#not all them do (see: namine) and not all the people who do are nobodies (see: xion i think)
dreamsy990 · 1 year
wait can you explain to me the difference between roxas and sora i thought they were the same person
so in kh when you lose your heart your heart becomes a heartless and your empty husk becomes a nobody. if you have a strong will (morality is irrelevant) your nobody is basically just a person.
so in kh1 sora temporarily releases his own heart for plot reasons (dont worry about it) and so he became a heartless briefly WHICH ALSO CREATED A NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!! and that nobody is ROXAS.
they are separate entities who are connected. as namine puts it, roxas "holds half of what sora is". whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean. they share some memories i think? and by that i mean roxas has flashbacks to sora through dreams and sora gets deja vu after he and roxas reunite (and by that i mean sora eats him like a twin in the womb but dont worry about that). but theyre different people!!! also they have slightly different personalities but you can just read their wiki descriptions because i do not feel like describing them in detail
sora and all his sortas are all different people. also ventus and roxas are not the same person despite being identical. dont worry about it its fine i totally know whats going on <- (lying)
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yanderepuck · 9 months
Just a small little drabble~
I torture this boy enough so here's some fluff
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You have been wearing long sleeves and long pants for the majority of your time at the mansion. But summer is coming and there is no way you're going to survive doing chores around the mansion that way. There's no ac!
So as it gets warmer your sleeves and pant legs go up. You know you can't dress like this when you go into town, but you might as well be comfortable at home.
But this made you realize that none of the residents have seen your tattoos. You really only have black line art of some small things. You have them on your arms, shoulders, a few on your legs. You thought nothing of it until one of the guys said something.
Some of them were confused as to what they were, others only knew of people in prisons getting tattoos. There were a lot of questions you had to answer. But once you explained none of them seemed to have an issue with them.
Vincent was very intrigued by them and kept asking to look at them. He would ask why you got each one and if it had meaning. Half the time it was just because a tattoo shop was doing a flash event and you went in and got something.
One day you fell asleep in the parlor after working and when you woke up one of your tattoos was colored in. You stared at it for a good while. Very confused. But the color washed off almost immediately when you bathed that night. And decided not to think more of it.
This happens a few more times when you fall asleep in random places. No one has said anything about doing it though. And it's a different one each time.
A few days later you are in the library reading a book fairly late. You feel yourself dozing off but you force your eyes open wanting to finish that chapter. No luck. You fall asleep. Only to wake up a few minutes later to a tickling feeling.
You groan softly and force your eyes open to see what is tickling you. It better not be King licking your finger again.
You look to your right and see Vincent kneeling next to your chair coloring in one of your tattoos.
You get a burst of life suddenly. "So it's you!"
Vincent jumps, thinking you were still asleep and then laughs softly. "You caught me."
You're guessing this is his version of a prank. It's so pure.
You let him finish coloring it in. "There! All done," he smiles and lets you look at it.
Holding up your arm, you smile to see your little line art colored in.
"You could have just asked me, you know," you chuckle and sit up.
"Yeah... But you always make a cute face when you first see it."
You hold your arm back out "You can color the rest if you want."
"Really?" He gets excited and starts to color in the others.
He reminds you of a little kid using a coloring book.
"When I first saw them I thought about how they would look colored in," he switches between colors to add details "It's like a fresh canvas everyday."
"I never thought of getting them filled in. But now you're making me consider it."
He finishes coloring all the ones on your arm. "Perfect," he smiles as he looks at his handiwork.
You move your arm around to be able to see it all "I love it," you rest your arm down carefully so you don't mess any of it up. "Now I know who to go to if I want some color."
Tag list ~
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
I have no idea if Kingdom Hearts will ever give us a proper solo Kairi game, but it’s still something I like to think about and I was recently thinking about who would be the party members if that was the case. I see a lot of people say the wanna see all the KH girls in a party together, Kairi, Namine, Xion and perhaps Aqua as well. That could be really fun, but I have a different idea.
Sora and Riku’s party members are classic Disney characters who reflect their roles in the series. Riku, the archetypal JRPG hero is paired up with Disney’s golden boy. Sora’s character is basically what would happen if a goofy, Joey Wheeler-esque best friend character ended up being the protagonist. So he’s paired with the funny sidekicks, Donald and Goofy. So Kairi would make sense to pair with your archetypal princess characters. And there are two ladies-in-court in Disney Castle who haven’t done much in the series yet…
Why not make Kairi’s travelling companions Daisy and Minnie? Not only is it a way to give all three of these characters stuff to do but I think they’d slot into a typical JRPG party structure pretty well. Minnie has already been portrayed as a mage with an aptitude for light magic. She’d be the White Mage to Donald’s Black Mage. Plus, it makes sense for Minnie to help Kairi with her magic since, being a Princess of Heart, Kairi also has an aptitude for light magic (see Re:Mind). As for Daisy? Well Dream Drop Distance implies that all the Disney Castle gang (sans Mickey) are from the Country of the Musketeers world, and that Mickey met them there while world travelling during his training (at least that was my understanding). So why not have Daisy honour that by acting as a Musketeer? Give her a rapier and let her by the team fighter. That way you have the same all rounder/Mage/warrior dynamic as Sora, Donald and Goody but a little different.
You’ve also got a good balance of personalities. Minnie is usually portrayed as a very sweet, sunny, demure character (though the more modern shorts show she absolutely has the potential to be crazy). Daisy’s got Donald’s capacity for temper, but tends to be a bit more sophisticated and worldly. A little drier and sassier. This gives you two more contrasting personalities. One a bright people person, and the other who takes nobody’s crap. And then Kairi’s who’s been shown to be able to be both very sweet but also quite sassy, fits in nicely between them.
It’s also not very hard to think of a premise post Melody of Memory and it’s one I’ve suggested elsewhere already. Kairi gets sent out to look for the other members of the New Seven Hearts. She gets to meet these Disney characters with a role like hers, and reflect on what her status as a Princess of Heart actually means. But, like Sora in KH3, you’ve also got that conflict where all the while she desperately wants to go and help her friends, despite knowing she’s not currently strong enough to do so. It’s a simple premise, but it capitalises on what we have to work with for Kairi, and turns her lack of agency into the basis for a character arc. And now she’s got some fun new companions to bounce off of. Giving her more friendships and relationships outside of Sora and Riku.
I highly doubt this will ever happen. But if Kairi does properly get her due, then I think this would be a fun way to go about it.
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ephemeralflower · 2 years
lauriam and marluxia: two distinct characters
in a 2017 interview following the release of khux, nomura was asked whether lauriam is marluxia. nomura answered “lauriam is lauriam.” most people have disregarded this statement by now because duh--we’ve already seen the differences between members of the organization and their recompleted selves.
however, i am going to argue that there is a further degree of separation between lauriam and marluxia than the other somebody/nobody pairs. 
there are characters like ienzo who has a noticeably different personality from zexion (though i consider him a special case), but the others really aren’t that different when comparing them to their nobodies. their personalities are largely the same. it’s their motivations that are different. 
now, put lauriam and marluxia side by side. lauriam, who cares about his little sister more than anything in the world vs marluxia, taking advantage of namine and using her to do his bidding. lauriam, who feels remorse for lashing out at ventus in the heat of the moment vs marluxia, who stops at nothing in an attempt to steal the keyblade’s power for himself. marluxia’s actions are a regression of the resolve lauriam has at the end of khux. 
naturally, this is a consequence of khux being written after CoM. so, how does nomura reconcile their differences? well, here’s how: marluxia is canonically an amnesiac, as hinted following his defeat in kh3 and is stated in his kh3 ultimania character file. (how canon you consider the character files is up to you, but even so i recommend giving marluxia’s a read.)
it is likely that he lost his memories before becoming a nobody. lauriam, ventus, and skuld (you’ll have to pry “skuld is subject x” from my lifeless body) share the trait of memory loss. memory loss is seemingly a side effect of using the incomplete ark to travel to the future. (ephemer’s pod never activated, brain is ???, and frankly i’m still not sold whether elrena is an amnesiac, but she can tentatively be included with the amnesiacs as well.)
lauriam losing his memories before becoming marluxia explains how he ended up on his little darkness detour and why he had no qualms wasting precious time with the organization--he doesn’t remember his purpose. it also provides for an unknown amount of time for him to gain new memories to base marluxia’s personality around.
ultimately, i consider lauriam and marluxia are separate entities with very different motivations. they share a body, but not much else. marluxia’s character file hints that part of lauriam’s personality leaked through and played a role in his plan to overthrow xemnas, but it is arguable how canon the character files are. i’m all for it, personally. 
there will be some OG fans who complain about this as a retcon until the end of time, but as it stands, khux could not have ended the way that it did without creating a clear divide between lauriam and marluxia. 
lauriam is a protagonist now. i can’t wait to see how he reconciles with his actions as marluxia. 
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leastrife · 10 months
Ansem TW doesn't deserve as much hate as he gets
This is following up to my previous post about how I don't think Ansem TW deserves as much hate as the fandom gives him and this kinda just me rambling about why I think he's a better character/person than people give him credit for.
If we start chronologically (which I'll be doing to keep this cohesive) we first see him at the end of BBS finding Terranort, who I will be refering to as Xehanort for the rest of this post, and bringing him to the castle. Now surely somewhere in this town there's a hospital, but instead of bringing Xehanort there Ansem takes him in (and I will be throwing 'he had to take him in for plot reasons' out the window) because Ansem is a good leader. I really want to believe there's a reason Ansem is the ruler of Radiant Garden and that that reason is that he's ultimately a good person. In KH1 all of the FF characters talk about how Ansem the Wise was a good leader and the only reason they went back on that later was bedcause of Ansem SoD. So because Ansem is a good person of course he's going to take Xehanort in himself to make sure he gets the care he receives because as far as Ansem would be aware Xehanort is one of his citizens, he's in Radiant Garden so this is someone Ansem is supposed to care for.
Going even further into this point another example of Ansem providing care for someone in need is Ienzo. Once again surely there's some sort of orphanage in Radiant Garden, now the circumstances of Ienzo's pseudo adoption by the apprentices and Ansem is vague but stay with me. Many of my previous points stand the same for Ienzo. Ansem sees a child in need and yes also potential for scientific genius, but even with that he still cares for Ienzo like a son seen through when we see Ansem and Ienzo walking through the halls and also Ienzo's reaction to seeing Ansem again in KH3 is not that of just a leader and apprentice. Ienzo has clearly seen Ansem as some sort of parental figure or a very significant role model in his life and that doesn't happen if Ansem didn't give him a reason for that.
