#not clothes tho those belong on the floor where i can see them at all times at this point tbh
rubberbandballqueen · 9 months
they should invent a pocket notebook that's 200 pages thick and waterproof and fountain pen friendly and has a spine that can be folded backwards and also isn't spiral-bound
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go-on-eat-shrooms · 2 months
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Warning: +18
Contains:  Blood, mentions of Braavos, faceless men, Temple of the many face god. Foul language. Thinking you are tripping balls. Lord of light is coming.
Music to listen to: A day to remember: 2nd sux
Summary: Training begins for Benijot Blackwood and even for you. There is no mercy given to both of you for the dire betrayl you caused both the Brackens and the Starks. Rumors spread like wild fire of where you two must of gone. But both of you are in the safest place you can think of. In a place not even Satan dare not enter. Even Satan's face could be sliced off and used.
"Morning" you awoke almost choking from the cold water thrown on your face.
The waif was looking at you with deep loathing.  You wanted to punch her until all her teeth were knocked off.
"I believe you had enough rest, you are not here to drag your feet around. Get up!"
"Here are the clothes we use here. Get dressed quickly. You are no longer any sort of lady of title within these walls."
Be quick and follow me. After dressing. The waif guided you into a maze of cold stone with dimly lit corridors. With faces lining the arches of those corridors. Mouths gaping, torn holes where eyes should of been. Yet the faces seemed moist and freskly carved. You were taken to a large room which would be an exaggerating thought really. As Benji stated a room full of pillars with human faces. Pillars skyrocketing towards the ceiling. You could see hundreds upon hundreds of candles lit around, not just the pillars but around statues of death and the old gods.
In the much far distance, you could see women, children, elders, surrounding a large basin on the floor filled with water. Their faces illuminated by candle light, filled with grief, relief, peace and surrender.
"If you don't want to end up like them pay close attention or you'll never leave this place. At least with breath still in your lungs."
"How old are these faces" You asked
"Some since within the past ages.even before we were not a lustful thought in our mother's minds." Stated the waif.
You met up with jacken and the familiar face that brought warmth and hope in your heart. As well Benji was wearing the same tunics as you. A plain navy blue tunic with sandals.
"I believe in wasting no time and we begin now."
Pacing away from the pillars of never ending masks of flesh the anxious feeling would not leave your stomach.
Once again tho to your sour thoughts. Benji disappeared with jacken.
"Did you think this was a couples travel? You need to stand on your own and no longer rely on him. Or you will die quickly. From now only you belong to the many face God. He is your partner, the reason why you even breath."
The waif threw a spear at you and swung hard towards you. The move was so swift you didn't see your side begin to drip with blood. Looking down you seen this girl was in no way planning to actually help you but to kill you.
"There is only one god, and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'Not today'."
The waif moved without warning and spun around. Once more slashing your ankle. More blood.
Swing after swing she never missed until your body was sweating blood more than actual sweat.
"Observe the movements and slow them down in your mind. It's the only way you'll learn to block me; from carving you like the rotted cheese you are."
From day after day, you got your ass kicked by the waif. Coming back to your chambers with blooming bruises and fresh wounds. 'Slow your movements down in the mind' you said to yourself.
On the other side of the spectrum, Benjicot was also fighting to getting to the point to breath normally. Yes, he was great in war. But jacken was no mere human. And he gave no sympathy. Blood poured down his forehead. Clouded vision from the blood clots blocking his sight.
It felt like jacken was eight different men in one. With different fighting styles. A cut throat swords man from Kings Landing:
Swinging his sword with the thirst of a rabid wolf. Catching his forehead. Which exploded into blood running down his face.
a swift water dancing spear master from Braavos:
Moving so swiftly with such grace and knocking Benjis sword off his hands in the blink of an eye. The initials S.F. written in blood on Benjis left forearm. Blood trickled down his fingers. The lines repeated
"There's only one God and his name is death, and what do we say to the god of death dear benij?" A man with a white blouse and brown toursers and boots to his knees whispered.
"NOT TODAY!!!!" Benji screamed.
A Darth Raki solider :
Screaming the battle cry for blood lust and a sense of rape in his eyes. Tanned and covered in blue war paint. Grabbing Benji and slamming him on the ground with one pull. Trying to tear off his tunic for a better access to rape. Benji was pinned on the ground blood and saliva mixing on the cold stone. Benji had one chance. He swerved and sliced the Darthriki in the eye. Crawling away to stand up, all Benji could do was sway. With nothing to hold onto.
A trained unsuli:
In the stance of a true soldier afraid of nothing. Death was an honor, no balls, but more balls than most men. A spear can at benjis face. Striking his cheek in a heavy blow.
The myths of the white walker king:
The air became very cold. Benji could see his breath. All around him everything turned to ice. His lungs ached every breath he took. This was the feeling of death. A blue monster with blue eyes gleaming, picked Benji up once more and started choking the life out of him. The cold air felt like it was going to melt his face.
But the three most unexpect were his brother Davos, his own father Samwell....and Benji himself.
"You must learn to trust in no one, not even yourself. For a boy thinks he knows his character, but that can change in a second. Depending on mercy. Here you shall lose mercy. For strangers, loved ones and yourself. Your greatest fear and Opponent is you."
Jacken once more changed his exterior to one of an old man with no eyes. His hair completely gone in the most poorest of frocks. You seen he had no shoes and his toe nails were missing. The smell of rotting flesh was unbearable. Benji vomited to the side.
The old man spoke, "You are still showing weakness. A boy must be nonchalant to any condition."
As his last sentence came to an end. The old rotted corpse flung himself at Benji. Dripping in worms that landing in benjis  hair and hands. The old man's blood so rotted, he just admitted green pus. Dagger in his hand, he aimed for benjis throat.
Benji swayed to the right avoiding his demise.
"Good, but not good enough." Jacken cackled. his father appeared. Benjis eyes grew wider. Merciless benji said under his breath. His father was burning holes into benjis eyes.
"My dear boy, you must learn to die before you can breath again." His father said softly.
Pulling out a family sword from his sheath Benji recognized all too well. He took the same exact swings and turns as his father had taught him as an actual child. But no longer as a lesson but as threat of death.
"You are no son of mine until you can slay me. Your father, the father that gave you the admittance to even breath!!"  Yelled the plain murderous look of the illusion of his father.
Benjis father faded...what came next was even more heart wrecking.
Davos, his beloved twin brother slaughtered at the battle at the mill by a fucking Bracken. Face and body soaked in blood. Holes in almost ever inch of his tunic. Blood sliding into the stone floors forming a pool.
"Dear brother, we shared a womb I kicked your pathetic ass then and I'll do it again!"
Swinging  with a force of a kissed by fire wilding. This force was too powerful but Benji had to keep his ground. He was losing footing with the rage of his past twin. Benji managed to kick Davos in the face. Dodging his brother moves more precisely.
"Getting better you dumb cunt." Davos grinned and disappeared.
Standing infront of you was you....
Blinking your eyes to not be driven into madness. The 2nd you began to grin.
"Look at you, fighting and thinking you can change your stars. For a girl that's just like any other common whore from a brothel. Ruining your future ruling of your house. For what? A common whore?!"
"Benji" You said softly in shocked wide eyes. Jacken lunged towards you with a familiar dagger made out of valerian steel.
Benji ran towards you in such a speed it scared him. Benji flung you into a pillar. You bounced off hard onto the stone floor. A dagger was pieced through the very pillar you just should by. This really was no game. Neither the waif nor jacken wanted to help you.
Jacken shifted into your brother Areon.
"Sister, where have you gone, what have you done to us to father to Cregan. All for this reckless. Worthless craven fuck."
Your eyes grew wide and shiny as if they were made out of glass. You couldn't believe what you were seeing.
Before anymore thoughts arose, the illusion of Aeron paced towards you, dagger in hand.
Benji ran towards you only to be slammed into a wall by the waif.
Still covered in blood, you stood up a dagger in your own hands and swung.
"You are not my brother!!!"  You screamed.
The masks one the walls and the pillars made a loud sound of screaming in unison as they glowed in a shade of crimson. The most horrible noise you and Benji ever heard.
You and Benji both felt your ears dripping. Blood flowing from the sides of your necks.
The dim light from the torches burst into raging fires.
Jacken turned back into Benji.
"How much would you say you love me? Would you die with me? Would you die for me? Your just a stupid little girl who thinks a prince would come to save you. But your very fairly mistaken. Remember when I told you I did things bc I was bored? Well you are one of them. My little escape from boredom. Your body, your voice, your face. My escape until I find another object to extinguish my lack of faith in having a dancing monkey. Your body replaceable, your memory replaceable, your very essence of existence! All replaceable! This is real life you dumb cunt! No one matters, no one cares! Only you, you poor bitch."
"Idk what this is, but you are not Benji."  You said sternly.
"Noooooooo!!!!!!" Benji screamed.
Benji screamed in slow motion. The waif had gone behind you and speared your heart. Falling to your knees, eyes filled with tears, you collapsed on your side.
"You must die before you can live." The last thing you heard from jacken. His voice trailing softly away as you closed your eyes and heard bejis voice one last time screaming your name in agony. Before everything went dark.
"To retrieve her back you now must earn the right to see her breathe again." Jacken looked at you with blank eyes.
"The lord of light will be on their way. Tonight you shall not rest until you prove your worthy of the heinous wars to come."
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hakkais-hoe · 2 years
Good evening from my side of the world. Firstly, your writing style is amazing. Even with dark content, you still manage to make me crack up🤣🤣.I do hope you are having a great day 😊. Can I get an ask where the fem reader runs away from yandere bonten because a random girl that wants to be with bonten told her that she isn't good enough for them but she gives everything they've given her back like gifts money and si on. Please let them torture the lil random whoreo chick in the most gruesome way possible 😊. Angst to fluffy please 🙏🏾🥺. Just ignore my rambling if you can't make this.
All my writing is practically crack even if it’s supposed to be serious or angsty I'm so glad you like it tho 😭😭
So I’ve never written a poly relationship before so I’m gonna try my best not sure how it’ll turn out tbf. Also because its a poly relationship the guys will also be affectionate with one another mostly Ran, Sanzu n Mikey being affectionate with everyone. fuckin long af man like 4k words
age rating: 16+ 
warnings: DARK CONTENT, torture, swearing, threats, gun/knife use, pissing, pliers/ teeth pulling, GBH, murder, angst to fluff, our boys being simps, poly relationships.
‘Nothing Without You’
The night was supposed to be fun, they’d said it’d be a nice night out  a group as they’d said, you were so so excited when you were getting ready but now, now all you wanted to do was curl up and die. 
You hadn’t even got to the VIP room where the others were waiting for their darling, the phone in your hand vibrates and pings continuously with messages from the others yet all you can focus on is the three women in front of you, blocking you from reaching the stairs, their glares and hurtful words pierce your heart like a knife. 
“What the fuck do any of them see in you? You’re just some gold-digging whore, using all of them for their money! You’re disgusting! You know full well that Rindou and Ran should still be with me and not to mention the fact that my girls would look so much better with Sanzu and Kkaucho! You don’t deserve them you're not even attractive!” The main woman's shouts and screams echo in your ears, proving to be louder than even the roar of the pounding music and the other patrons of Kokonoi’s new club’s loud shouts. You couldn't even think, your head goes blank as you turn and run straight back out the doors immediately taking the familiar 20 minuet walk back to the two floor penthouse that the nine of you share, a walk that is now an adrenalin filled run. 
In a rush you throw open the heavy door of your beloved home, the comfort you usually feel upon entering becomes a sickening strangling feeling of being an imposter in your own home. You fast track to the bedroom as you rip though your belongings, separating the things you had bought with your won money from the things they had got for you, piling designer clothes, watches, jewellery, shoes, accessories; everything they’d bough you on the bed and floors. You stand above the piles in despair once you realise that about 85% of your belongings were not even bough by you, wretched sobs and cries screech from sore lungs as you rifle through even more belongings to find the money stash they you kept incase of an emergency, you throw that on the bed along with the rest of the things hoping it could cover all that they’ve given or spent on you. 
Those girls were right.... 
How could you ever believe you were enough for them? You 
who allowed you to become so high and mighty... when did they ever say they’d even keep you around...
Five years could be thrown out easily, you know it, you know just how easily they could throw you away 
what would you do without them? you’d be alone
You turn and run, run until your lungs can go no more, until your legs give out, untill you can scream and cry no more, until your feet are read raw in the heels you’d stupidly worn hoping to impress them. Before you know it you’re stood under one of the high arched bridges, looking out over the rippling water of the deep stream. You know this place well, Mikey often enjoys taking silent strolls along the very path your knelt silently on, a sickening horsed laugh scratches through your dry throat, how could you have been so stupid...
Curling up under the bridge you cry and sob silently into the night, hoping not to attract any unwanted attention...
“Where the fuck is she? Though she was supposed to be here an hour ago? Oi someone ring her.” Mochis loud booming voice calls over the others voices, the rest of the men fall silent before glancing at one another and pulling their phones out once again. 
“She's not picking up... Oi Haru you still got that tracker on her phone? track it hurry up!’ Rindous voice carry's a chip of anger with its snide tone, Sanzu huffs but checks the app, his face quickly contorts into pure confusion he turns the phone around to show those close to him. 
“It says she was here... but now she's back at home, she's been there for 30 minuets guess we better head back then n’ see whats up huh?” His voice is mildly pissed at thr though that you stood them up but he worlessly follows the others out, out to the loby where they’re promptly stopped by three women, the very same women that belittled and attacked you earlier, not that they knew that of course. 
“Hi there! Not leaving already are you?? Ran, Rin its been a while my loves! How about you all stay and have a drink with us?” The ex of Ran and Rindou purrs while pawing at the sleeve of Rans favourite suit, the one that you chose for him, disgusted looks are thrown at the women as Ran throws her off and brushes his sleeve off as if to rid it of her germs. 
“Who the fuck are you? Move the fuck outa the way before I put a bullet in ya head, bitch!” Rindou snarls down at the rude woman before shouldering her and her friends out of his way, the others follow on making sure to glare at the women and take notes of their faces. 
Takeomi and Kakucho share glances with one another at the back of the group and call the bouncers over to make sure those women don't leave before they come back. 
The cars are already waiting out front by the time they come out, a shouting Sanzu hangs out  one of the windows calling for them to hurry the fuck up so he can ‘see his lovely lady’. The drive to the house is filled with silence or loud squabbling depending on which car. 
Sanzu and Ran are the first to belt out of the car and run to the lift, Rindou isn't far behind, they even take up one lift to them selves forcing the rest of the men to cram into the second elevator when they finally get to the building. Koko grumbles and taps away at his phone for the whole time the elevator is traveling up to their floor. The second group reaches their floor later that the first and are greeted with shouts, cries and screams, Haru is throwing a tantrum in the living room with tears streaming down his face and a gun in his hand, Ran stands silently in the kitchen with a bottle of wine your abandoned phone clenched in his grip still dinging with messages from them, no emotions on his face and Rindou, Rin is turning the whole apartment upside down form top to bottom hoping to find you. 
“Where is she?! Where the fuck is she?! I-I what... Rin! Rin stop i-” Sanzu wails now gripping Rins torn shirt in his hands, head buried in the raging mans chest, Takeomi walks wordlessly towards Ran and pulls out another bottle. Koko and Kakucho are both immediately on the phone issuing a search party to look for you, Mikey is the most silent but any one them can tell by one look that he is having a mental break down. 
“I cant- no not without her... find her... Fucking find our y/n right now!” Mikey’s voice is emotionless but the threat is very much there, they know just as well as he does that he none of them can cope without her. Mochi has been awfully silent in the corner, the call that he was previously on is ended as he speaks. 
“I know why she left. There's footage from the club of those women from earlier speaking to her, she ran out of the fucking club crying... our girl was crying because of some fuckin whores. Before someone goes apeshit on me n shit I've already had them seized.” Mochis voice is loud and filled with hatred at the though of someone upsetting their girl. 
“We’ll deal with those fucking cunts later for now we have to find her... I don't give a fuck what you have to do we just have to get her back.” Mikey hisses back, his voice lower than ever, the though of losing you is pulling the dark impulses from the very back of his conscious. 
Ran, Rindou, Sanzu and Kakucho are out of the door within seconds, missing the lift and taking the stairs instead they separate to run through the streets in search of you, frantic shrill shouts of your name fill the night, the other four decide to grab their bikes form the garage in hopes of finding you faster. 
Its cold... so very cold 
why did you run out in so little clothing... all alone with no one to comfort you. 
“Well hello pretty lady, what ya doin down there? c’mon why dont ya hang out with us, we wont make ya cry like this, might make ya cry for a different reason though baby.” Before you know it theres a group of sleezy men surrounding you, calling out to you and grabbing at your now shaking form. 
Pure terror seeps into your veins... the dread of no one saving you 
you ran away from them.. from your lovers
Ran... Rindou..
Haru... Takeomi ....
Mikey... Kaku..
Koko... mochi...
they’re not coming to save you this time... 
“NOOO GET AWAY!!” You scream at the top of your lungs, hoping, praying thta someone hears you, anyone. The hope that they’re actually looking for you, your wails and tears start up again screams and shouts of their names bubble form your tear covered lips. The men in front of you glance at one another before laughing, drowning the sounds of your wails, one of them steps forward grabbing at your wrist to yank you into him. 
“Now, now, now I’m about to make you regret that for fucking hard you piece of shit!” Comes a familiar voice, on you know ill follow through with his words wholeheartedly, Haruchiyo’s pink mullet stands out in the crowd as he shoves through. 
“Haru... move out of my way I'm going to kill them all...” The soft sound of Mikeys voice makes your screams grow louder and louder as you realise they’ve come for you, they’re all here beating their way through the thugs. Sanzu, Ran and Rin have heir guns out in seconds, happily blowing holes in the bastards in front of them to get to you. 
“We’re here doll its okay now!” Ran shouts over the crowd, a bright smile on his blood smothered face. 
“Its okay love don’t panic.” Comes a soft voice form your left, a soft coat covered with a familiar smell invades your senses, Kokonoi crouches down to smother your body with his own, you cant see his face shows sheer relief at finding you again, another large hand lays on your head and the smell of Takeomi’s expensive cigars fill your nose. 
“You’re okay kid, we’ve got you. Lets get ya home.” His smooth voice fills your ears. The sound of them and the sight of the others fighting in front of you has your tears flowing in hippieness, you never thought they’d actually come for you. With the stress dissipating and the relief growing your body decides its too much and you end up passing out in Koko’s arms. 
-----Torture Par Below Skip if It Makes you Uncomfortable----
“You made such a massive fucking mistake even speaking to her, but the fucking nerves that you have to even suggest that she isn't enough for us is so fucking delusional! She's the fucking best thing for us I hope you’re ready to be fucking destroyed you useless bitches,” Rindou snaps while siting across from the bound, gagged and sobbing women while Sanzu sharpened knives and sorts out his “favourite kit” for this part. 
“Nowww lets get down to business you fucking sluts! Ive got some gifts for you! Lets start with the teeth shall we? then ill take the tongues seen as you had the balls to speak about her with those disgusting mouths... Rannnnn pass me the pliers love!” Sanzus loud boisterous shouts echo around the abandoned building as he dances around scaring the girls shitless with his wide grin, Ran chuckles and pushes off the wall to had Sanzu his favourite red pliers, with a light peck on Sanzus head he hands them over. 
“Have fun pinky... Ohhh dear me I think she's pissed herself how disgusting!” Rans gentle voice turns mocking at the sight of one of the terrified women pissing herself when Sanzu advances on her, gloves on and pliers at the ready.
“Rinny can you grab her head pleaseeee I cant hold it and pull at the same time!” Sanzu whines nd pouts at Rindou who immediately comes to pull the woman's mouth open so Sanzu can get a good grip on her teeth, he starts with the back, her screams and pleas garble together along with the spit and soon to be blood oozing down her throat. The first pull is said to be the worst but she screams like an animal trough out the process, chocking on her own tears a nd blood in the process. 
He pulls all their teeth before moving on to nail crushing and pulling, he wedges the new apparatus under their nails before smacking down on the other end and flipping the nail agonisingly away from the soft skin of their fingers, over and over and over again until all their nails are hanging partially off. 
“Have I told you about the new method I've been doing? its called Ling Chi or ‘death by a thousand cuts’ wanna tie that one to a pole for me Rannn? I wanna see her scream as I cut its of her off pleaseeee.” Sanzu coos at the taller Haitani who obliges without a word to the psychotic pinkett covered in blood standing before him. 
Rindou holds one of the other girls mouths open so Snazu can slice off her tounge and let her bleed out everywhere, he tips her head back forcing her to choke on the blood spilling everywhere. Sanzu giggles is pure joy at her face of terror below him. The last girl bores him, she hardly even screamed when he was pulling her teeth it pissed him off to no end, enough for him to leave her till last after sticking a knife through her feet and hands. 
He struts his pretty self over to where Ran stands next to the ties up woman, Sanzu grins straight at her as he pulls the gag down to hear her screams and pleas as he sharpens his knife against his belt once again. 
