#not bc he actually thinks Will and Mike are dating
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years ago
Mike pulling up to his house in a pizza van w his sweetie pie by his side ☺️
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bibleofficial · 2 years ago
not me going ‘yes !’ bc i’m relieved that i got gonorrhea again last MAY bc that means i’m STILL eligible for the monkey pox vaccine let’s GOOOOO
#stream#swag#like ALAKALAKLSKALDKALDJAKDJAL#it’s only taken me HOW FUCKING LONG TO DEAL W THIS#like i still have TIME#bc i haven’t CAUGHT ANYTHING IN NEARLY A YEAR#so good for me xx#but also i haven’t been having like any sex so there’s that#literally i’m hooking up w this bear tomorrow bc i’m fucking DESPERATE but he does NOT know how to suck DICK at ALL 😭😭😭😭#like it’s fine i’ve known him for years but he’s ALWAYS there when i’m DESPERATE so#if he could … actually bottom & suck dick id like#date him but#ALSKALSKALSKALKSLA he can barely bottom & can’t suck dick 😭😭😭 but he’s so sweet & handsome 🥰#god i’ve known him since i was 18 like literally ALSJALSKALKSLAKSLAKSAL#he’s 54 now ? i think ? girl idk i still don’t know his last name#‘mike sooner’ bc his name is mike & he went to oklahoma#i also LOVE love L O V E his name omg i think a MIKE is so fucking HOT#a mike & a jim or a chris omg … wet. matt is ok but i mean .. it’s TRIED#my runescape bf that i had in 3rd grade so like 2008 had a runescape name ‘mad matt08’ so shoutout to him he was sexy af bc he was a level#like 83 & had ‘a lot of money’ [he was actually mid but i had nothing so] ALSKALSKLAKSLAKSLAKSLA#i-#not the first man i ever went on a date w messaging me as a type this ALAKALAKLSKALSKALDKALSKAL#MERCURY IS IN RETROGRADE HUH#yes i’m doing this on crutches no i don’t care yall i had that wet dream out of frustration like last week … indignant
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lune-moon-nuit · 2 months ago
This is definitely one of the best analysis of Mike Wheeler arc on the series I seen ! I love it, I love this character and his complexity so much
ok. look at these.
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look. that's the same look. right?
let's take a closer look. to do that, i'm gonna have to zoom in a bit on the first one. because, as you can immediately see, the shots are slightly different. the first is a little farther away, showing both mike and el, walking next to each other, whereas the second is much more intimate, a closeup on mike's expression as he looks at will's face in the foreground. a minor but telling difference about the levels of emotional intimacy in each scene.
so, moving past that first element of contrast, let's look at each shot in full, because in both of these scenes, mike goes on a bit of a face journey before he gets to that final smiling expression, seen above.
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personally, i think studying actors' body language and micro-expressions is inconclusive at best, but i won't deny that these look similar. however, it's pretty clear to me that they aren't the same.
toward el, i see confusion, intrigue, maybe pleasant surprise, followed by a glance down (to emotionally process and/or watch his step), and then a nervous but friendly smile.
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toward will, i see awe, relief, and overwhelming affection, followed by a shy glance down and a slight schooling of his slack jawed expression into a warm smile.
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but, again, that's just my interpretation, and i can't say with any certainty what the intention of all of finn's micro-expressions are. but from my perspective, even a surface level viewing of these two expressions depicts a very different emotional experience. however: there's no denying the connection between these two scenes. they clearly mirror each other, just like a lot of things about mike's relationships with el and will mirror each other. i don't think that's an accident.
whatever you think his sexuality is, mike is undeniably in a romantic narrative with el. beginning in season one episode three, when the concept of their romantic relationship is introduced, the narrative arc mike and el share is heavily focused on that relationship. the first scene above actually happens in that same episode (s1e3), not coincidentally almost directly afterward. and the former scene, with mike, lucas, and dustin behind the baseball field, provides very interesting context for several reasons:
first: bear with me, because we're going back to look at the context behind this context. this is only episode three of the show, but already there's a lot going on, both in text and subtext.
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and since we have the entirety of their relationship so far presented to us on screen, when lucas accuses mike of looking at el romantically, we're easily able to go back and figure out where he got that impression: we can examine every time lucas has seen mike look at el at all.
the first night, after finding el in the woods instead of will, and while insisting that the next day she'd be gone and they could focus on will again, mike's behavior is directly reminiscent of benny's. taking el in, and providing her with shelter, food, and clothing.
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the next day, after learning that she's in danger and changing his mind about pawning her off on his mother, mike infers that she might know something about will. when lucas arrives, he exclaims that she recognized him and knew he was missing.
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later, when lucas tells her that will is their friend, she asks what that means and mike explains. a friend...
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and then she displays that she might really be able to help them find will. and mike looks at her like this:
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each and every one of these interactions is directly related to will. but lucas, through the omnipresent lens of heteronormativity that surrounds boys' interactions with girls (especially a group of boys who have no experience with girls... more on that in a bit), only seems to consider the fact that mike's behavior, which is undeniably about will, is being directed at el.
throughout season one (and beyond, in more subtle ways), will and el are repeatedly connected to each other through the trope of mistaken identity. will is abducted on the same night (and due to the same series of events) that el escapes the lab. hopper, in his investigation into will's disappearance, keeps running into clues about el. and mike, lucas, and dustin, sneaking out in episode one to search for will, find el instead.
later in the season, hopper eventually realizes the truth of his own more overt mistaken identity arc: while he was under the assumption that he'd been following will's trail, he'd actually been following el's. interestingly, the realization is triggered by one specific distinguishing difference, which tells him beyond a doubt that he's been looking for two different kids: their art.
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though much more subtle (aka hidden in the subtext), mike's arc with his feelings about will and el follows a very similar pattern. the main difference, though, is that in season one, the swapping of places is eventually reversed but never acknowledged as such, and mike ends season one with el now missing and will back in his life, but a lingering sense of something yet unresolved.
second: (i'm not going to deep dive into this one here, because it's a whole analysis in and of itself, but i need to mention it because it is relevant) this scene introduces the recurring motif of superheroes being directly connected to mike's feelings for el, which is an association we see follow them all the way into season four and become a defining metaphor for their incompatibility.
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third: lucas is the character who first introduces mike's romantic feelings for el into the narrative. and instead of giving any indication that lucas' interpretation is correct, mike's reaction is... difficult to read. his response is immediately defensive, both verbally ("what are you talking about?" "shut up, lucas,") and physically (leaning away and shielding himself when lucas hugs him). we can infer from the original character descriptions why mike might be defensive about this subject:
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obviously, this description is only a vague impression of what Mike Wheeler became, but it's clear that the core elements of his character outlined here did come to fruition on screen. here, mike's insecurity is linked both to the bullying he undergoes, and to his inexperience/ineptitude with girls. and it's presented as key to his character motivation (the original concept of his character arc put forth here is very straightforward: at the start, mike has insecurity centered around bullying and is romantically inexperienced. by the end, mike has courage against monsters and romantic experience.)
in any case, this scene is the first hint of this aspect of mike's character in the show itself (the earlier scene of bullying in the show focusing on mike consoling dustin over what he’s being bullied for (“i think it's kinda cool. it’s like you have superpowers or something!”)... see my last point here… mike holds the idea of superpowers in high regard, and they are consistently connected with his feelings about el. something about the mistaken identity through-line feels apt here: mike mistakes his feelings of admiration for el as feelings of romance.) in this scene, mike is confronted with both romance (in direct relation to himself for the first time in the show) and bullying.
but due to the way this is shot, it's impossible to get a read on what mike is truly feeling. it reminds me a lot of another scene, actually...
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in both of these scenes, mike's genuine emotional reaction is hidden from us. in the first, lucas forcibly hugs him, teasing him about how much he "loves" el, and in effect introducing the idea of el as a romantic prospect to mike. in the second, el hugs mike tightly, her hand still around his neck from their kiss and his arm trapped in between them, similar to the way he shields himself from lucas. we're then shown that he's signed the card on the flowers squished between them "from, mike." hm. so... not love, as lucas suggests.
we come to learn over the course of season four that this is something mike is actively struggling with: his inability to "love" el in the way that she wants, expects, and deserves. this scene, introducing that season-long arc, conceals mike's true emotional state and motivations from us, again, mirroring the first introduction to their entire romantic plot line way back in season one.
