#not coming back to this blog quite yet i just saw an opportunity and took it
His Hers and His- A Messy Pile of Affection story
Frankie Morales x fem!reader x Benny Miller
Word count- 2.3k
Prompts- “What do you think of my last name with your first name?” and the rainbow photo in the moodbard
Warnings- canon compliant (takes place during and after the movie), bisexual mmf thruple, established relationship, mention of canon character death, light angst, lots of fluff, mostly fluff honestly lol, focuses a lot of Frankie and Benny, nondescript s.mut, happy ending, no use of y/n
Notes- MPOA IS BACK!!! I’ve been wanting to write this one for over a year at this point and I figure my pride celebration was the perfect opportunity to finally do it!! This is written so that it can be read on its own but also follows the mpoa storyline. Fic is tagged if you’ve missed previous parts and want to go back and read it all! This is one of the fics I’m the most proud of overall and I’m so attached to this truple!! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates​ is my update blog so feel free to also follow and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post!
Moodboard by me!
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“Are you sure about this baby?” Frankie asked, the anguish apparent in his eyes.
“Yeah,” you exhaled deeply. Your hands trembled.
“We can’t turn this down, baby,” Benny chimed in, “It’s getting the boys back together and one hell of a payday! You know I’m in.”
You looked between them with wide eyes. When the text from Santiago came in late last night, both Frankie and Benny knew how good an opportunity this was. A simple recon mission with a big payout, it should have been a no brainer. And Benny was eager to reply with a yes. But, Frankie seemed more reserved, more tormented over it. You and Benny were his entire life now, and Frankie didn’t want to put any of that in jeopardy. He couldn’t lose Benny… or you…
“I trust you guys,” you finally broke the silence. Frankie could tell you weren't happy about them going, but you also weren’t going to be the one to decide for them, “Just,” you sighed, “Look after each other, ok?” you kissed each of their cheeks, “And both of you betting fucking come back to me.”
Benny grinned widely, “You got it, babe.”
Frankie’s smile didn’t quite reach his face as he wrapped both you and Benny in his arms, “I’ll watch over him,” he kissed you both, “I promise.”
“Oh shit I’m gettin’ a Ferrari!” Benny shouted with excitement as he dug through the open walls and pulled out handfuls of cash.
The rest of the guys worked quickly to gather as much of the stash as they could in the short amount of time, and were always alert to any sudden changes within the house.
But Frankie couldn’t help but pause and watch over Benny for a short moment. The pure excitement that was almost childish made his heart flutter, and Frankie glanced around, making sure the area was secure before he lowered his gun more. 
Benny felt his boyfriend’s gaze on him, and he turned around with a big grin on his face, “Baby,” he got Frankie’s attention, “We’re all getting Ferraris,” Benny darted across the room, dropping the money in his hands in favor of cupping Frankie’s face.
Before Frankie could react, Benny placed a big, passionate kiss on his lips. The whole world seemed to stop for a moment, and as their lips connected, it was just the two of them. Nothing else existed, nothing else mattered, just Frankie and Benny, two thirds of a trio that was unstoppable.
“His, hers, and his Ferraris,” Benny murmured against Frankie’s lips before he kissed him again.
“We gotta get home first,” Frankie whispered back as his eyes fluttered open. His heart skipped a beat as he looked into Benny’s eyes as saw all the passion, all the emotions, all the joy written plainly across his face.
“Yeah,” Benny agreed as he took a small step back, bringing them both back to reality, “Let’s get back to our girl.”
“Are you assholes done yet?” Santiago’s voice broke them out of their trance, “In case you forgot, we’re still in the middle of a mission here.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Benny mumbled, “Don’t be jealous, Pope.”
“Ay dios mio,” he mumbled as he went back to gathering the bags of cash.
But, as quickly as things turned up for the boys, everything went sideways. WIll got shot. The family came home. Guards ran through the house. Everything seemed to crash down around them as Frankie, Benny, and the rest of the crew found themselves in the middle of the rainforest, stuck until the storm passed.
They all settled in a ditch for as much cover as they could get and settled in for the night. Frankie and Benny hardly left the other’s side throughout the escape, and it was only to check on his older brother that Benny broke away. He handed Will an apple with a soft smile on his face.
“You’re a good man, Benny,” Will groaned softly through the pain, “Frankie and your girl are both lucky to have you.”
“Thanks, man,” Benny blushed as he looked down on the ground, flustered for a moment. But, he picked his head back up and looked back at Frankie, who sat on the other side of him with a shit-eating grin, “You hear that, Frankie?” Benny snarked, “You’re fuckin’ lucky to have me!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Frankie waved his hand, “Don’t let it go to your head,” he snickered.
But, the playfulness melted away quickly as Frankie looked at Benny, grateful they were both still alive. And Benny’s expression matched Frankie’s as his thoughts mirrored his boyfriend’s. Benny inched himself closer and slid his hand in Frankie’s as he rested his head on his shoulder. Frankie gave his hand a soft squeeze, an unspoken promise to both Benny and to you.
I’ll watch over him… Frankie’s own words echoed in his head.
“You know,” Benny broke the silence after a few moments, “I was thinking of something else we could get with our money.”
“What’s that?” Frankie asked.
Benny picked up his head and grinned brightly at Frankie, “Rings.”
Frankie’s mouth dropped open and his heart pounded in his chest, “His, hers and his rings?” he asked in a hushed tone.
Benny nodded, “What do you think of my last name with your first name?” He paused, “Or we could hyphenate them. Or her last name and your last name. Or all three and make up something new… I don’t give a fuck!” he chuckled, “I just want to be married to both of you.”
Frankie let out a mock gasp, “I always imagined this was how you’d ask me, Ben,” he laughed.
“Man shut the fuck up,” Benny playfully nudged Frankie.
“But yes,” Frankie whispered as he pulled Benny closer, “I want that too… To marry you both,” he placed a soft, sweet kiss on Benny’s lips, “But first, let’s get back to our girl.”
Benny nodded as he settled against Frankie’s body, relaxing in his strong, comforting embrace, “Yeah.”
You paced your bedroom nervously. It had been almost a week since you heard from Frankie and Benny, and with every passing hour, you were more and more scared that you’d never see them again. You couldn’t focus on work, you barely slept, hardly ate… All your time was consumed with worry. The nights that you were able to sleep a little were only after you cried yourself to exhaustion.
“Come back to me, guys,” you whispered to your pillow that their scent barely clung to anymore, “You fucking promised me,” your tears turned angry for a moment as you emotions overwhelmed you. 
It was the middle of the night when your phone finally rang. You jumped out of a dreamless sleep and immediately picked up without even looking at the screen, “Frankie?! Benny?!” you gasped.
“Hey baby,” Frankie’s voice immediately soothed you.
“We’re alive, sweetheart,” Benny’s voice sounded more distant, as if Frankie was the one holding the phone and Benny was right next to him.
“Fuck,” you breathed as tears of relief spilled from your eyes before you could stop them, “Holy shit, guys I’ve been fucking worried sick! What happened? Where are you?” you couldn’t help the outburst of emotions after finally hearing their voices after so long.
“We’re ok, baby,” Frankie tried to calm you, and it killed both of them that they couldn’t hold you and tell you that everything was fine.
“Shit went bad,” Benny sounded more serious for once, “But we’re ok.”
“What…?” you tried to ask but your boys interrupted.
“Listen, we don’t have a lot of time,” Benny said, “We just wanted to call you and tell you we're ok.”
“We have a flight out tomorrow,” Frankie spoke next, “We’ll see you soon, baby. Promise.”
For the first time in over a week, you finally felt hope again. You felt like things were alright. Your boys were coming home. You could hold them again, kiss them again. You weren’t going to be alone in your large bed anymore.
“Love you, baby,” Benny’s voice broke you out of your thoughts.
“We love you so fucking much,” Frankie echoed.
“I love you both too,” you wiped away a tear and you sniffled, “Just get back to me ok? And take care of each other, and the guys too.”
You wrung your hands together as you stood in the airport. Never had you felt more nervous, and never had time felt like it dragged on than it did in that moment. You stared at the screen, watching for any change on the boy’s flight.
“Shit,” you mumbled to yourself, “Of course it’s delayed.”
Every minute without Frankie and Benny felt like an eternity, and like a stab to your heart. You wished you had never let them go on this mission, but you also knew you couldn’t deny them that if their minds were set. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust them or anything… you were scared. You were terrified. And for a few long days, you were worried your worst fears were about to come true.
It wasn’t until you saw the board change that their plane landed that you finally let out a heavy breath.
No airport reunion held more emotions than when you saw Frankie and Benny walk through the terminal. You gasped as you felt like you were dreaming. They looked tired, like they had been through hell. But, as they walked hand in hand, their faces lit up when they saw you.
All three of you bolted towards each other, and you erupted into a pile of sobs and mumbles and kisses the moment you were close enough. You all wrapped your arms around each other, holding each other as tight as you possibly could. Kisses echoed between the three of you in your little huddle as you all let out sighs of relief in between incoherent mumbles of how grateful you all were to be together again.
“I was so worried, you guys,” you sobbed, “I thought… I thought I might never see you again,” you buried your face on one of their shoulders.
“We told you we’d come back to you, baby,” Frankie murmured.
“We went through shit,” Benny kissed your temple, “But we’re back. We’re here.”
You looked back and forth between your boys, “You’re never fucking allowed to do that again, you hear me!” Soft laughter erupted between the three of you as the tension melted away. “Come on,” you took both their hands, “Let’s go home.” The three of you reunited at last… the world felt like it started to turn again, like the stars were bright in the sky, like food had a taste again… everything was ok now. 
That first night was filled with tears and sorrow as Frankie and Benny told you what happened and why they were delayed getting home. You cried with them, holding Benny as he told you what happened to Tom. You knew they went through a lot, and they both were changed men because of it.
But, after a few days, the boys told you they wanted to show you something. Fully trusting them, you let them take you into the car, not knowing where you were going. It didn’t take you long, however, to realize where you were as they pulled into the lake that held a special place in all your hearts.
The sun was out and the fields were a lush green. And, a soft rainbow lit up the skyline in the background, making it the perfect setting. You let out a deep sigh as you remembered the night here that changed all three of your lives forever. This was the place where Frankie told you and Benny that he loved you both for the first time. This was the place where your relationship completely changed for the better.
“What are we doing here?” you asked as you stepped out of the car.
“Well,” Benny sighed as he looked at Frankie, who nodded at him, “We wanted to ask you something…”
“And this is as good a place as ever,” Frankie added with a smile.
Before you could ask what it was, both boys dropped down to their knees, and you let out the loudest gasp as you covered your face. Tears immediately formed in your eyes as Frankie and Benny said your name.
“Will you marry us?” they asked in unison as they opened a simple container.
Inside were three plain rings. Nothing extravagant, not even a small diamond set on any of them. They were just three simple bands that Benny and Frankie picked up from a street vendor before they left. 
“Guys…” you sobbed as they stared at you with pleading eyes, waiting for your answer, “Yes!” you launched yourself at them, toppling all three of you to the ground.
The boys broke out into laughter as you three turned into a tangle of limbs, clumsily trying to hold onto each other as best you could. Frankie was able to reach out and grab the box they dropped and he sat up first, slipping the rings on your finger then Benny’s. Benny’s face was bright as the sun as he took the box and slid the last ring on Frankie’s finger.
“It’s not the rings we hoped for,” Frankie admitted softly, “But…”
“It’s perfect,” you cut him off as you cupped his face, “You’re both perfect,” you turned to Benny and did the same.
“Let’s go home,” Benny said.
The three of you piled back into the car, the mood completely different than before. You all were giddy and happy and excited for the next chapter in your lives. And that excitement carried into the bedroom where you laid tangled in each other for hours. At times, you didn’t know who was inside who as the three of you made love in every position you could. You all were just too desperate to be connected, to feel each other, that it didn’t matter.
Once the three of you were completely spent, you all collapsed into a tangle of sweaty, naked limbs. Heavy breaths filled the room as you all sprawled out across each other. And it was perfect. It was how you three were meant to be. You, Frankie and Benny, together in your messy pile of affection.
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theretirementstory · 6 months
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07/04/2024. Today is my 14th day in hospital and it doesn’t look as if I will be going home just yet! I could wrong of course 😉.
As I am unable to get out and about to photograph the flooding that has been happening here or to take advantage of yesterdays warm sunny day when the mercury hit 27c! I decided to use “throwback photos” from places I have visited. The first photo is of “Temple Saint-Étienne” in Mulhouse, a city I visited in March 2022.
So it was Easter Day last Sunday and to celebrate we were given some appalling food which I returned untouched. The highlight of the lunchtime “plat” was the birds nest cake with jelly beans, it was delicious. In the evening there was a pastry square with chicken and mushroom and as much as I wasn’t going to eat it, it was rather tasty. It certainly beat a lot of the food we get here!
On Monday,we had coffee in the afternoon 😳 with a little cake and a couple of mini Easter eggs. Anie messaged and visited me bringing another couple of Easter eggs.
Everyday it seems that something else is low, red cells, white cells, platelets, potassium or blood pressure! I must admit by Wednesday I felt quite low myself. Asking why my body wasn’t working as it should? It turns out this is quite “normal” for the type of chemo I am having now (wish they had told me earlier). Anyway, a good talking to and I settled myself down, my positivity returned and I was “up there” again.
I now have provisional dates for my stay in the hospital in Paris. However, I really need to go home for a couple of days to get my case packed ready to take.
I have run out of reading materiel so I need more books. I have had to resort to reading the blog from inception December 2016. After two full days I am only at Xmas 2019. It’s interesting to look back on though, I must admit.
This week I have chosen two songs by someone I think has been very underrated. The songs go back to 1967 and 1968 respectively. Apparently the songwriter, Cat Stevens, sold this first song to P.P. Arnold for £30 and it became a big hit for Arnold as well as for other artists including Rod Stewart and Sheryl Crow, the song is “The First Cut Is The Deepest”.
The second song, written in 1967 and recorded by P.P. Arnold in 1968 is “Angel Of The Morning”. I must say I have loved both of these songs since first hearing them in the 60’s and was only too happy to sing them at any opportunity. However, I must admit it was much the same for lots of songs from those decades.
Pauline messaged last weekend, from Barcelona, where she is currently working. At some point over the Easter weekend she had her phone snatched out of her hand and the thief made off on an electric scooter. I imagine that was quite a shock! She, fortunately, had an old phone with her and just needed to buy a sim.
I have been messaging lots of people, French friends, English friends and catching up on “Hatched, Matched and Dispatched, unfortunately it is mainly now the “dispatched” that are known to me.
“The Photographer” had his daughter for the day on Tuesday. He sent me a photo of them waiting for the stately home they were going to visit, to open. They had such fun until my granddaughter fell in mud, all over her new leggings! She was worried Mummy would be unhappy, so they took a photo to let Mummy know what had happened. This weekend he has both of his children, it was wonderful to get photos of their happy smiling faces and then of my grandson catching “forty winks”. It was ok as Grand-mere has slept rather a lot today. Hope I sleep tonight! Last Monday “The Photographer” made the trip to Kings Lynn to photograph the home side v Scarborough AFC. At half-time the score was 3-0 and he felt sure Scarborough were going to be beaten, However, they pulled off an amazing feat to win 3-4. No-one saw that coming at half-time, absolutely brilliant!
“The Reconnect Navigator” is thrilled this week as she has now been given her own cases. She worked overtime one evening and so on Friday she had a 3pm finish which was great! Makes the weekend longer.
“The Trainee Solicitor” is feeling better about his job now. A new “young man” has joined the company and is working full-time. He hasn’t worked before so comes with no preconceived ideas (which is good), he is keen to work (always a plus point) and I think given time will be an asset to the firm. “The Trainee Solicitor” has applied for his Uni course and is hoping to get that done during May, June and July. It’s all positive steps. One thing that he messaged to me, really resonated with me and I thought it was a beautiful thing to say, he messaged “It doesn’t matter how long the road is, as long as you are walking it”. I was quite moved.
“The Jetsetter” is recharging her batteries ready for the next adventure. Not only that but you do need to work to have money to enjoy these jaunts. On Easter Sunday, she spent a lovely day with “The Photographer” around York. They took a photo of the house I once lived in. A view that was a favourite of mine when walking around the city walls and some photos of the Minster and the Clock Tower at the old Terry’s Chocolate Factory.
Monique and Ludivine (her daughter) have been messaging me, plus Nadine sent a message and said she will come and say “hello” on Monday or Tuesday. I messaged the ladies at the knitting workshop, it was thin on the ground, two at first then the 92 year old lady came for the cake and a drink. I am missing all of this but the treatment has to take priority.
My best friend from senior school messaged me yesterday to say that her mum had had a stroke. She is in hospital and I hope that is the best place for her. My friend is an only child who lost her father about eight years ago. Her mum is coming up 93 and although you “expect” things to happen due to age etc., it is still a shocking time because that person is your Mum. Thinking of them both ♥️.
I will leave you with this photo of the Cathedrale Saint-Christophe de Belfort . Thé photo was taken in February last year and I likened it to the Treasury at Petra due to the red hue.
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Jusqu’à la semaine prochaine
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tiktokitssinoclock · 2 years
brim, cypher, phoenix walking in on you ;) ? if not brim then just those two is fine!! also if u wanna do one for the girls then viper, fade, reyna, and raze are at the top of my list :p
I think I'll handle the guy agents first, but rest assured, the ladies' reactions will be on the way! I definitely got ahead of myself when I was writing the guys LMAO so there will be full oneshots for each male character you requested. Just like the first part, all of these take place in pre-established relationships with the agents. Also, Brimstone may not necessarily walk in on reader, but he definitely still catches them in the act ;)
Walking in on You- Brimstone
NSFW // Minors and ageless blogs, DNI // You will be blocked
At first, Brimstone wasn't entirely sure what stirred him from his sleep. All he knew was that your back was warm against his chest and the sheets were comfortable, prompting him to keep his eyes closed and fight back a yawn. He could tell by the low lighting of the room that it was still quite early in the morning. Seeing as how he had no intentions of getting out of bed before the sun was even up, he willed himself to go back to sleep.
He had been up until nearly three AM getting everything sorted for a big mission coming up, which in itself was a massive headache. Two of the safe points he'd previously secured for the agents to use were now compromised, so he had to pull a few strings and cash in a favor or two to establish new ones. None of the equipment was in order, either. Despite promising that they'd work on the protocol's rifles, Chamber and Killjoy hadn't so much as cleaned them yet. Brimstone made a mental note to have a civil conversation with them about it when he saw them next, his finger darkened with grime from the barrel of the gun he checked.
