#not bad for a ship that's only like 6 months old
v88sy · 6 days
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I know we're not reaching 4,000 before the premier, but my hope is to do it by the end of the year.
*I exclude Buck/Eddie in my search because I'm not here for Tommy bashing fics or just using Tommy for 5 seconds so he can be a gateway for a "feelings realization."
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syrupfog · 3 months
Hmmmm Sanji keeps his dress from Kambakka but one day when he’s looking for something deep in his locker the dress falls out and the crew get ahold of it. 
They think he’s stolen it from some poor girl and they scold him for it, how dare he actually act on his perv tendencies?
And Sanji like. Feels real weird and sad and upset and doesn’t understand why. Just grabs the dress and throws it overboard in a huff. Doesn’t explain to them where it came from because why would he. 
But he. He dwells on it. He’d kept the dress because he liked it.
Well. The dress was ugly. But he liked what it did to him. Made him feel… soft inside. 
But he can’t buy another one, not now. He knows, intrinsically, that it would be soul destroying for the crew to find a second dress and connect the dots— that they would realise that the dress is for him. That they would call him perverted for wanting to actually wear the dress. 
It’s one thing to yell at him for stealing a dress. It’s another thing entirely for them to yell at him for owning it for himself.
He doesn’t know why. Just knows that it would hurt. So badly. For them to associate perverted actions with his desire to feel that… softness again.
So he doesn’t. He doesn’t dare buy anything like that again, buries that self down deep for years. 
Maybe it’s after Luffy’s become pirate king. Maybe it’s after everything has settled down a bit. The crew meets with the Revolutionary Army and Iva is there.
And damn him, Iva just KNOWS things he shouldn’t, can strip someone bare with just a look. But when he looks to Sanji his expression is so SAD and it makes Sanji angry. How dare he be disappointed in him? Sanji’d never promised him anything, any change.
Maybe Iva takes him aside and Sanji’s ready for a lecture or a fight but all Iva does is say that if Sanji wants, he can raid Iva’s closet anytime. He’s welcome to anything in it. 
Sanji knows that there’s a lot of fishnets and leotards in there, but also… those dresses.
And maybe, I mean, they’re in a public place, maybe Zoro overhears. 
And he’s close enough to clock Sanji’s expression. He’s known the cook long enough to know what yearning looks like on him.
I dunno! I dunno what happens next! Probably that Zoro watches Sanji a lot because that’s what he does! Probably that he reevaluates small things like the way Sanji gazes in shop windows! Probably he does something really stupid like makes brazen comments at dinner
About how the revolutionaries could probably teach Nami a thing or two about clothes and even the guys look good in those romper things and skirts or whatever. 
He’s probably real bad at it!! He’s saying dumb shit and Nami gets mad because she dresses just how she wants shut up!
Man. I dunno it prob still takes a while. But this is still before Sanji and Zoro are together. Because I think that Zoro supporting Sanji as a member of the crew is nice, that Sanji never worries that this is Zoro being blinded by love and willing say do things he doesn’t mean.
Like this is gruff annoying Zoro who fights with him and argues with him but Sanji sees the openings he gives. 
Maybe the next time, another 6 months or a year down the line, that they see Iva, Zoro drags Sanji to her closet. Says “come on cook she could teach you some lessons in fashion, the suits are getting old.” 
And maybe that’s the first time in three or four years that Sanji considers it. Puts on a dress that’s tight around the waist and it’s not tailored well— all his suits are tailored perfectly— but he gets that soft feeling again.
And it’s so fucking embarrassing to cry in front of Zoro so he doesn’t. 
Or at least Zoro doesn’t comment on it. 
And Zoro insists that Sanji takes it. He grabs a few others and throws them into Sanji’s arms and he’s somehow managed to pick out the most hideous ones that Sanji can imagine, but he’s overwhelmed and touched. 
And maybe he starts small, back on the ship, but Zoro acts as a guard dog against the idea of anyone saying anything. Only has to actually snap at someone once (it’s Brook. Come on, man.) about how it’s not a perv thing get your eyes fixed (yohoho I don’t have eyes!) and Sanji takes a bit to recover from that but he does. Eventually. 
And dresses aren’t an all the time thing they’re impractical and sometimes just not what his brain wants.
But maybe an extra bit of lace on his suits is good sometimes. Or a bodice under his collared shirt, just for the shape it gives him. 
Or, on very rare occasions (when most of the crew is off exploring for the day) a miniskirt. 
Maybe some days it’s nothing.
It’s fine. It’s all fine. It just gives him that soft feeling inside, that settled, good feeling. 
It’s just, you know, a quiet happy ending.
(Also yeah he and Zoro start hooking up and then get together and all of that is messy as HELL and full of fights and crying and two day breakups and getting back together but that’s a different thing. Totally unrelated).
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bluecollarmcandtf · 9 months
Revenge Body
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The day he dumped my sister...
This is a photo of Eric the day he dumped my sister. According to him, she wasn't good enough to be with a hotshot architect like him! Eric thinks highly of his career and appearance, and he loves himself more than he could love any woman.
My sister had to find that out the hard way.
What Eric doesn't know is that his ex-girlfriend comes from a family of witches. In fact, her speciality is contacting the dead, and that's exactly what she did...
My sister summoned me, her dear-old brother, from beyond the grave and spilled the tea on her ex-boyfriend. Even though I was dead, I was furious with the man, so I agreed to help with my sister's revenge scheme. It might've been petty and unethical, but I was in! Eric needed to lose what he loved most...
2 months later...
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"He's fattening right up!" I sent a selfie to my sister, cradling the bloated gut that hung from my chest.
That's right. I jumped into Eric's body and possessed his ass! In only a short time, I'd completely transformed the jerk's entire existence. I was dragging his perfect body and career down the drain!
After performing Eric's dramatic emotional breakdown at his architectural firm, I got fired and kicked out of the building. I strutted his body back to his place, and quickly sold everything he owned. I got rid of his fancy clothes, his shiny sports car, and his luxury apartment. All the money went directly to my sister. I used what was left to rent out the crappiest little apartment I could find.
It was in that seedy rat-infested motel that I gleefully began to destroy Eric's carefully maintained body. I packed his tight stomach full of beer and fast food, shaved his perfect head of hair, and donned an unwashed outfit I thrifted from a GoodWill.
Now that he was unemployed, I got him a job with a construction company. I made sure to get started with the same crew that Eric used to supervise as the architect. Needless to say, there were a lot of angry tradesmen who weren't happy to see him...
6 Months Later...
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Apparently, construction workers really don't like architects, so they were all constantly badmouthing Eric behind my back. I didn't really stop them, but I also didn't really keep them from doing it to my face either. With me in control, Eric was just a pathetic, submissive loser, and all his new coworkers knew they could push him around.
I didn't wash Eric once while wearing him. My nose eventually became numb to his ripe body odor, but I noticed the disgusted looks on everyone's face when they were near. His skin was constantly itchy with dry sweat and dirt too, but I didn't bother buying him anything else to wear. As far as I was concerned, Eric would get up, work, and sleep in the same repurposed clothes I bought for a few bucks.
By this point, the lean muscles he'd been so proud of were long gone. A heavy layer of blubber hung off his whole body, and he was practically unrecognizable with his shaved head and unkept beard. Giving his heavy beergut a jolly shake, I chuckled and knew it was finally time to move to the final phase...
Present Day...
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It was mid-afternoon when I jumped ship. I abandoned his body after a long morning of heavy lifting, leaving Eric exhausted, sweaty, and caked in mud.
Eric regained control of his senses for the first time after 6 months of being possessed by me. He stood there for a moment, all 280 lbs of him, simply staring at his surroundings in disbelief and confusion.
He didn't start yelling until he looked down and saw the state of his precious body. I doubt he had ever felt so slimy and gross before. As I said, I made sure to leave his body as disgusting as possible for him.
Don't feel bad for him though. My sister and I just made Eric as disgusting on the outside as he was on the inside...
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thealtoduck · 1 year
My Jolly Sailor Bold
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Sam Winchester x Male Reader
Content: Old Timey Sailor AU? (Idk what to call it)
Warnings: Smut, Bottom!Reader, Top!Sam, age gap reader is 18 and Sam is 25, loss of virginity, anal sex, unprotected sex, fingering, spit as lube, missionary position…
Summary: During a walk you meet eyes with a handsome sailor and there is an instant connection…
(A/n: Honestly i’ve only seen like 6 episodes of Supernatural… like 2 years ago, so Sam might be very out of character… just so you know)
Your father was a merchant, a merchant who traveled and transported all sorts of goods across the sea to sell and bring home the money to his family. He had taken three of his sons to act as part of the crew of his ship only leaving the 2nd oldest and the youngest sons behind in their hometown.
He left Remus, the second oldest, in charge to take care of business and to care for his wife/Remus mother and the youngest son. And the youngest son is you Y/n L/n…
One summers morning you were walking through the shipping port, you had just seen off your father and your older brothers, they were going on another voyage on the dangerous ocean. Your mother had been crying seeing them leave again, as soon as they boarded she had gotten down on her knees praying for their safe return.
Your older brother Remus decided to escort her home, so he could comfort her over a cup of tea and some biscuits. But you wanted to see the ship leave port and decided to stay a bit longer.
As you walked you watched the different people, some were saying goodbye to loved ones as they were about board the ships, others were unloading the wares from far off places and even some kids just looking for a good spot to fish.
Then your eyes fell on a man, presumably a sailor, he had a very handsome face, he was looking out to the sea. The sailor’s attention had drifted from the sea… and on to you. Your eyes met his as you walked past and it felt as if your heart was pierced by cupid himself when he looked at you. You felt you would get odd glances by the crowds if you continued looking at each other for too long, so you broke eye contact and kept walking.
Once you reached the edge of the pier you sat down on the edge, legs hanging over the water. A while later you saw your father’s ship drift out of port slowly. But you noticed something, the sailor you had seen before was standing portside gazing longingly back at the dock.
Back at you…
You smiled at him, he smiled back.
You waved at him, he waved back.
Then another crew member seemed to call him over, he gave you one last smile and wave and then he turned around and left. And you watched as the ship traveled in to the distance before you left and went home.
A month later…
Your father’s ship should be returning today, so you, Remus and your mother once again traveled down to the port to greet your father and three brothers.
Though you weren’t only there for your father and brothers, their return would mean the unknown sailor would be returning along with them. Which meant you could finally meet him. The smile of the sailor had lingered in your head through the month there was something special about him.
Once you were at the pier you could see the merchant’s ship was approaching. As soon it had docked the gangway was lowered and the crew rushed off the ship to reunite with their loved ones.
Your father and three brothers stepped over the gangway together and greeted you, Remus and your mother lovingly. Your brothers immediately started telling you stories about the journey. But it was hard to keep up because all 3 of them were telling different stories at the same time.
Your father interrupted them saying ”Boys, boys, calm down there’s plenty of time for stories later”. He then turned to you, your mother and Remus and said ”First things first, we’ll have a guest for a couple of days, one of the sailors, he has no family or wife to go home to and i felt bad for the man, so i thought he could stay with us for a couple of days for some company”.
”See now where is he?” your father questioned looking around. ”Oh, there he is. Sam! Over here!” he called over the man. When you saw the sailor coming over it felt as if your breath was knocked out of your body.
It was the handsome sailor you had waved to when they left. He stopped in front of your family with a shy smile. ”This is Sam Winchester”. Your father introduced him first to your mother, then to Remus and lastly you.
”And this Sam, is my youngest son, Y/n” he introduced. You and Sam shook hands and you said ”It’s nice to meet you Mr Winchester”. ”Please, just Sam” he said with a nice smile. The eight of you then traveled back to your family home.
You spent the whole day listening to the never ending stories of your brothers adventures on the voyage. And it became a blessing when it was finally bedtime and you could finally escape them.
Though you couldn’t fall asleep that evening, it was just impossible. Your bed was either too warm or too cold, too soft or too hard, there was just no way to feel comfortable. You decided to get up and get a cup of tea and maybe read a bit.
Though when you walked down stairs in to the sitting room you were suprised to see Sam was up reading a book in candlelight. Sam looked towards you and said ”Oh sorry Y/n, did i wake you?”.
”No, don’t worry about it, i just couldn’t sleep” you explained and then questioned ”How about you?”. ”Couldn’t sleep either” he answered simply with a small smile. ”Would you like some tea?” you asked. ”I’d love some” Sam said.
You went in to the kitchen and lit some more candles for light and then started making some tea. You went back in the sitting room with a tea tray and sat down on the couch beside him.
You tried to think of conversation topics but Sam spoke up first saying ”You know, i remember you from the day the ship left, you were the only one who really saw me off and i wanted to thank you, it meant a lot, it kept me going on the raging sea as if i had someone to come back too”.
You smiled brightly at him. ”That means a lot to hear, i actually thought a lot about you, you seemed so mysterious… so i wondered who you were, what your name was and if i’d ever see you again” you told him, a warm look forming on his face.
”What were you reading?” you then asked looking at the book Sam had been reading. Sam looked at the book and said ”It’s an old tale about a sailor and what he sees during his travels, and at one point he believes he sees people of the sea, mermaids and mermen, he describes them as beautiful and graceful, pure of the sins of man and who’s echoing voices sounds like touching the softest silk”.
”In fact everytime i pictured them all i saw was you waving from that dock, from the way they’re described all i could see was your face” Sam revealed looking deeply in to your eyes. You were at a loss of words. Sam then caught himself saying ”Sorry, got a little-” he tried but you cut him off saying curiously ”Read me a passage, about the sea people”.
