#not beta read we die like regie
Jegulus + neck kisses
It is now one shot dump time! Say thank you to Corr who gave me enough serotonin to do this stuff and actually show the world my writing.
Regulus lazily strolled through Hogwarts’ corridors, his outer robe left in his dormitory after lunch. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up, showing a carefully manufactured image of a self-assured heir to the Black family.
It was a warm day. Most of the students were outside during the long free time after lunch. They all desperately grasped the moments of free time. Oh well. He was free until Pandora or Barty would decide that he needed his annual dose of sunlight.
He strolled down the corridor, his bag hanging from his shoulder. He still had to finish his essay for Potions and read two chapters for DADA. Right, and Transfi-
He was suddenly yanked into one of the classrooms he walked beside. His body was thrown against one of the desks. Two strong arms, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows revealing perfect brown skin, caged him against the desk. He looked up at the person, slightly scared, because you didn’t get manhandled into an empty classroom everyday. His fear turned into annoyance when his eyes finally landed on the person’s face.
His voice was snarky and annoyed, reflectring the feelings probably seen in his eyes. James Potter was standing in front of him, with his infuriating glasses and his infuriating fluffy hair and those bottomless eyes that reflected his pale face.
-Hello, lovely. -James’ voice was not its usual cheerful tone that made Regulus’ muscles twitch (his face muscles. Specifically the ones around his lips. Jamie called it a smile.). The other man’s voice was weirdly calm and collected. reserved.
-You are not your usual annoying self today. - it wasn’t a question, more like a statement. - Why?
Jamie’s eyes darkened dangerously (no, Regulus did not like that look. Absolutely not.) and he tilted his head to the side. He was much taller than Regulus and he had to bend over slightly to look him in the eyes.
-That Ravenclaw boy was awfully friendly with you at breakfast.
So this was it. James Potter, sunshine of Hogwarts, the happiest man Regulus knew, was jealous. Oh boy.
In this moment Regulus realized he played a little too close to the fire. His innocent playing of the Ravenclaw boy to get him to help with his Herbology project might have gotten him into trouble.
You have to understand, dear reader, James Potter was not a jealous man. He did not get angry with Regulus. He did not get jealous of Regulus. He was not possessive of Regulus.
He knew, no matter who Regulus flirted with to get something he wanted, that James Potter in the end was the one who Regulus came back to. He was the brotherfucker, a title earned through tears, sweat and even a little bit of blood. He was the man Regulus trusted the most beside his beloved brother. He was the man his heart yearned for. He was the man who infuriated Regulus to no end but still pulled him back over and over again.
So when James Potter gets jealous because some Ravenclaw boy (who in the end had an ugly personality and Regulus would not consider him even if James never existed) tried getting cozy with him, it surprised the younger Black brother. Not a lot of things surprised Regulus Black.
-Are you jealous, Jamie? - he coos in a mockingly sweet tone and tilts his head.
And then, much to Regulus’ dread, James growls and grabs his jaw roughly. For just a second a jolt of fear washes through Regulus and his breath hitches. James seems to realize in what position exactly his long fingers were. The rough look in his eyes dims a bit and he moves his grip lover, instead resting his hand on Regulus’ long and thin neck.
His thumb brushes over Regulus’ pulse and his head leans closer.
-I am. I really, really am.
James’ hand wasn’t restraining his breathing or his blood flow whatsoever, more just holding him. Showing him exactly what this situation was.
Regulus cast his gray eyes down and sighed.
-I’m sorry, Jamie. I wasn’t flirting with him, y’know. At least not more than normally. - his voice was gentle and apologetic.- He was kinda… pushy.
James slowly shakes his head. He keeps his eyes on Regulus, like he was trying to look into his soul.
-I know. I’m not mad.- James’ voice was gentle but it held a certain dangerous edge to it. That edge, unfortunately, made the little hairs on Regulus’ nape stand up.
-Then why did you manhandle me into the classroom, if you’re not mad?
-I don’t need to be mad at you to want to mark you as my own.- His voice was a low growl. Oh good lord.
James leaned in and pressed his nose to Regulus’ soft skin. He inhaled deeply and sneaked his hand around to the back of Regulus’ head. He threaded his long fingers into his soft hair and tugged gently.
