#not as my first playthrough‚ at least -- for her world state i wanna see the game first
kirkwall-age · 8 days
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i never expected death to be my most faithful companion but she is the only one who will come without having to be asked (the only one who will never leave) — Amanda Lovelace
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annakie · 5 years
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part Four
Wherein we make it to the Citadel, and do a lot of running around.
List of Posts: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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So right away, we meet Udina and the Council, way to throw us right into it.  
It’s a brief introduction and gives us an idea what Humanity is up against and who is representing us.  Basically, we’re supposed to get the idea that it’s a lot of bureaucratic bullshit, I guess.
This is also the first time we see Asari and Salarians, and they’re in reddish-brown and white, which really isn’t the best look.
Bioware continues to push the story forward.  We get enough to know that Udina is kind of an ass, and the Council isn’t going to just trust what some guy says even if he is the representative for billions of people.
And finally, after this, we’re set free.
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The Citadel I think is one of the coolest locations in like almost any game I’ve ever played.  They do a great job of both making it feel huge, but also accessible.  Enough bridges to get across to places you need to get to, and after you walk somewhere once, Citadel Rapid Transit is great.  I still choose to take elevators about 80% of the time even when I can CRT somewhere, just because I like the squad conversations and news updates. There’s a shorter elevator rides mod that helps, too.
There’s so much to do and see, and having one of the main areas just be such an awesome combination of scifi futurism and lush greenery + water is both trippy and breathtaking.  I think, especially with the updated graphics mods/settings, the Presidium especially holds up fairly well.  I mean it definitely feels more populated and modern in ME3 but, I just consider this to be more of a residential / professional area of the Presidium and most of what we see in ME3 is a more retail section.
It’d be annoying to be a groundskeeper here, though.  Lots of green areas that you’d really need to climb to, or garden on a steep slant. :p
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I always found it interesting that the natural first place to head to is into the ambassador’s office next door, where we find some friendly aliens, and one not-so-friendly one.  But honestly, this is a great place to find out the different ways other species view humanity, and how there’s apparently tiers of respect given to various species.
I always kind of hoped the Elcor would feature more prominently into the world in future games, but at least we got Hamlet.  I have SO MANY QUESTIONS about how Elcor like... do things?  We never see it but you have to assume that their hands have opposable thumbs and they’re able to stand on two legs, right?  I want to see what an Elcor ship looks like and Dakuna specifically.  Give us more elcor, Bioware!
BTW, the Mass Effect: Annihilation (aka the book that was supposed to be based on the Quarian Ark DLC that never happened in Andromeda) is totally worth reading just for the elcor character in it.  It’s also probably the best of the Mass Effect books, in my opinion.
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Din Korlack’s got a point though, they not only have to share an office, but their view isn’t nearly as good as the human’s.  This is especially bullshit for the volus, who could stand on that railing and probably STILL wouldn’t have a view.
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I love how Mass Effect 2 takes her from a completely forgettable character to making me think  “Sorry you’re gonna die in a few weeks, your mom’s really gonna miss you.” every time I see her.
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I don’t remember which ME3 mod it is, maybe the Spectre Expansion Mod or maybe EGM, but thank you whichever modder it was who made Palin’s story and death more clear in ME3.  Sorry Udina got you killed.
Also, it was good to get a dissenting opinion on Spectres from him.
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Avina is such a good, optional way to get more loredump.  Yes, you can again ask them about Spectres if you want to hear about them again.  But I liked that each Avina terminal taught you a little more about whatever you were nearby, and the state of the galaxy in general and since they were programmed to be information dumps, it felt more natural to get information this way.
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Don’t these people have jobs?
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I love the Krogan statue, and the Avina terminal nearby telling you about it.  But now every time I see it, all I can picture is Grunt and his buddies climbing it.  So good.
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Managed to get a clean shot of the crew without the UI in the elevator, thanks Flycam!  You have about a half a second to get this shot though, because the camera is stationary while the elevator is not.
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Oh hell-lo Pailin, who is your charming-looking friend there?
This entire conversation needs to be longer. It’s a nice, quick introduction to Garrus, but, well, let’s spend a little more time with the main characters!!
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I mean how can you not just not immediately love that?  Hey remember how bad Garrus’ face texture used to be?  Thanks, modders.
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I just really love the Citadel tower.  Absolutely beautiful and atmospheric.
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SO the thing is, if you can pretend that Saren isn’t, you know, already half Reaperized, 100% the Council is right to not just go throwing one of their longer-term agents in jail because Shepard had a bad dream and a random dockworker said the guy who killed Saren looked like this.
Honestly though, this and OH A GOOD CHUNK OF MASS EFFECT 2 would be so much easier if Shepard wore a bodycam. :p
Also, I wonder who took the dockworker’s testimony?  Did Kaidan run back real quick while Shepard was sleeping?
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This was an embarrassment for humanity, and I agree with Udina that we needed more to go on before making demands of the council.  The council is right to not convict based off a bad dream Shepard had.  Go get some real proof!  Also, do a bunch of sidequests!
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And scan some Keepers for this shady guy!
Which is actually good quest design, because you really have to go to every nook and cranny in the Citadel to find them all, though it would have been nice if they showed up on the minimap.   Really gets you to explore and get to know the area like the back of your hand.
This time around, I forgot to grab the one outside Dr. Michele’s office and had to hunt for it before heading up to grab the last one at the docks.
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Thank you, though, Barla Von, for telling us all about the Shadow Broker and telling us about Wrex.  See u in ME3.
Bioware please give us diverse-suited volus in a remaster.  Maybe I’m reusing a pic of Din Korlack, you’ll never know! :p
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Thanks, texture modders, for really highlighting what the end of the hanar’s noses look like. 
The hanar are another species I wish we got more of throughout the series.  They are probably the most alien of all the aliens we interact with.   I mean, at least we got Blasto.  I’d really love to visit Kahje someday.  I know it’s in the comics, but you know, in-game.
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Annnd let’s go visit Sha'ira.
I have very mixed feelings about Sha'ira.  On one hand, she’s clearly very respected, is probably making bank, in control of her own destiny etc.  On the other hand, she’s probably the asari we have the second most interaction with in this game after Liara, and after just seeing Benezia’s boob-tastic clothing and then heading to Chora’s Den soon to see the dancing asari we’re getting a very slanted view of the species.  I think Bioware course corrects in later games but oof this is such a dude-fantasy alien species in ME1 it hurts.  Especially since Liara is almost a born-sexy-yesterday trope.
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Also... don’t touch me if I don’t wanna be touched. =\
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Noveria advertisements... that just say Noveria.  I guess this is effective marketing in 2148.
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Look how great those shadows from the tree are... actual definition in shadow... wow.
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Raise your hand if you’ve missed this conversation in a playthrough before and reloaded like an hour or more past to make sure you get it.
It’s one of those little moments that they didn’t have to put in.  Just a little conversation reflecting on humans and humanity, and our place in the world, and showcasing Ash’s wit and Kaidan’s adorkableness.  Also making sure you appreciate all the work that went into this particular view.  It’s a pause in the action and all the things you have going on, and it’s so great for characterization and making you feel a part of the world.  
Speaking of the view... I decided to flycam it.  Warning, I spoil some of the “magic” below.
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Pretty quickly, you see that the arms are actual objects, untextured on the non-visible side.
I decided to head for the closest line of “cars” on the bottom center-left to see what those “cars” looked like.
Flycam feels pretty fast when you’re trying to frame a specific shot just right... but when you need to travel a great distance, it feels verrry slow.
It took me probably close to five minutes of traveling to make it all the way there.
What I discovered was... a few of the buildings are real, the rest are a very good painting.
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This is how far away the citadel is from the rest of the map. That grid would be that entire view from outside Dr. Michele’s office all the way to the edge of the shops on the other side, plus some extra.
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So both the building that those “cars” (the string of white lights) are coming from and going to are... on the painting.  Neither one are physical objects.
Made some gifs.
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You can see the lights moving at a mostly-downward angle, while it looks like they’re just heading south when standing on the Citadel.  Also you can see other lights moving farther up the map.
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And here you can see the lights “disappearing behind a building” but they’re really just hitting an invisible wall, the dark angle of that building is just a part of the wall painting.   
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Looking up from the wall...
