#not cause catastrophic organ issues
i-am-aprl · 8 months
Yesterday, Palestinian and solidarity organizers disrupted a Biden campaign event 14 times during his speech on the protection of women's rights. These activists called out hypocrisy because Biden and his administration are actively causing a reproductive care catastrophe in Gaza.
50,000 pregnant women do not have access to healthcare in Gaza, and C-sections are being performed without anesthesia. Women and children in Gaza are being killed by U.S.-made and supplied bombs.
described by @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts
[ID: Transcription of what the protesters are saying, while security personnel try to get them out:
Israel kills two mothers every hour in Gaza. Ceasefire now! End the genocide! Ceasefire!
Women in Gaza are being murdered. Killing people in Gaza is a war crime. You are a war criminal.
Stop funding genocide! Ceasefire now!
50,000 pregnant women don't have healthcare. Their blood is on your hands. Ceasefire!
Ceasefire now! Stop funding genocide! Gaza is a reproductive issue.
Free, free Palestine!
The end of the video shows article headlines with photos of the protesters or of Joe Biden, from various news organizations:
POLITICO: Biden's abortion rights rally repeatedly interrupted by protesters
ALJAZEERA: Biden speech interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters
CNN politics: Biden's abortion rights rally in Virginia beset by repeated protests over his handling of Gaza
abcNEWS: Biden campaign speech on abortion rights disrupted 14 times by protesters
yahoo!news: Biden abortion rally in Virginia interrupted by multiple protesters: 'Genocide Joe'
NEW YORK POST: Biden claims Gaza heckler is 'MAGA Republican' as he's interrupted at least 10 times at rally
Forbes: Protesters Interrupt Biden's Abortion Rights Speech More Than A Dozen Times
NBC NEWS: Biden interrupted by protesters more than a dozen times at campaign rally
USA TODAY: President Biden's abortion rally disrupted by repeated protests over Gaza
Reuters: Biden's abortion rights rally in Virginia interrupted by Gaza protests
/End ID]
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
On the subject of the Titanic ‘submersible’ that was lost in the deep with all its wealthy tourists— it’s so insane/eerie in hindsight to read this article from the Smithsonian that interviews the CEO Stockton Rush long before the disaster.
Despite the Smithsonian supposedly being an organization that cares about science and truth, and the fact that there were SO MANY obvious red flags from the beginning and so many people criticizing the company…..the article is a puff piece uncritically glorifying the CEO’s obviously terrible submersible project. It compares him in glowing terms to Elon Musk. It is an article about how private ventures like those of Stockton Rush and Elon Musk can and should be the future of the world.
We’ve obviously learned now that there were whistleblowers at the company who were warning for a long time that Stockton Rush’s submersible was unsafe— only to be fired and then sued. It makes sense the submersible was so unsafe, because the CEO in this interview is open about how he has no background in underwater engineering and is annoyed by quote “regulations that needlessly prioritize passenger safety.”
Soon after, the private [submersible] market died too, Rush found, for two reasons that were “understandable but illogical.” First, subs gained a reputation for danger. Working on offshore rigs in harsh locations like the North Sea, saturation divers, who breathe gas mixtures to avoid diving sicknesses, would be taken in subs to work at great depths. It was the world’s most perilous job, with frequent fatalities. (“It wasn’t the sub’s fault,” says Rush.) To save lives, the industries moved toward using underwater robots to perform the same work.
Second, tourist subs, which could once be skippered by anyone with a U.S. Coast Guard captain’s license, were regulated by the Passenger Vessel Safety Act of 1993, which imposed rigorous new manufacturing and inspection requirements and prohibited dives below 150 feet. The law was well-meaning, Rush says, but he believes it needlessly prioritized passenger safety over commercial innovation (a position a less adventurous submariner might find open to debate). “There hasn’t been an injury in the commercial sub industry in over 35 years. It’s obscenely safe, because they have all these regulations. But it also hasn’t innovated or grown—because they have all these regulations.”
The fact that Stockton Rush (who was piloting the submarine when the disaster happened) is on record complaining about the evils of regulations that prioritize people’s safety, and the Smithsonian uncritically regurgitated that rhetoric in their glowing puff piece about how rich tycoons like Elon Musk and Stockton Rush are going to save the world is just…..in hindsight of how everything ended it’s just so much horrible black comedy? It’s like a satire about the dangers of uncritically worshipping the rich.
It is mentioned in the article that Rush chose to make his submersible in a different shape, and with a different (cheaper) material than is usually used for submersibles. The article frames this as a result of daring innovation, and not of negligence/ignorance. This passage in particular, which in context is supposed to portray Rush’s critics as joyless naysayers who were proven wrong by the noble tycoon, is pretty foreboding in hindsight:
Rush planned to pilot the sub himself, which critics said was an unnecessary risk: Under pressure, the experimental carbon fiber hull might, in the jargon of the sub world, “collapse catastrophically.”
And then!!
The exact problem that happened to Titan this weekend, happened on Titan’s very first test voyage to the Titanic! The experimental carbon fiber hull had an issue and it caused communications to break down!
The dive was going according to plan until about 10,000 feet, when the descent unexpectedly halted, possibly, Rush says, because the density of the salt water added extra buoyancy to the carbon fiber hull. He now used thrusters to drive Titan deeper, which interfered with the communications system, and he lost contact with the support crew. He recalls the next hour in hallucinogenic terms. “It was like being on the Starship Enterprise,” he says. “There were these particles going by, like stars. Every so often a jellyfish would go whipping by. It was the childhood dream.”
Both Rush and the article writer treat this as a fun quirky story, instead of a serious safety failure and red flag with his experimental macgyvered regulation-flaunting submersible.
Other highlights from the article include:
Stockton rush saying that if 3/4 of the planet is water, why haven’t we monetized it?
Stockton saying we will “colonize the ocean long before we colonize space”
Lots of weird pro colonialism stuff in general??? This article loves colonialism and thinks it’s cool
Rush saying he plans for this to eventually help find more underwater resources for the US to exploit and profit from
Elon musk comparisons. The article writer does not mention that Elon Musk’s rockets explode and therefore it would be a bad idea to get in one of them, because that would imply it’s a bad idea to get into the submersible
Stockton rush seeing himself as Captain Kirk
The article writer comparing the tourists who plan to join Rush to Englishmen who went on colonialist journeys to Africa as if that’s like, a good thing. So much pro colonialism stuff in this article
So many sentences about Stockton Rush being handsome when he literally just looks like some guy
The article beginning with an editor’s note from years later disclaiming that the extraordinary submersible they’re advertising in this article is uh. It’s now uhhhh
But yeah it really does just bring home how so many organizations that supposedly care about scientific truth or journalistic integrity are willing to uncritically platform propaganda for wealthy CEOS. It’s frustrating how easily people fall for the fake myths that careless wealthy people invent for themselves, and even more frustrating that supposedly respectable institutions will platform irresponsible lies that end up getting people killed.