Regulus took a deep breath and fixed his position. His knees were weak and trembling, the only thing keeping him upright was sheer willpower and the desk he was pressed against. James seemed to see the movement and smirked against Regulus’ skin.
Regulus didn’t think about this too much. He thought that maybe James would just ignore it and continue with whatever was happening right now. Maybe, if he was particularly unlucky, his lover would tease him about it. But no. On this day, in a matter of maybe ten minutes, James Potter managed to surprise his beloved boyfriend, Regulus Black, not once but twice.
James’ hands roughly gripped under his thighs and lifted his slim body up. Regulus was set on the desk, his legs on either side of the taller man’s body. His hands were keeping him upright, braced on the cold surface of the desk behind him.
-This okay, baby?
In a moment of sweetness, James stilled and murmured into his pale skin. Regulus wasn’t sure if he could trust his lips to properly work so he just nodded. He felt the other grin into his neck.
And then three things happened. James pulled his head back with the tight grip on his black hair. Regulus whined.
James smiled.
James sighed.
James sunk his teeth into Reggie’s pale skin.
Regulus Black was always taught how to be a respectable young man. One part of that was learning to never react too much. Not cry, not scream, not yell. So when James’ teeth sunk into his neck a very surprising thing happened. Regulus yelped in surprise and his whole body jolted. His hips accidently bucked agaisnt James’ own. Oh, no. This was bad. This was very, very bad. (Also, Reggie just realised, James was slowly building a life record of how many times a person could surprise him in their lifetime. Regulus thought taht if someone were to actually do it, he was glad it landed on James.)
James leaned back and looked Regulus in the eyes. He had to basically loom over Regulus’ form to properly hold eye contact with him.
-Oh, baby… Did you like that?
Regulus blushed wildly at James’ sweet tone. He grumbled and shook his head.
-No. I didn’t like it. You just surprised me, that’s all.
James snickered and chuckled darkly.
-Mhm, sure. Whatever you say, baby.- James said in a sarcastic tone. Regulus should not like that pet name so much, damn it! He was the heir to the house of Black, for god’s sake.
Regulus scowled at James and leaned back on his arms.
-Of course taht’s what happened, you bastard. You’re not all that, no matter what the gryffindor girls say.
James tilted his head to the side and grinned at him.
-Really? So you wouldn’t mind if I just left, would you?- and then he pushed himself off the desk and took two steps back. Oh no.
-Wait!- James smirked but stilled. He waved his hand in the air, motioning for Regulus to continue.- I… OKay, maybe I did like it a little bit.- he grumbled and put his head down in slight shame.
James stepped closer and caged him with his arms again. His fluffy hair was covering his eyes a little bit. He blew some air up to clear his vision and smiled that goofy, annoying and absolutely stunning smile of his that was reserved for his beloved.
-There you go, baby.- his voice was a confident coo.- Good job.
Regulus crumbled. He put his head down to hide the angry blush spreading over his heels and grumbled something even he wasnt sure what it was.
James chuckled and kissed his cheek tenderly. He didn’t force him to look at him or something. He never did, he just accepted that sometimes eye contact was just too much and he would not get it even if he tried. He also knew that forcing Reggie into looking at him would end very, very badly. He witnessed it first hand when some bastard from Slytherin tried to pull that. It was an ugly sight.
And then James dove in and started pretty much ravaging his neck. He bit, he sucked, he nibbled. The sensations pulled little broken noises out of Regulus. He seemed to revel in them and tried different spots just to hear them all.
Regulus struggled with the sensations. James’ lips sucking on his skin, leaving angry purple marks that would probably take at least a week to fade. His teeth nibbling the skin on his collarbones in the most gentle way possible. The full on bites made to the soft flesh of his shoulder, not enough to break skin (he would kill James if he ever actually bit him. Maybe he licked having visual proof of their relationship on his skin but scars were just too much, god damn it.) but enough to make him whimper and throw his head back in a lazy motion.
James leaned back and looked at him, his cheeks red and his lips covered in spit.
-You okay, baby?- he gently brushed Regulus’ fluffy hair back and out of his face. His eyes were awfully tender, now that he got his need to mark Regulus up out of his system. Reggie hated how that look made his stomach flip.
He took a moment to take a deep breath and gather the reality around him. James’ hands were on his thighs, grounding him and providing him with a consistent sensation he could focus on. Damn that perceptive bastard.