What happens next is actually something I find really traumatic for Ansem. Given his relationship to Ienzo I can only imagine Ansem sees all the apprentices as his family, a family he's made for himself that he's always ready to expand, and they betray him. His family betrays him and pushes him away and he's left with darkness. He tells Xehanort to stop the experiments because if he does the world will be destroyed and Ansem is responsible for the well being of his citizens, and even after that not only is he betrayed by Xehanort he's also betrayed by his entire family. He's betrayed and then he looses his world. The hurt and feeling of failure he's feeling at this point is probably insane.
Now at this point Ansem is DiZ and this is the version of him people seem to focus on and hate because of his dehumanization of Nobodies and I will not be trying to argue he was in the right, but I think his reaction is completely understandable. He's betrayed and the next time he sees his family is as these Nobodies who are very differnet to the people he knew. Cruel, heartless (literally), and not even using the same names anymore. Of course he's not going to see his family and instead will just see these new creatures parading around as his family. They are different people at this point, and they do not have hearts as far as Ansem is concerned, no wonder he hates Nobodies. To him Nobodies took his family and are trying to pretend to be them now. This doesn't excuse how he treats Namine and Roxas, but doesn't make his behavior seem completley 1 dimensional.
At the end of KH2 he sacrifices himself and I understand people not caring much for this part, at this point (with how the games were released) we only know that Ansem used to rule Radiant Garden, he's DiZ, and DiZ treated Namine and Roxas horribly, and sacrificing yourself and the end of the story isn't good enough to make up for what you did wrong. I'm not a fan of a character being a horrible person all throughout the plot and then get a redemption through dying for someone, but in KH no one ever just dies and Ansem is given more backstory later on.
Finally arriving at KH3 despite not giving him a lot of screen time Ansem is given a proper start to his redemption arc. We see him in the realm of darkness and whenever anyone goes there we can almost always see a lot of contemplation going on within the characters there which makes sense since there's not much else to do. He's been given time to think and reflect and part of his reflection is realizing he hurt Namine and Roxas, and Riku to an extent as well, and he states he wants to make up for it. He wasn't given a whole lot of opportunity, but I hope in later games we continue to see the Radiant Garden family and that Ansem is begining to make up for his mistakes. I want to bring up Ienzo again too because if Ansem wasn't a good person I can't imagine Ienzo getting that emotional over seeing him again. ("Ienzo was a child and Ansem was an adult figure in his life of course he's emotional after seeing him") Yeah okay, but we also see Aeleus and Dilan getting emotional (as emotional as those two ever are) over seeing him again.
I doubt too many people will read this, but if you did thank you for going on with my ramblings. I really like Ansem the Wise and I wish more people did too because I think he's gone through a lot and deserves a good redemption. If your family betrayed you and got the world you're responsible for destroyed and then turn into Nobodies I'm sure you'd be upset too.
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theblueprincess590 · 2 years
I made a massive analysis on Sora’s story in Re:CoM and I’m gonna show it here because I’m really proud of it. The two main themes of Sora's story are memories and fairy tales. The memory theme is fairly obvious it's in the title after all but what the game is trying to say with the theme is less obvious. If the Heart is what shapes a Body in KH then it's memories that Shape a heart. We see this with Soras and how much he changes after Namine alters his memories with him becoming more aggressive and neglecting his relationships to focus on saving Namine. Replica Riku also shows this with how his entire personality and motives are shaped by the false memories Namine gave him. However while memories shape a heart they can not truly define it. Sora's core remains the same even after his memories are altered. Shown best when he choses to save Namine even after finding out his memories of her are fake because Sora is the type of person who will always help others. The Fairy Tale theme is something you probably wont realize on a first playthrough but once you do you will never be able to think about Sora's Story in Re:CoM without it. Sora's story in Re:CoM is Nomura and Watanabe's take of the classic fairy tale of Prince Charming rescuing the Princess from the Tower. Sora is prince charming, Namine is the princess, and Castle Oblivion is the Tower. At first the story seems like it's playing this Fairy Tale straight what with how The members of Organization XIII all fit a classic fairytale villain. Axel is the mischievous jester playing both sides for his own gain, Larxene is the haughty villainess tormenting Namine for her own amusement and mocking the heroes at every turn, Vexen is the mad Scientist/Wizard using magic to create homunculus in the form of the replicas, and then there is Marxluxia who is the Grim Reaper always casting the shadow of death on those in the Castle ready to strike the killing blow at any moment . Even Replica Riku fits this theming with him being the rival prince that fights the hero for the princess's affection. But then Nomura and Watanabe pulls the rug out from under us by revealing that Namine is not at all a princess but rather a witch, the dark counterpart of a princess. Everything from the moment Sora set foot in Castle Oblivion has been an lie created by Marluxia and told through Namine to manipulate Sora into becoming a puppet. Sora is no Prince charming he's just Pinnochio falling for the tricks of selfish adults. And then Nomura and Watanabe pull the rug out from under us all over again by showing us that even if Namine is a witch she is still someone worth saving. Namine is not evil or vain she's a just a scared and lonely girl looking for friendship. And that is why Despite knowing everything was a lie Sora still saves Namine because his feelings are real. It doesn't matter if you're a princesses or a witch nobody should be alone forever and everyone deserves to be rescued. Now then lets talk bout how these two themes work together to tell the final message of Sora's story. The final message is that our memories are in the end stories just like a fairy Tale. They stories that shape our hearts and help make us into the people wea re to day. and just like stories it doesn't matter if our memories are real or fake because our feelings behind them are real. Sora choose to save Namine even if all his memories of her were fake because the feelings he had for her were real even if they were meant for someone else.
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arsenepicaro · 1 year
Sora Headcanons
Forgets that he's human again, and sometimes just... Loses his bones? Like Xion does as well.
Still a heartless, just with light in him
Is petty as all hell. Sometimes brings up something that hasn't happened in years, to Riku, just to get something he wants
Actually likes using rage and Anti, as he just goes bat shit, without having to worry about his friends.
Namine is his Nobody, Everyone else just thinks she's Kairi's. He get's annoyed with them.
Forgets what gender he is, every other day, as he's got two people in his heart, that are female, one of which, is made of his memories.
Can still use two keyblade, and even use them like when he fought Roxas, or Final.
When he has glide, he just sometimes floats, freaking who ever he's with out. Like, he's just hanging with say Jack, after finding Lucky Emblem, and just floats back down, to the ship. Jack turns, and nearly has a heart attack.
Eyes can glow any colour, but it's dependant on mood. Rage is red. Sad, is usually Blue. His eyes are Grey, after getting his heart released.
Will answer to most of the Heart Hotels Names. And then get's embarrassed. it only started after KH2.
Is the only one of the groups, to have parents. And be able to cook.
Is almost as stretchy as Aqua, and can do Cartwheels. He just doesn't and when they find out, every one just calls bullshit, until they see it themselves.
Once stabbed his arm, into a mans chest, using his Rage form, and commented on how weak his heart was. Then walked away. The man was called Bakugo Katsuki. He said Izuku's was the brightest Light he's seen in years.
Kingdom Key, is the only Key, that feels like his. Xion likes Innocent Lost, and Namine, once she get's hers, get's lost Memories.
Roxas doesn't use Oblivion and Oath keeper much, after Sora get's back. He mostly uses Two Become One. Sora takes them up, and oh boy if he's not proficient at them.
Sora has definably used some Magic, that Yen Sid has forgotten about.
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curewhimsy · 2 years
Margot x Edgeworth fic plans
TW: Murder by poison, Suicidal ideation
Tragedy fic
Takes place in Ace Attorney universe but crosses over OCs and some other fandoms
Ace Attorney
Dangan Ronpa
Margot Nocturne (OC) is a quiet, unsuspecting librarian who has always been jealous of local broadway performer Taya Soune (UTAU) for his charisma, success, and musical talent, to the point of spite and resentment. Margot kills Taya with poison in his drink. She pins this crime on Ritsu Namine (UTAU) by making sure Ritsu gave this poisoned beverage to Taya.
Margot feels a lot of sadness and regret after this murder, enough for her tears and shock to look convincing, as if she didn’t do the murder.
Ritsu’s attorney in this case is Teru Tendo. (Idolmaster SideM)
Miles Edgeworth is the prosecutor and is going to try to find Ritsu guilty.
During the window of time where Edgeworth is convinced Margot is innocent, a romance blossoms… a true romance too. Margot is a broken woman who has never had a companion, and the kindness Edgeworth gives her changes her world. But the truth still lurks behind both of them, and it’s ugly and tragic. Margot is a killer. If she were to be brought to justice, she would get the death penalty.
Who is testifying-
Ritsu Namine (UTAU)
Rui Maita (Idolmaster SideM)
Touko and Syo Fukawa (Danganronpa)
Maya Fey (Ace Attorney)
Aoi Asahina (Danganronpa)
Larry Butz (Ace Attorney)
Margot Nocturne (OC) (as an “innocent witness”)
Kaoru Sakuraba (Idolmaster SideM) does the autopsy on Taya’s body. He and Tsubasa Kashiwagi (Idolmaster SideM) are helping Teru with the case. Teru even gets an updated autopsy report that Edgeworth doesn’t have at one point! 
It just seems like Edgeworth isn’t doing so well in the trial this time.
The setting is a library that also has karaoke. The concept of the place is “a library where you don’t have to be quiet.” Taya Soune is feeling gloomy that day and decides he wants to sing alone in his own concealed cozy booth. He takes his first sip of a drink that his friend Ritsu Namine served to him moments before, not realizing it will lead to his death.
Ritsu recently got a part time job serving drinks at the karaoke club. Margot works at this place too, as a librarian who organizes and helps people check out books. Margot is good at concealing her sour and vengeful attitude. She has been known to cry and be shy, but nobody suspected she had been wanting to lash out.
It is a relatively quiet day at the karaoke library.
Margot bought a small bottle of poison with her that day. The poison was purchased from the black market, and all evidence of the purchase had been destroyed. Margot was contemplating locking herself in a karaoke booth and ending her life.
Margot then sees Taya Soune come into the building. Margot holds a grudge against Taya because he has a positive attitude, has tons of friends, and is accomplished, everything Margot isn’t.
Ritsu is called up to sing a song, and leaves Taya’s drink on a table unattended. Margot is overtaken by the urge to slip the poison in Taya’s drink and murder him instead.
Nobody is even there to witness Margot slip the poison in the drink.
Ritsu comes back from the karaoke room and serves this drink to Taya.
Minutes after sipping the drink, Taya begins coughing blood, and is too weak to move or call for help. He is bleeding from the inside and dies within a couple of minutes.
Since Margot works at the library, she has controls of the temperature in all the karaoke rooms. She hastily attempts to create an alibi by making Taya’s room cold for three hours, allowing rigor mortis to set in at a later time, making it so the time of his death will be estimated at a later time. She has the room go back to the normal temperature after three hours so nobody suspects the change. She also wore gloves when changing the temperature.