It was a blessing in disguise that the next day was his scheduled time off, allowing him the opportunity to sleep in. He was more than happy to sleep away the stress of his late night, not to mention spend more time with you.
Just as the shadows of a dream began flickering across the back of his eyelids, he found himself roused awake again. He prickled in annoyance as he slowly regained consciousness, sluggishly trying to piece together why he kept waking up. He let out a soft sigh, becoming aware of slight movement from where you were wrapped in his arms. He almost wondered if you were having a muscle cramp or tossing a bit as you slept, his sleep-addled brain not allowing him to draw any further conclusions.
A barely-there noise drew that thought and everything else out, though. He found his head going completely blank, nothing but that single sound echoing in his ears on repeat.
You had moaned.
His eyes shot open in immediate recognition, only to immediately squint at the morning light just beginning to stream through the window. Brimstone took a moment to collect his bearings, not moving so much as a muscle until he was able to spare you a glance.
The first thing he noticed was that your hands were no longer curled beneath your head. Instead, one was underneath your shirt, gently roaming over the expanse of your chest. He followed the movements of your fingers, watching them trail in soft circles around your hardened nipples. The other disappeared beneath the sheets. Noises continued to pour from you, though you had your face buried in the pillow to muffle them.
Although he was certainly appreciative of your current state, he was still slow to connect how you woke him up. He was a deep sleeper as it was, and you were taking extreme care to be as quiet as possible-
As if to answer his question, you pressed needily against him once more. He had to bite back a hiss as another moan escaped you. The way your ass lightly pressed into his crotch with every movement made his morning wood throb with anticipation. It all clicked into place.
Brimstone blinked a few more times. What the hell was he doing just laying there? You were clearly feeling frisky and... frankly, so was he. The invitation was right there. He just had to accept it. He moved his hands to firmly grip your hips, his thumbs trailing circles over your exposed skin. He pulled you down firmly against his clothed erection, humming at the contact.
"That's one way to wake me up, sweetheart," he murmured, his gruff voice punctuated with amusement.
You gasped and looked over your shoulder, a shocked expression on your face. He shot you a sleepy wink in response.
"Not that I'm complaining."
Like you finally came out of a stupor, you were immediately yanking your hand out from beneath your top.
"I'm- oh, sorry- I didn't mean to wake you up-"
He let go of your retreating hips only so he could usher you onto your back, slowly rolling on top of you. He gave you a chuckle as he pressed a brief kiss to your lips, relishing in the way you shivered beneath him at the gravelled sound.
"I'd let you wake me up every morning if this is how you'd do it."
His head dropped comfortably against your shoulder and he lazily rolled his hips into your panty-clad heat, a low groan escaping him. Your nails dug into his back, leaving appreciative marks on the skin there, but you still seemed hesitant about something. He slowed his movements and pressed a few kisses along your collar bone.
"What's wrong?"
"You don't have to- I'm sure you're still really tired-"
"Not anymore. Besides, I'm off today."
He dragged his fingers along your ribcage, addicted to the shudders that followed his touch. You seemed to let yourself cave for a moment, eyes fluttering slightly. Just as quickly though, they were open again.
"Really, Liam. If you want to go back to sleep-"
You interrupted yourself with a harsh inhale. His hand had continued to move downwards, his pointer finger trailing past the waistband of your underwear.
"Where's the fun in that, though?" He asked.
He continued his teasing motions, dragging the back of his knuckles over your clothed mound.
"Besides, I like taking care of my lady-"
Before he could continue, however, something made him pause. He realized your panties were nearly soaked through, his fingers gliding across the sodden material. He made eye contact with you, arching an eyebrow as he noticed the burning of your cheeks.
"What's this?"
"I..." you huffed to yourself, looking away from him.
"I woke up kind of... you know, in the mood, but you were still sleeping and I didn't want to bother you for that. So I... I started taking care of it myself."
"You weren't trying to seduce me then, huh?"
"Not... not intentionally."
Brimstone thought back to your other hand that was obscured by the sheets, his mind already racing with images of your working yourself to the breaking point. The idea of you getting yourself off, grinding your ass against him to get some form of silent relief, made his cock twitch.
"Oh, sweetheart."
He dragged his fingers tantalizingly over your covered sex again. The both of you twitched at the feeling, a soft moan escaping him as he realized just how wet you were.
"I am more than willing to take over from here."
You seemed to debate it for a moment, finally working up the courage to look back at him. After seeing for yourself that Brimstone was quite awake for the time being, you gave him a nod.
He let out a pleased hum in response, lowering his lips to yours in a soft kiss. When the two of you parted, he pushed his hips flush against yours once again.
"Think you could come just from this?"
You bit your bottom lip, worrying it between your teeth for a moment. You seemed like you were contemplating it, not sure of the answer yourself, but the hunger in your eyes was enough for him. Your breathing hitched as he rolled experimentally against you, your mouth slightly parting to release a sigh at the feel of his clothed erection pressing against where you most needed his attention. He gave a few lazy thrusts, testing the waters while also appreciating your warmth against his briefs.
The faint pulse that greeted him was almost enough to earn another groan. He grumbled lowly, his face nestling into the crook of your neck.
"Jesus sweetheart, you were close, weren't you?"
You let out a whimper as he began grinding into you in earnest, his hands locking onto your hips to pull you closer to him. The brush of his stubble and warm lips on your throat made your stomach jolt beneath him, your legs locking instinctively around his narrow waist. He adored how sensitive you were there, the mewls escaping you with every mark he sucked into your skin shooting through his entire body like lightning.
"Liam- ngh!"
It was like you were at war with yourself, your calves holding you steadfast against him while your hips tried to drop away.
"It's almost too much-"
"Not yet," he replied gruffly, his erection pressing more firmly against you as he picked up the pace.
"A little more, just a little more."
His hand dropped between the two of you, his fingers roughly seeking out where your clit would be over your underwear. When he finally found it, his fingers rubbing quick circles on the spot, you jolted against him.
"There," he crooned. He lightly mouthed at your neck, your strangled gasps music to his ear. He chuckled to himself.
"Oh, you're right on the edge, aren't you?"
You couldn't even manage a proper nod. You merely grabbed his face in your hands, bringing him up so his lips were reconnecting with yours. Your thighs started shaking and your fingernails dug lightly into his cheeks, your tremoring digits finding purchase there.
Brimstone swallowed every increasingly desperate noise you made, feeling the exact moment you reached your peak. Your heat clenched repeatedly around nothing, the movement strong enough for him to feel through the wet patch on his briefs. His chest swelled with pride knowing he was the one who brought you there.
"That's my girl."
He gradually slowed his movements, helping you ride out your high while also enjoying the delicious friction the movement provided. Only when you were whining from overstimulation did he stop, hips pulling away from yours as he made himself comfortable on top of you. His head rested contently against your heaving chest, your hands now slowly dragging up and down his back as you caught your breath.
Several moments had passed when you swallowed hard, finally able to get a few words out.
The fingers he was using to twiddle with a strand of your hair momentarily halted their movement.
"You... you didn't finish, did you?"
"It's not a big deal."
He felt your pout before he actually saw it.
"But I want you to. That's- you made me feel good. The least I can do is return the favor."
"It's not a transactional thing. I like making you feel good, sweetheart- I don't always want something from you in return. Besides-"
He pushed himself up with a groan, his bulge digging into your inner thigh as he took a light hold of your chin. His eyes dropped to the blush spreading across your cheeks.
"We have all day, remember?"
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qwertzze · 2 days
Notes from today because I remembered recently a portion of this blog was meant to be journaling
..went to therapy (I've been counting down since 13 days ago when I had a horrid day accidentally unmedicated)
- talked about ocd subtypes and the distinction between my subtype and the general diagnosis
- told her about school so far
- was very unorganized and monotone because I decided not to take my anxiety pill so I could be full throttle for therapy
- that was a mistake. she said she didn't think I have autism despite me having been diagnosed by professionals specializing in diagnosis and it being one of few consistent ways in my life to explain & understand myself, as well as my family (extended lineage included) having a history of ASD, or at least some kind of neurodivergence, more so on my mother's side, but a lot on my father's too. I'm not quite sure why she thinks that, I think it's in part her general skepticism to diagnose, (she was the one that told my mother I probably didn't take after her in having ADHD), and part that not being the general focus of our sessions. still, did feel like she'd cracked my skull open and shoved my brain into a box of "overdramitic neurotypical highschooler with no real understanding of themself", which is somewhat accurate, but not in that way. sure, my symptoms of generalized anxiety and depression may come together to appear as ADHD in a false facade of similarities, but that is not what I think is going on here. I didn't need a diagnosis to know THAT was a part of me, the only reason I truly drove out to seek a specialty clinic was to have the undeniable fact presented on my record, mainly so accommodations (especially in school, the sensory hell that it is) could be provided. and yet, here it is, being called into question. in writing this rant, I've realized I do not agree with her opinion. I agree that I don't have ADHD, but me ever thinking I did was a whole other can of worms of AuDHD combined being presented to me as the norm by media and my family.
- kind of left a bad taste in my mouth, and I'm still not fully grounded hours later. not entirely sure why, but it's there.
- she gave me some papers to fill out and we scheduled more appointments months from now. I'm sure I'll feel less strongly then.
Uh then I loved I love being in cars and drives and stuff, so my mom and I sat in the car by a fishing spot
- saw a young looking all black cat there. it was healthy and very cautious.
- ate some food.
- was a very quiet, tiny bit uncomfortable few minutes up until I had opportunity to tell mher about the differences between memento mori 2018 live by will wood aand the memento mori: the most important thing in the world release, as well as the breif rhythm change in Harvard Variations from Legally Blonde being a good way to showcase drastic character differences (belief & motive) between Enid Hoops and the rest of the class. also talked about how in There, Right There! just provijg he's gay doesn't necessarily prove he wasn't engaging in that affair. it could've been he wanted a beard, or that there was some power imbalance, or a multitude of reasons a gay man might want to/be compelled to date a woman, even if he doesn't find her attractive, or as romantically intriguing as the preferred sex. also, how I pretty much would've been fine with that song had the narrative not have basically proved the Harvard students 'right' in their endeavors to theorize about a man's sexuality because of how he looks or presents, but not every banger musical will hold up to further scrutiny. sorrry for getting pretentious and stuff there, I'm sure many others have talked about this much more in-depth or understood the song better as a whole.
After we got back to the house
- she immediately said "I'm going to stay in the car because you ARE going to go back to school" which I should have, but I'll get there.
- I took a very prolonged shower, in part because I hadn't showered for a while at that point.
- then, it was full lockdown time!! lock the door to your room whether you're in it or not (use a lockpick to go to and fro, it's a small barrier as the locks in this house are not good and my parents literally keep a pick right above their door for separate purposes), hide your most important possessions underneath other less suspicious items, whether in dresser drawers under clothes or deep within the recesses of the boxes, get them safe. don't use your phone, they can monitor how long you're on it and what you've done in that time, and you will have no excuse or denial of "wasting time". if there is an alternative to keep your brain occupied, use that. draw, read, or even sleep. sleeping is actually something I couldn't recommend enough if you live in a household centered around avoidance and passive aggression. don't have to talk or acknowledge the anger if you can't form active thought, AND you have a genuine answer for what you were doing. maybe it's juyst more believable for me to say because I sleep a lot during the day (afternoon) because school doesn't allow me time to at night.
- surprisingly though, she didn't protest to much. she is the more lenient an accepting parent, but pushback is to be expected, at least. makes me wonder if she's just pushing it to the side for now and it's going to add onto a later "outburst" of emotion from unresolved build up. hope not.
- and now here I am! a few mind numbing hourss of flipping between trying to ground myself in reality and attempting to distract myself later!
Some kitties for whoever expanded this post
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Oh, and my progress report from the day is the phrase "I'm ugly, but someone like me could be beautiful"
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nickgerlich · 6 months
Photo Finish
Sometimes a company just can’t get a break. Once a group of detractors have sunk their claws into you, they will seize every opportunity they get to dig a little deeper.
Just ask Target, the beleaguered retailer that recently posted its first sales revenue decline in years, and last June took hellish heat for its Pride Month merchandise. Ultra-conservatives not only bullied the company into moving the merchandise displays farther back in the store, but also found customers assaulting employees, as if those persons were somehow guilty by association.
In the last few days, another social media outcry arose, one perhaps fueled by the Easter season. If you saw photos of pentagrams on shirts and even a goat-headed mannequin inside a Target store, you may have raised your eyebrows. It certainly did for those who already have it out for Target.
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It’s just that it was all fake, the result of AI-generated art. Never mind that the artist identifies as a satanist. He fessed up to his artistic shenanigans, which he created to poke back at last year’s malcontents who had argued Target was selling satanic-themed children’s clothes as part of its Pride collection.
But his joke has multiple implications. It spun out of control—perhaps as he intended—but forced Target into the public eye once more. They then had to respond, and no amount of denying is going to convince minds already hardened against you. I doubt those people will see the artist’s confession, and they will go on hating and boycotting.
And then there is the much larger problem of AI art. Yes, the artist intentionally duped conservatives, whom he correctly predicted would come unglued. But it could happen to anyone, because AI art is pretty good. In fact, it is too good, and if you’re not careful, you too might swallow a deep fake.
Take, for example, the photos circulating online of Biden and Trump as buddies. At first blush, they might elicit an “Awww!” until you realize there is no way in hell that the two would ever be seen together, much less baking pies, knitting, and camping.
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If you thought that misinformation was rampant during COVID and the last presidential election, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Words and phrases are one thing; photos are quite another.
It all means that companies need to be ever diligent in monitoring the online arena for potentially malicious content. It may look very convincing, but could be damning at the same time, as Target just found out. Someone’s big joke got out of hand.
Of course, the proliferation of AI art also means that everyone has a degree of plausible deniability. Just dismiss anything you think is embarrassing or indicting as a deep fake. It’ll be hard to prove you wrong.
Meanwhile, what passes for art may be as bogus as a term paper created in less than a minute by ChatGPT. It’s just that the latter is actually pretty easy to sniff out, while manufactured photos can be very convincing.The days of anyone getting a break may be drawing to a close, and Target is just the latest example of a company faced with this new reality.
Dr “Who Needs Photographers Anyway?” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Four: Just What We Need
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Summary: Iris' first year at Hogwarts has finally come to an end. After the chaos that ensued during her fifth year, she's ready to graduate in two years. As her relationship with Sirius picks up traction and she makes new friends, Iris wants to enjoy her time before she’s forced into adulthood.
Word Count: 4334 
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A BARK LIKE LAUGHTER ECHOED AROUND THE LIVELY pub in London on a sunny afternoon. The Leaky Cauldron was busy today like it usually is during the summertime. Serving a multitude of witches and wizards of drinks that varied from pumpkin juice to fire whiskey, the owner, Tom, was doing his best to keep up with the orders. In the corner of the pub, the most infamous couple from Hogwarts were huddled up together sipping on some butterbeer. 
The two were currently out on a much-needed date. They hadn't seen each other in over two weeks at this point, and even then they were usually around their friends. So it was time for the two to have their alone time with each other. Well, not that alone time, but you understand. Actually going on a nice date was well deserved for the couple. 
So they met up at the infamous Leaky Cauldron to spend the afternoon together. Currently, the two of them were catching up since the last they saw each other. Though the last time that they saw each other was a little over a week ago when their friend group had met up at Wendy's home to have a sleepover. That night was more like camping since Wendy's house was basically in the forest. Perks of being a descendant from a wealthy, pure-blood family must include large, isolated estates Definitely one thing that Iris was a tad bit jealous about. Having such a large house would mean that nobody would bother her! Imagine it, no longer having to share a room with Lily which meant working on her creations without fearing waking up her twin. Or better yet, having to pass by Petunia's room every day just to get to the kitchen! Oh, that would be a blessing! Though at the moment, the one and only blessing that she was focusing on was the handsome man next to her. 
"What did you say they did again?" Sirius asked while looking over the galleon that Iris had given him. The coin was most likely the shiniest piece of currency that he had probably held. He could see his dashing reflection in it, even.
Iris snagged the coin away from him, "it gets stuck to a person's hands when it's picked up!"
Yes, another trick that she had come up with over the summer. It was on the easier side of pranks to make, as it only consisted of a few simple spells and charms, but that didn't mean she was less proud of it. She came up with the idea after she saw a few muggle boys play the prank in her village with a £20 note on a string. Of course, she put her own little spin on the prank and added some magic, but it was similar in principle. The coin wasn't a real gallon, if you took a closer look at it, you would see that there was a niffler engraved on the coin instead of a dragon or wizard. Was it illegal to make counterfeit money? Eh, probably. Iris would look into it a bit later, once she was back at Hogwarts and the library full of books about magical laws and such. For now, she'll just keep the one galleon and figure out if she could sell them or not. It was one thing to make pranks, it was another to break the law and end up punished for it. Iris likes to break rules and such, which everyone knows, however, she wouldn't wanna be thrown into Azkaban or anything because she broke some stupid rule that she didn't know.
The redhead observed the fake coin with her nimble fingers, "everyone's a little greedy right, wouldn't miss the opportunity to pick up a galleon that just so happens to be on the ground, right?"
"Oh, I see," Sirius snickered while winding an arm around his lady-love's waist. He nuzzled her neck with a laugh, "you're quite the devious thing, love."
Iris rolled her eyes and basked in the affection, "as if you aren't the same way, darling."
The shaggy-haired boy's chest continued to rumble with his deep chuckles. Oh, he loved how he was able to fall for such a mischievous girl. A girl who could keep up with him in many different ways and liked to cause trouble in plenty of ways was definitely made for him. He finished off his glass of butterbeer and started to shuffle out of the booth. "Now, come on!"
Iris allowed herself to be pulled out of the booth and maneuvered through the slightly crowded pub. She giggled, "Slow down!"
The two teens weaved through the few groups of drunk or nearly drunk wizards and witches. Iris' arm was nearly pulled out of its socket with how much force was Sirius was pulling her. Though it's not like she minded it so much, after all, it was Sirius doing it. It didn't bother her so much. They made it to the back of the pub and out to the brick wall that separated the pub to the Diagon Alley.