Rush is such an obvious and simple example of this, and his negligence is “only” killing five people including himself. But to me it feels like a cautionary tale to bear in mind when it comes to uncritical puff piece media coverage of similar “daring tycoon innovations” by people like Bezos or Musk.
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howtofightwrite · 11 months
How effective is clapping (boxing?) someone's ears in a fight? Like on a scale from like mild annoyance to taking someone out of a fight entirely. Something about it always seemed childish but I swear I've read something about the pressure change really messing up your eardrum and inner ear.
Boxing the ears works very well.
Your sense of balance is regulated by a fluid filled organ in your inner ear. Sensory hair cells track the way the fluid moves, or more accurately, fails to move, when your head and body move around. This is the fundamental, physiological basis, for your ability to tell up from down.
Unsurprisingly, when you get that fluid moving and doing things it's not supposed to, your body's ability to maintain your balance starts to experience some “difficulties.”
The inner ear works off some fairly reasonable expectations for how things will behave. Unfortunately, when those expectations are no longer true, for example if someone just delivered a shock of air pressure down both ear canals, it becomes surprisingly difficult to override that information.
So, when you box someone's ears, you can temporarily disrupt someone's balance, and if executed correctly, it can even cause them to crumple to the floor. Now it doesn't actually incapacitate them, and you can power through your inner ear getting slightly stirred from a hit (though, it's not going to be a fun experience. Especially if your body stumbles across the idea that your balance issues are from a poison you consumed, in which case expect to throw up. Though, if you have the ability to weaponize that, being able to literally throw up into your opponent's face is one way to offer a very clear opinion on getting your ears boxed.)
However, that's the shallow end. Boxing the ears can, as you mentioned, cause an ear drum to pop. This isn't quite as simple as it might first seem, as there are a lot of ways this blow can cause temporary or permanent damage to the ear and your ability to hear, ranging from the membrane itself being perforated (though, that's more likely if there's a sharpened object getting driven into their ear, or “ossicular dislocation,” where the bones you rely on to make the ear drum work become separated (and fixing this will require surgery.) However, it can get muchworse if enough force is applied.
There are a lot of delicate bits of bone in this part of the skull (including the malleus, incus, and stapes mentioned in the previous paragraph.) A lot of these are part of the temporal bone as a whole, but breaking parts of that can have some really unpleasant side effects including, and I'm not exaggerating (much), your brain leaking from your ear or sinuses. (Though, it's far more common that this leakage is cerebrospinal fluid, rather than the brain itself which is usually non-life threatening, and those injuries dotend to heal on their own, but in rare cases surgery is necessary to deal with CSF leakage.) Which is to say, it can get reallybad.
So, in a word, “yeah.” Boxing the ears works. A fairly light tap to both at the same times can completely scramble someone's sense of balance for a few minutes, and if you can land the hits, it is a valid way to create an opening for a hasty exit. The more catastrophic outcomes are extremely unlikely unless you're driving a lot more force into their skull, or get supremely unlucky.
Now, “supremely unlucky,” can still happen, and you are battering someone's skull, so boxing their ears isn't exactly, “safe,” but as intentional strikes to the head go, it's one of the less dangerous options. Then again, it's also not trying to do much to your foe.
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nickssidewitch · 2 months
Are they aware of palestine..
I mean you can not not be aware. I'm just wondering cause they sadly never cared to speak up about it
I know! It’s so unfortunate and disappointing how they haven’t spoken up on the issue at least once! But, from what I feel, the reason they don’t talk about it is because they don’t really know how to speak on the topic. They aren’t surrounded by people talking about it either, or around people who consistently do in their real life. They know it’s important to bring awareness to it, but they just have that “typical privileged young white American attitude” where they feel that if they bring up any sort of stance on a political issue, they’ll lose followers or be labeled as political people even if they aren’t. They don’t like being “uncomfortable”.
Personally, I find those to be terrible excuses because even when I was uneducated on the topic years ago, I still posted helpful links for my audience on other platforms to see. And also, who cares if you lose followers or are labeled to be political?; you’re standing up for something morally and ethically right!
Hopefully in the near future, they find some ways to talk about it or at least spread awareness for a good cause! 🤍
Speaking of links to help the cause, here are some links that speak on Palestine and can help the cause!! 🇵🇸🤍🥰 Please help however you can!!
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athingofvikings · 4 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 135: The Hall Of Mirrors
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Chapter 135: The Hall Of Mirrors
One category of recurrent problems that are endemic to the field of espionage are those of ‘cognitive traps’—systemic biases in thinking and analysis that lead the intelligence analyst down blind alleys and towards incorrect conclusions. These can come about from the personal biases of the individual analyst or from larger scale biases on the part of the organization to which they belong, but in all cases, it is a systemic issue that can cause large scale problems based on the garbage-in, garbage-out principle—if your assumptions about why an action was taken are incorrect, then your conclusions will also be incorrect.
The most common cognitive trap is that of ‘mirror imaging’—the assumption that the subject of the analysis thinks, considers, and acts in a manner much like that of the analyst themselves, thereby rendering their actions in the structure of “How would I act if I was in their place?” This particular trap is pernicious, as it can be hard to recognize unless confronted—and when it reaches the organizational level, it can be hard for individual analysts to challenge, as the conclusions, even if flawed, typically come from senior members of their organization who will be acknowledged experts.
But this trap is particularly dangerous, beyond how it can lead to incorrect conclusions, as it can cause an inexperienced analyst to view a dissenting viewpoint as a personal attack on themselves, which can result in them growing more attached to their own analysis in response. Such entrenched opinions, especially in a person of responsibility and decision-making power, can be catastrophic. Having the ability to bring in dissenting voices, especially from other backgrounds, can be helpful in combating this, but the analyst needs to hear those opinions and have the experience and necessary dispassion to be able to separate themselves and their personal egos from the structure of their work…
—Statecraft: The Great Game of Diplomacy, Espionage & War By Other Means, 1732, Rouen University Press
AO3 Chapter Link
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mariacallous · 4 months
Brown howler monkeys are dropping dead by the dozens in southern Mexico. Between May 4 and May 21, at least 138 died, with deaths occurring in places where temperatures have been abnormally high, exceeding 43 degrees Celsius (109 degrees Fahrenheit).
Before perishing, the animals suffered convulsions, hyperthermia, and fainting, which are symptoms of dehydration. Organizations responding to the catastrophe note that the main cause of death seems to be heat stroke, although they haven’t ruled out other factors. Deaths have been reported across the state of Tabasco.
