#not even going to tag this because people are going to hate on me SO HARD anyway
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josiebelladonna · 1 day ago
^that last one made me think of stranger things. Remember back in 2022 how fucking ubiquitous, pervasive, and inescapable that season was (and to the point it was starting to piss me off because none of the kids look like kids anymore, it was sneaking into tags it had no business sneaking into, and it felt like it was becoming more about the music than… actually being watchable and having a memorable storyline, god forbid—granted, it was one of the best soundtracks in a long time, but it came as a bonus in the first two seasons, so that’s not the point)? Now, I’ll see some offhand fics here and there in the fanfic tags, but that’s about it—add to this, everything I see about this final season is, um… don’t get your hopes up. In other words, I fully expect there to be an avalanche of fix-it fics and more fics surrounding Eddie Muenster whatever his name is once the season hits, and then it’ll disappear again.
I guess last year there was a rebirth of the House, M.D. fandom, a fandom which I didn’t even know existed when I was watching that show when it was going and even when it ended back in 2012. Key phrase there is “last year”: I haven’t seen anything about it since like November.
Dan and Phil is another one. I don’t have any idea who they are (I could never get into YouTubers) but every other post on my dash now is about them, and all I can think is “I won’t see them two months from now.”
You also have the strange case of me: start a previously not-catalogued fandom from the ground up and it goes well for a few months, and then something happens to me where I need to speak out, and then all of a sudden POOF! Everyone loses respect and I feel like I have to leave after a time, even if I’m still very much in the zone—especially if I’m still very much in the zone. “Ew, no, she’s obsessed and delusional and unstable, let’s start our own hub in another place and do better than her.” Yeah, and then your bullshit ____ x reader fics from last summer fall by the wayside whereas one of my longfics which I started back in 2022 is still rolling because I’m not callous enough to do it for spite.
They cannibalize the fandom and also the people who make it. They treat it like it’s a thing to be consumed and given to their peers, hence the popularity of the “reader insert” fanfic (which I hate with a passion for this reason), and someone like me, someone who’s actually a fan, is seen as a psychopath, not realizing that this is killing fandom and making the “creator” feel (ab)used. I soldier on because I’m a fan and I love the men involved, dammit.
More used feelings by calling me a “creator”, too, as that is a word that is thrown around way too lightly and shortchanges someone like me by glossing over our craft. I’m an artist and a writer and a baker, I am NOT a creator.
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darlingdaisyfarm · 3 days ago
takin’ what’s not yours (ford x reader x stan)
chapter 2 | chapter 1
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someone please whack me with a rolled-up newspaper like a misbehaving dog so i actually finish my fics on time. also i think this chapter is mega boring but i have no more brain cells to fix it because im very tired
tags for this chapter: death mention (i mean a dog’s death, and this is a little self-indulgent, but i just wanted to write it exactly like that), gore (not so much), panic attacks, child abuse, alcohol, flashbacks, unreliable narrator
Stanley, who has never met a terrible situation he couldn’t defuse with a joke, lets out a breath. “hey, bro, you planning on hunting something tonight or just ready to, i dunno, take out some deer in the backyard ”
Ford blinks once, but doesn’t lower the crossbow. “Already did,” he answers calm as you please. “for an experiment.”
You and Stanley go silent at the same time. The crackling of the old lightbulb above you fills the space where words should be. Somewhere outside, a tree branch scrapes against the roof, snapping you out of trance.
“. . . What,” you say finally, because someone has to.
“I needed to analyze the cellular structure post-mortem, it’s relevant to my research.”
Stan lets out a laugh, which sounds a little too loud in that awkward silence. “Oh, sure. Yeah. Right. Because that makes total sense, totally normal thing to do. Real brother-of-the-year shit.”
“Science isn’t about sentimentality, Stanley. Besides, it was already injured when i found it. I only expedited the process.”
Expedited the process. Jesus Christ.
You glance at Stanley, who is staring at Ford with such confused face, seeing something he doesn’t recognize , doesn’t have name for, which is funny, because you’re pretty sure he’s seen a lot of versions of Ford by now. Except this this one, who’s holding conversations with himself in his own head, this one with the dark circles and the too-quick explanations.
However, you were Ford’s assistant, his best friend too, so you know how his brain works, although even right now you can’t find explanation for. . . whatever this is.
You take a careful step forward. “Ford, why do you need dead animals for your research?”
“That’s complicated.”
“Try me.”
He exhales through his nose, apparently annoyed. “ Certain anomalies leave biological imprints even after death and I hypothesise that these imprints could be harnessed. Imagine, for example, an organism imbued with interdimensional properties—“
“Okay, okay, no. Stop.” Stan holds up both hands. “literally no idea what you just said, but it sounded fucked up. Also, you're still pointing that thing at us, genius, mind putting it down before i start thinking you’re planning on adding people to your little science fair project?”
Ford blinks again, then looks at his own hands as if he just now realized what he was holding. Carefully, he sets the crossbow aside.
“It’s not like that,” he mutters, pushing his glasses up, looking away.
“Great,” his twin says. “good talk. Totally reassuring.”
There’s another silence, because Ford doesn't answer that. You dont know what to say too. And the shack gets colder with every minute. Ford’s back is turned now, and you don’t know if he’s done talking or if he just doesn’t care if you’re still standing here.
You glance at Stanley again, silently telling him to say something, to do something, that's his own brother after all, damn it! But he ignores your request and folds his arms over his chest. What a moron. . . And because you hate this kind of silence, you try again. “Ford,” but much softer this time. “seriously, are you okay?”
Ford doesn't answer right away and that's the part that worries you the most. “It’s not as morbid as you’re making it sound. I needed to study the decomposition process in controlled conditions. It’s for science.”
Which is possibly the worst possible answer he could have given.
Stan scoffs, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets, nervous, but trying to hide it. “Yeah, that clears it right up. Real normal hobby you got there, Poindexter.”
Stanford just ignores that.
Then, out of nowhere, as if to shake the whole tension, Stan shivers, “Oh man. Do we have any tea or something? I’m freezing.” he says it offhand obviously, but it’s the perfect excuse for you.
So you seize it immediately. “Yeah , i’ll— i’ll go make some,” you say, already turning toward the kitchen.
Ford barely acknowledges you leaving, but Stan does. You notice the way his brown eyes flick toward you, the silent thanks he tells you. You both need a second to breathe.
The kitchen is cold when you light the stove, set the kettle on, press your hands to the counter and think. Ford is weird, you knew that, but this is different. The last time you saw him, he wasn’t like this, his skin wasn’t so pale, his eyes weren’t so dark.
He was paranoid. . . Maybe, okay, he sure was, but there used to be some kind of. . . purpose, excitement behind that paranoia. Now, it just looks like wild fear.
A deep, sinking feeling twists in your gut.
Meanwhile, in the other room, Stan’s stomach growls and the sound is too loud, making Ford glance at him. “You should eat something.”
Stan rolls his eyes. “thanks for the life advice, doctor sixer.”
“It’s just an observation.”
“Yeah? Well, what are you, taking a role of an older brother now?” Stan mutters, leaning back in his chair.
Ford doesn't answer, just stares, not knowing what to say to that. In the kitchen, the kettle starts to whistle as you shake yourself out of your thoughts. Pulling out some old mugs andgrabbing the first container of tea you can find, you turn your head to the cookies are on the counter and without even thinking about it, just grab a handful and pile them onto a plate.
When you walk back in, Stan’s sitting stiffly, arms crossed, visibly uncomfortable, while Ford is in exactly the same position as before, hasn’t moved an inch.
You set the tray down with a little too much force. “Ford, i hope you don’t mind i stole your cookies to feed your brother.”
But he barely reacts. Stan, though, eyes the plate, two seconds away from breaking down in gratitude.
“You are actually a lifesaver,” he says, grabbing one immediately.
You pass Ford his tea, but he doesn’t drink right away. Stan, on the other hand, takes a sip, exhales long and slow. “ God , finally, something warm.”
The moment almost feels normal until Ford lifts his mug, opens his mouth and spills the entire thing down his front . You freeze , feeling the cookie stuck in your throat . Just. All of it. No attempt to sip or at least to adjust , looks like a full-body failure of basic motor skills.
The room goes dead silent as Stanley and you stare again.
Ford doesn’t react, just sits there, drenched in tea, holding the empty mug like nothing happened.
“. . . Bro,” Stan says finally. “what the fuck was that.”
You’re gripping your own mug tightly, nervous. “Ford?”
Ford blinks, looking down at his soaked clothes, he slowly touches the fabric, not understanding what went wrong. “I guess I miscalculated.”
Stan throws his hands in the air. “Miscalculated? Miscalculated what, basic human function?”
Ignoring his twin again, Stanford doesn’t answer, still staring at the tea, clenching his fingers. You bite your lip. yeah. Something is wrong. Something’s really, really wrong.
Stan makes a strangled, baffled noise, shoving a hand through his hair, trying to process what he just saw. “Sweet Moses, Sixer, you just malfunctioned. You just— what the hell was that? You need a reboot? A software update?”
Ford, to his credit, keeps his fa c e expression calm as possible. Only brushes a hand over his soaked clothes with a blank face. “It’s nothing, Stanley, a minor lapse in coordination.”
“A minor lapse?” Stan repeats, looking to you for backup. “ Are you one year old?”
You want to laugh, because this is fucking ridiculous because Stan is damn right, but the feeling that’s been pooling in your stomach since you stepped foot back in the shack only deepens.
Ford isn’t acting normal. Not weird normal. Not his usual ‘I’m smarter than everyone and i know it’ normal.
“Ford,” you say quietly. “are you sure you’re okay? This is getting weird.”
Stanford turns to you like he just now remembered you were here and the second your eyes meet, you immediately want to look away as if your body is trying to tell you something your brain hasn’t caught up with yet. Get out.
“Of course i am, why wouldn’t i be?” you're not sure if you imagined it, but the intonation sounds rather sarcastic.
You don’t get to answer as you hear something crashing outside. Stan nearly chokes on his tea while you jolt so hard your own mug sloshes in your hands.
Ford is the only one who doesn’t react.
“Shit,” Stan hisses, immediately craning his head toward the window. “what the fuck was that?”
Your heart beats faster. You don’t know why, but suddenly the only thought in your head is—
“What if it’s a yeti,” you whisper, deadly serious.
Stan whips his head toward you. “Why the hell would it be a yeti?”
You glare at him. “Ford literally just admitted to performing illegal backwoods taxidermy. Why wouldn’t it be a yeti?”
Stan thinks about your words and his expression changes. “ Yeah , okay, fair point.”
Suddenly you hear another noise, but this time it’s a sharp rattle against the window.
Stan nearly jumps out of his skin. “oh fuck, it’s the cops.”
Ford finally sighs, tilting his head to glance toward the front door. “It’s not the police, it’s the wind.”
You and Stan exchange a look. Ford is right, the storm outside has picked up hard as the wind is howling through the trees, snow slamming against the shack in heavy sheets.
Stan exhales, realizing that he probably doesn't have a chance to get out of here in his car, the roads are so damn clogged. He runs a hand over his tired face. “Great, just fucking great.”
You glance toward the door, slumping your shoulders. “Yeah. Looks like i’m staying the night.”
Ford doesn’t even hesitate, happy with your words. “You can take the spare room.”
Stan raises an eyebrow, surprised at how fast his brother offered. You are too, honestly. Does that mean . . . you don’t get to finish your thought when Ford turns to Stan. “You can stay too, Stanley.”
At first, Stan doesn't react at all, thinking that he misheard, but then his brother's words gradually sink in. He's wary when he clears his throat, rubbing at the back of his neckawkwardly, obviously not used to that. “Uh. Yeah. Okay, thanks.”
Ford steps past him, when he passes his twin, though, he stops and leans in. “don’t worry , im not dad, i won’t throw you out.” just like that, he keeps walking, leaving Stan standing here wide eyed and frozen.
You stare after Ford, then back at Stan .
“Oh, um,” you say. “what the hell.”
Stan looks down. “yeah, no shit.”
The shack at night is a different thing, you knew this already, but knowing it and feeling it are two different things. You’ve stayed the night here before, back when things were normal, back when Ford was normal and the silence always calmed you, unlike right now. When you hear your own heart beating and the whole house is listening.
Stanley is asleep, dead asleep. Sprawled across the couch in a tangle of limbs and blankets, snoring faintly through the storm’s howl. Good for him, it's the first time in years he hasn’t had to sleep in the backseat of a car, curled up around himself like a stray dog in a storm drain. It doesn’t matter that the couch is stiff, that the room is freezing, this is the best sleep he’s had in years.
Summer, 1960-something. Kids. Kids with scabby-kneed, sunburned noses and wild hair.
The harbour always smelled like salt and fish.
Ford’s hands shake when he sees the bruise. So deep, ugly, purpling against Stan’s cheekbone, swelling beneath his eye.
“What happened?”
His brother was sitting on the curb, resting his arms over his knees, staring at a crack in the pavement.
“Dunno, pa just gets mad.”
The words felt like someone had dropped a rock right into Ford's chest, as it just sank to the bottom of his stomach, too heavy to breathe around.
Stan must’ve noticed, because he grinned. He actually hated that look, hated seeing his own twin with that kind of expression, because that made Stan know exactly how he looked when their old man had really lost it.
“But hey, hey, least now i look tough, huh? Bet all those bullies are gonna be real scared now,” he grinned, nudging Ford with his elbow.
Ford’s hands curled into fists. “thats not,” he cut himself off, shaking his head. “that's not gonna help, Stanley!”
“Eh, maybe,” he shrugged. “but it sure looks cool, huh?”
It didn’t. It looked awful.
Ford's chest was too tight. He looked at his brothers bruised eye, at the careless shrug in his posture, and suddenly the words burst out before he can stop them.
“We should run away.”
Stan opened his mouth, surprised, Ford, sixer, being this bold? And a second, he almost looked serious, considering it.
Then he laughed loudly. “and go where, genius?”
“Anywhere! Somewhere better. We could, we go up north, where it’s colder, where nobody knows us.”
Stan squinted at him. “but what about ma?” Ford hesitated, looking down. Stanley's smile faded as he rubbed his bruise. “look, Sixer, i appreciate the whole dramatic rescue thing, but we’re kids. Where’re we even gonna sleep? In a box?”
“We’d figure it out, you'll never be homeless, we'll never he homeless,” Ford insisted. “we’re smart—“
“You’re smart,” Stan corrected, no bitterness, just a fact. “im just a guy who can throw a good punch.”
Ford hated that he said that, so he didn’t give up.
“We could take a boat,” he tried again. “work at a dock, make some money—“
“You’d get seasick in five minutes.”
Ford scowled. “i would not.”
“Yeah, you would,” Stan teased, nudging him again.
Ford didn’t answer, because he hated the way Stanley took it all as some kind of joke. He was serious. He meant it.
But Stan just sighed again, stretching his arms over his head. “nah. don’t worry about it, Poindexter. Ain’t no big deal.”
It was a big deal. But Ford didn’t say anything else. Just sat down next to him, wrapping his arms around his knees, staring at the same crack in the pavement.
They were kids, they thought like kids. Ford just wished they’d stayed kids. Stanley wished the same.
Ford is in his bed, but he's not sleeping. Or maybe he does, technically.
He shifts, twists, rolls to his side, then to his back, then to his stomach, then repeats the cycle, stuck in a loop. His body doesn’t want to be still, doesn’t know how to be still.
He can't really control it, can’t open his eyes no matter how much he wants to.
It’s the same dream every time. Ford and him, sitting across from each other, playing chess, if Ford could call it that because every move Ford makes is a lie, and every move Bill makes is a trap.
Ford can’t win no matter what he does, no matter how many times he tries. Bill moves a piece. Ford counters. Bill moves another. Ford moves in response.
And when Stanford blinks, they’re already back at the start, the pieces damn reset and the game begins again.
“What do you say, Sixer? another round?”
Ford clenches his jaw, it’s not like he has any other choice. He just moves the first piece.
Every time their game ends with same, when Ford sees the door to his childhood home. It's already happening, every night.
He sees his brother standing there, staring in at their father with hope in his eyes, waiting for him to change his mind.
Ford sees his father’s mouth moving and even though can't clearly hear the words, he doesn't even need to hear them. He knows what happens next.
It’s already happened.
It’s always happening.
You aren’t asleep, either. Your head is too full, your body is too restless . Your thoughts won’t quiet. Ford, you cant get him out of your head. What you saw hours ago is sitting heavy on your chest, making it hard to breathe properly. Something is wrong with him and the whole shack, it doesn’t feel like it should.
You don’t know why it bothers you so much, but it does. Ford has always been intense, sure, his brain works faster than everyone else's, you've always known that.
You shake your head, taking a deep breath. No use going in circles. You have to talk to him tomorrow, ask him. And let him deny your questions as much as he likes and look at you like you're crazy, you'll get your way.
As soon as you close your eyes, finally sinking into sleep, the lights go out, and the whole room plunges into an all-consuming darkness. Fuck.
You immediately sit up, gripping the blanket. It can't be that bad.
It's fine, this is fine. You know where you are, you're in the shack, the storm outside is brutal, but that's normal. The generator will probably kick in any second now.
. . . Any second now.
. . . Any damn second.
The darkness does not change. You swallow. No use waiting, there should be candles somewhere in here, just to keep you sane and. . . would word safe fit here? Honestly, you just want to make this place feel like somewhere, instead of nothing at all.
Pushing the blanket off, you slip out of bed, feeling the cold floor beneath your feet.
Ford keeps candles somewhere, you know he does because it was a Christmas gift from you, years ago. So it should be easy to find them.
You put your hands out to feel for the walls as you move slow, trying not to bang your shin into anything, listening to the creaks of the house around you and footsteps. Wait.
Footsteps, exactly. Your whole body goes rigid.
Someone else is awake. Your heart pounds as you pause, listening hard.
Okay, they're not rushed, you take a note of that. Not stumbling or uncertain. Not. . . What was his name? Stanley? Yeah, probably not Stanley's, he would be louder, sloppier.
Meanwhile these sounds too slow, intentional.
Your fingers shake as you reach out, feeling along the shelves. Goddamn, you need a candle. Just one. Just enough light to fucking see.
Seems like luck is not on your side because just when you take another step, you damn trip, your hands shoot out, grabbing wildly for balance, but before you can fall and hit the ground hands catch you.
And they're not yours. Your breath stops. Someone else’s. You barely have time to react before you feel them close around your waist, digging into your stomach, your hips, moving fast, searching, checking. So strong. Coming from behind.
They trace higher, gripping as they move up to your chest. The air rushing from your lungs, your body tenses as a jolt of shock slams through you. The hands don't let go, not letting you pull away as they hold you in place. You try to yell, but before you can, you hear someone's voice right in your ear.
“Shouldn't you be asleep?”
Your blood runs ice fucking cold, but hands don’t let go.
If anything, they tighten. Painfully gripping you, grasping keeping you there, locked in place. A rush of panic clouding your senses before you even have time to think.