“Please! Please don't do this I didn't mean it!! Please I just missed you Ran! Please you know me I just missed the two of you! Don't hurt me I wont do it again please please! I'm scared I-I'll ill do anything! pl-”
“Jesus shut the fuck up your voice is giving me a migraine! Haru just deal with that stupid bitch I wanna go see our baby!” Rindou shouts from the other side of the echoing room, Sanzu and Ran laugh at his out burst before Ran squeezes Harus shoulder, gestures to the woman and walks over to Rin. 
“Hmmm okayyy! Lets get this shit on baby! ooo wait can you two deal with that boring bitch, set her on fire or summat or hand her out of the window by her feet with her neck slit! That sounds so funnnnn” Sanzu coos before starting on the bitch in front of him. 
Screams and sobs fill the room along with the metallic and burning stench. 
“You were fucking stupid to think we’d ever let her leave us...”
----Dark Content ends here-----
Sun streams through the open bedroom curtains, the room around you is mostly back to normal apart form the eight pairs of eyes staring back at you from different places in the room. 
“So we should definitely talk about you running away sweets...”
“Yeh we were so fucking worried! Don't fuckin do that again”
“Mochi don't shout in here its too loud... we do need to talk though dollface.”
“Why did you run away?” Mikey voice silences the others, their expectant eyes turn to you waiting for an answer. 
“I- well I- I ... some girls... no I just I didn't feel like I was enough... i was freaking out. I though you'd get sick of me and then you'd leave and id be all on my own then I started panicking because you all spend so much money on me and i feel like i take you for granted! I don't want to be a gold digger like they said I love you all so much and i didn't want to be a nuisance to you all... How could i stay when you should all be with someone better than me? I'm nothing compared to those pretty women, I'm just me” You rant and wail again, letting out all the feelings that you bottled up for god knows how long. You knew you'd felt insecure for a while but they’d always put those feelings to rest with a word or two but now you know you need more than that or you needed to leave. How could you know what to do without finally speaking to them. Finally looking up at the wide eyes staring down at you you can feel the loving gentle looks in their eyes, gentle little smiles aimed at you as they all perch or sit on the bed along with you. 
Sanzus head flops into your lap, Takeomi hops on behind you to rest his chin on your head, Rindou and Ran lay their heads on your stomach, Koko and Mikey flop on either side to wrap their hands around them, Mochi and Kaku plonk themselves on the bed over the other side of the grabby men. 
“Nope you’re not allowed to feel bad about what's ours, you’re our baby so if you feel bad about yourself wee feel bad about ourselves.” Sanzu whines into your lap, a light tantrum starting up again, he nips and bites at your legs in frustration. 
“Did we do something to make you think we don't love you darling?” Kakuchos voice is gentle and warm along with the smile on his pretty face, he reaches for your hand to plant little kisses on it in a comforting gesture. Mikey whines and grumbles from on top of Ran reaching his hand out to play with your hair. 
“Stop cryin sunshine, love you so much... pretty baby...” Mikey hums tiredly from the heap of bodies piled around you, Ran and Rindous arms tighten around you with a grumble from both of them that you cant hear for the muffle of their voices on you stomach. 
“You can’t leave us anyway... breakups should be mutual and there's eight of us saying no here, you’re ours.”  Ran purrs looking up at your tear stained face on Takeomis shoulder, Rindou hum in agreement with his brother nuzzling his face into your stomach more. 
“B-but I don’t want to be that girl! I don’t want others to feel like I'm taking advantage of your love for me or for all of you to think that too! Its pure torture to think of being left alone...” You wail, tears bubbling over once again. Before anyone can speak the malicious chuckles creep from the three men laying on your stomach and thighs, Sanzu giggles as he looks up at you with a glint of something you can’t quite place in his eyes.
“Don’t worry sweets I can show you proper torture if you want I made sure to inflict the worst pain on those fucking whores who upset you!” Sanzu’s chipper voice pipes up before his head flops back down into your lap with another giggle. Your eyes blow wide at the news, you can’t even bring yourself to ask what he truly did but, if you really wanted to know all you would have to do is look in the bins where the three once beautiful suits sit absolutely soaked in blood, vomit and piss. 
“Everything's fine now kid, you’re home safe n sound... no one will ever say shit to you again or ever come near you, Haru will get rid of em if they do, chick.” Takeomi grumbles with a flick of his lighter and a squeeze of your hip. Snazu starts up the grumbles of complaints at him lighting a cig in the house. 
“Oi no Take put that shit out we don’t wanna smell of your cheep ass fuckin cigs.” Rindou snaps form your stomach without looking up, even goes as far as to blindly smack around at the lit cigarette. The others pipe up with a groan at the smell before he puts it out in the glass by the bed with a huff. 
“You all smoke as well why ya gotta complain in here, I’m stresses just wanted a puff.” Takeomis usually bored tone is lightly whiney, the others laugh at his attitude and ignore him in favour of bothering you a bit more. 
“Yeh but not in the house it’ll stink the whole place up and Koko hates the smell on his clothes.” Mochi mutters form the end of the bed, phone in his hand so he can send for a clean up crew for the mess Sanzu, Rin and Ran made in the abandoned building. 
“Okay okay everyone get off lets go watch a film and order food I'm sick of being sad right now... wanna eat n’ chill with my lovely men.” You grumble shoving off al the heavy limpets keeping you anchored to the bed below them, whines and shouts of displeasure sound out from the men falling off the bed as you climb over them. Mochi holds a hand out for you at the other side of the bed, you take it with a smile and jump down off the high bed happily making your way into the kitchen once your down. Behind you the eight men follow on behind, gentle smiles on all of their faces at the sight of your happy walk into the kitchen. 
“The fridge is empty darling, we’ll order takeout so pick a film.” Kakucho hums while he places a sleeping Mikey on the couch with a gentle stroke of his hair, Ran comes into the kitchen with Snazu hanging off of his back tiredly. The others start to take their seats and decide where your getting food from. 
“Come on doll lets sit down and have a cuddle yeh? You can sit on my knee.” Ran hums taking you arm to pull you into the living room. Shouts and disagreement sounds from the living room at you sitting on Rans lap. 
“He had you last night get your arse over here and sit on mine babe!” Comes Kokonois unusually loud voice, he pats his lap with a grin, Kakucho and Rindou on either side of him grin at you before opening their arms. A loving smile comes onto your face as you throw yourself at them with open arms. Koko and Kaku smother you in butterfly kisses as soon as your settled. 
“We love you so much...”
“Yeh... I love you little shits so much too... what would I do without you.” 
Not sure bout this one 😭
Taglist: @loonashadow @bontensbabygirl @roppongiperfume @soushswag @honeybachira @reiners-milkbiddies @sunahyejin @haitink @wakasagurl
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rainpudding · 3 years
Hi! Can i request k and i for childe?
kidnapped injury
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note; i already did injury in Childe's fluff alphabet (link here) but because this is angst let's imagine the injury is fatal
tw; few sentences mentioning toxic obsessive behavior; yandere! blood and injury
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K idnapped - the reader is kidnapped/missing
Childe is usually on missions very far from home. And when he didn't see you for a while he is very pouty and excited to cuddle you. When he finally gets out of work It's usually very early morning or late at night. He opens the door of your shared home and makes tea. Then gets into comfy clothes and finally opens your shared bedroom. He thinks you're already in deep sleep under many blankets. So when he finally gets under covers and reaches his hand to the pile of blankets. He only finds cold space. The sheets don't have your body warmth, they are cold.
Childe would get super paranoid. For how long was he away? You could already leave him. But when did you leave? Was it an hour ago? A day maybe a week. Or is it a month? He looks around. Your clothes and bags were there. Yet the furniture was covered in dust. The bathtub was filled with cold water. The food that remained in the kitchen had mold on top.
Childe's heart is shattered. His chest tight it hurts. He feels dizzy and he feels sick. He can't do anything but blame himself. His body shakes violently. Eventually, he would calm himself down. And after few hours of looking through your things, it was clear you were forced to leave. All of your things stayed where they belonged.
He seeks help from Zhongli. He calls Traveler and even orders fatui agents to look for you. Childe would grow more and more depressed and obsessed with the idea of finding you. Spending days in his room putting non-sensical clues together. These boards with photos and papers connected with red strings.
He doesn't sleep, he thinks. He stares onto the board talking to himself and laughing in despair. It drives him crazy. He drinks coffee and doesn't talk to people. Those who try to help him get pushed away. Fatui agents that try to bring him to the reality of not finding you get executed.
He kills for fun, he drinks alcohol and smoke. It's a never-ending cycle of torture. Hope that he will be in your embrace again. He is desperate. He doesn't remember your face anymore. He forgets your name. But he still looks for you. He gets aggressive and angry at people who disagree. He went to sleep with scenarios of you and him. He is slowly losing himself. He slowly loses a sense of reality.
But let's say he found you :D
there are two ways it would go
1) he finds you before he gets mentally ill
He would be happy and pepper your face with kisses. Holding you for hours and cuddling you inhaling your scent. He would make sure you're alright and he would buy you anything you would touch. Eventually, everything would go back to normal.
2) he finds you with his corrupted mind
He would grow obsessive. Holding you that much it hurts, squeezing you not letting you go. He would buy handcuffs and alarms and cameras. Nobody will ever tear you apart. Not again. You have a strict schedule. You even have bodyguards. If you try to run away the alarms will alarm not only bodyguards but also Childe who would be aggressive and mad. (Those who played mysme imagine this as Jumin's han bad ending route)
I njury - reader has a fatal injury
Childe likes challenges and fights :0 so if you're dating I can imagine having random challenges or fights. However what if you would have a little more serious fight and emotions would be included. Emotions are like drugs. When we are under them we can't control our behavior.
And as you're dodging his attacks one of his water blades cuts your skin. You feel the pain in your right arm which makes you drop your sword. The blood staining your clothes. And you're quickly pushing pressure onto it trying to back away taking a deep breath.
Childe is still angry at you tho and he continues attacking you. You're nimbly avoiding the hits until you stumble over your leg falling to the cold floor. You hiss in pain feeling growing dizzy from the blood loss. Your eyes growing glossy. Childe is blinded by his emotions that he can't see you struggling. He is only focused on winning.
So you're backing away until you hit the wall. You feel the anxiety wash over you as you can't speak. With fear in your eyes, you look at Childe who is slowly walking to you. His eyes are dead. Without a sparkle. They are blank and bland. Suddenly you yelp as he pulls your hair. He kneels in front of you. His water blade right next to your neck artery. He lightly cuts the top of your skin. It's just a small cut but you still feel the blood running out of the wound. You cry for help but he only slams your head into the wall.
You began to breathe heavily putting pressure on your wound. Tears rolling out of your eyes as you look right into Childe's ones. "P-please Chil-childe yo-you won let me go," you choke between deep breaths.
Childe would shake getting out of the trance his emotions put him into. He panics as he looks at your wounds. One small cut on the neck and one deep on your arm. You already lost a lot of blood and it was by his hands.
 He calls for help and waits in the hospital as they're bandaging you. He takes you to dinner afterward. You reassure him that It's okay, it was a fight after all. He feels like he can never forgive himself. He feels disgusted. He can't look at you for few days. The image of you being hurt, the image of your blood on his hands. It's hunting him. He wakes at midnight in sweat fast breathing. He had a nightmare of killing you. Again. He barely gets sleep. He can't ever get this image out of his head.
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Angst alphabet here
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dracowars · 4 years
Hii! So i have seen that your request is currently open! Also that you are kind of new here (i guess? Idrk)! I was wondering if i could request one? The story goes like draco pulls a prank on y/n (any kind really its up to you!) then later on showers her with his love (gift too because we all know he got the ✨ money money ✨ so thats it! (Its very fluffy im sorry) i hope you can do it totally alright if you cant tho!! I hope to see more of your works! God Bless💗
fun and games | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x slytherin!reader
word count: 3,3k
summary: where draco takes pranking y/n too far
a/n: thank you so so much for requesting! <3 since this is my first ever request i'm a little bit nervous >.< i really hope that you like it and that it lives up to your expectations! i feel honored that you trusted me with your request even though i'm still pretty new on here ♡
warnings: none
universe: harry potter
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You can't remember when it started, you only know that it did and that it slowly starts to annoy the hell out of you. Not because you don't understand fun, you really do, but you can't even spend a quiet minute with your boyfriend Draco anymore since he started acting like Fred and George Weasley, always pulling a prank on you with every possibility he got.
Some of those were actually funny and made you laugh, but at some point it just got too much. Every time you are with him now, you expect something to happen. Whether it is that he calls you to him to show you fantastic beasts that do not exist, making you look like a fool while he laughs, or that he hides two of your belongings somewhere around Hogwarts, telling you that it is actually three objects that you then have to search for like crazy. He even gave you Veritaserum once, just to ask you an endless number of questions which you inevitably had to answer. All of that you already went through. But today was somewhat different.
Draco did not pull a prank on you for weeks now, which you can not complain about at all, in fact you are quite happy about it. After his last prank you asked him to finally stop and it seems like he listened to you. Still, something feels very weird.
You haven't seen Draco today, which is rather unusual for you and your relationship because neither of you can last longer than a few hours without the other. You have just come out of your Defense Against the Dark Arts class and look around the hallway, expecting to spot him somewhere, while your classmates walk past you to head to their break. Usually, Draco always picks you up after class so that you can spend time together until your next course. But you don't see him anywhere today.
At the end of the hallway you spot Fred and George trying to sell one of their newest and greatest inventions to a first-year. You shake your head and roll your eyes. These two are probably responsible that your boyfriend had his prank phase, even though he absolutely despises every Weasley. Of course Draco would never admit it, but you think that he copied a lot from them.
"Leave the poor child alone, Weasley's", you tell them while passing them, not wanting to wait longer for Draco to pick you up. Regrettably you shouldn't have opened your mouth because all of a sudden they apparate in front of you out of nowhere, making you flinch and taking a step back. "What, Y/N? Did I hear you correctly?", George says, wiggling his eyebrows at Fred. "You really want to test our new creation?", Fred adds with a smile.
"No, thank you. I've had enough of pranks lately", you assure them with a forced smile. Obviously offended by your statement, the red haired twins cross their arms over their chest, giving you a disapproving look before vanishing again. Shaking your head, you make your way to your common room, hoping to meet Draco on the way there. Unfortunately, that does not happen and you slowly start to have a bad feeling. Where is he?
Once you arrive in the dungeons, you say the password and enter the common room, which is cosy warm in contrast to the cold corridors outside. After all, it's winter; what else should you expect from the temperature? Several Slytherin's buzz around, sitting at the green fire or studying at the tables. But still, no sign of Draco.
You spot Crabbe and Goyle on one of the sofas, who have their eyes focused on you. As soon as they realize that you look back at them, they burst into giggles and look away as if nothing happened. Their weird behavior lets you frown in confusion. Before you can confront them about it, Pansy suddenly appears right in front of you and thus into your field of vision.
"Y/N! We want to go down to the lake in a few minutes. It's frozen solid for the first time this year! Do you want to join us?", she offers, her outfit already perfectly adapted to the cold temperature outside. "Do you know where Draco is?", you blurt out, not answering to her question at all. "No? Why would I?", Pansy responds irritated.
You loudly breathe out. "Nevermind. Enjoy your trip to the lake", you wish her and give her a small smile, then walk past her and towards your room in the girls' dormitories. You don't miss the look that Crabbe and Goyle give you as well as their giggles when you make your way out of the big room though.
While walking your gaze falls on something laying on the ground and you immediately stop in your tracks abruptly. You bend down and pick it up in amazement, a now much bigger smile forming on your lips. In your delicate hand you're now holding a rose petal. Looking in front of you, you notice more rose petals on the floor. They seem to show you the way to your room.
It must have been Draco, he definetely wants to surprise you after a stressful day, you are sure about that. Quickly and with unbelievable enthusiasm you follow the path to your closed door. You imagine how you will open the door and come into your room, there will be a romantic atmosphere with warm candlelight and Draco will lovingly greet you, hug you and kiss you until-
You have just opened the door when suddenly a huge mass of cold water falls down on you, completely soaking you from head to toe. Because of the shock and the sudden coldness surrounding you, you gasp for air. In front of you, you do not see your desired romantic atmosphere or any candles, but only your laughing boyfriend.
"I got you again!", Draco rejoices and praises himself while you can only watch him in shock. You look down at yourself and lift one of your feet out of the puddle beneath you which you are now standing in. Water drips from your hair and your uniform to the floor. Your boyfriend's cheeky laugh echoes in your ears. Slowly your whole body begins to tremble, although you are not sure wheather it comes from the cold water or from the anger boiling up inside of you.
Assuming that you find the successful prank as funny as he does, he keeps laughing, not noticing your anger yet. "Fred and George did the same prank with Weaselbee the other day, so I had to try it out as well. It worked! Crabbe and Goyle helped me set it up and-"
"I hate you so much!", you scream at him angrily, no longer able to keep your anger under control. Draco's expression falls immediately, obviously not expecting this kind of a reaction. You are still stiffly standing under the door frame, stretching your arms away from your body to somehow escape the extreme cold, water still running down, even under your clothes. "Why do you never know when it's time to stop?! I thought you wanted to surprise me!"
A little taken aback, Draco slowly approaches you while you are busy with wringing out your wet hair. "Don't you dare touch me now, Draco Malfoy!", you command and he obeys your words, stopping a few inches in front of you. "Love, it was just supposed to be fun..", he mumbles dejected, insecurely rocking back and forth on his feet, slowly realizing his mistake.
"Yeah, of course. For you it's always all fun and games until someone dies!", you angrily rebuke him. "I'm completely wet, I'm damned cold, as if it wasn't already cold enough outside, and all I wanted is to spend a relaxing and nice afternoon with my boyfriend who, as always, only got nonsense in his mind and not thinks about his girlfriend's feelings!", you complain, getting rid of your wet cloak while bumping into him with your shoulder as you walk past, throwing it onto your bed. You sit down next to it on the soft mattress and take off your soaking wet shoes as well. For a few minutes there is nothing but silence between you two.
"Y/N..", Draco breaks the silence, but you just shoot him a scathing glance, your lower lip now trembling from the coldness surrounding your body. "I don't want to hear anything, Draco. Really", you scoff and roll your eyes, standing up to finally get out of your uncomfortable clothes. "Can you leave, please? I want to change", you ask him reproachfully, but he doesn't move a single bit.
"I'm responsible for this so let me help you, okay? I'm sorry", he says, sincerity in his sad voice. You can't even answer him as he already pulls out his wand and casts a spell you don't recognize. The puddles on the floor disappear and your clothes are suddenly dry again. All that is left is the unbearable cold around you. Freezing, you draw your cloak tighter around you and give Draco a very small but thankful smile.
He looks at you thoughfully before spreading his arms to invite you into a warm hug, which you gladly accept. Even though you're mad at him, he still manages to make you soften again. You wrap your arms tightly around his waist and he gently strokes your back with one hand in hopes to warm you up at least a little bit, then places a gentle kiss of the top of your head and hugs you even tighter, pulling you closer to his much warmer body. He can clearly feel your body tremble against his. "I'm really sorry, love. I hope you can forgive me for my stupid behavior..", he breathes into your ear, loosening your arms around his waist to take your ice-cold hands in his.
He closely examines your face, searching for any hint of what your answer could be like. No longer able to resist his pleading stare and shimmering gray eyes, you slowly nod to assure him that you will forgive him. Of course you will; you love him way too much to let something this silly destroy your relationship. More than happy with your answer, he cups your cheeks between his hands, his silver ring coldy pressing against your skin, and gives you a loving kiss.
"I will make up for it, I promise", he speaks against your lips after you broke the kiss, his thumb caressing your lower lip softly. "As long as you stop those stupid pranks, idiot", you roll your eyes, still feeling a tiny bit upset about the incident. A little chuckle escapes his lips and he pulls you close against him again. "Let's warm you up first, hm?", Draco whispers and before you know it he has apparated both of you back into the common room. Because everyone left to go to the lake you're now completely alone in the big room.
Without your consent, Draco pulls you onto one of the couches near the fireplace so you can warm up. With the help of a spell, he increases the flame a little more. Out of nowhere he throws you a fluffy, thick blanket and wraps you in it, your body now slowly but surely heating up.
While you're still busy making yourself comfortable, Draco extinguishes all the lights in the room except for a few candles, which dip the quiet room into a soothing light, creating a relaxing atmosphere for you two.
"Are you feeling warmer already? Do you need something else? What about a hot chocolate?", he questions you, still feeling extremly horrible for what he made you go through. "A hot chocolate sounds very nice, actually", you accept his offer, deciding to take advantage of the situation, innocently smiling at him. It does not even take him one single second and he suddenly vanishes into thin air. Shaking your head but smiling to yourself you watch the flame in the fireplace while you wait for him to return.
