#not all akumas have to be related to the cast
wolflover2426 · 1 year
I still think one of the worst things Miraculous Ladybug did is retcon the lucky charms that prevent anyone from being akumatized ever again. Like, it would have been more fun to have different akumas that aren’t the same characters we all know already and instead they decide, “You know what, the lucky charm is too op. Give villain a power up to counter it,” thus rendering the lucky charm obsolete.
They could have at least let Ladybug make the charm stronger and resistant to the powered up akuma (I refuse to call them megakuma, the name sounds dumb) and it would be an endless back and forth of these two strengthening their power to counter each other and it would have been more entertaining than what we have gotten.
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Late Night Ideas: Daminette Soulmate AU II
Disclaimer: this is in no way related to my other soulmate au.
Basically, everyone is given the first initial of their soulmates' name on their wrist at the age of 12, but only upon touching your soulmate do you get to see their full name.
Think about it.
The boys are doing some recon in Paris, especially after seeing a video sent to the JL, which wasn't taken very seriously. (Side eyeing you Booster Gold.)
Anyways, they explore the city during the day, acting like tourist asking locals for their stories, and even getting some background on LB and CN. All the while, they are unknowingly passing Marinette in each place they go to.
It's pure coincidence, really. Like first time was when they pretended to be interested in getting Damian enrolled in Collège Françoise Dupont. Dick got hungry, and Tim wanted coffee, so naturally, they stopped by Marinette's family's bakery. Dick orders as Marinette's leaving, never really making contact with any of them.
Then, as they are taking a tour of the school and asking questions. Marinette is there hanging out with Adrien, who she's cool with by now. They have more of a best friend/sibling dynamic now.
Then tye next is out an about like them questioning the pigeon guy and Marinette had been their for a while now sketching away. The next a the Louvre and she's hanging out with Alix or something. So on and so forth.
You know the always within proximity but never getting the chance to meet kind thing. That is until Marinette trips or something, and her art supplies falls and it's the Wayne boys help her pick them.
Damian is holding out a few pencils for her. She's not really paying attention and embarrassed over the ordeal. She's just graving and going. Just when you think their hands are going to meet and lock eyes; feeling that click sand seeing each other's name slowly reveal itself, it doesn't happen.
She grabs the ends of the pencils and hurriedly shouts a thanks to the boys as she was in a hurry to get somewhere. Nobody thinks much of it.
Then, later that evening, there's an akuma attack. The boys were out prior to doing some discrete patrol hoping to catch a glimpse of the heros and maybe do get their statements only to be caught in the middle of it.
There is some tension between Ladybuy and Rodin, especially when they had to make a strategic retreat together with the rest. Dick was able to have them set it aside for after they defeated the akuma.
Fun times people. Fun times.
The akuma is defeated. Lucky chatm is cast, things are talked over, negotiations are made, and hand shakes are shared.
Now, because of miraculous magic, it kinda buffs the whole dramatic soylmate meeting scene, but it doesn't stop the name from forming.
When they return to their place of living and get out of costume; both Damian and Marinette are very surprised to see each other's name delicately scribed onto their wrist.
That's all I got, but if anyone wants to run with the idea, then be more than welcome to. Just be sure to give credit.
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yukii0nna · 11 months
Miraculous rules and how they work!!
Look,canon suck!!! The rules are all over the place. So I'm fixing that!!! Or I'm making them more sane. So here we go!! I'm keeping the basic rules like kids that have the limit and making the wish is a bad idea. I'm also adding new ones for my au
Unifying required the holders mana. If you use it for too long,be prepared for serious pain and suffering
While the ladybug can cure transformations and mind control just fine, actually injuries are harder. Like say you get your leg broken by the akuma for example. You get it healed but it's not as okay yet
While transformed, you carry a curse with you. If you're cursed with bad luck and transform,you carry the bad luck with you
"The Wish" always has consequences , especially related to death.
In reference to the last rule, messing with life and death never ends well. The best case you bring someone back but you get cursed badly by the Kwami and/ or the other deities running around. So only a few have even tried.
Broken miraculous don't kill a person,but they will make it so that the holder is wishing for death!!(Thankfully I made so that Emilie died in a fire so she wouldn't have to go through that)
Wizards using miraculous casting spells combine their magic with the miraculous .
@punkeropercyjackson @fair-night-starry-tears @kousaka-ayumu @writing-heiress @gritsandbrits @zexal-club @lovelyllamasblog @insomniac-jay @punkeropercyjackson
Asks and reblogs are welcome!!!
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artzychic27 · 1 year
What about DC!Nathaniel AU? An AU where Nathaniel is the one somehow related to a DC character? Not sure who his father/mother would be, but he would dye his hair red to match his found family. And then we can get Caprikid using his powers to get revenge on his toxic hero father. I like angst, okay.
I know you said hero, but... Nathaniel's the son of Trigon, 'kay byeeee!
After finding a safe haven on Azarath, Arella gave birth to two children, a boy, and a girl.
For years, Raven and Nathaniel are taught to control their emotions and suppress and control the demonic powers they inherited from Trigon, and while Raven is shown to be making progress, Nathaniel constntly loses control
Trigon knew of their whereabouts, but did nothing to intervene, except when a monk named Juris had cast Nathaniel into another dimension to avert disaster
This action, in the process, erased his memories and reverted him back into a baby to avoid disaster and hopefully have the unlucky people who find him be able to control his temper
Trigon struck Juris down at the moment of the deed and went to search all across the universe for his son, knowing Nathaniel will be the twin to continue his legacy and conquer the Universe, seeing as Azarath corrupted his daughter
Nathaniel ends up in a basket at the doorstep of Aya and Maison Kurtzberg's home. They think nothing of it and immediately bring the ebony-haired purple-eyed baby into their lives
And to match his parents, he dyes his hair red when he’s seven! Aaw!
So, Nathaniel grows up normal with no knowledge of his parentage and everything is fine until his father dies
Overcome with grief, Nathaniel reveals his inherited power. His skin turns red, his hair turns white, an extra set of eyes appears and all four of them glow a bright yellow
Instead of running away when he lets out a demon scream, Aya comforts her son until he turns back to normal
Neither of them have any idea what just happened, but one thing’s for sure, Nathaniel’s got to keep his emotions under wraps
… Then he starts middle school
It's incredibly difficult for him to stay calm when Chloé's going around tormenting the students, the principal is a spineless moron who does nothing to stop it, and... Oh, yeah! It’s middle school!
And just when he thinks things can’t possibly get any worse, this creep named Hawkmoth shows up. He’s stressed out of his mind trying not to get Akumatized, and some prick named Louis is being a real pain in the ass
Nathaniel nearly reveals his powers in fits of rage by making things float or causing glass to shatter, but people only assume there’s an Akuma
It’s not long before Nathaniel gets Akumatized into Evillustrator, but because of Trigon’s DNA, his appearance is slightly altered- Extra set of eyes, horns, longer hair, and a nice set of fangs
He summons demons made of ink to ravage the streets, and what makes this more scary is that Hawkmoth has no control over him. And this isn’t Nathaniel’s own doing, either
It takes Ladybug and Chat Noir hours to defeat him, and the second he’s deakumatized, Nathaniel runs away before they can ask if he’s alright
Meanwhile, Master Fu has been sensing a dark presence for years now, but is nowhere close to figuring out where it’s coming from… Until he sees Evillustrator
Later, for about a week, Nathaniel is plagued by nightmares of a man who looks similar to him when in his demon form, and all he can hear is the name Trigon, something about him fulfilling a prophecy, and being a portal
This leaves Nathaniel on edge, causing some slip ups with his powers and keeping his emotions in check, so he starts to “fix” things that annoy him
-Every time Kim attempts to do a dare, it suddenly turns safe and he has no chance of hurting himself… Or others
-Chloé’s mouth disappears
-A black bar covers Adrien’s face wherever he goes
-Rose’s voice is muted, Juleka’s voice is louder
-Two shadowy hands come up from behind Marinette and pull at her pigtails every time she mentions Adrien
Master Fu summons Ladybug and Chat Noir and tells them to capture and bring Nathaniel to him
He performs some sort of ritual that undoes everything Nathaniel used his powers on and makes him less evil looking
After assuring Ladybug and Chat Noir that he’s not an Akuma, Master Fu explains that Nathaniel is the son of Trigon, devourer of a million souls, conqueror of countless worlds, and one of the most powerful beings in the universe
Ladybug/Chat Noir: … *Drawing their weapons*
Master Fu: Don’t.
He explains that Nathaniel’s destiny is to act as a portal which will allow Trigon to enter their world and conquer it. However, when that will happen is a mystery. But, the more he taps into his dark side, the more Trigon comes close to discovering his location
Nathaniel: WHAT?!
Master Fu: Do I need to spell it out for you?… You are a living portal for your demon father, and he’s going to tear open our universe with his bare hands!
Ladybug: … But?… There’s a ‘but,’ right? There’s a solution?! Yes?!