With giddy smiles and racing hearts, they quickly used a wand to open up the brick wall to enter the magical world. The noisiness of Diagon Alley greeted their ears as they started to walk down the crooked roadway, joining the many other witches and wizards. They weaved through the hustle and bustle of hags buying potion ingredients and children gushing about the newest high-speed broom.
The two of them were quite ready to make this date even more enjoyable than it already was. The faux golden galleon was quickly placed on the ground in the least busy area that they could find. After all, the two of them wanted to see how effective the newest toy Iris had come up with. So they settled into a small corner in the shadows to watch the show.
Boy, was it one of the most enjoyable times for the two pranksters. Long story short, the couple had ended up pranking a few people with this. The first was a middle-aged wizard who thought it was a good-natured prank. The bearded man was impressed with what Iris had created and had let out a hearty laugh after Iris took the coin back. 
The second was a young girl, around nine or ten, with blonde pigtails and a licorice wand in hand. After the coin had gotten stuck to her hand, she had started to freak out just a bit. Before she could start crying or something, Iris had hoped out of the shadows to console her and explain the little trick. Eventually, after some soft words and jokes, the little girl was giggling while the coin was stuck to Iris' cheek. Sirius watched the display with a wide smile and soft eyes. Iris made sure that the girl was happy and that she wasn't going to cause a scene before ushering the girl off to find her parents. 
There were a couple of other people who had fallen prey to their pranks. Their reactions were relatively the same. They were surprised, they laughed lightly, and then moved on with their day. Just about everyone they encountered just saw it as a harmless prank. At most, they thought that it was a tad bit annoying, but moved on.
"You brats!" A withered, strained voice shouted out, almost sounding as though the old crone who had shouted was going to lose her voice. "Get back here!"
Though there was one witch who did not take kindly to the prank. The sickly-looking woman with long, ancient fingers pointed at the couple and instantly started shouting. The coin that had been stuck to her hand was quickly whisked from her palm at the simple flick of Iris' wand. Her hunched, crumpled figure hobbled in place as she shouted out obscenities to the two teens who had abandoned their hiding spot and started to run.
The teens laughed loudly with each other as they flowed through the current of the crowd. They earned a few strange looks from others as they did their best to get as far away from the old crone as possible. It was inevitable that they would finally run into someone who became enraged at the joke for one thing or another. So the two had already come up with an escape route as soon as they could. They took that route and easily got away from the old woman, though it's not like it wasn't that hard to do since the old hag looked to be over one-hundred and moved at a snail's pace.
They continued to laugh with each other uncontrollably and breathlessly before slowing down into a walk. Iris wrapped her arms around Sirius's torso as he wrapped a tight arm over her shoulders. Their shoulders continued to shake as their laughter died down just a little bit. They casually walked down the crooked road with their arms wrapped around each other tightly, unwilling to let the other get too far away from each other. 
Iris finally settled down enough to speak without interrupting herself. The smile that was plaster on her face was completely blinding with the light that radiated off of it. "That was amazing!"
Sirius nodded his head and calmed down his laughter along with her. "Of course it was!" He ran a hand through his thick black hair with the cocky smile ever-present on his lips. "You're newest toy is brilliant, love."
Iris smirked, "I know. Just wait until I can make more of these! Oh, it'll be so fun to use them around school!"
Sirius led Iris into Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour where both of them were ready to devour some icy treats. After Iris ordered a serving of salted caramel blondie and Sirius got some mint ice cream, the two settled down at a table to eat. This date was going splendidly in their opinions. Though any date would be just as amazing considering they always have the best time when they are together. It didn't matter if they were pulling pranks, sitting around with each other talking about nothing and everything, or going out to eat, all they needed was each other to have a good time. 
As people walked passed their table and chatter bounced off of the cobblestone ground and walls, the couple idly talked with each other about everything and anything. "There's only about a month left of summer," Sirius pointed out.
Iris groaned, "don't remind me! The only good thing about going back to Hogwarts is getting to avoid Petunia and those horrid muggles." She shivered at the reminder of Oscar and Samantha, the annoying muggles who Iris had the displeasure of running into every once in a while. It didn't help that things were quite awkward between her and Derek as well, after their last encounter. 
"The only good thing?" Sirius asked in mock offense placing a hand over his heart. "I thought getting to be with me would be the best thing about Hogwarts."
The redhead shrugged her shoulders, "eh, I guess so."
Her boyfriend's handsome features were twisted into a pout now, "you wound me, love."
"I know." Iris laughed softly and taking a bite of her cold treat, "How's staying with James? I imagine the two of you cause enough trouble for his parents just about every day."
Sirius smiled widely, to the point where it looked like his face would split in half, as he seemed to laugh at a memory. "We aren't that bad." Iris raised an eyebrow at him questionably. He conceited at her look, "Okay, okay, we cause a bit of trouble, but not a lot!"
"Mhm. I totally believe that," Iris said sarcastically with a smirk which caused Sirius to pout once again. The two of them lapsed into a comfortable silence as they ate their ice cream. It was easy for the two to sit in a comfortable silence ever since they had their midnight rendezvous at school. It was surprising to think that these two rambunctious teens, who could never really shut their mouths, were able to sit together in peace and quiet.
Sirius then spoke up after a few moments, "What about you, driving your sister mad, are you?"
"I probably would if she wasn't hanging around Thing One and Thing Two so much." Iris rolled her eyes as a thick layer of annoyance started to filter through her irises. She huffed through her nose harshly, "They're like leeches, I swear. No matter what, they're always right by Iris. Never give me the chance to just hang with my twin, which is rare cause I don't usually wanna do it, but the one time I want to those morons are right there."
For a moment, Sirius chuckled at her displeasure. Yeah, he could understand her dislike for those muggles. Even after meeting them only once, Sirius hated them quite easily. Add in the fact that he had to hear about James' hatred for that Oscar boy because he obviously fancied Lily. That alone was a horrendous crime for anyone to commit, in James' eyes, which Sirius had to hear about nearly on a daily basis. A thought, a terrible reminder, from New Years, then popped into his head. "What about that other muggle? Drake?"
Iris chewed on the inside of her cheek and placed her ice cream down for a moment, suddenly not wanting to eat it at the mention of the muggle boy. Her voice took on a softer tone as she glanced away briefly from him as she answered, "Derek."
From her tone of voice, Sirius sat up a bit straighter. He could hear the layer of awkwardness in her words that she never uses. So what had happened for Iris to be like this? What had that annoying muggle done? If you think that Sirius had forgotten about that kiss that Derek had given Iris during New Years, then you are mistaken. Granted, he pushed it to the back of his mind because he could now call Iris his girl. However, that didn't necessarily mean that Derek would back off, would it? Sirius didn't know this muggle that well since he only met him the one time, so for all he knew Derek was a scumbag who would readily try to steal a girl from someone. So he wanted to keep his eye on him, even if he really couldn't considering he couldn't be with Iris 24/7. Still, it's the thought that counted really.
Iris sighed softly, "I haven't seen him much, which I suppose is alright considering he had to make things awkward."
"Awkward how?" Sirius jumped at that, he wouldn't like to see his lady-love put in an uncomfortable situation. It didn't help that the two of them had to spend time away from each other because they lived somewhat further away from each other. He couldn't be there to make sure that she was alright, which was such an anxiety-inducing thought for him. After what had happened at school, Sirius really didn't want her to be out of his sight, at least not unless he was certain she was safe.
"He tried to ask me out a little while ago," Iris said cautiously, knowing that Sirius wouldn't be exactly happy with it.
That was an understatement. Sirius certainly wasn't happy to hear that another boy had tried to go after Iris. Not only had his sadistic little brother literally force himself into a relationship with Iris but now a muggle also thought that he could try to get with her. The only difference this time was that Sirius was going to make sure to stake his claim. No one else, especially a stupid muggle boy, was going to take her away from him, ever. "Did he not know that you already had a boyfriend."
Iris shook her head slowly, "Well, no. Considering I only saw him during breaks, he must have just assumed that I was still single."
That didn't sit well in Sirius's gut, "And you never told him?"
"Well, I didn't think he'd still want to date me." She started to explain, wanting to make sure she was clear with Sirius. The last thing she needed was for Sirius to get upset over this and cause a rift between them. "Although I mean, we did flirt a bit before we got together! I just did think that... he'd still want to?" It was a weak argument on her part. Though in her defense, Iris completely forgot about the muggle and any sort of courtship that he could have had when she started to date Sirius. He was the only one on her mind. The only guy who mattered to her. So why would she think about another guy trying to get with her when she already had her dashing boyfriend to think about?
Sirius sighed loudly and slumped back in his seat. He knew that Iris was quite the flirtatious person, much like himself. So he shouldn't be surprised that she had flirted with other guys, though at least it was before they had decided to date. He trusted Iris with literally everything, so he knew that Iris would never go behind his back. Though it was slightly surprising to hear that she didn't even consider that the muggle boy would still be interested in her. He knew that she had plenty of experience with messing around with guys, so he thought that she could recognize when someone was interested in her. 
After seeing that awkward little kiss Derek had stolen from Iris, Sirius had certainly grown to have a grudge against him. Sure, the two weren't together at the time, but that still didn't discourage the jealousy within him from the time. Iris certainly wasn't ready for the kiss or even willing for it, it was a complete surprise to her. Sirius didn't like it, or him for that matter. With the fact that Derek fancied Iris, had kissed her without her consent and was still trying to pursue her, he had every reason not to like the guy.
"Is he bothering you?" He asked her with a tone of urgency.
Iris shook her head and waved her head dismissively, "no, no, I haven't seen him all that much, so he isn't bothering me or anything."
Sirius let out a relieved breath, "Good."
"It isn't that bad, darling." She told him with her voice starting to take on a teasing tone. Obviously, she could tell that Sirius was growing to be quite jealous of this. Though she had no idea that it was a tad bit more than just jealousy. "I told him I was with you, so there won't be any misunderstandings between anyone about this. I can tell you're worried about it."
The shaggy-haired boy scoffed softly and started to stuff ice cream into his mouth, "Me? Worried?"
"Hm, you can't hide it," Iris nodded her head with a sly smile on her pale lips. It was endearing to see Sirius act so bashfully. Oh, how she took pride in flustering the poor boy.
Sirius looked away as a bit of pink flush covered his cheekbones. "So what if I'm worried about my girlfriend? I think it's in the job description of a boyfriend, isn't it?" Sirius has had many a girlfriends in the past, but none of them could get under his skin like Iris could. Of course, she got under his skin in a good way. One that made him feel flustered and a warm feeling to swell in his chest. This was something that he'd hope that he got over it soon, because he would much enjoy getting to fluster Iris at some point.
"Yes, yes, alright," Iris giggled, "Though there isn't much to worry about okay? Derek has left me alone for weeks and even if I do see him it's with other people around for a short time."
The boy sighed and took in her words. He nodded his head firmly, "Fine. As long as you're alright." That was his main priority at the end of the day. All that really mattered was having Iris kept safe, especially after their fifth-year. Did he want to admit out loud that he was terrified of there being a repeat of what happened with Regulus? Not really. He had a feeling that Iris would brush off his worry, which he thought was rightfully founded. Even if something like that didn't happen again, it was still a nagging fact in the back of his mind. It happened once, who's to say it wouldn't happen again?
Iris's chest swelled in admiration for her boyfriend who certainly cared a lot of her. She smiled brightly, which could blind just about everyone in the parlor, "You're so adorable when you're worried!"
Iris's date with Sirius had gone on for a little while longer after their ice cream. They strolled around Diagon Alley for a little bit more before they reluctantly parted ways. It had gotten a bit late and the two of them didn't want to end up in trouble with either of their guardians that night. So with a few heated kisses, they said goodbye and headed home. 
Now, the redhead was skipping her way up to the front door of her home with a bright smile. She always felt like she was walking on the air after spending time with Sirius. He left behind such a warm feeling within her that never went away even if they parted ways. She was whipped just as much as Sirius. Though she had an easier time hiding her flustered appearance than he did.
She entered the front door and sighed happily as she pulled off her shoes. From the living room, Lily perked up at the sound of the front door opening and closing and looked over to see her sister enter.
She propped herself up on the back of the couch to watch her sister float into the room. "So how did it go?"
"It was great!" Iris smirked.
"Where'd you go this time?" Lily asked somewhat interested. She wasn't usually interested in what her sister did with boys, considering she knew Iris could be a bit lewd in some ways, but with Sirius, it was a bit different. Don't get her wrong, the two were the biggest flirts that she has ever known so things could get a bit too much which could be annoying. However, Lily was happy to see Iris willingly be in a committed relationship that she knew she was happy in. Plus, she may not admit it, but Sirius is a friend of hers as well, and it's nice to see him the same way.
Iris started to list off the locations on her hand, "The Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley, and Florean Fortescue."
"I'm surprised that you didn't go to a joke shop or something." Lily said with a pursed lips as Iris plopped herself down on the couch next to her, "Seems like an ideal date for a pair of troublemakers like you two."
Iris groaned at the thought, they didn't even think of that! "Oh, we should have totally done that! I'm running low on dung bombs."
"Nope, you don't need any of those magical things!" Octavia exclaimed as she came into the living room after finishing up cleaning the kitchen. Their mother sat herself down on one of the comfy chairs near the couch. Her chestnut hair pulled up in a bun swayed from side to side as she tiredly sat in the seat. Though she was still sat on the end of her seat, eagerly awaiting to hear about her middle daughter's date. "Now, how is that boy of yours, huh?"
Now, Iris had tried her best to keep her relationship with Sirius on the down-low around her parents. She knew that her father would go insane with the news that yet another one of his daughters had started to date someone, which she didn't want to hear his shouts about it. Her mother would have been completely the opposite of her father. Octavia was more than happy to encourage Iris to date, especially with a boy that she had at least met once. Did Craig know about Iris's boyfriend? Nope. Lily had accidentally mentioned Iris and Sirius being together while their parents were with them, however, Iris played it off as a joke. Albeit, it was a bit of a rough job to convince her father, but it worked. Sadly, her mother wasn't that thick and was easily able to pick out that Iris had finally gotten a boyfriend.
Iris rolled her eyes at the fact that her mother was acting like an enthusiastic teenager, "Sirius is fine, mum."
"You should invite him around some time, him and James," Octavia commented innocently, though there was a small spark of mischief in her eyes. "Might as well as get to know my future sons-in-law, right?"
"Mum!" The twins exclaimed with matching red cheeks.
Octavia stared at them as she held in her chuckles, "What?"
Iris stood up abruptly and started to walk towards her bedroom. Doing her best to hide her rosy cheeks from their view. "I'm going to bed!" As she left her still embarrassed twin and her giggling mother to continue to talk with each other. For now, all she needed was to curl up in her bed and fall into a nice dream. She quickly got ready and climbed into her bed with an awaiting Shadow already curled up into a tight ball. As Iris started to drift off into unconsciousness, her mind was racing with the thoughts of Sirius. How adorable he could actually be, especially when he was jealous. Though she would much rather not have to deal with such a worry-wart of a boyfriend. If only she knew how bad this would actually get...
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thenewblackcanvas · 2 years
reconciliation in currency 1 l kth
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one: the man in the pinstripe suit
pairing: Sugar Daddy!Taehyung x Reader
genre: best friends to strangers, sugar daddy/sugar baby, best friends to lovers(i guess?), angst
summary:  After leaving for “better opportunities”, you come back home six years later to see the main person you left behind isn’t quite the same person and the only way to know him again is through sex and money. word count: 2539
A/N: Sugar Daddy!Taehyung is back aka this is a reupload from my original blog, not plagiarism
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“Are you sure you don’t want to stay with me?” 
Your friend’s worry was evident over the phone. “Su Na, I’ll be fine. Joey is letting me stay with her until get on my feet.”
She hummed in disapproval. 
“Flight 301 to South Korea, section B, now boarding.”
“Unnie, I will be fine.” You stand, lifting your carry on bag onto your shoulder. “You’re still picking me up from the airport right?”
“Of course! After so many years away I know there are things you haven’t told me. You are spilling everything!”
“I would love to hear you rant some more but I’m boarding the plane.”
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Normally, you would sleep through most of your flights but returning to Korea was making you restless. Unable to sleep, listen to music, read, or focus on a movie, you were almost out of options. Thankfully, you were right at the beginning of coach which was the perfect area to listen to the flight attendants. “My section is amazing! There is a man who gave me 60,000 won just for getting him a drink.” She was hidden by the crevasse of the cabin where they resided that separated business class from the rest of you but you could hear her clearly.
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“Really? Why is someone like that flying commercial?”
“He said he was having trouble with his private plane.”
The other woman opened her mouth again but the wall behind her dinged signaling someone was calling for her. The first class stewardess walked back to her section with a dark colored drink.
Your curiosity made you tilt your head to see into first class. The stewardess handed the man his drink but all you could see was a hand, an expensive looking watch and the sleeve of a grey pinstripe suit jacket. 
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The moment the plane arrives at the gate everyone stands as if it won’t take 20 minutes to get even half the passengers off the plane.
You move your legs to allow the impatient older woman next to you to push her way onto the aisle. You busy yourself texting Su Na and Joey that you have landed and checking emails.
When you look back up almost everyone has cleared. You make your way off the plane 
“That Kim takes my breath away.”
The same attendants.
“I finally saw him when he was exiting the plane.” the second says. “I have never seen someone so perfect.”
They go on gushing on the perfect businessman who apparently gave the first attendant his business card.
When they split for another flight you finally laugh at their teenaged ramblings.
 “_____!!” Su Na’s voice covers the baggage arrival announcement you were calmly waiting for.
An embarrassed wave is all you can give before she is pinching your cheeks and fawning over how much prettier you have become.
“Unnie, we’re in public.” You say, pushing away her grabby hands. Though you’re more than mortified it’s nice to see a familiar face.
She gushed over you for hours, asking if you had eaten then taking you to stuff your face at your favorite restaurant you were happy was still there. She took you to refill your t-money card which you were also grateful for but the line was drawn at the fifth outfit she made you try on for your interview. As grateful as you were you were also slightly jetlagged and had yet to see Joey.
When she finally dropped you off, you were greeted by a message from Joey. She’d texted you the house code as she was going to be late.
You helped yourself to the food she bought for your arrival. When she arrived there was a hug that you were pretty sure would leave a bruise.
The two of you talked as if no time had passed.
“Yeah, I have a job interview in the morning. It isn’t the best and It isn’t what I got my certification for but it’s something.” The defeat in your voice couldn’t be masked.
“A step in any direction is progress.”
