#not elaborating further <3
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The heist guy!!! He's heistin'!!
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deerspherestudios · 3 months
Ooh, now I have a new question!
And what hypothetically Michael, who would read minds, could see in the head of, say, a severely ill schizophrenic, or with dementia? Or is there no difference in mind-reading between healthy people and sick people? Probably a stupid question, but now I'm curious heh.
For context! I hesitate to answer this, since I have no experience with either of those and it's not to be taken lightly. Plus, this is in discussion to a fictional ability in regards to a condition that is very much real in our world.
I'd say there is a difference, but MR!Mychael would still react the same. His aversion is due to how humans treated him in all his years of living, not because of any one individual.
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pervydollfemme · 4 days
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butch husband x femme wife 💐
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vindoesis · 2 years
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so i read frighteningly intruiging
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lcatscookie · 6 months
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With my sick and twisted mind I can invent any Jotakak part 4 and 6 situation. AND put kakyoin in a cunty outfit.
Bonus with children:
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wizardsix · 1 year
people writing gale off as the guy who can't get over his ex is crazy bc how is someone supposed to just "get over" being sexually and emotionally abused. if people could use their brains for once they'd realize that just like the other companions, his arc also includes him reclaiming his autonomy and identity from an authority figure and learning how to heal from it--which is a very messy and absolutely not linear process, and that's perfectly fine.
all of them are coping with their trauma in different ways, just because gale's way is "unusual" and concerning at times doesn't mean he's less deserving of help.
i struggle to understand why people are being so incredibly narrow about him, but i'll take a guess that it's because mystra is a woman and people still can't grasp that men can also be abused by women.
edit: someone commented that another reason is his appearance, which is incredibly true as well. look at how gale and lae'zel are treated vs astarion and shadowheart. not to mention how barely anyone talks about wyll. people care more about looks than anything else and it makes them look stupid.
edit2: didn't think i had to specify, but tumblr isn't the only place people talk about bg3. i haven't seen anyone here talk about gale's appearance in a negative way but i've seen it on twt and rddit. i never said it was one of the bigger things, it's just something ive noticed and made a point to bring up because someone reminded me.
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aphrogeneias · 10 months
knight and princess this, knight and queen that, what about knight!eddie x page!reader. daughter of a nobleman, is taken under eddie's care to learn the trade. combat training, swordfighting, the closeness of it. traveling together, horseback riding. only one room available in this tavern, oops. virgin!reader. master and student vibes.
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bardkin · 2 years
oh to lovingly hold your partner's arm with your teeth <3
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epitheterasedgen · 10 months
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@nyarsenic and I have been doing some silly crossover RP between Molly and Lucas Mother 3 💖 (art by them!!!) Things these kids have in common:
striped shirts
12 years old
lost their mom during a fire
their dad then neglected them for 2+ years
"complicated" relationship with sibling
raised themselves
hates capitalism
needs more friends their age
REALLY needs a hug
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 2 months
tell me about how the relics work in your rewrite + what aphmaus connection with irene is, if there is any
(sorry if youve already talked about these things!)
i’ve talked about the divine warriors but not about their relics yet :3 majority of the stuff i have for relics im still not exactly sure if im going to change it or not but here’s what i have for now. i dont know if ive changed much from canon or not, its been a while since i watched mystreet s6
in order for a relic to be made, someone’s soul has to be sacrificed.
irene wasn’t always human, she was once a god. she begged to be with the humans to help them. she was granted her wish and turned into a human with her immortality. the only way she could access her godly powers was through the relic she spawned with. the gods had compressed her abilities into the relic. irene wanted to create relics so she could have companions like her on her journey. in order for a relic to be made, someone’s soul has to be sacrificed.
she’d already found the perfect companions, she just needed to gift them power. irene experimented over and over again to make relics, she would use her own people for the sake of it- they thought they were just going to help their beloved matron with a small experiment, not killed for the sake of magic.
the first successful relic she made was shad’s, using their very own daughter. irene believed that if she used someone close to her beloved friends, she could created the perfect relics for them. she’d never tell them where she got them from. and so, irene lured the closest person to each divine warrior and used their souls.
despite being “human”, irene would never be able to feel the emotions her friends felt upon discovering they wouldn’t find their loved ones. she gathered them and offered the relics as consolation, never telling them who each relic used to be.