Regulus nodded and took another deep breath.
-Yeah. I think I’m okay.- His words were slow and weirdly intentional, like it took a lot of effort to get them out. james squeezed his thighs, not too little but not too roughly either. Just right.
-Can I continue?- His dear asked in a gentle tone. He kept his face leveled with Regulus’, even if they didn’t hold eye contact.
Regulus only nodded.
-...Do you want me to continue?
This was their issue. James Potter was just too perceptive of Regulus’ reactions for the younger to keep any secret around him. Damn him and his stupid, kind heart.
Regulus took a moment to thinkl about the question. He thought for a long time, longer than it usually took him. James was there the whole time, keeping his big, warm hands on his thighs.
He slowly nodded. He realized he had been running the tips of his fingers over the veins on James’ hands to soothe himself. He didn’t stop the motion, despite his embarrassment.
-Do you remember what to say if it gets too much?
James’ voice was so infuriatingly gentle and soothing as he spoke to him. He didn’t demand, he didn’t rush him. He let him take his time and find the words in the mess that was now his mind.
He took a deep breath and tried to get the word out. Then he tried again. He parted his lips and focused very hard on getting this one word out for his dear.
James’ grin widened impossibly. He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to his forehead.
-Good job, baby. Thank you.
Regulus blushed and dipped his head forward. He put his forehead on James’ wide shoulder and sighed happily. Even when words would get a little too hard for Reggie, James would make sure he was okay and that he felt loved. He knew how sometimes Regulus would drown in his own thoughts.
-Okay, and can you show me what to do if words get too hard?
Regulus thought for a moment. He then brought his hand higher on James’ forearm and wrapped his thin fingers around his strong arm. He squeezed his arm three times, the first squeeze long and the other ones short.
-Mhm, that’s it. Good job, baby.
Regulus blushed and grumbled into James’ shoulder. The other laughed at his reaction, the kind of laugh that would make Reggie’s heart skip a beat and do a flip. The taller man dipped his head lower and attached his lips to a spot above Regulus’ collarbone that wasn’t yet covered with a bite or a hickey. He slowly moved along his skin, filling in the gaps he left before. His touch was less urgent, less possessive, more gentle. It was like the result mattered less than the process in this moment. There was always one warm hand on Regulus’ thigh, under his own smaller, pale hand. It made him feel assured that no matter what, he had control over what happened to him. That no one ever would make him hold eye contact or do something to him he didn't like.
He whimpered and let his head roll back, revealing more of his pale skin. James snaked a hand under his slightly long hair and put a big hand on the back of his neck, supporting his head and letting his neck relax. He gently put his thumb behind Reggie’s ear and so softly moved his head to the side to kiss and nip at the spot behind his other ear.
The hand on his thigh squeezed him, seemingly in a silent question. He squeezed back, his hand shaking just a little.
James moved to the other side of his neck, rolling his head gently in his grip. He was so tender about it, so soft and careful.
They would emerge from the classroom forty minutes later, Regulus's hair tussled and fluffed up from being held so much. And if he walked a little funny and paid a bit more attention to keeping his neck covered, then damn him for having little joys in life every now and then.
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"I was just thinking about the day you came back to Corvo. And how glad I am that you stayed." Smiling at Regis, Geralt let his mug touch the one Regis was holding, in lieu of the kiss he couldn't share with him here. He would make up for it later. Geralt and Regis share an evening of celebrations on Beltane, and make their own entertainment
In the Shadows
Fandom: Witcher (Video Game) Rating: E Words: 1907
written for Witcher Wheel of the Year's Beltane event
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A Witcher Wheel of the Year Challenge
Outdoor Sex
Oral Sex
Semi-Public Sex
Established Relationship
Post-Blood and Wine (The Witcher 3 DLC)
Toussaint (The Witcher)
No beta we die like mne
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ao3feed-ignoct · 2 years
Change of Plans
read it on AO3 Here
by MoonShiner (SunWeaver)
Noctis knows better than to blame his laziness on some stupid stomach cramps, but these were worse than anything he's ever had to experience before. The trip to Altissia has him anxious, and it is kinda forced against his will. For the good of Lucis... In turn, he's had to give up on other desires of his. Desires like: who he wishes to choose to love.