True enough but it didn’t help your mood. You said your goodnights and laid down for a restless sleep. Sleeping with a weight on your mind was always hard, you couldn’t help but think back to the one person who could lift it.
He heard the quiver in your voice right away. “______, what happened.”
“I can’t do it.” You sobbed into the receiver. “I can’t do it.”
“Aegya, I know you are nervous and scared but you can do this. You have done it before and you can do it again.”
You lean your head back against the wall. “Tae, if I don’t pass this test all my credit hours will have been for nothing!”
“But that wouldn’t happen anyway. All I am saying is I believe in you. You have the potential for greatness no matter what.”
It got quiet and you knew what he was thinking. “And you’ll be right there with me right?”
He chuckled lowly with what sounded like a sniffle. “Of course. There’s nowhere else I would rather be.”
A comfortable silence fell over the conversation as you calmed down and finally felt fatigue. 
“TaeTae, can you sing to me?”
He was quiet for a moment before he began to sing. Slowed down version nobody by Wonder Girls in his soothing tenor. 
There was no better sleep than sleep aided by Taehyung.
You didn’t have that anymore but you needed it right now.
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Seoul sparkled like a diamond in the dirt at night.
It’s beauty served as the backdrop to many fantasies. A hand came to undo the expensive watch from the wrist of the man that loved to admire such a view.
He didn’t care for the price as he threw it on his nightstand, his pinstripe suit jacket joining it. All his attention was on the view. It made him think of her. The pain in his heart had subsided over the years but would he ever feel ok?
His mind drifted as it often did to a thousand what-ifs.
He urged himself to stop as his jetlag became more apparent. He needed a drink.
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You stared at the search engine homepage with fingers slightly shaking. You wanted more than anything to look him up. You wanted to reach out and hopefully get a warm response. You wanted to tell him all about your time away and be filled in on everything you knew the extraordinary man accomplished in the years apart.
But the last interaction came to mind.
His handsome face scowling in betrayal. The same feeling of guilt from the day returned at the dismay in knowing you caused that scowl.
You closed your laptop quickly. ‘Not tonight.’ You thought with a sorrowful heart.
Morning came far too quickly. 
As you awoke, a fresh wave of nerves hit you like a truck. The thought of waiting until you found a better job crossed your mind as you disapprovingly examined your dark circles but your resolve strengthed when you saw the makeup to hide such bags was running low.
You weren’t sure how to dress for the interview as the listing was vague but it was clear on the payment. It seemed as though it would be clerical work or assistant- type tasks.
As long as it paid, it was currently good enough for you.
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You were early arriving at the building that stood tall in the heart of Seoul. Everything about being there made you nostalgic. You breathed in familiar air with a content smile. As you entered the building your awareness of the oh so familiar city put you in a melancholy state. The heels you willed yourself into wearing took you almost on autopilot to where you were told in the interview announcement email. The elevator ride even sparked a memory that sat on the tip of your subconscious. There was no time to try and reach for it as the doors opened to reveal the most beautiful area you ever set eyes on. The beauty and meticulous detail applied to the whole of the area reminded you of him. It brought a smile to your face. An olive colored desk with white trim that swirled downwards at the end was the first thing you focused on. The words ‘Welcome to Kkangji’ were written beautifully on the front.
The name made you smile, mind drifting to the snow white kitten from times past.
You looked up to see a woman smiling from behind the desk. “Are you here for the interview?” You nodded, a little embarrassed at the first impression you must have been making. “Ah, he will be pleased you are early.”
She picked up the phone and said a few quick words in the receiver before placing it back down. “Follow me please.”
You followed behind her quietly. The hall was as beautifully done as the waiting area. Expensive looking art pieces and their almost as equally as expensive frames were gorgeous. “He made most of these himself.” the receptionist leaned over and whispered with a smile. She must have noticed you looking. “He designed this whole floor of the building.” There was something deeper in all of it that warmed your heart now. His artistic soul was poured into everything.
Finally, she stopped in front of a large white door. It was simple yet powerful for some reason.
She opened the door to reveal the lavish office. You stepped in, eyes landing on a large desk. The chair behind it, obviously occupied, was spun facing the large window.
“Sir, here she is. Ms. ____________ ,  this is Mr. Kim Taehyung.”
Three things happened simultaneously. First. The receptionist left the room almost as quickly as she dropped you off.  Second, the memories from minutes before hit you full force. The company name. The building. The outstanding art. All linked to the man you knew better than anyone in this building.
And third, he spun in his chair to look at you. “________?” “Taehyung??”
You had to be dreaming. It felt impossible that your Taehyung could be the man running all of this. The first instinct was to run and hug* him but there was something about his blank expression. The picture of him dressed impeccably, sat behind that desk radiated a kind of power you were unfamiliar with. Only when his gaze traveled down to his phone had you noticed how long you had been stood there.
You cleared your throat and approached. The glare of his unreadable face now off of you made you confident enough to move. Right in front of him now, you picked up his name placard.
Kim Taehyung, CEO and Director of Art
“This explains the waiting area. It looks like something from your wettest art hoe dreams.” you tried to joke.
“You don’t know about my wet dreams, _______.” His tone was sharp and cold, like a knife cutting through the friendly air of your comment. He reached out as he stood to take the placard from your hands.
“I-I- uh”
“As articulate as ever I see.” Your mouth clamped shut like an offended child at the comment. “I won’t waste your time, Ms. _______. Do you have your resume’?”
His stoic demeanor shocked you but you nodded. You handed him the professional looking paper, complete with your most recent sources from the past few years. You smiled proudly trying to regain any confidence you had before you saw him.
He quietly looked over it. A hum here, a raised eyebrow there. It was painfully quiet. “I can answer any questions you may-” your sentence stopped short as he tore the paper in half then again.
“Tae what the hell?!” formalities were dropped as he must be out of his mind.
“There must have been a disconnect. This job isn’t one you would require this kind of experience for. I am already aware of your experience to some degree though.”
“Tae, what are you talking about?”
“I need someone.”
“I have always been here for you.”
There was brief silence before he scoffed ‘Have you?’ more to himself than you. “I refuse to stoop as low as some in my business so I’ve decided to opt for something mutually beneficial.”
You sighed, still very confused. “Use simple words, Taehyung.”
He leaned from where he sat on his desk to get close to your face with a smirk that told you he knew his next words would floor you. “I want to fuck you, wreck you whenever I fucking feel like it, and give you money for it.”
Your mouth hung open like a dead fish now. You stared at that familar face to see nothing you recognized. His boyish charm and triangular face shape now switch for a mature charm* and square jaw. His unique eyes that once were so playful now sinful and taunting. Even his dark locks were now a long greyish brown. This was not your TaeTae. This was CEO Kim Taehyung.
“H-How are you like this. I can’t believe that came from your mouth.”
“Because you don’t know me anymore.”
“I haven’t been gone that long.”
 He straightened up, now glaring coldly. “Years, _______. Years.”
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“I don’t want you to go.”
“I have to though.” This had been a common back and forth for weeks now. Though before where it was playful now it was desperate, pleading, and very much hurt. The chance to volunteer in your field was too much of a miracle to pass up. Only it meant traveling out of the country. Away from Taehyung. You were almost at the point where you had to say your goodbyes but he was making it difficult.
“Aren’t I important to you?”
You stop, your mouth opening some in shock. You wanted to believe it was a joke but his face held the betrayal he clearly felt. “Of course, why would you ask that?”
“Because it doesn't’ seem like it!”
“I can’t stay here for someone else. There is nothing here for me.”
“I’m nothing?!”
You open your mouth to tell him no, that he is wrong so you want to shout until your voice is gone but instead you turn to go through security.
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“Looks like there were opportunities here.” An unreadable look with a tone of smug disgust.
“For YOU, Taehyung. You still aren’t getting it.” You shake your head incredulously as you pick up the remains of your torn resume.
“My success could have been yours too.”
“I wanted my own path not to crowd yours.”
“So you left me?”
“I obviously wasn’t gone forever!”
“How was I supposed to know that?!”
At this point you were so frustrated you had to take some deep breaths. “You were supposed to trust me.” You turned around to see him taking off his belt, jacket already off and tie loosened.
“What are you doing?”
“You still want the job right?”
You were silent not wanting to admit you need the job despite what it was. With much hesitation, you nodded. “Yes.”
He walked up to you, getting close to your face again as he slid off his belt with a snap. “Then strip, it’s time for your interview.”
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husbandohunter · 3 years
A Furry Predicament, but reversed (Reader turns into a cat)? Pretty please with a sweet lil cherry on top? (I recently stumbled across your blog and may I just say that I absolutely adore your works??) Thank youu and take care~~
A Furrier Predicatment [Genshin x Cat!Reader]
Synopsis: It's your turn to be a cat after this incident.
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Venti
(A/n): Ah you did OwO that's very sweet of you. It's alot of fun to write, especially when your imagination is stunted and you just gotta spit out something silly.
Any beloved pet owned by Master Diluc would be under the most high quality and meticulous treatement. Mostly for cats since they tend to be calm while elegant...to some extent. If they were dogs then he'll ensure that they also serve as a partner for sniffing out trouble such as a certain bard who'd might've sneaked into the wine cellars. But you weren't either, so to say, you were both a beloved AND a cat.
As he picks you up gently into his arms, Diluc would be a little baffled on what to do next. He has no idea how to care for delicate creatures as he never had one (other than a pet tortoise but that's different) in which he needed to look for help. But who? The staff? Certainly not, no one can find out that his partner turned into a pet (imagine all the scandals he'll be in). Jean? Anything but the knights of Favonius. And most certainly not his brother.
So Diluc ends up figuring everything out by himself (old habits die hard). All the sweets and regular meals you craved were no long in your menu, you were forced to have a proper cat diet because he believed it was healthier. Half of the time he has no idea what he's doing, since you were a cat and all you could do was "meow" (which Diluc forgets. He tries to have a mundane conversation until you stare at him with feline eyes. That was when he remembered).
"What would you like for tonight's dinner, my love?"
"Meow." He has alot to learn.
Though Master Diluc often gets very tired and he attempts to take a quick nap before killing himself over the next set of duties. That is, until you could help it. Being a cat has it's furry and comfy advantages. So you leapt up to the bed as quietly as possible and onto the side of your lover, circling a few times to see if he was really asleep. When he was you snuggled close to keep him warm, hoping it would lull him into a rest even deeper. He slept like a baby.
If the Cavalry Capatain were to own a pet, they would either be charmed by him or snaring their teeth because of his unreadable and suspicious aura. Animal instincts are quite powerful. But your case wasn't the latter, thankfully and he could feel himself growing fond of this new found relationship. Almost. What should he do with you now that you're a cat, Kaeya wonders.
Belly rubs and a lot of them. He absolutely adores the way your cute little nose scrunches up while he runs his fingers on the center of your tummy (though he knows when to stop, Kaeya is rather gentle with you nowadays). You found that he absolutely adores the shape of your nose, would pick you up and boop yours with his own somehow knows how to be his flirty self despite your unusual form.
There was this one incident where you saw something shiny flashing over the wall. Slowly you followed it as the bright dot moved futher and further away, evetually gaining speed. Little did you know it was Kaeya who was watching you swipe your little paws up and down against the wall while he was just cleaning his sword. How could he help it? You were often so headstrong and independent, now you were just an adorable little kitten that loves to play with yarn and shiny things. It backfired him though, now there were a bunch of scratchmarks marring the surfaces (which he had to pay for repairs).
Takes you out to Windrise so that you could get some fresh air (also for you to find somewhere else to shed your fur other than his humble abode). Kaeya sits back under a tree while you either chase a butterfly or start slapping against the dandelions (only sneeze when they fly into your face). He wasn't sure if you were aware of what you were doing right now, if you were then he'll have lots of things to talk about once you turn back into human. If not, then at least he had the opportunity to witness such a soft side coming from you.
If any animal were to go close towards the adeptus, they would run away. Xiao isn't very good at interacting with others, pets included, usually they would run into the alleyway or hide around the legs of their owners while he glaringly, blankly stares at them (Even though he wouldn't admit it, Xiao thinks to himself, how soft is cat fur?) Now he gets to touch your cat form and turns out that fur is very ticklish yet pleasant against his skin.
Would be the most awkward conversationalist, the poor yaksha was already terrible with his words (often coming out harsh so he prefers to either keep away or say nothing at all) and even with you sometimes, now it was almost impossible to communicate. Xiao is not very good at reading a cat's body language. When you want him to hold you again, you'd walk in circles. He assumes you were hungry and leaps out the window to go fetch some fish...for the nth time there was a pile of raw salmon stacking upon the floor. Xiao thinks that maybe salmon species weren't to your liking, hence he does out to find another one.
As he plays his flute, you'd magically doze off on his lap. (There was one thing that you both can communicate with at last). Slowly but surely, he comes to learn the different gestures you make for certain situations. You often rub yourself upon his leg which he had heard to be a cat's way of claiming their territory. That was when Xiao picks you up, FINALLY. Though the real reason why it took him this long was because he was hesitant to hold you. He never really held a pet so naturally he has no idea how to hold a cat. Ends up cradling you in his arms because it seemed to be a safer option <3
"I never thought I'd be able to hold you like this," Xiao softly says to your lazy form, observing the way your ears perked up at the sound of his voice, "But I...forget it. We can stay like this for the time being, if you'd like. If not, that's fine too."
You stay.
The only pets Albedo had were for his alchemic experiments (plus they were put in cages too). Fact be told, he would make a terrible pet owner with the lifestyle he has now. The alchemist would be so absorbent into his work that he'll most likely forget that he has someone to feed and by the time he realized it, they would have already starved to death. After hearing glass bottles crashing to the floor, Albedo bursts into the rooms as the smoke fills it completely, finding a cat lost between it. The cat was you. He knows because he made the potions.
Sometimes he'd a little too scientific for his own good. Albedo assumed that when you turned into a cat, you've gone into cat mode and ends up treating you as such. "No, don't go near any bodies of water. You wouldn't like it." He almost forgets that you were once human which is very much like him if you had to be honest. Though when he does find out that you still carried human traits, Albedo must find ways to adapt things to your liking.
He makes your food himself. He's not a cook but he sure is good at everything he does, even if it's something he never did before. This goes for other areas too such as the size of your bed, if you need a little couch to stay on or maybe some tools to play around. (The only time when he is a good pet owner). In his sketchbook he'd have a bunch of blueprints and contraptions of what to make next. There's something enjoyable when spoiling you, those little reactions when you're pleased, like the twitch of your whiskers or the lift of your tail. Albedo finds is very cute.
On top of all that, he could also make you a potion to turn you back into normal. It seemed that it was the last thing he thought of on the list. Albedo was too occupied with treating you like a cat that it all flew over his head until now. Time flies when you're having fun.
Unlike Albedo, anyone who has Zhongli as a pet owner would be considered to be a very lucky animal. He radiates a calm and serene aura that gives the perfect environment to have infinite nap times. People look at this man and wonder why his pet never gives him any trouble, especially when cats were considered to be both fiesty and needy. But they just didn't know that the cat was you (not like it would make a difference, any animal would know that Zhongli was no ordinary man).
How on earth does he know what you're saying? Maybe it's because he was once an archon. You could meow and he knows exactly what you would like to snack on. You could tilt your head, he takes it that you were curious on what he was currently doing (which was exactly what you were wondering), you can say nothing at all yet as if he could read your mind, Zhongli comes over to pet you with his gloved hands.
"How can I tell? Indeed it is because you're my lover, of course. Throughout this time we spent together, I've come to learn the way you speak through your eyes. They seem to hold true no matter what form you take. It's rather comforting."
Though there were many moments where you sneak up behind Zhongli. His hair, his ponytail- so long. Must play with. As you jump up and down with his thin strand swings side to side, it'll take a few seconds for him to decipher what your were doing. The minute he turns around he catches you with his hands midair and laughs heartfully. Cats were very endearing creatures.
Back home in Snezhnaya, Childe would probably have owned a dog or two. They were mostly meant for hunting purposes, big and large furry creatures with thick skin suitable to endure the harsh cold. He has dogs because cats hate him for some strange reason. They either hiss or snootly turn their backs on him, one time he picked one up as a kid but his face bleeding after the cat scratched him with their paws. But of course you wouldn't do that to him. You would never~ he was your cutie pie anyways.
He was an obnoxious hugger, not gentle at all. Childe forgets his strength as a human man and when he squeezes you tightly against his chest, you'd spike out on all ends because by the archons, you're suffocating. But it was your fault for feeling so comfy and warm! Similar to Kaeya, they're both obnoxious but Childe deemed himself to be even worse. He'd rub his face against yours, commenting on how sensitive it sways. Tonia once told him that she wanted a pet cat instead, maybe he should also bring you back to his homeland now.
Yes he would love to play with you. Bring in the cat toys...or not. This was the eleventh Fatui Harbinger, what were you thinking? Normal cat activities? Not here. He's gonna teach you how to hunt like how he taught his dogs to hunt in Snezhnaya. You gave him the most deadpanned and dissapointed look with your large feline glare. Not only was he disliked by cats but he certainly was not good with them.
Though he can take it down a notch sometimes and just indulge in relaxing activities. When there was nothing else for him to do or when he was just tired after a productive day, he'd sit by the kitchen and you on top of the table. While you yawned and leaned down for a nap, Childe plays with the small of your paws to the soft edge of your nails. If he taps your nose, your whiskers twitch. Your ears are nice, maybe he should get you a headband version once you turned back to human.
You immediately wake up when he touches your tail.
You sometimes wonder how is it that the anemo archon was able to live through 2000 years without getting beaten up by a cat. If andrius was a large cougar than a wolf, maybe he wouldn't be an archon now. Which is why you are to stay miles far far away from him unless you want the whole of Mondstadt to be blown away by the wind.
Wears a mask (as if this were the covid19 pandemic), although it doesn't take away all his problems, at least it'll minimize it. Venti always has a box of tissues ready but you can tell by the puffiness of his eyes that he's been sneezing alot. He really tries his hardest to pitch in every once in a while when Albedo was working on a cure for you to go back to normal. Though acts as if he was quarantined by staying all the way at the other side of the room.
"Ahahaha don't mind me. It's your local bard of Mondstadt dropping by to see how things are going. I wanna make sure how long it will take for you to make the potion? Just curious!"