Chat Noir: Say yes!
Nathaniel’s dreams become more frequent, and occasionally, he goes into this sort of headspace where all the land around him is desolate with blood-red skies and not a living soul around. And this man in a strange mask keeps following him and telling him to accept his destiny as he causes these glowing red marks to appear along his skin
When he wakes up, the markings are gone, but his hair becomes longer. While he can cut his hair, this glowing S-shaped mark remains on his forehead, which he covers with his bangs
Ever since he learned of the prophecy, Nathaniel has been attempting to become closer with his classmates- Modeling some of Marinette’s clothes, going to Kitty Section rehearsals, listening to some of Nino’s demos, making posters for Ivan and Myléne’s protests, trying out rock climbing with Lacey, doing some makeup art with Cosette, watching some of Jean’s performances, and even creating a comic with this cute guy named Marc
Alix wonders what’s gotten into him as of late, but Nathaniel remains secretive
One night, Nathaniel, with the advice of Master Fu, tries meditation to clear his head and relax. But he comes into contact with Trigon, who warns him that his destiny is drawing nearer, and then shows him horrifying images of everyone he loves suffering under his wrath
Nathaniel wakes up, and like always, his hair is longer
It’s the next morning when things take a turn for the worse. The marks that are usually only in his dreams are all over Nathaniel’s arms, and he becomes aware that this is the day Trigon will turn him into his portal, so he tries to make his friends’ last day one they’ll remember fondly by suggesting an outing at the park, going for ice cream, and doing a quick sketch of all of them together
This has them all concerned and thinking something’s wrong with Nathaniel, but only Marinette and Adrien truly know what’s got him acting this way
Before he can tell them exactly what he is, a spontaneous solar eclipse blocks the sun, and Nathaniel collapses. When Kim tries to help him back up, he accidentally reveals the marks on his arms and forehead, which Alix recognizes from one of the museum exhibits
They take him home where Aya reluctantly tells them everything, from finding Nathaniel on her doorstep to discovering his powers after Maison died
Of course, they’re horrified and come to the conclusion that Nathaniel is the reason so much weird stuff has been happening to them, but Alix and Marc are quick to shut that down
Meanwhile, when it seems all is fine and well, Nathaniel is kidnapped right out of his bedroom and dragged into some decrepit building by people in cloaks. And standing there is the same masked man from his dreams, who calls himself Slade
They perform the ritual to summon Trigon, and by the time his friends locate him, it’s too late. Nathaniel is gone, and Trigon returns to take over the world
But, somehow, the Akuma Class and Science Kids survive his attack and not be turned into stone like everyone else.
Simon: ... Everything is gone. Everyone's dead. Nathaniel's probably dead, and we're gonna die soon! Can this get any worse?!
*Suddenly, a black portal appears in the sky*
Simon: Of course! Why not?!
From the portal emerges a young woman in a purple cloak, accompanied by four other people
She introduces herself as Raven, daughter of Trigon and the twin/elder sister of Nathaniel. While Trigon has been searching for Nathaniel, so has she. After Nathaniel was banished from Azarath and de-aged, she spent years looking for him before their father could find him with the help of the Teen Titans
Bombarded by all sorts of questions, Raven goes on to explain the prophecy
Raven: Children on Azarath heard the prophecy so many times, but… “The gem was born of evil's fire. The gem shall be his portal. He comes to claim, he comes to sire. The end of all things mortal.” My brother, your friend, is that gem.
Akuma Class: …
Science Kids: …
Teen Titans: …
Ismael: … They told that to kids?!
While things seem hopeless, Raven assures them not all is lost. Nathaniel’s existence as an inter-dimensional portal is complete, but another part lives on elsewhere. They just have to get him back and have him battle Trigon
Alix, of course, is going, along with Denise and Ivan for muscle, and Beast Boy for some extra power
Ladybug and Chat Noir pass along the Miraculous so the others can help them battle against Trigon with the Teen Titans, though, it gets tricky when he summons nega versions of the team to taunt and fight them on an equal playing field
The trip is long and perilous, but they successfully find Nathaniel… Only he’s seven and has no memory of any of them
Back on the surface, the heroes are battling their nega-selves and are nowhere close to weakening any of them while the others battle Trigon’s minions in case they go looking for the others
Carapace then suggests that, since they can't defeat themselves, maybe they could defeat each other. And surprisingly, it works, but according to Trigon, all they did was prolong their suffering and he sends more of his minions after them
Going back the way they came, Raven carries Nathaniel and tells him about their time on Azarath, about Trigon and the prophecy to try and return his memories with Alix adding a few things about his life in Paris, but nothing’s coming to him
They are soon accosted by a horde of fire demons. The group successfully escapes while keeping Nathaniel out of harm's way. And amidst the battle, it’s revealed-
Nathaniel: Alix, why are you doing this?
Alix: You do remember, don't you?
Nathaniel: … The stories you were telling...I can see it. Bits and pieces. You...our friends...my dad...like it was a dream. A nightmare. Whatever it was, it's over.
Ivan: But, there may still be a way to--
Nathaniel: Nobody can stop him. I remember that. You came down here for nothing.
Raven: … I came down here for you, baby brother.
Back on the surface, the large group run away with Trigon's minions in pursuit. They take down most of them, but then Raven and Beast Boy appear to finish them off
At first, everything seems well, until they see Nathaniel
Roi Singe: WE’RE DOOMED!
Wyvern: Shut up! You’re gonna scare the damn kid!
Rena Rouge: We’re dead. We are so dead!
Just then, Trigon commands his army to expand throughout the universe and enslave everything until all bow before him
Before going to battle their father, Raven comforts Nathaniel by saying he is no longer a slave to any prophecy and he will know what to do when the time comes
At that moment, Ladybug’s only lucky charm is a pair of hair clips, which she gives to Nathaniel since he lit up with her lucky vision
The Titans, Miraculous heroes, and the survivors without powers take Trigon head-on. To their shock, he takes damage only thanks to Raven's added power. But, as one final attack, Trigon envelopes them all in a massive blast, immobilizing them
As Nathaniel begs them to get up, Trigon unleashes another heat ray to kill him off, but Nathaniel somehow shields himself and the others with his powers. And while Trigon charges up another blast, the Goat Hero transforms back into Marc, and Nathaniel discovers that the Miraculous is a pair of hair clips like the ones Ladybug gave him
When he fails to kill Nathaniel again, Trigon only mocks him, claiming that Nathaniel’s only purpose is to serve him as his portal, his creation, and declaring that he has no power over him
Nathaniel: ... You created me… But you were NEVER my father! Fathers are present in your life! Fathers protect you! Fathers raise you! I was protected by the monks of Azarath and searched for years by my sister. I was raised by Aya and Maison Kurtzberg, and my friends! They are my family! This is my home! And you are not welcome here!
As Nathaniel renounces any biological ties with Trigon, he returns to his original age while wearing all white, and his original hair color is restored. His power returns, and he transforms into CapriKid
Genesis, combined with his own powers augments both of them, allowing him to create bursts of white energy he uses to blast and weaken Trigon before creating a massive burst of energy that engulfs and obliterates Trigon for good, and propels a wave of restorative energy that washes over the earth and undoes Trigon’s corruption
Akuma Class: …
Science Kids: …
Teen Titans: …
Nathaniel: … Uh- *Gets tackled into a hug by the Akuma Class* H-hey, guys.
Nino: That was awesome, dude! You were a badass!
Juleka: So. Fucking. Wicked.
Chloé: You’re not entirely lame, Kurtzberg.
Adrien: So, is the black hair permanent?
After all comments on his powers and how he defeated Trigon are out of the way, Nathaniel and Raven have a proper (and tearful) reunion
Weeks pass, and everyone other than the Akuma Class, Science Kids, and Teen Titans has no recollection of Trigon's temporary reign
Nathaniel has better control over his powers, is able to use them around his friends, he occasionally visits Raven over in Jump City, and has recently begun dating Marc
... Also, somewhere, that Slade guy who kidnapped Nathaniel is nothing but a living withered husk, and... Cliffhanger. Just like the Original Teen Titans, which I am still bitter about.
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27.