(an aside: lucas' "if you love her so much, [then] why don't you marry her?" aka the inciting event of their romantic arc, is a based on a conditional statement with the hypothesis that mike loves el. as mr. clarke might posit (in, say, season one, episode one): what's the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation? ...well, an experiment is a controlled test of two or more variables against a hypothesis. does that remind you of anything happening in mike's romantic narrative? something about...... [murray voice] experimenting sexually?)
anyway. then, after extracting himself from el's embrace, mike finally drops his bag(gage) and opens his now empty arms to will, before preemptively cutting himself short with a punch to the shoulder.
...did someone say internalized homophobia?
and then immediately upon being introduced to argyle, mike is called out for his presentation here not being genuine. ("it's a shitty knock-off,"/"i really thought it was ocean pacific...") we're being told that something about mike's performance is not what it seems (and may even be a case of one thing being mistaken for something else).
and speaking of homophobia...
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fourth (and finally): this scene, of lucas' teasing mike about his "love" for el, which i'll remind you again is tied directly to lucas mistaking mike's behavior regarding will as being solely about el, is quickly interrupted by an onslaught of homophobia, during which mike is specifically targeted (read: tripped) by the bullies.
the juxtaposition is immediate and obvious: mike's friends lovingly teasing him, even embracing him, over a crush on a girl vs. bullies maliciously taunting them about will being killed for being queer and then physically harming mike.
(there's also something to be said about the later scene in which these bullies force mike to drop his bike in the woods and chase him to the edge of the quarry, mirroring exactly how the cops assume will must have died... and, to be clear, i'm not saying that mike himself is being bullied for being queer in the way will was. no, mike's queerness is invisible to those around him in a way that will's isn't, so his relationship with it and the ways it affects him are hidden in subtext.)
which brings us directly to the following scene in the woods. el asks about mike's injury (sustained from the aforementioned bullying, thereby linking these two scenes even more concretely) and with a little prodding ("friends don't lie"), he opens up to her about what happened, and about being bullied at school. she listens, tells him she understands (this also follows her recent flashback of brenner's abuse in the lab), and they share a "cool," "cool," and a smile.
so... let's quickly jump over from here to the van scene with will. something similar, yet notably different, is happening in this scene, leading up to that infamous smile at the end. mike is sharing his insecurities with will now, but instead of will prodding him to open up, mike, prompted only by will's "she's gonna be okay," begins rambling so much about his insecurities (while speaking in superhero metaphors) that he eventually cuts himself off, saying it's "stupid." will tries to placate him, ("of course she needs you,") but when that doesn't work, he gives him The Painting (a symbol of his love for mike) and a long speech about feeling lost and different, while insisting upon mike's value (you're the heart, leading us, inspiring us, etc). and then they share a "yeah?" "yeah," and a smile.
so we can see the similarity in the way the shots are set up, the progression of the conversations, and mike's visible reactions. but we can also see distinct differences, all of which together inform a significant difference in emotional weight between these two scenes.
while mike's conversation in the woods with el takes place in the third episode of season one, at which point mike has known her for less than 48 hours, the van scene is in the second to last episode of season four, and is the fourth of five heart-to-hearts mike and will have this season alone (and following three previous seasons and beyond that years of close friendship). it is also arguably the climax of their shared arc this season. on the other hand, mike and el's season one moment is part of the introduction to their storyline, and the introduction to their romantic arc. in this moment in the woods, mike is looking at el romantically (did you think i was gonna argue that he isn't? because no, he definitely is). in fact, this is the beginning of mike's entire romantic arc, which sets out to address the foundational insecurity that is key to his character. we, as an audience, right alongside mike, have just been told (by lucas) that mike has romantic feelings for el. and then we are presented with this scene. we are supposed to view this as romantic. because mike is starting to view it as romantic.
had stranger things been one season long, then the climax of their romantic arc would have been the kiss they share in the cafeteria, followed by the denouement of el's symbolic death (the gay implications of which i could write another whole essay on...). but the end of season one was not the resolution of mike's full romantic arc. by the nature of the five act structure (which is what stranger things has, being five seasons), the entirety of season one serves as exposition for our full narrative. which means, in effect, that the entire arc of mike and el's season one relationship is there to serve as groundwork, a foundation for mike's complete five season arc. season one, starting from before he even meets el, all the way through to when he eventually kisses her and then loses her, is only act one of that arc. the first act of five act structure is when the driving conflict is presented. so in the context of the entire show, for us as the viewer, mike's narrative arc surrounding the romantic aspect of his insecurity begins with his season one "romance" with el.
and we know that this insecurity is an element of the full five-act narrative, rather than being presented and wrapped in the course of the mini "self contained" narrative of season one, because we can see plainly, three seasons later, particularly during mike's heart-to-hearts with will, that this insecurity has not yet been resolved. we know this, on a basic level, from having watched mike and el's relationship struggles progress, but it is still explicitly laid out for us in season four. and will is consistently the only person who genuinely hears mike out, encourages him to open up, and addresses his insecurities, instead of brushing him off, like most other people in his life (including will at some points) have done. will understands him in a way el only claimed to in season one.
looking back to the character outline: mike has now "kiss[ed] a girl" and even "had a girlfriend" and still hasn't resolved his insecurities even remotely. in fact, after the first season arc wraps up, this romantic relationship becomes the main source of that insecurity. his difficulty navigating a real romantic relationship with el is the basis of their arc in season three. and by season four, mike is consciously struggling with being unable to tell el that he loves her. despite will's reassurances that things will be okay (which stack onto lucas' constant relationship advice in season three), mike keeps circling back around to it. because he can't move forward on the path he is on.
he has reached a point of no return, like a “fight you can’t come back from.” he is unable to find the security he is searching for in his romantic relationship with el... and this is where we arrive back at the van scene with will.
if the scene in the woods marks the beginning of the introduction of mike's romantic arc, then the scene in the van marks the beginning of the conclusion of mike's romantic arc. if the introduction of his romantic arc (season one) presents his insecurity, then the natural conclusion of that arc (season five) is security. throughout season four, mike lays out for will the insecurity that his relationship with el still brings him. he is unable to find that security with el, and, in the van scene, finds it with will instead.
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or, should i say, begins the journey to finding it. because, especially after the lie that brings them into that moment, and then traumatic pizza dough freezer incident, we're still at the beginning of the conclusion. there's still a lot to resolve, but season four (alongside mike, who now understands what he's been going through) finally began moving the subtext of mike's arc into the actual text. and this moment indicates that season five will take that next step to fully, textually, actualizing it.
so, getting back to the parallel we're looking at here: each of these scenes is a catalyzing moment in mike's romantic arc. in season one, when lucas suggests that mike has a crush on el, and then what follows is a conversation with el where she is (to quote lucas) "not grossed out" by him, he actively begins his journey toward resolving this character motivating insecurity. he looks at el and he sees the possibility of romance.