No hugs, cuddles or anything involving close proximity. This makes Venti very pouty and impatient. Albedo finds it very hard to concentrate with all the sniffling and sneezing that he had no choice but to kick him out. It didn't help that the location was Dragonspine, now he was sneezing even more.
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secretwhumplair · 2 years
Bad day
1,609 words | No Warrior (sequel to Shame)
Content | Angst, low self-worth, referenced past torture, so much angst
Notes | A large juicy chunk of angst for you. The good news is, Yves is no longer just scared! The bad news is... oof.
Taglist | @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​​ @whump-me-all-night-long​​​​ @whumpadump1939​​ @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight​​ @whumpzone​​ @angel-stars​​ @kixngiggles​​ @whumpsy-daisies​​ @briars7​​ @yet-another-heathen​​ @rosesareviolentlyread​​ @cupcakes-and-pain​​ @hollowtreesinhollowwoods​​ @pleasancies​​ @much-ado-about-whumping​​ @nine-tailed-whump​​ @whump-em​​​ @itsleighlove​​ @newbornwhumperfly​​​ @tears-and-lilies @deluxewhump @whump-cravings @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning @neverthelass @whumpsday
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It took all of Yves’ strength to go back to work, leave the house again, go outside where he might meet a warrior only waiting for an opportunity to hurt him. He hated it - hated how much it took out of him when he had so little left.
But he did. He couldn’t just stop. Runar already looked at him with so much pity, and the weavers would wonder - and gossip.
So he continued, even if it meant crying to himself many nights after Runar had fallen asleep.
With time, it became easier, but he couldn’t shake the feeling Brandr had, with malicious ease, ripped away something he had already thought to be firmly in his hands.
It wasn’t fair.
He couldn’t decide whether he was a fool for ever believing he might be safe, or whether the spark of anger - dangerous anger he buried deep inside, because he knew in his soul he would be punished if he allowed it to show - that burned even through his hurt was right, but it wasn’t fair.
That morning, he felt Runar’s eyes on himself more keenly than usual. His own were burning with tiredness; he had barely slept, nightmares haunting him, and maybe Runar saw. He felt another tiny, irrational spark of anger at being scrutinized like that, all the time. It startled him. It wasn’t his place to be angry. And Runar had been so kind, all the time.
»Hey, Yves? I thought I’d take a little walk up the shore today in the daylight hours, do you want to come? It’s so easy to get stuck inside around this season…«
»Okay,« Yves muttered without looking up from his porridge. He barely thought about it. Disagreeing with Runar still felt unwise, even if nothing had ever happened. He didn’t fear him anymore, but it seemed that wasn’t quite unconditional.
Maybe it would never be.
He was so tired of it.
»Yeah? I’ll pick you up at the weaving house then, s̴̴̡̢͜ẃ̧̨͜͞è̸̷͜͠é̸̕͢͜t҉̵̶̀͢h̶̨̧͢͠é̴̡͘͢a̕҉̴̴͢r̶̷̛͢͝t̡͏̢͢͝. Unless… unless you want to go catch a bit more sleep. You look tired.«
»I’m fine.« The words came out with more force than Yves had intended, and his heart skipped a beat.
He must have made a movement, too, because Runar quickly reassured him, »That’s alright, s̕̕͢͞͠w̷̧͘͞͞é̵̡̕͜ę̵̀͟͞t̵̢̡̕͘h̴̀͘͢͡ę̵̷̢͠á̧̛͝͝r̸̵͜͜͞ţ͠͞҉́.«
Yves didn’t have it in him to repeat himself. A part of him wanted to scream and cry, but he was too tired, and he didn’t want to be a bother.
As promised, Runar picked him up soon after sunrise, so uncannily close to midday. Yves still hadn’t gotten used to it, and the days only kept getting shorter.
But right now, he was feeling better. Sitting with the other weavers, doing useful work, had soothed him a little, and he managed a small smile for Runar, to make up for his mood in the morning.
As usual, Runar beamed back at him, clearly happy with the little sign of comfort Yves was half-forcing.
Runar led the way down to the sea. A path was already trudged through the snow, up the cliffs, as if people had taken this walk before.
For a while, they walked silently. Yves knew Runar was going slow for the sake of his useless short legs, but he tried to focus on the sound of the sea, the soft cries of the birds soaring above them.
Eventually, Runar said, »You haven’t been talking much.« Before Yves could figure out how the simple statement made him feel - too much -, he added, »Less than usual, I mean. I - don’t want to push you, s̸̶̢͘͟͠w͏̵̢̡͟͡ę̛͟҉͢҉é̷̷̸̢͢t̷̨̧̨̕͝h҉̴̴̵̨͝e̡̧͘͟͢͝a̷̢͟͝҉̶r̸҉̵̀̀̕t̷̨̛̕͢͡. But I thought… maybe you’ve been holding back something? You can talk to me, no matter what.«
»I know,« Yves whispered. Not only that, Runar was the only person he could talk to. Well, there were the weavers. But with them, their probably not being interested piled on top of him not wanting to be a bother.
He felt Runar’s eyes on him, and he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until Yves gave him something. »I’m just so tired. I - I haven’t been sleeping well.« It felt like a confession.
It also felt like a lie, being such a small part of the truth.
Runar stayed quiet. It hadn’t been enough.
Yves shouldn’t feel upset about it. Runar was trying to help. But he did, and for the first time in many weeks, he asked, »What do you want?« He regretted it the moment the words left his mouth, sounding much snappier than he had intended.
Runar paused and looked at him, not angry, never angry, just concerned. Yves looked away. At least being up here gave him ample opportunity to let his gaze wander across the sea. He was tired of being looked at this way.
»I want you to be happy,« Runar answered finally, his voice quiet. Yves couldn’t hold back an ugly, desperate laugh. »I mean - I know that’s a bit much to ask, for now. But I want you to feel better.«
Yves felt tears burning in his eyes and made sure to keep them averted. »I don’t - I don’t want to be like this! I’m s-so weak. I’m pathetic.« His throat constricted over the word, and the tears fell. He fought the truth of it for so long, even as it tunnelled into his mind, one repetition after another. But it was true, wasn’t it? He was safe, and cared for, and all his soul could respond with was unfounded fear and powerless anger. Was there anything more pathetic than that?
»You’re not. That’s not true, Yves.«
Yves turned to face him, and again, that awful, insolent, pointless spark of anger flared. He didn’t want to be babied. He didn’t want white lies.
It dissolved when he looked into Runar’s face. For once, it wasn’t carefully soft and oh-so-understanding; there was a hardness in his eyes Yves had rarely seen, underlining the familiar earnest look.
Yves broke down into sobs, hugging himself. »Maybe that’s - this is just what I deserve. I should - have known better-« He hadn’t quite realized how close they were to each other, but suddenly, he found himself collapsed into Runar’s arms.
Runar held him until his sobs quieted down. The sun on its too-short trajectory was already setting by the time he pulled himself together. He wasn’t even sure whether he felt better or worse for having caved into the hug.
He stood and pulled back from Runar’s arms, which easily let him go.
Runar would never hold him against his will.
He wiped his eyes, looking away again; trying to look collected. It was so hard. Why did everything always have to be so hard?
»Let’s go home, shall we?« Runar gently proposed, and Yves just nodded.
As they turned to slowly make their way back into the village, Runar continued, »You deserve to be happy and free and live the life you want. That’s what I believe.« More quietly, he added, »I’ll believe it for you, if you can’t.«
Yves hugged himself. He didn’t want to argue - he couldn’t. And maybe… but he was being silly, again.
Runar paused, waiting for the response that didn’t come before he went on. »What kind of life do you want? I never asked.«
Yves hesitated, his throat closing up as he thought about the question. He was silent long enough for Runar to add, »I mean, you don’t have to tell me, that’s not what I-«
»I wanted to be a« - was there a word for knight? - »a warrior. Like them.« He laughed at himself before Runar could; he shouldn’t have said that. He had heard it from Ergis and the other knights often enough, he didn’t have to hear it from Runar, he shouldn’t have said that-
»You have the heart for it,« Runar said warmly, and when Yves stared at him, he had a smile on his lips.
»Don’t mock me!« Yves didn’t know what got into him to give him the sheer nerve to shout at the warrior, but he couldn’t stand this, not now, couldn’t endure it when it came with such mock friendliness. This was ridiculous, and there was no way Runar didn’t know it.
He backed away from Runar, only to stumble into the snow. Up here on the cliffs, the wind had cleared it to a layer just deep enough to hit him right in the back of the knees when he reached the side of the path, and he fell backwards, landing in the middle of it with a soft crunch. More tears welled up with the humiliation, overlaid with the vivid memory of snowy days with them.
He struggled to get back up before Runar, all concerned, reached out for him. He didn’t succeed. For a moment, he considered just ignoring the hand helpfully extended toward him - »Yves! Here, let me help you« - but then he took it anyway.
He couldn’t look at Runar. Melting snow wormed its way under his scarf, and the sensation brought a stark dread with it for which there was no longer a reason.
If there was any way to underline how false Runar’s words had been, this was it.
»Are you okay?«
Yves wordlessly started back on the way to the village. He was still crying - why was he always crying? There was no more reason to. He was pathetic.
He heard Runar follow him hurriedly, as if he were worried to let him out of his sight. »I didn’t mean to - startle you or - I didn’t mean to mock you. I meant what I said.«
Yves didn’t know how to answer. There was no way he could believe it.
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areislol · 3 years
omgg will u do dilucs version of streamer au when they meet irl with reader?? <3 i love your blog!!
yes ofc i will!, and im glad that you're enjoying/loving my blog ^^ streamer! diluc x reader recommend listening to: just a cloud away - pharrell williams
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• meeting you was one of the two things diluc had always imagined, he'd never thought that today was going to be the day you come and meet him irl. • diluc was really nervous when you called him to explain what time you were going to be there - it felt like everything that was happened right now was an illusion. • you calling diluc and asking if you two wanted to meet up, him agreeing, you telling him that you would be there in a few hours made his heart skip a beat - whether he was imagining this or not. • you've always imagined what it would be like to stay at diluc's place, would it be fun?(ofc it would be, it's diluc here hello????), would diluc even allow you? • to get rid of your worries, you decide to ask diluc. "hey diluc? can i ask you something rq?" "mhm, what's up y/n?" "well- uh, i've been wondering.. is it okay if we meet up?? like, we've known each other for quite some time now. you dont have to agree!! i was just thinking.." • this was a great opportunity to meet you irl!! who wouldn't want to meet you irl anyway? diluc mumbled a "sure", he didnt want to sound too excited as it might make you assume some stuff. • you couldn't see it but, diluc was smiling the whole entire time you was planning everything over phone - diluc found it cute when you kept on rambling and rambling over this and that and etc etc. • "oh sorry diluc- was i talking to much?" "nope, keep going y/n." "oh, okay! if you say so." • now, instead of listening to you talking over the phone - he could actually listen to you talk irl, to see you. he had longed for this for how long again? • once you text diluc that you would be there in just 30 minutes, diluc responded with a "okay, see you soon" but if only you saw how excited yet nervous he was. • diluc's house was neat and clean, he doesn't like messy things. but yet he still went on to vacuum and clean his house once more. • while washing his hands, he heard a knock on his door - it had to be you. who else would it be? • to confirm this, he looked over the counter and spotted his phone, one new message: it was by you. • "hey diluc!! im outside :) lol that sounds creepy.." diluc chuckled at your text, he cleared this throat and made his way to the door, opening it - he caught a small glimpse of your hair, and then your full face. • you stood there, looking beautiful as ever. diluc was at a loss for words, you chuckled "you're red diluc, it isn't cold inside your house is it?" your words brought him back to reality, it really was you. your voice and everything.. • you welcomed yourself in as you knew diluc was going to be like that for a while, you looked around and observed your surroundings. • after that, you and diluc sat down and started talking, it went from awkwardness to you two full on laughing hysterically. • diluc thought that this interaction would be awkward, but nope - it was far from that. he got along with you pretty quickly - even though you both have known each other forever, this was your first time interacting with each other irl, not on ft, not on discord chatting, none of that. it was just you and him. • diluc and you would play games together and stream them so his viewers dont feel left out. • you guys make so many treats and drinks!! hot choco, cakes, cupcakes, pizza, and so much more!! • people make so much ship edits of you two.. it's kind of unbearable but oh well. • it's a shame that you're only staying there for a bit :(
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if you do go, diluc would miss u sm more :( a/n: if u enjoyed this pls go check out my other genshin hcs/like + follow + reblogs r appreciated!! note: THIS TOOK ME FOREVER?? ANYWAYS IM ABOUT TO GO TO SLEEP SO... TAKE CARE!! <3 ily guys so so much.
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stuckysdaughter · 3 years
Kinktober 2021
Day 25 - Breeding Kink with Logan Delos
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Summary: You caught Logan's eye from the second he saw you. He just knew he had to have you and make you his. You'd seen him a few times since then, enjoying the feel of each other. Tonight he was going to show you just how much he wanted you.
TW: 18+, explicit, smut, language
Tagging: @eginv-blog @rachlovesactors @my-day6
He pushed you against the wall of his room, claiming your lips in a searing kiss. His hand hiked up your long skirt, and he could see how soaked your panties were.
"So wet, and I haven't even touched you yet. You want me to fuck you, princess?"
"Y-yes, Logan..." Your brain was slowly turning to mush, not able to form full sentences. "I need you..."
He growled lowly, and he nipped at your earlobe. "That's all I needed to hear."
He quickly undid his belt buckle, shucking off the offending article of clothing. He roughly spun you around and unzipped your dress, ripping your corset off. You were now in just your bra and panties, while he had his shirt and boxers. You pawed at his shirt, but Logan grabbed your wrists to stop you.
"Ah ah ah... no touching, doll."
You swallowed thickly, all the breath leaving your body. Logan smirked, and slowly undid the buttons of his white shirt. The anticipation of what was to come was driving you crazy, but soon enough you both were in just your underwear.
Logan grabbed you by the hips, and kissed you, leading you to the bed. The back of your thighs hit the bed, and you bent over backward with Logan still on top of you. You broke apart only to climb on the bed, Logan nestling his body between your legs. He had a wolfish grin on his face, clearly plotting something that you didn't quite know yet.
"I'm gonna fuck you so deep and make sure you get pregnant. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Carrying my child so everyone knows you're mine."
"Yes, Logan... I want you to fill me with your seed..."
He groaned, and you could see his erection straining against its confines. He ripped off your bra, your panties not far behind. He buried his face in your chest, leaving open-mouthed kisses to the skin between your breasts. Your hands tangled in his hair, and you pulled him up to you, your lips locking together.
He broke the kiss, biting and sucking a trail from your neck to your stomach. You knew it would leave marks by the morning, but you didn't care. Soon you'd have a bigger mark left behind from your lover.
Logan slid his way down your body, until he was eye level with your dripping arousal. He gripped your thighs, and leaned in closer. His tongue darted out, licking a long stripe up your slit. He groaned at the taste, loving how sweet you were. His tongue dived between your folds, and the moan you let out was absolutely sinful. His mouth latched on to your cunt, sucking on you like his life depended on it.
"Ohh, Logan... stop teasing and just fuck me already."
He stopped on the spot, his brow arching. "Oh, is that what you want?" His tone was light and teasing, but you knew you were on thin ice if you kept this up.
You nodded, and he simply smirked. "Alright then. If that's what you want."
Logan sat back on his heels, and swung off the side of the bed. He pulled down his boxers, his hardened length springing free. Now fully naked, he climbed back on top of you. He hovered over your entrance, and it took one buck of his hips for him to be fully sheathed inside you. He didn't wait for you to adjust like normal, jackhammering into you. Logan groaned as your walls tightened around him, helping him reach his climax.
"Fuck, Y/N... you're gonna look so fucking sexy carrying my seed. They say pregnant women glow, baby you'll fucking shine like the sun."
"Logan... 'm so close..."
"Cum for me, doll..."
You came on the spot, gushing around his cock. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head in ecstasy. Your head tilted back, and Logan took the opportunity to latch on to your throat. He kissed it, and moved over to the crook of your neck. A few more thrusts and he was coming too, painting your walls with his cum. He lazily rolled his hips as he came down, working himself through his high.
Finished, he collapsed next to you, rolling you onto your side. He pressed a hot kiss to your lips, gently biting your lower lip.
"How does it feel, my cum leaking out of you? Knowing that you'll be a mother?"
You kissed him again, your tongues dancing as they intertwined. "So fucking good, baby. It feels so fucking good."
Author's Notes: Ok, I admit this one got a bit away from me. I also admit I've never written for Logan before, so I hope I did him justice. From the little knowledge I have, I thought this prompt was fitting for him. If you liked the fic, please like, reblog, and comment. If you want to see something written in the future, my requests are open. I'm pretty sure anon is on, so feel free to send stuff in with no judgement! If you want to be tagged for a character (or everything) let me know and I'll add you to the taglist. I can't wait to hear what y'all have to say! I love you guys so much! - Butterfly
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Kinktober Day 7: Somnophilia (+Double Penetration - 2 holes)
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
Words: 2,397
Warnings: Somnophilia, double penetration, anal sex, sex toys (dildo + plug), dom!Roger, protected sex, light degradation (slut), edging
A/N: This was kind of inspired by a couple of different posts I saw on a (now deleted) porn blog. I’ve been wanting to do something with the concepts for a little while now and this seemed like the perfect opportunity!
I guess I was picturing 70s rog since its a flatmate/fwb type relationship but go nuts imagining whatever you want lmao
It hadn’t been Roger’s idea to set up a friends with bennefits type arrangement, but he’d liked the suggestion when you made it and before the end of the night was out you’d sealed the deal, so to speak. He’d been a touch tispy at the time, as had you, but when he woke up in your bed the next morning he hadn’t believed it to be a mistake, even if you were his flatmate. And so the arrangement (or as Roger dubbed it, The Fuckbuddy Pact) stuck. In an effort to make sure neither of you would feel weird about what happened and to avoid anything becoming too much like a relationship, Roger suggested that you should get all your kinks and weird fetishes out into the open straight away. 