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So that was a fun distraction.
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Emily Wong deserved:
An entire shirt.
A mention in ME3 after she gave her life on social media defending Earth against the reapers while keeping her cool reporting on the invasion the day before ME3′s release.
That day before launch though... was amazing.  Bioware did such a great job on social media with the reaper invasion happening on twitter.  I loved that lots of fans got into it, too, posting photoshops and their own reaper invasion stories.  I remember being at work that day but not actually working very much.  A few friends and I had a google hangout going on to report in on anything we saw happening on social media and keep up with it and to be very hyped together online.  
We reblogged a bunch of it on fuckyeahbioware starting about here and working backwards through numbers.  
One of the ME3 mods, and again, sorry, don’t remember which, does give Emily a nice tribute through an email.  She deserves it.
Okay that’s enough for this post!  Will try to finish up the Citadel next time!
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enigmari · 5 years
Oh my GOD Please infodump abt hatoful.... ive repeatedly tried to get into it but have no idea how/how to connect any of the lore. Thanos !
SKDFSKJSLKDFJ no worries anon, it happens to the best of us. Anyways, how should I start this…
So, if you’re totally new here, Hatoful Boyfriend is a visual novel dating sim whose basic premise is “what if cliched boyfriend archetypes… but birds?” And it takes this premise completely wholeheartedly, while still maintaining a comedic tone. You pick classes and club activities each in-game day to increase your skill points, and depending on your levels (and a few dialogue options) you’ll either successfully romance your birdie of choice or get a Bad End. Most of the birds make their interests/level requirements obvious from the start, and you have a bunch of save slots to work with if you wanna go the scum route. Pretty simple and straightforward.
(Actually, that’s a lie, it gets much more complicated later. Don’t worry about that right now.)
Most of HBF is framed through the perspective of the protagonist (I’m gonna use her canon name for convenience) Hiyoko, and she is… not the brightest bulb in the box. Especially in the first game, when events in one character’s route will be foreshadowed in other routes, she will rarely call them out or make note of them. Naturally, this also means some reveals will be spoiled depending on which order you do the routes in. You also unlock documents in the Archive section after completing each route, which adds another level of puzzle piecing to the mix. 
(No, this is not the complicated part I was talking about earlier. Sorry.)
In this next bit, I’m going to briefly run through the routes of the first game from least to most complex in terms of lore, as well as what things are foreshadowed when. I’ll also toss in the archive documents when I feel they’re most relevant to the information you have. We ready?
Okosan’s routes: Mostly joke endings, unless there is some greater plot significance to pudding that I’ve missed for all these years.
Ryouta’s route: Mostly about character building, the only real hint you get is that his mother is sickly and it’s implied he inherited this from her.
Azami’s routes: You could get here with the same stats as Ryouta’s route, but then you fuck it up by taking this job opportunity away from him. How rude, Hiyoko.
Sakuya’s first route: He opens up to you about his abusive and bigoted dad, and with some encouragement you encourage him to run away and become a musician like he always wanted. Mr. Le Bel is very important to multiple other characters in this game.
Sakuya’s second route (needs perfect stats/dialogue choices): Same conversation about his dad, but he chooses to live with you instead. Your big hint is at the end, when Yuuya sends you a letter saying there’s “something he’s wanted to tell [Sakuya] for a long time. Something important.” 
Yuuya’s route: You don’t actually get to find out what the "important thing" is, whoops. You do find out that Yuuya’s a spy for the Dove Party, Shuu is one for the Hawk Party, and the school has been increasingly influenced by the Hawk Party as of late. 
BAD END: You may have gotten it earlier, but now you have context as to who’s killing you when you fail a route- it’s the Hawk Party. The reason why is still unclear.
[CW for gore, child death, medical abuse, suicide, and attempted genocide from here on! This game is a trip!]
Shuu’s first route: Absolutely not a romance route and if you ship Shuu/Hiyoko please block me and tab out immediately thank you very much. You learn that Shuu has been killing students for medical experimentation, confirming Yuuya’s suspicions about the quills in the student store and the food in the cafeteria.
Shuu’s second route (needs perfect stats/dialogue choices): Same ending where Hiyoko dies, but he’s attached enough to her that he takes her head in a jar when he goes on the run. You do learn that Shuu doesn’t care about the Hawk Party’s politics, just that they can enable his personal experiments.
Archive Note 11: Someone (Shuu) knew that Yuuya was a Dove Party agent from the start. He also notes that some of the students are “fascinating”, which you know from his route means they’re good experiment fodder. You learn that he has reason to believe his victims won’t oppose the experimentation, but not the details.
Archive Note 10: Shuu makes notes about human “adaptability measures.” Given that Hiyoko is the only human at the school, you can guess that this will involve her in some way.
Archive Note 06: Notes about the Spanish Flu, how deadly it was to humans, and the connection to an “Avian Influenza.”
Archive Note 04: Notes about a “Goodwill Ambassador” for humanity, who needs a strong natural immunity to Avian Influenza. Hiyoko’s stats show that she has a base level of 800 Vitality, so you can guess that she’s the ambassador. This is why she dies when you fail a route- the Hawk Party saw she didn’t build a good enough connection to the birds, so they take her as a lost cause.
Archive Note 07: Shuu makes notes about “carrier capacity” in the student body, inducing it in some way in a “normal” individual. You can guess this is the details of his medical experimentation, but not who the victim is. You can also guess that the disease to be carried is Avian Influenza.
Anghel’s route: It’s not actually that complicated, but I think you need to complete Shuu’s route before the “mad love of a fallen angel” option is available. (EDIT: you actually just need to complete one playthrough to unlock this option. Even the Azami solo ending will unlock it.)  This ending seemingly undermines all the things we learned about Shuu right before, but this is just Hiyoko’s perspective.
Archive Note 01: A certain student (Anghel) has hallucinogenic properties that can affect bystanders, putting them in a trance-like state. This explains why everything went totally off the rails in his route.
Kazuaki’s route: Again not a romance route (no matter what he says about “waiting”, ew) because the whole point is that Kazuaki is afraid to open himself up to love of any kind. You learn he had someone he cared deeply about in the past but lost, and now he’s been soured from the experience. You also learn that he smells like bleach.
Nageki’s route: You learn that he’s a ghost, that he killed himself in the school some years ago, and that he doesn’t have all his memories. He disappears before you learn anything more, but he’s happy so it’s okay and why am I crying agai-
Archive Note 02: Someone (Nageki) writes about how they are trapped, and can’t remember what happened to them.
Archive Note 05: Nageki remembers he made a promise to someone very important, but he can’t remember who or what it was.
Archive Note 03: Nageki once woke up in a place that wasn’t the library- somewhere with bright lights and a white ceiling. He’s not as trapped as he first thought.
Archive Note 14: Nageki notes that he can move between floors, going from the library to the chemistry lab below. You can guess that the place with the bright lights is somewhere below these two rooms. This also reveals that Nageki knew the layout of the school when he was alive.
Archive Note 12: Nageki notes that after meeting Hiyoko, he feels fulfilled “just as he did back then.” He still can’t remember everything, though.
Archive Note 08: Notes about an underground facility, a fire, and a Subject 00 whose remains are in storage. You can guess that the facility is the place with the bright lights, and Nageki is Subject 00. You can also guess that Nageki set the fire, since he said that he killed himself.
Archive Note 09: Notes about Subject 00′s relative, whose remains are also in storage. You can guess that this is the “important person” that Nageki made a promise to a long time ago.
At this point, the only documents left are Note 13, which is about a terrorist incident at the Heartful House orphanage in which only two birds survived, and Note 15, which is about another terrorist incident some years ago in which the Ave’s High City building was bombed. Nothing in the main routes hints at these notes, so it’s a good time to move to…
Bad Boys Love route: This route is literally the length of the rest of the routes combined, so we’re doin’ more sections, baby!
Kazuaki’s lost loved one and Nageki’s important person turn out to be each other. They were the survivors of the Heartful House incident, and Kazuaki (real name Hitori) took care of his little brother by himself. Nageki was sickly, so he volunteered himself for a medical experiment at the school that could potentially cure him to take the burden off of Hitori. 