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and just look at him. he looks excited. hopeful. a little nervous. but... i want to remind you again: mike has known el for less than 48 hours at this point. this is the first conversation they've had in which they've related to each other as equals. for their entire relationship before this and afterward, outside of their romantic interactions (and also. often. disturbingly. concurrent with their romantic interactions...), mike's role has been as el's protector, a makeshift father figure, the elliot to her E.T. here, though, el tells mike that she understands him.
in season one, mike is twelve years old (read: pre-pubescent). he has no personal understanding of or experience with romance. dustin starts to comment in s1e2, "you're letting a girl...?" and ted later scoffs "our son with a girl?" and outside of the queer coding, what we can take from both of these (which draw back to the original character description) is that mike has no experience with girls whatsoever. (outside of, you know. family. but that's not what this post is about.)
and again, this scene happens almost directly after lucas first introduces the idea of romance between them, both to the narrative, and to mike himself, who, very significantly, up until this point, has shown no romantic interest in el. the sequence of these events is not a coincidence. 1. lucas assumes mike has romantic feelings for el. 2. el and mike have a moment of personal connection and understanding 3. mike "boys only" wheeler puts these two together and assumes the connection between them must be romance. but the expression on mike's face here isn't a representation of already existing romantic feelings. there's no basis for those. again, this moment represents for mike the potential for romance.
which... makes his expression in the van scene hit even harder. because unlike el, will isn't a stranger he barely knows, but rather his best friend of ten years. and it isn't lucas telling mike how mike feels. it's will professing his own feelings about mike, in direct response to mike's self-professed insecurities. (ding ding ding, are your alarm bells going off?) mike's expression at the end of this scene, if we're viewing it as a reprise of his season one expression, is a representation of hope for his romantic future. but this time, heading into the resolution of mike's romantic arc, with all of the knowledge and context we (and mike) have gained over the course of the past four seasons, it's directed at will.
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ok. so. with the basic connection between these two scenes established, i'm gonna move a little bit sideways here. at the end of their romantic arc in season one, el disappears from mike's life and will reappears in it, effectively swapping their places (remember that we've been dealing with the mistaken identity trope between these two), and leaving the question of mike's romantic security glaringly unresolved.
and we know why - this is a five act narrative we're watching - but just within the context of the season one arc... the climactic moment of mike finally asking the girl to be his sister kissing the girl was preceded by her locating will in the upside down (leading to his rescue) and followed by a resolution in which she disappeared... and will took her place. at the end of the season, mike is left in the same place he started: playing games in his basement with will, his first attempt to resolve his arc of romantic insecurity, with el, ultimately ending in tragedy.
after season one, this arc picks up again, but this time will the one present in mike's life. and mike's behaviors toward el in season one, during which they were undergoing a romantic story arc, begin showing up again in his behavior towards will. but unlike with el, mike's particular (read: romantic) behavior toward will happens without outside intervention, and in fact, often in spite of outside intervention. now, this isn't to say that all of mike's behavior with el was a result of others' influence. when el reveals to mike that she is on the run from "bad people," mike is immediately protective and caring toward her. however, as i've already explained, this caring behavior (which, again, we know right off the bat is not romantic because it directly mirrors the way both benny and hopper care for her) doesn't turn into romantic behavior until lucas introduces that idea.
on the opposite side of the spectrum, right from episode one of season one, mike's behavior toward will is fully self motivated, even in the face of opposition.
and as we move through season one and beyond, we can see that mike continues to rely on constant guidance in the way he cares about el (particularly and most consistently from lucas).
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stranger things is, at it's horror filled core, a coming of age tale. like many of our other characters, mike's full character arc, romantic and otherwise, is about self-actualization. from the very conception of the show, his insecurity is presented as a central character flaw to overcome, while also being directly linked with his romantic fulfillment. the overcoming of this fatal flaw, the resolution of his romantic arc, and his final achievement of self-actualization are all inextricably intertwined.
the reprisal of this specific expression of romantic hope as we enter the end of mike's romantic arc is not an indication that mike is in the same place emotionally at the end of season four as he was at the beginning of season one, just with a different person now. instead, it is an indication of his romantic arc coming full circle. mike began in a position of hope for his romantic future with el, only to have the actualization of that hope (their romantic relationship) gradually degrade his romantic fulfillment and self-esteem. the longer mike and el are together, and the more serious their romantic relationship becomes, the worse mike's insecurities become. this is, i would argue, directly related to the fact that mike's pursuit of a romantic relationship with el is not due to his own genuine desire, but instead a combined result of heteronormativity (lucas assuming mike's feelings for el to be romantic), compulsive heterosexuality (mike's subsequent assumption that his feelings for el must be romantic), forced conformity (mike's attempt to resolve his insecurities firmly within these heteronormative boundaries, under the assumption that a rejection of these boundaries is unacceptable), and the trope of mistaken identity that has been following will and el since season one.
and of course i don't know with any concrete certainty what season five will contain, but based on the narrative so far, and optimistically expecting a satisfying resolution to his character arc, the actualization of his romantic hope regarding will is going to lead to true romantic fulfillment and coincide with his self-actualization (a big part of which is coming to terms with his sexuality).
now, i'm not going to conclude this whole analysis by saying, "and that's why mike is gay!" because while i think this all is a good indication of that, based on all of the context and my impression that this narrative is being presented in a way that focuses on the subtext and deeper symbolism of each of these relationships rather than being a case of specifically el vs. will, you might still have a different interpretation than me. that's fine. however, i am going to end by insisting (me when i argue with the wall), based on everything i've laid out, that this parallel and others like it (ie parallels between byler & miIeven's romantic arcs) are not evidence of mike's feelings, specifically whether they are genuinely romantic or not. this parallel serves as a narrative device in his romantic character arc... the conclusion of which is mike realizing and coming to terms with the fact that he is actually in love with will, and not el.
just to be very clear, i'm not saying these parallels alone are proof against mike being bisexual, but i am saying that they are not evidence in support of his being bisexual. again: they do not indicate that mike is romantically attracted to el. what they indicate is that will and el are foils in mike's romantic arc.
before i finish, i want to address a couple misconceptions:
1. the fact that mike actively and willingly participates in a romantic relationship with a woman means he can’t be gay. this is straight up homophobia. gold star bullshit. no.
2. mike and el being presented in a romantic light means that they have genuine romantic feelings for each other. this is a misconception of the way narrative tools are used to tell a story. going right back to my first point: it is an irrefutable fact that many gay people have romantic relationships with the people of different genders (read “the opposite sex”) before they come out/realize their true sexuality. it is also a fact that many of these gay people fully believe their feelings to be genuinely romantic before realizing that they are not. as i've already gone over, mike is twelve years old when his romantic arc begins. on the surface, his relationship with el is presented as romantic. he participates in (and even initiates) romantic behaviors because he believes that his feelings for el are romantic. in seasons one and two, mike is one of our main POV characters. we can see a romantic tilt to the way some of their scenes are shot because, to mike, while they are happening, they are romantic (keeping in mind what i said before about mike having no experience and therefore no personal knowledge informing his perspective, AND keeping in mind that many of these on-the-surface "romantic" scenes are also consistently subtextually linked (read: paralleled) to familial relationships for both of them... and i haven't even touched the cultural context surrounding homosexuality in 80's. there's so much nuance informing the way this story is being told). and we, as the audience, are supposed to read them as romantic on first viewing, because otherwise the season five plot twist, revealing the truth of mike's feelings, would not work.
it is not a coincidence that the active degradation of their romantic relationship (outside of all of the other context, parallels, symbolism, family coding, etc, that are there to hint along the way that things are not as they might seem) begins full force in season three, at the exact point when the two actually enter a real relationship for the first time, and also when our characters are entering puberty, the time during which a person's sexuality (in a general sense, but also in regard to sexual orientation) begins to fully emerge. after his season one arc with el, mike underwent another season-long romantic arc: this time, with will. it's more subtle, because (i believe) mike doesn't realize yet that it's romantic, but it's there. then at the end of season two, mike makes a choice: he encourages will to dance with a girl and he dances with el, re-writing their tragic ending from season one, but now leaving his romantic arc with will frustratingly unresolved, again mirroring the sense of unresolution from season one: mike has swapped out the end of each romantic arc with the wrong love interest.
and then in season three, now having had the experience of both romantic arcs, and now, for the first time, with both will and el right there beside him, all we can see anymore is the overt contrast between the two relationships, depicted most blatantly through the same type of visual and narrative "parallel" we've been looking at here.