And it doesn't help th at the darkness is so thick, so you can't see who's behind you, can't even get a glimpse
Long fingers trailing slow over the curve of your sides, the dip of your waist, the softness of you beneath them. They follow the shape of your hips, press into the plush of your thighs.
You gasp when you feel your back pressing against someone’s broad chest. But your thoughts don’t fully settle on who or what it can be because your body is screaming louder than your mind. Sharp panic coils in your gut.
Your mind is too scattered, clouded with adrenaline. You thrash. Or at least you try to. Your muscles tense to push, to shove, but the hands don’t budge.
Panic overrides everything, making it impossible to think and breathe. Your body tells you one thing: get away .
But the fear floods your veins like ice, so much so that you can’t even count the fingers on the hands holding you.
Five. Six. Which is it? You should know. But sadly, your mind is too frantic, your skin burning too hot where those fingers press, where they curl. You don’t even realize you’re shaking.
And when they let go, all at once, the air rushes back into your lungs as your body stumbles forward, and you don’t wait or look back, letting your feet carry you .
You don’t remember running back to bed.
You don’t remember pulling the blankets over yourself, heart hammering, breath coming too fast, too shallow.
All you remember is pressing yourself into the mattress, squeezing your eyes shut and whispering the first prayer you've ever said in years. Not that it helps
So instead, you think. You force yourself to think.
Because fear is useless to a scientist, it is irrational, fear clouds judgment, fear lies.
And if you let it win, it will consume you.
You feel. . . violated. That’s the word, isn’t it? Or was it something that could be explained away as a trick of the mind?
Was it someone? Yes. Someone grabbed you. Someone touched you.
Your stomach lurches and you swallow it down, gripping at the blankets while your brain tries to work through it. To think. To rationalize.
This can’t be. Logic has to win, but the feeling is still there.
The ghost of hands on your body.
And you don’t sleep.
There's dirt under your fingernails, packed tight in the creases, clinging to the skin of your palms. Your hands hurt a little. Dug too deep. Pressed too hard. The grave was small, no headstone, although you wish you could, just a little wooden marker Ford helped you to carve.
Somewhere in the trees, hidden in the thick summer-green leaves, cicadas chirped. It was so warm, the grass beneath you was soft, a little overgrown, tickling against your arms.
Your throat still felt tight, and your hands, fisted in your lap, felt hollow.
Your voice came out rough. “it’s stupid to cry over a dog, right?”
Ford turned his head toward you, furrowing his brows, not sure if you were joking.
“I mean,“ sniff. “its just a dog.” you rubbed at your face, pressing your palms into your eyes until all you saw was red behind your lids.
He stared at you, and you could feel it. His gaze rested on you, assessing, he was trying to figure out if you meant it or if you were just saying it to make yourself stop feeling.
Ford was not good with emotions too. You knew this. Logic, facts and equations neatly filed thoughts.
“You loved him, why wouldn’t you cry?”
You let out something between a laugh and a breath. It shook a little. “yeah,” you wrapped your arms around your knees. “yeah, i did.”
A scientist, you were a scientist, scientists weren't supposed to get that emotional over things that had clear, defined ends. Things that had lifespans. It was biology. Living things died. It was just how it worked.
But god, he was your dog. He'd slept at your feet when you stayed up too late, followed you through the woods, knew exactly when to curl up against you when you were sad.
“He was a really good dog.” Ford said eventually.
“He was so stupid,” you stared at the dirt. “always running into things. Remember that time he stole your sandwich?”
“He didn’t steal it,” Ford corrected. “you gave it to him.”
“After he tried to rip it out of my hands.”
“He was very persistent,” he admitted.
“You were so mad, i think that’s the first time i ever heard you swear.”
“I did not swear,” Ford said, scandalized.
“You did. I remember. And remember that time when he came back covered in mud?”
Ford smiled. “mud and skunk pray. You had to him, what, three baths?”
“Four,” you smiled back. “and he still smelled. I had to sleep with all the windows open.”
“You let him on your bed anyway,” Ford pointed out.
You huffed. “of course i did.”
Silence again. You leaned to the side, lettingyour head rest against his shoulder.
He didn't pull away. Only stiffened for half a second, like he always did, because he still wasn't sure what to do with touch. And then his hand came up and rested lightly against the back of your head.
The sun dipped lower, turning the sky honey-thick, melting into the trees.
“I’m gonna miss him,” you whispered.
Ford’s fingers curled slightly against your hair. “i know. Me too.”
You let out a breath and closed your eyes, feeling the tears again.
Ford's hand stayed in your hair.
Morning comes slow, at least the storm has settled. The sky outside the window is still covered with a gray haze, the snow is still falling, but the howling of the wind has subsided.
You don’t feel rested, but you’re awake and you need answers. You hate to admit it, but you're scared. And your thoughts don't paint the best picture for you.
You move careful, quiet, slipping out of the spare room into the main part of the shack.
And the first thing you hear is loud, unrestrained ridiculous snoring, coming right from the couch.
You blink, glancing towards it.
Stanley. Sprawled across it in the most undignified position possible. On his side, curled slightly inward, arms tucked close against his chest. Just a little, but poor guy is shivering. Like some pathetic, scrappy little street dog curled up against the cold. The blanket barely stays wrapped around him, but he clutches at it, seeking warmth in a place where he’s used to none.
For a brief moment, he looks. . . well, he looks cute. But you shake the thought away. You have bigger things to deal with. You need to find Ford.
The lab is quiet, but inside his head, it isn’t.
Ford is slumped in the corner, collapsed into himself with his knees drawn up, his hands tangled deep in his own hair, like he's trying to keep something from leaking out, all six fingers curled so tight against his scalp that his knuckles are bloodless. Moving his heavy head in small, restless jerks, shaking side to side, wanting to shake it out, but it’s not working, it never works, IQ, you fucking idiot.
Sixer's body tense with horrible, restless energy as if he’s still trying to wake up even though he never truly slept.
Dark, bruising exhaustion hollows out his eyes, pulling his features tight with sleepless strain. His glasses have slipped low on his nose, the bridge smeared with fingerprints, hes been pushing at them, rubbing at his own skin, trying to wake himself up.
Bill was always there.
The same dream. The same game. The same endless, maddening chess match. And the same loss.
Over. And over. And over.
No matter what move Ford made. no matter how many times he tried to outthink the demon, Bill always won.
And at the end it was always the same. Stanley, who's looking at his brother standing in the window, framed by the curtains
Stanley's eyes
Ford never forgot his eyes. The way they looked at him.
The way his brother had searched his face for some answer, at least some kind of explanation, begging. Stan's eyes so big, so damn wide, the pupils blown dark with confusion, desperation, with a hurt that had no words.
And his voice so small, so weak.
Ford shudders. Vomit rises in his throat. His hands tighten in his hair.
Gosh, he feels sick.
His stomach twists, coils, knots so tight it feels like it might rupture.
The sticky notes around him are everywhere, scattered across the floor, plastered against the walls, some even stuck to the sleeves of his shirt.
He wants to rip them down, burn them, but they've dug their way into his skin.
But his body won’t move because his mind is somewhere else now.
Ford remembers the deer. Or what was left of it.
Half dead in the snow. Legs moving, jerking in agony. The crack of stiff joints.
Something that shouldn’t be alive rose from the ground, black tar pooling from its mouth. The ground beneath Ford's boots was damp, the scent of rot curling sharp in his nostrils.
Patches of fur are missing, peeled away, exposing the raw, rotting flesh beneath. Its ribs jut out in jagged angles, parts of it look eaten.
But the worst part is the eyes. Empty sockets, gaping holes where its eyes should be.
Ford ran, but forest was too big. Too many trees, too many shadows and sounds.
His feet slipped on something wet and Ford knew he shouldn't have looked down
Bones scattered across the ground, half-buried in the damp earth. And awfully glistening organs strewn across the ground. Dark red. Raw. Rotting.
A smell so thick, so rancid it shoves itself down his throat, makes him gag. His shaking hands flew to his mouth to stop the ill-fated piece of vomit that threatened to burst out.
You did this.
You did this.
You did this.
Ford screamed, falling to his knees, dirt and blood staining his clothes.
The sound that ripped from his throat didn’t sound human.
His throat closed, air wouldn’t go in, wouldn’t stay.
Ford opens his eyes. His body jerks , thrashing against the floor, his hands shaking, fingers clawing at his own skin, trying to tear something out of himself.
He can’t breathe. His throat is tight, closing, closing, his lungs burning, his vision swimming.
His stomach twists, nausea rising fast, his head spinning so violently he doesn’t know which way is up.
He can't breathe. He can't breathe. Ford is dying
His hands claw at his own chest, digging his fingers into fabric, into skin.
He barely registers the sound of someone entering the room, running to him, moving, hands grabbing his arms, gripping, holding.
“Ford, Ford. Hey—”
The deer.
The deer, the deer, the deer—
“ Ford!”
A voice he barely hears, hands on his shoulders, hands on his face, hands gripping him.
Not his.
Not Bill’s.
But Ford can't move, his body feels tight, contorted as if something is twisting him from the inside out. The color of his face is wrong. He’s so pale, every shadow and hollow stark under the overhead lab lights. His lips are parted, his mouth trembling, and his eyes, so wide, bulging, glassy with tears, but not focused.
Not seeing you.
He makes a noise between a choke and a gasp, his fingers digging harder into his own arms, his whole body starting to shudder .
You're on your knees in front of him.
“Ford,” you grab at his arms. “it’s okay, you’re okay, it’s me, i’m right here—”
Ford jerks, his hands flying out, shoving at you with a sudden burst of fear and he screams. “Go away!”
You stumble back, watching him wrapping his arms around himself, his whole body curling inward
“Go away,” he gasps again , “go away, you— you monster —”
“Ford, it’s me, i swear it’s me, look at me.”
But he won’t. His lips are moving, forming broken, faltering words, but nothing comes out.
He’s not here.
His mind is somewhere deep, somewhere dark, somewhere you can’t reach him.
“Ford,” you say again, softer this time, but firmer, shifting closer on your knees, “you’re having a panic attack, okay? you need to breathe, you’re safe.”
His scared eyes snap up to you, still wide and glassy and it doesn't take long for him to cry. Ford gasps so hard he thinks his lungs might collapse.
Your arms are around him, pulling him against you, pressing his face into your chest, holding him, feeling the way he trembles while he clutches at your arms in return, his hands fisting in your shirt, clinging to you.
“I’ve got you,” you whisper, “I promise, i’ve got you.”
“thirty-two point eight megahertz— quadrants , electron spin—”
At first, it’s so soft you can barely hear it.
Your brow furrows . “Ford?”
“Event horizon c-collapse, field equations— metric tensor—”
You tilt your head to see him, but he just hunches further into you
“Warp theory— symmetry breakdown — proton decay—“
You squeeze him. “Ford, hey—“
He shudders and his muttering falters. Closing his puffy eyes, he buries his face deeper into your chest.
His mind registered it last, but his body recognized you first.
And you hold him, stroking slow, careful circles between his shoulder blades, your fingers weaving up into his hair, carding through the brown strands.
You try to breathe together with him. Slowly, letting him hear it. Letting him match it.
“I’m here, Ford, im right here, i swear you are okay.” you feel how his hands clench, then loosen, then tighten again.
His body still shakes, but the sharp edges of it start to dull, the tremors turning softer, his breathing slowing.
But his face stays hidden.
“Ford , i—” you swallow. “i’m worried about you.”
His shoulders stiffen. You keep going.
“This isn’ t. . . isn’t normal. You’re not okay, Ford. I think maybe,” your fingers twitch in his hair. “i think maybe you should talk to someone, to professional?”
The moment Stanley bursts through the door, his eyes widen at the scene before him. His brother, still trembling, lost in the fog of his panic attack, and you, crouched on the floor with your arms wrapped tightly around him, holding him close
Stan’s face immediately changes into that familiar, protective mask, although it's even more concerned now
“What the hell is goin’ on here?”
You turn your head to meet his worried gaze, your own heart still racing in the aftermath of what you just witnessed. “He just had a panic attack, Stan.”
“A panic attack?” Stan repeats, raising an eyebrow, clearly not sure how to process it, “jesus christ.”
You don’t say anything.
Your hand is still on Ford’s arm as you still feel the tremors running through him.
Stan huffs a sigh, rubbing his hands over his face, clearly unsure of how to proceed. Then, with a deep breath, he squats down next to his twin, trying to make himself appear less intimidating. “Hey, sixer,” he says, making his voice a little gentler, “what’s goin’ on? you . . . you talkin’ to anyone about this? is there somethin’ you ain’t tellin’ me? why the panic attack?”
Ford is still silent, his breath still ragged, as if he can’t find a way back to normalcy. He lifts his head, peering up at his brother, but it’s clear that whatever’s plaguing his mind, he’s not ready to share it.
“C’mon, Sixer, you can tell me. what’s really goin’ on, huh?”
Ford doesn’t answer. Stan looks at you, his gaze is questioning, but you don’t know what to say either. How do you explain something you don’t even understand?
Ford is not going to talk too, whatever it is that has him this scared, he wont say it aloud. He better keep it to himself, this deep-rooted and unspoken truth has to stay buried, even if it tears him apart to keep it locked in.
“Ford, it’s okay,” you murmur, squeezing your fingers lightly at his sleeve, “you don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to.”
Stan lets out a long, deep sigh, rubbing at his jaw, his eyes still on Ford. And, of course, because he can’t help himself, because he’s Stanley, because it’s how he deals with things, he tries to joke. Tries to break the tension the only way he knows how
“Shit, you look like you just saw a ghost.”
Ford stiffens.
Stan notices. And he . . . does that thing he always does, when things get too serious, when he doesn’t know what to say
He deflects.
Leans back, shakes his head, lets out a short chuckle.
“Or damn, maybe even worse. Like. . . i dunno. Like you just realized the government’s been spying on you through your radio or somethin’.”
Ford’s whole face twitches.
“Stanley,” you glare, warning him, and he immediately holds up his hands in mock surrender.
“What? What’d i say?” but his face betrays him. He knows what he said. He knows it was a bad joke. But he also doesn’t take it back, because that’s how he deals with things, isn’t it? Laughing when he’s scared. Pretending he isn’t worried when it’s clear as day that he is. And you don’t have time to unpack that, not when Ford is still sitting there, unresponsive.
“Just not now, okay?”
Stan grumbles, but doesn’t argue.
Ford hasn’t moved, at least his breathing sounds a little better, less sharp, a little more even, but he still looks. . . tired, so damn tired.
You soften your voice again.
“Ford, hey. . . i know you’re exhausted. I know you’re not feeling good, but maybe a shower would help? Get you cleaned up, get some of that tension out of your muscles.”
His eyes blink at you slowly, dazed you'd day, trying to process the words, but he just doesn’t have the energy.
“C’mon,” you coax, “you’ve got those bags under your eyes. You need some rest.”
There’s a long pause before Ford gives the faintest nod. And so you help him up, carefully, and he lets you, barely meeting your eyes, ashamed that you saw him like that but following your lead, disappearing down the hall toward the bathroom.
You exhale when you hear the water running.
Your body slumps just slightly, hands still tingling fro m holding onto him for so long. But you push through it, stretching out your stiff legs, then step toward the kitchen, glancing over your shoulder as you go, noticing Stan following you. Not that you're not used to it, after all, back home, you've got a little shadow on your own.
He doesn’t say anything at first, just leans against the counter, arms crossed, watching as you open the fridge, moving through the motions of finding something quick to make that Ford will actually eat without you having to argue with him over it.
Stan watches you like a cat staring at a fish tank. Or maybe more like a dog staring at a steak.
“I can hear you drooling,” you say without looking.
“I am not drooling.” you turn and yeah, no, he’s definitely eyeing the food with his whole damn soul.
He shrugs. “What can I say? I see food, I want food. You gotta get used to it if you’re cookin’ around me, sweetheart.”
You keep working, stirring something in a pan, and Stan shifts against the counter, watching you for a second before glancing toward the hallway.
“Well, i gotta say,” he grumbles, back at eyeing the kitchen counter like a starving animal, “you really know how to make a guy’s day.”
You can’t help but laugh softly, rolling your eyes as you pull out the ingredients for a quick meal. “yeah, yeah, i don’t cook much, but i figured he needs something. Gotta take care of him.”
Actually you’re not much of a cook, but right now, it feels like the only thing you can do. You’re not a doctor. You’re not a therapist. You can’t fix Ford. But you can make him something to eat.
“So, what’s the deal with you two, huh?”
You pause mid-stir, glancing at Stan. “what?”
“You and Sixer. What are you? Couple? Friends? Lab partners? Secret government spies?”
You clear your throat. “we studied together.”
Stan raises an eyebrow. “just studied, huh?”
“Yes, Stanley,” you say, exasperated, turning back to the pan. “just studied.”
He watches you for a beat longer before humming, noncommittal. “Huh. That’s funny.”
You glance at him again. “what is?”
“That Sixer never mentioned me. I mean, you two were clearly close. Close enough that you’re still here, takin’ care of him. So why the hell didn’t he ever tell you about his own damn brother?”
You shake your head. “he doesn’t talk much about his past or his family. Especially after one situation where i saw a photo of his dad and said he looked just like him. Ford didn’t take it well.”
Stan chuckles. “Yeah, that’d do it, he doesn’t like the family thing much. None of us do.”
You glance up at him, raising your eyebrow, but before you can ask, Stan shrugs, not going to explain any further. “Sixer’s got his own baggage. We all do. Just gotta leave it at that.”
“He really doesn’t like talking about it. About his family or his past, i mean, i get it, but—“
“Hell yeah, sweetheart, family’s a hell of a thing.”
At end, Ford did eat what you cooked. Barely spoke, though. Sat at the table, moving food around with his fork, his own goddamn thoughts were so heavy he couldn't lift his hand right. You weren’t sure how much he actually tasted of what he was eating, but at least he got it down. You had to remind him to drink some water, push the glass a little closer when he forgot it was there.
Stan, on the other hand, jesus, the way he looked at the food, you almost felt guilty. Like some starving dog watching through a window. And yeah, he made a joke about it, about you running a charity kitchen or something, but you told him to just eat already. No need to act like a starving orphan from a dickens novel. He didn’t argue, eating fast, as if he might lose it if he didn’t.
It was easy to forget about what happened this night, the power cutting out and that moment of frozen, breathless fear in the dark. All of that got buried under your worry for Ford, who looked like he was about to pass out.
Ford was still pale, what made you want to press a hand to his forehead, check if he had a fever. You tried to ask, tried to get him to talk about it, but. . .
“You sure you’re alright?”
And of course, he just waved you off, mumbled something vague.
“It’s nothing.“
“It doesn’t look like nothing.”
“I’m fine.”
Stan chuckled, muttered something under his breath what made you shoot him a look before he could say something worse.
Ford didn’t want to talk, that was obvious. But that was the thing about him, right? Always acting like he was fine, even when he was so clearly not.
Stan had been quiet, chewing and incredulously looking around the house like it might spit him back out. He didn’t belong here, wasn’t supposed to be here, and was just waiting for the moment Ford would make it clear.
