tightly around him making him realise how he fell so in love with you so quickly, everything about you feels amazing.
“Ahh- keep going, beautiful.” He realises it sounds like he’s begging, and maybe he is.
“Please, come inside me.” You’re now doing the same, letting his thumb meet your clit, rubbing tight circles craving the way it feels for you to finish around him once more.
You both come together, lips tensely meeting, teeth clashing. A throaty groan comes from Matt as his hips falter, feeling the way you clench around him as thick white ropes paint your walls.
Once you’ve both cooled off, cleaned up as per Matt, you finally get to sit down and talk about the day.
“Hmm, doesn’t matter.” he mutters, lying back in the bed with you on his chest, breathing returned back to normal.
“What matters then? i wanna know ‘bout your day.” You laugh, leaning upwards to look at the way he’s sitting, eyes closed, fully relaxed in the sheets.
@lambmurdock @parker-murdock @silas-aeiou @blushingrn @audreyclimbs
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angelltheninth · 2 days
im a sucker for the electro men in wuwa... might i ask for calcharo, xiangli yao, and yuanwu having their s/o ride them for the first time? <:3
You have good taste in men Anon.
Pairing: Calcharo, Xiangli Yao, Yuanwu x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, orgasm encouragement, cock riding, hair-pulling (for Reader), clit stimulation, pussy slapping, brat taming, doggie style
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters
A/N: You can say they have a... electrifying effect on me. Ha! No? I think it's funny.
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Calcharo chuckled when he heard you hiss as you were pulled back onto his cock. "Faster. Sweet little thing, ride my cock faster. Or do you want me to give you a little more incentive?" 
Before you could say yes he pulled your hair back harder, a tight fist against your scalp, forcing you back against his cock with a loud clap. It hurt in a good way. You only had so much space to move, enough to get in inch off his cock and then take it all back in. The distance you were able to move might be tiny but the speed at which you move wasn't, encouraged by the mercenary's hand in your hair.
Letting you have control over the thrusts was a temporary luxury. He didn't move an inch, you had to do all the work here.
"Definitely motivated enough now." You met his gaze for a second before shutting your eyes in pain from the next pull. "S-Sorry. Gonna make you come, soon." You promised, pussy pulsing around him every time he was balls deep in you.
Each time he tightened his grip so did your pussy tighten around his dick. "You want it baby? Ask me properly, like the whore that we both know you are." Calcharo taunted you, making you sob with need and your poor cunt so desperate to get his cum in it.
"Come inside me." You weren't gonna say please, your inner walls could do that for you. Finally he released his grip on you only to push your head against the bed as his cock sank in balls deep to empty itself in your womb. The new position didn't stop you from grinding your ass against him to get everything you could from him.
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Xiangli Yao was almost relaxed under you as you went up and down on his hard cock. He didn't even need to do anything in order to come, or to make you come either. But he doesn't want to be lazy.
"Let me do this for you, let me make my love come on my dick." He smiled from his position below you as his fingers found your clit and pressed it in quick, tight swipes. "There's that clench. I know what you like."
His fingers worked you up so fast but you didn't want to come yet, not until he did. But your legs didn't listen to you, turning liquid as your pussy walls fluttered around him. "Hold... me." You moaned out as you leaned against his chest and kept bucking your hips despite your mind being overtaken by pleasure.
"I've got you, always got you." He kissed your shoulder slowly, one hand still between your legs.
The other hand was on your hip, going down to your ass then back up. Your hips smacked down against his wildly, feeling his cock pulsing inside you and emptying ropes of seed soon after. You didn't stop moving.
Making a mess of you both, his cum staining both your stomach, thick and sticky and warm. "Messy. I don't mind, you know I don't, not when it's the result of this."
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Yuanwu rutted into your pussy with no intention of slowing down at all. "Babygirl, what's the matter, can't you meet my thrusts?"
You grunted as you tried to do so but you also enjoyed him fucking you. You didn't expect him to halt fully when he was half-way in your cunt. "What the fuck Yuanwu?!" You complained but were met with a slap on your exposed clit.
"Ride it. Go on, ride it if you want to come." He smirked down at you as he didn't move at all, but he wiggled his eyebrows in a challange. "Brat. Didn't you fucking hear me?" He slapped your pussy again. "If this is what I need to do, punish your cunt, then I will."
Secretly you wanted just that. With your pussy already sensitive it would almost hurt. Acompamying every wet slap was your moan and your hips grinding upwards, taking his cock to his balls. Empowerimg your orgasm further was his cock curved slightly upwards and hitting your sweetspot every time.
"Open up those legs. Let me see your cunt get full!" He grunted deeply as he sunk down on his hands, letting you hug him close and ride his cock like a dildo stuck on a wall.