shad was the first to discover the truth and he wasn’t very happy. the rest of the divine were too focused on irene’s happiness to even consider that their own relics used to be someone they loved.
ok really quickly onto what each relic does
there are limits to what the wielder can do depending on their experience but i’ll list what each relic is capable of. right now, i have the system working to where each reincarnation cycle of the divine makes their relics more powerful, even if the warrior isn’t reincarnated/the wielder is a descendant
the matron - the matron’s relic has the capacity to heal any injury, cure any sickness, and revive the fallen. no one but the matron herself can wield this power and even she can suffer the consequences of using too much energy.
the destroyer - polar opposite of the matron’s- tin and yang- where the matron can bring life, the destroyer brings death and decay. the wielder can destroy anything they desire in an instant. in order to prevent the relic from becoming too powerful, the original six shattered it.
the protector - the user can summon an diamond shield of any size and gains super strength. however, there are consequences to summoning the shields: the user will become exhausted when trying to summon huge shields or too many shields at once
the wanderer - grants the user the ability to teleport certain distances or connect any door to anywhere as long as the user has the location memorized in perfect detail. it can be very awkward if this power doesn’t work. the user is also granted navigational skills and the ability to read the stars for prophecies or futures (lore reasons for this that i’ll eventually make a different post for)
the fury - the user is granted strength depending on their anger as well as the ability to control fire to a certain degree. their mood can also determine the weather if they are feeling their emotions very strongly.
the keeper - the user is granted divine knowledge, they could learn anything from a book in a simple touch. they can also transfer knowledge to blank pages/books in a touch. they are given exceptional mage abilities.
^(most of what the relics can do is still a wip)
alrighty now onto aphmau hehehe irene’s favorite sacrificial lamb
aphmau came from irene, specifically irene’s conscious. it’s like she is irene but also not at the same time. over time, she is to accept her role and let irene take control once more but aphmau is stubborn and insists on being her own person. she can make a name for herself without the help of a goddess.
i think i might’ve made this post a little too long so i’ll stop there but thanks for the ask :)
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blaseballbrainrot · 2 months
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Shout out to that time in mid 2022 I made Dimi Wobbler (three-time exploded bird) in spore
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banes-favourite · 6 months
What do you think is Gortash’s favourite fruit?
Definitely grapes
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yes-we-exist · 1 month
Orin the Red is Margot Robbie but she’s been dead for one or two days and is wearing Lady Gaga’s meat dress
Gortash is just Albanian
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mappingthesky · 3 months
planymphia activities
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YES. this is them. u actually cannot tell me they haven’t done this at least once.
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sinlizards · 1 year
ok op I found your art a bit ago when I got back into aa and immediately got reinvested into narumitsu and I. Am obsessed with the way you draw Phoenix. he is so nice to look at and idk if I'm making sense with this but your art is so calming!! it's so good!! do you have any art tips for beginners? I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I just really enjoy your style and your art is a big inspiration. have a good day/night!
thank you so much ;_;! with art tips i never really know where to start esp cuz "beginner" is a really broad spectrum, but the best i can give (aside from telling you to do studies and dumping a masterpost of stuff people already have talked over endlessly) are 2 things that drastically helped improve my outlook on art 1) Draw things simply for the sake of it being fun. Basically this post
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sometimes I would get so caught up in my own head about trying to make the Next Best Thing but ended up just killing any joy drawing gave me which defeats the whole point of art for me. Sometimes you have to draw some silly shit just to be like damn this is fun !
2) Let yourself be inspired by other art. By that I mean look at other artists work and actually analyze what you enjoy about it (color, pose, composition, etc.) and see how you could apply that to your own work. It's not cheating to use some colors or a pose you found interesting in one persons work. the Key here is being INSPIRED and not COPYING please for the love of god nobody misinterpret this
if you did want any advice on something specific feel free to shoot another ask! im very bad with Broad topics like this </3 EDIT: i'm gonna go ahead an link a really good post iraprince made on the basics of getting started with art! It's a lot more thorough and also the part about learning to separate your inspiration is really good: https://www.tumblr.com/iraprince/674915305693265920/if-youd-never-seriously-practiced-art-how-would
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shinmiyovvi · 5 months
I have just the thing to quench your throat, my dehydrated friend!
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A glass of F/O juice! Made it myself! (I used what f/is were listed under for intro post so forgive me if something is wrong here)
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Thank you, you really have to put the three in one glass for the tired baby huh? /lh
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