(Margot has read her fair share of mystery novels. But she overlooked that she was still present when Ritsu was pouring the drink, making all her work useless.)
Margot flees the library.
Three people discover Taya’s body five hours later, noticing they can’t find him.
The three who discovered the body were Taya’s best friend Ritsu Namine, Taya’s English and drama teacher Rui Maita, and Maya Fey, who just happened to be there.
Ritsu’s fingerprints are found on the cup with the poison, and evidence points to him being the one giving it to Taya.
Checks on Ritsu’s background are done. They find that he in fact has distant ties to the yakuza.
The autopsy report says Taya died at 3:00 PM, which is after Margot was gone from the library.
Taya actually died at 1:30 PM.
After Margot is gone from the library, she goes to the park and disposes of the poison bottle (crucial evidence) by disguising it as a necklace charm and giving it to a “handsome guy” as a love present. And the handsome guy… just happens to be Miles Edgeworth. Margot doesn’t know that Edgeworth is going to be the prosecutor in the case she caused. Also Edgeworth rejects her advances. But… he accepts the gift! This marks the start of a very complicated relationship.
Edgeworth eventually sees that Margot is broken and one day invites her to his house for tea. He is the type who cannot ignore something abandoned or hopeless.
Phoenix Wright isn’t the attorney here, because he’s in the hospital... (Also the world doesn’t revolve around him!)
Touko Fukawa is a shy romance author and cannot stand subjects about blood and murder. Her headspace alter, Syo, writes murder mystery novels. In fact, she wrote the very novel that inspired Margot to lower the temperature in Taya’s karaoke booth! She knows those tricks. Syo is there for most of the trial as Touko cannot handle it, and gives good leads on who the murderer could be… She absolutely thinks it’s Maya Fey, who was at the karaoke library at the time! And she gives a convincing testimony.
Now everyone is convinced Maya Fey could have done it, so Ritsu is set free and Maya goes to the detention center. Again. But there’s stilll evidence missing…
Despite it being humorous as ever, the testimony that exposes the most truth ends up being… Larry Butz’s?
Eventually when the truth is close to coming out, since Margot didn’t seem to have much of a motive, there is trouble establishing one.
But then Margot cannot stand the pressure and accidentally slips.
She ends up saying, “I understand that the justice system cannot always expose the real truth. But I wanted to die anyway… it’s why I had the poison in the first place.”
Margot’s clumsy statement exposed her as the one who possessed the poison and put it in Taya’s drink.
She breaks down and confesses everything, her motive, and her actions.
Margot is brought to justice in the end, and will get the death penalty. At this point, Edgeworth had grown to trust and love Margot… She changed his life as well. Edgeworth is shocked and saddened so much that he becomes a crying wreck in the courtroom…
Margot is last seen smiling with tears flowing down her cheeks.
“Goodbye, Mr. Edgeworth… Thank you for making my final days worth remembering.”
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embraceyourdestiny · 3 years
Namine for ask meme??
naminé :3c
favorite thing about them
her desire to be loved, and how later down the line that translating to her need to useful. it’s very similar to kairi in that instead of getting down over her weakness she learns from it and does something about it. while kairi strives to be stronger, naminé works to use the skills she already has to help as much as she can to make up for her past mistakes, and because she cares so much about all these people she’s only an observer to.
the whole reason naminé did what the organization wanted (when they weren’t using her) was because she just wanted to mean something to someone. she wanted to be sora and riku and kairi’s friend. even though she’s “an abomination,” even though she “isn’t meant to exist,” that didn’t mean those feelings weren’t there, and more than anything she wanted them to be realized.
she’s so wistful and yearns so much for love and it’s so painful and so endearing. with how badly she wanted it, the point the series is in now, where everyone is together, is enough for her. she just wanted everyone to be whole and friends, and not being at the center of it, not even really being included, is fine with her. she loves so hard that as long as the people she wants to be friends with are happy, then she’s okay, even if she has no place in it. but i want so badly for someone to reach out their hand and invite her in. to pull her into the circle and welcome her as their friend. i hope the fact that riku actually did this is good sign that from here on out the only things naminé will know are the very love and friendship she so desperately wanted since the very beginning.
also it’s not something that i “like” about her because it’s good or enjoyable but i find it so interesting how plainly her horrible self esteem and guilt is put on display. sora’s tells her not to cry and she says “you’re right, i don’t really have the right.” “oh, okay. nobody needs to keep a bunch of memories that arent real right? you want to remember all the people who are really important to you. anybody... would choose that” hearing her say those things breaks my heart and i want so badly for her to slowly learn to let go of the past and learn to love herself
least favorite thing about them
nothing about her character, but i hate that she’s shipped with riku so much. it makes me so uncomfortable for reasons i can’t really explain but i genuinely hate that ship so much
favorite line
“you won’t fade. you can’t fade. there’s no power that can defeat you. not the light, not the dark. so don’t run from the light, and don’t fear the darkness, because both will make you stronger.”
‘make me stronger? darkness too?’
“yeah, strength that’s yours. the darkness inside your heart, it’s vast and it’s deep. but if you can, truly stare into it and never try to look away, you won’t be afraid of anything again.”
‘all this time i’ve tried to push the darkness away’
“you’ve gotta just remember to be brave. know that the darkness is there and don’t give in. if you do that you will gain strength, the kind that’s unlike any other. you’ll be able to escape the deepest darkness—”
‘and ill be able to see through the brightest light’
“follow the darkness. it’ll show you the way to your friends.”
‘can i face them?’
“you don’t want to?”
while i hate their romantic ship, riku and naminé being (best) friends is very, very important to me. they both went through a lot and through a very specific experience together that only they can understand and them relying on and confiding in each other is so special to me. i also enjoy roxas, kairi, xion, sora, ven, and vanitas being her friends, but riku is def the top for me
namixi all the way baby. although namiolette(?) is cute too
rik*n*mi lmao. im also not the biggest fan of her and roxas as a ship but i take genuine offense to the first one
random headcanon
naminé hates the color white. after all that time alone in that cold, colorless castle, all she wants to do is fill everything she can with hues and streaks of color.
unpopular opinion
honestly i dont think i have one besides shipping related? i def think she should have a keyblade though she’d be more of a mage (maybe she trains under daisy/minnie or donald?). i’d love to see her interact with the wayfinder trio, especially aqua and terra. maybe that she’s such a vital character to the story? or that her being a villain would’ve be interesting, though ive def seen other people think the same thing. im not sure really.
oh i thought of one!! naminé def deserves to be a part of the heart hotel. her being excluded from something else yet again makes me sad and if vanitas counts, her coming from sora’s body should def count as well. (kairi too!! also naminé trans)
song i associate with them
tbh kairi’s theme mostly, specifically the more somber part in the second half of the melody because i feel like that represents her well, as “kairi’s shadow” and knowing the darker stuff of kairi’s heart
favorite picture of them
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dahniwitchoflight · 3 years
KH: What is Namine Really?
See also my other post: KH: What is Repliku/Riku Replica Really? https://dahniwitchoflight.tumblr.com/post/649102821124440064
Since I’m continuing my sudden Kingdom Hearts kick sparked by me rewatching all the cinematics for all the games thus far lately and watching all the story cins for KH UX since that’s gonna be relevant to the next games
I just feel I have to re-make this post about what Namine really is, because calling her Kairi’s Nobody has never made sense from the start when you think about it
When Kairi loses her heart in KH1 in the beginning, her body and soul specifically doesn’t get transported to the world that never was like all other nobodies, it’s stays in the realm of Light because Kairi is a princess of Heart, we know this, we see Riku lugging around her corpse throughout the whole game, we keep tabs on it constantly up until the point Sora gives Kairi back her heart and Kairi is re-completed again
KH1′s lore will state that it’s at this moment when Kairi is recompleted that Namine was born, but from what?
Sora’s Body+Soul became Roxas, they make it clear in KH2 that Sora and Roxas is a half and half deal, and when they go back together Sora is complete again.
But in KH1 the only reason Sora was able to maintain his form, was because his Heartless maintained his strong will
Kairi couldn’t have done the same, because as a Princess of Heart she had no darkness, so she couldn’t have had a heartless form
so if Sora’s Heart = Sora
Sora’s Body+Soul = Roxas
Kairi’s Heart = Inside Sora’s Heart
Kairi’s Body+Soul = An Unconscious Kairi
So literally what is left of Kairi to make Namine?
Consider that Kairi has one thing that Sora does not have, a Heart with a Pure Light inside of her, and not just any Pure Light, the thing that makes her a Princess of Heart, and as of KH3, this Pure Light, one of seven Pure Lights, can and do move on to different princesses
The princess from KH1 are the old holder’s of the Pure Lights, the Pure Lights moved on to different princesses in KH3, while the originals still remain full beings pure of heart even without the Pure Lights, the Pure Lights are just a special thing that exists within them that can be passed on to others
but in KH3′s Kairi’s Pure Light stays within her Pure Heart, now why would that be?
A Pure Light, one that specifically cannot exist inside a heart filled with Darkness
Consider that, way back in KH1, when Kairi’s Heart first entered Sora. Sora had Darkness in his heart just being a normal dude, and the Pure Light could no coexist within it
So when Kairi’s heart enters Sora’s, the Pure Light crosses through Sora’s heart and then is ejected somewhere else, Castle Oblivion, and then continues to exist, as Namine
Consider that even though KH1 says Namine and Roxas started to exist at the same time, when Sora Released his Heart and became a Heartless,
We see Roxas’s origins, and he’s a complete zombie, barely existing at the start of Days
and yet Namine the first we see of her in Chain of Memories, seems to have already existed and already gained her own desires and feelings by the time CoM has even started
The whole game is put into motion, because Namine was manipulated into changing up memories to become friends with Sora and Riku
When you consider the timeline with Days, that would have to mean in a very short period of time
Namine would have to appear in Castle Oblivion, be found by Org 13, grow enough of a personality to want things, specifically, the feeling of loneliness, demonstrate her power to change memories in some way, and be manipulated into starting the plot of Chain of Memories, all while Roxas is still basically a zombie
To me, it just makes more sense to say that Namine existed at an earlier point than Roxas did
All this together, I believe Namine is what happened when Kairi’s Pure Light got dipped into Sora’s Memories way back at the start of KH1
and since as of Days we know a full heart can be seeded by nothing but a sprinkling of scattered memories as it’s origins, Namine’s Heart must have grown the same way
Also, it explains why Namine’s so pure white themed and has blonde hair, that can’t really be explained by a connection to Sora’s heart, because he’s a brunette, and even Ventus’s/Roxas’s hair isn’t as Light as Namine’s
But wait you say, A Pure Light can’t make a person, there’s nothing of substance to even make anything there
But DiZ himself explains that Namine is a special nobody, less then a nobody, less then nothing, the most fleeting of all the fleeting shadows
and then yknow, Vanitas is a thing
If all Vanitas is, is a manifestation of Ventus’s Darkness torn apart from him
Then why couldn’t Namine be a manifestation of Kairi’s Pure Light?