Well, he's had his time to grieve, but now his body absolutely protests from him getting any work done on packing up for the big road trip come tomorrow morning.
He's just going to wait until Ignis got here, maybe he can help motivate him out of this mental funk. And maybe this stomach bug will finally go away.
Words: 5318, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, brief near the end Prompto and Gladio
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Unplanned Pregnancy, Childbirth, Pre-Canon, Trans Male Character, Menstruation, Wetting, talk about bathroom stuff, Bad medical advice, No Beta We Die Like Regis, Light Whump, Angst, cliffhanger ending oops, baby in distress (IS OK), Abortion mention
read it on AO3 Here
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Escape from Tir na Lia
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uHFtlvj
by blindowl523
While held captive by the elves Ciri, finds she is not alone. With the help of her newfound ally, she plots an escape that will take her across the worlds to find her family and to help her new friend, Frodo find his. In other words there are not nearly enough crossover fics between the Witcher and LOTR so I decided to add my own.
Words: 1091, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M
Characters: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Eredin Bréacc Glas, Avallac'h | Crevan Espane aep Caomhan Macha, Aragorn | Estel, Gwaihir the Windlord, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Maria Barring | Milva, Legolas Greenleaf, Gimli (Son of Glóin)
Relationships: Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon/Original Female Character(s), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Gimli (Son of Glóin)/Legolas Greenleaf
Additional Tags: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Action/Adventure, Crossover, Disabled Character, No beta we die like Boromir and like half the characters in the Witcher, Ciri gets a healthy gay relationship, Frodo is traumatized- as always- but he gets help, Eventual Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uHFtlvj
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by Anonymous
There is no sign announcing the event that popped up in the grassy knolls outside of Novigrad seemingly overnight; but, painted on the side of the black ticket booth in curling white letters and illuminated with tiny light bulbs is The Night Circus.
. /\ . /\ . /\ .
No one knows where it came from. No one knows what it is. All they know is that the Night Circus has come to town.
And you've been invited.
Words: 7492, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Original Witcher Character(s), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Renfri (The Witcher), Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: POV Outsider, Inspired by The Night Circus, Circus, Magic, Jaskier | Dandelion Loves Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Loves Jaskier | Dandelion, Fire, If you haven't read The Night Circus book I highly recommend it, no beta we die like stregobor fucking should have, there's no actual depiction of character death, I promise, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Psychological Horror, Knives, i feel like i'm cheating having the geraskier tag there bc it's not really featured lmfao, but it IS there technically
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promptisao3feed · 5 years
Prince Charming
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OfqaQ5
by AyraBelle
Prompto and Noctis decided early on in their relationship that they weren’t going to actively try to hide it from the public; they just wouldn’t be parading it around either. Even so, Prompto was surprised how long they had remained incognito.
Words: 7395, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Mutual Weirdness
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Clarus Amicitia
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum & Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Prophecy (Final Fantasy XV), the cat's out of the bag, and by cat I mean relationship, and by bag I mean secrets, and uh no the rest is pretty much literal, no beta we die like meb
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OfqaQ5
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ao3feed-gladnoct · 6 years
outside looking in
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SEKRs8
by cosmicfuss
The prince and his shield, their relationship as seen by friends, by family.
Words: 4525, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iris Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Clarus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII
Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Additional Tags: outsider pov, canonverse, Alternate Universe - No Starscourge, it's really only rated T for language but barely, I'm just really soft for these two okay, no beta we die like men, Fluff, No Dialogue, technically ??
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SEKRs8
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ardynoctweek-blog · 7 years
Ardynoct Week Master Post
Thank you to everyone who took time out of your busy schedules to make content for Ardynoct Week. It was so great seeing how everyone interpreted the prompts. And also, thank you to my co-mod @ivorydice​, who helped reblog entries while I was at work.
I’d like to encourage everyone to take a look through this list and try to leave a comment on as many fics as you can, or to reblog as many artworks as you can. We are a tiny community compared to some of the other ships, so let’s all support each other!  😊
Day 1: Mythology | Touch-Starved | Body Worship | Noct purges the daemons from Ardyn
The sea that we saw was a desert of snowfall - by ADyingFlower - Noct as Shiva and Ardyn as Ifrit. 