“That way we’ll both know what we’re in for from the jump,” he said, looking at you from the opposite end of the couch, “None of that getting to know you shit, or taking our time. We’re both here for sex so let’s just figure out what sex we’ll both like and get straight into it, right?”  “Sounds excellent,” you’d said, cheersing his bottle of beer with your glass.   It was how he’d discovered your interest in somnophilia (a term he’d not heard before and had needed a thorough explanation of). But once he knew what it was, Roger had been keen to try it out with you. There were other things too but the somnophilia was the newest to him and, thus, the most exciting. Before the month was out you’d figured out a system to incorproate it into your sex safely. The main rule was that if either of you was asleep and naked, it was okay to initiate sex. Eventually there ended up being a few exceptions or addendums added to that rule – it was still okay if the sleeping party wore a top of some kind as long as they were pantsless, and once or twice lingerie had been deemed to not count as clothes, but only on special occasions when you’d prearranged it. It became a regular part of your sex lives, which was especially useful for Roger who often didn’t get home from playing gigs until the early hours of the morning. If you were in bed and undressed, he’d take the opportunity to blow off some of the adrenaline without having to use his hand which was underwhelming compared to your cunt. But, more often than not, you’d do what most sexual partners did and got it out of your systems before bed time.  
Roger already suspected that you were hoping for a quick tumble when he heard the knock on his door, but he had other things on his mind too as he told you to come in.  “Hey, Rog, you busy?”  “Uhhh yeah, sorry, running late for rehearsals but I can’t find my fucking drumsticks,” Roger said, moving things around his desk as he searched for the missing sticks.   “Oh, damn.”  “Let me guess,” he said, pausing in the hunt and turning to face you, “horny?”  “My friend recommended a porn thing and I kinda got worked up.” You shrugged, unembarrassed to admit what you wanted.  That self-confidence was enough to make Roger wish he could stay and give you what you wanted but he was already late and couldn’t afford to be later. Instead he laughed and turned back to double check his backpack, “I would but, I’m leaving as soon as I fin- Aha! Bloody things must have rolled off the bed. Sorry, Y/N.”  “Oh, no worries. I’ll take care of myself.”  He smiled at the thought, “Well I better go. See you tonight?”  “Yeah, see ya. Have fun.” 
It was later than he’d expected by the time Roger got home. Part of him (the part in his pants mostly) vaguely wondered if you’d still be up for something but the bits of him controlled by his brain thought it more likely that you’d have had a nice couple of orgasms on your own and called it a night. Still, he thought he might at least check in on you once he’d dropped his bag in his room. To his surprise though, his bed wasn’t empty like it should have been. He jumped when the light from the hall softly illuminated you, on your back and deep asleep, but his shock quickly turned to delight as he realised you were naked.   “You little minx,” he muttered under his breath, impressed by the invitation you were giving him. But as he walked closer he paused again, noticing something he hadn’t been able to see from the doorway. There, beside your hand, was your favourite glass dildo, as if you’d passed out after using it.  “Oh you are naughty,” Roger chuckled. He traced one hand down your body, between your breasts and over your stomach, and softly said your name, checking if you’d rouse. But you were deep asleep and not likely to wake up any time soon. A plan for what to do with you forming, Roger stepped away from you for a moment to strip down to his briefs. His cock was already beginning to stir at the sight of you. He reached out to touch you again, less cautiously this time, palming your breasts before dipping his hand lower and lower, down to your cunt, pleased to find you still wet from whatever you’d been doing before you fell asleep.  You let out a soft hum as he explored you, thumb teasing over your clit as he wet his fingers between your folds.   Roger paused at the sound, not ready for you to wake up yet, but once it was clear you were still asleep he sank two fingers into you. Slowly they penetrated your heat, pausing to make sure the sensation hadn’t roused you at all. But you slept on. Carefully Roger partially withdrew his fingers before sinking them in again, gradually working up to a consistent thrust that had your unconscious body sighing and spreading your legs wider.   “Good girl,” he whispered, watching you carefully. The hall light was still on but his door wasn’t open fully so the darkness was only dimmed slightly. He twisted his fingers inside you, easily finding the spots that usually made you scream his name but which now just made your eyebrows knit together. By this point in your relationships Roger was quite confident that he could understand your body. He’d made you cum enough times, awake and asleep, to know what you liked and just how much you liked it. And he knew what it looked like when you were close to orgasm. Which is how he knew to stop, to still his fingers and wait for you to calm down.  
There was no real reason to edge you. If anything it just made it more likely you’d wake before he’d got his dick wet. But he had fun with it. Watching the way you’d shift, your chest rising and falling more rapidly, your lips parted as whimpers fell from them, your hips automatically rolling to meet his hand. And then he’d stop again. It made him chuckle quietly to himself. Knowing he could control your body so easily was thrilling. It made him want to do it more. So as soon as your face had relaxed again, your limbs loose and limp, he’d settle into the rhythm once more, curious how much you’d take before you woke up and begged him to finish you off. It was tempting to just keep going. He pictured you waking with a moan, your first words a plea for release or better yet for his cock so he could fuck you properly. Roger groaned. In the time he’d taken to edge you a handful of times his dick had well and truly stiffened and, as much as he enjoyed toying with you, what he really wanted was to cum in you so when you woke you’d know you’d been used. With that thought in mind he withdrew his fingers fully, taking a second to suck them clean and enjoy your taste. Having you on his tongue just made him want to fuck you more so he carefully knelt between your legs, shifting one to give himself a better angle. He was moments from finally taking what he so wanted to take from you, when something caught his eye.  
It didn’t glint as much as it did in the day but he could see it’s outline all the same. And when he double checked that he wasn’t imaging it, pressing his thumb against the hard end of it, you groaned.   “A dildo and a butt plug?” He asked you, knowing you wouldn’t respond, “Is that a surprise for me? Or is it just because nothing satisfies you like I do?” Roger’s hand slipped down to his underwear, pushing his briefs down enough that he could get his cock out. He hissed as he spread his precum along his length, contemplating how he should use you. “Could fuck your cunt now and hope you stay asleep long enough for me to get back there. Or maybe I should just go all in, have your arse straight away. That’ll mean wearing a condom though. Or would it?” he shook his head, now was not the time to try anal raw for the first time, “No, condom definitely.” He was still trying to decide what to do when you shifted in your sleep, rolling onto your side. The new position you lay in made it much easier to reach your arsehole.  “That decides it then,” Roger said to himself, shedding his underwear and opening his bedside draw for his lube.  
Carefully, he settled himself behind you and slowly began to remove your plug. It took a few stops and starts, pulling out and sinking in, almost fucking you with it, as you whimpered in your sleep but you seemed to press yourself back towards him as if trying to encourage him.   “Just can’t get enough of me, can you?” he chuckled as he set the plug aside and spread the lube around your hole. He rolled the condom down his shaft and spread the lube along it too, humming at the slick friction of his hand, knowing he was about to feel something a hundred thousand times better. And then he lined himself up, pushing the head of his cock into the ring of muscles you’d so generously stretched out with your plug. He went slowly there too, partially so you’d sleep on and partially so he wouldn’t cum embarrassingly fast.   When he finally began to fuck you, you moaned into your pillow, able to feel it in your sleep.   Roger bit his lip to keep his own moan from getting too loud.  You moved in your sleep again, your legs opening more as you half rolled onto your front. It let Roger fuck you deeper and gave him better access to your pussy too.  “You’re a bit of a whore when you’re alseep,” he said softly, reaching for the dildo. You were still wet enough that it sank into you easily, like it remembered where it had been earlier and fit into your cunt perfectly. The way you lay meant he didn’t have what he’d call easy access to you but it was enough that he could thrust the dildo somewhat rhythmically. He faltered here and there as the feeling of fucking you distracted him but he didn’t feel too bad about the slips, knowing it was keeping you from reaching your release. Your sleepy sighs and moans got louder as he filled both your holes which just made him fuck you harder, enjoying the sounds you were making and wanting to hear more.  
You woke with a broken moan in your throat, jerking under Roger’s hands but he shushed you, his palms warm against your skin and his voice familiar and reassuring.   “Stay right there, baby. Being such a good set of holes for me to enjoy.”  You couldn’t do much more than moan again, dazed from the sudden way you’d been pulled back to consciousness and realising what you’d felt in your dreams had been very real indeed.   “This was what you wanted wasn’t it? When you fell asleep in my bed.”  You nodded, the sound of the fabric of the pillowcase loud against your ear.  “Uh uh, words Love. If you’re going to be a slut the least you can do is admit it.”  “Yes, Rog. Want-wanted this.”  “Good girl. And how do you feel now?”  “Oh god, close. So close.”  Roger slowed the pace of the dildo, putting more effort into thrusting into you, his hips slapping loudly against your skin.   You keened at the loss of friction.  “Slut-s don’t com-complain.” Roger grunted as he used you, “They t-ake what they’re giv-en.”  You whined but that just made Roger laugh, louder now you were awake but broken by groans and moans of his own.   It didn’t take much more for him to cum, stuttering out, “Fu-ck Y-Y/N,” as he did.  
Roger was panting as he eased himself out of your arsehole, replacing his cock with the plug and giving your hip a light tap of thanks. The dildo was still inside you, but he’d not been moving it at all as he reached his climax so it wasn’t much help.   “Did you cum?” he asked, his breathing still heavy as he flopped onto the mattress beside you.  You shook your head and sighed, “And after I waited here all night to surprise you too. Thought you’d be home sooner.”  “Is that why you had the toys? You got bored waiting for me?”  “No, I was expecting you to come home while I was using them. Only then I came and fell asleep.”  "Of course,” Roger laughed, “you still got your shag though, don’t know why you’re complaining.”  “I’m really fucking horny still, that’s bloody why. What are you smirking about?”  “Nothing. Just nice to know edging you in your sleep works just as well as when you’re awake.”  “Prick!” you squealed though unable to contain your smile at the idea.  “Don’t worry. Give me a few minutes to clean up and get my stamina back and then I’ll make you cum as many times as you want.” 
Taglist: @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini
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nev3rfound · 3 years
the other widow : b.b
natasha may have left what she once knew behind when she became an avenger, but there is still so much more to learn about her sister who escaped the red room with the help of a certain metal armed soldier. (3k)
masterlist / permanent taglist / etsy shop - requests open!
requested: yes! this has been a long awaited idea from @ateliefloresdaprimavera i hope you like it love :) warnings: mentions of violence, blood, nightmares. obviously, I haven't seen the black widow movie so this is just my interpretation!
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
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In another life, things might've been different for you. Perhaps, you could have left your home country and followed many your age in their quest to find a better life in America or Europe. You might have met someone, a kind man who took care of you, who loved you deeply.
That would have been nice, in another lifetime. But it wasn't reality, at least, not yours.
Your reality was living in a world plagued by nightmares, of what was done to you for many years. It hurt to blink as you saw yourself, lying back on that table as Doctors crowded around you, muttering about the success of their work.
"No, she's still out there," Your ears perk up at the conversation behind you. The kitchen window remains open whilst you sit outside, tugging at the rose petals from the rose bush. It always was too pretty. Pretty things aren't designed to last for long.
Melina sighs heavily into her phone, glancing away from the window. "What do you expect me to do? She doesn't go anywhere." Disappointment laces her tone combined with the tiredness of her mind. She's been trying for months to encourage you to go out, further than the land you live on.
Faintly you can hear the other end of the conversation, Melina always had a habit of keeping her phone on speaker. "I might visit soon." That is all you managed to hear, but it was enough for you to drop the remainder of the rose and crush the petals beneath your feet.
"Oh good, you're awake." A pair of gloves snap against his wrists, causing you to flinch in your seat. "Now, Y/n, there's no point trying to struggle, you know what happened last time." Doctor Yeznik reminds you with a twisted smile, waiting for you to nod.
"They deserved it." You dare to mutter, only to hear Yeznik chuckle before he turns back to face you, gripping your face in his hand.
"And you deserve this." He seethes, stabbing a needle into your arm before you can fight back. "No one is coming to save you, Y/n, never forget that." Yeznik whispers, watching as your eyes begin to droop until you're unable to fight the urge to sleep.
Rising to your feet, you can feel a smile ghost your lips at the sight of a Blue Tit perching on the edge of the birdbath. One of his wings isn't quite right, and as you approach it, it remains perfectly still.
Holding your hands out, you ignore the scars from the restraints still marking your wrists and forearms. "I won't hurt you," You tell the bird as it dips its head into the water, shaking the excess off. "I can help you, little one." You add quietly, only to watch the bird retreat and fly away uneasily.
"There's always next time." Melina calls out from the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Yeah," You nod, lowering your arms and bury your hands into your pockets. "if it makes it through the night without being able to fly far."
Entering the kitchen, you pass Alexei in silence, despite him turning his head to speak up.
Once out of sight, Alexei averts his attention to Melina who simply shakes her head. "She's still working on recovering." Melina sighs, taking a seat opposite the broad man. "The, the red room got worse after Natasha escaped."
"You don't have to explain," Alexei waves her off, aware of you standing at the top of the stairs, listening in due to the creak of the floorboards. "it'll take time."
"I just don't know if that's something we have." Melina comments, passing a burner phone to Alexei with a text message on display.
Shifting in his seat, Alexei looks back at Melina before crushing the phone in his grasp. "We'll do what we can." He mutters before silence ensues and the pressure from the floorboard beneath your feet eases as you return to your needed solitude.
Opening your eyes, you knew something was off, something was different within the house.
Underneath your pillow, you grab ahold of your gun before traipsing out from your room which remains in permanent darkness.
As you exit your bedroom, light tries to seep through the gap in the door but you quietly close it, keeping the darkness concealed from the light.
Avoiding any creaking floorboards, you keep your gun aimed at all times before the faint sound of laughter catches your attention from downstairs. It was a rarity to hear anything joyous in the household, mostly arguments occurred or stories of fights Alexei shares that you can recite from memory if you were ever asked.
But this was different, something lighthearted shared for a brief moment before you turn the corner and hover by the kitchen doorway seeing all the seats taken at the table, Melina's now taken by a redhead.
"This is a surprise." You speak up, placing your gun on the counter, now catching everyone's attention.
Smiling to Yelena, Natasha quickly turns around in her chair, leaning her arm over the back. "Hey sis," She greets you, her accent replaced by an American version. "long time no see, huh?"
Everyone in the room remains still, waiting for you to make the first move like a scared animal. You'll either scarper or approach with caution, and even at that moment, you're unsure which route you'll take.
"What brings you back here?" You ask, crossing your arms over your chest as you remain standing, despite Alexei rising to his feet and offering you his chair.
"There's some unfinished business I have to deal with." Natasha states, and Yelena motions for you to come closer whilst Natasha has her back turned.
"And we're being dragged into it somehow?" You're quick to comment, remembering the last time it happened which resulted in your previous home being burnt to the ground and Natasha vanishing into thin air once more.
Rising to her feet, Natasha walks over to the doorway leading into the garden. She doesn't wait for you to follow, but she knows eventually you will.
"She means well, Y/n." Yelena tells you whilst playing with a knife, jabbing it against the table despite Melina swatting it away.
Humming to yourself, you force your feet forward until you're outside, listening to the peaceful presence of nature.
Whilst you're in your own world temporarily, Natasha can't help but take the opportunity to observe you, notice the changes since she last saw you. Melina explained the nightmares you've been having of late, how you wake up clawing at your own skin until it bleeds and you clutching onto a pillow, tearing into the cotton with ease as you sob.
You look visibly drained, that much Natasha can tell. She knew she should've brought you with her, away to America the last time she was here, but there wasn't enough time. She watched you from afar as the building fell into itself, devoured by the flames and you looking around for your sister, nowhere to be seen.
"There's a little blue tit who visits daily now," You begin to explain, opening your eyes as they remain trained on the empty birdbath. "he's got a damaged wing, can't fly very far but he always visits." Moving closer to the bath, you can see the reflection of other birds flying above in groups. One or two flies further back from the others, flapping their wings in desperation to not be left behind; something you know all too well.
As your hands rest on the birdbath, Natasha can see the scars across your skin clearly.
"Y/n, I never got a chance to apologise last time I was here," Natasha begins, stepping closer toward you, yet you seem oblivious to her words.
"And I hope at some point he'll let me help him, mend him back to his best so he can fly away." Your lips rise for a second at the thought before returning to a straight line, now allowing yourself to process Natasha's statement. "You don't need to apologise, Nat."
"But I do, Y/n." Natasha urges as she resists reaching out for your hand, knowing no one touches you anymore unless they dare risk a broken bone or two. "I should've found you in there and taken you with me. You were still a child, I,"
"I don't blame you, sister." Turning to face her, you force yourself to smile, an attempt to reassure her as she frowns deeply. "The only person I blame for everything is Yeznik." You can't help but shudder, hearing his voice in the back of your mind, one of the many who taunts you in your sleep.
"That's why I'm here." Natasha states.
You can't stop the scoff from leaving your lips. "You can't be serious, Natasha." Yet, you watch your sister nod immediately. "Do you want to get yourself killed?"
"I could ask you the same thing." She retorts, catching you off guard. "Don't think I don't know about the truth behind your escape, Y/n."
"What are you talking about?" You question, knowing better than to confess to your sister of all people. "I escaped that hell hole on my own. Killed several guards in the process and escaped with nine bullet wounds." You remind her, lifting your shirt to show the bullet wound scars that never properly healed.
"But you didn't escape from the Red Room. You escaped during a mission." She explains, watching your expression falter for half a second, but it was enough for her to know you're lying.
Shaking your head, you back away toward the small hutch hidden beneath an oak tree that currently houses three rabbits.
"That is preposterous, even for me, Natasha." You chuckle, opening the hutch and reach for the number one who happily hops out and stands beside you.
Looking away from you, Natasha can see the three others watching closely from the kitchen window. She can see Yelena mouthing something, but rolls her eyes when Natasha shakes her head.
"The Winter Soldier." Yelena marches over, causing you to tense up and the rabbit hops back into the hutch as you gently lock it once more. "Remember him, Y/n?"
"His name is Bucky." You mutter under your breath before slowly standing up. "And don't you dare talk about him." You spit at Yelena who spares Natasha a look.
"You helped each other escape, didn't you?" Natasha pushes her question, and this time to her surprise you don't object.
"Follow me," You sigh, walking around the garden to a set of stairs, leading you to the rooftop filled with trees and plants.
Admiring the greenery, Natasha hesitantly follows behind you.
"You going to stand there all day or sit down?" Raising a brow to Natasha, she breathes out a laugh and sits down on one of the seats dotted around that isn't taken by a plant.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Natasha leans forward, resting her forearms on her thighs and you mirror her action.
"Yes." You mutter. "But I can't remember everything it, part of it I blocked out." You admit, feeling your leg already beginning to shake beneath you.
"You will be accompanied this time, Y/n." Your tutor, Ms Ivanov tugs on your ponytail forcefully whilst you remain seated.