"Look down then, Sir." He almost didn't want to but at the same time he wanted to see the exact moment when his cock sank balls deep and be emptied.
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kckt88 · 3 days
A Heartbeat Between Us X.
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Aemond has one more surprise for Y.N. as the two of them look to the future.
Warning(s): Drama, Fluff, Alcohol, Swearing, Kissing, Smut, Dom/Sub, Fingering, Oral Sex, P in V, P in A,
Word Count: 6130
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated, do not copy/post to other sights without my permission.
Tag List - @jasminecosmic99 @kaelatargaryen @yesterdayfeelings-blog @immyowndefender @0eessirk8 @killua2dot0 @msassenach @xcharlottemikaelsonx @moonnicole @toodlesxcuddles @mamawiggers1980 @minttea07 @nommingonfood
Aemond and Y.N. were nestled comfortably under the covers, their bodies close, savouring the warmth and quiet after their second round of sex.
Aemond’s arm was wrapped protectively around her, and Y.N. rested her head on his chest, her fingers tracing soft circles on his skin. Just as they began to drift into a peaceful silence, there was a knock at the door.
Aemond sighed, kissing the top of her head before reluctantly slipping out of bed. “That’ll be Aegon with Jack,” he muttered, grabbing a pair of sweatpants from the floor and pulling them on.
Y.N. watched him with a soft smile as he padded to the door.
Aemond swung it open to find Aegon standing there, pushing Jack’s pram with one hand and holding Y.N.’s suitcase in the other.
“Why didn’t you just come in?” Aemond asked, stepping aside to let him in. “The door was unlocked.”
Aegon walked in with a shrug. “Well, I didn’t know if you and Y.N. were getting busy in the bedroom or wherever the mood took you and I didn’t think it was appropriate for Jack to be witness to such depraved shenanigans.”
Aemond scoffed, rolling his eye. “This, coming from the guy who once had a threesome with a married couple?”
Aegon shot him a look of mock offense. “In my defence, I didn’t know it was a threesome at first.”
Aemond raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “Still stayed, though, didn’t you?”
Aegon grinned unapologetically. “Hell yeah. The wife was hot. But the husband, he was—"
“That’s enough,” Aemond cut him off sharply, though a hint of amusement tugged at his lips as he reached down to lift Jack from his pram.
Jack gurgled happily, kicking his tiny legs as Aemond cradled him close.
Y.N. appeared in the doorway to the bedroom, dressed in one of Aemond’s t-shirts and a pair of his shorts, looking effortlessly beautiful.
She glanced at the suitcase Aegon had brought in and asked, “Is that my suitcase?”
Aegon nodded, smirking. “Yep. Took the liberty of packing up all your stuff, so you don’t have to go back.”
Y.N. looked slightly surprised. “You packed everything?”
Aegon shrugged again. “Yeah, everything that belonged to you and Jack. The place was bare minimum anyway.”
Y.N. smiled gratefully, brushing off the idea of sorting through her suitcase for the time being.
She stepped over to Aemond and pressed a kiss to Jack’s head, her voice soft. “It’s getting late. Probably a good idea to put him to bed.”
Aemond nodded in agreement, bouncing Jack gently in his arms. “I’ll take care of it.”
As Aemond headed to the nursery, Aegon looked around the penthouse, plopping down on the couch with an exaggerated sigh.
“Hey, can I crash here tonight? I’ll head home in the morning.”
Aemond, now halfway to the nursery, called back, “Sure, you can stay in the spare room.”
Aegon, never missing an opportunity to be his usual self, added, “By the way, if you two are going to get it on at some point tonight, I don’t mind hearing Y.N, but Aemond—needs to keep his voice down? I don’t want to hear his groaning. Makes for one very awkward wank-”
Y.N. burst into laughter. “You’re so gross, Aegon,” she said, shaking her head.
Aegon grinned, completely unfazed. “Yeah, I know. I’ve learned to live with it.”
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The smell of food drifted through the penthouse, stirring Aegon from his sleep. Groggily, he pushed himself out of bed, rubbing a hand over his face before following the delicious aroma to the kitchen.
As he stepped in, he saw Y.N. at the stove, expertly cooking breakfast, and Aemond sitting at the table, cradling Jack in his arms.
Aemond looked up with a smirk. “Good morning, Uncle Eggy.”
Aegon rolled his eyes, plopping down into a chair. “I haven’t been called that in years.”
“Yeah, I know,” Aemond replied, still smirking as he adjusted Jack in his arms, making the baby giggle.
Aegon’s gaze shifted to the stove, his mouth practically watering. “What you cooking, Y.N.?”
Without turning, Y.N. answered, “Bacon, eggs, sausages, hashbrowns, beans, and cheeky bit of fried bread-”
Aegon’s eyes widened in delight. “Oh, please say there’s some for me.”