So, he cracked a joke instead. About how he should probably leave before Sixer turned into an even bigger grump, about how he “wouldn’t wanna overstay his welcome.”
“Soo yeah, guess I better be hittin’ the road.”
You frowned at him. “why?”
Stan gestured loosely. “i dunno, i just figure, y’know. Not exactly mr. Welcome here. ‘sides, your guy here looks like he needs his beauty sleep.”
“He’s not my guy.” you answered, but that didn’t stop the way your stomach twisted. Damn, you didn’t wanna leave Ford alone. Not after everything you’d seen. But . . . your dog. You had to get back. Had to feed her, take her out, make sure she wasn’t tearing up your furniture.
Ford didn’t respond. Just kept looking at his plate, barely eating anymore.
You hesitated. The thing was, you didn’t wanna leave. Not when Ford still looked like this and you knew something was wrong, but he wasn’t saying.
But you had a dog waiting for you.
Ford told you it was fine. That you could go. That he “preferred being alone right now. ”
And you hated that. Hated the way he always did this, how he always thought he had to go through everything alone, even when it was clear he needed help.
You promised him you’d be back tomorrow.
“I'll come back tomorrow. i’ll come back, and we’ll talk, okay?”
Ford didn’t answer right away, j ust stared at his plate. “okay.”
You didn’t like how he said it, like it was better if he was alone. Like he wanted to be alone even when he clearly shouldn’t be. And it made you sick, the way you left. Like abandoning a ship you knew was sinking, stepping away from a person you knew needed help. You hated it. Hated the way Ford always pushed everyone away, even when he was fucking drowning.
You and Stan stepped out into the cold, your breath coming out in little clouds into the biting winter air. It was getting dark already, sky looked gray and heavy, as always. Stan stuffed his hands in his pockets, shoulders hunched against the cold. You pulled your jacket tighter as you shivered, rubbing your arms.
“Cold?” he glanced over at you.
“Genius observation.”
The streets of Gravity Falls were quiet. Before long, you were near your place, the porch light shone warmly in the early twilight. You turned to Stan, about to say goodbye, but then you got a good look at him.
The dirt on his jacket, he probably hadn’t had a chance to properly wash it. The exhaustion on his face. And you remembered th e way he’d been staring at food all day, watching Ford eat, practically salivating.
“So uh, you have a place to stay?”
Stan blinked at you. Then scoffed. “‘Course i do.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“I do!”
“ Oh, okay. Where ?”
“Uh, y ’know. The— uh. The, uh . . . ‘lakeview inn.’”
You stared at him. “Well. . . okay.” and Stan seemed relieved that you weren’t pushing.
He coughed into his fist. “yep, great place, real fancy.”
You sighed. You didn’t have it in you to argue. Not right now. You just exhaled, gave him one last look as you told him to take care and stepped inside.
Your dog was waiting for you, so excited, wagging her tail. You knelt down, ran your fingers through her fur, whispered, “missed you too, girl.” Fed her, sat with her on the floor, talked to her, absentmindedly, about Ford. About his brother. About the way Stan was kinda . . . cute.
Meanwhile, across town, Stan climbed into the front seat of his car. He was cold. He curled his jacket around himself, stuffed his hands under his arms, tried not to think about how long it had been since he’d last had a real bed.
Or a real meal.
He should’ve expected this. It wasn’t like he hadn’t done this before. Sleeping in cars, parking lots, the occasional cheap motel when he could swing it. But somehow, after that meal, after you, this felt worse.
He stared up at the ceiling.
He thought about Ford. About how he looked tonight, half a breath away from collapsing. What kind of shit his brother had gotten himself into?
And then Stanley thought about you. You, who offered him food, just like that, like it wasn't some big deal. You, who told him to eat and watched him at the dinner table.
He exhaled, breath fogging up the air.
Tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow would be better.
The dorm is a disaster zone, but it always is when the three of you get together for all-nighters. Coffee cups, half-empty energy drinks, a plate of toast that no one’s touched in hours, and papers. . . so many fucking papers covered in chicken scratch equations and half-finished blueprints.
It was past three a.m. now. The window was cracked open a little, letting in the fresh night air, but none of you noticed the cold, too deep into the work.
“I’m tellin’ ya,” Fiddleford said, running a hand through his hair, “if we don’t take quantum decoherence into account, this whole thing’s gonna be about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.”
“Decoherence isn’t the issue,” Ford shot back sharply and impatiently . “if anything, it’s the entanglement equation that needs work. if we—“
“Oh my god, would you two shut up and let me think?” you groaned, gripping your hair. “you're both wrong. so wrong. like. fundamentally flawed.”
“Oh, is that so?” Ford pushed up his glasses, squinting at you. “care to elaborate?”
“Not really,” you muttered, blinking slow, yawning.
Fiddleford chuckled. “looks like we’re losin’ you.”
“Honestly, i think i’m about to collapse on myself. I need something stronger than coffee. Anyone got any adderall?”
“University rules strictly forbid unauthorized stimulants—“
“Fidds has moonshine in his bag,” you cut Ford off, grinning. “saw it an hour ago. Was wondering when he was gonna crack it open.”
Fiddleford looked deeply offended for all of two seconds before sighing. “Knew i shouldn’t have let you rifle through my things. . .”
You flashed him a grin before reaching for your tea, now stone cold and bitter as hell.
Fiddleford nudged his glasses up his nose and look ed over at Ford’s notebook, squinting at the formula again. “Alright , maybe you got a point there, buddy.”
Ford let out a smug little noise, proud of himself, but before he could open his mouth and gloat, you yawned again, barely muffling the sound with your sleeve. “Shit, i’m crashing.”
You tried to keep up, you really did, but god, your eyes were so heavy. That's why you took the right decision, somewhere between staring at Ford’s notes and trying to comprehend whatever the hell he was writing, you leaned, without even thinking.
Your head found his warm shoulder and that made him stiffen as if he’d been electrocuted.
Fiddleford went completely silent, stopping drumming his fingers against the table.
It was funny, really. You’d spent the whole night laughing with him, throwing paper balls, joking and teasing Stanford. Now, the moment your breathing evened out, everything got real quiet.
Ford. . . didn't move. Didn’t push you away, even though his shoulders were tense, his pencil hesitated, but then he just kept writing, like nothing happened. Just let you stay there, pressed against him, breathing softly in sleep.
Fiddleford didn’t stop staring, observing Ford's reaction, not in the way he expected.
He looked at you first, your face half-buried in Ford’s sweater as you sighed in your sleep, how easy it was for you to just fall into him like that.
And then he looked at Stanford. At his handsome face, which somehow seemed even better in the lamplight. The furrow in his brow, the six fingers wrapped around his pencil, so concentrated.
Fiddleford looked at all of it. Ford was a genius. A goddamn once-a-generation mind, sharper than a blade, but completely fucking useless at anything to do with feelings. He doesn’t get it. He doesn’t see things the way other people do, the way Fiddleford does.
Ford must’ve felt the stare, because after a while, he sighed and glanced up. “what?”
Fiddleford shook his head, smiling slightly. “nothin’, just thinkin’.”
Fiddle ford took a sip from his flask and it definitely wasnt coffee. Something stronger. He swirled it, watching the liquid catch the light. “love, i guess.”
Ford scoffed, going back to his notes.“love? shouldn’t you be thinking about our project?”
“Oh, c’mon, ain’t you ever thought about it? bein’ in love? how it feels? ”
Ford didn’t answer at first, just kept writing. “love is. . .” he started, trying to find the right words. “it’s complicated. Distracting, even.”
Fidds hummed. “but good, no?” he grinned, taking another sip. “s’pose you think it’s all just chemical reactions, huh?”
“Well, technically, it is.”
“Yeah, yeah, dopamine, oxytocin, blah blah blah,” Fiddleford waved a hand. ”but it’s more than that.”
They were talking quietly so as not to wake you up. Ford didn’t answer as he shook his head, returning to his work.
So Fiddleford kept going. “i guess it feels nice, y’know? havin’ someone who understands ya, c ares ‘bout ya. Even when you’re difficult.”
Ford stopped writing again, listening intently to his friend's words.
“It’s when you’d do anythin’ for someone, even if it doesn’t make sense. When seein’ ‘em happy makes you happy. When you’d give up everythin’ just to keep ‘em safe. ”
Ford gave him a tiny smile. “you’re being sentimental,”
“Eh, maybe. Or maybe i just get it.”
Stanford finally turned to him, frowning. “get what? ”
“Doesn’t matter.” Fiddleford leaned back, stretching. “s’pose it don’t make much sense for a guy like me to be talkin’ ‘bout love anyway.”
Ford frowned deeper. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
Fiddleford shrugged, suddenly looking a little too interested in his flask.
“Are you saying you don’t think anyone will love you?”
“Oh, i know i ain't exactly a prize catch, Stanford.”
Ford settled his pen down. “that’s not true.”
and that made Fiddleford's eyes fill with hope “yeah?” he quirked a brow.
Ford hesitated, surprised at his own words and initiative, but then, because he was a good friend, because he meant it, he nodded, “You’re smart. Funny. Resourceful. You’re one of the most brilliant people i know and you're—“
That made Ford smile. “sure, yes! handsome, even.” Fidds thought he had imagined it. Did Ford really find him so? “so, im sure you'llfind someone. You’ll probably settle down, have a family. A kid, even.”
Oh. . . oh, okay.
And that’s when Fiddleford knew .
His smile did not drop, but he took another s ip of alcohol, letting the warmth burn his throat .
Ford kept writing, pleased he managed to lift his friend's spirit, while you doze quietly against his shoulder. He doesn't even notice Fiddleford getting up, leaning in close enough that Ford finally glances up from his notes.
“Yer my best friend, Ford, guess i’ll just love ya forever.”
Ford stopped writing. The pencil slipped from his fingers
But before he could ask, Fiddleford pushed himself up from the chair, stretched and yawned deeply.
He patted Ford on the shoulder, then grabbed his jacket.
“Whew! man, i need a walk. i’ll be back.” and just like that, he was gone, leaving Ford alone with the papers, the cold coffee and with the equations that suddenly didn’t make sense anymore.
Alone with you, asleep on his shoulder.
Ford didn’t move for a long time.
The morning air was cold enough to wake you up, even though you were still in the fog of sleep. Gravity Falls wasn’t exactly bustling this early, just a few cars passing, an old man walking his dog, the slow shuffle of someone dragging a garbage bin to the curb.
You pulled your coat tighter, holding your grocery bag. You'd only meant to grab something quick for yourself, but somehow, without even thinking, you'd ended up picking up something for Ford, too. Something that wasn’t just instant noodles and coffee.
He wouldn’t eat properly if left alone. You knew that, you knew him too well. You sighed, adjusting your grip on the bag.
Stanley Pines woke up in hell. Or at least, that’s what it felt like.
His entire body ached, joints were too stiff from sleeping in one uncomfortable pose whole night, cold burrowed so deep in his bones that even curling tighter into his jacket wasn’t helping anymore.
He squeezed his eyes shut tighter, just a few more minutes, ma, please, but the cold gnawed at him, dug under his skin, made every breath feel like ice in his lungs.
He was so fucking tired.
But sleep wouldn’t come back so he lazily cracked one eye open. Fucking hell.
Still the car. Still parked in the same damn spot he’d been in since last night. The windshield was fogged up from his own breath, the windows covered in a thin layer of frost.
“Mmmgh,” he groaned, trying to stretch, but back screamed in protest. God, sleeping in the driver’s seat was not good for his spine.
Cold. Everything was so fucking cold. His toes were numb in his boots, fingers barely flexible enough to work as he rubbed warmth into them.
“Good morning, Stanley,” he muttered to himself. ”what wonderful luxury awaits you today?”
He yawned, running a hand through his brown hair. His mullet was a mess, so tangle d, flattened weird on one side.
First things first, he fumbled for the glove compartment, rummaging through loose receipts and absolute trash until he found the old bottle of cologne. He sniffed it once, it was not fresh. But hey, better than nothing. He rolled it over his wrists, rubbed it against his neck.
Second, he grabbed an old comb, barely dragging it through his tangled mullet before giving up and stuffing it back into the glovebox.
Third, he adjusted the rearview mirror, squinting at his reflection, and groaned again.
Looked like absolute shit. Dark circles, unshaven, face puffy from sleep. But whatever. Not like he had anyone to impress.
He reached down, adjusting his coat, when—
A hand. A fucking hand slapping against the driver’s side window.
“GAH!” Stan jolted so hard he smacked his knee on the dashboard. He panicked instantly, his hands flew to the wheel. “no, no, no, por el amor de dios, madre santa, no me lleves!” he spat out in rapid-fire spanish, already prepared to beg for his miserable life. “lo juro, no tengo nada, no me arresten, por favor, dios, maria, nadie, por favor!” his mind was a blur of oh shit oh shit oh shit, picturing cops and maybesome pissed-off local ready to drag him out, picturing—
Someone was writing on the window, through the fogged-up glass, a finger traced out two slow words:
It’s me.
That made him froze as he squinted suspiciously, still gripping the wheel tight. Hesitated. then, slowly, he rolled the window down.
You stared at him.
“So,” you said flatly, flicking your gaze between him and the car. “this is the lakeview inn?”
Stanley looked around, hoping a better answer would suddenly appear.
You crossed your arms.
“Technically,” he started, “i do live here. You ever heard of a little thing called, uh, mobile homes? Very trendy and, um, modern.”
”Uh-huh.” your eyes narrowed.
“Alright, alright, fine, ya caught me. I’m actually a millionaire, this is just my vacation home. My actual mansion’s up in the hills, but y’know, i like to stay humble”
“You lied to me.”
“No, listen,” he started, already preparing some dumbass joke to get him out of this.
“You fucking lied to me.”
Stan threw up his hands. “hey, now, let’s not throw around ugly words like—”
“You told me you had a place , Stan.”
He stopped talking, and there was silence between you.
Finally, you sighed, rubbing your temples. “jesus, you look horrible.”
Stan bristled. “hey!”
“And you smell horrible.” not like you were lying though.
“Hey now, hold on!”
“Do you wanna take a shower at my place?”
Stan’s brain short-circuited. “what?”
“Then we’ll get you something to eat,” you continued, ignoring his slack-jawed expression.
He stared at you like you’d just spoken an entirely different language.
You. . . you were offering? Just like that?
“You heard me.”
His brows drawing together, mouth pulling into a frown, jaw working as he was trying to find the right words. But it it didn't take long as he smoothed it all over in a blink, replacing it with serious face. He leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms.
“What, you pity me now?”
“No,” you said simply.
“Pfft, i dont need you takin care of me, alright? Go waste your charity on someone else.”
“Yeah?” you tilted your head. “so if Stanford was sitting in this car right now looking like this, you'd just walk away?”
Stan stared at you, surprised. You restrained yourself from laughing at how fast the smug confidence drained from his face.
“Thats different.” he muttered, rolling his eyes.
“Oh wait, wait, wait, i see how it is,” he grumbled. “you got tired of dealin’ with sixer, huh? figured you’d switch to fixin’ me instead?”
“What does this have to do here? Take the offer, dumbass.”
“Nah, i the natural scent.”
“You literally smell like a dumpster.”
“Okay, rude.” Stan putted a hand to his chest, feigning resentment.
But you only waited, waited and waited and that silence made him clench his teeth, grumbling under his breath. So when he finally let out a sharp sigh, dragging a hand down his face, you knew he’d given in. “you got hot water?”
That made you raise an eyebrow and smile. “Of course i have hot water.”
“Fine,” he muttered. “but only ‘cause i got nothin’ better to do and you begged.”
“Right,” you said, unimpressed. He shot you a glare, but you were already walking away, expecting him to follow. And, grumbling all the way, he did.
Early autumn. The bus stop bench is cold beneath you and you wish you’d worn something thicker. Clouds rolling lazily in the bright sky, October sun spilling through trees, gold colour caught in Ford's brown hair. He sits beside you, one knee bouncing, a habit of his, nervous tick, always. His hands are shoved deep in his coat pockets, and his breath fogs in the air when he exhales.
You bring the cigarette to your lips and inhale, one leg over the other, foot bouncing absently, meanwhile the tip glows warm for a moment, ember-orange in the afternoon light.
“It’s just a cigarette,” you say, watching the smoke curling from your mouth, but Ford, who's stiff like he's resisting the urge to snatch the cigarette out of your fingers, doesn't seem satisfied with that.
“Yeah and it hurts your pretty lungs.”
Oh. That tone. That damn tone, which means he’s about to start. Again.
He pulls his coat tighter. “Do you know how many carcinogens are in that? the tar alone is—“
You groan, tipping your head back. “oh my god Ford.”
“No, i’m serious. You don’t even understand what that’s doing to your body.”
“It’s not that bad,” you say, cutting him off, waving him away. “you’re acting like i’m chugging cyanide.”
“You might as well be,” his glasses slip down his nose, and he shoves them back up in agitation.
You've heard it all before, the lecturers, the statistics so you roll your eyes, amused, flicking the ash into the pavement. “When i wanna stop, i can.”
Ford scoffs. “that’s what they all say. . . I don't know if you know this, but cigarettes contain over seven thousand chemicals, many of which are—“
You blow smoke into his worried, but serious face and he immediately recoils coughing, waving his hand to dispel the haze. You laugh, reaching over to run a hand through his beautiful golden colored hair to smooth away his frustration.
“Honey,” you barely get time to say before Ford scoffs of. Oh here we go, petnames are back in circulation. You're using the secret weapon, you know exactly what they do to him. “Cant you trust me? when i want to stop, i can.”
Suddenly Ford is twelve years old again and Stanley smells like smoke.
He swears he can hear their dad in the other room, muttering at the evening news.
His brother leans against the windowsill, awkwardly rolling a cigarette between his fingers which he bummed off the older kids at school. There’s a hole in his sleeve. A bruise on his jaw.
“You know dad will smell it! He's gonna know. He's gonna—“
“Yeah, yeah, he'll tan my hide, blah blah.” Stan rolls his eyes, sliding the cigarette between his lips , lighting it with exaggerated flick of the lighter. The first puff is taken in a deep, inexperienced breath before he exhales through his nose. “seriously, Poindexter , would you stop being paranoid? when i wanna stop, i can.”
But he doesn’t, he lies, because Ford hears him cough at night sometimes. Watches him light another in the schoolyard.
He knows it’s bad. But Stan doesn’t listen.
Why does his brother do these things? Why does he always push the limits, cross the lines? Why does he always seem so desperate to do the things he knows he shouldn't?
That day, when they returned from school with large backpacks at the ready, Stanford glanced towards their house. “seriously, Stan, put it out. If da smells it—“
“What, you're scared he'll ground me?” Stanley smirked. “big whoop.”
Stan rolled his eyes at his twin's dramatic behavior, but stubbed it out on the pavement, flicking the butt into the bushes what made Ford exhale, relieved.
But the relief didnt last long.
Because week later, their dad does find out.