Sam smiled picking up the book, flipping a couple pages and read to you ”While passing the foreign lands, sitting on a rock close to the shore sat a young man of otherworldly beauty, the man was bare, his wet skin glistening in the sun. There was an ethereal esscense to him as he waved politely towards me”.
Sam moved closer to you as he countinued reading ”The man looked carefree and untouched by the sins of men, he was glowing as if he was untainted, sent from heaven. It made me want to get closer and touch him, to feel if his skin felt the same as mine, to feel his body pressed to mine to see if he remains as immaculate as when i first saw him”.
Sam finished and looked up from the book at you, meeting your gaze. He had put the book aside and put his hand on the side of your face, stroking it softly. ”That was beautiful” you said in an amazed whisper. ”I know, I was the one who wrote it… I wrote it about you” Sam said and pushed his lips to yours.
You had never been kissed before but Sam’s soft lips guided you. He took your hand in his squeezing it lightly. He then pulled away from the kiss saying ”Come with me” and he started leading you towards the guest room. He lead you inside and closed the door behind the two of you.
He then pulled you back in to a kiss, his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him, your clothed bodies pressed together. Sam led you to the bed making you sit down on it. ”Have you ever done something like this?” he asked in a kind tone.
You shook your head shyly. ”Do you want me to show you?” he asked, his hand lifting you chin ever so slightly. ”Yes” you told him. He then made you stand up again and started slowly undressing you.
You felt aroused as Sam lastly pulled off your night shirt leaving you naked in front of him. He looked you up and down as he stroked your hip trailing his fingers over your soft skin. ”You’re heavenly” he said feeling your body in his hands.
He then started undressing himself until he was fully unclothed too. ”Touch me” Sam instructed and guided your hand to his chiseled chest. You stroked his chest down to his to his belly button. He then took you hand and led it even lower, putting your hand on his manhood.
He squeezed his hand around yours making you stroke his manhood. ”Feel that, that’s what you do to me” he told you. He then led you back to the bed and made you lay down softly on your back and then layed down next to you and once kissing you.
He pulled back from you’re lips. ”You’re so pure, it makes me want to shelter you from all the evils of the world… but it also makes me want to be the one to stain your innocence and make you mine” he said letting his hands drift down to your crotch. His fingers grazing against your length making you let out soft excited moans.
”Make me yours” you told him as you took his hand and pressed it against your crotch. Sam gave you a light smile and moved from your side to towards the foot of the bed, he grabbed your ankles and parted them, speading your legs.
He then moved himself inbetween them, he leaned towards you and said ”Open your mouth”. You did as told and Sam put his middle and index finger in your mouth making you suck on them.
He then pulled them out and brought them to your untouched enterance trailing over it lightly. He then asked ”Ready?”, you nodded. Then you felt the strange feeling as his wet index finger started pushing in to you.
You gasped at the new feeling as he used his finger to pentrate you. It hurt a bit at first as he pushed in but then you started adjusting to him. Soon enough Sam pushed in his middle finger, streching you out even more, as that pain soon turned to pleasure Sam pulled out his fingers.
He then spit in his hand rubbed it over his manhood. Sam once more held your legs spread as he lined himself up with your enterance. He whispered gently ”Ready sweetheart?”. ”Yes” you answered and Sam slowly started pushing himself in to your tight virgin hole.
You threw your head back as you felt his thick length enter you, Sam covered your mouth as to not wake up your parents and have them find him deflowering their youngest son. ”Fuck” Sam swore as he felt your hole clench around his cock as it slowly sunk in to you.
Sam continued pushing all the way until his manhood was planted in you. ”You’re doing so well” Sam praised as he watched you breath deeply as you slowly adjusted to his size. Soon he noticed your pain was turning in to bliss. ”Sam” you moaned deeply.
Once your pained features had turned to ones pleasure Sam slowly started rolling his hips carefully, pushing his length in and out of you as gently as he could. Your arms were wrapped Sam’s back as the foreign sensation of his cock made you uncontrollably moan.
Sam placed kisses along your collarbone as his cock was kneaded by your warmth. ”You’re so beautiful” Sam told the virgin boy beneath him as he watched him be defiled by his manhood, it was a once in a lifetime sight.
Sweat started forming between the two of you and to Sam you looked just like described in his book, your damp skin really was glistening from the moonlight that entered the room. Sam started rolling his hips faster making you wrap your legs around his body.
The two of you had become a wet tangeled mess as Sam thrusted gently in to your ass giving you a sense of euphoria as he hit your prostate, giving you a feeling you could only ever dream off.
”Sam” you moaned as you felt a sudden new feeling as if you were about to erupt. Then your hard cock started shooting cum all over yours and Sam’s abdomens. This made Sam go feral and he shoved his face in the crook of your neck, planting deep kisses as he moaned.
His thrusts became rougher as he searched for his own release while saying animalistically ”I’m gonna fill you with my cum”. And with a last roll of his hip, his cock pushed deep inside you, he burst, filling you up with his seed. He then slowly pulled out of you, sitting on his kness between your legs.
He looked down on the beautiful young man he had deflowered, leaving him leaking with his load. Sam felt proud of himself. He laid down next to you with a gentle smile and said ”You were amazing” and planted a kiss on your lips.
You were close to falling asleep as you were all tuckered out from the experinence. Sam went and got up and got a rag to clean you up with, once he finished he helped you back in to your sleep wear. Then he carried you to your room putting you in bed saying ”Goodnight, beautiful” kissing your cheek one last time before you fell asleep.
Sam went back down to the sitting room and got his book, taking it back to the guest room placing it on the writing table, the next day he would write another chapter in it.
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chizoies · 7 months
The Lore Drop:
Alright,in this alternative universe the whole gang is a family. Robin and Franky are married and they are the parents. Brook is Franky’s adoptive father. Jinbei is Robin’s biological father. Brook is African (Nigerian (Bantoid))American and he was never married. Franky is caucasian, his roots comes from Turkiye. Jinbei is Indian, he married Olvia, she is Brazilian. So Robin is half Indian half Brazilian.
Only Luffy and Chopper are Frobin’s biological children.
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When Robin and Franky got married, they had realised that they are rich enough to set on a quest to help the children of need so they went to see the world. HEAR ME OUT it makes sense because um Jinbei is a very respected doctor and Brook is a renowned musician; Franky own a ship/boat/cruise fix company and Robin is a doctor in the archeology field 😁 they are rich rich
First, Luffy was born. And their first destination was Japan. That is where they adopted Zoro. He was in Juvenile. They sorted out things and adopted this child to save him. Cause he was innocent. Luffy was 6 and Zoro was 10 when this happened. (I know the punishment age range is after 14 in Japan but the crime they were accusing him of was so severe or something that they had to, like you should know I’m just making shit up leave me alone)
After a few months they go to Finland. That is where they adopt Nami. A Swedish girl who was in the hands of a gun mafia that killed her sister and mother. She was 9. So they fight fight and get her.
The new year comes, and they decide to go to Mozambique. That is where they meet Usopp! When Franky and Zoro was walking through streets with full of shops and all, they run into Usopp (same age as Luffy) who was selling things he built. Usopp’s father Yasopp left their home when he was born, and her mother dies of sickness. The social workers does not give shşt about the poor. Franky sees this spark in him. He and Zoro buys things from him. And at the end of the day Franky asks if he wants a family they can be one to him. Usopp refuses because of his sick friend Kaya. Saying that he cannot leave her. Later in the week, yk the drill they show everyone that Kuro is bad person blah blah, they both save Kaya and Usopp. Usopp accepts to be part of their family.
They make BIG AHH turn and go to France. They drop at some seaside town. Such a nice touristic place. But so many shop owners with rent complaints. The mayor of this town goes againts its country’s law and increases the rents per SECOND. They dig down this mystery by accident and find out that the mayor is a evil motherfrucker scientist. He also has a son , Sanji (10 yo), whose very much so sweet. They want to fight the scientist but the country is actually supporting him. Since his products and the stuff he does supports the economy or something. So they technically kidnap Sanji. But Sanji needs it. With Franky’s relations they get him a fake id and all that. But they promise that ona day they will have enough power to defeat him. Sanji is happy.
The next destination is Canada. That is exactly where Franky and Robin decides to make another child 😁
After that they go to Egypt. They come across an organisation that Robin did her internship, the one that ran by Sir Crocodile. They find a lost child named Vivi. Vivi is an 8 year old who is getting used by Crocodile. They save her, save the country, yay! Allthough Vivi was a part of their family for a quite time after they learned that Vivi was a princess, they help her to meet her father. The Strawhats leave Egypt and promise eachother that they will meet again.
After 9 months Chopper is born. And the family is complete for now. But they are still in a quest to help children. Or to collect them lol. After a while the grandpas also join their quest. And yeah thats it. I would binge read it if someone makes a fanfic about it.
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abbyfmc · 2 months
Under the water
Submechanophobia: Irrational fear of man-made things submerged in water, whether boats, canoes, cruise ships, submarines, animatronics, or other mostly metal objects.
That being said, I can imagine a yandere boy (boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, or whatever) next to you, in situations related to this interesting phobia.
TW: Well, submechanophobia, harassment, probable psychological damage and yandere behavior.
[Y🔧A🔧N🔧D🔧E🔧R🔧E A🔧N🔧D🔧R🔧O🔧I🔧D]
🔧1- It could have been like I said, an android, a robot or a mechanical attraction that:
1.1- It could have been aquatic: That is, it operated or continues to operate in water attractions, whether partially or completely submerged in water.
1.2- It was abandoned: It no longer operates because it had many continuous failures, malfunctioned or simply stopped being profitable and therefore, it ended up abandoned in a very humid place or under water.
1.3- Flood: The place where it operated was flooded in catastrophic and irreparable ways.
2. I'd like to think that you would be a worker, or the engineer who was in charge of maintaining it personally (and therefore, you spent a lot of time with it). You did constant maintenance as a daily job, and on a few occasions "emergency maintenance"; repairing possible faults on him.
3. Everything was going well until your attraction was "temporarily" closed for whatever reason, the android or yandere robot found out, he had faith in seeing you again.
4. --Well, maybe she's busy today.-- He said when a day went by without seeing you after his attraction closed.
5. --Well, maybe she's on vacation. I'm looking forward to seeing her so she can tell me everything during my maintenance.-- I would say after a few days or weeks. He still has hope of seeing you again, specifically you.
6. --My water is getting dirty and I haven't seen her for a long time. I don't like this at all; has something happened to her? -- It must have been many months or a year and by now the standing water is mouldy and very dirty; she hasn't seen you or any other worker for a year or two, so she can't ask anyone about you either.
7. He slowly realized that he was abandoned by his creator company, but he refused to believe that he was abandoned by you. He was hoping that you would come back, talk to him, and maintain him again. But the years passed and he only began to rust and rot more and more.
8. Fortunately for him, the company that owns the theme park called you and others to inspect the facilities in detail to determine the future of each area.
9. You decided to visit your old work area, not knowing that he is still there, alive and waiting for you.
10. Everything was bad. The paint was peeling, rusty and damp; some parts had fallen off; there was a lot of noise everywhere; it was damp due to the place being there; not to mention the terrible smell of mouldy, stagnant water that hasn't been changed for years. You and your team walked around the site, not imagining that you weren't alone, as your old friend noticed your presence and worse yet… he had seen you.
11. I was happy to see you, but I HATED seeing your teammates with you. I thought they were the ones responsible for taking you away from him, and there was no way I was going to let you go this time.
12. He would kill your team one by one, coming out of the water to drag them and drown them in the dirty water.
13. No, he won't accept you leaving him and abandoning him once again. He will play hide and seek with you and come out of the water to look for you. Once he finds you, you would see how the water and the passing of time affected him; he will come to you, pick you up and take you with him to be together once again, like in the past.
14. He would sense your terror at seeing him not only submerged, but at the fact that he has somehow come to life, remembers you, and is willing to drown you if it means you'll stay together until the end of your days.
-The End.
So, what do you think about it?
I've never seen any stories about yandere boys (especially androids or robots) related to this phobia, so I decided to take the risk and see how it goes. I'm not lying, I like the concept of a yandere android or robot that has been abandoned and when you return to the place, he's already waiting for you.
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Deal Maker's Chapter 196
TL;DR - Game console has a fingerprint recognition function, so Cale couldn't play it. Wi tempting Cale and Raon to stay longer. Alberu and Cale talk about Ahn Roh Man. Cale meets GoB and GoH.
Unplayable Game
So the game console wouldn't let Cale play it because there was a fingerprint recognition function. Even creating a new user needed the fingerprint of the previous owner of the game console. Thus, Cale asked Ron to borrow for a while Blood Demon's arms that got cut off before she turned to dust.
There was some details about the game. The player's avatar was a child, though the child's sex was unclear to Cale. The child stood on a meadow and five planets in different colors were in the sky.
One funny part here:
Cale: (Wait, is it okay for me to show myself operating this game console so naturally to Ron? Uhh... it's too late now though...) Cale: *smiles awkwardly at Ron* Ron: *has a strained smile* Cale: (Did he just look at me as if I'm very funny?) Ron: *reverts back to his gentle smile* I will be heading to Chief Eunuch Wi then. Cale: ...Uh, okay.
Now that this arc is nearing its end, are we finally going to have Cale's conversation with the Molans? I'll be cheering for you, Cale! 😂
Wi's Temptations
The chief eunuch pleaded to Cale to stay in the Central Plains longer by offering him lots of stuff. Slacker life? We'll grant that dream for you! Central Plains food tour? No problem! Raon wants sweets? We have the most delicious fruits, though it will only ripen in 6 months.