“The feeling of the work team is tragic, it is painful,” says Gilberto Pozo, a wildlife biologist at the Institute of Ecology in Xalapa. He was one of the first to witness and document the current catastrophe. “It hurts because all the efforts we have been making for years are going down the drain,” Pozo says, referring to recent efforts to protect the species.
Short-furred and endemic to the southern states of Mexico, brown howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata mexicana) are listed as “vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and their numbers are decreasing.
Pozo has been studying primates for 22 years. He is a conservationist and executive director of Conservation of the Biodiversity of Usumacinta (Cobius), a civil association that has been working with communities in the region for 13 years to protect endangered species.
In early May, a Cobius team visited a group of howler monkeys in Cunduacán, Tabasco, as part of a rescue and translocation program, this landscape having undergone significant changes in past years, which has endangered the monkeys. During fieldwork, the team saw two monkeys fall from 15-meter-high trees. Despite receiving attention, both died from their falls and showed signs of dehydration. The next day, local people came to leave aerial drinkers and tropical fruits for the primates.
Days later, the team visited the Saraguatos Biopark. There they found five dead monkeys and eight with problems. The team decided to extend their monitoring and detected more deaths, notifying Mexico’s environmental protection agency, the Procuraduria Federal de Proteccion al Ambiente (Profepa). Separate groups found dead monkeys elsewhere in the state of Tabasco, in Comalcalco and Jalpa, and so the scale of the emergency quickly became clear.
Mexico’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources has said that for now, it is investigating various hypotheses about what killed the monkeys: heat stroke and dehydration of course, but also “malnutrition or fumigation, or spraying of crops with toxic agrochemicals.” A first necropsy has been conducted on one of the animals, though Pozo points out that molecular analyses of the animal are lacking at this stage. “The doctor in charge does not want to rule out either heat stroke or viral issues,” he says. More tests will follow.
Brown howler monkeys are one of three native species of monkeys in Mexico. They inhabit parts of the states of Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, and Yucatan, as well as the nearby countries of Guatemala and Belize. The monkeys sometimes eat fruits and flowers, but principally are folivores: 80 percent of their diet consists of leaves, from which the monkeys obtain water. So if the leaves they eat are dehydrated, the animals consume little water, which leaves them exposed to the effects of high temperatures.
Pozo has witnessed monkeys showing the effects of moderate and severe dehydration. In moderate cases, he explains, the animals show signs of apathy, prostration, poor coordination, and slow movements. Such animals also have congested mucous membranes, high heart rates, and body temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius, and they show signs of vomiting, panting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, and muscle tremors. In severe cases, the monkeys suffer convulsions, irregular heartbeats, fainting, and have no resistance to manipulation. “They become like little dolls,” Pozo says.
Tania Fonseca works at Mexico’s Institute of Ecology (Inecol) as an academic technician for the Transdisciplinary Studies Group in Primatology. Something that inspires her about working with howler monkeys is their resilience—“until these days, when everything is broken,” she says.
If the cause of death is heat stroke, Fonseca says, it will be possible to confirm it through tissue analysis. If that is the reason, she adds, it becomes important to monitor live animals that have endured the heat, because they may have damaged tissues and organs.
Trouble Down on the Farm
The average annual temperature in Tabasco is 27 degrees Celsius (80 F). May tends to be the hottest month, with an average maximum of 36 degrees. However, temperatures this season are particularly high, having soared well beyond 40 degrees (104 F).
But in addition to the high temperatures, landscape modifications must be considered as a culprit, explains Bertha Valenzuela, a native of Comalcalco, Tabasco. Valenzuela has been studying primates for 15 years and says she grew up among monkeys. She remembers them always hanging around her grandmother's house.
The Chontalpa region, where most of Tabasco's monkeys live, today has only 3 percent of its original forest area, with a lot of land adapted for farming. In particular, it is an important cacao-growing area, with more than 3,000 producers. In other countries, cacao is planted in monocultures, but here producers use agroforestry systems—where arboreal vegetation shades the cacao-growing below, and where there is a mix of crops and native species. The difference between the original ecosystem and the plantations is that the forest canopy—the upper part of the trees where the monkeys live—is lower, while the understory, the lower part of the forest, is eliminated to allow for crops.
“In these sites they found conditions that have allowed them to survive, even if they are not the best,” says Valenzuela of the howler monkeys. The animals have been living in the plantations for the last 30 years, but have struggled with the landscape changing yet again in recent years.
Since the 2000s, cacao production has declined, due to plant diseases and falling local prices, causing many people to turn their cacao farms into pasture. Valenzuela explains that this means that, in general, between one cacao grove and another, there are now pastures, agricultural fields, or human settlements. With the fragmentation of the monkeys’ habitat, temperature regulation is not homogeneous. The smaller a fragment of forest is, the more heat it receives from its surroundings. Land-use change is compounding the effects of global heating.
A Mess of Good Intentions
Gilberto Pozo describes the first responses to the emergency as “a sea of people helping out”—a mess, but without bad intentions. “There were more than 150 volunteers. If it wasn’t for the support of the population, it would be difficult,” he says.
But some people took the monkeys to clinics without registering them first or notifying the authorities, so Profepa is now visiting clinics to collect data. Pozo is also worried about volunteers or the primates catching diseases from one another. “They grabbed them, approached them without masks or gloves, hugged them, kissed them, talked to them. That represents a high risk of zoonosis or anthropozoonosis.”
On top of this, there’s the risk that vulnerable monkeys may be mistreated, says Ana María Santillán, founder of the Centro Mexicano de Rehabilitación de Primates, which rescues monkeys that are victims of mascotism and illegal trafficking. As civilians, people should not move a specimen, because it is illegal, she says. “It was a blessing that Profepa got involved,” she adds. Even so, her group has found orphaned juvenile monkeys for sale.
To manage the situation, says Santillán, the civil organizations involved have formed specialized brigades, coordinated by Cobius. One is dedicated to recovering dead or dying animals. Another, which takes care of the monkeys, is made up of veterinarians trained in handling primates, some from Profepa in Tabasco, others from Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT). Another brigade is to perform necropsies. Among the most important actions, Gilberto Pozo explains, has been the setting up of two medical units for treating animals in need.
The experts have asked that people inform the authorities of new cases, and that people who have monkeys take them to the brigade units so that veterinarians can make a record of any affected animals. The response teams also emphasize that the species is very delicate: They should not be given antibiotics or dewormers; people shouldn’t keep any young; nor should the monkeys mix with dogs or cats, because the primates risk catching deadly diseases from them.