Consider also, that of all the people who could be said to be a part of another person, or a special other half, Vanitas and Namine are the only ones given special unique true names, when everyone else, even Xion, is given an anagrammed X name, from “No. i”
and they are the only beings that come with their own unique color schemes, specifically Black for Dark Vanitas, and White for Light Namine
and the only beings that have unique special powers stemming from their unique origins
Vanitas powers over dark emotions, stemming from how the darkness in hearts contain their negative emotions
Namine with her powers over memories, because shared memories are the pieces of light inside hearts that connect different hearts to each other
and then the final nail in the coffin for me, is during the prologue for KH Union X, when Kairi’s Grandmother is telling baby Kairi about the legends of the age of fairytales, when she gets to the part about talking about the “Pure Lights that exist in the hearts of Children” remaking the world
Namine’s Theme starts playing, ever so briefly, even though Namine is nowhere pictured in this scene or has anything to do with this story
Except, if you consider her Origins as a being made from a Pure Light
and since Namine is still within Kairi for all of KH3, Kairi’s “Pure Light” remains within her as well
So that’s my theory and I’m sticking with it
Namine is thematically and symbolically basically the full opposite of what Vanitas is
A dark flavored Sora made from ripping all the darkness out of a person’s heart
and a light flavored Kairi made from the Pure Light inside Kairi being ejected from a person’s heart
but while Ventus becomes half a being without vanitas, since the darkness is part of his own Heart, Namine can exist outside of Kairi, both being full beings of their own, since the Pure Light is something external that Kairi’s heart held onto for a time, and is something that she can live without *EDIT*
one last thing as well, to do with how Kairi went from Radiant Garden to Destiny Islands and how Namine ended up in Castle Oblivion when she was first born
when BBS Sleep came out, Kairi met Aqua and Aqua cast a spell on her saying “One day when you’re in trouble, the Light within you will lead you to the Light of another”
and people were content to assume this means Aqua is the reason Kairi ended up in Destiny Island’s one day since the spell took her to see Sora/Riku the keyblade duh
but then, Melody of Memory came out, and it was revealed that actually Terra-Xehanort purposefully kidnapped Kairi as a child and he sent her directly to Destiny Islands
so then, what was the point of Aqua’s magic spell?
well, for one, it was cast on “The Light” within Kairi, which this theory posits went on to become Namine
and well, Namine as the Pure Light had to end up at Castle Oblivion one way or another when she was first ejected from Sora and Kairi’s Hearts right?
So what if when Destiny Island’s fell to darkness, and Kairi’s heart went inside Sora, That’s when Aqua’s spell triggered for the Light Inside Kairi, and it sent that Pure Light to another “light” one that Aqua knew: Ventus!
Who at this point was sleeping inside the transformed land of Departure aka Castle Oblivion
Therefore, when Namine was “Born”, Aqua’s spell triggered and she landed somewhere near Ventus’s hidden room in Castle Oblivion
~Things mean one thing in the present, and mean a different thing in the future!~
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xiolette · 3 years
Reworking Ansem SoD and Xemnas: Fuck Xehanort
Ansem SoD and Xemnas were interesting characters when they were introduced. Remember that? I’m going to recreate that, because their entire characters being reduced to “bleh Xehanort!” pisses me off!
Xehanort’s plan to take over Terra’s body didn’t work out the way he planned. 
He was successful, for a bit, until the fight with Aqua. When Terra took control and turned his keyblade on himself, that was the end of Xehanort. 
It was also the end of Terra, unfortunately. 
Or, at least, Terra as we knew him. 
It continues as it originally did: An amnesiac Terranort is taken in by Ansem and the apprentices. The only name he remembers is Xehanort but it feels wrong. He doesn’t like it. He has a feeling that he was someone else, but its the only name he has so they go with it. It always rubs him the wrong way. 
Master Xehanort is dead. He is not an influence on Terranort, besides the little remaining memories that cling to him. The important thing here is that this is Terra. Just... an amnesiac, broken down, more susceptible to darkness after All That Terra. 
He takes to being an apprentice surprisingly well! After Ansem and the gang were able to set up some accommodations (I hc that Terra has really bad dyslexia) he’s thriving. Terra is smart, he’s just never had the opportunity to show it. Eraqus saw that he struggled with the more academic side of things and redirected him towards physical keyblade handling because that’s obviously where he thrived. (Which is accurate to an extent, but left Terra with the impression that he’s just dumb and shouldn’t bother with anything else)
In the absence of internal shame and embarrassment and with an instructor that’s actually working with him Terranort soaks up everything like a sponge. He’s guided towards the more metaphysical side of things, latent influence from both Terra and Xehanort being keyblade masters and that knowledge running around deep in his subconsciousness. 
 Ansem’s fascination with his missing memories and Terranort’s own need to figure out who the hell he is spur the experiments that kickstart the whole plot of KH. 
Terranort is being led along by the idea that the heart is important somehow that this is the key to everything. He has bits and pieces that point to something and that something becomes an obsession. This obsession in more than encouraged by Ansem who proposes his own theories and is just glad to see his young apprentice excited about something. 
Terranort convinces Ansem to use him as a test subject, because it’s his heart and his memories and he doesn’t want anyone else being dragged into this. (ha.) 
The experiment was a success.... to a point. Terranort unlocks some memories, but they’re disconnected and scattered and the lack of context leads to the conclusion that whoever he used to be was not a good person. In fact he may have killed a few people. 
This is distressing and Terranort immediately withdraws into himself. Ansem, noticing the change, put an end to the experiments because sometimes things are best left in the past. 
The added pieces of the puzzle only make Terranort more obsessed. He’s angry and bitter over who he (thinks he) used to be be and is angry and bitter over the perceived abandonment of his mentor. (A small part of his mind tells him that this has happened before.) 
Insert: the recruitment of the rest of the apprentices and the KH1 Ansem Reports. 
Curiosity and (mostly) good intentions go horribly wrong and everyone ends up jumping off the slippery slope. 
It’s so interesting when you read the original Ansem Reports how he comes across as a well-intentioned figure that just slowly lets the darkness eat away at him until he’s convinced that this is all there is and all there will be. Then he, y’know, causes the apocalypse over of it. ❤️
Lead up is different, motivations are different - end result is the same. 
Then on the other side in KH2 you have Xemnas who is treated as a villain, yes, but a distinctly tragic one. Remember when his only motivation was to get his heart back? He may not have cared about anyone else also getting their hearts back, but he wanted his. 
Remember when he wasn’t trying to turn everyone into a Xehanort clone and never intended to get his own heart and that despite the supposed amnesia he’s still Xehanort and when he didn’t do everything because of Some Grand Evil Plan? 
I’m angry
But the desperate (and Nobodies are desperate creatures) want/need for his heart despite only remembering the negative emotions always struck me. Like, one: It’s better to feel bad than to feel nothing. Two: That’s fucked up man. 
I do like to believe that Xemnas cared or at least felt a certain kinship to his fellow Nobodies, but also he can’t feel nor does he remember how to fake empathy and still saw everyone as more of a tool than an individual. 
Because that’s, y’know, interesting. 
Again, everything is pretty much exactly the same as what happens in the main games. Nothing much needs to change there, because, like I said, they were interesting characters when they were introduced. 
Post KH2 reformation we get Terranort again! And he feels like shit! (As he deserves.) 
I would like for the protagonists to deal with the fact that the Big Grand Evil Villain was Just Some Dude who was a decent person at first but just went overboard. I would also like Terranort and friends to deal with the fact that this was on him. There wasn’t an evil mastermind brainwashing their friend - it was their friend. 
Uhhhh more solid parallels between him and Riku where Terra didn’t have anyone to reign him in, but Riku did. 
I should mention in this AU Ansem SoD becomes like a weird sort of father figure to Riku that actually gives advice and tries to get him to see his side while Riku is like, “Dude. You killed so many people.” “Fair.” 
Evil father figure Riku has mixed feelings about ❤️
The end result isn’t a full redemption arc, because Terranort really can’t get that. He crossed too many lines to have a fully happy ending. He does get reunited with the BBS dudes, though, and they all have to deal with the aftermath. His memories are never fully restored and, yeah, the Terra they knew is effectively dead and there’s some dude who looks like him in his place. 
It’s messy! 
DDD who? KH3 what? Real Organization XIII? 13 Darknesses??? I don’t know them. That sounds made up. 
(DDD is just the Mark of Mastery and Sora AND Riku both dealing with their trauma. Also the discovery of Aqua and Ven who need help like NOW) 
(KH3 is just Sora and Co. rescuing Aqua and Ven and Roxas and Namine and just giving everyone a relatively satisfying conclusion. No need for a grand epic battle. Just people picking up pieces and finding ways to move on.) 
(That’s it that’s the end of the series goodnight.)
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kessielrg · 3 years
[Kingdom Hearts] Old Habits, New Reasons
Summary: Three times in which Namine shies away from social functions just to draw, and the one time someone joined her. [oneshot][character study][NamiXi if you really wanna squint][also Namiku if you squint a little less]
Rating: K
Word Count: 3,469 words
If you liked this story, please reblog!
Their question had thrown Namine off slightly. She sheepishly looked down at her small sketchbook as if it could answer the question for her. The white page stared back at her in silence.
A part of Namine knew this would happen eventually. There was always that fear that someone would follow her, ask her what she was doing, and then tell her to rejoin the others. But that wasn't what they were asking, was it? They wanted to know why she was drawing. It was a simple question, and it was a bit odd that someone would have lugged a caboodle of art supplies with them to a banquet.
"Well?" the other girl asked. "Is there someone who would get mad you're drawing, even if you did it around your friends?"
"I don't think so." Namine decided, slowly. "But sometimes... it's just easier to draw without other people around you. And sometimes, when people find out that you're good at something, they make you do that something for them. It's not very fun."
"Do you always leave to draw, though?"
At first, Namine wanted to disagree with all her heart. But in introspection, it was more of a vice than she cared to admit. She loved drawing, but didn't like others watching her as she did it. When did that happen, she wondered. That didn't used to be the case...
"Sometimes." Namine finally said. She held her sketchbook a bit tighter before adding, "But only on certain occasions."