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but at the end of this season, instead of making a choice, mike's choice is made for him. he has a romantic moment with will, and then el kisses him, confusing the resolution of these two romantic arcs once again.
mike's season four arc closely mirrors his season one arc (searching for one love interest with the other by his side, mistaken identity trope abound), but with important distinctions: 1. mike is a little older, a lot more experienced, and has a better understanding of both the context of romantic relationships and the scope of his feelings for both el and will. and 2. mike's only real guidance in season four comes from will, and he doesn't simply listen and act based on will's advice, as he did with lucas' in seasons 1&3. now, he fully engages with will's input, pushing back against it when he doesn't agree, and accepting it when he can acknowledge its truth (up until, of course, our fourth (and hopefully final) tragic, incorrectly resolved ending). mike is finally taking control of his romantic narrative in a way he hasn't previously, and the direction it's heading in now is toward security, self-actualization, and will.
so the point of all of this is: nothing is as simple or straightforward as it may seem on the surface. the narrative has always been deeply complex and layered with subtext and symbolism. and most of all, when interpreting the meaning of anything presented directly to us on screen, context matters.
also uh. yeah, mike gay
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ziggystardustmybeloved · 1 month ago
How byler doubt made me believe in byler even more
Some time ago I had a byler doubt and I you know the milkvan argument that "Will having a crush on Mike is there only to show that Will is gay" so I started wondering
Is there any other way to show that Will is gay?
And of course there is
They could have given him a love interest in California. This actually could be a cool storyline - Mike struggles to say "I love you" to El bc of his upbringing (or whatever) and Will is not able to say "I love you" to the guy he's in love with bc he's gay and it's 80s. Will understands how precious the relationship between Mike and El is and convinces Mike that keeping feelings to yourself is pointless ect ect. It would work even better if Mike and El were broken up by the end of season 3 but still can't stop writing to each other bc they actually care. And the lying part would make much more sense since they both try to get over each other and fail. They could even fit Will's coming out there, where Mike asks Will about his love life bc he has heard about it from El's letters (and he collects them bc he's in love) and Will explains that he has been pushing Mike to express his feelings bc he can't bc the person he's in love with is a boy... now, in s5 the boy could visit Will in Hawkins or he could go there as a volunteer to help people after the tragedy (and imagine the akward airport hug with Will and that boy here). Well, I think it wouldn't be a terrible storyline, it's still angsty and sad, but we don't torture Will without a reason. And the best thing about it is that... a lot of people came up with similar ideas. It wasn't that hard to think of. Duffers could have done that. But they didn't. FOR A REASON.
Now the second, funny part. I was thinking about Dawson's Creek (which Duffers are fans of). I haven't watched the whole Jack's storyline but I know he's gay and that he dates joey at the begining. He was also the one to initiate their first kiss. So, how about giving Will a girlfriend in s3? It could go like in Dawson's Creek. He could have a girlfriend at first but e.g. he wouldn't be able to express his love for her, bc he's not actually in love. He might have problems with saying "i love you" to her.... and then I was like "oh. OH"
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thisisnotkitty · 1 year ago
more securitywaiter headcanons bc i can't stop thinking about them
part one here
-mike probably can't fall asleep unless he's playing the nature sounds at this point but one night they're chilling on the couch and ness notices mike starting to get sleepy so he starts to softly sing and mike is Schlumped. after that he much prefers falling asleep to ness's voice than the nature sounds
-ness grew up in the small town freddie's is in and probably grew up going to sparky's (and freddie's) a lot. most of the older folk who still go to the diner have known him since he was little. i think of his generation he's the only one who stayed bc most people his age moved out as soon as they could so he's kinda the towns kid in that sense??
-this one comes from the discord but he grew up going to freddie's and his favorite animatronic was always chica! i like to think he eventually gets to meet abby's friends and his parents probably never let him get to close to the animatronics for #safety reasons so he's incredibly excited to hang out with them
-ooh wait i have a hard time fitting vanessa anywhere in this canon divergence lmao but! i think her and ness originally had a hard time getting along but eventually they bond over their pasts with freddy's (and their shared names!) while mike is just like ??? in the background lmao (wlw and mlm solidarity?)
-abby absolutely LOVES ness (which is Very Important if you're going to be dating Mike) ness will sometimes babysit for mike but when the three of them are hanging out mike always makes jokes about how he feels like he's babysitting two kids instead of one
-speaking of abby, they don't really get a lot of one-on-one time with one another bc mike can't really afford another babysitter and vanessa has an actual job, so on their dates their joined by abby as the third wheel kinda lmao but ness always makes sure to give the schmidts an equal amount of attention and constantly reassures mike that he doesnt mind abby tagging along bc he's always liked kids and mike just heart eyes
-still the lack of alone time always makes mike nervous bc he doesn't think ness knows him entirely and doesn't think he'll still like him if he does but whenever vanessa can baby sit and they manage to go on a date, just the two of them, ness always lets mike knows that he likes him just as he is
im begging yall to send me any headcanons you have OR lowkey any prompts bc im already working on a fic but i wouldn't mind writing some oneshots in between...
next part
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mskingbean1309 · 2 months ago
I love Byler sm but I also love El
Poor girl has gone through so much she deserves soooo much better than how mikes treating her
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My girl has been in a LAB and got treated like an experiment. She had zero friends and got manipulated by the person she called her father.
She got bullied and it makes my heart ache that she went through all of that. She’s so sweet, funny, smart, pretty and just overall a great character.
I genuinely hate seeing her sad
She just wants someone to love her and I think that she craves platonic love most bc for the whole of her life she had Papa who she thought loved her. But he betrayed her and now she has hopper. I honestly don’t think she’s ready for a relationship/boyfriend right now and that she may need to work on herself and FIND herself again.
She definitely deserves someone to love her romanticly but I don’t think Mikes the one.
He treats her so bad and it pains me to see El upset.
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Im not gonna bring Byler in but I definitely think El and Mike shouldn’t continue dating because it’s clear it’s hurting both of them.
Yes ppl can change but the damage as already been done.
El deserves someone who loves her and Mike deserves to love someone.
He clearly doesn’t Love El romantically and he’s kinda being forced to say a lie to someone who he cares about. He doesn’t want to hurt her but at the same time he can’t hurt her without her knowing that he doesn’t actually love her like that.
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Mike needs to find someone (cough* cough* Will Byers) who he genuinely loves and gets along with.
He needs someone to Love but El isn’t that girl person
Mileven doesn’t work and is canonically making El upset and unsatisfied.
The chances Byler will happen in my opinion is risky bc the Duffer Brothers could queer bait us and yes there definitely are queer coded signs for mike, it could just be straight up queer bait.
But I’ll say this; Mileven will definitely break up because if they don’t then they’re promoting toxic relationships that don’t work to a wide age audience and I don’t think that’s their message.
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jaegerisim · 2 years ago
Vent post y'all are gonna hate me for.
I viscerally hate how the Duffers treat most of their non white or queer characters and I hate even more viscerally, how y'all big byler blogs in your circle jerk of other 5 big byler blogs casually like to ignore many red flags the show has.
Y'all like to say: "tHe DufFeRs ArE gReAt WrIteRs" and it's like girl, who are you lying to??? They aren't top shit writers at all. The Duffers are pretty mid imo. Yeah, they run a good show that's fun to watch and theorize abt , but that doesn't mean they're good writers cuz they're not.
1. they completely side lined Will during s3 for the sake of their straight romances: lumax, jancy, mlvn, duzie and partly stobin (even if stobin wasn't endgame, thankfully, Steve's intentions were clearly wanting to date Robin and they gave it a lot of screen time). Will was sidelined bc he didn't fit the straight romance plotline bc they planned to make him gay or whatever. Now in s4 Will and his feelings have been used as mlvn toilet paper. Yes, we like to say this is build up for byler but canonically, Will's feelings have been used to clean the shit mlvn leaves behind.
2. Billy was sympathized a lot during the last 2 seasons. They gave him the sad backstoryTM in order for ppl to feel sorry for him. Billy's backstory is literally Jonathan's but whatever.
3. El's anger issues are constantly girlboss-ified. They down play her bullying situation and literally just use it for El to be a ''girlboss" without realizing how triggering that is. As someone who has lived bullying, seeing it be ignored by canon and fanon is super sad. The whole Rink-O' Mania experience must have been so traumatizing for her yet, everyone absolutely forgets abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Robin, Erica and Argyle are stereotypical characters. Robin is the quirky lesbian with social anxiety, Erica is the badass black woman and Argyle is the Latino stoner that sells weed to white kids and works as a pizza delivery guy.