Getting Back to Nature
It’s not clear when it will be best to release the affected monkeys, says Fonseca—if environmental conditions don’t change, there’s a risk of this happening again. Particular care needs to be taken when releasing juveniles, regarding which group they are released to and into which site.
Juan Carlos Serio, a researcher at Inecol and head of the Transdisciplinary Primatology Studies Group, points out that better conservation efforts are needed in these habitats. Howler monkeys are great seed dispersers, and losing them from the environment would affect the natural process of forest regeneration. They’ve also been there for a long time. “Losing them means losing an important cultural element,” he says.
With this in mind, there’s work underway to try to make the landscape in Tabasco more monkey-friendly. Jorge Ramos Luna, an academic technician at Inecol and part of Serio’s workgroup, makes videos to engage local communities and promote species conservation by improving the local agrosystems.
One strategy he proposes is to create natural corridors that connect patches of forest. In the neighboring state of Veracruz, he says, one solution is to surround cleared land with “live fences” of trees and vegetation instead of fences made from lumber. “Monkeys are a charismatic species, an umbrella species: If we give them the conditions to survive, we will be providing conditions for many other species,” he says.
Valenzuela has additional suggestions: “The first recommendation is to stop logging, the second is to restore the land, and the third is to contribute with these small actions: of placing water, monitoring the monkeys, so that the people who live with the monkeys get involved in the stability of the populations,” she says.
The inhabitants of the region were already taking care of the monkeys before this massive event. Some had even learned about the types of vegetation that benefit the monkeys, attended management courses, and put water and fruit out for them. This crisis is not the first time that care has been shown by the monkeys’ human neighbors—and the public response this time brings hope that things can be improved.
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nietp · 8 months
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The Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas issued a 16-page document on Sunday, entitled ‘Our Narrative … Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’. The document addresses many critical questions about the context, the timing, and the events of October 7. Above is a link to the full document as a PDF.
As for “the peaceful settlement process”. Despite the fact that the Oslo Accords signed in 1993 with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) stipulated the establishment of a Palestinian independent state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; “Israel” systematically destroyed every possibility to establish the Palestinian state through a wide campaign of settlements’ construction and Judaization of the Palestinian lands in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. The backers of the peace process after 30 years realized that they have reached an impasse and that such process had catastrophic results on the Palestinian people. The Israeli officials confirmed at several occasions their absolute rejection to the establishment of a Palestinian state. Just one month before Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented a map of a so-called “New Middle East,” depicting “Israel” stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea including the West Bank and Gaza. The entire world at that – UN General Assembly’s podium were silent towards his speech full of arrogance and ignorance towards the rights of the Palestinian people.
After 75 years of relentless occupation and suffering, and after failing all initiatives for liberation and return to our people, and also after the disastrous results of the so-called peace process, what did the world expect from the Palestinian people to do in response to the following: ♦ The Israeli Judaization plans to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, its temporal and spatial division attempts, as well as the intensification of the Israeli settlers’ incursions into the holy mosque. ♦ The practices of the extremist and right-wing Israeli government which is practically taking steps towards annexing the entire West Bank and Jerusalem into the so-called “Israel’s sovereignty” amid plans on the Israeli official table to expel Palestinians from their homes and areas. ♦ The thousands of Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails who are experiencing deprivation of their basic rights as well as assaults and humiliations under direct supervision of the Israeli fascist minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. ♦ The unjust air, sea, and land blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip over 17 years. ♦ The expansion of the Israeli settlements across the West Bank in an unprecedented level, as well as the daily violence perpetrated by settlers against Palestinians and their properties. ♦ The seven million Palestinians living in extreme conditions in refugee camps and other areas who wish to return to their lands, and who were expelled 75 years ago. ♦ The failure of the international community and the complicit of superpowers to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. What was expected from the Palestinian people after all of that? To keep waiting and to keep counting on the helpless UN! Or to take the initiative in defending the Palestinian people, lands, rights and sanctities; knowing that the defense act is a right enshrined in international laws, norms and conventions. Proceeding from the above, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on Oct. 7 was a necessary step and a normal response to confront all Israeli conspiracies against the Palestinian people and their cause. It was a defensive act in the frame of getting rid of the Israeli occupation, reclaiming the Palestinian rights and on the way for liberation and independence like all peoples around the world did.
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onwacollective · 2 months
what I’m studying this week:
- how putting blue LED light directly in your face causes sleep apnea
- how vitamin c is necessary for melanin production
- how sunscreen and sunglasses (and makeup with SPF) can destroy melanin
- how blue light—not sunlight—causes cancer
- how autoimmunity begins on the skin—not in the gut
there’s a relationship between melanin being destroyed by blue light + the absence of daily sunlight and grounding and hormonal health issues that I’m diving more deeply into. Black people have more melanin sites in the organs than other folks which means if we are not getting sun and we are consuming too much blue light, the health issues that develop from that can be catastrophic. Some hope: you can protect your eyes from blue light from your phone by using screen filters and sunlight and grounding are free. Getting outside with my feet in the grass is my top priority this summer
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ask-a-vetblr · 1 year
Well, my cat passed away a month ago and I would like to understand what happened to her (or at least just understand what a gastrointestinal lymphoma could've done to make her have a systematic inflammation issue in her endocrine system.) I couldn't get a straight answer from any of the vets I asked. They only said it was the cancer. I just want to understand. I've been researching and I didn't find anything like that. She was on antibiotics.
Hi, Sueanoi here.
Condolences to your loss. It is incredibly difficult to give a straight answer on a specific cause of death without necropsy (veterinary's word for animal autopsy). However, I could attempt to guess.
Lymphoma, or any cancer at all really, is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Anywhere that it grows, it disrupt the normal function of that organ. Many cancers are notorious for being able to spread to other organs than its origin. Thus, if it jumps from GI tract to ... let's say pancreas, (which is one nearby endocrine organ), it can cause a catastrophic failure of everything that the pancreas is supposed to do.
Lymphoma is already a cancer of immune cells. It is tightly linked to inflammation. Blood result can look indistinguishable from a sepsis, unless a manual blood smear is performed so the morphology of the white blood cells are checked.
I'm so sorry, but there are so many ways a body can fail in a case like this. This is the closest guess I could provide, I hope this will help you find some closure.
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anomaly-sanctum · 6 days
[A video was attached to the post, released back in 2021. Press play?]
[Video ID - a news reporter covering a story. There was a picture of Colress's Mugshot in the top right part of the screen.
"Exactly one year ago today, Unova suffered from a catastrophic event that locals have come to known as the Distorted Freeze," said the anchorwoman, "A good half of the region had been frozen over by Former Team Plasma leader Ghetsis, with control over the legendary pokemon Kyurem, who is believed to be a fragment of the Legendary Dragon told in Unova's most famous myth."