Cale's reaction to that was to avoid Wi and try to leave the Central Plains as soon as possible. 🤣🤣🤣 He even found Wi scary when Wi attempted to tempt Raon with sweets. But c'mon, Cale. Someone's finally offering you a chance at a slacker life, but you're running away from it?
Then again, given how the murim people were keeping their distance from Cale as if he was someone so amazing they couldn't dare to approach, Cale's reaction was not a surprise. Yes, Cale. Your bad feeling is right. They are your Caleism believers.
However, HD was now following CH around instead of Cale. What? What about my HD x Cale ship? Did I just see it sinking? Nooooo... 😭
Bright Alberu
We had another conversation with our bright sun, and they discussed about Ahn Roh Man. Cale dismissed the possibility of Ahn Roh Man being a hunter, and Alberu said he would contact Ahn Roh Man through the customer service line of Taerang to get more information.
Cale noticed that Alberu was brightly smiling, and when he asked why, Alberu replied that he had just finished talks with other countries about Cale's mine exports. Cale viewed his smile as insidious, but the author poetically described the smile as "fresher than the flowers blooming on a spring day."
Cale wanted Alberu to come with him in his world hopping, but realized that if Alberu did that, it would only be if Zed was involved and it was a dire situation. Ah, I guess we won't have Alberu going to other worlds too. 😞
Cale and the Gods
Cale finally read GoD's message, and immediately refused meeting GoB. But GoD insisted, even suggesting Cale to just have a peek of GoB's face.
However, things didn't work out for Cale because GoD told Cale that the very impatient GoB was actually heading his way! Cale was still in Blood Demon's childhood bedroom, but he suddenly heard the sound of heels and found himself alone in the room.
Just like GoD, Cale froze and found himself unable to move at the presence of GoB. And when GoB spoke, Cale thought that GoB's voice resembled an elegant old lady... YES! My theory was right! GoB's a woman! 🤩 Our dom mommy Goddess of Balance! Or was it grandma because her voice sounded like an old lady?
GoB explained to Cale that his actions were causing imbalance, and the other worlds and gods had to carry the "counteracting weights" to maintain balance. But Cale and his companions were overdoing it, so the others were having a hard time.
She was grateful to Cale for his work against the hunters, but still warned him that despite his good intentions, balance had to be maintained. And cautioned him that some of the imbalance he created might even come back and harm him and his companions who caused the imbalance. This was something that even she could not stop.
Cale was shocked at her words, and she laughed "Fufu" before proposing a solution - become a god. Okay, I seriously laughed hard at this one. 🤣🤣🤣
GoB said that if a god's myth spreads across worlds, the "laws" of those worlds would accept it as reality, and thus create a new balance. She whispered to Cale's ear if he wanted to become a god, and added that rejecting it was a bad idea.
Her voice sounded gentle and soft, but was also oppressive and insistent. Her words had an irresistible charm, but Cale resisted it. Or more like, Cale was busy trying to resist DA from running wild. 😂
However, while GoB was talking to Cale, another god arrived. It was the God of Hope (GoH), whose arrival was signaled by the flickering lights in the room. And DA's response to that was cutely hilarious. 😂
GoB: *tries to recruit Cale into godhood* DA: Don't stop me, Cale! I want to make a god kneel! Cale: (No.) DA: LET ME OUT, CALE! Cale: (Why are the ancient powers so crazy?) GoH: *arrives in the room* DA: Oh, two gods are too much. Okay, bye! Haha! Cale: (This crazy bastard...)
Ending Remarks
I very much enjoyed today's chapter. The gods part was the best. Cale's slacker life dream keeps getting further from him though... 😂Next chapter would be a continuation of Cale's meeting with the gods. Will GoH also recruit Cale to be a god? 🤣🤣🤣
P.S. GoD, you lucky guy. You get to have mommy Goddess of Balance to dominate you? 😳
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pauking5 · 1 year
Addicting Taste ~ Chapter 1 ~
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Ongoing Series
Synopsis: Enishi Yukishiro was on a mission to execute his piece de la resistance. A plan to avenge his beloved sister. Until you showed up, rattling open the icy closed gates of his heart. Will you be a part of his downfall or will you try to save him?
Pairing: Enishi Yukishiro x fem reader oc
Genre: strangers to lovers, sunshine and grumpy, slow burn, a lot of fluff, occasional smut, angst by the bucket
Words: 6.7k +
A/N: I couldn’t hold back anymore and had to make a fic for Enishi. It won’t exactly follow the Rurouni Kenshin timeline for now but it will later develop into it. This is the first chapter in the series with more chapters coming. It is a reader insert as I couldn’t help but indulge myself in it completely. Powered by Mackenyu’s outstanding portrayal of Enishi’s character in Rurouni Kenshin: The Final, I hereby present you a story ripped from the figments of my mind. I hope you’ll love their story as much as I do. Enjoy lovelies, Paula.
Also thank you @eureka-its-zico for supporting me with this and getting me writing again 🫶
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Bonus Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
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“Just how stupid are you?”
A loud smack echoed in the room upon connecting with his cheek, heavy rugged palm twisting his face to the side. He clicked his jaw menacingly, facing forward once more with another devilish smirk.
“You thought you could just get away with it?”
Another heavy punch collided with his face, this one making him drop to his knees. He might have been kneeling, completely at the mercy of someone with much more power in command, but this show of authority trying to assert him into submission did absolutely nothing for him.
Lest the displeasure of being Shanghai's commander in chief's unexpected catch of the night. Maybe even the catch of his whole career.
“You’re a fool.”
Heard that one before, he prepared to spit out like burning acid crawled out of his throat.
Just as the rims of his mouth opened to let the words out, he got cut off by an uppercut digging hard under his chin, throwing his body backwards. He tasted iron on his lips. The force of the blow made blood pool in his mouth surprisingly. He didn't think the old man capable of this much damage but as it turns out he had a thing for facial damage. A pleasure Enishi wanted so badly to return.
Spitting it out through clenched teeth at the side, staining the limestone carpet with crimson splotches to redecorate the man's office with a little color. He would've added other shades of red to the whole carpet, rounding it up on each and every shimmering golden seam until everyone in the room contributed. If only his hands were not bound behind his back, constricting most of his movement.
The man standing tall before him left his face full of cuts and bruises. But that was the least of Enishi’s worries right now.
Many months were spent tracking down the biggest shipment of weapons set to leave Shanghai for Kanagawa. Tonight, Enishi’s men were supposed to rob the storage by the docks completely dry before the ship set sail in the morning with empty cargo. But it turned out to be a harder task than it was intended to be.
He couldn't tell where it all went wrong.
Was it just bad luck? That would've been a first under the remarkable security he had around the area.
Was it a tip-off from the inside? Highly unlikely. If that was the case, he would've smelled the motherfucker who chirped before they even thought it possible to cross him.
Whatever it was, changed the course of the whole plan, rendering it nothing short of a total fail.
That fail was also what led to his current position - with his hands tied roughly behind his back, bloody with his patience running thinner with each breath, lying on the floor of the most secure precinct in Shanghai.
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A few hours ago
“These dumplings are amazing,” you sighed happily, munching on three baozi dumplings at once.
The lady vendor grimaced at you. Well, less at you and more at your clear lack of manners since you were practically inhaling the soft dough before it even landed in the palm of your hands like a famished grizzly bear.
Leftover crumbs decorated the edges of your lips as you chomped down on the dumplings. You forgot all about etiquette when the food literally melted in your mouth. Heaven was definitely found in food and not in the afterlife and these little desserts were the very proof of it. Your stomach also agreed with that claim every time your mouth touched dumplings in any shape, form or filling.
Who could resist those plump, freshly made babies?
Not me. Ya'll stay safe though.
A little boy walked by with his mother when he caught sight of the dumpling cart. He ran to the cart gluing his face to the glass to watch the lady work the next batch. His breaths fogged up the glass as he gaped at the steaming dumplings in awe and adoration. But when he turned his head and saw the way you were devouring the small pastry like a goblin from the woods his face turned to pure disgust.
What do you want child, you muttered, cheeks filled with the new cherry filling you were trying out. He said nothing, continuing to stare you down as if you had some unresolved business with him.
You were getting annoyed by his staring, so you shot the little boy a slightly threatening look in hopes he would turn back to watch the magic dough rather than try to make enemies with you. Instead he started crying, running off in the direction he came from. You watched until he got tinier and tinier, disappearing somewhere in the depths of the street.
His mother watched the whole exchange from behind you. Upon meeting her burning gaze, she regarded you with a condescending look then followed after her child.
You turned back to your dumplings, chewing slowly in guilt. It wasn't your fault children had the temperament of the unpredictable weather forecast. The vendor lady did not seem to share your opinion, pinning you with an icy authoritative glare typical of her generation. The one that usually scared off the youngsters.
“Can you leave before you scare all my clients away?” she said, irritated with the fact that you’ve been hogging her cart for the past half an hour and you didn't look like you would be leaving anytime soon.
“Listen lady, I am your only client. Plus, I could buy your whole cart if I wanted to. Just let me enjoy these,” you said with your mouth full, reaching for another bag of dumplings on sale. She smacked your hand away, looking down at the bags you were already holding safely on your chest.
“I’ll be the one leaving then," she hissed as she started to put away the steaming buns away and gathered all her tools, folding the cart faster than you could catch up to her. "You might spoil my dough from raising if I stay here any longer,”
“Wait! You can’t just leave -"
By the time you yelled after trying to stop her from leaving with the heaven-sent goodies, she was already gone. Old ladies really are a different breed these days, you thought. Cooking, knitting and chit-chatting were activities that seemingly didn't provide them with enough soul sucking out of people to their heart's content.
Anywho, there went your only meal for the day. At least it was a nice filling one to last you some time and kick in some energy your body desperately needed. You looked down at your stomach with a sigh, patting in a comforting manner before you turned to go on your own way.
The crisp air of mid-October made its presence felt as an icy gust blew against the sleeves of your cotton dress making the material flutter and fill you up with cold air. Your attire was nothing short of inappropriate for the lingering cold season, but the leather bits, like the corset laced up over your chest or the pants under it, kept a fraction of warmth with you.
The chilly weather made it harder to do any jobs, take out hitlist services not requested as much in this period of time. Rage requests usually came with the hot scorching summer rather than the fall of the first autumnal fog. That meant you never knew where your next meal would be coming from most of the time, so you powered through with anything you could find. Though your money was slowly running on empty, you always made sure to keep some aside for your delicacy cravings.
Only mad people walked the streets of Shanghai, the city of all things food confectionery, without indulging in at least one treat from the vendors. Broke or not, you emptied your pockets here on good measure.
There was a downside to all good things in life.
The once bustling street, buzzing with chatter and sizzling pans where savory and sweet scents danced in the air, turned awfully quiet with nightfall. It was the norm in this part of the city. Vendors were quickly packed away and activity was slowly coming to a halt in the wake of the coming night. Any normal person in these parts would know that being on the streets when the last flicker of daylight disappears wasn’t safe in the slightest.
Who would want to be out in the dark with the Shanghai mafia having a full blown war with the commander in chief on the streets until the early hours of dawn? Definitely no one in all faculties of the mind or at least some.
Clutching the rest of your dumplings closer, you made your way down the narrow pathways circling the outskirts of the city. As you padded the cobblestone road, windows hatched closed, doors shut and all light dimmed to ward off danger. The people of Shanghai lived in fear of this war every night. You did too. But at least you had weapons and could defend yourself in case of anything.
The place you resided in for the time being was just a hop down from the city docks. It was a modest room at the top of an abandoned jewelry shop, furnished with a desk, a small wardrobe, and a corner to store the little belongings you carried around. It was not the comfiest nor the safest place in the world, but it provided a space to roll your futon for the night and that was as good as anything.
The bags in your hands shuffled with each step you took. You cast a look at the buns, the delicious smell still wafting up to your nose even as they were covered and tucked inside the paper. On impulse, you bought a bunch of different flavors with all kinds of fillings you haven’t tried before. Just thinking of taste testing all of them made your mouth water and your step quicken with happy strides.
Whilst getting lost in your pastry daydreams, you were shaken back to earth by persistent yelling. As you were making your way further down to the docks, more agitated shouting ensued and the quick pace of your walk slowed down. You were far away from the entrance, unable to really see anything, but the growing commotion piqued your curiosity.
It wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look, right? It's in the way anyway, you shrugged.
Inching closer to the side of the docks entrance, you hid behind an abandoned fishing boat perched up on empty fishing crates. They might've been rusty from being left outside for god knows how long but they still smelled like few days old catch that went off. Ignoring the horrendous smell and tucking your petite form well enough so you wouldn’t be spotted, you looked over the edge of the boat to see what was going on.
Moving your eyes around you counted about twenty masked men, all dressed in black with swords attached to the hip. Mercenaries. You didn't need to see more than the blades and their eyes to be able to tell they were possibly wanted people.
Most of them were frantically rushing in and out of the biggest storage on the other side, holding cases filled with… guns?
As more of them came out you realized it wasn’t just guns - there was long and short range artillery, fuses, even more blades and all kinds of artisanal bombs. It looked like the place to be for pyromaniacs and sadists. Depending on which category took your fancy, there was something for every sin you wanted to commit, from arson all the way to testing out painful killing methods.
Whatever these guys were planning was nothing short of mass destruction.
“We’ve secured all the weapons, Master,” a shushed voice spoke in Japanese from your right. He came closer, standing right in front of the boat you were using as a hiding spot.