To your amazement, it takes him a lot longer than you expected and that just for a simple hot chocolate. After about a quarter of an hour he pops up again in front of you all of a sudden, two steaming cups in his hands. He serves you your hot drink with a cheeky smile on his face. "As requested: one perfectly hot chocolate, but not nearly as hot as you", he winks at you before making himself comfortable next to you.
"What took you so long?", you ask and take a sip, skillfully ignoring his statement. "Had to.. run a few more errands, you know. I'm a very busy man", he smirks at you, holding the, in his hands much smaller looking, cup. You look at him in disbelief and then discover a few white spots on his uniform that make you raise your eyebrows in confusion. "It's snowing outside?", you question and point to the snowflakes on his cloak that are slowly melting in the warm room. "Care to explain why you were outside?"
"Uh, well.. I just wanted to please my lovely girlfriend", he explains and takes something out of his pockets. You immediately know what it is and sit up excitedly, but before you can grab it, you pull your hand back. "That's not another one of your pranks, is it?", you pout and look in his eyes for an answer, any sign that this really is just normal candy from Honeydukes and not some experiments he bought from Fred and George.
"Come on, Y/N! They are not poisoned. Eat now or I froze myself to death out there for nothing", Draco assures you and you decide to trust him, carefully opening the candy, revealing the actually normal, delicious sweets that you love so much. Happily eating them you don't even notice at first how Draco keeps staring at you, one of his fingers nervously tapping the rim of his cup.
"Y/N?", Draco finally clears his throat, sitting up straight while you look at him with big expectant eyes. The way he pronounces your name, how the letters roll of his tongue create goosebumps all over your skin, causing you to cuddle up more into the cozy blanket, waiting for him to continue. His gaze wanders back and forth between you and his warm drink, of which he has not drunk very much yet.
He opens his mouth to say something again but notices the goosebumps on your arm, the alarm bells in his head loudly going off immediately. "Are you still cold? Wait a second!", Draco tells you, without waiting for an answer, and jumps up, running to his prefect room and coming back a few seconds later to give you one of his green Slytherin sweaters. "Here. Put it on, it will warm you up", he commands and examines you carefully as you pull it over your head, the pleasant scent of his perfume clouding your senses instantly.
Your cheeks turn a little bit red, on the one hand because of the extreme warmth that now surrounds you and on the other hand because Draco gives you such a sweet and tender look, as if you are the most beautiful and precious being in this world; which, in fact, you definetely are to him. He moves closer to you and puts his arm around your shoulders so that you can lean against his chest and snuggle up to him. Draco gently runs his fingers over your hair, over your cheeks and to your chin, which he slightly lifts up, making you look at him.
Neither of you say anything for a while, you just look each other deep in the eyes. Draco brushes one strand of hair behind your ear that fell into your face and slowly leans in. You close your eyes, waiting for him to connect your lips, but he teasingly stops shortly before, his breath fanning against your skin. "I have something for you.. as an apology", he gently whispers and you open your eyes in surprise. "You don't have to give me anything, Draco. I've already forgiven you, you know that", you smile at him, cupping one of his cheeks which makes him smile.
He takes your hand in his and squeezes it lightly, kisses your knuckles and then shakes his head with a sigh. "I know. Still, I feel bad and want to give you something. Something very meaningful and significant", he declares, reaching into his pocket once again. Eventually, his secrecy makes you kind of curious anyway and you look at his hand eagerly, waiting to see what the gift will be.
Draco pulls out a small black box covered in velvet. Your curious gaze focuses on the box, which contents are still unknown to you until he finally opens it and reveals a beautiful, gold shimmering and, above all, quite expensive looking necklace. Small moons and stars hang on it, but the real focus of the indescribably lovely piece of jewelry is in the middle. The bigger splendid pendant attached to it is none other than his name, Draco, written in an artistic curved font. Overwhelmed, your mouth drops open.
"Actually, I wanted to give it to you for our anniversary this year, as a thanks for sticking around with me for so long, no matter how stupid and silly and annoying I was. Somehow it just felt like the right moment to give it to you now", Draco explains in a calm voice, no sight of the silly boy from a few hours ago, and takes the necklace out of its box, gesturing that you should turn around so he can carefully place it around your neck. He leaves a few butterfly kisses along your neck before you turn around to him again, immediately touching the pendant with your fingertips, slightly pressing it against your soft skin.
"I thought I would give you my first name as long as I can't give you my last", Draco smiles timidly, a tear escaping from the corner of your eye as you pull him into a tight embrace. "D-Draco.. I don't know what to say.. I love you so much", you sob into his neck, placing a kiss right there. His arms wrap around you and he breathes out contentedly and somewhat relieved. "I was afraid that you would reject me..", he whispers nearly inaudible, more to himself than to you.
"I would never even think about rejecting you! But do you really promise that you will make it come true, Draco? That you will give me the honor to receive your last name?", you ask seriously, retreating a bit so you are able to look at his handsome face. A smile creeps its way onto his lips at your so serious but also hopeful facial expression. "I don't want anything more in my life than that, darling", Draco clarifies honestly and then takes the pendant with his name on it between his thumb and index finger. "This is a promise", he repeats softly and gives you a quick but loving kiss.
Despite the short kiss, you feel a pleasant warmth inside of you and the butterflies flutter around in your stomach. You put your hands around his neck and can't help but grin brightly, trying to hide it by biting down on your lower lip. Immediately, Draco's thumb comes up to your lip and stops you from doing so, looking back and forth between your shiny eyes and plump lips.
The next kiss you share is so passionate and with so much love that you forget everything around you in a matter of seconds, fading out your surroundings. Now, there is only you and Draco. And a promise that you hold close to your heart.
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jeo9n · 4 years
Majesty Pt 2 || JJK
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre : Slow burn,Angst,fluff,King Jungkook
Warnings : Angst,future smut, reader is shy:/,mean jungkook kinda?, virgin reader.
Wordcount : 1.7k
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"I-I don’t think I would be good wife." I said, quietly while looking down. I felt everyone’s eyes on me, I felt his eyes on me. "I’ll be the judge of that" he said, with that cold tone to his voice while beckoning for me to come to the front. 
"What’s that’s supposed to mean?" I questioned myself while looking at him. He was still standing there waiting for me to step forward so I did.
Once I was at the front, he started asking questions as to why these girls thought they would be a perfect wife for him. "What makes you a good wife?" he asked a girl with long blonde hair that was standing right in front of him.
"Well, I know how to cook, I’m great with kids, I can do the laundry, And I know how to take care of a man." she said, with a smirk on her Face while twirling her hair around her finger. The King looked at her with a stupid smirk on his face. "I don’t care if you can cook, or not. I have maids for that." He said while looking at her. "I also don’t care if you can do my laundry cause like I said, I have maids for that they do those things for me." he said, and the smirk on her face was slowly disappearing.
He asked every girl the same thing and almost all of them gave the same answer as the girl before them. I stopped paying attention as to what they said because it was becoming boring after a while.
I looked outside the window and noticed that the sun was about to set. "How long have I been here?“ I thought to myself.
I heard someone clearing their throat, so I turned my head to see who it was. As I turned my head I was met with the King standing right in front of me. I gasped in shock as I wasn’t expecting him to stand in front and so close to me all of a sudden. I took a step back to create some space between us, but he took a step closer to me so to prevent me from creating any space between us. He was way too close to me for my liking but i ignored it. I looked down as I didn’t know what to do. "Look at me." He said, I hesitate a bit, but I didn’t want to make him mad so I looked up to meet his eyes. He looked me in the eyes so intensely I felt myself staring to blush I wanted look away, but his stare told me he wouldn’t like that.
"Whats your Name?" he asked, While looking me straight in the eyes, still refusing to break eye contact. "Y-Y/n..... my name is Y/n your highness." I answered him.
"Do I make you nervous Y/n?" he asked me with a smile on his face. "N-no your highness. You don’t make me nervous." I lied, while nervously chewing on my lower lip. He tsked while shaking his head slightly. "Don’t lie to me Y/n." He said in a cold tone. „"You know lying is a bad thing right? I could punish you for that." he said, while looking at me with no emotions whatsoever on his face.
"I’m sorry your highness." I apologized while bowing. "What do you think makes you a good wife?" He asked me the same stupid question. "I-I don’t know your highness." I said while looking away. "What do you mean you don’t know why? Why are you even at this competition if you don’t even know if you would be a good wife?" he said, in a annoyed tone. "I’ve never been with a man before your highness. I-i don’t how to please or how to take care of a man." I admitted honestly. Still not meeting his eyes. He gave no answer to that.
He stood in front of me for a few more seconds before walking away, back to the middle where he was originally stood. After he was back in his place, the older man beside him asked. "Have you chosen your Future wife, Your majesty?"
"Yes I did." He said with a straight face.
All the girls including me suddenly became nervous and curious to see who the King has chosen to be his future wife.
"And who would that lucky lady be?" The older man questioned the King while looking at us with a smile on his face.
"Her." He said, while looking directly at me with a smirk on his lips. My jaw fell and my eyes widened. Everyone turned their heads to look at me. He chose me? Me? I couldn’t believe it. Why did he chose me? When he could’ve chosen a better girl, a more experienced girl, a girl that’s way more confident in her self than I was. ....I didn’t understand.
"Are you sure your majesty?" The older man asked. "Yes I am sure." Was all he said. "Ah that is wonderful. Please come forward miss." He said to me with a big smile on his face. I walked over to them and stood beside the King awkwardly. Still in shock that he chose me out of all these girls.
The other girls were asked to leave. The King and the older man left the room too. The man told me that they had to talk about some stuff for a little. And soon I was left alone in the room all by myself.
20 minutes later the old man came back and asked me to follow him. "We are going to take to the King‘s palace now." He told me, as we were walking out of the room. What? He’s going to bring to the palace? Now? No way. I wanna go back home to my mom. "Wait, I thought I could go back home." I told him. "Oh no darling the King wants you at his palace as soon as possible." He said in a calm voice. "But what about my clothes and everything? I need to go back home to get my stuff. I need to say bye to my mom and can’t just leave without saying bye to her." I said in a shaky voice. He turned his head and looked at me "We already informed your mother miss. You can go visit her in a few days." I looked at him. "There’s no need to worry about your clothes, the Kings has prepared clothes for you at the palace." He told me, while leading me to the carriage, that would bring me to the palace.
Once we arrived at the palace, we waited for the guards to open the gates for us.
While we waited my eyes wandered around the palace. I was in shock at the sight that was in front of me. There was a huge garden with beautiful big trees surrounding the palace, the palace itself was in a beautiful beige color, while the roof was in a light blue color. It was more than beautiful. Tho it looked like a place where I didn’t belong. It looked too expensive for a person like me to even step a foot into the palace.
Once the guards opened the gates, we were headed inside. I couldn’t stop myself from looking around, never have I seen a place that looked so magical and beautiful.
We arrived at the entrance of the palace and a old woman opened the door to greet us. "Welcome miss." she said in a happy voice while bowing to me. I was about to bow back to her but she stopped me. "You don’t have to bow to me miss." She told me with a smile on her face. "O-oh okay" I answered her awkwardly. "Come on, I’ll show you to your room." She said, while motioning me to follow her.
While she lead me to the room, my eyes wandered around once again. Everything inside was painted in white and cold. The stairs, the hallway, the ceiling, the floor, everything was in white and cold and it looked absolutely beautiful. We arrived outside of a room that had double doors, the doors were white with gold door knobs. She opened the door for me and lead me inside, inside there was a huge king bed in the middle of the room. The bed was also made out of white and gold with white bed sheets. There two white bedside tables at each side of the bed with gold lamps on it, right beside the bed were the windows which had a view of the beautiful garden. The woman showed me around the rest of the room. She showed me, that there was also a huge closet and a bathroom attached to room. She was about to leave once she was done showing with me everything but I stopped her.
"Wait, I don’t have to share this room with the King... right?" I asked her nervously. She laughed and said, "of course not dear." She looked at me. "Well, not yet at least, you have to get married to the King first. Once your married you two will have to share a room." she explained to me. "But what if I don’t want to share a room with him?" I asked her while picking at my nails. "Why wouldn’t you want to share a room with your husband?" She asked me, with a confused look on her face. "Ah never mind." I told her. She wouldn’t understand it anyway if I told her why.
She left me alone, and I decided to take a bath. Once i was finished, I started getting ready for bed since I was getting tired and it was already pretty late. As I was laying bed I started realizing what actually happened today. The King chose me to be his wife. I was about to get married to him. He wants to marry me. This all felt like a dream, this couldnt be real, there’s no way. I thought about my mom, how she felt, I thought about how she reacted when she found out, I thought about when I would see her again, I thought about everything that’s about to come.
Taglist : @fangirl125reader @min-nicoleee
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em0avacado · 4 years
They say
( Coco Cruz x Reader )
a/n : this is how i cope, don’t mind me, i’m just breaking my own heart.
trigger warnings : none i don’t think? except heart break, sadness. ends happy tho. i think. maybe.
word count : 2.4k
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They say that, if you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was meant to be, if it doesn’t? well you just couldn’t accept that. You’d poured every ounce of yourself into him, you’d told him all your fears, all your pet peeves, all your insecurities, because you trusted him. You’d accepted all his weird quirks, all the strange habits he had that you looked past, youd accepted him for who he was, as you do when you love someone as much as you loved him. You supported him, mentally and physically, from up close and from far away. You encouraged him, reminded him of little things he easily forgot, you told him every day how proud you were of him, how loved and appreciated he was.
He used to do the same for you, used to. But at some point, he began holding back, he stopped doing things he started doing to win you over. You used to have a list of pet names hed call you when he babied you, now it was just ‘baby’ if he was in a good mood, or [Y/N]. You noticed it as soon as it started, you noticed everything. You knew he was stressed so you didn’t want to push it, but you also know that “stressed” was a norm for Coco, so you couldn’t wrap your head around it entirely. He started coming home later, crashing on the couch in hopes of “not disturbing your sleep.” it sounded like an excuse to you, and it hurt. it really fucking hurt you.
At some point, you’d had enough of your boyfriend distancing himself like that, ignoring your feelings, ditching you when you needed him, you couldn’t live that way, you wouldn’t. So, when he came home, you’d waited up for him, sitting at the small kitchen table you both used to enjoy your breakfast on every Sunday, now it stood empty, with nothing but a stack of newspapers from the passing weeks piled on it. With a bit of liquid courage crashing against the rocks of ice as you swirled the brown liquid around in the cup, your eyes felt red with fire, and your cheeks were stained with few dried tears that rolled down your face as your mind came up with the worst possible results you could imagine, all to which, came true. With a jingle of his keys in the lock, you straightened your posture, looking at him.
“What’re you doing up?” he asked her, that same vacant look on his face.
“I wanted to talk”
“it can wait till morning.”
“it really can’t.” with that, she was met with utter annoyance, and an obnoxious scoff that made her blood boil.
“go on then.”
“you’ve distanced yourself, so hard. I barely see you. We don’t sleep in the same bed, I can’t remember the last time you touched me, hell, even looked at me like you used to. What’d I do?” that was your go to, blaming yourself. It’s how you dealt with the unexplained.
“Get off my ass, [Y/N].” He dismissed you, you watched as he pulled off his kutte, and settled into the couch. You kept your eyes on him, murder on your mind. God he irritated you, you wanted to take his neck between your hands and wring it. Maybe that’d breathe some sense into him, if you deprived him of oxygen a little. But you didn’t need another felony charge, you inhaled deeply, balling your fists, the sting of your nails digging into the palm of your hand bringing you back from picturing all the ways you’d brutally murder him, out of love, of course.
If you loved someone... you’d refrain from strangling them, you turned from the spot you stood, and headed into the bedroom. You did the breathing exercises your therapist had taught you, but they worked only slightly. You grabbed a duffel bag, and started shoving clothing into it, as much as you could, you pushed all the belongings you’d need the next few days, and zipped it up. Pulling on a hoodie, you tossed the bag over your shoulder, and headed out. You walked passed him without a word, when you went to grab your car keys, you did the only petty thing you’d let yourself, trying to be the better person, you hid every single key to everything you had, knowing how easily he lost keys, you’d help him, in your own favour, however.
You left, and you didn’t look back. You couldn’t. The mere thought of Coco made you tear up, and it didn’t help that every tiny thing made you think about the lost love that still caused your chest to feel like it was about to concave. This wasn’t natural, you hadn’t felt like this, you were the queen of bottling up emotions, and ignoring them so you didn’t feel the pain of anything. But as you lived and breathed, everything reminded you of him.
You were in the middle of a girls lunch date, it’d been weeks since your seen your girlfriends since you’ve been trying to isolate yourself trying to get over this man, in the midst of drinking mimosas on the balcony of one of those entirely too fancy restaurants, you were laughing at highschool memories of your best friend who would start fights in the halls because she was bored, it was then, when a roar of motorcycles sped past where you were sitting, and it threw you into a whirl wind of emotions.
“make sure you hold on tight, mamas. Wouldnt want you to fall off.” the smirk heard in Coco’s voice sent a chill down your spine, being too intimidated by any sort of physical contact, usually, you usually ease yourself into it, but with Coco? It was brash and sudden, he started the bike, and gave you maybe a millisecond to grab a hold on him.
A little squeal forced its way out of your mouth as you quickly grabbed onto him, gripping onto your own hands, clinging to him. You buried your face in his shoulder. You felt him chuckle, and wanted to knock him out right then and there, but perhaps that wasn’t the best idea. It took you a moment, but once you opened your eyes, and watched as buildings, cars, people, hills and piles of dirt passed you by, trees whipping by. You felt yourself calm, you felt at peace. The wind flipped through your locks of hair, his scent filling your senses.
“This isn’t that bad.” you heard yourself admit in a soft mumble, you shut your eyes and felt the wind attack your face, balancing your inner battles with yourself. You felt peace in Coco, he tamed your chaos, and you his. God, what you’d give to feel like this all the time, but you only felt it with him.
You felt your throat burn, your bottom lip lodged itself between your teeth, and you did your best to fight the rage that tinged your eyes with tears. Your friends saw this, noticing immediately, the emotion that washed over your face, paling your features and dimming a smile that brought them laughter that lasted for days. You’d always been the group clown, with the loudest laugh, the brightest smiles, you were the one they’d all turn to when they couldn’t hold themselves up. You were a force to be reckoned with, you fought their battles when they couldn’t even hold themselves up. You never failed to show up with booze and ice cream to heal broken hearts. You brought things that made you think of friends, you remembered the finest details and came through every time. You listened to the quietest ones, heard every story, laughed at the lamest jokes. Seeing you with tears streaming involuntarily down your face as you tried to hide it, wiping them as fast as they came, it broke their collective hearts. They looked at one another, an unspoken question “how do you skip to the part of the storm that sprouts the flowers when the rain stops?”
Your relationship with sleep was toxic, it came and went as it pleased, your eyes were sunken, it was three A.M. and you felt your thoughts running through your mind a million miles a minute. Your head in your hands as another memory floated to the surface.
Panic overwhelmed you, hearing something, or someone, rustling around the kitchen, you grabbed the gun you kept tucked under your mattress. You cocked it, and took the safety off, holding it out in front of you in a defensive position. You opened your creaking door, the noise working at your nerves as you creeped into the kitchen where the only thing that illuminated the dark room was the bulb from the old white fridge. You watched silently as the head ducked from inside the fridge, you found it peculiar, but all you saw was a figure in your home you didn’t know. Getting closer, you held the barrel of the gun to the head of the man that stood in your kitchen.
“Hands up, Foo. Before I blow your brains all over my backsplash.” You threatened, your voice tense, and you were met with laughter that was all too familiar. Furrowing your brows, you were still panicked, not thinking straight. You shifted the gun so the bullet that was about to fly, only ripped through his hair. The shot rang loud, causing Coco, who you didn’t know was Coco, to crash to the ground.
“Crazy bitch!” he shouted, you flicked on the light, still having the gun pointed at him. Your eyes widened quickly, the man on your floor was Coco, and now there was a bullet lodged into your ceiling. You could kiss your security deposit goodbye, fuck, and you just shot at Coco. You put the safety back on, and set it on your counter before going to help him. A few minutes passed before both of you sat in fits of laughter, him mocking your voice, your words.
Coco told you so many times that the night you nearly shot him in the head, was the night he fell for you entirely. Sure, he’d known you were the one way before that. That night, though, he knew he was in love with you. That night he swore he’d break past your barriers, he’d demolish how you saw yourself, he taught you to love you, he made you promises to show you love like no other, and to show you that you didn’t have to be afraid of either physical and emotional aspects of love. He did do exactly that, but then ripped it away from her. Leaving her heart with him, and her chest feeling heavy with nothing. Once again tears were brought to your eyes, you were thankful for his love, but without it? you wished you’d never had experienced it in the first place. Maybe you wouldn’t be hurting now.
You were brought out of your train of thought by the knocking on your door, furrowing your brows, you got up from your spot on the counter, where you were thinking of better times, you looked through the peephole and it felt like someone took a vacuum to your weak lungs. Coco. Struggling to breathe proper, you just intended on ignoring him, it was the first time in months youd seen him and you didn’t know if you could handle it. Your heart screamed at you to let him in, he looked beat up, tired, and one of his eyes was bandaged up, he looked broken. you wanted to embrace him, forget the distance, but your mind scolded you, reminding you of the progress youd made, bouncing back from the pain oh so slowly. This could set it all back. So you decided, you wouldn’t open the door. He’s a big boy. You silently turn on your heel, away from the door.