Will answer the ones I can 1 . Adrinette. Canon has tarnished the idea of this ship for me, so I don't see the appeal in continuing to root for it to happen. 2. Felila. I don't see Felix and Lila as ever becoming romantically into each other, but they'd definitely be great sneaky evil bros. 3. I think I did over some reflexive Chloe stanning. 4. Again, Adrinette. And yes, it is THE fandom OTP for some reason. 5. No, but canon sure has! 7. Plenty, like Marinette's schoolgirl crush and clumsy stalker antics, the attitudes and beliefs of supporting characters like Alya, the more "human" and "sympathetic" side to Gabriel, the whole shtick of Akumas and Akumatizations, and the character of Adrien/Chat Noir in general. 9. I'm usually very lenient on even my disliked characters, but I've no patience for Su-Han, the definition of a strawman character - by all accounts he's 100% right about much he says, but he's mean to Kwamis and acts like a big jerk so we're supposed to reject his valid points. Also, Thomas Astruc whenever he pops up in his own show. 10. The "Guardian Marinette VS Shadow Moth" arc in Season 4 and basically everything that happened in relation to it, though it at least finished stronger than the previous season did. 11. Mr. Damocles, I guess? Or maybe Lila, but that's a later answer for a later question. 12. I liked "Volpina" more than most fans seem to due to their pre-set expectations for it and its titular character being ridiculous. 13. Zoe IS a better Bee Miraculous holder and superheroine than Chloe but neither sister really earned that right, and Lila ain't the purest evil who ever did evil, the fandom's just mean and the writing incompetent. 14. A good deal of stuff that Astruc has said about the online fandom...actually...wasn't wrong. Still unprofessional, immature, and douchey of him to go off like that, but some of his points stand so long as things like "salt fics" exist to reinforce them. 15. It could still get back on track if Zag plays his cards right, but it will sadly never realize the fullest potential of what it could have been. Seasons 3 through 5 just dropped the ball on that so hard. 16. Basically the whole show following Season 2. 17. I would have retired Hawk Moth after the Season 2 finale and had Mayura as the head supervillain on the next two seasons, then introduce Richard Sphinx to be "Monarch" and bring Null in earlier too. Oh, and instead of Zoe getting the Bee Miraculous and becoming Vesperia in the episode immediately following her debut, I'd wait until she was settled into the side cast and actually did stuff that serviced her as her own character rather than just as a foil to Chloe. 19. All the goddamn salt. This show ain't worth it, folks! Stop taking it and its many failings so damn seriously! 22. Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir. 23. Lila Rossi (or whatever other names and identities she's got) 25. Again, I'd alter the end of the Season 2 finale so that Gabriel looses his Miraculous so now Nathalie has to use the Peacock Miraculous and be the head supervillain who creates Sentimonsters in place of the old Akumatization formula. 26. Zoe Lee. 27. Bob Roth. Even Garbiel can get more action than he could!
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maybeequeenchloe · 3 years
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Welcome to MayBee Queen, an event to celebrate the one and only Chloé Bourgeois that will take place in May of 2022! Whether Chloé is your favorite ML character, or you just think she got done dirty in canon, this is your chance to help share the love for her. To participate, all you have to do is use the prompts listed above to create art, fic, gif sets, picture collections, edits, playlists, music videos, or whatever your medium of choice is, and use the hashtag #maybeequeen2022 and/or @ this blog. We will be reblogging all submissions to this blog! If you don’t finish in time, no worries. We hope to continue reblogging past the month of May.
This event is wide open to anyone and everyone who wants to participate, but here are two ground rules:
1. This event is for positive Chloé-related content only. That means no Chloé salt is permitted. If you want to write or draw something that casts Chloé in a bad light, this is not the event for you.
2. N//S//F//W content must only involve aged-up characters, be clearly labeled, and be under a cut. The same goes for anything with a trigger warning. Let’s remember that this event is for people of all ages and that we want everyone to be able to enjoy it in their own way.
And that’s it! Romance and salt towards other characters is welcome. We want to keep the restrictions as loose as possible so that your imaginations can truly run wild. 
Whether you choose to do 1 prompt or all 31 prompts, there is no pressure - we wanted to give as many options as possible. So we have decided to implement 4 weekly themes as well as some prompt swap outs! Swap-outs can be used at any point during the month if you find that one day’s prompt just doesn’t spark your creative juices. The themes can be used in conjunction with the prompts or as something completely separate - it’s totally up to you! We really want this event to highlight Chloé.
If you have any questions, please feel to send us an ask! We encourage you to reblog and share this calendar widely so we can get as many Chloé fans involved as possible. Otherwise, for a written list of the prompts, swap-outs, and themes, please see under the cut.
MayBee Queen 2022 Prompt list:
Teddy bear
Costume change (for Queen Bee)
Kwami swap
New York
Sick day
New beginning
Buzz On
Breaking point
Fix it (episode of your choice)
May 1st - 7th: AU
May 8th - 14th: Angst
May 15th - 21st: Friendship
May 22nd - 31st: Redemption
Prompt Swap-Outs:
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parismystere · 3 years
miraculous goes metaphysical: on sentimonsters, the peacock miraculous and the existence of the soul
warning: leaps of logic were made for the purposes of this analysis.
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you know how sometimes you have ideas that look related on the surface, and you need something small to bind them together, something that will tip the scales towards affirmation? that was me, quite recently in fact, when i realized that the missing piece of information i needed was... the origins of duusu's name. now, i'm sure all of you have noticed that the kwamis have nice short names that are a perfect fit for the kwami's powers - from plagg (plague), to trixx (tricks), to nooroo (neuro), and so on, and so on. in fact, most of their names are kind of obvious different spellings of english words.
enter my big brain moment, when i, a slavic girl that uses her native slavic language every single day, suddenly realized that. oh. duusu has slavic etymology, actually. it comes from душа / dusha/ duša, which means soul; in fact, the vocative case for the word in my language would be душо / dusho, which is... pretty darn close to duusu, if you ask me. we're going to ignore how bad i am with details if it took me so much time to realize it.
armed with this vital information, i immediately thought of this scene in heart hunter, in which marinette reads master fu's letter out loud (for the audience's benefit, of course), and a shot of gabriel fretting over a very sick nathalie is accompanied by these words:
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i have to admit that i initially dismissed them as a metaphor. after all, siding with your boss who is an abusive father to his one child and moonlights as a terrorist when not taking care of his fashion empire, does seem pretty low. but i also dismissed gabriel's words about destroying the world and creating a new one in 'dearest family' as a metaphor as well, when that's exactly what happened with the wish in 'ephemeral'.
and then we have this tweet from feri, in which she says that nathalie will never recover from using the peacock miraculous:
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and, you know, i've always hated that the miraculous ladybugs can ressurect people and so on. i felt like it cheapened emilie's story. if only poor emilie had used the peacock miraculous during an akuma attack! but maybe souls exist in the miraculous universe. maybe miraculous is leaning towards descartes' substance dualism (no word on how the mind - body problem gets solved within the ml universe, though). maybe when chat noir dies during akuma battles, his pure cat boy soul leaves his body, only to have to rapidly return when ladybug casts the magical cure. maybe emilie can't be helped not because her illness is physical, but because her soul got destroyed while using a broken peacock miraculous. there is also a tweet by astruc (thanks to @polkadotbrat for sending it to me!), and i know that word of god can be dubious, but it definitely made me pause. huh, i said. was duusu feeding on emilie's soul?
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while talking with my wonderful buddy @polkadotbrat about the most original topic of them all - sentimonsters - we noticed that the show makes it seem like nathalie gets sick not from making sentimonsters, but from their death. [bear with me: this is my third and final captain obvious moment] it's kind of an iffy theory at the moment, but i thought - what the hell, why not throw it out there while i'm at it.
the six times nathalie was shown to have a coughing fit or a dizzy spell after a sentimonster died (and the one time she wasn't):
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now, let's go with the details:
- the first sentimonster she made was butterly in mayura;
- reflekdoll got cataclysmed by lady noire;
- she made a lollipop sentimonster in miraculer, but her reaction after the senti's death wasn't shown; in fact, she seemed unusually healthy the entire episode, as she even battled our heroes;
- she didn't make feast, but she awakened it;
- reflekdoll, feast and optigami show nathalie immediately getting dizzy and having a migraine after the sentimonster has been released from existence.
out of these, the most interesting to me are feast and reflekdoll, for obvious reasons. my initial theory was that when a sentimonster dies, so does a part of nathalie's soul, but she didn't make feast. maybe we could infer that there is some sort of energy/life force transfusion between using the broken peacock miraculous and sentimonsters. when the kwami can't feed on your normal (whatever that could be) energy, why not go for your spirit, and use it to make the sentimonster? as for reflekdoll, i found it interesting that nathalie still got ill, even after the cataclysm cut the connection between the sentimonster and the peacock holder. lastly, she made optigami, but optigami only got used with gabriel as the peacock holder - still, she got a headache when optigami died. what does it mean? well, you tell me. i'm a little biased towards my theory.
as for the topic of the week- senti!felix - perhaps, as long as he is alive, whoever made him will also stay healthy, even if he was made with the broken peacock miraculous. speaking of felix, would it be too far to ponder if sentimonsters have souls? and if they have souls, are they their own, or a residue of the soul of whoever made them (we can even analyze two cases - with broken peacock miraculous and with repaired peacock miraculous)? what is even a soul in the ml universe? is emilie in a magical coma or 100% dead? did her body die, perhaps at the same time as her soul? is miraculous... monistic??? am i going to bring up plato's republic to discuss a cartoon for little children? who knows. stay connected!