"Ghetsis supposedly planned to do much more had it not been for former Team Plasma member Natural Harmonica Gropius, who had rebelled from the cult two years prior, and an anonymous samaritan."
"It was eight months ago that another former high-ranking member of Team Plasma came to officials to confess his crimes and knowing involvement in the Distorted Freeze. Dr. Colress [REDACTED] admitted to playing an essential role in helping Ghetsis get control of the Pokémon. Last week, we interviewed Colress about his actions and reason for turning himself in."
The footage cut to Colress, sitting in an empty room with the reporter, notably wearing an orange jumpsuit. He seemed to be notably lacking the spark in his eyes that most would recognize him for. His hair was messier than usual, and he had bags under his eyes. If anything, he looked a bit pathetic.
"I really have no excuse for it," said Colress, "It wasn't as if I didn't know what Ghetsis had been planning."
"I had a deal with him, you see," he continued, "Should I help him with his plans, he would provide the resources I needed to perform my research."
"Did you lose anything in the disaster that Team Plasma caused?" Asked the reporter.
"Whether I did or not, does it truly matter?" Colress asked, "What I had done was unforgivable, either way."
"I'm just trying to get an understanding of the motive you had for admitting to this," the reporter explained.
Colress turned his head away from the camera, visibly, yet subtlely, tensing up. "... I did lose something, yes," he admitted, a very, very slight sense of shakiness to his voice. "Someone."
The footage cut back to the news reporter back at the station.
"Upon being pressed for further information, Colress refused to elaborate, the reason being that he had stated earlier that he had no excuse and therefore had intention to garner sympathy."
The footage cut back to the interview with Colress.
"I've accepted the consequences the judge saw fit," said Colresss, "and I've put a great deal of my fundings into organizations dedicated to clean the damages. You know how they say 'eat the rich'? It's safe to say that they've eaten me alive." He gave an empty chuckle to the last statement.
"Why not pay to have your sentence shortened, or at least for a good lawyer to defend your case?" Asked the reporter. "Certainly you must've had enough money for that.
Colress shrugged. "Why pay my way out of a punishment I deserved?" He asked, "The justice system may be flawed for allowing fines to be paid for such crimes, but it would do no good for me to take advantage of it."
The footage once again showed to reporter at the news station reporting the story.
"Colress stated that he doesn't expect forgiveness from the people of Unova, but had issued a public apology nonetheless," said the reporter. "Most recently, the Aether Foundation had reached out to ask that Colress served his time doing community service at their conservation center in Alola known as Aether Paradise, stating that his scientific genius could be put to good use in their conservation efforts."
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athena5898 · 10 days
GAZA STRIP — Government Media Office:
We issue an urgent humanitarian distress call to save 2 million displaced people in Gaza Strip before it's too late, coinciding with the arrival of weather depressions and the onset of winter, as well as the deterioration of the displaced persons' tents.
The Government Media Office is issuing an urgent humanitarian distress call to rescue the situation of 2 million displaced people in the Gaza Strip before it's too late, coinciding with the arrival of weather depressions and before the harsh conditions of winter set in.
The number of displaced individuals continues to increase daily, with the total number rising from 1.9 million to 2 million displaced persons in the governorates of the Gaza Strip.
In Gaza Strip, we have 543 shelters and displacement centers due to the "israeli" occupation committing the crime of forced displacement, which is a crime against humanity. This crime involves forcibly displacing citizens from their homes and secure residential neighborhoods, a violation of international law.
According to government field assessment teams, 74% of the displaced persons' tents have become unfit for use. Of the 135,000 tents, 100,000 require immediate replacement due to complete deterioration. These tents are made of wood, nylon, and fabric, which have worn out due to the heat of the sun and weather conditions in Gaza. They are no longer usable, especially after 11 continuous months of displacement, leading to these inhumane conditions.
The Gaza Strip is on the brink of a real humanitarian catastrophe with the onset of winter and challenging weather conditions. Consequently, 2 million people will be left without any shelter during the winter, forced to sleep on the ground and cover themselves with the sky. This is due to the deterioration and complete failure of the displaced persons' tents, as well as the closure of crossings leading to the Gaza Strip. The "israeli" occupation has prevented the entry of around a quarter of a million tents and caravans into Gaza amidst this dire reality.
We condemn the "israeli" occupation's crime in this regard, which involves forced displacement and compelling 2 million displaced persons to leave their homes and resort to areas unsuitable for accommodating hundreds of thousands of displaced people in inadequate tents and non-humane, unsafe locations.
We hold the "israeli" occupation and the American administration fully responsible for these catastrophic conditions experienced by our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. We call on the world to condemn these crimes, stand with our Palestinian people and our just cause, and save the Gaza Strip before it's too late.
We appeal to the Arab Republic of Egypt and all Arab and Islamic countries, as well as the Gulf Cooperation Council, to send aid and tents for the 2 million displaced persons. These individuals are currently preparing to live on the streets without aid or shelter due to the harsh conditions they are experiencing and will face in the coming months, which will have a severe impact on their lives and conditions.
We call on the international community, all international and UN organizations, and relevant global institutions to break their silence and provide immediate and urgent relief for the 2 million displaced persons who are in dire need of appropriate shelter to protect them from the cold of winter and the heat of summer. Additionally, they must pressure the occupation and the Americans to halt the crime of genocide against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.
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kp777 · 2 months
By Olivia Rosane
Common Dreams
July 31, 2024
"In Gaza, we are not witnessing a 'shrinking' humanitarian space; there is barely any space left to operate at all," the report authors said.
Israeli attacks on relief workers and designated "humanitarian zones" in Gaza, as well its tight control over borders and repeated evacuation orders, have devastated the ability to deliver much-needed aid to residents of the beleaguered strip, 20 non-governmental organizations warned in a report released Tuesday.
Israel has now issued "evacuation orders" that cover 86% of the Gaza Strip's land area, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). This means that Gaza's 2.1 million people are now expected to squeeze into only 14% of Gaza's 141 square miles.
"We are doing everything we can to save children's lives in Gaza, but our job becomes more and more challenging by the day," said Jeremy Stoner, the Middle East regional director of Save the Children, one of the organizations behind the report. "Forcibly displacing civilians into areas that cannot accommodate them is causing a humanitarian catastrophe on an entirely new level."
"What is the international community doing about this humanitarian crisis?"
Between July 22 and 27 alone, Israeli "evacuation orders" forced around 200,000 people from central and eastern Khan Younis, and 12,600 from camps in Deir al Balah.
"There is no space left," Stoner continued, "and barely enough life-saving supplies to keep children alive. Without access to critical assistance, lives will continue to be lost."