Unbeknownst to them, the Hawk Party was already in control of the school and their real motive was to investigate the disease Nageki was carrying- Avian Influenza. Shuu was specifically the lead for this project, and he also witnessed the Heartful House incident when it happened. At the time, he went by the name Isa Souma and was a medical researcher. He worked with Ryuuji Kawara, Ryouta’s dad, until Ryuuji’s death from disease.
Ryouta and Hiyoko were also there, because her parents were former human ambassadors too. Unfortunately, they became some of the casualties, which left the two kids heartbroken. Shuu, seeing them and recognizing Ryouta, offered to grant them a wish. They both wished for a world where humans and birds would never fight anymore, which Shuu took to mean “kill all the remaining humans so they can’t fight the birds” because… he’s like that. 
Shuu decided that the easiest way to kill all the humans would be to spread the Avian Influenza, and this is why he sought out Nageki. Nageki was forced to kill humans as part of the experiments, and this traumatized him so much that he set the lab on fire to stop it, trapping himself inside. Hitori witnessed this too, and swore to get revenge despite Nageki asking him to destroy his remains and live a happy life. He bleached his feathers and swapped identities with another bird to fake his death, and applied to the school as a teacher under his new name. 
Nageki’s plan didn’t entirely work, and the Hawk Party was able to store some of his remains for future experiments with Avian Influenza. This brings us to the timeline of the main routes, where Shuu took advantage of Ryouta’s sickly constitution to make him a new carrier for Avian Influenza. Yuuya tried to interfere on behalf of the Dove Party, but Shuu blackmailed him with the knowledge that he killed his real half-brother because he hated Mr. Le Bel and wanted Sakuya to live instead. 
The new strain of Avian Influenza that Ryouta carried was enough to make Hiyoko sick and kill her. The death of the Human Ambassador kickstarts the beginning of this route, and Shuu planned for the humans who would retaliate to also be infected. It doesn’t go as he planned, of course, but that’s laid out pretty well in the rest of the route so I won’t re-summarize it here. 
Aaaand that’s about everything for the first Hatoful Boyfriend game! I’ll gladly do infodumps/lore summaries for Holiday Star or the other side materials if anyone wants, but this took almost three hours to write as is so I’m going to give myself a break.
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mellz117 · 4 years
Hello all and welcome to part 4 of my playthrough of KH2 on the PS2. If you haven't seen the previous entries please go do that.
[ _1_ ] [ _2_ ] [ _3_ ]
To recap: The Wonders of Twilight Town are boring as hell. We spoke to Namine again, Roxas finally realizes his life this week is a lie and starts to remember his life in the Organization. DiZ is racist against Nobodies but we already knew that. Roxas and Axel fight, I wanted to cry. Roxas meets Sora in his sleeping pod before disappearing, I wanted to cry.
And the adventure continues
I wanna know how Sora wakes up in the real world when Roxas merges with him in the virtual one. How in CoM does Sora go to sleep in Castle Oblivion, the whole-ass chamber and then some get transferred to Twilight Town, Roxas meets him in a virtual version of the mansion, and Sora wakes up in the real mansion in KH2? Nomura please explain this series. Is Final Fantasy ever this convoluted?
Donald and Goofy call out to Sora and we're once again reminded this is a Disney game. I don’t know why but the fact that Disney owns the original Kingdom Hearts characters bothers me. It means, unless DISNEY gives the OK, Sora will never be in Smash Bros. and that makes me sad.
I don't know much about comas but after a year of total inactivity, wouldn't your muscles atrophy like, A BUNCH? At least is wasn’t 7... OR VENTUS WITH A WHOLE DECADE WTF?
The trinity trio wanders out of the mansion, loot some chests, and find their way to the back alleys of town.
Hayner is rude RIGHT outta the gate, wow. Ok I remember that Pence actually met Roxas in Days, and so to me he seems to recognize Sora through his memories of Roxas despite the two sharing like, one visual similarly: blue eyes. But KH3 to my understanding reveals that the virtual versions of characters affect the real version so I dunno!! WHAT IS THIS SERIES?
"Have you finished the summer homework yet?" Olette asks Sora and his two ANIMAL COMPANIONS as if seeing two anthropomorphic animals is fucking normal in a town comprised entirely of humans and exactly one moogle.
Sora doesn't have any homework. For over a year he's been away from home and his mom couldn't make him go to school. I wonder how she's doing? Does she miss her son? Kingdom Hearts and parents don't gel.
I like how.. When Pence describes this cloaked figure who was looking for the trinity trio, as having big, round ears, they have to think about who it could possibly be. They’re not too bright.
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Why is “sofa” capitalized? Also they weren't even sitting on it, neither of them were!
HAYNER IS A RUDE BOY! He tells us so ask Seifer about the town, as we are new. Bruh, if you’re this rude to us I’m sure how much worse Seifer and his posse are.
Seifer is immediately confrontational. “You here to pick a fight with us?” and Sora’s all like “No, we’re new here.” and DONALD FUCKING DUCK! INSULTS SEIFER AND NOW EVERYONE’S READY TO THROW DOWN! THANKS TO THIS DUMB FUCK DUCK!
But thank Christ big chungus appears out of nowhere and stops the children and two adult furries from causing a scene.
This dude is WAY too into the Struggle tournament. Seifer has an unwanted faaaaan! Bro, go away, you’re creeping on a teenager.
I wanna fight Seifer.
I'm not working on this like I should be. I'm going on vacation soon and since we're all in quarantine I can't really do anything fun so this is the opportune time to catch up.
Moving on! We make our way to the train station and oh no, we're ambushed by Dusks! Because of COURSE we are. Who could've seen THAT coming? /s
I- I like how, even after hearing his voice, and seeing his fucking mousey silhouette, the gang STILL might not be sure this is their stupid rat king. One brain cell between the three of them, I swear, and Goofy is the primary carrier, and it only sometimes works.
Why do we need to purchase tickets to travel on a magical train embarking to an ethereal plane of existence? I guess it's the principal of it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Pence is so cute. I didn't care much for him when I was younger but he's such a cutie. 
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It's fat cat Pete. For like ever, I had no idea he was a cat. Wonder what Maleficent saw in him to ally with him.
The trinity trio laughing about killing (or at least taking part in killing) Maleficent. "She's toast!" this sure is early 2000's dialogue...
Heartless everywhere! "You mean the worlds aren't at peace after all" well, no sweetie. It takes time for things to recover from horrible events. *looks at current state of the real world*
So like, I had no idea Yen Sid was a Keyblade warrior??? I had read about that in his Wiki page when I googled if any Keyblade warriors were left handed. (Ven might be, but more likely ambidextrous) But I guess being Mickey's teacher would imply his Keyblade wielder roots but whatever, I didn't pay attention when I was a teenager.
Yen Sid's decor is baffling. What are these bookshelves? What are these BOOKS? They're huge!
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Good on Yen Sid for using singular “they” pronouns in 2005.
On to our change of wardrobe. Without a doubt Sora's best look in the whole series, in my humble opinion. Lookit my handsome boy. 
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And Sora learns about drive forms, blah, blah, blah, powerful forms, gotta sacrifice something like in Duel Monsters, in this case an ally.
Yen Sid is so boring.
All seriousness and tension is just broken as soon as Goofy’s name is uttered, at least Sora and Donald have normal names wtf.
It’s interesting how like, 15 years later, Union X explains how Maleficent was able to return after her defeat. Something about, as long as someone from your original time remembers you and you have a physical object to represent you you’re able to basically some back from the dead. Right? Am I right on that? I haven’t played it but I’m hanging by a thread on this loop.
Sora’s hard work down the drain...
Hollow Bastion! And of course there’s trouble. Heartless, Nobodies, and Yuffie, oh my!
A problem sequels have to work around is when the protagonist needs to relearn their abilities. KH does a well and good job with this one. In CoM, it’s a different battle style, in KH2 Sora’s been asleep for a hear prior.
Also, Merlin “leant” Sora some magic spells? How does that work? Like, once you learn it you can’t just... give that knowledge back...?
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How old is Leon? He has no right being this pretty.
Another ambush by Nobodies. Give it a rest, would ya? Battle ensues, Leon deals the final blow against an enemy, and as the camera usually does, zooms in on the victor and we get a nice slow-mo crotch shot of Leon. Thanks, game... Then, Xemnas’s very sexy, very manly voice echoes across town and the organization appears before our protagonists. I’m weak.