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sweetcloverheart · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion Time
A lot of Adrien fans state that he doesn’t get enough screentime or that it’s unfair the story doesn’t focus on him as much as it does Marinette. And while I don’t fully agree with the statement (Marinette is the main character after all, so her being front and center is a given), I don’t think they’re wrong about this view - rather, they’re focusing on the wrong thing and misattributing the cause to being Marinette “hogging the spotlight” when honestly I think the reason it seems like the writers don’t give Adrien enough focus is because they never really give him any focus that actually...focuses on him.
Let me explain my view on this - When Marinette gets her focus/POV scenes, she’s at least allowed to do stuff that doesn’t involve the lovesquare or her crush on Adrien (even though sometimes the story finds a way to shove the two in there somewhere). She’s allowed to follow plot-threads from previous episodes or develop on story-setups or at least progress with the plot (be it A or B) somehow. And while they aren’t always great or well written (or sometimes contrived to involve her), we can at least see Marinette being allowed to be in these stories and effect them meaningfully.
With Adrien, however, the story just seems to go out of it’s way to ensure he isn’t heading the plotline, even when the plotline is about him, or at least should be. You’d think the story’s deuteragonist would be allowed to get more involved in all the developing plotlines and sidequests popping up as the plot progressing (especially considering that two of the main ones involve his own family), but the writers seem allergic to giving the boy any form or involvement or agency once the spotlight swings his way, having him just amble along on the backdrop while everyone else jumps up to take what should have been his place on center stage.
Case in point: “Bubbler”. The storyline for this is that Gabriel forbids Adrien from having a birthday party, which ticks off Nino and causes him to create the titular Akuma. Now, this could have had an interesting sideplot where Adrien opens up more about his homelife and the effect his mother’s “disappearance” has had on his father to prompt the forbidding a party to his friends (or maybe that Gabriel had always been this strict about celebrations and that it was often his mother Emile who threw them for him), adding to his character arc of eventually pulling out from under his father’s thumb and dealing with the loss. Instead, however, we focus on how upset Nino is about how he can’t throw his new bro an awesome birthday bash like he deserves and Marinette worrying over giving him the perfect gift. All Adrien gets to do is enjoy his surprise party full of captive partygoers, fight an Akuma as Chat Noir, and mistake Marinette’s gift for one his father got. The same thing happens a lot in his focus episodes - they either shift the focus on to another character or push Adrien to the side to talk about/explore a plotline he should be involved in (as either part of the main duo, it relating to Gabriel/Emile, or just simply just because) without him. Adrien basically gets treated like a background character to his own storyline, and for a character who’s entire thing is supposed to be about how awful being ignored/neglected is, having it happen in and out of meta is not a good look....
(and I know a lot of people are going to say “Well, a lot of female characters get treated the same way.” or “Well, the story’s about girls, so who cares if it’s not focused on Adrien” - and while you’re not wrong, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s happening to Adrien, or that it’s acting as a huge detriment to his character arc. It also doesn’t change the fact that whatever the show’s focus, Adrien technically is part of the main cast (and more specifically, is part of the main duo with Marinette), so while he doesn’t need to be made the main focus, he should at least be allowed to be more involved in the deeper ongoing plot-threads directly like Marinette is - especially the ones relating to his father as Hawkmoth and the like!)
TLDR: It’s not that Adrien’s not getting enough screentime, it’s just that the writers use a lot of his on everyone else but him that it comes off looking that way, or at least that’s how I’ve come to see it
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gentil-minou · 3 years
Top 5 side character/supporting cast moments?
This is actually extremely upsetting because the correct answer is ALL OF THEM because the side characters are some of my fave moments and I kept making a list of them and it kept getting longer but i managed to pick 5 but ordering them was IMPOSSIBLE so guess what they are all number 1 you can't try to tell me otherwise
So, in order of how I remembered them:
1. Kagami in Ikari Gozen. As someone who struggled (and continues to) to make friends after moving to a new place I loved seeing her be so socially awkward and I just related to her so much and this was the episode where she became one of my fave side characters.
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1. Felix in Gabriel Agreste. We'd been wondering where Paris' one braincell was and lo and behold, Felix had it the entire time. In addition to next level plays, I also just loved getting to see him be silly with Adrien and his relationship with his mom was heartwarming. I still find him to be a pretty grey character (and villain!Felix my love) but now I'm way more excited to see more of him. (also if he really is a senti I AM A BIG FAN)
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1. THE BROS in Party Crasher. Okay everything in this episode was a complete delight but the best was seeing these guys hang out and have fun and pull elaborate stunts to see their friend. The akuma battle was also one of my favorites for the pure chaos! We never really got to see these guys hang out before and seeing them here was great. (Nino my beloved)
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1. The girls in Gigantitan. AKA THE BIRTH OF BUTTERCUP. Listen this was just an amazing scene okay and I headcanon that Marinette didn't have many friends growing up so this might have been new and exciting for her but also I just love all the personality we got here, and at the end of the episode where they go off and have their own fun it just warmed my heart (special shout out to Rose for her adorable thinking face)
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1. THE KWAMI SHENANIGANS in S4. L I S T E N these are the scenes I LIVE FOR and when I saw we were gonna see more about the kwamis and see them roaming around I was sooooo hyped because they all have such fun and distinct personalities and they balance Marinette so well. One of the things I'm most excited for is post-reveal where Adrien can come over and hang out with the kwamis and get into mischief and just enjoy things being noisy and I'm so glad they introduced this in season 4.
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(please ignore their creepy stare i love them okay dfjkhsdgs)
every djwifi scene but especially in chameleon where nino missed his hat
also nino in animan where he was too nervous to talk to mari
basically every nino scene nino my beloved
zoe pulling a fast one on her sister in queen banana to give her the miraculous
max in startrain i'm a sucker for positive parent relationships
marc and nath making and adrinette fairytale au omg the only reason this isn't on the list is because i can't figure out if this is an adrinette moment or a side character moment
i have a soft spot for Gorilla's plane anxiety and I hope as the special goes he gets more comfortable with being on planes that would be a nice touch
Ask me for my Top Five of anything (though this has turned into an ml ask game lolol)
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that poc ask reminded me, i was doing research on all of the characters backgrounds and was so shocked at how the writers were able to make characters who were chinese, creole, cafre/moroccan, arab/north african, malian, vietnamese, japanese, jewish, native american, black, and so many more im probably missing so BORING. im black, and dont get me wrong i hate in your face representation, but you can tell thomas just throws all these nationalities and ethnicities in as if theyre extra points he can earn. you cant know that any of the characters are so diverse unless you go onto the wiki or you rummage through his tweets. i take great pride in my culture so its just annoying he takes pride in having such a diverse cast but that means nothing if you dont do anything with it.
I don’t want to act like I’m the authority on this, but my personal theory is that Astruc wants the show to be easily digestible for viewers despite also claiming his cast is so diverse to gain attention. Remember when he actually said something along the lines of “I’m not racist, some of my main characters are people of color!” when someone (albeit very rudely) accused him of being racist?
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This theory of mine is kind of backed up with the idea that despite basing some of the heroes and Akumas on folklore, Astruc’s team really seem doesn’t do a lot of research on culture from other countries.
Oni-Chan is a good example. Aside from an admittedly decent character design, her powers don’t really match up with the Oni seen in Japanese mythology other than Oni-Gokko (tag, only the person who is “it” is called an Oni), but that’s really stretching it. She doesn’t use a club for a weapon, she doesn’t use any sorcery or elemental powers. She basically has the same powers as Lady Wifi. Thematically, Oni-Chan is closer to the Namahage, people who dress up in Oni costumes and threaten to kidnap children if they don't behave, similarly to what she was doing by hunting down Lila.
You really could have done a lot more with this concept, like if the Lucky Charm of the episode was something related to beans (a common practice in Japan during the Setsubun festival to bring in good fortune at the start of Spring), or peaches (a reference to the Momotaro fairy tale, where the titular Oni-fighting hero was born from a giant peach).
There’s also Weredad, an Akuma who just has a fairy tale motif despite it not really lining up with Tom’s character. I get that they were already going to have a baker-themed Akuma later on (even though that Akuma is also a waste of potential with his powers), but I just don’t get why they throw in so many fairy tale cliches in with this Akuma like the single rose or the damsel in distress role Marinette plays. What if instead, he was based off the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk? It’s just a mess of an Akuma concept
If you want to see an example of a show having fun with the concept of fairy tales, I’d check out Episodes 34 and 35 of Kamen Rider Ghost. You’ll get a little lost as it’s right as the series’ final arc is starting (and that’s not getting into a really creepy scene in Episode 34), but once you get to Episode 35, it becomes an absolute blast.
And then there’s Anansi, one of the worst Akumas of the series from a conceptual standpoint. Anansi in African folklore is a trickster by definition. The reason we have stories today according to African folklore is because Anansi managed to capture four extremely dangerous creatures for the Sky God Nyame (he tied Onini the Python to a palm tree branch, trapped the Mmoboro Hornets in a gourd, lured Osebo the Leopard into a pit, and got Mmoatia the Fairy stuck to a doll covered in gum tree sap), who traded his stories to Anansi in response. Even then, his wife Aso gave him a lot of advice on how to trap these creatures, and is sadly forgotten in modern interpretations of Anansi. As a result, since Nyame gave all of his stories to Anansi, every story told today is by definition, a “Spider Story”.