“I’m sorry.” you heard him rasp, and you froze in your spot, a deer caught in headlights. You couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. “I know you’re there, I know you’re awake and I know you know it’s me. You have your kitchen light on, so I saw you stand on your toes to look through the peephole because you’re too short.” you cursed his observant ways, how well he knew you, like he had quirk notes tattooed on the back of his hand and read them like a bible. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice when you left, that I was too deep in my own world to see how me fading away for my own selfish needs was hurting you. I’m sorry I made it seem like I didn’t care, that it hurt you, I’m sorry that I made promises and broke them. I started thinking about things I never knew I wanted until you marched your stubborn self in my life and gave me a taste of a love that changed me. It scared the fuck out of me.”
That familiar burn of emotion lit up your head, and singed your chest. You let his words sink in, you couldn’t speak, not yet. Squeezing shut your eyes, you turned back to the door, setting your hand on the knob. You felt the door shift, like he’d gotten up from leaning his head against the poorly tinted wood. He got it, you could feel him prepare to walk away. If you love something, let it go. But Coco came back. He came back. You unlocked it, and turned the knob. Looking at him through sore eyes. “Running when you’re scared isn’t an option for me.” you said, defeat obvious in your voice. He stopped, turned to you and closed in quick. You pushed his hands away. “You can’t - You can’t just show me, tell me, and hold it to me that i shouldn’t shut you out, and i should trust you, and i should turn to you before anyone and anything else only to turn around and do that to me. You can’t do that and come running back.” you practically yelled at him, your voice shaking and raw.
“I know, I know I’m sorry.” he said, his hands dropping to his sides when you reached forward and yanked him in with all your might. The gesture was aggressive, sure. But pure.
“i’m sorry too.” you muttered, embracing him tightly.
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myhusbandsasemni · 3 years
The Battery
“Well, well, well,” Anisha said with a smile. “Here we are, on a date, by the seashore. That’s pretty romantic, Laur. What’s the plan for this date?”
Laurance smiled at her and put an arm around her shoulders. “Well, I was thinking we could dip our feet in the ocean, get something to eat at those tourist traps over there, and then go hunt down some pirates.”
Anisha laughed. They actually were out and about to trap pirates. There had been a call for the adventurer’s help with that. Rin and Kiera were out with Souka staking out another possible beach that the pirates could be hiding at. 
Anisha nudged Laurance and pointed at a suspicious boat on the docks. He nodded and the two casually walked acting just like a young couple only interested in seeing the ocean. It was easy to tell the boat they were headed for was the one they’d been looking for. Laurance smiled at Anisha and started to communicate with her through the link they shared between their minds. 
‘Game plan?’
‘You go up the gangplank as a distraction and I’ll fly up the other side of the boat and start kicking butt.’
Laurance gave her a puppy dog look. ‘I’m always the distraction, tho.’
‘Do you think you can make it up the other side?’
Laurance paused and looked at the ship. ‘… not quickly, but I could shadow jump to the deck.’
‘We could do that. You do end up as the distraction most of the time,’ Anisha relented as they came near the ship. 
A smile formed on Laurance’s face and he held Anisha closer lovingly. ‘Thank you, love.’
Anisha gave a small nod, excitement lighting up in her eyes. 
They split up and Anisha trotted up the gangplank while Laurance went off to find a shadow to jump through. Anisha came up to the top and looked around with a childish grin. “Wow!” She declared as if she’d never been on a boat before. “These are so big! It’s hard to think they float on top of the water!”
The pirates looked over at her, confused. She smiled, looking around at all of them. 
Two of them immediately rushed for her and she dodged out of the way, a bit surprised by how fast they were going after her when she was just acting like a lost tourist. 
It only took a moment of studying the faces of the pirates and the set up of the deck before she realized it was a trap. 
‘Stay down there, Laurance!’ she mind spoke just as her husband shadow jumped onto the ship. He looked at her startled for a moment before jumping into the fight. It was obvious they had tripped into a trap. The pirates all had weapons that jolted Anisha when they touched and they were starting to get overwhelmed by the pirates coming up from the bowels of the ship. Laurance shoved through a knot of the pirates to Anisha, who was practically buried in the men. 
He pulled Anisha up and rushed her to the side of the ship. He leapt over with her, not noticing her tripping on the net caught around her body. He felt her ripped from his grasp as the pirates grabbed the net and jerked her so she didn’t fall into the water with him. He crashed through the salty water and broke back up through the surface, reaching for Anisha when something grabbed his legs. 
“You have your prize,” the captain called to the water as a net of wet weeds was thrown over Laurance and his arms were jerked down behind him, slimy weeds wrapped tightly around his wrists as he struggled to keep his head above the water. He called to Anisha, who had pushed her arm through the net and was yelling for him to grab her hand. 
A merman broke the surface by Laurance and Laurance struggled harder to escape. Merfolk were always looking for Semni like Laurance to use in hundreds of magical ways and semni often died in watery graves when taken. 
“Thank you,” the merman nodded before putting his hand on Laurance’s head and shoving him under the water. Laurance was quickly dragged down and something was shoved in his mouth. He could hear Anisha yelling, even through the water.
“Swallow,” one of the merfolk growled. 
Laurance gritted his teeth and did so, the slimy mass sliding down his throat. He shuddered as a change took hold in his body. Gills frilled out on his neck and arms and in his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw he was being dragged down to the bottom of the ocean. It took a few minutes to regulate his breathing and by that time, he was thoroughly bound and helpless. He saw a vague city in the distance and he finally had enough oxygen in his blood to fight back against the merfolk, struggling and shedding the looser ropes. 
He received a blow to the head for his efforts and he floated between too hefty merfolk as they dragged him to the city. He didn’t remember much of the trip, but he knew that there were stares and whispers that had followed them through the city. Laurance was thrown in front of a leader figure and there was some quick talk that Laurance barely caught as he tried to drag himself back together. Something about a weapon and needing a battery. 
Laurance lifted his head and finally caught some of the conversation. 
“You’ve done well, Adant,” the leader said with a nod to the head of the hunting party. “You shall be rewarded.”
Adant nodded, a smile on his face.
“Please take him to his cell. We’ll perform the ceremony in an hour.”
Laurance growled and spoke in Mereian, their language. He even gave the pops and whistles that belonged with this accent. “What’s going on here?”
The leader looked down, surprised. “How do you know this language?”
“I’m Teliar. What do you expect?”
The leader narrowed his eyes at him and said, “I am Galgar. Leader of the providence of Tecaa. You are Laurance Zvehlin and you will assist us in ending the war we have found ourselves in.”
“Alright, fine,” Laurance said. “You could have just asked and my team would have come to help.”
“No, you do not understand. You will help us utterly destroy our enemies.”
Laurance sighed, feeling a bit strange with the way the water and air interacted in his systems now. “I can’t. It’s against my code. I can help end the war but not-”
“Oh, you won’t do it willingly.”
“I was afraid so.”
Galgar waved to Adant. “Take him away. I must prepare.”
Laurance was heaved up and pulled through the water to an empty cell. He was untied only for cuffs to be locked around his wrists. The water in the room was slightly bloody by this point. Laurance had tried to escape and managed to injure two of the guards before he was pinned, unused to moving in water. It was hard to get leverage and momentum against the merfolk. 
The merfolk held him down and someone dragged his jacket off his arms and cut his shirt off. Laurance growled and struggled, but couldn’t get free as they finished by pulling off his undershirt. 
They let him go and he got up as quickly as he could but the metfolk were already gone, having uncovered his torso and taking his shirt and jacket with them. He glared after them and grumbled to himself before testing out the strength of the cuffs and the chains that attached to a metal loop in the floor. 
They were definitely made to hold a Semni captive. He jerked then and all he got for his troubles was a water muffled clicking noise. He growled and looked around to see what the room had to offer. It was bare except for the small piles of mud buildup in the corners. He wasn’t able to touch any of the walls and could only just see out of the barred window. He sighed. This wasn’t even his first time being kidnapped by metfolk. The Mer always seemed to be a lot more invested in getting their fins on Semni than most. 
Laurance wondered what they were planning on doing with Anisha. It seemed the pirates had some plans for her, but Laurance doubted they would hold her for long. Nothing on their ship seemed like it would be able to hold a fully grown scaleon, never mind a trained Teliar. He’d be out soon enough. 
Laurance was busy examining his situation for the next half hour. He wasn’t able to find a way out as he was being kept in a room meant to hold a Semni Teliar, at least for an hour. If he’d had longer he could have figured something out. But he didn’t as guards swam into the room and grabbed him by the arms, restraining him as they undid the chains and placed him in a strange pair of manacles that looked like pieces in a larger machination. 
They dragged Laurance out through the halls despite his struggling and into the city where they swam him off the ground so there was practically nothing he could do to fight against them. They swam over a huge crowd of Mer and brought him to a platform. It wasn’t the platform that worried Laurance. It was the machine on top that was the problem. It was big and bulky, with a pointed top and weird designs hidden by age and algae. There was a human shaped space on one side and Laurance realized what this was. He struggled harder but more guards grabbed a hold of him and lifted his arms above his head, forcing him into the space and clicking the manacles into their place. Bands of metal were closed across Laurance’s chest and legs to keep him in contact with the metal. The guards stepped back as the speech started. 
Galgar stood dnd waved his hands. “My siblings. Today is a marvelous day!”
Laurance opened his mouth to yell, but was swiftly gagged with a thick cloth and then another one tied around his head to keep it in place. He glared at the leader as the speech continued. 
“Our pact with the land dwellers has come to fruition! They have brought us a powerful Semni to finally end the cruel reign of Hethspit. This weapon, powered by our prize, will boil them off the face of our maps!”
There was a yell of excitement through the crowd as Laurance struggled harder. If that was the case, he didn’t want to be the cause of so many deaths. He’d already cause so much destruction, he couldn’t handle it if he became the creator of more pain and sadness. 
Not to mention the strain of the weapon might kill him. 
“Now!” Galgar grinned. “To destroy our enemies!”
Laurance struggled and cried out through his gag as Galgar stepped up to the weapon. It hummed and turned a little to calibrate. Galgar shot a look of satisfaction at Laurance before he made a show of slamming the button. 
Laurance screamed. 
The world went black, water seemed to boil around him as Laurance was used as an adapter to change planet energy into destructive force. Laurance screamed, a harsh demonic shriek in his tone. 
There was a blast and no one could see through the blinding light. 
A bolt of boiling energy blasted out to the other providence, striking it in the middle of its government halls. The blast was horrendous. Hot water washed over the sea scape for miles. The beam shut off after a few moments and Laurance fell forward against the restraints. He was unconscious and steaming a little from acting as an adapter between world energy and death ray.
His hair slowly settled back down through the water as he fell still. The strands had all gone from brown to white. Galgar’s cackle and the cheers from his people filled the water as they ignored the drained Semni.
The Adventurers tag list: @dowings @writeblrfantasy @artrayasnow93 @doubi-ixi @extraisthmus @thethistlegirlwrites @thepotatowriter
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Hiii! Love your work btw! Can I request a (modern au) katsuki bakugo x reader where he is a mafia boss and they’ve been together for a while now and totally in love but she doesn’t know he’s the mafia boss until she gets kidnapped by the enemy and once he rescues her she feels betrayed and lied to and ignores him for a couple of days until she finally decides to meet him and tries to break up with him but he doesn’t let her and convinces her to give him another chance. And maybe end in a smut? You don’t have to tho :)
Hello anon, I’m happy you like my writing! I’m not sure you’ve seen it but smut writings start AFTER October 9.
This may be a little long!
warnings; Some Language (It’s bakugou)
Please enjoy~🍰
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“Y/N, I’m home..“ Bakugou announced as he enters the home you both shared. You’d usually be in his arms by now but it was a bit too quiet. He carefully walks through the home looking for you. 
“Y/N? Babe?“ he called again but there was no response. Coming to the livingroom his heart stops for a moment. Pictures broken, vases shattered, the coffee table flipped over. Now his heart starts to race as he flies up the stairs to find you. 
“Y/N!“ You weren’t in the bathroom, or the guest rooms, or the closets. He felt like his world was coming down down on him. What could have happened? Just then he gets a call, looking at the screen it’s one of his men 
“Hello...“ he said monotone with a hint of pain 
“Boss! Come quick! T-They got Y/N!“
You wake up, sore and stiff. Opening your eyes your met with a cage, trying to move wasn’t possible. You were tied to a chair in the middle of an empty cell.. this is the kind of stuff you expected to see if movies but never happened to you. You hear footsteps approaching your area, a man stops at the front of the cell.
“Well, well..look who’s awake. Did you sleep well?” He sneered. You didn’t answer feeling your heart pound in your chest “That boyfriend of yours really scored a pretty one.” he opens the gate to the cell and walks in. Just his presence was uncomfortable to be around
“What..are you talking about?“ you asked cautiously
“oh, so you don't know his line of work do you?” he smirks “Your precious Bakugou is a feared Mafia boss. One with a weakness, being you” he chuckles 
“No..you’re lying....h-he would have told me..” you could feel your heart pound, do blood fresh in your mind spin. “I-I mean something to him....right...” you whisper the last part.
How could he have kept such a big favor from you. This is supposed to be the man that you love, the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. Instead, he might be a part of the mafia? 
You could feel your heart ache, from processing this.
“Well, it’s true, he is a very well known, very wealth mafia boss. He has been stealing lots of turf and business from me, and frankly it’s annoying. So, I’m using his precious girlfriend to lure in what I want and if I don’t get what I want-“ you hear the cock of a gun in the silent room as the cold runs along your cheek 
“There’ll be a price to pay“
“Damn it can you go any faster?!“ Bakugou scolded his driver “Who knows what that maniac will do if we don’t get there soon enough?“
Kaminari wanted to fulfill his boss’s wish but getting there fast was something reckless. They had to under the radar if they wanted this to be a smooth rescue. Either way he wasn’t supposed to come, in his words he said 
“Knowing you idiots, you won’t know how to handle or explain everything to her“
Bakugou stares out the window, the only thing on his mind was you. Now he had to tell you what he did, who he was. He never wanted to drag you into this, you didn’t deserve to be brought into this mess. All he wanted was to give you a happy comfortable life. 
All those times spent together. Anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, he wanted to spend every moment with you. Yet, it was his fault you were in this position. 
“We’re here...“ car came to stop at the gaze on to a rundown building. Sure I’d love to run down, but this was just a cover-up.
“I’m coming for you Y/N, just hold on....”
What else could he be hiding for me? Does he even love me.....I’ve been in danger this whole time. Is he the same man I fell in love with? can I have been so blind.... all those late nights at “work“, leaving randomly early in the morning. I should have seen it coming....
Negative thoughts start to invade your mind as you sat in the cell. Thinking about all these things made you feel cold and alone. I could practically feel your heart break your trust for him fading from your mind
“No, no please, I’m just a guard I-” enough voice please before a loud explosion was heard. The door pops off its hinges and hits the floor with a loud bang. A beaten and bloody guard laid on the floor. The man who was in the cell before stands from his chair and applauds slowly.
“Wow, you got here quicker than I thought“ he smirked looking at his watch
“I’m giving you 5 seconds before I rip your head off“ your boyfriend said dangerously 
“I’ll hand her over unharmed, in exchange for some territory and some cold hard cash“ he walks over to your chair hands landing on your shoulders massaging them gently “but it’d be a shame to see her go. Such a lovely girl, maybe I’ll keep her-“ 
“Like hell am I letting that happen!” one second he was behind you the next he was pinned to a wall by the throat by Katsuki. “Taking her was one thing, touching her is another. You’re just asking for a fucking death wish aren’t you“ 
Letting him go, his body drops to the floor, and his men come and and take him away. He comes to you and cuts the rope off your hands and legs 
“Y/N, I’m sorry I wasn’t home to protect you, I’m sorry you had to see this shit“ he gives you a hand to stand up and cups your face “Did he touch you, are you hurt?“ 
You pull your face away and look to the ground “I’m fine..can we leave now?” he takes his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders. Giving a signal, two of his men come to your side 
“Take her home and make sure the area is safe and clear. I need to take care of things here then I’ll get back“
“Yes sir!“ these were the same men he had claimed to be chauffeurs. You turn without a second glance and start walking, his men not too far behind. The drive felt longer than it should have, your head was pounding.
Arriving at the large home, you felt sick. As soon as the doors close you collapse to your knees feeling the sickness come up. Instead of throwing up  body raking sob breaks through you. 
Anger, confusion, sadness, heartache, everything mixed into one and broke you down. You loved him so much, with all your soul and heart.....but yet this happened. You pick yourself up still sniffing as you look around the place you called home. You walk to your stairs, looking at the various pictures on the wall.
The way he held you, looked at you, kissed you.....it meant everything to you. You rip your eyes away and continue up the stairs. You wipe your tears and open the door to your shared room. The bed that once help memories of cuddling together. Endless times spent watching movies, making love, or just admiring each other.
You grab a bag from your closet and start to stuff it with your belongings. Your clothes, shoes, and anything else you can fit. You would come back for the rest, but you felt like you had to leave. You don’t know where you would go...maybe a friends house but away from here.
“What are you doing?” A voice appears making you jump and whip your head around. Bakugou stood at the door with a lost expression. You turn back around and keep picking your things.
“Hey what are you doing?” He says walking to your stopping you from putting anything else in the bag.
“I’m leaving, what else does it look like” he froze and had no idea what to say. “I don’t want to live with someone who would lie and betray me”
“I would never do some shit like that-“
“Then why didn’t you tell me about this whole mafia thing?!”
“I-I....I couldn’t...I was just...I wanted to protect you!”
“So you lie to me? What else are you hiding?! You know what” you close your bag and pick it up “I don’t need this and I don’t need you..” believe it or not those words hurt you more than it hurt him.
“You don’t mena that...get back here we need to talk this over” as you open the door he slams it back shut trapping you against the door and his body. He takes both your write and line then above your head. Your bag dropping to the ground
“Let me go!” you struggle in his grip 
“No! Listen to me!“ you stop struggling but continue to try and get away “Don’t you every fucking think for a second that I would ever betray you! I fucking Love you! I’d rather have the truth hidden from you to keep you safe then to see you get hurt“ you stop for a moment 
“I’ve been shitty keeping things from you, all I wanted was for you to be happy. To stay out of this bullshit I o just so I can give you the life you deserve“ you look up with a guess to see glassy eyes staring into yours. “I love you so fucking much....if you ever got hurt...I...I wouldn’t be able to live with myself...please you’re the only reason I have for living...p-please ” his voice begins to crack as he finally confesses to what he’s done. “Don’t l-leave me...” he fell to his knees as tears cascade down his cheeks.
“Then promise me something..“ you said almost whispering 
“Anything!“ his eyes shot up to yours
“No more secrets, you tell me everything....and maybe we can work things out..” you hire your lip “I....can’t deny that I love you Katsuki but I can’t live with someone who will hide something so big from me”
He stands and takes your hands into his large calloused ones
“I swear to you... I’ll tell you everything but once you know there’s no turning back...” he warned “but if it means you’ll stay....I’ll do it..”
Sorry this was so much longer than expected, hope this was okay❤️
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achliegh · 4 years
Okay SO I really like Leo, I resonate with him as a character and his personality is like mine yet he is actually a good person. I don’t really know how to write happy, lovey-Dovey shit it makes me very uncomfortable and I just can’t. SO imma make this boy suffer but its just me projecting okay. Sorry Leo I Love you. Please read at your own risk, this is not an easy angst and can trigger people. Most of this is me venting through my own struggles in life and how I have handled them.
CW/TW: Food, Past Abusive relationship, Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attack, past age difference relationship (Illegal)
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Besides Luka, I made him up, don’t care for him tho
Coming off the ice with everyone was unusual to say the least, every normal day Leo would stay and practice with Kasey and their goalie coach. The Goalie Coach was sick and so was all their family. So today Leo and Kasey got off early and were able to shower and mess around with the other guys. Leo was so excited to drive home with his boys, he couldn’t stop smiling.
After a cool down, a shower and a few towel snaps to his ass from a rambuncis Kuny and James, they were walking out of the locker room to the players lounge. A “ding” came from Leo's phone and he went to look but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw coach Arthur talking to someone who looked very familiar. They were laughing at something Coach said, his boys looked back to him and Logan raised an eyebrow as Finn followed Leo's gaze.
“Shit” Leo went to move his hands to grab his hair but forgot his phone was in his hand and dropped it. His phone landed loudly on the floor making everyone look at him, but the only person he saw was Luka. Luka was Leo’s Ex-Boyfriend, they started dating when Leo was only 15 and Luka was 19, he used Leo as a toy! He made him do things he didn’t want to and act in a way that was cruel and he hurt him, in more ways than one. And… Leo thought he loved him. Looking back on everything he realized that this wasn’t a healthy relationship but it was his first real relationship.