And Ford watches as his own twin, for all his bravado, gets actually scared. Ford hates that look. He hates it almost as much as he hates the sharp crack that follows.
Ford doesn’t like thinking about what happened next, doesn't like remembering the way Stan screamed. Doesn't like remembering how loud their father’s voice got, making the walls sh ake, how the belt cracked sharp as thunder, how Stan tried to act like it didnt carve its place into his skin.
But Ford remembers. He remembers the way Stan didn’t fight back, how he flinched at sudden movements for weeks. How he hissed through his teeth when he sat down too fast, and how he lit another cigarette anyway.
Ford opens his eyes. He's back in present now, back at the bus stop with you watching him with frustration in your eyes.
He swallows, shakes his head, forces his thoughts back into place. He doesn't tell you any of that. “just. . . promise me you'll think about it.”
You groan again. “jesus, you sound like my dad.”
Ford flinches and wonders, distantly, if you notice. If you know what that comparison does to him.
“I told you, darling, when i want to stop i can,” you add, caressing his cheek.
He doesn't argue anymore, because he already knows that line. Heard it before. Millions of times. And he knows it's a lie.
Stanley Pines doesn't know what to do with kindness. Not the real kind, anyway, where someone takes him out, sits him down and actually pays for his meal as if some random knucklehead like him is worth the damn trouble.
He can't help it; he feels awkward because he is not used to people being nice to him. He's not used to much of anything, except scraping by, finding the next scam and eating cheap food out of plastic wrappers. So when you dragged him to the Gravity Falls diner, promising him a real warm meal, he was suspicious.
The waitress barely had time to finish setting down the menus before Stan barked out an order. “Burger, double. Extra fries. Chocolate milkshake. And gimme some bacon on the side.”
You're an idiot, he thought, the hell are you getting the money for all this?
Your brows shot up, but you didn’t say anything, just smiled and told the waitress to put it on one tab. That’s when Stan’s gaze snap s to you. “One tab? wait, you’re payin’?”
“Yeah, why not?” you answer casually, because it's not a big deal for you, but Stanley frowns.
“You sure about that? ‘cause, uh, i don’t exactly have, you know. . .” he trails off, scratching the back of his neck.
“It’s fine. Just eat, Stan.” and that’s what fucks him up. Because nobody’s ever wanted to spend their money on him before, not unless they were expecting something in return. But you just look at him with those soft, genuine eyes and tell him to shut up when he starts talking about returning money.
When the food arrives, Stanley attacks it like a man starved, which, honestly, he definitely is. The burger disappears in minutes, followed by the fries, then the bacon. Grease smears his chin and he doesn't even bother wiping it off, too busy slurping down his milkshake like his life depends on it. Not a single goddamn cru mb left. You swear he licked it. “Well, shit, if i knew you were gonna feed me like this, id have showed up beggin' at your door ages ago.”
You watch in both amusement and horror at the starved man in front of you, who barely stops to chew, talking with his mouth full .
“Yeah, yeah. You eat like a starving stray dog.”
That makes him choke on his milkshake, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, glaring at you while you laugh. “jesus, toots, the hell's that supposed to mean?”
“I mean,” you wave a vague hand, smirking. “you're scruffy, hungry all the time, you look at people like they might kick you if you get too close.”
“Hey, don't insult dogs like that.” He cuts in, effectively ending the conversation as he goes back to his food, shoveling another bite into his mouth.
“Damn, Stan, you wanna slow down before you choke?” you tease, propping your chin on your hand, watching him shoveling food into his mouth with the single-minded desperation of a man just let out if a cage.
Stan grunts, barely acknowledging you. “’s good.” you notice the ketchup on his cheek and chuckle.
“Yeah, i can tell.”
After couple of minutes, he finally pauses, chewing slower, he swallows hard and taps his finger on the table, avoiding eye contact with you. Leaning back with a groan and patting his stomach with one hand, Stan smears a little grease with other. He exhales, heavy. Then, as if realising how fucking feral he just looked, tries to play it off.
“Whew. Almost forgot what real food tastes like. Jail slop, y'know? Not that I've been to jail. Ha, kiddin.” he pauses and grins. “unless?”
You stare at him, blinking. He watches your face, waiting for laugh or well, some kind of reaction that doesn't make him feel like a goddamn idiot , but you just look at him like. What. The fuck.
Stanley throws his hands up. “Okay, tough crowd. Coño. . .” he mutters the last word under his breath, shaking his head
“Was it Spanish?” your eyes perk. Stanley tenses , but you squint at him. “how do you know Spanish?”
“Uh, picked it up.”
“Picked it up where?”
“ Uh-huh, ” you lean forward. “cmon, teach me some.”
“Nah, i aint exactly fluent, sweetheart.” Stan laughs forced.
“But you sounded pretty fluent just now.”
“Yeah, well,” he rubs his neck. “i picked up the good words.”
You let it go, for now, because you notice the way his eyes dart and how how tries to make himself look just casual, enough for it to be convincing.
The dorm hallway was too bright and loud, full of students shuffling papers, setting up models and diagrams, nervously practicing their presentations to each other.
Ford stood off to the side, as always stiff and uneasy, shifting his weight from foot to foot, shoulders tight. His fingers fidgeted uselessly, six of them curling and uncurling.
The project was ready. The calculations were perfect. He should’ve felt confident.
Then why did he feel so out of place?
He scanned the room, seeing students, professors, familiar classmates. Goddamn. Ford hated how nervous he was, hated that his mind was half on the project, half on—
“G'mornin’” your lazy voice broke through the noise. “or, well, g’afternoon? god, what time is it?”
Ford turned. Oh, you were a mess with your hair wild, clothes rumpled, eyes heavy with sleep. A coffee cup dangled from your fingers, mostly empty. You yawned, covering your mouth halfheartedly.
Ford gave you a quick once-over, barely holding back a sigh. “you look— “
“Beautiful?” you grinned.
“like you rolled out of bed five minutes ago.”
“Aww, you noticed,” you laughed , stretching. Then, with absolutely no preamble, “so i fell down the stairs today.”
“What?” Ford raised his eyebrows.
“Yup, just,” you made a vague flailing motion with your hands. “ Wham, right down ‘em. It was very tragic. A true fall from grace. ”
You expected him to at least huff a laugh, maybe shake his head or give you that exasperated, fond sigh. But Ford didn’t. Instead, his brows drew together, and his eyes quickly swept over you, scanning for damage.
“Are you alright? do you need to see the nurse? You should’ve told me earlier.”
“ . . . you’re not laughing, ” you pointed out. “normally you at least try to pretend i’m funny.”
“You fell down the stairs, and you expect me to laugh?”
“Well, when you say it like that—“
“Are you hurt?”
That care, honestly, took you by surprise. “uh,” you looked down at yourself, then shrugged. “probably? i dunno, i was too tired to check. ”
Ford exhaled slowly, clearly trying not to engage, but you just kept going.
“Man, i am not ready for this presentation,” you groaned, rubbing your eyes. “seriously, i have no idea what i’m gonna say. But hey, i’d do anything for my two lovely nerds. even stand in front of a bunch of judgmental geniuses and pretend i know what i’m talking about. Right, Ford?”
“ . . . Ford?” you waved a hand in front of his blank face. Obviously, he wasn't listening, judging by how distant his gaze was, he was somewhere else entirely.
“Hellooo? Earth to Sixer?”
Ford blinked, snapping back. “What? Oh, sorry.”
You gave him a look. “man, you’re the one who’s supposed to be all focused and sharp. i m the one running on three hours of sleep and caffeine fumes.”
He barely heard you. “have you seen Fiddleford today?” Ford asked abruptly.
“What?” you paused.
“Fiddleford. Have you seen him?”
You frowned, thinking. “um. no? now that you mention it, i don’t think i have. But i just woke up like an hour ago, so last time i saw him was when we were working on the project. Why?”
Ford looked away and pursed his lips guiltily. “he said he was going for a walk. I remember he had a drink, said he’d be back. But he never—“
“You don’t think . . .?”
Ford shook his head quickly, Interrupting your thought. “ No. No, he’s fine. He’s probably just, well, late.”
But you both knew that wasn’t like him. Fiddleford was always there on time, cracking jokes and filling the space with his presence.
And now he wasn’t.
The noise of the hall seemed to fade. Ford exhaled sharply, shaking his head. He said your name, nervously slipping a textbook into your hands. “We should focus, he’ll show up.”
The ride to the shack is cool, winter sun setting earlier than youd like, same as always. Your dog is curled at your feet, eyes flicking back to Stan at the wheel. He grumbled about the fur at first but you can see it, he likes your dog, likes her a lot. He's just being difficult, pretending, putting up a front.
Stanley drives slowly, you don’t know if he always does, but right now, you wish he’d go faster. You want to see Ford as soon as possible.
But Stan doesn’t seem nearly as excited as you. There’s a knot of unease sitting somewhere inside him, but mostly, he just isn’t sure what to say when he finally sees his brother again.
“Hey, I’m bothering you again because I’ve got nowhere else to go?”
After a beat of silence, you glance at him. “you ever think about calling Ford before he called you?”
Stan's eyes are fixed on the road as he speaks, “thought about it. But i figured he’d just tell me to drop dead.”
“He wouldn’t.”
“Yeah?” he glances at you now , twisting his mouth. “pretty sure he told me worse when i got here.”
When you reach the shack, you knock. Wait.
No answer.
You knock again. Still nothing
Stan squints. “maybe he’s sleepin’.”
You huff, shifting your grip on the grocery bags. “actually, i lived here sometimes, so i’ll count it as my home too. And if Ford doesn’t wanna open the door for me, i’ll open it myself.”
Stan smirks. “yeah, that tracks.” but then his smirk fades as he narrows his eyes slightly. Lived here before.
You unlock the door, steeping inside and the first thing you notice is quiet the shack is
“Ford?” you call, but you don't get an answer.You exchange a worried glance with Stan. Ford seems nowhere to be seen.
“Should we be worried?”
“Nah,” Stan says, but he doesn’t sound convincing. “he's probably just. . .”
You step into his room and you see Ford sprawled out, dead asleep, hair a mess, glasses off. He's curled slightly inward, breathing deep and even, absolutely gone to the world.
Stan smiles. “Told ya he’s fine. Nerd just passed out.”
“I'm still worried, should we wake him? ”
Stan eyes his brother. “Nah, let him sleep. Dude probably hasn't in days.” he tells you, already leaving the room.
You nod slowly, still focused, studying Stanford's face. Okay, yeah, Stanley is right. You should let your poor n erd sleep. You turn, stepping back into the hall.
“You shouldn't have come back.”
And that makes you freeze as you quickly turn your head to the sound to see Ford sitting up. Staring at you, his eyes are open now, fixed on you.
You blink, thrown off, eyes flicking to the person sitting in front of you. Then, before you can think about it, you step forward, reach for his hand and—
Picture passes. Ford is still in bed, asleep.
You swallow. A slow, creeping dread curls in your chest. Who or what did you just see?
“Nerd looked bad. Needed sleep.”
That was the verdict. So you let Ford be.
“He always was a bad sleeper,” Stan grumbled, stepping past you, glancing around the shack, still having hard time getting used to it. “musta gotten worse over the years.”
Just let the man sleep. He'd wake up eventually.
You had to do something to keep yourself busy. Giving your dog a quick scratch behind the ears as you walked past, you figured she deserved a proper meal after all the traveling.
Stan, though, stayed behind and damn, it wasn't like he was snooping. Not really.
It was just this place felt weird.
He rubs the back of his neck, glancing around, taking in the clutter, the books, the walls covered in notes and sketches, and hell, even that weird curtain draped over the entire back wall like Ford is hiding some secret government operation. It's just. . . odd.
“Guess some things never change, huh, Sixer?” Stanley sighs. And that’s when his eyes accidentally land on the lighter what makes him tilt his head.
Since when did his goody-two-shoes, anti-smoking,'your-lungs-are-a-delicate-system-Stanford' brother have a lighter?
Stan picks it up, turning the little thing over in his hand. Metal. Decent weight.
Not some cheap thing, either.
He wants to call out to you, “hey, did you know Ford's got a lighter in here?” but he remembers, at the last second, that Ford is still dead asleep in the other room and screaming that loud would disturb him.
So instead, he just holds it, closing his fingers around it, turning it in his palm, flipping the lid open with a soft metallic click.
Stanley's curiosity itches. So he looks around again, just in glance, just to make sure you aren't watching.
Then, his gaze drifts lower to the small pile of books near the armrest.
He chuckles. “Nerd books,” he tells himself, but his hand reaches down anyway.
One of them catches his eye. Heavy thing with a lot of pages.
Gravity's rainbow.
Oh yeah. He’d heard of that one.
Didn't seem like the kinda book Ford would normally read, though.
Stanley carelessly flips it open, barely glancing at the pages. Blah, blah, blah. Too many damn words for someone as impatient as him.
Suddenly, something slips out of page 69.
A bookmark?
Stan makes sure to catch it before it can land, brushing his fingers over the glossy surface before he turns it over.
A photo.
It was you and his brother. From college, clearly, you both looked so much younger, holding some kinda trophy.
Some nerd award, Stan assumes.
Ford had that same awkward, stiff stance he always had in photos, but you looked too happy, excited, eyes shining. Laughing, hair a little windblown, standing too close to Ford, who had lipstick mark on his cheek.
Stanley squints, fuck. . . he really needs to buy glasses.
You never really expect to see your nerdy brother like that. Looking. . . well, normal. Young. Happy.
Stan continues to stare. At Ford’s unsure smile. At your beaming one.
He turns the photo in his fingers again and glances toward the hallway where Ford is sleeping.
And then, a hand lands on his shoulder.
“Mierda!” Stanley jumps, nearly throwing the book across the room. He barely had time to shove the polaroid away before he turns, swearing under his breath, “por el amor de dios, you tryna give me a heart attack?”
You, startled, take a step back and raise your hands. “shit, sorry!” then your head tilts, “wait. Was that, was that Spanish again?”
Stan is still catching his breath, clutching at his chest like he just lost ten years off his life. “Si. Yeah.”
“What were you looking at?”
“Nothing.” Smooth, effortless. Completely unconvincing, but before you could say anything, his face twitches as he makes a sharp inhale through his teeth. “fucking hell.”
Your gaze drops to his shoulder, where your hand had landed.
A burn.
“Stan.” he swears he hears the shift in your tone before he even sees your expression. You reach forward, touching his arm again, but softer this time, brushing your fingers against the fabric of his jacket, near the burn. “You never treated it.”
Stan rolls his eyes. “it’s fine.”
“Bullshit. ”
“ It’s. . . oh, damn, it ain't like it's infected. ”
“That's not the point.” you pull, planting your hands on your hips. “you let it heal like that? No treatment at all?”
“Ain’t like I had a whole damn first-aid kit on me, sweetheart.”
You frown. “you could’ve at least—“
“It’s fine.”
And so it goes, the familiar dance of grumbling and resistance, before he finally gives in with a gruff and let you do your thing.
“Okay, fine. Fine. Do whatever.” he sighs, groaning, rubbing his face.
You mutter something about stupid stubborn men under your breath before reaching for the first aid kit on the nearby shelf.
But before you could even open it you hear your dog growling low what made your head snap toward her. She’s staring at the hallway that leads toward the front of the shack.
“Aww, shit.” you hear Stan say.
He gestures toward the hallway. “you got ghosts in here, too?”
You give him a look, but your dog won't stop growling and that's when your eyes widen because you just hear the front door creaking slowly. Next thing you feel is a gust of cold air sweeping through the room.
Stan turns, the door is open what made fresh snow carry inside, dusting the floor in uneven patches.
You and him stare at it, realising that neither of you had opened that door.
After a long pause, Stan walks over and slams it shut, clicking the lock in place.
Then turning back to you with annoyed face, “so, anyway, how the hell is everyone in this town so damn weird?”
“What?” Stan plops back down next to you.
“i mean, you know,” he gestures, winces a little when the motion tugs his injured shoulder. “this place. Gravity falls. It’s weird. Fuckin’ weird. Like,” he tilts his head, looking at you, squinting. “theres so much paranormal weird shit here, and i aint even talking about my brother.”
“Now you sound paranoid.”
“See? That’s what i mean!” he points at you, triumphant. “exactly what i’m talking about! Everyone’s just, like, casually fine with all the weird shit, but if you point it out, suddenly you’re the crazy one. ”
As you work, carefully dabbing at the burn, he hisses through his teeth, every touch of yours is met with some kind of protest or mumbled curse or half-hearted complaint.
“You’re a goddamn baby.”
“And you’re a goddamn sadi—“ he doesn't have time to finish as he gasps dramatically again, throwing his head back like you just putted him through the worst pain imaginable.
“Oh, quit it.”
“Quit what?”
“Acting like you’re getting tortured.”
“Hey, you don’t know, you could be really bad at this.”
You press the gauze down harder, and Stanley hisses, jerking away.
“Fuck, watch it, would ya?”
“Oh, sorry, am i hurting you?” you deadpan. “maybe if you’d taken care of this in the first place, it wouldn’t be such a problem.”
“It ain’t a problem—“
“Oh, no, of course not,” you cut in, rolling your eyes. “burns are fine. Totally normal to just leave them alone and hope they magically heal on their own.”
“I was busy.”
“Busy being dumb?”
“Oh, fuck that, really,” he says flatly before he looks away.
You sigh through your nose, gentler this time as you go back to work, cleaning his burn around the edges. Stan's eyes flick to the coffee table and he remembers the lighter he’d found earlier.
“So, since when does Sixer smoke?”
You stop, freezing.
Stanley raises an eyebrow, watching the way your whole body goes rigid. “what?” he drawls. “hit a nerve?”
“Ford doesn’t smoke.”
“Yeah? that his lighter, then?” he gives you a look, nodding toward the thing. Wait. . . The realization hitting you. Fuck. You’d left it here? At Ford’s? “found that lying around. And i know that stick-in-the-mud was always on my ass about it, so unless he suddenly decided to turn into the marlboro man—“
You swallow. “no.”
“Huh.” his smirk widens. “so you’re tellin’ me— “
You scowl. “it’s mine, okay? I used to, but i’m trying to quit.”
After a beat of silence Stanley bursts into shameless laughter.
You glare at him. “what the fuck is so funny?”
“Oh my god,” he wheezes, slapping his knee. “holy shit, lemme guess, did Poindexter give you the whole ‘your lungs will rot’ speech? Went full psa mode?”
Your scowl deepens. “so what if he did?”
“No , no—” he’s still laughing, wiping at his eyes. “it’s just, you sound exactly like me when i was like twelve. Swear to god. He gave me the same fuckin’ speech. Like, word for word. Bet he even did the disappointed sigh.”
“He just cared,” you admit, looking away. “cared about my well-being. I used to think the same as yo u, that he was just being a nerd. But, y’know. Some things never change.”
That shuts Stanley up. So you use that moment when he seems to think or remember something, and clear your throat. “anyway, since you’re his brother, i wanted to ask you something.”
“Was he always like this?”
“Like what?”
“You know. Paranoid. Weird. Off.”