5. Altho Argyle and Eddie both do drugs, (Eddie actually sells K-12 to a minor and nobody batted an eye. He has a huge fan base). Eddie is held in a pedestal bc "poor thing 🥺 he lives in a trailer with his uncle 🥺". Tell me a single fact you know abt Argyle that isn't "he smokes weed", "he is Jonathan's only friend", "drives a van" and "he works at a pizzeria". Exactly, Eddie is given a useless backstory and Argyle isn't.
6. Dustin stopped being important to the plot sometime around s2 and s3. He is only there to curse and be mildly funny. My guy needs to hangout with ppl his age cuz he only hangs out with seniors.
7. El needs to stop having so much "I'M THAT BITCH" screentime like I need in s5 for El's arc to not just be her becoming more powerful and falling in love with Mike. I need the Duffers to explore her trauma and problems.
8. Angela should have been run over by the van.
9. Patrick should have been given a backstory that isn't the basic "strict black parents that hit their kids cuz they are a disgrace". Patrick's backstory is actually racist af, fight w the wall.
10. As Lex already said, they didn't trigger tag the ep where Jason and his friends assault Lucas and Erica. Like wtf? Why was that necessary? Why did I have to see a black boy being held at gunpoint by some white guy?? Was it relevant to the plot?? I don't think so. And then I've got to see ppl online be like "Jason wasn't that bad. He was just mourning" like bitch you can stfu. This is what happens when you make the racist assholes conventionally attractive.
Also the fact that Lucas's arc is fulfilled by him fist-fighting Jason and "embracing his weirdness" aka accepting he is black. His arc was not fulfilled at all cuz that ending spoke so loud to me. It showed how little empathy ppl have towards the struggles poc ppl living in the Midwest have. Y'all circle jerks can only see racism when it's super obvious.
Furthermore, parents complained when ST showed "an excessive amount of smoking" yet nobody batted an eye when Billy tried to run over Lucas, when Erica (an 11 y.o ffs) was chased by white kids or when Lucas was held at gunpoint by Jason.
All of this happened while they focused on Max's guilt and mourning that, yeah, are important but certainly not less important than racism!!!
11. In s3, they gave us that whole Nancy vs The Bigots arc that was honestly just triggering and useless. It didn't help Nancy's character at all, quite the opposite it put unnecessary angst.
12. Lonnie being presented as an abuser just for him to never be spoken of again. Can we please get to explore the trauma he left the Byers's with?
13. The fact that both queer relationships are considered "sloppy seconds" is extremely sad. Both Vickie and Mike are rebounding from their failed relationship with Robin and Will. These 2 ships have caused more commotion than Jancy and Jopper together! (These last ships are technically sloppy seconds too but everybody forgets that. Shocker!!)
14. Last but not least, ppl blame Argyle for being the one to get Jonathan into smoking weed as if Jonathan probably wasn't the one looking for it. Let me tell you, that you only find weed if you look for it.
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yesimtrashforit · 2 months ago
My random Stranger Things headcanons (pt. 1?)
**these are mainly about what media they would like, I think. Also keep in mind, for the young Hopper and Joyce headcanons, I haven't seen The First Shadow. Do not spoil it pls if any of these are disproven by it! Thank you!
• Joyce is a fan of Bob Dylan, largely because he talks about women so kindly in his early songs and she appreciates a young male singer who can sing about women as actual people.
• In high school, Joyce was in theatre tech, mainly doing costumes and props. I just get the vibe that she was a shy theatre kid. I also like to think Joyce was fairly popular, but similar to Nancy, she was seen a stereotypical good girl who didn't date around.
• Hopper was very similar to season 1 era Steve in his youth, I think. Popular, homecoming king but he didn't win kinda vibe.
• In 1989, Will drags Mike to see Dead Poets Society in theaters and they both cry a lot bc of the tragedy of it, but also that Mr. Keating reminds them of Mr. Clarke. Mike's favorite character is Charlie/Nuwanda. Will's favorite is Todd. They both occasionally quote the movie to each other for years afterwards.
• In modern day, I believe 53-year-old Mike becomes a huge movie nerd and specifically gets really into indie sci-fi stuff. He thinks Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is hilarious btw. Will thinks this is obnoxious, but sweet.
• As far as future occupations, I think Will actually becomes a fairly successful comic illustrator. Mike is a games designer, specifically storyboarding and writing. Dustin is definitely an engineer. Lucas becomes a coach, possibly ending up coaching for the NBA because I think he would be that ambitious. I think Max would be a child psychologist. Nancy steps away from journalism and ends up becoming a lawyer, mainly handling civil cases. Jonathan is a photographer, but he sticks more to pop culture later. Steve becomes an elementary school teacher. Robin becomes some sort of historian, maybe in queer history. Erica becomes a politician and no one can tell me any different. Her campaign slogan is "You can't spell America without Erica."
• El writes a memoir about her life experiences (published under the name Jane "El" Hopper) and it becomes a NYT bestseller. I also think she becomes an activist later in life, specifically for ethical scientific research and technology use. As far as occupation, I think she would be a therapist.
• Dustin is a casual Shakespeare nerd later in life and generally enjoys his comedies more than Shakespeare tragedies.
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queenie-ofthe-void · 6 months ago
A Desperate Fool - Part 6
Part 5
Last Time: Nancy starts filling in the gaps of everything Eddie's missed
Max, Lucas, and Erica were the first to quit calling. Hell, they’d always been more Steve’s than Eddie’s, since he’d adopted Max with the last of his parents’ trust money when he turned nineteen. After the kids graduated, Steve had set himself, Max, and Robin up in a cheap two bedroom apartment in Chicago where they all started school. Then Lucas moved in only a few months later– Max and Lucas in one room, Robin and Steve in the other. Only for Eddie to then uproot Steve to LA just before he could finish his degree, selfishly isolating him from his family.
Dustin was the next to disappear. They were close, and Eddie considered the kid one of his best friends. It apparently didn’t matter, which–just like with the other three–he should’ve seen coming. Steve was practically a brother to Dustin, same as Max. Eddie just always thought the split was more fifty-fifty with Dustin. It was a thick pill to swallow, but he managed.
He reached his final breaking point when Nancy and Mike started ignoring him. Eddie could make excuses for the rest of them, they were Steve’s adopted, puzzle-piece family. The Wheeler’s were Eddie’s family by blood. 
His parents kicked him out for kissing the neighbor boy– well, his adopted parents. Turns out Karen Wheeler had put him up for adoption three years before she met Ted, but was too scared to reach out, hoping he was happy with his new family. When little twelve year old Eddie showed up with a social worker at her door the next day, however, Karen welcomed him with open arms. He figures he’d be dead if it wasn’t for them, caught up running petty crimes just like his dad.
But that all meant Mike and Nancy were supposed to love him, not Steve. He called non-stop once he’d finally understood what was happening, but they never answered. Eddie remembers lying in bed for days, ruminating on how they’d picked golden boy Steve Harrington over their own family. Old feelings of neglect and rejection curdled up in Eddie’s stomach. A reminder that he was just a burden. Some lost, broken, queer kid they never asked for, forced onto them when Karen and Ted already had three mouths to feed.
Eddie's resentment towards everyone carried the band through their first national tour. He wanted to kick-off on a festival tour in Europe once they finished, but the band was exhausted. They were desperate to take a break while Metal Munson was still riding on top of the world, a full-fledged rockstar getting invites to behind-the-scenes parties, walking the red carpet, and casually dating celebrities. 
But he still loved his Corroded boys, so he agreed, thinking the break would allow them time to recover and give him more time to reap the benefits of a rockstar lifestyle. 
Except staying out every night started to lose its shine. The parties were duller than he remembered, the lights less bright. Mindless flirting with boys only interested in Metal Munson strained his smile. Strange, strong hands started to feel like sandpaper across his bare skin, the tangled sheets between them constricting Eddie until he couldn’t breathe. 