Anansi in the show... is the complete opposite. She’s a dumb brute who has to be told where the Miraculous are, and the closest thing she does to any trickery is trapping Alya and Cat Noir in one of her webs. It makes you wonder why Nora even adopted the title of Anansi in her boxing career in the first place. 
Why base an Akuma off someone known for deception and trickery and make them a complete idiot? For the love of God, you had a template to base this Akuma on because Static Shock had an episode all about a superhero themed after Anansi! Sure, a later episode with the character took a few liberties when discussing the folktale, but it’s still more accurate than what Miraculous Ladybug did.
To me, it just reinforces my belief that the only reason Astruc has characters of several ethnicities in his show is for social brownie points. If he actually cared about diversity or introducing folklore to children, he and his team would actually do their research on properly representing various cultures.
I’m just saying, when a PBS Kids cartoon with a talking moon as the main character does a better job at teaching children about various cultures in every episode than your show that only talks about other cultures in a handful of episodes, your writers might need to rethink the way they do their research.
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kenzeltosis · 3 years
MLB S5 Episode Titles Analysis
RIGHT okay so this is insane all the s5 ep titles are out already- i’m still in shock from strike back too, same as the OP for this post, where I figured this out from. But now I have so many ideas and so many questions and so many theories all jumbled into the mess of my brain so I gotta get them all out RN. it’s late and all the ideas for this WILL be jumbled so just bare with me.
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So CLEARLY there’s a pattern here, and the pattern I see is that most of the titles relate to a power that a certain miraculous holds (i’ll do them one by one later). Which makes it clear that each ep will be centered around an individual miraculous. I have two theories for this-
One: Gabriel unifies the various miraculous with the peacock miraculous for some specific added power that the akuma will get. This makes a lot of sense, cuz I mean- we all know he’s insane, but he’d have to be COMPLETELY bonkers to try to use every miraculous at once. I don’t know how marinette did it but if the story it true to it’s plotlines and lore, then gabriel will die if he attempts to wear them all at once. Thus he goes through the line of them, unifying each one with Nooroo until he gets the ultimate power combination that he desires. Which is plausible, but… how would Maribug and Adrichat ever get the miraculous back (assuming that they’ll be retrieving them at a consistent pace). Which, leads me into my second theory;
Two: Hawkmoth akumatized a person as per usual, and delivers a miraculous to them to help make them stronger and harder to defeat. This one definitely isn’t as strong as the first, but it would explain how Maribug and Adrichat get all the miraculous back. However, this would make for kinda lazy writing, cuz if they’re getting one miraculous back every ep, then it’s the same as defeating one villain per ep. It can get really boring super quick unless there are a lot of good subplots. Which s4 has made the perfect segway for, with the sentimonster theories, the Lila Rossi situation, Maribug and Adrichat’s make up, Luka knowing their identity, Adrien pulling away from his supermodel life, and so much more that I can’t think of right now. They have the cast and setup to make for interesting subplots- let’s hope they do it. Course, this theory is still lacking, because if Gabriel realizes that he’s losing a miraculous every time he entrusts one with an akumatized person, then he should stop after the first two or three. Though Gabe is insane, and one of the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, so… maybe he would continue doing that? This would support Maribug and Adrichat getting the miraculous’ back at a consistent pace, but that would be pretty boring, so I hope this isn’t it.
What I’m hoping for is that the first theory happens, even though it’s still a bit boring with how similar each episode will be. “Hawkmoth chooses a different power to assist him and LB and CN will have to deal with it all by themselves.” I mean, it follows the train of the show, but I just hoped for a bit more. But I’m not here to criticize right now, I’m just here to analyze and theorize. Cuz that’s how the writer’s set the show up.
So what will each ep be about? I’m gonna make some educated guesses and using the help of the trusty MLB wiki, I’m gonna pinpoint what each episode will be about, and try to make some inferences of my own.
(Individual title analysis’ below the cut)
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Ep 1, Evolution: This is gonna feature the Bunny Miraculous. I think I heard somewhere that the first ep will be what happens directly after the finale of s4? I think. So, going off of that… I’m not sure what’s gonna happen, but I think either Bunnix will make an appearance, (which, as much as I love Alix, would suck. BORING! tbh the whole concept of having Bunnix turns every single risk into 0, which is not good but anyway-), Maribug and Adrichat will attempt a desperate chance at changing what happened through time travel by some coincidental means, or Hawkmoth will immediately attack Paris using the Butterfly and Bunny miraculous. Can’t say for sure.
Ep 2, Multiplication: Obviously this is the work of the Mouse Miraculous, I don’t have too much to say about this one.
Ep 3, Destruction: Again, obviously, this is relating to the Cat Miraculous. This is an Adrichat centered episode. Maybe he finds out he’s a sentimonster and goes beserk? He could ger akumatized, no more “what ifs?”. Maybe it’s not about Adrichat- but instead, Plagg, and he finds all of the kwamis living in his house? Though I doubt it’s that because then there wouldn’t be much of a need for the rest of the season or any of the future seasons at all- because all Plagg would have to do is tell Adrien, have him call the police (after the shock and despair settle in ofc), and bam wam Hawkmoth would be gone ma’am. I don’t know, but it’s interesting to theorize about. Something I’m pretty sure could happen is that CN could start to unlock/discover/create some new powers for himself. Maribug has already done this, so I think it’ll be super cool to figure out what else Adrichat could do.
Ep 4, Jubilation: This would be centered around the Pig Miraculous, and this power in itself is a very interesting plot device. If you want some funny self-indulgent comics about the pig miraculous then you can look here and here.
Ep 5, Illusion: Obviously the work of the Fox Miraculous. Hopefully, we can have a quality Lila episode, because just in the s4 finale we could see she was scheming something- it’d be great to find out what it is.
Ep 6, Determination: This is the power of the ox Miraculous, which hasn’t been touched upon very much except for Ivan’s appearances. If I’m remembering correctly then the power you gain from this is immunity to all other powers. This will probably be difficult for Maribug and Adrichat to handle.
Ep 7, Passion: The work of the Goat Miraculous. Not expecting too much from this one ngl.
Ep 8, Reunion: So from what I know this isn’t one of the powers of ANY of the miraculous, so it has to relate to an actual reunion between characters. The first thing anyone would think of is that Maribug and Adrichat will get some of the miraculous back, though… some unknown way. I’m not sure how they could possibly get any of them back unless they knew who Hawkmoth was or Hawkmoth sent some of the miraculous out into the open- Who knows? Maybe it could be referring to Felix and Adrien, and in this ep, they finally meet again, and Adrien knows exactly what Felix did. Why Felix wouldn’t have been arrested and detained up to this point baffles me, but idk it just sounds very Miraculous, yaknow? Not touching upon super important subplots until ages later. Personally, I hope this is a Felix episode, I absolutely love his character and I think it’ll be really interesting to watch. Maybe in this episode is the official announcement that Adrien and Felix are sentimonsters? But… it makes the most sense that it will be about the kwamis.
Ep 9, Exaltation: This is the power of the Tiger Miraculous, which really is just low budget Cat Miraculous. Punch make thing break. How tragic.
Ep 10, Transmission, The Kwami’s Choice; Part 1: Okay so this is part of a two-part episode saga, and this is the power of the Butterfly Miraculous. Definitely the start of a turning point in the season, maybe the kwamis try to revolt? This is definitely going to be a very important episode, but I highly doubt that all the kwamis are going to escape. In future episodes we still see that there are eps directed towards certain kwamis, so yeah, they didn’t all escape. No way. But obviously something big goes down in the Agreste house. Maybe they all got fed up and just used their powers to… do something? Dunno. Alternatively, I think it makes sense for the group to come up with a plan for the majority of the  kwamis to escape and others to sacrifice themselves to stay behind and hold down the fort or something. Which, with the line up of kwami/miraculous episodes after this, would makes sense. Wayzz, Longg, Xuppu, and Barkk all have episodes after this. Wayzz, literally the kwami of protection. Barkk has shown disinterest in group activities before and has stayed behind as a guard for Maribug. Longg has that old wise responsible vibe, so it also makes sense for him to stay behind. I don’t really know too much about Xuppu, but I’m sure it’ll make sense in some regard. But I think there was this whole thing with how kwamis couldn’t disobey their holders? So I don’t know how well that theory will hold up, but since when does MLB keep up with its subplots?
Ep 11, Deflagration, The Kwami’s Choice; Part 2: So this title doesn’t relate to a miraculous, but this, by definition means, “The act of heating a substance until it burns away rapidly.” I honestly don’t know how this is gonna play out, but I’m sensing a lot of emotional manipulation and maybe torture. Will fs be intense.