The Wings of Fate - by larkawolfgirl - Soul-bond/soul mark AU. Noct purges Ardyn of the daemons... via sex.
Magna Somnus - by jlavisant - In the end, Noct and Ardyn come to an understanding.
This Is the End - by invisibledeity and Verdin - Noctis purges the daemons from Ardyn…. via bloodletting
Sentire - by floatingbuildings - Post-game, Noct is back with the dawn and brings a daemon-free Ardyn with him.
Hurricane - by kimmimaru - Non-con blowjob, featuring broken!Noct.
a pocketful of sugar - Chapter 1 & 2 - by nickofhearts - Noct and Ardyn are betrothed… and also cursed to be in either wolf or crow form respectively during night and day so they can never be together (cw: for beastiality in chapter 2)
shut up and touch me - by lhugy_for_short - Ardyn pays Noct a visit inside the crystal (cw: dub-con)
advanced country - by banditess - Ardyn is a hunter and catches himself a black chocobo (selkie au, but Noct is a chocobo instead of a selkie).
Black & white digital art of Noctis purging the daemons from Ardyn
Ardyn as Hades, Noctis as Persephone
A drawing of Ardyn stroking Noct’s face
Photo manip; Noct & Ardyn are destined to suffer
Noct & Ardyn holding hands as Noct purges him of the scourge 
Noct & Ardyn as Appolo and Hyacinth
Noct feels a little frisky after spending 10 years in a crystal (nsfw)
Black & white digital art of Noct holding Ardyn and providing him comfort
Ardyn’s touch + the scourge are addictive (nsfw, cw: dub-con)
Day 2: Kings | Protectiveness | Throne sex | Marriage AU
crumbling manor - by ADyingFlower - Noct is married off to Ardyn when he’s still a child, and Noct yearns for companionship in Ardyn’s lonely house in Nifleheim (nothing sexual or inappropriate happens between them in the fic)
Kings - by Kircheis - After everything, Noct gets a second chance. He thinks Ardyn deserves one too.
the two kings - by kimmimaru - Ardyn was raised to be a king. Noct proposes there’s room enough for two kings to rule Lucis.
pocketful of sugar - by nickofhearts - Chapter 3 - Noct wakes up in an alternate universe where he’s happily married to Ardyn. | Chapter 4 - Noct is a sex addict who cheats on his husband with Ardyn.
king of darkness, king of light - by lhugy_for_short - Ardyn forces Noct to marry him in exchange for his friends lives, then brainwashes Noct into forgetting about them altogether (cw: dubcon, mind alteration).
In the Beyond - by jeejaschocolate - Canon divergence for the scene where Noct gets pulled into the crystal. Ardyn won’t play the gods’ games anymore.
Noct is forced to endure an unwanted kiss, to keep up appearances of a happy engagement
Ink drawing of two kings, bound by fate
Noct protects Ardyn from a whipping
Noct wearing an amazing half-tuxedo/half-dress for his wedding
Very cute slice-of-life scenes from a mutually-beneficial fake marriage au
Noct and Ardyn wake up and discovered that they got married (nsfw, partial nudity)
Lovely digital art showing the progression of comforting embraces between these two through the years
Ardyn photo-bombs Noct’s selfie
Day 3: Illusion | Enemies to Lovers | Age Difference | Ardyn’s voice is sexy and he knows it
your best sleep yet - by windycockslap -  Noctis is a rich kid/trust funder/college student, Ardyn makes sleep hypnosis videos.
To tame a fennec fox - by ADyingFlower - Little noct discovers a prisoner locked in the citadel, who turns out to be his ‘uncle.’
Untitled - by theplagueofstars - Noct is busy and not paying attention to Ardyn, so Ardyn does it best to get Noct’s attention.
Ardyn’s voice is sexy and he knows it - by Kircheis - Noct gets turned on by ardyn’s singing voice during karaoke
shatter - by kimmimaru - Ardyn torments noct with never-ending visions of finding his friends dead in zegnautus keep, until it breaks him.
Acting Strange - by lhugy_for_short - Ardyn wants to have sex with Noct, but Noct says never again. So Ardyn takes the forms of his best friends to try and trick him into a tryst, but Noct sees through him every time. (humorous)
a pocketful of sugar - chapter 5 - by nickofhearts - Noct starts fucking an older man…. who happens to be the Chancellor of Niflheim. Oops.
the devil’s children - by banditess - Ardyn is a hypnotist and hypnotizes noct into stripping on stage.