Demyx’s laugh, dude. I love it. Sora is ready to throw hands with anyone in his way. Honey, you’re barely out of a magic coma and this dude is like, two whole feet taller than you. Not to mention very fit.
I’m done thirsting over Xemnas...
After a few taunting words, the new villains depart, Donald attempts to give chase somehow? Where you gonna go? They disappeared behind dark corridors. It seems Goofy is still holding onto that shared brain cell.
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The Bastard
I like the majority of the Organization. Xigbar is definitely one of my favorites based on this next scene alone. He’s so snarky and full of shit. I love it. He’s great. He was definitely a stoner at some point.
I’m confused though. “He used to give me that same exact look!” the Wiki says Xigbar’s talking about Ven but I always thought he was referring to Roxas? Did Braig and Ven have a history? That’s implied in Days (which released before BbS) IDK dude. I’m surprised I’ve gone this long without spoiling myself too much on BbS. Like, a few story beats here and there but a lot of it isn’t gonna be known until I play it.
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The dialogue for KH2 was so different from the first game. It dates itself so much in comparison.
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Xiggy stands like this for 7 whole seconds parting with a condescending “Be a good boy now!” before disappearing. I love this fucker.
Leon, who’s been sitting on the sidelines this whole time, joins Sora and the others after the real threat is gone. We chitchat for a little bit and say our goodbyes. It’s time to leave this place and move on to one of two available worlds.
At the Beast's Castle. After fighting a hoard of Shadows, the least intimidating enemy in the series (although the demon tower in kh3 is quite frightening nlg), the Beast himself makes his appearance, takes out the Heartless that suddenly stop multiplying upon his arrival, disgracefully shoves his supposed friends aside, and takes his precious rose to the west wing, which is where it SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE FIRST PLACE. ADAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
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No joke one of the funniest actual gags in the whole series is:
*Donald Duck manhandling Cogsworth*
Cut to Sora saying "I'm glad you're OK." to Lumiere
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OK the minigame where you gotta light the magic torches, why do we have to make sure Cogsworth  has enough strength to keep the lever down when we have two perfectly capable companions that can hold it down instead? I remember this sequence being a lot more annoying when I was a teen.
Xaldin's voice makes me feel things. Ahhh he sounds so tired lol. He peaces out and we fight the Beast. I remember getting him to calm down being harder.
"Xaldin used my anger to control me!" Says Beast. He angers very easily so this must have been a cinch. Xaldin's been obsessed with him since Days so I would imagine this intel would come in handy.
More fodder to fight and on to the boss. Phase one is just an angrier version of the Darkball Heartless. Phase two is just skinny Ganon. I like its design though.
“Belle, I’m sorry. I wasn’t myself, being all rude and overall kind of a jackass to you and my servants” Except that’s kinda how you’ve always been lmao. Just because you couldn’t choose not to be an ass here doesn’t change that this IS in character. Still gotta work on that a bit.
“You don’t have to apologize” No, no he still does.
They all reconcile and the Trinity Trio departs until Xaldin shows up again to wreak more havoc.
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Time to move on to the next world.
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whitepinkchocolate · 5 years
My thoughts on the Black Eagles
Today I want to write about my first impression of the students, aside from the 3 lords. The side characters managed to surprise me in many ways, some characters are more intriguing than others. Since there are a lot of characters and I noticed I wrote quite a bit I will devide this intoi three parts, starting with the Black Eagles. More under the cut because this is going to be a long post!
Hubert: I have been intersted in Hubert ever since his first appearance in the 2018 E3 trailer. Sometimes I love me some sinister character and Hubert is hitting all the right notes here. For some reason I really like the majority of the tactitian characters in Fire Emblem (Katarina, Soren, Innes and Robin to name a few) and I hope Hubert joines the group! His calculating nature goes well with the dignified Edelgard. I look foward to read their supports.
Dorothea: I must admit that I still don't like her design but this is a minor issue since she looks amazing after promotion! Dorothea is very interesting, not only is she the only commoner among the Black Eagles but she seems to have some insider information regarding nobles (as seen in her paralogue chapter with Ingrid). She also seems to be interested in romance and marrying a noble as we could see in one of the older Famitsu articles where she asks Byleth for some advice. I imagine she'd go possibly well with someone like Ferdinand. lol
Ferdinand: Ferdinand is actually one of my favorites and definitely the one guy from the Black Eagles I wanna romance. Why? Because he is everything I wanna look for in a Fire Emblem guy. Cavelier? Check! Neat knightly & noble design? Check! He has got that big dumbass energy one which I absolutely love once in a while! Lmao
His rivaly with Edelgard is funny as well, too bad it's said that this rivaly is one-sided on his part. Still, he is very confident and proud, though it's exactly this pride that is most likely his biggest flaw. He needs to learn that sometimes losing isn't that bad. I am also worried that he won't shut up about being a noble but worries aside I am pretty sure he will be an awesome character!
Bernadetta: There's not too much to say about Bernie. I absolutely adore and I want to recruit her in my very first playthrough even though I will start with the Golden Deer. Her design is one of my favorites and visually she reminds me a lot of Katarina. Too bad this doesn't last long as hercut changes a bit after the timeskip. Her interactions with Byleth must be funny if she is that shy and introverted! Her facial expressions are so damn cute and it's no wonder she is a fan favorite already!Honestly I'm thinking of romancing her myself, as far as S-supports go I am pretty set on the Black Eagles...
Caspar: Oh boy, I do have mixed feelings about Caspar. I went from loving him to hating him to liking him again. I must admit I'm not good with these hot-blooded types lately about Caspar thankfully isn't just that. I really like his sense of justice and his honesty. That will set him apart from character such as Vaike who are mainly crass and impulsive. I hope his friend Linhardt will also set him straight (and he already does). The two will go great with each other if they learn from each other! I have high hopes for Caspar! Besides he looks amazing after the timeskip!
Petra: Petra is interesting. While I didn't like her visually, unlike Dorothea she grew on me a lot. Petra comes with world building. Her kingdom, Brigit, is a vassal state to the Adrestian Empire. This relationship between these countries is reflecting in the relationship between Petra and Edelgard as well. Petra treats Edelgard with utmost respect despite being a noble herself.
During the playgame footage that have been released in the last few days Petra class was shown to be the commoner class. I wonder why? Because she is from a foreign a kingdom? A kingdom which is potentially seen as a country inferior to the kingdom? Will Petra have to deal with xenophobia or racism even? Edelgard at least treats her very well and I am pretty sure the othe students will as well. Petra seems to be a hard-working girl despite the unfamiliar enviroment, I love that!
Linhardt: I liked his design from the very beginning. Linhardt reminds me a lot of Soren from a visual point of view. Unfortunately, their fierce intelligence is the only thing they have in common. Linhardt is a very lazy person which I don't mind but he is also the sleepy type. The sleepy character trope is not a trope I personally like, so my impression of Linhardt got a bit worse. But maybe I will end up loving him regardless of that.
 Unlike Caspar who is more brawn than brains, Linhardt is very interested in crest reseach and I am wondering how the story impacts him as a character. After all, his leader Edelgard seems to hate the crests. Will they clash because of it. Also how will he change after the timeskip? Will he still be lazy even as an adult? I can't wait to read his supports!
That's all for today. I will try to write down my thoughts about the Blue Lions and Golden Deer students as soon as possible! Because the Black Eagles are the class I wanna play with last I will try to dodge as many spoilers when the game comes out!
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commentaryvorg · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 2.2
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time, as chapter 2 began, Kaito took Kaede’s wish to heart and started constantly looking out for Shuichi, Maki found her lab and became consumed by the fear of people learning her secret, Shuichi tempted fate by noticing way too many details about the pool, the casino’s slot machines joined in with the narrative’s attempt to imply Kaito is expendable, and Kaito encouraged everyone to keep being brave and proactive, except for Kokichi who is still being a coward.
And now, time for more Kaito. I mean free time.
Shuichi:  “There’s still some time left today… I need to think of a plan!”
It’s a little odd how Shuichi often thinks something along these lines before starting a free time segment, and then just goes on to hang out with someone and talk about nothing that has anything to do with plans or escaping.