He looked about half a person in height. If a wild gust of wind blew his way he would most likely topple over and become dust. Besides that, what caught your attention was the unsure nature of his Japanese accent. He definitely wasn't Japanese but whoever he talked to just now was because they replied in a grave pronounced tone, one hundred percent of Edo origin.
“Good work,” said a deeper voice from the left as he approached too. The way he spoke those simple words was enough to make tremors run down your spine in sheer thrill.
Weird, you shook them off trying to get a better view of the owner of the voice. A curly, tangled mop of white hair entered your vision. The roots were darker than the silvery ends shimmering in the pale blue moonlight.
Damn, this guy was long overdue for a haircut. And a hair dye session. Who was this gramps?
Trailing your eyes further down you took in his sturdy physique that was outlined through the clothes he was wearing. Wait. This is no gramps body. You could tell he was trained in some kind of martial arts. No one just walked around with heaps of muscles like those. You could easily draw a map of the world between those wide shoulders if you focused hard enough on just what lay beneath those tight, crunched up cotton creases- Snap out of it, Miyu.
The loud crash of crates rattling to the floor brought you back to reality. You weren't supposed to be there, eavesdropping and peeking like a spy when these people could probably cut you to pieces in one breath.
I need to get out of here ASAP.
You couldn’t risk getting caught and brought in by the commander in chief. If he wasn’t alerted yet he sure got wind of things by now. That man definitely has mutant senses. You didn't need to get caught by this mafia either because from the looks of it they definitely were part of one.
The last thing you needed was them catching wind of your location. You've spent so long staying under the radar and now was not the time to advertise your whereabouts like you were the main specialty on sale in the morning newspaper.
I am void. I don’t care. I haven’t seen anything.
I am not getting involved with this.
Repeating that mantra several times in your head in order to calm down, you had to figure out a way to sneak out as smoothly as possible without alerting anybody. Not even a fly and especially not the strong muscular white mop of hair who hasn’t moved at all from his spot right in front of you. He was probably one of those people gifted with extended field of vision that could see the world in one side to side look like a bird, so any move or choked breath of yours would fall on his alarm sensors instantly.
After a quick scan of your surroundings, you came to two viable options that would help you avoid getting skewered: going left, straight through the docks and to your hideout located just on the other side; or going right, having to circle around the whole city to get back.
It wasn’t hard to figure out which one was safer. You’d rather go around the whole city as many times as you needed if it meant staying away from whatever they had planned. You just had to wait for the right time to make your way out.
Any minute now...
The two continued supervising the undercover operation, not once moving away. Not even one accidental turn of their heads somewhere else.
More like any day...
If you didn't know any better, you'd think they picked up on your scent and were just waiting for you to breathe through the wrong nostril before they jumped you. The singular possibility of that drenched your spine with cold drops of nervous sweat. You've done the stake out thing a million times before, but this one was somehow so different - gut twisting in churns and knots like you took a hit of deja vu different. Like disaster waited patiently at those rusty gates to catch and cradle you sweet like a lover from the very moment your eyes first laid on the docks tonight.
After an agonizing long while, the two men blocking your view finally moved, heading towards the rest of their squad on the other side of the docks. That was your chance. All you had to do was get set, lift your ass from the floor and sprint the hell out of there before someone caught you and made you fish food.
If only things would play out like that but they rarely do for normal people.
Raising to half your height, trying to keep cover behind the boat, you turned to the right. In your rush to escape, you missed a teeny tiny key detail that was in your way to freedom - a dark brown fishing cord extending from the boat to the other pile of empty crates behind you.
You didn't see it in the darkened confined space around you and if you did, you took notice of it too late, barely making it two steps before your leg tangled in it and you were falling face first to the hard concrete floor, taking the crates behind with you. Disaster caught up to you, smiling sickly at your futile attempt to escape so easily.
The steaming buns you tried so hard to keep close spilled all over the ground in the process. That was the least of your worries. What should've worried you was that you just made the loudest sounds known to man that were probably heard under the sea. The clangs from the metal cages rattling on top of each other before crashing to the ground with a thud, rolling into other piles like rumbling waves of a raging sea, echoing deafeningly in your ears.
Once they stopped, the loud screeching of the crates was replaced by the loud beating of your heart with the realization that your body was halfway exposed to the other side of the docks. In full view for anyone to snap your details. The danger alarm rang multiple times in your head but your body just refused to move.
There was nowhere for you to run without getting caught now.
I’m. so. fucked.
“What was that?” growled one of the masked goons on the other side.
Mophead stopped in his tracks, muscles in his back contracting with impending doom. He turned around swiftly, faster than a wild feline, locking eyes on you. Lifting your own gaze from your uncomfortable spot on the floor, you connected it with his. You choked on a breath caught halfway in your throat before it could reach your lungs.
Dark black eyes akin to predators that lurk in the dead of night pierced yours. They screamed murder. The ‘chop you apart for funsies’ kind of murder, in a silent, more maniacal and lethal manner than serial killers normally sported.
But something about those eyes caught you off guard. He was just a few feet away. Close enough to reach for you and squeeze the life out of you. Close enough to catch the blue hue outlining his pupils. Something about those eyes, though eerie and downright terrifying, awaking every urge to take off to safety, was so oddly familiar that it froze you in place.
Where have I seen these eyes before?
He seemed to be stuck in his own reverie, fixed on your own for a good while. A tilt of his head could only signal his confusion to your presence. Or was it recognition? It could be both.
You don’t even know how long you were both stuck soul searching each other until the roaring sound of gunfire descended down on the docks.
Breaking your staring contest apart, you frantically craned your head behind trying to locate where the firing came from. Then it dawned on you.
The commander in chief is here. Knowing him, he was just waiting for his cue to shine like the superstar pawn of the government he is.
Mophead set off in your direction, most likely to grab you, but he only managed to take a step before bullets lined up a few feet in front of him. With a low grunt, he spared you one last deadly stare marking you as a new enemy to his possibly extended list before retreating back to his gang.
The bullets flew closer and closer to your spot and the intense smell of gun powder filled your nostrils. This was your cue to exit stage. In any direction at this point.
You got to your feet in seconds, saving what was left of your steamed dumplings and made a run for it. A few bullets narrowly grazed the low ends of your dress but you quickly made it to the safety of a dark alleyway close by.
Checking on your precious dumplings in the crumpled paper bags, you saw most of them were unharmed and let out a breath of relief. Then you cursed yourself for leaving your weapons on your neatly folded futon the one time you could actually make use of them.
The blaring gunshots halted all of a sudden. The docks were quiet again. Way too quiet. Strange. Did they run out of ammo this fast? I thought the police got endless resources in that field. Nevermind that, the mob had thousands of them at hand, itching for a little assembling and bullets. A showdown between a gang and the authorities couldn't have just ended this fast. Something felt off.
You made sure the shadow of the brick wall covered you whole before peering over to the docks from the corner of the alley. Assessing the situation, you noticed that half of mophead’s party was shot down by the commander’s force. Blood was everywhere, splattered on the cement from the entrance as far as you could see. Possibly all the way to the other end of the pier. Big and burly bodies that were swarming the warehouse and executing orders just moments ago, now laid lifeless next to and on top of some of the crates filled with weapons. Some of them managed to flee the scene when the firing started, abandoning ship cowardly. The rest of them that were still alive and kicking were captured and put in restraints to be taken into custody, together with their leader who must have been a ticking bomb of rage on the inside by now.
The more you looked at it, you didn't take him for someone that would get caught so easily. He gave the impression of the superior kind of thug. The type that calculates and plans until all doubts, variables and collaterals were executed off the table.
Something didn't add up.
What is really peculiar was that this part of the harbor was not even on the open side, clearly to make the storing of arm supplies as reclusive as possible. But anyone who wanted a hit and run, quick and fast, could flee the scene absolutely undetected under the safety of nightfall. The only way you could get caught was if someone chirped like a hummingbird, loud and close to the commander's ear. You nearly giggled at the possibility until you took another look down at the pier and all amusement in you dissipated.
Maybe it was the smug look on the commander’s face as his men rounded up the thugs. Or the way most of his force came out from what looked like stationed places at the other end of the docks entrance. Even the sure nods the officers shared as they shoved the last of the goons to their knees behind their leader.
It almost seemed like they knew mophead and his crew were going to be here tonight, set on stealing the armament.
No way.
Was this a set up?
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Back at the precinct
Enishi was fuming.
Things went sideways too quickly for his liking tonight. The only feasible explanation was that someone talked and he was going to make sure they weren’t seeing the light of day under his watch. Once he made it out of the shithole he was currently held in that was. Which seemed to be somewhere in the far future.
The old man ceased his relentless show of authority punches, changing the plate for questioning, trying to intimidate Enishi. Too bad. Having the man breathe opium smoke in his face did not phase him at all.
“I’m going to ask again," sneered the commander, puffing up his chest with another intake of the drug. "Why were you stealing weapons?”
His patience was running thin, beyond irritation, showing in the way the veins on his neck strained. But he could press on as much as he wanted. Enishi wasn’t going to give him shit.
“Either you talk or your good for nothing squad will suffer in your place.”
He really thought he did something with that line. Those men were disposable. The real ones waited back at the base. He wasn't mad to deploy them for a mission that was supposed to be easy. But this was probably the last time he employed outside resources for a mission.
“I don’t give two flying fucks about them,” spat Enishi. He hoped some of the drops of blood flew to land on the commander's face.
That geature only earned him another punch, this time deep to the stomach. The guards who were holding him let him drop to the floor, more blood dripping on the side of his mouth.
The commander handed his pipe to one of the officers, discarding his coat on a chair before letting his fingers work to roll the sleeves of his shirt up. He moved around his golden desk furniture with the grace of an old dragon, aware of the ways of the world. That was what he wanted his assailants to believe. Truth be told, he was nothing but a puppet for the higher ups.
“I guess I’ll have to beat it out of you then,” said the commander, cracking his knuckles.
Bracing for the commander’s punishment, his thoughts wandered somewhere else. Not to the mission. Not to the missing weapons. Not to his men. But to the girl who was there tonight, hiding behind the boat.
He wasn’t stupid. He sensed someone was eavesdropping from somewhere. It just wasn't in his benefit to do something about it when they weren't showing up to lay claim to the weapons or to stop him from taking them.
But you weren’t supposed to be there. You were a variable in his plan that he couldn’t have predicted. A wildcard? A hidden weapon he could've used? He didn't know. Where a handful of questions swarmed around in his head, three of them stood out the most, distracting him from the incoming hit to his side.
Why were you there tonight?
Who were you working for?
And where have I seen you before?
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Ten armed guards at the front of the building. Another two securing the entrance from the inside. Five more moving around the halls. None on the top floor.
Sliding open the glass window on the roof of the precinct, you snuck in quietly. You landed down swiftly, arching your heels like a cat to keep you steady. Stealth mode switched on in your head as you carefully inspected your surroundings.
The top floor is clear.
Tightening the grip on your twin Remingtons, you straightened and advanced to the walls on your right, opposite to the railing on the other side overlooking the secured entrance. No one seemed to be on this level at all.
As you rounded the corners, you spotted a staircase going down to what looked like a meeting hall.
Angry shouting and what resembled the sound of slapping got louder the more steps you descended. Someone was either receiving a beating or they were just into kinky shit.
You were on the last three steps when a guard's boots fell in step close by. Aligning yourself with the wall, you became one with the shadows. You held your breath, keeping your heartbeat under control as well as any other signs that could get you spotted. On the inhale, he walked by. On the exhale, he continued on his path. As he got further away, you tilted your head towards the glass ceiling and released the breath you were holding.
This was a terrible idea.
What were you even doing here in the first place? This was not your fight.
But your conscience convinced you that you were somehow responsible for the unsuccessful outcome of mophead’s mission. Call it remorseful helping.
You weren’t supposed to be there tonight. It was just incidental. Your stupid craving for dumplings made you come out of your extremely comfortable refuge and one thing led to another and you found yourself in the middle of the crossfire. The very thing you hoped to avoid at all costs.
Without thinking too much of your bad choices for the day, you geared up to save mophead. You didn’t know why you were going this far for someone you didn’t know. But you felt needed for once in a while and like you finally had a job to do. That and the fact that the betrayal under his command hit a little too close to home.
There was something else that bothered you about your encounter with him. The moment he locked eyes with you was branded into your head like a burn wound. Your brain replayed it over and over again for no specific reason until it drove you crazy.
Those eyes bugged you to the world’s end. There was something so addicting and familiar to them. But you couldn’t recall where you’ve seen them before no matter how hard you tried.
You needed to find out who this man is. So, like any normal person looking for answers, you went to ask him. Well, you will ask him. As soon as you busted him out of the most secure precinct in Shanghai.
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In the meeting hall
“This would be so much easier if you just talked,” yelled the commander in chief.
“How about… fuck you. Good talk,” said Enishi with a sick grin.
“You son of a—,” the commander was cut off by the sound of shots being fired outside the meeting hall. Grunting and yelling ensued for a good minute until everything turned quiet. Everyone’s ears perked up listening for what could follow.
A powerful kick thundered against the golden door to the hall, making it come off its hinges and cave in on itself. The bolts creaked, splintering on the sides and the door fell with a loud thud. You stepped over it, the click of your heeled boots bouncing off the echo in the room.
All eyes were trained on you.
“Who’s ready to have some fun?” you chirped, enthusiastically twirling the guns in your hands. They landed perfectly in your hold and you cocked them right at the men in the middle of the room.