Noct calls ardyn’s phone so ardyn can sooth him to sleep with his voice
Noct and Ardyn comparing the size of their hands
A bit of sexual tension during the final battle (sfw)
Ardyn arranges a meeting with the little chosen king when Noct is 5
‘I feel i’ve earned the right to call you Noct’
Day 4: Tease | Fuck or Die | Overstimulated sex | Alpha/Beta/Omega AU
Strange Company - by trashbinofdestiny - abo/warewolf au, Ardyn returns to the pack that cast him out over twenty years before, with the goal to replace Regis as pack leader. However, his plans change when he sees Regis' son.
Bury Me Tightly Now - by ADyingFlower - abo au, twincest, very dark.
Begging for more - by ardynizuniatrashlord - abo au, Noct goes into heat and Ardyn ‘helps’ him through it (cw: dub-con)
work for it - by lhugbereth - drabble + mood board, Noct makes Ardyn suck his dick (cw: non-con)
Owned - by kimmimaru -  abo au,Noct goes into heat in lestallum and ends up being claimed by Ardyn (cw: non-con)
Utile - by floatingbuildings - abo au, Ardyn helps Noct through his first heat.
a pocketful of sugar - chapter 6 - by nickofhearts - Noct turns the tables on Ardyn and chooses the “little death” option over accepting Ardyn’s “help” after being exposed to sex pollen.
Ardyn teases kittyboy!Noct with a fish toy
Ardyn gettin a little handsy with Noct (and Noct loves it) 
Ardyn feeling noct up while threatening him with prompto’s gun (nsfw)
Day 5: Scars | Held hostage | Chained/In Chains |  Kneeling before the King
An Audience - by trashbinofdestiny - Noct is crowned king and earns himself an audience with the accursed daemon king of old. Lucky him.
the cost of doing business - by marmolita - model au, Where Ardyn blackmails Noct into sleeping with him because he’s holding Prompto’s career hostage (cw: dub-con)
a pocketful of sugar - by nickofhearts Chapter 8: Noct and Ardyn engage in some consensual rape/kidnapping roleplay that ends badly for Ardyn. Chapter 9: Ardyn corrupts a younger Noct and Noct becomes an evil overlord. 
dead poem’s still alive - by banditess - In an au where Lucian royalty is born with wings, Ardyn shows Noct the scars from where his were torn away.
world of ruin - by sweaterpawnoctis - Instead of being held captive by the crystal, ardyn keeps noct as his pet instead (cw: non-con, torture)
cradled in love - by eowynsmusings - (established relationship, happily ever after) Noct has never been repulsed by Ardyn’s scars.
Fallen - by kimmimaru - Some delicious throne sex where Ardyn goes down on his fallen king.
kneel before your king - by larkawolfgirl - Noct “punishes” Ardyn by making him give him a blowjob on the throne
the accursed’s one true fucktoy - by larkawolfgirl - Ardyn has The Chosen all to himself and he works diligently to train Noct to suit his needs. (cw: non-con)
Noct chained to the throne 
Noct in chains, laying on the floor at Ardyn’s feet
Noct chained to the crystal above Ardyn’s throne
Noct, chained collarred and gagged
Older noct, chained by the neck and kneeling at Ardyn’s feet
Companion piece to Cradled In Love - Noct wants to prove to his husband that he doesn’t find his scars off-putting
“I warned you not to spill a drop” (nsfw: Noct licking come off Ardyn’s boots)
Day 6: Afterlife | Meeting in dreams | Blindfolded | Oracle!Noct & King!Ardyn AU
and i meet you here, in the land of dreams - by totentanz - Noctis is eight and dreaming when he meets Ardyn for the first time.
the path between the stars - by banditess - Noct makes a deal with a faerie king.
peace in the beyond - by lhugy_for_short - Though the past can never be altered, the 'beyond' offers both Noctis and Ardyn a chance to come to terms with the lives they've left behind.
a pocketful of sugar - chapters 9 & 10 - by nickofhearts - Noct can read tarot cards, and his predictions can come true. He casts a love spell on Ardyn, which prevents Ardyn from harming him. 
the time we spent together - by ADyingFlower - abo au, oracle!Noct & king!Ardyn - Crown Prince Ardyn Lucis Caelum meets Oracle Noctis Sanctus at a cerebration of their beloved patron goddess. It wasn’t love at first sight, or second, or even third. But it was a tale of beginnings all the same, a tale of love and lost in equal measure.