It all came crashing down when he woke up in an unfamiliar bed next to a man with fluffy brown hair, moles scattered across his back. Brilliant, sky blue eyes staring back at him.
Eddie quit going out. Stopped answering phone calls– not that the calls came from anyone who actually mattered. 
Because Steve never called. Not once, still hasn’t. And Eddie doesn't think he ever will.
Part 7
Tag List!!!
@sadisticaltarts @5ammi90 @blacklegsanji21 @jaytriesstrangerthings
@thewickedkat you didn't actually asked to be added to the tags, but I included you bc of your comment on the last part. If you'd like to not be included next time just lmk <3
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tryingtofindava · 1 year ago
HAII!!! can u do vanessa (movie) headcanons if she was ur girlfriend :3
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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She try’s her absolute best to make you feel like the most special person on the planet!! (and in her eyes, you definitely are.)
CUDDLING!!! Lots of cuddles bcs she’s a snuggle bug and likes being near you. Pop on a movie while you guys just enjoy each other’s presence.
Not that you’d complain.
Night drives in her car while it’s raining is a must. Maybe she even stop by McDonald’s and get a takeaway.
She’s a total flibbertigibbet in the relationship, AND DEFINITELY WOULD FIT INTO THE GOLDEN RETRIEVER STEREOTYPE.
Dates would include: long scenic walks through the woods or on the beach, or treating you to a nice dinner at some fancy restaurant.
You guys always try and one up each other when it’s your turn to host the date.
Trying to make pizzas at Freddy’s for Abby when Mike brings her along to his shift. (You’s may or may not have burnt them)
Speaking of Mike, he was probably a tad confused on his first night when two random ppl showed up on the security cameras outside in the pouring rain holding hands and flirting while they waited outside for him to let them in.
ALSO WHILE WE’RE SPEAKING ‘BOUT MIKE!! When he can’t take Abby to his shifts, you and Ness go to his house to babysit! (Vanessa gets baby fever…)
Holding her closely as she rants about her dad, pressing gentle kisses to her forehead.
And after the events of the FNAF movie, you make sure to visit her a lot during her coma. Bring her flower. And holding her hand.
(soz that it’s so short I can’t think up a whole lot lmao😭)
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itsmiahshemakessense · 2 months ago
The "i'll be okay." moment (Big brainrot rant incoming)
i don't think you realize JUST how crappy this would be. like imagine this with any other show. they make you feel all bad because Will's pining and everything, mike magically has no more issues expressing himself, and then he just accepts they'll never be together and dates someone else. with like some teary eyed "I'll be okay." moment, like, what?? so what's the point of even making that a plot point? that's terrible writing at best and heavy queer bait at worst. In most shows, the "i'll be okay." moment, is because the main character has to choose between two ppl they like and it's difficult because one is good for them and one isn't, despite all the romantic/trusting moments they've shared together.
Or, it's because a side character realizes how deeply in love the mc is already, and decides bc they love them they should let them go, or recognize their love is one-sided. In the show, will has been operating under the assumption mike doesn't like him back for 4 seasons, (already a super long time) and has been there for him from the beginning, through every breakup and argument.
Now, let's ignore their relationship issues, and say mike is straight. congrats, will officially is a nothing character, a token gay there for no reason other then queer bait, and a product of underestimating your audience's ability to spot bullshit, it's not 'Realistic for the 80's' or 'unrequited love for gay guy plot point' It's lazy.
And why even give them relationship issues and a love triangle if everything works out in the end for them? why is mike an ass? why is will the one to tell him what to say? Why is plot point?
Unrequited love is fine, if you spend maybe an episode or three teasing your audience with it, but making a character pine on screen for 3 seasons with no payoff is actually insane, especially considering you have a gay actor promoting it.
If your reason, is "sorry, hes gay so that would be unrealistic." You shouldn't be writing or analyzing gay characters, because you don't fundamentally understand that love is love. And your operating under the assumption that gay love is somehow different, and everyone needs to be explicitly out of the closet, realize their gay overnight, and be single/dating the same gender for a story like that to be possible. as if sexuality isn't a spectrum and being attracted to the same gender makes you a better person or a perfect partner.
Anyway, rant aside, if your story ends on the note that not everyone has happy endings, that's fine. but not when literally everyone else has happy endings. At the end of s4, mike and el are together, Lucas and max survive, Dustin is grieving, Nancy and Jonathan are together, along with Joyce and hopper reunited but otherwise preparing for s5, and Will is in the same position, next to mike, like he always is. Why is this the only relationship thread left hanging?
Byler is canon, (or should be) that's why.
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akuvvv9 · 1 year ago
no bc i am CONVINCED something happened between Mike and Will between season 2 and season 3 and here’s why.
The first scene we see of them together is on the movie date at the cinema. (Also, why show Mike noticing something is up with Will in the first place? Will doesn’t even confide in him about what he’s feeling, so why? It’s unnecessary unless they want to show us something about Mike and Will. And if it’s to show Will’s feelings for Mike through lip glances, WHAT ABOUT MIKE???)
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Mike looks at Will’s lips while asking if he’s okay, meaning he had been already looking at him since Will hadn’t made any noise or drawn any attention to himself before Mike talks to him. There are many many many scenes of Mike looking at Will’s lips to the point that it’s a meme. 
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But then, look at Will. We all know Will is in love with Mike, has been for a while he just didn’t fully realize it until some time between season 2 and season 3, and didn’t accept it until some time between season 3 and season 4 (just in my opinion, this is flexible based off of your own perspectives and understandings). Either way, he has always been more discreet, looking when Mike isn’t looking at him in contrast to how Mike checks Will out both when he is and isn’t taking notice.
(Another thought, if we were supposed to pick up on the fact that Will is gay by the fact that he wears shorts shorts, BARELY EVER checks Mike out, is told “it’s not my fault you like girls,” and has been bullied for being queer, what does this say about Mike? Sure, he doesn’t wear short shorts, he wasn’t bullied for being queer except in regards to Will’s queerness, THEN it was always directed towards Mike, and Mike is always checking Will out and I’m gonna keep saying that because people are blind, and the fact that he even said that to Will in their rain fight was so out of nowhere like…what have you been thinking about when you’re alone? Huh? (i know what you are Michael Wheeler.) Then what? The only difference between the two is that Mike has a girlfriend, who he can’t even tell he loves to her face. Just saying. And I know Mike is queer coded in a different way than Will, but he also has all that proof I listed above and probably more. Moving on lol…)
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Here’s some of Will looking at Mike in the arcade in S2E1 and in the grocery store in the fruit section S3E7. I don’t need to show examples for Mike because I’m sure we can all think of a bunch off the top of our heads. Will is a little harder to catch though.
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Even in season 4 when we all KNOW Will has feelings for Mike, his glances are more discreet, we just see it more often because we are supposed to be aware he’s in love with Mike. So why, just why, does Will glance at Mike’s lips TWICE in the cinema. He knows Mike can see him because they’re talking, Mike is facing him, looking at him because he’s worried and is checking up on him. You could argue it’s because it’s dark, but their faces are illuminated by the screen, so it’s still a bold move on Will’s part. He knows Mike is looking at him and makes the decision to look at his lips twice when he’s usually so good at looking only when Mike can’t notice he is because he already has the subconscious feeling that he is in love with Mike, and that it should be a secret. Especially with what he’s always been bullied for by both his own dad and people at school. He’s learned to hide, which is funny because we all know how good at hiding Will is. 
Mike on the other hand, bitch has been checking Will out since the very beginning. When Will tells Mike the roll was a 7, Mike just stares at him. He doesn’t even give a proper response, which is out of character for him. If it were Lucas or Dustin (who wouldn’t of told him the truth in the first place), he would have said something, like actually anything. But with Will, he doesn’t. He just stares at him. 