“Who are you?,” asked the commander in chief.
“Let’s just say I’m someone you don’t want to mess with,” you said confidently.
“You’re just a stupid girl if you think you can just come in here —“
“This stupid girl just took out most of your guards on duty. It will be her utmost pleasure to take you out too,” you said with a smirk.
Enishi was watching the exchange, his head swimming with confusion for the second time tonight.
Just who exactly were you? And why were you crossing paths again? Also, were you insane to just waltz in the commander in chief's lair like that?
You first show up as a hindrance to his plan and now you’re here to probably mess up more than you already have. He was also kind of blaming you for the situation he was in at the moment. You weren't of any help in his eyes.
At least you proved useful in distracting the guards and the commander so he could work on getting his hands free of the rope tugging at his wrists. Okay, maybe you were useful.
Looking over at mophead, you noticed he freed himself. You haven’t worked in a team in so long so you threw him a look asking for guidance on what to do now. What he saw however, was more of a weird face that kind of creeped him out, but he quickly caught onto what you meant.
He wasn’t sure whether to trust you. But he didn’t have the luxury to audition for partners right now. So, sending a silent nod your way, you let the fun begin.
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Mophead lunged for the commander in chief while you preoccupied yourself with the five guards in the room. You easily took out the first one by the couch at the side. Pointing your gun to the next one, you pulled the trigger but nothing happened. You tried the other gun receiving the same vacant response. You were left without bullets having emptied most of them on the guards outside.
Strapping the guns back to your belt, you took a fighting stance and beckoned the officers to you.
Hand to hand combat it is.
The closest guard lunged at you and your fist connected with his nose. A loud crack echoed upon contact, blood seeping through his hands as he cradled his nose.
“You bitch—,” you cut him off by hooking your leg to the back of his neck, dragging him to the floor.
“Did your mother not teach you how to speak to a lady?”
He got back up and got ready to throw another snarky remark but you wasted no time in shutting him up with a nearby chair. The wood broke to pieces as it made contact with him, knocking him out cold. Once he fell to the floor, you directed your attention at the other three guards that started circling you from different sides. Showtime.
You let them come at you. The taller one came first, swinging a baton at your head. Ducking successfully to avoid having your head turned into a baseball, you went for a roundhouse kick to his head. He got projected to the other side from the force you put into the move.
The last two attacked you at the same time. One of them had a knife that managed to get a few cuts through the sleeves of your dress as he kept swinging at you recklessly. He wasn't even looking where he sent his blade. He probably just hoped they got you. If this was the training they got the armed forces were doomed.
You huffed disappointedly as you lifted a slashed piece to check the damage. “I just got this one."
Getting annoyed with his incessant flailing about, you caught his hand just as a slightly smaller in stature officer came from behind you. Kicking back your right leg into the stomach of the one behind, you got a chance to take the knife, throwing it away and out of his reach. You turned and elbowed the knife wielder in the stomach, directing another knee at his ribcage letting him fall flat to the floor.
One more to go.
Standing face to face with your last enemy, you spared mophead a quick look. He was struggling with the commander as he pushed him face down on the big wooden desk. He quickly turned the power around and got him into a deadly chokehold instead.
You didn’t even notice his outerwear was discarded and he was left only in a tank top. His huge biceps flexed dangerously as he tightened his hold on the commander’s neck, pushing into him with all his strength. Sweat was piling like rain drops down his arms and you found yourself drooling. Maybe you digged the whole white mop of hair look.
You were snapped out of your fantasies by the small garden goblin running towards you with a spiked staff. Where the fuck did he get that from?
Do these guys not have one normal weapon on them? Where do they get all this ridiculous stuff from?
You dodged his attacks and his futile attempts at trying to spear you like Dracula, until he got tired and his swings turned sloppy. Finding an opening way too easily, you caught the end of the staff with your right hand and turned your left into an uppercut diving it under his chin. The impact of your hit had him landing in a star shape on the floor. His eyes rolled around unable to focus like birds chirped around his head.
Just as you were finished with him, mophead finally squeezed the living daylights out of the commander and let him fall splat to the floor. He wasn't dead. Just out of service for the day.
Sensing the ruckus in the hall, the rest of the guards from outside started piling up into the hall. You both walked towards each other until you were back to back. In other circumstances you would’ve loved the way your heavy breaths mingled and the way your shoulders shyly grazed each other. But now was not the time to crush on your new partner.
“Any chance you have a plan to get us out of here?” asked mophead. Guards surrounded you from all sides, covering all exit points. The only way to escape was to fight your way out.
“I’m guessing breaking some more necks wouldn’t hurt,” you replied hastily.
“You take the ones on the right. I take the ones on the left,” he directed.
With another nod, you both got into position and waited as the guards descended upon you.
A storm of fists came your way. You tried blocking them as much as you could but five to one was too much to handle without a weapon. Mophead noticed your struggle and tried to get rid of the three baton swingers in front of him. With a low sweep kick to their ankles they all fell over at once, hitting each other with the bats they were holding.
You were holding onto three bats with all your might, pushing your arm muscles to greater strength than they were capable of. Two guards sneaked behind you, ready to deliver a dangerous blow. Enishi intercepted them before they could carry out their plan, catching their arms mid swing and twisting their arms to inhuman angles.
“Don’t you know it’s bad manners to hit a lady, especially from behind?” he said, towering over them, pushing them to their knees as they writhed in pain.
You finally managed to throw the three men backwards, taking to delivering a kick to each of them. By the time you were done with them you were breathing heavily. You were a good fighter, but your stamina was always holding you back. Mophead seemed to be more trained in that field though as you saw him cutting through the lines of guards with ease, taking down two or three at the time. And he was injured.
Five more guards circled both of you.
“Give me a hand,” you said as you ran towards mophead.
He sensed your idea right away. Latching your hand with his, you created enough momentum for him to pull you around in a circle to kick down all of the guards. Once you got both feet back on the ground looking for your next victims, you noticed the secure hand sitting idly on your waist.
Looking up at him, you saw he’s about a head taller than you. He was scanning the room too. Feeling you tense in his hold, he quickly dropped his hand from your waist and trained his gaze on the broken down door.
“We have to go before more of them come.”
“What about your crew? Are you just going to leave them here?”
“They can get out just fine by themselves,” he growled, annoyed and pissed enough to think of those fuckers too.
And with that he grabbed your hand and you made a run for it, stepping over the bodies of the commander's regiment, falling out into the precinct.
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Thank you for reading! Comments, notes and reblogs are always welcome :)
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reddeadreference · 8 months
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Micah Bell III (The Third)
(The above photo was taken at Clemen's Point)
(Warning: This post contains spoilers!)
Name: Micah Bell III (Referred to simply as Micah Bell)
Age:* 39 (RDR2 Ch1-6) 47 (RDR2 Ep1/2)
(*In a newspaper clipping found at his Strawberry camp, it states that in 1877 his father was wanted for murder with a 17 year old son that was Micah based on this quote "suspects are believed to be one Micah Bell, age 38, and his son, also Micah Bell, age 17")
Description: (official description from R*)
A career criminal and hitman, Micah fell in with Dutch's gang about five months ago. He claims he met Dutch when he saved his life in a bar fight over some stolen gold. He comes from a long line of bad men. His father and grandfather before him were also called Micah Bell and, at one point, his father was wanted for murder in five counties. He has a brother living in California, whom he despises. Wild, unpredictable and something of a nihilist, he lives for the action, and is great in a gun fight.
Quick Facts
He has a younger brother named Amos (a letter from his brother can be found at Shady Belle)
We know Micah is the older brother because of the tradition of naming the first born son after the father, hence Micah Bell the Third.
Though his description says he "despises" his brother, it's clear by the letter found at Shady Belle from Amos that Micah was the one to reach out to Amos first, though his intentions were not clear as we didn't see what was in the letter he sent Amos.
He's been a criminal since as young as 17, a newspaper clipping can be found in his camp near Strawberry about him and his father being wanted for murder.
During a conversation he implies Jenny Kirk might have been carrying "Micah Bell the fourth" which many fans assume wasn't consensual, but there is no evidence either way or even that he was telling the truth since she isn't alive to deny it.
He has some sort of lung/respiratory issue as he is constantly snorting, clearing his throat, and coughing.
Outfits by chapter
Ch 1: Colter
Like everyone else he only has the one outfit in Colter which is also the only time he wears the coat shown, it's a shade of red, and a greenish head wrap.
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Ch 2-4 & 6:
His outfit after Colter is pretty much always the same with small variations. Photo 1: Black short coat buttoned, red long sleeved shirt buttoned to the top button. Photo 2: no coat, same red shirt with only a few buttons buttoned.
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The only time his coat is buttoned is at Horseshoe Overlook, above, but the rest of the outfits are pretty much the same: Some variation of black and red with tan/dirty white pants, with and without his hat.
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He also has one outfit where he wears black pants tucked into black boots which are different than the boots in every other outfit (They are possibly the ones he wears during the heist in chapter 4 and on Guarma.) The coat shown above is also the one he wears at Clemen's point.
In the first outfit below he has a red vest over a black shirt and a different black coat, second he has his red shirt and necktie to the side with black jacket from previous, and third he's in his red shirt, no jacket, and the necktie is in a different position.
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Bank Heist Outfit
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Ch 5: Guarma
He only has one outfit which looks two different ways: before the shipwreck and after. (Since they went from the heist to the ship it is presumed that the shirt below simply wasn't visible under the white jacket, red vest, and white puff tie he wore.)
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Outfit Details
He always (except for two instances) has his signature weapons, the custom double-action revolvers. (those two instances being before retrieving them in Strawberry where he'll use whatever weapon Arthur hands him and on the island of Guarma - even though he had them during the bank robbery and presumably on the ship.)
His custom double-action revolvers: The words "Vengeance is hereby mine" are etched onto each barrel and the grips are black with a red skull design.
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His guns on Guarma: Seem to be plain double-action revolvers, presumably borrowed/stolen.
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Epilogue (Part 2)
His outfit is similar to the one he wore in Colter only the green scarf isn't over his head.
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Micah Bell III was born circa 1860 to Micah Bell Jr. According to a newspaper clipping found at Micah camp near Strawberry, when he was 17, in 1877, he and his father were on the run for the brutal double homicide of Roscoe and Jean Briggs, who were hung from the rafters with their throats slit.
It is presumed he also ran with his younger brother for a time before the latter settled down with a wife and kids. A letter found at Shady Belle implies Micah reached out to Amos, but the younger Bell told him not to contact him again and if he heard Micah was "within fifty miles of [him], [he] will come and find [Micah] and then [Micah would] meet [his] maker and apologise to him on both [their] behalves for them things [they] did".
Chapter 1: Colter -
Micah is in four of the six missions in chapter 1.
He is in the very first mission of the game Outlaws from the West. He is part of Old Friends and is the one to find the map about the train for Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall? And like everyone he is part of Eastward Bound.
Chapter 2: Horseshoe Overlook -
Micah is in one and a second (player determined) mission in chapter 2.
After freeing Micah from jail in Blessed are the Meek? the player has the option of completing the next mission, An American Pastoral Scene, (which will bring Micah back to camp) either in chapter 2 or chapter 3.
Chapter 3: Clemen's Point -
Micah is in 3 of 16 missions with possibly another if An American Pastoral Scene wasn't completed in chapter 2.
He goes with Dutch and Arthur in Blessed are the Peacemakers, he waits with Sean and Bill for Arthur in town for A Short Walk in a Pretty Town, and while he doesn't go to the Braithwaite Manor he's in a cutscene for Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern so he's listed as being in that mission on the wikia.
Chapter 4: Shady Belle -
The only mission he's in for chapter 4 is the bank heist in Banking, The Old American Art. Though, like most other characters in camp, he is present for Horsemen, Apocalypses as well.
Chapter 5: Guarma -
As one of the group on the island he is in 6 of the 10 missions for chapter 5.
The first mission, Lost and Not Quite Found, Welcome to the New World, Hell Hath No Fury, and finally the mission to leave the island Paradise Mercifully Departed. And then back at camp with the rest of the gang he is then in Fleeting Joy where it's shown he and Javier arrived in Lakay before Arthur, Dutch, then Bill and he's shown in cutscenes in That's Murfree Country.
It is assumed he was picked up by Pinkertons sometime between arriving back to the US and meeting back up with everyone in Lakay and that that's how the Pinkertons knew the gang was there. However, there are two alternatives 1) if Arthur doesn't find the letter at Shady Belle one of the Pinkerton agents will find it and read it aloud. They'll even state that they're going to check there. 2) When Bill finally arrives last he says he was asking all over for them and not long after, the Pinkertons are there. Both are plausible ways the Pinkertons could've found the gang that didn't involve Micah. (Yes, at that point he was a rat and it's 100% plausible that he did just tell them, I'm just giving two other ways that also make sense.)
Chapter 6: Beaver Hollow -
He is in 5 of the 15 missions in chapter 6.
Arthur meets Micah and Dutch in Annesburg in Just a Social Call where Dutch kills Cornwall and the three have to shoot their way out of town. Micah sends Arthur and Bill to get dynamite in The Delights of Van Horn. He goes with everyone to Cornwall Kerosene & Tar in My Last Boy. He's part of the train heist in Our Best Selves and the following mission Red Dead Redemption he is in all four of the various endings you can get.
Epilogue 2: Beecher's Hope -
The only and final mission he's in is the final mission of the game, American Venom where he ultimately gets gunned down by John.