Y.N. shrugged playfully. “There might be,” she teased as she plated the breakfast and brought it to the table.
Aegon wasted no time, practically inhaling his food, while Aemond deftly managed to eat one-handed, using his fork with one hand and holding Jack with the other.
Y.N. noticed Aemond’s multitasking and offered, “I can take him, you know.”
Aemond shook his head. “No, you finish your breakfast first. I’ve got him.”
Y.N. smiled at the sight of Aemond holding their son so comfortably while Aegon barely came up for air between bites.
“Slow down, Aegon, you’ll give yourself indigestion.”
Aegon groaned, pushing the last bit of sausage into his mouth. “It’s been ages since I had a proper cooked breakfast.”
Aemond smirked as he took another bite. “Maybe if you got up before dinner time, you could cook one for yourself.”
Aegon scoffed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Me? Cook? Next joke-”
As they finished breakfast, Aemond passed Jack to Y.N., who happily took him into her arms, cooing softly.
Aemond stood and began clearing the table, tossing a glance at Aegon. “Come on, you can help with the washing up.”
Aegon groaned, leaning back in his chair. “Ugh, really?���
But Aemond shot him a look, and with a heavy sigh, Aegon reluctantly got up to help.
As he half-heartedly rinsed a dish, Aemond grabbed a towel and whipped it at Aegon’s side, earning a yelp.
“Ow! Alright, alright, I’m helping!” Aegon laughed, rubbing his side before going back to work.
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After Aegon had left the penthouse, Y.N. turned to Aemond, her curiosity piqued. "Are you going into work today?"
Aemond shook his head, his gaze soft as he looked at her. "No, I’ve got the day off. I wanted to spend it with you and Jack." He paused, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "But, I do have a surprise for you."
Y.N. raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A surprise? What is it?"
Aemond chuckled. "If I tell you, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise, would it?"
She pouted, crossing her arms. "That’s not fair."
He leaned in, kissing her gently. "I’m sure you’ll survive. Now go get dressed, and I’ll get Jack ready."
With a teasing roll of her eyes, Y.N. pressed a quick kiss to his lips before heading to the bedroom. Deciding on something comfy but still presentable, she settled on a pair of jeans and a soft sweater.
When she returned, she found Aemond waiting by the door, Jack securely strapped into his car seat, his little feet kicking in excitement.
Aemond grinned at her. "Ready? Let’s get going."
Y.N. followed him out to the car, watching as Aemond made sure Jack was secure before getting in himself.
They drove out of the city, the familiar high-rises and busy streets giving way to rolling hills and tranquil greenery.
After about twenty minutes, they pulled up to a beautiful, small manor nestled among trees and gardens—not as grand as Targaryen Manor, but stunning in its own right.
Y.N. got out of the car, looking around in awe. "What are we doing here?"
Aemond came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "This," he whispered, "is our new home."
Y.N. gasped, turning in his arms to look at him. "What? Really?"
He nodded, his gaze full of warmth. "Do you like it?"
"It’s beautiful," she breathed, her eyes wide as she took in the surroundings. "But-what about the penthouse?"
Aemond sighed softly, his hand gently caressing her back. "As much as I like living there, it’s not exactly ideal for a family. And after everything with Alys, I want a fresh start. For all of us."
With Jack in his arms, Aemond guided her to the front door, unlocking it and stepping inside. Y.N. gasped again as she entered, the interior even more breathtaking than the outside—old-fashioned yet elegant, with tasteful decor and large, sunlit rooms.
Every detail seemed carefully chosen, full of charm and warmth.
"What do you think?" Aemond asked, watching her intently.
"It’s amazing," Y.N. said, her voice soft with wonder as she moved through the house. She admired the spacious rooms, imagining how perfect they’d be for their growing family.
Aemond led her to the back garden, showing her the lush greenery and wide-open space.
"Just imagine," Aemond said, his voice full of hope. "We could have a little slide and a swing set for Jack when he gets older. He could have all this room to play."
Y.N. smiled, picturing their son running through the grass, and felt a warm surge of happiness.
Aemond wasn’t done yet, though. He took her hand, leading her to a building situated behind the garage. Unlocking the door, he stepped aside, letting her see the large, open space inside.
"I thought this could be your restoration workshop," he said, his voice tinged with excitement. "It’s plenty big enough, and it can be a step towards opening your own business."
Y.N. felt tears spring to her eyes, her heart overflowing with emotion. She hadn’t expected something like this.
The gesture was so thoughtful, so perfect. She covered her face as the tears flowed, overwhelmed by how much Aemond had considered her dreams.
Aemond’s face turned to panic. "I—I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?"
She shook her head, reaching out to wrap her arms around him as Jack gurgled between them. "No, no-I’m crying because it’s so wonderful."
Aemond smiled in relief, his own eye softening as he pulled her close. "I just want you to be happy."