He gives you a look. “uh, i met the guy for the first time in ten years, like, yesterday.”
“Oh. Right.”
Stanley scratches his chin. “but, i mean, i dunno. When we were kids, he was always kinda anxious. Worried about grades, the future, that kinda shit.”
“Yeah. He was the same in college.” you nod, something clicking into place.
You fall silent, rubbing your chin, thinking. If even Stanley, his own twin brother, has no idea what’s going on with Ford, then who does? Who the hell would know what happened to make him like this?
There had to be someone. Someone who saw him a lot during those years, who knew what changed, who was here when that happened. Who knew what had made him—
Your eyes widen.
“Fiddleford. Fiddleford McGucket. Our good friend and Ford’s old lab assistant, he quit before everything went to hell, but if anyone knows what’s up with him now, it’s him.”
Stan stares at you. Then his entire body shook with laughter.
Ignoring that, you snap your fingers as smile appears on your face. “right! he should know!” you look at Stan, pausing. “what?”
“Fiddleford,” he repeats, grinning widely. “holy shit, that’s his real name?”
You cross your arms. “Yeah?”
“That’s fucking hilarious.” he shakes his head. “Ford and fiddle. Jesus.”
You shoot him a glare. “are you done?”
“Nah, nah, i need a second,” he chuckles, wiping his eyes. “Fiddleford. God.”
You ignore that dumbass, grabbing the phone, its rotary dial familiar under your fingers. You dial the number, tapping your fingers against the table, pressing it to your ear as the static hum of the line comes to life.
The voice on the other end is unmistakable and it makes you smile, hearing your friend again.
“Fidds , it’s me,” you name yourself.
There’s a pause. Then, carefully, he repeats your name.
“Yeah! listen, i know you said you wanted to forget whatever happened when you were working with Ford, but—”
You don’t get to finish, because across from you, Stanley starts laughing again, shaking his head like he just can’t believe what he’s hearing.
You glare at him.
“Fiddleford,” he says under his breath, wheezing. “holy shit!”
You roll your eyes, bringing the phone back to your ear. “so, anyway— “
“Wait, wait, hold on,” Fiddleford cuts in, confused. “who’s that?”
Stanley, still grinning, leans in toward the receiver and says, loud as hell: “your parents named you what?!”
“Who in the sam hill is laughin’ at my name?!”
You turn away from Stan, pushing him. “ignore him.”
“Who’s laughin’?”
“I'm gonna die. Man, your name is awesome. And here i thought my parents had zero imagination.”
“Uh,” Fiddleford sounds even more confused.
“Don’t listen to him.”
But Stan just keeps laughing. “Nah, seriously, what kinda— “
You hear Fiddleford's voice going defensive. “now listen here, i’ll have you know Fiddleford’s a perfectly respectable name—”
You sigh, rubbing at your temple. Jesus christ. This was gonna be a long conversation.
Ford sleeps like the dead, the weight of exhaustion so complete that he might as well be a corpse until his chest lurches followed by painful gasp, his whole body jerking upright, pulling him back into the waking world.
His breath is coming too fast and shallow and Ford can't quite catch it. His heart is beating as if it wants to burst out, no longer belonging in his body. Cold sweat clings to his skin, dampening the sheets beneath him.
Another fucking nightmare.
Ford drags a hand down his face, through his hair. Inhales slow, exhales slower and forces himself to move.
The floor is cold when his bare feet touch it, but even that doesn't ground him, reminding him that he’s here, in the Shack, with him watching his every move.
He needs water, so he stumbles towards the door until he steps on something that makes too loud a sound.
Ford looks down.
A dog toy, a bright, rubbery, ridiculous thing, right there beneath his heel.
Oh he knows what it means. Happened quite a lot. You're here. And you brought your dog.
Ford sighs. Deeply. He sets the toy down on his desk and finally steps out into the hallway.
He hears your voice, unmistakable, and Stanley’s.
And then he hears a voice he hasn’t heard in a long, long time.
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hotchscoffeecup · 16 hours ago
those things will kill you
pairing: javier peña x dea!reader
tags: gun violence, broken glass injury, bullet wounds, blood, no y/n
word count: 5k
summary: attacked in a public bar, javier takes you back to his apartment to get you cleaned up and tend your wounds. an almost kiss leads to an exploration of feelings neither of you were prepared for.
as always, big thanks to muffin for always being willing to help beta my fics <3
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The bartender places a bottle of beer, sweaty with condensation, in front of you on the bar top.
After uttering a short thank you in Spanish, you leave a couple of bills on the counter and twist your fingers around the neck of the bottle. The beer is cold and slides down your throat easily, but it tastes bitter in your hollow stomach.
You run your tongue over your teeth and tsk, shaking your head wondering how you ended up in this mess. Everything seems like it’s going to hell in a handbasket and all the government wants to do is tie your hands and everyone else’s in the search for Escobar.
You hate how it all keeps you up at night; the cat and mouse. For every inch you eked closer, Escobar always seemed to be a mile ahead. Even when he is right under your nose, he evades capture and disappears without so much as a trace of evidence.
You think too far too deeply about Pablo Escobar and you know it affects your work. How can the same man who built homes and schools for the poor of his hometown be the same man that would blow up a city street full of school children and their families a week before school starts? The thought of it keeps you awake at night because you genuinely cannot fathom how such a disconnect can exist in the human mind. He is a drug lord. A killer. A criminal. But he was also someone’s child, someone’s husband, someone’s father. Could he really justify all of this cruelty and malice? You wonder when enough stopped being enough for him. You wonder if a reality existed where he was just that, a man of the people. A family man. In another life, maybe he could’ve actually maintained a seat in the Colombian congress. In all his posturing and speech making, he really did exude all of the makings of a good politician that wanted to see a better and more prosperous Colombia. Instead, he became that which instilled fear in the hearts of those that called the great nation their home.
The clipped click of a lighter snaps you out of your own mind and the sounds of the bar pull you out from under the sea of thoughts you’d lost yourself in.
“Real sharp instincts there,” Javier jabs as he drags on the cigarette between his lips and settles into the seat beside you. “Glad I’m not a sicario. Getting the jump on you would be all too easy now, wouldn’t it?”
“Fuck off, Peña, I’m not in the mood.”
“What happened? Get in trouble with the ambassador or something?”
You direct a hard stare in his direction and that seems to speak for itself.
“It’s an adjustment for everyone. He’s definitely more of a tight ass, but he’ll get used to the way things operate down here. Give it time.”
You scoff. “Easy for you to say. All you and Murphy have to do is posture and dick swing your way into his good graces. It’s not that easy for me.”
The bartender nears your end of the bar and inclines his head towards Javier. He gestures towards the drink in your hand with his cigarette and says, “Lo mismo, por favor.”
With a drink now in hand, he turns towards you and levels his deep brown eyes on yours.
“Cut the crap.”
Your brow arches toward your hairline. “Excuse me?”
The corners of his eyes crinkle as one side of his lips quirks up. “I’m not buying this ‘I’m-a-lady-so-I-have-to-work-twice-as-hard’ bullshit. You’re a damn good agent and that’s why you’re here with me and Murphy. Ambassador knows that. So, why don’t you tell me what’s really bothering you?”
He takes a swig of his beer and swallows hard. Pointing the bottle at you he says, “and to be clear, I’m not swinging my dick around for anyone.” His eyes flicker over your face and a glint of mischief enters his gaze. “Unless they ask nicely of course.”
You drop your chin and shake your head. “Just when I thought you were being genuine.”
“Hey, I am genuine,” he protests. He pops the cigarette between his lips and grabs your shoulder, the warmth of his palm pressing through your jacket. “C’mon, what’s really eating you?”
You grab the bottle in front of you and swirl the pale liquid inside, forming a small tornado when you still your hand. “I just haven’t been sleeping, that’s all.”
Javier drops his hand from your shoulder to take the cigarette from his lips and blows out a puff of smoke, angling his mouth away from you but the acrid smell still manages to burn your nostrils.
“Those things will kill you, you know?”
Javier smirks and you hate how good it looks on his smug face. “We work in Bogotá. A lot of things can kill us.”
“No need to tempt fate.”
He moves from side to side as if weighing his options. “Cigarettes, alcohol, working too hard trying to prove ourselves that we don’t sleep at night…we all have our vices.” His eyes linger on yours and you suddenly feel vulnerable being called out like that.
“Consider the reasons I don’t sleep, Javi.” You drain the last of your beer and push the bottle away from you.
You press your hands against the edge of the bar, but before you can push yourself up and off of the barstool, Javier claps a hand over one of your wrists, stilling you.
“You can talk to me, you know?” The browns of his irises flicker as they bear into yours and the hollow pit in your stomach widens. You know you can talk to him. Steve too. It’s just hard to be too vulnerable down here though when there’s so much pressure coming down from all angles. If you even look like you might collapse under the weight of it all you’ll get rotated back to the States so quickly, you won’t even get the chance to say goodbye. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for you and you can’t squander it. So, it stays easy to lock it down, despite the consequences.
So, you do just that and lock it down. Forcing a smile you know doesn’t reach your eyes, you shake off his hand and zip up your jacket. “I’m fine, Peña. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He presses his lips together, but doesn’t say anything more. He nods his head in farewell and you turn to leave.
You take two steps before your name rolls off of his tongue and you roll your eyes. “Peña, I’m—” The words die on your lips as you turn, eyes drifting past Javier to the pair on the motorcycle beyond the glass window that makes up the external wall of the bar. The man on the back of the motorcycle aims an automated weapon in Javier’s direction.
“Everybody get down!” You cry out as all hell breaks loose.
You’re airborne as the glass shatters and the explosive sounds of gunfire fill the space. You collide with a thick wall of muscle and hit the ground hard, covering your head with one arm and shielding his body with the other. The gunfire stops almost as soon as it had started and the sound of tires squealing on the pavement echoes off the street.
Patrons scream and cry out as they scramble over one another to evacuate the space. You roll onto your side and groan as shards of glass cut into your arms through the thin windbreaker you have on.
“Javier,” you groan as you reach for him. He’s moving so you know he’s alive. You lean over him and his shocked visage. “Javi, are you with me?”
He blinks hard out of whatever stupor he’s in and sits bolt upright. “Which direction did they go?” He turns his head to look over his shoulder and the gaping frame where shards of glass poke out of the windowsill like jagged teeth.
“They’re gone,” you say on an exhale. “Are you alright? Did you hit your head or anything when I tackled you?”
He breathes out a short laugh and you fear he might be in shock. “Did I hit my head? No, I didn’t—” He stops and shakes his head like he’s trying to clear away a fog. His brow pinches as he looks around at the damage. Tables and chairs are upended and cast aside. Broken bottles line the floor where they shattered upon impact off the shelves behind the bar and litter the ground. You’re surprised to find that, miraculously, no bodies littered the ground in the wake of the attack.
A hand cups your chin and you reflexively reach for the gun tucked into your waistband.
Peña raises his other hand in surrender. “I think you might’ve hit yours though.” His eyes shift just above your field of vision and that’s when you feel the hot sticky substance drip down onto your lashes. You raise a hand and touch it, surprised to find a smear of red staining your fingertips when you look at them.
“I think that’s just from the glass. It’s all in my jacket.”
Javier clambers to his feet and dusts off his jeans. Bits of glass hit the floor as it rattles off of his leather jacket, a much heartier material that you wish yours had been made from.
He extends a hand towards you and you take it, wincing as he pulls you to your feet. With a grunt, you tug the zipper down and shrug out of your jacket. There’s no saving the ripped and bloodied material so you drop it on the floor.
“Fuck, you’re hit.”
The words don’t register as Javi closes the gap between the two of you and the smell of cigarettes and cologne envelops you in a strange, yet almost comforting cloud of, well, Javier.
He scrubs a hand over his face as he hesitates to touch you. You hear him muttering to himself, but the words don’t quite register. Funny how a moment ago you were worried about him going into shock.
A sharp sting of pain brings you back to your senses as Javier presses a folded up bar towel to your shoulder. “Hold pressure on that,” he instructs. He turns and reaches back to take your hand in his. “Come on, I’ll get you out of here. I need to get you taken care of.”
And that’s how you find yourself in the passenger seat of Javier Peña’s Jeep with blood seeping through a dirty bar rag onto the upholstery of his passenger seat. At some point he reaches over you and retrieves the satellite phone from within the glove box to call in the attack.
“No, Murphy. I’m fine. She’s fine. Minor wounds it seems. No—no, don’t wake Connie. I’ve got a kit at my apartment. Yes, I’ll keep an eye on her. I’ve already called the Ambassador and Martinez. Yeah, yeah. Ok, goodnight. I’ll call you if anything happens.”
By the time he pulls into his garage, the adrenaline wears off and the sharp sting of pain in your shoulder becomes glaringly obvious. Javier gets out and moves to open the door for you. He places a supporting hand under your uninjured arm as you maneuver your way out of the car in the confined space. Your body brushes against the firm plane of his as you do and you don’t miss the way he stiffens in response.
“Let’s get you inside,” he murmurs and drops his hand to the small of your back to guide you towards the door.
His apartment is simple, built in the same style as yours and Murphy’s. They all share the same furniture and simple decorations, though yours doesn’t have quite the number of liquor bottles perched on various surfaces and vaguely remember what he’d mentioned about vices at the bar. The smells strongly of him, of his earthy cologne and cigarette smoke. You’ve grown used to it from sitting across from him at work for the last six months. There’s something oddly comforting about it even though the amount he and everyone else smokes bothers you to no end.
“Why don’t you sit down?” He says, gesturing toward the couch.
You do as he suggests and sit on the couch, only on the edge though. You don’t want to ruin the upholstery like you’d done with his car. Plus, you’re fairly certain there’s still small shards of glass embedded in the skin of your back and the idea of pressing those in any further makes you queasy.
Javi disappears into the bathroom, muttering expletives under his breath in English and in Spanish. He returns with a small red first aid kit, a couple of wash clothes, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol.
He climbs onto the couch and perches on the back of the sofa, his legs spread on either side of your body. “Hold these,” he says, and doesn’t wait to dump the items into your lap.
With gentle hands, he peels the bar rag up and off your shoulder. “Good,” he sighs. “Bleeding’s stopped. Let’s get you out of this shirt.”
You turn your head over your shoulder to look at him from beneath an arched brow and he immediately doubles back. “So we can clean this properly and make sure there isn’t any more glass. Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Funny, I thought you liked it there.” Your lips curve into a wicked smile. “I know what you meant, but it is fun to watch you squirm.”
Javier shakes his head and you turn back around to pull your tank top up and over your head. You try to do it with one arm to avoid aggravating your shoulder, but the movement jostles the joint and you hiss between your teeth. Javi catches your hand as you try to pull it over the injury and takes over guiding it up and over the wound. He discards your tank top on the ground and sucks in a breath.
“What, Jav? You see women in their bras, or without them, all the time. Relax.”
“No, it’s not that. Wait, what—”
You smirk to yourself. “What’s the problem?”
“It’s just on second thought, I think we ought to move to the kitchen. There’s more light there and there’s still some glass stuck in and around where the bullet clipped you.”
He gently lays the towel back down over the open wound on your shoulder and you follow him to the kitchen and drop your keys and gun onto the counter before perching on one of the bar stools. He kicks the nearby waste paper basket next to the empty stool beside you and arranges the first aid items onto the counter, opening the kit and withdrawing gloves, tweezers, gauze pads, and roller bandages. He zips the kit shut, determining he has everything that he needs and places it in his lap as he sits down.
A strange silence settles over the two of you as he snaps on the pair of latex gloves and sets to work. He removes the soiled rag from your shoulder and drops it into the trash. The pinch and sting of him pulling glass from within and around your injuries dulls over time and you watch as the tiny pile of red stained shards grows on the counter next to you.
“You know there wouldn’t be so much of this if you hadn’t fallen directly on top of me.”
Javier scoffs. “You’re right. Next time we’re in a firefight, I’ll let you fall on me.” The tweezers lock on to another small shard and you grimace as he pulls it free. “I think that was the last one.”
He unscrews the plastic cap from the bottle of rubbing alcohol and soaks a washcloth with it. “This is probably going to hurt worse, but we gotta get this cleaned up.”
You nod. “I know, go ahead.”
When he’s cleaning the dried blood from off and around the skin, it just grazes over small cuts and scrapes that feels more annoying than anything else. It’s when he passes over the open wound in your shoulder that a curse slips past your lips and tears well in your eyes.
“Fucking shit, that hurts.”
“I know,” Javi says apologetically. “We definitely don’t want you to get any infection though.” He swipes the cloth over the injury three more times and just when you start to wonder if he’s a sadist, he finally declares he’s finished and drops the washcloth into the trash. The cool air blowing from the nearby AC unit dries the alcohol and relieves the burning sting. He replaces it with a fresh gauze pad and holds it in place with his left hand while his right works the roller bandage into position. He works quickly and quietly as he winds it around your shoulder and bicep. After securing a knot in the bandage, he sits back and nods affirmatively, content with the job he’s done.
“Now let me see your forehead. We oughta get that cleaned up as well while I’ve got you here.”
You’d almost forgotten about the cut above your eye with the adrenaline wearing off and the pain in your shoulder growing more severe. You reach up absentmindedly and brush your fingers against the now dried and flaking blood stuck in your eyebrow. Javi spills some alcohol onto a gauze pad and your breath catches when he touches the tips of his opposite hand beneath your chin to tilt it towards the overhead light.
He swipes at the dried blood and scrubs it free from your eyebrow. When he passes over the shallow cut, you wince and he apologizes. When it’s clean, he peels open the wrapper on a butterfly bandage and uses the tips of his fingers to try to place it so it’ll pull the cut closed. A small smile tugs at your lips as you watch him press his tongue to his bottom lip as his fingers tremble ever so slightly as he makes sure the small ends of the bandage don’t tear.
“There,” he whispers when he’s sure it’ll stay put. His face is so close to yours and the breath catches in your throat when his eyes drop to yours. “Just like new.”
Time slows to an absolute standstill and you feel yourself inextricably drawn to him, as if there’s some tether pulling you towards him and you really start to wonder if you did hit your head harder than you thought in the chaos because you’re pretty sure he’s also leaning in towards you, which would be crazy because he’s your coworker, but he’s also tilting his head and his face is incredibly close to yours…
Reality snaps back into place like a rubber band against skin when the first aid kit resting on his thighs clatters to the ground. You immediately pull away and drop down off of the stool to pick it up and Javier immediately chastises you doing so.
“Dammit!” He curses and your name sounds sharp on his tongue. “You’ve barely stopped bleeding, don’t jerk yourself around like that.” He snatches the first aid kit from you and splays a hand under your elbow to pull you back up to a standing position. He tosses the kit onto the counter and stalks off into the living room leaving you at the bar wondering what the hell is driving this one-eighty in behavior as he paces back and forth across the carpet.
“Damn, Peña. I’m not going to bleed out on your kitchen floor.” You smirk. “Your jeep, maybe,” you suggest, trying to make light of the sudden tension in the room.