Namine looked over at the other girl with curiosity. She was greeted with a look just as inquisitive as her own. Maybe even more so. There was a genuine interest; that much was certain. Maybe there was a budding artist in their midst?
"Well..." she carefully said, moving her sketchbook a bit to flip through the earlier pages, "There was this one time..."
. . .
It was a small comfort that, while she wasn't a Keyblade wielder herself, the others considered her when they all got together. She still made sure that her presence didn't disturb anyone. Being quiet and observant was Namine's most reliable vice. That, and drawing. There wasn't much else she knew how to do. Her time as a Nobody barely ranged a year, and after that she was placed safely inside Kairi's heart until recently. Being a Somebody was... confusing, to say the least.
Being asked to join in on a slumber party with Kairi and Xion had been a surprise- perhaps even more so because Master Aqua herself gave her the invitation. Namine certainly didn't expect it to take place in the Land of Departure either. The world seemed far too grand to her -far too important in the history of Keyblade wielders- that it could be used for anything beyond a training arena. She was proven wrong after entering the Great Hall with Kairi. Aqua had given them a spot in front of the thrones, already decorated with sleeping bags for all four of them and a small assortment of snacks.
"I've never got to have a proper slumber party before, since it was me and Terra for most of our childhoods." Aqua admitted at some point. "Feels weird having one with you guys now. I feel like a mom."
It was Xion who, without skipping a beat, cheerfully declared, "And you're the best one I'll never have!"
"Xion!" both Aqua and Kairi declared, each with their own level of bewilderment. Namine only offered a stifled laugh. So proud at their reactions, Xion gave them all a smile so big, it almost rivaled Sora's.
After that, they started to talk about various things since they all met together. Apparently everyone's training was going rather well. Kairi was beginning to get a handle of second tier elemental magic, while Xion was working on personal techniques on and off for the past week. It was around this time that Namine politely excused herself from the others. They had been so caught up in their conversation that they didn't even notice.
Namine went to where she and Kairi had placed their personal things to find her caboodle. The caboodle was a neat little box with drawers that opened the same time she opened the lid. She was able to put all her art supplies in it. Most of them, anyway- her normal sketchbook was too large to fit. Instead, she used a smaller pad that was placed where the mirror in the caboodle was. Once Namine made sure she had everything, she carefully found a spot far enough away from the others so she could draw them. It honestly wasn't very far, but it was still far enough away that the other three didn't really notice her. That was fine. If anything, it was perfect.
The sounds of the others almost masked the sound of her pencil against paper. Spending most of her life locked away with nothing but drawing to distract her gave Namine a slight skill in speed drawing. However, she took her time when she started to work on her friends. She wanted as much detail as she could.
But she didn't bother to sketch her own sleeping bag. She tried to tell herself that it was because it ruined the composition. But deep down she knew it was because she didn't fit with the others, and so it didn't need to be included.
Namine finished her drawing without the others ever knowing she was gone. She placed everything back in her caboodle, then went back as Kairi went into a long story about Tidus and Wakka back on the islands. It was nice; the sounds of friendship. Namine had been the first to go to sleep that night.
. . .
At first, the only response she got was a quiet, "Oh..."
"It was a really fun time!" Namine quickly insisted. "And it really was a treat to be included."
"But you drew yourself out."
Namine flinched slightly. "It worked out better that way. From the angle I was at, it would have looked weird because I had the really light sleeping bag, and everything was so dark anyway..."
The other girl only looked more guilty.
"Do you still have the picture?" she wondered.
"I think so." Namine agreed. She adjusted herself so she could better go through her sketchbook before flipping through the earlier pages. "Here," she then offered as she handed it over.
There was a small hum as the other ran her fingers over the drawing. Namine had made deliberate choices in lighting around the three Keyblade wielders- light coming off of them as if they were lighting up the whole room. If you looked ever closer, you could see the detail of the castle's floor, and even make out the silhouettes of the three thrones in the background.
"Does anyone know that you go somewhere away from everyone to draw?" the other girl asked, handing the sketchbook back to Namine.
Namine gave a fond, almost bashful smile.
"There is someone..."
. . .
"There's a lot of people here." Namine noted as she tried to look over the crowd. Riku wasn't making the same amount of effort. Instead, he just casually looked on with a hand at his hip. Curse him being a full head taller than she was.
"Aqua said that Disney Town holds the Dream Festival every year." Riku agreed with a small nod. "Can't be that easy since Queen Minnie has almost been reigning the kingdom alone for the past few years. The effort is definitely amazing though."
Namine agreed with a nod and a small noise of affirmation. Disney Town looked absolutely splendid for the festival. All the colors, and the smells, and the energy was enough to put anyone in a good mood. The grip Namine had on her caboodle tightened slightly. A frown crossed her lips as she considered that there might have been too much commotion. There wasn't a good place to just sit and zone out without some kind of noise maker going off.
Riku must have noticed this. He looked over at her, and quickly saw her firm grip on the caboodle's handle.
"Are you sure you don't want to leave that in the Gummi Ship?" he asked. He even made a mild gesture to the box, which only made Namine hold it closer to her.
"No. I'm going to use it." Namine insisted. "I just... I just need someplace a bit more quiet..."
Riku nodded. He looked up again to see that Queen Minnie had taken the stage. The queen looked as beautiful as always in her formal pink and red ballgown. The jewels on her crown glittered under the multicolored overhead lights. Everyone cheered at seeing her- the love and admiration they had for their leader was enough to be felt from miles away. Minnie was a good queen, there was no contest about that.
As Minnie tried to settle the crowd down so she could speak, Riku bent down a bit to quietly tell Namine something.
"There's a sewage grate somewhere behind us. If you take it, there's a gizmo that will lead you up to one of the buildings overlooking the racetrack. Don't know about you, but a good aerial shot might be something to capture for later."
Namine grinned. "Thank you Riku." she said before giving him a small peck on his cheek. The young Keyblade master's face gleamed with a humble blush as he stood tall again, almost as if he had never moved at all. Namine laughed a bit at it before leaving.
Finding, and getting into, the grate had not been an issue. It did take her awhile to navigate the gizmo, though. But it was all worth it once she got to the top of a particular building. Namine let out a soft 'Oh...' of wonder as she sat down near the edge facing the racetrack. Riku was right- this was a good place to work. If only she was able to use larger sketch paper in her travelling kit.
When she was finished, Namine very quickly tried to find Riku again. She shouted his name after spotting him. He barely had time to turn around before she proudly displayed her new drawing to him.
"Do you think Queen Minnie will like it?" she asked, rather breathlessly.
Riku looked at her before looking down at the drawing. He put on a wide smile before telling her, "She's going to love it. It's perfect."
. . .
That story had brought about a rather brighter mood in the other girl.
"Did Queen Minnie like the drawing?" she asked. "You did give it to her after the festival, right?"
A sense of pride welled in Namine's heart, leading her to sit a bit straighter. "She loved it." she grinned. "She immediately had the brooms take it to the gallery to be expanded and mounted. You should have seen the look on Riku's face. He was as proud as I was, and probably more surprised!"
"I could only imagine." the other girl laughed. "Oh!" she then said, "Have you ever gone someplace with a view so nice that you just couldn't replicate it no matter how hard you tried? It's hard to recreate any atmosphere, in my opinion. I wanna know if you ever tried to as well."
Namine let out a soft hum as she thought about it. She let out a small noise of realization when it came to her.
"I did once before, yes." she agreed. "Since Kairi's parents don't mind me staying with them, I was able to join her, Riku, Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie to a beach party they had. It was still summer vacation, if I remember correctly. And Tidus really wanted to have a girls versus boys match..."
. . .
"Head's up!" Tidus shouted before serving the volleyball over the net.
"Cheater!" Selphie shouted back as Kairi managed to spike the ball back. Tidus only gave a rather sinister cackle back. However, at that point, no one was able to break their concentration just to smack talk each other.
Namine watched as Kairi and Selphie worked against Tidus and Riku in a rather well matched volleyball tourney. Wakka wasn't too far away- he had lost a bet earlier and had to make food for everyone. The smell of pineapples and fish hung in the air. It was the warmth of the midday sun that Namine loved the most. The feeling enveloped its way around her like a comforting hug. She let out a soft sigh as she got a bit more comfortable.
The sudden urge to draw made her fingers twitch.
This wasn't a good spot for it, though. She was too close to the others for anything but sand to get onto the paper than color. As much as she loved watching the volleyball match, it was still a bit too distracting. Namine started to get up and casually looked around for a better spot to draw. It didn't take long for her eyes to train to a crow's nest not far from the shore. It was part of a large treehouse that seemed to encompass the island. She looked back at her friends for a moment before quietly leaving them. If anyone noticed she was going, they certainly didn't question her about it.
After getting herself situated at the higher point, Namine found herself gaping at the scene below her. Her friends happily playing on the beach, the light reflections off the water, and even the island holding the paopu tree providing a view so beautiful, so rich, that she wasn't even aware that she was opening her caboodle at first. Seeing the Destiny Islands through Sora's heart was nothing compared to the real thing. Was it possible just to freeze time here and let everything else wash away? She smiled a bit to herself. She did have a way to freeze time, in a way.
The only unfortunate thing was that she wouldn't be able to capture it all. She couldn't encapsulate the smell of the sea, or the sounds of Tidus demanding the girls had leverage over him for some reason. She gave a small smile as she continued to work. Most of her effort was spent trying to reflect the sea around them. A certain impatience came over her as she carefully did each detail. You always had to start with the big stuff, then go down smaller. She was just so eager to capture this moment, anyway she could, that she was always picturing this drawing when it was done.
Namine had to force herself to stop after an hour. Her hands were starting to hurt, and her stomach was growling for food. She cracked her knuckles, barely relieving the tension in them, before putting her stuff away. There would always be time to clean the picture up later. For now, she needed to rejoin her friends.
. . .
And so, we were brought back to our initial setting- the banquet in Radiant Garden.
Namine had thought at first that this would be the perfect opportunity to work on drawing food. But the actual banquet itself had a lot more activity than she was anticipating. There were too many people at the tables to have space to stand at for a few minutes, and she had tried to get a plate for herself to take elsewhere- the allure of delectable aromas wouldn't let her go far without wolfing everything down. So she decided to get a higher view.
To her luck, there was a balcony overlooking the main area. It wasn't blocked off or anything, so Namine quietly crept her way to the top. She found a place to carefully overlook the area and found herself at awe. Even if she was aware that someone was behind her, she probably wouldn't have known it at first.
"Namine!" a voice suddenly said in surprise. Namine jumped a good foot before turning her attention to the newcomer. She relaxed a little when she found it was just Xion.
"Xion..." the blonde girl sighed. "It's just you."