"I am," she whispered, pressing a kiss to his chest. "I really am."
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As they stood in the spacious workshop, Y.N. looked up at Aemond, her heart still racing from the surprise. "How long have you been planning this?"
Aemond smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "A few weeks. I was going to surprise you, but then-everything with Alys happened, and I thought I’d lost you."
Y.N. took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Let’s put all that behind us and look to the future. We’ve come through it, and now we have so much to look forward to."
Aemond nodded, his expression softening. "You're right." He paused for a moment, then asked, "So, when do you want to move in?"
Y.N. smiled, feeling excited at the thought. "Whenever you’re ready."
He glanced around the house, thinking for a moment. "I want to get some people in to give the place a good clean. It's been stood empty for a while. How about in two weeks?"
"Two weeks sounds perfect," Y.N. agreed, already imagining making this place their home.
Aemond grinned, relieved that everything was falling into place. "Now that’s sorted, I can tell Aegon the good news."
Y.N. tilted her head, curious. "What do you mean?"
"Aegon wants the penthouse," Aemond explained with a chuckle. "As much as he enjoys living with Daeron, he wants his own space. So, I told him if this move worked out, he could live there."
Y.N. laughed, shaking her head. "He’s going to be overjoyed."
Aemond smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Yeah, until he sees how much rent I’m going to charge him."
She playfully swatted his arm. "You wouldn’t!"
"Why not?" Aemond raised an eyebrow. "I own the penthouse outright. I’m not going to sell it, so renting it to Aegon makes sense."
"But it’s Aegon," Y.N. teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "He doesn’t even have a job."
Aemond chuckled. "Actually, he does. He owns The Dragon’s Den."
Y.N.’s mouth dropped open. "Of course, Aegon would own a club. Now it makes sense when you said you knew the owner."
"Yeah, he hasn’t always owned it-" Aemond explained. "-it’s a more recent purchase, but if anyone can make it work, it’s Aegon. He’s always been good at organizing parties."
Y.N. laughed, shaking her head. "That is so Aegon."
Aemond smiled softly, pulling her closer. "Yeah, it’s perfect for him”.
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The last game night at the penthouse was filled with warmth and laughter as Y.N., Aemond, Aegon, Daeron, and Helaena gathered around the table.
Daeron dealt the cards while Aegon leaned back in his chair, stretching.
“How many moving boxes do you even need?” Aegon asked, raising an eyebrow.
Y.N. smirked, playfully nudging Aemond. “Oh, those are just for Aemond’s hair products.”
Aemond frowned, trying to suppress a smile. “Hey, I don’t use that many.”
Aegon laughed loudly. “Sod off! I remember when you were living at the manor, and you had a special cupboard for all your hair stuff.”
Aemond scoffed, crossing his arms. “It wasn’t a special cupboard.”
Helaena giggled, chiming in, “Yes, it was. It had a lock on it and everything. No one was allowed to touch it.”
Daeron leaned forward, eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, do you remember when Aegon picked the lock and poured your scented hair oil out? Replaced it with vodka?”
Aemond’s lips pressed into a thin line as he muttered, “It wasn’t funny. People thought I had a drinking problem for about a week because I smelled like a brewery.”
Aegon grinned proudly. “It was rather funny.”
“For you, maybe,” Aemond shot back, rolling his eye.
Y.N. laughed softly, squeezing Aemond’s hand. “How come you didn’t notice when you were putting it on your hair?”
Aemond sighed, his pride slightly wounded. “Turns out it was scented vodka.”
Y.N. burst out laughing. Aegon pointed triumphantly at her. “See! Told you it was funny.”
Before they could continue, the sound of Jack crying echoed from the other room. Y.N. stood up and pointed at the group. “No looking at my cards, you damn cheaters.”
Aegon scoffed as she left. “The nerve to call us cheaters when she’s the one who always wins at poker. Always wins, my arse.”
Helaena shrugged, grinning. “No, it’s just because you suck, Aegon.”
Y.N. reappeared at the door, a question on her lips. “Aemond, where’s Jack’s stuffed dragon teddy?”
Aemond thought for a moment. “In the box labelled Jack’s room. Is he okay?”
Y.N. nodded. “He’s just a bit unsettled. I think he needs his snuggies with his teddy.” She disappeared again to tend to Jack.
Just then, a knock came at the door, and Aegon cheered, “Food’s here, finally! I’m starving.”
Aemond and Helaena helped dish up the Chinese takeout while Y.N. returned to the room a few moments later.
Aemond handed her a plate. “Jack okay?”
Y.N. smiled as she sat down. “Yeah. He’s asleep now.”
As she started to eat, Aegon made a move toward her plate, reaching for a piece of prawn toast. Y.N. held up her fork threateningly. “Touch my food, feel my fork.”