Javier either doesn’t or chooses not to hear you. He loops his thumb through one of his belt loops as he shakes his head and mutters under his breath. “I don’t need this right now.”
Your brow pinches and you hate the heat that rushes to your cheeks. You shuffle your weight from foot to foot and suddenly feel like you’re taking up too much space in the small apartment as he increases the space between you and him. This errant behavior is giving you more whiplash than when you’d taken him to the ground and you’re about to call him out on it, when, without another word, he turns and ducks into his room.
Irritation quickly replaces whatever vulnerability you’d just been feeling. “What the hell does that mean?” You ask, your words clipped and demanding. You walk towards the sounds of him rummaging around inside drawers and come to an abrupt halt as he strides out of his bedroom and presses a ball of fabric into your chest. “This,” he says by way of explanation and takes a dramatic step away from you.
“And by this you mean what exactly?” You know exactly what the this in question is, but you want to hear him say it. Frankly, you’re just as surprised by whatever just happened between you and him, but you’ve worked with each other long enough now to know when the other is severely bullshitting their way through a situation and you have no intention of letting him get away with it.
The smell of his detergent wafts up around you from the shirt in your hands and you take the opportunity to try to awkwardly shrug into it without aggravating the freshly dressed wound. It’s hard to start an argument and be taken seriously when you’re standing toe to toe with someone and you’ve only got on jeans and a black lace bra after all.
As you fumble with the buttons on his shirt, he takes a resigned step backwards and collapses onto the couch. He gestures vaguely at the space between the two of you. His voice is softer when he speaks, tired. “All of this. God.” He runs a hand through his hair and falls back into the cushions. “You,” he says, eyes briefly meeting yours and then at the ceiling.
Your fingers pause mid-fastening. “What about me?”
Javier shakes his head. A wry smile pulls at his lips, rife with disbelief, and it fades as quickly as it comes. “You nearly died tonight.”
You arch a brow and direct a knowing look at him. “Javi, not sure if you were paying attention but we both nearly died tonight. I mean, things moved a little quickly for me to break out my calculator and add shit up, but I don’t think all 30 or 40 of those rounds were meant just for me. I think they were aimed at both DEA agents and they didn’t give a fuck who else got caught in the crossfire.”
“That’s not the point,” he responds resolutely.
“Then tell me what is.”
He doesn’t answer, but sits up and pulls the half crushed pack of cigarettes from his back pocket and slips one between his teeth. As he rolls his thumb over his lighter, you feel your already short fuse ignite. Without giving it a second thought you step forward and snatch the cigarette from between his lips.
“Hey!” He protests, nostrils flaring.
You snap the stick of tobacco in front of him and toss it to the floor. “Enough of the theaterics, Peña.” You stare directly into his eyes, refusing to let him get away with ignoring you. “Quit bullshitting me and tell me what’s really on your mind.”
The sound of the wall clock ticking fills the space and the silence is unbearable, but you refuse to be the first to break. Fifteen more uncomfortably strained seconds tick by before he drops his gaze to the floor and scrubs a hand over his face with a heavy sigh.
He slides over on the couch and pats the cushion next to him. “Sit down, will you?”
You do as he asks and situate yourself at an angle towards him with one leg pulled up across your lap.
“Here,” Javi says as he pulls a throw pillow out from behind him and wedges it gently between you and the couch. “I don’t want you to go and tear open anything I got closed.”
You huff out a quiet laugh and thank him, glancing down at his haphazardly buttoned shirt you’ve got on. You notice you’ve completely misaligned what you’d managed to fasten. Ignoring that for now, you kick at his shin and incline your head towards him. “You done with all the tough guy shit?”
Javier presses his lips together and nods. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what happened. I just—”
“Just what?”
He lifts his eyes to yours and you watch the way his coffee colored irises flicker in the lamplight. “There's just some lines you shouldn’t cross.”
“This is Bogotá,” you say, mirroring his words from earlier. “There’s a lot of lines we shouldn’t cross.”
“I’m serious,” he responds brusquely, eyes darkening as he shuts you out once more.
You sit up straighter, undeterred by his obvious attempts to push you away. “Yeah, well tough shit, so am I.”
The way he speaks your name is laced with frustration and uncertainty. He’s holding back and your own frustration mounts. You’re tired, you’re in pain, and frankly, now you’re just feeling plain stupid. You’d heard rumors of Javier’s extracurricular activities with women. Did you really want to be another notch in his bedpost?
You let out a low, wry chuckle and shake your head. “You know what, Javier?” You push yourself up and off the couch, wincing as you do so, and look down at him. “Give me a call if you figure out what side of the line you stand on.”
You turn and swiftly move towards the door, swiping your keys and gun off of the counter as you do so. You use your good arm to shove your sidearm into the back of your jeans and unlock the deadbolt on Javier’s front door.
You’ve barely pushed the door open when Javier appears at your side and yanks it closed. Before you can protest, he pushes you up against the door and presses his lips to yours in a devastatingly desperate kiss.
You can’t control the moan that rushes from your mouth into his as you kiss him back. He tastes like mint and menthols and you suddenly can’t remember why you hate the smell of cigarettes so much. The cuts along your back and shoulder blades sting as the wood rubs up against the shirt Javier gave you, but with his hands pressed against the expanse of wall on either side of your face, you decide it’s bearable.
That is until you reach up unthinkingly to tangle your hand into his hair and a sharp sting of pain reverberates from your shoulder all the way down to your fingertips.
Javi abruptly breaks off the kiss and his eyes flicker across your face, shining with concern. “Fuck, I’m sorry! I just got caught up in the moment. Did I hurt you?”
You place a placating hand against his chest and feel the erratic beating under your palm. “I’m fine, Jav. Really.”
He licks his lips and you already miss the way they felt against yours. He presses them together and nods. “Good.”
“Good,” you echo. “I guess I should head home though, get some rest. God knows the ambassador is going to want a report on all of this.”
“You got shot, the ambassador can get fucked.”
“Fucked, is what we’re both going to be if we can’t figure out who targeted us.” You sigh and shake off the thought. “I better get going. It’s late.”
Javier stops you from turning to leave. “You’re not walking home alone this late at night.”
“It’s down the street, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re not walking alone.”
“Then walk me home. Your strong male aura will keep danger at a bay,” you add sarcastically.
“Then what do you suppose I do?”
“Simple, stay here. I’ll drive you home in the morning.”
“And sit on all that blood? No thanks.”
“Okay fine, I’ll walk you home in the morning.”
You consider the implications of that and choose the safest route. “S’pose I could sleep on the couch.”
Javier shakes his head. “I’m not gonna make you sleep on the fucking couch. You’ll sleep in my bed.”
“And you’ll sleep where?”
“Next to you,” he says smoothly. “If you’ll let me.”
You arch a brow. “And we’ll just…sleep?”
Javi shoves his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and shrugs his shoulders, his smile smug. “Tonight, yes.” He steps forward and takes a hand from his pocket to cup your face gently in his wide palm. He places a tender kiss upon your lips. “Tomorrow night might be a different story.”
“I think I’d be quite interested in reading that,” you respond playfully.
“It’s different than what I’m used to,” Javier says and then adds, “but I think change might not be a bad thing.”
You give him a once over and nod. “I think you’re right about that.”
He smiles, somewhat sheepishly, as he says, “I’m sorry for being such a dick.”
The corner of your mouth quirks as you shrug your good shoulder. “I’m not sorry I pushed your buttons like that. It’s about time you open up and actually let yourself feel your feelings.”
He rubs his thumb across your bottom lip and then drops his hand to curve around your hip and rest on the small of your back. “Let’s get some sleep, huh?”
And that’s how you find yourself lying in bed next to Javier Peña of all people, wearing his shirt to sleep while he snores softly beside you; and you can’t help but wonder how many things had to happen for you to end up here at this moment. His arm drapes over your waist, pulling you in against the steady warmth of his skin and you find that you quite like the way you fit so perfectly against the crook of his body.
In the comfort of his arms, you drift off into an uninterrupted sleep and for the first time since you can’t remember when you don’t dream of Pablo Escobar.
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bluebelly-sun-serpentine · 23 hours ago
This is why I pretty much only shot film unless someone specifically requested digital until very recently. I started out with an entry level DSLR and very quickly realized even a 35mm SLR - let alone the medium format I sometimes shot - gave more satisfying results. Eventually I had to buy a professionally acceptable DSLR (not something top of the line but industry standard) and I still only ever shot with it unless clients didn’t want to wait/pay for film. Nowadays the better consumer mirrorless cameras are pretty much good enough to replace DSLRs at comparable price points and much, much more comfortable to shoot (the weight factor alone), but this definitely wasn’t true until very recently. Luckily these last 15 years don’t present a blank spot for me, but like, only because I spent all my money on film and had my camera with me more often than I did my phone.
I also think phone photo archiving is straight up just worse than physical albums or even real file management. I occasionally take pictures with my phone as a reminder to do something (look something up, go to an event, return to take a real photo there, request a plant ID from my plant people, etc) and to be honest, it’s shit trying to find these things if you think about them months later, because archiving things properly takes so many additional steps on the phone (especially if you’re unwilling to allow your phone to look at all your pictures and tag faces or locations). With film, you have physical objects you can organize in a lot of idiosyncratic ways, and cataloguing image files on a desktop/laptop/external hard drive offers similar solutions with minimal click fatigue. I hate how all “file management” on phones has been collapsed into scrolling or the search function. You can create albums but by design you have to do it as an afterthought, which means I don’t end up doing it, and the data just piles up endlessly in one big slop. Either that or you allow some massive corporation to look at all your photos (likely thereby opting in to feeding their AI and doing creepy facial recognition stuff) so they can sort through things for you and fit them into the buckets they’ve decided are relevant. Meanwhile even the high end camera phones take really ugly images and you have to fight upstream to prevent them altering reality by “fixing” the image for you even before you decide to add a filter or do any other edits.
Historical context is of course very useful for important things like Politics and Science and everything, but will also open your eyes to things like, uh... the way the clothing/textile/crafting industries try to use the word "natural" as an excuse to sell shoddy and bad quality goods and make you think that's normal.
God knows there are worse things going on in the world, but it really pisses me off when I see companies advertising "Real Shell/Pearl buttons!" like that's supposed to be some upscale selling point, and the buttons in question are the thinnest, roughest, most crudely-made buttons in existence... 🙄😒 "But they're made from Natural Materials! You can't expect Natural Materials to look refined and consistent like synthetic ones!" They are lying to you. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU! And I know this because I've seen "real shell buttons" from 100 or even 50 years ago. And most of them are sturdy and smoothly polished, of a consistent thickness, and sometimes even finely carved. The buttons on nice men's dress shirts? Those are the cheap, plastic IMITATIONS of what people expected actual mother-of-pearl buttons to look like! "Natural" isn't an excuse! Your product is cheap and badly and lazily made! And I'm so sick of this, because I see it EVERYWHERE. "Linen-look" has become shorthand for "coarsely woven fabric with visible slubs" and that drives me CRAZY because do you KNOW what kinds of linen I have seen??? Antique linen so light and fine and smooth you can't even SEE the weave unless you magnify it!!! A fragment of a linen damask tablecloth so smooth and glossy, it looks like SILK? 😭 (On that note, "dupioni silk" is so roughly woven that it would have been considered hardly fit to sell a century ago) "This fabric is woven of Natural Materials, so imperfections will be inevitable!" 🙃 No! 😀 You just made it cheaply and sloppily, and that was your choice! 😊
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bwat5-blog · 2 days ago
A Look At The "Nothing Character" Who Broke Our Hearts: Isha
**Spoilers For Arcane**
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I must say, there was a time not so long ago that if someone were to tell me there was a whole tag devoted to the hatred of a cute, tenacious, brave little girl character who died tragically trying to emulate her hero, I would have found the idea completely insane. However, since becoming a part of our little community....
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Before we get into this a bit let me say, I am not formally educated in writing/literature/creative story telling or any of that. So what I discuss and list will as usual be the research I could find on my own with sources provided. I know for a fact through some of my interactions on here there are some very educated people in this area, so if any of you see this and care enough, please chime in! I'd love to learn more.
What Is The Complaint?:
"Isha isn't a real character!"
"Isha did nothing except get blown up!"
"Why was this kid even in the show?"
"Isha's only purpose was to give Jinx a reason to be happy then take it away!"
You get the idea. Overall people seem to hate the character because they feel she really wasn't one. They see her as being more of a singular plot device with no real information or depth given and not having any real purpose. While it is true we don't learn a ton about her, I completely disagree as to the worth and impact of her character on the story. In doing some digging, I came across the following term:
Catalyst Character-
Per Reference.com: "A catalyst character, also known as a catalytic character, is the character in a story who causes the protagonist, or main character, to move toward some kind of action or transformation. This character is usually the person that spends the most quality and influential time with the protagonist."
Okay, rather or not you agree or think it matters I'd hope at the least that that explanation is fairly clear. So moving forward, why do I think this applied to Isha? Because she is in all aspects a MASSIVE agent of change in the narrative. I understand not liking her. That is totally individual. But to imply she didn't matter is complete and utter nonsense.
The Ventilation Chamber Battle:
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The brawl between Vi and Jinx has come to a head. Vi sits atop Jinx with one gauntlet around Jinx's throat and the other poised to kill her. Jinx is telling her to do it... she's glad that Vi is the one who is going to end her. When out of nowhere Isha leaps between them pointing a gun at Vi. '
Concrete Impact:
Stops the fight cold
Jinx immediately screams no betraying her actual fear for Vi's safety
Snaps Vi out of the fight where it appears she was quite possibly pulling back her hand to finish the fight
Isha's presence is what makes Vi get in front of Caitlyn's rifle leading to their separation and what occurs for them afterward.
Jinx clearly is "seeing" Vi again for the first time when Vi leaps to stop Caitlyn
2. Life With Jinx:
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We return to Jinx after the time skip. It turns she has been living quietly in hiding with Isha since the battle. She is staying out of the bloodshed, focusing on her relationship caring for the young girl. She seems more at peace than we have seen her the entire series, even declaring "Jinx is dead" when Sevika comes to demand she get involved.
Concrete Impact:
It's strange to say for something I list under concrete but just the obvious and clear effect she has on Jinx herself. We see it expressed in many ways, such as Jinx saying Isha reminds her of Powder, Jinx saying she doesn't want to screw up what she has with Isha when in Silco's office, and so on. I feel like we could do an entire analysis post on Isha's effect on Jinx mental/emotional state but that is for another time.
The fact that Isha is masquerading as Jinx during the occupation is HUGE. We have to remember, Jinx is not actually getting involved at all before the events of the rally. The people of Zaun have made her their symbol because of what she did, and because Piltover has made Jinx their symbol of why they are doing what they are doing.
It is only because Isha went to the rally and got arrested that Jinx rejoins the fight.
3. Jinx Comes To Stillwater:
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Isha has been arrested along with a large group of Zaunites during the rally. Sevika limps back to the hideout and tells Jinx who is immediately extremely upset. We see her seriously glitching in full for the first time since the time skip. She and Sevika mount a rescue mission, and because of Isha. Jinx rejoins the game since the occupation began.
Concrete Impact:
Without Isha being taken Jinx doesn't get involved which quite literally changes the trajectory of the entire story. Meeting Vander again and everything that stems from that would be impacted which quite literally could effect every character in the story. It is too much to list or "what if".
4. Reuniting The Family:
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In the wake of meeting Vander and rescuing Isha, Jinx goes and finds Vi in the fighting pits, telling her what she has found and together with Isha they set off on a journey to find him. Leading to the all-too-short reunification of their family, with their newest member of course.
Concrete Impact:
Of course to state the obvious, they wouldn't be here if it were not for any of the things we have already been over.
When Jinx and Vi start to fighting, once again it is Isha's involvement that stops it cold.
Seeing Jinx's care for Isha is what helps Vi start to see her sister in a new light.
It is Isha's bleeding from getting whacked that draws Vander to them. Vi immediately leaps to save her life and Jinx can see the Vi she knows is still there as well. Also being thrown into Vander's path like that leads to his regaining control and the scene we see above.
5. The Commune:
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After their family is reunited Vi, Jinx and Isha take Vander to the commune to meet with Viktor. Hoping his healing gifts can save their father. Of course, it all ends in soul rending tragedy with Vander losing control and Isha sacrificing herself to save her new family during a Noxian attack.
Concrete Impact:
Isha brings Jinx's gun. Without the gun the plan to save Vander could have gone a hundred different ways.
Isha pocketed those stones. If she hadn't done so once again it is impossible to list all the ways that incident could have changed in the end.
The impact on the story from Isha's sacrifice is so far beyond "making Jinx sad" it is mind-boggling. It stops the attack in its tracks. Without Vi getting injured saving Jinx from the explosion, Caitlyn and Jinx may have never found even that microscopic bit of common ground between them we see. There is so much more and that is to say nothing of the impact on Jinx mentally/emotionally
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So again this is not a true deep dive or anything. And I do understand the complaint that we really don't ever learn a ton about her. But I absolutely do not understand or agree with the complaint that she is meaningless/unimportant/inconsequential to the story. Her actions and presence drive a massive amount of change in the course of season two, and without her it very likely could have all ended quite differently. To close, below is an English translation of Isha's farewell posted to reddit for you to enjoy. (I have no way of knowing if it is accurate so if not forgive me).
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Child, don’t fear the thorns; walk barefoot, And you’ll find something precious. Look at this darkened sky; see how beautiful the fireworks are. There’s no need for so much sorrow. People flourish and wither, But even stubborn rocks and debris will bloom.
Part the mountains, Let her see me. Tell the stars, Hurry and shine on me. Blow away the dark clouds, With a stroke of blue. Even if the world is full of desolation, We can look up and see the moon.
While we still have the hearts of children, Even as lone blossoms among millions, we must bloom. Don’t be troubled or sad. Don’t forget: Even if tears fall, we must keep running, Run to where even time can’t find us. Be the birds that soar at the edge of the sky.
Part the mountains, Let her see me. Tell the stars, Hurry and shine on me. Blow away the dark clouds, With a stroke of blue. Even if the world is full of desolation, We can look up and see the moon.
While we still have the hearts of children, Even as lone blossoms among millions, we must bloom. Don’t be troubled or sad. Don’t forget: Even if tears fall, we must keep running, Run to where even time can’t find us. Be the birds that soar at the edge of the sky.
Don’t keep searching; Just give me a hug. Let’s quietly forget, For this is good enough for me.