Ep 12, Perfection: This relates to the Dragon Miraculous, and even though I know it’s the power of that miraculous, I still feel like this could become a Adrien centered episode. Maybe the “perfect” villain really resonates with him negatively and he starts trying to break out from under his father’s command. This might be a stretch, and could very well be about Kagami and her growth, but I’d love more “Adrien getting away from his deadbeat dad” content. Maybe he just completely quits being a model. Maybe he gets kicked out. Who knows.
Ep 13, Migration: So… remember how I just mentioned that maybe Adrien gets kicked out for not being the perfect little son anymore? Yeah, this title doesn’t have anything to do with one of the Miraculous, so that’s a possibility. I doubt it’ll happen, but maybe Adrien will just need a break from his house and sneaks out to a friend. Maybe that friend is Marinette. And their relationship can continue to flourish, because in Risk, Adrien shared his struggles about his model life with Marinette, and only she seems to understand, and maybe since she’s the only one who understands him, he’s the first person he thinks of when needing help. MAYBE IT’S A MARICHAT EPISODE- Maybe… Or, since there’s no episode with the title, “Teleportation”, maybe this has something to do with the Horse Miraculous. Kinda lame. But I expect that more than the whole Adrien spiel I was going on about.
Episode 14, Derision; This is the power of the Monkey Miraculous. Was kinda forgettable, I forgot what the actual power is, but I’m not expecting very much from this one either.
Episode 15, Intuition; On the other hand, this episode better be quality content. This is the power of the Snake Miraculous, and ISTG IF THE WHOLE SUBPLOT ABOUT LUKA KNOWING THEIR SECRET IDENTITIES DOESN’T SHOW UP- I’m gonna be pissed like oh my gosh how dare they not do anything with this sooner. But anyway I’m expecting this ep to be a banger, to have a whole thing regarding Luka, and to be a very eye-opening experience for Maribug, no matter what happens.
Ep 16, Protection: Turtle Miraculous! I’m not really sure what’s gonna be going on here, but unless Nino gets a more important role in s5, I’m just expecting this to be a good ep. Not a banger but not boring either.
Ep 17, Adoration: Oh boy… the Dog Miraculous. This could either be an ep completely for Felix, or the most trauma-inducing fight Maribug has ever been in. I’m expecting BIG things from this one and there’s so many directions they could go with this one that I’m not even gonna bother naming all my theories. But, it should be a staple episode of the season.
Ep 18, Emotion: Here we have it folks!! The Peacock Miraculous!! I know I’ve been super intent on Felix episodes, but honestly who wouldn’t?? The Dog Miraculous from the last ep could lead into this ep, it makes a ton of sense. Felix has the Peacock Miraculous (assuming he’s not in juvy), and if the twin sentimonster isn’t revealed by this episode then I’m rioting. There’s no way it can’t be about Felix. shamelessly begs for Felix content. Maybe it’s this ep that Adrien uses the glass that he found on the floor of his father’s office that he dropped, and learns that his mother is underground in a coma? Gosh- this episode could be SO intense in SO many ways, I have really high hopes for it.
Ep 19, Pretension: This is the Rooster Miraculous, which grants the user the power to choose any superpower they want. Ridiculously overpowered, I don’t know how it’s gonna play out but shit’s definitely gonna hit the fan here.
Ep 20, Revelation: Not too much to say about this one. It’s a grandeur title for an entire season of plot that I don’t know, so I’m kinda dry on this one.
Ep 21, Confrontation: This could mean?? So many things?? It’s not a power but it’s describing what goes down in the episode- so what is it. Adrien confronting his dad about being a sentimonster? Adrien confronting his dad about being Hawkmoth? Ladybug confronting Nino about telling Adrien they were superheroes? LB and CN confronting Hawkmoth? Felix confronting Gabriel? Maribug confronting Lila about her possible antics through the season? Did a big fight happen between LB and CN? Or Adrien and Marinette? All of it at once?? Or- AAA it could be anything. I’m really excited for this one.
Ep 22, Collusion: So again, not a miraculous-related power. The definition for this is, “Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.” Hmmmm. I think this is gonna have something to do with Hawkmoth and Lila officially teaming up. The part about the deceit really caught my attention, cuz Lila is clearly a pathological liar, and it’s been hinted and speculated for a long time that Garbiel has taken a liking to her and her schemes. I think the team-up is gonna happen here.
Ep 23, Revolution: Not too much to say about this one. It’s a grandeur title for an entire season of plot that I don’t know, so I’m kinda dry on this one.
Ep 24, Representation: I… I want to say a new miraculous holder is gonna appear, maybe from the Native American box? There’s the possibility that the guardian of the Native box has been in contact with Maribug and Adrichat and they’ve been working together, but the Native Miraculous in the shadows, like Rena Furtive did. So in this ep, they finally come to light and face Hawk Moth head on, as a lead into the next ep, which is a two-part ep. I know this is SUPER far fetched but the idea kinda just smacked me across the face and I have nothing else so here we are.
Ep 25, Conformation, The Last Day Part 1: The last day?? The last day?!? All I know is that if we learned anything from the S4 finale, it’s gonna be insane and we’re all gonna be left shocked. I don’t know what’s gonna happen
Ep 26, Re- Creation, The Last Day Part 2: This episode title intrigues me. It’s Maribug’s power, obviously. But… the “Re”? Hear me out. Maribug got stripped of her role as leader of a team, her role of guardian, the team she ‘masterfully’ crafted to be the ultimate superhero group. So in Re-Creation, I think it’s all coming back. Maribug and Adrichat somehow get most, if not all of the miraculous that they lost back. Maribug reassembles her team, except this time, it’s select. She doesn’t readily hand out the Miraculous anymore, she picks only the best and then if she needs any extra power, she’ll unify them and Tikki. This episode will be absolutely insane.
Ep 27, Action: Shit hits the fan.
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So, from this, I think we can all have hope that the majority of these episodes are gonna be insane. But what irks me the most is that… The power of the Bee Miraculous is never mentioned. Subjection. So, what’s going on with Chloe? Are they just completely nerfing her now? That’s rude. Chloe has the potential to be SUCH a great character and honestly a good person too, if the writer’s would just let her be. But since we don’t hear anything about the Bee Miraculous, I’m kinda getting the feeling that Hawkmoth asked Chloe to assist him in Nathalie’s place. That’s why he supposedly never unifies Pollen with Nooroo, because Chloe is the holder. Honestly, I can’t see Chloe really being on Hawkmoth’s side, she’s still a loyal Ladybug fan at heart. I think that’s she’s gonna be an inside spy for Ladybug, trying to get all the information out of Hawkmoth she can to give to Ladybug. And since Gabriel is stupid asf, he won’t know a thing.
That would be SO cool to see play out, especially if Chloe finally gets the character redemption arc she deserves. I know Thomas Astruc hates her for some self-indulgent reason, so she might genuinely be on Hawkmoth’s side and not Ladybug’s. I dunno. But I think there’s definitely something to be said about the fact that the Bee Miraculous was never mentioned in the episode lineup.
What I’m hoping for is the most melodrama season we’ve seen so far. The set-up is there, the foreshadowing is there, and the stakes are real- so this HAS to be the most intense season so far, I don’t want it to just be getting back one miraculous per episode (even though Adrichat said “we’ll get them back, one by one” or sum), that’ll be boring, anti-climatic, predictable. These are all just my theories, though, hopefully the writing crew will be able to do something much fantastic with everything. Let’s hope season five is extravagant.
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alwps-archives · 3 years
I was waiting for the new Bunnix to arrive before making this post, but since this blog was made (a week or so ago) there's been a lot of changes to who's playing around in the #ALWPS world...
Here's What You Missed in ALWPS
Cast Changes
miss-timekeeper left
ask-mightillustrator joined as Nathaniel Kurtzberg
thechillturtlekwami joined as Wayzz
theenigmaticmasterfu joined as Master Fu
mrramierandhispigeons joined as Mr Ramier
mrbanananana joined as Mr Banana
ask-a-skater-demigirl joined as Alix Kubdel
betimfasterthanapanther joined as Le Chien Kim
chaotic-and-disruptive joined as King Monkey/Roi Singe
thelovelylilarossi joined as Lila Rossi
sentinoir-is-me joined as (OC) SentiNoir Gorgeous Nathan
justanassistant joined as Nathalie Sancoeur
kuronekoexists joined as Kuro Neko
shut-up-you-ugly joined as (OC) Lisa Garnier
how-do-people-come-up-with-urls joined as Jessica Keynes
anansi-like-the-spider joined as Nora Cesaire
anarka-means-anarchy joined as Anarka Couffaine
renard-magique joined as Trixx
lady-pandragon joined as Fei Wu
and finally, keeper-of-timelines joined as Bunnix
Lore Additions
Kuro Neko canon happened, so did Penalteam, with minor changes for Adrienette
Alya and Nino got married, Felix and Luka got married, Feluka and Joanne got married in a poly
Adrienette plan to get married, Marc/Nath plan to get married
Language Wars, Zee VS Zed, Color VS Colour
The Game, Tikki is highly offended
People (Felukanne and Marc/Nath) were gay on main
Kwamis cry from Master Fu not remembering them (or does he??)