Palestinians in Gaza face severe shortages of basic necessities, with half a million subjected to "catastrophic levels" of food insecurity, the report authors said. The amount of water available to Gaza's residents has shrunk by 94% since before Israel's onslaught began in October, and on July 26, Israel bombed the "Tal Sultan Water Reservoir," the leading source of drinking water in Rafah.
"We are talking about at least 34 children who have starved to death," Oxfam policy lead Bushra Khalidi said in the report. "If this estimate doesn't move the world, consider that most U.N. and other reports state that Gaza is on the verge of famine. What is the international community doing about this humanitarian crisis?"
Ola, a 42-year-old from northern Gaza who has been displaced more than fives times since the war began, told aid workers that "things are starting to take a toll and our bodies feel weak and flimsy."
"We can't really walk anymore but have to walk long distances to get water or buy anything," Ola said. "So at the moment, we stopped leaving the place we're in (...) and yesterday we picked and cooked mulberry leaves to block the children's hunger."
"It pains me as an aid worker that I can't do much for others."
At the same time, strict rules and violence at the border—both from direct Israeli attacks and the breakdown of law and order in their wake—make it increasingly difficult to get aid into Gaza, with deliveries dropping by 56% since April, according to U.N. figures. Save the Children reported that it had to wait almost a month at the Kerem Shalom border crossing to get four trucks filled with much-needed medical supplies to the other side. At the same time, Gaza's health facilities, which report authors say have "already collapsed," continue to attempt and treat people with a dwindling supply of U.N. medicines.
Another obstacle to delivering medicine is that Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories will only permit flatbed trucks to enter Gaza, yet temperature-controlled medications can only be transported in closed trucks. Because of this rule, 17 pallets of Save the Children's temperature-controlled medication are currently stranded in Al-Areesh, Egypt.
Oxfam said it had deliveries of water tanks, desalination units, tap stands, generators, and latrines stalled on the other side of the border, while the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) had 864 tents it has so far been unable to bring through.
"This is the first time I find myself unable to offer help to others. It pains me as an aid worker that I can't do much for others. In all past escalations, I would still go out and serve those who needed help," Salma Altaweel, an NRC support manager in Gaza City, said in the report.
When aid workers in Gaza attempt to deliver supplies, they put themselves at risk. On July 13, a drone strike killed two members of a War Child partner organization, while an Israeli airstrike killed four of a War Child and Action Aid partner worker's children and critically injured his wife when it struck his shelter in Nuseirat. Israel fired on a clearly marked U.N. convoy on July 21, and two well-labeled UNICEF convoys were fired upon just two days later. Since October, around 278 aid workers have been killed in Gaza.
Stoner of Save the Children said: "Aid workers are not spared from the violence. One of our staff members was killed alongside his wife and four children by an Israeli airstrike back in December, since then aid workers have continued to be targeted. Humanitarian staff should never be a target and humanitarian operations, including convoys and warehouses, must be protected. We've said it again and again: an immediate and definitive cease-fire is the only way to save lives in Gaza."
The report authors issued a reminder that Israel, as an occupying power in Gaza, is obligated under the Geneva Convention to safeguard the humanitarian needs of Gaza's people by allowing aid to enter and be administered safely.
"Our continued presence should not be mistaken for an indication of unimpeded access," the aid groups wrote. "We operate at great risk, despite significant impediments to our access. The risks our colleagues are exposed to each moment are unacceptable and contrary to their protections under international law. In Gaza, we are not witnessing a 'shrinking' humanitarian space; there is barely any space left to operate at all."
They concluded, "We, the undersigned NGOs, continue to call for an immediate and lasting cease-fire and maintain it is the only way to provide humanitarian assistance and protect and save lives in Gaza."
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Why Palestine is a genocide in 2023
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The word "genocide" is a very serious one. It means the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular race or nation.
There are many reasons why people might say that Palestine is a genocide. One reason is that the Israeli government has been accused of using violence against Palestinians, including killing them, in order to take over their land. Another reason is that the Israeli government has been accused of building walls and fences around Palestinian areas, which makes it difficult for Palestinians to get around and access basic services like food and water.
It is important to remember that there are many different opinions about what is happening in Palestine. Some people believe that the Israeli government is committing genocide, while others believe that the situation is more complicated. It is important to do your own research and form your own opinion.
Here are some additional facts about the situation in Palestine:
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been going on for over 70 years.
The conflict has caused the deaths of thousands of people, both Israelis and Palestinians.
The conflict has also displaced millions of people, both Israelis and Palestinians.
The conflict is a major source of tension and instability in the Middle East.
It is important to remember that the situation in Palestine is very complex. There are many different factors that have contributed to the conflict, and there is no easy solution. However, it is important to try to understand the conflict and to work towards a peaceful solution.
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Why are Palestinian children being killed in Palestine daily by Israel
Palestinian children are being killed in Palestine daily because of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. The conflict is very complicated, but here is a simplified explanation:
Israel is a country that was created in 1948. Before that, the land that is now Israel was home to both Palestinians and Jews. When Israel was created, many Palestinians were forced to leave their homes. This is called the Nakba, or the Catastrophe.
Since then, there has been a lot of violence between Israel and Palestine. Israel has built a wall that separates the two territories, and it controls many of the roads and checkpoints in the West Bank. This makes it difficult for Palestinians to move around and access basic services like education and healthcare.
The Israeli military also conducts regular raids in Palestinian towns and villages. These raids often lead to the killing of Palestinian civilians, including children. In 2022, at least 34 Palestinian children were killed by Israeli forces.
The killing of Palestinian children is a tragedy. It is important to remember that these children are innocent victims of a conflict that is not their fault. We must do everything we can to stop the violence and protect Palestinian children.
Here are some things you can do to help:
Learn more about the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Talk to your friends and family about the issue.
Write to your elected officials and ask them to take action to end the violence.
Donate to organizations that are working to protect Palestinian children.
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What is the Nakba
The Nakba is the term used by Palestinians to describe the events that took place in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced to leave their homes and land as the State of Israel was created.
The Nakba began with the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, which proposed to divide the British Mandate of Palestine into two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs. The plan was rejected by the Arab states, and war broke out between the newly declared State of Israel and the Arab armies.
During the war, hundreds of Palestinian villages were destroyed and their inhabitants were forced to flee. Many of them were killed or injured.
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By the end of the war, more than 700,000 Palestinians had been displaced, making up more than half of the Palestinian population.
The Nakba had a profound impact on the Palestinian people. It led to the loss of their land, homes, and livelihoods. It also caused a deep sense of trauma and loss that continues to be felt by Palestinians today.