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mandaloriankait · 2 days ago
Buy Me a Drink
A/N: So this fic isn't even for a challenge, I just wrote this smutty thing for myself pretty much. Pretty much just complete porn, tiny bit of plot if you squint. Thanks to @karinamay for helping me with it and @gothcsz for hyping me up enough to post it lmao. Writing Frankie Morales is hard. I hope you guys enjoy! Also I know several people asked to be tagged in this but I can't find who now because I was a dumb and didn't write yall down I'm so sorry don't hate me 😔
Smut, unprotected piv sex, facesitting, oral(f!receiving)
You took a final sip of your drink, glancing around the bar as you did so. You had come out with a couple of friends, but at the moment you were alone as both had abandoned you to flirt with a pair of guys at one end of the bar. You turned back in your seat as you rolled your eyes at their antics. You didn’t even know why you were here; no one had even as much as glanced in your direction. No, you did know why. You had broken up with your ex a few weeks back, and your friends had insisted you come out with them tonight. They had insisted that it would be fun, get you back into the world of dating. Or fucking, as one of them so elegantly put it. As you sat there playing with the glass in your hand, you could feel someone’s gaze on you. Turning slightly, you saw him. Big brown eyes under a baseball cap, tall, staring at you with a small smirk on his lips. He nodded slightly, his smirk growing wider as you hopped off the stool and made your way over to him.
Sitting down on the stool next to him, you noticed three other men on his other side who had stopped talking and were staring, clearly amused by this turn of events. Taking a breath, you met his gaze and asked the one question you were dying to know. “You single?”, you asked, smiling sweetly up at him. The man coughed slightly, his eyes widening as he stared down at you in quiet disbelief. “Um…yeah. Yeah, I am. That obvious?”, he asked. “No, was just hopeful. Since you are, you can buy my next drink.”, you replied, your smile turning into a smirk as you tell him your name. He tells you his name is Frankie; the guys at his side snicker as you reach for his hand and pull him off his stool. “Let’s go somewhere a bit quieter, yeah?”, you asked. His hand tightened in yours and he gently pulled you across the bar to one of the booths. Frankie did buy you that drink, and a couple more as you talked; both sets of your friends long gone before you realized it. “You wanna get out of here?”, he asked, eyes darkening slightly. You nodded, and he grasped his hand in yours and pulled you from the booth. 
You giggled as you were led out to his truck, eyes raking down his figure. His hand held yours securely, moving to twirl you around until you leaned against the vehicle, staring up into his eyes. Frankie leaned down and kissed you eagerly before reaching an arm behind you to unlock the door. As you moved to climb in, he stopped you. “I want you on top.”, he murmured in your ear. After a minute or two of fumbling, the pair of you were in the backseat of his SUV, you on top, just like he wanted. His hat had been knocked off at some point, and he sat back on his elbows staring up at you with something akin to reverence in his eyes. You leaned down to kiss him again, grinding down on his bulge as you shifted. You both moaned and Frankie used that to his advantage, slipping his tongue into your mouth with ease. He pulled at the hem of your skirt, rucking it up to your waist and leaving you in your panties. You ground down against him again, whimpering at the feeling before pulling your shirt up and over your head. “Off, now.”, you said, tugging at the waistband of his jeans. 
Frankie unbuttoned and pushed his jeans and boxers down to his knees, allowing his cock to spring free. He groaned as your hand wrapped around him, pumping up and down a few times. You pulled your panties to the side and slowly sank down onto his cock. The pair of you moaned as he finally bottomed out, the tip just barely kissing your cervix. Frankie surged up to nip at your neck before trailing kisses to your breasts. You panted as he took a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it and ghosting his teeth over it. Starting to grind against his hips, you clutched his shoulders at the stretch in your core. “Fuck, Frankie, please”, you whimpered, unsure of what you were even asking for. 
Thankfully, Frankie knew exactly what you needed; holding your hips tight enough to bruise, he fucked his hips up into you. You cried out at the sensation, rolling your hips to meet his every thrust as one of his hands traveled down to where you were joined. As he started to rub circles on your clit, the coil inside you threatened to snap. “Fuck, that feels so good, Frankie, don't stop!”, you cried out as he sped up his thrusts. “C'mon babe, I know you're close, I can feel it. Come for me.” Frankie gritted out, rubbing tighter circles on your clit until the coil snapped. You cried out his name, entire body shuddering as he worked you through your orgasm. As you started to come down, he sped up his thrusts again, desperately chasing his own high. You slumped forward, changing the angle of his thrusts, whimpering against his chest. Within moments, he was coming inside you with a deep groan of your name. You pushed yourself off of him as he struggled to pull his jeans up, using his shirt to clean himself up slightly. Pulling your skirt and bra back into place, you grabbed your own shirt and slid it back onto your body, suddenly shy. You startled as he laid a hand on your thigh gently.  Frankie looked over at you with a grin; “Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you yet.” With relief, you returned his grin as you both moved to the front of his vehicle, eager to continue the night elsewhere. 
Frankie took you back to his place, jogging around to open the passenger door for you. You stepped out and he grabbed your hand again, leading you up the driveway. You draped yourself over him as he tried to unlock the door, pressing kisses to the side of his neck as he groaned. He pulled you inside and slammed the door closed, pushing you up against it as his mouth claimed yours roughly. You moaned into his mouth as he grabbed your hips, bringing you flush against him. “Fuck, Frankie”, you whimpered as he trailed kisses down your neck, stopping to suck a bruise onto your pulse point. Breaking away from you, he grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the stairs. He was on you again as soon as you reached his bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him as he moved you towards the bed. Frankie pulled at your shirt, lifting it up and over your head before doing the same to his own. Soon, you were both bare; he shifted onto the bed, laying back with a smirk. “C’mere hermosa, want you to sit on my face.”, he murmured, and you were quick to obey, scrambling up to him. As you straddled his face, he barely gave you any time to adjust before he pulled you down to him, strong hands on your hips keeping you in place for him as he licked you open. Grabbing hold of the headboard with one hand and threading the other into his hair, you moaned loudly as the bridge of his nose nudged at your clit. Frankie ate you out like a man starving; after a few minutes, his hands were moving your hips back and forth, encouraging you to ride his face. Your cries echoed around his room, your hand tightening in his hair until he groaned into you. You were moving your hips of your own accord now, desperately chasing the high he seemed intent on giving you. His hands were steadying, but only lightly touching you. Finally, finally, finally, your high washed over you so intensely that you clapped a hand over your mouth, Frankie’s name on your lips. 
Frankie let you ride it out, groaning as he licked up the evidence of your orgasm. As you lifted off of him, he smirked up at you, mouth and chin soaked with your slick. You slid off his body and he reached for you, pulling you close for another kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth with ease. “Hands and knees baby girl.”, he whispered against your lips, pushing you over to the middle of the bed. You obeyed slowly, looking back at him as he groaned at the sight of you spread out for him. He pumped his cock in his hand a few times before pulling your hips back against his own, the head of his cock notching at your entrance. He pushed all the way inside in one thrust, bottoming out in you with a deep groan. He stilled, running a light hand down your spine as if to soothe you; the sudden stretch was a lot to handle all at once, even after two orgasms. Then, he started pistoning his hips into you, the angle just right to make moans of his name spill from your lips. “Fuck, Frankie, I’m close, please don’t stop!”, you begged as he fucked into you. “Yeah? You gonna come on my cock?”, he asked, dragging you up by your waist until your back met his chest. One arm slid around your waist to hold you up while the other hand slid up to your neck, lightly grasping it. You gasped, the new angle making you see stars as his grip on your neck tightened slightly. With a cry of his name, you were pushed over the edge again. Frankie’s thrusts became more erratic as he chased his high; a few more and he stilled deep within you, cock pulsing as he emptied himself. 
Breathing heavily, the two of you slumped forward side by side onto the bed. “That was….”, you trailed off, still trying to catch your breath. Frankie lifted himself up on his forearm, gazing down at you softly, “Amazing? Best sex ever?”, he laughed, causing you to roll your eyes and slap a hand against his chest. He leaned in to kiss you softly, humming against your lips. “I’m so glad I bought you that drink.”
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lemotmo · 5 hours ago
Genuinely don't understand how these people get these ideas.
Q. Theorizing stuff when we have no idea if he's even still on the show is insane behavior because he's not filming.
A. How do you know he's not filming? You're basing that entirely off of the bts of the calls the show intentionally wanted people to see and be distracted by. Eddie is in El Paso for that episode, duh he wouldn't have been in those BTS videos. You know who else we've barely seen? Jennifer, and none of you are predicting her exit as a result of that. None of you predicted Peter's exit when Bobby retired. Eddie is the only one you do this over. And most of you are following the lead of people who want him to leave, and even they don't genuinely believe he's gone. If he was leaving we would know by now. The show would have allowed that information to have been leaked. Then the cliffhanger would be rather or not his exit would be open ended or if they would kill him off. That's where the speculation would be. Neither the show, or ABC, would allow the show's entire promotional campaign to be built around a duo if one half of that duo was leaving. No one has ever or will ever do that because that's asking your audience to invest in something they can no longer deliver. This show is not stupid. Also Tim basically told you he wasn't leaving. He said the Buck and Eddie story would show both sides of the story. Meaning we will see Buck's side of the story as well as Eddie's side of the story. If Ryan was leaving there would be no Eddie side to tell. The show wouldn't care because he wasn't on the show anymore therefore Buck's did of the story would be the only side that mattered. Be serious for one moment.
Theorizing is part of fandom. You develop theories until you get new information and then you adjust your theories. Guess what? After the TVLine write up, I no longer think my earlier speculation is correct. That's part of the fun. It's part of the point. You all don't see him in clips he should absolutely not be in because his character is in an entirely different city and you immediately conclude Eddie is permanently leaving and he and Buck will call themselves bros for life as he drives off into the oblivion. Your freakouts make absolutely no sense and are invented from absolutely nothing.
Thank you Nonny!
I cannot.
How many times do we have to repeat ourselves? This topic has been discussed over and over again.
NO! Ryan is NOT leaving! Eddie is not leaving!
Let it go already.
Oh... and you know what?
YES! Buddie is happening! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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cokoladasljesnjakom · 2 days ago
tag you're it
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summary: shes a ruthless killer. she does not care if someone dies on her watch. her moves are like shadow. she is a shadow. once you see her, its too late. its not her problem. she cant complain, but what she can do is to complie. thats what is she made for. thats what they made her do. but once she escapes from their grasp, she searches for him. for her brother. but of course what goes around, comes around. and thats is when she meets him. the winter solider. and oh yeah the rest of the avengers.
bucky barnes x female! reader
word count: around 7.2k (sorry)
a/n: so sorry it took me long to update you guys. i was bussy and so tired during this week. plus work is killing me. so yeah there she is. hope u will enjoy it :) btw the translation is on the end.
prologue part i part ii
"mommy what is that?" said the little boy. his name started with a letter m. or was it?
"that is a moon sweetie." said the mom. "but why is it so shiny and round?" asked the brother.
"because we need it for uh- light and so we can see clearly in the night max." ah so his name was max. its familiar but she cant remember from where.
"that is right yn! even though there is more reasons why is moon so round and shiny." the mom said with a big smile on her face, making it impossible for the little girl and the boy not to laugh at her.
the boy turned to his sister, wrapping his hand around hers and asked her "can we go to the moon? i heard its made of cheese. and plus we can bring a piece for mummy too! so she can try it too!"
the girl laughed at him and whispered back at him with the same joy as he did " yes, of course. once we land on the moon we can put our little flag we made and stic it so people can see that we were on the moon!"
the mom and the brother laughed at her and they contined to walk on the beach.
end of the flashback
jolting out of a bed with a cold sweat running down her face and her thoughts running all over the place she took deep breaths.
all those memories, she hated them. she hated them because she couldnt remember them later when she wanted to. the feeling of emptiness and lonelyness. oh how much she hated that.
she wanted to remember that womans face once again. the feeling of her hand on her face bringed some comfort to it. she loved that feeling.
and the little boy. oh that little boy. his little cheeks that made them so squishy and adorable. she swore that she saw him from somewhere. they were something to her, but se couldnt figure out what.
too bussy to hear the footsteps, a voice called over to her making it to step out from her thoughts.
"тень?" fear. horror. dissmay. she felt like earth was swallowing her alive. god that voice - it made her weak in the knees and making her wanting to rip her own skin.
when the man noticed that she haven't moved, he grabbed her by pulling her hair and dragging her across the room to the chair.
the siencetists who were working on something stopped in their tracks as soon they saw her.
"подготовь ее и пристегни."
she could hear the clock ticking. water droplets falling down from the ceiling. her heartbeat was thumping aganist her chest do hard, that she thought its going to fall out.
the siencetists grabbed her by her hands and strapped her down on the black chair. suprisingly the chair was soft and not heavy to sit on, like the previous ones.
"where is she?" a german voice called out. she could recognize that voice anywhere. arnim zola. the man who ruined her piece by piece. he did anything to make her feel vulnerable. and he did that.
"shes here sir." a man in a white lab coat called out.
"good, for once in your life time you've done something right." zola had said. she could hear the discust in his voice every time he spoke. not towards them. no. but to her. and honestly? she did not care, she hated him anyway.
not fully woken up yet, she thought of the woman and the boy she had dreamed of.
"the woman in the house... who was she?" she knew that the woman was something to her, because the voice she had was too soft to be spoke with her.
the look on his face was priceless. 'no... there's no way... how can she remember her? we did everything in our power so she could not recognize her.' his hands started to shake incredibly fast, so he put his hands in his coat lab.
never in a life time did a person that he had experimented on, had remembered their past. their family, friends or anything that was a part of them before. every time when there was a mission, the soldier was supposed to complete the mission without any traces.
over the years, H.Y.D.R.A. was the only one who abused her power by practically speaking, experimenting on people who were kidnapped by force, abusing them day after day out just to get the important thing done. to kill their "enemies". that is, people who wanted their secret to be proven true. people who wanted justice for those who were prevented from being free and more importantly for people to see how H.Y.D.R.A. actually cruel.
"no one important to you." he took a deep breath and said "what I need from you is more important." looking at him carefully, expecting an answer to her question, he just came to her with papers in his hands and threw them on her lap.
"that boy is your mission." he said with hatred in his voice. the boy looked very familiar. as if she had seen him somewhere. she felt as if she could hear his voice.
the boy in the picture must have been 19-20 years old, if not younger. pointing her finger at the picture she said "and that boy? who is he? and why should I kill him?" she knew that she was asking too many questions and that it would cost her life, but she needed an answer to her question.
the next thing that happened was unespected, but it didnt shock her. a slap to her face with a punch in her nose and then gut. it hurted yes but not as much it hurt when she couldn't remember the people in her dream.
"i said no questions. and do your job how its supposted to be done you filthy visious little bitch!" another slap to her face. so she nod her head yes.
"пристегните ее и начните процедуру." the man had said.
zola moved to the side and let him pass. Vasily Karpov. with a black book in his hand that had the shadow of a girl on it.
stepping in the front of her, he starts opens the book and starts to say the words.
"сумерки." signals the loss of her free will, the beginning of her assassin state.
"тишина." a command to suppress all emotions, making her cold and calculating.
"бегать." a word connected to her past, reinforcing her role as a relentless hunter.
"черная вода." time when she saw the dark times, making her remember all the people she had killed, forcing her to become what she hates the most.
"пустота." an endless abyss where nothing exists—not her thoughts, not her emotions, not even time.
"Забвение." no matter how fierce her battle or her intentions, everything will eventually fade into nothingness. the last word.
after a minute passed Vasily shuts the book and steps closer to her.
taking a deep breath and looking at him with nothing but emptiness and a desire for the mission to be fulfilled.
"готов подчиниться"
"Назначение: Тень. Миссия: Прекратить. Неудача – это не вариант." when he finished the sentence, he turned around and said one more time with a russian accent.
"she is ready."
meanwhile -
just woken up he streched out and went to the kitchen and started making coffee and breakfast. at that time he put the bread to toast and took out the cheese spread along with the apple juice.
he picked up his phone to check for any messages or news.
while he was scrolling through his mobile phone, a new message caught his eye. clicking on it, he was left in shock.
and during that time his toast was burnt.
without waiting a second, he immediately changed his clothes, drank some juice and left the apartment.
but he returned to the apartment again and turned off the toaster and ate burnt toast on the way, and this time he went out of the apartment again and locked it.
oh and the message. yes my bad.
"i found out where is she. meet me at the caffee and uh dont forget to bring me crossaint please."
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the translation:
тень - shadow
подготовь ее и пристегни - prepeare her and strap her
пристегните ее и начните процедуру - strap her in and start the procedure
сумерки - nightfall
тишина - silence
бегать - run
черная вода - black water
пустота - the void
Забвение - oblivion
готов подчиниться - ready to comlpy
Назначение: Тень. Миссия: Прекратить. Неудача – это не вариант - purpose: shadow. mission: execute. failure is not an option
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anticidic · 3 days ago
thanks for tagging me @frankenjoly @marichild and @saoirseyun <3 (I meant to do this eventually but three time's the charm)
20 questions for fic writers!
How many works do you have on AO3?
24 (but really 25, but one of them is written by a friend and I am merely a spectator and not really a cowriter)
what's your total ao3 word count?
406,373 words
what fandoms do you write for?
Only Bungo Stray Dogs, though I keep toying with the idea of writing for others (and then never do).
what are your top five fics by kudos?
from a to o, i love you so — omegaverse A/A -> A/O Soukoku piece
foiled fables — Kitsune!Dazai and human!Chuuya AU
with me, disaster finds a playfield — omegaverse Beast AU
letters to my chosen one — Angel!Dazai and Demon!Chuuya AU
bad days, good nights — Dazai birthday fic
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yes 💖 I do my best to respond to all of them because I appreciate others taking the time out to read and comment their thoughts, even if it's a simple emoji
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
still the snowflakes fall — A what-if had Dazai been a part of the Decay of Angels instead. It doesn't end well for anyone involved.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think probably from a to o, i love you so. Because it's about Dazai waking up one morning and losing a critical part of his identity and suddenly everything he knows is a lie. But despite fumbling, he comes to accept a new reality because, as Chuuya puts it, he's still Dazai. That core part of him hasn't changed.
do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I've gotten dumb trollish comments and people demanding for requests but I've shut them down
do you write smut?
wildly gestures to almost my entire catalog of fics And I'll do it again
do you write crossovers?
No, but I've wanted to write fusions. Like dropping bsd characters into Genshin or Honkai Star Rail or Psycho-Pass or something. Some of my fics have been loosely inspired by games or things I've watched but I definitely wouldn't call them crossovers.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but I hope not jkdkjskj
have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had a few requests for one of my recent fics to be translated 👀 I'm over the moon every time someone asks
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I SUPPOSE Darling, Some Things Are Meant to Be counts in a very roundabout way. @ohhcinnybuns gets full credits for the actual fic on there, but we go back and forth on here writing Snow White!Dazai and Prince!Chuuya ficlets (hey, go check out our fairytale playlist for them, I'm obsessed)
what's your all time favourite ship?
Probably IwaOi and ShuAke
what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I started a zombie apocalypse-flavored omegaverse in anticipation of finishing it for omegaverse week and that never happened. I'm feeling ambitious but I also have a lot of events I'm participating in at the moment and ongoing fics that need prioritizing.
what are your writing strengths?
Painting scenes and going into depth about character motives and inner thoughts! Also, tying subplots into the overarching plot. I love worldbuilding and creating seemingly insignificant backstories for characters that end up playing major roles down the road.
what are your writing weaknesses?