Aegon groaned, dramatically leaning back in his chair. “Not this again. Don’t be tight—share!”
Y.N. grinned, teasing him. “I’ll swap you one of my prawn toasts for one of your spring rolls.”
Aegon scowled. “They’re my favourites!”
“And prawn toast is my favourite,” Y.N. replied, biting into one.
With a defeated sigh, Aegon pushed a spring roll her way. “Fine. Take one, just hand over the toast, woman.”
Y.N. handed him the prawn toast, smirking in victory.
As they settled into their meal, Helaena asked, “Do you have everything sorted at your new place?”
Aemond nodded. “Yes, I was there yesterday overseeing a furniture delivery.”
Helaena smiled. “So, you’re not taking any of the furniture from here?”
“No,” Aemond said, shaking his head. “It doesn’t fit with the older style of the manor. We want to preserve the traditional feel, so we’re just taking our personal possessions.”
“I love that you’re keeping the traditional style,” Helaena said, clearly excited. “None of that modern trend.”
“I’m not really into the modern look either,” Y.N. agreed. “I think it takes away a place’s character.”
As they finished their meal, Y.N. and Helaena got up to clear the plates and load the dishwasher.
Y.N. glanced over her shoulder at Aemond, who was laughing with his brothers. The sound of his deep laughter filled the room, a rare and heartwarming sound.
Helaena, standing beside her, smiled softly. “This is the happiest I’ve ever seen Aemond.”
“Really?” Y.N. asked, her heart swelling with affection.
Helaena nodded. “It’s nice to see him smile like this.” Turning to Y.N., she added, “Thank you for loving him the way he deserves.”
Y.N.’s eyes glistened as she smiled back at Helaena, feeling a warmth in her chest. "He deserves the world."
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After Helaena, Daeron, and Aegon had left, a calm settled over the penthouse. Y.N. stretched and smiled, feeling content after the evening spent with Aemond’s siblings. “I think I’m going to have a bath,” she said,
Aemond, already seated on the sofa with a glass of whiskey, nodded, his gaze soft and appreciative as he watched her. “Enjoy,” he said, swirling the amber liquid in his glass.
Upstairs, Y.N. entered the bathroom, the faint scent of roses already wafting through the air as she poured a generous amount of rose-scented bubble bath into the filling tub.
The soothing fragrance wrapped around her as steam rose from the water. She pinned her hair up, undressed, and slipped into the tub, sighing in pure bliss as the warmth enveloped her.
The soft bubbles floated around her, and the tension of the day melted away with each passing second.
After washing herself, a mischievous thought entered her mind. A small smirk played on her lips as she called out, “Aemond?”
A few moments later, the bathroom door creaked open, and Aemond stepped in, a curious expression on his face. “You called?” he asked, his voice low and smooth.
Y.N. looked up at him through her lashes, her smile playful. “I did. I was hoping you could give me a kiss.”
Aemond chuckled, his lips curving into a smile. He set down his glass and walked over to her, kneeling next to the tub. His eye softened as he leaned closer, as he reached out, brushing a few stray bubbles off her shoulder, and pressed a tender kiss to her lips.
The warmth of the bath, mixed with the heat of his kiss, made her heart race. Y.N. smiled against his lips, pulling back just enough to whisper, "Thank you."
Aemond lingered close, his gaze flicking between her eyes and lips, his voice low and teasing. "That all you wanted?"
Y.N. smiled up at Aemond, her eyes glimmering with mischief as she leaned a little closer, her lips just inches from his.
“No,” she whispered, her voice soft yet laced with desire. “That’s not all I wanted.”
Aemond raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Oh?" His voice was low, the playful challenge clear. "And what else do you want?"
Instead of answering with words, Y.N. leaned forward, her hand sliding up to cup the back of his neck.
She pulled him closer and kissed him deeply, passionately. The warmth of her lips sent a jolt of heat through him as he responded instantly, his hand moving to gently cradle her face as he kissed her back with equal fervour.
“Y.N” exclaimed Aemond his singular eye dilated.
“I want you to fuck me in this bath-”.
Aemond smiled, of course had absolutely no problem with that.
Standing up, he quickly pulled off his clothes, his cock already half hard.
He took a step towards the bath, but Y.N stopped him with a hand on his pale thigh.
Looking up at Aemond’s face, she licked her lips and moved her hand from his thigh to wrap around his cock.
Stroking it, she licked around the head with her tongue, teasing and tasting his slit.
Aemond drew in his breath at her touch. Y.N opened her mouth and engulfed the head, sucking it into her wet heat.
Aemond hissed with each stroke of her hand, she pulled inch after inch of his cock into her mouth.
Her tongue brushed the underside of his shaft as she leisurely fucked his cock with her mouth.