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We also know Mike & Will have a deep understanding of each other where they don’t need words to communicate. They finish each other sentences a lot, and in the 7 scene, when Will says, “it was a 7,” Mike furrows his brow. Will knows he’s asking a question without needing any verbal response, so he answers. And even then Mike doesn’t answer, just stares and watches as Will bikes away. (Kinna LGBTQ if you ask me).
Their ability to converse silently with little looks only adds onto the fact that Will thought he was picking up on something after season 2. He doesn’t need to be explicitly told by anybody that Mike is starting to realize things about himself and his feelings for Will because nonverbal communication is what the two have always been best at.
Back to the cinema date, it’s not weird for Mike to be checking Will out because he’s always been doing it. It’s also pretty brief in the movie theater, like he’s doing it with no thought behind it because it’s what he’s always done, so what’s the harm?
Now, for Will, he not only lip glances twice but it’s a longer gaze. A little linger. There is clearly something between them that only Will is reacting to because Mike is preoccupied trying to act straight with El. Maybe some hope that he could be grasping onto something between them.
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Later, Will tells his mom he isn’t gonna fall in love. He doesn’t scowl or have a disgusted tone compared to when he saw proof of Jonathan and Nancy’s love. He probably believes that he’s not gonna fall in love, or get reciprocated love, for many reasons. He’s realizing he’s gay, he’s realizing Mike is special to him, he’s realizing that he is also special to Mike, but he says he won’t fall in love because even if he does, even if he’s realizing he’s also special to Mike, Mike can’t love him back because he has El. 
Which is why I believe something happened between them some time between season 2 and season 3. It’s clear that El can’t hang out with the party with the way it’s established how she has a curfew and how Mike reacts to her being at the mall with Max.
Also, Dustin was away at summer camp for a month. This means Mike and Will were left alone with the other canon couple in the party, Lucas and Max. Mike and Will spent a lot of time together, and probably picked up on a lot of signs they were attracted to each other.
The differences between how they reacted to that are hidden between their families. Despite being bullied for being queer, Will has Jonathan who is seen supporting Will and his “freakness”. However, Mike doesn’t have anyone like that. He’s probably never seen his parents be in love. The difference between him and Nancy is that Mike is a boy who likes a boy and Nancy is a girl who likes a boy. So Mike hides in his girlfriend to avoid the feelings he knows he has for his best friend.
Anyway, the reason why Will decidedly looks at Mike’s lips when he knows he’s looking, why he lingers and does it twice, is because that he felt okay doing this action for once since Mike did something to make him feel like he could. 
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Then later, on S3E3, we get the Byler rain fight scene. At first, it really is all about their friendship and how Will feels left behind. But after Mike says, “It’s not my fault you like girls,” the gears shift in Will’s head. We then focus a lot on his face. He doesn’t say anything, meaning we are supposed to be reading something just from his expression. He looks hurt, for obvious reasons, but also like he wants to say something back but he can’t. And it’s noticeable how quiet he is after Mike says that in comparison to how much he was talking before. He thought Mike and him had something that summer, that those lip glances and nonverbal signs and cues meant something, but then it all comes crumbling down once Mike says those words. Will wants to say something, maybe about how he thought he had a chance, how Mike made him think he did, (or maybe even “What the fuck, Mike!?” because…wtf Mike,) but then he realized he didn’t.
This is further backed by what Will says in response to Mike talking about them playing games in his basement forever. “Yeah. I guess I did. I really did.” Because he really thought there was the possibility of that, thought he was picking up on something, but Mike’s words made him realize he didn’t. He was just projecting his own romantic feelings onto the scenario. He’s upset at Mike and himself for being so stupid, stupid for different reason though.
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Only fools rush in, and in this moment, Will believes he is the biggest fool of them all. 
or maybe i’m delusional because it’s 2am
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mikewheelerswatch · 2 months ago
my biggest byler hc is that not only did mike call will while he was away but he did ALOT.
prior to this right after he left i think maybe he sent a letter to will a signed it love mike. then he got a letter from el signed the same thing and goes shit i shouldnt have done that thats gay.
anyways he calls him a lot like multiple times a day for months. but due to the fact that vecna was trying to cause issues, the line would always go to busy or voice mail. but after a bit, the phone would connect for a few seconds or something and then hang up.
the one time when mike actually got a person on the phone, its jonathan and he says that will is busy and cant talk right now.
and mike thinks that he's ignoring him and is super hurt by it.
he cant send letters bc letter gate and gay but he ends up sending one that says something along the lines of
lol i keep trying to call u and i keep missing you. so please be by the phone on this date at this time.
and this letter gets lost or stolen in the mail. but he sends it along with a letter to el and el responds to her letter so mike assumes that will must not want to talk to him. that he has new friends and has forgotten about him or thinks hes annoying or wtv. so he stops calling. but he keeps writing letters and stores them in a shoe box in his closet under a bunch of stuff so no one will find it. and every letter is adressed and has a stamp on it. 100% ready to send. and if hes writing a letter to el and will, wills letter gets the stamp even though he knows he'll never send it.
the day of the scheduled call, will doesnt pick up. mike goes upstairs and pulls out the box and just fuckin looses it and completely crashes out and starts kicking it or wtv. and general break down stuff. and he thinks that will must have gotten werided out or grossed out by the way he signed it and he ruined everything
anyways thats why he's weird at the airport
This is def my favorite so far
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leossmoonn · 1 year ago
Could you maybe do some head canons for like goth or alternative!reader x mike? Maybe he was intimidated when he first saw her or like Abby really likes the way she dresses and wants to borrow accessories from her and stuff? Idk this idea popped in my head you are such a good writer! 😺
yes! i’m not goth but i looked up some outfits and makeup and stuff. i know the media waters down goth style, but i hope this is what you had in mind!! this is also kind of all over the place sorry 😅
includes / warnings - reader fem, has piercings :D. hc format. after freddy’s.
first time mike sees you hearts shoot out his eyes like he’s in a cartoon
“what’re you staring at?” abby asks.
“uh,” mike trails off, not being able to answer as he literally locked on you. it’s when you glance over at him when his face get all red and he looks away and goes back to grocery shopping.
abby walks up to you after seeing mike’s interest and starts a conversation with you
mike tries to steer her away, but he can’t get to her before she says:
“my brother thinks you’re pretty.”
lmao if mike didn’t want to die before this, he definitely wanted to now
“oh, he does?” you grin at him.
mike visibly gulps. but he’s glad he’s closer to you and he can really see how hot you are lmao
“yeah,” he nods. “i-i really like your piercing,” he points to his own eyebrow where you have a piercing on your face.
“thank you. it’s new, actually.”
although mike was a little worried about abby running off to talk to you, in the end it was a good thing 😸
mike loves watching you do your makeup. he’ll sit there for hours staring at you for hours if he could
he loves watching your skilled hands paint eyeliner over your eyes. he likes watching you mix lipstick shades together to create the perfect shade you lay desire that day
“don’t you have to go to work?” you ask.
“i can be late if that means i get to stare at your pretty face.”
also, he’s just so impressed with how talented you are at doing makeup and will literally tell you how artistic you are just bc you know how to make a straight wing
mike loves the chunky heels and boots you wear. he likes when you tower over him 😼
not to mention, when the boots go up your thigh he lowk gets all hot and bothered by it lol
he also loves buying you new accessories to put in your piercings. the first holiday you spent together, he bought you a shit tone of necklaces and new pieces to put in your septum
mike loves taking you out. not only bc he loves showing you off in general. in his head he’s definitely walking around like “yeah i know i bagged the most beautiful woman in the world. all you other guys suck.”
but in all seriousness, he loves the dresses you put on. he always says you look like a vampire princess, and he’s not entirely wrong
the dresses you have are fabulous omg. there’s one where it all connects form a choker-like strap around your neck and has straps connecting to the sweetheart neckline of the dress (soz if this doesn’t make any sense lmfao). the dress is textured on the skirt and stops a little bit above your knees. and fuck if mike doesn’t just want to rip it off of you after also wanting to stare at you in it for all of eternity.
you also have this sleek, black, satin dress that has like a straight neckline and long sleeves and goes down to your feet.