The Nakba is a central part of Palestinian history and identity. It is a reminder of the suffering that Palestinians have endured and the injustice that has been done to them. It is also a source of strength and resilience, as Palestinians continue to fight for their rights and their right to return to their homeland.
Here are some things you can do to learn more about the Nakba:
Read books and articles about the Nakba.
Watch documentaries about the Nakba.
Talk to Palestinians who lived through the Nakba.
Visit the Nakba Museum in Beirut, Lebanon.
It is important to remember the Nakba and to learn about its history. The Nakba is a reminder of the suffering that Palestinians have endured and the injustice that has been done to them. It is also a source of strength and resilience, as Palestinians continue to fight for their rights and their right to return to their homeland.
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evil-ontheinside · 2 years
Free Day byler fic recs!
(which I use to rec some fics I forgot or wasn't sure how to categorize)
No one should ever have to look at themselves. by Stanningeverything
Mike discovers his asexuality, catastrophizes, thinks his relationship is doomed by learning the fact and despite everything his family still weighs on his mind. He deals with all of this (badly)
Just the ordeal of figuring yourself out, dealing with your family issues, all while thinking you are the worst person on earth. Hopefully he has a great support system with his friends and boyfriend.
i turned around and nothing was here by ethqreal
Mike didn’t care. Maybe because he always managed, he made his own choices regardless of what his parents chose to preach and if he really was cursed with ice running through his veins, it didn’t matter because he would always love the boy across town until his very last breath and he had frozen from the inside-out.
or a cursed boy, his boyfriend, an idle town and them against the world.
The End of the World by eagle_ace
Post season 4, vaguely pre-season 5. Things fall apart, to say the least. After everything, the party's not really a party anymore. Mike wants to fix it, but he doesn't know how.
Mike's POV, lots of emotions, I tried writing in the present tense which I don't normally do. There's byler, there's an el-initiated milkvan breakup, there's the party (sans max unfortunately) being friends. Hypothetically this could take place between seasons, but I'm certain there'll be something in season 5 that makes that impossible.
Left to Rot by Cate_Olivyn
“Oh.” Mike snapped his fingers, huffing out a laugh. “Oh, this is like that- that black and white movie my mom likes to put on at Christmas. The Jimmy Stewart one.” He stood a little taller, a wild look in his eyes. “Alright! I’ve learned my lesson! I can go home now, and appreciate my life, yada yada.”
Nothing happened. Mike snapped his fingers again, more urgently, before raising his voice in a yell.
“Lesson learned! I wanna go home!”
The world stayed as it was, broken and decayed, and Mike screamed into the cold, stale air.
Or: After a bad fight with his friends, Mike wakes up in an alternate reality that seems to be plunged into an apocalyptic nightmare.
an ode to hope (and other funny things) by @pyschologicalrocketgirl
“Everything's going to be fine, please don't freak out.” Nancy starts to say, which causes Will’s eyes to widen.
“That’s…not really reassuring, you know that right?”
Nancy huffs a laugh, “Yeah, it isn’t, sorry.” He hears shifting through the receiver, and he thinks maybe that's all she's planned to say.
“Mike’s in the hospital.”
Will sucks in an involuntary breath, letting the air back out, shaky. He nods repetitively, a little numb as he tries to process, before realizing Nancy can’t see him.
“Okay.” He aims for level but his voice cracks mid-way. He’s almost whispering, “Is- he okay?”
Mike's in the hospital, which kickstarts a drive to Boston and a worried Will as he thinks about Mike, the past, and love, all while conveniently held up by New York traffic.
the loneliest blackout by @drop-of-infinity
Will knew the stages of Mike’s breakdowns. First came the silence, then the welling tears. They would stay there, perched on the edge of his eyelids until he began to talk, and then they would make their enviable path down Mike’s face. The tears would increase as his words trickled off, and eventually he would break into gasping sobs, unable to speak, unable to do anything but cry.
Or, Will tries to rip the bandaid off. Mike breaks down. They figure it out in the end.
@bylerficrecweek thank you guys so much for organizing this! the whole week was so much fun and I really enjoyed going through my bookmarks and discovering new fics loved by others <3
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Revived Shifter Initiative - Case Files
A series of files found on an Imperial Outpost that was taken over and partially destroyed by a Rebel cell. The information seems to have been sent from an as of yet unknown sector.
EDIT: Updated some information pertaining Cody's shift.
Test Subject ID: SC-1010 (formerly CC-1010)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Vjun Fox Genetic Sequencing (Donated by Emperor Sheev Palpatine in the form of a rare taxidermy specimen)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Unsatisfactory. Test subject survived injection of serum F10-X and appeared to have grown an extra appendage (tail), but otherwise does not display any other significant changes or shapeshifting abilities.
Notes: This specific unit was requested specifically by the Emperor himself as a form of personal entertainment. However, due to failure to properly convert it into the desired product, the head scientist (Dr Sulu Ra) in charge of the Revived Shifter Initiative has decided to keep the subject contained as a case study. Whatever we may learn from this subject will help provide answers as to why this specific serum did not get rejected by the host body and end with catastrophic organ failure like with previous attempts.
Test Subject ID: SC-1954 (Formerly CT-1954)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Zillo Beast Genetic Sequencing (Acquired from the former Republic Science and Technical Center)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Unsatisfactory. Test subject survived the injection of serum Z11-L and suffered visual mutations that, while more significant and useful than those of subject SC-1010's, are still not what this project calls for. There is still nothing to show in terms of shapeshifter abilities.
Notes: Subject has grown highly durable (forest green) armored platting all over its body (reminiscent of the Zillo Beast's scales and crested spikes), as well as acquired a few reptilian features such as glowing green eyes and a forked tongue. A few tests have been performed to test the sturdiness of this natural armor and (thus far) the subject has endured extreme temperatures and even close range blaster fire without more than a few flinches and whimpers (likely a leftover reaction from when it was purely a Fett clone). An explosives test is in order to see if the armor platting will still hold strong even under the force of a powerful blast.
Test Subject ID: SC-6209 (formerly CT-6209)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Gutkurr Genetic Sequencing (Extracted from a fresh specimen encountered on a recent expedition to Ryloth)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Failure. Although subject has displayed less visual mutations (aside from eye coloration shifting to red, patches of carapace growing over certain areas of the body, segmentation of the digits and growth of claw like spikes instead of finger and toe nails) and partial shapeshifting abilities, it cannot control these changes and reacts violently to any sort of stimulus added to its cage. Be it tools of enrichment or even research team members. Due to the random nature of its shifting it has thusly been marked as a much less satisfactory result than previous test subjects.