Adult Parisian Polycule got updated... it's huge
Footage Anon, Half Sentence Anon, Beginning Letters Anon, DEATH TO NONNY (derogatory), Song Lyrics Anon
Everyone is Hawkmoth, Ladybug, Chat Noir and Hawkson, everyone
Kim, Achievement Unlocked! Knowledge of Lila's Lies
Valentine's Day Gala
Rosetta had a concert (Sentibug's first concert!)
Everyone's getting adopted by somebody
new drinks at the Heroes' Cafe
Invasion of Hawkmoth Manor for a Painting Party
Kwami Lore™ by Tikki
Mayura and Hawkmoth have a senti-kid based on both Chat Noir and Adrien, yes, Those Who Know are laughing
Literally everyone trying to teach SentiNoir different things including fire safety and to lie
Lila moved in with Marc to prevent more fire damage
Rosetta might be related to Hawkmoth, Kagami might be related to Hawkmoth, Marc might be related to Hawkwife (he refuses)
Difeerent Family Drama™ all happening around the same time
Particularly Notable Akuma Attacks
Valentine's Incel (not all men but definitely this guy)
Syren Attack feat. zero braincell Nathan and Ladynoir dance
Bubbler to test out a theory on cataclysming the bond between akuma and object
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
"¡¿NO LES DIJISTE QUE VIVIMOS AQUÍ POR UN TIEMPO?!" (YOU DIDN'T TELL THEM ABOUT US LIVING HERE FOR A WHILE!?) Hollow Julieta yelled at Observer Mirabel, who was chucking every weapon they had in the open out to the Arsenal Room, to the point even Akuma's OC, Mystic Shadow, known as Shadow Facade was also helping.
Scrappy Mirabel suddenly chucked Shadow Facade out to the window, making them scream and go back in.
"ARE YOU INSANE!? I'M THE ONLY REASON WE'RE BARELY HIDING EVERYTHING!" "NOT ONLY YOU, HOLLOW TOO!" Scrappy Mirabel yelled at Shadow Facade, who started screaming, making Scrap also scream.
Hollow grabbed Facade and threw him inside their portal to Equestria, "You must look like you are just about to visit Observer!" "LIKE HELL I WOULD, GET ME OUT OR ELSE PINKIE WILL APPEAR!"
Facade casted an invisibility spell onto themself and stood behind a plant. Hollow Julieta somehow climbed onto the rooftop and lied down. Scrappy Mirabel climbed onto the ceiling bars and grabbed onto them tightly, hoping Casita will not break.
Meanwhile, Casita was closing every single hidden door and window that was not supposed to be in the Canon Casita not the drafts.
A knock was heard, "Hija, we're back!" Someone yelled, making Observer's eyes widen.
She hid behind a pillar and leaned her back on it, she then quickly placed her feet to the other wall and climbed up.
The door opened and all of the Observer Madrigals came through.
The three tensed, they stabbed their own heart so they could stop breathing so Dolores won't hear them. Shadow Facade began to mentally beg, 'It cancels every noise in my body, but please, PLEASE DO NOT HEAR MY HOOVES SLOWLY MOVING!' They thought.
Dolores hummed, "I swear I heard them, where are they?" She looked around, even looking at the ceiling, making Hollow flatten herself more. 'My heart may not be regenerating right now but a Dolores trying to find me is difficult, perhaps I should tell Observer to add sound-proof walls.'
Julieta then walked into the kitchen, "Well, while we wait for Mirabel, we should have a snack first." She tells the others, who made a noise of agreement and walked around.
A vibration on Scrap's skirt, she pulls out her phone, seeing the muted texts.
[TheOneWhoSeesAll: Where the fuck r u guys? I don't see ya'll.]
She texted.
[I_ScrapPartsLol: Still clinging to the ceiling bar with my legs while texting, when will we drop down btw??]
[RuthlessHealer: I believe we can escape if we run quickly to Scrap's world, we just have to be careful because of Isabela.]
[TheOneWhoSeesAll: Oi, you there dude? Dudette?]
[LivingElectricity: Yeah, I'm here, I need to get away from Isabela, Antonio, AND Dolores. I'm a fucking horse and if Antonio sees me? FULL ON SCREAMS "A HORSE" DUDE.]
Hollow rose an eyebrow, she looked at her side, seeing no Madrigals.
She squints.
'Julieta and Agustin in kitchen, Pepa and Felix with two of their kids in the backyard, Luisa and Isabela with Antonio.'
Shadow Facade slowly walked, they were wearing armour, even their hooved had armour. 'One mistake and Dolores will hear.'
Observer looked to her sides, seeing and not even hearing nearby Madrigals.
She typed something in her phone.
[TheOneWhoSeesAll: Akuma, is it okay for me to open a portal to your world? We're still bleeding because of our stabbed hearts, but at least the blood is making any loud drops yet.]
[LivingElectricity: Sure, teleport us at the Everfree Forest, that's the only forest I love because of the sudden weather changes. Make sure to not cause any magic disturbances, I already have a tent there, I don't want a fucking princess to track your gift/magic down.]
"A- a-" Scrap suddenly says, Observer and Facade widens their eyes.
[LivingElectricity: GO GO G]
The two couldn't even complete their sentence.
"HOLLOW SLIDE DOWN!" "Affirmative, sliding down."
"MIRABEL!" Dolores suddenly yelled, making the others run to the center, but not fast enough to catch them.
Observer began to create a portal, "SEVEN SECONDS LEFT GO!"
Scrappy Mirabel plopped an arm over an obstacle and immediately jumped above it, she suddenly dived towards and through the portal.
Hollow Julieta jumped down and slid from the staircase made by Casita to catch her, she sprinted and jumped through the portal.
Shadow Facade immediately stopped casting the spell on themself and flew through the portal, not noticing that sparks flew around it.
Observer Mirabel ran and held the portal while crossing, she could see that her arm changed in the portal.
"SORRY BUT I HAVE A JOB TO DO!" She went straight through the portal and closed it.
"Why are we colorful horses?"
"Fuck if I know kid! It's normal for humans to be other species here!"
"Observer? You did not push too much magic or power into the portal, am I correct?"
"Nah don't worry I powered it enough to teleport us safely but not enough to be fucking spotted by other creatures."
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
More s4 predictions? More s4 predictions.
Luka closure, duh. He will start moving on from his breakup and start existing outside the scope of Marinette’s love life
I really hope we see Adrien hanging out with him to parallel Mari hanging with Kagami but I’m afraid the parallel might just be Mari hanging with Luka as friends
Marinette will try to give Adrien a miraculous again. Near the end of the season, she’ll realize that there are only a couple if not one miraculous left without a holder, and she’ll get overtaken by the desire to work Adrien into her team. If I had to guess which one, I’d say the dog because it juxtaposes the cat and I think Sabrina, as an outsider to the group and former mean girl lackey, might be the last to go.
We’ll meet someone’s mom for the first time and she’ll get akumatized along with a mode of transportation. Maybe a motorcycle or airplane this time? Edit: I guess Gina/Befana was motorcycle mom already so we’re just missing airplane mom
Alec Cataldi will be Psychomedian. Since they rewrote Gagotor for this I’m guessing the new character was probably replaced with one we know, and Alec is a recurring, humorous TV personality who hasn’t been akumatized yet. I came across his English VA’s insta by chance on explore and he made a post about recording more Alec lines after Optigami’s release
Rocketear will be/have to do with Max who misses his mom after she leaves for a space mission. It’d be nice to see the continuation of this subplot, which was shown for a moment in Miracle Queen after Startrain. Plus, Ladybug needs to give Max a charm sooner rather than later and Gamer, a very specific akuma, already had a 2.0. Edit: I’m Stan and I was wrong.
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When Megaleech was first announced I thought it might be Bob Roth(’s sentimonster?) based solely off the name, but assuming that’s the thing in the Polymouse episode, it’s hard to tell. It’s so non-human. I wasn’t expecting Mylene to get her miraculous here based off the name either. My new theory, which I’m admittedly not super confident in, is that Megaleech is the fusion of the entire Kitty Section who got screwed over by Bob and/or XY again. That would explain the French pun and also Mylene’s personal connection to the case at hand. It might also explain why this group of heroes was hanging out outside of school. I wonder how Ladybug’s new charm animation would work with more than one charm at a time. Would they skip it altogether and just show her passing them out? Would they all match with Megaleech’s colors or would they be different for the individuals?
Edit: I am editing this post because I just saw a theory that the villain of this episode will be Andre Bourgeois again. Megaleech’s color scheme and medallions match Malediktator perfectly, and the tiny thing Chat kicks in the trailer looks like a shrunken version of him if you look closely. This is a lot more believable, but it makes me wonder what leads to Mylene being the hero of the day.