"Am I interrupting you? I'm sorry. I'm not interested in food, and the boys are really going at it, so I really wanted to do this writing exercise where you describe an atmosphere, and..."
"No, no, no. You're fine." Namine insisted. She moved her stuff a bit before gesturing for Xion to sit down next to her. "Here," she offered, "Sit next to me. The view is nice from this area."
Xion smiled in thanks before carefully sitting down. She looked out over the balcony and gasped.
"You're right, this is a good view!" Xion marveled. Her eyes expanding in wonder. "This is the perfect place for Ebba to plant a listening device onto an enemy!"
"Ebba?" Namine wondered. "Who's Ebba?"
At Namine's confusion, Xion's face lit up in a deep scarlet.
"She's my... I think Pence called it 'self-insert.' It's a character that's based on me, but sometimes has a few differences. I've based most of the stories I write on stuff I did in the Organization. It's helped a lot with trying to cope with it. You know?"
Namine shrunk a little. "Yeah..." she agreed in a tiny voice.
"But it's real fun too!" Xion told her, trying to divert the heavy topic a bit. "I base everyone in story with someone in real life! You should see the guy I based on Xemnas... I do a lot of mean things to him."
Namine let out a small chuckle. But then a thought occurred to her.
"You based the characters in your story on us?"
"Of course I did!" she happily declared, her blush growing a bit, besides. "Roxas is Lucas, Master Aqua is head knight Meikai, I even have Pluto as the brave pup Mercury!"
"Do... Do you have someone based on me?"
Xion paused for a moment. Her face going still. However, just as quickly, her smile came back as wide as ever.
"Not yet, but I can!" she decided. She hummed a bit as she thought it over some more. "But I don't have to if you don't want to. I think I'll call her... Syrena."
"Syrena..." Namine hummed in thought. She then gave a bright smile in appreciation. "I like it."
"Great!" Xion beamed. She let out a rather contented sigh before asking, "What about you? Why did you come here?" She looked down at Namine's sketchpad and art supplies for a moment then added, "Did you come all this way just to draw?"
After some hesitation, Namine told her. Carefully, and in her own time. Xion listened intently- only asking questions when Namine was done relating a certain day. When the subject came back around to where they were, Xion seemed to understand much better.
"I get it now." she said.
"You do?" Namine wondered.
Xion gave a thoughtful little nod before explaining, "It's easier for you to draw when it's more quiet. That was how it was before. I think it's great that you're still drawing, even though you started because you were held hostage by the Organization. But the Organization didn't give you the skill you have, Namine. That’s all your own. Kinda like how writing is my special thing. We have ways to just... be ourselves, you know? It's comforting. It's like knowing that, even though we didn't start out in this world with our own goals or ideals, we can make them on our own now. We're free now, Namine. Free to do whatever we want."
Namine absently hugged her sketchbook. "I like that thought." she admitted. "I never really saw it that way before, either. Drawing is something that I know I can do. Something that won't harm others. But you are right- it's what makes me... me. Thank you."
Xion grinned. A wide, bright grin that could have lit up a room. It gave Namine an idea.
"What does Ebba look like?" she questioned, at the same time she pulled out one of her sketching pencils. "Does she look just like you, or are there a lot of differences?"
There was a moment of confusion on Xion's face, then a bright flicker of joy. Not a second after, she burst into a long babble about her character. She even used her arms to illustrate certain concepts and mannerisms. Namine laughed, and did her best to keep up. Xion was so passionate about her characters- it almost made Namine jealous. For the next few hours, Namine did a blend of Xion's idea for Ebba, while Xion herself got to writing about how Ebba got to meet a new acquaintance; a mysterious girl named Syrena, who -while mostly shy- was very well loved.
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drazavonia · 4 years
She will no longer "Embrace Destiny"
Destiny is more often that not a goal or fate one's life is chained to. If destiny is a force of the universe, no one can "control" destiny so to speak. However someone of a higher power, domain or "providence" can change the destiny of one with lesser power, control and/or knowledge (of their own destiny).
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Kairi was only four years old when Apprentice Xehanort took her, experimented on her and shipped her off of her world for two purposes apparently:
1) For her "Heart of Pure Light" to resonate with the "key bearer" and lead Xehanort to them.
2) As of Melody of Memory, apparently Apprentice Xehanort also wanted Kairi to arrive in a world of neither light or darkness which could possibly be The Final World. Ironically, this would mean he was successful on both accounts by the end of this game.
However, it's clear up above Kairi is upset and that line of "You're the one who keeps messing with my fate" implies much like how Aqua finally figured out in Kh3/Remind that Xehanort possessed Terra, Kairi will finally find out how and why she was ripped away from her grandma and home of Radiant Garden. Not only that, but it shows us she never really had a choice in how her fate was twisted and manipulated to whichever way the Xehanorts needed at the time:
- Apprentice Xehanort shipping Kairi off to Sora and Riku
- Ansem SOD/Riku sacrificing Destiny Islands causing Kairi's heart to take refuge in Sora's heart.
-Xemnas and Xehanort taking Kairi to crystalize her heart to use as a final gambit to open Kingdom Hearts.
The next lines "If it weren't for you Sora and everyone would be safe...I won't let you walk away" indicate for Sora, her friends and herself, she will no longer allow anyone control over her destiny. She has the strength and determination now to make her own destiny and fight against anyone who messes with her fate again.
This is the reason I can see Kairi getting a new keyblade.
A lot of the main characters' keyblades are symbolic of their hearts and roles within the series, as well as how they've grown and evolved over the course of their journeys.
The most obvious case being Riku.
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Kingdom Key> Soul Eater
The Kingdom Key was originally meant for Riku, as he was the keyblade's chosen. But when he chose to give in to the darkness the keyblade went to Sora instead, and of course Soul Eater was a weapon of darkness given to him by Maleficent to signify his alignment with her.
Soul Eater> Way to Dawn
It's in the name.
But seriously Way to Dawn is a perfect symbol of Riku's journey of acceptance of his darkness and redemption from kh1 to kh2. The keychain is the dark heart on his "Dark Riku" form which signified his complete fall to darkness. But from the keychain upwards we see the "Gazing Eye" encircled by an angel wing and demon wing, symbolizing Riku's decision against alignment with light or darkness. Afterwards majority of the blade is the demon wing from Soul Eater largely because Riku's role within kh2 is him working from the shadows undercover as Ansem and doing his best to distance himself from his friends who walk the path of light. However at the very end, an angel wing meets the large demon wing which is symbolic of us teaming up with Riku finally, as he showcases his mastery of light and darkness alongside Sora and friends.
Way to Dawn> Braveheart
In DDD, Riku materializes Soul Eater and questions his worthiness as a keyblade wielder. He still has doubts but still continues to hold on to his true motivations being to protect Sora. Riku accepts that he can use the power of darkness while standing firmly on the side of light to protect his friends. He no longer needs to find or follow the way to dawn, because by the end of DDD came the Dawn of Riku, a Keyblade Master and Guardian of Light.
And "Braveheart" is pretty simple. Riku found the strength to protect what matters, and it's perfectly symbolized by Riku's sacrifice for Sora.
"I'm ready now, I'm in control now."
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Terra and Aqua (technically Ven as well) have never left home by the beginning of BBS and throughout the game they experience trials and tribulations that challenge their friendship and we see by their Keyblades at the end the results of these trials.
Earthshaker> Ends of the Earth
Strong and powerful, after hearing Riku's motivation for strength being his friends he bestowed upon him the keyblade which reignited his devotion to his friends. This is also symbolized with Lingering Will, as that's the keyblade he's left with. He'll go to the ends of the earth to save his friends and right his wrongs.
Ends of the Earth> Chaos Ripper
Terra's devotion to protect his friends turns into rage against Xehanort for killing Eraqus, taking his home and manipulating him. Allowing darkness to further consume his heart.
Rainfell> Stormfall
Aqua's journey mostly consist with things happening around her and to her friends. Aqua being the only master of the three and worried for their safety, Aqua does her best to assume responsibility and watch over them. Much like rain, it was a light and simple task. But Xehanort's manipulations and temptations with both Terra and Ven, increased Aqua's worry and need to have control over her friends to keep them out of danger. Unfortunately certain seeds had already been planted amongst them, causing Aqua's worry and concern to come off as patronizing and distrustful of her friends. This weakened the trust in the bonds they share making her job to protect them even more difficult and adding to the weight of responsibility she carries.
Stormfall> Brightcrest
Terra and Ventus have both lost their hearts to darkness. With Venuts sleeping in Castle Oblivion and Terra taken over by Xehanort, Aqua was their only chance of ever coming back. She was the only one who knew how to find Ventus and the only one left to defeat Xehanort once and for all. She stood tall and was willing to risk it all for her friends, she was their "light in the darkness".
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Wayward Wind + Lost Memory
Ventus' keyblade is the only one that doesn't evolve or change throughout the game. Instead Lost Memory is gained when Vanitas forces Ventus to remember how he came to be. Ventus gains a newfound acceptance for his fate with this knowledge and only cares if his friends are safe.
Axel/Lea (Dark Rescue)
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Flame Liberator
Axel betrayed the organization. Axel did everything he could to keep Roxas and Xion unaware of the truth so they could live in blissful ignorance (or be happy). He saved Sora at the last minute in DDD and made it his mission in KH3 to get Roxas back. He even declared to Saix that he would bring him home as well. His keyblade represents his determination to save and free his friends from a cruel fate.
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Destiny's Embrace also tells a story for Kairi, but much like how she got it, the symbolism isn't representative of her personal journey.
- The keychain of Destiny's Embrace is funny enough, a popular fruit. When two people share paopu fruits, their destinies become intertwined.
- The chain, unlike many others is a red thread in knots, most likely representative of the Red String of Destiny. The "Destiny Knot" (pokemon references ftw) is what ties two people together romantically or what ties two destinies together.
- The hilt of the keyblade is the King chess piece. The king in this case referring to Sora (Crown, Throne, Holds his keyblade like King Arthur in artwork). To me this is symbolic of how Kairi has literally held Sora's fate or destiny in her hands at certain points in the series.
• In kh1, Kairi reverts Sora back from a heartless/the darkness after sacrificing himself to restore her heart.
• In khcom, in order for Sora to regain his memories, he has to focus on his "light in the darkness".
• In kh2, it's not until after reading Kairi's letter to him that the Door to Light opens the way for Sora and Riku to return to Destiny Islands in the realm of light.
• In kh3, it's Kairi's light that keeps Sora from fading away within the demon tide and holds him together so he can save the other guardians.
- Surrounding the grip is a heart with half of it having a sea/ocean/wave aesthetic. It could be representative of Kairi's heart and the heart of her nobody counterpart Namine, whose name means wave.