"I don't need company." Tugging your head forward, her fingers fall through the ends of your hair and she hums in response. "I'm capable of this myself."
Ms Ivanov chuckles under her breath before standing in front of your desk, resting her hands on the sides as her eyes fixate on yours. "That might be so, but not this time." Pushing her hands from your desk, Ivanov nods to the closed door.
Within seconds someone is forced through the metal frame with a bag covering their face. They're of a large build, but your eyes widen at the sight of metal making up their left arm.
"Is it?" Your question leaves your lips before you've fully thought about what this means, and Ivanov smirks.
Stepping toward the concealed figure, she tugs the sheet from their face, revealing a mass of brown hair.
He lifts his head up and stares at you immediately those pensive blue eyes you've heard whispers of. He fights against his restraints as two guards stand behind him with loaded guns.
"There will be plenty of time for that, soldat." Ivanov laughs, patting his metal arm. "Now, Y/n. It's time to go."
"I don't know what happened on that mission. But when I woke up, I, I was free." Unable to look at your sister, your focus lies on the breeze weaving through the branches of the trees.
Natasha leans forward, wishing she could tell you everything she knew. "You saved each other, Y/n." She speaks up, remembering the last time she saw him, a broken shell of the man he once was, his demeanour mirroring yours.
"I guess," You shrug. "but after everything, I, I have no idea what happened to him. I, I don't even know if he's still," Pursing your lips, the word never leaves as you curl your arms toward your stomach.
Looking toward the others, Natasha sighs at their disapproving glares. She knows they mean well, that they are practically family. But you're the only true blood family Natasha has left, and she can't lie to you anymore, not this time.
Standing in Wakanda, Bucky smiled truly for the first time in years. He was no longer plagued by the fear of becoming the Winter Soldier. He was finally free of it all.
But he still had a long way to go, to make amends for those he hurt, and amongst everyone, there was you. His Black Widow, Y/n.
"Hey, Barnes." Natasha stands beside him, looking out at the vast farmland that surrounds them. She can't help but think how much you would love to be somewhere like this, somewhere that is peaceful, tranquil.
"Hello, Natasha." Bucky turns to face the redhead, having not spoken to her since he was under Zemo's control. "I erm, I would like to apologise for everything I did, and for hurting you all those years ago." Bucky explains, and Natasha patiently listens, allowing him to get his full speech out. "And for what they made me do in," Furrowing his brows together, Natasha clears her throat.
"We don't have to talk about that." She tells him as she reaches into her pocket, taking out a folded piece of paper, well worn. "I wanted to ask you something before anyone knows where I am."
"Okay?" Bucky answers uneasily, tugging on the cloth that covers the remainder of his left shoulder.
Unfolding the piece of paper, Bucky can see a glimpse of a black and white photo.
"Here," Natasha holds the photograph out, face down to Bucky who hesitantly accepts. She watches intently as he turns the photograph over and can't help but smile as his breath hitches in his throat.
"Y/n." Bucky looks up to Natasha who simply nods.
"I was wondering if you'd remember her." Natasha crosses her arms over her chest, trying to hide the smirk forming on her face and amusement in her tone.
A playful scoff leaves Bucky's lips. "How could I forget her?" He thinks aloud. "I could never forget the person who helped me escape, who, who," 'Helped me realise I'm still human despite everything I've done.' Bucky thinks to himself, remembering the night before he left you as you lay in his arms whilst he listened to your soft reassurances. "Do you know where she is?" He tries to hide the hope in his voice, but it's useless.
"Yes." Natasha answers. "Y/n Romanoff." She states, and Bucky stares blankly at Natasha for a moment, before a light laugh leaves his lips.
"I shoulda known." He sighs dramatically. "Makes a lot of sense now." Bucky mutters, but Natasha doesn't pry. "Is, is she with you?" He glances past her, toward the jet she came on, but Natasha shakes her head.
"She's safe, in Russia." Natasha explains as she walks alongside Bucky toward the lake. "But she prefers the company of animals over people these days."
"Makes two of us then." Bucky comments. "I, I promised I'd find her." Allowing his mind to drift as the lake ripples, Bucky pictures your sleeping form in his arms minutes before he left you. He whispered you a promise, one he has yet to fulfil.
"Then let me help you keep that promise." Natasha places her hand on his arm gently, and Bucky snaps out from his thoughts. "I know you're still healing, and she is too. But I'll come back, Barnes."
Bucky nods. "Thank you, Natasha."
"James Barnes," Natasha slowly interrupts your prolonged silence. "is still alive, he, he's healing, but he remembers you, Y/n."
You reach out and take Natasha's hand in yours. For a moment, you simply stare, void of emotion before tightening your grip, beginning to crush her fingers whilst Natasha remains stoic.
"Don't lie to me, Nat." You tell her, keeping your eyes locked on hers.
"I'm not lying, Y/n." She responds, ignoring the pain you're inflicting before your grip begins to ease, but she doesn't pull away immediately. "He made you a promise, didn't he?"
"I, I don't know." You admit sadly, looking down at your lap, faintly hearing his voice in the back of your mind fighting through the horrid memories engrained there from the red room.
"He did, Y/n." Natasha asserts herself. "Would you like to see him?"
"I think so." You answer honestly as you uncurl your body and sit upright. "But only once this is over. Once Yeznik is gone. I don't want to be haunted anymore, Nat."
This time, Natasha extends her hand, taking yours in hers delicately.
"Okay, sis." She breathes out, helping you to your feet. "Let's get started."
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
I'm OBSESSED with your writing and your stories, I'm so glad I found your blog, now I always have something new to read!! ❤️❤️❤️
I remember watching you blitz through the blog, leaving likes on a lot of the stories. It really made my day! Now, who knows how many months late, I bring you some silly Witchers and their mutagens.
Kaer Morhen’s Open Door Policy
When Jaskier was invited to Kaer Morhen, he’d thought the open door policy that Geralt mentioned meant that anyone was welcome to stay for the winter. It warmed his heart that the Wolves were so welcoming and generous with their winter lodgings. What Jaskier didn’t anticipate was that said open door policy was a literal thing. He arrived in Kaer Morhen with Geralt, they were stomping snow off their boots when someone rounded the corner at some speed. Slowing down, the man made a beeline for them.
“Lambert,” Geralt greeted before he was veritably bowled over in a hug. If Jaskier squinted, he could have sworn Geralt was given a long sniff and maybe even a lick, perhaps over the lips. But surely he must have seen wrong because Jaskier himself wasn’t given such a greeting.
Two more figures appeared and introductions were made to Eskel and Vesemir. It was quite nice really, even if a lonely winter with just the five of them. However, if gave Jaskier a chance to get used to the ways of the keep. Mostly, it was learning to leave doors open a crack and how to keep the hinges well oiled at all times. If he didn’t, it was guaranteed someone would turn up.
At first Jaskier had thought it was because he wasn’t trusted, not an accepted member of the pack. But that thought was quickly thrown out the window, especially when he was dragged into the cuddle piles in front of fires. Those were rather nice, if a little too warm and sweaty for his liking. Yet, every single time he forgot about keeping a door open, whenever it snicked shut behind him or clicked open as he stepped through, within ten seconds one of the other residents appeared. Usually it was Lambert, rounding the corner at quite a pace even as he tried to make it look like he hadn’t dropped everything and run. It was rather offensive in a way, at least that was what Jaskier thought until he was sat quietly in the library, Lambert browsing for something when his head snapped up all of a sudden and he was off at full pelt. That wasn’t the first time Jaskier saw him running. On more than one occasion Lambert almost bowled him over in corridors as he rushed towards whatever he had heard.
“Doors,” Geralt had explained quietly one night. “If we hear a door open or close, there’s this overwhelming urge to go see who it is, what had happened.”
Now that Jaskier knew, he paid more attention. Any door had Lambert running. Much more sedately, Eskel would usually follow, lumbering towards the source of the noise and trying desperately to look like he wasn’t doing exactly like Lambert. However, he had a weakness, as Jaskier discovered. The cupboard doors in the kitchen. If Jaskier, or anyone else for that matter, happened to go and look in one, Eskel was bound to bumble into the kitchen within a short space of time, looking bashfully hopeful. It was cute, Jaskier even started indulging and giving Eskel snacks because the way he softened and smiled at the offering was far too endearing.
“You’re only encouraging him,” Vesemir grumbled as he watched Jaskier hand Eskel half a slice of honey coated bread. Rather than argue, Jaskier gave Vesemir the other half, not commenting on how the old Wolf appeared for seemingly no reason in the kitchen. The treat certainly silenced him.
For a first winter, it was a good one. Jaskier was satisfied when he left that he was getting the hang of the odd open doors policy. It was the next winter that proved to test his patience. As well as the Wolves, there was a Cat there too. Haughty and aloof, Aiden spent most of his time perched up high somewhere. He slowly warmed up to Jaskier though, cautious at first. However, Aiden seemed to be rather fond of the open door policy, only ever opening or closing a door when he wanted attention. And that was rather frequently. More than once a day Lambert would go running because Aiden slammed a door somewhere, wanting to play.
It was all very well until Jaskier had to use the privy. That was one door that the Wolves learned not to run to. Even though Lambert still twitched, head swivelling it its direction before grumbling and returning to what he was doing. Jaskier was trying to just have a peaceful moment to relieve himself, a considerate two stalls down from an occupied booth when he heard someone else come in.
“Lamb?” Aiden’s voice drifted through the air, a little plaintive and lost.
“What?” Not all that unusual for Lambert to sound irritated.
“What are you doing?”
Jaskier’s eyebrows shot up at the question. What could Lambert be doing in the privy other than the obvious one of four things?
“I’m taking a shit.” Well, that answered which of the four it was but Jaskier could heard the sounds of a body leaning heavily against the door.
“Oh.” Aiden sounded almost disappointed. “I thought I heard some rustling like a snack being opened.”
“I promise I’m not fucking eating while taking a shit. Who eats in here anyway?” Grumbling, Lambert scoffed. “Don’t tell me, I bet it’s Geralt.”
Jaskier couldn’t hold his tongue anymore. “Geralt most certainly does not eat in the privy.”
The sound of a body moving and Jaskier knew Aiden was stood outside the door to his cubicle. “Jaskier. You’re in there.”
“No I’m not.”
For a moment there was confused silence before Lambert growled. “I swear Aiden, if you don’t leave us alone-” his threat was lost as Aiden moved back to Lambert’s door and there was an odd scratching sound. “No. Aiden. Don’t you dare. You can’t sit on my lap here! Not again. We almost broke it last time. Get out. Get out!”
The sound of a door being kicked shut and a huff from Aiden gave Jaskier a good idea of what had jut happened and he was scared to go out. However, not a minute later another voice joined the fray.
“What happened?” Eskel asked.
Jaskier buried his face in his hands in despair. So much for a peaceful piss.
The whole door thing was becoming quite ridiculous. Especially with Aiden slamming them to get Lambert’s attention. And then being offended whenever he encountered a closed door. Those were all gently knocked on and a head poked through if there was no answer. It meant nothing was private and Vesemir had to use a broom to get Aiden off the top of his wardrobe one evening when the Cat had gone missing all afternoon. He seemed to have no respect or care for anything, not when it came to prime napping spots.
It got to the stage that the common areas had their doors removed and Vesemir started hanging heavy furs in their place. Which did actually make the rooms warmer and there was no more needless running around. Though Eskel still bumbled into the kitchen in the hopes of a shared snack. Jaskier had rapidly cottoned on to the fact Vesemir fought such an urge in a novel and simple way. He was almost always either in the kitchen or within sight of it. So he could see if there was an opportunity for a snack without having to move. The old Wolf was clever, Jaskier had to give him that.
Some days, Jaskier did crave a bit of silence and solitude. Those were rare and far between days but they did happen. When they came, he took to wandering through the crumbling corridors of Kaer Morhen, trying to imagine what it had been like in its glory days. Quite amazing, he should think. So lost was he in his musings, Jaskier didn’t notice until too late that the floor wasn’t solid below his feet. It gave way and he fell with a yelp, landing awkwardly on his ankle. The pain was quite blinding, rendering him into a whimpering mess, throat tight and unable to call for help. Even when he managed to gather himself up, it didn’t seem to help. His voice just didn’t carry and the Wolves probably couldn’t hear him. It was cold, dark and Jaskier was in pain which made it difficult to think. There was a door not far from him and, in a moment of sheer desperation, he pulled himself towards it on shaking arms. Near enough, he reached for it and, with all his might, slammed it shut. It bounced open from the force and echoed through the room. Mustering up a little more energy, Jaskier shoved it again and the crack of door hitting frame made him wince. That would have to do. Jaskier managed to lie down, pillowing his head on his arms, shivering.
His hopes were answered when he heard the steady stomp of running feet skidding to a halt.
“The fuck?” There was the sound of a deep inhale as the area was scented. “Where you got to bard?”
“Down here,” Jaskier called back and squinted towards the hole he had fallen through. “My ankle.”
“Why would you do that? Wait. Never mind.” Lambert turned away and, a hand cupped against his cheek and lips he let out what could only be called a howl before his attention was back on Jaskier. “What did we tell you about wandering off?”
More feet, more people and Jaskier teared up in relief. He watched as Aiden hopped down the hole and took stock of the damage. A soft cry of pain left Jaskier as he was picked up and his ankle was jostled. In a few, seemingly easy, jumps, Aiden was passing Jaskier over to Geralt who cradled him against his chest. There was a still body-warm jacket draped over Jaskier and he burrowed into it, finding Eskel’s scent mixing with Geralt a comfort.
In the infirmary he was patched up, fussed over and, in the end, bundled into a pile in front of a fire where the others snuggled protectively up against him. By the next morning all the doors were back in place and Vesemir ground his teeth when Aiden slammed the kitchen one for Lambert’s attention.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
hello ! can I request a fic of mammon realizing the MC is kidnapped and being tortured so he goes on searching mode with his brothers and once they found MC, he would hold on to them for dear life because he's afraid he'll lose them again? please give it a lot of angst, I need to cry :)) also thank you so much for accepting requests again, can't tell you how much I love your writings and blog <3
I tried my best 💀 thank you so much ❤
Warning: angst, mentions of torture -> happy ending
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“I wondered how long until this would happen.” “Lucifer!” Mammon, for once, can’t believe his older brother. You had been missing for literal days. You spend the night with Simeon and Luke and then didn’t come home the next day and at first, everyone tried to justify it by saying that you decided to stay with them a little bit longer, except that, after the 3rd day, when Lucifer called Simeon to confirm your whereabouts, they found out that that was not true. They searched the whole house, frantically running up and down the stairs and opening the many doors that led to various rooms. All of RAD and part of the Devildom’s downtown streets were also searched and still, no luck. Mammon was freaking everyone out even more with his inability to stand still and think straight for even a moment. “Mammon!” But even yelling their brother’s name and threatening him did little to calm him down. He’s thinking the worst and can’t see a scenario of where you’re not dead. “What if they’re dead, Lucifer!? What we gonna do then…?!” The worst part was that besides saying that they don’t know anything for sure, Lucifer can do very little to comfort his brother, which is torture on another level. Mammon was, is, and always will be his favorite, no matter how bad it looks to an outsider. He loves his brother and seeing him so anxious makes his own heart ache. 
See, to Mammon, you were one in a million; he knew that from the minute he saw you. Not having you with him or at least in the same house, has him very much on edge and the fact that they knew even less about your whereabouts had a chill running down his spine. “I got something!” The minute he heard Leviathan’s words, he pushed everyone else out of the way and looked at his brother’s computer screen where a red dot was blinking. “The hell is that?! I thought ya had somethin’!” “I do! That’s their phone’s location! Seems like whoever took them forgot to turn off the location setting…” Lucifer pushed him out of the way to which Mammon protested, trying to see where that might be. “That’s the abandoned gold mine. It hasn’t been used since Lord Diavolo rose to power.” Everyone stayed quiet, except for Mammon, who was already breathing heavily and freaking out, “gold mine, gold mine…” Before anyone could say anything else, he was already off. “Mammon! You’re be-.... Reckless… You’re being reckless…” Belphegor groaned, shaking his head. Of course he wanted to find you as well, but he wasn’t about to jump in head first without a plan.
Mammon switched between flying and running, knowing where that damn mine is located and only because he heard some rumor about some of the gold still being in there. There wasn’t back then, but there is now. “I swear if they did anything to ya (Y/N)...” he’s mumbling to himself, his heart pounding with both fear and hope of finding you there. He rushes in without a plan. Looking back now, that was stupid, but he just wanted to save you damnit! The sight that greeted him was less than exciting, though, “(Y/N)...” those bastards had you dangling from the ceiling, your body shed from all the clothes you were wearing and you looked like you barely clung to life. 
His heart shattered right then and there. Seeing you like that had his heart stop for a moment, long enough for your attackers to wrap something around his throat and drag him back. Mammon gasped out, trying to catch a breath of air as he struggled, his wings flapping hard behind him and one of them actually managed to cut the demon that was holding the thing that was wrapped around your throat, which gave Mammon the opportunity to grab him and throw him over his shoulder and hard into the ground. There were at least two more guys coming from the shadows and Mammon made quick work in knocking the demon below him unconscious before he took on the other two with an almost animalistic scream. Your body stirred at the noise and he was glad to catch a glimpse of some form of life left inside of you, “hold on (Y/N)!” He wasn’t so nice with the next guy, opting straight for ripping his head off. Right as he was about to do the same to the third one, he saw a fourth come up behind you, cutting your body and adding to the wounds that already drained you of so much blood, “no!” 
He lunged himself at the fourth guy first, body slamming him to the ground and then taking his head in his hands, smashing it on the ground as well. A pool of blood collected behind the demon and Mammon silently prayed that that was enough to knock him out for good. The third, and last guy, took a hold of Mammon and yanked him back, holding him in a choke hold until Mammon saw Lucifer out of the corner of his eyes, yanking the demon back off of him. Immediately, Mammon’s eyes were on your form again, watching as Asmodeus and Satan took you down, gently undoing the cuffs that held you to the ceiling. 