Camp Life
Micah can be seen whittling a stick, sharpening his knife and cleaning his guns. Arthur can challenge him to five finger fillet. He never goes on guard duty, but occasionally he will announce at the donation box that he's putting money in (usually $25).
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He never sleeps; when everyone else is in bed he'll sit at the main fire. The only time he's seen sleeping is if he's been drinking as part of a camp scene (i.e. drinking with Javier) and passes out at a table (shown below) or in a cutscene.
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During the final mission of the game before free roam, Micah is shot to death by John in 1907, after he, Charles, and Sadie track Micah down to his hideout atop Mount Hagan. While holding Sadie hostage and while he and Dutch hold John at gunpoint, Dutch makes the decision to shoot Micah, allowing John to shoot as many times as the player wants. After his death if the player returns to the area they can loot one of Micah's custom guns and find his now frozen body beside it.
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-If there's something incorrect or something missing from this post you think is important or should be added please don't hesitate to either reply, reblog, or send in an ask about it.-
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thief-of-eggs · 9 months
My Roman Empire is the first-come popularity effect on fanfics, and how easily amazing works can be lost when you sort by kudos only.
Hear me out- the most jaw-dropping, heart wrenching, soul satisfying fanfic can be posted for a fandom/ship and not have anywhere near the amount of kudos that the top fics have, even if the top fics are mid in comparison.
The reason for this is because the top fics are often the ones that were posted during the height of the fandom/ships popularity. And while they were certainly amazing for the time, and while they’re nowhere near bad fics, they might not be the actual best in the fandom/ship, even if they appear at the top when searching by kudos. A lot of kudos on the top fics are old kudos, which stay there forever and ever and add to the immortality of fics posted during the height of popularity.
When looking for new fics in fandoms/ships, I like to look for those lesser known ones through either A) sorting by “date updated” and clicking “complete works only”, then scrolling to see the more liked fics. The diehard fans in each fandom will be on top of new fics posted, so if, on average, finished fics in a fandom currently get around 100kudos, but you see one with 300, that must be a relatively good fic in the fandom (one that you never would’ve seen if sorted by kudos, especially if the top liked ones have 3k plus kudos)
Another way is to sort by kudos while adding a date range to your search. Depending on how many fics get posted a month, you can search for the past week, past months, past 6 months, etc, and sort by kudos to find the top fics from that time period.
I’ve found so many beautiful fics this way, especially for fandoms that lost popularity in recent years. And I do want to be clear- this is no hate to the top liked fics in fandoms! So so many of them are well deserving of the kudos they have- they got popular for a reason after all!
BUT, this is a reminder that there are OTHER fics out there, beyond pages 2-3 of most liked kudos!! Low amount of likes is NOT a determining factor, so long as the lower liked fic is from more recent times.
So, once you’ve plowed through the first few pages of top-kudos fics- turn to the newer ones!! There are beautiful fics just waiting to be found, I promise you <3
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chejuu · 2 months
20 questions for writers
thank you @wingdingery for the tag and excuse to self-indulgently talk about myself <3
1. how many works do you have on AO3? 17 on cheju, then 11 more on my various and sundry accounts 🫣
2. what's your total AO3 word count? 73,122 on cheju, a total of 110,145
3. what fandoms do you write for? nightwing + some original work as of late + various fandoms i used to be in that people request in fic exchanges
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos? like two days ago bad desire just surpassed the kudos of a ten-year-old sansa/margaery fic i published on my old account. wow! please ignore that i was writing smut at 16
setting aside my other accounts, then it’s diesis (smut), listen to teeth (smut), sex, lies, and audiotape (mafia au. also smut), and exactly what it looks like (silly identity porn crack)
5. do you respond to comments? always!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? down together leaves it open but probably fits the bill, in that the sex makes things significantly worse between slade and dick
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Rescued Slut Thanks His Studly Savior is established relationship sladick fluff (if pure smut can be fluff i guess) which i thought i would never write so maybe that. or better now, but it's about theater camp (2023) which is already a feel-good comedy movie to begin with
8. do you get hate on fics? not yet. i feel like it's a rite of passage, tho. quick someone send me hate
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind? it’s like... all i do
10. do you write crossovers? no, but never saying never!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? nope
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i think i’d be too embarrassed
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? gotta be drarry (sorry sladick)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will? i plan to finish all my wips eventually, even the unpublished ones! at least any that have made it out of the notes app and into a word doc. the only one that maaay not make it is a recursive fic (author permission granted!) based on a popular sladick story—i’m a bit nervous about not living up to the original 🙈
16. What are your writing strengths? character voice, i think, and banter in particular. sexual tension, smut. so i've been told!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i hardly write anything longer than a single scene, let alone more than one chapter. the one time i've given it an earnest go, i've gotten so caught up in the weeds that i haven't updated in months T_T
i'd also like to get better at atmosphere. not so much descriptions of the setting, more like... creating a distinctive tone through detail, metaphor, word choice. sometimes i feel like unless i'm writing a very particular setting, the tone is just. nonexistent?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i honestly have zero thoughts
19. First fandom you wrote for? harry potter when was 14. wow it even has an A/N and everything
20. Favourite fic you've written? i think it’s bad desire so i’m glad the people agree hahah 
tagging @lordwisteria @roipecheur @mattdillon @thesubtextis @ontheropesss !
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galaxycunt · 7 months
My Dinner With Buggy pt 2
I love playing with dialog so I figured why not keep going. As with part one it’s all dialogue so enjoy the ride everyone lol
Tagging @gingernut1314 @gayafsatan as yall requested a part 2 a million years ago
Sea spray hits your face as you left the restaurant, “so, what’s the move?”
Hands appear in front of you holding two bottles of wine, “one for each of us.”
“Really? In front of a lieutenant like that?”
“You gonna handcuff me, officer?”
You giggle, “miss Impel Down that much, huh?”
“God! Let’s not talk about that fucked up place. Take the wine, honey.”
“I let you order steak and this is how you repay me?”
He wags his tongue, “I’m covering dessert.”
“You love it, shut up. So where’s this room you got?”
“Couple blocks down. You don’t wanna go to a bar?”
“I haven’t seen you in at least 6 years. I wanna make up for lost time.”
“Tch. Shooting for the stars tonight?”
Buggy frowns, “I thought this was a date.”
You falter, “hey. I thought we were teasing. Come here, Bug.”
Your lips taste sweet, “I missed you a lot. I’m not the only salty dog missing their lost love, but hey, you’re more important, so there.”
You kiss him again, “let’s go out for a little bit?”
“Sure, I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go. Oh shit! I forgot, I left something for you on the ship.”
“We got road wine, let’s go get it”
“This is nice, by the way.”
“It is. Too bad you ain’t a civ, easier. Even easier if you were a marine.”
“I’m gonna ask again. You’d like it.”
“I dunno, man. Lot of baggage with that. Especially on the Grand Line.”
“Not with me.”
“You already got captured once, baby.”
“I know, I know. But you hate this shit. Been in the game too long, why?”
“I dunno, maybe I felt we were doing something good. Too old for that shit, I guess”, the Big Top is as nice as you remember it, “there’s the old girl.”
He smiles, “my two girls, together at last.”
“I wonder if that note I left is still there.”
“Note? What-“
“-captain! Oh shit, look who it is!”
“-Cabaji! Glad someone’s keeping Bug outta trouble!”
He smiles at the two of you, “we should catch up. Later.”
“Thanks, man. See ya.”
“So what note?”
“Oh! It’s uh, not important. Just something I wrote last time I was here.”
“Where’d you hide it?”
“In the galley, deep, deep in the pantry.”
He kisses you, “let’s go find it then.”
“Buggy, no. Come on, you’re supposed to take me out.”
“Real quick. I promise.”
You tug him away, to no avail, “Buggy. It’s really stupid, you’ll enjoy it after a few drinks.”
“I got a few bottles in my room. We can read it there.”
“What about my gift?”
“Just a buncha jewelry, who cares? I’m finding that letter.”
Turns out he can find anything with ease if he wanted to, “aw. Your handwriting is so cute sometimes.”
“Oh, shut up.”
He kisses your temple, he’s getting very touchy, you realize, “lemme guess, treasure map?”
“Look, it’s something I wrote when we were like 18.”
“Uh huh.”
He jerks his chin toward his cabin, “let’s take this somewhere quiet.”
You hear your heart beat in your ears, cheeks on fire, “it’s really cringey. I was 18.”
“Do you really not want me to read it?”
“You’ll make fun of me.”
“I won’t. I really won’t.”
“I already know you love me.”
You laugh, “shit. Guess you’re right.”
He clears his throat, “Buggy, our paths are unwinding, the red string of fate tugging us apart.”
“Oh Jesus, it’s worse than I thought.”
Heightening his voice he continues, “if only I knew the devil’s pact I made, and the one you sold your soul to. My love I can’t bear it. You don’t even know I love you.”
“See, that’s why I didn’t wanna read it.”
“So why even give it to me?”
“Because I didn’t think you loved me.”
He grows serious, “I did. Why did you think I did that stupid shit? To impress you, dummy.”
“You’re such a clown.”
“Exactly! You liked clowns.”
You smile, “yeah, I remember that asshole at the pier.”
“Join my crew, I’ll marry ya.”
“Only if I join?”
“We been apart too long, I’m not waiting until I hit some shitty village every six months to see you.”
“Ah, that makes sense now.”
“Sometimes I’d lower the Jolly Roger, just see if our boats can pass by, if I can see you on the deck.”
“I didn’t know that.”
You stare at his lips, you wouldn’t be the only Marine turning, “marry me tonight then.”
“Don’t think captains can officiate their own wedding.”
“Let’s find someone.”
He looks at the clock, “and if we can’t?”
“Ask me again tomorrow. Do it for real.”
Buggy picks you up instead, “can we just skip to the wedding night?”
“I’m not gonna marry you then.”
He smirks, “according to that letter, we’ve been married for 18 years already.”
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fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months
You know, at the beginning of the story, Connie says that she has probably a total bad score to the exams "like always". If she had very bad (or the worse) results since a while, then his shippement days was decided for a while, since she has been shipped two weeks after her birthday. And Isabella knews who will be the next shippement three or four months before it happens. She knew that Connie was the next. She knew, when Connie reached 6, that she had only 2 weeks to live. And then, she took the time to make a plushie for Connie's birthday. And Little Bunny isn't a little plushie, it is kinda big. Isabella created a big toy for a kid who was going to enjoy it for only 15 days.
She wanted to make her happy, to give her joy for the little time that she still had. She wanted Connie to live those days in happiness. And i'm sure that she did that for any kids who was going to be shipped. (a lot of kids receive a gift for their 6 years old, the goods as the bads but maybe it's for cover why the bad scores kids has spoiled this famous day)
It's the biggest proof that she loves all her kids (even Ray, even if she has more mixed feelings toward him). She can't do anything to save them or she would be the next dinner and with no garantee that the woman who will replace her will be as loving then her. She is as much captive than the kids (even more, because she knows and she has the cheap in her heart.)
She had to see them die every time. Clearly she is still here after Connie's death so she has witnessed everything. She has seen so much of her kids diying while being unable to protect them because nothing could have been do, except make their too short lifes as much happy than possible.
(I'm sure that she was suffering with the idea to shipp the Full Score Trio soon (very soon for Ray, some months for Norman and in a little more of half a year for Emma), even Ray, and she was probably in denial about her son)
I think that Norman and Emma were too betrayed and angry to really understand that her affection was geniune and real. It's only thank to the distance, during 2 years, that they were able to think about it. For Ray, i think that a part of him knew that she really loved them but still sees her as the ones who sacrified his siblings. A part of him must have been in denial for a while about it too (like mother, like son).
The distance was good for everyone. The kids were able to understand that Isabella loved them for real, Ray was able to be willing to forgive her and eventually start over (realizing that he loved her too), Isabella realized that she loved her son.
And then came that asshole demon
Obnoxious pedantry but Conny's birthday is the third of September (@just-like-playing-tag put together an invaluable birthday chart here. September is one of the busier months with five birthdays in it.) So she had a bit more time with Little Bunny, but it's negligible in the grand scheme of things. There were two years' worth of low scores sealing her fate.
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Based on that, this answer in the mystic code book, and all the toys we see in her hidden office in chapter 17/S1 episode 6, it's a safe bet she either made or had gifts delivered from headquarters for each of the children. The demons wouldn't question it as an easily justifiable and paltry expense to further cultivate a positive environment for the children's development, and with them not caring what became of the presents afterward even if a child packed it with them in their suitcase when they were shipped out, Isabella could keep them as mementos of all the children she raised.
It's the biggest proof that she loves all her kids
This I think depends on an individual's definition of love though, and whether Isabella could truly, fully love her children in such an oppressive framework.
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(S1 Episode 8 | S1 Episode 10)
I will always come back to and obsess over the sequences of Isabella silently smiling as Ray struggles against her before locking him in Krone's old room and Ray looking completely disillusioned and despondent as Isabella walks off and smirks that they added into the anime. No one else is around who would be cognizant enough to notice. She doesn't have to put up an act to maintain a sense of calm and normalcy for anyone.
Yet here she is, quietly relishing in having seemingly defeated the children's plan to upset the status quo and her lifestyle. It's entirely for herself.
During this era of the story, she loves the children in her charge, but only to the point that they don’t inconvenience her; only to the point where they don’t impede her goal of survival ("longer than anyone"). It's impossible to live under such an oppressive, violent, monotonous, stagnating system and not have it fundamentally alter your perception of the world around you and how you interact with it to some degree. She even makes the distinction herself in one of her most memorable quotes.