“Leo?” Luka was staring at him surprised for a moment then an evil smirk started to slowly spread across his face. He was stupidly gorgeous and that was how he tricked people into relationships. His sharp brown eyes, his light hair practically white from bleach with his dark eyebrows, his giant muscular arms covered in tattoos and one of those just happen to be a Leo constellation. Leo was gonna be sick.
He could feel himself holding his breath practically waiting for something to cause him to crash. He knew his eyes were panicked so he decided to go complete goalie, no emotion, just nothing. He picked up his phone dusting it off and looked at his boys. Logan was concerned and Finn was just outright confused.
“You two know each other?” Finn asked when Leo finally met his eye, he had never mentioned anything about this guy or shown them pictures like he did with all his other friends back home. Yeah there were very few friends back home but maybe he only had a few friends! Finn never thought that Leo would have hid a whole person from them. Finn looked back at this man and saw this smirk, it was almost seductive and he was looking Leo up and down as if he was this guy's next meal. Then it clicked, this had to be an ex or maybe a one night stand, they knew Leo had the most sexual experience so it was plausible. But why Hide him?
Logan stepped towards Leo not having noticed Luka at all and put a hand on his forearm. Leo full on flinched away and so did Logan. Logan had seen Leo have panic attacks and knew when he needed contact and when he needed to be alone based on his mental state. Looking into his boyfriend's eyes, he needed to be alone. He turned and looked at Finn who was analysing the new guy so he grabbed Leo's hand slowly and started leading him out the door and towards the car. This caught Finn's attention and he followed them as they all silently got into the car.
Leo had completely shut down; he couldn’t think, speak, breath, or really do anything without feeling like he was 15 again. He shut everything out and put in his airpods turning his music up as loud as he could so no one could ask him questions. He gripped his sweatpants through his pockets where he stuffed his hands to keep from fidgeting and closed his eyes.
Finn reached for Logan's hand and squeezed it looking back at their boyfriend and then back at him. “I think that guy and Leo have a past.”
“From Leo's reaction I can guess that it wasn’t a good past.”
“Should we try to talk to him about this or should we wait until he talks to us?” Finn started the car and started driving back to the apartment but the only thing on his mind were the millions of questions slamming around. “What did you think about that guy?” he pulled into the parking garage and was looking for a spot.
“I wasn’t really paying attention to him. I was trying to figure out how I should approach Leo in a way that wouldn’t send him spiraling.” he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose as Finn pulls into a parking spot. Leo was out the door so fast and he took the stairs up to the apartment instead of the elevator. The two left in the vehicle looked at each other for a second then both got out and ran after their boy. When they finally got to the apartment the door was still open and they could hear reaching sounds from the hallway bathroom.
Panicked Finn closed the door after them and grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen as Logan ran into the bathroom. Logan knelt next to Leo who had his arms crossed over the seat of the toilet with his forehead resting on his forearms. He was shaking in small tremors as everything, all the memories all the hurt came flooding back to him at once. Logan tried to set a comforting hand on his back.
Leo scrambled away wiping his mouth fitting his giant body into the small space between the toilet and the bathtub, curling in on himself raising his hands to block his face. “Don’t touch me! Don’t hurt me!” he started sobbing covering his face with his hands as Logan and Finn watched with their hearts hurting.
Both of them were wondering what happened to Leo to cause this. This level of fear wasn’t caused by a bad break up or a terrible one night stand. This was intense and made both of them sick with sadness. After about an hour Leo finally started calming down and the boys never left his side but also gave him space.
“Leo, baby it's Finn.” He came further into the bathroom from where he was standing in the doorway. He took the cap off the water bottle and was holding it out to Leo not wanting to trigger Leo again. Leo looked out from behind his hands at him and his heart broke with Leo's wide scared eyes being the brightest blue he’d ever seen, even with a puffy face and red rimmed eyes Leo still tugged at Finn's heart in a good way. It almost made him feel guilty because Leo was struggling right now. “ Can you drink some of this for me please?” He held the water a little closer to him and Leo took it, shakily, he took a chug big enough to empty half the bottle.
Just from that one drink Leo started to feel queasy all over again, still breathing hard but slowly coming back to himself, he needed to hear and feel his boys to ground him. He reached for Finn, dropping the water bottle and having it spill on the ground as he pulled himself out of his small space and into Finn's arms, gripping him like a lifesaver in the middle of the ocean. “Please say something, anything, I don’t care” He looked up to logan from over finns shoulder and reached for him as well.
“Why don’t we go get changed and get into bed mon coeur?” Logan grabbed his hand and was looking right into Leo’s soul, he felt himself nod because he was going to start crying again because of how much love he was slowly remembering he had. They stood him up slowly, he didn’t realize it but they must have flushed the toilet during his panic because he only saw clean now. They took him out of his clothes and laid him in bed in just his underwear, as requested, Skin on skin was needed right now. They crawled into bed, Leo rested his head on Finn's shoulder intertwining their hands as Logan laid his head on his chest. “We love you mon soleil” Logan would whisper to him over and over.
“We love you forever” Finn would run his thumb over Leo's hand and whisper into his hair.
Leo decided that these two lovely boys needed to know what happened and Leo needed to let them know for their own safety. He had been talking to Heather about this stuff for the year he was with the lions but it never felt like enough. He knew the boys had noticed his odd behavior, jumping when the phone rang or a door slammed too hard, anyone raising their voice around him (especially those two), and always apologizing as soon as one of them looked slightly annoyed.
“His name was Luka, the guy Arthur was talking to. He’s my Ex and…” he trailed off his hand that was tracing patterns on Logans back stilling as he swallowed the lump in his throat. “He has done a lot of bad things to me, I mean we started dating when he was 19, he is four years older than me. So, I felt like I needed to do everything he said I mean I was just a kid! I lost my virginity to him! I would do anything he told me to, whether it was something I was comfortable with or not. He.. he would threaten or hit me if I didn’t do what he said. I learned to do everything he said and momma was so scared for me but I was an idiot and believed I could handle myself. She never saw the bruises but she knew something was happening. I-I couldn’t take it anymore and I ran away from him one night and he said he would always know where I am and whose in my life and I never wanted anyone to feel trapped with me so that was the other reason why I never watched to get attached to anyone at all when I got drafted even though it was a year after I left him. Seeing him today-” everything came spilling out like he couldn’t stop and he was crying again with sobs wracking his body as his boys clung to him in a desperate plea to prove he was safe.
“Leo, we will always be there for you no matter what. We will protect you.” Logan was talking in a slow soothing voice as he wiped away his tears and kissed his forehead. “Nothing changes the way we love you” Finn was squeezing his hand and had tears pricking his own eyes as everything Leo spilled to them was just setting into his mind. HIS Leo was treated that way by a man the same age as he is. Finn couldn’t imagine treating anyone like that.
“We don’t make you feel trapped, do we? I mean we are the same age as him, but I want you to know that I could never hurt you like that Leo, I can’t even think about something like that happening to you.” A few tears fall as he wraps his free arm around both his boys holding tightly.
"I'm so happy you told us Peanut" Logan saw the tiniest smile at the pet name. "I won't ever let him touch you again! If we ever make you feel like that in any way please tell us"
“You could never make me feel that, I feel the safest I have in a long time with you two. You keep me grounded.”
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daydream-believin · 4 years
The Never Ending Roadtrip (tie the knot)
summary: (part 1) / (part 8)  fem!reader joins Douxie on his quest for Nari’s safety, he’ll need company wont he? PART 7) two weddings in one day for our lovely wizard couple.
warning: swearing, maybe? prolly tho, alcohol, the us government
word count: 3149
a/n: the target audience here is def me. ahahjdd i hurt myself writing this, bon appetit
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Y/n let her eyes wander through the strange place. She supposed this was a pawn shop of sorts, but not one a mortal would patron. Or even know about. She wasn’t entirely sure how she got there herself. This was technically a basement. Grungy, yet somehow fancy? There was sand on the floor, and a giant floor to ceiling glass pane that made up an entire wall, letting patrons know they were in the bottom of the river Cohansey. Which would be beautiful, had this not been New Jersey. The water was murky, trash floating by with the occasional fish. Big, slimy green fish that looked like they could swallow an old lady’s chihuahua. Or maybe a toddler. There were shelves and shelves of either the shittiest junk you ever saw or things that looked like they belonged in an Egyptian tomb. Best not to touch anything. Y/n couldn’t clearly remember the entrance to this place, or entering, but that must have been a part of the concealment magic in place.
Douxie wasn’t kidding when he said they’d sign the papers tomorrow. He found himself acting fast, in case she changed her mind. She wouldn’t, of course. But just in case. While it would seem rushed to any outsiders, it didn’t feel so to him. Might as well have taken an eternity. A millennium. He had known her for years, was her best friend for years, he knew everything about her. She knew everything about him. It became much more apparent when suddenly she had the skill to do nothing but look at him and know something was amiss. Despite his best poker face he’d developed over the centuries, capable of fooling even the most observant of company. Not her. He had hoped she felt as strongly towards him as he her. He still had his insecurities and doubts, even if these rings could prove it.
He paid no mind to the big slimy green fish that flashed their large teeth to patrons. Douxie dug through the box of loose rings, looking for something specific, surely. Different enchantments, different curses, different styles, he needed to find the perfect pair. The sound of metal clattering was starting to become grating to the other patrons of the pawn shop. It was way too early for such clanging. Sure, it was afternoon, but still. Douxie had already found one for him, he just needed to dig around a little bit longer to find one for Y/n. He had already found several that could work, a bronze one shaped like tree branches around an emerald stone, a dainty silver braided band to bind, and an amethyst solitaire with calming qualities. None of these were right. Perhaps settling wouldn- Eureka, there it was. A nice gold band, the mate to the silver toned one for him, engraved with the matching runes, protection for them as they were together.
Douxie happily purchased the rings from the man behind the glass counter, to the relief of the other patrons. He found Y/n locked in a staring contest with one of those toothy fish. He pulled her away, assuring her that Fish don’t have eyelids, Love. Strange, she could have sworn that one did. He opened his palm, showing her the rings. She squealed, to the annoyance of the other patrons. They needed to get out of her before someone kicked them out.
They didn’t have to spend anything on dress/tux rentals, all thanks to Hisirdoux brand magic clothes. Y/n did manage to squeeze Archie into a little bowtie, much to the dragon-cat’s dismay. Y/n made sure to get a snapshot of it for archie_the_emo_kitty. Unlike Archibald, Nari was more than willing to boast formal wear. With all those wedding dresses she’d looked at with Y/n in mind, she begged Douxie to give her a little poufy green dress. Doux snuck in some smoky quartz as beading. Just a little extra protection never hurts. She was a very happy forest child, and spent a lot of time spinning around and around, fascinated by how the fabric flounced. She was very eager to do her part once Y/n explained to her what a flower girl was. Nari was going to be the best girl of flowers. Flowers grew from her hair.
The bowtie wrestled around Archie’s little neck matched the one around Douxie’s. Archie was technically the best man, of course. Some might think having a cat as your best man a bit sad, but there was no truer friend than Archie. And while Archie made them believe he was disgruntled at his state, this was only to preserve his pride. He would do anything if to make his brother, his familiar, smile. Even wearing a stupid blue bowtie and standing next to him during some sort of ceremony. Archie had to admit, he was surprised. Well, not surprised about them marrying, just that it was happening so soon. He knew his wizard’s heart could get ahead of him sometimes, so what was really surprising was learning that miss L/n proposed it. Perhaps those two were more alike than he knew.
Douxie looked really good in his suit, Y/n thought. Of course, anyone looks good in one, but Douxie looked extra good. Very handsome. It wasn’t a tuxedo, but he still opted for black with a little blue embroidery, and of course the blue bowtie. Very classic Douxie. Y/n wouldn’t have it any other way. He tried slicking back his hair but Y/n stopped him. No need to hide that perfect fringe, thank you. She braided a few of the strands down the side of it but not enough to obstruct it. There, that was good enough. Different but still the classic Douxie look. He laughed as she fussed with it. Some wildflowers he and Y/n picked earlier that morning were pinned to his lapel.
Y/n held a bunch of the same wildflowers in her hands. Not exactly a bouquet, but enough. She and Doux had woven some of them into crowns for each other to wear, respectively, for the day. It was a trollish tradition she thought was adorable. Picking the flowers together, weaving them into headpieces for the other to wear, a sort of unity thing. How beautiful.
Y/n actually made her own dress without Douxie’s help, as seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding was bad luck, after all. Douxie had taught her the spell, and she had been practicing an awful lot. It wasn’t perfect, but it did turn out to be exactly what she wanted. Y/n ran her hands down her sides, Not too frilly, not too sexy. Soft, sweet and romantic. And her. It looked like her. She hoped Doux would like it. He did.
She left her hair down. Douxie had made a comment once, way back when, that he thought it looked beautiful loose. She hadn’t meant for him to see it then. Douxie liking it was hard for fathom, considering her aunt had drilled into her head that loose hair was for loose minds, silly people not to be taken seriously. One’s hair should only be down when bathing or changing, especially not around others. In a way, leaving her hair loose like this was an expression of intimacy.
While they went to sign the papers officially in the eyes of the US government, the real wedding was out in the forest, with the trolls. Still, they figured they should tie their legal identities together, it’s not like a troll can actually officiate. Despite their legal identities being temporary and they would definitely have to forge new documents in half a century, they needed this for taxes and all that jazz. Y/n was going to make Douxie combine their bank accounts eventually. An efficient end to their ‘no, let me pay’ fights. But now wasn’t the time for finances. This was about love. And despite this not being the real wedding, Y/n still felt giddy.
The air in the courthouse smelled like dust and tobacco, and it felt like vague memories of confusion and bureaucracy. Strange memories, yet somehow nostalgic. At first the employees weren’t going to let Archie into the building, but once Douxie picked him up and showed him off, explaining that he was the best man, they couldn’t help but let him and his little bowtie in. That’s the thing about being cute, you often get away with murder.
Standing in front of the judge was daunting, even though Douxie knew he did nothing wrong. This time. He was just here to sign that marriage license. What a wonderful piece of paper, covered in calligraphy, stating that he legally belonged to Y/n and Y/n legally belonged to him. Such a fragile thing, in his hands. He would preserve it. Save it for centuries. The witness was a stranger, but that didn’t matter. Archie was the real witness, but alas cats have no power in court. Y/n blushed under Douxie’s gaze as they signed their names to the document. She looked ethereal in that dress, with the flowers in her hair. Even thought they were in a stuffy courtroom with people paying for traffic tickets, she was a goddess, standing here next to him, signing her soul to him. He would return the gesture with his whole chest. And he did.
They slipped the rings onto each other’s fingers, and it was done. Douxie looked back into Y/n’s eyes. His wife’s eyes. His heart may have stopped with that thought. His wife’s eyes.
Y/n was vibrating with energy as they left the courthouse. It was infectious, and soon Douxie was bouncing on his toes too. They couldn’t help but keep smiling. This was just the beginning. Time for the ceremony. Well, at least neither of them had to worry about cold feet. Y/n squeezed Douxie’s hand three times as they set off for the forest. He returned the gesture, kissing the top of her head for good measure.
Once they arrived at the shaded area the trolls had gathered in, Y/n sucked in a breath. It was just, so lovely. They were sitting in a circle, the center being where the wedding couple were to stand. Wildflowers decorated the ground. Nari had made sure they were arranged nicely. While Y/n didn’t know all of these trolls, she was delighted that most of her old pals were here. A few weren’t, but only because they hadn’t made it through the eternal night a few months ago. Surely their spirits were here. The atmosphere felt too much like love and support for them to not be. One of the trolls was strumming a lute of some sort. There was a baby troll who looked like they must have been carried here while they were napping and was now bewildered as to what was going on. Douxie may not know many of the trolls himself, but their presence felt right. And it made Y/n happy. A perfectly good reason for anything nowadays.
Y/n hooked her arm through Douxie’s as he led her to the center of the circle. The gentle lute music played as they kneeled, ready to begin. The music stopped and the officiant started. The officiant was an older troll, who could’ve rivaled Vendel in terms of ancientness. Neither Douxie nor Y/n payed him much attention, locked in each other’s gazes as he read off the sacred trollish wedding texts. A breeze blew through, blowing their hair, and a strand stayed in Y/n’s eyes even after it stopped. Douxie gently brushed it away, and was so caught up in the tender action he almost missed the officiant ask him to join his hand with Y/n’s.
“We are gathered here to witness the binding of two souls. Do you, Hisirdoux Casperan, and you, Y/n L/n, come here of your own free will, to be bound to each other in life and love for the rest of eternity?”
“Aye” Douxie and Y/n offered in unison.
“Then it shall be done.” The officiant tied the handfasting ribbon around their joined hands. A golden light shone through the ribbon, a little bit of magic.
Douxie placed his free hand under Y/n’s jaw. “You are the blood of my blood and the bone of my bone. I give you my body, and I give you my spirit. May you always drink from my cup. May I always be by your side through life and though that which comes after.” I will protect you always My Love.
Y/n was somehow able to catch her breath long enough to repeat the words back to him. “You are the blood of my blood and the bone of my bone. I give you my body, and I give you my spirit. May you always drink from my cup. May I always be by your side through life and though that which comes after.” You’ll never be lonely again Dewdrop.
“May the union now be sealed” Douxie and Y/n took this as a ‘you may now kiss the bride’ as trolls don’t kiss. Y/n was pretty sure trolls touched foreheads instead, as she’d seen Blinky and Arrgh do that often. She did as such to Douxie before kissing him. It slightly confused him, but he still recognized the affection.
There was no one there but them. Douxie deepened the kiss, melting into his beloved, his wife. Y/n matched it with fervor, but pulled away just as fast, almost making him whine. He opened his eyes, getting ready to pout, but was knocked back into remembering where he was. Oh, yeah, there actually were other people. His bad.
As the sun went down and the reception started, many trolls said many things and yet Douxie had no idea what was being said. He found it very hard to focus on anything that was not Y/n in this moment. A celebration was being had, yet the only important thing was the hand clasped in his and the cool feeling of metal he would soon get used to. He couldn’t wait to get used to it, as if it were nothing but a part of his skin. He could vaguely make out what song the lute troll was currently playing, one that reminded him of his younger years, and boy, did he feel young next to Y/n.
He led her into a dance, as this was a song perfect for dancing, of course. Y/n laughed. She hadn’t expected their first dance to start so soon. The light of the setting sun cast an orange glow as they flitted around joyously. At the end of the song, Douxie lifted Y/n and spun her around. A few nearby trolls, already drunk on bright green grog, raised their mugs and gave a cheer. A toast, one supposes. Y/n giggled at how quickly Douxie put her down after that, face flushed.
The red, orange, and yellow leaves of the trees around them seemed to be amplified by the sunset. It was one of the most beautiful things Y/n had seen, and perfect ambience for the best day of her life. The sound of the lute songs, birds chirping, and trolls chattering was the sound track. She’d play it on repeat if she could. She could feel Douxie’s shoulder brushing hers, and smell the comforting scent of cloves that clung to him. With every peck she could taste the red wine on his lips.
Now that the sun had gone down, magic candles were lit throughout, lighting the festivities. The trolls took this as the signal to bring out the food and start the feast. And feast they did. Nari was very interested in their food, and while Y/n wasn’t very positive she should let the veggie lady eat half of whatever this stuff was, Y/n didn’t care to police her this day. Nari can suffer the consequences of her curiosity for once. Y/n was too busy being wrapped up in Doux.
There was a very tall cake, resting on a flat rock. Must be one of Jim’s recipes he taught them while he was with them. Or it was a traditional troll recipe. No matter, wizard digestive systems are pretty strong and stranger things had been eaten. It was decorated beautifully, with the wildflowers and florets of what was either icing or plaster. Either way it would be delicious, whether it be made with flour and spices or gypsum and cat blood. Whatever it was, it smelled heavenly as Y/n smashed it into Douxie’s pretty face.
He should have been expecting that. He had hoped she’d be sweet and gently feed him but he supposed the temptation was too great for his mischievous bride. A cheshire cat grin replaced his adoring expression as he grabbed a glob himself and smeared it across her features in retaliation. Y/n burst out laughing, grabbing him by the collar to kiss him and get them even more messy. Douxie’s lips tasted sweet, so it must be one of Jim’s icing recipes. Archie was glad he over by the rock and not next to them, in the splatter zone.
The dancing lasted all night. The candles, the full moon, and the stars cast a romantic glow to the celebration. The full moon was the perfect moon, a blessing for their big day. Douxie was very thankful for lute troll, this is exactly what he pictured his wedding sounding like when he was a boy. He twirled Y/n around effortlessly and endlessly, he wasn’t sure he’d ever tire of this. Her soft hands in his, he absolutely knew he’d never tire of. The trolls taught them a few of their traditional dances too, Y/n seemed to really have fun with those. At one point, Y/n danced with Nari, a cheerful little ditty, and Douxie thought it was the new most adorable thing he’s ever seen. It was cuteness overload, he may have to go sit down for a bit and let his heart catch up with him. However, It wasn’t long before Y/n pulled him back onto the dance floor once again.