The Oracle of Ramuh - eowynsmusings - When Ardyn over-exerts himself while healing the afflicted, Noctis is there to heal him. But was their meeting just happenstance or is a higher power involved?
Noct and Ardyn meet again in the afterlife
oracle!Noct and King!Ardyn
Day 7: Free Day | “Good Boy.”
Amor Finalis Litterae - by PoeticShadows - Ardyn sends a love letter to Noct
Homecoming - by kimmimaru - Ardyn makes Noct kill his friends
“Good Boy” - lhugy_for_short - Ardyn threatens Noct with Prompto’s gun on the train (cw: non-con)
Melit - floatingbuildings - Noct and Ardyn are on their honeymoon in galdin quay after a polotically arranged marriage, and it takes a little while for noct to warm up to him. Then he finds out marriage to a hot older guy has its advantages.
a pocketful of sugar - by nickofhearts chapter 13: role reversal  chapter 14: cat-whisperer Noct befriends catman!Ardyn  chapter 15: noct and catman!Ardyn fuck (cw: beastiality?) 
daemon-final-form!Ardyn attacking Noct
Adorable pictures of catboy!Noct and catman!Ardyn
Pokemon AU
If I’ve missed your entry, or you have a late entry, please feel free to respond to this post with the link. 
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sadyuwuu · 7 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Original Female Character(s), Prompto Argentum/Original Female Character(s), Noctis Lucis Caelum/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ardyn Izunia, Pelna Khara, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Additional Tags: Brotherhood verse, Pre-Journey, Post-Journey, spoilers for the most part, Slow Burn, Swearing, Violence, not sure how to tag lol how do, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Angst, canon-divergant, Mentions of Suicide, Not Beta Read, we die like men, Alternate Universe, Tags may change as story progresses Summary:
Childhood friends going about life down two different paths. One that will lead to destruction, the other will save the world and bring back the light.
But it didn't matter, not to Mios. She wasn't scared at all because she always knew she would die protecting her prince.
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ao3feed-ignoct · 2 years
Change of Plans
read it on AO3 Here
by MoonShiner (SunWeaver)
Noctis knows better than to blame his laziness on some stupid stomach cramps, but these were worse than anything he's ever had to experience before. The trip to Altissia has him anxious, and it is kinda forced against his will. For the good of Lucis... In turn, he's had to give up on other desires of his. Desires like: who he wishes to choose to love.
Well, he's had his time to grieve, but now his body absolutely protests from him getting any work done on packing up for the big road trip come tomorrow morning.
He's just going to wait until Ignis got here, maybe he can help motivate him out of this mental funk. And maybe this stomach bug will finally go away.
Words: 10966, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Original Characters
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Unplanned Pregnancy, Childbirth, Pre-Canon, Trans Male Character, Menstruation, Wetting, talk about bathroom stuff, Bad medical advice, No Beta We Die Like Regis, Light Whump, Angst, cliffhanger ending oops, baby in distress (IS OK), Abortion mention, Afterbirth, Nongraphic but kinda gross medical stuff, Misunderstandings, Mentioned sexual assault (doesn’t happen), Crying, Forced Marriage
read it on AO3 Here
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ao3feed-batb2017 · 6 years
Certain as the Sun
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Crhlfs
by donovanpsn
Once upon a time, a beloved prince was cursed to live his days as a hideous beast as punishment for refusing the advances of a vile daemon. He was left with a destroyed castle, a miserable kingdom, and an enchanted rose locked under a glass dome - an oppressive presence acting as a magical hourglass counting down the years leading to his doom. If he could learn to love another and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell, the spell would be broken. If not, he would be forced to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he felt into despair and lost all hope, for who could ever learn to love a beast?