I hope Polymouse doesn’t get overshadowed by the large team, but I also hope she doesn’t get overshadowed by Multimouse. Unfortunately, there are a lot of immature kids who hate Mylene for no reason, so I hope Polymouse will be the one to come up with the winning plan, use her powers cleverly, and be heroic in general so that she can prove how well the mouse fits her instead of unknowingly competing with Marinette.
Teenage Alix will make her entrance as Bunnix when her dad gets akumatized. Both Timebreaker and The Pharaoh had time-y powers, and Alim is a historian, so if he were to get akumatized, he’d probably turn into a villain who controls time as well, leaving his daughter as the only one who can take him.
Sandboy 2.0 will happen as everyone predicted based on the voice director’s story post with Sandboy’s VA. Ladybug will probably see Chat Blanc in place of zombie Adrien, raising a lot of questions and tension. Maybe Chat will see Ladybug abandon him, or something else related to solitude rather than being trapped? We will also finally find out who the akumatized kid is.
Speaking of, I think Sandboy 2.0 might be Caprikid’s entry episode. (What?) Let me explain. I think the Sandboy kid and Marc look pretty similar, and correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure they’re the only male characters with defined eyelashes in the whole show. Both of them also have celestial thematics which would fit with Marc’s last name, Anciel (en ciel, in the sky). Sandboy looks like the night sky while Marc has a rainbow theme. It’s possible that they’re related, so Ladybug will enlist Marc to help defeat Sandboy. Here are pictures:
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I’ve also seen other people theorize that Caprikid’s power is related to dreams, I guess because of something like “counting sheep”. This isn’t my theory for his powers, but I see where it’s coming from. His kwami has the most interesting name. While most of the kwamis are related directly to their animal, Ziggy, the goat kwami, is named after David Bowie’s stage persona, Ziggy Stardust, who is an alien from space. David Bowie had other famous personas like the astronaut, Major Tom, and Aladdin Sane who had the iconic lightning bolt, all themes associated with the sky. I wouldn’t be surprised if these themes show up in Caprikid’s design, like if he has face paint instead of a mask or a similar hairstyle to Bowie.
We can already kind of tell that Caprikid and Coq Courage are matching just like their civilian selves do from their opening silhouettes with the chest fur and feathers. I predict it goes further than that with daytime/nighttime thematics. Roosters are associated with the sun, and my theory for Orikko’s power is illumination. Evillustrator’s biggest weakness, which ended up defeating him, was darkness, and I read a post today that pointed out that he can draw without even looking at his tablet so it’s more likely that he’s just scared of the dark. If he has day themes I think Caprikid will compliment that with night sky themes based on the stuff above.
I expect Evillustrator will have a 2.0 episode or any sort of comeback at some point. He’s probably one of the most iconic akumas, yet he’s only been truly akumatized once, at least on-screen. Plus, ladybug needs to get protective charms to all her hero pals asap.
We will probably meet the family of a couple more major characters who don’t have canon family members yet.
I hope we see more more-than-one-person and/or fusion akumas among the major cast. The protective charms are helpful but it sucks that they limit our possibilities for this type of stuff.
Sabrina will leave Chloe once and for all, which will trigger a big change in both of their characters. Sabrina will become more independent and leader-like, but Chloe will hit her lowest point. If not for... a certain person’s writing... I’d say this will be the true catalyst for her development as she faces cold hard reality for the first time... but I’m not so sure. Maybe she’ll just mellow down and become less bad and less relevant. Maybe she’ll snap and join evil Lila. Only time can tell.
I want to see my boy King Monkey again this season before the big finale, which will probably have everyone, and I’m pretty sure I will. I feel like they’ll all show up before that. I want him to move across the city by swinging across stuff like a monkey on vines.
We will finally see Ryuko’s full transformation and lightning dragon. I saw that the Roblox server thing featured the (oversimplified and blocky) coreo for her full transformation before the actual show did? A bit embarrassing.
I want to predict something for my boy Ivan, but he gets so little screen time that I just can’t think of anything :( I’m very excited for Minotaurox, though, and it’s possible that he’ll be involved with his family rather than Mylene or his friends.
The whole gang takes down Shadowmoth. Booyah, 17 teenage furries, bet he didn’t see that coming. And everyone has a big “pointing and laughing” moment until the obligatory Adrien angst commences
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the asks about Chloe and max knowing the identity’s reminded me that I’ve often thought that the two of them would have a really entertaining dynamic together, I don’t know why. I also feel the two of them would always have a roast on the ready to quip back at the other at any time.
Honestly like??????
One of the many things I think are "great concept, poor execution" is that there's this entire fucking cast of characters and we rarely get to see odd team ups.
We have some friendships and romances established, and occasional groups like Kitty Section. But the stuff we get for them is like. One off stuff that's related to the Akuma Of The Day or their Hero Debut, and any time it isn't they're there to support Mari and Adrien's plot.
What does the girlsquad do when they're not trying to help Marinette with her problems? Nathaniel showing up to vent at Alix seems like a common occurance. How have he and Marc been doing by the way? Kim's on the swim team with Ondine, but has she had a line since Syren? Mylene and Ivan are a cute couple but outside of Ivan's drumming and them showing up at protests, what do they do? Sabrina is forgotten so much that she hasn't even gotten a solo episode.
And again. Even when they do get screen time, it's either setup for the Akuma where we just learn tidbits before things go to hell, or they're only there to support Mari and Adrien.
Compare this to something like MLP.
It also has a large cast. We have the Mane Six, and a handful of secondary characters like the Princesses, the CMC, various townsponies, etc.
And no. Not all of them got equal screentime of course. But you could find at least an episode to get a good grasp on how the characters interact with one another. You could find an episode where combinations of those characters are the focus.
I could watch MLP and tell you how Sweetie Belle and Princess Luna would interact. But if you stuck Luka and Kim in a room I'd have no idea what would happen.
Anyway back on point yes I would love to see a Chloé and Max teamup and I really should do that soon because the only thing I have so far is in the Chloé Split where Max babysits Clover. I do have plans for LL but we'll get there when we get there.
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adriensaltprompts · 4 years
Submitted Prompt: "Monologged"
It all begins when somebody uncovers a secret.  A secret belonging to somebody with power over them, be it as bully or boss, as their parent or guardian (if in name only) or whatever other relation they might have.  Regardless of the finer details, what lies at the heart of it all is this: they are an abuser.  An abuser who is used to being protected by the system.
The secret-finder poses no REAL threat to them… or so they believe.  And so they gloat.  Cornering their victim, boxing them in while they sneer and taunt, relishing in the notion that ’Nobody will ever believe you.‘  And even if they do, it won’t matter.  They’re untouchable.
In some sick, twisted way, they’re actually happy that this poor person knows their secret.  Because that knowledge is going to hurt them.  The knowledge that despite discovering this, they can’t do anything about it – not really.  They’re still powerless, aren’t they…?  This changes nothing, except that now they know something terrible.  They’re burdened with this secret, unable to use it against their tormenter.  All it really serves as is more ammunition for the abuser.
However.  Said tormenter fails to consider the Hawkmoth factor.  Particularly how Hawkmoth is himself arrogant and short-sighted, and similarly sees the already victimized as easy prey.  Always twisting their suffering to his own selfish ends, never considering how they might bite back.
This sparks the creation of Mono-Logger, an akuma that specializes in setting the stage for dramatic confessions.  Their power entraps those struck by it in grand illusions, crafting themselves to cater to the minds of the most selfish and self-centered.  Spurring them to confess their sins – indeed, to gloat about them, believing that their only witness is somebody with absolutely no power to do anything with this information.
Effectively, these are engineered public confessions on a grandiose scale.  But the grandest of all is one witnessed by practically all of Paris, starring two of their finest superheroes… with Chat Noir as the sneering braggart and Ladybug as the only audience he believes himself to have.
Surrounded by wreckage, the streets and buildings seemingly reduced to smoking ruins, he mocks ’his lady’ about how she’s stuck with him.  Spelling out how he will NEVER ‘take things seriously’, that he will NEVER stop treating this all like a game, and most of all?  He’s never going to stop harassing her.  There’s nothing she can say or do that will ever get him to stop; she can’t make him, and she doesn’t have the guts to let others suffer for his sins.
After all, what’s she going to do?  NOT show up to battles?  NOT cast the Cure?  She’s the responsible one here; he doesn’t have to do shit – he’s just here for the glory and to claim her as his trophy.  It’s only natural that they’ll end up together; how she feels about it is completely beside the point.
All of Paris hears and sees the way he treats his partner when he sincerely believes that it’s just the two of them.  All of Paris learns just how highly he regards his 'Bugaboo’… and how little he cares for the people he’s supposedly protecting.  That to his mind, they’re nothing more than leverage against Ladybug.
And Adrien has no earthly idea that his own gloating is about to bring the world crashing down around his ears.  That he stands before not just Ladybug, but all of Paris, revealing himself as the villain he’s been all along.
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