The last time I did this tag game, I said dialogue, and that was a couple of months ago now but I feel like I've made major improvements in that area with my recent stuff. I'm becoming a lot more comfortable with fleshing out the plot through characters interacting with one another than in exposition and narrative. Now, I'd say editing. I tend to second guess myself and will scrap several thousands-worth of words if something's not working and then rewrite it all over again because I can't pick out what exactly is wrong with something.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I write Japanese honorifics simply because I feel like it reads a little better, but that's about it since most of what I write takes place in Japan.
first fandom you wrote for?
K-Pop help it was so long ago...we don't talk about those days...
favourite fic you've ever written?
hunter's season my beloved. It's a Dark Era omegaverse fic revolving around Dazai/Chuuya, with Dazai who thought he was an alpha but turns out he was really living a lie his whole life and finds out the hard way after taking some tampered medications.
no pressure tags: @altruistic-meme @monkey-banana41 @chuuyaspinkmotorcycle @calmlb @bloodsherry
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jjslvt · 15 hours ago
my thoughts on this character. pls tell me someone understands lol (long af like a fanfic. sry 😭 i went on a rant for him bruh)
(TW: topics about drug addiction, mental health issues)
a little scared to post this… ngl lmao
i haven’t seen a post on this yet but i haven’t dug deep into tags at all and am sorta new ish so! others have probs talked about this? i struggle finding stuff. searching is my weak point lol.
anyways — when i watched obx, the character that suffered the most was undoubtedly jj maybank (fight me). and i can write a novel analyzing it (like many of us can). esp since he is the character, i and others can relate to. but this won’t be about him.
there’s another character that suffered also… it was so overlooked and it’s complicated af. because jj is a good ish person overall and this character… is questionable because he does make serious mistakes. he harms the pogues. he commits crimes that i cannot excuse… but i think he deserves a chance at redemption?
rafe cameron.
something that is highly overlooked is rafe’s childhood neglect and drug addiction. pls hear me out a lil? 🙂‍↕️
i hated him so damn much seasons one thru three. so this is coming from someone who thought would never change the stance on that. rafe and ward drove me up the wall! ask my dad cos i was yelling at the tv stressed af when those two were doing shit. but season four had me start to slowly see something else. that he had some humanity still? the hug between him & sarah actually hit me…
i’m an open minded person. i’m open to rethinking things and i have. it’s not just cos i like drew starkey now. i am becoming a fan of him as well. & yeah, he’s another obx hottie. i get it but i have really thought hard about this.
back to the point, rafe actually needed help.
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why is this never thought of?
a child is showing signs… and not a single person did anything. granted, what can i expect from the parents of obx? ward had a favorite which was sarah. obviously (also wheezie? hello? another one to be neglected by everyone?). which starts rafe’s desperate need for validation and approval especially from his father.
that is a very difficult thing to work around. desperation causes for a lot of shit to happen and it does take a toll on you. combined with a child who already had a problem early on… then gets into drugs later in life.
rafe could have been helped early but no shit was given. just ignored the kid’s needs. kids need guidance. what the hell can a ten year old child understand about that? sometimes, i think… what would have happened to rafe if he wasn’t neglected? for some reason, i feel like he would be a good person… i feel like he just never got the chance??
lemme get to drug addiction- & unless you know what a drug addiction is like, don’t talk. don’t judge. don’t even try me because sadly, i can relate to rafe here a little… 🫠 something i didn’t think would happen but fuck, i can. i’ve been through it.
i think drugs amplified whatever mental health issue he might have had since childhood. i feel like it does play a big role in why he did bad things. drugs are no fucking joke… the effects are damaging. it mentally and physically wrecks your body, the more you do. in some cases, many won’t even realize they have an addiction. the tolerance you develop and the way it hooks you is strong. society judges this… i find it sad. we should help people. some people get to a point where they think there is no way out and drugs will help! btw, my experience… my doctor caused it, i didn’t originally seek it. (yeah, got a fucked up past story there when i really got fucked over by people but i won that battle).
next, it is very hard to train your brain… it gets harder the older you get. so child rafe having possible neglected mental health issues going into adulthood? yikes! it’s really not as easy to fix as you might think! i learned from past (forced) therapy, REWIRING YOUR BRAIN is extremely difficult, especially for people like this!!
i feel like… he had cries for help and nobody listened. so, he went down a dark path unfortunately. it was wrong af. i do know that.
when ward left… he started changing, slowly. i noticed that. his father’s influence held a strong hold on him. our parents and how they raise us do shape us in ways.
this is one recent edit that killed me. cos i understand.
i know he’s old enough to know right from wrong, etc. but when your brain is… in a place like this? i just… as fucked as it is, it’s hard. he should have gotten help is all i’m saying overall! and he committed literal crimes, he should get reprimanded, of course i think that! but can he reform? should he be given a chance? honestly, i say yes. if he really means it and put work into… he’s got a lot to make up for and i know what he did (murder) shouldn’t really be forgiven but… idk 😭 would it have happened if he wasn’t neglected, used drugs, etc? that question lingers too much on my mind which makes me think all this…
am i rafe apologist, am i crazy?
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Scroll by if you hate slugcats.
Okay, now that I have 100% retention, please listen to me. You don’t even have to agree, just take the time to be a reasonable person and listen.
I wish more people would take time to think about the hatred feral artists get and actually speak up about it.
Feral slugcat porn is quite literally just furry porn. It’s not zoophilia despite what everyone claims.
Feral furry NSFW exists and is not inherently linked to zoophilia.
Slugcats are fictional, just like mythical/fantasy creature (such as dragons) and they are drawn in NSFW content as well. This does not mean it is zoophilia.
“If it’s okay because it’s fictional, then what about loli content?”
Loli content should not be condoned, and I do not condone it. The main difference between what this community claims is “zoophilia” and loli content, is that loli content mirrors actual criminal behavior and directly represents real-world harm (child exploitation)
Slugcats, again, are not real animals. There is no real-world equivalent to a slugcat, so there is no direct parallel to actual harm.
Feral porn does not reinforce real-world abusive behavior. No one is being victimized, and no actual laws are being broken.
Slugcats are treated similarly to furry characters, dragons, or other mythical creatures.
“But this is different. Slugcats do closely resemble real animals! Cats exist!”
So do furry characters. Many furry designs are heavily based on real animals, yet people understand that furry art is separate from real-world zoophilia.
Resemblance to an animal does not make something equivalent to zoophilia. If it did, the entire furry community would fall under that category, which is clearly not the case.
“Okay, well I still don’t like that type of content. Why should I care?”
Artists being falsely labeled as zoophiles for drawing completely fictional creatures.
Mob mentalities driving people out of the community over subjective art preferences.
People equating NSFW art of fictional animals with real-world abuse, which weakens actual efforts to combat zoophilia
If you don’t like this type of content, be mature enough to understand that you do not have to view it. Do not go into NSFW spaces to search for it and then be upset you found it. Block tags. You don’t have to see it, but you still shouldn’t harm and shun artists.
Please don’t condone shunning or harassing artists over feral NSFW. It would be great if more people would stand against it and speak up, but I understand why most people don’t. This community is not friendly. You can still disapprove of this behavior by not interacting with others who do hold these beliefs, and if you wish, show them this ask.
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helinedmightbehere · 3 months ago
"we need more complex female characters" you guys couldn't even handle earth confiding in sun because he was the only constant in her life
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butchcaseyjones · 8 days ago
“something must have warped you when you were little” but i feel like the more interesting option (and this is what i think is probably canon) would be if nothing super huge and traumatizing happened to misty as a child. it would make sense, of course, for a character like her to have been abused or something similar, but it would be infinitely more interesting if she was always Like This to some degree. of course she was canonically bullied and excluded, and i believe she was probably neglected/ignored/whatever by her parents (or else they probably would’ve done something about her being Like This), but that Something that makes her Like This has always been present. we’ll never know what is wrong with her, and neither will she, but it’s inherent and it will never go away. it’s scarier and more tragic to think that the Something that has marked you as different, isolated you, and meant you will be perceived as evil and broken for your whole life was always part of you. it’s not something that can be cured or even explained. it’s you. there was never any hope. 
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butterflysonnets · 1 year ago
yes i'm rooting for m*leven breakup because byler is neat but mostly? i'm rooting for m*leven breakup for the sake of el and mike.
to me, their romance was always a puppy love born out of a combination of social pressures, naïve curiosity, and a lack of true understanding regarding intimacy and romantic love and what it really is. it was real in that they do truly, deeply care about each other and they are close friends, maybe even shared an attraction, but a maturing romance is so much more than that. they've grown up and out of being boyfriend/girlfriend, and that's okay! i think television/film needs to show more often that most of us don't have definite "soulmates" or first childhood loves that we spend our whole lives with. it doesn't mean these relationships meant nothing and didn't impact us, it just means they've run their course and that something else is in the cards, and this is part of life!
i've always felt el was at her best and most confident self when broken up with mike, discovering who she was and what she liked alongside another girl her age instead of just relying on mike for mentorship on how to live in the real world. she deserves more of an opportunity to find herself, her autonomy, and her independence, and to love who she is, and she's made it clear she's felt insecure in the relationship with mike because she isn't being loved and understood the way she wants, needs, and deserves from someone who is her partner.
also, it's okay if mike doesn't love her in "the way he should". he is not obligated to love her romantically and stay in a relationship with her just because she's a girl, because she "needed someone", or because he cares about her a lot. he shouldn't be pressured into a romance if it's not truly coming from his heart. he deserves freedom to find out and honour who he is, too, instead of just staying in his non-functional first relationship — one he got into as a child, essentially — and defining himself that way because it's what's expected when a boy and a girl are close. he loves her in some way, yes, but it's okay if he doesn't feel comfortable or secure being her boyfriend anymore, for whatever reason that is. he's felt insecure too, and that's valid and it matters.
they are their own people and are steadily growing and changing every day. they need time to figure out who those people are, and it's become clear (at least in my opinion) that those people aren't meant to be a couple at this stage.
they deserve freedom. they deserve to grow up and be authentic to themselves and not feel like they need to lie for the sake of a relationship. they deserve to move on from this version of their relationship that isn't making them happy and rekindle the best part of their bond: their strong, beautiful friendship. they don't have to be a couple if it doesn't make them stronger and better and happier people.
i think it would be healthy and wonderful for a show, especially one consumed frequently by young adults, to show a relationship starting, progressing, and ending on good terms in this way. sometimes things don't work out, and that is okay.
#eve text#elmike#stranger things#byler#only tagging byler because i feel like yall will like this take lol#tagging tagging tagging WHAT ARE EVERYONE ELSE'S THOUGHTS#god i can't believe i'm making a post about stranger things. this feels like poking a bear#i'm not particularly anti m*leven but like... they'd have to do something pretty special at this point for me to feel like it's viable#i'm seeing the bts of s5 and it's got me Having Thoughts#elmike friendship is something i am so passionate about#even before i ever liked byler (didn't ship at all until s4 even though i knew it was a thing before) i've felt this way about elmike#i always believed they were close friends at heart and needed to break up#the romance part of them felt very distinctly young and very much “he was a boy she was a girl” to me#and it hasn't deepened into anything more mature and i don't see how it could based on the current state of the writing...#the fact that lumax exists — a young relationship that is actively maturing and is healthy — makes that clear to me#and the “love confession” in s4 and how disingenuous and miserable it felt was just the nail in the coffin#also the fact that will (who is IN LOVE with mike) was instrumental in making it happen? ... uh... okay... interesting choice…#fucked up and reductive if they make it another queer unrequited love sacrifice for the sake of pushing the heterosexual agenda YUCK#so i really hope the speculation about a m*leven breakup is real!! i think it just makes sense for their characters but who knows#i don't believe in the notion of love at first sight or one true love and i think the writers don't too???#love to me is an accumulation of experiences and we inevitably choose it at some point rather than fall into it... but idk#tv is so fixated on keeping couples together... sometimes it's just not reality guys especially with young people... LET IT GO...#like i said though i'm not 100% sold that they're going to give up their “golden couple” LMAO#stranger things hasn't historically subverted too many tropes if i'm being honest#anyway i seriously need this season to come out quickly... i'm so bored and getting my master's is crushing my soul#i need frivolity#ALSO btw i won't respond to hateful messages about this so please don't bother. it's not that serious. this is a netflix show
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soupmanspeaks · 16 days ago
Glammike but a kid should go up to Freddy during a Meet-N-Greet and mention something about playing catch with their dad and then Freddy looks them dead in the eyes like "haha I never played catch with my dad :3" before 4 beats of silence pass through that entire greenroom and bro gets looks from everyone send tweet
#fnaf#michael afton#five nights at freddy’s#glammike#silly salvaged au#glamrock freddy#The in universe lore heads are gonna go craaaazy with this one#where are the video essays dissecting the mascot character lore#It would be kinda funny because everyone would catch on that a lot of those “breaking character” moments would happen more often like#on the topic of a father soooo.....people may just think that the CHARACTER of Freddy is fatherless 😭#Wheres the Video theory essays like “Freddy Fazbear's story is DARKER than you'd think....”#Wait isn't Glamrock Freddy like supposed to be the SON of Classic Freddy in the Mascot lore 😭😭😭#CRYINGGGG YOU THINK PEOPLE HAD THE SAME REACTION TO WHEN IT WAS REVEALED AANG AVATAR WAS A BAD DAD 😭😭😭#“OG FREDDY WOULD NEVER !!!! THIS IS FLANDERIZATION OF HIS CHARACTER!!”#guys please hes not talking about Classic Freddy hes just getting flashbacks to the bad man guys pls-#Freddy Fazbear just occasionally saying the most concerning thing is so funny to me😭#Some kid and their sister are coming up to him for an autograph and hes like#“haha! have fun now! and you--you watch your sister okay. .... :3”#not ominious. not ominous at aaaaall#ough he probably HATES seeing anyone get locked outside of the building 😭😭#that as well as children being on their own#Younger Siblings getting picked on by their older ones (Bonus points if its both brothers)#Parents generally just not keeping an eye on their kidssss 😭#The bear having trauma before he even knows he does is a very fun concept to me if you couldnt tell giggles#tag rambles! theyre fun lol
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statementlou · 8 months ago
did he or did he not lose fans then?
I will answer this because this anon actually brings a concrete question to the table rather than just "hurhur but you're a larrie??" (tell me you can't actually refute any of our points…). Anyway this post shows the decrease in Louis instagram followers between the screenshots taken directly after the release of Faith in the Future in Nov '22, when he changed his bio to promote that album and the tour tickets, and now, when he changed it again to mention the current release. But I'm putting that response under a cut because I'm tired of the actual POINT of all this nonsense getting lost in a sea of made up things people insist are important:
There is no rational argument you can make to say that Louis has less fans now than he did 2, 4, or 6 years ago. You don't need a spreadsheet of details you need to USE YOUR EYES! He has gone from filling theaters to filling arenas and stadiums. His second album made a higher chart position than his first album. His festival has doubled in size EVERY year of its existence. And for that matter: his insta post engagement numbers remain about the same (despite the fact that older posts should have way MORE likes due to having been there longer, even aside from follower counts.) SO WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT HIS INSTA FOLLOWER NUMBER???? Serious question: what does the word "fans" mean if these things aren't what matters? ALL of this quibbling about what he should do to make things better and people can't even see that THINGS AREN'T BAD.
Anyway to address the specific question- (con't......)
NO- HE DID NOT LOSE FANS. HE LOST SOME INSTA FOLLOWERS. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME THING. As I said above, literally what does it mean to lose fans if that number change coincides with him having higher sales, more audience members, and higher engagement than ever before? Whatever he lost ISN'T FANS. I wouldn't be surprised if a significant factor was something like a bot purge, but also yes: I'm sure a lot of casuals followed him around the time of his big album release and later unfollowed him. That's extremely normal because that's how casual engagement works, and why the definition of fan really matters. Louis and his team understand this and have referenced it repeatedly, talking about how lucky he is to have *us* specifically, to have the kind of dedicated fanbase he has, to have the KIND of fans he does who will allow him to do what HE wants. @dogsliampaynedoesntinstagram named the issue of depth vs breadth with regard to fans a long time ago, and pointed out why having DEPTH is so much more important. It's like this- artists who are on top 40 radio have more numbers on things like insta follows, and for a time on sales and tickets. But those aren't FANS- they're people with a casual interest. And as soon as that person isn't being forced in their ears 10x a day, those people lose interest and stop supporting them, stop buying stuff and unfollow, and those artists end up doing the 'opener on the jingle ball' circuit rather than their own tours. One Direction as a whole, and Louis maybe most of all or near to at this point, have something MUCH MORE VALUABLE than that- DEPTH FANS. Louis has fans who will support him even if he takes years to release music, or stops parading around with a pretend girlfriend to stay in the headlines at least once a month, or completely changes his image and genre, and that is UNHEARD OF. It's ASTONISHING and worth SO MUCH MORE. And they get that! THAT is why he always bragging about us, why industry people he works with are always so agog about us, why he will do anything for US- not for randos. He is also growing his breadth- and it's OBVIOUSLY WORKING whatever his follower counts are, but that is always going to be secondary to doing things for THE FANDOM because that is his sustainable business model. That is what keeps him onstage and reaching number one. And not coincidentally, the things they do are also working to grow that- much more valuable- commodity. So the fact that that's exactly what these chuckleheads complain about- that he does things that are just fandom facing or serving rather than everything being aimed at recruiting casual fans- does nothing but betray how completely they, unlike Louis and his team, misunderstand the actual drivers of his (actual, existing, happening) success. Luckily for Louis, he and his team rely on their own data harvesting (they do a LOT of it) and growth metrics (they're off the charts) rather than the smug assumptions of random (mostly quite new to this) fans and the few bitter people leading the complaining about everything Louis does.
#louis promo#all this nonsense about this tag or that tag or this or that number is so getting lost in the trees#when the forest is RIGHT HERE: WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS WORKING#so for now#I'm pretty done with this discussion unless someone actually engages meaningfully with the content of anything I'm saying#rather than just repeating the same things- but he needs to tag more! or the even more boring-#but you're a larry! if you send me a bitchy response that doesnt actually address any points I've made#I will assume it is because I'm right and you have no rebuttal other than to act like a preschooler because deep down you know it#honestly the discourse around this makes me feel a little sad and scared about the state of literacy and reading comprehension#and just general analytical thinking#but I hope its just that no one over 15 spends their time sending hate anons about fandom#if I'm wrong please come engage in actual conversation! but otherwise... let's just... not#blah blah blah#anyway there's a reason Louis is always so afraid no one will be there for him and that he started out solo era playing those radio fests..#because we are IMPROBABLE we are UNBELIEVABLE we are NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN EXPECT OR COUNT ON#and making nurturing and maintaining that his number one priority ALWAYS is extremely correct and smart#actually#I was originally going to be like here are when there were bot purges here are other artists that have seen numbers go down etc#but then I was like WAIT WHO CARES. You're letting these people dictate the conversation... but the premise is stupid#it DOESNT MATTER#depth v breadth
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