Her hand slid smoothly along his wet length with firm, deliberate strokes –
“N-No m-more” muttered Aemond, quickly stepping free.
Y.N looked at him silently, with her wet lips barely parted.
Her large eyes locked with his and Aemond faltered slightly. It was truly amazing how she could bring him to his knees without even saying a word.
“You want me to fuck you hard?” asked Aemond as he pulled off his eyepatch, the sapphire nestled in his socket glittering.
“Yes” whispered Y.N as she slowly licked her lips and swallowed.
Aemond closed his eye for a brief moment and took a deep breath before he slid into the warm water.
Slowly he moved towards her until his body hovered over hers.
“Promise me you'll use the safe word if it gets too much” murmured Aemond.
Y.N trembled from the intensity of his tone.
“I don't need a safe word. I said want you to fuck me hard, and I meant it-”
“Promise me that you'll tell me if it's too much” said Aemond.
Y.N squeezed her thighs together, trying desperately to stimulate her clitoris. She was certain she'd never been this turned on before.
“Yes. Aemond” replied Y.N.
Aemond’s smile was cold.
“Good” said Aemond as his hand closed around her throat, and with his thumb he pushed her chin up to meet his commanding kiss.
After stealing Y.N’s kiss and breath from her body, Aemond let her go and moved to the opposite end of the oversized bath. The water slipped and sloshed over the edges.
Aemond lay against the bath's edge, hooking his arms around it lazily. His gaze was hooded.
“Now. Suck my cock”.
Swallowing, Y.N headed over to him, bracing herself against the bath's sides. She saw his impressive erection through the water, magnified to a daunting size.
But Aemond didn't raise his hips.
“Now” ordered Aemond, his tone gave little room for argument.
Y.N took a deep breath and slid under the water, gripping his erection a little harder than she would ordinarily have dared.
Aemond didn't move.
Y.N put her lips to his head then quickly pulled his cock into her mouth, forming a tight seal so water didn’t enter.
Stroking his shaft firmly, she moved up and down, swallowing his head and as much of his length as she could, sucking hard.
Y.N’s hearing was somewhat clouded by the surrounding water.
So she didn't hear Aemond’s sharp intake of breath, and she couldn't see how he tilted his head back, eye closed against the glorious streaks of pleasure coursing through his body.
Aemond couldn't remember the last time he was this hard.
Y.N’s head broke clear of the water, she gasped for breath and pushed her streaming-wet hair back over her head.
Aemond looked at her with the same cool expression he'd had since he kissed her.
“Again” ordered Aemond sternly.
Chest heaving, Y.N stared at him. His eye: normally cool and blue, now burned with an intensity she’d never seen before.
She slid beneath the water again, making her way to his almost-pulsing erection.
After her third descent, eyes closed against the water, Y.N felt an elegant hand descend on her head – and lock her head in place. Her mouth full of Aemond.
Drawing her fingers around his balls, she couldn't resist the temptation to pinch them – and was rewarded with his fingers clutching her head in instinctive response.
Y.N sucked Aemond’s cock until she felt her cheeks bulge and her lungs burn. She felt light-headed. Yet still he kept her head underwater. Her heart pounded from exhilaration and fear.
How long would he force her?
But Aemond’s grip on her head suddenly loosened and she surged up, water heaving out of the bath, drawing great amounts of air into her starved body.
Disoriented and dizzy, her body swayed dangerously as Aemond pressed her to lay back against the cool edge of the bath and hooked his arms around her thighs, lifting her lower half out of the water, his mouth descending on her cunny.
Ravenously, he pressed into her core with his tongue, in and out, much faster than his cock ever could. Still gasping, Y.N clutched at his head with one hand, her other hand scrabbled for purchase slippery edge of the bath tub.
Aemond withdrew from her soaking wet core and lashed hard at her clitoris with his tongue, pulling on it with his lips.
He was hard, fast and brutal, alternating between her assaulted bundle of nerves and drinking deep from her cunt.
Y.N ground down on Aemond, hard; his tongue speared deeper inside her, and she felt the warm curl of her peak approach.
Aemond growled, deep in his throat; the vibration of his vocal cords rippled through to his tongue and Y.N gasped; she felt every vibration keenly. Her body tensed for her peak–
But Aemond pushed her off him.
Starved of her release, Y.N shrieked in vexation �� then her breath left her body as he shoved her against the edge of the bath.
Breathing hard, Aemond pushed her hair away from her face – then he held her face in his hands and kissed her, drawing her breath from her once more as she tasted the salt-sweetness of her body on his lips and tongue.
Aemond pulled away, just far enough to capture her stare.
“You had enough?” rasped Aemond.
“Not even close. Do your worst. I can take it” challenged Y.N.
A spark briefly ignited Aemond’s gaze, and before she could speak again, his hand pressed against her throat, cutting off her air once more.