And by “someone”, I mean Kaito, of course! They’re not officially friends quite yet, but Kaito’s still been good enough to Shuichi at the end of last chapter and the beginning of this one that it seems reasonable that Shuichi would feel most inclined to hang out with him already.
But first, a little bit of asking around the others. Most people’s minds are on the Ultimate Hunt, trying in vain to figure out what the hell it is.
At some point in between when he left the dorms in the morning and now, someone changed the icon over Shuichi’s door to one of him without his hat on. Monokuma did, I guess?
You can also go around and examine things that have to do with the previous case for some bonus inner monologue, by which I mean you can take Shuichi on a huge guilt trip about not having noticed and stopped Kaede.
Examining the moving bookcase in the library…
Shuichi:  (Rantaro noticed the trick to this bookcase. Just like me… The only difference between me and him… is that I had someone I could trust. I wonder what I would’ve done… if Kaede hadn’t been there…)
This is a nice little observation that’s also brought up during chapter 6’s trial! I imagine that if he hadn’t had Kaede, Shuichi would have just done nothing, not having the confidence to follow his deductions through.
Miu:  “What the fuck is up with that Flashback Light? You can’t just mess with someone’s memory using light…”
Except apparently, in this universe, you totally can. Clearly they didn’t give the Ultimate Inventor memories of that particular technology in case she figured out what was really up with the Flashback Lights.
Gonta:  “Not even trying to survive… That even possible? Cuz everybody got someone who would feel sad to lose you…”
Gonta is one of the handful of people who are thinking about what Ryoma said instead. He’s so pure, not even being able to consider the idea of not having anyone who cares about you. Also it’s very him to be thinking of the idea of a reason to live not as having someone who makes you happy, but as the fact that your existence makes someone else happy and so you don’t want to make them sad by dying on them.
Kaito:  “You seen Kokichi anywhere? I saw him a while ago and tried to tell him something, but he got away again.”
Meanwhile, Kaito is still focused on Kokichi’s words about not co-operating and trying to make an attempt to get through to him.
(Doesn’t your Monopad’s map magically tell you where everyone is at any given moment, Kaito? No? Does Shuichi just have a special Protagonist Perk Monopad?)
Shuichi:  (Kaito and I spent some time looking for Kokichi.)
…and apparently totally failed at finding him. But that’s par for the course with Kokichi’s hide-and-seek skills.
I gave him the Hand Grips, which improve strength for punching.
Kaito:  “Are you giving this to me? Haha, you know me so well!”
…I mean, you did punch Shuichi last night and threaten to punch Kokichi this morning, so. Not that hard to figure out.
Kaito:  “You got something to tell me? Don’t hold back! I’ll listen!”
It is so very Kaito to assume that Shuichi would come to him for the purpose of unloading his problems onto him and immediately try and make the conversation about that. It’s a little bit forward of him to think Shuichi would be ready to do that already. All Shuichi actually wants to talk about for now is what it’s like to be an astronaut trainee.
Kaito:  “No problem! My training’s a piece of cake!”
Shuichi:  (Kaito was grinning at me, but then his expression turned serious.)
Kaito:  “Well, to be honest, it’s about as intense as intense can get.”
I like how Kaito starts out pretending that his training’s no big deal before admitting the truth. He knows and is willing to admit that it’s really very challenging, but that’s not the first impression he wants to put in people’s heads. It seems he’d rather people have this image of him as the heroic Luminary of the Stars who can do everything effortlessly.
Kaito:  “Alright! Pop quiz! What’s the most important thing an astronaut needs?”
I am very amused by the fact that one of the possible answers to this question is “a healthy body”. Yeah, to be an astronaut, you need to, I don’t know… not be dying from a mysterious illness? That sounds like a good start.
Kaito:  “And that thing is… Communication! The most important thing for an astronaut is teamwork. The universe is a frontier that the people of the world challenge together. And since we need to work together, communication is vital!”
This explains so much about Kaito’s character. He was written to be someone who is such a perfect candidate to become an astronaut that the space program accepted him even though he’s too young and cheated his way into the exam. So he needed to be given the exact qualities that an astronaut needs – not necessarily in terms of specific skills, which he can learn during his training, but in terms of the kind of person he is and the potential he has even before being accepted. Of course he would have to be someone who is really good at communication and co-operating with others and values those things so much!
Kaito:  “They check that in the recruitment exam.”
Exactly – all the other more specific skills you need, they can teach you during training. But communication is so important that you have to be talented at it already to even get in at all.
Kaito:  “Of course, I can speak Japanese, English and Russian all fluently!”
The localisation worded this line in such a way to not have him mention which of those three languages he’s speaking right now, because it would sound awkward for him to mention that he’s speaking Japanese… in English.
Shuichi:  (He can speak multiple languages, is well-learned, and has what it takes to be an astronaut. …I’ve been underestimating him. Kaito is incredible!)
Damn right he is! And it’s interesting that, despite there being a number of actual concrete reasons why Kaito is a pretty awesome person that he’s just been chatting to Shuichi about, Kaito never mentions those things when he’s talking himself up as the Luminary of the Stars and trying to get people to be inspired by him. There’s no sense during this conversation that Kaito is actively trying to get Shuichi to look up to him by telling him about all the skills he’s learning in his training; he’s just stating the facts like it’s no big deal.
Kaito:  “I wanna get back to training! The universe is getting away from me! The world needs this Luminary of the Stars to shine even brighter!”
…Well, until this line, at least. Even so, this seems separate – he’s not saying that he’s the Luminary of the Stars because of all of those things. This is something he wants people to think that he just is.
This is probably because Kaito believes he’s more inspirational to others this way than if he frequently talked about all the proper reasons why he’s talented. If he talked about those all the time, then other people might get discouraged, thinking they’ll never be able to do all the things Kaito can do and so they’ll never be able to be as talented as him. But if Kaito just presents himself as this general idealised hero who is The Coolest Ever for no specifically-defined reason, then that’s a much easier thing for any given person to want to aspire to be a little bit more like in a way that suits them. Most people aren’t going to be able to become an astronaut like Kaito is, but everyone can become a bit more of a hero in their own way.
(Kaito is so good.)
Shuichi:  (…I don’t have the heart to tell him I’m not so sure about that.)
Really, Shuichi? Because I think that Kaito still needs to be a bit more luminary in order to fully inspire you and give you the strength to carry on Kaede’s wish and end the killing game. He’s made a start, but he hasn’t done enough yet.
(Did you know? The word “luminary” means “someone who inspires or influences others”, but also “an object that emits light, especially the sun or moon”. Kaito’s self-proclaimed title is perfect for him.)
Kokichi:  “Everyone’s got it all wrong! I only act like a bad guy so you guys don’t get too soft, y’know?”
See, this is at least what Kokichi likes to think he’s doing – deliberately playing devil’s advocate to foster more open suspicion because he’s convinced that’s better than people pretending to trust each other. In reality, all he’s doing is decreasing the chances of everyone working together and managing to escape and survive and not have more killings happen – in other words, what he’s really doing is actually being a bad guy, if still less of one than Monokuma.
Tsumugi:  “I just remembered… The phone game I was playing is having a collab with an anime I like… and I’m missing it…”
Well I guess those are just the kinds of sacrifices you make when you decide to take a few weeks out to force a bunch of people to kill each other, aren’t they.
Meanwhile, Kaito is now hanging out just outside the door to Ryoma’s lab.
Kaito:  “Damn it, Ryoma… The famous Ultimate Tennis Pro…”
Seems like he’s still hung up on Ryoma’s behaviour, too.
Kaito:  “O-Oh, it’s nothing… Instead of talking about that, it’s a better use of our time to think of ways to escape.”
But he doesn’t like being hung up on it, and he certainly doesn’t want to show it in front of Shuichi. There’s no point in moping around when you could be doing something to make a difference!
Kaito:  “Alright! Today I’m gonna tell you about me!”
That’s what you ended up doing last time too, Kaito, but sure. At least this time he seems to have realised that Shuichi came to hang out for the sake of learning more about Kaito and not for the sake of talking about his own issues.
Kaito:  “You wanna know, right? Why I feel so strongly about the universe!?”
Shuichi:  “Ah…”
Kaito:  “Good! I thought so!”