everytime mike sees you wearing that he mouths literally waters
now, just to go back to the fact that he is super intimated when first dating you
he was so afraid he was going to be too boring for you or basic. and also just not the type guy you were looking for
but just to his luck, you think he is perfect for you
omg but in the first month or two do you two dating, i just imagine him finding out what music you like and trying to learn every word of every song to siouxsie and the banshees, specimen, sisters of mercy
it definitely does impress you and you think it’s so sweet
for your bday he definitely tries to take you to any concert he can get tickets to
now on the subject of abby, she is definitely obsessed with you
she’s always asking you to do her makeup for school, and you happily oblige!
mike always looking out for abby in his own way, so he was worried if she went to school caked with eyeliner, she would face some backlash, but he knows how happy it makes her — and you — to play with makeup
abby’s always asking mike she can get a tattoo and piercings
“abby, you just turned 11. you won’t be able to drive anytime soon, so no tattoos anytime soon.”
she’s always trying to have you convince him, but unfortunately you have to agree with mike
buuuuttt you do paint and draw designs on abby sometimes and she acts like their tattoos and that’s close enough for her until she’s older
you also buy her face piercings that hook on her nose and lip
mike does let her get her ears pierced once she promises she can handle the little needle poke and she proceeds to try and steal all your earrings lmao
luckily, you buy her copy cats of them so she can have her own
other random things:
mike definitely lets you paints his nails. this is not at all that crazy of an idea, but, it’s smth new he’s never done but he loves watching you get so excited. you can even practice nail art on him too
you have a couple of tattoos, specifically one that goes around the side of your thigh and it just makes him fall to his knees!!
Halloween you guys dress up as the Addams family !!!
so fitting cuz you’re a hot, powerful woman and mike’s like gomez: unwaveringly obsessed with you. and of course abby is wednesday hehe
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rvspecter · 8 months ago
About the "would you actually date Harvey Specter" post:
The core question is does Donna exist in this universe where this is possible. Bc if she exists I'm cooked and I wouldn't go near that situation.
But if not,
So here's the thing. Does he want to be dating me. Bc the Scottie thing earned him worst bf of the year, but also clearly bc he wasn't invested in it at all.
The comment about his anger issues feels valid but also he is so unseriously angry most of the time, like he'd be a brat and throw a fit and then I'd be like "stop being a bitch" and he'd be fine again idk. His emotional intelligence is in the negatives, which is bad, but he is able to occasionally talk about feelings which gives me hope. He's a workaholic but that wouldn't be an issue for me personally bc I am the kind of person that's better off having my own life and then savoring the time I do get with my partner, y'know?? I joke all the time that I need to date a med student who pulls like 16 hr days who i never really see but I cuddle with when they come home at night lmao.
Also even tho his emotional state is a huge red flag for most of the series (except when he finally gets with Donna heyo), I have a history of being down bad for emotionally unavailable tall men who literally don't know shit about engaging in a romantic relationship so I'm like yeah exactly I could do this lmao. I'd also be convinced I could fix him, personal red flag. Alsjskdjdj I just think this is such funny discourse
omg dying DYING ACTUALLY DYING AHSHAHAHHAHA idk if donna exists in this harvey specter x reader universe we haven't thought past tearing his clothes off but i love how ur going thru all the points I LOVE IT!!
YESSS HE WAS A TERRIBLE BF TO SCOTTIE but also... she kind of pushed him into it because he just wanted her to be around???
re: his anger issues r actually so funny because he gets his feelings hurt ALL THE TIME. but i think ur right in that he calms down quickly?? like remember that scene where he was CRAZY screaming at louis (because mike just screamed at him for interfering with his life) in s6 and donna sees it and she goes HARVEY ENOUGH and he tucks his tail away and retreats (but never apologizes to louis cries)
also rigghhhtttt his emotional intelligence is a problem but he gives enough signs of life that i'd think 'yeah we can work with this I CAN FIX HIMMMMMM'✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
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phoebebuggers · 2 months ago
modern party high school/college headcanons that will maybe kind of end up in my text au if i ever go back to it
mike is a tote bag user and a letterboxd fanatic!! he listens to alternative rock especially weezer but he's not a music elitist he likes pop and stuff too. he still plays dnd and i feel like he probably reads like classic fantasy book bro books u know (brandon sanderson, GOT, LOTR, prolly also like steven king and stuff which the rest of the party also like.) cat person. he is such a film bro it's obnoxious and he has to shove his letterboxd account down your throat every 5 minutes after meeting you. says he's bitter and evil but would do anything for his friends (canon.) video essay watcher. dirty-ass pair of falling apart converse at the end of their life begging for mercy that he refuses to replace. ADHD diagnosis.
will loves thrifting and coffee shops and museums but not in a performative pinteresty way he just genuinely likes these things. had an art hoe aesthetic phase around 2020 and will never live it down. subverting all gay stereotypes by not knowing anything about gay/stan twitter and being happier for it. kind of a music elitist ('can i see your spotify wrapped??') but not as much as jonathan who he learned from. still loves the smiths, the cure, etc but i think he would also be into modern indie nowadays. i feel like he would have a huge chapsticks/lip balm collection bc his lips are chapped all the time and it's just like a running joke atp. major art kid draws all the time we been knew listens to podcasts while he does art. goes to therapy
lucas is still kind of a jock but i'm kinda anti jock lucas because he will never truly fit in with them he will always be a nerd first!!!! still plays basketball tho and runs cross country (all men who run cross country are a little bit unhinged and free.) wears a hairtie on his wrist in case max needs one. kind of matches will's evil music complex from the other side with objectively good music def likes tyler, brent, frank, SZA (max likes the same their music taste kind of bled into each others.) very good social media presence like color coded feed, highlights, pinterest worthy pics etc (digital camera user.) likes to cook. chronic notes app list user. wanted to be a youtuber as a kid. type of guy to say "um, guys, that was awkward!" etc etc and everyone clocks him for it
dustin is a reddit user but not in a weird incel way in a genuinely helpful and knowledgable way. he also wanted to be a youtuber because he fucking loved matpat as a kid. he also would love the green brothers. a sneakerhead. keeps his keys on a carabiner (max tells him he looks like a lesbian.) also very up to date on pop culture like max is, probably quotes that one baron trump suitcase video daily among other things. does a few very good very niche impressions. i feel like everyone in the party is a good student but dustin is definitely the best a genuis future engineer or smth. he's the friend who always has those party games but can't read a cards against humanity card without laughing (max has to read for him)
el knows it's trash but loves reality TV (real housewives) and also glee. probably volunteers a lot. she was probably like the most boy-crazy fictional man/celebrity obsessed tween but ended up being bisexual/questioning lesbian. chronic story liker and responder so everyone thinks she's in love with them but she's actually just really nice and maybe doesn't 100% understand the social cue. she was also in theater because i want her to be her own genre of nerd maybe not in big roles because i don't see her as someone who loves being the center of attention but in ensemble. type of person to make goals like "try a new type of apple every week for a year".
max is up to date on tiktok/internet memes and kind of speaks fluent reference. probably watches real housewives and dance moms with el (will will join in occasionally for glee.) she also thrifts a lot of her clothes and has very cool style in kind of an idgaf what anyone else thinks way. huge flannel collection. does stage crew. i know she skateboards in canon and she still would but i feel like she would also do roller-derby or like speed skating or something. similar music taste to lucas but also a swiftie from a young age. had a panic at the disco phase and did crazy 2020 eyeliner (it's not a phase, mom) and will never live it down. keeps a journal. goes to therapy
mike and max never shut the fuck up during class and always have to whisper something objectively hilarious to each other/one of their friends while the teacher is talking
will el and max have a book club where at least someone lies about having read the book every month and they spend the whole meeting gossiping and eating snacks
will forced them all to get airbuds and airbuds reacts mike listening to mcr with mildly disappointed faces and cat emojis
mike and dustin had a phase where they were really into like conspiracy theories and UFOs and cryptids and stuff
lucas bought a stanley cup with no shame because 'it's so functional'
el is an ex-larry
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