“You really want it?” asked Aemond. He let her nod; once, twice.
Aemond removed his hand, and Y.N gasped for breath again, howling in need as he suddenly slid two long fingers into her cunt and speared them in and out of her at a brutal pace.
His palm bumped against her clit with each hard thrust. In the space of a second, Y.N’s peak came reappeared.
Gods, she needed it, she needed it so bad.
Aemond’s lips were at her ear, whispered harshly. “I can feel your body, love. Your cunny’s clutching my fingers. You're desperate for it, aren't you?”
“Y-Yes” gasped Y.N, closing her eyes and focussing on the swirling sensation building in her pelvis.
“Is that a fact?” Aemond taunted with his beautiful mouth, his tongue licking at her earlobe Y.N didn't think it was possible, but he sped his fingers up, and she knew she would gush all over his hand, in the bath, down her legs – and she didn't care, it felt so fucking good.
“Aemond!” gasped Y.N, writhing against him, yet he pulled his fingers out of her body and moved away.
“FUCK!” screamed Y.N in frustration.
The corner of Aemond’s mouth tilted, looking her slowly up and down as he began to stroke himself.
“You don't come until I say you can. If I say you can”
Frustrated almost beyond sanity, Y.N closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Enough?” asked Aemond smirking.
Y.N raised her head and glared at him defiantly.
“Not even close”
Aemond acknowledged her response with a circling motion of his index finger.
Y.N obeyed and spun around, staring at the wall of the bathroom. She couldn't see but she heard Aemond move behind her.
Her heart began to pound with anticipation.
“Good” replied Aemond, as he smacked her luscious buttocks with his open hand.
The sting of his hand on her flesh took Y.N by surprise, and she gasped before yelping. Heat bloomed over her assaulted backside.
Ignoring her, Aemond delivered spank after spank to her bottom, never landing on the same place twice.
“Say the safe word” snarled Aemond, still not letting up.
“NO” cried Y.N, trying to stimulate her neglected clitoris between the top of her thighs.
She would not give in. She would not back down. She asked for her fiancé  to do his worst and fuck her hard and she meant every fucking word.
Instantly, his lips were at her ear again.
“Liking it are you” taunted Aemond.
“Please fuck me” whispered Y.N against the bath.
“Oh, like this?” asked Aemond, and a second later his hard length filled her cunny in one smooth stroke.
“God. Yes. Aemond” moaned Y.N.
He began to move in and out of her in a series of deep measured thrusts.
“Your cunt is dripping, it's so beautiful” sighed Aemond, as he began to fuck her faster.
Y.N bit her lip hard. She didn't want to let him know how close she was to release.
“Bet you're wondering when I'm going to let you come.” said Aemond.
Y.N moaned in the affirmative, and he slowed down. She heard the slick sound of their flesh connecting over the sloshing water in the bath.
“Not like this, that's for sure” said Aemond as he withdrew.
Y.N whined desperately.
“But since you've been a very good girl, I'll tell you, if you like?”
“Y-Yes. P-Please” moaned Y.N, her legs shaking.
Aemond laid a gentle kiss between her shoulder blades.
“You, my dear, are going to come with my cock shoved right inside your gorgeous arse”
Before Y.N could react, Aemond spat generously in his hand and spread it over his finger and around the entry to her arse. She felt his finger on her little rosette, and it felt so naughty, it was good.
“Yes, or no?” asked Aemond
Y.N didn't even have to think twice.
“Yes, Aemond” moaned Y.N as Aemond slowly inserted his finger into her body.
He worked in silence for a while, easing his finger in and out of her arse until she could take it easily.
Pulling out, he added a second finger and brushed both around her hole.
“Yes, or no?” Aemond asked again...
“Aemond. I want you take my arse and fuck it until I scream out your name. I need to come, please. Do not deprive me any longer” begged Y.N.
Aemond let out a breath of air, but no words. Silently, he breached her arse once more.
Y.N screamed, and Aemond panicked. He started to back his fingers out, but she begged “No, no, oh god it feels so fucking good I can barely stand it”.
Aemond continued to work his way into her tight space. When his fingers were fully inside her, he put his lips to her ear again.
“I'm going to take your arse” whispered Aemond, pumping his fingers slowly in and out.
“Yes” gasped Y.N as she pushed against Aemond’s slender talented finger’s.
“I'm going to breach your arse with my cock and fill you all the way up. It's going to feel so good, love, I can't wait to feel you come”
Y.N’s teeth were gritted, and she grunted low in her throat each time his fingers surged in.
“Yes” moaned Y.N loudly. Aemond slapped her buttock, and she wailed again.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir” moaned Y.N. She was pushing back against his hand, so he spread his fingers inside her, accommodating her to his size.
At last, she was ready for him.