Mammon rushed over, taking your body from them and falling to his knees, pulling you into his lap, “(Y/N)! Damnit, (Y/N)!!” He slaps your cheek lightly before leaning down to see if he can hear, or feel, any type of breathing. “They’re breathing…” at least something good, right? “Oi! Wake up! (Y/N)!” He’s shaking you, his voice starting to crack as he brings you up into his arms, squeezing you tightly against his chest. Beel came up behind him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “Mammon… take them. We have to get out of here.” But Mammon shook his head, burying his face into your shoulder to hide the tears that are threatening to fall, “(Y/N).... babe… wake up… please…” He’s mumbling against your skin now, fear that those breaths he heard weren’t actual breaths and just his imagination setting in. 
Satan was the first who noticed, seeing the slight movement in your fingertips. You had lost a lot of blood from the several deep cuts, and your body was pretty bruised up. How much blood could a human lose before it became too much? Satan wasn’t even quite sure, but apparently you hadn’t lost enough to be dead yet. “M-Mammon..” your voice was hoarse, quiet, but it was enough to alert the demon and he immediately pulled back to look at you, not caring about the tears that have now stained his cheeks. “(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Say… Say it again!” “Mammon…” Your eyes opened up for a moment, too weak to stay open for long but you mustered a small smile before your head rolled against his shoulder, “you came…” 
He didn’t know if his heart was rising or aching even more, “of course I came…” Why wouldn’t he come? Slowly rising to his feet, he made sure to keep his grip on you strong, almost growling when Lucifer moved to wrap his coat around your naked body, but he didn’t want anyone else to see you like this either. “Thanks…” he was more worried about you right now than the look Lucifer gave him, slowly moving to make his way back home. His gaze stayed on you, scared that if he looked away for even a second you’d stop breathing for sure, “Of course I came for ya, (Y/N).... I love ya…” he wasn’t sure if you heard it until a soft grasp could be felt on his chest and he quickly returned his gaze to look at your face, a small smile present again. You were hurt, but you would be okay, or at least, that’s what he’s telling himself, and you. 
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blackspoon99 · 3 years
The Sign of Three Pt. 2
Sherlock x Female! Reader
TW: Mention of Blood and Near Death, Spoilers to Season 3!
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
You took your seat at the head table and found yourself relieved that you were sat in between Janine and Sherlock. You felt immediate guilt at that thought. Dinner was slightly tense and awkward. Possibly only for you. For the most part, you made small talk with Janine while Sherlock read over his stack of index cards. Little boughs of anxiety kept creeping in the back of your mind as you replayed Sherlock and Janine’s conversation over and over. You peeked over at Sherlock to your right and took a healthy sip of champagne. You decided you would try your best to be present. This day wasn’t about you, after all. Your attention was pulled to the center of the room when a waiter tapped a spoon against a champagne glass.
“Pray silence for the best man”
This was it. You can do it, Sherlock. You watched Sherlock rise from his seat and stiffly fasten one of the buttons on his blazer. He looked unbelievably uncomfortable. You smiled when you noticed Sherlock adjusting the flower you placed in his blazer pocket. The wedding guests applauded and waited for Sherlock to begin.
“Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends ... and ... erm ... others.” Sherlock blinked several times.
“Er ... w...” Another awkward pause. “…Also”
You looked over at John then at Molly and Greg. They wore the same concerned look on their faces.
“Telegrams” John whispered to Sherlock
“Right, uhm…” Sherlock patted the pockets of his blazer and pants then finally noticed them on the table near his place setting. “First things first. Telegrams.” He lifted up the pile and inspected the first one. “Well, they’re not actually telegrams. We just call them telegrams. I don’t know why. Wedding tradition,” Sherlock muttered quickly. “Because we don’t have enough of that already, apparently.”
You saw John narrow his eyes and turn to Mary. You nervously looked down at your hands in your lap. Sherlock read the first note.
“To Mr. and Mrs. Watson. So sorry I’m unable to be with you on your special day. Good luck and best wishes, Mike Stamford.”
“Oh, Mike,” John said, smiling.
“To John and Mary. All good wishes for your special day. With love and many big ...” Sherlock paused and suddenly looked like he had swallowed a lemon. “... big squishy cuddles, from Stella and Ted.” He looked up at the ceiling, blinking repeatedly again. You tried to suppress your laughter. “Mary – lots of love, ...” Yet another pause. “…Poppet” He finished, popping the “t” at the end. Mary snickered.
Sherlock straightened his back and took the next card. “Don’t bugger it up, Sher—” he abruptly cleared his throat and looked straight at you. You tried to hide your laughter. He’d finally gotten to the note you slipped in with the telegrams. Everyone would have heard it was actually quite a nice note if Sherlock had read the entire thing out loud. It read: Don’t bugger it up, Sherlock. Only kidding. You’re doing great. X, y/n.
“Um, special day” Sherlock threw a telegram over his shoulder. “Very special day” He then proceeded to toss each telegram straight behind him. “Love, love, love, love. Bit of a theme – you get the general gist. People are basically fond.” The wedding guests laughed, interpreting it as a joke. Sherlock looked confused, then picked up the other stack of index cards. He began to shuffle through them, clearly trying to find his place.
“Done that. ... Done that ... Done that bit ... Done that bit ... Done that bit ... Hmm ...”
You anxiously looked up at him, feeling the awkward tension in the room.
“I’m afraid, John, I can’t congratulate you.”
Your eyes snapped over to John who looked as shocked as you felt.
“All emotions, and in particular love, stand opposed to the pure, cold reason I hold above all things. A wedding is, in my considered opinion, nothing short of a celebration of all that is false and specious and irrational and sentimental in this ailing and morally compromised world.”
You looked around the room at all the wedding guests as some of them began to murmur. Greg and Molly had the same horrified look on their faces. Sherlock continued on.
“Today we honor the death-watch beetle that is the doom of our society and, in time – one feels certain – our entire species.”
You placed your head in your hands. You knew you should have made Sherlock let you read over his speech. You hadn’t wanted to make him feel nervous or like you didn’t trust him.
“But anyway ... let’s talk about John.”
“Yeah, good idea” you hissed up at Sherlock. He ignored you.
“If I burden myself with a little help-mate during my adventures, it is not out of sentiment or caprice – it is that he has many fine qualities of his own that he has overlooked in his obsession with me.”
You heard Greg snort across the room. This was going south fast. You couldn’t believe Sherlock was insulting John on his wedding day. He must be spiraling. There had to be something you could do to save this. Fake an emergency, maybe? You could at least buy some time that way.
“Indeed, any reputation I have for mental acuity and sharpness comes, in truth, from the extraordinary contrast John so selflessly provides. It is a fact, I believe, that brides tend to favor exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their big day. There is a certain analogy there, I feel.”
Ouch. You tried so hard not to look at Sherlock as you felt your ears burning with embarrassment. You adverted your gaze and focused on not allowing yourself to be hurt by what he’d just said.
Somehow, Sherlock continued. “And contrast is, after all, God’s own plan to enhance the beauty of his creation ... or it would be if God were not a ludicrous fantasy designed to provide a career opportunity for the family idiot.”
Oh boy. Now Sherlock was going straight to insulting the vicar. The murmuring began to pick up again. You looked over at John, who was now hiding his face in his hands while Mary frowned.
“The point I’m trying to make is that I am the most unpleasant, rude, ignorant and all-around obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the misfortune to meet.”
You looked up at Sherlock in genuine surprise.
“I am dismissive of the virtuous ...” He looked to the vicar. “... unaware of the beautiful ...” Your heart stopped when he looked straight at you. Or maybe in your general direction? You looked over your shoulder at Janine, who was smiling. He could have just as easily been looking at her.
Sherlock finally turned to John and Mary “... and uncomprehending in the face of the happy. So if I didn’t understand I was being asked to be best man, it is because I never expected to be anybody’s best friend. Certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.”
Just when you’d started to doubt him, Sherlock had surpassed all your expectations. He always managed to surprise you, every time.
“John, I am a ridiculous man ... redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship. But, as I’m apparently your best friend, I cannot congratulate you on your choice of companion. Actually, now I can.” Sherlock turned to Mary. “Mary, when I say you deserve this man, it is the highest compliment of which I am capable. John, you have endured war, and injury, and tragic loss... so sorry again about that last one.” John laughed. Sherlock leaned back over to you and winked. You smiled and rolled your eyes.
“So know this: today you sit between the woman you have made your wife and the man you have saved. And I know I speak for Mary as well when I say we will never let you down, and we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.”
You found yourself fighting tears. You were not alone. “What’s wrong? What happened? Why are you all doing that? John?” Sherlock again looked rather confused. He turned to look at you. “Did I do it wrong?”
“Oh, Sherlock,” you said quietly.
John stood up and pulled Sherlock into a hug. The crowd applauded. “I haven’t finished yet,” Sherlock said as John released him.
“Yes, I know,” said John
“So, on to some funny stories ...” Sherlock attempted to yell over the applause.
“Can you – can you wait ’til I sit down?” John asked.
“So, on to some funny stories about John,” Sherlock continued as the noise died down. “So, for funny stories, one has to look no further than John’s blog.” Sherlock pulled out his phone. “The record of our time together. We’ve tackled some strange cases, some frustrating cases, and ‘touching’ cases. But we want something ... very particular for this special day, don’t we? The Bloody Guardsman.”
You remembered this case. It was only a few weeks ago,
You, John, Mary, and Sherlock sat in the living room of Sherlock’s flat, completely surrounded by lists, items, and menus for the wedding. You’d initially been surprised at Sherlock’s dedication to wedding planning. The back wall above the couch was a perfectly organized record of everything that needed to be done in the next few weeks down to all the potential fonts for the place cards. Sherlock had even created a to-scale model of the reception venue sometime during his fits of mania. You were no psychologist, but if you were you’d say that Sherlock’s meticulous efforts were all in an attempt to force some control into a daunting situation.
John and Mary were seated at the table near the windows looking over the bridesmaids’ dress options. Sherlock stood studying the guest list on the monstrous wall of wedding planning. You were sitting in John’s chair with your legs hanging over one of the arms, flipping through catering menus.
“Need to work on your half of the church, Mary. Looking a bit thin.” Sherlock spoke from across the room.
Mary forced a smile. “Ah, orphan’s lot. Friends – that’s all I have. Lots of friends.”
You didn’t know anything about Mary’s family except that for unknown reasons, she didn’t have one. She kept her cards so close to the vest, you doubted John knew anything either. “And your friends adore you, Mary,” you said, attempting to cheer her up.
“Schedule the organ music to begin at precisely 11:48,” Sherlock spoke over you. “Sherlock,” you groaned. He didn’t turn around from the wall and continued to fiddle with the clippings.
“Or maybe 11:55, with allowed time for delays,”
“Sherlock,” you tried again. “The rehearsal’s not for another two weeks. Just calm down”
He whipped around to face you. “Calm? I am calm. I’m extremely calm.”
“Yes, I can see that,” you said sarcastically, noting the wild look in his eyes.
“Let’s get back to the reception, come on,” Mary said from across the room, diffusing the tension. “John’s cousin. Top table?”
Sherlock rose to join John and Mary at the table. “Hmm. Hates you. Can’t even bear to think about you.”
You rolled your eyes. You tossed the catering menus to the side and walked over to the table to look over Mary’s shoulder.
“Seriously?” Mary asked, shocked
“Second class post, cheap card bought at a petrol station. Look at the stamp: three attempts at licking. She’s obviously unconsciously retaining saliva.”
“Don’t worry Mary, I’ve met her and she’s the worst. Let’s stick her by the bogs,” you interjected.
“Oh yes,” Mary agreed.
“Pretending I didn’t hear that,” John said, looking down at his phone.
“Who else hates me?” Mary asked Sherlock. He turned around and handed her a handwritten list. “Oh great – thanks,” Mary said unenthusiastically.
“Priceless painting nicked. Looks interesting,” John announced. He’d been looking through inquiries for cases on the blog. It was only a little annoying that he wasn’t helping. “How about this: ‘My husband is three people’? It’s interesting. Says he has three distinct patterns of moles on his skin.”
“Identical triplets – one in half a million births. Solved it without leaving the flat. Now, serviettes.” Sherlock bent down and pulled a tray out from under the coffee table that had two different elaborately folded napkins. “Swan or Sydney Opera House?”
“Wow…” you said flatly. He’s lost it. You bit your lip in concern and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Where’d you learn to do that?!” Mary asked, impressed.
“Many unexpected skills required in the field of criminal investigation ...”
“You’re lying, Sherlock,” you said, teasing.
“I once broke an alibi by demonstrating the exact severity of ...”
“Sherlock, out with it.” You pressed him further.
“Okay – I learned it on YouTube.”
“Well then, Sydney Opera House, please,” Mary said with a smile.
You turned away, thinking. “Hey, Mary? Can I show you what I was thinking for my bridesmaid dress?”
“Uh, sure,” She replied.
“Great!” you said and grabbed her wrist. You pulled her into the kitchen and closed the door. “Mary, we have to do the thing. Right now.”
“Are you sure, he seems okay-ish?” She said skeptically.
“Okay-ish?! Mary, he’s watching YouTube videos on napkin folding. He’s terrified.”
“Right. You’re right. Okay, you speak with Sherlock while I get John.”
You opened the doors to the living room to see Sherlock sitting on the floor, surrounded by at least 15 napkins folded in the opera house shape.
“That just sort of ... happened,” he said dropping his hands to his side.
“Did you just do that now?” John asked, finally looking up from his phone.
“Okay. John?” Mary started. “I’m about to give Beth a call, she’ll want to talk to you as well.” Mary held her phone up and gestured to the kitchen.
“Oh Beth, that’s right. We’ve been meaning to call her.” John got up and followed her.
You walked over to Sherlock and took a seat on the floor next to him. He reached under the table for more napkins, but you caught his hand and shook your head.
“I think we have enough for now. I actually need to talk to you about something, Sherlock. I’m worried about John.” He looked over at you, listening intently. You lowered your voice and inched closer. “I think all the wedding planning is getting to him. He needs to get out for a bit, I can tell.” Sherlock nodded along with you. “I can’t say anything because he won’t listen to me. He’s just going to think I’m worrying too much. Could you please find him a case, any case? For me?”  
“Yes, yes, of course. You can count on me.” Sherlock whispered. He stood up and carefully smoothed out his suit. John walked back into the room. You got up and silently joined Mary into the kitchen. A few moments later, Sherlock and John walked into the kitchen.
“Er, we’re just going to ... I need, um, Sherlock to help me choose some, er, socks.” John awkwardly fumbled over his words.
“Ties,” Sherlock interjected.
“Let’s go with socks,” Mary said.
“Could be a while,” John said. “We’ve got to make sure they match my—”
“Tie” Sherlock interrupted. John looked back at him, exasperated.
“My coat in there?” John cleared his throat. Mary nodded and John turned the corner. Sherlock leaned in and lowered his voice.
“Just going to take him out for a bit – run him.”
“Good work, Sherlock,” you said with a smile. Sherlock winked at you and walked out of the door. When they were out of sight, you turned to Mary.
“Do you fancy a drink?”
“Let’s go,” She replied.
That had been the end of your involvement in the case of the Bloody Guardsman. You had heard the rest of the story from John. Sherlock hadn’t particularly felt like sharing. Probably because he never solved it. You listened to Sherlock lay out his chosen details in his speech all the way up to Sherlock and John finding Stephen Bainbridge bleeding out in a shower in the barracks.
“Private Bainbridge had just come off guard duty. He’d stood there for hours, plenty of people watching, nothing apparently wrong. He came off duty and within minutes was nearly dead from a wound in his stomach, but there was no weapon. Where did it go? Ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to consider this: a murderer who can walk through walls, a weapon that can vanish – but in all of this, there is only one element which can be said to be truly remarkable. Would anyone like to make a guess?”
You rolled your eyes. Of course, Sherlock was challenging people to solve a case on the spot that he didn’t even figure out himself. You pitied whoever he chose to humiliate.
“Scotland Yard.” Greg looked up from his drink. “Have you got a theory?” Greg stared blankly at Sherlock. “Yeah, you. You’re a detective – broadly speaking. Got a theory?”
This was going to be bad.
“Er, um, if the, uh, if the if-if-if, if the blade was, er, propelled through the, um ... grating in the air vent ... maybe a-a ballista or a – or a – or a catapult. Erm, somebody tiny could … could crawl in there.” Molly cringed. “So, yeah, we’re loo... we’re looking for a-a-a-a dwarf.”
“Brilliant,” said Sherlock
“Really?” Greg replied immediately
“No,” Sherlock said coldly. Ruthless. Greg lowered his head back into his drink. Across the room, you saw Tom whispering something into Molly’s ear.
“Hello? Who was that?” Sherlock asked and looked around the room before settling on Tom. “Tom. Got a theory?” Tom slowly stood up across the room.
Poor Tom looked uneasy. He shifted around for a bit before reluctantly giving his opinion. “Um ... attempted suicide, with a blade made of compacted blood and bone that broke after piercing his abdomen ... like a meat ... dagger.”
Molly wore a look of uncomprehending embarrassment. You looked to Sherlock. He had a look on his face that was a strange mix of smugness and disbelief. “A meat dagger.” He stated.
“Yes,” Tom said, awkwardly.
“Sit down.” Molly hissed. She reached up and yanked Tom down to his seat by his sleeve.
“No,” said Sherlock plainly. “There was one feature, and only one feature, of interest in the whole of this baffling case, and quite frankly it was the usual. John Watson: who, while I was trying to solve the murder, instead saved a life.”
You smiled at John’s proud expression. So that was the point of Sherlock’s roundabout story. It surprised you because when they’d initially came home that day, all Sherlock could focus on was how the attempted murderer did it and why he couldn’t figure it out. It was nice to see he had developed a new perspective.
“The case itself remains the most ingenious and brilliantly-planned murder – or attempted murder – I’ve ever had the pleasure to encounter; the most perfect locked-room mystery of which I am aware. However, I’m not just here to praise John – I’m also here to embarrass him, so let’s move on to some ...”
“No-no, wait, so how was it ... how was it done?” Lestrade interrupted.
Now Sherlock would have to admit he didn’t solve the case. You smirked. That’s what you get for insisting on embarrassing Greg and Tom.  
“How was what done?” Sherlock asked, attempting to deflect
“The stabbing,” Lestrade clarified.
Sherlock looked down for a moment, then reluctantly continued. “I’m afraid I don’t know. I didn’t solve that one. That’s ... It can happen sometimes. It’s very ... very disappointing.” He looked down for a moment as if contemplating then continued. “Embarrassment leads me on to the stag night.”
A/N: So sorry this is so late! I haven’t forgotten about this series, I promise! I just moved into a new apartment in college and it’s already been nuts!
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