Notes: The head scientist (Dr Sulu Ra) in charge of this project has argued fervently with his assistant (Dr Nala Se) over what caused this test subject's sudden behavioral issues. They are not in agreement as to whether it is the Gutkurr's predisposition for violence the true cause of these problems, or if the subject itself was simply not fit for this project due to unrelated trauma acquired during the war. Whatever the case, this test subject is to be locked up more tightly than the others due to it's unpredictability.
Test Subject ID: SC-2209 (formerly CT-2209)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Boar-wolf Genetic Sequencing (the acquisition of this particular specimen's DNA has not been disclosed)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Satisfactory. While not a complete fix from the last attempt (Serum GTK-0), subject has displayed no visual mutations and has acquired partial shifting abilities that are more controllable than its predecessor's. Serum BW0-F shall thusly be used as a secondary base for future serums along with serum F10-X.
Notes: This particular subject has no noticeable behavioral issues like its predecessor, however its appetite has greatly increased and it has gained a more carnivorous dietary requirement. Another noteworthy issue is that its teeth (even while in human form) seem to grow at the same rate as that of an actual Boar-wolf's. It is important to provide it with items with which it can naturally wear down its own teeth.
Test Subject ID: SC-4477 (formerly CC-4477)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Tusk Cat Genetic Sequencing (to extract this particular genetic sequencing, the research team was given by the Emperor a live specimen that bore the Amidala family crest on its saddle)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Unsatisfactory. Like with subject SC-1010 this subject displays no shapeshifter abilities, instead having a far too noticeable visual mutation and nothing more (its entire head has morphed into that of a Tusk Cat's). It is likely that serum TKC-4 was created with improper doses of serums BW0-F and F10-X, with the latter likely coming off stronger than the former. This imbalance should be worked upon before moving on to the next test subject.
Notes: This is not much of a perk, but it seems even with its head trans-mutated into that of a wild animal's, the subject is capable of perfectly eloquent speech (it has cursed out the entire research team in various languages, including huttese).
Test Subject ID: SC-6922 (formerly CT-6922)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Oggdo Genetic Sequencing (acquiring this specific specimen's DNA was no easy feat and has cost us three members of our expedition team)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Failure. Attempts to correct the issue with serum TKC-4 were made in the creation of serum OGD-0, however it seems the dosage balance issues were inverted rather than balanced, resulting in visually mutations much more drastic than in past test subjects. This subject is thus incapable of both shapeshifting and is permanently trapped in a half-way form. Neither man nor animal.
Notes: Unlike with its predecessor, subject is unable to speak due to its tongue having changed to become longer and prehensile, filling the mouth cavity rather uncomfortably (subject has nearly choked on own tongue several times until it acclimated to this particular change). It seems to also have issues with controlling its tail, as well as getting easily confused by the third eye it has grown. It rarely leaves a corner of its cage (subject has been recorded weeping).
Test Subject ID: SC-5052 (formerly CC-5052)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Carrier butterflies Genetic Sequencing (This particular specimen was not approved and the culprit behind tampering with this subject has been terminated)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Failure. Due to tampering by an unauthorized party, subject underwent a much more catastrophic transition than previous subjects. Not only is it permanently stuck in the diminutive form of a carrier butterfly (of highly unusual and incorrect coloration), subject has no shapeshifter abilities and is unable to perform any form of military combat due to the limitations of its form. Unlike with actual carrier butterflies however, subject does display incredible healing abilities that might be of use for the creation of future subjects. Serum CB-Y is thus not a complete waste of resources it seems.
Notes: Like with subject SC-4477, SC-5052 is capable of coherent and eloquent speech. This subject rarely speaks however, often sitting in the middle of its cage listlessly staring at the walls instead. No one is quite sure what has caused it to behave like this.
Test Subject ID: SC-2224 (formerly CC-2224)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Greater Krayt Dragon Genetic Sequencing (this particular DNA sequence was acquired illegally from the Bounty Hunter known as Boba Fett) + Implantation of Control Crystal (to enable remote control by Lord Vader)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Success. After several hundreds of attempts (and failures), we have finally fully converted an otherwise standard Clone Commander into a Shapeshifter Clone. Enough data was accumulated to eventually create not only a perfect serum formula (in this case serum GKD-4) but also to help our team realize that, to properly control both the subject in human and shifted form, a new measure (in this case the implantation of a kyber crystal tampered with by dark side energy encased within a pearl-like protective casing) needed to be implemented to substitute a functional inhibitor chip (seeing as most seem to have begun decaying over time). Subject SC-2224 has been dispatched for field testing, and the chosen handler for this unit is Lord Vader himself, who is the only one capable of establishing a Force bond with the "control crystal" due to having been the one to provide it in the first place.
Notes: It appears this unit was commissioned to hunt the supposedly still living Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi. Lord Vader appears to believe this subject's past working relationship with the fugitive Jedi Master, would make it the ideal weapon to both hunt and bring him down. Dr Sulu Ra does not believe this will be the case, but seems very pleased with the results of the perfected base formula.
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tlaquetzqui · 7 months
In my SF future history, the UN has given way to the Alliance of Nations. It retains a lot of UN organs (the UN retains a lot of League of Nations ones), including the IMF. In my future it issues a currency, called the “right”, short for Alliance Drawing Right, derived from the IMF Special Drawing Right of our day. Since the government issuing it is the “AN”, and it’s the currency used by everyone, its symbol is the one used in logic for “for all”: ∀. (I think it was adopted partly in a situation analogous to the creation of the Allied Military Currency and Military Payment Certificates after World War Two: the AN having arisen to replace the UN for similar reasons to the UN replacing the League, namely a big fuckoff war the previous organization didn’t prevent.)
My main aliens, on the other hand, use what is technically a representative currency, like the gold standard, but based on an abstraction: the price of enough of an idealized animal fat (they’re obligate carnivores) to supply their metabolism with a given amount of energy. A hundredth of a Planck energy is about the daily calorie intake of a predator in the jaguar-to-tiger size range, like the aliens. (Unlike most Planck units, the energy one is huge: about 2 gigajoules, because the others are so small and there’s division involved.) I’m still trying to figure out what they call it, though—might just be the “energy, dietary”, and they just measure it in actual energy-units.
I think the aliens using, basically, calories-worth of lard, as a currency standard, grew out of similar causes to the aforementioned Allied Military Currency and Military Payment Certificates, but less catastrophic. Something like, people near the forts of the various empires accepted military ration points as legal tender, so those became a standard medium of exchange, eventually spreading over their world like the Spanish dollar. Obviously, of course, you aren’t originally measuring that directly in calories, but in volumes of fat—like how the productivity of a daimyō’s domain in feudal and shogunate Japan was assessed in units of koku (about 180 liters), generally considered the rice required to feed a person for a year.
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