After the feast was devoured, conversation lulled, and the music faded, the trolls packed up and headed back to trollmarket. The light of the candles was getting dim. Still, Douxie and Y/n stayed, swaying in each other’s arms. The music may have left, but they didn’t need it. They hummed to each other as Douxie leaned over to Y/n’s ear, to sing her a song he had written for her, not too long ago. She could feel his breath on the shell of her ear as he whispered the words meant just for her. Y/n let her eyes slip closed as this man, her husband, sang his heart to her in this private moment. She wished she had a poem prepared for him. Sure, she’d written plenty, but none of the words seemed quite strong enough anymore.
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia CH.6
You wake up sometime around one. Not too late in the day given your morning. With a decent amount of sleep under your belt you roll over and start striping your bed of its sheets. Then you make your way across your room, picking up stray clothes as you go to your hamper and dump your collection of dirty linens and clothes into it. You carry the hamper to the bathroom where you load half into the washer. There's no real point in separating the clothes from colored items and pastels or whites. You're only twenty-four and don't have your life totally figured out yet. You can be a little lazy with laundry.
Once your first load of laundry is being washed you go to do your weekly tidy of your home. The one good thing that came from the paranoia of your car's break in was you rearranged all the furniture of the home, thus cleaning as you went. So that means it's more of a quick wipe down of counters and sweeping today. Maybe you'd organize your art supplies while doing your laundry. It's an activity that wouldn't distract you too much and make you forget you had laundry in the wash.
You finish washing the dishes from this morning you begin wiping the counters and tabletop when you notice your fidget cube is still on the table where Toby left it earlier.
'Don't want to lose this. Back to the bookshelf where you belong.' When you get to the living room's bookshelf you notice one of your book's is missing. Ironically it's The Book Thief.
'Tobias probably picked it up and put it down somewhere.' you'd keep your eyes peeled for the book while you cleaned.
After wiping down bookshelves, tables, counters, even the mantel over the fire place you still hadn't found your missing book. You probably picked it right up and placed it right back down without even realizing. You'll just keep an eye out until you find it. You don't even reread books, you really just kept a copy to lend out to people when they ask what your favorite books are. It isn't a real big deal if you can't find it, plus there's bound to be a copy floating somewhere in a thrift shop or yard sale.
The washer chimes right as you grab the broom to sweep. Pausing this task to go retrieve your laundry and do the rest. You empty the dirty clothes left in the basket onto the floor and place the clean wet ones inside the basket. After starting the final load you carry the basket out back. As nice as this home is its still small and doesn't have a dryer, which early summer is fine but come fall and winter might be more cumbersome. Seeing as you have to hang the laundry out to dry outside. Maybe when it gets cold you'll just do smaller loads and hang them up in the bathroom or over the fire place. But that's a thought for future you. Right now current you is struggling yet again to get a fitted sheet to sit on the line. Fitted sheets are probably Satan himself in disguise.
When you finish stringing all the laundry up you take a moment to just enjoy the quiet and the peace that comes with the outside. It's nice out here, maybe after you finish the last few chores today you can come out and just draw, it'd be a good way to also keep an eye on this weather in case it turns. While it hasn't happened yet you're very aware of the risks you take by ignoring the existence of meteorologists. And by that you mean just not bothering to look up the weather for the day.
Heading back inside you restart your task of sweeping. Like you thought you've finished before the washer has even completed it's first cycle. The house isn't too big so it's easy to clean it from top to bottom within a day normally, but today you had even less to do thanks to this week's rearranging. So you move on to organizing your art supplies and separating all materials by medium.
Of course arranging materials is never easy, after all you end up staring at all your horded empty sketch books and note how your thumbnail notebooks are just covered in doodles and random scribbles but no real art or ideas. Maybe it's time to start kicking yourself into gear. You ran into a major period of burnout before moving and now with this fresh start you might be able to focus on progressing with art, even if you don't pursue it as a career. You've always loved the ability to draw and create images that make others happy. But right in this moment you just want to make yourself happy. Maybe you could start small just a few still lifes and see how you feel after that.
Hearing the chime of the washer you hurry to finish putting away the supplies in their newly assigned places. Just as before you transfer the wet and clean clothes into the awaiting basket and take them out to be hung to dry. You don't have another fitted sheet this go round so it goes by much faster than it previously had. Now with all of your washing for today hung you head back inside to grab a fresh sketchbook.
Having never been one for scenery, more of a portrait artist, you start off with small things. A few stills of a flower under the window, the old tire swing on the tree, and even the blue jay that dove for dinner right in front of you. Of course all of these were warm ups done in a few minutes, though you really wish you had more time on the blue jay one. You really need practice with things that aren't people.
The warm ups of course don't look very good, but you can still see what you'd been going for. The hatching and smudging you'd done, to increase depth and give the quick drawing more life, did help a little but it was clear this was an area where you weren't skilled. But that didn't deter you, after all you  needed more practice and wouldn't be getting better without it.
Deciding to draw the scene before you, a small open meadow surrounded by trees, in other words your backyard with your drying laundry. You start off slow and make sure to actually look and take in the yard in front of you, doing your best to not just make up the trees and their shapes as you go. Soon you are lost in the meditative muscle memory of drawing. The scratching of pencil scrapping across paper further lulling you into a trance like state as you etch out the scenery.
A harsh breeze blows through and the loud flapping of sheet hitting sheet knocks you loose from your trance. Checking to make sure none of your laundry was flying off, it hadn't the laundry was still secured to the line. Smiling you glance down to actually see what you've sketched out so far. It isn't too bad, though you aren't sure how long you've been working on it, the trees all have a distinct shape rather than your typical cartoon one size fits all attempts. Scanning the page your eyes catch onto something off, out in the tree line it looks like you'd drawn a figure hiding behind a tree.
Hearing the beating of your heart that's currently hammering against your chest you look around. Did your mind do that as a joke or had someone genuinely been watching you draw? Your mouth is dry as your eyes scan the tree line for any sign of what could've been mistaken for a person, but you saw nothing. No one was there. Had anyone ever really been there? Why would you draw that? Why wouldn't you remember doing it? You don't feel safe out here anymore. There are eyes watching you you can feel it. They may not physically be there but the phantom eyes that surround you and cause your skin to crawl make sure you know of their presence. You take that as a sign to head inside for the evening, one that doesn't need to be repeated.
You lock the door immediately behind you and check your phone. It's seven, and you have an email notification. Thanking whatever power for the distraction you slide down your back door and open the notification. It's from Hollis!
YN r u  coming to SND? It's that teen beach zombie movie u love. Y;know the awful D list one Blk and wht with the 50yos playing teenagers
Lemme know I'll save your seat.
Sent 6:47 P.M.
They're so sweet to remember you loved this awful D list zombie movie. Horrible subplots and main plot and all. But you're a little spooked right now and watching even that joke of a horror movie is probably too much for you. You doubt you'd feel better by the time ten rolls around to watch it. Not to mention your battery's still drained from Toby this morning. And knowing for a fact you'd probably stay late to talk till morning with Hollis, Jake, and Kirby you decide it's best to skip this week. Just not having the energy to handle Saturday Night Dead.
Nah, sorry man. Battery's dead from being social earlier. Thanks tho, I do appreciate you! ….....,.... lemme know what next week's movie is!
Sent 7:10 P.M.
It'd probably be a good time to make something for dinner, there's a box of mac n cheese in the pantry. Simple but always beloved. As you wait for Hollis to respond you start on boiling water. But you didn't have to wait too long since they'd answered near instantly.
Chill, don worry we'll catch ya next week
ot not...Kirb's said it's the start of watching the entire warren file collection
starting from the beginning
...well the first movie released, Insidious. LOL we probs won't ever see you again.
Sent 7:12 P.M.
How dare Kirby betray you like this. First off those movies are awful, and like not cheesy awful just awful awful. Not to mention he knows how you feel about the Warrens and their cases. You have a power point presentation ready for that dick the next time you see him. ...well not literally but you'd make one to prove a point!
Where's Kirby now? I just wanna talk, I just wanna talk is all.
Sent 7:18 P.M.
Already ran off toy vermont probably
will we get blessed with a ted talk nxt week?
Sent 7:20 P.M.
I can't tell if you're joking or not. If you aren't then yea I can make a power point and we'll play that instead of the movies. Every week until this town understands the severity of this.
Sent 7:21 P.M.
Ya just jkin.
Your passionate hate is funny tho, so could be good to do something mid warren marathon.
Sent 7:23 P.M.
Guess the dissertation on how horrendous the “exorcisms” were will have to wait. They'd just been joking. This is probably a good ending of the conversation anyway, it's hard to tell sometimes but you feel you'll just run in circles with the current topic or worse fall into a rant that they won't read all the way through because they'll have left with the rest of the stunt gang to get dinner before heading over to the Cryptonomica for Saturday Night Dead. Hollis is typically a real good sport about this kinda thing but you'd rather not bog down their night with your hate boner for the Warrens.
'I'll let them know later that I'll still come to Saturday Night Dead next week.' you think as you dump the pasta into the water that finally came to a boil. It's quiet as you cook your macaroni dinner. You'd normally not notice the lack of sound or life in your home before, but maybe having Connor and Toby over put things into perspective. Guests aren't really a thing you've ever had, you always feel rude if your social battery runs out before someone's stay is over. But maybe you're lonely, and it's put you on edge.
Though this week would've put anyone on edge, you have still been alone in this house for two months. That can't be healthy for your mental well being, humans are social creatures by nature after all. Maybe you could get a pet, something that'd make it's fair share of noise and give the home a bit more life than your normally hollow shell wondering the halls. Are you even sure you want a pet? Do you have time for one? You have the standard nine to five, but what about when you're off on a nightly trip because of your sleeplessness? What if you forgot about them? Hell your brain's been so foggy these last few months, it wouldn't be surprising.
Like a sign from the divine themselves, the pot of water boils over. Steam is rising as the sizzling is heard. Your head snaps twice to the right as you scramble to lower the heat and raise the pot off the eye. Putting it down on an unused eye you give it a quick stir and thankfully no pasta got burned to the bottom of the pan....this time. The pasta seems a little crunchy but a texture you'll eat so you kill the hot eye and start on the cheese portion of your mac n cheese.
As you eat you continue your original debate about getting a pet. Ultimately deciding that you just aren't ready for that kind of responsibility right now. Sure you'd had tons of pets in your parents' home but that was with a financial safety net and back when your mental health wasn't all over the place. Not to mention the pets were family pets and responsibility was split three ways.
There isn't much room in your home for you to have a roommate, and that presents a whole nother set of challenges. You could try to make friends through online forums again! It's hard to talk to people in general but you always get scared off before replying to a comment or post. Or overshare to the point people infantize you. Even better trying therapy out could help with your loneliness. Hah ok good one, even if you had money for it consistently you don't think you could trust someone knowing all your secrets but not knowing any of theirs. And while that in and of it self is an example of why you need it, you're rational enough to realize you aren't ready for that either.
After finishing your meal you put away the left overs and clean the dishes. You'll be happier tomorrow knowing they aren't your problem to deal with. You start to make your way to your bedroom but freeze just before the hall.
'You shouldn't stay here...you need to leave.'
A glance at the time tells you it's eight thirty-nine, if you left right now you could make it to Saturday Night Dead with time to spare. You don't need to fill the loneliness with new friends, just spend time with the ones you already have. Duh. Turning you grab your keys off the bookshelf and take one of the masks hanging from a hook by the door.
Checking your door was locked and locking your car once you were in, you're ready to drive. Knowing you're still overstimulated you forgo the music on this drive, hoping it will calm you down enough to enjoy the movie and some down time with friends. And that would help put a pin in your self isolating habits. It'd really be nice if you brought movie snacks over to surprise the gang. You're pretty sure the mini mart carries everything you need. Jake likes swedish fish, Hollis is addicted to those extreme sour airhead ropes, and Kirby's a weirdo with his love of red vines and surge. Hahaha that man will die before he's thirty-eight.
Still having the extra time you deiced to stop by the mini mart and grab the candy. What's the worse that can happen you have another panic attack in front of strangers. Plus you hadn't seen Magnolia the last few times and you'd hate for her to think you'd been ignoring her. Pulling into the empty mini mart parking lot you take a breath to steel your resolve before leaving your car.
Tim looks at the door when he hears the chime and stiffens when he sees you. Fuck you did have a panic attack in front of this guy last night, plus you really haven't formally met. But didn't Toby say his roommate was named Tim? And he and Brian were both here talking with Tim last night before you came in. That can't be coincidence.
“uh...hi?” you say awkwardly standing in the doorway, door closed behind you.
“um, hi?” perfect he's just as awkward in this situation as you are. You can work with this.
Moving through the first two isles you keep your eyes peeled for Magnolia, even though you can make this an in and out trip for candy, you do miss the little bodega cat.
“Wh- hey are you, are you even ok to be here?” Tim calls as he rounds the counter and makes his way to you.
“Huh? Oh...oh yea. I'm chill now.” you hear the bell before you see her. The little ting tin ting of her bell that comes with the grace only fluffy cats have.
“You literally collapsed on the floor last night after blacking out while driving.” his tone is very stern. He and Nate would probably get on like a house on fire. The grumpy old men who secretly care a lot duo.
“I don't remember collapsing...but I know I didn't drive.” well you don't know that but you do firmly believe that.
The man is just turning into the isle when you spot the floof sauntering just behind him. Magnolia didn't spare either of you a glance as she made her way to the counter. Probably going to her bed, an old shipping box for apples, you'd just meet her over there then. With no warning to the man you squeeze past him and and follow the cat. Agitated footsteps following after you in your quest to pet the cat.
Magnolia perks up upon seeing you, the flicking of her tail letting you know she's anticipating her pets. The huffing Tim hovering behind you isn't as pleased with your actions as the cat is. The man is radiating negativity, annoyance maybe or is it concern that breeds frustrated anger? The second he starts to clear his throat, as if to remind you of his hovering, you roll your eyes.
Looking back at him over your shoulder you see him in all his grumpy man glory.  His brow was furrowed so hard his thick eyebrows nearly covered his eyes. But with the way his lips emoted the man before you looked more like a pouting muppet. It would be funny if it weren't for the foreboding feeling of the moments before being reprimanded by a teacher.
When you straighten up you take note that your eyes meet perfectly. He's the same height as you that's surprising, you thought he'd be taller than 5'7. His eyes widen slightly at seeing your full height, it must've thrown him off since the first time he saw you, you'd actively been trying, and had succeeded at looking smaller.
“What are you doing here?” well he doesn't get thrown off for long.
Running a hand through Magnolia's fur a few more times as you respond, “Petting Magnolia.” you really are a little shit sometimes.
“No...no, why are you out? Toby had to take you home last night, you shouldn't just be waltzing around town after that.” maybe it was frustrated concern.
“Oh I'm fine now.”
Magnolia at this point has jumped up on the counter and is headbutting you for more attention. Chuckling you turn your attention back to her. Meanwhile Tim behind you is at a loss for words.
“Fine?? You don't just...bounce back from a panic attack.”there's personal experience behind those words.
“I just rationalize things fast.” Hearing the trill of the clock on the wall reminds you that you need to grab those snacks and head over to the Cryptonomica for movie night.
Going to the candy isle you grab one of each of the gang's favorites, you snag a bag of white cheddar popcorn on the way to the counter and place your items there. Tim doesn't get a word out before you rush off to the cooler near the back that is in all honesty pretty sketch. Like who even makes  Fruitopia anymore? That stuff got discontinued in the early 2000s. The cooler even has Hi-C Ecto Coolers...you might actually check if they're in date and grab a few.
Rummaging around the cooler you finally spot the weird tech green and black splattered can proudly stating SURGE. It has no date...questionable at best. But hey it's only Kirby drinking it, and it's been well established that man will die well before middle age.   Grabbing a can to check the Ecto Coolers, luck is on your side! These cans are from the re-release that happened as a promotion for the Ghostbusters revival a few years back, they'll be good for another two years! For now you'll just take one so you won't have to worry about lugging cans around for the movie.
Once your new items are placed on the counter the expression on Tim's face cannot even be described. The questions of the surge are probably the ones easiest to read...or they're just the most predictable.
“Kirby likes red vines and surge, sickening right?” Maybe a little joke will break the ice.
“...Like that little round pink...thing?”  What?
The laughter is coming out before you can stop it, the image of said pink Kirby consuming red vines and surge only to accessorize as your friend comes to mind. It's adorable and cursed at the same time. Adorably cursed. You'll have to draw that and print a few copies to hang around the Cryptonomica.
“No,” you're choking on giggles at this point, “Kirby, the owner of the Cryptonomica.” catching your breath and regaining your composure, “It's that tourist trap just across from the RV park.”
“Oh.” normally such a short cold reply would make you shut down the conversation. But This is Toby's roommate, and if you want to be friends with Toby, you'll probably run into him a lot more. Plus if he's a new night shift cashier it wouldn't hurt to be on good terms with him for when you're out on adventures.
“Yea, hey Toby mentioned you three just came to town, so you might not have known but the Cryptonomica does a weekly movie night on Saturdays. Saturday Night Dead. Normally it's awful old horror movies but next week they're starting a Warren Case files “arch”.” Tim doesn't take the conversation bait at the pause.
“It's a great way to meet other locals, you guys should check it out if you get the chance. It starts at ten and runs till one or so on most weeks.” Olive branch has been extended.
Tim relaxes for the first time since you got here tonight. The sheepish look on his face and twitchy pupils give the impression he's thinking it over. He sighs and nods before saying, “Yea, that sounds...nice.”
Olive branch skeptically taken! You'll count this one as a win in your book. With the mood lightened Tim breaks the ice a bit further.
“Surge and red vines can not be good for you.”
“Right! If living off mountain dew and pizza rolls doesn't kill him, this for sure will.” you both have a small laugh at that. It's nice to finally have cleared up the mix up from the beginning of the week. Which reminds you.
“Oh...um...I'm YN by the way. It's nice to meet you...sorry for the two,” your neck tics to the side, “previous nights.” you finish.
“Tim...and it,uh happens sometimes...'s fine.” Score awkward acknowledgment of previous meetings and you can now erase those from your nightly anxieties.
Tim finishes ringing and bagging your items and you pay. Giving another pet to the curled up kitty on the counter you nod farewell to Tim.
A trill rings out from the clock on the wall. It's ten.
Two heads snap to look at the wall. You take a second glance at your phone while Tim checks his watch. Both say the clock on the wall is correct. But it just turned nine not even ten minutes ago. Right? You can brush off yourself loosing track of time but when you involve another person that just doesn't make sense. Tim looks just as concerned as you. Only Magnolia lays unaffected by the lost fifty minutes.
“I should go.” Tim nods numbly to you as you exit the store.
You won't be able to make it to the movie, well you could but you'd disturb someone if you walked in mid movie. Choosing to go home instead you drive, once again without music. Entering your home you hang your mask back on the hook. Putting away the drinks and snacks for next weekend, you make your way to your bedroom. Once again freezing just before the hallway. Turning to your living room you can see a book in the middle of your coffee table. You definitely don't remember the book being there, and doubt you'd miss it out in the open. But as you got closer you could confirm, even in the dark, that it was The Book Thief.
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jack-o-cel · 3 years
I would like to officially introduce one of my OC's that live rent-free in my brain. He's a Resident Evil 8 OC. Even tho he's a fandom OC, he means a lot to me and has grown on me a lot. He's special to me :]
Also please spare me, Resi 8 is my first game in the Resident Evil series.
Forester Vein
Nickname: Ester
Biological Age: 138
Age Appearance: Early 20s
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay Demisexual
Place of birth: Norway
Occupation: Miranda's right-hand man. He essentially does her bidding and only takes orders from her. He also has power over the lords but is usually tasked with helping them. Besides that, he's a Botanist.
Family: Both his parents are dead. All he has is his little brother Foxglove, who looks around 7 years old.
Appearance: Forester is about 5'9". He's a twig. He's pretty pale with long white hair (It was originally brown before being implanted with his Cadou). He has light blue faded sharp eyes. He has sharp teeth (an effect of his Cadou). He also wears glasses.
When carrying out his duties for Miranda he wears a white tailcoat with gold accents, a black and white striped vest, a black dress shirt, a white and gold cross tie, black slacks, and black dress shoes with gold accents.
On his own time, he wears a white t-shirt, a beige knitted jacket, black sweatpants, and socks with sandals.
Personality: On duty, he's in what I affectionately call, customer service mode. He's very formal and helpful. He'll hold his tongue. He's Miranda's most loyal servant and does his very best to meet her expectations. On his own time, however, he more casual and sassy. He speaks his mind. Oh, and he hates Miranda with every fiber of his being (which is a lot :3).