Words: 549, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV, Beauty and the Beast (2017), Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Iris Amicitia, Clarus Amicitia, Cor Leonis, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Aranea Highwind, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Ravus Nox Fleuret, Loqi Tummelt, Ardyn Izunia
Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: it me, ya boi, BACK AT IT AGAIN, no beta we die like men, Beauty and the Beast AU, Rating May Change, but that's unlikely because I can't write smut to save my life, fairy tale AU, I haven't yet decided on everyone's roles yet bear with me pls, deviates from the b&b canon a bit to stay ic with ffxv, I may use characters from ffxiv, to avoid being too ooc, looking at you gaston
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Crhlfs
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sh1k4r1 · 6 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Reader, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Prompto Argentum/Cindy Aurum, Noctis Lucis Caelum & Reader Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Ardyn Izunia, Reader, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Ravus Nox Fleuret, Cindy Aurum Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon, Canon-Typical Violence, Romance, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Angst, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon Era, Hacking, Forbidden Love, Friendship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Duty, no beta we die like men, Spoilers, if you read this you probably played the game so no spoilers, Mild Language, References to Depression, Slow Burn Summary:
Plans for the trip to Noctis' wedding in Altissia changed many times:
Noctis was to travel alone bad Omen
Noctis was to travel with his friends and Crownsguard Cor Leonis Square Enix didn't have the money for that
Noctis was to travel with his friends
What if an alleged Security Specialist was set to escort him and his friends in the end?
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witcherfic · 4 years
WitcherSexual October 05, 2020 at 02:00PM
by WitcherSexual
The journey of Julian as he travels the continent, and if he keeps bumping into the same Witcher then it is just a coincidence right?
[Title from Marbles by The Amazing Devil]
Words: 3082, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Vesemir (The Witcher), Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Dettlaff van der Eretein
Relationships: Jaskier | Dandelion/Vesemir
Additional Tags: Higher Vampire Jaskier | Dandelion, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Non-Human Jaskier | Dandelion, Kaer Morhen, The Witcher Lore, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Not Beta read because we die like witchers
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promptisao3feed · 5 years
Pure Bloom
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ls87EB
by Jokul_Nightfury_Frost
Noctis and Prompto have been married for less then a week and have yet to have their wedding night. It's Noctis' birthday, and Prompto has something very special planned for both of them: a gift that can be given at anytime that means more when love is a factor.
Words: 6196, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Iris Amicitia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Ravus Nox Fleuret, Nyx Ulric, Ardyn Izunia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Cor Leonis
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Additional Tags: mentioned Gladnis, Mentioned Ardyn Izunia, Mentioned Gladiolus Amicitia, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Lunafreya and Iris are yoai fangirls, First Time, Sex, Fluff, First FFXV fic, Lemon, Mentioned Ravus Nox Fleuret, Mentioned Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Mentioned Cor Leonis, Cor Leonis is Prompto Argentum's Parent, Prompto Argentum is a Ray of Sunshine, Prompto Argentum is from Niflheim, Minor Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Mentioned Nyx Ulric, Top Noctis Lucis Caelum, Bottom Prompto Argentum, Noctis is a gentle lover, I haven't written a lot of lemons, No Beta! We die like men!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ls87EB
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promptisao3feed · 6 years
Damaged Goods
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HcIAOQ
by face70
Machines don't bleed. So then why does Imperial Chancellor Izunia's MT have a bloody nose?
 Inspired by a daunting, fabulous work by Kaciart. Truly a master at the craft of whump.
Words: 1526, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ardyn Izunia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum & Ardyn Izunia
Additional Tags: MT Prompto Argentum, Trash Jesus, Abuse, Objectification, Dehumanization, Magitek Units, Fancy dinners, Maybe theres more tags idk, no beta we die like meb, kaciart, inspired cause her stuff is like YO, Emotional/Psychological Abuse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HcIAOQ
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ao3feed-ignoct · 6 years
My Brother is an Octopus!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2P2414q
by Prompto_Cam
When Regis finds a dead Octomer, he doesn't expect to also find her unharmed child. He especially doesn't expect his son to take a liking to the ocean creature... or for them to end up keeping him. Living with an Octomer is... interesting.
Words: 5410, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Clarus Amicitia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Sylvia Nox Fleuret, Ignis Scientia's Mother
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Octomer AU, mild depiction of autism, very mild, Family Feels, it's just self-indulgent fluff guys, no beta we die like men, Sibling Love, Brotherhood, Chocobros as kids
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2P2414q
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