Aemond reached over to the small cabinet next to the bath, praying the contents hadn’t been packed already and he let out a joyful cheer when his fingers closed around the bottle of lubricant.
Aemond bent her over, so her hands gripped the edge of the bath with her legs open for him. Lubricating his cock, he almost salivated at the sight she made. Y.N’s cunny was plump and glossy.
So very tempting, but he was after another prize tonight.
Aemond pressed the head of his cock to the entrance of her arse, and Y.N moaned in need, he pushed through her entrance and past her sphincter muscle, swearing loudly as it gripped him unbelievably tight.
“Oh gods. Oh yes” moaned Y.N, flinging her head back. Aemond eased himself slowly and smoothly into her tight anal passage, trying not to pass out from the sheer fucking bliss of it.  
Eventually, Y.N took his entire cock.
“Come with me Aemond. I want to come when you come”
Aemond withdrew a little and surged inside again. Over and over, he did this withdrawing further each time, until his cock entirely withdrew from her now-widened entrance.
He marvelled at her body. Such a beautiful, succulent thing his fiancée was. Allowing him entry into the most sacred parts of her body.
Aemond began to fuck her in earnest, plunging his cock into her arse over and over, thrilling to hear Y.N’s moans of need. Bracing her arms, she pushed against him so he could shove his cock in.
Harder and faster.
Aemond felt his balls draw in; his peak was approaching. He snaked a hand around Y.N’s body and played with her clitoris, rubbing it with his fingers.
“Oh gods” moaned Y.N as her whole body shook.
“Come for me, love” breathed Aemond, his thrusts starting to jerk.
He was close. So close.
Y.N screamed as her desperately-needed peak exploded from her body, making every limb tremble as her body clenched around Aemond’s cock.
Aemond’s own peak nearly took him off his feet. The sensation took over his body as he spilled rope after rope of his seed, he had no recollection of what he did or said for the good minute it took for his peak to crest, then subside.
He had never come so hard in his life.
Breathing hard, Aemond gently pulled out and enveloped Y.N’s shaking limbs into a tight hug.
“I-I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“Not at all” replied Y.N quietly as she slowly descended down into the cool bath water.
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Aemond stood in the street, the keys dangling from his hand as he stared at Aegon. "Alright, here you go," he said, handing them over.
Aegon accepted them with a gleeful grin, twirling them around his finger.
"Don't forget," Aemond warned, narrowing his eye at his brother, "I still own this place, and I won't have you trash it."
Aegon raised his hands in mock innocence. "Would I ever?"
Aemond crossed his arms. "No wild parties, no orgies, no drugs, and absolutely no ritual animal slaughters of any kind—wow god I’m giving him ideas”
Aegon chuckled, shaking his head. "First of all, ritual animal slaughters? What the actual hell, Aemond? And are you sure about the orgies? Because—"
"Absolutely no orgies!" Aemond cut him off, exasperated. "I still have PTSD from walking in on you and those three girls back when we lived at home."
Aegon’s eyes twinkled as he remembered. "Oh, that was something else. And I did invite you to join, as I recall. You’re the one who declined."
"You’re damn right I did," Aemond muttered, shuddering. "I didn’t even know any of those girls, and I definitely didn’t want to see your bare arse."
At that moment, Y.N. appeared next to Aemond, catching the tail end of the conversation. "What’s this about Aegon’s bare arse?" she asked, amused, her eyebrows raised.
Aegon huffed dramatically. "He said I can’t have orgies," he replied, pouting like a child being denied a treat.
Y.N. shot Aemond a sympathetic look. "Well, that's understandable," she said. "But, wait—how do you even manage to have an orgy?"
Aegon grinned devilishly. "Oh, it can be exhausting," he said with a wink, "but I am very generous. Everyone gets a turn, and I’m not selfish either. In fact, why don’t—"
Aemond groaned, cutting him off. "That's enough of your depravity."
"You're such a spoil sport," Aegon muttered under his breath, though the smile never left his face.
Y.N. chuckled as she looked at Aemond. "Jack’s all strapped into the car, and everything’s ready."
Aemond gave the penthouse one last lingering look, his gaze softening for just a moment. Y.N. noticed and asked gently, "You alright?"
"Yeah," Aemond replied, nodding. "Just-saying goodbye to this place."
Y.N. smiled, understanding, and got into the car. Aemond turned to Aegon one last time, his face serious. "Remember what I said, Aegon, or I’ll kick your arse."
Aegon grinned, clearly not taking the threat too seriously. "I’ll be good," he promised, waving them off as they headed down to the car.
Aegon stood watching Aemond climb into the driver’s seat. He waved at Y.N., who waved back, and he watched as they drove away, followed closely by the moving van.
As the car disappeared from view, Aegon turned back to the penthouse, keys in hand, and grinned. "Well, guess it’s time to break this place in."
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