In general, he's manipulative, obsessive, and smug. But also caring to those he loves. Would go above and beyond for them. He's a pretty serious and quiet person. Only when he's alone or with his little brother does his playful and goofy side come out. Despite his usual serious attitude, he's very expressive. His most common expression is a mocking smile.
He's very clumsy, especially when thinking about his obsession, whoever that may be. He's borderline yandere (His yandere behavior is a combination of Yuno from Future Diary, and Tsukiyama from Tokyo Ghoul).
Powers/Abilities: Enhanced strength, and regeneration.
Forester can control large thick vines (which look like large tendrils) and all plant life. He can release special pollen that allows him to control plant life (similar to Donna). The vines are different tho. He can control them without his pollen. To understand why first you have to understand how Ester's body works.
His body underneath his skin is made of vines. He also can easily regrow his limbs and regenerate his skin and hair. His vines are an extension of himself. Although his body is his main body, it isn't his core. His core is located underground surrounded by vines and impossible to get to. Vines from the core spread across the village underground. Forester can only go a few miles away from the edge of the underground vines.
The only time his core would be possible to access is when Forester transforms. His transformed state is a 50-foot tall behemoth made of vines. In this state, he's stuck where he transformed. The core is moved to just below the neck area of the vine monster. Fighting Forester is suicide in most cases. He attacks with huge vine tendrils from his arms and the base of the beast. He doesn't tire and his vines regenerate.
There are only two ways to beat him. The first way would involve killing him. You would need large amounts of fire-spreading explosives to slow him down. It makes getting to his core easier, you'll still be getting attacked tho. You'll need to be able to fly (or just about anything that's not climbing) to his core, climbing would take too long. You'll need to plant explosives where the core is sealed away. Once opened, jump in as fast as you can, the vines will close shut rather quickly.
The core is a large amber sphere. it's soft and gooey when touched gently, but if you were to attack it, it would harden. Inside the core is the shape of a man in the form of vines. That's where Forester's brain and Cadou is. Destroying that kills him.
The second method requires cooperation with Forester's brother, Foxglove. This method is to non-lethally beat him. In this method you cant use explosives, Fox won't agree to help you otherwise. You'll need a team to pull this off. You need someone, or a group, to distract the majority of the vines. You'll need a way to get to the core and something strong enough to pry open the vines long enough for Foxglove to enter where he'll take care of the rest. This method saves Forester, but kills Foxglove.
His Area: Just like the four lords he has his own area. You'll need the six-winged unborn vine key to unlock the gate that leads to his garden lab. The lab is outside with a greenhouse nearby. It's a small area. Most, if not all, would miss the entrance to his underground lair.
The underground area is seven floors down with an arena to the right of all the floors. You can peek inside the arena through 5 of the sub levels. sublevel 1 is above the arena, while level 7 is where the entrance to the arena is. The arena's ceiling is about 60 feet tall. It's used for testing Miranda's experiments abilities among other things. Forester uses it to test and train his own abilities (which is why the ceiling is so high :3).
From the main entrance to the bottom level is a spiral staircase. Each sublevel has a floor gate on the steps with a unique lock. To continue you have to find the key somewhere in the sublevel. Each level has its own tactics and enemies. They're all based on the five senses. Also, before entering you will be disarmed, one way or another.
Sublevel 1 - normal. There's an elevator on this floor locked behind a door that requires the vine key, that only Forester, and his little brother (who i'll talk about later in the post) have. The elevator goes to each level by going through hallways behind the arena walls.
Sublevel 2 - enemies that rely on sight. It'll be essentially hide and sneak kinda gameplay. If you get spotted you have to run out of sight and into a hiding place. You cant be seen going into a hiding spot.
Sublevel 3 - enemies that rely on hearing. You have to explore as quietly as possible. If a chase scene happens you have to hide in a special safe room.
Sublevel 4 - enemies that rely on smell. You'll have to regularly step into ponds that have a special substance inside that masks your scent into smelling like the enemy. But you can't get too close to the enemies there. They'll be able to identify you if you're too close. There are special rooms filled with an overwhelming amount of scents that the enemies wont enter.
Sublevel 5 - the enemies there rely on touch. They have long arms and hands that sweep across the floors. All you gotta do is avoid them. Harder said than done tho. The enemies can sense vibrations =). Dont move too erratically. Simple fast movements are best. Since they're rather big, they cant fit inside some rooms.
Sublevel 6 - The enemies here rely on taste. The key in this level is at the end of a large room that's packed with enemies with long tongues. They interact with their tongues. If they taste a human they'll attack. You have to explore the rest of the level for a vine suit to disguise as one of them. A few enemies roam outside the crowded room tho. They whip their tongues around them. It's a pretty wide radius, but it's not fast. To get past them you gave to see the whip pattern. There are no safe rooms or hide spots, besides the merchant room, in this level.
Sublevel 7 - All the above (with Forester roaming around as a treat =3)~
Arena - Boss Battle =))))))
Story: Forester was born in one of the poorest areas in Norway. His parents barely had enough to feed him, and themselves. When Ester was 10 he found a job at a garden owned by an old wealthy woman. To get the job he had to pretend to be rich. He did a lot of stalking to learn the behavior of rich kids his age; he got very good and stalking and slipping on a mask. He also stole clothes and food to look the part. The old lady was none the wiser. For 6 years she believed in his carefully constructed lie.
The old lady happened to have no living relatives, with no one else to give her wealth and belongings to, she gave it all to Forester when she died; He was 16. With his newly acquired wealth, he gave his family a comfortable home, with everything they could need and want.
Forester had always wanted to attend school, but could never afford or have time for it. Now that he could, he immediately enrolled. It was incredibly difficult. He was somewhat educated, he'd stolen books in the past and taught himself, but he was still incredibly behind. Regardless he tried his best and spent countless nights up studying. Eventually, he was able to do more than catch up, but surpass many of his peers.
After graduation, he went to college out of his country where he majored in botany and aimed for a PhD. He met Miranda in college. They had a few similar classes and got along well. Eventually, they became close friends.
After graduating from college they both went out to do their own thing, but kept in touch and traveled often together. Eventually, Forester decided to work as her assistant and learn from her.
In his early 30s, he took in his little brother, Foxglove, after their parents died. Foxglove was around a year or two years old at the time. While raising his brother, Forester felt a void in him filled. He had someone to love and take care of. Someone he could trust and love unconditionally. Both Foxglove and Eva got along well and played often together.
When Eva died, Forester was there to support his closest most trusted friend. When Miranda found the megamycete she went to her friend and explained what happened and her new plan. Forester, although wary, supported her in any way he could. He refused to go near the megamycete tho.
When he got close to it, Miranda pushed him into it. The megamycete grabbed Forester with tendrils and seemed to absorb him into it.
A few months after Eva died. Foxglove wandered into the forest nearby and found beautiful flowers. Ones that shared his name. Curious the boy ate a few of the flowers. Not too long afterward he came to his brother as fast as he could. He felt sick. Very sick. Fox explained what happened to Forester. Panicked he quickly tried his best to make a remedy, a cure, anything with what he had. But with no time or sufficient supplies on hand, Foxglove died in his arms.
It broke Forester. The void from before returned, larger than before. He desperately turned to Miranda for help. Miranda smiled, with something malicious behind her smile, and told him to go to the megamycete.
Inside the megamycete was an indescribable experience. While inside Ester could feel his body painfully changing. It also awoke something hiding deep in his mind. Something he was forced to forget. Miranda had been brainwashing him for years as an experiment in creating a truly loyal servant. He could feel his anger overwhelm him. He thought they were friends. He thought he could trust her. She knows things about him that he never said out loud before. He was hurt, betrayed, and pissed. Forester was determined to confront her, make her pay.
With his mind quieter, Forester remembered his brother. He found Miranda and approached her carefully and asked where his brother is. Miranda took him to an unmarked grave in the forest. He broke down. Miranda interrupted him, and asked him what he was going to do. Was he going to continue to wallow in despair or try to bring Foxglove back?
He clawed his way out of the megamycete. He felt heavy, but he continued. Eventually, he broke through after weeks of being trapped. With him a giant sphere like object covered in vines emerged. Upon inspecting it, he quickly realized what it was. He could believe what he saw. He had to hide it, and fast. He had looked down and had an idea.
He felt a newfound power within him, and with it, he sent his core deep underground where its vines would grow and spread. With his core safe he confronted Miranda. She initially tried to kill him, but found the effort futile. Instead, she spoke a series of words. Forester blacked out.
When he awoke he was sitting in a chair in Miranda's lab. Miranda was nowhere in sight. Desperate to find answers he returned to the megamycete. Touching it revealed the truth. When he blacked out, he was still awake, but he wasn't himself. He saw as he answered every question Miranda asked and did exactly as he was told. He calmed his growing anger and thought carefully. He needed a plan to bypass her brainwash effect.
Soon he began working on his lab and lair. He worked tirelessly on ways to bring back his brother. After years of research and testing, he was able to make an exact copy made of foxglove flowers. Forester not caring that what he created was a copy, embraced the boy and accepted him. Ester explained to the new Foxglove who he was.
Forester was content. He had his brother back. Still, the void remained. Regardless he could now focus on getting rid of Miranda. By then he had learned how to pass messages and take notes unconsciously. He informed his brother about his situation.
As the years passed, Foxglove stayed physically the same, but his mind grew.
Eventually, during the time that Heisenberg began preparing his army, Forester had Fox give him a letter explaining everything he knew. In secret, the two conspired against Miranda.
Currently: So Forester was created for an rp with one of my closest friends (@plague-doctorz). So what happened with Forester is that a war had started with three forces. Heisenberg's army, William's (Plagues' OC) army, Miranda's one-man brainwashed army, Forester. Will provoked Forester into transforming, according to Foxglove's plan. After dealing with many attack from Forester, the pair, with Lady Dimitrescu's help, formed a plan.
William acted as the distraction. With most of the vines focused on him, Alcina, transformed, swooped in through the middle, while dealing with stray vines, and brought Fox to where the core is. She pryed open the vines. Foxglove stepped inside and forced Alcina to let go. The vines shut closed. Inside Fox opened up the amber easily. Even in a brainwashed state, Forester trusted his brother no matter what.
Foxglove began flaking into leaves and flowers and flew into the crevices of the vines that made up Forester. He was able to snap Ester back to his senses at the cost of his life.
Forester had lost consciousness, and when he awoke, Miranda was already dead. He felt even emptier than before. The hole in his heart got wider when he found out what happened.
Right now, a few months later, Forester is at a state where he's on the brink of snapping. What he needs is closure, and something to fill the void in his heart. But can he have both? Will he even get either?
So this is Forester! Please send me any questions and stuff if youre interested. I love to talk about him! Seriously, he lives rent free in my head.
Oh also, here's a picrew of him while I'm still working on his sketches~
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His hair down too, cause im a simp,,,
Also here's Foxglove!
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Also here's the link to a playlist on spotify based on Forester: here
one last thing
👉👈 @roxyourworld look what i did~
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revive-the-fandom · 4 years
Now you may be asking “Isabel, what’s the point of writing a small essay on a minor character from a kids movie?” and I’ll tell you!  
NoneofmyfriendswillputupwithmybullshitThere is no point!  I just like writing things about things I like!  And I wanna write about
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Because she was a cool fucking character!  With an awesome design!  And I don’t give her enough attention!
And that’s her introduction!  A large, chunky girl wearing a black T-shirt and a pretty pink cardigan looking absolutely murderous.  She’s tough and strong and intimidating.  How often do we get that from animated little girls?  Astrid is all of those things but she’s also tiny, and wearing form fitting ‘tough action girl’ clothes.  Cupcake gets big ole boots and a freaking tutu!  Her hair is messy and nothing she wears matches and she clearly doesn’t put up with anyone’s shit!
I mean,
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look how scared these guys are of her!  Pippa and Monty are more timid but Claude, Caleb and Jamie seem like regular old roughhousing tough kids until this moment.  And they’re all scared of a girl in a tutu!  Like, bullying is obviously not acceptable but so much media portrays the bullies as football players or edgy kids who smoke, or a manipulative and condescending queen bee type.  Cupcake is a big, quiet girl in a tutu.
and when she finally turns to the dark side and joins their play?  She’s not suddenly delicate or girly girl.  She chases them with a lump of snow larger than her own head.  And seems so utterly impressed by Jamie’s sled ride through town!
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but still has the empathy to be worried when he crashes and gets hit by a runaway sofa
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and when the others admit to constant nightmares she shows a lot of empathy and understanding towards the group (Caleb in particular) 
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she seems to be able to read people too!  Claude, Caleb and Jamie push each other around a lot.  Pippa and Monty don’t.  So once Cupcake is added to the group she starts pushing them around too, starting with Caleb.
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Poor kid.
Time to talk about Cupcake and her belief in the Guardians!
She’s super into unicorns (obviously)
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but it’s never confirmed if they’re real like the Leprecaun and the Groundhog (I suppose the Groundhog was necessary since it’s partially staged in Pennsylvania) 
however she is shown to be very well connected to the spirit world, at least unconsciously.  Aside from Jamie and Sophie, Cupcake has the most interactions with the Guardians and the Spirits around them.
She’s the first to be influenced by Jack’s magic on screen (and the only one of the group to experience this)
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She’s sent dreamsand and nightmares in one night, plus she’s visited personally by Pitch on the eve of his first attack on the Guardians
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She’s also the first of Jamie’s friends to be visited by Jack, she’s the first to get outside and sled with them (indirectly convincing the twins to join the sledding) and seems to have no trouble reigniting her belief in the Guardians and believing in Jack off the bat.
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She’s techincally Jack’s second believer, and she’s also the second one to stand up to Pitch and defend the Guardians
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She instigates the fight against the nightmares
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and overall has the most interactions with spirits.  She’s one of those characters that bumps into the spirit world without wanting or trying to.
And then there’s the question of her home life and her family.  Her home appears a couple of times during the film, though it’s not as intimately known as the Bennett’s home.  It’s easiest to find during Pitch’s introduction here
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her room is the one with the blue light.
I’m going to go on a tangent here and talk about her house and it’s location.  Because as you can see here it’s three floors above a shop and next to what I assume is the town hall. 
The shop is visible in multiple scenes, such as the sled ride at the beginning
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which means that her house is adjacent to the town hall and the square with the statue
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yet another landmark is the petrol station
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where the final battle occurs (god Cupcake’s room has the best view for this movie)
... Actually...  now that I’m looking, I’m gonna have to make a ‘spot-Cupcake’s-house’ post bc this is getting ridiculous lol
Now my question is this: how much of the building does Cupcake’s family own?  
There’s a couple of maps (neither are true to the film istelf but...) by Peter Maynez one of which lists Cupcake’s home as a ‘loft’ which implies that her family owns just the top floor or so.  Which is fine... except...
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what apartment has a dog door????
So I propose that Cupcake’s family is actually loaded and owns the whole building including the shop.  That way there could be a portion of the ground floor that’s part of their apartment.
Which brings me onto the shop itself.  It’s name is clearest in this shot
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I’m not well versed in fishing terminology but it does appear to be a fishing shop.  Now I have been informed by my dad who has been to the US unlike me, that this would be full of fishing gear and also maybe hunting gear (maybe guns? idk I’m British I don’t know the rules about guns - tho Burgess is confirmed to be in Pennsylvania if it’s state by state?), camping gear or general outdoors equipment so probably a decent amount of income.
Kice seems to be a surname.  I might have gotten the wrong end of the stick here but that’s what I’m assuming for now.   Kice (according to Ancestry) seems to be a Germanic/Slavic last name, which may be Cupcake’s last name?  
Cupcake’s family is also a mystery but we do know that this guy(?) exists
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and that he likes to read the newspaper in the morning
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so he may be her father or father figure?  They might not even be a guy but they do have a stereotypical masculine figure so I’m going with that?
anyway, weird shot next!
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I spy with my little eye three pairs of shoes.  These are three different types of shoes so they may all belong to one person, or they have three other people in the house and these are their current shoes?  I think Cupcake keeps her shoes in her room/next to her bed so 
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I would also say that considering the (possible) size of their house it would be easy for her to have siblings living with her (younger so they don’t keep shoes by the door, or older so they could be out all night).
(The heavy decoration in Cupcake’s room also implies that the family has money)
Cupcake/Pippa&Monty/Claude&Caleb/Jamie&Sophie/Town of Burgess
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deepdisireslonging · 4 years
A Goodbye Ride
After leaving you and Dean topside, Sam took up the Demon King mantle. But he still wants you, and will convince you by any means necessary that you still love him too.  
Pairing: King of Hell!Sam Winchester x Reader (b/c why not?)
Warnings/Promises: talk of series-level violence, dub-con, cock warming, use of “slut”, somnophilia, gaslighting (sorta? maybe?), it’s dark babes
Word Count: 1430
Note: This was supposed to be a drabble. Heck. If someone actually uses “but don’t you love me?” to pressure you into sex, knife-chop their throat. If they loved you they wouldn’t be pressuring you. If you haven’t read the warnings: read them. If you have: read them again. Alright, you’ve been warned. As always, feedback is super appreciated. Enjoy!
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“What do you say, Y/N? One more night before I leave you topside?” Sam’s grin is all wrong. Lopsided. Sharp. Bloody from where you’d hit him during the struggle. And a half-step below a smirk. “I guess I should remove this,” he reached and pulled the bandana gag from your mouth, “if I really want an answer besides you glaring at me.”
Still, you refused to give him more than that. 
His eyes, formerly so home-like when he looked at you, took on an icy sheen. 
The handcuffs cut into your wrists where you rattled them against the bedframe. 
“Ah, ah.” Again, that smile. “I can’t- won’t remove those. Not until you give me an answer. Like a good girl.”
You sneered at him, hating how two little words could flush your skin more than two months of rage. “No. The only fucking you’ll get is from getting the fuck out of the bunker. You’ve made it very clear you don’t-”
“What? Live here anymore? Belong here?” Sam’s tongue darted out to his bottom lip. “I guess not. You and Dean didn’t exactly lay down the red carpet for the new King of Hell.”
Pulling at the cuffs again, you pleaded with him. “Sam, you don’t have to do this. I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. But you gutted that demon and would have drunk her dry if we hadn’t stopped you. You’re not him. You haven’t been in years. Sam-”
“Shh.” His forefinger pressed hard against your lips. While his eyes raked over your body, he smoothed his knuckles across your cheek. “But I am. I believe I always have been. That dark secret of the family, the worse off of the Winchesters. Instead of hiding from it… I’m embracing it.” He frowned. “I had hoped you would join me.”
It only took a moment for him to step away from the bed, looming over you. For a split second you thought he’d either gut you like a fish, or leave you there for Dean to find the day after tomorrow after racing home. What he did instead made the blood freeze in your veins. And it ignited want under your skin. 
Sam shed his shirt. That damn smirk made another appearance, knowing that he looked good, especially to you. A knife flipped through his fingers. He used it to cut away your clothes, careful not to cut you while you struggled. At least he left your bra and panties in place. But that only showed off your peaked nipples and wet spot all the more. He tossed the knife onto his floored shirt, far from your reach. 
“See.” He skimmed his large hands over your torso up to your breasts. “You do still love me.”
You grit your teeth to keep from moaning. “No.” Your voice sounded small, even to you. 
“Alright.” He shed his jeans and boxers before crawling over you. First one wrist, then the other, Sam unlocked the cuffs. You couldn’t go anywhere pinned under him like that. And you still couldn’t escape when he rolled to one side, pulling you to spoon your back against his chest. “My big brother’s not going to get back for a while. So we’ve got tonight.”
When his fingers dipped underneath your panties for your clit, you jolted. One, then two fingers easily tested how wet you were. It never took much with him. The fear of what he would do to you didn’t help either. You shivered against his hand. Distracted by trying to hold off your hated arousal, you missed him pulling your panties to one side until he was sliding into you one heated inch at a time. 
Sam tightened his arm around your waist. “Shh.” Finally fully seated, his thumb stroked your stomach. “Just go to sleep. This is enough for me.”
You fought it as long as you could. But the adrenaline dip and the exhaustion from the earlier fight eventually made your eyelids droop. 
It had all been a dream. Right?
Had to be. Because sunlight was streaming through the windows. And Sam was groaning in his sleep while you worked yourself onto his cock. When you were full, you started to thrust harder. Yet, soft enough not to wake him. Not right this minute. For this minute, you had him when he was still warm and pliable from sleep. 
He thrust with you in his dream, smiling as the sensations that made him gasp slowly brought him to the surface. 
“Well good mornin’ to you, too.”
“Mornin’ baby.” From the angle you were laying on your side, and with your arm pinned under your pillow, you couldn’t move much. But you were already so close. “Please, Sam. Please-”
“Whatever you want, Y/N.” Sam thrust in time with your need until your dream faded back into oblivion. 
No picturesque house. No perfect life with Sam. Nothing left of the dream but the nightmare of being speared on the King of Hell’s cock. 
“Wait-” You arched almost out of his grip as he reached a sensitive spot. It sent electric shocks through your body. 
He didn’t let up the sensual pace. If anything, he was beginning to heighten it now that you were awake. 