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(Chapter 37)
To love them normally, as opposed to the love that would always be tainted as long as it was within the confines of the farm system where she justified walking at least sixty children to their deaths over the course of her tenure to maintain her sense of cognitive dissonance.
To quote @nullaby, who phrases it very poignantly in this post:
 for  as  much  as  isabella   did   love  her  kids,      as  nice  as  it  would’ve  been  to  just  raise  them  all  like  a  normal  mother  should,       the  backbone  of  her  character  journey     &.    ultimate  redemption  was  laid  out  plain  and  clear  right  to  ray’s  face  that  everything,     including  his  birth,      was  all  just  collateral  damage  of  isabella’s  desire  to  survive  in  this  world  as  according  to  the  demon’s  rules,        longer  than  most  ever  could,        and  find  some  sort  of   meaning   to  all  this  sacrifice  in  the  only  option  that’d  ever  been  available  to  cattle  like  them.      the  tragedy  is  that  the  prioritizing  of  her  own  position  trumps  that  love  of  a  mother  more  times  that  it  ever  didn’t,        and   that’s   the  mom  that  ray  was  left  with.  
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(Chapter 7 | Chapter 16)
Even if she found herself slipping into the illusion that had been crafted throughout the rest of the day, on days where there were no shipments and everything was fine, maybe even great, every night she would be reminded of reality. That she was ultimately a pawn. A caged, useful dog, if you want to have what she says to Ray in chapter 24/S1 episode 8 be her projecting her self-loathing of what she's stooped to onto him (and then going further, making his affirmation of his humanity in choosing his death an incensed retort back at her as much as the demons).
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Ray is the living, breathing reminder of one of the worst acts of violence the farm system inflected on her. For a six years, she may have been able to push aside any memories and thoughts of the child she bore, but on his sixth birthday (his false birthday; if she doesn't think of it in the moment, then surely afterward when they're celebrating it at the house), he "robbed Isabella of that easy, blissful delusion," to again quote nullaby. Such potent, aggrieved anger mixed with relishing her dominance over him bleeding into her tone and body language and tinging the framework of this scene; I really love how Cloverworks adapted it with their budgetary constraints.
I think that Norman and Emma were too betrayed and angry to really understand that her affection was genuine and real. It's only thank to the distance, during 2 years, that they were able to think about it. For Ray, i think that a part of him knew that she really loved them but still sees her as the ones who sacrificed his siblings. A part of him must have been in denial for a while about it too (like mother, like son). The distance was good for everyone. The kids were able to understand that Isabella loved them for real, Ray was able to be willing to forgive her and eventually start over (realizing that he loved her too), Isabella realized that she loved her son.
I do agree that being free of the suffocating environment of Grace Field would give everyone different perspectives on their relationship with their mother, with Emma being the most understanding of Isabella's circumstances and accepting her in her totality; the kindness and love she was always capable of just as much as the violence and cruelties she inflicted to maintain the status quo.
For Norman, the utter chaos his nervous system was in as he was walking to the gate, fully believing he was about to die only to be handed off to another cage and subjected to experiments as his mother sent him off with one last gentle hug, would heighten his senses and emotions and in turn make this a visceral core memory for him.
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(S2 Episode 8)
He undoubtedly dwelled on it during his fifteen months at Lambda, grappling with coming to logically understanding her circumstances more over time with that distance, his stark morality, and, no matter how much he might try to squash down his feelings to avoid confronting his own vulnerability during such a precarious period, how deeply her betrayal hurt him. I don't know if he'd ever be able to fully let that go, even if his immediate reaction to her death was one of sadness due to how sudden it was and being robbed of the chance to see what kind of relationship with her would be possible.
Similar to Norman, Ray can logically understand her circumstances, and I do believe deep down there was a part of him that desperately desired a normal, loving relationship with her, as much as he also tried to squash it down. It's part of why he's so confident she wouldn't throw him away, why he looks so devastated when she cuts him off,
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(S1 Episode 5 | S1 Episode 8)
I was doing a good job. To you, I’m…
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(Even after all this time…you still can't find it in your heart to love me as the child you gave birth to. | Chapter 181.1)
and why even after all of that pain and loss, he still hums the lullaby she sang to him in the womb as a way of consoling himself before his attempted suicide (because it's the only way he believes he can atone for what he's done).
Ray's vast library of knowledge comes from his research. His memory is one of his most powerful assets; his blessing and his burden. Isabella had proven time and time again to him that she was willing to sacrifice children for her own survival.
And yet there was still some selfish part of him that hoped maybe, just maybe, she would have carved out a little niche in her heart for him after spending all that time together, after sharing the burden of the secret of the house with him, after finding out about their shared blood. That all of that had to mean something to her.
But tragically all they shared engendered a unique ire toward him instead, born from a deep self-loathing that, once she replaced her own mother as Grandma, she allowed herself to reflect upon more thoroughly and came to deeply regret.
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(TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 9; Isabella being an unreliable narrator and forcing a mental wedge between her and Ray as both a child in her charge in general and specifically as her biological son. She "held no particular maternal feelings for Ray" being as much a denial of any love for him as being a moment where she tries to place herself above the petty anger and resentment she has for him | Chapter 181.3; the framing of the bottom right panel confirming she did view all the birthday gifts she gave her children as treasures)
The damage was done though, between that and losing Norman, one of the two most precious people in his life he spent six years bearing the pain of loneliness and sorrow for. Even with Norman proving to be alive, like him I think it would be hard for Ray to untangle logically, pragmatically understanding Isabella's circumstances from the abuse he endured.
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(Chapter 169; the conflicting feelings he held for her even two years after escaping Grace Field)
People aren't their trauma, but it would be disingenuous to say it didn't shape him. A learned response and association with her etched into his mind that I don't believe would be shed so easily. He wasn't by Isabella's side as she made her two-year journey of redemption as Grandma. He only saw the final result weighed against years of memories of her calculating iron woman persona, of every happy one his siblings had tinged with the knowledge that she would eventually set them up for slaughter.
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(Chapter 174)
To quote nullaby for a third time:
there’s  a  whole  big  thing  about  late  story  isabella,     how  she  interprets  ray’s  address  as  forgiveness,      but    .    .    .         it’s  maybe  just  more  speaking  to  how  their  worst  qualities  are  the  ones  that  they  share.     not  as  much  a      “  you’re  my  mom  and  i  forgive  you   ”         as  it  is  a         “   i  get  it,     i’m   there  too,     it  doesn’t  matter  anymore  anyway,    stop  feeling  sorry  for  yourself    ”        and  it  just.     tapers  off  into  something  impersonal,      something  more  like just  a  person  speaking  to  a  person  than  a  son  to  his  mother.
He can acknowledge the love she held for her children, acknowledge that she changed and wanted to do better by them, but that doesn't equate to reconciliation and letting go of all those painful memories at the drop of a hat.
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(Chapter 177 | Sunny's post)
The mental scars she left on him would be with him for years—potentially forever—and had she lived I don’t think he’d ever have a relationship with her in the way Emma might, but in that moment, he desperately wished for just the opportunity to try, even if it ended in failure or an impasse. And yet again fate left him without any say or control in the situation to determine his own path of healing.
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nimata-beroya · 9 months
20 Questions For Writers
This was sitting on my notifs for a few days and i finally took the time to do it. Thank my darling @takadasaiko for the tag!! 💕💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 88 works in total, 31 of which are for Star Wars.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
574,873 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I'm only writing for Star Wars. But I used to write for Arrow and Supergirl, and ASoIAF, Dark-Hunters and Chronicles of Nick are in standby. I'm waiting for right motivation to come back to any of the last 3.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I'm only talking about Star Wars fics here...
Kadala (The Mandalorian) [and 4th place in most kudos of all my works]
Rough Awakening (The Bad Batch) [and 5th place in most kudos of all my works]
Welcome to Yavin IV (Rebels)
An Explosive Situation (Rebels)
Rescue on Ryloth (The Bad Batch)
And the the rest of my all-time fics with most kudos are
Take Your Breath Away (Arrow)
Undisclosed Desires (Arrow)
Made For You (ASoIaF/Game of Thrones)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best, but sometimes I forget, and then it's been weeks and months since I got the comments that I'm embarrassed to reply them after so long. Even though, I think it's important that a writer let the reader/commenter that they appreciate it, even if it's with a simple "thank you" or an emoji. I know I'm being a hypocrite here since I fail to do what I preach, but it doesn't make it less true.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that would be Drifting, because it's kind of open ending, left to be interpreted, so it could end however the reader wants. Although, I left an author's note at the end saying what's my preferred ending, which always will be inclined to the happy side.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
High Above the Ground because is the happy ending i want for Commander Fox and Riyo Chuchi. They deserve only the best!
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
No, not really. I've gotten only 1 stupid message of someone criticizing a fic, but that was years ago when I still posted on FF dot net. The joke was on the reader because I moderated all the comments there so I just deleted it and nobody saw it but me. Honestly, I just laughed about it cuz their argument was just stupid.
9. Do you write smut?
I do, all kinds -from the most tame thing to the most perverted. But I used to wrote way more in my old fandoms, especially for Arrow. I think for Star Wars I've written just 1 or 2 smutty fics, and tamed at that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've tried a couple of occasions but never finished them. I'm not opposed to them obviously, but I do think the combination of fandoms has to be just right to work. Or at least, when it's me doing the writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! Many, many years ago in the first fandom I ever wrote for. It was awful and hated it! You see, this was in the stone age of the internet when fandom specific sites abounded and not everyone had an account on FFnet yet (and Ao3 was not even a dream). The site I published on was split in 2 sections because the ships war in the fandom was bloody and ruthless, so to avoid the slaughter, I kept myself in my preferred side. But one day, a friend who read fic on both sides told me that someone stole my fics. Avoiding to get caught, the person who did it published them under a pen name that was almost exact to mine, she only added a period at the end, which could easily go unnoticed. Oh, and she interchanged characters names so it'd fit the other ship.
At first, my friend thought I had posted them but she knew I'd never write for that ship, like ever. In the end, it turned out that I wasn't the only one who had being plagiarized. Several people ON BOTH SIDES were. Thankfully, the person was caught and banned, but we almost burned the site down because of the whole shitshow.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
By me, yes, several. All into Spanish (my mother tongue). By others, not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! A couple of times for different fandoms, and I loved it. I hope I'll do it again. The thing is that you need to find the right partner for it, or it can be a nightmare.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't appreciate this question, let me tell you. It's hard to choose. But I think I have to go with Olicity. I love them still (even if the show ending ruined it for me). Close second would be Braime (and I'm glad that there's still hope for them on the books, because as usual the show fucked them so but sooooo bad)
And as Star Wars specific, I don't think anyone will be surprised if I say it's Kalluzeb, right 🤣 They're my babies and I adore them!
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Anything for Arrow or Supergirl. I sworn off those fandoms after their respectively awful endings.
No promises, but there's still hope for all if my unfinished works for Star Wars 😅
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Coming up with ideas. So, so many ideas. All the time and I want to write them all.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Finishing writing the above-mentioned ideas. I tend to splay myself too much when I'm writing, and it takes me forever to get to the portion I really want to write (usually the idea that sparked the whole writing process) and I lose steam. That's why I have so many unfinished WIPs. I wish they'd write themselves.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's ok if used sparingly. A word here, a phrase over there is fine, but if a wall of dialogue that the reader needs to scroll down to the notes or click on a tooltip to find out the meaning it's the worst!!! A better solution for a writer that really needs/wants to have a whole conversation in another language for plot reasons or whatever, then all they need to do is to say once that the characters are talking in the other language and put the dialogue in the same language they've been writing the rest of the narrative and in italic.
The characters who don't speak the language won't understand what's being said, but the reader will and their reading will be more pleasant and fluid.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
An Argentinian show called Floricienta. A modern retelling of Cinderella.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I don't like this question either! All my fics are my babies! How do you want me to choose?!! There are so many I'm proud of. I guess I'll point the most recent one: Feed Me Poison, Fill me till I Drown I really like how this story is coming along. It's not done yet (what else is new? 😅) but what's coming is so so good!
Tagging (no pressure): @renee561 @thecoffeelorian @genericficerblog @airlockfailure @mistr3ssquickly @insertmeaningfulusername @fanfictasia
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ghostedgrim · 6 months
The Avina Mission- Prolouge
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"The chances I'd get thrusted across space weren't high, but people were still convinced that this would happen to my crew and I. I mean, really, what are the chances I'd get thrusted into a galaxy far, far away? Absolutely 0%!"
Those were the last words planet Earth heard from the Avina I space crew.
A year ago, Dr. Duncan had discovered hyperspeed. Six months ago, Progect Avina was created. The name Avina comes from the doctor's cat of all things. Five weeks ago, the Avina I crew were sent on their first mission. The goal- to use hyperspeed for the first time ever to travel to the space station on Jupiter, then back to Earth.
They were supposed to return within two days... people theorize the crew miscalculated the directions and got launched out of the solar system, other's believe they ship exploded.
"Sir, I'm intercepting a signal of sorts?"
"Signal of sorts? CT-4509, please elaborate on "signal of sorts," if I had known you clones were so bad at interpreting signals I would've never allowed the general to assing you to my ship," Lieutenant Cain grumbles something under her breath as she looks over the clone's shoulder.
"The signal is weak, but the source is close, the sound is far too grainy to make out any words, if someone is even speaking ma'am."
"And the source?"
"It's from an unmarked vessel, ma'am. We're not yet close enough for visuals, but so far, the scans show it isn't imperial or even from anywhere in this galaxy." Lieutenant Cain speaks to the captain through her comms. After a few orders are sent out, a shuttle is sent to investigate, and the Star Destoryer shifts course, searching for the signals source.