Shuichi:  (I haven’t even answered yet!)
This might not have been quite what Shuichi wanted to hear about, though. I love how Shuichi’s so awkward and passive that he just ends up getting utterly swept along by Kaito’s ridiculousness.
It’s also interesting to note that when it’s Kaito making the choice of what things about himself he wants to tell Shuichi about, and not Shuichi asking to hear about a certain thing, Kaito doesn’t choose to talk more about his astronaut training and actual genuine talents. Instead we get… this ridiculousness that’s about to happen here.
Shuichi:  (So not only are you going to force me to listen, it’s a long story…)
I also think this is a pretty good indication that this event should be happening this early in the story. Shuichi seems mildly annoyed here, whereas I feel like if this happened after the training session in which they properly become friends, Shuichi wouldn’t mind so much at being subjected to this.
Kaito:  “When I was a kid, I’d go to my gramps’ place to play sometimes…”
Keep this in mind for a bit later when I’ll talk about Kaito’s grandparents. The fact that he calls it his “gramps’ place” and says he’d only go there “sometimes” implies that when he was younger (I’m picturing him as being about six or seven in this story), he wasn’t permanently living with them.
Kaito:  “After I found that map, I made a decision and set out… I went to the nearest pawn shop and sold the map for some cash!”
Shuichi:  “You sold it!?”
Kaito:  “There’s no way I, Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars, would ever follow a map to adventure! A life free from maps, finding my own adventures… that’s the life for me!”
Even though this is all just a silly game he played when he was a kid, that’s still such a Kaito thing to do. Of course he’d want to carve his own path and be unique, rather than do the same things everyone else would do!
Kaito:  “But the sea still called me, so I bought a boat and went on a voyage.”
Can we talk about tiny Kaito pretending to be a pirate and how adorable that must have been. (Apart from the fact that it never actually happened, shush.)
Kaito:  “Soon after becoming a captain, I met my destined rival!”
Shuichi:  “Your rival?”
Kaito:  “Yeah! The boss of the Great Pirates!”
I wonder if this “rival” he talks about was an actual friend of his who joined in his games or if he was also imaginary.
Shuichi:  (…So what happened to outer space!?)
Shuichi is so bewildered I love it.
Kaito:  “We clashed on the field of battle many times, to the point we became friends…”
I also like that Kaito clearly adheres to the idea that competition fosters friendship, whether this rival was real or not.
Kaito:  “But during our final battle to see who would conquer the seas… I could’ve won, but I’m not the kind of guy to be satisfied with just the sea. No! I’m not the kind of guy to be satisfied with just the world!”
Of course you’re not, Kaito. That’s why space.
Kaito:  “That’s why I couldn’t finish him off with a final punch… He got mad at me for holding back. We haven’t met since that day…”
…If this rival was a real person and not just someone he made up, this is apparently Kaito talking about the time he fell out with his at-the-time best friend. Which means it probably happened absolutely nothing like how he describes it here and he doesn’t like to think about how it really went. Getting mad at your friend for holding back sounds like the kind of thing Kaito would do – holding back your full strength isn’t being true to yourself! – but not something many other people would, especially not when they’re like six years old or so. So that part’s definitely something Kaito made up just because it made sense to him.
Shuichi:  (I’ll just keep listening…)
Kaito:  “Hey… it’s written all over your face…”
Shuichi:  “Huh? What is?”
Kaito:  “You’re not taking this seriously, are you!? If it’s boring, just say so! Pretending to listen is super unmanly!”
As much as I feel a little bad choosing the option that makes Shuichi show obvious disinterest, I had to, because here’s another example of Kaito talking about manliness. And again, it’s about being true to yourself – be open and honest about how you really feel about things, rather than trying to pretend you feel differently!
Shuichi:  “Ah, no! I’m not bored or anything! It’s really interesting, Kaito!”
…To be fair, I don’t think Shuichi actually is bored, precisely – just exasperated at how obviously made up it is. At the very least, Kaito’s story isn’t boring to listen to.
Regardless, Kaito decides to leave it there for now and continue the story next time.
Also, can we take a moment to appreciate part of the summary of this event on the report card, which was apparently written by Shuichi based on the use of first person:
“It went on and on. I have no idea where he is going with this.”
I’m not sure he does either, Shuichi. Kaito is such a ridiculous dork and I love him.
Shuichi:  “I wonder… how it was for Kaede…” (I’m sure she had plenty of reasons to live… That’s the kind of girl she was. But I—)
Shuichi is still being plagued by awful intrusive thoughts about Kaede’s death. To be fair, Kaede’s main reason to live seemed to be to make other people smile, which also ended up being the reason she died.
Monokuma:  “Oh, but Spike Chunsoft games are fine. They’re specially made to improve your focus.”
Do Spike Chunsoft even make games any more, Monokuma? I thought Danganronpa had been a live-action “real fiction” thing for a while now. Then again, there was that Ultra Despair Girls 2 poster, so maybe the games they still make now are just spinoffs.
Monokuma:  “Back by popular demand, it’s time for the motive video!”
Hah, popular demand indeed. They probably did an audience vote on which of the classic motives they wanted to see again.
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This photo of Kaito with his grandparents is cute. They’re so proud of their grandson! …It’s a shame it’s completely faked and the “grandparents” are presumably just actors who don’t actually give a damn about him.
But from Kaito’s point of view, they’re real, so let’s talk about the fact that his grandparents are the most important people in his life. That one line I brought up from his most recent FTE implied that at least when he was a kid, he didn’t live with his grandparents. So it’s not just a case of his parents having died when he was too young to remember and he was always raised by his grandparents. Something happened with his parents at some point while he was growing up.
There seem to be two trains of thought among the people who like Kaito enough to have thought about this: that Kaito’s parents died, or that Kaito’s parents are assholes. I’m personally on the “Kaito’s parents died” train. That part back at the end of trial 1 where he gives advice to Shuichi on how to deal with Kaede’s death, where I mentioned that it sounded kind of like he was speaking from personal experience? Yeah, this would be that experience. It ties these two dangling unexplained subtleties together nicely. Kaito probably lost his parents while he was growing up – not while he was so young that it would have left a permanent, noticeable scar on his psyche, and also not so recently that the wound is still raw, but long enough ago for him to have developed a healthy, positive way of dealing with grief that he’s then able to try to pass on to Shuichi after that trial. It might even have influenced his more general optimism and go-getter attitude, since he’d know first-hand that life is short and so you should live it to the fullest and not waste a second of it.
I’ve seen quite a few people on the “Kaito’s parents are assholes” train instead, and their reason for it is usually something to do with the idea that all of Kaito talking himself up to be such an awesome person is actually because he’s desperate for the validation that he never got from his own parents. But that just doesn’t quite fit for me. Don’t get me wrong; I love characters like that whose outward confidence is just a façade born of a desperate need for acknowledgement. But that’s the thing: there are so many characters like that from other works of fiction that I like and enjoy and have spent a lot of time thinking about that I feel I’m pretty good at spotting that nuance, that subtle need for validation beneath the surface – and I don’t get that sense from Kaito right now at all. Perhaps part of the reason I feel this way is because of what I mentioned earlier in his first FTE, about how he never brings up any of the concrete reasons why he’s talented, which would be the first thing you’d think he’d do if he was secretly desperate for everyone’s validation. It really feels to me like Kaito’s confidence is completely genuine.
Not that I don’t also enjoy reading people’s headcanons about how Kaito’s parents being assholes would affect him, mind you, but I just don’t personally think it quite matches up with canon.
I also really like how, even though the deal with his parents is never explicitly revealed because of course Kaito wouldn’t want to talk about it regardless of which version is true, this is still a thing anyway. It wouldn’t be hard to remove it entirely – the writers could easily have gone with the most obvious option of having Kaito’s most important people be his parents instead, meaning nothing bad happened with them. But they did it this way, even though we never learn for sure what’s up with his parents – because the out-universe writers had an idea in their heads for what the deal was, and they didn’t need to explicitly explain it for it to still be a thing that’s true about Kaito that would have subtly influenced the way he acts, even if it’s only a little. Subtle character writing is great. Writers knowing more about their characters than they ever outwardly mention in the story is great. Kaito is such a great character.