- Half of the heart with the vine extending down the blade is identical to the keychains of Sora's Ultima Weapons in kh1,2,DDD,3.
The crown connects to the heart which belongs to both Kairi and Namine which makes sense because Sora and Kairi together created Namine.
- I'm not sure what the blade symbolizes aside from maybe fire because of her entanglement with Axel (doubt) or more likely the fires of Kairi's determination to improve, so she can stand by Sora and Riku.
- The flowers at the end with "logo" heart of course represents Radiant Garden. I think Nomura always planned to explore Kairi's past at some point especially with how connected it is to Union X, and that Kairi as well her grandma would be the bridge connecting the past and the present.
However, because of kh3 and most likely M.O.M, I think Kairi will quite literally be freed from "Destiny's Embrace", both Xehanort and the keyblade.
Like I said before, a lot of the symbolism for Destiny's Embrace is externally based. Mostly because Kairi never gets the chance to shine nor do we get to see what's going on inside of her head. Some of this is also because of Kairi's reluctance to bring up her past trauma when asked about it.
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• Sora is gone, no need to be a plot device/motivation for him. Instead it's the other way around.
• Namine is her own person now.
• Melody of Memory will finally tackle and resolve Kairi's past.
Everything Destiny's Embrace represents will be resolved by the end of Melody of Memory. So just like how Riku completed his Darkness character arc by the end of DDD and got Way to Dawn replaced by Braveheart as a symbol of his newfound growth, either by the end of M.O.M or in KH4 Kairi will be rid off all of the things holding her character back from truly growing on a narrative and meta level and the keyblade that symbolizes all of those things:
Destiny's Embrace
*This is the other part of the Melody of Memory sticker post.
(Credit to Hartmann-lionhart for their Destiny's Embrace/Ultima Weapon Analysis)
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Day 5~ Memories
As touched upon yesterday, X has a lot of memories. So for today's @khoc-week it's another difficult choice. I decided to go with a character interaction I had never had a chance to write before, but now I'm glad I did. With all the memories X has of centuries past, I thought it might be interesting to see what Naminé would have to say about him.
(Forgive any weird formatting I'm on mobile.)
X had never had a chance to speak to Namine. He had heard a few things about the Nobody from the others. The members of the organizations had always spoken of her like she was some kind of witch. Which was amusing to X considering the magic most of them were capable of. But he had only ever heard stories of what she could do with memories. All they needed was have the faintest tie to Sora and she had complete control of all their memories. Something that was scary to even think about.
DiZ had less nice things to say about her. He had already gotten annoyed listening to the man wrapped in bandages. He didn’t know why his sister was bothering with him, but he hoped she had a good reason. All he had gotten so far was a shared grudge against Xehanort, which was fair enough but he hoped there was more going on. DiZ tended to say Namine was just a nuisance, which he supposed was why he had brought X aside and asked him to take her out silently. X had no intentions of doing such a thing, but he was curious to meet her. So he’d take advantage of the offer.
Namine was waiting in Castle Oblivion. Well, not waiting, but that was the reports of where she was hiding. X wasn’t sure where DiZ got his information but he didn’t see a point in arguing it. Which was why he stood in front of the strange castle in the middle of nowhere.
X hated this castle. If he looked hard enough he could see the way it needed to bend to return to what it had once been. It was a place filled with unpleasant memories for him. And he didn’t want to have to drag that up. So instead he pushed past the twisting feeling in his gut and the ringing in his ear that sounded too much like Terra’s yells and into the castle.
Inside he found something he didn’t expect. 
Namine was there, sitting calmly on the steps that would lead up to the first floor. While he hadn’t expected to find her so easily, what surprised him more was the giant black and white bird wrapped around her. The Heartless chirped in warning, moving to cover Namine more.
“Whoa Phoenix, I’m not going to hurt her,” X said, holding up his hands. He watched as the fire covered bird slowly cocked its head before stepping back, its chirps continuing softly. X turned his attention off of Phoenix back onto Namine.
She didn’t really strike him as anything special. She was small and petite, with blonde hair brushed over one shoulder. A sketch book sat on her lap, pulled close to her chest along with her knees. Wide blue eyes watched him as he entered farther into the room. Those were the strangest things about her. They were so familiar, but X couldn’t place where he had seen them before.
“Namine, I presume?” X asked as he came to a stop.
“Yes,” she answered, looking down to avoid his eyes. X held in a snicker. She really shouldn’t be so ready to answer.
“We haven’t met, my name’s X,” he said calmly. “Technically DiZ wants me to dispose of you since no one else has done the job. But to be honest I’m not really interested in it.” She looked up at him almost shocked by his words. He waited for her to speak, but it didn’t seem she was going to after a pause. She only continued to stare at him, blue eyes searching. X hoped it was just the eyes of an artist, and not her searching for something deeper. “I just wanted a chance to talk to you.”
“About what?” Namine asked. Her eyes still were taking him in. At least now they had moved from his face and were onto the rest of his features.
“I’ve heard what you can do to memories, I was curious to see if it was true,” X admitted. He stepped closer to her, waiting for any kind of reaction. But she gave him none, only returning her gaze to his face. Something about the look in her eyes unsettled him, the look of surprise and confusion.
“You have so many,” Namine said. X froze where he stood.
“Most, only have a relatively short chain. But, you don’t,” Namine said. X tightened his hand beside him, trying to hide the way her words had shaken him to the core. The way he could feel his chest about to explode. “Yours is so long, and coiled around and around. In some places it even seems like it's multiple chains.”
“I guess it’s true,” X said. He forced himself to chuckle. “Ok, so you see how many memories I have. No biggie. What else can you tell me?”
Namine didn’t speak to answer, instead she lowered her sketch pad and began drawing. She worked soundlessly, the only thing to be heard was the movement of her pencil and Phoenix’s chirps. X wasn’t sure what the point of it was, but he allowed her to continue. He took the moment to steady his breathing and mind. It wasn’t like she was the first to know all he carried. She probably wouldn’t be able to tell him much more.
Soundlessly Namine turned her sketch pad towards X. He took a step forward, expecting nothing. But what he saw stole his breath away from him.
It was a scene he saw often when his memories got out of control. A young pair of children both dressed the same, one offering the other a stack of clothing. X could hear one pleading the other to run, to disguise herself and escape while he took her punishment. It made his blood run cold.
“How did you know about this?” he demanded.
“It was the memory closest to the beginning that wasn’t really your own,” Namine explained. She slowly pulled her sketch pad back. X didn’t move. He couldn’t. How did she know? “I am a witch who has power over the memories of those connected to Sora. You are one of those people.”
“I see why so many people were interested in you,” X muttered. He slowly pulled himself back, looking away from her as if that would protect him. How much had she seen? How much did she know? Who would she tell? Phoenix was here, that meant Yuki wasn’t far behind. Would she tell Yuki?
“Do they trouble you?” Namine asked. X turned his attention back to her, despite his better judgement. Namine seemed to understand his silent question as she shifted again. “The memories of your past lives? If, if they did I could seal them like your sisters.”
“Seal?” X asked.
“Yes. It would help you forget,” Namine explained. “But, like your sister you would lose what little power you have kept. You would be almost normal.”
For a moment X could only stare at the Nobody. The idea running through his head. He could forget too? Just like she had all those years ago. When they had begged and begged for the pain to stop. For the torture to end. They had lived the same lives on repeat. And nothing ever changed. He could forget all of the struggle.
What would happen if he forgot?
X almost felt the chill go down his back at the very thought. If he forgot would they make her remember? Was it linked between them? He would never make her carry what he did. She had suffered enough this time around. He had made the promise to remember a long time ago. To protect her from this. To let her have her light as long as she desired it.
“I think I’ll pass,” X said. He glanced back at Namine to see her drawing once again. This time he could understand the memory he saw on her paper. He and his sister along with another woman. The ones who had asked for the change.
“I thought you might,” Namine admitted. “But I thought I should offer. You carry more than you should sometimes.”
“Yeah,” X agreed mindlessly. “Listen, about what you know-”
“I won’t tell,” Namine said. “I’ll keep it our secret.” X could only stare at her in shock. She really wasn’t what she first appeared at all. Just who was this girl?
“Thanks,” X said. Namine only nodded, continuing her drawings as if nothing had happened. X slowly turned his back returning to the door. It took every part of him not turn back and look at her again.
It was quite a power she had.
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databoyreekoo · 4 years
thoughts on khmom
this thread contains spoilers for khmom, you have been warned
long story short; i loved it
i’ve always been indifferent about kairi. i don’t like her, but i don’t hate her either. honestly, it’s hard to have any sort of opinion on her when her presence in the story is severely lacking...especially compared to other female characters like aqua, xion and namine, who are all developed and well-rounded. but that’s the thing...it’s just kairi. fans like to jump to “nomura doesn’t know how to write female characters and will never give his female characters anything” when in reality, kairi is just poorly written. (i’d like to add that i’m not saying there aren’t any flaws in the way nomura writes his female characters, but this issue is exclusive to kairi as far as kh is concerned). i mean...even larxene and ava have more depth than kairi, and they haven’t even been featured in as many games as her. this is frustrating for those who already like her, and for those who want to like her. yet...it’s been kinda obvious that nomura a) didn’t really know what to do with her post kh1, and/or b) doesn’t particularly enjoy writing for her.
between kh1, kh2 and ddd, kairi showed only a smidgeon of her desire to fight for and help her friends. however, these moments were immediately countered by her waiting on the islands for sora and riku to return, her getting kidnapped, her getting manipulated by xehanort (and other orgxiii members)...or her getting killed. in kh3, her training was left in the hands of a wizard...not a keyblade master. and yes, even though time doesn’t exist in the secret forest, there’s only so much knowledge axel can pass onto kairi...and without a variety of enemies to fight, there’s only so much experience kairi can gain. she still had a lot to learn but was thrown into a war and expected to hold her own (she did good for what little time she had to prepare, though).
then..remind happened. apart from the lore bits that were added and the plot holes that were addressed, the rest of it felt like fanservice, to be quite honest. it gave the fans everything they had been screaming about since kh3′s initial release, including “kairi development/spotlight.” i’m using quotations because kairi was very inconsistent in remind. one moment she’s blocking xion’s attack and protecting axel (repaying him for protecting her earlier in the KG, regardless if she remembers it or not AND for plot reasons; getting to see xion’s face, all in all this feels good, this feels like natural progression for kairi, love that for her), then...she’s suddenly overpowering XEMNAS of all people after he literally slapped sora, roxas AND xion away like a couple of mosquitos...(thematically, it would’ve made more sense for it to have been xion or roxas getting the upper hand, and it would’ve been in character too since they’re both powerhouses...it just feels like this was compensation or an apology for kairi not doing anything in the base game when xemnas kidnapped her...WHICH STILL HAPPENS BTW making this interaction between xemnas and kairi feel insincere and unrewarding...i want natural progression for kairi, i don’t want her to come off like a mary sue), then later once sora and the guardians bring kairi back, she’s totally clueless as to what sora means by “kairi, are you ready for this?” when she can obviously see darkness swirling above their heads...yet, earlier, she immediately gave axel affirmation when he asks “you with me?” just as they’re about to fight saix and xion...her fight against xehanort was wonderful though, her gameplay suited her very well. i just want consistency and natural progression like the rest of the main cast experienced.