“Look at you,” he crooned. “Dreaming about me, baby? I’m flattered you missed me that fondly. Shh, don’t worry. You don’t have to dream any more. You can fuck yourself on my cock just how you like it. Come on. Just like that.” 
There wasn’t much that you could do. Sam was pulling your body down to meet his thrusts. The more you tried to fight away, to claw at whatever skin you could find, he just hissed in pleasure and moved faster. Harder. Finding your neediest places and taking advantage. Making you moan against the wills of your mind screaming to get away. You refused to call out his name again. Instead you chose to call him every version of ‘illegitimate son’ under the sun. 
“Careful, Y/N. That’s your mother-in-law you’re insulting.” He chuckled and nipped at your ear. “I checked your sock drawer before our little skuffle. You’ve still got the ring. You still love me. Still need me. Otherwise you wouldn’t be working yourself on my cock like the little slut you are. Right?” He thrust hard, making you cry out. “Don’t you love me? Come on. One last ride. Then I’m gone.”
As harshly as he had been pounding you, he stopped. 
“Unless you want me to stop now. Leave you hanging. Lock you back down until Dean get’s back. I wonder if you would cum untouched thinking back on your dream and wake-up call. Or has by big brother stepped in as your sexual outlet yet? I can always leave you for him to finish off.”
Cocking his head, he looked down at the tears dripping down your cheeks. He licked them away. “Is that what you want? To leave it like this?”
It was hard to breathe around the lump in your throat. “No.”
“Then what do you need, Y/N? Tell me.”
You couldn’t fight it anymore. Like he said, one last ride. Then you’d lose him forever. 
“Make me cum, Sam. Please.”
He kissed your temple. “Of course, baby.”
With that, he worked up his pace again. Used his fingers to make your eyes cross with pleasure. You canted and rolled with what he gave. Keened and panted with what he took. Toes curling, your body seized. Sam fucked you through your orgasm chasing his own. Already full with his cock, his release spilled around his length between your thighs. It made a mess of the sheets and a mess of you. 
Gingerly he pushed your hair out of your face. Placing a kiss on your cheek, he moved off the bed, making sure the sheet was still over your shivering form. He snapped his fingers like he’d forgot something. Cold metal clicked around your wrists. 
“They’ll release in the morning. You’ll have plenty of time to clean up-”
“I’ll never have enough time to scrub your fingerprints off my skin.”
He whirled around, eyes glowing with rage. With a breath, he was back in control. “Now, now. We’ve had our reunion. Now it’s time to say goodbye.” Another snap of his fingers and he was dressed. You flinched away from his touch when he reached to stroke your cheek. He did it anyways, leaving a kiss on your forehead. “Goodbye, Y/N.”
Then he was gone, leaving a hollow in your chest. 
Need some Sam? Have some more:
Deep in the Archives (S)
Need a Lift? (SPN Fluff Appreciation Day 2017)
Quiet (S)
Kinky Drabble (Nipple clamps, S)
Forever Tags: @blondekel77 @brianaraydean @chwehansol98 @fireflyfunhousetrash @laochbaineann @ramblingsofabourbondrinker @savmontreal @shieldgirl18 @tinyelfperson @writtingrose @xladyxfatex @gold--gucciempress  
Supernatural Tags: @emoryhemsworth @quixoticcat @smandrews3 @supernatural-jackles @tamtamlov @vvinch3st3r @kittenofdoomage 
Sam Winchester Tags: @daniel-sharman-tho @gabbyrogers094 @myshitismine4221 @parseltonguespeaking @stealingyoupretty @winchesterprincessbride​ 
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nonstoplover · 4 years
all that i know ~ Dylan O’Brien (song drabble)
my masterlist │my song drabbles
song used as inspiration: cian ducrot ~ all that i know
words: 4.1K
approximate reading time: about 20-25 mins
a/n: well, ever since i found this guy a few months back on tiktok (i know, i know) and listened to his music for the first time, i've been in love. his voice, the melodies and words he sings... whenever i hear one of his songs, i get breathless and just have to stop and listen. gorgeous. yeah and this one's my favourite at the moment. so today i heard it and decided to write something based on it because it's too beautiful not to, with the first person i ever fell in love with, mr dylan o'brien himself. so here you go, lovelies, i hope you like it xx
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Alex - or is his name Adam? (y/n) can't remember - reaches up and threads his fingers through his light brown hair, and the movement reminds her of Dylan. He always did the same thing, in the exact same way. It makes her heart clench and she has to turn her eyes away and think of something else before the tears gathering in her eyes would overflow and roll down her cheeks.
The young man sitting opposite to her doesn't even notice her sudden change of behaviour and it hurts her even more. Dylan always noticed.
She can't sit around thinking about Dylan every other second. What they had is over now and her heart and mind have to finally accept it. Even if it's hard. Even if it seems impossible at the moment. She can't go on remembering him from every single thing she sees or hears.
This is the third date she agreed to go on, all blind dates with guys her best friend found her. She doesn't even know why she agreed though to be honest, she's truly not in the mood for going on dates. Even if it has been three months already since their breakup.
Soon she'll have to excuse herself with something like 'sorry i don't feel so well' and call an Uber to go home, just like she did the previous two dates. It makes her feel a little bad, because the guys she's met were all nice and she doesn't want them to think the night ending as a failure is their fault, but she also knows that she can't sit around faking smiles for much longer.
Five minutes later she speaks the exact words she planned in her mind to use out loud, already grabbing her purse and coat. She can't stand the disappointed surprise that appears in the guy's eyes and when he moves his fingers to his hair again, she swiftly turns her head away.
Within a minute she's standing on the street, breathing in the cold, early spring night air, feeling it fill her lungs. She already feels much better, not having to see that hand movement again.
Why is it so hard?
She decides it'll be better to walk and have her mind cleared up a bit and she puts on her playlist to have something to divert her mind from subconsciously going back to thinking about Dylan. Thought she's not more than halfway through her walk when she eventually regrets that decision, when an all too familiar song starts playing.
She hurries to pull her phone back out from her pocket and switch to another song, but her fingers shake too much and she almost drops the device. The more she hears from that song, the more she feels panic rise in her chest. She's clearly not ready to hear it. Not yet.
It was their song from day one. They listened to it so much that they could pinpoint all the smallest details nobody other than the songwriters and producers would have noticed. And they never grew tired of it. If anything, they only loved it more and more each time it played. Often they spent their free nights just dancing around the living room, letting the sounds of the song softly fill the room.
Her heartbeat is racing by now, and she has to stop and place a hand against the cold wall of the building next to her to keep her steady. She glances down, watching as her pointer finger hovers above the screen. It almost touches it, right where the button which would skip to the next song lays, and it visibly shakes, but she just can't finish the movement.
In her mind, she's back in time, dancing in his arms. She can even almost feel the carpet under her feet. The warmth of their shared apartment on her skin, because they always kept the heating on high. His scent in her nose.
Then it suddenly becomes all too much to bear and her finger presses flat against the screen with such strength it causes rainbow-like shapes to appear around it on the device. A relieved sigh escapes her lungs as soon as a different song starts, and she slowly pushes herself off the wall and continues her way, even though she feels significantly weaker than before.
Arriving back home finally she kicks her shoes off, drops her coat on the floor and hurries to the couch to just slump down and bury her body in the soft blanket draped across its armrest.
Why is this so much harder tonight than it usually is?
Her glance moves around the room, taking in all the new things she and her best friend bought in the past couple months. They looked nice, but they didn't belong there. Nothing that wasn't theirs did. Then her eyes arrive to the coat laying on the floor and her heart skips yet another beat.
Dylan always left his clothes on the floor.
A gasp she recognises to be her own breaks the silence of the flat as she's back in time again. She hears his voice in her ears. His laugh. That gorgeous, bubbling laugh that was absolutely irresistible and always left her giggling.
The tears gather in her eyes, and this time she doesn't hold them back. One teardrop rolls down her skin, leaving a cold, wet path behind. Then another one. And before she knows, they come unstoppable. Through the blurriness she scrambles over towards the remote control and turns the TV on, letting the noise of whatever is on to fill the room.
She doesn't want to cry again.
She doesn't want to cry no more than she already did.
She doesn't want to cry herself to sleep yet again.
She's had enough of that.
So she tries hard to concentrate on the show that goes on and shut out all the thoughts inside her mind. Tries to take deep breaths to slow her pulse back down to normal. And it seems to work. The tears come slower and slower, and then eventually stop.
She reaches up to dry her skin with the edge of her hand and leans forwards to grab a tissue from the coffee table and then presses it against her eyes for a second or two before blowing her nose.
You see? It's not that difficult.
But then the next moment she hears movement outside the front door, then a key slipping into the lock and turning, and eventually the door itself opening.(y/n) finds herself frozen in spot, watching whatever it is that unfolds in front of her eyes. And truly, she's ready for anything, but not what actually happens.
Because right there, a couple feet away from her stands Dylan himself, his hair disheveled from the light breeze outside and his cheeks glowing bright pink from the cold air. His eyes - those beautiful, dark brown eyes that always made her knees go weak - snap towards her as he seemingly comes to the realisation that he's not alone in the apartment.
"I-I'm sorry, I tho-thought you won't be home now," he stutters, running his fingers through his hair just like Alex or Adam or whatever did only an hour ago.
And her breath hitches in her throat from the sight, because it's finally him doing it. Not just someone who does it like him. But then she manages to pull herself together, and she repeats his words in her mind to be able to understand their meaning. And when she does, a frown replaces the previous shocked expression on her forehead.
"Why would think that ?" She asks back in confusion, a bit more harshly than she wanted to. "I still live here, you know."
"Yeah, but-" Dylan starts to explain but then his voice fades away and he just shakes his head, looking away from her, right at the floor in front of him. "Nevermind, I just came to pick up the rest of my stuff."
"Oh, okay."
Why does she feel a sudden pang in her chest? Why does feel hurt again? Why does she feel like her heart just broke again, even though it already was broken?
Dylan's eyes stay cast on the floor as he moves to make his way in the bedroom they used to share, but he comes to an abrupt stop when he notices the coat laying on the floor. Out of instinct he leans down to grab it and hang it up to its place on the hanger, just like had done thousands of times whilst he was still living here.
(y/n) always teased him about leaving all his clothes laying on the floor all around their apartment. She was determined to make him quit that lazy habit. And he did his best to succeed, because he knew how happy it would make her.
But then why is her coat laying on the floor?
He wonders as he disappears behind the door and (y/n) lets out the breath she didn't even notice she was holding in. Dylan takes in all the new things in the bedroom and notices how only one side of the king sized bed seems to be in use, the other perfectly made, giving off the impression that it hasn't been touched once in the past month or two. And it's his side. It was, at least.
It doesn't take him long to realise that his eyes can't find any of his belongings that were clearly there the last time he was in the apartment, three months prior, before having to fly to the other side of the US for shooting a new movie.
"Erm, (y/n)?" He calls out, voice uncertain.
He immediately hears noises from the living room, her sock-coated feet padding on the floor, the sound of it growing louder and louder.
"Yeah?" Her soft voice enters his ears, making his heart skip a beat. He hasn't heard it in months. When she last spoke so softly to him, they were still in a relationship.
"Where are my-?" He clumsily waves his arms around, waiting for her to catch up with what he's trying to say.
"Oh, right!" (y/n)'s head moves in a nod after only a short moment, and she makes her way to the closet.
Opening its door, she kneels down, pushing a couple things aside before eventually finding what she's looking for. She pulls the box out, placing it on the carpet next to her, and Dylan moves to kneel by her, pulling the lid off.
His eyes take in his belongings that were obviously placed inside with great care, but he couldn't focus on them. All he can think about is how he can smell the oh so loved scent of her, how he can hear her quiet breathing from being so close. And how much he just wants to kiss her.
No. He has to stop thinking like that. They broke up for a reason. Or, more precisely, for multiple reasons. The countless fights out of nothing but sheer jealousy, the friend differences when one of them didn't like the other hanging out with a particular person or the other way around, the seemingly endless months spent apart because of his job. They were always there, hanging in the air just to explode whenever the slightest bit of disagreement arose.
Nothing has changed. These aren't things that can be changed. Friends? Jobs? Jealous personalities? They just both have to accept that they weren't meant to be as they always thought they were. They were meant to break. It was just a matter of time.
So no matter how much he feels drawn to her, how much he wants to just hold her, breathe her in and taste her, he has to lock these thoughts and feelings out.
"How are you?" He asks, trying to divert his mind from thinking.
"I'm okay, thanks," (y/n) replies with all the fake joy she can muster, but Dylan can still tell she's not telling the truth. He knows her too much not to notice such a thing.
"Are you, though?" And he makes the first mistake, reaching out and placing his palm on her hand that's laying in her lap. He does it absolutely by instinct, and as soon as his skin touches hers, he mentally curses himself, wishing that he could just pull his hand back without making the situation even more awkward than it already is.
(y/n)'s heartbeat rapidly quickens, her eyes glued to his fingers that cover her much smaller hand perfectly. Oh, how many times she was reminded of his hands in the past three months. How many times she wished it was his hand. How many times she wanted to just feel their fingers intertwine, just once more.
Slowly she raises her head, looking up into his warmth-spreading eyes, allowing herself to get lost in them - just for one second. Then she looks away again, bitterness filling her whole body.
"No, not exactly," she admits quietly, suddenly afraid of his reaction.
"I've been better as well," Dylan mumbles back and (y/n) can almost swear she heard a similar amount of bitterness drip from his words.
She glances back at his face, seeing the eyes she had always loved to reference to as puppy eyes look heart-wrenchingly sad.
Can it be true that he feels the same way?
"I hate not having you here," she speaks up again, her hand - the one that's not held by him - slightly raising to signal around their surroundings.
He takes a shaky breath in before slowly shaking his head and letting out a sigh.
"We've already had this talk," he reminds her oh so quietly it almost doesn't reach her ears. But it does, and she lowers her head in defeat.
"I know," she mumbles into the hair that has fallen in front of her face in the movement.
For a second or two both of them stay quiet, and Dylan moves to retreat his hand, only to be stopped by her other one gripping it, keeping it where it has been.
"It's just-" she starts again, pausing to try and find the right words to say. "Anywhere I go, anything I do, anyone I'm with, everything always reminds me of you. And I miss you. And I don't know if I can take it for much longer."
Dylan's heart feels like shattering hearing her words. Does she really feel this way? Is he not the only one who was constantly reminded of their relationship by everything that came in his way? Was the past three months equally miserable for her as it was for him?
"It'll be better. With time," he tells her the thing he repeated to himself as a mantra millions of times since their breakup - not like it had helped any time.
"No, it won't!" (y/n) exclaims vehemently, and the sudden loudness after all the quiet makes him wince. She notices and lowers her voice back. "It's what everyone keeps telling me ever since our... well, ever since that, but it's not true. It's just some stupid stock phrase that looks good on cards. But life doesn't work that way."
The young man sighs, knowing exactly what she means, having already replied the same thing multiple times when it was someone else telling him the mantra-like sentence.
"Will it make you feel better if I tell you I feel the exact same way?" He asks the girl and her eyes widen.
He does feel the same as I do.
But then again, it means that he feels sad, broken and useless. Miserable, even. And she doesn't want that. Not for him. She herself? She can manage. Somehow. She'll make herself manage. But Dylan? He shouldn't feel that way.  
"Not really," a dark chuckle escapes her before she could stop it.
They sigh at the exact same time, and it brings back memories to both of them - how in sync they always had been, saying things at the same time, reaching out for things at the same time, texting the other at the same time, et cetera.
How ridiculous it seems that even though they're seemingly a perfect match, somehow it wasn't that perfect at all. How in certain parts of it the two of them were meant to be, and in others they were only poisoning each other's lives.
"Well, I have my stuff now, I think it's time for me to leave," Dylan pulls his hand out from the sandwich of her touch, closing the box again before grabbing it and standing up. "Thanks for letting me."
With one last glance down on her figure he moves, exiting the room before his self-control would falter and keep him planted.
"Wait!" (y/n) calls out, and in an instant he freezes in spot, only two steps away from the front door.
She swiftly pushes herself up and rushes after him, only stopping when she's right behind him.
"Why don't you stay the night?" Her hasty voice goes into his ears and resonates in his mind. "I mean, I don't know if you have anywhere to sleep, but if you don't, you can stay here. I can take the couch," she's quick to specify before he could disagree, even though every single bone and muscle in her body screams against her offer - she doesn't want to sleep on the couch, but instead in her bed, inside his arms -, but she knows too well that he would reject that idea. And having him stay in the same apartment for the night would be satisfactory enough to keep her spirits up for a while.
Dylan stays frozen, as if he's turned into a statue in some magical, fiction-like way and (y/n)'s just about to give up and turn around to move back into her room just to curl herself up in her bed and let the endless crying come out when he all of a sudden turns around.
His eyes stay locked on her own pair of (y/e/c) ones as he obviously considers her offer with the rational part of his mind. Then to (y/n)'s surprise, his head moves in a nod and he leans down to put the box on the floor, slipping his shoes down from his feet.
"Thanks," he mumbles. "But I'll take the couch."
(y/n) only smiles back, with the smallest smile ever - and even that is only pretended - , then moves to grab an extra sheet she could put on the couch.
When she's done with everything and the boy's sleeping place for the night is ready for him to sleep in it, she mumbles a quiet goodnight and escapes to the bathroom, closing the door behind her back. Leaning back against the piece of perfectly wrought wood, she slowly slides down to the floor. The more minutes passed, the harder it was for her to keep her tears in. Maybe it wasn't that good of an idea as it seemed only mere minutes ago.
With a few shaky breaths she convinces her mind that tomorrow - when Dylan has already left - would be a more than perfect opportunity to cry her eyes out until they're all red and puffy, and she grabs the edge of the sink to pull herself up to begin her night routine.
By the time she finishes, Dylan has already lain down, wrapping himself up in the very blanket she buried around her body not long ago, and the memory is enough to bring the tears back to her eyes.
(y/n) swiftly blinks a couple times to make them disappear, wordlessly cursing herself for being so ridiculously weak and emotional. She could do better than this. Then she tears her gaze from his lying form and strolls in her room, pushing the door behind her until only a small slot remains, and moving to her bed to lie down herself.
Dylan tosses and turns on the couch, unable to find a perfect, comfortable position, but he blames it on the furniture - it's not like it was designed to be used for sleeping anyway - , not on the fact that he's trying to fall asleep in his ex's apartment, the one he used to call his own.
Nevertheless, it changes abruptly when an hour or two later he hears a door creaking open, so quiet that if it was during the day, he's sure he wouldn't have heard it. But since it's the middle of the night - and it's well-known that during the night everything, even the smallest noises sound much louder - he's able to make it out perfectly.
Then the pair of feet padding on the floor he has already heard earlier that evening can be heard again, and he pushes himself up on his elbows just in time to see (y/n)'s sleepy form come in view.
"I can't sleep," she mumbles in a raspy voice when she sees him up and already watching her.
"Me neither," he admits in reply, curiously waiting what her next sentence or move might be - already fearing that it might be something that shouldn't happen, knowing damn well that he wouldn't be able to stop it.
"Could you... could you come and sleep in the bed?" (y/n) asks after a beat, so innocent and sheepish that it makes Dylan's mind spin with the sudden wave of adora- no. Not that word.
Just as he has thought his body moves before he could think it over and by the time he realises what he's doing, his head has already moved in a nod.
He feels too tired to argue with it - with himself, so he just kicks the blanket off of his body and stands up. When she grows sure he'll follow her, (y/n) turns around and disappears in the direction she just came from, and Dylan moves right behind her.
A random thought enters his mind on the way inside, letting him know the interesting fact that he still knows the way like the back of his hand, no matter the lack of lighting, he still turns easily at every corner, avoiding everything he could bump into like he has been doing this his entire life. Like the past three months have never happened.
He waits until (y/n) gets comfortable on the bed, then with a shaky breath taken he sits down on the edge of the bed. Taking it slow, afraid that the dream-like situation that often played in his mind when he slept would burst like a bubble and he'd find himself back in the rigid, hard truth, he swings his legs up on the mattress, gently letting his upper body fall down until his back softly hits the sheets.
He stays lying there for a couple seconds, body tense and motionless, but then her small hand reaches behind her back - towards him - and grabs one of his, pulling it back with her until it drapes across her body.
Dylan sucks in a sharp breath, for a moment not knowing what to do, but when he hears - and feels - the small, contented sigh leave her lips, all the tension exits him and he moves his arm to a more comfortable position, eventually pulling her only closer to his body with the movement.
But it's fine. For now, it's okay. It's just for tonight. One last time.
One last time to feel this, to feel her against him, to have her delicious scent fill his nose and lungs as he breathes in deeply.
Maybe when they wake up, they'll find out it was only a nightmare and everything goes back to how it used to be. Maybe they can change and make this relationship work. Maybe they will succeed. Maybe they'll get the happily ever after they always dreamed about.
But for now, it's enough for both of them to just feel more peaceful than they ever did in the past three months as they slowly drift off to sleep in each other's embrace.
.::the end::.
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