After what feels like forever, the mysterious vessel comes into view. The vessel itself is quite crude in build. There's something printed in bold on the ship, but the letters are a language no one on board recognizes. Whoever made it was either some stupid engineer or a backwater planet that just discovered space travel.
"Ma'am, the signal has cleared out. It's on repeat," the clone plays the audio, it's still grainy but more clear. "Hustion, this is Avina I do you copy? Huston, do you copy? Jupiter Satellite Omega 5, do you copy?...Caution fuel levels are at, 15%, turning on emerging power... FUCK! Is there anyone out here! Does anyone copy! Mayday! Our fuel is depleted, our navigation isn't working, half my crew is dead! We are unarmed." The signal fades out before repeating itself.
"Well, at least they speak the same language. How old is the signal?"
"At least two days old ma'am."
"Pull up the visual feed of the troopers on the shuttle investigating the vessel"
Five clones total, plus some random pilot the empire hired. Hopper ensures his helmet is secured before walking onto the small vessel. He and his brothers are caught off guard when there's absolutely no gravity on the vessel. For several moments, the men drift, trying to find purchase on the walls to collect their bearings. This vessel lacks any sense of direction aside from forward or backward, implying whoever created this, made it without artificial gravity.
The lights keep flashing red, and an electronic voice repeats that only 2% of the backup fuel remains. The men drift until they find themselves in a small space with ten tube-like pods, and 6 have a red line across the front along with an unfamiliar lettering. Inside those 6 pods are six frozen bodies. However, two have seemed to thawed, leaving grotesque decomposing corpses within. There's almost no heat on this vessel. Looking at the pods, these creatures must be from a frozen over planet, which would explain the need for pods to keep them frozen.
Hopper and his men explore forward until they reach a dead end. For several moments, he looks around, only to realize there was a hole above him that led to the cockpit. Four bodies drift within it. The cockpit is tiny and cramped, two seats, with buttons, and leavers all around. It was a miracle a single person could fit. Now, back to those four bodies. Their suits are thick and bulky, and the helmet was like a fish bowl. Either these creatures are thick or a bit too dramatic with their layers.
"Hopper, my scans show their alive, but their vitals are weak." Hopper looms over the data pad in his brother's hand. Sure enough, the four creatures before them were alive, but they won't stay that way for long. They need medical aid and fast. He drifts to Dive Bomb, who's drowned himself in what Hopper thinks is their data logs.
"What have you found, Dive Bomb?"
"Sir, these creatures have a hyperdrive, a weak and roughly scraped together one, but it's functional. Or it was till they lost fuel. It's a miracle they're alive at all. They've been traveling with hyperspeed for around five weeks! Whatever they are, they're definitely not from this galaxy."
"I'll call the captain." Hopper drifts back onto the imperial shuttle. Moving from zero gravity to artificial graved made his limbs feel like lead. "Captain Rhys, permission to bring the creatures we found on the shuttle on board. From what my men have found, they were a crew of ten, six died, and four are barely alive. They're not from our galaxy, and I don't think they're from any of the neighboring galaxies either, sir. They've been in hyperspeed for around five weeks. It's a miracle they're still alive."
Fortunately, the captain allowed us to bring the strange vessel on board, and the creatures were rushed to the med bay. Hopper now stands guard within the room of one of the creatures. He wasn't present for the first few tests, but apparently, the doctor concluded our air is safe for the creatures. He watches as the nurse removes the helmet from the creature, and for a moment, everyone is shocked. Hopper had expected something more...icy, blue skin, maybe some frost, or fur, but no...the creature before him was human.
☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆
Thanks for reading. The idea for this fic kinda hit me out of the blue. Updates will be inconsistent. Now I do have ideas of that'll happen throughout the fic, and I plan for it to take place during the events of The Bad Batch. I really hope to make a full story of this because I believe that this concept deserves to be written.
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kald-dal-write · 2 days
31st Games One Shot: WIP
Hello because it’s my birthday today I wanted to post something special, so have the one shot around Kennedy’s/31st Games as a massive thank you for all the support and love you people have given my two fic. It is truly the best gift I could have gotten in this entire world 🫶
Warnings Alcoholism, parental abuse, mention of drug abuse
The warehouses in District 6 were massive. Every export from every District will go through here, before getting shipped out to every other District and the Capitol. It’s a pain of a job where most people would end up with a bad back and joints that's always in pain when they hit 40.
Unfortunately for me, a poor girl who was barely out of school and had nothing else to my name, this was the only thing I could get my hands on. I started working at the warehouses seeing as they didn’t expect any training, just that you were strong and didn’t have an attitude. Also seeing how my father’s old work place laid him off meant that I had to carry my weight now.
I started working some of the evening and night shifts a while back. Having to move boxes around all day and filling up the trains. Days on the job were long and rarely felt fulfilling. But still it was something, and me complaining wasn’t going to help
Today’s shift was with Flint and Benson. They were some of the co-workers I tolerated the most. Mostly Flint. But him and Benson had known each other for longer than I had known them. So If I were to have Flint as a friend I just had to take Benson with me
"I swear we did more work this week and we got paid less!? Unbelievable" Flint complained loudly as we all walked to Gregor’s store after we were done with our shift.
Shuffling in the darkness and cold. Holding my father's jacket close to my chest. Trying not to gag at the smell reeking from it. Almost like the smell of musk and alcohol coming from it reminded me of what I needed to buy for him after my work shift. Had become routine now going to Gregor’s place after paycheck day to buy this stuff to father.
I really didn't want to spend my precious weekly paycheck on him and his booze. But the reaction he would get if I didn't do it just wasn't worth it. It never was.
I don’t know why Flint insists on following me here though, he never buys anything when he comes with me. Benson just follows us because he doesn’t want to take the tram alone after he got mugged a few months back allegedly. Could almost feel bad I made them do this retour for something I didn’t even buy for myself. But they were the ones that decided to follow me here, so maybe I shouldn’t feel bad.
I tried to listen a bit more to their conversation complaining about their paychecks for the week as I waited for Gregor to come back from back to get the booze I asked for.
"Rumor has it that there is sabotage on some of the tracks from 7" Benson said almost in a whisper, like there were peacekeepers right around the corner. “Maybe that has something to do with it?”
”Well how does some lumberjacks in 7 affect my pay?” Flint asked in an annoyed tone and Benson just shrugged.
"You should stop listening to everything you hear in passing" I said annoyed at them both as I put the money on the counter in exchange for the bottles I Gregor holding behind his counter.
Gregor gave me 2 bottles and the chance. After he seemingly wasn’t going to give me anything more, I looked at him with a glare.
"I'm supposed to have 3," I explained to him again, thinking this was a simple misunderstanding.
"Sorry Sweetheart but business tough, this is all you can afford with what you have given me" He explained sadly, except he wasn't sad about it.
I was about to argue with him but decided not to. He was the only guy I knew that sold booze that was shady enough to willingly sell to a 16 year old girl, but wasn't a complete creep about it. Didn’t want to find a new guy that was even sleazier.
"Gas prices went up yesterday," Flint explained leaning over me as we walked away. I knew that already, but I hoped it wouldn't affect how much booze cost. Well it made more sense than Benson rebel’s story.
The Rebellion was a vague idea for most. Around 30 years ago the District did try to go against the Capitol but it failed horribly for us. Could even see the prominent difference between the buildings from before all that and the new buildings they had to replace from the bombings.
Father mentioned he had been part of the rebel’s forces in District 6. Had a hard time believing that. From school all the, at least prominent, rebels got executed and I also had a hard time believing he would put his own life in line for any cause.
Taking the tram with Flint and Benson was usual routine when having shifts together. Flint counting the money he got today over and over again.
"I don't know if I'm going to afford to get my mom medicines" he said sadly, Benson giving him a sympathetic look.
I could probably actually afford to give him some of my paycheck, but I also needed the money for myself. Life is tough, it sucks for him, but that’s life in 6. Also I had suspicions his mom didn’t really need her “medicines”, my mom used to be the same. Before she overdosed on them a few years back.
Of course I wasn’t gonna call Flint's mom a morphling or a junkie to his face. But from the few times I’ve seen her it didn’t take a genius to see she was exactly that. With her empty wide eyes and bony limbs.
Just continued to look out of the window, mostly just seeing my own reflection and the occasional street light that was still working. Noticing it had started to snow and here I hoped spring was going to come soon. Guess I have to wait another week or two now.
"Maybe I'll win the Hunger Games then I am set for life" Flint said. “I’d probarbly have a good chance, at least better than most people who actually get picked for it”
He said as he showed by flexing and rolled my eyes.
"Gonna volunteer or?" Benson asked genuinely in shock.
"No…I mean I guess if I get very desperate" He chuckled nervously, shrinking in his chair. Like the reality of what he was saying hit.
Last time District 6 won was 17 years ago and the last time District 6 even had anyone promising to win it was a psycho kid people had voted for in the Quarter Quell to get rid of. Guess we should be happy he didn’t win.
"See you tomorrow Kenny" Flint said when he and Benson arrived at their stop. I weakly waved at them as they shuffled off and I held my bottles closer to me. Looking over at the people still sitting on the tram. The last thing I needed was getting robbed. Still it was only two stops and thankfully this didn’t happen.
The familiar stench of alcohol and musk met me immediately as I opened the door. When I peeked inside, my father was sitting in his chair as usual. Looking further into the kitchen I noticed he hadn't made dinner either.
I hadn't expected him to do it, but I can still be disappointed. I put the bottles on the table and he could take it, maybe he wouldn't notice I didn't get the right amount of bottles he had asked for this morning.
I took one of the canned foods on the shelf before putting its contents into a pan to warm it. I looked over at my dad again, it almost looked like he hadn’t noticed me coming in, good. I glanced between him and the bottles, maybe if he was too out of it he wouldn’t notice the one less bottle.
After the food was done heating up, I put two bowls out on the table before trying to eat as quickly as possible. Finally it seemed that he got the memo and got up from his chair, instead of walking to the table where dinner was ready, he walked to the counter and counted the bottles I had brought for him.
"I asked for 3 flasks," He said. Dammit he noticed immediately.
"I could only afford 2, the gas prices went up" I explained myself. Winter was harsh here in District 6 no one was willing to risk freezing to death. Even a sleazy guy like Gregor.
“Didn’t you take an extra shift this week?” He accused me, for what I had no idea, but he was accusing me for something.
"I'm not responsible for how much gas and coal costs," I said, not looking at him eating my food in peace.
"You took some of that money didn't you?" He continued to accuse me of something.
"No, I'm not that stupid" I mumbled, just trying to eat in peace.
"I have a hard time believing that," I don’t give him a reaction, I knew that was what he wanted from me. If I lost my temper first he felt justified in reacting in whatever way he wanted back.
"I'll get another bottle tomorrow, it's closed now" I said as flatly as possible, I had some savings in a box hidden in a grate in my room. Wanted to spend it on a new jacket so I didn’t have to borrow his all the time, but it looked like my goal would get further away.
I looked over at him again as he ate his food. I noticed he wore the same clothes as he did yesterday and his dark greasy hair was sticking to his forehead. How was he sweating in this weather? it was even freezing in the apartment.
“But I did ask for three bottles” he then complained yet again. I felt my eye twitch but I hoped he didn't notice.
“I already told you I didn't have enough money,” he still didn't seem to fully buy this excuse.
“Besides I can't use all of my money on booze” I couldn't help myself to grit that under my breath. Not caring if he heard that or not. We still needed food, heat, and just other stuff that would help the both of us survive. Or I don’t know maybe in his mind he did need the booze to survive.
“You mean our money” He corrected me.
“I'm the one working” I pointed out
“I've told you already girl no one wants to hire me” He barked out.
“Well no wonder! You do nothing all day!” I snapped before I covered my mouth. Oh why did I say that?
His face immediately turned red. Before I could walk or even run away, he grabbed my wrist, holding me at my place. Staring me down, I tried not to give him anything just glaring at him back. Telling him what I said…I wasn't going to take it back.
He looked around the placr, felt proud I've managed to make him speechless. He then widened his eyes at something and started to drag me to the stove, turning it on. I tried my best to break away from his grip as he started to hover my hand over the turned on stove.
“Not so tough now are you?” He started to mock me, I felt the heat of the stove getting closer and closer to my hand.
“I’M SORRY!” I yelled out, feeling whatever smugness from earlier disappearing from my body. Didn't even dare to point out I needed my hand for work.
He didn't budge, still hovering my hand over the stove, my pinky touched it ever so lightly before I jerked it away. Biting my lips so I didn't yelp out in pain. It didn't seem like he noticed.
“PLEASE, I AM SORRY, I DIDN’T MEAN IT!” I was screaming now, praying at least our neighbors could hear me. Even if I didn't think old Carson could do much.
Finally my father took my hand away from the stove, looking straight at me as he still onto my wrist, almost fearing he was going to break it.
"Good" He spat out.
He then threw me across the floor and I banged my head on the wall. I curled myself up on the floor. Covering myself and covered my head if he decided to kick me while I was down.
“Next time it’s going to be your face” He took his bottles and sat down on the couch. Acting like whatever had happened earlier hadn't just happened.
I just layed there, sucking on my pinky to ease the pain. Started to wonder how long I could lay there completely still before father would come and check on me. Or more likely yell that I needed to get up from the ground. It could have been minutes or maybe it had gone hours before I stood up again. Father didn’t say anything, like always.
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