Monokuma:  “Thanks to his exceptional talent, this young man is already an astronaut trainee! Wow!”
I love the audible air quotes as Monokuma says “exceptional talent”. (Screw you, Monokuma, we just established how genuinely talented Kaito is in one of his FTEs yesterday.)
Kaito’s Grandfather:  “No matter what happens, you must live. You must *never* give up.”
Kaito’s Grandmother:  “Please… live on. For our sakes, too.”
Monokuma:  “Their only wish… is for Kaito to live.”
This particular wish is very interesting. Consider the fact that Kaito’s grandparents aren’t real and don’t have any actual feelings about him and are just saying whatever the in-universe writers think would be most likely to make Kaito murder someone to escape. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t be a very good motive for that! If they wished for him to fulfil his dream of going to space, or even just to see them again, that’d be something that would actually require him to escape in order to do. But just living? The safest way to guarantee that in this killing game is to keep your head down and not murder anyone, while trying to avoid becoming a victim too. Sure, you’d be stuck inside this academy for the foreseeable future, but at least you’d be alive. Murdering someone to escape is significantly less likely to achieve your survival because of the incredibly high chance you’ll be found out and executed.
Except for the fact that Kaito is the one person among these students who has a deadly virus. If he just keeps his head down and stays here and doesn’t try to escape, he will not live. The only way for Kaito to live is if he can get medical treatment before his illness kills him, and to do that, he needs to escape and get to a hospital, in theory sacrificing everyone else here for the sake of his own survival. This message from his grandparents is trying to make Kaito feel more inclined to do that, once he realises what’s wrong with him. (Not that it’d ever work. Kaito selfishly putting his own survival before everyone else’s, even if it’s the only way to fulfil his grandparents’ wish? Ha ha, nope, not ever.)
…On the other hand, this could instead be a reference to the backstory with the Gofer Project and how Kaito’s grandparents would presumably know that everyone left on Earth is super doomed but at least Kaito will get to live. Apparently they were unaware that their grandson also has the virus and is equally doomed. That said, if this were the case, then you’d think everyone else’s motive video would also have the subject’s loved ones saying something similar, wishing for them to live on since they’re the only ones who can. The only other motive video we see that is an actual motive (aka not Ryoma’s) and isn’t explicitly connected to the end-of-the-world plot (aka not Kirumi’s) is Kokichi’s, and there’s nothing in there about his goons wishing for him to live on and spread mischief across the new world or anything like that. So it still seems more likely to me that the motive videos’ creators were thinking primarily about whatever would make someone most likely to commit murder, and only tying it into the overarching backstory if it happened to fit.
[Next post]
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 9]
All eight badges earned, so what does that leave?
Team for the task?
Vertex (Luxray)
Caspet (Gengar)
Stormy (Metagross)
Photon (Rayquaza)
Nessy (Milotic)
Diego (Gardevoir)
...Those who did not participate in the last Gym, raise hands or whatever you have in place of hands for grinding.
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Colress, I swear, if you pull a Euicine and make me fight you for the honor of not fighting the Terrakion...
He does not. He gives us a toy and basically says to check out the cave that I need Strength to go through more thoroughly. The Giant Chasm pirates are still blocking my way, so.
Box crew! What have you got for me!
I will take out Bessy, the level 33 Miltank, and teach her Strength.
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Bessy is Modest and somewhat vain, but that doesn’t matter because she’s just here for HMs. She’s temporarily taking Vertex’s place, since Vertex isn’t in need of more experience.
Ah. Actually, Strength just lets you get Toxic. Which is fine, but sorry Vertex, guess I threw you out of the squad for nothing.
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Hey we found the boat!
Marlon lets us aboard. Thought: I should go put Bessy back in the box and grab Vertex in case something goes wrong. Except that would take time.
...I am going to go put Bessy back in the box and grab Vertex.
After shifting a boulder on Route 22. And grinding for a bit.
Okay. A few hours later, I am more comfortable entering the pirate ship. Team levels are now 56-60. That is absolutely a balanced assessment of my current team. It is in no way misleading.
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...This is the greatest grunt ever. He calls Marlon Smiley Swimsuit. Yes. You have perfectly boiled down his character essentials.
Oh wait, he has a Watchdog.
Sorry pirate friend. We can’t be friends.
Russell, my actual friend, is trying to go on his roaring rampage of revenge. Only as a responsible big brother, not a Sasuke.
I used to have a Sasuke. No more.
...I should have named Russell Itachi. If there’s ever a next time...
I continue to find it delightful that after N leaves, Team Plasma ditches their knight theme for a pirate one. I don’t even know why, I just love it. I love knight aesthetic, I love pirate aesthetic. My castle was right next to my pirate ship for most of my childhood, and it rocked.
Though my pirates wouldn’t steal people’s pets. A key difference. Pirate in name only. Well. And clothing. Pirate is just a more fun word than sailor, and pirates have looser fashion.
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Mook time over?
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Technically this one isn’t stealing.
Just animal abuse.
The villain of this game is just a salty old man who spent so much time in a refrigerator he decided the rest of the world should spend time in a refrigerator, too. Then he found out his region has a legendary Dragon/Ice type, and the rest is history.
Only history I have to repeat.
Because the villain of a Pokemon game decided his winning strategy would be shooting bolts of ice down at the world below.
Video games are the greatest.
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...Wait. How did me and Russell get down here? Did Team Plasma just throw us off?
Also, yes Cheren. They use everything for evil. They’re the bad guys.
And then Cheren asks where the people Zekrom and Reshiram recognized are and. I wonder if he misses his friend. his best friend, [last game protagonist]. How much does it suck that he spent a full game with [person], and now they’ll never see each other again because [person] is bound to a different dimension. A world Cheren can’t touch.
Canon has, what. Red who comes back? Every other protagonist kind of just. vanishes as far as future references to that world are concerned. And Red spends quite some time up on a mountain. Alone.
These games are all about people who swoop in and birth legends, then vanish.
I made myself sad.
Anyway, to the Giant Chasm!
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Totally bro.
Aw crud. Do I need Strength? I think I might need Strength. Can I mayhaps avoid that?
Oh. I could just go down the giant stairs.
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Wow. Talk about your parties.
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I hate password games. At least the ship supplies a doctor early on. I wasn’t to the point of active concern, but I was feeling a bit itchy about using up healing items. I haven’t grown out of my usual standard in these games where I just let everything in my party die to avoid spending money.
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Agreed, let’s roll you.
This guy just keeps throwing Cryogonal at me.
You know, I don’t have a lot to complain about regarding these games and their choices. I whine about everything, but all in all, I find all of them very solid and enjoyable. Even if gen 4 has too many HM requirements wtf just stop.
This isn’t really a complaint, but it is a confusion. Zinzolin is fought multiple times in a relatively small window, and his team never changes. We just keep beating him. I get the sense that they wanted a villain, but as a sequel game to a gen that went all out on that, they didn’t really have anything they were willing to turn into a threat.
Really, I feel like a better path to pick would have been giving one of the Plasma grunts a different hat and having them be the captain of a very confused and angry crew. But eh, whatever.
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....Oh. You.
Why is the most anime hair dude in the game so gosh darn forgettable?
For the sake of my flawed memory, he wants to bring out the full potential of pokemon, and is willing to us whatever means are necessary. The only question is which approach actually yields results.
I like you, Colress. I am never going to remember you, but I like you.
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Good grief his theme sounds like it came out of Phantasy Star.
First up is a level 50 Magneton. Caspet’s an okay choice, so I’ll just Shadow Ball it. Magneton Thunder Waves Caspet, then uses Volt Switch to swap in Beheeyem (also level 50), who takes a Shadow Ball and dies instantly.
Sorry, ‘faints.’
A level 50 Metang is switched in next. Out of twitchiness over Caspet’s paralyzed state, I put Nessy in and go with Surf. Metang uses Agility from the red. Colress uses a Full Restore. Metang hits a Zen Headbutt, but Nessy has the last laugh.
Ugh. Colress is going to send in a Magnezone. Stormy’s the best answer to that, I think. Stormy knows Hammer Arm. It hits, but like everything I hate, Magnezone has Sturdy. A Bullet Punch handles that.