i feel like remind was kinda misleading when it comes to kairi...and a lot of fans just rolled with the hype straight into khmom, believing it to be this huge turning point for kairi...only to be let down by the ending.
however, khmom is a turning point for kairi...but it feels sincere, it feels deserved. it feels natural. she got to address her repressed childhood memories and confront an illusion of xehanort, the embodiment of her suffering. she acknowledged her weakness (in jp, sena translated it different) and how it put sora and everyone else in danger. she showed frustration and anger with the way xehanort used her and altered her fate. she charged in to fight and stand up for herself without a second thought. she’s more assertive and involved now than she ever has been, and her personality is finally showing through and she’s bursting with life. even when she tells riku she wants to go, and he denies her in order to keep her safe (i swear to god, if i see one more person call riku a misogynist for gently putting kairi down because she isn’t experienced enough and doesn’t have the power of waking needed to journey to a dangerous, unknown world i’m gonna lose my mind, sora was literally denied access to the realm of darkness all throughout kh3 because it was too dangerous and he hadn’t regained the power of waking and nobody said a damn thing about that), she acknowledges her lack of experience and tells riku with confidence that she’s going to train hard and get stronger so she can fight alongside sora AND riku...not just sora this time. this is the first time in a long time we’ve seen kairi so vocal and adamant about her training so she can grow stronger and not put herself or anyone else in harms way anymore...instead of her writing it down in an unsent letter or having the game telling us but hardly show it. she even tells yen sid she wants to train under aqua WHICH IS HUGE because not only is it a decision she makes herself (and actually voices this time instead of remaining passive), but she also utilizes magic and speed in combat...training under aqua will help her develop SO MUCH, in both character and skill. this also opens potential friendships between kairi and terra, as well as kairi and ventus.
kairi is finally...FINALLY starting her own journey, and even though her path is different from sora and riku’s right now (which, honestly, will be more beneficial for her in the long run), i have more faith now than ever that kairi’s path will cross with sora and riku’s again and she’ll have the strength she wants in order to stand by their side and support them.
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neoyi · 3 years
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I don’t think I’ll ever get to humorously commentate on KH2 piece-by-piece as I tried to do for the first two games (and god knows if I’ll wrap up Re:chain of Memories with the writing method I was doing, but I digress.) I like talking about this endearingly dumb series and replaying this game is a nice opportunity to revisit how I feel now versus how I felt back when I was a fresh-out-of-high-school Neo playing this game for the first time back in 2005.
So I’m going to surmise my current play session (this collects my thoughts up to the Hercules world) with easily containable bullet points.
*I kind of want to make a separate post about the infamous prologue and discuss how people felt Back in the Days (an understatement, let me tell ya), and ultimately what I feel it does for the game and whether I personally liked it, so I'm going to leave that in the back burner for the time.
I will say Twilight Town sounds like a nice, quiet place to live. I love the concept of a city that's always perpetually sunset. It's a beautiful place and like Traverse Town, sports an amazingly cozy soundtrack.
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*I'm sure there's some bullshit reason why, but I don't get why Sora's one year absence meant some of the people he's met just....forgot him. Like why? What purpose does this serve? This especially affected Kairi, but it’s ultimately negligible because she regains her memories of him during the beginning portions of the game.
Was this Namine's doing? Was it to protect Sora from the bad guys or something? Why hasn't Riku forgotten him? Was Namine just selective on who she erased Sora's existence from? Did Kairi forget just because she’s connected to Namine? Or Sora? What purpose does this narrative serve? What was the point?
*Speaking of, I forgot, did they ever explain why Riku disguised himself as Ansem? I don’t remember if they ever explained it when I played through this game, but also I haven’t touched KHII in six thousand years, so I don’t remember a lot of the more convoluted parts of the plot.
*It is comical to see Setzer of Final Fantasy VI fame turn from a risky, gambling sky pirate who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the empire, only cares for the freedom of the skies, and enduring survival’s guilt over a tragic loss of someone dear to him into a...
Whiffle Bat Champion.
*My sheer excitement and obsession when they first announced Vivi as one of the FF cameo was astronomical. I remember keeping a DeviantArt journal detailing any news and screencaps of the little guy pre-release. Still my favorite character from the whole franchise.
Even if he suffers the same fate as Donald and has a zipper on his mage hat for absolutely no reason other than this game existing during Nomura’s Belt-and-Zippers phase.
*Someone’s going to get sued one day because these damn kids keeps sitting atop the clock tower that has yet to be grafted with bars to prevent their inevitable deaths when one of them slips and falls.
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*I swear I could play a six degrees of Kingdom Hearts with all the voice actors in this game. Or at least a "Whozit" and "Whatzit" they've done in other media (like Yuffie who is voiced by Mae "Katara" Whitman here. Pre-Avatar, even.)
Also I’m sorry, Will Friedle, you’re a fine voice actor, but you’re...Terry McGinnis. Batman told me he “totally owned all you lamers.”
*I love the Nobody enemy designs. The sheer creepiness and uncanny valley of them all lends credit to their existence as, well, non-existences. The Dusk enemy design alone is inspired with its unsettling belts wrapped around its fingers, or terrifyingly sharp teeth subtly hidden inside of its mouth. I can imagine the creature unzipping its mouth to reveal a set of flesh-eating teeth and the fear is real.
I love the way it flies and circles around its victim, almost like it’s trying to wrap itself around you, but I’m especially fond of that one attack where it essentially kicks you as while it sashays over to you upside down.
The Samurai Dusk also has my favorite reaction command. It’s just unspeakably badass.
*I never liked Squall in FF8 back then (don't know how I'd feel now if I ever replay FF8) and he was just okay in the first Kingdom Hearts, but I remember I really endeared myself to his reappearance in KHII. Squall in this game is what happens when he grew up, found good friends and family, and got some therapy for his issues. He’s stoic, but always a team player, and supportive of Sora and the people around him. KHII Squall is what FF8 Squall has the potential to be once he reaches adulthood and it’s nice to see that here.
*I really love the little changes the developers inputted for Sora, Kairi, and Riku's models to accommodate for their physical growth. Riku's is the most obvious (boy clearly ate his vegetables), but I like that you can tell Sora grew not just through story observations (Yen Sid points out how he outgrew his old garbs) but by comparing his height in relation to Goofy. Sora was shorter than him in the first game, but has since outgrown him in KH2.
Along with his better skill set during combat, this is a really nice way to visually shown how far Sora has come and how much time has passed.
This also goes in the opposite direction with Namine whom I think had to redo her mod when they remastered Chain of Memories for 3D. I notice she looks younger in that game than in KHII which would make sense at the time since it takes place a full year ago.
...Well, maybe. Can Nobodies age???
*Damn it, game, don’t give me a pouch containing 5,000 munny and treat it as an in-game key item that I can’t use even though munny is literally the currency I use to buy things.
*The retooling and emphasis on battle mechanics means the platforming element of the first really suffers and that’s a damn shame. I wasn’t particularly in love with exploring the Disney Worlds in the first KH, but I appreciate the effort put into so Sora could not easily get from Point A to Point B.
Even finding treasure chests is comical and if not for sake of posterity for anyone going for 100%, I wonder why Jiminy bothers to keep track of how many you find. There were literally like three out in plain view the minute I entered the Mulan world.
*Speaking of level designs, yeesh, the layout is not optimal for the skateboarding minigame.
*Trying to design a gummi ship in this game requires a masters degree in gummiology and metaphysical engineering, as well as the ability to tap into the 4th dimensional. The 45,000 page instructional manual they give you, the odd grid map used to piece together your ship (fair, the latter was also in the first game), and finicky button controller layout means it took me a while to fully grasp what I was suppose to do and I’m still not sure I got a full handle of it just yet.
*I don’t understand why Sora had to use a physical object as a conduit in each world to open up a metaphysical gate to the next world. He never had to use an in-between to close it. What’s the exception outside of unnecessary symbolic tie-in to the individual worlds he’s in?
*Props to the developers for recreating the ballroom. It’s actually kind of majestic to look at the beautiful ceiling and chandelier design from Sora’s perspective.
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*There are a couple of random gameplay elements I forgot completely existed and seemingly there for arbitrary purposes. I just find it unusual that Mulan’s world forces you to collect literal manifestation of morale. It’s like the developers decided they wanted to reuse the Struggle minigames’ balls into a repurposed Morale Ball because well shit, someone programmed these things they’re damn well going to put it to good use.
I guess if Sora and pals don’t literally collect morale, all the soldiers will be, I don’t know, sad and die in battle or something.
*I’m aware Disney villains using the Heartless as their personal army is the norm, but it’s tonally weird when it’s Shan-Yu of all characters doing it. The infamous Charge-In-The-Snowy-Mountain scene doesn’t quite have the leg up in terms of threat when his army consist of adorable Heartless bumblebees.
*You know what pointless shit I am obsessed with? The stupid puzzle pieces scattered throughout the game. This is the first time I’m playing the Final Mix game and I’m just seething at the lack of abilities I currently do not have that prevents me from reaching certain pieces.
*Auron was instantaneously my favorite character when I first played FFX twenty years ago, and his return in KH2 sent me in fangirlish squeals. How could I not? Look at this handsome bastard. He’s calm, collected, badass with a cool sword, has rugged good looks (he doesn’t have it here, but he rocks some killer shades), and a good dad. That’s prime DILF quality right there. Of course I can’t get enough of him.
Square Enix knows we can’t get enough of him; dude be all “fuck off hades” and gives the god the middle fingers and fucks off elsewhere. Auron is King Shit.
*Oh man, do I still have my old Sora figurine? I think I got him in Katsucon way back in 2009.
*So who’s done a drinking game every time the game introduces Sora, Donald, and Goofy individually to every character they meet?
*Hey, so I noticed Square Enix is finally moving their asses and bringing the Ultimania books to the US. I doubt they’re going to bring the older KH Ultimanias overseas (my kingdom for an officially translated FFIX one), but ya know. I kinda think that yeah, I might want the KHIII Ultimania.
...Just saying.
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