A level 52 Klinklang is next. His only thing over 50. Stormy is paralyzed thanks to Magnezone, but a Hammer Arm that hits should end it, and I don’t think Klinklang knows anything that’s a threat.
Even if Stormy feels like being paralyzed.
Only once, though. Hammer Arm + Bullet Punch does the job, and we only have that pesky Magneton left.
Hammer Arm and we are done.
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Please don’t make me fight another one of these clowns. I don’t wanna.
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Aw heck, Russell’s having his moment with Purrloin drama. And I guess I’m not fighting robe dude. It’s all ninja for now. With my four pokemon who aren’t paralyzed. Maybe I should have fixed that.
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For real though, our rival’s plotline here is pretty dang sad. He wants his little sister’s pokemon back, and by the time he finds it, it isn’t hers anymore. It’s had an entirely different life without them, probably committing crime. Because it’s been told to.
This is why you get the pirate Plasmas and the knight Plasmas. It’s fantastic that you, the protagonist, has a crew of pokemon perfectly happy fighting and doing whatever you want. But living things being forced to do whatever you want them to because you happened to throw a ball at them is pretty screwed up.
There’s not really a satisfactory conclusion to all of this, since critique of a game mechanic that is never going to stop being a game mechanic doesn’t get to start dramatic revolutions regarding that mechanic, but it’s all very sad and sobering.
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That pretty ice tho.
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No, but thank you N. I was not ready to die at the hands of Kyurem. Your assistance is much appreciated, and pretty great in your sequel. Props.
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Gee, that looks bad.
Cue dramatic anime battle sequence.
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Followed by anime transformation sequence.
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Welp. Time to kill you. Let’s just hope I can.
...Stormy. I think I might want you to tackle this. To the front you go.
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But really.
So damn cool.
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It’s dead now, but so. cool.
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There are too many fights going on. I think I wouldn’t mind in a normaly playthrough, but for a Nuzlocke, this is needlessly stressful and I am not a fan also I beat Ghetsis in the last game and it wasn’t fun then, either.
He has six pokemon, and he opens with a level 50 Cofagrigus. That is not Stormy’s friend. Nessy, if you would. Hydro Pump hits. Toxic hits from the other side, and I will deal with that in a moment, after the Cofagrigus is gone.
Ghetsis, naturally, uses a Full Restore.
Nessy handles it in the end, but is down to 73 health. Eelektross is coming out next. Time to switch. To... uh. I’ll give Photon a whirl. Feeling lucky, I use Outrage, and Eelektross faints.
Ah. Hydreigon is out next.
That is a nasty type combo for my team to deal with. I think. Geez, mark this where I have all the regrets, but Photon’s staying in to murder the Hydreigon with Outrage. Ganbatte.
Seismitoad is next. Diego, time for you and your Magical Leaf to shine. Shine they do, and we’re on to Drapion, which I will leave to Photon. Two Air Slashes make their mark, and all that’s left is Toxicroak, so in you stay Photon.
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But where is that certain Trainer, N????
Anyway, with that, it looks like the plot portion of this Nuzlocke is over. All that’s left is heading up to challenge the Elite Four.
I think a battle like that can have its own part.
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bainhardt · 5 years
#RibbonQuest2019 - Part 11: Unovacation
Ribbon Gang were finally ready to be Poke Transferred into the sixth region in our world tour of Pokemon, Unova, and to be honest, I wasn’t too sure what to expect. BW and BW2 were some of my favorite games in the series when they dropped years ago, but they’re also the least fresh in my mind - I didn’t need to blast through them during the prep phase, so I could barely remember the geography of Unova, let alone what would await us there.
Of course, Ribbon Master stories tend to pass over this section because there are no ribbons to earn, so I had to become my own tour guide. And as it turns out, I found a lot to do once ribbons were out of the equation. Consider this our collective break from Ribbon Quest until we arrive in gen 6.
Amazingly, this is very likely going to be a looooong post, but there’s no good reason to divide it into multiple sections, so sorry in advance. But hey, we’re on vacation!
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Ribbon Gang has become quite the entourage. It’ll be the Ribbon Mob before long...
First stop on my list was somewhere I definitely remembered, but always skipped over in my playthroughs... Pokestar Studios! Jin was ready for the silver screen. He’s already a superstar in my eyes, but now audiences across the Unova region would get their chance to witness him in all his glory.
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I never knew what filming entailed, but in truth, it’s not too complicated. The movie I chose on a whim even turned out to be one of the easiest ones to complete.
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Takes me back to that fateful day on Citadark Isle, so long ago...
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This movie understands: Ribbon Quest is a labor of love.
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There couldn’t possibly be a better credit to leave in my or Jin’s name.
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147.6 billion, eh? What part of that is our cut? Suddenly, spending 1 million on Ribbon Syndicate ribbons doesn’t sound so wasteful.
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After netting our strange ending (and enormous box office earnings), Jin’s won the closest thing gen 5 has to a ribbon. This movie star actually looks pretty cool now that I’m seeing it for the first time. I’d like to thank the Academy...
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After some sightseeing and visits to local landmarks (like above), I brought Ribbon Gang to our next noteworthy destination, and one not unlike the Battle Towers of regions past: the Pokemon World Tournament! Knowing my well-traveled Pokemon would have the chance to reunite with so many familiar faces in one bracket was too good to pass up.
But one such showdown stood above the rest.
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Oh... fancy meeting you here, Roxanne.
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I get the feeling you know exactly which Pokemon I’m going to battle with.
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With that out of my system, I kicked around the brackets a couple more times just to see who I could match up with. It was fun to try some competitive-style battles with nothing riding on the line for a change. PWT might be one of my new favorite battle circuits, but I decided to pack up and move on before too long. Diving into the past only delays progress. Gotta keep our eyes fixed on the future.
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I just barely lost to Jasmine, serving as a bitter reminder of all the narrow losses against her Steelix in Sinnoh Pokemon Contests.
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My final planned stop for Unova was, of course, the place where legends are born all across the Pokemon world - the Elite Four. I’ve stated previously that I’m not particularly hell-bent on entering Jin into every Hall of Fame available to us, mostly because it’s not very new or exciting. But I love Unova, and with our vacation itinerary in need of filling, I had no reason to bypass the challenge this time around.
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Gen 5 graphics still dazzle me. Something about the sprites in this game are just so full of personality and life.
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With everything I wanted to do and see behind us in less than a day, I was worried we’d be drawing the world’s shortest vacation to a close when it had hardly even started. But Ribbon Gang still had some broad level gaps among them, and with everyone needing to reach level 100 by the end, I was overdue for another round of grinding... especially because this time, I had a plan.
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And I choose the worst one, courtesy of Pokemon Breeder Brooke’s infinitely-deep pockets.
Yes, thanks to gen 5′s Pokemon Breeders, maxing out the stragglers in Ribbon Gang was gonna be as easy as taking candy from someone you’ve defeated hundreds of times on a soccer field. Is that how the expression goes? I’m not from around here. Go team!
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DougFunnie, level 100, was first on the list. Rest easy now, old friend.
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Freudy, Sourdough, and Silverman required a combined 140 candies between them, which took a while. Like, I’m talking a “put on a movie or two" kind of while. I sure hope doing this was more time-efficient than actual battles... but I’m not gonna run the math or anything. Let’s just say it works out.
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The absolute last thing that came to my attention while I was living it up Unova-style was... an egg. Keep in mind, my gen 5 games have basically been evacuated ghost towns ever since Pokemon Bank launched. My copy of White 2, despite remaining in post-game, had fewer than ten Pokemon in the PC before Ribbon Gang came along. But most intriguing among them was just one solitary egg.
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Every generation (not region, unless the shinies count for Sinnoh) of Ribbon Quest has increased the size of our crew by at least one Pokemon, and passing through Unova so quickly meant this trend was about to break. So that’s how, completely on a whim, I nominated whatever popped out of this six-year-old egg as the newest honorary member of Ribbon Gang, even if it never ends up contributing anything to our efforts.
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Not quite what I had in mind, but she’ll fit right in.
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It may not have been a very long vacation, but I had a great time reminding myself of what makes Unova so special. I kinda wanna play a gen 5 game (likely BW1) over from the beginning now, but that’ll have to wait. There are ribbons still waiting for us out there, starting with our seventh destination - Kalos!
0 notes